NH! :r L - , i torrED $1 PUILLISIREM WANKI A It, .141 a 1 VAl.Eigh OF Pu per aguemi payable genii-annually Twin in suiv Au. be • • ants not etertetting twelve Hem will wee .times Oar One dollar- twenty-five 17 subsequent Inet rtion;. larger ones in. tenets, drc. eilihessect to the Editor on unected with p.hiestablishment, taut be they, will not ite attended to. . kV THE,IIkiNEJSOVRI 4 1AL lonar l han Coff4e, Merchants Coffee House ..patonel filiuer. P. M. =MS - . Tq ConirifOorsfor i t and Carpentry. 1, will 14 received until the first lay next, at the Engineer's Office at for furnishingithe materials, apd con the 'Trues and !Fluid Bridge, on twen. tea of the line Of the Philadelphia and e V i tail toisd,-ne f • Reading. \ la sr 11 be re at the same timEand deli! ring on e above portion of the 37.01 P white . It, poet oak, or rock oak e sail sills MI be coven feet long, and iii4iniber, ten inches in diameter ha ,, and flatted equally on both sides to of seven inches; or square timber, eight inches. I of thei Bridges a d bills of timber and i. rk willllbe exhibi d, and any further in. an iirhii.li may be required, given on ap. • ist,tho Engine': s office, et PotiagroVe. • t .IRT ROBINSON, 1 4 'Reading Rail Road. 1836 . 'l7-8 Pot litrut ty Su Wadi rblee. rail • Fills. either fore' a thi sever rots' w. forma plittati EE 'neer Philadelph 4elphi March 6 Miners l RIF I:ccomm Coal, (i tendedlo on fair terms, on City, td the es .1 cern, or .that qua p by. one, the pa of' receiving an. Id be accommod i ,d Soalots, and if e. l to beabipped, 1 erfere with the b , . be:101mo. 4.pplyl OWEST, 1I - 11 Bank 'St. .! 4Feb 27, 1 be h in the one Laken hosin end w; bee requie tot in would Boats subscriber offs for Pale Two Schnyl-' I BOATS on ver/ aceclinmodating terms. rticulars apply J. C. BOYD, Owner, le l or to the subscriber Pottsville. • - . - J. CLAYTON, C -79—ff Agent. .4 4 ilfd.Rlii.lll 6 6 ) Jr. ',s. 17 SOUTH WATER STREET, ' PIFILADELPTIIA. • l - for lale , on accommodating terms: 81.113 , A RS.! a tiopfx;anct Potts Rico;: ~100i14tans and licriscavadoes; . ' vana—Mbite land Brown; • .1, do - I do; • f and'Lurnp.: ; . COFFF.EI ' va—old,•Browo alnd Yellow: • loryra; Porto Riep and Cubx ~, o--Green, an et etecad; = Java and St. aiming°. _ , CHOCOLIATiI •` kerl & Rhoades!' Nos. 1 and 2; : - and Ointnlain! ditto. • TEASI, e,, npoWder zuldJ4erial; • 4f,:i ~ ung H t il son Ry . n and Hymn Skin; uchon and Spu, hong. , ' , OLAs. ES ..` gar House—Obi clphia..and New York; ew Orleans and yrnp; . rinidad and other West India; ooey; i# . ' 5P111.171 ' windy— flordead and Rochelle; E l a do . Charnpal n and Armignae; orn—Jamaica's West ladle:, do New Engi tll i in—Holland; An hot and Fish brand; • o :do : Sch edam; • . .. •• do . glal • ore and ldikey--01 iiii ngahpla; do 'R elm Apple; • r• WI Ira adeirs..L. P 'lle es& ect."ff M& co.' 440 j eneriffo—'4". d,Cargca igily_and Marsail Madeira:. ' . !,.lherry—Brs n, ld and Palo, ydrp---T R' nd other brands; • . and Di age; , rontignae; in • s and boxes; 1 Soy Comp P.' C talonia do; r, laaet, in Clerks a d Boxes: ~ 4 - COB li 1 LB ~.- nisett, in Ins e ii; treed, citni on; ippon:pint, a I mon. .• , ' FRii, train poke a i_nandn, Figs ' • i'' SPEC ›,:.• titmegs. Goo - ' ,r• noamon, q. , 1 1 .., Dv )• ndigo- J .-lien a am, Mulder • BUt I R 1 - in C - a ' iee end Bit la ~,_- • • Its, Battpet , Jitr andles—M 'ld' • • • p—Csatit , rat - I—f3ordesnx. ; ill r ot—P‘i_ts . 4,3do ~..'wder—FlTFg,. i , . ! Cs 4 nster e , 9maiad.... ngtiall Matnnso , ' • Ciirds; . ..Trae A.' .ti 2. 1 la: For Dan• Jo ef . 4 o :1 01 awe Ale. Ad,th ' bandied I tips • `, a variety ref Hoil 2. lE': virta d ie 01 1 1 HE subscribe?,, have ship tinder the firm of LEY, and intend earrying Dowry, Brick-laying and, Pi Grates and all kinds ofht • will 'execute all *hid of stantial end woriiiikpitlike , eat'n*iee and ort the From their knonledge tin bovine's, they hope to mer ranaP• ire , Affl • Adjourned grale. 1 • Public Notice 'ja hereby' teen Slit b l, virtue, of an order from Strange N. , sinter , one Of the jug.. bees of the Peace in and . o r Schuylkill County; Will be exposed ko PubliC Sale, witbo+ reserve or farther pdstprinement. n Saturday . the 16th inst. at 10.o'clon 4 i in ' the r am at thel Brewery lately 'occupied !by Joshu - Wood, 14 lihdaito Bbia. 77 Half MIL and 34 quarter Dbl.. Ale 4. Porter, nlot of.hlaltand Barley, 2 borsch. 5 hogs. Ice in an icehouse, poultri on the precnibea. Attached 11006 property of Joshua Wood; late of the' borough or Pottsville, brewer. Tering of Sale Cash. Attendance Will be given b r 'BENJ. COOM HE; Jr, NATHAN EVANS, .. 2 1.2 Trustees. LIST . 01_14:rl'EKB remaining it the Poet Mee at l'ottavilie, April I, I b 36. ! • A A.efler Heuja Min Armin Philip Lewellyn bivid . Asburn l3 Win. ' *anew' Patriek : M • Barber . ,Geurge • Moore Hannah. Bressler Henry' 4 • Mann John F ' Bickelmann Jacob 'Nitchcl 3onh '' • Buckley John .... Milligan Nancy • Benairoger Jacob .. ' N Herrteu Me r ry . Tiagerit Michael Brewton Math4w . 0 ' . • Humphrey Stephen teDonoll Michel ; tircom Win. . _ clriley Patrick , Beyer. Lewis , P 4 Brook Thos. Porter' John ' 1 Bomerback Peter Pool ...:elia '4 1 C, Q - Cunningham Jobe- ' illuinnaden Dr • . Culver L'lrsha ' - ; R ,1 or Coal Dealer:. tion for the stacking of City spies chiefly,) Tay one of the best Wharves t of t 000 . .tona,by any tity by two .or more; it ty might attend to the delivering, if deaitable s ted with the use of °f oto part of it plioald be y/iaeility which would -Mow of the advertisers to ODGSON CO. Lombard Si. Wlittrf. - 15•tt Sate. d kegs; . Prunes. EMM 4 Spanish Flotant;- Copperas. ' d boxes; ink Sala iinatojen; Starch, Ginn Id pipit - F 114 1d riL flanks; , Id and baklead: and' Fe gle, FFFr,FPr, and Fr; in boules and jars; making Piper, - - Plough Loma. 6/..e 4r* 20-Imo suhetriberinti course of 10 or 12 dims. Room three years B. BANNAN: •• • e Radii. • ' Powivi2e, April 2 April 9 ttoaengarler 1f f tie !Inaba! John Riell David Thoiji. S. i Davis Isaac Demlnger Philip jr Davis Wm Dimigh Susanna • E Skelton Eliza : Enend Jacob " * ... Stratton Mart F Steger jE l irq Fazon John Ero Amos .: G f.ll *don That* Griffiths John .',Eini dle Conrail It Gazette ! T ' H themes John Hilbert Benjamiel ' ;Thomas Thus, • Hobord John yownsend la+e - Noels Wm W Hort John !Wendt Joel • 1 Johnes Wm . • ,Wiall Martell • K I . Thomas Kramer Gentle ;Wilds Georgic Kessler George'' Williams Jessie Krous John ~Vilcitx Joe) .jr . King Nannitta •!;W Mums John L !Winding Harmon Union Benjamin • SHIP, Lta - FERS. Bedbam John - :Moths Richard Brown Edward Sullivan John Cooney Timothy ;' ;Stoddard John Davii•Jamet = !Thomas Daniel Davis Daniel Waltori Richason Robert Gritlithir Benjamin Whilen Patrick James William. ; Wire John g Morgan John Persons calling for Letters on the abort, List will pleicenay they areiadvertised. E. CHICHESTER, r'. 44. Union Mall. ' The subscriber rcepectflilly informs •• " his friends and the public, that. he has I i • moved to the large brick building, - near the Court lioti•e ii Dimrille, litely occupied by Joseph liulme, where he in tends to keep a fret rate lintel and Boarding House.. His table will be' well supplied with the beat of marketifir, and his bar with 'the choicest liquor., and every attention paid to the coinfOrt of his customers.t eemtimaanee of the idibe_ral pat. towage hitherto extended t 6 him,li solicited, and citizens and strangers ads requested to ere the "Union Hall" a share of their custom. Hones will be Orithfully attended to. • , IJVhf. BENRIE, etpril g Y 21-3 7b Oa Stackke Mery in the CAnnpavy fck erretinz a Bridge ewer the N.l E. Branch if the River .iganrinnekennta, *earths anon of Coapmeme. • NUtIC'E is hereby given. that die Annual Meeting ortbe itia l said Company will; be held at th: hoes° of C. A. Brobit, In the towefot Cattewi oil Mondai the 2d day of Illay.next; of f o'clock P. M, for the purpose cif clectini 01ficere•to c netthe et ire of the Ccinpany dor the'eneuin year, EZRA S. RAY PT. Cettswissa,.Aoril 2i 20$ cretery 4foraka l CtDrafting Pap!, ts : t i utigd Ar rtd april 9 > in.; • Sprint*, Goofs. A . pieces of Nev sod. Elegant Spring Prinbe,Eashionable Vestings. Ilrich Linens. &c. just received and for sale by A mar - 211 - 19 f. NATIIANS & Co' . Bad Biailaers Wapteek. wANTED • TEN igood- Boat BoWetwor rod Houma Carpeatoro-400rlem ployinent and good er*. will he&env Andy m• JOSEPH ituzir fehao • 14.4 T a>irit l3: lot the TO WtfiEl‘AlMal'A., lIITCDEptt Tra _ Guide "toci v : ,i o ll l4 3t pe'4 o 6 lo . "Do., _ Doj :DliisOlo ,Miehl i_ d Ali— Do: Nok, t !":lPear rear 4 1 ! : 0 71 . A dak* '4 • • t fileeool lllll4 . l °kit 0 " I sePv" i'. MEM= tered plirtner. MN D. terift in th Man • rea gene t ash '. "Ttl Bls Thy faintept beams are passing dear; Wo.tri the heart, when e'en: thy power, May fad its settled gloom to share. start &tido* with joyfol eyes. On all thy !wadies strewed around; Thy shining orbs and glittering skies, Are not imwinter "goons found; For lo! when thy enclrenting call, Bids ell therbrightning world rejoice— Bweet on my eat its accent. fall; With joy i heat that &title 'voice. For with thy skies and goigeoln bloom. • And with thy fragrant tvbes and flowers; There comes no dark depressing gloom, So often felt in winter hour.: Then quick return and 'with thee bring. Thy flOwery nuiscli end leafy groves— , The little birds that sweetly clog, And warble to their chosen loves. Ole quickly pass ye winter berme. Delay not in your onward flight— Return to me yo;gorgeouailowers. And skies—with gulden;beauty bright, My heart with gratitude shall glow, When all those beauties! do appear To Him whio makes the bkiesonks bkiva. • And gives the change. of the tear. , We invite attention to the beautiful lines I be low. The wretch who would *hoodoo moth a Wife, to torn gambler. Operate nomerey. ' 'Prom the Bath Enquirer and • Adverthies; ,• , Publishers of newspapers throughout the tlni led States kre requested to Copy this. TO RIM WHO CAN BEST UNDERSTAND He who bath lett his faithful bride I And children yeiing and fair 'Po float onfortunes doubtftil tide - 1 Borne ern; he knoww, not - wheth,. - These lines perchance may boldly spank.' ~ That ask the wanderer's return. Yet oh ! the, unwilling,hcart forgive /,. That dates to trouble thine. .I would not seek to make thee grieve; For these babes or nine; • Those incsanrys lent its from above, The pledges of our mutual love: For them I plead—l speak not now Of what my lot hath•beeus Nat how for Thee 1 left nay home „And each familiar !Scene. And 'sought the distant hills of For sweet with thee Where even they. hailed the Mountain's proudest swell. The forest's' datkest pride, ' • ' The-beaten reck;the ragged cell, ./ • For thou' went by m side. And earth's worst wilderness is dean Is fair, When those *e love arc near. ' But thmi has left thy dark:eyed boys, in distant. paths to roam : A gambler's life for thee has joys, But not, alas! thy home. Thy children weep amid their plays And Lim far more lone thaq they. Cror babes %r very want of bread Ham; been compelled to roam,. And now.-on public bounty fed Find a precarious home. , VI I& he who should their guardian be /lag left them to their toiseri. My bey, the eldest add the first, The image of his sire. - Willi into tears of-sorrow burst . And thus of me inquire— " Mother! dear mother! tell mewhen My father 'will come back Again." Yet go! thou false deserter go! And Venom happier dame The kindled in thy breeist the glow Of love's deceitful flame, Oh, hear me !fairer she may be; But she will never love like me. And oh, vouchsafe one little line; • • Ina confirm my wee, That I may to my fate resigti When all ils Ills I knew. And lesiva me not withouta wore To fade and die With hope deferred. Then fea.o to Perterjos bitter crest • Thy lone deserted spouse, To mourn o'er woman's broken trust And man's deceitful vows,— May'st thou ne'er know the smallest part; Of that which wringli a breaking bawl! A !AIR A PORTER 11****4. nets JOT. . True joy is not that which now oft+ urn Otis name; that trivial,, vanishing. wipe ..0 thing, that only gilds.the ggprehension„and pi y - Father ihisaid'i SUP v.—"W be 1 walla young • trporr the inrfatie of the sop!. It is not the m crackling of thorns, a sudden blaze of 41e *pi ti man," said old rather fioned; with hiir peculiar the , ezet ., tette l of .tickiel °lee,' or e Pr ed a l Vermont cant and nasal twang, litihen I weir i l'te• Joy is truly a nlaanlitte. in or . I yolimg man, I went doirn to see the show=and h.ing; ouch iov as Was in ruitdyie.._, It is thit n the man that took keer of the con s ent, be eat the eteation atm!) inarment- 6 -the Jobilee , tea .1 bellyband and let the monkeys . down—and the ft is the result of a real good. suitably : i . •,- Rhinoceros took occasion to spool—and the man Itcommencei upon the lielidities of ' tit, in; :took a long pole and stirred up the Kangaroos-- I the tetbitette° of nllll°ll4 'lt &tee n I."' t° and t h e rest b on i t o ow l ;did stare—and the man lin voice, or indecent tins, .but MI ;the ; gays be. Kaye! keep yourtingtiVeloirt ofthe bear's : °",. Gtt t l_ nee ,_ the noiren+ witbout n moit. t nose—and then the'keeper went down to the Liao, ' r e " l "'"‘t 'tit tempered i,ka Ore pli imam • - and be put hi. band right tnto the Lion's keentb of youth, "' TI M" — elt '`" • ute it tleett e er.; , 4 ..-and file Lion . give alihivous roar !" the Mirth of. festival: managed with mai ..1 of contemplation. I ' 11 genii AVM gullig. I . Reason tiled by Faith;nt led an i I ri. .:Fn :chariot, which at the u t e finial:OG*6lu ~ ti mph,. It is unbordinitd, not entilinieiif to ail Ii is hot as a servant to il ammo: Tart {iii a tr to her king, who bblit aciinoWlidenialiabj and yet realm* nitelity:i " ' • -F It is stated in a New York paper, that see hundred and eighty carpenters and ricklayers have sailed . front London for. New York', no es peetition of finding enaphs}ment fn rehandiog ,the aiteof the great fire to the Tatter eity;,--iregi , • haperfeif titikeLinfitii.=4: letter Won aWA: ,markiin kdy rh England say; that.dering het ;stay o efeome maths, she.ban not yet an • hufy• ;with earflap! and this is tbevery eseareoffaab. ;ion, London - Si'reed 'entri we eg have • '• - ' 16.0104 A; Salim;' ferinenfting : A Waibla'a Ina hi a robeithat firtelet.thertifilik 41av3'rishrosa 'going la beloved. beuedlthat :under: ha mow Asvima of &Found Ids Abram. "fir: o l 44o,l*.eri s4,w nonaikitilliTektifilis the 'thitlf"ded 1010fill•l' EU E==;IIMI RIL *6 4 1 6. =El= V AIN pi INAIIIIIIIit , - ... ... .4 . _ ' 'He was God's immediate deputy on eartt7 viceroy of the ovation. 4tid h e . erne-into tbe world* philosepher. wide 'efficiently ap peared t&hirwriting the satins Of thing". him, their mineti. He could view . ill thongs/hear end reed.finma without t comment of theicres pect.kvis propernee. Like better 1 ,Archiniedes, the Ilene of all his inquirie4 on was an etrelus--the offriMr*,, of ilia brain, wi t . the, sweat Of the . blvd.' ' We may colleet the tomes of his pristine. eacell ' ence, from .the gloriosa remains of di-,ant; goon at the datelines* of the 'building, by the magnificence of its lulus. AU theta arts. rani. Lies sod inventions, which vulgar comes pse at, the ingestions purges, and all adenine. ere, but ibe relictke of an intellect defaced by sill sod time...-. " e admire ii , nose, only as anti - qualms do. t piece '', qld coin, for the ;tam it once pore , and not fir`theee "imbibing lineam nts and ;disiptitsaring draughts, that remain opo it at preseet.,..And. certainly, that must needs have been very gin. riorts.,t decays of which ere so admirable. He i that is melt?. when old; and decrepit, surely wee very utifol when be was young. An Az. istotle was t the rubbish of an Mai* an Athens bat the rod' is of Paradise. MAKIN litN. ~ The elegise o pin has littered man's erty na ture. Their/lege f God it wiped ent, the crea turn - have shako:A ff his i yoke, renounced his derereigoty, and rev lted from his domibW.— Dititemperg acid dims a hive - shattered the Mr- eelknt frame of his bride; . ndb) a new diipensa- IlioTi; lamortelity is woo ed lin of liftitivii4. ga The me ;distemper and ecay Ingo have inva ded; his spiritual part. paseldnereheLevery s faculty ariould usurp and rte • and there're as ma l ay. 4 governors, that thrile n ImmoOrem. meet. The light within inr•be Ines darknewc ' andthe understanding, that shoo be eyei to the Hied fkelitty of the will, Is blind' 'teelf; and so brings alLthe inconveniences - that . a gad k Mild follower, ander the conduct els blind nide. He that wonld-have a clear, weeder demon nition of this, hit him reflect upon that pumernor strange, eenseless, absurd Opinions, that boat the dorlit, to the diagi 4 eee of tertian unanswerable reproach era broken /Mel mann toms. • Loveli the great inwirodient and engi tritilui bend and excient of goeikty, the erring land apilit of the universe. I.H:cannot rei,pioperly he Pahl to be in the soul. the Moll in' it, It is !the whole man wrapped npJ) n sete.deaire4all the t pilgrim; vigor and &cellleir ih,;:moui._ abridged into oho itielliriai ton. And ,It is'eftbat setlitai, red. ;led nattily, that it tiriust ofecemilty exert' itself, 1 arul, like, fi re, to which it is so ofieweonmered, it is not . ," flee agent, to chootte whether it ,i,ill heat ; or not. but it strewing forth, by. petard:results; end nfinoidable eminencies. Like the 1v ne; it : withers end dies, If it hag nothing.tur Minh - nee. ' fastenipempon an itiferiour. nosnitable olket,, ea illieg-ithimirsoiros- dt. - Tedirtieding-flfwirs-*-a-or- t t up in direct fervors of deeotion,lo Mid, Mad in , I collateral emissions of ;charity tie.'its 'fieighbor.—, gl oom It is a : Teets! and is ally calledS 'lr . ' n fire, and &Ore.'" rmach from that which ,n as ! re, dm-vital heat from the boning of a foie . • 0000 CONINCTEXCL . ~ .. ' . _ 1 As in the lxidy, when tie principal parts, as the heart and liver, do ther offices. and all the inferiour„ smaller veseels!act orderly and duly, there arises a - meet enjoyment upon the whole, which we call health; so the soul , when the an. preme' faculties of the will and • under sanding • move regularly. the infer*, passions and affect tinr.s fi:ollowing, there aria serenity and corn. placency upon the whole kill, infinitely, beyond the j greatest bodily pleasuree, the higheit,fauintea sea* and elixir of worry delights. 'Mre in this case tt kind of fragrancy and i ttpirittial perfume upon the conselencet ,moeh like that whicii Isaac spoke of, in relation to his sitres gar- Imeow—that the scent of them, wan like the smell of a field, which the.T.ordi had blessed. i.6nch a freshness and flevrtor is there upon the soul, when daily watered with the Reliant, of a virtuous life. I Whatsoever is por,e, is she pleasant: , 4 . co*itATf Ot KIM When (od surveyed thb work, of the ereation, he left this general character or impress upon them. that they were very! gem!. What an Om. nipotence wrought. we hive an Omniscience to approve. Slut as it is reasonable to imagine. that there is more of design, and conseqmmtly more of perfectinnon the last work, we have Ood here giving. Ina last stroke, and slimming ttp all in man—the whole in a part—fhe anitiersetin an*. diyitinaL Tn nther—creafpres. we have but the braced of his-footsteps: in man, we have the draught °flits hand.' In Min were ma ed•all tit tattered perfections of We creaturt the gra. eed ind ornamentin,all th e airs and f tnrea of being were abridged into this simiTl.yettbll sye tern of nature and nivinit3i. And we meta. wet ' imagine, that the Greta )4 rtificer would he ray &pin ordinarily earl in dinotiog hit owe pieta ~~~ ~. neetlC Bl, , hawing that. , IA rued Aran thidai their tern, pnwellitd-11 'wpm, 1 1 ,41 1 niieMilital and AallikiirPlegkAg sad begged thq. their :opted lieri#b 74.'1714 4.edietiiiio econtemplatjea—As-erect slits - ha Washingtei Gia. - jam% efeakkai 1 1' 4.`71 NMI U.= The "inisaii mide by Ai • in generatl ton' Washingtopion When a &rani livcs.liberly . altil p, its_ legitimate pole vanearnent li'w • and so faallitior ' . _Pima of Onkel - become. an for their; o • . • • constitution '0 . 1 vivre in iiii r .. istenise.and ir has beat %replay • from a T ebtr a l aad priawiestign eta limy -despotism, regarded, tnatlhin I —both the tairbal i ver reedy minions . meats of tyrants. the constitution . length.. so fir the eemblanne of men theumtpes, , and so fir frpm th being regarded, thrown intn dun • ' sent flirt!), tal fo - at the point of t quence of such a Lion, on the part is veils, and dill . nil elements: Jo i nature, the right .1 and inalienable, first Principles, a . their own hinds. right towards th to their plaiterity and create anoth cue them from i their future, wet Nations, as we for their acts to ii A alinement of . fine submitted to tion of the bazar. , taken. of nerving • \the Mexican pee. dent attitude am. , ? l e Mexican 0 law iiiiited and pope mien ist" Te• puder`thnpledged that they ahead L dowel filibitY and thaj had beets birth. the United '. *Anion they ha as the Mikkan .. eban_ges Made in tome EV* de turned the!con . fiunxis th4 o cruel our OWII leek •or submi t the • the eombiied Al priesthood).* • -It hal soca holly by which o ally depressed. course of ligislati • seat of &Intern .. unknown tongue; we have pctiti• . . establishment of have in accords national etroatitut yeas a republic' out just causes It incarcerated aim Prom citizen lons endeavor to constitution and ernment.•'.. t lt has fk fled a aux, the right of i civil liberty, and erty and propert It hes dined to education: ultimo boundless; (the. an axiom in- poll • tile ire edticated peat the confirm Ay for self gayer It has dufered tioned anlongst oppreepion and t J mostikatitied righ I '' the militiry equ of It has dissolve a grew" of edam . ' n representatives . " of gtivernusimqt e• mental polities/ Ittlias ite.min • 4 oar iiitizinia. an. lltpl . aisk-ure lied car ra in eihstenipt of Is of tl* latch of t. • 50 It' hut linide . F. - diet • tiy,:eorti re mid, thinks th I e. milk.' pmperty . 0- fill 6.ition. - denies pi el 1 1 1 , nil tPaeciii.iiin tot at' ut _ thesuppor of 31. ed fo . p4iote I • ten is fonfitiOnevies„ . r an ill littricf3rd. li I=ll demo . ded kch are lessen 'al t , . iti v vo inf ve • fhee rn .. Ms. lan . wii m m va ten d•d io y r country both by.aea rr:.. i i n o a d dri usfroirs r „ .' d,' 40 Oa"' :ik, s h.itigit c m aretjt ad Ugh* to . 57 . ;rry_tet egaimit, coatus, W ofexteimi titian.. • • . • ...., • - ' , I h ; T hrough its innimieriethineibilthernisi.-1 in with t • tornithinifir thClealping ' I re. kni to eminent Inbabibuitsofjoir • 141 1 ' wit, thiiiii g :thiih;le.*.sa'44:44Ml ne ith 4.. this • ibriliinfipoii! - 60!*ii; l eemorti, tie • ' re - Tits& rtsditioaiiriiiiViiitli 067011 y fiiibiai ...my ehinietailtiwot a wee_ ~ki ciiriatilidi 01 94 a. era ~,•• . 1 ' • These and other testiness tleers, : petinatiy borne bithe npl . Texas. antillitoy.. enteheit thi4Poidt - at which beeenetol•Mntalitoliaterir tiim• Withal. - .._Dpirassc.o diflaiii,afket 1 Xatioiiireatistiiiiticp. 10ippsaled10#11i* iiiiikirniiiiiiiefie iisioiPW - C*ipppeirloiiF ~. • ' ••‘• !. i, . - - .• , -...f .• - • ~,' \•,!.; .1-- -. -;N- 4 -• ..:4:,-;,,r`=, ate: El El lOW LVA L M=MM • I beek+at' . , rudgrairdcitie. q. .:'l. I allot} or I . B4peoen6e. : ~ or, thilietopitrof .eriiii• 1. t . . tittle . .st thl-10w6.*: ' • '-. ilay of March. lb* - - i • 4 nit haaratssed to protect ,thet, - i ripe(ttrpeepte frourwhotia tirederufed..and-fer„tint,ed4: ha ppineattvisa,institannif y ir I guarintee - forthrienjay: a intibleamdlittndietnibleriightk ~i . theinidaofebiradlais 1 w . q, federeirepublican. [ ll 1 Wh l 94_l l wY, lutyll •l' ger as a ithatintliVui- II i • natere oftheirimwerninetir i imeed.:withouttheireposent, 1 -..-. Ira republic. comisswd_ . a coasohdated central mil.,, Whoh, every, Ibhireit iilia , • ' Hatay Ind tht iiiistilnioil kit Of civil liberty. the- 6- .. . . and th 4 usual instill. h l t: hang. al r the spanker • rted. moderatien. at. aby ;,,,- 'in peWer , that even • 4 . -. 6 lis remored, aredthe fl.a. the4ot w itotioni discontinues.' r i , , and omonstrtnces, , e opts-who hesrabeni are i r ns,d mertieniry 'armies' aernment upon theM IH 4E P et. When, in cones. ii . • o - lthisai and . abdica. et e y tt r =i 4:3 ' ra l t a o r fil hY ht: nth' a Calla, the flint:Ai* of selfnMservation. the inherent t ofit ,e roge to appeal route r . tali e - politiCal sfairi into . ex e eaves, enintrisit is at Freslend. a veered obligation O abolish such gotitoineot, halts Mead calcuWed to reit adr.iilladpipatirs,altd to hbAtirii s. as individuals..are amenable' publiti opinion of mankind.— rt.ei oar grievances is there. i impartial-world, in justifica. hut :unavoidable snap; new or political connections with , and .asstpiing an indepen. th oath:M*o thecartit. ant. by its cOlonixation nd ced the Auglo-Ameriefull colonial the wildetnein, Okitb of a written constitution, fir enjoy that qtaitia. pd govettinetitto*filib li. m the4land ofqbeir tibia of America. In this:el. been *pally,. disappOliittul— on luakAcquisend in ilea late '..... , coiwoniMitlortliamerer Is Mimi—who litortmr Wier: of beitirstty4 Teti* .0f; t , to, either -to ..almodoet loi '.by *many liaratioan, et Int leinblo or 01l ' ty.ranny,, I's& ol the sword nod the bor Weifere to the ilatibitos. r interests him -been tontine . tough 'a jealous ' and partiil , ~ 'osrried no at a far • distant I; b 7 a hostile nntjarity fir an od this tok, notattWandina , to the, humblest teems for the, Separate state gover . ament.und ce with the pmsiatone SW 'the i t reiented The genetwi ticiti ittetton, which Wei srith.; tern 'aftnitly tojetted. '• n a , dungeon ter a long time , fono other cause bate ice. do re the acceptance of oar , • blishment of estate Ow IL 1 , . refused to secure on a fun ba. ial b: jury; that palladium pf •bly safe gyarantee for life, lift. of t e ti( n. eat iblish any pnbGe system of h possessed of items 'almost blitdornetn) and although it is callscienCe, that cutlet* a fled. nd enlightened, it is idle to ed . cmOf civil liberty or the capae. merit i .et he 'Mai)! commandant eta.: to exercise arbitrary acts of ran y; th ug trampling tipon thi aof citizens, and.rendehirg to he civil Fol.*. ' by force of armirthe state eon: 'arid Texas. and oblird our fly :for their lives from thie seat us depriting tit of the filndi htlof repreamtatimik d i. ,surrender of a mariber of Or. -• . Military attachments t em into the interior for trial; c — authority and it defines con that. ' _ • . Ina eat attacks open Gut aim. .ning foreign ihtslieradflie m seize our verlelkand eon: • •,. citizens to far d'i'stant ports , . ktA or wor,shippfiti the AT dictates °Thor tenaeleitee national rang*. call:Palau twanan than thi ottfin true Inn to deliver op y a m arm* • nit defence; the. tiOtfol ind lonmdstde only to ' I hi i Y:: i ,„, : ......'- . 7 , .. 3- !t r, -- , % , -- "",..,,kt"eat.Vg!.-- ~,,,,,, - • ' "i •it 3 - r - P lillntrikt,it. - - ; I=2 MO . osi i 147440 -ifit • ..*: ` ,l Kir than *, - - 110 ,7 PI : 1 1:!Ponic ha Je,t '113,,, 40., :r4 we az6 tolssietart to .tatteWy egioci, "Mit the - 411' efealt , ,ii., l aud ;hi tipii - 4in the . ieetriletieti of ihet:# -:- ty i ji - the iett therefeicifirietti ,3 , " - 4.14 they ye unfit:to he Ree, eitl4-: ' - 0 .41 01% , i* "r!nrien!• • - , -.,. L L i ... ,;. i 4 • Ills - ,J7, of selfiliett .: the t o - I taiv, 'da'6.6 B '. deli:oo6Mb*, ieithiti t in. ".4 ,thereene: , • hie littb- - piiti - the peo r pfe er , • jai, in seletek.eibitaitititesie* bled. strili ti a -ot a did ; ll(l .qa•k'tShuineßri op 7 7 9 1.0 4 r eetilitic 4 4 dtt hereb y niolv teat litkr political coithexioh with r.the e#i 'll,, !UAW hatr4iivei 'elided..and AO the ' )6f` Tesese hetkeoeititete t Ittie, eitrere# l i • ie: i del* .k ; seimblie w itad . ; ere ; Tully itt 2 .otith 1 tit the tighte i p e l attributes ithh4l-,iittr,7-4*• long . tel lade et - nation's. ' ..,: '. i. • rifteio R A Ann ELLlttateiti4: - 41' iitheinelife which' aftel,t4te, Zile" - . ;boa.fTesukeen and . Rolled BIWA , R'realtiii Aserders.—A I• il ar. .nicated to u the tbilowing .. . ' ~ tuns, which - Itertiterr , thing what* g.,, the, . l a vniotieh hi .y bf ieeord - anitit.if hernia linenist : • I:: • • i '';,;-1 " t;9 -.' 'NI' Bu e British Genenlosbn yak* boast io rite 111. bit !Vigil *rak . .l, men hec o ok march through the ; one end to this other, had enes, At "-- ' borough (no* Whitehi ll )- frith ildable '• 4 . nisi • he.h it o asked from the Whi t % While(' ,3 - itteli. Ocoteb seitier tilWashing Ainiity. was seen with Ma Wear] nag elai,natrb.oliatfaell• adfl y the encampment of the Brinsh Oily. [- 'afar_ ritathe inquired for Gen. Fraterit*ti.thei 'WO& ler bild seen intik* es It - moldier tufer, teat in the French nu:. They filet and ' ' efseb other. and etiddial teas the tneend .-- faith* horn the land oldie thistle need t nee, k „. cr'in a throve land, end they_ t ., once. - Rut in this cafe our he being befit:Wit* amine ibit'atilithei, ,in: .1 40 them tegetlieii—that was ".sold ii fi ' - - Met the tribunary - congra ' them. btel-intimited to the - - hat 'he had cume trait* him on basin Oa ' . *al nature:keener then real ' ' bis'elteldi 'An 4 t withdraw. mod asked) ohirio in!tt Allis, f it was. .I.lob6;hitti ' 4 - hast,"'ltaiill fin, lei wife mid ontswa t an Paasees about: fold it ' scree of laitt!Pe sm I portion _of whitl i tt it - . • initir l i c • ', ki- ' bitches atis ett,tr 't• : 0Z i I n g e ; Bfg, angst ersnidate - ota-librikirh 'lr -: ri beet: -with • Mufti Ws 4%6104 iic kse, , Now, Gene .•,1,. t bate tome to-yew-Sit It, ' Of a Meek t bee* whet hip 4/211t111. condititra '. •:: he chnetry." . Pilau' fe tt ir . tin: . t , f thur shel l ent i t n alti b liti tf, t z that . sitting t , .i fp is but. one. course fix ..:), 'ici. t‘ - ' ^ ' -. . giibeck and *.fit-davinior , ter s "k . , a rl 4 ,•.., - started - 14cl eelFiliinde,„, , „' _. loot essence what le trials chit; pg.. - froin his 1 ,': • -stab a :iertisne,4*.i Kin - *Ayala .i • insd_farthe' same Ail ' iti', betni".l d, .•-• ; nas 1 canitkihr tita4l alltglince !. George 111. and I tiaii nit nil 1 ristll. 4 ' at oath. ~' sent Fraiir s ui:6l ilia"lin . nrilonger illin your King Protects yoic,..ind ct,,tic bow ribubt&l about hie being shim tnigekt ''at' foal en i i,protection:" • , .. - ' • 111 bade hrtureil to 'genetic Stntelrid after reeei at' his i'lltaPiiaa,lo keep bjk-,.llr :tow $ . 0 secret until heiiloai lffi anividigme. • isheni ntigiff relate it et his'' ,e.' "NM .:---- pt etriti his honor, which was - -0, I , •fard retained la 6, shoulde'red his retuilati isnot Kits ter Whigr timed at. T, Tory. -1, le ' ' the honest. e noble Fraser tell 4t 04 ' 'llm melded krj la doniien *ell 'dallied — fed in t ' ''"'• long lived , tell hi. ficeakie ;Wit+. I - High4 kept it secret until after the death ot-fibr end edrise4.—fTroy Whig.. . '••••• I - , • , r.. • katiniiipyisz Api4on.-=Aitiottrgilitl IOWA; ford, in this Stile, lately 'scut iletteklltAekiettit tor °DIA° his Bennet ., fi v taiiiiihr -11 F11,aParthte. * „. • mart, purpruting to come froth Sloes* , t ritlist Bradforeflrho war anriourtnenreri ' isteks matrimon . Some pitiable Sielink: : Olt young woman indoeted the: lettekhot.lthe nal mustheee been like vinegar to the itqlhor, • It. Ho *r *relied out; and obliged,' Syrita Itaiwiti ef the ladA to make a. publio - anifessini ; in Ailir follotring lowly' manner. Ha `Riney mnsiilt it bentittful character: U H . fill 41 .'.lierlelei an unau th orized. Mir sit door advertiseine, it. purporting to , tre' sti ibritl t k i , Hannah Hulk *as inserted iri timil - ' Pithier of last *reek. 1, Nathaniel: &lin* "' - :ifIllial. ford s ., hereby confess that I.."..tras -I e -nitthes of I. anti that 1 have therity .Wronged /11wa gulf mob tritely, and Withtnif the. lemit provet?‘:. tied or reisoriii, I trieredbrii,_ . .Pertikiiii :: esChiit pardon.* ;So take this neighed:lS( the public& that there has never been lanirea priety of khy .kind, On her peel, wireh _ ins, it 3 tify said seriliemetit, but tors Merl* - 'diet: - her eon aation wad cohdizet hoes - •tit "all timers nor liana .fia. • iiidteii . . iiarethii ' in *mei said adcartileeleat, tote 'tttr. Fra ~- through, tlie linktiellee:: al! 0.1 .acian AollatiftiirWinwirtionJWienhtu... s by a niiflitfiituilion;,WWCes lifie 444: . nil& aiipis, iiiieriariikaii -r '':ftlierwt kiwi ve , to elpiesip my ritirrilli'. _isifleir' f korner in upon. Miss Hollow* hi , . .. i y., l , heri and Mr. nitwit*, the editor ofl4 • '77 lkw.:: ,. iger, sad elpiiblhegeherSityle fere I ':, ~ ltkrwatiii. OW , .''.li ii - ' . Midi' •ifitreli-801. 1836. - 7 - '. I . . extra - , 1 of •a lottor#4 . ostwidnairi.qirtiboi I/mister' volunteers. ttilthe; osier. -ntithilriss (mein& Wieiill. dioooTt arias , Tii o P, 0 " , " 1 Fabius r;l7oii • ' . , .. ;I , , "011 *Mk V lWiit;e . *'lol4lll l 4 N U !! firianter ii iaa in siOlitunpEl6 ,l 04 to visits iota instiller viliteli might ' liiii fAte. Ups T 'claiulf.ehiYaltt;".Xrdu' , .f. ingliiiiikti: uked • :in nietnife4a ' , nit ittetikpitt; e frieedrY .eldeliele; the': ,i l riet** ea* tfiet'ainie toot a iiiit Het nide! *owe. . cfis his deogiltet. and itUired'yelinersilitliiiWit sheii, to prirniiiimielf • one;,.. kr- kilo** ,i girl pi f anl . mate ifraseps - , or sLoilt*ftiotiet =dm Tetlor 'Hey sfe - ordiliki ja, iiiiioe*E;eeteYiellithei 6"wilsreetZt tali Ibe frishitio dist) er`eheilAtirnpia :,I sit. heti,. eigent4prisoneare aimiAbillmoltik the fhtti eed-theet* 'Fie WO ll* 'L* 11. *IRKS 1 .. insoltitised;, . Yak* Hair s of.imr lihebtatelefilted iiiiinit: slid Set il - al Oft' Attie head party - of his ;OW 'as irseinktathintuul iitteatititlietieisitivf4' t -•,. - :-J iv , a-~T::~;~ 1111 SZE {,' El ME2IIIII :1 1 1-4 azt'aft • k 4. • 'l:^' ,; ' W4i4 ;:! 2 * , 1 -4.. T-, i, 1 • ' rft:: ISE 1 i i I' 1 ' 1®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers