13 .t75T.177:1.4-7gr •x: • 1.-? - 7 74. -1 -,- -' l, - IS BU LAW . , L LEWIS NG; , ~ .o hfted. sire:-entire J6ol44l 4 , .. stud -.Robert aligisi-iti..the , .stefe at -.:. - Piest - :corner - f Centre- and' Market , She 4otough . Pettiniille,' Carnally , • inunitictak Ades the -firm of NO. . *;-Co: 4 trail" %COM: klikth ndtheistibli • rally that they thalbusinews t he old-stand- under o ....•.•.„ 'JACOB .B LL dr . CO. • . eywq.behrip to, adpply their Mends mar onsMtneri liar .merdbani*e„,at lite 1„• ...awl ~ ~ nbtv opepi min addition to th r eir ss Me* a large lm , extensive assortment of 1. ,- . ndise, amsistin in Rare of Dry Goods, race ; " 11000, ,..0410,C144.•.G1a51i. tee learti, &c 'colt ear ' . • -.6untimeres, sa tinetts,flannels, muldbo, , • , linens. i ,i ... , . . tosithumefe 4 gloved, stockings, yarns, pants, ginghams, . . ‘ ke;*.kings, a*, satins, shawls,. hand. ' ' kerbbiets,' f Valve*. • . ,- ~ cifeigdons,','”stittga, laces,, fringes,. ' - itiitOP:aettons4 '.*adding, 'blankets, coatings, Plaids,. 4 • ~ ilki i . &c. , L -..- ". 1 . GR • soi SIFT. .0! , .! - • -'; , ':e. , 1 : - tri . guita,St. li ~ in Coffees .. ~., ." •• • Ciurx, New Or'". HavareutOms and, lamp I g -do .'. fi r 'A:Orleans and li House .'sisobutsca. ' l ' 'con Nitirder,'Yo g I ion Buttpliong 4 . ' ow:Hong and no ea eas. a • . ocolatea and ap cue, • Korn • and yellm, "Isoa . „; , • , ::- Baca, nut: egs d casala ', I .' yeane pepper,. nataid • . ; . : , aland keg rais , a 1 , .• 1 , ,Turns and ,ric , ease; codfish, ckerel and Waling i L. :did and di ps dies • . 44 and' bbl salt' ' ‘.. - pipes and . !meta ' tobacco . • , Ilipini;ih, halfspii skarid cemmonsegars - ' LIQUO ik. NirINES. ' Cogniac and cam op brandy ; °nand and co mon gin _ Oliticish Whisk' and .ramaica spirits Be* England To and whiskey by the bbl IMAM, made' port and 'Malaga wince .. .Aaserhsrlnt of x,nd Shoes. . . tii;crerf;Chitui; d glass. ware. filliailkythe . 1 Dupont Eagle ' n powder,PPF,-do• . 1134:swig OW* • FFP. '• •• do - • 0 1 3 li of whiohlnll disposed deb* for cash, atOcbsinge for Wiry produce at the mar idle. . "l9 • .i.':411.-15,7%., rn figiro tram. wad the fir *hare .nay. stbt fariiet Groh) Quad, I= [~3 ~n ;«. Coal ,to Hilt, .011 a West Branch`'uiLbseil • suuta het( ilea froniSchaylkill Haven, *"on modal:mil a or Hinersville—the veins ,wellosimjlatmL ran extensive business the 1 selson--capuble of producing from* to I ' ! imis.-without ladditionallexpenim for gang rwitilatkrm a large • stock of coal on Mined Oaring the winter; one vein the other 12 feet thick, of seal, of very .". qwelity -prop timber on the property ad.*. prate Tier. _ .':tertru yand:fatther pa r D o apply to r i - JAMES UNDAS, Commercial Bank, Philadelphia,..or ROBERT C. BILL. Schuylkill Haven. wsl'i4Kll-183& MWTTO I I I= I• -Jo i " • • ra via" um la incoming the pub. lint mid hilt • ; riad also patrons in ' bk,,that ha • opened a REFECTORY, 2 - the .1 0 enney Balt in Pottsville. *He :teem his. reputation flit keeping a re. - Wahl' next, acquired during the ex ' - Imes of three years in the-same ane of tinniness, - IW-desire to please ind, apprication to burn. m s. erit a continuance of your Giver and --FD ommair amilies, by sending to the Pennsylvania Hall ' • • • y t ahall hove oysters of a superior quality arm the bat style, and every other deli , ithatthe_PoUrille market can afford in sea .. • cr4.2' s BILL OF FARE. • Stawed‘Oy,sters per dozen lBf . ;Fried • 410 do 371 Roasted •do • do 374 18a . 2 'Venison 4take , Pegpper.Pot Per bowl rze Pis Feet 12i - • • 4s 2-6 m AGBOGUA' ETICAL and Btatistial Chart of 'ope, deivraibing the boundaries, extent, pePthitlem, eovetfeigus, government, debt, revenue, armtailimg, cite tivveralicrau4rier at the present Cents. Tnee . .net received and for sale pi rr pee I ky, B. BA.NICAN.' '"liiraielV. Foundry Type, i o` ;'l3. oOne iftred, near ~ Chathani. TRUE Kiwi o Five line Pica, plain and antique, Aa c ;. iii,Tet*d_ 25 bents a IS. and S l * title Pica vino hiller to cents, theieby Making/thew per-. BrifitiOtat t 1 , cheaper than any other. t i l ThieFodiri " lf j ,s a Most extemrive and limper alteletijunitictrii t f Plain; Shaded, Condensed antrOpistripinto ,ypes, by which Printers at- the letteroeastirseriabled to rival the im_presslons gi'011,,9000-plitto in beauty fancy and tturteini tvirsiortment embraces2so.. sizes or varieties irti4cwellie.Tui:e pica - to pearl, iif Roman Italic, BlaA, AMMO, Itidhin, Title, Condensed, Shad , ed, Seript:llaellikipe, German Text, Ornament ; I.• ed, hiusic,.4.4,ian also Piece Fractions, Superi. 1 1 . 0111. Sece:Ktilit; " trensurical and other Signs, Y Ornimatiteltlaii '''Long Braces, Brass Rules, .. and nesrlx 30q . - rders, and more than 004' tile& Onsaiiten "follEtewspaPers,Schoolßoo Irs, . and SelentifiiliV 1i5.... The subscribe furnish' Competing Sticks, Casesi Chases; iiyi;Furniture; Paper, Ink, all lands of Ptintiog presses; and avail article re. *tired in t i'tOilldet. 'Th9r ,Otto eipcute orders for St riot piiig; ' -- " iPrinters of e spapeweiho s pit Rah this ad-' vertisement With tULtitriii. - timits, kiefore the 1561101 Jag ' Ant44l)!LPiT emtai 1 lag it to the otuldry " ifelisptiont when ' they make a , ,put him. fr o pyrtifitrFoiludryV four times the. a ova gewl'Pite - 113triSublitAtion ol'oitir A istitliaitirebv forbidden. . :7 mitsF, NCO. New•Yor iiihavnirtbto4txliebittits — of ' ttice have Woo 1 1 091 10 - "Falmeritr.tietur4d by ltl ' eol;ihere thiyl(3ll<britrad to ieosivs fkit *el ir 11 esehuteptioireljtil itietith. • Bk4p.: i-InFEELS At: FDICKEIE . .4414040* .4 - ifiligt %%4 4 151. a ls Thintolo344l4. tarel. . . . c i t iai, .610 DA CLO ~~ E;ii TAP F, w ONDON CilN; . ‘receivatl ,and J• A for late by 1 • ^ Feb 13 13. 11111.4.g1e FIAGGPRTir. WINTER Strained quality, at SI2S Jan 9 8. . MILL FLOUR & FEED of[oll kiide kep co. ly-on hand :and for skle bj Feb 612 4 • •' 4 j. CV- • !N. KILIRENCILOGIqt.Li Ii3OSTS, ill- and for sale by , . B. Feb 6 rißitp-C{r), FISH, ani Meek' , 14qeived. I L . and for sate j J. OVA ' ON. Feb 6' 111ARAFTS bound _Rig in Books just received anti for sale by Feb 612. ' I Lt. B NNAN. VOFFEFS: I -40 Bari'lanporior Hi 3 h . fjbented Rio, Old Jaya and . goira Cot& ,; for tale by Jaa 2 .7 1 N. NATHA S The Literaryi and Se entifie CL;ABB' 800 K, jilist received •• gild sale Feb 27 - ,14,1 ' ! by B. 131%.N1i AN. EW YOEIC SUIR HOUSE I% (MASSES, svertoyartieJe, eat recaived and ifor sale dec 5 3 by T. &J.ap A TTY. fl - HAMPAJOrNE WINE the ‘-? Eagle Wand; tegfianlne article ' Jan 2 7 .N. NAT • Old aira Co • Ch BAGS Prime old Savo Co -a••• 7 articiii, for family use; for, so - Dec 19 5 ' NATI) " 00/1 BIN DING 4 Persons haVvi Books to be hound, caulaye them thine at two or three week's notice, .leaving thhon With the subscriber • .1. • B. • : ANNA N. viriNDson. iar v asamtmcnt of Fancy Win , For sale by JOS#I'H WHIT June 7 29tf Mo Cheese. SDPRRIOR Dairy Cheese Pine Apple . • do Dee 14 , J N. NAT: •, 111 • INVP hi , B i BANNA?.I jug receive A-sre ply erWlii ' rar .§. WOW 1 an asaortinent of our, whi cheap. Jan' Nblen ^i id Pri,ls t . , TIIST recdtied.fr . 'New Yor amt Phsladcl it" pistaot i large a liortineot of evi. Goods, a moo g which are, , Noir Prietis4 do do biorinotiot .1; . Ootho,Ciirmisnikeil !tad Satti4ctti ? • Cotti3o- tiff. **top Allittoclai iffp, ATTY. - Oct 24 = 1 ' 41,z, B NeirlPtour and F • Store. T. &J. emery &JO i N RUCH AAVE su , medetl Mr. Sa mitel ttell,in the Flour and P • Store,in Centres ticet, inform their friends anti the public in general, that they in. tend conducting it . under the,tlMi, 'of Beauy & Ruch, whire , they Solicit a sham jef patronage.— .The highest price igiven , in Mishi r for Flour and Feed of all kinds. Pottsville Feb %) .. . .-..-. .s .. . Variety Cl o thin g Store, Corner 'Of Chem and Schuyl# U. 4each streets, Philadelphia, ' t the eit ir e•Stere Houses. TH.sittbacribgthan)ifirf forlParA favors, begs leave to inferrn hisibrincr eustomors and the publie-genesally, 4uit having nide extensive ad ditions to his storeandletock oil geniis, he is now prepared to offer! them Superfine and iCermmon Bangup, Frock at,. DressiCoatl Pants, Vests and Roundabouts, wh i alcsale or total , much below the usual market prices, for cash. I! A general astment of Clots, plain and rib bed; Cassimeres _plain andsped; Cassmetts, Clefts Summer ii.nd Vostings, . hich will bo made to order at priecar'that cannot 'I tp please. sf u Silk, satin and super aide , pieta Bombazine stocks, to whieWthe attentioi ofconntry mer chants is particularly ,invited.,, Also, Soots, Shoes, Rats,;ape. Suspenders, Shirt dollars .& B osoms , filin erchiefir, Cravats, thariery, Glove- 1 4-c. .. 1, Country prop e visi ti ng the !pity, will find it an object to call awl examine bating purchasing. . Orders will be titanklb4 riOnivrid and prompt. ly attended to. ' 1 Persons doingliusinesson the Canal :., t. merr, &c. will find:BO. est,ablisharent • • ticular ly convenient tip the ii bugi. :' , . • ..._ worthy of their rittronage an all w : aver with a call, may be certain of better :ba l mily' than can obtainedin any other ' part °Mar 4ty. ---. - ' IBA .COL A Philadelphia Feb.B7 183 S. • : • il ~ CRT CAR, Sat7eow Fund THE Port Carficor :Satio,l • tztroi-, l 4B imi d t • " . -41,3er do de-v.:4,4l o ffled: do do do Port ' . do Pore Gripir , Jilice • t 4.:: Bolded, .do '.'de • Co - 'do do do on dibught„ 'Commoor do An do do^ Superior 1- BrowiriVerry do, •' do do do` do' ' do 'de bottled t - do • Pale do do •do do do - 4512 7- draught; do Dry INaltiga,!twoct Malaga do? Liehai r i and" Oxr.Maderia do do . •SitilrltadeireSt Mtiscatel do ' Claret on draught andliottled, do Old Hock and Ntusbat.botticd, do Champaign of Eagle,' Comet and Jolly Brands, do Old 4tyrooftimedy, ,do "do Ho Gin, do Clramp 'goo Brandy lst and 2d quality. Cognac and Bordeaux do. Ist, 24 t3d , do Jam. Spirits- Ist, 2d and 3d do Rol. Gln4 tat & gd quality, N. R. Bold, Com. Gin and COmmon Brandy; Monongahela and Common Whiskey, Sup. Old Irish Whiskey, • do do Scotch Carableton. clothe Real Moun tain Dew, warranted 20 pears old, do Cordials, ite. &c. Tarett, beepers and °that consumers are _bpi. led to call, where they can be supplied with het. ter Wines, ar.d Liitoors, On better terms, than they hare been getting. Jan 29 , 11- sukrior r by RtY• pproO - . oil. o gallon. B& BAG received NN. it- Binary and 1 tor Pale by S de. Co. a Operiot by' '9,*. c and genera ..or Chairs.— & SON, nt Carbon. EM 1 . a sup; WB her with will be sold MB an P` ll ' iett. B . " nci Society, is , Gpu Bostic Goods. GENTLEMEN'S Gurnllastie Frock Coats, Do do do -Pantaloons, . do . do Capes, • Do 'do , do Figuyed-00 Plain Shook Dr do do Moleskin Over Shoes Do do s do Suspenders, Ladies, Misses and Chddrens Aprons. , Do lured and Fur Lined Shoes, / Do a n d Children's ptnin do • Water Bottles, &c.. &c. Just recciyed and foe sale by • N. NATHAN & C,o. N. B. Gum Elastic Coseralor Cariages, Gigs. arid W agom!, Citrtaims, BOON &e.. be furnish. ed to order. •• fre 6 • Rio Cektibe l Noiitssi.o ; , \ , die. 80. i e s ti' ,BAGS new Crop Rio Coffee. ‘F‘-'r Sogarbouse, New deans i „...1,,,_ . and Trinidad Molasse i "'w' New Orleans, 0/ ail iti.llhdo. - and St. Croix Sag a_ 20 Casks Premien' Cliepsc, Young Hyson and black Teas (in l & i cbests.) it 14,, half binds liolled'Elarley. 30 boxwilPbßiidelp at Soap, brown 4 yellow. 2000 RAC dip Candi lii, 10'1, and IG's. 50 balfbnx a Glasa, b 10 and 10 by 12. Cognac andr , and GI in pipea and I pipes. 25 E . rt gallon casks Lisbon wine. New gland Ilnm, Common Gm, Common randy. Pep rrnint and Anniadcil Cordials, in Bbls. Flab and Plaster, &c. &c. /For sale by MILLER. 4 HAGGERTY, / Centre St. next'dont to Mortimer's Hotel. Port:faille, Jan. 9.., ; . - . —.13-: NEW iSTORE. liir. Nathan, & Co. HAVE this day opened in the Stour formerl • occupied by F.. 1. Parrin.Centre, two doo;s south of Market street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceriet, Liquors..Winea, Teas, Chi na, Glass. Queensweir: consisting Blu black s olive, claret. drab and mixed bacrtbs: Blue, black, grey and mixed cassimeres. Do mixed, grey 'and brown' Sattinetts. Drab and coloured beteerteen cords; &c. Red,searlet. white, and green flannel*. Red, blue, green. yellow and white Canton flan ' • nets. Bleached and unbleached Do do muslin'. Irish linens & Black, geeen, brewn, and purple merinos: Plaids, hose's and ocgro cloths. • Buckskin mitts -end gloves. Silk and cotton Umbrellas. Ladies'and gentleman" hoskin, beaver and kid glovesr Irish knit, and Germantown hose and hone. Satin and Bombazine pleated and plain stocks. Bleached and unbleached linen and cotton Dr ii. inga. Cotton and Pittiburg cord. Silk and cotton:handkerchiefs. Do. crape A. do. shawls. Vastlugs, SiDigo hides. threads, tapes, cottons, blankets, coatings, Watiiiings, camblets, Gusty— dere, Einghams,checks, ticking", E.nglish.F , and "unerican print 4 new patterns, 'GROCERIES. Rio. Java.Latairs,'St. Dornit St. Craig, Nerd Oilcans, ' • Loaf and Lump New Orleans attd Gun Powder, Poochonr Prepar Cloy' . 41 ~;9 3 403 te /surrs ...gar h se Molasses ng son, Souchung, ,n • d BOh fees e a • • Cocoa Cocoa Shells ....1 • and rs Chocolate • '.- land & nish do ' '.. • ariega , Palm, Brown and Yellow soap doves ace, Alapico, Naunegs, PipperiCas. ~..(0 a . .0 yes , CaperiLPtckles, A nchov ies, Sof / tarry and Cyale Pepper. Mustard Raisins, Almon d , Currants, Rice, Cheese, Cod Bah Mackerel . Smoked and pickled Salmon Hcrriag- Moulded and DiPtCendle.s • , Sack and ,Bbt. salt, table do .; 15.000 SpaniA Cigars, from 85 to inr,an... t r ' a spanish 'sad c IMOI2 do ' Pipes and snio k g tobacco. ..: . 1.4 Q MR 4 WINES . Champgno. cognac, Americanrandy _Holland, and American 'gin Jamaica spirits. New 'England rnm Mcroungahela anAaommon whialiey Madeira . ; brown . and pate sherry Mince *. Sictly,44l,Mturilles Madcria i . do -4 Lisbou,•Poil,..dry malage, . ~ . ; dos '' Ite.p.rniiirOcrihret Ide . Chimpalgno • - etklEsi4 - . TS & SHOES] do ' Gentlemens : ~ ~, boo t a+ shoes Bo di s i 0 4 , - - niir ' *a , is kaßer RocetCginn lildre." 4" 'lr ' 12 41' ' ' - SitiikkifiiidlialValtiing deer ' 4 ' .do nell,ti&iiiitlijitlitettoie'aiOliPpeill Pri nt ;ChOett; liktOtWilhOe'r end...bo l Pteeit. 4iettc. • ~, 6" ryjOitia _sad Gle War,a..- • ARV .1 stßlVltiet?" cOdiSetait amliswasiatiliassablotacniesti - 'Ka 1 .04.1kirconnfry ftprodoce.-. • -quiil Tavern 4 4 11.4 v 1 ~•rei -! ~i, Lt.. , ...1 1 ..:-... '''rs - 1i •f>.. 3-11' 1 " `i.s . .l-1, , - 1 c. MN , 4 , JOHN ViatAff-4-PLeil arid - - I tli nf o Gr ru s tilinin gen s era t I ° , 1%10,1' aired a large ad generakalinilitterii lected GOODS," - coMil l sing id pact of Blue, black, bnzwit,tdive,kreen,diab mialtelciths, do go' ifoin c iiiiiiiiere;iMn`do A, r•Y, eilow, glean and whiic flannels, Ulh drilitliskipgs,hangiigenckeencia cordn, bnevi. tapd ThStiuzi fonrimers, sillt,vAlt vesting, a targeimsoftnient nf pia Mond thigh go , bored piints,.dainask for table clighs. bird eye. diaper,gingluinits, noltindinnslins, linett foundation black and bronin ol land, plaiiVand cut silk velvitommlenynizi, 00l • en, silk ankchttonliesiery,-Tbibet cashMe ,silk and cotton illatvls; cotton and !ilk hand Chiefs, an cravats, India, French ; and Itati •ks for ladies dresses, thread, bobbinet and hin laces, edgings, quiltings and insettings, a assortment of iibands and gallbons, Irish lira !Ong lawn; anen cambrick, natal:nick; ja ct, Swiss and book mushits, French and glish Mentions,. cireassians, bombazettes, ha • es," 9- 4,10.4, 11.4, 12.4 ;ose blankets and counterp ea, gen tlemens buckskin, beaver„ind hoskin pores, la dies hoskin, silk and kid. Moves and in tts, ladies gentlemen and childreris Shomiand boins,brown and bleached muslin* carpeting, anankortment of ready made clothing, brushes, comb!, hair and caps, / HARDWARE, UTLERY, CllllOl, GLASS AND Q SWARE Also a g assortmeriGzf GROCEEIES, par chased with 'miler reOrd to quality; ennsist -11 mg in p of , • I .Wines 'dials, French brandy, Ridland and commo gin, old Monongidiela whiskey, commbn brand , rye whiskey, NM 1 and 2 Mackerel in bal. and -half bazreLs, /SUPERFINE FAN CILY FLOE: Slat by the barrel or bias el, butter, Cheese and / Crackers, spermaceti and.comtdon oil, together with a variety of articleirfnot enumerited, which' he will sell wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms, for ea'sh or countrylaroduce. * s o Always on hand a eo, natant supply of OP, F, FF, and FFF blasting powder, -and Dupont's superior Eagle powder. The highest price givim cash for Country Produce. Country merchants wiji find It thali interest t t call, as they can be Airmailed with Moat Retie'se on nearly as good terms♦ as they cegld ,proeure them from Philadelphia. ; Oct 19 4 8 tf; Sugars ) • NEW GO()11.5. %lEEE Einbscribors have just received' a large m- and general 'assortment of fieshwrid season able Dry Gkieds,• Groceries, Hardware, Glass & Queens Ware '• Sporting and Blasting Powder, Bar Iron, Grind atones, Fish, Salt, Flour, Plaster &c. &c. which in addition to -their farmer 'dock render their assortment ezieniiive and complete. Allot which are offered for aide wholesale or retail at very reduced prices foci cash or in exchange for Country Produce. • The highest price gsc.n in mush for all kinds of country produce. JOSEPH WHITE di, SON. Dec 27 e- m omit Carbon Fall and Winterlotitls.• JOHN CLAYTON; thankful fbr past briars, *JP respectfully inforths histriends; and the pub lic in general, Mai, he has jest received a large and general assort ment of Fall and Winter Goods. vtinsisting in part of .. . . Blue, brown, steel mixed,Areen t black and invi- Bible green cloths, Blue, black, brown , and flincy btrekskin mares and rose Idanketa, Ingrain & cotoo carpel, Freacl ,I"Tai, English snc. rtnoes, . Blue, brown, drab & mired buCkskin eassinetts, Green, white, yellow anti red flannels, cotton flitn ; nets, Buckskin bevertoenit, curry-at Petctsham, goatalee camlet Fustian, Russia.' crman and Irish limms, table covers, table :diaper, Bleached and brown checks, Fancy prints, Trench chintz, ' , Fancy martr,o ahaivis and tin. )eves and Ring, ; Bobirktt, jot-hone!! and ci/brieks;.-biack and fan cy silk P, • Cotton taps, wadding,Ar . aral'h ' i / tir caps, fur tippit Gum and lined ot;ed ah , coarse and fine shoes and bootuflover size, looking glasses, Glass, China d censwa re, Wines, Li. :or- ,od Groceries, • Books an a t ionary, &d.&e. All • .ich he will sell at the lowest prices, for , or exchtinre for country . produce. 0ct.2., 46-tf 1," 1 " N. B.' Don't foFget,the number, three doors be. low tho stage uffilo in Centre street. do do. PORT CLiNTON FOUNDRY. E subscribers. inform the inhabitants of Potts villa and its vheiniiy. that their works at Port Clio ton are now in opemtidrirw here they will be glad to receive orders for CAR WHEELS; AXLES, or any other eastiggs; whlCh they promise to execnte promptly andraithfully. PARSE & TIERS., November 3, 1834 61-Iy, Itnr. - The Fountlry will be in blaiit every other day. .j IFOlt SALE. 100 tons Platter ',150 bbla LirMpoolgrounctsalt 20 sacks .do Ono do, ' 40 bbls new mackerel. No- and 2 4 .. 20 hair bbIS do do' 1 and 2 10 qr bbls dd do 1 and 50 bbl. rye ;whiskey • 50 Do impOfirie Flour 30 bags strong scentad Riot:often 5 or casti Lisbon Wine 10 do do4nri.et Malaga wine 10 bbls New England rum 10 do conitoon brandy • 10 do do SualiQT old Comte, brandy golfacd Gm Apply to JOSEP,II.C. ltg.l2l2,Centre St dec 11 st f . next dcor 1.10,1y8,00141110tel ME SUPERIOR 1,3 , 1 , Gterpowder I I , i I Imperial , , Voting LI . ,Extra qu alit y,aitd laima Caper Smith g : 1 importation. Pellicle:mg;l. : ~: Imperiti t ' i , . '1" -.. of xakaritTer mile '. r. Dl i rlt TOAtitirrilitli AD hfITCRE!X'S Tr, ' as t . ' 1 ' 1114 ''''' 33 1 / 4 4 POCI6II - **roftklit',''" _ Da. '. r -1i :-. lOdiaiit 0, 4 46 hr Do. ' I . Dd.. • i t itaim• , Moo—Pookiits MapiotaP ' frinbiAind *dot A. 4 .-4.2.-statai.) —i, 1- , ---e , 44 , .• ,, t ,, ek=k-t q":" lilt tliseilVialua Snide Ithbrisikv: *O2B U ,40 lied i -Ado.. Atone Yellow . 1 p 'Go' Mule SigarLoall. tdo.'..Acitin . . _, a PPerfte ! . lama/ Cntle R.vipio, . . Com. .. do • lu. FOrthi ', . . Iteit.Alorphia 1 . riatic Acid ' sow SA . rt.4lcid Solpb. do. . • tat. Silpbur ‘ . . Opi. deAarcot.. ty.Chuq, Spda- i Eortneshltrieral . . rms. Sib. Mere.. . Ethiopa • do. .. indbor nd Pile Glass, front S'Ato 94Z0. 4 efinersoiCham oriSa4Nitre,Bdrnstanejloiax & Otrerf3irniet ahor,omentionedarticitts,t4e' tawitli a Zeral4ssortment of Paints Drop no Stullsa eve dtheractictointheChenaniand i . c.inal I . L • . Ting manuracto ranf alltheirticies tinomirsted ertlie Ire he ,quty pledge tbeinsejratto .v.l p theireri daand hepubliconthemostreasonabiel , trams I i i 1 REEN ac BLACK TFAS, 1:10M1 1 27 - I ig#"idrigheq,the i 1 Exisi mei and "offer for axle. in iadiiion Iti their form@ , ock, a large and well selected mirortnient+4 i ' t i APT ! . OP IVINTER . GOODS, • mine mg in part pr • ;'' i v B ue,tilsaki matt and fancy coloredclothe • 4, imentioadtietil and Peteranams • . ..1 Coatinge,haizek and flannels Iliankens' coverlets and counterpanes Fusti*,hesvor . tcens end velvets • . i Italian:sad India inlki and , satins • French and English mcrinoes Ilorabisiiiiii,bomlnxistres and circessiane Running and plaids , • . • ' ' Coloriiil, *bite and brown Canton flannels Cond ,WOrsind mid woollen hosiery Tickplgs.ichecksand drillings, - , • R 4 ii eheetirig eaddispor ' _, ' t,g ofsor4ment of winter vesting ' en Twain'. leer sand diapers ignigand Amin bobinets, laces. edgings and in. cri i• d !i. de Seissand book muvlins (Partings Aforl/nlinsertfro and edgings pishigls lavrnii linen Cambric • V I nialad4rard muslin :ri "*. ' r oce , . and swam .Ha ware i dtpi Bed,Bpertn and , Latip Oils ' • ' ,%. • IFishall. PitistOr; &b. arc. Bic.„. • 4 .• • • Forman!! lltetip—C . , nary Produce takeniViniehinige lot ', *Nov* .• r 8 ~—.. 1 ',. uorr i vouN DRY. i 1 . • • iarAxprora cs 4 sompat, NAmarscrroirr. , c.d Peoples Works ) ristaktfai and 'Franc Si.. Kentingtoa, Philactel t ' ..( - tkia County. • Tbeitttbscril;er espectfally informshiveustom era an the publics that he has motored his Iron Found& busiCesa from Broad street. (as abtkve) tea bait' , eetablistoent, where heis 'able to , eie cute-any ordifanctruilly: Stich - as' Castin a I ref Mill Ge!rin rn Steam Engine*, -Reit ,M, Wheep . i ti Cbat n d s TuAmts. SugarMilti nd Pans. sp ac t, e Pans. Bark Mills and' tinge or all-g iber iptions. Also. haying - a eery large lkslettmkut Of Patents - Itonside t wilt be to thel advanlagel of mechanics an , builders to call. therethlry Will be ahown.by ' ro. Sedgley at On; works/ I • . ' •A. DAVIS. l• Stein's VOW • % Boiler • • Podl NtIFA i 'Y. 1 - 04.1 the Paine key / can be bad high or I Presenre En' ' Be" and Machinery i ge- neraten the(most r ' able terme, by ica-' tion . 1 .• JAMES I : • NO. Aii , rders left - al FlulOck. Div Co. 32 North Third St:Phila delphia wil mmpAistely , , n ended to. Philadfirlphia. • c:5,183). )ortt =a 3-Iy, irlll.E it I. VE, 41i nd Li no ' .; Supitrior o . f Madeira wii.aa, qo draught , d+ o, ,do dc. tled ' . dri .ixo'i a p'r Pale Sherry wi no Du'. . Gordon co. do do do .. .... rico old II It Wine bottled on die Rhine . I . a and Jolly a aupe'r.Cbainptigite , wine in baii-! pieta. : .__ ; , • 1 Muscat do Frontignac in eases or one dozen Grape Juice,POrt Wine in wood end bottle Pic.? Madeira, Sicily Madeira, old L. P. Toneriffe. Paid and brown Lisbon Wines l - . . Su i trior pale Virgin Cognac Brandy , do 4th proof Chartinte ?randy Do dir Cognac and Bordeaux. do DU do Weetip anchor Bolland Gin ~ -- do Scheiclam 'Act do . . Superior do Jamaica Spirits ; , . • Do dct 4th proof Irish . Wbialey, . Do - dd.. ,2d do . 1 1fonongah;laNghlithey. Bose Noyau and Perect Love, Cor iota, dec. dtc. N. B. ,Store and Tare= Keepers aqppliediViik good Wines and Liquors, andes. chap aa -they urg lan allS pay for those of in inferioriquitiity. : 8.... NEW WINTER' ODDS. J OHN CLAYTON would inform , Wei Wends and the public in general that he is boat opening in his storit,tt full assort ment of Fall and. Winter go ods , minsistior of .S al o - -.l*. .. 0 ' ,1 . . , 1 , - (Pi ' ..... , 1 . 1 , ~. ..--. , s'7 .-. ' 1, , ...' •.°l!v. , vL:i . . ' . ~- - - 4 1-4# 7 ' 4 ' ' .i . .731.74. , i ;, ! ,' . 4 ' • ~- . ,:`, - - t:. rz.‘44 - ,..i.-. ~ '- - - , *'-i.: - 1- 4-. Se ' • I • . ". 'OM■-OW I .T. • "t,.. 1 . • ..' If Sitifi:geolii; !. ' *. 1 4 -11 thifOrbi l 1111 tee 14 4 - - S&114/48 & Cp. , - .... , \ - ". .11, , ~..-• - I , i ~. ~ ----•--- - fr• -; t i 0 - - va, tsg, ~ -,,.). * lailed . - 4( —rent! Aw 411. 44 10t4 3 '-'-+-vail— vs :igNtio CHICHESTErIiiiittI3A '11:s the .4i i ii 4 1 . ' ter vetiiimg tiiniFitiip4 or 4 :.y. t Iv Ilood sTritie in Suhuflitill etitatly"- ,;Y,f.Ttees Ras •• Wed the 'tenet otir °film 240 4 In i kletll SittgeonaTiti physiciaviSitPhilitailidiA lt,r* lc artitlietil iliac of thil diseasVitteiee,, tti)?ii l liat f bad itearl 'hew abaeihniiiir sa 'himel . , i s, en. tiointllish with almoin- ebioliite pe` itity,;:aa4 *ilk • isafetY- Vpivirdi etaliiin ied're!fis c,_ treated to 1 , *n a shoritinie in thin ciq ita'rii4n ity,late ••wuto be per/rieyenti,i ewe ,atiththe pedants n now dispense _wit(irest a" spy instiume .• A suceesslikalltia, is utiertyripied ine a . ale of Surgery. gide litttrunient., and 1 3 the eth • of perfecting tatieiciel.enrepfaernier ere 0w,.•• ' dto those alitieted! withl tbialtrisa. , c bl • minutia. - .. • ,.; , 1 , , , , p ! sit **li r ROiAtititi:4 . for the treat. etilm inert of is discrisaend.ac inceting evert led). esti n on • correct surgicarpiinelpice lin its radi, istreure.p The trif.nee heretoßtreemployed lier's. , ly' ;Wiliam the symptoms oftlie di r . they rarely noir effect a sidicakettre..and,lienetimuid be contitally worn by the patient; often greatly I to his an oyance. After the time by Ow preactit apparatus iseffected, ; alrinettUnicnts aro djaecti ticted. N. 1.1.904 with its eliiredaireit- Qut up. 14 'Caret Withi) 1""°n1 I . at any age. and:by bp_ , _ don of business.- 4• 4 ' ' • ' - - Gentlemen are referreiPto the following mein• hers of the profession,4elative calla! instrument • land its claims in effecting radical cures. ' Wuatim 'Game, Prefessor °farriery at the Uniiremity of Pen sylvanie. I ' i'i 4.1' • Gitaccuat Snake P rriorr„.l:Prol otilist atripay in [bole& lledica) Ileite• ~., t... ....... Jamison, Profeisormithe ustittitis of Mipieine in the Ilitiventity tif - P• nnsy/vania. Gaon 14PCar.Lean. Professor of • pry '' in th _Jefferson Medical:College; : ' ' • Has. BOND. Secretary' of the Philadelphia ' College of Physicians.. :.. P. •' ' I - EDWIN A. Al y.s; M. D.,.. '-'• •• - .• I ~ ' ~P.Dwyv P. Arum, M. D‘ .1 - Iv - - ' Letters to the abovanamedgentlemen mustbe • free of Caper se: . - i- - , t;_.4.- I ' ./. • Copra& letter frou/Samtiel Jackson, .„Protes- . am of the Institutes or hiedicinein the tinireriaty of Pennsylvania. ,- , = ' +f Dear Sir:—Prom the unihn• failure ,of all the tresses I hasp seen, and. treathicat eni ployeelforbernia in. procuri s'ndical tire by safe .• na, I bad aband e tall 'expentation of.: swim', his desirable obje resaliedit I taut elm ' fess, at your appsrat and methed , iir t l ;:ttag hang t has, I behey •, accomplished thui el -stem 5. od the di .se is rendered not oily Mau. egad)) but in • • greater portion of fain ercya ble • p the pr ••- • • °fait. - ' i • I . - 0' Th . prin • •le of your treatmentieWet ti;°P. crati • ' of -our apparel's: is• Needle thaph chil i ogy o ` tisanes, and is area samildecit' in them . ical and practical surgery. : r .- i .. c . ..vt T••=e is net hingempirical irtyoyi pirge or j•o•-r instrowente. , * Thiciallef the ealti,„efs fa linetablished triiielPiteur sal , O'' „Pi,a prod '. lion eta .: specific areal' , ,in sun •• on, skill mid tintitireiiebeei file! Tit U. with rtainty. Theriainr''iiiiOns iihnie t Withmtt 1 itprir ~. state management shat gni . p diets awl. to the individual at.cording oth •ftpstini tion ,r and' peculiarities of ch' ilk Would e r prat* of I r utility; or nithi dv 'defeat the irt ,tent the treatment. ' . • F m the rewarkabli sueeees ' it hasidinird ' r treiguietiti 1A.4 the,espes fcleePled cores a s. l ive come ander iiii Mitt e rilliani gilr i s ;tug the:sanction of faits isi int . I 'ppo Lot Ike acienti.• _ Sc pyinciple, I. have, tio licOlati 'in f regerding !mitt apparatus and Method of t intent 4111eatab lishid. in medietd science. Wi cm:wide:alien andireepect, truly yours, , •''' SAMUEL upicsiV• We have in our poesessien a timber of certifi cates of the first respectability, relative to the citric performed by this instrument;vh ch will isfill thew, to any person desirous of satiary chinfaiiltiviih regard to the efficacy ,of the iiive ,tion. •.- Persons desirous-of being cu ed of herilk or ;rupture, Will do well to , call a the *Ascribes berme the extreme hot weathe seta in, as the disease can. be more , madly e. cif in moderato i l l thou in bar weather.'-'- . 1 , 1 Physicians desirous of pros rinpit. the ri g ht il h of using the above invention, ran receive ip t forina. den or the subjeet or purchase e' right of the subscribet, wbo is adthorized tot 'act its sagint of ,ENDS crtipm. Enayps .„ _.,.... ~ I, -, . lAGGERTY -isofiwi;*ines •nsware, &c. iblic will bb Amid cheap. '!!' bar Tel. 11 la for sale. IMM DOW' ,4 DOW' 04.41 I grins medicine has beau found a fueat ittlictity by -IL iholistodu in New „England and elsewhere, for s 4 cafe of al} thosedisonleri called 'lldlieus, Dispel,- iel - Agna.CostivenesaiXesiectf sApt4ille, Affections ofilhe Liver, Dysestery.Comitioii Bowel complainv A.I. For these different complaints km rot:imam& as a aafe and imeedypite. i , i w RECOMNIENDATIONM. „ 1 e the subscribersitaving imade a free- ate of Elm's FAN not Mzoi,cuitr., aoc4tify that it its way gentle and sore in its opeottiorm i a t_e _cathartic,,Aed Wilitivilisitses ti ii&MiarNitany to remove obtuse. obtain doilies:inch and bowel, a • in curing orAnd humors. We believe it well ilde ted to the- cute: ef die above mentioned- diseases-1 e alio bellevettio ,p be an excelleet medicine for P .ti sulektiMated or declining state, forasmuch t doeill*Oreaken the patient lailliOngh-tuhuta _ _ •Ettlitores the stomach tole prover rode by - Olt thltligui• don and thereby aoristimy file ` 'Rate."' .••• - , i *.iII.RTER GRIFFIN, .1 - , '. . ...„••i• DANIEL BURROUGHS. ' t • ' C h#siliteriefthe Gospel. 7 WM. tow . JOSEPIE BRIDGMAN. DAVID It CHAPMAN. '-- -' - • ' 10NAT I MANTA0B. ' IJ . .i . - dlehroa, Celina , I certify ttiatthetrebectilstroto the abovegertifteste Of rectomilielidatiori l aril lane odds inhakittrits of the town ofiletsokStatela ' niictiesk I rr BA. , Ell orwERT, ''- Su ORhe eximitilCourt Imam ABLE , AIOI4II,IOOB pnas. The use of• Ooze Pliffirjs eilimentl prevention If bidemiccomplaints w .fr ga ritefinith air pnivailiiii- Ittug the lillottler mid ghee, vie: •thlimuiFeter . *l Morin% A * 7 ,4 ku , " . thi-l'e c a lk' kithre chiefl' ostayeq ~ by an liregglar Me .,of Ehabile. l artdiebr .i ls t ute of the stuullub.— 'nese pills are alto 'it e" d *need "`reludigfot a sick and disoriered*ittitith. headac he, less ()tappet the. COOth`ellesktrinMelF.latid and aching bathe r. fever and ague4dispell hilitlesfever and de nagement in the fincthissof i bier. - I Made mid sold by- 1, IltlitipitiEß, Harris. berg. sole proetelor Of Fell all 11111 the Adi a i t . mg States • - * - r= • I "7 .--A-wipplfefttiettb) 41 thhk, - - - 1011011111100 „felted and for salettyFi-tP .11 , tAik-RAIWAPI. ,stupc, .sprit2s 23-Iy, %. geeekitarde e pnhwistor 2,6ooll4lrciiiiiiiba* r it• * 500 : air hiarincji Wird, 2,000:07p-oiniaso do • , • alien seasoned e p4e 4n, - FOrAllittZro: l lld „ RTZ'et Co • Imptitorfihio waft f• - . P.1" - = = ' MCI • TEE, M. D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers