wbo Boas ms ha fin .to a . a &moan at Are Tromso ' of hie gut those routs veil° aod t nebula wane they habse bee very j Ices cr 1 Ritual Here =lt in Ns tm ihot th t, who iltt to t a. gentle rriveo i t prooghtl once as to myself, 4. _ ,:ss for dome yean l e A I In my last aim's. Ito Visdriet, Malt saw fit I I 'serve thein lie • thfully ai ot, they might to h—l as is. I was beaten geotlemes The roar of appl was lil • - ' Coos of my I woo hut if to Te am." burst. Par oaU h buye uabk grate; follow Ft F bid Cate.-4 li b ; e :w Yrk p.tanud t o . f ; improvement. ' detailed in the •• g It deem away i up ‘ Grates; rind i to Man the Grate . • it, will no , • dirt of bricks rooms, which. kii dation.to it. ~.cily—The Gist can be. col • place or remov from h. b minutes; can e eneferrod i l !mother with rfeet co ' .•. , 'Acted to suit any fi re and in suited to ny kind o rdly—When an racitu eoai be fixed either a the back se to produce ab ndanceo • isten the air of e room, drys teracts the dryi and inj coal, besides wi ng a c seater without diUonat . ; ly—When • Tv gum; 'red.. ha prod°. • is• k g It current of air the . cOodansea part 0 steal time. the warm • tymf steam into 1 ilt pp figare it cal 1 -Moves. = soul w with EE f. be .-' *mai Tb fite 4 and • steamboat. steriridge; (wi Mlle She bid g gaie en ,23 pack &Ake preside supplies from • el Nashville: • exeeeded 200.1 El iiiEl E!! Tazzwa;.l., of Vir -, his office. . This is .stance of the resignat of that state since the • NlAftittEi Philadelphh4on Wetly 30th ult. by the Rev..lo Gaelic): S. Ci.EmEmr,'i Eder af Benjamin Davit DIED, -H Richmond, Virginia, , 1836, Mrs. Emma Parsons, formerly ag kill Convany, Tritattgea.wiLlet at A rci4 oti W y. A oC2tO 5. P. &or the Meeiing of the rlkdl eotinty, will :Desday evening nes hairnet!, of impor lA. RUNE 836. ; asocratiti citizens o the different ho and Thnnvships • • the- County of are respectfully r • nested to meet ral places of holing borotigh and " du Saturday the 16th day of A the p . pose of e Ling two Dela resent them inc unty Convention t therhoole ot Phili • Sayer. in &hey!. Mankeiln townshi • , on Saturday the pril gat, for the .urpose' of norni. idatet for the .Aseertddy, to be sup. Fresigen of this County on Saint. *dalpril, 1836. W . BOSSYSHELL, WOOLISON, ,HENRY VOUTE, • CORLSTIAN BERGER, FKEDEKICK BECK. aptll9 +2l-3 ' Standing Committee. ME U$ P U next. W to be held • It' 7d eidere'ia tki clogotray fororretiag • flit; N. it,..Bra ncli of Me River • weer the tams of Cattaleiveo. NOTICE blarebygives.that tha Annual Meeting of - the ; said' Compaoy will be held at the boom of C. &OW, IV the Warn of Cauawisoa, milked*" ' day of May, it. at 1 o'clock P. M.. for of Moira to conduct the af . tit far Ike coasinv Tear " 8. Mitiffieflif. Cadmium. A 2,90 S Secretary. Ml=l tbat : - . teethe: A• . ,183 a • WII EAT 'LOUii by.; a lead WA* ''' ajr" 0650 - I ' v WHEAT tos.ppre Nis • Liii'divaiist BYE !FLOOR - S 05 , • cwt. is • . BUCKWIREATFLO • IMI percwi ' .4iniikiks4 RYE. by o'olBBBBs laay toe bee , l•-•'Ited7 ads. f• I p i ij 1 RYE CROP St cells rbgebidiadelaad• OATS 0, cento-f-read salt _ POTATOES ES Cent rbusite ha depuußAL CORN—.B6 emitsik .. ..l lll 4,wabellin dassan4 TIMOTHY BEI au per beebell:i - FLAXSEED—eI*? rauihelia laud. WHISK E V-31 dime per gellou. •' • BOTTER—lfneatoiperimand—isEe 'damage kX' iIGS- 1 14"conspiordomen. ` I LARD-43 coma i ter rfund. - I TALLOW-8 cm to pe pound. 1' HAMS 'Scents pimp° d., • , : , , CORN CHOP 65 Teats r4uab sac demand ! BACON-0 cents • und. BEESWAX-18e •ta rponfid. FEATHESS--40 • eats erand. • • 1 , ' CODI3 , IOiVOWOOI I n perpousid ;, ; t AIACKERKL.by t . b I.N .1.5811 , 14.2..7 00 SALT— EN per.. .1. 80 erbashel . i PLASTER, i• wo th 50perton. IIAY sl6(per to . EE2 beading t might be. lanky lasi. his.aeeors , arrested. ttmt there thill affair daring kr I y realm inality i of hold MEM r of the Lou `docbea, re, he cr . 9 had just hunter, • Texians, • began • • • en, that •• ong yo him here Texas, in. • an public arrived from being trine. replete ' with 17 in this hen • stran the first in. To satisfy will tell you kmember of &the people re.elect me. I had done; I would go , end hero I a a thunder. far burning melt, Esq. 'a a 'to be a val. • gag - , or the. Star, are the ew Grit• runes :ich prom . e ■dtaa I 'cw Yor sun work in e durable •nd nee.. Fami be troubled ith all m much no an comma', of eoor mortar ut their ear very great. re. pletely set in Iwo persons rom one fire veuicnce, can I lium, large or is used, a boil• f, or over the isterim to warm hieh complete. I . Inoue effects of 'taut supply pause. ty of steam is .ntereeted , by gh the boiler, while, at the • with a email tit, and as the off when the lit • e Apart be cirri was 'aural to go.) near node on board, Hermitage i the ited States, and ice, for the met. • is supposed Two or three a accident. ' T. 0 Randal • a ammo. T I tone of l es from th - ;• of the U eastern ci I( be total I I I I dollars. 1 : • am/ of ENE rumored, (says • a, portion of Wolf M ims to be said, base nn the Dm Unary pre. Igiog" ham lot a tom :ring poor, "ably. ap- tied)°, that the Ist of Sep ~000. and •rank for, uin, has id to be the !on of a gover. evolution. esday evening ph Letwand, o Amasfna M. Esq. . the 23d of , wife of Sam. t for the Lit- - Market street • 13th, from the of rooting EDE logic:! Bocia-. lbe held at choir the 12th lash at i nec i Secret a ry. . M=l=E t'F E. I . Fir HE sen . apal wasting i} of tge 'Deponton in "The m• Port (.4ion Bimin Food Societi . " will be held on M y that Id 4lay of May neat. at ithe Loose of Pd Aurjusd jr.at 2 o'clock, in the af ternoon, Wheb an eleefitin for seven manager' to conduct the %wane"' of 'aid Society for - the eMoi- Mg twelve moothsi ivrß take place. The Polls will be opened at 3 fithe rd. o'cliF it k aa P. M., andlcloire at 7. • "By order o L. WIII'INEY, April 9 2I 3_ • • !Notice. • rtIE Stockholdkni bf the Danville Bridge Company, arOtereby notified that en like tion`will he held at the bailie of Wilhpm Henrie, in Danville, on ManditY the 2d day of May next, for the purpose of electing officers to (conduct the business of the CoMparty far the, yea next ensu ing JACOB BIBLE% April 9 21-4 Secretary _ • : .• . The lubseribcr respectlidly informs , his friends and the public, that hei hos 11l . moved to. OW large brick . building, near t he ({ours Howe in Danville, lately occupied by. Joseph Inultne, where lie in tends to keep a fi rst Ina° - Hotel and Hoarding Howie. • His table will! be well supplied with the best'of marketing, and his bar with ; the choicest , liquors, and every auesition paid to tfie4somfOrt of his customers. 'A exedinuance of the liberal. pa ranoiac hithertize•te4ti to him, isl nispectfully solicited, and citizensad strangers ere requested to give the "Union II l" • share of their cultom. Homo w il l be faith!' attended to. 1 WM. ILENRIE, -Danville, April 9 1 121-3 ditsigaees Sale. WILL be sold at Publie'Salit at the Molise of Win. Mortimer, in the borou g h of Funs vine, on Saturday the bad day of April inst.. a Loa of ground in • the borough of blinersiville, Schuylkill county, on ;which is erected a Black. smithshop,,W beellmght shop and Brass Foundry. This property was fizianerfy occupied by.L :4. C. Thomas, and Is, et yaMcnt in the occupancy of Richard Drone; the situation is one of the bask in filinersville for building and repairieg Rail ;Road Cars, or for any Ogler mechanical busload'. Terms Cason will be given On the ZT.d day of Augustnelit,but die purchaser will be entitled to receive the trot from the't,ld of May nest. Tide indisputable. , • AuGuerus LEOrOLD. • ANDiItEW • RUSSEL, Magnets of J, 4 C. Thomas. April 9 21-3 BRE°, ; IA °ELDERS. "VHF. enrolled Militia and Volunteer; ctimpos. ing the 2d Brigade, fith Division, P. M. will commence and conunise the Spring, raining., as follows: _ . 53d Regiment, couimanded by CAil. Aleiander H. Witman, whole regiment, on Monday , the 9th day of May, 1836, at E, es din g. _. • Ilth Regiment, coM mended by Col. Samuel D. Jacobe—.2d Batahon, on Tuesday they 10th day of May neat—lit Ikttaßon on Wedneeday. the 11th day of May next. I 77th Itegisncut, coMmanded by Col. Isaac Yo. der-2d Battalion, cml Tuesday / the 12th 'bay of May next—let Battalion, on Friday the 13th day of Maymext. , ; Ist Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham -Seigfried-Ist Battalion, on Saturday the 14th day of May next-2d Battalion, on Monday the 16th day of May neat. 30th Regiment, commanded by Col. John M. Bickel-Ist. Battalum,. on Tuesday the I ith day of May neat--2d Battalion, on Wednesday the 18th darof May neck. Commander' ofmeanies and' Adjutinte of: regtmeuta, are stri : enjoined 'to hare their en. rollmcnts ready on alien eayr, agieeably to i t law. By order Of - JERBMIAH SHAPPEI.I., - Inspeeto. 2d Brig. 6th; Des. P;. M. Brig. Inspector'. trice, f r: ; . WindsoApril 9. 836. ( l-21.4 mice, ' -V. B. It is particularly desired that every one should provide himself with suffiei nt urns. CAUTION., A LI. persons are hereby cautioned froin za• wain or Mel property of the antiedi . situated on the %mitt Carbon Rail Road.iin Nor wegian township, known by the. name of ho-Selp.. eat -five Acre Trac 4 . A reward cif raftylDollars will be paid on detection and cud/idiot; teary person or perions folnd cutting Timber, dr other wise trespassing ou r said property. ROB. WOODOIOE. Agent of N. E. Tb.urrin. Pottsville, april 2 -3 ADaPar; - AGREEABLY to the act entitled to limited .partnerships. , the one entered into. a eo.partneithip wide firm of Alfred 'Lawton. John Eli end partner. andred Lawton partner—the aqui sixteen hundi been paid by the a int partner pairtner. .Theleolairtnerabip to et of fire yearn. Row the lit day of to expire on dui Ist da Hof April 1 A SD .L JO D.l ELY "eV . ,Pettreitlst, A otice klellOiii / I ,it , , . pit , 1 tivilE ocreriil Delagahas lbyithi . School -E. Dinietora4 the annoy at . oil ill. are bere.by'rog to,nred at tba Roue in the borough iii i i iag a u s s ►try , timidity in May Dad. ' Per of ' h ui t whe• abor a Wolk Wad By o \ N., lllai ' , IJAH ER. I. ' 1.4 sprit 9 ii , . ',~;-_~> 'MEMd;iah -4= • ," r Mai • ' , s . %Chard Willing* "I . Jab* Alit; , iker4.. Dosibart,' 11 : ,40- APTII-9, WiILUMPAQE tif!,.:AGENCY.; THE sab s eriksie two feign and tilma L methane Whams oft he west'side of thit Atihnylkill. nerd to the Perateneat Bride. will relative and ship eaeliwr commissrea, an the most aceciustuolatipt H. BLACIrgON: * SON. Philadelphia. April 9. OM. N. D. We have oonatantl4 on hand a!argon. sortment of Plaster. which we will sell al the wa market prices. Coal Veins A T the bead of the East N i torwegiaolitail Rasa . 4-4 L and impanels!, adistiung it, Soot reut.— Also a - LANDING AND DOCK. Ai Schuylkill Hawn,-..And l l ii ', A Landing. at POI Carbon. 'Fur talus and otherptlars aPt GEORGa rtiqE Vir. FAR VEAL :Pottsville, April 9 • I .211 mo Adjourned, Sale. , 'Public Notice is hereby giien that by virtue of an order from Strange N. 'Palmer., one of the jug. time of the Peace in and fa gehuythill County, %Val be exposed to Pit lic 841 e, without reserve ur further Fatportement, cal Saturday th e 16 th inst. at 10 o 'clock in the forenoon, at the Brewery lately occupied, byloshua 'Wood, 14hlibds. 5 Bids. 77 Half Bbl.. and 33 quarter Das. Ale 4 Pinter, a lot of Malt and Bartey.2 horses. 5 hog; lie in an icelouse,pailtry on the premises. Attached as the property of Joshua WeetOete of the borough of Ptittsville;,brewer. Terms bf Sale Cash. Attendance will begiven by BENJ. COO3l BE, Jr. CEZII HMI. sea of the : General Assembly m ed Inducted by the p c m yelt, d es 'td. a .th ild e is ga isi mj ec e :utl i t '. ti:a l t w con be ducted the (,euee al moon in October, Ib3b. The poll to be o ' at 9 o'cluck. in the forename Of said day. , c The electors of the borough ofOrwigshing will hoM their election at the Court noun! IA the borough of The lOwigeburg. electors of West Brunswick township will hold their elution at the Court llinnie, m the borough of thwigsburg The erectors of East Bimestriat township will *id their election at the loose of Misery Lint. in the WSW* of M'Keansburg. . The e/eetere of reecove township will held their election at the house o 1 the Ills Join Barr, now Wsa. Well. of saki townsh VI, pt. hold Thu electors of e township will ho their election at the house i Leonard Shall. innkeeper; in We town of Friedensherg. The electors of Upper Mahantango lOwnship will hold their election at the bons* of Samtiel Moyer, in said township. • Tee electors of Barry trienship.incluchng the house lately occupied by Michael Bong, pow Mr. pawn. wilt hold their election at the hawed Bear, I3olig. in • said . to wastup. The electors of Lower Mabantango township will hold their.geueral election lathe house ofJulie better. in said township. The electors of West Pend township will hold their election at the house now occupied by tkdoon Osei sit. in said township. The electors of.Cnion township will hold their gen eral election at the house ofJOhu Coicaniner. in said township. The electors. of Rush toweship.vill hold their gen etal election at the house of .1 am kirows.ouikeeper, in mid township. All that part of Norwegian township. m that:minty of Schuylkill, lying west OA tisit folio% log lute, to wit; Beginning at the point of intersection of the West Ilrouch of the river Schuylkill inid Masthead township —thence up the pat awe of the Kest Branch of die Schuylkill to its intersection with harry township. (ball he a separate election &strati, and the electors there. of stun hold their general lections at the house of Joseph Mills., in the bor Of Minersville. in said township. The qualified totem residin in the townships of Nor * r i pen and • nano &ill. in t county o( SchnylktU. within the billowing described bounds, shall hereafter I lie a separate election district. sr= Begnuung oil the line between the townships of Norwegian and MAD. berm • from thence a straight line to the house ; now', occupied by John Penumu , including the lame—frets thence to the Norwegian church- 7 -and lirom thence to the faun house of E. B. Nichols. Esq. including the same—and born thence a straight line to the line be tween the township of Norwegian and Barry—and (tom thence tellowilig the township hues of bury and With eastward to s poutt—from thence a straight lute southard le the MiddlePortachool bone, including the serous—sod from thence a straight line to the &radon line of Brunswick & Bchuylkill ton - whip—and thence following the township line of Brunswick sad Man-, heun westward to the place of beginning. excluder the town of New Casile.and that the whited electors residing within the before described,bounds shah bete atter hold their election at the Port Carbon House, in the town of Port Carbon. , Actirelativo ht*e the "ante or jr. , is the ope, ihe !general duUan has the lyneral do Orr 11ko term 11f36, rod 14 ~WiTCION4 0 1 I 111.6 ; MIEI ' 4l mu NATHAN EVANS, April It 211 , TnitaLees ,A M Arrant front ACM hikklicararitti, the House of Reprerentahreldf if Peons, hentia, and to me three (robe% the 29th lin, of March. Raub, nigh Sheriff Of Schuylkill re notice to the Freemen of the that a Al Election county nn the 90th day of April : of choosing by ballot ono person ty of Samplull in the hoine•of commonwealth of Peunaptrar y the vacancy occasioned by the W. Conrad A l.aq. and that such conducted - in manner and (one The electors of the beiough of Pottsville and the remaining part of Norwegian townslup, and of that part of beasitaim 'township lying between the river Schuylkill and the West Branch thereof...oot included in the Scbuytkill Harm &Wick) will bold their elec. coon at the house now °wiped by George Scrooge. In the borough of Pottsville. " The electors of the township of Schaylkill, except that part which a annexed Maas Pon Carbon election district. hold their g ineral election at the house of Frederick Beam . innkeeper. in said township. litivislecoors of boriguigh of Tagoaqus will hold thew chador' at the whoa! house in said borough. That the electorsof Ms tart of blarilielse township lyag sootheget of the follogroig at the - township line of Wade and Montana tclip on Me busmisettlill , them:salon, the Ilminaer Bill and atwriroad. to the Mime of Widow Swaths. g hosis Si Atha Devrah, excluding the NM , thesis to Mr house of Philip Drmilieller; thmft to the bogie of John Deibcrt. at the "centre oulapib to the house *CAM' Bats; thence toghetioime OP* hp Roc/4 thence.tu the house ufjohn Naas. halo'. melodies the sum thesis to the townshiplias brash' wake= and Schuylkill towaghips. shall laiestrot hold their missal elemiamt subs Court Bisese;in tea tenwilik *l.• the • The' eleMe Of ri of th e nankin* part of Blenheim township soil hold their 'doormat' the boom sr P/ri.. lip Boyer, inaliseper.in i 4 taws el Scheyl A. kill ` RAM Pheriffir MPIRY $ 1 1 11 . : • • barg.Aligifill.lM. , . *imam omustiawcalino - • • The Akio to at moue nt aka Camotilkow is Ihelm,uo !IMMlP=o rele Weillathrstkofttaal ofletarsasist lilt o ; 0004, MI =A• C. C. ,1 0 Ir tarTZIPI d ' li llisCriaiSlOPlA in. 401•Diertisia• = 11 1, 1 # "To 411 * 11 :*" .- . ,_ ibilleabsais . ~ 4 1r1 : 1± Jobti Coo lifts ' - John GlsWilda Andrew Gibbsll V.:Hager . Mete thisioll 3 2... , iiiiidiflerrhigtos - Airi iini AirMuidar Kromer -.I Visit 2 bulgy Weigle lisiiimin.ishrar William M'Glowen 1 . .. ' • ' - SHIP 28 Andiabald Atkinson Ja MOOT. f ' in Joseph Chester W' • M`Grath 7 William Gordon Joseph Rickards= Dennis Wilogh • .1 VERD. WILLIAM*P. M. 4;amaima April 9 • 1 t I . 21-3 1 'g raper, tustriceiviod &ad -B.' BANNAN, • . All INCH -7 F1 47 for sale by sisal 9 K ' V - , lotion. • IrMie Mode:reign have this day illatolved, lij a-i mutual eminent the Colarti biltween thorn, in the buaintis of musing attlapeptsuA Coil. under the firm of Lawton :Weave potions basing demands against, id grin are militated .to present the same to Charles Lawton. and those indebt7 pay the same to bim. C ARLO; LAWTON. MARTIN WEAVER. - Pottsville, March 29th 1836; Peach Orchard and Gate Vein Coal. x-IBE subscriber continues the businees of Min ing end transporting of Coal as heretofore, and takes leave W request those who may wish their supply of Coil from him, cid= from the Gate Vein or Lawton's colliery, Peach Orchard Vein or Mill Creek Colliery * to apply direct at Pottnille or to Mr. Charles We Bacon on the Schuylkill, Philadelphia. whci is his agent, awl who receives and ahipir his Coal wily. CHARLEX LAWiTON. April 2 20-14 Pottsvilk. Weltils Mites. ire. !BE sober.' ibex is prepared to obtain at aa' *bort notice a possiblikall kinds::of Webb kii, at - lbei most reasonable prices. Orders lie at the Office of the Miners, Journal will be promptly attended to. BENJ. BANNAN. 'april 9 ' 21— . Cornish Minerd ViORTY or FIFTY Cornish Minnra iW be • wanted en and after the lit day of May next, ta!work it the Tunnel un The Harrisburg and Lancaster Rail Road. The bighead pages will be given for good hands: The Tunnel ist situat ed at the village of Elixabcthiown. Liiieastei. *ply, Pa. ou the Harrisburg and .Lancaster ir 1 Nuke. and 11, au• exceedingly pleasant and ki us !thy acighborliood. Apply to.thosubscriber dm works, or 'to B. Barman,Poturviilks. H. W. tiN WIER. Contractiir. , tu April 2 20-4 XO TICE. rfisubscribers have caused into Copartner ship under the firm of UK TUN & BIND. NY, and intend carrying an the business el Ma. minty. Brick-laying and PIUS ezing.• sitting - Coil (Irate, and au kinds of work M their We. They will eremite all kind of wink in t h e mist ants. stantial and workmanlike manner, at the -short cst notice and on the most reasonable torass.—. 'Prom th eir knowledge and general sttentiod to business, they hope to merits share or public pat ronage. AMOS TURTQN, JOHN DINDLLY. rottiville, April 2 20-3* abstusing Books. B ap EEVEIS Dtolleries, or the Slap up Comic°. AA& taicadeltint. containing the enemies& of the Funny 'ens—price 124. The Yankee Story TeJler's own Book, and No. gro Lectures—price 124. The Buck of Comic Songs, captaining /flukey Soap Sods, the Cork Leg, All round my Eat, age —price 124. • Fibber's Reciter. aud Spouter's Pocket Book— &ice Ua Wurginny Argil. Roan* and Misaippi Screamer Song Book—pfice 124 Nino to Crack and Enigmatical Rapositorl— price 121, and The Comic Scrap Sheet, price 25 Mats, toge ther with a variety of Acting Playa, such so Un -Me Sam, Tom Cringle, John Jima', The I/Danish eat Gent&usan, lluuung strike, The Golden Far mer. &c. . Just remised and for sale by april 9 21— " B. BOMAN. Valuable Farm anti Water Potter, FOR WILE.; /VIM Subscriber offers fur sale a tridtiable firm containing 3W acres, situate on the Little Sc:mylkill Rail Road, I i miles train Port Clinton and the Schuylkill canal, and mre.eighth of a mile from the Centre Turnpike. About 100 acres of this land is now under eultivadon. • The improvements corn* of dweL • ing house, a largenew atone barn, 40 Iti by 70 Tect, a bow lime i kilm and a thriving young orchard of 230 to 309 Apple. reir and Peach trees. of a anperkg kind. The Little Schuylkill Rail, Read from Port gin ion to Tamaqua passing through this property. affords every facility for transporting lime stone to this flaw. to th e meadirof manuring and im. • proving it at a moderato expense- • The land is well stocked with Pine, Hemlock, Chisnat and Otik timber.— The Little Schuylkill, panting through this land affordsi mu Muni most desira. his Water Powers in the county ter- Forges. Furnaces or Mills. for which it is otherwise well calculated. The stream I. o neveirfailing one, and from 20 to '25 feet head-and fall may be t& mined on the property. • .bw tied The above ;Open, viill be bid l the ' terms made easy. Poems wishing toponZe.- can obtain fur ther informatics by apply to thcriebecriber.in Pettesille: 808 WOOLISIDB. 20-tf 8 1whialaiNdICL ' Few *on of tire "Ind EU sabPriayx,Fasbioesillsi Itiseutp.l • 0. ice. jest 'waived luad fix Ili war SW 19 . 1 . 14 1, Zite t lMAM & Cir - . - Seat limilderi 1 ANTED Tfasi good int * 59 = 111.14. Phissit, wsiriricw kr ' ' R D IMO; Dares WATER 82W 1111041) 4 1111A • is ails sa seasssilaalingl St: Cr and l'arto Riesr Nair IIA• awl Maseavadoesr ' It One, 1! avanal-Whi! o s:111111 Oman; Loaf and Lump.; COFFEE Brown aad Yellow; Parts Rho amad Cubs; r oan, andssasth B "r Bt. Jiro and 84. =go.se atoaxxig Bailees la Rhoades' No. 1 and 11;,. Bassi aadConuion ' • TEAS' • Gunpowder and Impeiiii; Yocum Rysoa, Hymn and Hype' - Youchottg sad &pada:mg.. moLAssits Sagl l a loase—Philadelphia and Nset York; Oirs add Syrup; ' - . and dhoti West India; Hon 4; • JO It NO. l i t IIyFFI4I Uldie•"BesSill ant B Penith Fletanti Alias. *OW ma 9/11" " SUNDRIES Chigoe' to Casks sod MAW/ liartsy, lfeclB.h i itrinvisitoal„ Stan* Chi; Cai ' , - i yodosr ant Brio* 04-14V - Poiati 43 *1 1 44,./4- 7 Shet—P Ali*. and be to* ,Pirder--/ OTS Old Fp p i r i; g aid F Camitir:l•o4 ,r, t ; Mskstard—Utilieh in' toddies isodisib: cypirs—liosabs,Blllo4sg 800 Cords, Tsues. riougtkl 4er2ll., i Apr r.c 4.r, d 2 or LETTERS ibe Foot WooL I f r libra. • i•'r Alain Lowell's upt . AbbunikWut.' • ra . Barbee George thavala limey llickcioutno Jacob ,llucak" Join. '• bemausprJacob m tierti. Mary breagiOn "Mathew bumpairey ,Maybes kkoatu' N au beide Lewis - Drool lima. tiosawbeck reit' Cunningtukm Jobs Ualvcr Da is Isaac Dtizunter jr Lana ;WO Diakigb iftsanna Euen4Jacob Fasoial Jobs/ Griffittui John Gazsup Thome John Montag Thus Townsend Isaac W Wendt Joel Waters - Philip Johan" Wm - Wiall !Rapist, K Wilson novena • &mini George Wilde George' Ksester Georg, Williams Jessie • .1 Knotei Jonia Wiksia Joel J r !Ling Sunnite Williams John. Whale& licrinen Lout* ileajasuili r SKIP LETTER& . ' Dedham' John _Morrie Richard ' Brut, en Edward ;' V Windt Jolns ' • Cooney Timothy BindliardtlMM Davit Jams Thome. DOWN"' Davin Daniel, Waken githistasitabert oltalbs.Berjooghs Wtiliaaa Wire John lin P Je ersiancaning Ow lettiera' se Abe Ora List ariilpiesseaßy tbsy ors advattard. I S. CHICHESTER; P. . Hilbert kisajamip aoboad John ; Hugh" Wm I Hon John . A . .A.Tuausitaml h..4.2a., vat as4far au sh i tlartaampr en at . Lil dap. I:alidie4 Airuavo' Itiokitimjeus • • IX ZAZIMW , Alasa in* allailogas 4,1 a. Apbl4. , . - . • . T l ft i lt.l. V74 l : l 4 e ge RIPIRITS Brandy—Bordnanksad Reagens; 1 ,lie ' Champaign and 'Armignac; Rone—Jamaica and West Witt; • 1 der Mrs England; Ginl—Liolland, Anchor and Fish brand; do . de Schiedam; i do .iio Baltimore and City; 1 WhisLiy-01.1 alesongehela; • 1 . do Rye and Ands. '" • WINES 0.. • . Madeira—L. P. %err's it co."MBI &es.' 4'c. Tencridre.—.LP* and Cargo; .:. ~ ' Sicily lad Marseilles Madeingi i Shorty—Brown. Gold and Pals % ' Lisbon—JP it R. l ,and other brandK . tbremand Dry Malaga; Ft*itagnac, in casks and b oxe r; • . Roy Camp Port, Catikmia tin . Claret, in Casks and Boxes;, -' CORDIALS' : \,... ~ Auriga% in baskets; Annisecd, Cinnamon; . • i Peppermint, and Lemon. , FRUIT Raiins in bales and kepi : .•.. 1:i Al Duds, Figs and Prss. SPICES . • . Notions, (Aim and Mice; Cinnamon, Pimento, Pepper, Ginger, dm DYES ..' ' Moore Hannah Mum Mitchel Jahn lii ligon Masai N pat Mi'elim l d - o', ' (rDonoU , ofiky Patrick.' iPastar Jobe •- :PardOeria •,, Q. Quionaden Dr Radartgarler thic.rHie Russel Jobs • Rirdl David Ldg'PAd g. Ia Eliza' St Eliza' &tattoo Mary --- Seeger gig Saudi Arm Sheridan_ Shindig Conrad& Ar` • t .. • • . 'r 7 BM ItA A OF GOO '1110ZIPPIA&0 , WILL salt at PAO, tialaait L•wie i t tPrfr 4 111 " . t . 4 .1 4 61. r• sad iilt eug assX= ... f" - " amadi am etalaskOidahmard,aaila ea sad tialata Widnes' saitioll anier.....latam at Sok; ta teammate,' P. M. A.Pn.I. 9 _ - - ripRE LogeOyu itibot, rn• Abe rotAlkoto Let* -1114#___ - ..• lobos op* to • amlor:ipt Aprollo3ll 4 )24 • UM SHER laY virtues, several write it'Levin4 ilarise.. - , am , hind Wet of the nut - of ' Ceemen ?bad • of illebayikill county, and tom.;datioshil e "alba impanel to Public Saks . :, . • , 1 ! On Tustin, as 2etk -if pril esti. at the bones of Joie Weaver, . *ever. 411 the kettla i lk Of Orwhidoom in the coney of ,Sckoylkilli at One oickielit I'. 3L—All Ideal ear. tali tra4 lend; amt. ii. tit !sekeinan vii. isy, at We head wailers of; the lag Schuylkill, et the can ef I 1f I 1 'the Scheyllial lfalley - r= In - haylkill Winship., deem self; Inhaling at a. spruce iree - ime 'ilil Om Na York Ind 'Tuscarora Coal -'' ' ilhilei by the seen south 65'degrees, welt ti a hone. thence by the same land aloag I -' long ' leading from Tuscarora to - Tahaqi4',,imil'4ll , I perches to ii stone in the saidMied , threlaks ishl - eif George Reber; Esq. meth 811 &giVao. wean perches to A stone corner, north 80 perelise to at new, mirth 2 degrele, West• 63 8-101 k e ilb a stone - inner; thence land Many Ma was, rant rant granted to Alice Brown, and Sam Wee. - mill, Wthalated the tBdb day of N 119onni, ' .17S11. • t clies 65 decant. east 'perches to wiMene nee. nor, north 21 clevewi wog 8* itardimtt Aim i • comer, and thence north $5 ' 61 14 5 %. ekes to a mime earne, and thenits_l4,lli4 :mid land el the mid New York MA Taseammieeent eserpaey. south &ewes. chat 1411 prehes to We elaciarlf beginning, eantsiiiing' 90 Mese mid 84 pereheA l with the hereditament, and illore!le undo. . '$ au Iwo ilairriPsi Atiraine house. a - - a frame kitchen. - a, on Mary Dame _ dwelling and khan. "Ad 0 180 , 01 4, leg dwelling' and a leg stable. . ' ~ , .. At 5 same time militia ~di F , Owl antis plantation and iwi • contignene' Mei adjoining tracts of land, situ le, i in Schuylkill Iswaship. minty Am: t i I gaid, bounded and _ •iissaillel air V: I h low. begiimig at widen awsimr. thence by land of lEdelarablie. Esq. moth 66 devise. nit 1114 • girl s stone. iiefili 24 awes.; west 28 ' `liit stone. them by the ants lad hid ef • :11wajmnis R. Morgan. En. north, 66 dftree east • BB mi. cope to 4 pine corner; north 61 ftvenrieir 87 , melee to a stone. - north 22 define ;wean` _perches to a stogie north 61 . illagramv-mil perthes lb a stone. north 32 'devotion* perches to a einem thence by Issient 047blekwr gee tract, arm Doctor filiester f lieth Illtdicese, west 10$ perches to a *ne t Mirth' 30 leglimi. west 86 - percbee to a alone, northpi ..." 102 remiss ti a fillip themes* by = 1 : mei for, wit &minded it•- - -;.viq.K.311 de grads; west 32 perches in a - ems thimloy lad ofPater Dreher & Co. with 56 *rink inestsll mi aches to a sine theism bylind of Dialsilklis nos* St degrees. West 39 Orden, lii 11; 1 1111111114 south 46 degrees. wed 142 i parse to esteem thence by land cf George llebi. . Fat. meth 91 degrees, east U 7 perches to a wises hie eleifim, south 65 degramorant Bti psrrhes too peek west 46 perches to a- post. south 15 degame. MO IS percbseto a pen. south 80 &gnat Ivualit oisr cites at epast in the old Calmness mad. :Omni by hula of late James Min, soul; Datiail, A Rboad4 math 24 deems...est 144 f r arest •liiilt .W 3 webs. 1 . 0 ibe plans of begioniiig.l amhisise: sc* end 58-perchek strict mummikevilli the biditaments and eppertenanese aiwaing of. tw story log dwelling boom and alsg.billi• a 3 y tavern blase. known by , tha *Jim* itt the To&iwora Hotel. 3 c o s stay RMS. Aida, Viand 3 two_asory frame dwelhog?"11 wit and a aim Mill. The above Sri thief. ly coal lands-of a superior q. bung ewer al coal keine now , on~ with ra The New Tort and r'• 'm t= a seal bud commenced worth/ them ea en aninive oath, bat suspended all their °pentium( therms, lie enseqemice otitis Meehan Pal - plessillby She -Stew otPsneylvania. AS seised aat taken ie enention'onl lobe mil by HENRY, "11/ABMIAmit. Sherif& OMes Orsigstergil ~4 11 ,. - • • Apr 9•2, DIM. , A , .1.4 , .ALFRED A. GALE . IDESNECTFIZILLY istfinias bhp Simla , tot Jwiwthe public penally that he Maw, ea hod sad sari fair ads a largiLlaid sztawdas woo. meat of ' - i', ?!, , Dry Gook Grwestika, Liortare, !Wiwi :. Teas, China, Glass i Ctieeneteare,4v.i Caaalating of the fallawiair,aawmg athar mid* (,lithe, satineta,Calharats, thinelh. watabwa„, Liana, keek lawns, awalkihs„gips,. .. Hoary, Canton tlitinehi; *Reeks, , ' !.. . Ticking, drilling', prtata;iorik, - airooK. Silks, lath* gawk, haadlaithillilaaasir Blanks* backing. Pato" elis - '" s ti riog. tiagir.' pilot - dela, Nage" , . ' ia1401! t om _ rcAsigeolt woOlitif *gad% . phea.friagaroaaris - - thatiodher, taadtatioalpit _ _ ~ par. .,, 4 COnatiquiea eradt, iliailata,' '; , ,14.' ':•,. i , ,,, GNOCEILIES...' : .• - , i 2 ). Rio, La . guita,&. Dear , .'1 ~...;./. St. Crow. New Oi lcan s. „NO/a:- Loaf sad lump , i _- ,. . , : j ' A4 Z .„, New Oakum sad Saw _ , . ~iiiihmiajh • Gm. Powdar, bowl ilpow. -. ' Punching anal lbhaft Ti... II ; ChwwialciwitiPiewik 4* ' . .. 1.„ , . • Brown .ad yellow esali; co l iktf .., „- : . - . Cloves, !Inca,!lnca, alMaWra gat: , 1%V.:1‘ J C ia l it Y 4 . l A s M I Isr ' 1 l a us laa l ' ,- ' , " 1 ' ' :' • -Ve.t. ' - Curriati sad4o 4 . .. , i 7! : k : ',:- -' , '''''',. , Clionsommilids„*Airne' : iii 4 ' 311Ould sad dip. isiediiirr - -"- *: amok sad bbt mat " -.-, i 1 . ; -- f.•. - .' Viesi sedV sh isiiiiiil . Illpfailk bilf ' skiiim sad Ammo cilium* - , ' 11= sat eialitat de : , •CI *kik *daisy lichiir ' Nevi Zegioad roe iiiiiiiir I 141/04.1radiarsalintillmir , .:Aindeptst at lift *sr 1. • ,11-IgesisaryAkiniiiCe , , 1 1 0•E.tortholeit:..--... •,. wowi 4 , simittigeo ~.: pawn ~ ..., ~F, .. .„ ., ._,,,1, 4- ' • : sower liiiiimilii:,-;iii . . - • a i l l i,W f!aili I. 1 1 AIL =2 , I •.F "MOW' ' *ow mit "411* _ .., .. L ~„-. „,....... ~...... mt.,. . = nE gi s': H_.; I, , RE II ME I 111ffl .)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers