The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, April 09, 1836, Image 2
~...._ .. - „ ... •- • • it. , ' • . -1 - - f' --.. ''' I '' , • - ' .' - ' ...' '''' ' '''' 0 -,li-*.e., , , .. , • -,,. ,-.- i . ...,- , r. ,. .: 14 ‘ 7 2 1- - - 7a22Z______ _ ''' - Irk .‘ ' ( , ' - -- , 7 ', ---... , _ INIC IliUguorejiaa--- t....-1-...._,,Li.,...7. .. ..-.-- Ltre , ,, :: ,: iir iiVilkjk, 7, .- ' ..y. - • •,- . - IT: ' '. , y . ..., 1 / 4 - B. -- ' '-WI : ' .; Vpeopt- i • - ' .. @'. cordially I :tiOblarlir. ' 3sl Wm: ' H.Rerrison:of Obi° tied. Stems, and 4gp-will use all t i scenic hiii - elect* became we so sininently quifified- to N that dftrity,Ments a l nd wood poll "care be is a/rust of the ion; exposed his 1' • 'to defend its edvocated the rights of the .inincils onto na ion. , ..I Resolved, That we Will Bopp° ui, r ef NeveYork Or theoffice tong lam to base the tit . hid ociusisticnt peUtleal p ei v itorthy; dr the confiden Reset .: Thatlthe policy pu 'Ow; Jew Riiner, 4s been lihriself to be a, firm, honest, a calln," interests . (Our State; an lui" 111 Continue to pursue th elated to intricate our state ' enter i 861 ved, That we congratt Ri* c ou nty and tha.state gene] , the state tax, eind,the prospe 'affairs brought , about b etag taken ii 4 ofrpatriotic g( pc q siiiisd, we have see( =retina made by • e, in th State Legit Oople, in order scree thei .prlsate put and in the. I 810116 no man vi can stoop attune, can be orisrthy of the and enlightebed !people. ' Riasivid„ !Thit vie highly hirsof: ffitnet *i the Girard . hadecod the idling of his •- 'democrat in.Pelinsylvania. _ X 4 .lord; That the pr . lettiti 41 regardi to masonry.. • i tee_ (u__ .._.... 1 i la t o ki l l_thre k Ateeti known • ... z ......... ~ , t oi lbiiiii - eeiUmlif delegates 7,.. L, ' . misnisehtas it dem t 1 "3 . l:st of a senores elect '' - ...ircoortlett. That the pat memo. renrwre aid Burde dif oil &deities& ohms stun -:. jittfoterd, That. in. the. _Spa public Janisbelowe end `u the public del spiting ng from the sale off ietong them, and we et .. un 4 0, .tisylvanian, any int ore tending sp grel , . of ouustatp. i f.. .gmeledii, That this 1 ~ . lieno represent Schuylkill 's Convention. to " 19th ofild4; whet more „appointed; Char, .Xarquhat. J;l`. Shiro l'seichler nod J. T. We - - Vlztoit Motion II stand* 'etindtio nutinsesonic part Awning year. Consisting , ni su.i Abraham Albri • ' Am. Sertolet,Daniel Six • ' Wertig‘ jr. _ . •-- - 4""'ssd. That the lot lipigned by '' Win - tbb Peel betikstrat,,eitdlnl - ilik*Pear °ra le " Alerriell,4o elm_ t : 19. ... • Thrsua. Yf • Jacob Mania. o • -.1.-1:111008er, IMMOGRATIC iit a laird r ettlearAiii lie mica &I le* beim is thil beronl ".EOll- caned to lb' .rsii Kern, Esq. - rr Oliva, appoint lINW Old Dna. IC A az %bearer . led the ahatrimul, ,appointed a a oasaxprirsail Dr. . E. Barber. Al IL- Kepner F • input: fic er W' yua Frailty • ~liikob ~. . , ary Vo t nt - or., 4 ,airrt 0 1 iratairraMisetaf" Pellow'Citisdai 17011% . a bet baiedj 7 bisbe#4, to laiklid. their rimer Swum Bank. as Inc I et. 1. lam fthleilea t their oe bat'. . ' 7b 4 o ll 4ted I: , , sirs.d P ter t rAr nasar al f Itrie - - Jae' the ale ,ietieil ei rich 0fe0e74:413°- praclieni - tilia, inat*lii . Das a. aactilicalocirgettit ab• WV' IN 4 !-N . 1; . - . 21 Sin memin Ili et eiti ,4 , Vt . 's t tiV ." r tiart_ *don - W to the' clf cr Ruariaer , 'Capt. Snob :erMarlea. ironed in iward Yor ig that a . a promo . mono of ihar, .1 , . Haldeman Ipcantad, an , uich mead r , 1, the rei , anti , of • 1 tat AUDEN. is Mai. /, ens appoint‘ 'Mnnick and nud e Smehar,_ Initial or and'reecdn. • needing; Price; Erg. Eq. and A retired when meeting in of-the cern - ti *ere n taint. Wiled ism to MI the dent and _Vice are*e the eatliirld pn iP b: brinstitete cite, and emi. trate of afros reas, the dere. yi manifested of the nation, a d t t larleia in m - especial gra Inde.---. fad alsprli to elect ti it:OP of Pow oak dada erecters aB . Aimee pea ‘ltder !leo, And o hli count the council mud firm ~. gives li c deuce an UP with the ' • be have morn. President of !able means believe hint to station. by • his hool ofJeffer is etkintr7r. arid r man in the .Francis Gran- Vice President, oifificatioos; incipleisto be al ! 'of the people. Sued by oar gov- . 1 , nth as to prove d sincere friend we are confident t course so well from tier embar- lto the citizens of illy, on the repeal ous aspect of our the_ economical censor.. wig' shame and Senator sad Rep. Lure; to deceive the own political and union of thiv Inca. such degrading Ifidencei of i free prima of the veto. lank bill. and rec. menage to every kip of the Lees moor entile *PPP' thtt_palitke• .iime tho =tido- A the people is the for that ;purpose. is stand token by deserves the thanks m of this meeting, the several states, paid, the revenue ought to be divided recogaim as *true to would oppose a advance the inter- ppoint delegates in. this Young Harrisburg on ')ring persons r, Esq. E. Y.. Dr. Jacob F. of the dem: appointed foe the It:Mowing putt& awb Kliise. Capt - and Abrahani If this meet- .m - and pub intirramortie State . flarrisburia sal actiothers that ate and (Amager. RED, Frei& Vicelireeta. democratic `4l4tOPO - court F: DEAN, r.len. Ps. 4'814 Pau', Joke Sea- briefly De. I ..rsons to preamble and 1 if the meeting. el= , Ludwig, Martxffiter• ALM" James BOW. lawis bra. Milk Jabot Dreher. who after raw the , finlowing. which Imittee! wollof in heir 'le dot* i ned them. and thronOyon td lb* relation to -tbe Untitled e be *mons orgiis Committne of OW) 1 zeSnted thin liG• .ba _ .cepitalAnd ides.UPelee . ter nide ef tilinivrbgatad rack• o be adarretef.W it be- ninpoitnialtivuibetm„ • boobaiitrilL,frim ? , .Iseibmbitoilibiatingily amidag to lay ta *el 011, - no ,prOperty Ai, -be h"thallibert, at ittate timippencan eibzeo. it Autoollind. and to '4/ nivir• don e "4b -‘,suid , ' a w lilalli. - 111"Ir r -- "- V 'hasolted e us ,itknd ptas9 o tt: t r a 1 ~ii.i ' In t_ 4 l:_tintt 61 04 !l!kbi . ,da r wine ruChis -.arks am •ec,ltY . ••The - trate of 'eV&to for '-. bat . - imin evansd* mocha tele •••• to . with them's r con• nas • ' • so far as we here a died gagienenui let •.-• • be ful fi lled * good n s o th. ere let step." i i . if :his '". bettr - regard weekl 'have , v. Withal ged I._ Arnekl ov. , may i sot . vit foond a 11 -- cu • From the tco •tict.f the itemotie an a in tended f r • tate& creative .0 we ' - le ppnthend it ha adYa. me . 4 44 • • il I bribe n efint • ' lee, Composed as itwas of i Ito termatenoue iblites of AntWifasemtilind Whigs. sum port of thiabl ••• • ihUanh. 'OIA be, unrested Into h imp . ao et trib• nal to try implartialv any seta( Vim ilifferin with •em in polificid sentiments, and Moth parties rly w • -• they and the body for which ba l er tberitet me the • rtiel unplit:itted lathe accuse- Oen. if all o p• • waa wantingi dm *move con mined in the repo rt . the commit ee tope hoeseof represented m • be sufficient' convince lanyen biassed min that y were gore ed more by party feelings or rhapi b passion, that I by thailm and mature lion • h the iniporinuce of invceti gamin in on opinion • thaperioulidetruted , for we cilium' ombetiive by rme of whatierithority the cern untie* of the house •• kl animadtert upon the con duct of a Wm. tber ii Senate. 'smutting that anxious desire whinl i mold •• ye existed to ,Moak in mystery if obscurity th tso - • which is the only true and le. giti eta character' :c of the lab of Pie ex party ties With all ~ eir ingenuity 3 candor compels at admit bey P we net elefieisM in it—they have co t = bo as tom a thiv ide top reeip va ve e th mann at br er ibe igi e „. w hi erm ith eo th t eb o i ffe ll Led a; hurried thrtingh to is final passage, icavesjust comma of appreheesion—t by not stay the procings until Pe in don be re the committee was completed --eomethi must have been rotten in the Mats of Denmark, ran on inutility-would have been o ff ered for in exp ion o public sentirtent—but disregard rii ing all pr ent and apprehending d.Mgerona con sequence, sequence, hick Might result from the examination. public opinion wee put at defisnce, well knowing that a charterprocured, notwithstanding ne;fatious mess tuu were trsorteihiciAbey were To pass lin silen e or;unnou the remarks of the Committee of Sea le in relation o Col..lacob Krebs. out immediate rep esentative in t body. would be ar a dereliction ado for which w could offer an up i ogy. Freda theli b *landing w 'eh !Whits always sustained among as for veracity, 'we cameo!, notwia stuvespg . the report of the cOmmittee. bat place Impli cit confidquce l ip Ms statement:end more particula Whin we lake utti n cessideratiod the meaaares whi ch wire resorted to peach his veracity. The volunta il statement clot a not under oalib, denying the offer of a bribe ] we whp know him beat. would be with dif ficulty induced to believe him under ;any obligation however male= and moo less alter the testimony produced' before he cumin' dud.* the examine ups, and from a eful inv • time and automate knowleo e of t e chancier flit atuaber of the vtitne tins eating, is draint toithe irresistible .4 tl, chnclusi n not o ly le Justice 4o theMsdires...but to their represents ves,that they had join cause to make the err of Whet,. and in o r i opidion subsequent voccurres justifies • tbe inf e.-- , Therefews. . Resol*, Thst we have un 'nviniShed confidence is the plummet of. our imm fete lades.. and that entitled to grab eof the dem <Kittle . Resin i,. T t had the` :1 "vs body of this commonWm-Ith govienek that patriotic spirit which abonld a e tbe bMtettrokf . ..tvery Amereen. Pennsyltunia w c r not have ' *traded slid diiin r a ced Tith a 1 imt moiled instieistion within her i Mates/k 'at in granting chatter te, toile United s k', wi bin the limits • f this state. the mem bers or the l • ure ■ base imegareed the oil ex- Oeseed • ~ ts eft ma •' of their constituents. ritesa7 ". ed i Wt we wimps** with those senateti ni if • ta whop were deceived!), a Burden, a Penroee. l a Dickey, and Om:Land sinmtrely hope that the dem ocrats who eletrated them wijoffice, will teach them a ci f I, lesson Which be a caul e@ to others is future. t Resolved, T tare clammed mar 'members for soli citing i ii ii t n op' n of their coestitueuts berme soling -on the k ion, and that we view est attempt ir 4 made „the • ions rotate hank in the Pernitqlvxma Leval re, force a resolution through that body hist • our United StatesiSeasters to voteegainst the Eximughtesolutions ai t anothel• attempt to sm. yue the wish mid expressed will of thAmeepte, and P of a the may be l i ked with the other high inquisitorial acts of de resent State arliminittra tion. i 2 ' Resolved, That we have andiminished confidence in the wisdom and patriotism of bur worthy Chief Magistrate. Andrew Jackson, and that as king as he fills die station to which he was Wetted and reelected by tha democracy of the Union, we need nth rear any emu chments an our liberties, let them come from form euern es or from the aristocracy of our own countly. , \ ' it •Ived, That we will'lse 'Blair and honorable moan, to prom ote de elm o of Martin Van Berea. of New o us President o4he United States, and of R chant . Johnson. o Kentucky, as Vice Pres ident, firmly !believing that • electen they will follow the footatepland support measures of the ' present general aim nattation—t opposition and general a buse of the Whigs and tthiasons to the contrary notes idsunding. w il l . orris II- h:ed . ; Tba and; :e es rui e ger the elec u ti se tm ti o i f ey WeL sup rted Dv the Anti's Banktnen. end if elected wu moat uudoubtedly assist in re-chartering the U. . Itank,;as s National ipstitution, for which a char ter obtained frorathelegishiture of Pennsylvania, under the fibudaleta nexus ; o' . an act to repeal the state tax. die. 1. ," . I Medall , That we ap p rove of the resolutions or Col t Bento of Missouri. 0 expunge fret? • the Senate Journal of U. States, tie proceedings coudemoing burl wort Chief Magistrate - Andrew Jackson, and that our ators Buchanan and M'Keen be requested * i to trot* foir the trams. Rowel . That in the opinion of this meeting. H. W , Cell , Esq. conducted himself 'with becoming di it" in using tamelitto 'be insulted by a minority leg sled seder the shadow 'of a reprimand, to gra nt' the ' ietiveness of the champion of tintimetionry an U. S. k. 1 .-- a • noffiamnel Ountlinger.Req. the fidiewing p amble • resolution was unimiimonsly adopted ' e, the people of' Penniyhania did decide by n i zmun l i e. a in yof votes it the election held in Octo lits4. they WW Mire a convention of Delegates to ter o amend the prWmt state constitution—end , w he liteminfomiation we have Rom ourire • sea in th e General Assembly is t dat the ma ilers • people flustrate or ratetsi th e ewer I ;01 f ordimitite.-..Therefore i 7 atSairw T ` I tW or lattile li tott l y -ni use ltPr ett r g th to is ten n e t hi at 4 viouse. call ir in igetetrg. on the last - Moi- . in J r next, for this wpm. orenpreesing oar o n i regard to the ihxdositif delegides to repriir t tut ' convention td her theeoustitutiosi. moitkin ibridiephOstinger, Esq. the' following FTla and meoloUoul wereunanimonaly adopted. * the preies4 mg!, in oor i political al= elm. that Were should be a conirtation 4 , i ii held Roe the baler ortitiiiioeit of th* &Enema* V n fisa ea Salishason pkrtyi and ittatder to ear, this' tees -intale*ctiwo Akan tt ameatry at Se usikilt coadaN shoal:floe `iepteeerited ,in said seattion—Thi*efoto - 1 1, ad That "wn,proceed tothelappointment , six iagatta to reprenstgebuylkill county in olliktel - , rention ta, ai 444 _tai the ith day of 1;e 1 Y mil ." ye eitf efirbiledelplatt. 1 RoJfed; '7 4 i fnillejitiiit. i tro ke#4 . .. lei Kiebi, , 'Ottinier,lederard Him ' ager iul./.l.ietegalf,.. = ' - swer;; be the - dete ntes reptaieat lid 'Maly ' . . tansantion,. ith PAW:. i. iiii ' • • ,•eear abei Mwisitee. , ..-':' ,Ir-, •::-l'-..;%-i-5f?;Y '*'fr,'4'± r Thettigi ' " - 4 .. - . iltillho.lrisitii isfiks , : evertor 44 JoarsiiN ' ' ' emit HIE Af ( *le - #411101 . * 114111111 Vitiio kati ,**WOd*l llll ll. ll4 : the yV i l atbilli gai lik ' Wataillen:o44*-- , '. tare jpf Our' ',W.:: •-- -; Jagosas Bonet sep4,-- ,,- --- • ---- , .,tif: t • - - .- , ,ItTin. Kyr*. -) 1 1 ''• ••• c' - - 1 vi otfi e.t. ' Pieu*Osiiin. - 1, .. . John Sakti; ~ /. seciretet hi... • •,, -I .f*" Kraft - iI . -, ___, - of lorT I thi!keet co • rei ICBM oar-coal e ready for perfect 1 • T ' 47T erd h at 'a libel& Paqiikts;ckeeki.Csivir , Billselad4AlTS ThraboTtiofigyfrydeseriptimou . i#l.vriatedar fice.atOseitsiestcsidsprices: . • iefoing 1111, have ced one Pottsvipi Wake cfmtpuity.-4 refeF rence to aUotice itr another coltunni it Apr pears "that as election will be hetd,st the public house of Wm. Mortimer°, eriTueAt day near, between'the hour's oft a 6P. M. for the purpose of electing italic.• gentle conduct the:affairs of said compa ny. The stockliolderstgensrany, we presecaPf will attend on this'occasion, since it is of the highest importance to the future sue cess of the object of the company that suitable men should be selected lathe oat' set to conduct its affairs. The work should . be commenced as4roon as practicable, and prosecuted rigoropalyto completion. There is nnthing•in which all our citizens, with out'exception, are more deeply interested than an abundant 'supply of pure-spring water. OE POTTSVILLE., sATVIIPAY jlitllNlXGs'Aln..9,(lB36.t, O The Stockholders are requested to cull on Mr. William Mortimer, on or be-. fore Tuesday next, and redeeqr thiir checks. We hove received a'bumber of a daily publication in Philadelphia, entitled the "Piramc LEDGER." This paper is printed on a medium sheet, at six obis per week. ' It is'small in size, but credita ble in its commits and appearance--: "Great trees froth little acorns grow."l The Tomato a fine vegetable—gbod for dyspepsia and indigestion—Ma ought to be extensively cultivatedin out &tee and neighboitioOd. °Cr The prospects of our region gene rally, in a business point of view, are re regarded even tty those who are prone to despondericy, ea veryfavorable this year, and without deAriiig to incur the imputa tion 'of extravagant assertion, we-may imp ture to say that they are in reality store so at present than at any . former "period within. our riMollection. Our growing 'prosperity is establishing itself on a sum and solid fount ation ' in which , therti•is,no-. 1 . thing artifiCial!! or iidscititions, but Alry thing goes on smooth in the natural pro gression of ea:Use an deffect. With our rich natural usiources and the productive tie it Iroskilse "riSing 141811 10 14 , 6 1 7 0,Pir ity .did not manifest itself in ac Email manner, both to ourselves and' tek par neighborhood. . Thrthighout the pi t eient yearwe anticipate that the sevetattlaites of working men and openttors,theruhiers, mechanics and manufacturers lotf,.4o:bo rough and neighborhood will ber,lenty ofemploymeat, for which t_hey In4esafely , calculate upon a "just recompense ,of re-1 ward," while ,'our staple commodity' shall I continue to command a price which will , afford it: fair /icing profit. Ii is worthy , of observation that the current of e*igra tion is beginning to flow back gradually into our borciugh and neighborh , or ra ther has been flowing back for so time past, but more rapidly this spring u sual. In numerous.instances indiViduals who departed Trom our place a yeavieme tin ago in utter despair of any revivaiW , our prosperity—,shaking the dust off their feet as they departed—have returned, and 101 they uniformly say on their return'that in the Course or their travels they have nei ther seen nor heard of any Owe equal to Pottsville!—by which we presume they mean that there is none in which labor is better rewarded or in which an industrious than is surer of making a comfortribk r t live lihood for himself and family, It is an old saying and t true one, that "just praise is no scandal."—We believe that the cry of dull times will soon be forgotten among us, though at present the navigation being but just open, busines* is not yet as lively as it' will be in a few weeks." Our dwell. ing houses are now nearly all fitia ‘ and we advise those who are in want (Obese' to make no delay kr eecurillitindkr i r themselvesaor the time is rapt 1 , proachingwbep it may be imposiible to obtain on either •for love' or,Avainey— until new cotes shall be erected. i. I it high timetbat Poe affairs should ' take , * fresh and vigor* start, and we belitire that that time is no strife& - i 1 Ildr.l - o tr e understand' that 'fir ! K. K. Senn, 'b beetHi **Tibia* Cashikand Superinte 1 . 1 ent of the-Little ificheYlkill Coot co oq,• at- Tainatibt, Vico* by the resi donor Mr. Tueuisilritatirr. We thi t, One to the latter ge i Vleiiatili to state; i he rapeseed tfei atatireeoni i &M .an approbation. 4 4, 411 iCe°.P 11° Y; during t ,w hy peijed-efildirj , .fiedef*Wafretifirff this courivingt6i , iiitTiOlfromitieiitseMitiiiicoce or hiviti#zi;tivedlbe iptitietpeeet.ef 444 eeiiillfejle*eimient eltile_ifOristaliek - - -Ita*htthat Mr.'eortrattlitefeereei&T cedet spW L voinet the Speedier 4:dellhoese of 'bey '' tatiyee ss fer OS ikrep-, eieffed .i4r17.4). iiiaisiiilti. iillimk : *Sviiitic wi zen 4 - , 17 —or r i k i iiiill"leille "u-J er tli . , .k.--r., ,ir: : - .. ,:. ,thertill 400 4 11 6"L'atekret .t it, mal:bil i i ‘ - iiiii - k l . ..14.howimir , arderiCloy JO'gliild mr •ak Phel•liiiie tall to is Veti she iOlk the oeuned ;triotd ttl 1:10 supply the yetaniey. Hie resign4ee of 8w:3 1 7 47, * fad • .* 411 the eipense el holding I;We ,eleo ' will be considerab* we trust thiit the firto be .de. rived from same;Will piora Wog ilte the ar - pquivaliii It would be bard indeed. if:this , tiousisal o utlay idiotifil!be *ll=llo of Ito *dean- UP to the county.; Tie~ count ' , as -is •Mell known,' is , dy abated wi ti heavy load et debt. aid an bops' the Abillili . •I was not made - Oreli Oaf the purpose, - ink-musing that debt: ' iiklY leer. We Orme tally% in the leresteif ii becoming a can' elm iis•Plac. , Hoes ',l lll t . ,le' heir Wl* he !Li i the' are" :aiartii Ms ccuuti ` may be:-pat tts, ded hie i own ' imbecile p poses mar be ammo'd. and his per. }point mraitY, tiekted;-‘theygle, w e hope and itrust of feet he wilt !Witted. trait vanity ii des. shied to be Mill mare Amply mortified by the re. colt of the election. sod we mustj* muck mists. 'ken in the character of the bonu.t, yinattry of 1 this county, if they alp thinker .S•tainitigA man i for whose madame hie best frigid* cannot help , 4 4 . *baking!' We canna believe the 'the Anne and 1 i ngelligence of the people of this s ty, have yet fallen to so low an ebb! The fact that Lucifer I himself never fell is a.greater depth of degrada tion and infamy. than did Mr.Codred by halals conduct in, and out of the Boom of Repreienta i titres. klisown partisans wer: e thamed of him. though th ey endeavored to se him as Moth as lay in their power, from the ramishtnent his guilt so richly deserved! He 4ct rendered him self an object fur "the slow mewing finger of scorn" to paint at. "ramrods so !Mit all honorable men avoided his society. 114Yery presence i seemed to Contarninite the atin lure in which be moved. and men shamed bun ' as they would ) have shunned a walking pestilence! His wholelir conduct from the beginning tolls: endof the late- r transaction, was indicative of folly and turpitude of the wont kind.; He, however: ~ w ea determined with adarnanthie cioneienanee to stoiroger and di brag himself out of iris dilfieufttea. He knew • lc that the game ho was playing wa s a desperate , i, one; he bad been detected in peeking the cards, , his trumps were ell gone, and his only chance . a left was a "svaebble —So lib's a foil-blooded gamester he raise,d'the bee and cry of foul play! . We do not, however, think that he will be able • g to convince the pcdple of this MUnty that he has c been "perseentedforthe teeth is, he has been dealt with more mildly than his atrocihes desert.. il ed! A reprimand was the slightest ponishmen t that could possibly be itillieted.l and 'he ought t• t have submitted to It with as geed grace as posit i hie, and like a candid'and honeit man aeknowl it edged his sins and tiergi Ons, and repent • 1 , him thereof in sackclo th and a lies. the only era of redeeming hie character ni pavane! h I [ (red. contempt and ridicule. i Vo have said,th i much of hid], more in sorrow than in auger, fi it is truly painful to be ander the necessity •, ' speaking hatahlref any human being, honey , slow in the scale of humanity; Jet we should pro recreant to our dbty as a pn e sentinel. if • did neglect to cerement in la ' getof truth. i the conduct °fosse who has so ruefully betray -his-trust, and so decry di his constitoentir. , • V - O:r, The Governor has; signed the bills incorporating be Danville and North A. weaken Coal Vernputiest.l Governor R.ittier is °Eta visit to his film• ily i n ssii4 • • c_r f rtirrioya4twiten • • id professor Rodgers, of ehe Unity of Perintrylva. nie, to superintend the r ological .Survey of the State. This gentleman is eminent ly well qualified for the undertaking in iprestionothibh will be iesecuttsi by him "con lassore,l as well as With industry and ability, and we may ju.sly,anticipate the most; beneficial results rom this judicous appirintment.! The meaeure of, a survey is one which, was due to , the character of the elute and the best inured's of her in. habitants--the Vrobable advantages of whieti were ably unfolded andAetailed by the Veport of Mr. Tregn, Chairman of the Cotemittee who reported the bill on the subject in the louse off' Representatives. The legislature fas granted pertnisii. to the United States Bank to establish Branch at Erie, Pa. n .T legislature of this State adjourn te orarily`on Satinday last, tiller passin 15 Acts and 17 Reselntions. The legislature has tnetaroOtp , - ... 4 1 1111 " the Balks County S rings Instituti. into."A'Beils County anr—with a itr pital of 0 ,000. us to the sta 810,000, tube paid within one year. Tho eleetionsTot milers to the at legislature; _is now pro l 'ressing in Vi ia, and will[continue th gbout the mon of April. TheNationallAntelligencer sta that the news from Fa ...uier and qui. • per counties is cheeri ,g—and that. th •is every prvibability o the "expunger being expungect, from -ir. seats. Viwideeticallor, ' was held ,Connecti Otr: Al —Calloun'ellAnti.expunging re solution bit been lai ~ on the table in the United StUtes, Senate.; ' - . . ; - • } AS. • a. L The latest news isi hut Tens has pub- lished -a-IDeelsratip ' 'of ItidspAnd; i lee, "made 4.. the } 414', ea of the pc° of Texas ia }General, station in the:tewn_ OfNashirigtori.r. T i s document - 112,.'s loNg4ist liof signer s. In the - eity•Of , ~ . 1 I,:neticia has been Iy.fought l itie - , o*. iquia:bbing - Xlia - I } lants,*erti-}re , with helory-toisi*Ale.tlt:To,siaoo -lasi irti!. • nsOs‘thongh . oo•lntiefiare:iitill sore= Itlitesisea 'lit }haft;E*ahishistlkail pilling for . elfriariate . 000* • ;ilit.hent'iFhiph._. I hey '- nis7sp44ilifie:OSerwhilitaill;tel.l?,.ra ,vio ~thei;*sowlianiiiiii:*Bijik' . : -, .prialo iii high=terths of -"' of his argaiiiSaii. .'. - .-sa,•:eo ;•T=Oii i' . ~ .6i } rO ; Sl i 0a * iiOia tlreleg4ooi4.pi , •kei*;:ilo,diii the . . nWalkill" eeir - iiil V-4eiatat4a il inetriot‘thek • "7),- , lii tit ,4iiiiiiek"; ** .piii.***;--7:ri* r 7.4. .., 1 1 ' - *.miteLrlia ; dep a rted - `:.7. - fi - ' entifri-The - Bills to adiut Mt: 1:1011 into •thelOnion his sired the - Seri: at' iiiii Votei',Uf# to : 16. 7-, h i bill test: ' 'Aittansas illithe' Union tai been six r' in the same body for a' third . read: [The bill Urvmizeting , the Territory t Union is evidently alarty Movement.; c'I T iW e ve.il4i Co llic?di f ill : hlisili it l u ile : bli ob lildvla O Ping f illie M idit 7c h h "licif il can itilifilei4 : ** p igie me rnreset n ien ted atil , ll to 4 Congress, admits the right of aliens, tw resident in the Territory ; to vote not ‘l ly for their local legislature and oficerVl t' their right to mote for-representatives' i Congress, ind Presidential Electors, at t e irfproaching electioe. Mb thiiina •to amend the constitution as to re. 8 ric' the right of voting to citizens of the bi l nit Stales ; which was oeptived by a vote. 1 .1 the Honie, the resignation -of the on. John Binki, from the St a et tor Penn. i lvinia, wei presented by the peniker - on be inst;,4his gentb3 map - recently ak ' Isis seiatas President ge of the „ t! ist ict. i :.°U he o e f oa Cci te: l t ni re o s a pee P t leas ing o ttO f i? Reading na m embers has 1 la neither la entitled to a seal ig a new eliction. • etter /ate than never.:-If reify the l heirs of Mrs. Jan . slummed during the, ! 2,,hai Lien passed by th aryland. - . Ihe - friends- of Gen. Her 1 6 - . ,couniy, Virginia, have. i i ,I,:ventiotr ; to meet at Sum, r I . t, to take measures in ref. 04, t presidentiateleetion. I 1 44 - that another electoral *, 1 ^ -,', bit measures will , re 46 {rotes of the fri- 1 bite and Gem Harrison 0 ! ticket: .- ,1 1 Van Buren in Louisiana ] tiro of LOnitilanazonsista, , I told, and 37 have ii _ , : , ~ the following. ‘•l4ore ave beet; sired; %a 14 t e. ' iw of the' inati'lbenk The undersigned nimbus of 'girth's:it and.ofthe Senate .' I bo l a, rsiondiy re the election el • the Presidency of the Ltal • :. ajority if that body. and - • Oaten of the inapintenee P aim, by all fait , &mesh : 1:_141. 0,1.1 rff•.-1,• •,•,-• ' ,-- .._ . ~.. , sl4l! " illiajt: •• - 1 esttag eilipia. 'Silicates. that , ,we . • !p s eat' led itiTtitstibile and ellen • iv that ami • ty of the. Legislature of the .1 . to are favorable to the eletion of Matra - VA, Batten.and that /inch an impression is caleukt d. to have an; hit. portant effect may biased,. • ',justly:to the dia. advantage of the opposing ca • . idate, they Would Save followed the coons edo tedly the Lrgis. fetuses *father Stan* by pr ' 'Wig remobritUe noritioating their candidate, , t- for. the doubt., whieb were. feh:by otaity,rtif, wetwthe pro. priety of any. legislative a; — Mithaiilbjeat In ordee, th erefore to - menet& y false itniressien which may havetsisted, the deem ittheir: duty as it is their right to unite in tbe d eclaratlito of: their decided preference • for Icon L. Werra u, the nest Prendent of the Up ' Staler preferl'• enee founded en the coevieti that the tried and' substantial interests of Lulls ',nit will be pro ttn., ted by his election, while t he ; • and ' ri-: ty of cur common country' i I Also be advanced. They theitfore P, ' the See tit each other that they Will um. bin Mewl to sentel. n his claims berme thi.biatilOttli .., State: • The Washington - - -- the New YorkTranecii April, 1, Writes as fo ll ows: , . , , - wAsimica*, A pril Ist, leas. The Spring adrantew--the weather is me i r and derightfol,- and the city - Having received* and secession of &Won ii hemming quite desii,. able. i. The galleries °Me two tow= of canna I are daily crowded-with ladich, and lbw lager the 1 number the mute iiteresting the daliates. 'The lathed sato select &writes Among tleinietebeni i, IRO ihes far the Hon. Franila Granger- bait had* majority of their atiffrages, _-Idr. Granger-is whit May be truly called a splendild man, and yet he is a bachelor s and, as Mrs. Grandy would my, "the intones the shame for him." . , - Tim Hon. Francis Granger. as yew burin is candidate fitr the Vice Presidency of the ruibiti States: Whether he will obvert old Tecumseh tee; is &mailbox that. remains to be decided. .V l si A N -f l n M n p yth i ° t " tie,"lalAttu ifiPanlo : n C g a e n r i ~ e ss- O e i h lii w r ti h l s s et l ke itMC'G .4 ih - fiiii ille•trethkorio sigee of the -Union t in* Itio llll 6 l l o Mai fahemattng manners and : ~ rein, ii belt Cakiell, Old Mena the approbation! dim Udine:. -.. As it_Putklic nfical,ter. Mr , C1,014.:44,0‘401. impassioned. successful.' He does not. paoi.- 4 ,to tbelthatat ettlui day, but when be. „ heaistinandien4 reestviai t ie .mist uniMali , .tteatiou aid approbation., .; Aiwa; two - ha . simielkheard him mike iriitiet , 'ipscel On a 11 providing an apcmptiathin *Ober, &Week e(ar. which'''. think Was one ifitbii atbst'ilogasat if. forai'l: evcr ' listened ta.l'llt.`waa petfectly lei. kinsidiiitialled oat Litho • i tOceilictialtd- iithihMi 1 under idioms alarm% passion:. ',I can ably report a fa/ 'Sabi of it;.iriiieb- run thus.: 'Sir, how are we situated. IS isicati*to this bordialear. l l'hrel'i . 'Sir, it liii preigriaied area after *saki* I of* ailersadatki, astir it ha - tositibibtalt* horror.ors;•44tunity4spost Mr alsakirukget , :we bass bet - board 'aostirobkfibut ilsi:l44 awteri-sta:ayllabli'la Olatimaibisiaisa to fr 4 . its -force. RbetOti ' r i r r ' s , ' All, aik been as silent Mr thireatteemb r. no one bib' pad tiltb tb -mama ' riaiiisalbilitylt bas'im Piled tirlbilknr*Ooyenr chivalry is hid low, aid *" sheilr irarairftWileadlOli'll'aille• giadjilliitesililiftlis riiiplifted -: itialiliaW sad tbktiWiPiat 4116.. skilspitlittatib - theitaibliurt ,ovea Willem!. aftbsiatalatiase;.,lldid lot OtiiiiL 4. 4 ll "l l 7:o 4 'lies:ainalkiliittbleiiii*latiltaalial; 4 64* ' ' 41.8bilatkit=geitiiisis *Geer. Ir' • - .1,1004 .., Aii'.4olliii ilia ),f irliiiii,..iiii:F essiriseEst: taik: '''' — lit *44 l lslitrili. - "- Pj.. . , • f 1 - ;-T"' •F -5; q - Prth Caro etermining and order- Bill to in- White, for r mob •Of legislatuo ison, in Ap lied state `Jule •ience to.ttie is not pro - kat, wilt taken to .6 of J one elector- —The lim r IR mem Se bers their names roes would, Amax* Olt Oxtail I the &ate - BURL Wens Budges, beieg a ruining a deep maludgiing bu 801:111151 4 -tor under date MEI M=MiMtffill -- ' , 'rliiit: ' ikiiiiiiiiiiilWilill.#4o lll 4 dig. lied the'east'bint Coned M- ail‘wg. tail plgishuse Intrs ef i ppind: , Wilk die liolitioi Of Mr. Gras. ger I: ii _ oothint to 4.... 140- :a 4 i t ialiW I ' 4l they Sr ' lepeisk - ofhimi a*. 'ONO lin aliu , t do ne(belitate tow y' that iiia: tieflllit of tap ;Ace pirtiegeiheaor ball he inajritt ,e pt td El. Here; is universally, gogaii, as a ..gtodelosa and a. ligialater; anditesa be justly .*l 4 , 'hit he - pcisessits the affection and regiqkKittntkteat of altlierties.. and in in the tojeyinant of the - 'iwkestelriendsbip "of hondredi whs . 's!! bewail, so honk mike a rigorous effnitii"delotroy bi ll ,political Fortunes . Ivey this use itedttibute* of ?respect, to Mr. Granger. without I being ? ,,fitstired ;with. Ids' aninaintanat. And /#...rim.114k Olt a. ,ny. anti will ,aecoar , we oftiejastree. Thelinvestigatioe of t , Treasury *reit is Mill Prottreuriug- Mrs. Wit' ;mains here; thhogb ' disettakgr.d; and 1 nadirs d. will not; quit-the .e,ity,k She has retained . sersices.of William BreeklEsti.,- as counsel for, her, husband. Mr. Kellvlthe Marshal °tail:646o4'oNa, I. vow oet 'lino way tu the nitib t aiid will pieltahiy make other arrests in Your city . : I tot-berm es say. that derflopetneata are . deity Joshing ... t: may lead e i . Z arrest of iodividuala•Cessai atattdiag 1 Van Bowen in Ohio. • ! i JACKSONIANS LOOK HERE'I , • A. vI • eteran in the• Jackson • ninhor-na Ohio has issued proposal for theistabliihneent Of wads pa per at Colombia th e "Capital of that Etats; to be entitled fttut P:orzo's Fast- Pans.; He thus. seta kith his principles-in his prospect= . areit stocitut. rim rotaries *trim i A fen words on this subject are all atialiteenr . - ed necenweryi ar mem*, 'Theeanic c on_ via will be pursued ; end the4luriti'lrbielpies as those which invited:Owl 'etwiettsir the . enia) Peeple*Prers, in 1 Mt. .Mbli editor ' ,if labor trr theelectioa ofGeo.ll4 REISONto the heads:icy upon - the mane grounda, and Tramthe /ewe no. i f tired which actuated hint in his en tiers to ele vate Gen. JACKSON to that high i eta .tolwit: to purity the council of there llotti -4 W 'tint tacit' ' power from the band s cello carte and danger. I r out men—to soprort IBE COM 014E1M:11S 0 , ng ComMoN PEOPLE—to iestti-e to tb• 'Fa er.'the Merlin* aid e Workingman the proper station and itio - nee in the Repair li and I. throat light into We . iii tit in the Sisk se t II subjetts of great and prt . national es. Pittlowww .ihy . ' .a.,a - that he 6. '1 • Tenc Editor e sligmost 6.—bie—iiiimhisT-politi;i -1 . " cipka since 'IB2B. Hs is now. as C . e . r. them. ne fe L ` ptomain enemy of the lr,of ins Voited teas, and of sit Balk 4 'e*r chartered opolies. He lithe ' ' orn.r.. as mach stile, in the bsikains:: urn. q t electitno. moderate. Hee. and :elation ha ear—:for a Presidential e ellen atone teen ea t for prohibiting the appal s nient.0 . 4101.111111678 of yeas to lucrative rifficeyw—aw ' establishing strictest aceiuntability . lifall Odheisol stations --Akir a rigid impartiality in ttio distribution of o*ces, so that the rich and the t rearohould be Tally mit the homers of their ama% and t merit, talenteed mitrimient. (mud teit - Politkot eettifity.) should Constitute the : Mayi recornmen. &Miens to fame. a nd'- favorttan4 ihe entirely as . deeds with Geo. 'Jackson. in OW noble &elate ties contained in his , Bret; Inaugural Address,,, that "the patronage - of the; Coven:4oi should sera Im brought into tioriflict - with the free ; dam of the' electire franchise." in a word, the Editor is the ante liegitt: JACIttiQMAN hs cr a m +min '2IIL - .. - 1111114 Mika aessa. grim prtimipies of natio:id gisi4Tin4 nuns sport ad multi.' . Bit harem/ • ' gen. I Minks dunwet of his day,* inliiiihi, . . ' " 'and brat* Isiah with a vile eahaliTliolister ; asisigieptitielti rtiolltflo ill olltrtollott* tivamileve7 l h itrasuid flan biiii except ter* ;liiti the official power elthe.4llosersinent.. wit' they ire appropriating_ Ihr,ilisit OrtilipmaxiNierfent. and fur the buildlhg op or their forte* eat of the National Treistiry„ ~. '' , . 1 . That/lite. has: apneas:el ineil.intliodu - knew - tedgeofthe alitiettAbeta: *ltein *oil that `II4ARTIN,I7OI'IIIIIMEN I . - in 4 hie', retainers at Washhtetm. have riatli. 'deceived and betrayed • 'General Jackson„ind metier, utterly regardless it his future (save sr happieese, no that they cur '•riot open the . apoits,or %OW! Priiind dioPonr '. the patronage of the Administration 'to suit their own pommies : lie once thought otherwiee. and , hoped otherwise. For a Itint hints be felt , abncia inclined to resist the (*irate if Mims, m* 'strong was his stfaehmerig.triLiGeeerit. - ^ellioc. alineMdentlyi -Al lientri*lat eneteri 'the boner sal iiiirritt of hie idalfahtitiere.' : Irtiffp use Gain! fackten and is eriletitlf ~ ilid lie. strive to sustain the honor and. integrity of his iidis.. I tration, But=-to tape Prig ! . tielialiKe!..lft*cits inattro—Nnith 'is , *O4 c ud. at prantaiKllig 'VANDALS ARE;INTE#PWALWTHE ItATION. - ' CenwptiOW . - „i.., .. :*4 ito l i sa g n'errtmg tbeieser" inoctort ,- iepdottia* . if the Gormumertt. TIM liaMtelearthOrliok . are is 'danger. They Must awakes quilt .the;' deceitful slumber of self.aceeWity. ' They equet4wil on the armor of freemen. .",_They Mint 'Mira forward' in the Majesty - `of' their nallWii. ati .. - assert their own rights 'aid !prise • ' n the tables ;alba vile Mistiej,iliairgotaiit W • and theY:Win tbill'itottilioit•otelotrYst b elf-koca to r Mid their dm:tides from trollution The 'Editor Mies as finery behave-that, thi3elire. lion of Nolte Yen BUtet r twoalti otot 2 !Pfltili de stray the republican. Parity. ainLainiptimeAkefibie Government, a: that he tail itib*intieetiat es eximetle° i* toloimi Writho.).oi*,etk will, tante Ant . 4 Obi ~he has Mier, in ' Clay. AND: letter !I II MIMI El CM =IIEI 4lr the Ell er