4 MM=! ME i lig - = i , v pJIME 9.1 RIOS Or rim BS per annum, Two Do la adira, eat exceOist: twelve three•. times Mar olne ettbsequent inttertiest; AD be insert cents far Pre?clt io &I - A business • pest wad, lettete, tte.. add . ramrod with the ;r they:will net be Fog Till& di NEWS J I ionathan;Cotree, Merchants C •„! et Ritter. . AG: Phdamta.. Rg• e Wa ee of the Cbar i ter, an IN ., bed. in this tweed t Purr. thei Public Muni of William ; • on Totmlny be 12t 1 hours of 9 and tio`olock, P. electing nine Slanagars, • of said Company. -- Samuet Sillyntan! Wiuiatta Mortim.! ' John C. Ernst, 'Jai* „ • • B. BaVoass, .racob qeitzingerl James M. Beat: j 'Andreth Resscl, 120-4 - ; Comm I=ll Notice to Credito EREAS, in prossrapoe of A . •• ra I Assernbly !of the ylvinia., an attachment bath • • subscriber, 'one of the Just and for the County of f chu of a certain Andrew Y. M h of l Pottawille,in the count leer, against a certain. Josh • . of Pottseilbc, 'dowse certain goods, chatt/es and • us Wood,• bare beep ' nth • the.custodv of Benjamin C.. pane, of the said—ficionsugh -'disposed of awarding - to Is to gime notice t 4 the ercdsto Woocto Omar an Monday • ' to subscriber' offs aroma-aid, then proorof their .tins of Os said A - STRANGE. N. PA t Peace Inman IF the ! the whe f *aid J. Josh nf' A Ate Tax rtne`of the SilloWing regain Legislature lied approval tOth inn Ov— ate law I - th .day of the at the /rev:ma:wed in at tiro hundred and ..dreeand , silty three end that the saute notwithetanifir4; iy the Omega (xi al the state tax ou ra to continue and' t!*State 'try Canals .1 'a Bank 00 be ca I ' the treerny trigt it is thereby . ter4r t it of to ^ , wealth. the Sunni and N. Consumnsrealth of cd `.met That \ be ilinewed of the . se they aun t T.,:. • the year A. D. thiny-six. Jr.= • t . her State purposes . - act entitled `an a t o be eorkelled the We of thet C ty-filth day of Ha •'• and thirtY one," an Ad be _re_Fttnded. and be pubfintied at each county, where tier and vinyls but one in sods paper, for I the cost a r =ation I -America , in , any coun t& ty.) hest promote '. NER MIDDLES of the Noose of ° TOMAS S. = Fe"==Z==J 1 Fields Cttird :! ,- . Seed 4 , 1 BRANNAN Is fen/w , - Tlzlllit b =h "P‘' •ply of GirdetiFteedr.4lo kni ' igeletli- I ed with gent ease, and , mitiiinhi I he will bid:happy to supply his unmerolknadomers and frilnda On accommodating terms, ~ Aaparagos .I . trinoch Head it t e ldo ' • Long blood beet • t White solid to Early Valentine htais Reiff do ' I , r i Windsor 1 - dot • Peeper grass , 1 . Do Green do ,-: Sugar parsnip , „ _ 1 Extra Early Sias dit Orange carrot . • Round Lima - -do , Ratty Cocrunbeil China , , dO• White spine do I' ' Extra Early peas - Long pickling ildis Early Frame, do i- - Ei*ly eshbaggklllten Dwarf Imperial Peas batter head 1 TO • Early Green bunch pcssYthaw Winter ldo ! 1 l u Royal dwYmarrowFt doW le onion 1, i Large marneifit I, doY Kew do - y `Early fongsalinon radisliPersley do do stßrict do 134 1 nose o, . pepper i Red Turnip ~ ,do y hue Coro Early long white -.do Purple Egg Plant, 1 Flat .bizah squash., EGO? Cauhflower, i • Long green do GOrdiflowr-r Biocasli4l &lathe - rolnlone* • - '' White flat dutch turnip Early Kale (dams} Blze top do Iltuip 1 London leek , ' HERBS 1 . Early York Cabbage -Pikika • l • 1 Large dq do Slag oonctte , do drumhead do Summer savory Early Imiwreil do Aswarted Miter Seed • IMrd st"e4. Canary, lillihrt:ane. tletno Sceds— ' . • Together ts-ith a rarievr of Flower Seeds. ' ian igg ines. will esty,fire I oi; In . , ffia T tely-'l6ood - rip:- . --toad it clia .. of t a le New Tes tami4--4.4 afterward:maid, iv , en hil brethren let us pray." A very good. :Or ai the con , seqoekiee. A ft er this was c.* • 'hetlsian a wet ' men, Which was short end i t. I This done, he reag a passage' from the T Meet, au thors:Are the `breaking of 16 .- - d” erf" -- tiMeg up theistic° of bread from ..• 9 re • 4 he Sae h e t i on off • laatall piece-put it i his thr-and handed the remainder to his ft h 4 ,neighbor. l , The slim then went round t • table sr this en. each Oreakthg off a entail . es if it bad been weddinemake, till it had rea .. . •the Administra tor. aq the beadof the table. finothirriprayer and anceher Ityinn. 1 The thief thee took the -. • whieb was. fi llaL with arbac-repeated a text . seripture--- the cop to his lips--tasted it--a ; d' then blinded it tpl his right hand man who id the!One. g° 7 4111 round-thelable precisely as , . bremband wine. it will be observed goes " 1 the sup. Andther prayer-another yon--enother small discourse-and then came t c erownirig glory 01 whole ceremonies-the "bed Bias of Charity."- ') The, leader get up end sat "brethren and sis ter, let us according to the Lord's appointment, greet each other with the - oiy Kos of Chanty." 'lla 'said. carry perms, M I Male and female, ar- ranged around the table. It/sell 'each other right' and left, men and iromen-l-vromea find Dien.— It was not either a taer F ze47 bora elf the cheek 1 -hula regular steam smack, that struck ; home to the car must chart ing ots real smack 1 fof lipid hp. I almost tea innedittagrily-`•gad f -, I wish I were a commit) cant for one day, by 1 t paijicalar desire-I shoat! take My] stand right 1 between thaw two pretty Oat in white feather' I .''and braided hair"-Lot be+ rm. only a heathen, 1 test end mourned among t 4 childrent beyond the outer rathog.as the ancestors of Major hoah did iby the rirera of Babylon. I . 1 ' 4 ), After the kissing operation Enid closed, closed, the i whole church went to ark and sang a pretty 1 psalm al:wane for the mecy ~ eradicated in. that ii 4 delightlid ceremony. It i remarkable that some I 1 of the principal , cerement* in every' rehear are i ; eattergodrieking. kossig. embracing. &e. The ' natural fitmetims of nature ate itoc-aed with a divinity which do hedge i them in for fermium. Vera. S I I know not the name of his new siet-but they prams to reject all l' ' to---all Protestant due. .trines and practices sit equal Pertinacity.-- ' They avow themselves be actuated as the ear ly thrietians we before, "hristiauity beatme,as satiated with polities, perms- kings, or worldly ambit . ' They deny any am.i Ossify from Heaven to bitild dandies or ,exp Fad i money in c dos leg, eleitgyrnen. Religion is a ; ' salter of decnciase use' Every man's house I cptirht to be his church it is his castle. ems 4, lit. i wairrougitt to be him / elergyiem--erery maul ',--every head of tam ---ss.si. .......1.-. th, ithrg esx .s torn his own and. to construct i i hg eau ceremonies. R wise. eeekordiag to thin ti.Wt, is hot. a mottopoh t be court* tall Partic i ale set anent called - . Thep are mere in 1 *Mere open the eat I rights of sofsery. and i their medusa too freq y Moms the effect of' s. , bad asmesaiim. Fur must. this inde. i re pendent system of Ali. es avreciation, has been I making great prre..- rem , (met a. It is goiag i ahead like steam !...use r, is a return to original , partly. in the first yea` of Christianity every The nasal dap of I nclinif's Saint was cekb..-iit- aiwar . a 1 „ . ..„ . ... a4m ... am his viacla ___.. 4 th e bead m the ed at the Escbange'm thiv beiraagh.. oath great tam& the pr i est the What Z li p:moos and . - " spirit. -The members of both istooserfor the I..eg- -- '. h . pr a riu d. 3 k more we 7 We ril l till s TRVISS. , IM=4 • islature attended, il ith a large number of mats base the - Br u s _ eas i t , read as well as they? ..,... '-91 - , -Ztt-i.,- ‘ rata and atakk"ra• **NA 411'e compact was' ;Suds are the °prelim:l of Me amiable Kissers,. "N.,--.. BARTUAM - ;i4 - ---c , - made op rocas' erstualy and of all parhes, it was ' &tt we are not sure hilt they are half right_- . . BOTANIC I IBAHDES. ••••` ',.,... found impossible to repress the straw; rrthe- % t eam Mr.. !.atourette mumface this imer , eausg . I . • • sun . _ swim which Prevailed as the saleset of the rights c i seesaa .. af fi k ...,m,. i sam bm y a m* Ch un k__ , _ . PHI IF ADELPIIII- . and interests 4- PcwisTili ' Lni.z. Abgicht ever, ' " I ' /few Yoh Hera - id - 7 ~ i upteer to a si. was expressive of this feeling. The 1 I i mat: wahrieritser boa Ow Itale.,. . ~„4 3 best Glrrie° cad fafters mg sortg pa. eirrol tar the occasion, liras Ryeadjaa if F i es c ai, 4e,Laima east kit az- i .-.Nursers- ...Keirtreal• near r 11 " 41 , elPb4-4 cargo song 4 earorst, the ~ ir.-msy pining in it 'Ath a...so-mess of r not rem al ramanie wars rat Mar- ' t... • V a . ea , ' 1 tr. Oint.ne. mbracing. c.ery eartery arApplea. Pears., great '''t'''" l .- - •• - '''• (Trine.atied from the ispapersof Feb. 11) t! Memel. Mins, A pocofs. Praehea. I\ ex-manes. Al- _e. 4\t:. At S o'clock this Mg. Firscin, Mower arid re" . " 4 "- Ni" 4l '" we ''' Gr4 P es ' 11 = a niel. ' 'We a bete a' noddle' ai d it . ..! middle', and Perm, expiated r cruces upon the pulls' 1 cooseherrom leer C'eT;:iure together with a mi. , . ~.. , simsimmt a . 6 .-„ T ars - , - n oese ipb ste . T ree , We were 1 etr4 , lin at out } r,.. # at hams tine- W hen Fiesehi first modoched into the y k ,„„m g sh r e w Eeageetega. v i c e s and cseepers, But twat omit sure-eht. Penieg 4sior awake : preaceee ot Me - ,he came forward with ' Elosersocktes. 'Roses. Careatiems and Picks-Herbs :Shea t..iling bribe mei 1....e.C.Y1 mountain and a cawes air. h o ldi ng la b ea d bith. ar .,/ eastmg , civics Pereesisil Finaerale Mmes. and a tare a.vort- by lake : his ems on every around tam. As his! .- meat of escvdent t tragic. :cats. oh-ch othrosset ii, „b out shakes the hill` the valley and d e n, b an e; were about le tie d ho u nd his h e el. bet'" as great 13 ILlS O r=l°° ' asinseihrt r a 12 le I:- biazza for Pennsyfrania ..! She has set op for icr. re qu as e d m a t 'b e y i li a. b e t i e d y e " tlg h t ,i di RT Rates. ' ROBE CAR Propsviror. selr ! . • 00.: of the assistant ? iciness 'slackened the I "...L i t icr ft HANNAN. who %as bees apporated Aceet . . Vii e are all waking, wake-wake-eralthig. mid. asid was proceed' us tie his legs. when . I !',7' fiat the Pro,.-stetor. tbill new* sad elective eater. fer sir kaim b ot r av eg i , em „,,,, t 4 tr ab ery ,& e _ at ' 1,6 .h..,,, t We ere all waking in our state a: hanit ! Fiesebt mid. •• ail, Has very tight. 1 dreamt • — 7. 1 .1... mr r. Cwt .. ilrama Nursery comets Of ;..2al , ms Tam . We area waking, wake wake a eking. that yon were tying my legs-" Mk these said t- 7 areaa um armed ma myna m „ ma i, mr,sial ajai . ,limam _We are a' waking in our state at hame. _ ' Fgal"aranca's were C4 r °°- Fi.bi ccater p at e tt , 11--. i talking with got eedritaty, addressing hies we & . m . e5 ,.., 4 , T ib e ~,, t „,4 , „ i s , .b u sa sialy . m aw, vs I th amen at the plough & boys at the Kwa's. . .. .. , . bad .." . edfliggill , r ape seedbed to the tree- Here are to holed:ad We're tea' the eaves to bend the meek, or brook a 29 atcrY one ara"- hi Olgoal til til I 113 varieties 4 apple. 7.! of ream 29:11"febevries. r: of foreign rule, . the prison. lie ibis.' his head down for a! to hin C l rep. apricots. 45 rif plesta 59 a Pfefiamal2 or etecrerices We laic served tee Ong.ma boadsmab are :we, affeincra, and to be Waking; then. as-1 di-Gtl Sof aboscads- 6 agnates Sof nolhernea6 of vasp-. oe m , h un d re d thee and nom e t ael _obi pmts.' sumo* a solemn air, said, **Why was I not er berries 6of earners sof Meas.& of araleues. 6of stibiania'a five r ' killed in ramie. testrapl of coining to hare my I - scraishenves.atid 2 of Waal"' ; 1 ' We are a' waking. wike-waks waking, bead em of in my own country. , But I declare, Mardi S 1 Ifel We are a' waking in our Aster at hams :la you an Ir b° ate bent . Preaml th at 'barb duce 1 • service to bats ; Ido not repent I hat ing done se, and I .to Serge as ask ezaaghl as the mai 'fi.ild-" '"', The Twepatations being completed. Fieseld , stood ap sod niikethoic-`GentibaieN I request( you will hots enemas that I base ,bormetthed me head to M. Lamest- it have bane ea its writing. : , and I suppose the law elletra that say will he re- I L vee red. Where is the man whose bacinese it t be *di be to pick Dorsey lama I tell Lira it sea be his. bat 31- Isavienes. Yes, my had be- • • firm ;sags to 11-. Lamest, thy goal to God. and ray hisi sum; dy to the earth. Naar let the others be baserghtt. , ',fail:: let theca be phselad before car, want to me I thesis; this is my riay festicity.". i 1 m orn sus • Steward next.semported by two tithe keepers is slime End bninekatk. i fitment a snaking with Famak who; was placed oppollifie „,; anitrEil-stre come an- I , Oaring the that Matey was an demob:win along see iraisat' ea' .iliale to dr parr. see grey el* amt. arab it fee alp es Hi - ; , bowl. sisokiag haslet' e. - tie spocusedte be leeic4 6kir se Mimi irdittres . : - jegeruLt aNdjohtemsta_ i trio wendstio hih . ' hbors se RieliVetViel i . 'ibis 'teas' 14r0a." Unit ead toy the ' be pleopitinesdroe the", side ofMrsisy. task his -seal and areladlath,) Tit * si , whir& he gamarpte beepernelltesse, law tw; the . Mid -It hes ham& wets bided he sms:ltimg hie wipe.-..-- ifiefsee did cast the keit etailtiaveice was was ehmerie s 4ahe*er ! 81 1 1 u'let• the eihreirhis - vie rat 'bagel( Ilsi, einedsikleggOle Will kiirngeijeke , Oar le 41,e011•11100dr , illimerroo 64 % lll6 de wow erbyleheiie, eit.filiettr qtr 1 • (Editor on must too. 2!Eg *tended to. 1 RNAL 1 tree /loose, LE patty on wip ea IMortuner, ins. be: 1. for the .1. °conduct Act of the P mcmirealth ,cert Mgr ant. en of the' 'kill, at the .re, hie of, ofSeh. 010. M a %Votif To Coal Miner 4 or Coal 41ta • . ILATHARF accommodation for the, staccg of v Coal, (intended for City sales ottieflyi) may be bad od fair terms, on ')Ile of the belt Whlifv" in the City, to the extent of 6000 hams, by any mac concern, or that quantity by taw or tort; if taken up by one, the ty might- attend to the businces of reacfiring an Ideliveriog,lif demoniac. and would be a red with the kle.l,ONOC film and Scalesoind if e l part of ,oniel be required to be aMpped. facility. which Would not intmfme with the twos of the atirtirlisca would bou tisen A pply.4o WEST. fIODGsON St c 4 - 11 Bath. St. orLombard 61., Wharf. Phita,;Feb QT • . 1541 Bred, cr. is of the ami are be, jr. and until they 1 , -. This is elite saie he Ilth ¢a; • -iti the bu. , them to : 041 Wee" El , acklpted by the or. PROT EOTION. • The Philadephia Fi INLABD NATIGiAON INBUR.IIICCE 41:031P441.NT. CAPITAL AtITIORESE/1 BY LAW. $504,0t10.. CHARTER PER PETU A L in ARE sa V. emict= . losaasoZ2 .s.' , ..nrsca. , zrotte Banes. Stables. Metclandlze. and Plop...rot eve+ &script:Mo. aroma Isms et-id:maga Fißk Tbe sebeenbet Isms beevi appoialml Acuff for the above ammo:mad lesdotoora. and is maw i mpated to make bmomasms alma evr-tvlt=oz4mi.erty dm- at lowest rams- BEA.; N.1 4 1.11i Pottsville. F tr. is* lb ying taxes Die of the March nest. • to Treasu- • 6e11510113, - receipts of eit' dirty Ilion. &diem End be collected r expiration act entitled I and Retro- -Att the im d Rail roads, the United sapprted in unnenessa- TCDISTILLEW..." —*aided 13V the imarteri tlieni, 150 Obis- Rye % I Vis'iiikey, tor which the highest Market vi ice will be paid. 1.1..LER & HAGGERT Y. Pottsville, Pleb 13 . '' I 13- &tm the fore of Repre 'etinsylntnia. Sectetaty ;ire notice mantes of to coned thousand hos been or - Oct:ober asepsing h the county is nren)th, g:tk *tit. if ,callecteJ lot be cause. st tiv iiews-1 such papers. ?spec Pl2b in • be = s osoli DA oo !boo in sock objet; of tht ARTII, Scnate. vl3oco foceeris the conee , of the to eel. E...ch has =I the afore en hereto. this Com to the per. • eost. or 1l.1:06. 194 WI IR , of-the roams - , e. age be sides to timber aad Farther is- p,w!rie . ,piersiFE wmxormi •i I ONION Skirts. Sr,crlll S4us, for mild cheap. Apra 2 1 22 Ca "Weary Works, i : -- -- - TUE 1i1;....1 - ERS-' -A NEW SECT IN EWE. Ste4tai . Eng4canditaiiCarifenaufactery. - - lON. rIVIE sw-hiicribrra wwiwcithl ix'S''C'w 'belt AU amide of pinien, and at an& of wisiaan m- friends & the_thrat thejr MO W Pre , Al! 000sation. duty mad otammance , pared at *bat mtladatiwwwi is Pritirt e , 10 elw , . Ail tkondgeoem, all pauesee,, and impatiezroe cote meets tlar maw; and slypair lag witn- 'AP F on Ay, elf usal,, att rod knotoi.l stcm. 1130 !Cor:. l steam Pot -•!e Nun" Oren- aucksiet.re. kr Saar MU) Gearing and 51-1 "" 1 61- " u 7 i ' I went to ehorrit brat Scusiny—zet the richt: - description.] Thee ha;re oP head ask asiketoseled of itintri ToabS eirgb afi 1 4dges. Roam.. Croirber . a. &e. tamillbity end it zs low pLriees ai eau be obtained •Nearbere- ' N.. B. ftiith wortdo£ an Mimi : as as 11554. 111.4XWOOD #Sc Sri PER. 1 1 .itt 13 Wall' tor S'i'te. kik: ------- • 4--- "°----1.--.§ - ...... : _--- . -n-y.,...4.-_-_ , _-_•_._,--- -7 - ____=--- ,---.. frOm... - bee fa . 1 -- Scissyl- Zpa -m WI : 11e1"44:c •-• • ~ • - seam. For pi:tiddlers is J. C, 100 C Chraer, Dampar. or to the , -. , • ,_ Wain , 134 , • I, • ik ,%.- . : 20., . ci r vonsot 1 COP 11 . . . • ' 1 , 1 . /00 ,! le , tistjuadet . * iretair , i -saw , - , • 1 1 --,----___ . . ' - ~ , .) . ,,:s - •.. ••-•'- '''',AoP -:- 71 - - --- •: 1, --z • • . 1 ~.- • -...... - " . t_- -,,--_-.:- _-- , • . ‘,"...-.1 5 ,•- : - . • • tA,9:74 - -, - - ~ .. TUE FIRST BLUE amp or SI•Rfl . - . Hark! what sweet note ball struck my Car; So soft, so thrilling,and sellelear? Sweet Bleu bird! you. again ',Spew, The harbinger of Spirus .: And sitting on the leales4optay, Thy shrill, Well boding,teteldr lay. Has filled my scuil..—Stay; RI 'llehird. stays - Why offal= the wing? Well, go, and sing thy l welcomestrain To Others.: 'Spring has =Mull age*, I've crested the land, Fve ensured the manor I've heard the southern gak Singing old Mit:dives funeral knell-- The swelling broots and stream's:lts tell. While leaping. hinghing to the doll. ' . The same datglitika tale." ' . Bluebird! I thank Thee-that sweet song Has waked these ds thit silent long . . Wcrehrld in inter's. elfain— So arilms, little di st thoo think ' • Such fond reinem Mores would link With such a unp in strain. I What magic hast . ot,lgentle bird!' For soon as thy note was heard, ' I fat within my breast A thousand sps. long silent, shake— n thoosand seen before me wake, Of youth the life. the most. Bluebird! thy son • Ot youthful lures, riti &ill Itni - e For thou didst As .311 I met m My plisyniau Then always ma To tell . ** athe v Thou gentle , Then speed theei To all onr.frienc Let naught THU SOL ►IHOVS TEAR. " Upon the . hilts he tared. To take a last diod !oak Of the Tilley and thevillage church, And the courier. by the brook: • He listened to the Wand So firsoiliar to hie ear,* And the soldier Icemen anon his award, And iniped IN tear. Beside the cortege porch A girl war on her lama% , ' She held aka a marry serf . Whreh floated to the breeze: She tireatbo a Fearer Coy hum s pniyer fie maid aralheart But L.., 4s Aad piped aurae a tear. 1k haled aad leA the ipcit— Ob.! do Dot devil hint weak; For datiotless was tlie soldiar t a 114;art. Tlioa6k ears wore on kis cheek; G-, Irak' the Fosiciait rink In thiager's dart career; Dow4birase the Land is i cd theit, Mak wilped away a tear. cushioned TFiro4f —Gat the girgeoos not the mot SL tee head CMS i Grate—cot the incense barstiug St. Pauictes.—J lima to a pmatb gaily chisrek, which atiew ,! Ides in a private boast at No. Solltssm streekl: en the ante: inapcndient Ocincifile on which Mr. Latottletts has created his coaregaties in the Bowery.. At todt - past int I marred a gateway • —meowed a stair—oreoad a thaw, and toured say self sti a small neat nosasegalar nm. divided in, to too parts. -mak &boot a air him' r„ madly dressed. sitting around - large table sith'igteen OWN at the sipper slid at the room: I assay eixisidet aria in cis tried society Whin lloid myself is the premix oireetionid. hows. leads= co one lide„ be a new roaeinetbe Alice ? Aboattbe Labia; - asztaked, aboaCtidioatif Bibia eat Bras 1 11allai. Al the iseilir ea t deed **we cup** tam lanatiet—amita alma saliai—it small Ic with as apartarta Chasiletbsaildanna a aimaber pal* were eseale4.+:lll alas a aau Etyma. DaaL Beyead LW was - a muse tip Imp die apatrima imina. The baatbea;the .aanatlatidialma* ,I rads idkatita leitytainsEagskatia.. I a* aaaaritdas Wank . 44.420N1 k ir) mitio as "eliOletti - - • 4 .' 1 0 2 • • SATURDAY NORM ,-• I. • • ON ego menu a part • hat in my heart pleasing ham: to sing of b•o ady:groce ' stnilitir, fain. and sit and sing, .born Spring. binges-- . ikon irpitlest ring— thc, bring— Sousse deter. , • I 4, =1 - • : ESE L. ~4 EU A0N 1441 .! `IN INO.k Ei view &Ail, e has ailenifid—la: talk rad** iroboriiita to Iborw Ad' 1 ' ati'colii44l* itiettreirgiris twourklxatinal-IN upper'.lo ore 41 ALM kis& I has .03 took e imam. I mean PIO4I " l c, ihlo. , ..1 1 04 si - Pecont asamde entire strumL weakness rnried have nothil -reedy mat mean' !Teems Amen, He then and in 111110 painful.. his phyalk..._ halts seemed ofibc terrible elusive cvidt 00 the point sequence of Idled on the assistants, by board. "01 to be futishea the eacentioss coorage.".. - lenders knife the less and signal for btadkas It ants now of death. er).' readiness to . had twice seen blood of his the slightest tinned awistai der, as. had arrived., the scaffold ing or war bad leave - self in the the following am :beat told "thetruth. cd .a ser-l scsoompi hood; as happy and ma tints ware . turned quickly the bands a' their aidaucla C0031111i3 "Pia ;From 1 • turd! frvica battle atutiwhOn told . wasliotthia tha eirall I.4sit-y. ' t i }Spartan ir ar ! kir t ti • s . and e t .. wab • him t idea irt . who tat ch. cf. Ali whic, , h h. i d ic, that h =d bet r aged Mille coed reads paintit the eh w w it u hil riFber sta tads et i' clam, tiro! one t bind mli user ►u be z- I . 440 7C?:i AL° mir+ , - 'svii . tia_Jii6 .7 ** 4 i*Or - iijt :;tZ.:•=e . '., BEM oft rtifir:*, a arelikin!M:You• tcheck l oo44: l .. ; atictoetwo,ne the simigadi n iine Amp* pita. re- - Tont:* Alt* , aced by, JAW air *mini. he coufevor,, Ali I bliTe li me up say.. macitteralsons: Adiat t ,Afteit Atitodi. CUICOI4IOer, prisWeer tleskeY -- -anted an intensely I floppier*. his venertiblii,gvay *gin* in slOn.rnms-', it. bins, and thoceis-_,• width lie him Arose, his hfis. twine I J. be wasoctirally execdtioiser end hss strapped to the fetid "then it mama te courage." reified is not the inset of it is disease which et myself" • The 4 almost-before the count- Ifitade could perceivi • the wretched criminal was a • turn ID have theernbrace I ho bad long boasted .his I comisanionsisip. Though Ire e tamed. melting with the si yet be never • aim:fired finr or honor. lust eon. le 'around him iat the hand open his shoal. atal moment Sic him I the steps keeling to it symptom of faher. the ecclesiastic wool the prison. and ow Mice. he Paced lam- I tor. and _pronseneed clear:and firm velem dare my God. have teeniest. 1 have reader by pointing out my i The truth, aid no-felse wm to 11111.101111% 1 am mend pardon. of God all ..iGed. I rqgret nil vie- • my • • fife."—Upon Me be • • • delivered himself into • • who performed rent. • lrsescifi isined Ida; • • • tenfold= in another h . . fiTe . kale/ • oft* es •• • I mmesh i t =seal, Twits the axe lite spice after the is 1 4 nuilisafforisto Amps' MoTHER. . hoax barna to n either spoor , exe§tithod. "—aril& **As. alone. heside the boy 'natio wear morrow. And yet .she 'to thought oftbe rasa- - heart: or rather as if ' suptatinn so fined that w bet a seentide4 ate. , at armor area her Indy welfare, the'unly tic to young, sod fair with mans a strong was.* Stern which 11 u.hadonly ace. ustftnetting, withrist as sunset is Iran duo& than thr: as =Ode 00. There %nil, the met tots heantiftd eyei itit in when Sled twin ener-1 heart. with flap bead Sag hie ad paro fast raya" ied abl aptes the s d fe ad rich establearres . at - be:area white the !knows tarideroatil seen Ties eFisoe thsn tri6al. :Mathis kaki* /led ajp with as sainstaan. Ob. 'tis . beaa. Sing ap.af Numb &dates. as dews: assay ibi ties which pars and sksated lore and beautifOl lase-44 tarot of ay fatber4 and be staves. Ma *=Aril/ ia w doEsecer' • Airep.l aewecii—Amscr." ;moll besedeliia — s ad . karat *it • apilatatut af jay; and kart .and aralda bid ;tau,* AnA be seiMmgod— ist,it woo doe' ice! tiorgZog er- NUM ay; 10i* totrili rAfir VA. ANS r 2ll b . ! # lO0 1 1 1 -16 1" 1 4 1 "t ai t r : NiailVonie Ikeety-j To ihoottiorteet 4 , ~A ,.461\7...71'4'.5;"..W5\ 7 ... 7 1'4' .5 ;"..W5 , 0 , • *" I= INS! ESE MIMI • r Bow manyleitriatirn mothoriswitlialin Wet if phirti, tape. ofiperWandelnatingrilliipicei, tirOla , which, await the finally bieskiro. l o ilikiali - 1 Ad nada and liditterikshieh: - ' ni4 era". nifiesti,i*pmea -"to interesW;" ii;. Non *Mr- chObeim how few. wershr .finssi, „to go Smith, -. and gin deli bees . if 'il l iir - 'sa..l mry', lair the good of their Mier ereahirmni Inn that ,in pedal -Wei seeks tit •pierce Illin mans of Chicanery. intrigue, and decal. on onewhowouhl glory in demi liw 'Spathes , i *ho.that lwalis abroad utast his' coontryk, ' aophicaUy compairing mimes tanifintiyeineith e .events and renslatiries. Moral, andiadwiskinbieh map& mist ken‘lllol,ii• who fee.. idassit rit er i i ; bid Itif' ineraftese Meters! . Though the - hooray and' pride 'en frees- when essipied nab Caw of ithetion; win that ame Minima ihern ins newletile wad& huresnity,*tinj and -libltTs : lkeli".l. 4 .!* l that Srm a le *i vilt ,'l s # • Spartan *nine* mist oslrtretheyagnewordso historian? Omen nes powetrolimit'lltu, PIO ;while she retailed the sphirof her early imiliali"" x* lions.. Then l with a hiesd&l - ef soldiers 1 _ ed the'united power of her enemies. .'" whew . interest was agent prneminenC Mahal , 4alt enervated her. she WE The- women, mid int. decant which dentin, le. neeesrary to ertihitati Refesuppon; And Use children Oflissuryns(Pries will find it difficult to acquire; When knit' be. - aAng' "'nu*. the &flanks and fainneeirarhiels I tharactetwed the Lacedeminikeinotheehnifi hire . - - L I • L , ___t Domestic itabite is Famales.--IlimiyM .l oo - c owed Ede **not or &One in basinipm as t iir4, to the 0111111 f his iifit; Sato bisque, in. dividual se, h domestic -, , _ do not hold hi& run to WhiChlbeir,,eme ' ly entitled , et thette is rea son, to berme that • 'lbyr, prevailing timid. aregroduilly indeSiOntg a change. , ferules mu more;and more the 'propriety 1 itatatillas , itiM g the "ability to 'OretiMit and wisely (Mem tim , esienditurey of AO imst a the busbandS ' { m osa ic which fill ender a t Mrts , • tontudiam il: end that thiiire ' , deserving ' whitetur theii. ! 6011 4.' who beet Ms the duties which thoM, Mt*. dons require. - f , . - We termite that at tke present day, the lan. am are mart dommoo where W"I hi th i iii eiils 1 Ansa of Meaty deem :je Do isoperigi tmil,mt_A). be taiga* acquaistetwitiiiitheimmindiett cum of,..ibuir haat& Iwo *e1:x..660W net only a matter or ebrici, but rabsol s ideilidtaiiiMi Inlay trouldmadatiln'that character and epee whieh l 'y are demised to maistiiii in uN. any. 'ref the shame °him! a_ 1401102 , meetbe - imh that their daughteut stolid...lnd ' tit come fiae rd in We unprepared ti.p i kors- , ' uatton wit/1i Meanest and (444. - _,.. They are instructed in the elegant -104414 in ' the useful &tarot lif e. and.the reßit_ w q l ; l"M tv nen bas been. f where there is; in *me**, . pmesace a wealth. that they wall hat 444* esehrtge the voloptoom &Mai tinfeiMmilf le &sums on sliver and dosing Milidat ii ittiel, .elect, endeavoring to acammt for thitt „Luigi* • in t he events actiallifts#4l at mesa air; OW rt I l i es anaolney'S. Thera is so ma* te nth _iiisift • remmii, ilia to paintis IsAr . ttiilltit ti*ii4ol , ,well, to eintsksibei re wen. bMitabe ***se:- 'a paddies is better than IL F . ~,, t ,, , ,,,„ 1 / 4 = l " at Amnia* Far -.1, , A siterehent, him -NM Visit walk tbe tatisa eadlee4ouli,!' brim& gad loll.Mben the sews: aftha pea *re Idiot lately seetured in that city arrived. Ms preek, Isis wme,ilotally consumed. indhi found himaidr, r y ;as in a a ruined man . liar Oleniltaii.. ever way farmed. II Mono le= from the - die eyes hid rested an the - - - a chaise tour o F r Ate dolui w , yak* bawled paver. ' in lbw ' coati. 'reds stalitaboat 75 guineas, ' fffiffill* ded hire at Calais. Thence be bisMoisl with .1 possible initiation to Lyons._ Pe Misebil' Mho i erty tub* boors beforedis areicortipsitosid. ernptaystibis time be purchasing silk , seetlit.le such an urtem. and en stub tones. Sir Siam, - a profit am Icon 25,300/., the destnietiOn'intiar principally of French Abe, audio Seriagn Mt amonstas Is require more than all the cialrag, ' Mock etyma tomato it. good-'f,gtrr. Golf Alisice,Lh is bean. to tres4 timpitylif Wes eaterfulb. IlkiMin Igh 4 4: 001 1 6 - ba o and twins that abstnactonr way, than hi ' - under eon; badge and • lima eon' The thread of a cheerful Ewes Eke ' Mt =eh longer this that ofa mina who is earttnat. ti Sad sad despon&ntr.- Pritain emildset ;firths concerns dB& is inedy neesmary; 'int if wider tunes & uselsnelauly net Gro g realer. The thing tar inidunkurien reserves come span as. not to lament b toilet ask to sit and maw, )at to rise and endsair to tiiainer ' ay industry old pitstwersiter. 'Tarr ideates them who blip thennohes." -1 . Wes..--Wassis* is tirtilissalialisitaik *lr..' sad ifbet coo half oar nee esaltokr . it b e dej worms. imiscadolingiu Woossiono oar &Ostler. Me is with airtSie..' srie sums do though infosey.sho watch= br iirtoi sicknesi t soothe so in &strew sad' &mei* 7ii • the wicker:WY (fad alga , Her #!!! itei** ll that of *it_ !see. If sbe•be righ.ooth sad is!, tams. AM a ate tbintatifir tbotiilit Wit% true 14 Aratudetallied, ei it sntil OM .111* • If do be ligitta=d rits — . Inakberibestit ottaily aii trifle!. told vely of pinotsolite lbw me.. to*berg Oho is skit isol.z . .= •1 r-, • Ifs e iney ia ootristic - —lt le aso feetombith i,Titiir_ ,"•: ~. osoi ni li to berme. that *blot - 14 Bangekka n , eves one farms attbe, ac t-4 =Fah , . Irpeo. 6 *. (ova 404400 .#Ls.. oared culramiimpqremoth. 'NI =ober Of thitifsis. '~~, w ';.~~ II ~ ~.. , I -.. SI GE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers