I. lixotti!. _. n fthe _ 040.0iiii• - -' I'4e.,S•ii 1 1 i0_1664i...1g,i &Alin ~ b n eitralO adaitioi time ftst6out totis,Y ilie r "lane:',ar tWo mill Itir i!ig . 'ail& Omni ;il .k.iiritoti ~ to -+ or he tFaint . °M;Cdf ' 4 ilcne - Wi !iiag..'„t ~,,gi e l`ncrisimpli , 010' ,f, gine., , . should ilx3 tso" like two: isc the and' Die 411 / 4 -, 1. 0t•414 Ilk tl 1 bial of IMI [ • - 4ed; 1:49 ive and *Moog 'being i 111. 4 d j .. 110 ici:Iliel) .4 4 , 1 ** 1 ,* lit I resi!ece4tlie. aelem to y to ' .lll ,''. o !' ' Otheiii tOte eta ftii ichoot bOak f . 8 0 4 se i fa. ' l Tliii 4 in New'rer reeietilYciiim Age.' _ 'the A Ade T . of he .elip ofveifianli f , te be thik-' l 4Pitti l 'a( - Ea 4, wt . it,* jir itit'iti "lichi -- -;- 11 0h he! iiiii ii;i. -Ji,- ...- ,; `.. I=l f 6 h, orly. II iin ' ttheyea bin; , H . ; r a*ware,,th a 1 Tunnel *b re'itie *Adverti ligd)cir and abOot' -, ' j.. %; fei 49 . ilia •Lei -1 111ele , iiitc ; i ire ' In thilr ed 1,.4 1 1 4 '0 , k41 itY4-110ta#, antitc ...be .i A wadmliece werrifidadr* -Alglcit4b thi_bitetif WO ' ger. E I , N ll l . 4t4. - 1 ,1-T o • ' = k N.V. , M , . • be tin -0 10 11 ;'in toiChalt-; ME! WU 91 the AndOi rt 4derailind Vrrel ,:ti . I Vg*, ILO titrats tisPlrigi • 1 -1 Our pre4 r i 110 el:; 3 l.ighf the "nit kiti, *skirt", sisititneo. Ott 5' tons, lea knit,* fi fit'ol;4ftb r, the cam. _istip;i id'''. of,_'- ;tie -action • tha ftg it the r. r%l7.Bhritt the t * e. ttlatro time tarded their [vete° cifihe h awe nthra, - wood order. 9:11 ,flse use. ot the pipreseato =tem Back) other firm, Eve y: body rmer. Gad the ere the bull lof :the latter Tan the banking' .6 / o Ar -tiiiit iv ;4 Bco fth n e ion . for ilia ted at NOr of capital : r • 41[Ing is `~ud~e.;= leans Tine A. 4 i i 4 M. the ~.NA 16,614 wig cite vetoed the is ighti* koniliwille* f . --.:V•,- , .i z .4' Ofvf_erliwil a 0 I *.a! t e bir teirl! . . I . ph: bill the .riittainPl4.±. IVO .rnick,boho4 'at the (lour i deet Jive on, pte-rOptY to. 212 'Satan _ 15.980291 , 13,672,792 ,'.jest is on foot Abe Hudson ,Malalf a mite 'fp . !gbirpro. stack .1!ili 136.. Fan be, 1 1 ' ' a .111 lunge ore [ at (ram hY• the flowkii of •the. ow , become the Sceete. ' • -traify t ied "th 41. • • 4: tile 'Nit 6 V both has .0 in Fancy is. eY. Cis sadthit le. filial Malting .• .v.thElOirl`Of . iisitor' 4/hPmt atelqa2, jet Imtel 'atteidentll:_cati •jo•• *Imo; friced;- r • conotenance • 0143'3;M:0f as. l . nir,l a iiiil on ill**frcre' it "It was nol , i Ain frOiii-Coti i'qi shgl44. - - 11 ! . . .:. 1.:4..6:1,-z-, timies'illon the wintattfingteir eibouid.thiskt IMI 71%.• -..,. tCialls4.4bie i ID sislidvv — xi *VOA . h- 4 tt o - .r ..;._ W k"•: d .- 4 _et-;i laliiin*,i.,#.t' rd :;P= dy ) arid 1l: IltagiOW ... , ~ ..:z,ntisa. , A • 4 , 1' MINOR -,Etwasilti: , 1."." Mil ~~ d , `a _ Y' OM MEE piPri,..2 - :. 6 .- . ft. 1.4 .,-, , f,- ,4 1. 4 '• - • ~ 9 , ' .- -r .., ,i f... ..,.:-..:,-.,, :.:- )!.1, F .: :. It ,'.; :,,., . 1 - ~,- i - : - . 1 ..1.',1-:',:,::d.,:'-.11,:i.11'..7::-.ili, i‘tit( Ifee ^ n r ttlev P 10,61 1.& - km.ffimin?;1 1 'Arr , Or 10101 re C ineisted:in - stat iiirienty' j Vs can 6 *B Oti4##7, .. --:1.: - P 1 1 1 4 1 f..*Yff$_ 4 4 , -, y , e i 'MI6 frOitir. : :,+ . lpVinivii ( o , 14 , T4, 1 - 6 . istii4 l 4waxt4,aiti; a brillei **Yak- L arst**l l6l ,v,eelay bilt•Gteelyi&Ve.' in-New lorit; et Tin I:Whirs toetteletuni teiyibleinl;tpia4ce, .-g ae y' ,. . i i t olie j t, ion j , .. taiiiilq 044,,41W - - -.l6ililMl l 4.iiti' .1, iiiMotecTiO itteivitfVJOlitico.Wilooor al nowitito,Oha"with A 'piedqkOjAttiOesr On the '' subject orrfq'cs It, m . o** 1 12* 'analait,, l 4itotY ii , ttbroyet,ts;' - vOnomok f a andstr4glesiotoll pirpetin t fie We, coiintq.- col &LAO eedbiPenft 11l iliElHiCal to a07.*:.0uteit406,113. -h oar ' IliWle 4 T ti' , i procure 11 "* ' 3 4 , itY iiikA:l2 the CF, New i YArk,- it beipi pa? i f,rthe very best of leibiications.` q/ q - - 1 t - Noting._ Ceche!) . Rditgod4:l-. W derqttied that the Mount" Quirk . et"nPink,iiiOnff*lyilioO.jilfltbii 1 said toad in dhp ,citirsfiortheegior met', , , ''.- .4 • i 14, , ,i .-,,,-., , ,1 i- 1-- Ok•POlDeiidii)4#e f which: is pow r a la, ' j the Siete, *itt,l3ti( 4unf)`iit' -I1*! . paper, ' I'l,l . Mine-Hip • gpiiny/Ailr-` • , •., Itoti&A-A,aupplowOO; to thi. *4l Coinliany,Aia thasimithn legislatti • attitel,incingLthe Vial otint, iO l , ,fty frbm..2 ‘o,ooto (10A04, theC (4 %4V the P.rivitege 0 0'0 4 lite PewerAiltihe.kolid, (o , geo, a $ team . ** ital*etklitmasa. :.lp , t oritki s peratiktititeitpirojimi ty dein aftit metieesewer . 'lei • that it iainpriOnti, they . niii:h Ili The_Onnog,44s and privileg , to tiro !poor rat the road . rant ' to panyi are also , , ,------- ,_ by ill!! operators. r '.-1. -1 - , 4 (l ve - lirn - ter - oikrigdistir to thiliir 'etio l lo in-Rh ' `ice; 11114 COB*, !Nimbi col from tion-WrioolinViegialki - It or 'trod *falloff.' : rml;in,:hi . jettet zest" tios sap ) 4 i tho it 'jaw 44. 61'pictilt — ik wticl. ti ,g, ' - toih die: ; collttentii , 't . - 1 -- I- q , . • • , * 1 .-2: -i 'I; Scihu es till have teaciad th .8 per cent ! 41' . dOuet:* - Fiei . cgs 0:04,0 1 1K- , 'rees stretiln Ar• • ion, ii {i '• .ii - ' iir . - 1 1-. it.° 'Bill to: 'p . -t!. :,. 0 .1, - NI "0 . j '::r - ' , A'ploor,.ii; -fro 11a3.4, ~ = i =, Alle ale: ".., 1 state; on I.'lie :2 , '.. . :thp 'l4th a dittitiop.t . ArinotifuLtO lito ten lyearo,tw4 , :ifnist hie Tot 1 0 11ay162.- :. -.1 1 - . • -- The 3' scatOnk -- ',linnet has been - 7stijori§d niiiil . llfo' • - 'We'liioe.tiO:idie Pgence I - Ncattli.Art!qi ," ; : , t . ,'Co ; ' _6"chu,ya ts*d tha, +#the "tate! f 4 OO II Y veT, Ant i .he, 'der bell? 0? Hopi JA of lemgtos 4 1 101 wen ' - api:r 4.4 . t 6 u.1ar psi . rik mai . wo 1 "rho itieiibers of the ' tiered a 1130E7 16J Isis retillingilroni-iti* ; sPec_guilY Ochette4 , _ -; ' I P.itet i staa4l[4: a "Patrick:l3a itprr pardorntAb di • , r us moo r , . in -R , l e 1 1 , i i ii iio. ,6, 1 , • ,1 :7 ..;, T .; /.. ~ i: : , ,. ! it 0414 C : the: nited'fith eir;llhd dii!tr4 ,z i I fe ted.ttrnoti . gt.he '.!l#lil9.4lociiit#o, o oleto. 4 4 1101 0 :4 0 1 Orr; - 111 11' 1 4 . „ f41, 7 9E- Poi ,uuts;:J.,34,3lom,- 6,0E00 ,gonolifitor , PneY jVhitn+y, the Uothe, aMolott eir i AIRE ~ .ii i ia s ' '‘ ri - '' - ii. t I rig iey . ~ .. • the— -I,ct ; 1:21 14'f in -,:-. .! gti Jii Silt M 4 6 1 C. iiiiiri„ Pilot will 411 r e t!lf, knitut e era' I rPtid,i poi Pfli of this pa.• gives • m il .' sin re •thirds I agree Ji-efrj mo ecod►- tiide : and-hii; lime or* ratorslie*: • 3rnrsiny 3uctiog resolved lecsjv -or alis l'i .. . '11) - I Ali tniiy , yetirs nit q t his 7 viiiiicitsc i.ti 1 3 term , to. p.eas 1., i , • rompaq ..i.pi,. t. ing the I g iLl ' ist " intendaip, I• tot:- Ise .1 iend ti r u .r -ndeieA i+ v, f i * , b U.111:0 e* .iigabfillif:' fitaithatimenitwer lbe ge I i,l1 14 60 . ;i4* the,l,to) NO, of fth - 11*,:rGai. t e , 1 . 1 7- • othity, on inch lie INEZ . [ , tII i 113#1 t: .of masip. , * rdi 1:;f) i f . 66(1 . 1 1:00C• fears r i -, .; 1 4 11 , 1')Oe-:0 1 . 1 oidy.:4:ci rriagorin,! f find e+ ten' thePeni4 ovetnoi infeirOieik,who - i . 111 4 1.11- ' 1 1%14 :4 - I rb ,49 MutPlaYs wr / on 4h aka »in Won; etabbinetizeseff: He Ina, wealthy meth asrnttirot eeideo con anhffii 4re, . ' i r aithnz; of.itioltintk r Of ibo_vpito Sat 6 bu Rill's] for `Eitrope. underitanf t heobject or his• visit is to sell the securities held illy' Wu bait% ariiLig fitim the snlowf thb ttiff4ent Ilreachest:= thesti>rnebes tiere,Tsold out At' credit of ierelel ly ears: , and:at a time ishen there ,was no prospect of . Ihe ibank ohtlining ichnztetiltun the of P. 4, - • gtocki - Gasibling. 4 - 1 --A meeting '!the, citizens of Phiflidetilird; was co:eened the 2411 i nit. for thtt[Pritix)so into the present System of stuck4obta k or more properly Ape . , tog,, gizonbli stocks as practised ut thit City , at the pee sent A . eti `: The mebtingascribe the en, -I oral Ale matt off ,the umbel- market to stoclx , mbling, and have appointed At , 'commit en Of ten xeopeotnbremerchailts to. tlie - ,subject, And report such "remedy us they may deem expedient to - of .44, 1 hitifit• sn to t at! are_ Rory omit •I . h ti 4 ireci , 1 ties, have oattsed ,the7Stapl4yero ~U nioit'iltio, for 'the purpose of 'Their right:s'old' this :kigltitir.f.k .5 , 14 tlissipproio of..ths. lion, * tut *bit, are. - notpertigtteti , irstigh. fear of personal viotsike l ! til**fibizet!e'slOYN . *lteitils*Liti - Diet -reads* that is ikeiowith stick our citir is at. ,104-"agitaftd. the Eniployoro are : aoS,thilratkalti. MB '2 ra thi sairs9 . traciorTiiitarf UDioi, Thome Iprtftr,.su theOt., ookht ly* to the strikisig twofie.. all ofithestAie l . Idiot bo " the ,-ultiorato ; reettlt auett straw ourc_l x tetio vr4 g'ststployers uod.111w)rog; toid?r,ce, the .sotieesit_Of. !Oldie tbstlwislies arid',,pro9trity, ii downrig h t: tkluity .. JFor a.; Italie' ticy. scam to ottowlkbuttlio fr4its are *4 0 .4, 11 0 , • 1 ' term rpm in•'. to, ft prof thr to w, -The I no the 'chili bitty _ IKONS"FER, - "PARTYr; •r 9.4 11 m;9ecwlng lt r, i ia,e rota t runite d rplitixllh:rb Plait,eakibits St[hingeit-Wesbiigtee;Oiehtileyl6't' !OW ttseiroie ,o;.yrge,tollifthiilnsericq iiiirped lie threee Of reason, In 1 iiilatlve 00b-eniblies—end en ess the oda good cltiltbnit:Ortillltaitietf, 'wilt 14 - ickt]e; intrlittvicthi'iitt4nward'' Ot niii.r4tiblilltitrinsiltaiions4.-ttio our ecotustrymtil be:hiettitaialy setar ..J .1 , 4 - , u. 4. .., ', ,I '4 i.e parTy:tairiMino to' *WA gr i d s i k j'devilopetritseir:sie in ;In mien of din eleitiOn4tHertli - Varoliiiii, it will be th4hotlfiirthi cle6antalortheoda. - ciinvaaraliit jidmitiei when' be fore as' W,' men,' and loth itiinotin fea's.and itte"'/Enctieh tabiiet.r Tat ho. leea'Neailind • get' bore than, hei ileeli%s I dietdid iitilf . iholehikVin_lh4rert tolin declaration bail actilgil the riltrtha tit' ibei; - 11r. Preheat, avhbis still - to; a.- Mae pitfall iii yieire s e'dkie . iiiedlit urn but Mr:*Grahein end pis, ....in-,Hr." i re •, althoinghT, ILEA) icio,.dotibt o dl: s eine, .ii. Graham, .athieb-19ts Oar s,Arho*o :velem:Pi iniii , lickn*Ogeinent 4on.Sitnk it,ritierreinithiliathiesioneofal}ia party; 1 gni that. lo mat - AFeltio,or; fooreen Arad ItnowledgCd lo o liy the tiatijc-,altall :Ditle the teat il Ir. Newman , btlitiusaltia notietii6fe et jtail tit irojieforo thicOni- But theiti,/ii tp',uitich , - depaii_it: Hie iote l 'alinteeeigeis, the fat s ,of. an ationhi the ilieti*Tor,ereatderi ff eorne , 5 fronse, - -ihieh ' is neor x eitneet.:: certain. :'± - 10:itho'ean' thstibt ,therthieleiottiarthit Heine, jarty *ere daterinineti 3 Oit*arday night to 1 a * n wi th a jltin t6 sin a etA pp j ar tvi i tt ...i li G it r . a o h ir ati : &t igh t. ; e ir e4: l7, l sit t4. , k wit hatittidin . iiiir;•iallostin'OfYiiginiti;ono of their owpiarty,onfortnect tlio Honsa,or the ipdisirsi. ~tiWol- 1 1:14 diabarn - and . his;-regnesLttn ;iusdress. the House, 1.11,04tly; ` against the *lion (if,Hr.- )Maitni - at , ":tirehe:weloelt on Yeeteidayktikoday4 Oritnieg,rifused toradjoum or t0..14 over' the ,ease : :ualtil;"to2itiy,;ind"gire Pir:;Gr .# elam chance to , ' le i r i his oucli'isurcilte , •No . dpirniult,pt,the - hae, -61 4 i r 2 a rl u t r g i c i n lef:t i . ! i l , i ' 1 ., 31 4-r i , i Y!. , lic ,o attired . , P ' l3 hri i 4 ( 6,--Ter=' 4411,11 t iTrigs, 8 1gir,Prit ir c ti r :: Etioiiiiiiari#l6', , 46* - *ittie , otithe 'eiffeitiirabliiikklati:iiiritp; tt:".404 'f.thaiiititeleseinuteliidlY:4" , , ,tuKuct:, ssofilidli diithim o 4*-T:: Ir.-Hi/ 1 01 Ilrlf‘M ) !Pi I,la Intladertt'ind*Uiroligew:o Pen . * i iieyete re Oin' . 40ii 'fieocu Mr. Air!it. 1 ilid - 01411di; Bitt* t if irititiided - Nidgist4 iiikail sit iaiVoli• :-;-fiii.O.;-'4061414:;-,10 ,thii:ihis hiliiiioii d' , 'Opipixs4tjt,,lk,, - .104:,Itiu tiSii iW i t', l ' . ' *titatims *O: .11 1' _,O:. r ..,thiiii.iiilt.siiii:iiltthilap.,.:iiil*.„„*., ,:dold_e_ititt.,,,kol,. ir..1,..( ~.: 4:1.r„ ... . - .. i,i,,. 1 t tle . , 1 4 4 - bwrial...Vplotte• • Art i ...... ~.*_. :;-,.. --- if - ::: : ',72 , 4:„. ' N', , ..-`1":7; `-'."-'•?..,--",,.ikdit,.:, - ' .: ' Ify,, ow he, 'fly Essm NEE MEM ~.~ 5 ~ Airligiiiiit .... liwiiiibeilit iiiefentt2,...... -,----------.. ..: - :.:,7 7. ._.'' ~,,,I . •••.7- , 7:--•- fiftiiii;ifterc - Ili:o4l'l*i'. ;fi.jies -= . - ie4 -14 - IpAiurir --- -ts- ivasilitbedix Alii 241 . 41 . of iimer. ,, r- - .......! :7-7 - .: 7., .!:!" .1:- ...- --.. -.-- , :-. 7 - - *:' T , , -- . :..... • - iL.4.114 .' •li - : , ... 7 1, 3'.! ' , l - ,'", iI4NTURICP N G/tl;'' - r ' ': 4: :' 1 ''' ' ,-•; ':,* .• *•4 1 00, i - l egi; . • 1 $ 1 9 1i *: T: ll 'xilAiii **Oil , iiotiAiti , ! ~ .*:, 1.0; instruct die Judge.= . - eptilmit! _ - : ..- . lcc : .*: illif01000*ii* * 00 1': _. 4,100 - ,: - , 4:` , ,..*: , . .A 6 4 6l, ooi.'P,iitouiit'lic, - 4,reipOil ~ . :1: 1 _..r..• iiie'i*'_JiiiiYiTiga'iz - e thet '1 ! . _ . 4 . - g -- istr.: ‘-',. : lii.sutiiiitt of tii**Eitit .. ' , :i . ... il, 1 4 L.,......,,„id„,.,,,,,,,,„,:„.„,„:".„„.„,,,,,,,?.,„....„. Thii(iiinift.k. id_40,410. resuhcdi .. she 2 . , ititiikitiirp,ooi4 - 714,. - ii4•04 . 11:::# de-to g; li.iitikethillipiAo.:*l 2 ;fi 44-00.5. . 4 , 1 LINT, . -13#3edil°**:00!..i*** inc' 11 : 10 :: : '. - IR ' . ' fi . 0044 11 .4.kivii! a#Puitet . . Oliti iPillif l o. 1 rahlitr . nij , ksriiiiiN*lii.: *dor d .., , 444 diem, alibitiei there ii,i's4o.: . 4.. i ; any tulli. Oroa, iirjaieiliecor44; :11!c: ro,!*i,, - 01: keit 41 , * i fc. .. Ift licil#;':iiijit4- t6 . 1i.::'0 t.i3.loarei 3 OF . : ito ileitiotOeiisi*Oi S et - o;44piehiiicio,ituuld,. I. iiii.L'.'seitirik:iodilliOr:epiistiljii - ri,N#4bbliii • ir tillifi)tivltilieui. tliekiritriyilic'iOiliortwict ~,.ra. the itibitisr.itlikWatii't.O * . i . -AO'iriqn - fie:Ci,t,- . me .okiicthglikC - Wiliki,ii`oe:F':ihenikk -, , 44 .. ere blibliiiiir 40 - 1116 Jinitilikli4siid ifiattii 66 t4 •.”k_ fr.r iitilimi the 11.!ifiiii ' aiptiiiirthii • 011'0 -. 0/14' adopt. : fe,ciiee.ti;iij,llr k did, 0 * (go: risitt . t,tiolsiqi - elyinAking. pirpF and o*,-00-.: 14.4tri.gt se: rb\ 4171 . 1ic journalfi;vioubi, p:4, be fO4Oll iriFiy -4 any ' li ac sier,iteet pero to . ,peelsOr et7'Wo:'teie.;!. - Obee litSaliejetbeie should be "no - :eliii )7,iepl i 4ii ie.' t,eesee ie . then, 1, -7ile'Seetelify Weiriiiqiii'iblifotieti ~ Or journ al, and reieletnie - ortbel4bCittlifeijiie ,selliete the liii balb.7-Rii, •Oise. •• 8 Oh ii.iitm- : ;1044Vit.lialii,sietiOrd eiVpitba ii;io ..4ic. - "ieliretitk, 1,0 - i4iiikiiibil..ciOptioa:4l'• - 6 1:" ratite, ..or thit ciam boa ti*V4 Aeriiiesin re , *Ober etploa e l. 31n ro Lary- ei ' (lei' tem dare- to undo/take ,41. -4 ~ taw - .CCull - thiliatilCV.: irdfaloll4lii,i?iMila f 1 . 0 . , ' : ' to; . t a ll r a Idris prelien t . elßeei:ef the Senate dui, , d rattl IV iiillaWoll iiirath;-44: nive ' • new 'and WU buras n freitty; facticincifeeting and, ' snob' tHiCipllneohit t eltiliti-30 any step farther than the ;gaiters: of the, consittniten 'bad' d c, and to feitlie'Ais tionishithloiotreitcei for ous t o .any - h 'd hereafterto tomb . the ' joninal arcade:T. • H It tram:A . "7o4 mistake so inisiposet I, that the joernal was theirphoyertfand that they Odd 'do what thy iihcst•widlitt. l `. This n'ini:not . : it, wits the.propeity et the peopeititto6, - reirtiseilie., 'titles and:agents theirse-here;sehdlf - ahythi . ek en lanced' the *ligation Upon th6M to take ofre of them, it war that they were spebildfilntruitcd to their guardianship. pc hoped' tie ' Conn Mee firould conisidei the-Re ect derly'aitifiiepo , their ;views. with a bill, a* nidicated by him ; , I' - A number or Sermitins.cro,toor , a from Veshiogto ' among-:-,., ..,Which Mhterth , L leigh, W ster 40. Go ,. mm!' The Sonata; imr neetteemtifthiet teaded,egah,bmarnat F f tairio . cc ), ink the'lailairdhenPungmireso ogr es l; Willbelikell'lP`UhtittherS, Senitorni- - -- 1 ' • ' ' s- '' '. tlivfkagrof this"bc!tosugh, oit't vertently S. PcnnsykaniN den9f Americas-rick acowod , la =akin' . 9. 'lle propleitl boLtlaolocopir; thls; ill. Washington good and just; ht . • of our country ruen,,; when Muntgcnuwy 4. iray. Ite,svas finless& to the hearts oft;iii ingisnd suitlensO's 11. Our country -day. wheteer digpo the Rule modest e ~ 'res4 of 1 -rolanfl.' . . The Siniji • 12. The meinorY Shears, Quigley . , -Inott, Roe, and Wit tttir lives for. Moir - then of &I!, vih arronge,.thetr eah • ~';mDFaidrilitiniffnic 13 Wetnaoitt. ptiile _MAY; 'trendy; woce , :takt a uthaidteriniititia, man's Iniarfidt the' .IS 4 Wg_POF# O :' . . LYCE it a raietiiik 6rifiC4iiiielii;a : burg with -lain kif Oiefmthilllia Ix< iistattnislapiit , capit•hptisii4l on iii,!3f.. l : f10n.40 Ent .1(./VW!tEt talleAtoitectia . i ii . 4o:'*iii'itie, app9iniecrSec: `4l-3i; ;tAllazi:Trei aaveral itidiv* le;therollowilqiia Imre offered 1 : Alawoilf t 'gasat quallaiiiia.. 7' :;'-` :j - r. %d i . res t .Respl; 'red,. I . ' eeyeri-cit• J n • sylvania, and o thei .A . .i . icrica j . RI calle&-upon•Bot -biri.iatt ' 01,1 arart hie Intl to la . Oticii iiitcai mivem t l edlic 1i 4 24! e 1 . ,._ .27 ~::..i • ,11404'ela . at th '- - ' 'citalvfivealtk ' li' vegeta* grad i' 14= m1hit , de ' : ; ;•aiiii; i 1 01 9 1 : ,roit*'•' - ' *OM* and Q tl y: '- Reeolvic, '.. i livi ',6*iii.* - nentlir =4,110 itiar EivrryLa, .1 . -,.- iteriveP _.,1 'ltilliv , frie„*. : r in ; Mit st ole' - _o - thiiiliigiAt - , iiktsli-K , th, 'for,'Pihr: .. ' „-•`-' - , - 1 .-.''''- '' . M= magi L'~ the a , , obit roe "ac Icapital matt*, tifiael such Lholle ME El= ~..- . .-i., 7 7 .a t _ _... itidea',Biltli i l, 114.i:17t4i404011 'lnat•weeklaaa ii-itersibtiott 'tilt! ~g# . (in lifir4iiiiii_ l l' 1? du; di ,0, 4 41 State ii. TY l ion': I '''' 'Star fi4 l 4/ ? 'BO I wholcii*lile; li ' i I. it:*oiac'e alf Milli '- 'W. n it • lild„4 ...:..-141.*:...WIRattiiii 41AciR . .01ii •• ..iiCik fins./ Wdoco ..77 ,1e11,4q4.kru1y,., , af-e5: . 40%. 'in 'T.tal,,.* ' • !intrEA . b . e.'t:t:',-4:llran Iciic,,, • :... ...,. ( cp. 41/40.,:rtaiDo 1 1 - . d.,- 7 4 . 10.y., (ItcTiiia-* . bk.' crj,4l?u..ilvoit i lit, 1 iriLi ilJa.C.kpl lr!e..;nt ... • f . iiiii:riizie 41, ;,1 i. le i orAc' 41ccr," D. •"i`•. " Kilo - aol set daii ilt.e.a.4" eijlt' 3t0 . 4‘;':.1:67110146.f :Atkel 4400:tik4i, Or i i•aiii - An - pittiti4 luv - 5.1 . 10v0,a),N0ti . k, 1:7 E!' • . l iiti • ol4l - iiiiii !di* sil'o_ireS#llt; ' iVioile.'l**" d Wad, incr. othing th 6 writes ;pima, ay wc d first stand, , or-this take to . abatis• eu, 11AlcD44- redo !.•their 't macif. or sod it ad. r brow • , brifoh of our ,/ tb,{ : , . 114irif• V' tfie lie CE ' we orritolos II - Ace of • lotions oF Sus: f Pend public t it duty; :Q" Mg!! and ...., s-_,---,7. --- _. 7 - - 71',- ''''. 4l ,f ::- - -:...A.;.=c;44:..'_ 7 4.?tii - : i '77,, , ' ::•:. : ',:',.. - 4! --: .1;:' iialitit, d i ' 1e15r4,:#114,6-eorori-0.,02 .a..74:'.01.194.4''.0..igt11it te.b inittepf, 4'e yleetli - *hich : PIN 1 aid roi thet pejli&i.,,„ : -, --4; 1 FA-ThltrOliOehbOffrA' the IF , eiii:4 l llAiiiL!*l 4 # 4, 4o ol: , b o ivrArrhi . , . ... i. F,-, 1 ,..„ , - 0: ,,,, z .-..5--.. .--,2 .._.--,_ - ~.., 00, NORM • - . 10011~ cli VO r . !L, •' the,"Ri74sll issablirifidi :, '4 O wl4 to elfikeir„exttal - 11 1.1. M- Lant'a, - *Catinitiorticibrir:o 4 ! it. ' )koctiCia.-.,,444-;-t4,lt: '4. 7 2 , ...: - •:,.;:: ~ I Q, - - Mit. tilt, - riOrii th*girut elbe iiiiiteWthf. iesekt. - id,illejr c,l.- it 0 0- 4:o44,64ptieTwis,k ieteihe;4tsjeete 'ep. ; fled: in Mei' in' ed, vith the/ :e'ee-bflietie*.iiitel- end 4eiieft, Title:':. ,.... ...:,-). .. ~ • it o ws,_t t * ia r i .f7 l- 0 4 . -: 0- r # 4- 7- '- - ,T 1 .. , ....: . the.l la • Ai t • t co Car C lice ~ rots the P " enee/ 4 e relegril a t• ' . i 11. Tflt LELMIMAND- ' ' ,er our readers intim reporter the itoceed• 4 ,i. „,,16islatare, forthepoisted. a le ard digniti ate delivered by Mr. Speak litiddleswarth grad, in chnfo it i y to the lemon of the naturdar} It a hewed ,tvidi great at ..t="41,10 in t rZr i eiy all s d e ilry 4 3 l m u l a g i te r t - . 3 , mil to any toes 4 41 then the repnmand Mitr.D.T Oli Vrill4 III•W &dinned. They eh praise plies, a spun er, ~ uuductofhlr. C i c t raii,,iowever.awakenedati different One f feeling. % If aver a man • his infamy wit unirmsalndicide & jeering .14 lie did so., WWI the hoot called for his mit to roeirett e r i eprintand.atter protesting aseunpubsi of t courage.,that he , would ee'refelleSita fhltrl the speaker, he, elOped in me" from - chi ball of the Moe: ' ~.. - ut ivories being ordered by the Um" him and thted him in the lAnd. Office, up ml the imanter._There lie made abutter MUMk or Milian. site mhos upon Ida toes. Lein ' iter:hued th at he . would map, he.J :her `e i trust. The Sinew* sajtis Irlili .inthisici hint of hishich Ito know as it Member of=the l a— pples him on Ow shoulder "said, did not necessaryto call assistance. Conrad thinking Likelleairt *ssnot frightened at his size or . al it is iond,he was armed with 14•101•6 ed docile...id seeing lur way opoed. started. t stop again caul he was before the speak 'e" Tied be came therebabsid that he wish . • that 11, aPPeeredbY emelrebees , i end Macrae will. The speaker then maireid deli-, reprunamt—which wilt be found below. i 1 &nudity. March's' i ti ' ' f *l4 w c 4.- ' i akar eau . ones rod -in ' eMt , and said. he woulthmt a ' ad firma the speaker. Sid. Cll4 Ida ha oda pity left the kali."_,_ il , • iGiffm - immediately moved, t h at lie be hiptasiteri Into Oro custody otthe kletkeinf aryl and bought bean the bet of the *NW, I was aimed tol without a diviison. . , , 1 .. *as then brought Pr hy the gergeent.at imd•filkeed in the area before the speaker', , whelk &declared to the Rouse that bevies arrw3J-4..........}..a.ikett Ibeliciuse to take r .pl i kek tra be Mani his, request.i lie a p ' , dlO slithers him as follows: • n `„W. Vonad.i. •This is the4sy on which I'a .- directed by .the reirtioculatires of . ii o of Pennstylrants.pabjie yid reprimand . 1,1 t f' a violence If duties. which in their elan. adue to timid " "d our common, ebastiteenta. t, ci of eay.'thatl it is ama &source el, deep ti, that anY member of thq, Legislature of ts i tm aylcanbilitiot he Owed in ... the relatiou i to .3 ouse end the c try whiflixon occopfoind fa *IY reeler e leri eemPfilr . ele- 10 Pefellier to • • talent of y i feller member* - he having: lisle:ma iteltbetattly k formed. R. hatrinufaiti ' beard' your ease; and \the ris. I (, al in, that ro*,b e bees fining gnilty ofiin at e o mislaid blic sentiment. at the extkulie if , character a d mutation or Ihe legislature if r commonws tb, aridi w lify and betel ath te -1 - I v• si . those with whom • y cre in thrt balm. if , ail crentotthi . 1 - The obr.crof the evidentee DT • by you to ermannuttee, was -to show, th e el:levelled n vdu had with the &noir fro .•': •',kW. r.pately jocular:lnd that Y,i3o tio . od aide it.l.' pposing-thi;tti be'so, it was, ,ti .ed Jo -thiarbe ' fiat in:100 =snbaeitiht i f de in re 'wig tt that an aein*th'britic a e kr or the &datum. 'had been sit enily in • • end low etteckeeierttee,in pubha Oe c• • that amateur d teitrerentattrcs had beim b , was an utter elcr !when 0 your'datp its a er boner.•land an abenthannent of that I I I; la neekial filOty,lg: 01,,rpdiki. which $ it thstinsifsh a ,reposentaUve of a free sad h • ~, people . 1' ' 4 :foot' the,pabilo -mind been di ^1 , and i aiitidotaiif t truth tot arid sob limed the venom which a. combination of design. in g ren had ci n t r 4 i 4 dre 4 . l ° ette4letestbtr_uttlit disaminug etimialemiceelllll4 hare unsoink con. el id ' coin- tier 'lmeiti m or oat ?spume:nation webl. hate been , 4iistroyed; gr o at - ciderpilierr - df odd 9 benefit arrested; the cliaraitere the kg*. later _ stig p and 'the triumph - of thorn at homeland -Mott! arbti*inid rejoice tO lee YoUr waive &alb from'bet minter: rink in the fluien;,and subjected to partitions influences 14 * *bread.* have been *trollied.' Among thetactuhl Agent - in this disgraceful Yogbi&VO been fu nit. It is a source or gratitude to wiry lamest man 'of keensylvailia, Ilia L iii Mob sumo, not stchicaredebut:tho plea whilth seem li t °teething, irgitat* (kali " br poo movie ion *Maims been to n 0 von:* a...v.1145t( are, entitled hilio e ii l i r 3 r from 1 th e emph ic condeamithin US" • vfh if sharelin I tit** - ked and dflignbefnE Oben*: .ireWseitteettrY =';'-' t ' ...- 7 ..c,1,.. I . 4 1 .4 a not Ala 1 1 4* -' itOisidfiw be mo Oil this pain I sii - Ic in )dif tkinprey tolsini g reed is y4iertlti_the palatial i coig - d4his 6 7) .4 . ' "', ' '''' l: '. '''' 1 ' '4 = 0 .4 01 tbak4l44 iktllielltiTit'd* . 4a41.40:, itanairatiesiiktornmug* si s ihikiiiihade'llid.eitosis I "es , role etnielnlintorionfn fig latir,ig '. irAlosti:Lii 44 iiritiaa "" 1 ' '''' 4 ' '''' 4 .. t ''''!% r " ' • ' e AfriOlg' g 4 1 1 . -" litete Sir elailaW s 7l4flimlikei 4 1 ir t iiiiiaWilil4lll,l4iir. 1ire0 . ..-" I ''0 z- 4 *.: 4 Al.Novinag '".•_Ntf31,41§7,,,. en ri ed it not b vered 'lake at a., A r „ chat ,notit r•ln me you, lab rev Pen The Mal dial -_- - -.''.a'. . copm iOniOlit : hign„ l ***"4i-f = .464iiii*ght - or theli c a*qt , 50" 4 0 63 en be heip4reheirA bi e r-- 'lcifoidiise their ei itepreeeri tiigtxs, au-_ Rd*Mtik: l oo o : 44 ' I, krinii#L' 6 oo-**ol li:eq#tfully:t; RENIVY-;, ite*t., itsThntse titf 'ti electialkr Lei 4i elect `"-:-.: 3 0 4 - -41... d . - 4 . ... , •fr:c.' ...... , D1 :_et*R-ADalia 'E 4 Aui_the Noriblk 4 lin l d o f 4#lV 4 r 3 PUBLIC'Et2SLING:AND. ~ '' i - ofirth '''' e' 1 - 'Oh 11 . 1'64* A poh.ii: moos g ien .., , h, thenitizeini - of_Rieligkisndv and- lifiaelqiieVi'tt": Jong Trt.zzi Etn. - Thill,on. Mr. i l leirr e likylili ' arrived in lhe - fil• the . Dth 1 1" 14 *• 141 40 3 * 'seat by infritatereir. • . ,J;..-.:. :•.-- -•- , 4 ~,,,, , .e. ~,,,,, - Ars 'illefv-oloon krtit - - ' eit'idiiiiei:ef : tlie7,' ciMIP• 33 P far Dearly in* hour; 'sea 461- ettl&nili interrupted by bursts ofsi - ' - - Virlielinekrf' cluded.litr; Leigh, -g t o arose, end spoke about three quarters an,4tr.` ''fle 'drew, a idetilV err 001444i:0f Ai' gi;,at a Waihington. and warned'bii Countrymen ,vithe inoit:salemn and.voiryinSekra iniinievs te rrestAr pcissibliAbi; .downward ;.tendency of t ' .47cortlintuent:', We auliviCit• Ppst:i4 of the regular taaistearid-* Mt , of tMerolonteers;,. [General Wm-Lae:llmA Pron. de!ii:tOrkintilkt Adjutant`Generibllernitrd' , lPer.. ,g 1 two NOberPG-E.toth and ]_, A.bliyikEighltee.l r ,/ . - ' ntigitAil ASTS. ,, • t , • f ,.. 1 The ieopterifixirgitila: ' They re in from, a gallant iiiieiitry*`•b# thi frO ldo,o4‘ l2 - al honer: , Another *rest a tain talk pirett;Aiesw. tp.emailafir tali piqriotin ' ' kit Wilt ftWit;' Or ' ,`., Oar sister State erPa ' ivi` alai' liliii:NOws: br Virginia share her indlttunittibitosplere of Federal power. anCita inioniv; iii dprnig,h) . dietptetnbevsovereign IV' "lirill ' :I%y iejelos 1 iftrue itul dist tis 4 ffreet ha.. beet: to: - ',. l thilie.lhe.Ani.kor , - ialrutersies of " 9 ?•!1 ' 1 '-' - '..t s ..---- :: outhawed iroesti Joh n TOOL' - V4Plitiker •f;ent ihmat that he - ; - anditbetnnedYse. of ribieb: ha ever faithfully* d'abli i ipiebimitl;l7 dm I . eojn . .plying Walser ars , oritieerPled` midpoint; deli lie id bat !hansom* ='!: tellteheeitn etbtie counpiyrnen. -•-• j i .:., - -..J . 1 .:, , • .., „ „._, ' Our henored • &eat Oen' min= illftikina: -Leigh: ,'Ae Cato. him; a. Artftid 1 1 0N":' , :,Assiii4Peis ,di ttAirii; whom itaimill' nyeannat'ipisioureis er "-ateotraPt . i*aloder,"‘ ' - *. 1 9, 1 • 1 ,taeilhed ' irtriititia's s'Aritnneng " lutitittni".'liieln li,blatit spot ow ber t yeetal robe!` Labe* tn - s tbknt ‘e , 46 jeflieted .iii - F ord rubics w i liere: , inirels difa,hoi tread. 1 , '.. - r lt The Virginia ' leetOr , ' bet- Pe o l4oi "nre a n" ly, ermatitutional expunge .! "They'litil eentielle the eipongere, and crams ueldelainediptit"AeTat let s eerionla eseutelteen. - ....7 ..; - 1 . -' '. L "t,'...4 1 .1 , 1 ' Expongine tile „jou of the Saws: fr:iu .: ° ltoosthilligod li,the;expongers - .‘ bei - eueettatitti;• tiii43/, it o 1414tiouNin . - I Doiieniiraliehatiol;3iftitt - '4 d o qoe_, Let the'cipanging Inajority.chinieetheir ' hat:fly:if I ,- 0 . he (Insießr's tinn‘rfixed Iby ibe_Cdnetiter. t tberolli tiOn'at six seem: Whatmu st be' thonifitttafthose" wlia,.nevorn to support -4 - 6 . :stibstietri-get -sid i tif the _§Fnators by :liklaei libenV,",. d - - or reltignalion• ' , -'' ~,, -4 -- t.,- , t,. _, “- ';'4:sl, Arin i::;,:, ik oea. islets "T " itto r iilltion wr, ainierj; let . Aivwcirk'-enit . , I!iiiit:lti(tki:illopd lirolkoe..4, -- CoOrF,Lit ' ,- 1- , ii ~: 4 ,' '', ', „ ,-:, - - . frius - tdast 'wee asetqlt v Jang and lend , theertna ...-‘'; , .1 /„.;L i -,' 1: : : ',i ' ',l, i ' i . Anal _LjOktii . l 'en hetet lord* qamunitiN:r nd'Afianni, nireitilitidiWl6,ing tehi4..` ~... loV ir VitziniValinuihtitt liert*Aetiry.l4. hir. ; 7- , ' intOpidiadet. 4 lloroni he the via . 4t. -1 le iltr it e INYbeiglanifArlit-0Ti,11 1 ,4,j kit - tem tr,.e,ni„,elOiel • l ißs lei •mbeirC4* . '. . t h il'. - fi r r i*="Kkit . ;t-L kir:lied bintntol-7 •-'-_,.,-- ~'—'' ;..,,4 - :;,, , ft ~,, ~1-t r ; . The fieitife'artiie'bre ddillia blitilieeelx . , t IrtigbtleaturenifthiGildittittiiitt.'-'lt f#lg r at - mi.et.. 1 1 ,, led tc4Terfeketidltet _loihicii,:*; '',,Wl.#,_litei ,7 atOift *lel! thud cilidadtki:ehrt 11 , 4 11eTair0 tit& reten - 00 iiii 6 nOesio i l: p.0;.,,id.t_.„1:3. 4 lii„„„Lbtrei***ltliteritt4lir trig till;# 1 - 1 1r4 the',People., - -, 1 1 , • ' • .4.' , - 1" -I," `,..14-41...V rityltobtitit.tititittir lUi : 'sn'iaii' .. , 114 ' bio ' to `the sViiirditeire ' r er,..ibbiehlternittatim itirtittio4oti*t istriey•ofi!e . iiist)iid gilistit,de r , toOftilikiegki tire IlutuAskOOW . _ , e..., ,- "' itsizatigl . Aje. hoortnt;.Avir ig ..-Mcesio, t i meti - pTiktlig Tie* , . -- . t . i l m a ,to • iim ml bi i-df infotips., , j , l ,M ".-, ';' - ,..11*...= 4itiiitiartPrtb°: -,„ '-- - 1 0 -rals-tiv l:f.- 1 1e, ~ -6;-. ikit 0.x,. ii w t ,t r oct ,,, ,tr:4<gre: ii , -aTet 'Tt sift l' hii .' *idt 2 i E n t I d licit:iroikAhalr tl ntb ~ - -,- -. ,-- '' l i i. ‘.l " --‘ \ hikihilFj4A6ol9:l,.. . to -4* !l t reuinidic2: havii;hewri. I ''W:tim*m. 1 1- . , , tu‘ - -4 ivetidi Aka I'AVII ~iid. t,__, o6 -, g "A, - izE T , -,., , 5 - .4iikgbitedesinit.:-- m.. 1-1. `;,iiiit'lii6,",.. .-. • OtherlottiiimiliOn3 .. , ,Y••."- ~ orpiew -- tririV, ' been airiestal ka itar=ili-iihitei.i:v.; isc,l4.l,4.;aibr:iiii , twit v ikli%liiiiiitit", i.- ioniumitwin,ll% , 3 ,ft,.. sui-,pecii IVO 2'..4t. 1 stioidity ih:thesemainp . ciat l ie bgA*Vithe WO e4o **-D% - itir. Inc,. 1 majaadr, Diiis_tiMitektirrAtii 1. ' sort v itaii....otthe zdeMlT'afrK,' - f . ' geje - " " t nahimtrWPS : niglitig a g - li i i - .4, te r :WaiggilliehYltiletitri - '-, • ...--- i 5 Auks haVi )fliti it II 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers