ILS IS ~4itthat t , arf Is3Ge § - 61W-IrLi (..ark), sisa n4Schal ti:.k fpi fo: am his ai r forate_i If 1161 1 13 xi ikon , of Ter VI ,SePP,rf 111 P; rapt Co' 'to ear • .4pr 2 eat 01 Ilia a 17i:stink, hif, at prices t ,cannovi . della and pup= siik to-which tke 'Nat han "iiratht IT in% callus do pss. ry. ' . . Glottisl lj t =up r. in r s 1 ml bt WWI, i• -10.. Wt. , • 41ciipthasitiess wiltlind this sem ietileOt to *air bissin Lpstronsfe, and all Ws , i ,;llkerti, I ,P ' - citl•!il,r`PS ' 'lna... t - 7tr o , l ° ll ' . P l kf tal • ill I, l4altdelphia, F 08.27 1836 , . , 7 . FORT CAR iL , l , i,, , Stivisigi Fund , ,_ pm ?art Cathint Sevin A* open "116' day hol 'themmce ot. Dist:bunt and! 5 4 oticeelvinit ) deposits to - :411 50 9. from, anyone iti . . West of 4 op cent wit . 06 , but, ip interes to„t4y i eitaie puts Oft $5 I.pan may be drawk out ott bi.* weeks. at the office di** of the Soddy will folloviteg'Officexio' sad m Mhaday in Mal nest. firmldent--,A9,tiILA • Yam ~ .. eclum• . HOOP* E • 34 361 ) Silt - . . I IL,Whitaiy, , _ Attacle 3d of ant Ch whitsperes shall le sere wElfiumP•Ts fir &eh; Mangier becolne e` fiery 11410„. . , , Public EM& ditEl ,14 - gi Ji•vicl vial& Assign= m g, pe.rsolai indinured. , trii forA! 411* 61'14 '/t tOi4 lle** hc l o i rd ut#n relit In,my wir . 4 Sliertalely;#44.4( ,bill h .- likr!:l9 l ,.' t ti ' r ' #24lll*.T.ibi ' 1 • , , t ..•.-• ~,, „.•,.'! i. s • ,--,. • -.., ITAra_fiiiiii**ii 2 o N'APP. 1 1"Iii:; 1 ; 8 "T t l. r igiribkiii - diike i tr 3 iklio tiailphiln it sham sigelt Itirr ....- ~.4,- . 1 t* ;:arvit - .l;4iti 2 , itctuils- ii, g 4 91 -7-" iiipiirrntl:z.:32 ;11 ;a4tazinAl " '," : .--,"?..,: i'-i-,4: vttY4Tti:' -'!------•,:,.:*;,:12 i • .fiwireAxt:,..,-:,--„. ~' -,2-: idi _-1,.. --: --1;i1,21j. ~,,F.0tr.:..-d„...,:::-Jk .irtr,014.,,-..„,,..51r,,,,k,,,,,,r, .;Vdsr,kittitii. q, tltzr.77, ,t - ,,y1.- 1 . - . - tioilit ~ TrytfAt' - -6,i's ,1-: -Riamprit#,,' 4 4 ,-,- ;'. 4 - - ': f;74-di,V,.:. .11. Ei5.,!1-:-',-','-...5%::' ',43 / ~,, visms, , iiiian, ,31A1C, • -1-'.„ Ai witgilVl. 'II- ' - ‘l,Zlift !14.8.11!,.:- iiiia•lxt*kr•z"77,ll.l:;:;', IL*: .. ''l2 . - , ,-`i..-,-,1.-0 . 1, 1 ; ;ze -.. ' cents:l tir :: '----; • - rii , .:,. - 1 -- -,-.„-i, ..----,,—, , , 0 7[ - ' I', }- - - - ' •,r4,44 - wst i.4T tUemntgie , _ -4 eflinsi. linninoind Terminer LOVEIV. • . _ , rel o 4 llil tied - De; fi efrottlent, of Der, Terri. AP MVP: !tieing the ArEw AgALT,S9,. - 11" ••?' r2' cA*rnoue Icinar,the 4 tounty is corn tarore• gentians, es those dcree. rosy. ill be then hu 2 - 7 16 . 32 1 iirigr • NvlN,lvt 15 , 4 ILALQp'SLI D a." Ili* *Pe: m.h • • • liras 'sal, I t. • Fgbt 12 " • AIX• Rizamoned imam* 16 1 C 111,61 VIRENA: I . anti Axr ala!), those icon coordiogly II; - 7.)4 A Feb '6 '' tubscii _ bars , 1 tolVoigiiop fLOrtbese*:.' 'Ainied Mon= Wail:l4lc 4g.fofthe %ere they 4v-ir OFF'," Rio,ld i 2 TigN teugi riius. IAtFEII, YO . 'trs. /AS. RtSON,* aI,NBURG,* CTFIRSO N. JAMP EWII E e3f- *a i 2 . NATHANS AW. LOW. lIIM 1064 - - fintlesp JIM 16 •-• CO.S)_, • 1 ick• strras,, • 11 0 1 .1 14 Sirois, 1 I ..aive fa. he is nom ' ttiiii n gubiscitbcr Comm:o Vespeond uch beloiv the VVINDSo w'' EMT tido and rib , ; Coin/lotto, wine made co t. J. id - • .- lete ' lazing, of goer - .. • ..., odors, ichiete, Cravats', for site by ljuee 7 11 . DAV c I•ssoftui 101' find kt,in 61 0 14 470 0.‘: Canal, ItCod- E!sv, of for with a can„ Ins tha,a: bel " Ahui 'JON •• I hr " oft, - t ic) I 1211' F neat ' 4 ed i JPeat i Do 1= Flux; 7d e T jal 9,t03 t posit, for 0 pot ' y stbou not 5.5..1 ow, - upon width on every $5 will be slowed on The ;whole _or any be end noitkiro, to Lye. Tbe-Ite oct.od by Ili? . ainte. uatil, the first Or. ref ~3 Hubley and Trillions. or. , ; .!'No entoltipuiat ite4 by the Pteeidisa Ilse*, Aar shall any t'utt;fro!xi the twilit*. !. . .., , lifloo-holjuttn r i'l-.9f,01114-Prortts , tq thojokootihe.nion - Oreditor% hare* 04601.0 to th e "Ad I. to pay the *Line:. ink. bin; demands agtinit o.othecdithe subscr:i. RinbenCraits, as a. AELi EVERET, .DE'rpt, MM 'ffreeiktitii* velag Aug* " = -iliiik qualaiv 4 Mit' !art , infoTA 3 s 4l % i ' he. t at l ' t • 84 i l a f:ttl; : - 11 ; t Ware ofjoalfonigar; as eash4K Ilour AO ==TE ~;~ ,:~.~z rY ~ ~ ;T , ..~ ~.. .~ :. ~,: NW. x• ,_ .~ I*ll Liccijidpl-Hie ,TEcrossis - •z:344 - vQva i',1344 i fiws4lia Z 59 1 9 1 N+ ircelvld an eii !Sperm Oil:l — A*lmile: CSS, peiptiod. - i - Yeeelle by ILLE • & 'MI TA • It XII Pisa iixt - EMI arkliti4 Wand' and foi - aida _ andi°ia h,3.. ET:7I7 - i • StibAtt. l lOU B iiited*recei • N0TA2.4..04 • , 4alla so ply o£• Ladies end. and aSiliCennieseandffirt sa ' by ' „ - .B."11 'NAN. a-Co aro T , r superior y:tirreifor 16 . NAT & Co. arm IN(3. - :141 ho h ye Books con him" rd. done 1, two or Lice, - by Jeadingathegit with the ; • -13. - .13 - NAN. . 'cHAIRS,-4 i rger n {Fancy 11On° JCV ' Asr, t r • - aniCi . • •, 1 - • • QXJPERIOR Dein? _ Pin - Apple do For Die 14 .t 7 N. ItiA ps virm zrhaciipt,#"*.cp • *Art& Weithir .otTitie ' 3" 3gs;' • Evv i : sT94E. i',* sm / wri 1 i4 . iiriithluis' • ' j., .i , , 4.;,,44.0•0 k i , li, PleflY I S itt r i g 7 l 4i ' - .4i 4 0 90141 Zatt . ii' ' 'i• MC I int or igN - Liquo., : 'T ' Chi. we" dao. J . is of 4 olive, . clitfat. ab - Ind, ised VAT and mixed tine • 19 ligreij and Faitinettia lured beau -conlitt - ' thita b and pen ' flannels. 1, )lellow.and ~ kite Ptudan flan td nnbinittnal do , iica -do mans. t .dc iwiina.,- 1 . t s. ! brown i and role:tOstinosk _., • I . MI Awn find O jai ' 1 3.1 0ars , italickiis;+ i ICya ne - PeMil loo4Ctanilglii ' akilMaCiird• i _ 2 - Arkliflsiamivitp • • INS cit - t' , f: - T4',' 7 la 1 +z '- - 0. , f -; , ; 5 . 1- -ir ' 6 , 2 005 to o.2 s yev 'i 4111' ,4- 4•‘ 7:? , f',-, • • - . -, , ,-intrtatpiestifi:= '-' ':' - ff:: - P ~ !ne,rogrsite;„ , ArOtrititi , ' :t1y, , ,!"-: -, mt. Americaniai- '"." •". :- - ,-,/` , AriiiiilreyiOlimi '' il :...'',,S;'''' : teh io d 10 #,,,,, 0r i r k 4 2 " --: ',..,::',..? . ~., I * -1 0 11 A0 ! ' - ''-- ill ' ', 1 - ' A .. NMI - 0i IC . - 7. ..%jki , ' 7 '' • 'l4 l 4 lo ll+oli.#C - i ti A l k:,l ' :,': ; ;- S i ::: :- -t o , C f. ' ?;117:, Cr; g 4 4 1..",,.,. le ql. 1 -.;'''- ".:.'.' ri':::•::cr,::: - , i ir .• ( - '-' il' -." tali rAbi "--; 4 1 4 811611-1%-' l' - . - ` , =l`.- .4 i ...'; '-,-: k . i' 4 " r ir 'law '',. Li - i - r -, ' ' - '•- , l6iiii: , .1 .• -'-_-:>'..' 'ar o. ~ , 4 1„-; 'll:lei:Xi i:OrLiret NOW - '1 , - ..' --: .t.;,..„ . ' !rittill . 4 1 k 6 7 — , oilpi T me 0 -• lidtrummo ,den • ~ .*it Chrkiiit "- iisitili t e * Wart,' ~.': -."... ,-.•; 'MI, 'OW u l.iititt` IlitV ...lir* Or, cas X ,ta *the "iiirrik - ' lit,rite*rl' *A - st4or.! inOt, i ` Itif " - - a anitTO ' ,:f, '''-'' s ;'' , ' 4 ; -- ''' . :!'.P " --- - i4 J' '' '',: . ,',.•:; 17 . - 7: -- - . 7 ::;- ' .--.-:.'''''. ' 'i : : ::-' ,i -‘ . : -I - ft-: ,2::1-,,r.4., 4 t• l ';` . 'l:: -7 ,,K!''.t-- ::;,, ' ..-,, - ..•';`,',.e 7.t.' u.""z7; - '17... , Z..:',' , r,:= . 747:1-"- :: '' ,- 1 , : - .: L•:, ` 1 .• , : : ;: -. ...' ,- T , ,T,' -- ,F. f- i.f- - - - -'?;: 7 .:Tr":1:1, - ; 3:::-::f''- - Z,',' ; '- . : . ' l- - 41. - 1 5 ;4Y'-‘t , - ' : " . .,L , :4 - ' , ": , ' , -,'',.^ . , - • ,,, ; , '," 4 - ~ -' , "_,' , • ;-4 :! -:,: ' .-, .::':-.;...,.,..: , .:•:--,;7 , .... , t ,:.i. .17;:: --',:...._. A„ :;,..., . --t-,..... ~,,,,,, „..,-..,.....7,-,-,: r fv-, 5 .....-, ...:-...., 4.,-,v,. •• , , ..:_::: ,- ..:-.,1,,..,- u:-• ...!--t% , .4 - 7,- - ~,, , -, , - ..,, , ..f . • , -.., ;".A.2-' Z';'nT t 4, •‘11: , !' , . ,,, . •:-.- , ..'4 , -- ,,, ',.r,.''.....,`` '' ; :i ... ,...7.;,.'.. 1 „1:;;Zt.14' . .,...ti,:',...;',..i..,;-., 4 k . , g ,:''. 4 ..7 1 ..,, r7 "'• - ;,'.: , ,..,pg." 14 . ,:. -- , ,,,..,;_.4.,. ',....-....... .:,...7...... , '":::7P--..- ::-.-.. r' , .3 ' ",", ' '. ~ . . 'IT (3 , :.......11.-- , ,.:-; ,1 : ; ;F. , :t ' , l ': .'1: ,, ,-*.,-' - .:; • ~. - - , tc.• , -.5., , ,, ...,,,' ~,,,,.••=t 1:- • ' •••• ..Z Y-",1 4 ,- - e-it ,, ,.k. , ........—,, 1 1 4 200 laSa'ar egi,Fitila ooo Y • :nv -"Amble lop, jiistlatidett . *ln Ilibrn nfni 1 01 1 :40 04 " nOni `ctiSei)l6l6Bsers li4igolP6ll''Sift#4i,lirandr • • :icaoilipod.tinitr4r ' DINU - -6,o igi. ll , Bol 4Aftor. be, twain • - _ an d CkirAnut:streets, PM* •50-601 _ " El Jor :10y, Mff= Neit;ind gl.iataltsl44-, Basket P,rnneo Citrons and. Latanaank Frcncb s L p4niah OlOstes •Capori:auCticklpti-. Iddatirbon - Catimp • Ei B ePLia . . La4ter - 4 Cantaat'ay, CariiPawdct. . JahalßultaßeerSte.altigaaak - . 'Pickled lakkida , 4 s o/ula-and Muscle& *Or Malt Jiuoo • P, nstatit. iN.:' LIS m i certied; Yio. • . . . JUST"Ceitr4from Voile:as& •• pin*. Kluge - -asscnitoeilt-of Newlf; • • mOngw4ial ote. , ew soil loghionalile Fritts. ale do liferiiioes. • ~"' Setmted r sale by & Po. , *gh ee,f. l ANS Ckatts i Cassip2eres4n4 eattirketts, I , Conte aid .woolle4 annal s. • 10 et .24 .49- . 41,4. uE4Trr. Olen tiiflc „aid tor gide BEAN. NATHAN'S , * 111 SAVE an hand and:agar for Sale the tellow.i wing . assortment &Wines and Liquors' • ' • SupertorGld E. L Maddira- Wine on diugltti • Star. rand. do do do do• iketledi •do do L.P. .• do • do on drglght. do •do Port: Poire•Grqie loice r 04164 do do . do •dd do do on d aped:" • Commen do . do Superior i , grown Sheirrdo do "don , do do dok do battled doPalo dot do a... do , dcil4 do • •on droned, •do Dr Mtilega. StieettMaloga do • do •Liebotfandilarahtederta to• . do •SielY itedeirk•di, Mileage! Ilddo , ' Claret on`dwight and bottled, 1 , do Old Hock end Muscat bottled,do .ChitropitigneOf Eagle, Comet indJolty -- ' • , Situtda v do Old 4th Procif#andyi I • do 'do Hot. Gin, do.. Champaign-Brandy Ist and -2-d Cognac•and flordeatm ido.lst,2d dj 34) - do • Jam. Spirits lat. 2d• and 3d do ' Ho!. Gin; tstidnid quality, i kl Ruro,Com. Gin end Common MOnoniehelit and Common Whakey • Sup. bldlrlah'Whiakeir, do do Scotch the R I Motto. tain Dew varrimted 2 . 0 years lit, do -4. c. ;lac. .k .• 'revere keepers_ and ether 4reouroent t itril Jed ted to call f telbere they cabi be .itippliod . , itai bet ter Winos iard Liquore; ontiatter tenni, then thati.. have been getting. r Ji11 23 - . t 111 . - .ES, TT Y fitr , sato an' I.IIE and sato ).1 & Co. d genera atibon. RM ffn with sold 0— i • Gum. Ela tk 'Good*, gri_MITLEMEN',.Oons Elastic Frock !Do dir do- 'Piatsldsour, cAtiv • - ;Da di) • 1 - Plain L Shoese Drdo Molorkid t . Oval 131240, Do t do do Suspendri,, Ladies, Misses ,and Chddrens Aprons. ' t Do Fared and. For Luied Shoes, Do and. Children's Oaks . AO , /, Water-Bottles, &e. &e:„ lustsekteived and for iedeby J N N. D. Gam and Wagons, Cortaios t 9rder-- 810, C O • 'T 401 . CC4 ISLC• law CP*Rio Coffee, 60 arsihouse i , New Orleans t in. El Ind riniaad Molaisei • . • w Orlnate. Binsearigo li n End i t. .. nd Bt qrotx s4llllol,___ • 20 'Wm PrOrIIIOIIIO OYER" ," Young linystda and Idack-Tnas 01%4 &. 16. halflistreis hulled-parlOy. 30; bone. OhihOiergho.Sonpriweern 1000 ibs• dipt.CandWei4l.o%-ind I 910 , 10 fir" AXEMIRSIIIIC.ALTint I3 4i ,Aut.4o;. delki.ibi#l0 0 bon 'Prult ll3 9l.lovereivuti eirprrithentole armj; Oric. at ikeireoa qouOripir of d i s ice 9.5 ctittr!..i'lua,recteliett alloy im let 171.1-r, : jpitriptiFurs 11M' AI3IiIONABLE _ IV • do -Yuk.nool.zulklar lad - 11 r elti 1 44/ • Aqi9wts 4 . .folulki • ' • ' Y . 'nePSonars -- • b - rectsiied#4•l9, z:; EL I - ONAltikri*Taiimri T ry. ~...- ibetwaiaigo tuortanarrpf, f ; O4 Ailley&Wrii6ofikii . last,: 4; which will agd • arboteraie • 'regal , it ' a y*mdiasinned6 - I.7ke-talliio CltigOirs:a `4looAa'albeitartisign:',. - -,. ,Clitecofitossirlisp: ...' -(..:', O L IO oiltiNierAs,l3o4- ' - Ozrge•-•'-- 4 ' .... dot= --- .L . C- TailikPinr44'. f .t . i,'"-•': ri* -;!:'-:, -4.::-.Ar.;-,..::zChlosibier Wiali:-, .;;-' Oraurt - ; 0:-:'-:.;:dOrr•••,••-• - • 0180)*.. . ,itN 4 '.: ~. ,t am - phot ..2..::,:jiti,.,-;...)-LllTOrteltedic.;'-':= ;,-'•*--.-=.. •'4" , iirerider.- ' - ', 44:0: `_::1-:•::- Ficiiid=! - 1).- i'• .-, Doli4l.l6lel l : l W , :'i --:, . 1,6 4.1 1 / 4 11 i ' ll .'" , l`'-' - :''. 1 •Vrendirsierit ,,,- .-Tlitli_ . ! s ' - 7, f'... , - 2, 7 j ,ChatiteisaShavidiii.'4-,i.Plierwar, Writ Wilt 1 ItiaiOil .:•-:.-- 4,, , ,; , - - *.i.l6,seioisT Indhick 011:4-41VC: , 4 - 4 :reiillinier, litlieis: .:1.: - .:: 1 atilitarltaaiiaz---;.:;:116.0ii:- lt,Wia‘bac flecklaW(uh. i ~ . -,. atillv , ' •.. _,,, • 1` 1 ~ neYeariroirda -1; - - ; itair /kat ' - --} --- 7 411411 - 3t ' ;. %'. -.... • r'''....: j ';;', - .S.f . :rz` , .:4 7 : 437.36:%:,%4 i;:' --.. :,:, :!-- : 7 BM ME CAM for Carr* dre.vrdlb Feb 6 ~to~=i~% ~.~> ....a 1 ! .. ;Its:. jai; br l / 4 laths; , do , encl., !whin ' Se' cani 'tisir , . .i14, : x,1 go —. ,a/ Fianna ' te loralprin . ea ..aisk foi.table tbitts 11r, bird eye . : - , iii 3 Stno* co/ 4 0 1 0 11 in , linet,jtiand Imo nankin illicit . in brown ;and s ig i laii ,d 0 0 sia Yu* . ii"; in cotton hosieryabibet nmers 'Willi:oMM ' . awle,cetton.Mnl silk li dkerel itrotais' 1 - India, Vrcechi - ; 1 d 1 ' n. silk thread, 144004dt cotton 1 7 inigings, l l ' liege Mid , (neertings,nn user, 4 0 - sibands l and gallooni,,lrish linen', long ransn'tsimbrick, tiuntiiclr, jaeon Swia , 1 5 4/F man , in* Ete' i l nal tu teni Eng ' ' iner fm" -- f se it bomb= boleti: at , - 9.4410-4, A . I T- 4 i - t*telit upd count. . . - es gen - li ckskin, .biissfu s and hos in g , la -4les heals' ;Silk arid ki4 glayba on . rants, dies 'llePUenlekgs and ' c Arot w sboesisn boots, own , , ;sod bleached m Tins, peting, It as Grit of ready do el thl#g brushes, ~, 14, b . • • and 1 pirlioeil ca : ' ~ „,. i 11ARD.W . ''' T ER Z C• 1 t A, AND_Qlutist ,Alsb ygotist_ suoninitofba I EIZIES, par - .ebssed•wit/ pirtiar keptataq. ality,Onsist. ang,ln piu. LAX. r . ; -_.- Wines, .c dill Fr neh brand , Nana:and common gip, old No • aheltwhi4key, common , brandy, rye wild ey, o. 1 Land . mackerel in barrels and half irrels;. '-' 01TeK11/ 4 stiggiy - 1 1 / 2 A) • Stlt. 6y the bat -or bhsbel butte r, cb se and crackers * !perm ceti and '.nmon -oil, t ge her :with a variety o ortieles trot entnarik w icb be will sell w °testa and retail, on e most ren = r ide to for demb or country p . F,F i au , sn a tt n y d eyin FF .tanerelbe b t h i m nfuts t runi s pri htizie w da d 4c er it an ginir d oin : nit's se for Eagle ' lard . , :*- Al hig w il a eit "- ice a i lt een cthi l ili st il ea nt "hjl2PPrl• of Pt l'r nee. i' - , early as geed-tee' s al ).11 loordd from Philadelphia. r , tl9 ;a 1 ' NEW L GOO 'S. LIE Subscribers hare just t • ceived 1 and generatassopent of O•Wi arn Dry -Goo *, .. r, 1 Grucefies: '' illirdwart i , , - le l ni Gtasa & Queens 'Vi e Sphrting And filardin Pow thir Irop , Grind awn S i . Mal i,: ,• 1 Flotir, steryirc. , * 'pit in .addition Itherrsforni 1 attic assurtment tiateriuive la pie Iph are oared firrtsalelniho 'dc or ; reduced prices ihr tailh Or . ' cal Intry Product. ' ' i to highest pried — "ail ProdPne. .1( . 4 121 IFall and biter GI only CLAYT 0 , , thankful ,forrp mope:WOO; ingtsi his friends, e i in genial , that 4 lids jiutt xcbeivt d - gcneratassorimdut ofFall arid Win II twa4ilitnibal °t ° .' .''' ia..t.i. " t: • -; hrowt4stibl-ife" ekttri!ent LT...v. . Able. green elath .4• ~ ':' ,i : tie, blaci„, brow' ,' a A rind MOY. aiickel mbl ares abd rose ankets, ' 1 I .grain St. rotten c : ; Fiend dr, Er rinoes. qui, brown, drab mixed buckskin thsainetts, s i pet, i ' roan. white.....yeihnrand tcd flabucla, !Alan Hall nele, ' 1 • , - uckakin beverrceris, etirsv and lyon in eloth eterslgun, goatsbaserannicta death t plaids,. than; llim aih„ German and blab linens, table covers, table, dlaper, - H : I I leached' and brofrn' checks, [ , . I. :atter prints, Frene,h ehtto, prlntet 1 7;th:ors, ' ~ i 'mart= idiatfla and thibets, it labck end edging; .I . ; [• • , • ; . . tneu,lce.konett Ind eambridlts, blank and flinj e - 9 smut, • " • :I _ • i ottontaps,widdirig, thraild tit cap's; fin tippit Gum lined mint Ade!, CM se and fine Ihoor sad b eiotanfere4 'stile.' &acme taim, China and qtreeintsratin, *! • I t' inert Li an Grimeeice, ; • BOAS and Stational?, (kn. the., ' All Of wh i t lielivill' sell at libe lot bit pri .. .,si ihr cash, or arch*fur ootint4 produce. .. . 1 1. Pottsville, Oct". i 1835. 1 i i!, - 46-ti , N. B. Dryn't for et the: tfumWr, thr • doors bc f low tlic stage offt .. in centre Street. , • - ~ , , 1 MI Gigs. furnish -1- I;iZ TM 1:=1 landw4 I. -4 PIP, Comtnen Poji r r CLIN in► villeanditovietnity, ton ant - n o~ i»• opoislif rawly!, ottlers for t Bb MM. .1 . • CA4t,..W: eTaity.6r ProMPllt. faitlifk, Notion ria;lB3l, Oirair% . . 1 Chart of • 100 tons a - 15ab[jis' 1t *hi • • - 40 new t u dfigoi 10aibble 50 50 t..rgi# ' - solidi) -1003241 'anal 3 kit mkt' , .10 . de .do - bblii Wel , .10 do. eimil • - 10. ito, - di 14• P 'lll 7 4:41. I 1 i 1 A- co. ~,- , 44:lAlsiti, .-;'.:•s i, ifiligikr ~ . ~.y. . ::mss, , .Grinpoteder , .;-, - ; ;:;• 1 r bliOnil , : - .- - i e .;,.. 1 . Tlititiiiiisio6_ . Ai . , - bent helle kit r P ' r- - : -1 &01 " I .li4erlat Pc* ~-i j j . .' - `J t. e weld ~,,r. lAPrar 1.. :-.: 9 4 , - . '3' •' :,-.....,:,:pii : : :::. , 1 ..7.. : t0k. 4. / f ilitOlgti ' PlY j' •-- - , etiiiitteirvi-f./ ~... .... ~ . _ ...- . , 44.,14Wei-Yt./#0.r,07) ool• silk le4s. "fiar , t ate*, eht awkr. ' and = eat to articles preleare 48t1 it large Yuman- nyder All of tail at mugs for a ujan - d. SON. cish to I ;40 1= t Carbon st Aron, the pub. d alaige • r bloods, and invl in visit% =CZ 011001 :jil.: ~, ~. J . ,. , I:t r :' .1 ~.,:- . 1 ......ii. , - , ._-, -,-...., ;..7. bi...:1 - 1 ~.--, t -g, , i.--.5.4.- k . ;,- i.p,..,, , , , ,,„;.,.;,....:.,,,,,..e,.,:z; ,s- : 1 - . 1 ; "4-',:—.1'1`..-,..,---;., i• . ,-, , , .. 4 ' :::' -' ,--..-. o • -- - 1 - -. ' t - 3 ' - .1 - 1 .. , V,.. ',". 1 = • ' .': V : '''-lta•--v.4w,';-,:-..--2:.,:,-,..., :, - ,i1.--.-; ~. .: i , It 1 ~f,. -,", 1 1.,..-.--,„••-: 'i -, J , ' 1 . , ,, e, - „1 ,- - - - - .: - ..` , "t. , 4 ~, . ,tt.s.- . 11i: .:,,. r'll, ~,,' _;:t . : 1?:... ~t 'Zl:4 l ,-,f_. ' , " ' -R -- -c .1- , ". S' - ` - ,.- '.. -I I ;:. : , ... 4 , ~ T, , , '.IH - '',' - ;.• - 1 . 1 - . - 4 . t..'. e -",- -- tE .-;:- • •,'-47''y ' -,. ''' -°: ~„,„.. . , ' ~ , - ,. - I',;'-',2. -1 _,lriritlliall*, '• -S, AND''4. - ,iisr, .1- - .--,:i. .., i 3 ...... .- 7 . 4, : s , ~i y,......_ - ,--,,,,...,, iTsil© -I,,,„EAVV,SiD ' , i 3 , - : i i r, Ai, - ..-L,.'"li'L ii::044i3411E-siCE,,ltuk, , _ :": :V.: - ' -, atx .-rpilit-gfri )Vl EAßS'',cir- ; , --- - Ilit&t'arttlEAcTur. -4:„;.:—.1,,,t..., , . c .., wo k ..:,, • l igli _ ,„0„,.....,i1..,,.....-.-. : 161146 ,..._...,....3 - i n 64, : 1 4 _, --- .Mr , -:-,„: -_-_-.1,...":: wv•-t••••,—; .il , -..,' ,fi c TA Ani.,:- -:r;. ,irit i t,. _ Redr-): -11 l .-' - , taiiipkilt - --Litl- ; =; :...- _ ChOguerreti. ' -,,_ _ ',' 7-iNk G tla 7-r' ' Ai - ,R" Pl' 't -X" 01 .. pa @ i ret • . .: l' ~,.' :f..t.: 0 ,7 , itribl: : - 1 ..„ :. A4i foitiii' - :' -' i . , Munitic A ' IT .-- - Etifoin. Salt i ~ ' , L . 4 ..'. ' Tart,4 - 041 2 _ .L ,, J ' .-''' 1 Fkii:Carb.Seda': ' ' • s%Catruct3i - ', wvadiorand pCistrea Reineriofehatnatoi.l Ac. ibffeiforiiliitheabi ft tliet willfirseiteral !moor pyis,Stutti.audev i elrgke Illedichialline . J: ,' , Beiligniiiiiaciiitozerie I undtttbetboribead.;he illyoteigfimnd4pd,th!sp * lteri#: : .i:: { ,: g TOLL° • L, ' ' & rINTZIAVIIII. , . Evli..; iocehed , d'Orer flit dale ; iniffilition . to thett fonlierß i l • ;Ilia.7•ge and welholentnd - tot '' 4 • -• , ' ' 1 " • . •- ' '.:.• - •- - ' 1 ' ! ,FAIT• AND"? ' EkTAIR . GOOrki'i- - ` ththeisuns inipaTt olt itti '! i . - •1•. ., ~- -•,' , i ~ -, , • Blu9,b.the 3 / 4? with .. fenny colorodOlotit°•: • - ..' Casneies,i,thseth a l i f eththbasuk` .:.... i Coaxinigsuien thiil Debi ,-' - , ,Blanterre!lothond_outherpanes' , /. restlio3 akesnotheeniand velvets. : . , Italthn India 10.1,th aid sadist," '...,, ' i i - Frac - I , od Efigli4inthrinoe:o •:.;- =0 - ." --, 4 , Both es:bo euesandcireuthiann ,- Maine* "' end Flip ' 71 Colwyn], White bthwo dathon•Biwriefs Conon,sthrsied . woollen 4*U:if ••• ' Tickings4cheeksi ddrillinco. - - Russiaslthetthgthli e lspwr "• 1- ..., ~, •-, L , i AAood l uithrtmen or wither refitiAgk, - I truth lin lawns dlapenki Fier:4oA Itlasolbiobinthw,lapes.edgings maul. (I° ]i 1 _ di° Siti r i r d b" , 4 ii" l2 , l iiii-OP ; ' iiitudiAl ssersisil n idgings - • "- Alshopnlawn lath linen-esuthricr • i ,-11 I &WwitiithlAbleachatthoslins , .• •• • 1 OtoeSECilleetth w 1417-. pthaware,glte., • , I Rod, w rth and Lamp Oils • ' Fish. t. Plaster/ &E. dm. &e. 2 Tersaleclnthp--Cluce - inkenin 4 ttellaelie 'Pottsvillt,Pioven 1 , • 51 IRAN FOUNDRY. . • - max E ai,ttz & iligtzlik34A - irAcTosz; ikeoplii.o Works, ..: Fninklin and 2 7 )ost Sta. Sefteit i'Attet.i' i titat. . ' '__-* - '''. • '; these * riberretpeettulti in , fiieibillaustrun;•l on a* O public, that. he !hal retno*,,ititilrout r "Wry burenessir Bitid4treetailiW/Wiii u7wu new lishmont, Where Tie lit shterlo;ezif. , , eats any orders - 'Oct ly, ' Suitt - asOwitingti for Milli Goa* Is i m :Erfailims. bib . Read 1 si l id Wheels. Chairs ; I ,turn.oute,"Supilltilltf and Panii.Soon lkiil6.•Peit, Bark* Millaand C l aiitirign of all Wier deactiptiens.. Alas.-having' " i vory Barge altiOtt tut orL-Poterne, - consider it will be the alien tams . a rA l iechanies,ul- btMders to icalli, when will* , &Own bY Win. . Sedgley ,1 6 8 the work : • .3, :. - k ~ • A.DATII3. ~St . gin*and Bailer • • MAN FACTORY. • _,... ~ On the wane pre Win cawite bid bicker low • reserve Engines,. ilers end Machinery in . itts. ere', on the most a s tenna; by appltwi ionro - ' lASOM FUNT. I N. 11.1 Any or era left at, the. Wool „store of u apeck'Devis k . , 32 Northlldid*Pritir l i a . elphie 'milli*: ies 'lately nits - W" ittiodAti; : , , ,r. j...' Philadelphia, - . .5. 1835. ,- . . - 7:;3-ty. ) . __..__ KT__. -. • - MILL ' ' • 4 HAGOIK 4 Y; NAVE for-sele the Adkwing' choice ,Wines and Litpue. " -... , • ' . . . draught Saporito. old UT: 1. , adore. w . n.wron _ do ^ do do do ft'.blet ...„: • "di fakes suer Pale Sherry wine L Duff. Gordon dr, Co. do de do. , , Superior old Sock Witte touga on the Rhine., J. C. and Jolly's sitper.Chanipaigneivinein has= = tr. . . • ..4 ', • -• ' ' ~.,t,„ M de Fronti aa in eases:Orono iloWas ! Graptiiluice Port Vipe in wtiodnUcl Will. : Pico Madeira, Si y Mailiiii.obtll.-P,Tenitrike Pale and br o w n • n Wines I_ • • ~:' IF • i Superior,ge y ~.09gbac:' brandy'. '.....-{ i . 7 . i • Do . -proof Cbarnitta Brawl Do do , Co MO nod 'Sordoni= d 0.., • , Do do .• 'IN ti Illlchiii MI tint Gip ',' ; / do Sc at . •- ,- ": - Ao - :14, 7 1 . Suet ilb ,JaOticaSpir itiG .--- ~>-., t . f .;:, , , do 1 dth prooflrrdt.WhiskeiZ e ; . Do do ' 241 I do ;Atfinoopliala *hilt' Rose Noyawand Pia* Lore, CardinbrAe.lke. N. B. re anSittega gtiost. impAta with gOod VI and - nom and at. ebtaAs i iish, *0 trrilY 7 ftT Watt igin*Oeliyl_ "an 9 _ •-• ".1 ' ; \ I . ~ . ' , al* RY . - NEW . ";INTER ,GOODS AbtOr CM lir w;sldrespi43o64,_in . _. lur his trionidil ' : the ", nabbis in :gen - that e i s 'g ni ping in bleitaitol filn . ' l l" rilent of Fall and Winter goo*: ectlo, 2 1r, 0 ' , or • - , - 1 . •1 i . i,, - ~ . 1 • : Win ',LOW*** ~. ..'-: ''. '':_- .; .. .i!:, -.. Glib, neeWiwarei r : . .., - ... , ,, , 1 orblekho wiireet Ow put. 4 . l #- 11 0 1 beligiOtega ' .4 is iin the Borodetc: - 1 ..- 1 - - = z-...;1.-1 1. .f1, -•-- ,!-f: Balt by,the. = cit.birrel4 41 --' 1:I 't Wankel, ,t, fiFind !oh:* nale.L : , _.:. i ' , _. .. _ ... glad ti eterai tberZi; E • , e'. ;D8 -'i '-'—:.--,-Ll itilletAKEßX - 1: ; RElNjus i r r= -= ,--•-' t h e _!i itite • pr !' .. i..t ' Ir 4 ti trth4" o e; has J est 7 POttiiiiii 1 . : 4 ' -rritemii anle.n. bill - t.the; - sort) • • ,30„ba,,..t. Ft 11, o pe ne d* -! 1 . ii: ` :Oat 'Ethe,l4`:-ndiviiikt elec t otreli,ille 4u*Boitaktk 4 - • 4wiiiii--B;Li I.,...lorialodon_ a ClioLel:lrtl hive been '.3•7-"" '' ' ell were; cider which ' 'cos in the 4 t urc lame it ilid r vlryjmi eat m - L...ot fl oitl2/ per ksll4ol - Phil . * e h ""1. 1 .77.„-.7„..--, , cent itfhini5. , ..„.„......4-7± 'imit;liatiii. iiiisrligniril ~...I•All:suutitr-vrmanrs-,- - ii4.,p. I€. -1,, OW -. ihrLioods. z ,.. t ,3-1:': "9,- - ....,-_, - , - ThoFiltigi4u.k6tiiiiitili 1744wiik, - ilm r witporitAiii: „. alais _ : - theistili liallmNictiv , , , ' 'ilorgfe= . :40: - - R' ,- .414 , - ` atAbi - , .iiiititAsemp Aviv**. " • 'itterwLeimil: regeJ ysolime on - ' vilkimetawthrieff, -4 : $ 4410 as ' Itopleagist*saohAms, - s i : , 4 ' 0.01 14* reinil4 "treCkfliTt . s tNik ' um. iligia ' .oukkgie ihatlikeio,ool ' .:ITiegli • ..* Id* atilieil . 1 - ..' , 11 1 W11 . 111101, _.. /12 . --1,1 - i =er 74 : --- .:.;- ,• ' : :. 1-- '. , ,,.''':: 1 - - - --r . : - F, -- I''' , .. -- ,..1; , , , , ,- -: ; N : N_, - i- t':51. ....1 ' -, .. , ,'..i. -, , -- t4 : .: • 1 , 1 - : ,,, - -..:1, zr - ',.;.; , , , 5T::,17-,- , „.,: ~,;, ,ia ER = - -- -- - - .7 2 ,.f --, - _ e ds. Et0ti1e:.;.,.,A,:,,, - ; .-1 T .„,.-.,.. .., .e 1 1 i1 k., , ,,, , ...:1.11,,, , 1.1; t,...::.,.....;,......k,„....-.„,.,. 4„.t.,,.. ~ iti0.0,i,:,..:,..„..„i. r ..,.,.....401,1..÷...:,,.. 1 .7,..;::.,.. ~ it:, + l6 _ _•.--. '-..'. -,;-.-..-; j - l' 'Oit.telii i rikke.'. , r '•'''..:l:2 .' , -.. , A - . ; Lit.. fin} 4 -.•., .: ,' ''' . - ' .: '.: : : . oin.i.atini v il l '...-,: ' .' .gEthispit •t - do:..;': c 1.... . - filial 6-Bio 94 30;,: . 130.101itre,Brioist000Mortiz iiroot . otiooodistiriesitogir tweet` or 'Vote; IM:iiis saa ristieloinittechegotalasid riiiilieSrik4Os : 4lWOeitSoi sy"plodge theosophist; iti sup. obliioptite pioistrolassable 0i tili*e'eadirnie ;./4'o#l/' eg , lkiki '-.. ' `. , Ninth , er,geOte.!, et, iivr:mcitatiligliEST4,l4 .. l outOithe Jur eieth or rending 'end IPS ' 'IWO*. W. ffeed's Tiow - in Sulueilitli eountik t`' , =ikelne has received the "India of the 'amble Sorgcona4 4 1 4 614 " 14 "1 1 * - '' ' l ib" a radical curs alias dhisirse„rai ' ' that bad :neatlyy - been abdettoe4 as r le AO' oStipllshed with einto4 •abeeltrte - : loti.aord witch pereteefetyt ..Usteteide : torti .oeirtelteeeee t4 e med *man a thereirsitin thii and,vielo. 1 0 , ' ire' blow° to ftl PrammlidY ' • 0 end 0 4 patients can now , disptust with' , r tiest erciny hastru*t. A miiima . like/114 Lnpled In thestuuds of S eq., /Thiti,l 'tr _ I, .0 th e m e ttol °for ingaradical woof oute r bp i are nosteffered thisiid id .thia, tam. bieo r one eociplarni. - , 1' He proposes it: with :ettokrikniet for the treat- Ment.o this diseale,., - and as meetin g ow hull pls cation MI correct! aurgical prheci Wds radi. eel envie.' The trusses heretofore c y . dcrite4mare. ly pidliate the - Symptenut fit thel Thecout' they rarely iver effect a radical - onm, aid limit must de con#nuaky,it'eriftw the patient , °fie 4 k 'POP 7 ' to his annoyance the curs 1 4r-41%0m:100p,, llPPenOleiseireeledi aninitra 14 4 ). 4 ri. 151 4 1 .' prona Z 41** litaiy. t; ,'' ' r'.. .f, . , ~.,1,.' i I 'Phis _Trua x , its a ' Kan .is wor • i 1 at any age. and by both sexes, wi et intenot lion of business: , . I I L9 oo .,ealcultee t'aferted to the !Wowing moo. ncr•Prelestaeu, rebate to t is iiitrumerit 'apOtit cloves La effecting/a ' enres.,,.. ,'', ___..----- e ' t - W, lc - 1.. t Gasps, Prof of ig!uftleriAn 4 2', Air. ' University of . ,Pen la. ~ - - -;-, ~ 2 , - Godaynar. &tsar P utori. Rirt , c of An. ' tdeenY in the JeEreunin MedkaGelliege• I Sateer:Jeatarora. Pro of the Institntespf 1 4folicine in the Did s ty of Pennsylvania. Guinea ftPeixtraw. - P frissou o Surgery in the lesemen Medi Col lege.:. , , TriisY SOND4 Seem of the Philadelphia - college irrweieimi ; --i ', i• gßwt. , l A. Arum, M. 1. ~,, , 1 '1 ,Exiim. I . : - 4.rugs, M. D.. , '' i, i , - „ ...LP4nr, • tto MI *her' ", ' ' Peden= numb* tree et eelterent .. i , . COpy ofa letter from : . -- u oi i 'A, onh , p r a m oar of the Institute-s ` of , 4 .'ne s i lks - Units:shy lor rfunkehrenift• , , -, - I ' : Deetn g f) ? 1 : : , ' I . i Veer Sin- r From , unit' m fellers of all the trusses I have seen. aor i treatment em. rphorial for_lernia ,in , pr., ing , radical cep by rk sae cans „ I ,had *lan ed I i expectation of tit thiffr-ehable-iih . -me . ' Inmst ma. i tloa f that put Impends aid- of. treatiag • he ia,has, I.believe. a , , r dike, deeldet atti , and the disease reider 'not•away man. hie, but in, the gnu r . po ' ‘:of class b it, y the . prucesees.of a . ~ I . i 1 - ia, bitiT principle °rpm/ Intim t and ofthe bp. era on of yosapparat -is ' to pityidel. 1 rola the tissues, ; and one° the• iroodeet-i t hi th"re tic q "4 Via° . s.uffieri. =' - +4-' . . ,,,,, , ere is notaang empineel,Wyour paceedi ii r i or 00 1 inairui!ients.' They are the alpha& { of, irell established principle °fair science ta th e p uetion of a specifi c effect. Profrssional in. sir ellen skill and tact area Ito attain it wi certainty . ' Tlie ioaftunic tst nes without aliopriate nyinagement and the adoption °Mier a on to the individual at:landing to the constitn. ti al and otherpecaliaritiresof each case, would pr4ve of littleniility, or rnightiroftlefeat the in. wiles of tholtreetment. I r From the mmarkable meows that has attend. ' ed your treatnient, and the ofeasofoeoded tares that have come eider my ow* lobiervatten, giv int the sanction &Sods in suPporeof tkeseienti. 60 principle, I have io kg:shallow in regarding ”or apparel-ha anthnetbod ofirestrnent ast cant). Whed in medical science.-With consideration old respect , truly .yours.. ut . ' . ti SAMUEL lACKSO7: f , ~We ham b f e i trite/T*olllok ?tutpbcr oreattlifi- WaLof the seapoctability vii iodic cures pitformed ,tilisinstrnment,. haat we will show in any pelvic dolma ofaa big himself with ;Ms rcpard to th efficacy of the i vendor,. , arsons (siren* of being }tared of hernia or tOptaxe. w; Ida well to 'call am the subscriber before the stream hot r*eatilar.schialin, as the can ,be more readpy used in moderate i tt e in: hot Weather. , , ' ' J. 1 Physicians•desirous if! f twig the right , drusibg thenlma invention, n teecive informs - nr. the ,Mh - - the 1 et . 1 VIHIS medicine hilt ibiell fod'' tify;reat canocey by. JR tboaciode in PIM, &Iliad` and climber% for the cure,of all theme dleo44erOXlMO,BillicmorThiPti" via. EllueXostivenesal,Losi of pipette . Alreithou of the Liver: 131centety,Coto Bowel. eimpbunt; .411°- Fort he't differeNivewn „ — l 6 / 11 . 001 0 1644 pi i balietrsitfoitstfipeofy i etire,- i L I rz --i,',--ic,.:, ...z,, • . 1 , -, ' .RECOMMENDATION .* ''‘ 11.-_, ; Wb the. IldliCribellirbildag laid* I .a . .. - tier* POW * i RIIIITLY'MiDt do Cerdt ', ---__-- ----iinZ kindle and tore in its PendO4 l Is Lel ,-IllegFlie, antic passeesmia I s t e y to zeseritaire- I thAt ' -it. ill ' time in the stomach bo era be *ice bad Imam: We believe itviell-atileptet virtbif &At of te att"PukOntioned . " . - ela•beHeie it to _... , - I ~v - _3s ~iY:G~rs pf ~ 71 ~ ~~ W ' ~ ~~ I Ea r \vi .t; El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers