The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, March 26, 1836, Image 3
!" os INIOSki •i I; -.C.- I 1. 7 lEil .5.:.'.!3 ,-...-: filmin Mit it 4602'4 MO felff, HE' - -, .. - ;1 0 : 04 :°0 4 :fr ,safciiiiaiko: ii 1. 1- .:-.: ~ , P" . - des t at &I ' " iiralultito. ilcb - -0,11 ippeaitieto ) itneoCii 117 thp - ititi. • , l', i - . vitei of' ill ideril)e kit id,iotitiOi ...citafej.',4iot - 13 , ` with - 14. gcrt 7. .". . - - ...111t i:— ! iriiiii : , ecildt* iistiki i,ihel to,l'oetiptijo. , 4l:ll,TG 41vogia - notec-- 1 .iiio thq itatipiPo ctionil4 , :br thoLligestetto. ' thimie l .. - - 01 1 •Noir.lretk; !-- ' , LetTeiiisilvitnia na* ' • '4,464 Alsiiiiiitt:::, 4.”..tlailti& otonikiiii tie . iitte# joiliet ' 4 icis ,of omit* moan:, tot iv? *ph* fitelkibur tioirer 'be. titio'ili odder `:\{-r wer i . . sit , IAL, I ,ytWe hat ..orr•Orthe Ade roventirt 1 taiuhn t i l l ,thin eharietrigo 'that' - .y, ifithetn, oreirti of more ettetal interest. understood' by thet :mkno at fact his pelt .hitheito onus,) that eel s Benito ra li by" common , rill or in 1 stock loperotie which rt . 11 4 to --h!liklt4c' l o4 ., ' vr•• — ' i strand Banifilitilbaoy. iter.-11 "in . ay:thing liki4loo, 'villa . t zWerrieir ell-we i stalk t • tialtardinated Orel. Harc.lstae ,arth Distr ict, EIW proinie. i i ohri W . Edmids, (rloager it rl f • Llie,Third Dibtr!et. 'Therera ...Jilt jerlls ecir undergding . '.. p, N - conicaltm, ofLwhilh- .ei iris letsirerw.atupoiro Whose raga i •• bergofthe,Now, York Boar. in Ed tthr 'horned oi l he Herald, w • . I.lbanylia Thelschis to give tee 1 1 , to-theatatter..--We deed of r :a •fition fie to attach to .g• of 4,4W:tilde Shall: be e id tther•ehttrge hairlast a* I '... Biel** of Whidh f. ;1 rikir,r,..,_ , - BelgediCe, o it that•ANW- Bishop 'at Et Bi to'rePpOle,..the con . - " ola certainAnOtiosteet- .ftl ~ unless: he' irr4dd pay . p debt 0fj14004 w eft he a d odor— ,hereapon the appl 1 IneY to pay 410 the SgsaWr . lat his opposibon and the ar ted. l -'-all which:Mr. BAB- "' sr sanotkaedy a. . , . i helltiilatneitt oIT Mr., : ' . o r.lavingidnal t of this nit p 1 film 'on the basiness,lat •ak r nada the aiticear the .l % r . , a /trims ablactioa lathe aj (talent, uhtill auly reznor Iss!deqto 4 ilveitletio- ..s gek ' (Lb in #1,,i14 A, _E tiiik. „a 1.61-. d i z rrd oae.ot Od arks 1, 0 4 Sao, ' ' • 4 47 = L ao lof liiblicty. glom .- I Ails iihiee,la Se by the Meted.* "OM &unity ten!!! Mat • 11413 itt Erlo4laegrii., tra the nitighbana had Call ler, atkil told him that a in his (*Scilly,: that th , I Act it, yid his family • iamb: This appeared !in. He is ieprented in, nottheit to tits' sipatio videntand indolent. .. A...: m . !Mose, hp rows and. lilt teled=telling , his with op, ind-pasting 7 behind fhb' the chihtin-her arm literally iplittinr 'her , -wife; being present .bus made at ha inter, , Ipitbeibto relief wayikuiel! . The Wife all& wtieular stroke' washeard b giip one Screens: - He then the floor, and serercd, IVO with such voce thr,flooiand as Fepoited Theiiiurderer.h I.called any amistance.. uig despatchedtho was tin/ the Broek4ille.road only givin thar , th ai ttzwerd Ugly to Anehe would nth -"clit,*ll-140141.1.:Z is, theltursureritvery own no mains agitated--said, tat he, had &Me. And w ,court was equally calm Harrisburg Chronicle loeing:whe under the n ly massacrecd-bis family -fin fear they int& Ay- same pod= Will " I f le r a " 4 et 1 ;gul in kuidletown the-jury. on the ground Air this credit of hitt= inVh.fiFetVidilted Ia psnicspaiwiusse , !nsani :as all there, luivp:no- iiiyrid . .li.46l4 - 14*thst ert -Hit preFoistives 2 4 79, -P* 10 11', 11 "m' 'editorw"bit Virloi r ut ode tiirrahthority .dt,!,. [itch; bat - c 4 1 118 4 ,0 4 ,00 Ey hp Ofililly.“-4: offirdost. Oa!' _. '-" 1 Irses, 7,4411" i .ti ditoatip limb.* 1 - misull: hingerqtg c . i . • by her • tal. . rthins abrint it ritol ' 1 i&u,U;tet if eirotitrerld, 11 olhourie bislho rum , **Orli the* 4/. . a ° iirrtboori Oieltortaues . l e, emaki., rut the' irehter.ef it;4•We'bl* dro Inii reelbsiteo4 Arrlobsyl, 103!*4110 1 - ix* l • - of an tt tfia(ia gait ova lu s ts.* tho,-trato. `Abele Oa tails a -. j! • , •. : .y ..:.-'7.- , ,..t.,;,.;i„-....:1 ;: . .I,4T;f:Yii,.--... I - ~~~-•~ ja ,=.. Iv, EVE !Ito— We' liettlit_qi, to kr:riin'' THE' UNTONI STAINING4RO W, rrit TFIELA - AND POCULIAR OTHEItlirrATr ItAbolOoeit,, who dii thoy tate .IDULttgel_ - domestic SW Itat thoote States Of ihetr, iiithti,l B 4 o , ool 4 tom thein't— , Jett's' 838, t in oieri profii-L-A. N:Yorjr.; ilstOnt the ff nigl ret in ; o ar ii t • lier, *fa bledroe-the *milita la i GA iirfilli. l aixtetrieet'll .Thisiitoble the , Itavolet% lart:-, l lll l te int. glorioustentg b ifesesa She ult.' Whitt 4solid ' B ' 3lll o 4 lol' file perpotas,4 the Wed of *au. evitienee lag ideep root ces. -,, -- ,• ' fie, eith his .. for many - ltite - et tor of the taleteeitt Of regiatithat i:lett Deere too liteito t Itiraite ly of the ev etful • We Nisatesota: -_-.Bvia 14661/11 e'ihu of dire, L,. '.:nonxmi indeugto. lionoreblei 1 4 0 td. 9th• t is pretty rig ones,' Olttdeci have been eerie/ of resulted in kir .the ng k ..embet• ndi -Of that it the Sena- • • Bishop of :edible and. lin thelleit mbe others. investiga; Oat &road akin sever of Brokeri, tony in w ponik thal otlemon un. ~...t „,,,, iie. '43)7 c 4Lat sees "-o the sp. f the City of lertain id thi Ma- at borrow —The Sena. appointment let la amine, Jaisirikus. /op and lAs' to a very dit. nuts tharthe id 'debt )pointment of d. The mat. New. Yarker.• n. March 4. oar c pilaul is the. an. 1.. Feb : o the i and- 15 I , arwe .of Isaac. his milk ind ;•., are repirri- It appear? stAful rest less he wool* roper oilmen „pull becomes .1 tnasihat to . in. r . being a halo, r ~butextreale!lbeae !1beae pereciaa :d the from I iat he was go. here she was ,! -street' . her 10 ;own. A girk Vd reeifig the , .w to grva the !, the place the reaming . the the 'retreating I , rew the chit ' heads flow 'at the weapvyt fled whoa the f to immediate , • eta six or id 'surrender. , in jaitirieenoo camels emu. r see thaw oin dto havetut. set seda he knew very befers in. d miff tin OW the e °frame th brafteld, e a,eharge to who, as ULM; for cutting off Pa. and awitt.. insanity. Let lunar* the Preietel4fe• y puta tonciPh '63 to the Si bs kept in .4.**. w' is ireciftei, SUI N G enough to ike• it'Encouraged,, r. Winter' n ot fraid: l oCitut lining looks tor g eiieas .kits ise is':' 4 9 ll6. re: no smpinsrs• tikat ' of the to ha witbidrawn '1406.1.0,*,•=7. aeon. to be-au at kit*, .4. l sirt* • coacladet. Ikatits-unk, ars lit :Ai, I *Draw tit de; between the-top It taufiges wu minUt Ur Mil -A, - - - The, - anneed . palik rioborg . lntelpgencor bow i jumversilly ipprvietheni , 1 ' Betiseenhirt were considered ',fold tee nr,the whole* o , Irn*r, Iv! 4fid which , hertkoeo' 4i04 - tecilOifO r Sentite;: ! .. 1100 time, end - pair: ,13Oi read! bind h : i latore this Session.l The Laws asses American otßaturila Jury have, es of. indictine* against: lonr, for riot,..anti One five of thi sank iridi Cyr: -These indicnne.' month."; The 'Rich cad as ser.--Whatever cause there may be in thedes • in . coiintrlea fiir ant. 40 0 11 q- ea l 4,P Part-9 1 .1' • Roor4kia4lbs ri c h.. 'there es not sligh*O. nitifi . ton Wit in Our ( le own happy and. Wit • rind ;to f Oros is' C•• quill opea-slakOloan , ere' tht giea - moss of !beach, hale act' - • =..• • s iiri lij ," if 'CIWID individual it dinitry, • • 'enterprise: ' f 'lt Were allowibleio entuia lut • • es, we could. int to a, 'down- of Usti richest): • • - afoot city who him' -fitcpherr Girard, eorent 'cod the wor without ,a dollar, andiarho neW ~ count the hundreds of thousindsrand, Wore ere to say, th 't nine tint' of ten of th ese wholike o affluehce or in.. great !degree 4cOinfort; are • '-u who - have idetiletn settee, we should 11 , 4 he fSr from the n ib. The slumber of those whose • there itm ' ern rich is I eztionsely limited, and till naoiro liited lit the number ofthoiss who . •,tritetiteir 'Wealth back to-the preceding getters I On., Ina couts,7; where. kwad i , there aria it taws ofie: i• :genitors:4 • Which the latest stmo a family , • rile fin estate •to the [ exclusion a the l y , , :r ;Ulla ' . ito ll POI,PC 4 ' - ruble for ve large Fo . I ore to milaiejlioug in the • stone Whit ••••• •• • 'Lute, t *with with oue Man. hen I 0 . . • 1 ! amongst lc * chil dren, does.Wahingi • • ' ihaill fern' :eipitalit ter young men, or j ma-rine tion 'Tor young women. and thew(eop .• is or , partioos ate more I•apt to be lost or. • .., than to he ine'resseil ow ing to ": he want °litho' spawn of Management r and econothy„ Which a lOU esientior to success, and which Oose- ate • ' at likel to _possess, whO have kei layi the corner • • • • oft eir own prosper ityl I. I '• But after -ail} the difihredee An 114 rail - enjoy. meats of life, betvieen therichl ond-the poor, is more imaginity .T inuik. real. There are now in thin city he thousands " of inechameit wt live 'better laud coley niece lukuries than it lunge portion of Ourweolthiest men. In the houles of great .ma ay ay of th i o i rtere egret . tof economy and self-de. motley_ - tired, Melva altotether u nknown to sk the former 1 Mau ifithiee, 00. dwell in very large lion _ ins 1 /VC ins verylirmaU rosin, 'who ow ; atm 'tobe ' sting daily upon theniost int' pluowi d hex, content With the, .plainest - 'W • 'trot . ft thi 'in demo. , tioa•of , w . .fobs 'di ,:th'• In live. hit 1 :merely iv" ' the, - ..f a g. at the good thinge:of life are ' ' equally f • • • • • - • _ th an at first - sightanly pear, .and th t:. • _virtue of a enemy. isunore inpiernlylci:he . .... ; it,.with the rich than with-ielpitherelasS of • • • '-.-- Per hatassetieed, it inisibeini bensitbis .. y etronorny io which : their a •-„iiiitrilation'otp • • •• y: is . WI to i ascribed, ied a maniti,to id nee' , -rice ortife; feels no rtisporkiOn AO Change . -fish t which has bonito - him so• Ur° agents ~, or th - ..-Phid._ . , . —*l'm . itittly iii. Pl*" .rt ii-tliNew rark A. . setted"*".in tloValt4 iP thit ubed batill ,' '- o r j u lc .ti l s ocooch*, wok 40 maim, i :. 4tat ,l4;: w e r t or _Ai. At -inehiiions njirida, loc.g-fi l and ' plat ,Loof milbaciogr their ' *it a nds - voke,/ .thederf ' lL ' ani " of the Alai': 11110Cati l i tn li, is aide 4 tha t " el l' - atmi th e a the regulars. - . r. - i his sword ' Cir. for igga, tie captains 417/4 to apply to jg! , .„; rocr antai.s4.").. - 1 ': ..6 .•' : i 2 ..:' '.. h ave iienition, - Senator'fli: at i' ll law =lnn Mr. .theY In - ,: liaPlbl, it. jacksOß_ , m ajo rity, 1 to _the , II ' , imad. th at - he iat ...aims., asiter.: ideciaTigair ~ „. ;..411 # 4 , t, 1 iiilgoid:ilid-a S ..' - ,-. MT'''. -: ,-: v , rill thti i:!11.,-04:...;., ..-,:;.'-.,i, Mr. .iiiii, t ' Gail ifri. •owifiga -- ' - Gthili7 MOO ''..') '' ' • Vth., 1 , - f:anY.. Ime.:;.-..„.4%,:.:=.:. :19:. Zi 1--i .Vi r ti lt ' liti.gli* 4- .liAsili 09.;11*Itriiiii- -1) O :: - Mate: hit ~..-lAid...:. ~m..1;-,-iviimii,*' 441101,4"41.1,1,00,a4A1er.: ..,...., _,4 , 14awdi r j'cWllo -- ~..-; _I*0•0!" ..:Aikd AM.-ZIA piriii(Oii i , i ii - ' 9 1 1. i,', '7..Y:-.-f*-...:1-', 40,4!...,=714 '[..'-'-'-;.."..: 'll'e; 4o , t d . . 1, - ; . - ; • 1: - 2 .1' ',:'-' .:. -- 7,: . - -1 1 '" '''' 2 - - .17 ' '. -. . - . 1M 4 .ma"cia_i_t_ranroi . iiiiiiii.totweiiiier_o_. , ,mvui k ed ealkill ualt - frig's* '' . if':, lig " P it t 4141thia*2411 ilealOW die .0 11 0 14630 1 11 1 4 Mt be" iorpriphiglithe 'yowls' pad - miiithr ti l e of sillt *mid neatuallt /*WWI it '' Plai # 1 ilsepoorlitat ortadastty. at Itbs;foro4 , 41s- umksgist-cullit4kll- it 6151 4 111 It 7 -,' ': '-` -1 -111;1410ri*aqt&Z—A ----- I;;; T—' ie7thili iiiiii4ii_ . ". 4, -k as 9 r# 7 k i" ' 1t ie: d71° 4 445.1440 . 7. • '' - : : ;. 1` ' '' " - -A)iring; IQ — "tit lbw ; . 4 Witt a - nria 01 4 0* . lis Wiwi* away ; The alleluia intliew. see-4a4 lininarklN J. Lids. tieininte scity lath all the fights'', teteteettleei *ad digit*. thereinto holonging:• L ; •"" ' • In the roor-u he i7th. um!., is) b o w . • .4-N - Miami - Of Bocieiv, win be" hilt:in:the Cp . urcit; pitlfaibdiT{Oestiag, Addiess- willbe •_. 1144116.04.160.figeiri.. 5 . - . SUPREMACY. OF. THE Lew 5 ,.. , ,. " Ileinieratia- Republican Anti-Imam, A. sonic Cid*, of Reliallkill County, and all. 'others friendlitirilni.'elietion o f Gem w.4. H. Harrison totlie•Yresideney, tiod - Francis Oran ger,er-Viotarreisident-OE the United Sates, are ,inniod to attend a Openly Meeting to he held'in Aim Coe, it, nowt hi the Borough of Orwigiburg. on Monday the2Bth Mat. (24 Cana, Week,)lat 2 o'elmik in the afternoon,Pr- the purpose of *il l , ing obeli Melirrl.ll. iuk may he deemed necoitsary to minis thi Emmet, avoid eandidatia; and the arty generally. }ARIEL HILL. JOSEPH-IMORGAti, HERR iTAGER; 1' ' • -• • WM. J. MAYER .1 ICHARI4 'SELZ Z mu 19 .124 : - i•fiuMdkag mini' .• . . li : P . 'II and 'toted. i:)ti; , i 4l.4ve m tient to torel - “Nikrunt's aph , fr , m ifrie•ilar iilVearoa:..isylCvslernll it to - :,:ruile this forty ;it mO.d bills d in theiTimit -eSdnyi t . house. 0 • • . - the, Joecond IPir- :', •S''• i- those e - - , ; lingwvieiel lige ,' : 1 at 1 116 - il O rpte • . . t * i seritind 'nothing lik '6O mil ported to tlegis e . • V 1, ;Print.; ipui f jhii , . Jou 1 6 .i.etiib7it - Abirch2s. liVflEggyl,opl. l 44heleattlitee *en olit y # 6 , ll ; o 7: • •• . • • LULU'. II 901kir eut4 emend ; - - RYE...FLOUR-1r OtYp ehei erlevit. eZeusan& BWlLWkik&TYLiOUltjl.ref parcel. w¢ 11.1(E. by theloadßO cestety the bushel II sale, T 4 Ns* York . ys—',Tbe Grand ad, focitsi 4 bills beijoii cavities toi bill aiiisitt liwenty tiitnilsi 'for tcptspiiii' - 'ts will bts tried' nett ; 7. 7f ItT.3-..Y.-firA4,:t RYE CHOP 80 lie 44. - AS 44 ewes—mil ei rale . . rarxrog,s33., dells pertokhein dema CUR —6s.ceetit petbunletlindelonad TIBI4.ITHY SEED-112 004rertmethel. FlAXstaB,6-4111 40 perenebeGn 4einent 1 1 6, HisKEY-rBI cents pertullue. . R ITER-464cutspotpatld--jultegtH ."S-14 centsper &neat HO-13cente per PnunB. V . T LLOW-4 set PerpOuntl - • - 1 HAMS recents p, r pound. . , , CORN CHOP 66 tenant petbuihafin dem PLCON---6cents'erpoutid. v . .. ' BgESWAX-18ceiteporpeued, - WE'.. ATUER*-4:. Oinietepiti; ... L . .-. T .. COMHON WOOtir4ocenteperptiiei: ' MACKERELAT trrithEti4;llBs4)4l6 5r4.10—..61i per . til.z. feilmtbeeliel. - PI, ktiTER: to we - lit& - 66 lien On. • - . ~ ILAV /16 PerAtio;. I' . . Waii-Vitund; ' - t t PURSE contain i ng * pmalraum oCnkeee 11 1- and n.banch oftigne! The *saner cain ha e i them by palief , for N Ah A jMd t vglise . nrit. g l i k , pp y it the' Collid i ry Wnrks Pain Me.; 1 —3, mar 26- -, State 'pa -Repealed., i Br virtue of the follpe:Fing. medullae, adopted . by the' Legislature . and approved by he Gas. ether on the 18th inat; ink:.-- . WHEREAS: Altheugh the law le.ii , 4 , tit on teal sed.,peirroaal prop ert y for the -Ing of State; will expire on the:Zst6day of Ma clrneit.• !Mt it appears by the reportl the Shite re ror wide to the Leglirlatrqo atthe iimitiOn, that thoia taxes are eat/wawa! in Ille pts of the =lent year .10. two hOniii•ed and eli§tylimm• sand nine 'hundred and sixty . three denary, and three vents; sod that the lame ioeld:bei.oileeted from.thii people. notwatbStandirig.tbe •nipikittlion 61 said law, but by the pissaga_of the act entitled; "Au let to "repeal tleestate tenon realanl peits. al property, and to Continue and tame thi4 prweinants of ere Stiteloy Canals and it Li eiii , -and to dialler a Dinar tir be called di . -un - . States Bank," the . trimwgri will be mg Plied' in lieu thereof.and it is tharebyLrendmed- _ n ~ .. ry to. demand the payment of the same, . be citizens of .this Coannoriweelthe - 'Thu • I : Resolved.'lly theSeur4c ind:Houso or ftcpWa• sentatives of thecommoriwealtliofPenril3rieattie, in General Assembly ineX. Tbilk . : l 4° - .4Fare of the ComMonwealth be directed to give notice to ce to the CoMenlisiiiment 'of ! the leiveral 'coitritiee of this State4tt the aye net 'tenni:rod to' collect the, State ' toe . the...year . afi.: - ..D..imagiesitiii , eight himdead and 1104.5i5,..01at h beini or may be isi r izsertitOptppeei October last, gilder the et entitl es an act asikesint on !Li: 442o ° ll P . 3'. td he collected with the county rites and levies, for the use OM* Coninniowealth, Poised the twenty:fifth diy :Of March A.ll).eight. teen 'hundred and thirty one, " .and if 2 ; collected "the rime should ;be refunded , that :he cause. sold notice to be 'published in at least two news. papers, in each coontyc where tweeach is are published ! end where lag one . paper, pub. lashed, then in sack paper, fm, three l yea; in succession, the cost'of rabhcidion to he from ,the county treasuries ntereictlyely. .. But if 141 its- *sr*. published ,or county. :"t '' in aueb, m 1 ..00 1 bait.; promote the 01 , ' . *tibia: don . .., iliElt .0 1 )IDDLIC4W 'T.::: i kl4e . 011 .. _ r of _ . . or .. . .. . , Speaker LW-noose -Repress trealL, l !. . ' - r . :"-TAC9 I 4 O3I 4;VPN.N4NCI AMi.A. -:- . 1 ' ' ,- "' . , ;s• - I" !- Speaker eras - 1 4 ai::" 1 Apliroved th e t end. days of Mare& Aasiillisii: ilti; one:thrnmetstr ,1 siiittlicuidrid end allay iiii - 1 .--. , . • '-'' - .... -. JOSEPH It EaLlr : " ~" , ' MPfrlCElM:beimbigtiel to n . - fists- I / imam, grid others : tainWerseitie: - .•itieni Sala- State - TaW.ln'tho seviiitesimi ' "iall °ninon iisiliktheitlitay lee n et* - " fie ..lict, the State Tax lasettiwYNW , Elpi( 14101 . 104 been"dandl.fill'asi. - ‘ 4-6 4.414' ~ ;ON' .OctolOW3lrst,thViiilit.,et - - , Y=: ~ litiamdig.ibif, :.kmmmoilw_:rtwAmth.;`" ,-- 'l , , -.5 FlOiliiii"4 l lia - . - -llNerAilwi ' ---. pad taz‘isr imy, ptinioi: .11,. - •impteiii; , fees ' a d .r e 'da 1 0 ..*:, 0, itiCeiisijiiiittliii.floili-:. 3aatialiiiikhz*liii*liiickiiiirlifilidle# ikshipit., Sas"; itiniPtikajtielisairtiewiiel.-, Zsir 00 1 * 1 f: - ';' , ': - ;4 11 -f- C OIA I - L-W..__BC _ _Elk .::,,,,:-. "tc:..m4l airrist -g.r. wr it . ': 4 : : :!fi,t el N igu ir 1 5 1 -.,. '- - . • -, 1 , • - i n G . A .* 4 l e 7 4Z ..,. '.... -:,5.. - --I:' ,- ,:) , ,; 4 s •-•'......- - 1, - , , k.. , ,"..':'-.: i.,,"_' ',-,-...,.; ,`,_:',i,„ 1,- ~ • P%`,t:':,..' . :' , ::::.•,',:i ''i•.-';' ,- -=', 'IC, ~):- -- '1- •; . ! . ri -'- 'i: - ::- ., ::::_:.•:1 ; ' ,. : - ;:.'.;Z --.7 1- ' ''' ' r . ': - ' , ...;. -' 45 , :i.: : 1- ; .' ',', ;:- ',..e..3 - . • . - El ~~tT~, , a., • a :fit ART WA' ',.'-',.----..-...- . t, '-iiiiiiiiiil9 - 'l . '-'-', , _ ;i , , _. _, ..... i.--i.t)-- t•, ;: Bruce's: , - ; , * F. tiiiiii ."-,y er., ..:. chig i dn i . ..l: l 3 1 1 :11 1 1L 1 it 4 1 t Thi l i a t. i t s ig eat i t , ~. . _ , , ilsigir t 0,25 caolsobataby , initials per. 4eilenatil 4* ebstiparlbart oth er. Il' i 4. This Volumity has ii - cnrostnazt Indus .' -tended ammetenent t 4, Phiet, Calidgeneld and! Oil' tanmental Types, tir wit' 'll'rintersatille 4., letter-peen are enabled so tivai 1 iiiiii fn34 noPPitlB l nle in beant r i ,Ylii i 1 34 ".." 1 IV'. , i , --' 1 1 z,:t' ..1 tuwort meat laibewiss2so.idans at . ..- to tweelirwlittespiu} tet! Pearl. 4 Wm* lialint. Blake Antique. Ital,iaii; Title, CeidNaseklihad., 141; Nerd, liackalope. G 41181 1 444 einiment. 0 1 1 Saone de. and !IMO Ph= 'fitetiaisi ,Saperi ewit,l3paho Red* Asttonasaleid sidnoon beidunanted Dailies c 1 Brum' ; ashes. had nearlyte3oo .13Onienii ,and than 1990 OWN or OfOOMOOLS Rotli4irapia lichonassim and 13clentifte Works. 1 1. 1 Tie sobsariberi furnish I itieki. ; 04.4 Cale. Chimes. tialleya, Fnrulte ll'aper.l- ink; nil kinds of. Printing -Pram* and i mewls re. grind in a Printing 0151. e. tins inticettn Th ptry, °relent* gierentYPlng.: t • 1 'l 4o i; ' l ' ," '-, Printers of Newspapesw midi " ,' is . _, " 01. vertisentent (with this hate) limes Wien 'the! !at of Ju1y..1836. and send paper #" l's In big it to the I oundri; shill ' a payment whoa .tbay.rnalte_s_putehawn goat t he Youndr i fietf four w:e m ilii ;ti rws Um almost albeit bill. iTher pp of cur firmer :advartWanient is hereby bidden il - GEO. liltila. *I CO. . ow.lrork, January* 1836 I ' 114 i , Mg SU g - L' . Asi•lV 1 . _, 11).1 iStlill igi IlF tm li p ; tts. ..-:, . el 4 11, e - villa and vicinity. %bat lithe . +'-- menote Halting .iltiatnenr..2d iz.7 ... _..., : do o r -b e.iilatirel. Harter , . i' . -- immediately, eppoddae Jantib . gline's •Tairem. where lee kneads to carry.: on jibe bimi. !nem in: all it varimis ,braricheaz—and id pledgee maerf that all the Bats ' mainfict — mil by ' him !obeli be of the very best quality; and i therefore isplicitive thereof publ c pautinife.-Irhich bawl!' ;Cadmic): to merit by strict adat Alan to boaihees. 11.1... A supply of Bilk Dais. ear, atc., deonsiiintly • liapton hand. apd Sr Plak! cheap for til i . , - . 1 - 3 ,', i 94f I; mar 26 •I • if( ~- . 1 eiTil .vwd - - COM Velour Relit -1 411 MineAill. nn the West „ Ilinutch ; 1 141 - 114d ” oboe and • half miles front St hillhill Haven. -and nne and a half above idinersvill*+- the mein. .Ore well ciao:dated' astexte.Waiao hnidtmlo the, Firivegq"•esstr-9146 tf titiodiscomfi*g !n• voreEi;7*.ittioscagaiir . tang lrayi - * lgnite** kite sitiektir*ainti the plailbsnivilliad airidi ilia '!aitti4 *ad kand throthu 12' &it thick.lof - cewl; -of very goodqoality -prop Onlbes On the prope4 adja cent loth, Jalapa. 1 1 t 'Fos wines. and further -mite:Saari apply to 4A,1103 tourrims, Coginiercial NA', Philadelphia. ot dROBERT I C. IifILL4 telo Story am.— _..Arte ll poilr ll344 or rrticulari apply- to .I%',l'.l.iiiirD; pwner %arab, or to 1114 sitbecritiarlrottirille. j 4:i:l4* - Irr 9N. I war 46 19-if :ICE, ' ISO Gilt* .I • ' 41`1HE FERriLE . IStUDVNit, it lectures I 1,. -u• Y.iitine,Lidies iri female itliteaticaL sii it 7111 E LIFE 13F . (11i1AVI.1 4 41iy, Or ', , -.., 111111PEIREY CIPIKHR;by' limit; - • Illits Mother's Nursery .Soolia; .1 isoam Memoir of Henn" With tat* of t ' L : Ti Party, I ' -.- -'.. • ' k alcd lkdvioutres m the Rifle ißrlgit4_ll 'Ca ' Kil 4 laid, - - 1 '7-- c --• ' ' IThe 'Fairly Called; atidlother . Taie . a • , 1 Herbert Wenda ll ,:a traktitthe- otioii, ;Life and nines of Rhone" - • }-. .', Jti;rieeivail iutillEatiaileAr ' 1 • ar 24 19 - i ' . F 11. !HO /iffet daltil ./30110/e , " . WIRE enbeeilbeta reansitflai,ti jaunt- th AL treads and tli..' pliblic that, they b ora ea - .ed'inio partnefithin, for the pil i r on th e Boot intf:Shbe embus at old vtand'ofMr..Cniwithavi.hi' ' n s in this boroogh, whine they *Maisie th;ordei... kinds of boots and Moe!, al -the:4n~ Doti in the nes - telt minder.., arid an thensest . lreesonii. 2.1" 4 hue teruis—ant will 1 0 haiiPi lii . sreqe au crease of pativas , --: • ...). Old Boots and Bboft t 'redid'. the j i • notice: !', ' -AR titAWBH W. ' . - - ISM. = :11.4figlIEB: ''.'4, '' naltivillfh Ourcl ll9 i .-. ..; --, ':.' • -,- , 118-3 4 1: , D'itoweig.s s•did of itsudas 4,7 lye miWoe' ititstlOg rt*Figg plies,fOr rail ramdf37,' 41116:141i5i 'dor 11 5 116 4 •Olkil 'MOM' la n° 411 0 - 77 rim a a weak* 11 F 11 " , i,:_1141.6414 -' ..f• - ":.:::: - .1rt - .' - :Ir •.,-,':.:.;.'.:_'ir:).'r. -,I I J .r -. ..... ~..~`. ... r~..... . -'p - - -t" -• •-:- ..-;-A., r`V i .p. ',,, -,-.,, , •• ,' • ,:. ,- „ ,j7, ! "' 'l , - ' , • •,,'-' ::',."-'A• -.'‘l 4E .- -.! '. .„ ,- i,' , -i '- - 4 '"` .- , {.` 7; : . -: ; 17 4 : -..f. '-. i 1 ~,/,'- ,-,.. 1- , ,, ,.. \ A-, ti---,,„-,1,-I;'4l;4.:‘rtrrk ; ,•, -,•-f :, j'4`l..:, ':',...;,11- • - • - ;' :- .:,:,,71 f „ - -,::: - ..„.; : z'::! .- 2'-'• '-' '' „ ,-,771,1„:2'_....i..3t 4-- , ' l'i' ' ' ' • : f,.,.` ''.,j,,-., ,i-E:..7. ''-.'''.:-.'‘t.:. ,cs:',:-', ':- .- '' -' ' ''' L a -1:r -:';''',L4l'.:4',7`'' ;"L -1 k i nMN.g-,',..: 'cif i•-•%-'‘=r.,,.:.1 iir',,- -,-..---,5w,,::,_ 410. 11: -q , - . .,. a;,: , ~ -,,, k: i Iki, :Sje4;. wia..-Zaiiiiiii 111;12 =summzi. -ilia; ' km'opeatoi', ..I,_ -_,:-.....,..,--,,,thet.,b•,__-A,,liall.* , .' t...ikeitik• ... -. ' lr. - - , * er Ifeatere, `..',,,..„,h.. -itilP - lila it.: ' ------ ~...--''= --, r -- ,---t-tillor -- - - ----' asps' -^' allot; 'un- "sae - — 4- .-- : , 1 .:5 speolibis,,,,,yeayila.......„Ailen . :.1411.aid erlisee.g.t..% pleauiPana ffl!',7- 1 - r ows sisdlll--777_,-a‘ I '.4 mom. .. -----'-- :-,_... " poi' Jli ` andiair . it 4- 3 .‘ by • aim,. 1660.„ ilia - knit .ii i. 6.4, - li t the best'o7. ka --.'; sir4l#ll:l:this ratwaii2ll" '''`sit e, ':.7-„.. ellierl4.:tiolie:kiV-i44.1...itti 1, -.,- „4, .' 1 .- ~.,:-.._',. a.m.. psi .--4 i 11?„-`, n ..1 . 4r: - ,, ' - ..,,, Frill 1 di -'--- "II,- ~P -• /. 5 . 4 • i. , . Vcnitalio, I a4sei -I.' Iskilit,_,Pl4,.PC--_ -, . -I :pitif-rfi:.:--.. :41.-• - tL,=; :. i .14 , ,1iti • i - 1 - • •, „. - -Sloii'--.4g-a IfrEfei iliig4ie.lite ik : i i ft t - i 0 os 1( 4 ii oo*., 04 * Aiiatthsit 11 .7_ . i , t%M , 0 r O kir7ftisinua*Cg,-,.:i1 '.. .' rata n BaWel " ' l i st I = - o=4" sr a' - sen- am a t ivii •. • '°' sadiliveaidlt, '. W ! O wadkit i tjoicks: Raked? Dflill h - , liscaoli, 141;Zia iii4tl7 1141 6.1.!•-‘4rilr:i :: . *aimed. ''.,, ",,': • ii i:.' . 4ll , all . ;14 ;li. - 8. - sdidui - 4. iat k . - ,atneozz. 'Bll°4 '-i_ ' ' -- I- -- , "-- - .. 1 . 34 lt , V4-%4. _., _. ~_,, • :-. lPll4ll[ 1 .EICION•-i- , • -, y ~:-...?-. I, 1 , • - Inrcil: - -', :_ ... ~.. - --, —••?:..alio.- :• _ • 1 ' ..-- -,-' - INpi,igplii • ATion . *111:1*1,.cli - - . -- -.'-)-. b. 4 11PANY.Th . . :, ~., : r_ CAPITAL - 4 1 . ..iK . • D D1F1A:W.550040,99 , - _.:, . - C11.4.11, itIiPETIJA 1 4 1:7- : ''- & g lum. :111,fAxs ietti ' itaralkl 'miaow bals'iirovim 0 * JAllBliakatillle, - pia, naildiapAotesithask. Millie, ibrimi; Midrlandise; Amain% arid Plu i ntocerii - . dgaii . ."7-rit , Ilk ilibisita4. ' , ban.44aiiiesi A/iffy Divehi idmilta iseitiolied f ' . wil is keit liiiipurid,to iti l Vili Tati ! _ lISIL .i i Via' de =4 14. sgM, NalreMadreb; ll 7. ll3ll 4.. V: - '11: - - - ':'-',...:.,!'-': a' , .•* t wos • inilicc.' ..,0/ I= . -...- , e 6 ,„„ mi ' . e• 1 , - - -- :ao . -1. - -: : ---, 309- Ido i., 4 ~ -.I- , - '-:---:-.-- :, - *IWO itie Mfblit, ,, - '- 4 ''. ',.t .: ',...: , -- - ..",..,'. - - 1 • 100 ; `do - ..C0r0• - • 1- -.-. : to , s ii i , 464,i i i ...le r, -i do JosOdill r ed ir ifth iiigigniwz *Co. - • '----. ` 1 1 11 : 1111 0 113 1k -; ... 1 liWitAllt . , 4611641.ati D .1111 4. i . ' .11 Il k ': Pit , DELP MINE nitleteu Lithe . Swita)e - ar 'MI Guiles zed O en - .L. - Nevm. *dr asel.PhliedolPilk.4 bull asiortnesot of (Thee of bedside sins firr ; true. planting; tt ' ' every variety , of Apple.. Peen, Clierries.f . prime. Puiehes, Nciartoes4l. ma ids; 540113 e. gliFUlli. • GraPil 112 ", GOollealOital C s.toptherw a fit ent ree= eortnient of ' U Pleats pOrsaisintsl. , n ower S eg shr ti ti4* . Vines and creepers,' 'llonerlut. -Roses: *aloha; and 'Rake; Hub,- was Perennial , FloirerinfPlants.'sed a lirgeusere. 1 meat of • t Vegetable Seeds; which fawns as great ea ono ileum si an other Garden le the U. •,, them. i , ROBEWF CARR Proprietor. --- 14r B. IHANUAN., Vans trite:ea appointed Agent for the Pro .will 'e medium* orders fer all kind, ki F Tie*, ilhre . - Ae t et dessbortest - Mi.ear;7l 111 4 1nrerry tunes* of :Th e 7 trees Oeluis edie *tem& order; 'anktbe ;silks well snivelled ithoht is abeedoadViniteked. front delsked - *billion. liimilumplivbefaind 113 *riOtiii nor StitteltetnaThs. 17.ef aprit" 45 • - * d in . neueliaer4 i f 3of a oods. efAsiitiesi 5 stilherries. 6of rasp- Derrick 6 °fel ts.s'or.lllbefts, 5 a lin!sl‘4 of itrairtarries. 7 ~ ' fl br . . '. Match 5 - -I -. 1:- . •,-, , -. ,''', liit _.___ A . : `. q ,r 4 o : i t , ' . GIL* . 00 1 111P0,13 - NIC ..; .Iro.4k'.Wildlike. - ; -.: -, • _ rillittO 0 1 424 ;will be isimilabie; i •!. mid, - 0 1 1,thig tfizaj , in'the tioth i l eui tooti ra i tamtveump . . 1 ,4 4 / 1 7 - tioni's .. tatd tha. breath, pannmaik tat. tai. Vitt • It Oft'eafnia by eitiooo teeth, 1 • ' tar confidently waded tot* Piddle as 4otn aas ois amp , width may:hewed doily llri girt &divan to the teeth and guneak,ititte 4 I ts thee *Ong tremble .ienaaaion is thk . t ' Moo 'he Ell acid in this nrioholee:..any ibaylidient fenillring into ita"conspashisok.tait !soli. at highly 7 to the teeth. -`'.. -- •• • P ice 50 to BottleL "`- -.'-' ".-- I_ , • 'ode * . 'IL BOWAN. - Fresh ..iardea Seeds, BiLtiNitt non rikel'elos **ltiattllP-1 -Aply of Garden gado, whieb-has haik' ed i tith greal el" ond'w,hith 14,-,,willlia happy to kdy liimarmaarOul Customara arid Woad' a aegimanwaliOnelor*, NOW riady fff Oak ple(Egir Early lowerM `do Earl' Pauhflower, I Bullook Head do • Calditlower AreocolM Tontiloeir • Early' York 'Cabbata 'Early Kale (Firireig, 1. 4141 t I S- - .!6 --i • , rlifirticem, • #: ', - ,' su!icrilter. giatefal fimilipifiivoire . n:_w ally inforlins hip' frhadeatiii t h e' :psibl • eserkil titit be has .fiaiishioet_o , lot of 31 - 0010 liogbee;.fiontivhispi ii. hal a() vi 'llislrewery intstritilipaitofsb fOi nn su - 10,yltift viatter;?Witiali'irilletta r , ;o supply : i ts f . r- "fir lend' i*l ill Ogre folvpt 4i ';li - their 00004 •, , - , I , Mc diriirter.: ‘ -I - , - - 1 c 4 tit liiiik rel of timi.bisr,ipality * ' -. 'Datice.l li I t 1 1E > it ' zia , t 10 , : .,, .w .. *; her. I !" II El IMI MI iTji Cod':! Ifilier or. •Coati/rt . ‘ iky*::'- * . ARF ' modaticar Arid* stacking Uhl — gwVityaaleaelattly,)rha tar had ' fait ti , +sisal ofibe badt'Whißves p al 4 isthe i.ty,ltollb4' slight of GM low br tai , or ' quaatitytty two. mar% W I op; by' • , party arigi!t, litho& tor* of ' aniftisliverusirig *iambi.; I la dba ' ataditial with tisk ao. Of Ot I 't &ski% cod if:irDePart OS if:iiirailiWl uireptrabs_loipant.4,eisitk laity- width :-",watild. l ftl in r ..j_ eW r iv 1 a .... 61 , 1461.4 4' ": " 10" ire* - , Y. lO -= -' -- •,- --'., - -----;, -I rliwtM P• . 1 441000130 N .1t CO. _,- . - :. ii ea ;seO F , LoOmintat. when'. rn .. _Fis# gt,-. - r 'll - I',, ; (', -1, ; 7154 E.: I -- t 10.-- ' - - ,t,,iirTio'' 'imano44. 4Bo ler - - _pewit, •4 41 40!Pc•*- 4 - a n t ' hiiii*lNA l o l 9TlO - ,i_ .., 10001t a ha,„;.a.aiii tl+l,- '."IM-7-7insiiewl 4111 - ireadrenitiblZbillt"l'l Id? , ,A4.', 604404• A if, ~ illt ' : ;iiriblAllMM4. 14 - - ..iii**NO atoligjmn,ll4 4 4.1 15 1 : L IA miA ! ' ' ::-"ik.:101.1 ' , -, 0 4- - -'iiiititscritit !", i - L iia l k . i i W, jr*ll, ... • rr-,,, 44,4 47 14 ,k : :..t. 7' f,C7 4, ,, , tzi . . 1 ~ 1,4,,:.cAl- - I t i.. 7 3,,=,,,,...?:- ;z4r , ---i.:,.. ,- :.,-.'4..: 1 . -'' ‘,:. ' -"-- A " i ,. 1. 1 1-:", ",...?• . ` ZVFMII.:SZtP ",, i'.'r , S ''',7.,.•"7.-:.--7.:1,-,1-'.,-- ,-,, , -1 .; ' Gißtellitraldr FallUilibliaL :-...; 1 BE intsciiinta htit• ; _tlai r i ' -aui:iidt. . rommui, indite. viiiikri 'Offiet 4411111 - • 1 11 4 "tibli 4l , lol - 110 3 1 ' ' - iim it ace4 ag. it midday, wheni - tho -Idur * Ad* , i i c o. classibt air_w - tiodi. ofr • 0 4; 14•;. - wbp4i947 wiltaseige; _ ,_____;•ll‘.l* - 71 4 1 limy .... _1- , , MYERS , *=* l .....'' . simdiii:''-';', ..--, ,-...1N - 1 6 0Cr'"' t -.• _ , _N. 8. - , , Th. Panty, wth !w: tato: — oritittr#k &Ina the add& of /lane sea% _z 4 ' : r.:! - - 0 -;'. ..,' /‘ , -`, -..•_. " ' ~ FOB, BALE:, -- t,i ~. .. - ,,y- y 2 :- I . _ .' 'AL046114 Frallillß'Silifit/12 - - - SITUAti,D laillit illiNe:: in thikfr°lll.4 vilkoiaar the Cowl Howe , - -- t' • i iiii i,;,,, : - „ittoo,lo,kraod met of 'Pak aid Wotan TWO • ,Tfie tool' aid alsoti..*Bl 14** itilidon the situ ld,b o *ID Imlineat - otio fin` 1 am& see •• dish maker:. - -aa at remit Oars JO isms htthe planaporaaniwiebiag to no the shop and task, sid knee" the Willi will POlHrillaj'Ain 2011 4 ; ;A . Grier, atithe Skate n ear! ieltepeleit. i•-• d ' , • I • 1., , ARCHIEftT:moon:.• F , aeco‘..auls.estatOgEWouclithcarti shed. I. - Enarl9 , : , ~._.- .:1: L ..-, - 184 , . N. B. IllaiOoto ii worthy tie dimities easy per Itilillea situation " Ili "hl l 4 l /eit °r:9"k , etbd Watet•saikee; • 1 - , • fiIifERIFFIS 041,,tairit# 1 . Irgrairp.'" u l*A N attrt. .wt ote,minmaii. Plena of - piiiill Ofeleft; Mg to Olt 811=104 will be ;to rairl l . 3 _, f - — 0 . .1 t, Ort,Satier .As ~. day •. -, jag Dui. at tier . hewn of 1 GratiLL iaa. tallier. !like bovOulthof Cr 4itiart ai t ia lit * kill anedy. at l'o'aloalt. P. • - A:, vidid ode third as tpieS of `situate is' , towitalti, the witty ;of h ikill.':aelprii&tf Vari e s 'Kushner, Philip_ „nig*** Sour ilundr*A* ' `liefee.l: l . ll lt k I All miliqsad , by=:.l- % ' lheriffit . , 011ie f _ft .. 01 .. 1 .?. , 7151, , . I hO.-,ittiziiatiNG. - •._ ....- ;-1,4-:-.:14,1i.:;:::: -;Boat iistr *.;iir ItratY4' . • Ibiar7 vddi'..4erizaitier received iurd ' JONI ALF.L. ipp EsPromx public. r And Mrs Tor' meat cif D r , Ofidg: reigg,"ch. Q3l4 ' 4 g atol.o4etss ills Ibl easi kw mersa. "l"i iiimiW IrM".--- sisitlisi4 -aitich- , , ' Linens, lacefklairo% cambric', gintkaamai:„ Hosiery Canino thwack. *Oak issmag.:.„ , ..". , j Pricking% dollints;Priots.ssedkbeasatlserra. " Sill* satins, thaw* bandkoeci, faith Onisoloc Blaikata. backhigi. paildislan.lannßsi.ll4*M- - , - ,.., „ Omani. pilot cloths, liosqs. Itanddloir= - Giraasoiipkvadiap.themedkioneoi, . . , ( Menest isusjeasias. "owls- skulk enelefteeri, •,,, ' , IlMbralliur. cellalfikas; Carte Cbithis OW 011 111106 b " 'ClaniliasaPooest, stab, disllsassllee. *all ‘-. :....,-. 5, RlO. iligulis, IR. Doming, Mo. St. Coax Neafi9rlroa,flavalooksoguilo r ,, - Daitand lonlp J- - I :- - , _:,-1 ,' '1 : . ' New Orlgaifa and Sogir nWaa malaaaatt that Powdei;ltoookfigyooo &Il'oe i talar ; - . ' : f *admit indißoben Teal; ' ; r,&c: . . ~ holm and 7ello!r- IrIP, - , 1: - 49 , Mall'4 itlince 1. 4 sl i 0 11 : Cayenne JasPinialan J I I not and keg raisins •:11 miaow aod lice _ . ,d'-,•:. 'l' ' ' '• . bow, codeoh. ma sa,sl Ws*/ -, . _ or - , po9oll and Idipi, candies,: 1, . :I,' ' ,:.",••••t I L ek and blia Ilk -' •1.1 -..- ''':,- 1 : ' r . ' -:.- ipot and smOkink , •I'l 1 ' F-7._ -2. - F -I ' iab, half 4aohal aid' aakrico,il . , . lac ,- 1 LIQUOR*: & ,WINVX_,- -:.• i. t - -; .- .-- 1 - "f t brandy ;lCA,'ll:.. ' ' * . : YA 6ind and' • Bian ,1:-'•:.; h f:1 - -1.; , ,Cif ---: ''' Old In& li.hkise,r.4.ll . .teiritor•-'4 ' :. er.i_vEniiiiittina Alit fliiiifBC - ; .. .. ..- Limo*, .lolnisieoi-Palei and ansiniS .10 , 1 0 40, [ -I,- Api e rt snail' ikio*ilia., ; '--.,,-,1 - -,::: .. ,;,:- - '. : . ..-„, ,- • ...,...,... -- I,'" ' - • Itataloy imuc.i-, . L .:v.,- -"--1 '• - ."-;•:', ..„.:„.. ~,.., : e -, ~ , ~ ..,''''' i parlenle rolaih_Plor.. ' - i'fl'ai,'' "-.:;'•:` ' ' - ~.7 :- - ..-: iirtila with iiiiiiaend. - be dilipOidlii* .. Deli-ekni , . *wirer fer ealoka; ' '' *****E .l.4 cisil k l Yr d°o ", Vie *OUT Rai - , • 'X';'.'-' - -""1',',,',„ , " Ilk I ,- -..% --: - :-"-'1! • - --I-K; '1" - . 1 - 7:: 14., 3 t'' -. ,_ ,i, ~- - ,- •._ I.- - -:, ,-..:7..-,-4 astats AMU- . .... '....?;WW-. 'l. tilt sotiliert*-:, µ'd . :4 1 '.l -- ,:Llkt.P.O.ehc '. 1 .. 4 , 4, tiosiothau,tor th e"ir,r. , -..- _ --,. :',.1 .*.dialfirEMOAC.T'' , _ 40:1111V ! . „ LiiitAl i, kyipes .moal,;slr4b-, ,„!,=',:,' .0-T/ iii Witt Pie aun.4*-;A: - -10`4_, :,. .„ ,„ , -, -,;,-.. as the 'lst orIsileol7;1836:"PIl:I . ''l,. ..'' -...,-,; ~e f i aervw- w amtrii •Iq ~..4fr- # 0, , , , :t- ' . zut 4 twmg.pob..„;bl,4: - .. - ~ 1, mmigh,,, .ides .45.,,,, , ..-az-,,,---v,{:„.-„,:.j,„:f-1,-..11..:-.--*:4 1 : '' t ' TiVal4OritiV l iki ' r ZI II I II O I I6 } :- ''' : ' -.1 . 42.- v -' 4 " - - .-v, ‘ Al.- , * , ..---_, , •;„-..--47-r- - e:::44-c. F. ~ . - , S-1= PO N'ABID k- 4,1•, . • !...^ ~ ,. ':- 1 ,..-4 brja: '-. ' .'' -1 ~',•41,,,,,,, o=;iri,. - -1' . f #e st - - 1 0 — ~4tiairit --. • _firitit44l.: ~ ,I N alelaM7NkP, - - Att. 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