Ch Sto B BILL 4. S,AIifUE la purchased i the emir( sry and Robert )deli h, in .1 th . Wee corner Of Centre n borough of Pottsvill - turd - Conducted /Mar the • wi‘drs Co. retovectfully I d the public generally that' ng the business at the old of JAC the So streets known Itgh, frieuds 'cootie the fir JAPOB BULL at C hey will he happy ! to, supply net custtUners with morel utes. • ' r Where and fo lowed. The former mere Gone Queen Cla are. now - . opening, kt addi topk, a large and extensive n(ise, txtesisting! . in part o es, Wioes, Teas, ware, &c. consisting of . s, eipsiuieres, satlinetts, flan KEE .9 flanucis,glovesstockings, gingkiants. ' knitickinga, silks, satins, s kerchiefs, ELM ET i i m nos; circaaion , Nestings, 1 thread'', cotton . ' na, wadding, ' kola,. coa M GRCiCERIES. id, Lap:kin', St..kkonsingo Co . Croix, New Oricianii, Buy. and limp 4 e en , Orly:ins add S gar BOUS an Powder, Youn Hybon , . chong and $o Teas. ocolatee end •spi a, &c. •wn and yellow*op ?ogee; Mace, nutmegs and ea bienne pepper y zr4stard .: and keg retsina Oreille and rice heese, codfish, mit-Imre! an , mild and dipt candles elk and bbl salt pea and smoking tebaeoo ' • • -h, Half sparliSh and eon] t LIQUORS &W f i nine and common brandy ridland sod •coninion gin 'ld Irish %whiskeyt and Tamai, oiv England Om land 'whisk iabon, madetla, port and ma tweet of *win and Sh. • ery,thina and glass w jags by the bdx. )opont Eagle wanipowder, F lasting . OP, FF, FFF. of whichiwill be st,sposed of change, for country inodu ,*ce. Dec 19 A or in ket p Lice to gape kb Super Visors iu o eevc county of Soh • kill, arc o 7th Section o 1 the gene IT Wald? duty "vely,t the County C m ission s of this Com woslth, have proceeded to the co 1 inhatiktants en/lair res ,script ot) the vend am On the- several I Owcts of their respective hoWnships, the several superirisors sh r. i . .. . ; •.• ,of the dub lof tho st auyikill coon 3r,'have bee op them, but w Ili hereafter im them;, their pltentionlii directed theret4 1 • order of the Cbtobty Como • 14/AS Kill 5 16 , 4 E . 1 I ' 1 . . 1 Pott ds. ,1 ;Maihie he t 4a .. " 1 ,"`" 2 PI aid a ll . , '; ; .., c° ' tg by, m ..."' . him and ,0 1 Pier Pet D. . , ttertatied in the • +o'l ,i„.,'l . i - I County. as.] I " The Coinmonweit da, to ifiugh H . easigiis, and all i. from pri under , ' BOW in:meted in the l i th the inistanee of Abraham 'tmly, enjoining on that • and (mews y atioever, lur jilitges4 our . Its County p • 8041 trlndly . the 1 -day we if any ',‘ ham not insole der the inch parer • the aiitnemee behalf etching al we eer ' 'in form Y Seize ii , 1 05 7 l i 1 4 °fr e -"'' -- .t,y. ibi doe 14.- At . 99 e ,‘, 1 41 1 # 160 I ~ ,i diest,.., ; 'W ' by the - viesl9,-, t dated the eirdet l eight heads' eild to, ttninhes• c iy*- - ether I 1. kifi Ind seveetee: ac AbYria: tba Pa tyre .. l r lifFenniy Id AV S,Plein .. and a sr, tied en sr* aw,nine, 1 , 4 , (estrum:my. ''teems, wrltseg, . the - said 'teems, liOlaid. AI 41 1 0tt Coots; you 'Pea. Iticas she Hoao ,calok i atrilnt claprisaid.Ciatt, , Ika dApy_ir4 ,',.. iiiittpaged *Valk/it AL En A LIST Otte -ra re m aining in the 'ltatici ffi ca at Pottsville, larch rlatl 1836. A • Lehman Anil .1 Adam:Robert Mpod Bracewell Eliza tLoeb Li 1111 Bindly John • iMash Meg Brotsmon Wm. ' 4MattiP Collie • Blackburn Samuel 'ldorrtgontery 'kart C,MaYer F. 6,11cn Edward . 1 • , Bliabel Mary 1 ' Crist:Dtutiel hie Clark Roger .' McGowan Hu . o:wren - John Milling Petri Coher Peter . 'McGirmes P r Campbell Geiarge McEva*•Mi D N Davis John Nelson John - Dwyer Timeth 0 David Danville °corm F 0 DUrbin Richard n I Davis Catharine Rinehart Win 7 Dimick Joseph . Roberts Ann Dobkin Charles • Roof Conrad '; 8 Sholy Barber 1 Smith John iI Shultz Jamul' Smith James Skeltin Eliza ; .Smith W u,. Snydei Rebectia T ' Townsend Cokuts Williams John Woolcy Semite! Wilkins Andrew Weimer Johni Weiner A ruyfw: LIC Pays !• , :iumually 1 Piles: will Wezty-Elre clv iiiEl NM = me ones in Editor on- In, must be brat used t eatabli attend J Terehants I uel Ritter, ITHHAV I Offee House 1 . • hi• LEWIS interest of he Store at nd Market formerly rm of NB. fore their they intend Land under &din Elin Early Wm. .F Farrel Tomes.. Fox John G • Green Jamea Heck Daniel Hobo Jacob -K Kenniday Mical Klingine Dantal Keakr Gaili!e heir friene.s , whim at the on" to their sornnent of Dry Goods, tuna, Glass, e muslibe, lairs, prints, awls, hand: Lee Aria ce,s, fringes, :=2 na atigarm. WILL Itte‘tuld at public sale on Wnday the 28th of March inst. bt the bOuse of the subscriber, in Centre street, Pottsville, opposite Heffner's tavern, the following articles of new and fashionable furniture, viz:, I do molasses I ucEt ong 1 herring on segnrs spirits y by the bb age wines !heap for cash 1 at the mar I s—tf omrs. r townships m er/by notified : 1 road laws, make out and of the sever. ithin six days Ilection of tax ctive districts, 1/libidos and melded hinds 1 -vhtch trans : 1 sign their eral superai. !n bertotbre be striettAllp therefore par: tesioners. . I Clerk Gout of Conr- In The of Schoyl oMM ty. on bill Io • b 3 teitimony. hot torsi. of l'eons i pk ben, hie, hors sons claiming and all per, remises;Greet -PottyYe Cam ping aside_ all you be and t of Common . at Orwita f March. 1836. by a Commis. of the Court Pi,t.,, v.. t theAbr.. • ot. two trusts of lkiu township, called."slousw , d thirty . sores the wild.ll4lr f remllOVardas Soptomberi Arne I liw; owned torti,thrClN' 4v,,coutabilig '• aiedekisety-finti 4 1 91 11110. 0. Imo tOrAttat 0,•.-one` . 101 . 40 44 ti-tvvgi,n"A - rs " I taint usediftei - be 614,01 cabin Blythe; at Ornig.bnrg. ' ..:014:014•110 s. ~ MMEM Yoe Adam , Persons calling-.for Letters on the *Wee List will please say they are nevenised. ENOS CIIICHP..STEE, P. M. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Bureaus, Tables a;. , 1 Bedsteads, also, a quantity °Nell seasoned Map plank and Boards. • Salo to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. Terms :.- • cash. JOHN SUBOR. mar 5 1816 7-3* I EXAMPLES ,OF STEAM POWER. ' I 7 MM - -- 7—• .rooll. . 4 - 0 1 • In the year 1811 several of the proprietors ,of -,-,?"-•;" ---f--:o:---r7r------ r the iniiiCS 111 Cornwall; suspecting 'that some kif ..' - i --- I-I- . . - =- - - - --=-,- -- .L. , ---'-'----- - I their engines might not be doing a duty udequtiitt r HE subscriber has rented a. Boa Yard in :to their consumption of fuel, came to a deterniha `lL Shoethakeroville, Berko county, where he : ation .. ,to establish an uniform . , method of testing Will build Schuylkill and Union : • of the beat ' the performancnof tlreir aflame.. For this pr. materials, for any person desirous of h , ving good pc=e s counter Was attached hto each engine. In boats. He will also repair boats on thmost res. ,register the number - or strokes of th 6 piston. 11 'enable terms. For further - parties! ra inquire the engines were put under the suportntenden e ll —. , . . MOLL. -Th of MWears. Therin;s and John Lein, engine*, 1 16.4 and the different proprietors ef the mines, as well , as their duetting engineers, respectively pledged NOTICE.' themseltes tit give every factloy sod assistance 21) Constables; Wholesale Dealers, cul l a Retsina a in their power ter the attainment of so desire,* of Foreign illerehandi.ze. 1 ; t an end. Messrs. Lean were directed to publiSh PURSUANT to an ant of the LeOslatnre of a monthly report of the performance of each eh.' Pennsylvania, passed the 27th day of April, pine, pecif3 ing the WHIM uf the mum, the size a 1830, constables Will take notice, that agreeably i the cylinder, the load upon the engine, the length to the second section', of the act graduating the of that stroke, the number of gumplifts, the depth duties upon wholesale dealers and retailers of, of the lift, the diameter of the pumps, the tame Morelaandize, and describing the notiqe of issuing I worked, the consumption of c o als, the load on the licenses; and collecting said duties, they aro re. , pomp, and finally, the duty of the engine, pr quired on or before the first day of th4l first term I thy' number of pounds lifted-one foot high .1I F , in each year, to deliver to eke Clerk l!of Quarter' bushel of coals., The publication of these 1310n1 • Sessions, under oath or affirmation ' a list of all ly reports commenced in August, ldl I, arid ha the wholesale or retail, dealers of goods, wares been regularly Continued to the present time. r and merchandize, wines or distilled spirits, fox. I The favorable effects which these reports ha,ire cept such as are the growth, produce and manes_; proddeed upon , the vigilenee of the several engi. facture of the United States.) Merchant's and lacers, and the emulation they have excited, both dealerreembraced in the provisions (piths above' among engine; makers and.those to -whom the recited-act, are hereby notified, that ' ding to' working of the Machines is entrusted, are rendered the sth section thereof, the associate edges and conspicuous in the improvenient which has grad.. the County Commissioners will meet t the Com.! curtly taken place in the performance of the iln iicr misaioner'S Office, in Orwigsborg, on riday the ! glues op to the:present time. In a report p4b -Ist day of April next, at 10 o'clock i lin the.foie lashed in Deco' bur, 1826, the highest duty Wss noon, to hear them ,(11 they see propel ; to attend ).' that of an engi ne at Wheel•ttoPe mine % in Coin. as to the amount of their annual sater4 during the ; wall. By the donsumption of one bushel,of coals, preceding year. a Licemani to to taMa,,, on or be-1 this engine raffled 46,838,246 lbs. one-foot high, fore the first dayieliMay, , for one year or, in round numbers, 47,000 , 000 lbs. 1 Physicians. Apothccaries,Sorgeon lend Chem. I In a report apublished in the course of the pro- se A r ists, as respects any wines, ace- u in : prepare- I sent year, 1835, it vihrsaannounced that a stud tion fur the sick , and all Feme Sole . raders dr ; engine , erected at a copper mine near St. Aristelial Single Women, whose anima/ sales all not ex.! in Cornwell, had raised by its average .w o rk O r I coed those of the Bth - class, below =iterated, 1 . 000,000 lin. one foot high with a bushel of co4s. i i i shall not be remiired to take out: li I sea under 1 This enortnuna mechanical effect ; -basing git en the-•provismos o4hia act. \ , • rise to amnia do ubts as to the correctness of the The taring wall bathe classifica en seem. experiments on which the report Was founded, it sly to tho et ofratably. „ .wswagrecd that another trial should be madain' imount of sales,presence r eau. the ofia number of Ompetent auch haln. r • I s t Cl a ss $5OOO , . I $5O ; teresited witnesses. Two Uliel accordiugly took 2d Ike'• 40,000 1 40 , • plat r a short time since. and Will witnessed by a • ' - 30,000 1 30 , num of the estexpeneneeri unnisig engineers, 4th 2Q,(100 . ; 25..1. and agents: th eresult was, that every Ibusbeli of sth -Do i 15,000 1 ,- 20 ' coal* catatonia tinder the boiler the engine rids. 6th Ile • I 10'000 I 15 •• ed 1i15,500,00d 1 11i5, one het high. 1 7th J$ •.. ' • stopo , • !,, ,it 50 I mayloot be uninteresting to illustrate the, a. i g i soci .. 1 llO. ' , tof tneellanitid skit* which is thus 'ed • .Bth GEORgitAU El, / .____ T__, to ein emits In t more thmiliar manner, - DAN' YOS- ( l 'l''''' u 9 4° '" ° 8 a bushel of coal we hi 84 lbs., amt n 1 , .laan Iltacso. 7 County I- lift 46,021 ton one foot h, 41, follows May one ( I t Jolts oar*, jr. - _ num.; pound or,"coarj woulsl ' 487 taus the P_ bates. i -- s tracm: , het ht; and that an uonsielef coal would ra f Biltica March Its . 1 : 1- rt4 tone one loot - high. or it wodlB raise 18 ;wen ~ mile high. • ' • t . : ! . Slime a for oflB .- .16,4,is capable of dra two tau - railway.. follows tbitton nu of coalineehani yirtee Willi to pc....,. a /are'. ridishiy. ~ ' - - r - • . The eirettinfereneeoftl earthinesaurse miles. If it : ere 'begirt y an-iran- railwi ,- - a lo of one t ,- would.b - e- drawn spend I t in :six w sby th e , itigiolfieof, . iteohinical.ptinir is . - - rein eVitthe third part Of Coale: ~ii 1. '';teat :a zoo , , stands. a .11 . Megantiar; .700,fhet artch-•inty; an d' 4 highits *eight being 151,V1.0Q0,000 . -- - To nod thalabor . 410040; plantar., 20 earsr I matatials isMildbit ridged ' lbli• the4t ground to present position by obi ' I tioorof479loUs of exials4 , o,-` . -•-- :- ---' Weiglit .- iif Mete! in Ihit ;Moeil"tria I; 4, ,060 lbs 4 and, ;its 'height "above the - - tat the water-is IRO feett:' its tease might .4, - , -: n i f 1 - -777Te, - w, ..- - 'draw lir lhe twi tirite ' 1 1 . 1 1 P i llei ts pra -a il fietra kinlliWai lly ilegi , l3 •• ' \--t 41- ''' ion offout inishek of ail& "- • r:: : -'. :er: - tognipsi - iiiii - iii MA 'ffilleplibeteree ;-ealliiiiitiiis'iisiV*; r ~.........,„.„„„...._ Y. of JOHN F Shoemakeraville, March 5 '. , , i No‘ice Is her* given to die heir* of E.. a•iate of pau i ekt county decease. has been bran , by the Orplupe ) Phin county. requeetingilie heirs o iv uel Dney,Aoappear in Court on M. day of App vex and tiae. re i• real estate of the "ilde ,, a ] , . By 10 .;enn GEO. TA, : c 1 or r l ai . phan's Court of Harriabur - ,7*b20 - ' _ 1 k 1 . 4 :: rh .. t. ~.,,,,,te.,,, le a' --, -,„ w ilt la II in en aulabestx!,, t i, on d . I it hcql"li • re= in eoolididn 175- oD the bottet 'lre 654betlie depth; ( II" Thil r me:reis a inne'll, ?".' 11 44 1 4. accaP *, .77he ra TeiY"P" ri 7 - bawl gi.,_"„' tiaterialst.",'"" nit, _with .r lj i 4. -. . 70 /PI, /"`" 7-3 k afiHl ,_ rmo , Ditarusfist+wo ,6 . 1 1 , - .b±iit ik -- x - AtigiliPAlititiret 7, tariakit***, _.. ' T ~ - 4 - 4 ~Namitai-R., 1..11.,_t--, ta 1 11 . 4 *0 1 9R,,.., 4 ,-,-- - T :'' ' ' ,'.!.'%; ..;.' 2, "'i ' --,:..4,..,-..ilir7'. !... : :,:,:., ,_ t . ~ _ , ~, „ i• "'- - ~.. • - ' -.4- '' - • ~ .7 - f r'.*....,A.- - ..g.,....., ,,, ,...... ,-.5.0t,......:,.. - H.- ,1 --- -- . -- ft-'.1 , -*.--.'+`"..-*‘ l' . -.. . - .. , . , • 1 . , 1!.:.4"..'1 - if'.. - .-.!-,'.' - ',' - - ;."'"'"''"'" -- ' 11 ''''l — " .. ' - i'''' ± '' - ' 7 4 - - o , - --- .1: . • . . -, t - i i.e.. . " . •-• 4. .1:-1 1* . ' :. 'J i l l . ... 1, .' - - , ,: - - - '," - -,. 3. - - . 7-:• , - , 24. - -- - ., , f,, , l'. - 4. - - . 72.4 i , , Hi. - -,. ", ~, i_:, -..- .... •..-: .. ! . 1-.-.. ; . -,. 'i '.: ‘-,, • • - ....L.. -,.,-.-.. • - ..... ~., ~...: „ - • t " - .1. 4,',..! - .', -•.-. f. , -i.7 1 .41.-.. ,71-. : . ..- ...,.., .-- : .:..4.., • ... ~. ..... '.• I , , , ,-. .. ~ • 4 . 1.,,,... ... ~...._ -. .. "! A 1 ... i . 5 :-. ..-.. .?* ; T.!Z"- 3 , : -'l'4•4• '- ‘ , .:.* - ~...•-. -..! ' 1- ,!,. *- _ , ~ * '. • . . 4111PalliTE 4ila/SCOPAilLta4uitcl4'-ni-Tillr. BO - ILOUtiii oi? III.L EI SCUIrtqatILL tquier)t, .o,Egii.4):lAt. :o• _LS_ '-' • 1 ' • - . • -- -- i - --. 4— : - - - .... • -- -. " - "" -- idt2V1 1 PHroiniltialts•AaiO 4 , ~ , '..._ ALL warvar l To gas uszisur tl. • VARNA) Of the White *WA blazing home: i For the Flame-SOON terch,thabringetbdcapalk, With then/emu:oes step thaalcome.: And oim path ye niark, where'er it has bid, By the brand's quirk:work and theacaiplessilgali • The night-black haft of the fainchee.ked girl, 'Neath.opr gory Isak.hets crushed; ' 1 The locks of the child; with their surmy air!, Whose glee with the knife we'husheii, Aratro4bies sweo to the Warrior's A blogdj wreath Ibr the Seminole: Death; goettiOnth With the ring ball— - 1 Death with•the irnifit's quick thrum; Our war-whdop w shriek his heart to appal. As the Lang Knife bites the duat. • - Our thirst in the blood of our foes we slake, And our vengeance we finials with fagot & stake, Though it please not the Power that knoweth oo bounds. • To strike forthe Seminole, Yet se will not retrieve from oar hunting grounds. And Me *reams that through them roll; . 1 . The dusky swamp shall shelter our Brews.. • And our bones we'll IClalte: un our Failiei , "e graves. • G. M. S. THE BRIDE't SONG. . 'Twas a heavenly night, • 1 • • 4 .l4eath the deep star.light. As penstre I sate by the easement high; I mused on a youth with 'a full dark eye,,, • think' not I. cared Per him too— I My love—miy luve—wis it you _ Then a Minstrel same; ' . And he breathed my mune.. And he sang the a sweet and a plaintive , 01 use I scorned, though he sought Inc l un g And never a word wee trui3— My love—rny love—wee tt ,)ou I But I dreime'd ne a dream, , . • 'Ncath the glad sunbeam. I;was plizhird to WIP, till death should part And I gave that one my whole, whole heart.: • And the gentle dream came tree: :Sty love—nty lo“.l—it bus von! iisickerbocker.i ntut'A boa.. ttioat ttig:Vaa. • '• 13psan /18th 10.0 k e the (I. bac* - the . t, MORNING. . . by,the assureraxi vecipived ,'.. the hig —tan - ing,geologiaill authoritita,. that, exitim ug I patient- demand from our s ; mina at 6, NOltoria kenually . the 4:64 ' da of Northuinbe - lead and Darhein alone are - sufficient to , oupp _ it-for .1,700 years; and after • e expiration . of ' draft, the great coal basin otflouth Wklea will ; 1 itifficient to supply - the seam demand fur 2,0 years lodger. . • Aut. in speculations like L ' .the. probable 11 Or pertain progress of iiiipP e' inent anal diseoir. oft ought not to be overlooked; and we may rate ' lyypronciunce that...long be f a minute clidn .. °Ouch a period of time sh hate oval', offiar and more powerful m hanicallAt la will i minute alffigether supersede the oftiosik Ph amp)* already directs her finger a aturcen of inexhaus. tilde power in the pherionie a. of •electitity and niagnetism. The altern &tempos+ on e4iii iiaomposition of water by an electri 111 gini hari too close an to the ape &WY Pw• cow of vaporisation and co densation n t to oc cur at once:to every mind: the devekopui tof the Ow from the solid mitt -' by the o Inillil 'of the cbytnical a ffi nities, and lima subsea; ent con. depend= into the liquid fora ,, has bee already essayed as a source ofpoi t ti t e r L. v ia a- Word, the general state . of physical e al the present moment—the vigor, activilyi: and amenity with Which researches in it oral Firueecutedl in every civilized country —the inetsing conslidemtiiin rn in which scicutifieen ere old. ande person al honor, and rewnrds which begin to bra confer red,upont them , all justify thp expected that we are on theave of inethanketdiscoreriestill grea. tar Than any which hare .zet appeared; 1 and that the steam engine itself, with the gigantic iidirere conferred upon it by the immortal Watt, will dwindle iota insignificauce in clunpaniain with the bidden powers :4 nature. still to be. revealed; and that the day Will coma when that' machine, which is now extenchsg tholblessangspr civiliza tion to the most remote skirls of the globe, will cease to have existence tle p4go of his tory. . 1 . . Editing a Frenth paper.—lf yon w nt to the c t. French opera, and saw lye y lama an very bill. Ilant box, rather larger and more brilliant than a ny' othet—whose would you suppose it tie? The kings?—no: a monists al—no: an ambasisa dor's?—riir. a Russian prince's--no: ja French feet's? a deputy's? Guess; again. That is the realm newepaperiit ..I.V hat—a newspaper have e box at the opera? To. be sure That box is where the newspaper decal the most part of its bileincsa. 'you lee that fa amootb.faced little gentleman, and that tall, t hi n, pale figurefigure in spec:- tacks: one was a great mil a little tints agooind the other expects to be a tat man loon. The editor is giving these aut men an, audience. They tell him their viewe—lie ligtens. ' They tell him the strength of their , sty-Ithe tikes a note: They tell him what con they MCA° to pursue ..--.lie imams advice. !The editor is a alever man. This is his way of condo ling his jobrnal. lie pretends that to influence Milks f the day; l e krtitl...iodeed, to know the poltiOsof a day * : he r intuit know the .politeid en bf t day. He 'makes hie 'relict the orgy of tit 'pa , and he lil t ..iiiiikes himself the head of party. ' t ut bow to limp this party together? IHe iised give din. .. tiers—he now takes an opera to*. ldo not know ' any thing that better militia the charncter of the l a Erench, or of the state of mice. thee the jour halist, at the head oflus_pe 'tics, party, assembled in a, box at the opera. / I • An Odd Flak—We niei a tiltmon this morn ing, a resident, we believe of Philadelphia; but, a native of Italy, who has been a self-adoptedl.ft tocrican fur some thirty years. 1 He liewithotit' a relative or connexion of asdrt here, and tint. withstanding this ciicum anal, - a ;de. gree of cheerfiiineas ca r d okontetie heat would be considered surprising, even in a/frenchinam Pornased of sommestate, l ithe aequi*.ment of e conomy and tact, hilir ea 4y 'hit his present eon. &thin, and we regret - to .d.carelells of the' ro. 'lire. He told us, that he .at had.hia coffin tea. dy several years ago; and' n hi. Melancholy arc-' meets, has beat for a 'Ong time past, many of;the agreeable conifinienta of li e. In SuMn3er 'he' do.' , posits therein, his ice' and butter; and he irptitt4s of that predestined n* e. le of hisortality; as r in tan uncommon. fine box to keep Min ' in.' far front haulm it hinds 'and . ,is native e, he a. waits bis death with the mposure f ea ... tunic:- I'nd has already. deposited in the pa big - tenth a aamply rufficieot to . - ray .the *ease; at-- ten nt open his obseqbi • , The un ertaker has Um d\ had ft instreictionii.'ind : Sing r ed bis Odd ,pro quo; of coarse stands ready to w them, ' whenever his service ma be req * A king line of coaches, acceMpan ed 'With rges dale Lt and afrayj Will be *pl., ed on the occairioL.-.. Anticipating gieir probab ' emptin , withopt a special provision against i. the'eapeeted defunct has stipulated that person be engaged' to lid as mourriere—meat, wdineir d ishihirel;--and, ham enjoined in bis contract. :at the y cry wed.— Cloilnid 'in their trerp?Mge and the amts of itio,' he expects all mourners do thei tity. The :carriage* ere to proceed tw by two. ttith:a 'space •hetiveen't so that the proms OD Shill he duly -OM :gated;And the old felltiw i d us. wi all serious nese, yet with i gleam of comfort wed rer his &alarm that he ex, trio pliant obse. quits.. 'As I pate along; 'd he, merchant will 'spring fnom his omit r. the from her piano, the cook from barn ' 4 ksiy. the tel. For iibmtis goose; while titedw will leak his but; and all willexchd . 'Good &mad 7, -dens i _ rr= what a large fimersp— t -An '' napery . Man? Vibe could it have iii' Ail Gosi. lire Married aid this ')Era •.' •,: 1 0 1 :. 'f or e RacAsiol.-Xemelar*earlasseadoo,l, th ew' fee t of v it riage, as conziecteil arithl ~ kevit , re *lid to . : Dr. Casper . rn ill* '.',' 1 54 I Au. . ..ed j,i, bid*, Th e differentia . - - • 1 . still - re ` ll iac* as age advane.o% . at the a 60, jitter but . 4 2 .unmarried Men4,o l *. kit- ,n crie d, 4 70., . , 60 1t i'lcie t ivenw.iinten ',Matt iigt tie an d ai ..gightv , , , •OF=we -- Tvoectidelittinki.-.Who: ma y c haappl e tl i irei.llarre ,iare-ritaZ el s i ii iii - very_aelaliolila ' Liiiili - iteet ii l ilie. amalairizallaiairiail pit example, tilt - 4116a , aii,ti l rOf 45, i.Whii -iiitY:6 1 Unt 0 1,044 -ktiall -0; 911214- Writ tifh -- a)i..„.. r, • • i *l o * e l l i s ieo;eoesidirailialio . *..: . •: • . -: .teatittlx„ iatiba - 4;0 1 4 1 i . :40 41 i 4 " ( '' :!=fa -- -10 *4 6 4 a 'j -.„;:111-',-:'.f, _kolij rad 6 a)tra,(rOTt -, ,.: . 041/.. I)iiiii;isiiiiii: 4 10 d i - Tios miiiitigw, a. .. .. , bifi . ,-- r.ciithariaa 4aMeilie*it'wo ” -l" A. - Yeti . 'Alia Fiala fratorian . ... ,6iSt. , i n ... Via ';• : ' 7 76ishieii.' of-, *tail* !Infin i ti/ 11 00i' • ' • - , f ." • 1 bag*: I per, lariat to liaraimi;,- !MI - . : ..- ', • 044 . iiiliitsielter) iiiirfiAliate(*reseiee • _ ... - - 'illiuire'tligtiti ***4l:: ~-::,,1 - ' ll4 ' 1 1 4 *tit F la ... .. r - ! .:: - *444* lasiel,f : di -,_.. ~ tics .aii ...•: ••.- ~.., r e.2.. ...._,.:—. 1 - ; .'":,-' ~ i ' - -ri -- 1: •,,... r.. , " ,-,,, •,,-,•_ -:•._ -,,. i-.:-._ , .7ctrii,••-: • t 46..; 81,inday Tbo mjnitetiiituts shows itipegin man seal ioarnetinles iq kora it awriy from to Godail - A,duty .— The morning lied /. Is return ot , businese and *asap; IaIA.OZt .tit ape; but thiMit will return in sick ill) &h. tiot, ft ba. and say to the spirit, stilt tin ing about the world, ge S "Come away. curse s way.° It may beLahreger ded still, but ft will Aorta ear. and lilt" a dove unwilling ( to leave ite utast t, will flatter reptant and light upon m I again and again,. lt itift tri. the soul into pen* us lot dins which bave'beea thought ofwith Id in*isibility for , yeare—it subdues stubbor ass and pride—it removes the • veil from before tomb, • and brings. God and ht the jidgmest an heaven to view. ItAives fife and emisibility to tot idsoul —arcasee its 1 powers. Nerves the weak bumbles the, 'proud, bred s fbi chain,' fe s °rein, EA wider 1 its gierer,J blade , rebelliostriptd , d im a of al, rides life d freedom. Ithifest leal, ev au : t ,is ' t o . and joy gladdens 1 Ins I f,:bope . • in, in is eye, and' hikenmes to hi Saviour,s....uied, a ' purified fur ever. B d Spirit, • u art tad the lied and life of m ; Pie onl rept nom r. in ibis vile of sorra aid sin. We will y for theeland open our es l to 0, e, land le came th maining r t- D d. eaven leen descend everywhere and in this si • olbg and I suffering wr.eback to itsidot . ur ' -- Pt' - c . • I $0 AN= OT lON. ' fat , Mille no. • Ir. with heart capable of en jorioct OMNI • tile. inks of the Deity as presi no to it, e ban fin much poetick inter est in aby ss..cbt even o his own rehdu3ns to that a . He fleets th t the Almighty pow +. or, w i could rrange so ha scene Is that a round , • , and • ive to the whole its indescriba hle poivet to too • he hu an heart; can never beat i lees fur ~1 a tans make ha creatures ha ppfide • nto the lo ft y sky, and the ex. tentilon d ;plcssu • of the iew give bird tome .faint Ception of the im enmity of *0 cortimu nity oer,which o f presi . He th.,. ks of this i little oild, as , revolted province , and as he , fanci that dile • bee an harmony and happi. e i ness reign in the brig t repots before, him.. hie heert swells with a ;so of chivalrous desire to joiritfie nano ly here, • their efforts to re. store :Jehovab's reign. t he spirit, which rises in hid' bre* is that or r mance--pf chivalry. If'akingd • • was a lineal or a military . onc, 1 would , re* fora at once to ha ban: ner. at alas, ta a kin dem of holiness. To enter . he mos come do n from his high irra. ginatains, and •. to ,wOr in penitcate and hu • - mility !Leong • dortuptilais of big ownheart. r • or nowrinsa. Ilovg-nany [oak% i w o once cberished the crpecultion of • ding , a did station of life. have lien red • cl. to, the necessity of a*orting their t Mats to •a n a au • tence: - Yon ere aft prohab y Icqua d "wit h some sucht.yo Mali perhaps, have ea d it; allied of 4h , that their trials. by 'owing ism upon their own r t resources, hav ,' e ndured their eharseterkmore interesping an , vc. Those -qfyou. who' novenjoy pros ty, , . ,1 ay have no fear thaiyour situathins *ill ev r c env: you may not con ceive tbe.possib it 0 ~sildresiog thew *Smear {LI which iyou ban 1... in others. But tin& es are4 proverbi areek tbe Irei el, on which fivailies may pend foi may consume prop erty;lc failure ly insnlie; the elm- . oda o , trade m d manufacturlng . in- 2 1 tereettst may do did rotated may Mak ir. va d l o t upon , thousand other chan ces. the in liilo Or wotldly wealth depetuf. Eta,. perms commends, del the Itply:Spiril to do r:, scams . ditien ;of the m . . ter tht e Savio , forth, had effortr have ha tit' km, the aeon on rata di?! fliti arm ered thrives. the lethigry of for eVer in vai Ho ma tist love hi God, 1 1 , will 13i lOUs is to doom. , I • or feel dislg ros in t and li Byrn obstinstf •we In thi.sal quel dui Asia/ ptho tom' the rr doint don: that, t , , . . ~. ..:. .::ig-'..7.,. 1 klix'Lit+sWlT`i , Niro = , 2r t r i r e r ) It othis i 3o she oc ttkidolghtiOdfit.o. wa 'tzad4; Pad . per flied , 14 w oetitrs ' I *be Orel i4e , ot 41 re. 041 r in Ite lon *hi 1 111 understanding God's se until *the power of. upbn hilt t precisely in the con withered band, if, af.. him to stretch it beforale made the , it. He meat feel;, ling to circulate; and he has tiny tang. to mope, tonainirith, Lich _his sunk into spitit,,may , Wait : 1 repent, : himallt-- se sin, the work trif tie; he vitality!, by which it N around rm.. be In think ottincn ee Sow baryon "•elnaleflection Lenge; arid anP , Co allowances fin °Abase wi* are .far cetnind "yoaraslf 7an mighl;verr. , ad: Lyon tJbcLl their ttan'to e*.hib;. orl-z:o! l, in *Pict' , . /KIM f:.,, \ ; safferiairi will Arkle . nt. Wax '"foroe: , Busily eti. - lyre writ:Ail ;tai, ar,id 4111 iltht ,- *St : 6 ' k ‘ j • a ~. Scams in Florida diem ,tholl -6, wilt nsake a bloody in' Instpi cowry: The inetetiala .I,ln tea #Nuiter 0W4.40 111 *sting: • IVej eketgbes_frot”ofiel it ofliiretatithi arratlitan credit. to cti -pinto limit inthor-.` Th• toll 4 . los **par a letter fimajna.offiser 'Nino. tOlns6. .ult.4blished in the Afitni:VOttingl • , It was itatifili 0410401:ihir MIMI gof the. - 20th inst. that.we aptrtlehed tlargionadhe•P) that.ntiseaere ofDade's aottnitanduinki. ce... ? ... Never. do ljespeet te w tnewriusother attate so adeonn—so. - unearthly; 11 WI thou Asy l s hid parsed away, and not a_ hunsan'Asfang4 white te redappearedto hare tionehettztheie raniains eve theta unitortimate troop!! . Fir Tea 44,c al had mato over...thett remains. thiti,int .sips ...a:- Every officer was teeigiiised; aid 98 soldieredis: covered. The retneinsiciftbsievilia*. !FRIO , j iHe men mem-Interred: in skpatategtivesi.... 'Ott milk - airy hotifira. Imsafnafum could not In 4 9.1 r thing so inopreastvc—iti herr - fling. . t waert graterutdottr we peffogned to what iiirialid ~ these our • cipiniOei. I deep**. ord ' ilkiecte . you what vta savv; god ii ay. natiner to dwellices.' gor upon 10.4" - - ' ._ . Indian Hy to Itiat-brted • sketch givenyt scope wbSas poor Major Dat. etahlered ; we give the isUowingt , , Sill 6nildfil te eveni r from another pen 4-• ._ • , . The field were quit 6 • ve men fail. es . 'tett in all its horrors thenintri defies thia , . inite. merely. 'Humbeta i t atom; tnat : dea th * • leiwoeudeil and , g ,-,artone kart' r ageless trees and faint with less of -blood, . k..i. a* twirl, all were fallen, the brute) save , large portion negroes-fnushed with _hideous ;- is And Implecatiolut to' the. gritund.- 1 -En - - wino then wi idle wind. key cleft the , .s et the ; 11 1 wounded ni two wi th ter tomakawka,l their bayonets through thei Jxxlies. and , , d the, ac t scene with indite-rim' ate Itter.i Of • the. three whctiscaped. o$ lay • g • miss or dead and horribly man led‘ rri' 1 aeteralt . pltalbr thrsogb the sinsuliers. . bete .'y altar:. par ,tricked whams of ,ea • . 4 j . bite-,:. heard the howling, of the son in -l' rusigh.: basin . g weed, and the curses mid im • .- Ilona or the bbod thirsty names in les own Itinwukire. and saw one idler another of hip officer, . . tel.. ' ed with sager ' and - unseated mere" 'they approached where lie lay. His, y safety+ I consisted in, fitigning !to be dead; au . , Wgbistlyt wound ht , his head ilded. the, decor -iT,boyi diaggr.d him by his wounded eh , ' li In i [ given escaped him—and sweating he. d ead, 014 left him for othe v i ctims: _ -Mt ' .'l4 niair biro also badly .. 'did end fir ' iegi data" .-they seized him an d ragged Mai g twitrits ' 1 him-nature in biro con litla withstand , eig!tertio agony Ofhis-woendsand rlioin_ - i.sisitt4 , - moan. Ilbt head was Fete Cleft* %eh -Were some of the mimes Wine "chitin ' - :thiir * O 4 tzatetir. Eigattaatteapd. 'a . liihed apeer/us-Mostly roung.aidentand al _ • higfrf thostrtet tin unifirtely fate 11.thil't rem nan ' of barbartanto Arad they falleiiiin ' , wer.i fare hrtbefieltof g logy , and 'basin* .•••'.-- foe, a soldier's feel gs Of patriotism I or and'ziiil would hail comities-kilts 'g But to lei thuealeisegngigedliji marl 'horrible! I • 1 ~ . _ • i Ftrtlief 111#11 Florida; will [bon Anted below. We cannot t deem* —. , ot,ofasa: • oral ecarr:towards hi felkow ier G' ithge,feita t dtettur contemplil le. It bin ti glp,JEttlel . less am delivering u - a gallant Por ; , pour , zd li forces the bloody ands of the In , it. W. cannot Ode of the act prudence.. .110prti, deuce ofGames,, in , soMe of hislitew like &at. onstratiais; but the Atneriesse Officer who, would virtually league *kb an enemy - lb Pirly stars& don or death** the garrhanrof a ðer Ober and di* under hisr s e d, engaged in lbw common cause of dcfc ce.'ll aloha tow much resetnbling thilphich made an ,Ilatcddnell. , lie country .-- Phil . Gros. . . ' -- ' . Estract Of a letter •receiied bi Chasionon, date' 1 •,. . FORT PlAitlakillfeb 0 - 4: IL. PAn expressluts 'nil arrived fibar tn. Scott, whole now at Picalate (and Whim - EaintpeCti" id here before this) orderintGett. ' ;tette lbw-. nith Gaines with - mentor pa:Melons, it tilt would 'be the - Means of his making another Allure ment Madly that mean! , giiing con - to thw enemy and deranging ali bislntend Movernents- Gaines ii now surrounded by lbe Indottt. aid 111 tinnmunicitiont cutMlifroin hint. *O4 Pie pr v 1 Wool entirely' out, with nhouttistl. meal wouruted. ' and Wall , gaping sick ;rig f , dal. and withefit the moan s of inoxx Beni. e i , .- be be Oki. act attar - 4 we -- - bY lOC ; i Of to Eil 13 dte:o" 'd of the liar dt. t . _ . T'tt1i" 7 7 0:7414: . t him'.& tit .4.3ese ikgmi!ea*irOt'SAl4-10isikaa4.- ME rfla aer n al' fib' al; !r" ' . inli a MEM MEI liibis,ra • • I- I • lO gb " weds bictt of II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers