- . r, S SAL untof [several writs of Vesdifis and Leocioi .Facies, issued on. Common Pleas of ;Schuylkill directed, will be exposed Pu Satiftday at 4.9 th, the house ' the ICsji ',ugh of Orwirbarg , certain adjoining t &ahem' township,, leads cif. Frederic: RiHognstand others, ther 14 acres 50i teasure, 'niece or less, finances ' consisting sm all log dwelling hot ti water .Power apron t Peter Fisher by an a , filtpril A. D: 1822, mud year is aforesaid, 4, page 35. in nanheins town led by lands of Jam others, containing perches, strict mess g—Lnlii the estate ~ ~ coati! and io On a time tin& pl of grolod, ants h of Orivigsbnrg, con landed in front on 111a1 'ape 'street, in the Lad marked In the gc 14,, containing id in depth 180 fee taiiitittg of a large' ,ose and kitchen, (o frameletable—Late e dime and plantation and tra n towna b4tuided by lar Deibctt and Compar. .and containing 407 the amine premises a granted and cony( Robinson, br doe& ay o. a, A. D. 1830, togett L.tarnlnta and appUrtcnanecii, di /ling Nausea. 1 log barn and o estate of Edward W., Robin 1 t the same time and ; :certain lot of ground, al lowa of ilikKeanaburg, hocL 2 thy' . _ county, botinded in front T 'street and • hesnut s kr' botapass alley, nd on pne aid d marked in . the plan the No. 42, conhiining in fron rrdepth 1.4 perches, with the ap sting of a one story fraine :Irani , one 2 story stone dwelling ho .and a frame barli—Late the • reit' 43, with and coo: the che, nor,; lc - erten, Esq. t the same time an& that certain tract of lan big Sehoiltill Valley, waters of the big Scilly ' - 1 commencement of the& , r all.itoad in gehiirlkill towns, id; beginning et a" spruce tre• i New York and Tuscarora ce by the same south sixty five y three perches I to- a stone; I - land along the ad leading fr. amaqua, west , periehea to a. i s road, thence by and of Geo • h 13111 degrees, w t 49 perches 80 perches to it, atone, n• i i t 69 8-30ths per es to a stone land earveyed o warrant gr• 1 1 •in and Samuel eqlerill, both iif November,l7 3, north 65 d • hes toe stone co nor, north 24 perches to a stone corner, and t roes, east 61 pe hes to a • '•• ce• by the said la dof the said acarora coal comcnuiy, south 7' perches to the plice of begina acres and 84 per hog, 'with hot portetances. eons sting of a 2 g house, and a tram kitche me dwelling_houleana kitchen log dwelling house and a log a tate of Thomas Addis 'Enstrist, • New York and Tuscarora co al the saMe time 4n •at certain plantation and two I . ljoining- tract of' liod, situate, SchoylkAll township, coanta ad deeerl6ed. as ' 'o ll ows: B ig ' .rner,,therice by land of Edwiar • twin -66 degrees, east 6111 Ire orth 01 degrees, west .28 per once iij• he sa e and land forgi . l9, Eeq. nor 66 degr : - a pine corner, rth 61 degr. bee to a stone, , a th 29 deg • • hes to a stones i i • 61 deg •esto a shine,' rt. 30 degt • keg tO a stone; tb nod by land ', r tract, now , t , for wester, a • • st 102 . parches to a stone,' n cat 86 perches • a stone, nail, 102 perOaes to a. •• • the n • or LOile Auden ed f &c. nort • 32 patio-thee to a 'no, thence Drehea. &Co, sou h 56 degrees, fo a stone; thence by land or • 24 de grees, west 9 Arches to degrees, west 142 perches to a land Of George Re. r Esq. Matti 117 perches toe • rime tree cot grces l west 81i rehos'to a i gibes tO a post; • h ten degree i tue post; mitit's : I degrees, wt : ehes tea post in he old Cattki ,by land of late Jules Nee RboM's, aouth e 2 'degrees, em 'the pace of beg i mog, cant:kJ 58 perches strict measprawitt and itithurteitan 'es, tonsistinl dowelling house nd tt log ban ; bonne, known b thef name of'i ' teh and 3 one •ry frsme dui 3 twa story fru, dwelling hes the eig .sa me and of ofgro s rod. magus, in th bounded etreet, in liqt . te the Li ed In, the pi in frentlo t the tam of 1 11.1 4 •ii IS a • eh ' land baton'' , >Company. uttr 4:antidote' feet. Tiiith the a PuNagances• swig fraine dist Iliag house . ( alga* ataidej.nd shed • T: Dodson. • ' ' I • :1 tiltdciy•th • pro np•it. t , L p 4.40 of ho r ror% ihe brA4O-tliti t 10 1 11-tOuniy. a I ijokiek, P. of e d ol ,: q. • o ff o 'toloyoakp.-ta 4ounty Tora.a.3o • gAi•chaer, • #AurhondredeseilweD43 , 4, o . - it a 4 Lyons or •im--latej tPeleatlit"f s ad: Alf . eotzedieed tikes, in e t .1 1 14u 4 43 by 'Sheriff's Office Oriel ; Febrntryl2o, I i Ex-. • of the a S ntr . AT met is beret& given to ell Coed 1\ hers anti uther.partice coneUrnet‘tnathe tollusripg persons dui on the dataahneiOd to etr respe.etive hames, file the aneounts of r/hOir • Ad ministratites of the Mastics of those piersani';de eepied whese names ire thereto aranitedl'i; the Registers Oboe of SchuylkiirCount'', the said ocoaorite will be presnnted to 4 4 " 6 . Court of solid Courtly fat confirmation fin allow once, on Monday l 91st!, day of Ma Ch es, at 10 o'efeekiitt the fitrenoonott the ;Coo 1. °Use in Orwigsbutg. • • ; , 1. Gahm( Miller and David Zehne Oritinis traters of the estate of Henry Miller, to pll Penn towiahip , deceased, fi led 30t h Doemiber, l 1835. 2. Johri Boyer, Jr. Guardian of 3 t Catha rine, Carollne and Mary Y., Mino I. ) ch dren of William Yoh. late of Norwegian' tow*hi ;deed. filed 30th' December, 183%. PI 3. Andrew Re-I=dt: apd John sOnt Ex"-; waters of the estate of Andrew fich elta, htte of Lower Mahantango 'township, deceaSid, filed 21st January ; 1836. • 4. William Haggerty and Lawrettee Lawler, • Executots of the estate of Michaei fitztiiretnons: late of the borough of Pottsville, dtliPeaSed; filed sth Febenary, 1836. !!' S. SameelSillyman„, AdOtinittrat4 of the es tate of William Poit, late of Manhelltt township, -deceased, filed 6th February, 1836. a l. 6. Charles Elle, Administrator ofthe estate of Jeremiah J. Foster. late of Fort Carbon ;deceased, filed 18th February, 1836. ' . 7. Jacob Karcher ono of the AddifiniSttiitors of the estate of Darnel Karcher, lut4. of Minheim now W ne township, deetto;ed, 4ted I fetilv :Feb ruary 1834. JO2. MDRGAN. pir, at . 1 o' hac,ts of haylkill Freed, Mato. arches, ith the fan oil au v, ^ • ° l le pram : cement d recor in Wm. ' Icertarn p, coon s Price, seven a. , with Peter re, a re in the ty stove r het street r by a oral plan front on with the two story , copied as he estate ace, a t of land. 1 ip, county tis of Mi. y, by land 1p acres and hich Hen. yed to the I dated the ler with the twisting of . - liable— on. gegistere Office, °twigs. burg, Feb. pth, 1836. Connnon., School • 2,:listem. A GIIEEABLY to the isth reectinn of the Com moo s c h o ol Law 0f±1834, nOticcihereby given that the sum or:dividend of M ate itopropti. ation, out of the Gnomon School th which each school division (county) inAthe (iornmon. wealth, is entitled for the year 1833, (exciusive of a dividend of $lOO,OOO doe to the `helm( fund by the, Rank of the United Statea,,on the 6th ofJ utile 1836, which dividend•will be'payibie, to each di vision . immediately utter said 60 day Of June,) is as follows:- •41 Counties. Amount. Counties. - Amount. AdameAli-) $1,235 ,71 Lehigh "1, 2 73 73 A IlegSeny 3,047 35 Luzernc ri,321 20 Armstrong ' 960 09 Lycomiqg 908 21 Beaver 1,240 42 3l'X.ean 90 50 Bedford 1,309 40 51mtgotitery !2,429 56 Bradfind • -991 95 Alain j ' 625 „52. Berke. 3,00,7 alerter 1 ., 1,028' 77 Backe 2,675 40 Northamipton , 2,176 05 Butler ' 1 828 32 urthintikittr. ,lace, a mit qq in the Schuylkill on Market and in the by lot, No. f said town r - 4 perches, ortensnces, ang.and kit -0 and kit tate of Ber- Chesnut Place, a, ,3 s itu n ie• in It "the head lkill; at the . h i nr c t killVal. y . and 163 d of 1 company; eves:a, west . enee by they Tuscarora I atone in the Reber., Esq. GIL stone cor. h 2 degrees, Der; thence ted to Abra ated the 18th grecs, east 62 degrees, west enee north .65 e corner, and New Yor kl and i degrees, east ng, bentaining 3ditament4 and itory log d.wel o, a one story ,and a one sto- , ~ ble,—Late the .. Trustee of , 1 company. Cumberland 1,574 70 Columbia Lon n Centre 10366 50 Clearfield 262 94, Crawford 8114 36 Cambria 337 22 Delaskrare .1,070 93, Dauphin 1,356 57 Erie . • 845 15 Franklin ' 1,796 67' Fayette (paid) 1,736 3 Greche - 925 90 Huntingdon 1,40 54 Indiana • 8(5 33 inmate : 612 25 Jefferson $ 104 94 Lancaster 4,419. 02 Lebanon 1,050 29 . irs,ooo 00 The attention of the severei districts of the commonwealth Is respectfully drected to the fifth section of the supplement to the chool law, (pass. ed the 15th of April s 1835.) A regality with the 4 1 3 provisions of that, section,' th portions of-the state appropriation intended far she several dis tricts not accepting the se4rol Idw, are to remain and' accumulate m the troesury of the proper county, for and (tiring two years from the date of the supplement., for the ton Eiceepting districts. But if such districts shall ot, within two years, accept tbalaw, then suchqculnolated sum shall cd;be distributed at the end Viethe ' amongst the accepting districts in the rev c vedivisions. per in The two years above Monti to d will expire on the 15th day of April, 1837. af ore that day on ly one jot meeting of (es and county o tele commissioners (Via. on th 2d - ay of May nest) cal or will take place: at hi r iniot meeting in the several divisions, or eft ciao of' the regular adjcr,orninents thereof, the npifiber of districts which shall he entitled to a diyalend of the said ' two years accumulation, will Ive tonatil fixed. • Qrsii:‘,4o3 _ t li will therefore be perCeir it i the approach ing elect; 'n of di the 18th day of March nest) is a/A Of deep impbrt tti ' th e districts which-hike hitherto rejected impo rt system. The `claim of the dibtricts to the trio years dividends of apprOjiriatien, which' wilfint the end of that period, rOmain for their use rit the Proper county treasurie*, will be establish VI or abandoned by _ .t1.4 tbevole aphis* it represent fives may give in the neztiMay mt,meriting. Consequently the] ! meeting to elect dn'ectors in *arch will be the; to i only oportunity presented the citizens of each hitherto 4 .refu4iig distriM, to eterMine by chaos! ing their!repiesfittativca in the board of directors, whether they Will siecepit. the two years acentric. lotion oeschooll money. 1 ' .In addition tO the , two ore approprilitions of 05,000 thi tie 15thkil'Afiri1 Ica?, itobje der the -above Tentioned prot tion - ofthe so blemeot? an- I payable hy the, bank of the 1 commoilachool fund °tithe p 1- .. 1 - THO. 11 Bui Bceretar's °Mee, Harrislintg.' els. 24; 13364 place, all contigoons and pug aqd being esaid:bouided • ing at a atone B. Iblabley Bag. 1 hea to a - stone ibee to a acme; ,f Benjamin R-, k east 52 perches i - -• east 372 per. i , W est 33i per. :,- ;.., east 39i per. ..., west 561 pe part of this tar ,nth 62 degrdea, . rth 30 degrees, 62 degrees, cast I v land, surveyed 1 30 degrees, west by land of Peter I west 251 perches niel Foltz north I. stone,, south 66 atone; planes by E 24 degrees, east er; south 65 de. ost, west 46 per !:, east 40 perches ! t thirty ono per. issa road; thence ' now Daniel J. - t 144 i perches to 543 screw& the hereditasnents 'of a 2 story log ; a 3 story tavern he Truecarora Ho. r s g houses and 1 . and a sawmill. In the Cour of Comm°, IPleas ofScietlyl- 1. A kill Corniv. 1: j l a r n t' " x e et Plirl ro E ar ri i b ' i ' . . I 1 G e talinnire.l • •- — .T.ir uma 'II --Pt rec. 4 - • ' MiamnerEverty. • •,. 1 i •TO SAMUEL EELT. 1.0,. ' • , riglA E Notice that your ! "ife ;Julian Josephine " IL E eft bas filed 'her i 1 1 , 5 in the Cottrt of 1 Comm ~ or Batty! County, in which she pye ~ divorced f the Bonds of Mnt.-, ritornt . hthi . whieft.. She h entered into wtth ' you. art' of , Mid ; :ty have orded that y 'be nd impair Court of Counnon Pleas.lta beheld linquid'f mid County. ater -119 . rt:t l'ondla i 211 day of Mareh, t la 1 . 6 + , !al? er Ole h fonitsatd - wsfre. , I • ; Nar SAUSII. 1 . .t" 10 3.8 1 . I . . _ .ji i . - sharic, tilli' .0 t # SLILY 1,-- lace, ii cer . tasted in the town -county of Scbuyi , front on Manch o roar by en aller Sr.hnylkill Coal of said town Nos 4 and in tlepth 120 consisting of coupled as a tavern,) to the estate of liegie ad dav of A-1 tiohnel Groaff 4 wilrOlarit. Setinif. A 'camin tikt44te uptinll, idysitting; llipMotet "Ind others + fgegWer ' 3-6 (and f 3,615 97 ,Philadelphia ty & o , unty ?.0,997 00 Pike - . • .9.62 94 Perry • 'B7B 43 Pottor (paid) 72 81 homer 984 56' usque , 764 85 Schoyl 01 ; 800 32 jo . ga ; 481 90 Union I i 1,111 90 Yenta4l3 569 92 Warta!" 271 19 Washiran ! 2,307 73 Warm . rebui l d 1,920 77 Waya , i ,i 407 09 York i 1 +; 2,513 21 i , : ' nary. annual state 0 will, also be, - on t.to distribution on; *one of the sth sec. entailment 810000 Staten to the resent year. -I BURROWES, . Of Com. School A - 0 - 6 f oroi m uz , • NTS,in Cilia will • Datiqqat*-1 = MINEEIST OITILNA 1 0 . --,,,, t, 1 NtitATls ca :rxd, fit dritQF:-.lt SW 'rot islebyj- • Feb 13 13- BRUER & RAGERTVI lir APE LINES-joit recon:ed anti for solo by Jo- Feb I 0 14 • .11.! ANNAN- SALT: --50 sacks Liverpotd fine tilt. for sae bi Jan 7 N. ;faCITLANIS & Co. 1 (PIAUI ILW CATECHISMS—oast' received 'and cur ogle by jjaylsj B BANNAN. SODA Crackers, liar sale by ; • 11 . Jan 2. , 7 • If. NATFIANS & J„CONDON CORDIAL GIN,' received add I I for laic by tFob 13 -13. MILLER & M&GbERTY INTZR str af ed Sperm bit, of Dope* v v Tidily, at 25 , per gallon. For Bala by lan 9;8- & HAGGERTY.! WAGER & FEED of all kind* kept ennatinit -PL: ly on hand and for sale by -4 Feb6:l2 .1, CLAYTON: PHRENOLOGICAL BUSTS, lost iveel4ed Ja- and for sate by BANNAM Feb G 12— irbRIND COD FISH and Mackay], receivdtal 11 -° - and for sato by J. CLAYTON. Feb H RAFTS St, NOTazi, bound up in Bo4ikir 21 - 0 " jot received ind fn sa'e by Feb 6 l- • 'll -13AN*All. inOFFEF22I-40 Raga superior High Scented lIJJ Rio, Old Java and LaguiraCirffee, for sale by Jan 2 7 N. NATHANS & The Literary and Scientific CLASS BOOK, just received and for sale Fe 5 ,27 14 1 by B. BANNAN. 'JEW YORK gIiGARtIOUSE 510 LASSES, 4 - 11 a superior article, jo g received received and for sale dec 5 1-. by T. &J. BEATTY. CIIAMPAIGNE 9IN of the Silleri and Eagle Brand, a One no article for sale - by /an 2 N. 'NATHANS k. SILK AND BEAD PURSES. - 1 - 11 ST received a ai.ppl4? of Ladies Bead. and 9 •P bl i entleinen's Silk Por s, and for sato by Jan 16 9 B.IBANNAN. Old Java Cof fee. 10 BAGS Prime old Saves Cope, a superior article, for family use; for sale by Bee 19 5 N. NATHANS, & Co. rgOOK BIN DlNG.—rersons who have - Books 2 -1 to be bound, can have them done' at two or three week's notice, by leaving 'them with the subscriber B. BANNAN. INDSORCHAIRS.—A large and genera assortment of Fancy Windsor Chairs.— For sale by ,JOSEPH 'WHITE .0e SON, kale 7 .29tf Mount Carbon. 1,055 60 cheese: • . QUPERTOR Dairy Cheese • ''-- Pine Apple ;do For sale' y Decl4 -4 N. NATRANS & Co -- - - Whips 1 Whips BBANNAN has jet received a- fresh sup • • ply of Whips forlSieighing, kw -the*. with an assortment of Thongs; which will be sold cheap. • Janie NEW STORE: N. Nathaus & Co. RAVE thilday opened in the Stoic formerly ee.apied yP.J. r aryin, Centre, tWo doors south of Market street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, W ince, Teas, Chi. na, Glass. Queensware, &c. consisting of Blue, black, olive, eland. drab and mixed Cloths. Wye, blacki, grey and mixed eassimeres. • Do tzerl, grey and brown Sattinetts. Drab an Coloured bbavertoen cords, &e. Red, scarlet, white, and green 'flannels. Red, blue, green, yellow and white Canton flan nets. ' Bleached and unbleached • Do ni do moslins. Irish bnens & lawns. Black, geeen, brown, and purple merinos: Plaids, rinser; and ntgro cloths. Buckskin mitts and gloves. Silk and cpttoo umbrellak. Ladies and gentlemans hoskiripbetti;er and kid glove* - Irish knit, and G antown hotie and hose. Satin an ' sine pleated Rod plain stocks. Ble.u-ire and unbleached linen told cotton Dril. - ings. Cotton and Pittsburg cord. Silk and s ton handkerchiefs. Do. crape & do. shawls. Vestingsi silks, laces, threads, tape), cottons blankets, coatings, wadding's, camblets, "aspen der", gingharns,checks„ tickinga, Enilistarepch and Ameri@an prints, new patterns, &O. &c.. Rio, Java, Laguira,St. Domingo coffees St. Croix, Now Orleans, Havana sugars Loaf and Lump dp Re h Orleans and Sugat house Molasses Gun PoWder,-Yonng Upson, Sonctiong, • Poucliotrg and Bohea Teas Prepared Cocoa arrdCdCoa Shells Chaea and Bakers Chocolate , Zealand & Spanish do Va4egaled, Palm, Brown and Yellow soap CloSes, Mace, Alspice, Nutmegs, Pepper; Cas- am , Capers, Pickles. Anchaties, • Soy • Curiy and Cyanne Pepper, Mustard !Winn* Almonds, Currants, Rica ' • Chelese4 Cod fish, Mackerel • • Smoked knd pickled Salmon licrrizig • Moulded and -Dipt Candles t• - Sack and Bbl. salt, table do 15,0001 Spanish Cigars * from 15 to*2s per m. spaniel' and common do f Pipes and smoking ropey:a. • LIQUORS ; .. WINES • Charniaigne, iaognaeo American Brandy Bollald and A11 . 1'0,0.01 gin Jamaica New England rum Manungahalit.ami common whisk Madeira, brown apd4ndo a4rry ormes ' Sioilliand'llltireilleri Madeira Ido ' Lis piiitArT narilan • 'do - blanks. muscatel claret Chanapaigno I do 1. 1 **Ts OES. Gmtaeritens-conMo.and See . and aholfs .11034 - , d doj ;,. • -Ladino Igaiter %Mi r ginn aeries atkom F . 'do ?raja Denmark satin shreds and OTip pe rs ChildrOn mad ixtßintir Shiesi'land bisitissaAc. &c. • Croekery, China and GiassOirre4_,-,- - - -- AR cif Which we will sell at sidmicsale dir retail on the i moat realonaliks term.' 1, o>i "iiiA changti for country Eitoi. and iTat er4 keepey are ip itC tu!c444 ' /) .fk'.•••• -; L% 4 C , _ , 164 ( do do. GROCERIES. ME b. T• :--1 - Areto • 'wit 0 GADS, ' `. 1,200: leAct r . z A .. , i am ccii*Nr, ED An raped , a nd. ~ . . g -scented, mitlnp in ' a Alembic just, ' , Isom ship Clients Williston, - . . Also in dose a fist( and e tensive assortmentet et, Teas, ;wars, classes, Spices, igo, Gin:, Spit iii Btandyi Wines, e in 'tt• 4 .c. ' ' ' _.. Fot oak OD sceesnalod . r terms , alb 40 N I'HARDIriG, 3S. Grocer, 17 Sou Water, between Market and Ch ' 14 streets, Philadelphia. 50,Smo* - I Oct 31 Fresh- Fruit, • nevi, &C. BtINCEI, and Bloom R t ninins, Basket and Drum. Pip, Prunes, Citrons and Bemmone, French and Spanish Olives, Capers and Pickles., • -• Mashroon Catsup, 1 1 Anchovies, - • 'Faience of Anchovien, Leuster Sauce, Canton Soy, Cully Powder, John Bull's Beef Sleek Sauce, Pickled Lohsters4 Chime and Muscles. For sale by N NATBANS Jan 30 I - II Splendi , Prints:' • oUST received from New York and Philadcl • pine, a large assort:ilea of New Goode; a rtxmg which are, j' Nigy and and fashionable Pricta, no do M4rinons, ' • i dloths,Cassimeres and Sattinetta, , Cotton and woollen Flannels, Ice. Oct, 24 49-. • T. &'J. BRATTY. , ... N. NATBANS &. CO. 110111 AVE on hand andoffer for Sale the . !allow. JILA- ing .assortment of Wines and Liquoisf Superior Old E. I. Madeira Nine on chi.aiWit. Star Brand; do do do do do Bottied, do du L. P. ,do do on draught. do de Port do Pore Grape Stride Bottled, do •do do ,do do do on diaoght, - Common do . do dq Superior Brown Sherry do do do dodo do do bottled do r Pale do •do do do - do• do do on draught, do Dry Malaga, Sweet Malaga .do • ' do Lisbon and Mar. Modena do do Sicly Madeira & Muscatel dq Clatet on drought and bottled, do Old Bock and Mu.scat bottled, do chainpaigne of Eagle, Comet, and, Jolly •-; Brands, do Old' 4th Proof Brandy, do do Hol. Gib, • do Champ:Ligon Brandy lst and 2d quality. Cognac and Bordeaux do. let, 2d 4. 3d I cls,. Jam. Spirits let, 24 and 3d do Ital. Gin, &2d duality, N. E. Rom, Com. in and CommOn Brandy, 'Monongahela and Common Whiskey, Sup. Old Irish Whiskey, do do Scotch Cambletoo, do the Real Moun tain Dow, warranted 20 years old, do .!C: ordiabi, &c. Taveri keepers and other consumers are invi ted to call, where they can be supplied with bet ter Wines er.d Liquors, on better .term, than they have been getting. Jan 29 Gum Elastic Goods. GENTLEMEN'S Crum Ebistic Frock Coats, Do • , do do Pantaloons, Do do do Capes,; Do do do Figur . e d Plato Shoes, Dr • do do Moleskin Over Shoes, Do do do Suspenders, Ladies, Misses and riuldrons Aprons, . Do Eured and. Fur Lined Shoes, Do and - Children's plain do Water Bottles, &c. ' &c. Just received andfor saliby N. NATBANS 4 .C".• N. B. Gum Elastic Coveis for Carriages, Gigs, and Wagons, Curtains, Baits, &e. will be furnish ed to order. Feb 6 12— Rio Comet e, ittotassels Sugars, &c.-&.c.' 60 BAGS new'Crop Rio Coffee, SugarliouseiNew Orleans t in Biwa. and Trinidad Mol saes New Orleans, Mu cavado in Hhds. and St. Croix, Sogira, 20 Casks Premio Cheese, Young Hyson and lack Teas (in 4 . & 4 chests.) 16 half barrels hu r led Barley. 30 boxes (Philade Rhin} Soap, brown yellow. - 2000 dipt Ca les, B's, 10's, and 16's. SO half boxes Glasii, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12. Cognac Brandt. and Gin. in pipes and ?pipes: 25 Eighteen gallob casks Lisbon wine: New England Halm, Common Gin, Common Brandy'. II Peppermint and Anniseed Cordials, in Bbls. Salt, Fish and Pla er, &c. &c. For sale by Mt LER 4- HAGGqRTY, I - 'Centre St. t door to Mortic e Hotel. Pottsville, Jan. 8— A GEOGRAPRICAL and Statistical Chart of A Earepp, d --tibing the boundaries, extent, population, isiveretris; government, debt, revenue, army, &s . , of its , ma" countries at th e present day.--Piice oeht.k. Just received and for sale Dec' I 2 4- i by B. BASNAN. Furs!! wASELION= BOAS; -a: do Fui neck ruffs for ladies Mae j Medicated *coat Foto • ;Fur ;Glover For pap' I Far Collar. for cloaks 4. coats • Just received ind-tor vale by Dee t 2 4—tf - N. NiTUANS dJ co FUME Fty. PE B. . HANNA has just received ion consign ment, a 'rge assortment , of' Perfumery, Cos Cos die and F nay Soaps, otthe very best qual ity. Aieh wi ll . ! • sold wholelale al , retail, at a •ve s mall adv .. cc- The following Composes a ' nof the4cles: Of Rose • Otto, of ih; Li qldve Oxygen 6 • Toilet Po Palm do Clit a rTauth Wash Cream tr,„ ----- e Wier Camphor . a • vender do Lavender . : Florida do - Tong= tieini - Alo ' PrestAilalti Irepoir - Fmter# '.Tooth Brinihes • tftto RoseShay.ilo : - 'Superior 4vender Wet. Bears Oil f .. ' ' Kreariobi, Tooth Waite'lndian 0114P,p0. ~C4rhomin Dentifrice " . Milk Of Roars J - . Eng. Ifrown Windsor FieokloWiali 1 • k BoaL ZinatemiPMr4„ay no, wadies. : jui4.13. ; 1• . • - e ; : IS .. . ez: . NE 11 a i : I - Ops s la. , UAZ ila t itnrerpectrully informs . '.. ends, th - cttizenaofflottarillst and the public i . genes* `tat he hail just re ceived a large . . gene:rill . . .• en( orwell se lected GOODS, c .nsuungli . part-of 1 Bine, black, br . wit, cilive, green, drab ; and steel mitt cloths, do 'd . do cassimercs,do.do aittinetts, l f red,, yellow,gr ... - and w ito flannels, blue and drab bushings ..; . gni) d genes corde;beever-, wens, canton 8a .'.. CI, nap ed fustian for Miners, silk, valencia, Ns ' . sdown toihnet and Marseilles vesting, a large. .rtment of plain and high co ils bored printi4 da k for table cloths, Bums and bird eye diaper, 'ogbams, colored mnalins,anit lint, foundation muidin, black and- biown Hof land, plain and t silk velvet, woolen yarn,wool en, silk and co lt hosier*, Tbibet cashtnere,sillt and cotton sho w a, cotton and silk handkerchiefs. , and. cravats ; In itt, French and Italian silks for. ladies d ‘ re i res, t read, be . bbinet and cotton laces, edgings, quiltin and bleedings, aifiunorinicnt. of ribands and alloonsjirish linens, tong lawny anon 'cambric cambrick, jaconet. Swiss and book mutants, stitch and English' mentions, cireassians, be bazettea, bombazines, 9,4.104, 11-4, 12-4 rose lankets , ant counterpanes,' gen tlemen.; bucksk n, beaver, and hoskin gloves, la dies hoskin , ai l and kid gloves and mitts, ladles gentian:tens and shildretes shoes and brown and bleached Mdslins, Carpeting, an-assortment of readrmade clothingj brushes, comber, hairand fur-seal caps, . HARD WARE, t. o'l LERY, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE ‘ Also a • good assorttnent oiGROCERIBS, pit chavii wish particulaZ regard to quality, cansiit mg in .part of . Wines, cordials, French brandy, Holland and common gin, old Monongahela whiskey, common brandy, rye whiskey, No. 1 and 2 mackerel in barrels and half barrels, , SUPETIFINEAIiIILY FLOUR: Salt by the barrel or bushel, butter, cheese. and crackers, spermaceti and common oil, together with asariety, of artichs not enumerated, which he will sell wholeiiale and retail, 9n the most reasonable terms, far Cash or countsy produce. , ** Always on hand a constant supply of OP, F;PF,9nd PFF lilastiing powder, And Dupont's superior Eagle poWder. . The' highest price 4ricen in' cash for country. Produce. • ' Country merchtinto will find it.their interest to call, as they can be fOrnisned with ntoat articles on nearly as good terms as they.could procure thein'from Philadelphia. 0ct.19 48tf '''' NEW; GOODS. , rga II t Sobseribersihave just received a large -IL and general assortment of fresh•and season. able . .---"Dry Goods,. . GrerierieS, Har d wade, Glass & pueens Wate - Sporting and Blasting. Powder,. liar Iro Grind atones, Fish, S at, . Flour, Plaster &c. &e. which in addition to their former stock render their assortment extensive and complete. All of which are offered felt sale wholesale er retail at very reduced psiceslfet cash or hi exchange for Cent try Produce. Illie highest 1)60 given in cash fin. all kinds of country prodnee.i JOSEPH WHITE & SON. 6 Mount Carbon Dee 27 - , Fall alidlWintet Goods. Jsloll - 1N CLAYTON, thankful for, past favors, 'respectfully informs his triends, abd the pub. lic in general,,that.' he bas just received a large and general assoitatent of Fall and Winte4\ Goods, consisting in part cif ' •'• \ Bliie, brown, 41e€1 :inixed, green,. black and Irivi • - sible gree i n ninths, Blue, black, rosin and fancy buckskin cassi mores an rose blankets, . Ingrain & cotton carpet, French & English roc rinoes, • • Bloc, brown, drab & mixed buekskin cassinetts, Green, white, yellow and red flannels,•cotton flan nels, Buckskin hiverteens, curtsy and Von skin cloth, Petersham, gnatshare camlet and crank% plaids, Fustian, Russia, German and Irish linens, table covers, table tliaper, Bleached and br4wn checks, Fancy prints, French chint% printed menaces, Fancy mann° shakvls and tGtbets, veils, laces and edging, 4 Bobinott, jackonett and canibricks, black and fan • cy Cotton !apt, rraddliw, film and hair capsjur tippit Gum and lined over ahomr, coarse and fine 'shoes and boois of every size, looking glasses, Glass, Chinaland Queenswore, Wines, Liquors and Groceries, Books and stittionary, &c. &c. All of which he will sell attho lowest prices; for cash, or exchange for country produce. Pottsville,loM. 2, 1835. 46—tf N.B: Don't foketthe number, three doom be low the ,eta • (Ate in Centre street, PORT PLINTON FOUNDRY. subacribein inform the inhabitants !Pf Patti —i villa andi its **inky, that their Werke at Port Crm ton are now hi emotion, where they *ill be glad to receive Orders for cAjt WIEEELti, AXLES - ; &c or any othir c taitings, Vvhich they- promise to 'execute promptly On faithcoly. PA &TIERS. November a, 1:44 51—ly CO" The Foundij , will be in bl a st ' oilier day. SOR SALE. Tit, 100 vini Plaster 150 bble Liverpeolitronndaadt 20 sacks , :do fine do 40 bbl. new; mackerel, No. 1 and 2 20 halibbla do -do I and 2 10 qrbbla do do I and! - 50 bbls rye r iti i skey 50 Do an e Flour 30 bar atro scented Rio core le • Ev qr casks n wine -. 10 do do eat Malaga - whin - 101abli Ne England Vim -%. • ' ~,,--- 10 do.co on brandy . ' I, 10 de d Fin • ' .. ~ .: i t Su or old Cagayan brandy' ..„..-- . •.. Do Ilan - and Gil' --, . ' , An.pl3r to-n- - JOSZPII C.-XERIV ..,. ;t. dee 115 r , ' next -, oor -n Vne 'ationallElotel BUPP-4,.. Givri o pol mirebr 1 F 1 • al _ , ' I oang nylon 1 . laattaiquality andlatest eh= , rapottattoft I ' - ? Caper ffel 44 .. . ~. PeOcksit REEN ik,RLACE TEAS. 9en Judy), April 1 4 for satib.ri itdies.,llilßlTY I :1:4: Travellers o,oktianoighoot.the liteitStates%e;-, • ' etalipeorDbicr : • Dth- • -..ilienUor • • . • 0., ' ' - Maps of ptessAssiskia-kand other ,Do. 80. • :De. • _DP Alib—PAOket *Wet rowilved =MMIEEI =I „,. . `• 'W • : ):: IL* .1: 1 - f.5..“4., AT' THE OLD ST I ,' ir t - No. 65` NORTH oceru.s. ..f. '-'- 2 .” EitArSi„E; ' 4 : : . , _ Tunis Dtmell isms itinalDoisteitlil• •FAS . PIIII.ADELIVM4I4.. - '' • • *WU FACTOR4Rta- i t White Lealldryand t W - Calo groundkn Oil, S : Red ".uca t. Red Lead: Wldtil aci' ' -..' Lithrn i ge; • ' Vitriol Alb; • Chrome tallow, . Sulf—lase itie do Green ..Fitt: Entie 'e do Red ~ .EilMil3utp' 'Patent Yellow -Ati Nile! - Sugar Lead 'do Aci f Copperas ' LtainiCa • .it: 01. Vitriol , ' Com." • ' ' Aq. Fortiit '• • ' Aelt.Mo •in ,* • Muriatic Acid - •8u • . .. 4 Epsom Salt, ' ;.. c.SuliAtbf Tart. Acid ,Opt. delV ascot: I Sup. Carts. Soda rotates Miners Carro.s. Sidi. Mere Rtbiops tdo. Windsor and PictureGlass;froti 6 8 to 94 Refiners-of Champhor ,Salt•NlOPo l3 *Pston &c. Carer forsalethe above menttoned,atti tberwitb a general assortment. of Palms. DyeStnits.andworyotberartileleintbeelf i Medici t nal tine. ta, ilibO i- I ind ß tbe M a ;) vt bd ri h r ypl a a• rtidmrsealtvl plytheirfr i tendasmirtimpublicblithestios terms POLLOCK. & 111r134137 , AVlNust received and °fail for gale, i MA to their former Stock. slarge andw el essortmentot ^ I • AND WI:NMI:APO eensishng.in part of . '! 1314e,black, mist and fin* coloreficlo Cashdef,ea,satineta and Petoraliams I . Coatitigs,baises and flannels • Blanitets, coverlets and col:interposes Fustiturs,beaverteens and goblets' Italie* and India silks and Satins ; Frenbh and English ineriris • Bonahazines, bombazettea aid circus ; liatinetts and plaids Coloied, white and brown Penton flan • Corti:in:worsted and woollen hogery Tichlngs. checks Ind drdlingo Russia sheeting and diaper I . A gdod assortment of winter Vesting Irish linens• tennis and diapirs • ` Figued and plkta bobinets, laces. edgih • da Swissand book ritnalinsr Mosta insertimgo and edglagr Bishops lawn and linen cambric Broivn and bleached muslin', Groceries. Queenkwarie". Hardware, & • Red. Sperm and Lamp Oils Fish. Salt, Plaater,&c.,' &c.*&c. • For sale cheap—Country Produce taken in • Pottsville. November 8 IRON FOUNDR ' STEAM ENGINE 41z., BOILER, MANE People's Works Frank4in and Front Sts.. irentring phiit County. '.. . The subscriber respeetfulliinforma crs and the public, that he has temp Foundry business from Broad stree to a new establishment, where be is cute any orders punctuOy. Such for Mill Gearing. Stearn Enenes , I Wheels, Chairs, and Turn-tints, Sug Pans, Soap Bo iler Pans - , Bark Mills i of ell other descriptions: Alen, It I largnissortmeut of Paiteinis, consid Ito the advantage of m anies and call, then they will be hown by . at thd i works. j Steam Engin and .8, • i MA NUFA /ix. - CIO the same premises 'can belied PresaWre Engines, Boilers - and Mac perali on the most reasonable terms• tion to ! ' JAM N. B. Any whirs left at The, Bullock, Davis 4 Coi 02 North T dclphia will be immediately, attend( Philadelphia, Dec.s, 1835. -MILLER & HAGG H AVJ for sale the following and Liquors. Superior old L. P. Model do 'io do do do Lobo!. super Pale Duff. Gordon* Co. do Stunt kw old HOcit Wine- J. C. and Jolly's)tupe'r. e kets. Mascot de Frcmtignoc i Grape Juice Port Win . Pico Madeira. Sicily a f Pale and brown Lisbo .Wines r , Sur:,ior pale Virgin ac, Brandy 40 4th proofCharttnte Drandy ' 1)o do Cognac and Sordeo a. do Do do . Weespinehorilini nd Gin ....- it j , •••• T do Scheidatn ' d do Superior do Jamaica Spirits - do '4th proof Irish Whi Dq, do 2d ';do MonUngah Roice - Noyau and PeAtet Love Cot N. B. St we arid Taierri Ideper good Wines and Lhattera, and as c usindly,pay for those tif 1111 infbrics , Jan 9 - ' ' 1 NEW WINES aIOHN CLAYTON wadi, kvsei his friends-and 'the, rib that he is now opening -irk his st° meet of Fall and Winter g oods; c Dry Ckiiids l , 1 GrOcOriefi x , 1 - . ' Teas% Fruit, I WIROS:= Glais;,4l: •-: • which he nssures:teo- ~ , . will 1 any in:the Borough. 1. Salt by the - ~ Orlatril. . Macke • , , dried:Flab Ifni a, , ; I NEW . : , 'e 'DS` • ..) AtCrgErit•-. r . rinpwEcrmby. , , rma 40,10 rottsvill*-iusd . Tie ity. i opened, at the corner, of Ten Streets, next 'door above he large and elegant ‘ssortrne tof Dry Goods, with s e . Oiiite • i ilhore and CrOckerytware, o purchased atthe lortlry 10 • ndelphil inirke and :', I Cent advance. I. . • All hinderer) , , , ft ': 15ed , for goods . 1 - ' - .: , "';lsa.P 1 , - *'' ....... , . , . I Chi I tfut lilie :7 1 , l' //id well iis, hiPbritiii ilPr* , (oiiiiiiii of i ftiO 4 ,*o - 4 4 "i lishmeist .toj-)pre*.e'rk Vi_ fikrins-at 1 pa , Wt'iing ' cleanser-of thirAneth and. T t : It preinati escarimuhititer ai wing` . :Wiener in nw unpl t breath. One article ever every. ; seine ikirteme is, thetit ' • "th wells in use. ,„,..Mrvf 3 7. i Just - reeeivefliafkiiside, by. 111011011 Y • tcZ es, ' .ge end valet& crated fra p ionable I 2- lt, addition selected ge and in [settings exchange 51 Acroar. PMW4I: , lido custom. ed hie Iron (as alarm) bie to exe. Castings Roil Rood r Mille and 'ad Casting, I ing a very I r it will be builders to Sedgley —DAVIS. • high or low inery in ge -1 bi FLINT. ' 00l mote eF ird St. Phile. to. 13Thi RTY hoice Wines ROI •neriffe key, • WiOskay, I . isle, aupplied\iviiiil hasp • as quality.; 'th e e (CiODS. infinnif in general R full assort • misting f Ibe grol4 cheap a* EMI TERN the eitizeti- of i hat he has . juit • nAdolllowhil/ &aqua/ Hotel, a htple and Fancy t.. oflVinee,Li *have 13een jo_tioea their 2 .14-ati2iiier liefichtr ng Ott IS%rash. i Mitt& offie. . - , tired es bt this in - di,. in ittieki. 1 , Agit: general . • • ibex vie equal. *W i ned by lies. .$ $ teeth, prevents i i g est §eality this sitittiiitiAr the :" ttainesh clean toper bottle. l'l. - &ANNAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers