The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, March 19, 1836, Image 3
SVILL POT URDAY . Report of : the COMMi on Conrad's ease, will per. It will be °llse 1 dc'esiusticel'O the mem non. this repo tion. J erica of the Age" hi the teresingartiete•which we ha .1 rot page, from that wkeellen ninkerbocker. .It le lIPPTPI ud deserves en aitentive poi very i to our the . times, 'Patrick's Day.—The d •d. in our tooroegh byth , it of the rintivee of the E their green.scarfs, whit: • tbannenit,freteded by sip, the Whole presenting pgreeable.spettacle. etorning we learn -that rse was Orottounce'd at t l, by the Rev pr. A. ree O'clock a large camp:. •ery sureptuouS, entertain y Mr.-- - D'Conner, at •th • . The 'di rmee was sery Lyle—t,he -Materials wer ,• mb raced everyslelicacy supply. Aftei the clot he regular toasts were d • d 1 by enlivening strains were follod by th s, Interspersed ;with ieve --the whole .calling for s Ofypprobat.i4M, 4 The c cellent spirits, ev ery fac . :ession of pleasu e., Noth I t(Frrupt in !the slightes ral harmony Which pre never wit ties* , - on any ,n,e higher degree or' ty, than was etthibited • ent referred Ito, blend ca 4 dig bin wit very lively feelings of e part of every individu. .• we could judgr. The . .at an early our. N• .per conduct or disor ughout the day, to - our custanoe highly creditati h-,-and the character 'ciliated in the general f• • edings at the dinner ' ish next week.: ~.~ . im. thr ci rou -Par pr. pa . .or Girard Banlc Bill.— ii riburg, that he Govern iay last, returned the A J capital of this hank, tot 'his objections for no. • At created quite a see! and was mark the o . •! ,• • day next. Mr: Stay,: •• . • to. the views of th= thifeiis a probability of Vote of tovo•tiiinds. he; Bill incorporating t 1 Compcuiy, was to hav,l n the House, on Thursda e understand that the snbj 1.. of Texas, • front; the Atexici; .er corisiderationi with the 0.1 dently believed by many, the, thii Cabinet are in favor of th redommend it to Congress. ; a .rie (Pa.) Observer of the t is estimated that the sales I in' the last six weeks,, hay ion and a half of dollars, they pidly and daily,increasing t. t. /liana has so rapidly inctea it is computed she will have 1 1, fourteen repres4ntatives in • ste, 'her:present number. ch • con 8D • . Wil he Committee of the Maryla ~m was referred the petitions' 1 and others, for indemnity fo f heir - property in be Saltimo Withhold certain iiiinuities d 'he City; until the Dosses are I : • ie Detroit Journal calcula : ulation by ernigrlion and o 'Territory' this year, at n: )al,ahall have to m a her a • If: , - Pittiburg, Pa. i -ucti s the demand for Pitisb Side es, partieulaoy lron, tha I hive orders on hind which • isitt io fill. . , Samuel lloaston has hte n caging on the Texjans to d ree;apd aovereign The legislature of Mississipp i bank of 812400,004 plc., e state as a guarantee. New York has again gone nia. The Legislature of .' unanimously p+sed a law a' !'t per annum, &Ober years, of the State. A Sign.—The missage of di • rof the Unned•States Bank ata4:elelrated at Banningtop, firing of cannon, Ste. as t importance to the codntry, e determination of the Key her sovereignty nd resist t 'tchen Cabinet add Albany Mexiciii:—Genereils Bravo iced the standard of revolt ictator, Santa Anna.' They e federal government! Tbe. to Anna's mini, near Tex : 'offering mach 'from the i d from disease. The Whig Convention, whic o January last, appointed a . 'dates for stk te officers, ! havejust reported the : For Governor Governor Jon/ U. Caoss, table gentletneri.for the • fllteasrv . vat tooter. The • ! . es iestatetnetit, based upo • •jr which it appears that the ;.; by steam mil* in seaport ally .. .compete with the n 'the .interior. The cost 0f..., well; of 10,000 ipindles is p ars•—making a difference in f ;thin per week. 111 Ha P a r' , . - : ,; "March .. 12148; , . . . The resolutio. ' hid) paSsed t ,, ,- _ some days since, . l i ructi ' ouritile ots. in Congress to v•te or a ivisiot 9 , 1 1 1 the States ,of the p of the d .J. Lands, passed the nate lby tadre h.. three to one. they m . .'ed ~th t out a division on, the third t ;idin. 4 , The s wnventiott bill has nc in te . to a committee of seven, who arel to . r on Monday. Th is 'cotamittee vvill n y in a bill of compromise between th e i : and antimasons. • MT. Co t is 4hti,',. an and 'l'. S. Smith and M'Giffin aid oil Lb • committee It is believed that Ithelitom mittee w illagree upon a bill fikingtii , time . f9rthe election of deleguttis t 4).1. th‘ day of the Presidential electioni 1 '). Dr. Smith's F # dueatiOn Bill, Which; h, passed the Senate, is made the !ordo fo Monday next in the House. 1 I i 'ING,M • CH - "19 tee in the ..found in that the tin ques- leadini of a transferred publication, riate to the eel. y Was COI- usual pro erald Isle, .. sashes and e. ffiu band A. a very live . 'the course ,n eloquent e Catholic i rtinAr_ight., rl , y SRI daWil ent, provi : Pottsville . i up in first From the.ghorleston Patriot. j LATEIMPORTA.II,I7' FROM fLORIDA BATTLE WITH THE INDIANS. aI • . It appears that Gen., Gaines had procee ded from Camp King to the batiks 4 the Withlachoocliie, with '8 days provOons, and on akriving there, found the4ndians in considerable force on the - other Mde &the river. He fought ;them for tWo.diqs a) n i l cross the river, and on the third, day' hav ing firmed an entre iched tamp, proceeded with two hundred en for the purmse of enticing them across'the Witblkchoocbie. He succeeded, and the Indians had the te merity' to attack him in his 'enirenched camp, when he committed grim) slanghter among them, having killed 300 of.their number.:The trace chains were reMoved awn the dragons and fired among them. The force of Gee. Gainas, When be left Tampa Bay, was 1140 men, composed of militia from Alabarna-and Louiaiana., Gcn. Scott was between 60 and 70 miles from him, and the Indians between them.. • , St. Augustine, lrarch 2. An express arrived here from picolatn this afternoon, from which we ;learn . that it was currently reported there, that Gen. Gaines had had•a battle near the Withla . choochy, on his return; that they had been' fighting for three days; that the first day, the troops and the Indians were on oppo site sides of the river, and that en the night of the third day, the Indians attacked the camp of Gen.,Gaines, and that there had been 40 or our troops killed and wounded. We belieye thizi report to be rue, though we have no knowledge from official sour ces. • abundant, our market = nk, acconi kniis!jc,— volunteer :1 excellent the usual :mpany were wearing an Ing occurred degree, the ailed. We onvivial oc ecorum and It the cuter- as it was gratification I present, so ompany, sep instant') of' • r occurred newledge, a e to our be those who• Ltivity. The l e expect to e learn from ' !' o or " .- n Wed , t increasing l e legislature, signing the is tion in the :r of the day us, it is said, :Governor— s act passing e Delaware been called • last. ct of the pm.- Government, cutive. It is the? President measure, and Alex. Village*. (fifth indi. Nays '0 our Borough arhounted to a are still going prices." d in population y the, census of ngreast:istead Lesislature, to f Reverdy John ! losses sustained mobs, pro pose from the State ade,iood by tbi the intretiae of erwise to Hichk ! r 50,000 'Cools. I if she behaves Larch- . 1836. 9 rg manofactur the manufactur iill require them ed a proc . lama . clam themselves has chattered a iging tlie faith of head of Pennpyl . commonwealth propriating $25, a 'geological sur. l • bill for the char. lof Pennsylvania, ermont, by a din event of the higb d as a proof of .ne State to stand e .dictation Of the egency. I nd Alvarez have Acapulco against • •ve faeclared for iiiionnts from s, rePresent them. tensity of the cold set in Providence mute to "elect nd that commit following ticket, rial3l3ll. Lieuten with nine highly bigmouth Joirrnal actual experiment, anufauture of cot. towns, may very beat water , power perating a mill at 1 1 t. down at 150 dol. vur of steam of 25 P. S. Since-writing the aboire, we learn officially, that Gen. Gaines had been at tacked on the night of the 29th Febiruary, by about 4500 Indians Us he stippctses, and after two hours 'hak.d fighting, be simceed ed in beating them off. The loss on our side is 4 killed and 20 wounded] among the latter two officers. Gen. Gaines is in a dangerous situation: to use his awn expres sion, "his wounded are increasing and his horses decreasing." I4e is shoit of provis .ions,and entrenched and the enemy. We are sorry to say, that in one of the counties of 'this state, the chief objection raised'at a small meeting of citizens oppo sed to the State Bank was, that it would give a large sum for the encouragement of EDUCATION—as if that were an evil ! Well might this remind a southern jour nalist of the language of Jack Cade to Lord Say.— • "Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm, in erecting a gram mar-school; and whereas, hefOre, our fore fathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thOu hast caused .piiinting to be used; and, contrary to the king, his crownj, and dignity, thou bast,built a paper mill. It will be proved to tlly (bee, that thou 'halt ;nen about the&, that, usually talk of a noun and a verb; and such abomina ble words, as no christian car Can endure to [Prom the London Nautical Magazine.] Steam to 41merieo.—Artiongst.'other projects that have been laid 'before the pud ic sylthin the last two months, is one to which roast heartily with success. We allude to thittjbf the 'British and American Steam Navigation iroildpirny.' It 'has long appeared strange td us , :Oar' while the small steam vestible of 4 1 10 to 500 toiik have'so suecesfully supplantedthe Mediterranean packets, 'the importance of a line of steain.packeb between Great:Britain and America Should have been so long overlooked. The practicabPity of the pea. sage by steam, and the advantages qt the plan, are clearly demonstrable. If aiStearn-vessel of 400 tuns can make a passage-Of 10011 nautical miles in 10 or 12 days, surely one 1200 tons will have, no difficulty of performing One Of 3000 in a proportionate time. For ,ours4lVes, we have no doubt of its success, and most alaruredty would be among the first to.avall ourselves cif the opportuoi. ty of thus expeditiouily visitin# our transatlantic friends.• r The 'following annunciatiori le Made in the Georgetown Metropolitan of Nforiday; "General Macomb departed sliddlnly yester day morning for'Florida, in COttileqt; ince of pe remptory orders from the. War apartment. - We understand that this appoint ent was Jentirely uncooked for by the tommaa eriitt,Obief or his friends; add !has been retalweri nikbcolary, by .sorbe diffe l rences on points of btilitie4 l l, between the two distinguished officers alreild ere—Gen end! Scott end Wines, irtrotfOni, some early differences. lave not.spolien rn -Taub."' . . bens q uene liegisl' atom Adieitiseii:The Leg. . . islature of Louisiana has or red ' names o f members who are absent, finifilthei seats at rol call, to be published daily in t i tre oefial nevrapa. per, and the "WO paradft *fir n inn accord. fil lo !ugly at the bead of the legislative ' lamn, with a Certificate appended from r pfthetionse. This is exercising a semi} cee i . the move. meats of the members that mht If be ea rl trilary in Other legfidativbi . H • , , . • NEM li. ... rekv i esllive«stia*-A.lO sae 1 fokflittupingi in lEriglisidi ail The Amerieqt editioci'aelh!forslso , ' , '; 'Tailtleg of Ma'am: said Paddy, the other diii to a fin 0 of out*, 'at Pembtoke, my dear stri we, had the heaviest I sires ea.*, it:considering the size epic, town.' 1 Curcetts' ion.--In 1 5 47, a maw* lion was usual. y Henri 13ih that. women should meet . toge to babble and talk, ant that altiinen shoal keeptheir wives in their a i%)atrvir w houses} . . , ; ' i , Mariiaga l'a l Mt U s ,\Loa - s f Life.--Dr. Cad. pet, of Perlin, fron i a number ofetatistical returnii and tables, has corner to the coavillviati that •WI averag lives of the married peciple is better thip that of the , singlo.l ' Affeetion.--.1 speak as I feel,' returned Glffotci; "were the woman I loved suffering through povei . - ty, I would beg with her, if I could not repave her; thiough injusiice I would protect her, culd If .the wprld .forsook her, I would be to ber the world.' ...- r 4 . l ki l liat is the malter, Uncle Jerry,' said as old Jeremiah 11—wis pealing by, growling most ferociously, %latter,' said the old mum, stop. ping short ; "Why,l here I've beim lugging watsr all the morning for Dr. (7s wife, to wash with, and what d'ye.s•Post I got for it 7"Why, I sup pose itoout ninepence,' answereJ r.—. 'Dim* pence be—! She told me the doctor would pulka tooth for me some tune r Driving Buiriness.—We lean from the New Bedford Mercury that the inhabitants ofliantuck et. hare not been idle daring their late embargo by ice. purin g the, laat month tWentn-eigh gra were solemnsted. • - MAN, says an "elegant writer.ean enjoy nothing to effect, ohm,. Some ono must lean on:his arm. listen to his observations; point out secret beau ties; and become, as it were, cpartner in his feel. ings, er hie impressions are comparatively dull nlid spiritless. Pleasures are incrfased in'proptir tion'as they are participated; as.rbses, innoculat ed with roses, grow double in, the process. ,DIED, In the Alms-House, on Saturday last,'the 12th inst., SABAH Wirsv., aged about two years. Harrison, Granger, AND THE SUPREMACY OF THE LAWS. C 0 U .71" T EE T r PiriHE Democratic itepubliean Atiti.Antlnni m- sonic Citizens of Schuylkill County, one all others friendly to the election of Gen. Wm. 11. Harrison to the Presidency, and Francis Gran ger as Vice-President of- the United States, are inviied to attend a County Meeting to be held in the Court House in the Borough of Cfrwigsburg, nn Monday,the 28th inst. (2d Court Week,) at '2 0 clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of ad'opt 'ing such measures as may be deemed necessary to ensure the success of raid candidates, anti the arty generally. DANIEL 1111. L, JOS CI'H MORGAN, H EN R 1" STAG ER, WM. J. MAYER, MICHAEL SIf.LTZER , Standing Committee. mar 19 18-2 REVIEW . of MARULIRF4. Pause/14e ,hlatch 18, MO& WtiIE.A;T the toad WAS wort, do Ft day hI6 liU WILEArI 20 per pastel n detnaed RYE FLOUR 200 per cwt. la demand. - ,13Ut2K.WHEATFLOUR 150 peter,' . dernandi • RYE.. by theleadBo cents .y t oe bushel—Tad) sale. RYE CHOP 80 centspe"rbusliel indetband, OATS 44 eenta—reud) salt: POTATOES 30 cents per: uslie n demand . CORN--65 cents per buehc lt n demand • • TIMOTHY'SEk:I/-32 00 per (Monet . - FL.kX§F.P.D4SI 40 peroushelin demand W,los*f.. Y-31 cents per gallon. BUTTERRlcentsperpoulid—inßeg*locents EGGS-12ceatsper dozen. LARD-12 cents per pound- TALLOW-0 cents Aerpound HAMS 12 ceso,s per - bound. • CORN cifor 6,4 cents perbushelin demand. BACON-9 cents perpoon3. • BEESWA X4locent a per pound. FEATHERS--40eentitperpneud COSIMQN WOOL-10 centr perponnd MACKEREL.brthe 50-. No 2.5700 SALT— 62. i per obL: 80perboshel. PLASTER, is worth $6 50pert on. HAY $l6 per top. . Boot . and Shoe eßralping • THE subscribers respectfully inform' their friends and the public that they have enter ed into partnership, tor the :purpose of carrying on the Boot apd Shoe making business, at the old stand of Mr. Cravvehaw, in Norwegian Strcet,' in this borough, 'where they will make to order all kinds of boots and Shoes, at the shortest notice, in the - neatest manner, and•on the most reo.sona: We terms—aud will be happy to receive en in: crease of patronage. Old Boots and Shoes repaired at •the shortest notice.' CItAWSHAW, • THOMAS BARBER. - Pottsville, mach 19, • 10* FOR SALE, , A Good Frame Shop, SITUATED on Mill Street in the town of Ban'. villa, near the Court House. ' • \ • Also, a gocid set of Clock and: Watch *kers The tools and shop and be sold together; the situation te an excellent one for a Clotk and Watch maker—as at present there is none in the place--persons wishing to see the shop and tools, and know the tent's, Will please tall on JUhn C. Grier, at thoSturelicarlY opposite. • ROBERT MOORE. • Executor of tbe lestate of Wm.Catheart, deed. • mar 19 18.3 N. B. The above is worthy the attention of any person wishing a situation as a Jeweller, or Clodk and Watch maker. New Rooks. . POWERS IMPRES S IONS, • 1i • • The O4oaw, aid , • , Dick's Mental Illumination, and,Moial In t. provement af Mankind, or an Inquiiy into the t means by w teka generaldifiludonorknowledgit, &novel pr'n ciple may be promoted. Jest r i g:calved 'and for sale I yi a 13ANN.#1. nisi 19 , • ' , Ifii-,,, FURNI7 URE E t t ?OR SALE.: I liewriLL be mkt ist pnbiie ode on hittiny e ,v T. 28th!of March hot, at the to of th e Obseriber, in Centre street, Pothrvi9O, Opposite fleffner's worn, the foihnsing exudes( of inler sod teehicn4ntstefurniturei !ice ' , i _ ~, But:taus, Tables and ,Beelstide, , , , o.o,e , quassisy sterol" maw* Maple Meek and Hoardil: •' - 1 I Sale ao laammatee at I+e'4ek, A. lit. Thin AL _ __. 01IN EiIIDOILI lOW 5Mt . * • 174 r' , i • }}. . ~~ 0 16 Pgaff sductir ty It ' a... P - p ,-maiii rail Rifle. eilbiat iota ban ;* Oink. seven by eight inches. Itoa of the Bridges swains of timber and I. roo;work, will be extanteal, and any . further in. formation which may be reignited. grown on ap *alias at the EnirineeesliidEne. at Pciltseove. WllitT ROBINON, - • - Engineer Philadislpbia4 _Rersling • Rail Road. Philadelphia March 8, lON . , L 7-8 NOTICE. To Constables, Wholesale',Dealemana Retailers of Foreign Merchandise. 11310311SUANT to an aceof the La are of Pennaylvania, passed t he 27th da yi . of April, 1830, constables will take Notice, that 'agreeably to the second section of the act griduiiung the duties upon wholesale dealers and retailers of lklerchandize, and deieribing the notice of issuing lianas', and collecting said duties, they ate re- . quire& o n or be fo re the first day offline first term in each year, - to deliver tO, tke Clerk "of Quarter Sessions, under oath or affirmation, a 'list of all the wholesale or retail octikirs of goods, wares and- merchandise, wines or distilled spirits, (ex cept such as are the growth, produce and mane. facture of the United States.) Merchant's and dealers, embraced in the provisions of the above recited act, are hereby notified, that according to the sth section thereof, the inisociate.Aidges and the County Connaissionere will meet at the Com missioner's Office, in Orwigsberg, on friday the let day of April next, at;10 o'clock in the fore noon, to hear them (it the{ see proper to attend) as to the amount of their-annual eales,•during the preceding year. Licensee to be taken on or be fore the first day of May, for one year. . pbysidians, Apothecaris,Surgeonsiand Chem isur, as - respects any t ine?, &c. used in ?repot. tion for the sick, and all lr'eme Sole Traders or Single Women 4 whose annual salmi shall not ex ceed,those of t.,e Btl, bliss, below enumerated, shalllnot be required to take out licenses under the provisions of this act-I - The following will be the classificalion agrees. bly to the act of Assembly. amount of sales, per ann. $50;000 ' $5O 40000 ' 40 30000 30 20,000 • 25 15j0011 20 114000 is ____ 4000- 12 50 Bth Do. 2,500 10 GEORGE R KUSH, t I .. . AOSIVIIIIS J unites., _ „ v _ . • .DANIEL YOST, i JOHN. BEAUS!'” ~-r '...tUllay JOHNS venoropt, jr. dammis. . • Prow , OSIISAM, I sioneni. March 12t , 17-3 Ist Class, 2d Do. 3d Do. 4th Do. sth Do. 6th Do. 7th Do. I: 4) If NSOLV ENT D B. TH 1 subscribers '-m- hos, applied totheJud es oft Co di of Common Plelrefif&buylkilt iron lliiiie oftbeleve: r_a‘ Acta otliasembly. pass for ' retie of leaolvel 1 D'lllbtord.& that.lhe 'aid J dges hdre appointed-Mon day the 28th day olli ARCO nexwit 10io'clock in th forenoon, at the Court Howie, id tOrwigdburg, for the bearing of us and our Creditors,when add where they may a uend i 1 they think proper. JOHN STRUNK.' JOSEPH ISHTMAN, • A LEXANDER 'HUGHES. FHEDERICK ULSHAFER, ADAM HOFFMAN, JOHN BECKER. EDWARD MYERS.Jr.* 4:. ' THOMAS GARRISON,* JOLDMO.N THORNBURG,* ~' WHAA AM P t TERSON. JACOB lIER T. SAMUEL D. SIIAW, JOHN PINKERTON, NA 'i. THAN BARLOW, JACOB MUSE, . . l February 27,1836 1 . 15-5 .1 ALIST of Leiters rdniaining in the Pept of st.ratsville, Mardi) Ist. 1836.1 A !Lehman 'Andrew Adams Robert i Lief Wm. Bracewell Eliza Bindly John Brotsmon Wm. Blackburn Samuel C Cohen Edward Criss Daniel Clark Roger Curran John . Culler Peter Campbell George Davis John Duyer Timeth David Danvilla Durbin Richao Davis Catharine Dimick Joseph Dunkin Charles Eatia Elm Eady Wm. F Farrel Tomes Fox John Given Junes eck Daniel Bobo Jacob K KennidaT Mien! Hlinging Daniel Kesler GOrge Lee Alin] ~=~ ~ F, , Pri' . e- Mal Wetibentibec 4111 .private WI and lot of &toned, on Third the borough ot — Pottevi l e, Third'rent. and 65.ke4 in idi eeenpy..j The hot:Weis. litri building, *tidied m a iler a tt with the very hest toWeri •to • ' JOHN liE PROCLORATION.--- Sob CALVIN lit.rres, Esquire. al Courts of Common Pleas-ol phin, Lebanon. and SchuPik;, Justice of the several Courts oi and GerieralJail Wheal, i di thoige Reigsb and Damill. usf. the court of Oyer and Tirmi nett iry livery for. the trial of all cap -%. in the id county ofiiichttp . , me directittested at OniE n t i ts. o 18:1S. have ordered the, o net and Central JailDelivezt, r burg, onithe last Bloniby of'_ , 28th of said monthato nonfinite one week. .! Notio-11 is therefore hereby given, le coroner. the justices Oldie peace, and conkableso he aid county o mi ftleidll. that, they are bb the said prey come_ to be then and there at ten o'clock in the Sire. noon of 'aid day. with their rills, nicohli,inithisitions, f un stamina ons,and all other remenbranctui, to do those things. hick to their °Hai appertain to be done, and all that are bound by recognizinces.tiVos acute a ' the prisoners tare , or , ttion obi& be in thej lof said county of lk il l, ark to he 'then and- to prosecute them its a all be jnit, • i i ..1 . HENRY RACHIL, Sheriff. - shit Office, Ora! ks- t ' ; •-.. burg Vet). 27. 1 8 35. 5 1 5 4 ' , Gal save th e , Cdamaciarrinekk.- '. . N. The Witnesses and jurors who areatinimoined tra i l, to au said Court ; are tined to serve puncriali ty. I cum of non.att , thelaw in-such clues made nd provided : will enforced,. this notie,e hi public ed by particular order oftbe Court.'those ion cemeilsiill therefore govern themaebteb accordingly. . . Notice • Ireby liven to the heirs of Emanuel Prey, Alla of Dauphin county deceased, that a rule has been granted by the Orphans' court of Dau phin requesting the heirs of said Eman uel Duey, to appear in Coprt on Monday the 10th day tcf April next, and - take or refuse to Mks tbo real tate of the said deceased' at the valuation. • py the court GEO/ TAYLOR; Clerk of Orphan'siCourt of said . 4cionti. Hirriaburg Feb 20 : ' 14-5 Loeb Leapold .- M . Mash Mary' Martin Catherin ,i 1 Montgomery Robert Meyer,F. - . Mallet Mary il Mc - MeGowen Hp& , 1 Melling Poinck 4 McGirmes Peter 5 MeEvay Michael I 'N 4 Nelson Job') • It k, . °cote F 0 Rinehart 1 4 7 111 Roberta Aim .; Roof Conrad. .8 ly Barhery i :Vi tt it John Jam es Smith *James Skeltin Eliza Smith Wiwi. Snyder Rebecca fi T Townsend Cobis W Williams John Wootey Samuel Wilkins Andrew Weimer John Weimer Andrew Yoe Adaii =II mar 10 • Colliery Works, Ste m Engine and &tit Car Marittficlery. YIN E subscribers respectfully inform Unlit' -K. fiends & the public, that they ate new pre p& at their establishment in Poktssillei to axe co rders for making and repairmrt3teaux En. gine*, Rail Care, Stearn Boilers, pumps, arm lar a ct so ws, Mill Gearing and Machinerprf every des iption. They also have corisi j anil onlhand an rtment of Miners Tools, such Is Sledges, We es, Picks, Risk Drills, Crow arc. equ in quality and at " low prim. Win be ob ed elsewhere. . B. Smith work of all kind carried on as 1 moil HAYWOOD & ' YDEIL 1 b l eb 13 , 13-3 mo - • PROTEXTION: • . . • The Philadelphia , Fire AND I LAND NAVIGATION .INSURANCE COMPANY. etrrAL AIMIORISBD BY 'LAW, IMOOPIUM CHARTER PERPETUAL, ASE both limited .end perpetual Insurance, on .I.TABrick. Stone or Frame Buildings, &mes,Botebr. M .Is, Barns, Stables, Merchandise, Furniture, and P party of every description, against loam. damage bY P bg cuincriber has bean appointed Aosterr for the . ye mentioned Iruniuttion, and is now prepared to • e Nuneaton= upon =sly descnpuon of property at • e lowest rates. IBViJAMIN BANNAN . • °tzarina, Feb. 27, 1836. Ib Abraham Pott . In the Court of Com - vs. gh Hughes, his heirs Rw° Igial of 24°41 ' kill coo ty ' • a, d assigns, and elf vs per- ° • • übprena on b ill to mos claiming by, froth 4 under him, and 411 perpetuate testimony.. - Rios interested in the Decembet Ter • 1835. • p miscs. uylkill County, as. „- .. The Cornmobviealth of . Penns:l -; \;r(s -) • "anis.; to ;Hugh Hoghw his heirs -., and assigns andall per *claiming -'- -1 7 - ..-. ' by, from br under hin dall per. • sons in:twisted in the pntmlsegOrcd i .! . at thninstance of Abraham-Pott We Cem d firetly,enjoining you that laying aside all b ; thaw and excuses Whatsoever, you be and op.' Afar before our judgeslat our Court-of_CoMmon Leas for the Cobnty Of Schuylkill, at Orwigs bttrg„ on Monday the ;28th day of March, 1836, tp shew canoe if any ion hive, why a Commis sion should not issue dander the seal of the Court d"rected tol such person as the Court shall ,appoint tO examine witnesses on behalf of the said Abra ham Pott, douching all those demos two tracts of lend, situate in formerly Schuylkill township, Berke coenty, now ;in--Norwegian township, thuylkili county' tbeine thereof dolled M'obre elci,' con t ainin g one, - ; hundred and thirty acres d forty retie santi granted to the said -Hugh ileum,' the reonirealth of Perinsylvanut, by patent jlated second day of September, one county' the bight h odrOd and six end enrolled in bo patent nauttier dfty.nine, ge torty.three. And the other called 'May eld,'Arrortaining two hundred and seveliteen scree and ninety-four patches, and granted to the said Hugh fltighes .by the Commonwealth Of Pennsylitnia,by Patent dated therF enrolled day Of Septembey, one thousand eight hun red and six, and rolled ini patent book, nu bet fifty-nit, page finty.tyroidivid re-J duce their testimony writing, to be wed after the death pt the- said Witnesses, and tb be.filed-of record in ur said Comt. and boperpetuated; and pra i ecc. herein: ge Wa b : r h en n u citesi nl t to a o t f t F a ti e Lsai i 7 Pe th d r: li alra Cour rta . nvu b .aria le t y'i (Cal vin a:t ocie O rsrigsb t H Bly ni ti 7 d , l . , JACOB HAMM* 15-5 1 i ;Prothonotary. Boat Maidens - Wanted: WANTED TEN good Bost Builders or good Housedpenters—to V constant enk ployntenr and goW wages will given. Apply to ' JOSE II SHELLY: Feb SO, I • I 14-tf E 29 GLENI4'I3 AIPOT3I4II puxtsarF - - 1 To+th Wailb ( 1 THlrbi donilion a t i will be &Mid serviceable in arreating, am! preventing dteity, in' thetteeth ; keeping the teeth gums Mankato andliealthy wt aindition, awe ' _rib.) brea th ; 'removing tar. WIN and ieliming in carueed.b7 cations teeth; It-is confident! recommendOtitholtddio as a var 7 coin which May tensed daily with gr tudvain ips tithe teethind.gtip*atthe' auip Eon dame tt e lard ad ago:milks': in the mouth. 1 The is ism acid in titie• - Ili* < luiT ing . red!eitt enter' We its ' ' bit wok alltqligillY• to tiieqt.' • POw cents get ikiildn: • 1 IR'' BANSAM 1 • - \ MEM • num! !RUM!" *BOTANIC OAlltIBM• .PIELLADEtPiEI. . Tifsibecni?er his:fai woe at kir imitno twatery. • • .Kingseawnt. nearykdadal a bitis assortmeut of Fruit - Trees *imitable alms . fitir abating, embracing every iarierj 'Of Apples. Pet* Unetnel4 PInmI6APIIIeO,4I6OOI, N• Al& monde. Mulberries, amuse s Grapes. Gooseberries and•Curranwtcgetlibr. withas. Nutmeat of Green Muse Bants,Ornaineadit. - Flostering_Shni* Ere•ritreero,. Vines and Vreet Iloney• Rom* Caniatins and - Bak coons Perennial Flowering;Plants, and a largiimat* meat of ElcalenrVegemMe Seeds, which gaminess • seven an ansonowat as any ottierOuden ' tlie 13. States. _ ROBERT CARL , pr B.BANNAIkwho Wheels amain Agent • for the Proprietor will rectiiviand execute ersfor all kinds afk'ruitTrees,Sinubbery,dscon . slairtoit notice.' • t Mr. orrs Fruit Nersery Comtism of 12a Tile. trees_are arranged in Isystenatic order, and Welke well varillbid. The whole abundantly atbe,had. from the be d Seed to the tree. Ilene are ?around, 113 varieties of Sl:psare.rtof er,Tlof apricots. 46 of p 39 olliinches, 6 of. - 3of almotsils, 6of • Aof malberriss4 of rasp berries, 6 Ofetirrants: 5 of NI 'lntik ator Ifilfills4 strawberties, ands Of medlars • •i . March 4 l4tt ',~~?!~ . Fresh Garden Seei BBANNAN to noirrecistring a f aply Oflaarairqßeeda,whieh has be ed with great care, swil l !Ala the will to supply his namenuricturtixotin and I accommodating terms. .now ready " Purple Egg Plilat, Earlylin Early Cauliflower,- ,Thrlkock Cauliflower Broccoli, Tdinti, Early. York Cabbage - 'Early.' Marcb 5, • AtiIFIZED- A. GI RESPECTFULLY inform hiu f. - ; and the. public gezierally that he.hasno on hand and offers for Sale • a bilge and'extensfive mod, ment of , • • • Dry Goo& , droceriee, Li iptorif Wiis Fiettie, atina,,Giase,QATesiwqre, 4.c. • Consisting °flaw followngonnong ltrtidlnit Clod* atatinetaXasimeres, flan tintarts, Linens, laces, lierns..eambries, gin .hatos. Hosiery, Cantoi &monis, cheeks, 'de, Tickitigs, drillings, prints,.eords, wit:Sink Silks, antitok, altawls.'handhecch , Blankets, liseldrigs, isatidings ! • ado* • Cottlings. pilot o . otha r linseys, wad Cireassians, featuiga,„threads, co meritrao Gloves, pins. fringtsc, seal*. skirts, , Umbrellas, eoniforts, carpet chain, bin ammo . - Coonterpknes, brash, diapers, ita.. ' - i Rio; La . iruira„ s t. Domingo Co . ! St. pro's. New Orleans, Hastrin LOif and lump . New Orleans and. Sugar Homo I Goa' Powder, YoungilYsoriSon Poncho* and Bohes Teas. cifocolatea and spices, &c. ilitown Said yellow soap . ._ elhves,lMace, nutting!' and: - 1 Cayenre pepper , mustard ' ad, Bat and ke raisins . .• , d ripe, Food , mieltemelrind.., .- .1 "pt 4fidlei Sack sad bbl salt; . . ~ Pipes end smoking tobacco I Spanish, hatifirptaisb and coma 1 'LiCtutms & WINES. Cognise and common brandy r Holland and common gin pia l_rish whiskey and Jamai ..) New England root and whisks Lisbon, madeira, port and - mal ' Aisortment of Boob; and Shoes, Crockery , china and, glass war Glassby the box. . • j Dupont Eagle gem powder, Blasting OP, FE, PEP. Whirl with his generalitorit lie seltchatip as erer for intsb,„, or in ' , count preducie and famil y;, prow .. .' Jai is Bazar OKI* SUPP I LY of Emerson!" and .-Strope,jues received aid ON Jan 16 9 • B nOcri DISTII.4. ti RS.--Wanted b' ben, 150 . Rye TWhieliie r; 1 bigheit Market price will-tie • . MILLER t Pottsville, Feb 13 • - / Penny C VOL. 3, of, the Pen y 1 Cyclo with a freeh supply the . PeO just teeeiied and for gale - b B. 1, Feb 27 - - . ~,, _. SWAM'S VERNIFI7 P E.. . -'•-• - I . Al 3 tide is a licasoU of eer i er •;. • Diarrheas. xi& are ousilint, as we iiiihe .' , er Com plaint in children 'which, wills , '• -. • p thou sande, it is of eh:greatest po ~ that public should be *biota have access to •. 1 e general and efficient reinedy, which by timely 1 , trindstratiani is capable Of arresting thesie corn • • . ,apt pre venting Ise serious Consequences hich firevita . y result from neglect or suf r erin theta to , run on unheeded —Man of the • •• :- *ldch arise from the disordeted stale orate ,I; ,; ... at the• p reem pt time are not . only arrested I. •_rovented by the use of the Venashtge. - T., chwrft who are sickly, with loss of appetite or . , ho may be' n, rested with Wervasilt id given -.. , the .most de: cider adismtage. 'The Vermi • -itworth of the particabkr attention OfirarenUs,, - • d• • of eMdrett. , ~.. .. ' I . , • For sal e a t t ie s in e , Oa! 40 -- to for hulls I 'did 2 fii 5 II bottles... " •. 1 $l. 41 Agency fbr reariodii Tirsubscriber ii Agent; an itscriptions Id the Sllowan WAZDIOB SELECT- 011 LIBRANY O published weekly. price 15 per' sumo. A „new -Vi • .. ou the Ist cflativary. 1836. ! I . • CAREY* r LIDRaROP JEKtlo*.Ant. ERATURP, 1 " 21)41b441114411 134b r il price $5. _, ~ ~, _____. .., -. i'"''. 1718 I.4Cor.Yrtiutri4 061 Awl: 40 ,1 Price 411.: 1 . [ ._ - •1 - - Reprint or the; W.1019/11. z. DAMBOROic FOREIGN "AND ,_ICEST. I '.:TEII O,LTAR., 1 TERLT i nEV.U3WA4lablise j ! , .qtrarterkto—i, PriAi tbr the wholiser t r" •.t aftum. .r or, three ertiro frifet• o f 1...0)0mi5i11...,..., a ft o r RYA 71 110VELIkuo, irk- - - -ofp4l bea 'by ii*. A. 9 1 taTi - -14:4 7 eat ' li'"•s.e l L - ' miiih ut Nos. and ekva;boil "' is ' ' ;,app, 1121.0itt calf., - t - 1i .- , ; ...." • Atratitir • draw . .72 ,4004 itiOisi.?iisDL i ~ • , •;,: 1 ,- *:.•,4,-- - -i• -• •,'• '-' .-'1•. A.FI . -.' . .:4 P:".;11-.-: II ie 9 (Gitastui) f I 16 . WttieMES. vigor& do ISM -it. by the bbl -wines. Ada do disisoood • ire fir /23 . teßumr e I. ititi ' AN. the 'initeeri -46;100 lb. —la ' 'together • Magessne, AN. 35 ar,c. • race ive4 licatioar. • • CUL417150 Subscription amunenced Ell -, OE