» ~ t Y jEVOilig i sitte count ttvve Itiptgluei)amu ofqu Peibeing whi(formod' litt'vre- must not forget, th 4‘thig cheek, there is coo *oat produeinc seine an enjoyme#t. A , fib ier , ii . ..ccuning out of the evell'Whgto and sending alittlithr Irdstrifitte. Vilna is this 'bre *any; but among i ale is in it - a alumbertng ideed never beinalled intn tt . eMsits.andisways ready tg it oh, to the instru Id miutterab e suffering. every case it' remains h etlll it is there, 'slump *.its apd at is celled into mius best. And it is not 'bAtthroughout every part'. Wrens of 'offering lies co Arabic which le Seldom oat leranges and weakens the nn interferes wiltilhis; it Mrt. in theeye, the ear, the every organand every limb, do God's bidding. sor. ITAVZ sin? moms .tanghe his disciples that el hearts of men was sawn and salvation. ' , Ye id he. VI have chosen you. al How solitary it mak: , old he bad come to •redieS years he - had eperzt here, and proclaiming carers ?ardon, and now on the last =Wed by Inveterate foes, ; to them, and with but a feu cap . npol Its A des. Lining, he gatherii privately Lis may have-, one last sad iii and hefelk had to reflex fifths friends, among ten ,u.st chant him; hp hid c d l , alone, after all; the only dune, original holinesii. Th 11 tigodliness and sin, had gOo,fie 'had chosen ludividu ine4 them. by his ' own puce ness and beauty. TIEB iikViOUIL I S NIGHTS I 13imagist solitude, he ahru , .; to fact almost the only enj ...ett ropily to love, was itig dni ta t ht, for rest and prayer. b thus,' we are , told. As g, g,t at after the 'lOlll4l crow ..,nrs of the day, he. should , l. .03 end seehntion4to enjoy i the refrestitg *Mors, an dglories pf. idnight,,amon Galileanial s; tcifind.there th his Father, and togather labors asd;trialst, that yet ,1 MICA OT TEC TEM BECIph AC material ideal; of I your tmagmation struggle .' to - soroe material heifv4 d idle conceptions of a MUT roue. - The striking and heal s Bible never were intended i .. a a spirit, Lit leaps in if ne.l . Where 14 mitt, there or .41 the wide-tip/4d oinniprt everywhere ernpfoyed—but - -; and never know, exeep . . eat himself 4 4 tus din imairim orb El , At distant as theyey , ti a 41, heaven and ear are ~ hot into each other, e,t, g.; foreigners on earth, hire th; given, and are fcillovrtcitize , d of the household 'cif God ively to the pat!rilirchlal Vi-i ~: els;—only. as yet, at the 1 nd some anger alts only m l e top of it. % - i coNvzirsio alaian atanfie with his' . shadow and the shaddw jeers are before him. It is t' things. God is the ann of tares are bnt shidows. W ' from their shadOws and their affections. Whe 116 thin , becomes' their all i . 1 = Hellas his little clouds course of hie happiness' is and any considerable? scar. dent puts it quite to death. .sariea or conveniences, b., shperflnities of lite, are vita 10 any of them, he may sound. , -- C;IIII.D3TILN D They that havt bless ion since landed on 4 g•a , life, Is Coeur burnt those:of h" *oast. The- !Oiler of the every. deidr.ofienibmiting return tnipt Cqablii.' t _ : isrrtz or Be *boob soil! reposes .1 &definer, like the haleyo! Waves, if storms arise, ma .1 dangers 4. Oqgranting e snultnoos billows that dev. overlastiv rest. DIVS . = In the midstiofour re. like 'tie gun •iwben mai 'shows nc a mdreifal face *four impiety but beca would warm o r hearts. • An old subscriber.—T Intolligoncer ttchnowled ! enclastng the thirty their paper.. gmsVV it; Pa ~ fel day in Paris; me I, ever visited, ex-ce employment is so urn trzi ssestick: w re I to- I national eh cter fr before my s e es on rth • • books and nowspape tikimpst .rimarkabl , Otijulat aad• parenta ' to sea eitb a man d str" t#lolwe tit. and , being ace mpanied, • ofreln e iftv en The th cull bet m them: e fot hill4Ment by t, 1 1, : lOWA' ,a nd orwbetiW i r it ,be my '4, ded on tb i • day ot 4,lifili share it etti Pabst` ISSN.. i • • f 1 , =I - . -ittnioa d leuti , taili rtil n that t v at 1 ived an tippet- ing very dit- na net-work nk from the lender b iarnift- Meyer point, echan in fir? other proper: power, , which on, but which - wheneveitmd ent of mane- We admit irnilmaanil in-, re rthe, an ,al - whenever ' merely in that rate frame that ed. .i • , Some den may be Sinned a count ry 1.0 1 m theisiA that in gainst e were Made by the 1 the aOtinief,Xs7B. s o o MAint• ed the is eitimal r ed to be bee sared.ptosign - ; At is 'd that the FOnch leideri uni 'abc4„to krill - it : thts horiP intO ' a polio of filmic annorne. - .81ectitint,, in Engthiiii old ._ with .a population „of 533100,000, hi elemors.l Engla, Lth a popilat 000, has 1,000,000 e act ors. la Fr leelor Mint pay 300. • A hanineorit—lt is said of them ills of Westminster al.. sterling r day. When the lenses ber of h Es belarOag to his j len WI income will be niore- th an deubl the Condon pepe4 announce that "Mo. Jack son, son bf the President of theiUnled States, is residing let Ilastingi4 , . . Noto4y liable in Itio.Frerich p 1 rs about the Indemnity. They leek upon the atrel as at an end. 1 , On di 17th Jantuiry,_all the 'con eats in Med i rid were closed; the ',mites lel d from .their , wows. sent home to their , fam lies. 'ln six monthsttliere will not be a monastery or convent in Spairt ,• ed; and it is (order. Sick er powers,;it ennunsitlw .rain, die ha d • d.always rea- ine'infloence to their re , ave not chosen V hat d den. the Savionrin !, More than oing good con f reconciliation igbt of hint's, Cady ca y actually hours of liberty /hstwelve friends interview with thatieven,tbese wand enemies, aen them- He sample of lode universal.raign en broken only to be saved, and to moral fruit- . , O'Codnell is making a tritimplituit progress through; England.. On Wednesday Other people of Lrverpold gave him a Oldie dinned i the. largest ever held In, this . toxin-1000 perso ' tti, at a guinea each, having dined tivHA ether. One sage of his 4at_ speech is, "We (the merubm ) rittood by the minislrY when,they : abolished 'negro slavery, and sent it across the Atlantic, to covertAmeeica with disgrace.." In private converiidtion ha said: "A. ruenca. , --where their only idea of Oberty. is per. missimi to lick the triggers" lt #enielhat O'. i Connell has taken some dislike to Amhrica. lie goes out of his way lo attack you. :1' ! ; 1 : George Thompson is'now at Gla. ow!, Of at tempei. - ranee ten parties (with brandy by .ay cream) T o, given bitn.by the saints and stain snit Who sent him over. Ile saps, or swearis, hq wdl free the nigger! or die! i 1 • Toni Paine's bones.! ! !--Culikers effects were put upitO auction last week, , atla . farm, near Earnhatri. • One of the last lots " ate.a 'box con. taiding Tom Paine.% bones and co , n PlWte, which Cobbet had brought from Amer' a. , ' The Auc tioneer refused to sell these relic 4 air they were returned to the , box! Was not a life pt Andrew JacksOn written by Cohbctl ' .Wirthy Ilan:mien! [Stealing thelie r boriesNvill be ever ( h greatest - stigma on Cobbet'a memory.} , EZEZI 1 k from observe. yment which ho ler.* ramble at He spent whole it•is not surpri s and exhausting e to tame to si. cool and balmy all the beauties the solitudes of I,appy communion fresh strength for j • mained. _ .. , Talleyntnd's.wife, as you may haveltarned, is dead. She was aged 74, and hacii`;beeti:seperated 4 , from her husband for thirty yea s. :'lle has got better' since her death, and is sal, to:be thinking of second spouse ! . ' i: : fr. What would be an exc,eHent joke, Hilt had not turned out seriouslyl, recently odhurred at Pariri. One cif the National Guard, a gentleman married about; 12 weeks, wers''colled tb hisiftrontine of duty, on guard. He was ordered out esi ant of ere in quets, bad forgotten his great coal, went round to his hnuse fin it, could not get in *A theidoorycall ed to his wife to throw it to ' hinitr out of the win.: 'dow,l received it from her fair handsi put it on, walked away with his compartiginsi retArned to the gnard'house where the pitiu 1 svaover, was hailed with a shout of laughter, at the coat it ri and found on its breast the red r b n r and cross of thb Legion of Honor, ran' horite; succeeded in enteriug his house., struck his unrnithrtil wtfe dead with 'Jong blow of his sword, *AR- imrehended, and, as the peculiar provocation was ltrest,; will not be puniShed. It is said that the:gallant was the Duke of Otleans. This, however, cane no more than suspicion; as he rematestundiscered, A(111r. R. D. E. Henerige mush connected with the nobility, by birtitAnd f rendehip, has.recently been committed to a months Rinpritionment, by the Resolvent Court of London 6 .' for tunning up delis to the tuncsof.Slo,ooo (ss4,ooo)lwithout the me :+. s of payin ,: them. 4' , MI I Deity, anti do not' • find its, ay op: n, with indefinite I arch, seated on a tifuhnetaphora of give .u 8 this idea. I: Most emplratick ly can we see him. sent power, which r-hich we can nev so fat as he shall I, than . ht .by the ear together, so men are -truly it conversation in with the saints, r" Do speak alma on, good men are .ttom of the ladder; made perfect, at Back to the suit, hie of surroundntg ob e same in spiritual ha universe. cite rile men look away copy their thoughts 1. they turn to God, 1 - isimileswm. Mere than four years— fi re whiaters,ihave Posed . singe the opening of the Baltitiere tknd Ohio rail mita to Prederick-60 mile* since , which., thongh we have had some 'terrible' annw storms, a: sinle trip has not been lost, smite were,a little de. lay . ,to give the snow cars timii tooperate. Many tri have been lost on the PhJadelphia and Co lu bia, and Camden and Amboy ,rafil roads, and cat in others; not more incommoded by snow thin the Baltimore and Ohio. fiTlie# trains have alsic. been •repeatedly fired; tuidlimich.damage mml4 trashed—but, .by the use of iCathraeite coal, the latter have been safe. This 411, ton, is a product of iPerinsyloanio.—Niles. 11 . ! - "'Cools: to Netocastle--Tht, 'Banish schooner I. , dwig, orrived yesterday, Ohm Antwerp, with 1 I boxes of rye, 50 firkins Of but*, 70 brie, of ... _ add @ bags of barley. L i, • , ; !TM It the brightest; the !retarded by a straw; considerable, acci• Not only the neces• the decorationi and to his sickly felicity. ive a deep or deadly tossed by folly, when hould burn titsir ship, legions on tho Briush ernes should destroy fr. ilL,:arrd render big , I ' Iforribk Rumoy.—A i ltepont has reach e ; us that within the' pas week, there has •en perpetrated in this _it:At" - ':H a most iti human .anci bloody --ttrisietioni, whereby e whole family, e onsistingsf pd-less than 0 individuals, have' been mit 011 in the very prime of life! We forbciar ,- a ,t present to ) 6 mention the name ofth lieratin inculpated .-who has hitherto hel i a 'verytrespeetit ,le rank in Society ; and hall merely state é sirriple tact in relati fp 'this murder ouscatestrophe, theta lid 'residing near 1 theitital-acene'accidentelly discovered the unhappy vietims, welte&giie their blood, and' yet scarcely dead-1-, iri the shape of three pairs or -darkt.--Td*ucket inqifi -rer. _ L .' ' ;II • I 4 , I, his fixrdtrnst in Mir that builds ibn the be teased, but not en. I en the - sVorst, those tn. nr others' rocl him -to !hoe against him, God, rig - through a cloud, not ,that hd approves by these berme be I : editor of the National s the teceiptor a Letter year's subscription to Sunday-is a delight s° thartia any, plans Fittaktort. • me, :rsal,imd yet so do r any idea of the inkhe seenesriming tiday, instead offri,!n I should say that ,Teateres in it were egotism.. It is rare r a woman, of anager rentaorithont their byffitir parnier 'aid of light wine isrdiunk fame' Inc . that is sought e one . is Mao enjoyed , ' ether it can be, tittle; eh, hiit ean.be , expen-. *bile% be Juan and 710-WIPe.IB EZI _'=)T) cWr" From Ste N. Y. Star. T., The . IDiference. '`,. on melancholy, 1 aCciden „such as drown .g,Mangiag or tin- jai& 'into a marr, - • :an, the world beco .Wonderfally enlogt*ic, croaking, canting andqurprithatie. IThe "unfortu, , mite m n,"fis always - 4e to] die 'possessetd of ever virtue under t - 4Elfl, and to leave behind I him a "disco . .hkiDd widow," 44nd # ie soma less than a dozen hi! a "to mourn his untimely loss ." Ba :wli one'who has neiet. I?et.n. caught ; in ~Itel arrittge we "shuffles 'ff themoF • cOi °' thelastiwe , , 1 . 11( . 1 told o : him is c. it in a nevitspa ii)eilill ' ph', which: ' l rc'h aces With\tin tonal, ii , aria.bitid. ii, ' .brevity, \ t of f. : ;aril), n.si .ti.isi sit el * about 8 ni l i tge yearli- i'• ' 04a:oil r. .ffi the-woods. d Ilia b. - Irthiough - • - *Will. - _ _ . •k a t J t.l . I : ' :) - i, l i• -". ... - I , • ' :A 1 ' I 1:3;11 Reb. us in ren*r) 1 1: 13 k 135 in' iopu. _.tg tit.- tio* rep that plr , accuses era of blackguard- ISO, dl , hYp&tis c Y; sycophancy, Olt Rom. iess„ ivi#l ether beautiful at. 'is utesfin Aug whieh, i however, -he ne e tsj. do One thing of etiry inferior itn. pp tam ,naeV, to disprove the soundness our siti ns in respeeC rn to the aiipveen. t in !tinned r sot tions. Wie cannot condescend 1 to band with him epphets of abuse and elearriii —we leave i to! him the pleastlit tea 'of eking the filthy Common sewer-of !oaths° e obscenity. We entirely disVaim any , ap ication of, the, terms he repeats to,'y of the respectablet members of the W - eadinik meeting. e. applied them to at _ - tao,4P . arie, , again as ..i—traztoe m1f.034.00C; of .02,000, ace each e. tosa(too. tthc incOme its to Fl,OOO ramaxt mem. 'hip, expire, tt, , par isans of Robespierre„notlhe path y tabs o Martin Van Buren. We made no Paiticu r personal allusions, but spoke of the re l otions generally, and the meeting Cellecti, ely. We did not believe that any te;spectelle press woald be. found willing to eqdorse such resolutions. 'We believe that the respectable gentlemen who composed , that meeting cannot but be ashamed oc them, when their . character and tendency are duly considered. We assert that their . . direct tendency is to subvert every princi pie of public virtue, and to destroy every prospect of nubile and private prosperity, besides being a gross insult to the Legis; lature- of this Commonwealth. And no unprejudiced man can read them without coming to the same conclusion. The Press nbt satisfied with abusing us, gees one step further and denounces our whole borough, anti charges tjie whole; with' being under the eontrid of the United/States Beak. The United States* Batik, however, does not own a single house/in this borough ; or' a foot of Coal Land tli this region, to our knowledge. We have no connection, with that institution, ,poiilicior private, direct or indirect, beyond that of the eountly at large. The editor is also wrong in A a sing a,"melancholygloom" hangs ov : r boroagh—bur prospects were nevefb right er—all bur houses are filling up rapidly, and we look forward * better time§ than. ever.' We holie in his next that he will Offer us his conaratulations instead Of his •Conoolence, 14.d0 not desirelhati there thouid be any strife•between us, but when- 1 ever (resolutions like those referm4 to are any where in this country adopted, we , Shall be the first.* speak , out in open and strong terms of condemnation, withbut re gard; to consequences. Unfortunat‘ly for our country the current, of the times sets too strongly in favor bt. mob-iasoi We 'think it our duty to discountenanee'every ; • ;thing of this sort, whenever and wherever ;exhibited. We have felt the evil conse quences of the new and fatal syittem of :lawless public violence and outrage, (the prominent feabire of the present times,) ' and shall we not lift up our voices against any and every proceeding tendiag to en courage it? __ . Among the numerous evils of iocorpora. ted Coal Companies,. that of absenteeism may be mentioned as not the leak. The „stockholders of such companies do, not re side among us—no! for the most part not even within the. limits of the state! The dividends of 'such companies go into the pockets of individuals residing in Delaware, New York, &c. The curse of absentee ism. has heed long exemplified in the picture of misery and starvation, presented by the - laboring classes in Ireland. The • nobility & gentry go abroad to spend diets revenues, while their tenants remain in a state of starvation at home. , Our legisla ture is asked to incorporate individuals who have ncr clainis upon them as Pennsylva nians—who refuse to reside not only at the scene of coal operations, but Within the limits of the state! Upon the plea_ of 'want ing time to wind up their affairrOlie . Del aware and North American Coal Compa nies got theii 'charters tacked to a Libra ry bill, at the end of the session 0f1832-33, _whets the Representative of this county , had left his seat and returned. trotne, toge ther with most of the other members op .posed to monopolies. Under any -other \ e circumstances we do not bell re that the representatives of the people could have been induced to vote- in favor o t he system in this region. No 4 ingi .we solemnly believe, but mistep nlijition could have induced any of them :to vote An favor of thesercompaniesi and the Libia4 bill concealed the'objectfrom Ober*, who , had not left - their :Seats, and whe . eotild not he imposed upon by specious. pretextii.— . Winding up.their :Weirs irideeo Wbo , has seen any atteuipt Of ibis kind • ;--Ind yet this was- the grbund oi n wiiitii t ► asked for hart five fears' 0 5 rters. ' Ati Ins they have the.hardihd to assert t the faith f the Ceeinneuweilthis pledged te - :pf3ntin, e .thsir eitiStenee.--beeamnittithei ',efts ' rented to - them!ttr wind up leir l .a:ffaira Owl exempt the* from the operytticio of the Preheat Bill - WO repeat * ' we have I rbefore - esserted,that we haven feelings of . personal animosity st against any Member or i t, members of theieCer9partieli. "bject ``Only to tbosti ei !wive pr ,':, We should be very t to see t he* ansnogiril tiddivithUdly. BhotiltrUnlthuir4asTii. I - d };: ys• S'. -s*. viiiTrep; of Lew:milt °four Sank resoin lties held in. tot e A 1 Ile at OIL Coal Companies. 'JOUR••• M *rah, :war UM 'rail], at y tity of rnaabil ly consumed to; upwards oral _ doenpri 8. Ls dent of the Sehuyik, nY:died in Philade, in the 58th year of We understand .at Judge allery ie. signed his seat on t 4 Bench t., e' presbbt, week. Caute--sal ry not • . fficient to support his famil . There . are now three vacancies on the bench tO be suppli ed by Goverpor IWner, to wit. :. One in Philadelphia, one . in t e Lancaster district, i ll ....' 1 1 and one in the Berk district. for the remota! of , m Danvilloo Blooms linty, has paced the. IQ to 9. ; . . • The B 11 providin T e Seat of Justicef ' 'tog, in Columbia •' nate by a vote .o The Legislature o adjourn on the third Monday irt Ma is for the purpose o I ports of the , conical civil code, and for A resolution ph i . trtg for ii.e distribu tion ofthe surplusirevenue ampng the dif ferent stEttes,passed the Senate of this i b State cnkthe 11th' ' st. by a vpte of 24 to 7: Our member, 111 . Krebs, voted against gi the resolution. .V. erY public measure 133 . having a tendeneylt benefit ti people of . 7 1 1 " the State, or this Co nty, is intrariably op- posed Ir —Or ~ -..t 'Harris burg. • An . the groin of Stage Senate The says:— cc at this place .The Legislature! of NQW JOrseyi during its; late session, passed no less than fourteen divorce bills. • 'The WlLige setts legislature, i termined_ to ailheir;, :Da NIEL Wriarriul 'bare uonlitiatecl thie Vice Pie:Aden; We undersfatidl has appointed': OE o the. Court df Co t)i of Philadelpit - M. Vieux, deceased. , Mr. LEIGH, Se tter to the • le0i: 0 c, res that he will t • instructions i • favor. of Be4tl twos: He says "I can 44 t a degree of slavisl the justly despiestdc e .. 6 a n of those who!! spool obey it, wit peet forever." I The Hon. IV From Great Bri reached Washi' The following toasts diank.at t C. B. Penrose, JJ silo knows no ma..: Uzal HaAkins, ' olumbio—Pennsyhcania mea sures not men; so •rted by all worthy of the pruud name of Pe• •y Ivazians and opposed only r by radicals and dei John C. Mont Putiiac Passe; whei palladium our atealo the vehicle the carte of a free Lion and venality John Diekry— the Union. She 'Union. Devote 41, will not, oug to interfere with . a dictator in her lature.by a centre George N. Bak, istriet adherence 11. H. Foy e— • nil pride and " 1 maierials,,the ke ready to protect, Jno. MO". of P. iiadeipkia; tensylvania curren cy—item:omit ... lia wiThecnntmuid the highest ,ptetnium. • . i. , D. Bulleckof 1 ; ralfoid/The State of Penn- - syleania—Free d independent in her proper -sphere of action.' She will assume no improper , dictation and as mit to .none in her conneiion and 'intercourse ' ith the general and 'state gov ernments. (' John R.' Walk r of .PAiladi4lia: The State of action.' Pennsylvania; G eat in resources—solid in capi tat. She .knows her rightts , —she knows her inter ests, and wilt m main them spite of alPoPposi tion come fretWitritat Source it may. , . 1 Isoac Ballet now Governorelect of New Hampshire. l' \ 7 - . Appointi Jaws P.- S the reacts, in 1 vill6; hipettiutt and Ingnirer. • tihal copy. ofth of this State,'.a flavainan the .; .Fisher,..Step which eatablia Minn, or any ,) .posa ofpieven chinks/to* ; nr:Pit*. - in tin to miliStenetit •I ,113194. foimerly Presi. iI Navigation . , Coppe• hia,_ on 118t day last, s age. I- this state has agreed of April until tile . The extra session passing upon the re sioners ka revise the ier purpof • uct the 14 :rohi hers of the Massachu- - . Convent o n, have • de.' to the anmination of for the pr_isidency, and RANCLS GRANGER, for Y* that U ocernor Ritner .s R. JON* Esq, Judge atnon Pies(* " of the coun ie the pinee of Roberts ator from . , irginia, in a !attire of that state, de• neither resign nor obey t heLegiilature, to vote n's Expunging Resotn- obey it, without depeeadtim baseness qua would render. and e=pos ti me to the scorn ye commatided the deed. I 1 . t folfettint my own dell- Fox, thei new Minister in to this zountryi has ton. . I . re some qf the volunteer. 1. • Stategl ights' celebration .n the. 4th of March: umber di—Psmast.vaNts and sbe well submit to none. I eries. mery of rhatidelphtl— Tire I I influence 4 by truth it is the mien, but When it deganer- .ffederal dittation, it becomes ocernment.l There is corrup. all .parta l zt"The Gtoaa." svrt.vs ; the key stone of erishes . the I pnneip. of that to state • rights, she can not, to pertnit her ststei states. cm, much teas will she suffer mebtic coneierns—a state legis power. . I —Tha Usroir; *nerved by a . / state rights. Innsylvunia 'talent, Penns),lva ! nnsylvailic party—with• each stone state Will be at ail times ,er intereste. eat by tike Gitees'noti. cur., to be a Justice o d for of Potts- lie— ditimi, v . New York %Aulet; r e We have received an alittren4 decision Of, the &toe Om d the iiiiiitoa - of ier, • of tbe ippoptetti• Oecdtth - icerter; and Ai itriOny a lloyav thO Krim: 0e that this . Tiades .. - bioaartiforme - Cht }be Wl.l smi l "e . ..ttaili., ,- ' Fre* or . other m , krig- -. cattail tied, rat; "Add, aid tdects lii3 olikadeis . . - 'I Wit ,.( ; ' ;ME Or - ititINNTNT ' ),-: 11 ` - -il`• -'•'' • t RV11:1" / - ; VIE - commasn.g.; -- : c lui mmifteeellar • to inquire - into thicir -4,e, of the atte 14. illegedq have been jlenyi • W. uradi. a Member Of the • RePresentati ea, fihm the .county 'of iru T , ilk / Corn:lp li influence and brit* the ' achb Kreb a ti3ember of the Seimte. from ,torial di ckbohipoaed 4 the mantic: I and Schn lkilk in reference to the bill . i tal "AD • att to re the state iaz cni real ! . nil property and to contuiue and ex. • improvements of the:state 0. rail roads ale, and ,to cha r a vtate hank, to be cal: bank of the tilted Srateatt—licport they have care ully emmihicd into all the , , ; ected with, the transaction 0, referred to in the resolution, add icansed to bd . iedneed to wtititi the testimohy OCAS the WltheatiOr exam. ince], tilph is herevrith trammiitted Tor the - con sider; ' , n of the House. It appears from the tee: timiali ' 'that an the, tenth day •of Ed:diary, alb. ; lathy: rubs, a member of the Senate, stated in w ' to ibe Senate a follows:—, - I "h. , ,ut pelOth of . .Motiary list, or the let of I Fetid , y Inst. Henry . V. Conrad ; Esq. ttad 71:10 thatill• our be merle imfependent, iifi Wald vote for th ; that; could- for bill could- Bank 011ie . United Sta ' ; Isrlitin let twenty thou. eta ~ Ala* and-that i I:apted hi do - so, that I Buisti ,*aderson would ) make the iiitangerried 1 with fbi the same; that I could get if in two -1 wed after the bill had passed tido* lasii_ li told • : M. that the VniteS Staffs Bank had not mo ney . ,migh to buy my ; vote." ' .]• 11l as subpoenaed as .a witness !before the -corn . , nee; and repeaudi the same etateineuti on. de( , 'di. The representation originally *made by; • in to the Senate, and hi earlier eornsnanica. 'ion lee Oil ?mendicant, and °them-were =len s , !land willicrat doubt intended to' induce the e ' Ant tbAßank of the United Stand', through i il pets, hed ‘endeadored to procure a charter ishontitand dishonorable means, "consent *.(l,ll;an attempt, 'if not an actual pnrchase „...e or more members of the legisla tdo, Wee deem it of great importtne e o slicer , ap hether the .bank were guilty o such at i 6 1 , add if not, whether the propagatiOn ot such Ali erns° from honest igneranee or wilful !nis i% of Lion. If the Bank ot the United States pd Its agents were guilty of such corruption, it 44 !ley meat the unmingled indiguetion of the itl,l*b. If they be innocent, and idly member of LI legislature rashly and ignorantly:mot only c ol zd on tero witl d i uc il, o b;i rn t anyielge-mlatlrsorcir the I let atur9, it would be difficult for the most vil la ' d charity to look upon him without abhor. r 4 But if such slander were the resolfofde li - ' ate and wilfoidesign, its author deserves to II '' a mark' fixed nixie him, that hereafter he' . , be...known whenever he- walks forth among b ' , t an)] contidinglmen. f. .; e testimony mitres that, while the bill refer fez i lo,wrie pending before the legislatn i re r Henty I redpou informed Mr. Krebs, ttAat fortune a. w*ed hie; that if Ae would vote for the thank bin, fieVouid retire from iniblie life independent; that i heiluld i4eeive, 20,000 dollarti for his vote in two wags after the bill tecame a law; that Bard Pat tetk):ls was; rfqady tr make the anarneements with. hi 4 Such leas the .estimony of Mr. Krebs, who statue -that, at the t me, he beheiretlir.„Connid , selicies in the proposition; from what he has since heard him'say on the subject,,fie belicees him se.- Hone in the asiertioa, that he was ,authorized to ir i i4e such proposition; but says: thatlhe did not c ider Mr. Conrad as desiring him to accept i th ;Offer. Mr. Conrad has produced evidence to p ;ti that he had n 9 desire, and_did -- rieit ' attempt I to- duce Mr. Kreb s to accept the bribeoillhough he admita that be elimmunielterito him Such ab r red lies iltn especial pain throughout .th • hole invests tion to prove, and has folly ;aa 'fi,eiii th 9 committee, that he - repeatedly, and ea tatty asserted ind attempted to Make others be va thatlAuch„a Proposition Sad been. made to hi idnd thAt eforte were making 'by the bank to beibe theßenatei i r testimonyo has been produced to create the al liteit suspicion th at the bank ever authorized., a y i•orson EU make any such overbite; or that' it vex was made tio Henry W,' Conrad 'by Mr. Patttirson di any 'other person.- On the other 434 Mr. Fineman, whose character for truth is naimpeaehed, andlwbo is proved add, admitted to be a gentleman of proverbial honour and bones. t t , onelnikvally denies ever .oring said any cg' to Mr. Conrad :Which could he mistaken f such a proposition; and'he ai positively as , s that he never , bad any agency from or in I e nr.ection with lid, bank of the United States.— s testimony is corroborated by Mid ~ ) 9hn Well yr, a wi th ers calk-di by Mr. • Conrad, who was p client at the conversation between Mr. Patter r n and hina I * • e The committee; are therefore 'constrained to I s d C lare their belief, that the allegation made by r. Conrad , that he drag autharizeil by Mr. Pat ram, or It ny te i. /;. r person, to • tender to Mr. 7 ,, .4 raw any peat • reward or pe 'n... advan eas th e consideration for ' his vo is wholly d tittite of truth, and the mere fabrication of r. Conrad. Not can they - believe that at the t Me he first made the declaration lb Mr. Krebs, I intended 'to be understood, or was underatood OsMr.krebit, or ' who y those ' who heard:Oh:9,as se. ' 4 attemptil, or assertingk th atlothere could tempt corrupt] .to influenim. the vote of the Mar. It was said in 'it jocose and rallying inner, in a public tavern, in thepresence of i ix. er eight gendenon; the what() ; convessatitm as in so loud a +oiee as to . be ..dtstinctly audible i tigi Fie taz Aio the adjoining har,.tootn, which was .filled wi th company, and the ' door tpetween • e - two rooms n. It is hardy credible that m of edmmon indent:to would ricaullY maliaa corrupt pro Po. •• n under au circumstanees; ci that it earidd under by discreet , en., This opinion' gto rated the negleet of Mr. Kiehl( ' for en da to coin imitate the n itnets to the 'Belli: end then er i lydoing it after*, vague ritme• of !their existence ltd reached that body from . : ldistant county which he repromnui, and upon a . itt l r ,Xormitl.resoluti calling upon las! tnfotta-r litin. Had he - feted such ittein tto be eeri usi :hie duty 'mini him prompily ter n9g- the Mat: teibeforetkl ate, and demand the punishment , of l'iti principal' and the agent And big • *lour and integft !Ohl ncaplul to bottleoply-,•corgOm, i II:iial miseirby-fili Mate to* go. . 1 0 i. Eq . y imperative also. was lei* -Mt: Conrad' tn ha /planned' the' gimes of the'ftattattempt toll - him di_ e ore Imo agent of lei tag:Hoag i tra ' etinni that the offender •migh be dealt', orttlili - idiot- tii . .hti Omit& • 'Olio polo:ghat liti:Con - bad *els: ied nicht ildo on , or, th at 10.14 laWbe4 lieved,andYetcortetfaied it Igioni legislature* e l m would twee* "so insensible - die; inattita of • cortnpfion intr.% co higlifoli4 i piiiilimeitt at 'their eitarinteta, as tOdeteilthi inittel6with 'tuft cionvinCing'prige, from cumi n to these Con ` elaiiona - They, therefore: finetionrocaltj 'Acquit .11ft:Coniad-oftht charge of, atteini ing *bribe Mt. Ent* ot 1 f hiving betiiii, nileing degired tabecprith an g ent* thati r parpire AO they regret that_liti . 'acquittal introit= hi x under the inudentia ' thetit k in thn: - .4*Sictim l c i m ian; tingle n o - litsni:l Nnitci ' and guilt mi• 4sa - table thin' bribery aid - they', 'game remi t * ' 1111L-Krelis; fiii'ttah •-'' ' ' ion thin 'oflOtisdigthMogieldiik„, . i I=lllll=l ~' trhe'ioanilitte beiheuilitlit:ae rarcointocted bevand Abe tknelt sib; to ceintrolthe deliberatkis ' bY- 1414 . 14 "" re 1 ' 111 'i*. 31 44. 1 ‘. nsi l iris citement.'nrea ~. by peendiam ... forth! up6n ible saithopty, bank 'with bri ry, and thn'Senatt .editreitthery. - And .itliinch that fi t ins ti um me for AB :nice plot, :were lionnd among theffseprt people,-Who were willing *it or chair* of the legiidAttftl dth but, o sifcrifiee its inter s - to tied die te1,../d_PArrr. In the • lieh detai ins is. believed, - Attri his' frie dwin Scheylkilllunde "., AN rut .1836, the lugs innt 1011. i . ac cons tea the, testimony i.-in lated that hi had beCo cattail triani ff/ hip; rot Of the Sink, end that heensto ;000' for his ; vote.-7 He testifies' that. . Prato this le t er, he knew that a - meeting about to be held in Schuylkill coniny t in i_ibi h lie 'belga. ed the letter tube read. Charlea'rr , hy, to whoa .it was directed, testi fi ed.that hexe vett anothea letter from Mr. Krebs. iitaltaalux stiktialavit ing 'him to read!the “letter7tr'llim eeting, but, not to, allow* ti be initile:apii4 . -of' ir. fltocced. ings. Thui evidingy - inteAdinetei 'Mance a In / olent itripreisiOn opOiri Ilie - ,' , piilitio' , pd, and con. neat thh.eadie, that'sit Might F:ippe to be the opontaneoul'indignation orthe,ped i against tke ~ provisions of tb bill, and to : prey _ by cOnceak. meat, the '.dete li on , of, the fajaeh I : 'alt. Con. lad, about the Erie time;_ had ri " _akin to visit Schuylkill Icon qt',.'lrbirstfiit!iS": "dly'haserter. - ,.`. i that hi:l.lk. ir.-Xfoi , -wets. red Ibribes 0.. - s2o,ooo . toSupOrt 06 . 141. Ilei:e. ' n went so tar as to Phint,out . nd a printed Bitof iturs'whieh . brag iup in a I psiblic tense at inegrove, the - mimes of eight I Senators ;who bull voted for the bank, bill. and *the be staid wer "sobour op. i Bailin." Theicontents of the lett r thus written '. by Mr. Krebs, and thodeclaratio. of Mr. Con. rid, came to be known at Hu i ig u! s g, 'end Mr. .Krebs prevailed upon to, make - ' similar ' state: - ment - for publicition, whi6 was tensively 'elf. el:dated in habObills throUghout ibie state. Hit& lerto themalxte of the agent bad not been given by htl4Krehs, and it is ciiremelydoubtful whetii: er ate time he wrote his "lette4" he had any party ter person - in vier. Coln it is, that had he n 'ed Mr.conrad as the egen i the plot would havil "le d of effect-And been deemed ridieu- Jou* ' sbe belonged tb the came l political party ' id with imaelf, iindlied , hien, and wde a uniform and temperate 'opponent •Of th bank. But wbe the charges vildich!he had" t forth were disctikered, and he was chlled tipoii to answer for therti.beferi the Senate, be took* ' ant* Of the caanil and unmeaning rernarkit o Mr.Conrid, to shelOr himself Nan" the censer noes of detect ed calumny. Anil Mr..Conrads finding himself charged with being the anther se kvelFas the pro pagator of the Slander, attempted .0 divert public indignation fr m himself anti fix._ t upon another. by boldly ma ntainipg _the real ity of the corrupt proposition.'fhate,.as Kit,aa we exemptible of Judging, are therfactian the motives of the ac tors in k these korai : list' g seene4 disgraceful a. i ii like-to M m r-Cdnd, wile her re Consider the pro. positiori as• haying liven actually made to him, and, by him' communidated tor. Krebs, but I concealed from the House; or, 'w ether we deem , it II sheer , inyention, , ,indostriousl propagated for the purpose of bringing ,diegrami upon the bank and the Senators, and of deceiving the. people. Whether we, adopt the - -former or latter supposi tion; whether , we awardtlie front rank in this- in glorious race to him or to Mr. Krebs; can be of but little importance; in either. event, he will have acquired spfficietit notoity La ,semire . lo .himself an immortality infinfam . , ' The committee feelg•leat deheaey in attempting 'to commend to the II vise the Wieder measures wiOch it may be necessary toaddpt. Hire are eor reOlintbe opinion that,Tdr.Conrhd hail resorted to w4ful misrepresentations to _bring ollinni *Upon honorably men for the faithful. ntucharge •of their official.duties, nd punishment, in the power of the House to intlict,could be deemed disproportionate to the offeroCe.'ince and eelf-fhapeet *Gold seem , to.reqtfire th at e House shotild be pprged of his prisenee. But is expulsion ;Isaac', create - the netessity of a special electioN whi t, would be eihensrve and betriheneeme t his constituents. The committekere • unwilling et, recommend a - me:heath whict_would ',involve e innocent with tint guilty. They therefOre au e mit to the House 1 tfollowing resolution: '- I • - i essilved, That on the eleienth day'of MarCh, l /Spry W. Conrad bet:Pce lad it the bar of the l. IfiCuse, and publicly reprimeniled by the Spea ker. , ' - Mr: Woodward . , one of the Committee, made' a Report,.,whieh doili. not exculOate Conrad from the churges.preferred against him—and winds : up by . sayin* that he ‘, Conrad, Is censorable sae member of this ' Howie. - ' . Mr. Dewart, another o the .6. also made a ' RepOrt,, w icb €,..) Conrad's conduct, but do not I he was siotts in his'atte pt ti Kiibti, and- winds irir.hy oterinl lion discharging '*enry lir STATETEmPELANCE IN , ENTIoN • Thin Conventionassembled at If erisburg, on "-:: • Tuesday .the fltiv,-' • iyu., A ... t - ,'` y .delegates Were present fionirvartone z ..ieti -. besides some gentlemen hellingingtlethe • &lit . , Who took Seats as members.i Joseph L w -.• • se q . Tree .layer oft,* Stattiv:*eit td • l'resident of the Chorention.: Stkveril:italitab ; repents Were 'lead &Om Temperanne&n Soci eties, wing a- consider. .` tide increase ad thelfeltn - c o C reformation in ertnaylvania t in ttnittattrt . ear - ... An . excellent ipirit pervaded the -.Ctmyertti . , and • -several im• - 'prin.* resolutions were ' with, good ennui. nuty:--one deelarition :brine tnbetiVon all Tan„ . PePinee a ri,tofAbitiiii - all. intoxicating ' 41trults, • reitioituneeding, -f ormation of Tem -*ranee Societies , onl y, on • 'principles of total ,hstinenCe freest ever" , 'lli -t hat intoxicates— I tt . other reconimendinc *to ch.Pounty society - 4: • :like the Means! of,. - *rjg - . a Temperance - gent itt.thrt-n*tt thep - tit. season . . : A me nial wasipreparertand r. to .09eLfSiatatura "on the license syateni . _- . . . . ' - . tlit Wednepday'avening mai* meeting was held in tlter , tp*byterian reti)itchytil ich . his Ex , collency! the yovernitrk -'. - I Membeis of the l'eSialatara , ... and ,a respects - - number citizens attended. neveral - ablettel. ' , nem were made by *ambers aribalOdififitt `,, .. .Aiiiiiii*e Cintien- , uon was. Soled 10 ,- Ateitietd. y!.This l iirbuit on the firs TtleidaY,,nr.igiretyl ~...::, ." : i . • " ' .-.',: , " ,----, -'4 1, :/: - 9 be:operas* iii'ikii'lr' ar Aril* , ers -- young ni*l*titiiilt in:.az tiWt betwetin Letue* . ville, 11"* . : . *OCroetlar id. i company with two vuitbles,**fietti - ohil itribi`.'Stidilenly eleizsd the Young mitChrthriPitiiiiti,lii4,l the °that' robbed hito .coesiew. - - - .._,- - .• t it iiimaiitid.l4:4lle " ' 'Wrei,oltitiOw iti the, U.S. 8 0 - ta . t.4 . ltOetiiiiletiti erdiiiritt of Ceittutbia to the oritt,lYorineiti,llliin: land i tt Vireos. This woistl.be int eitiiigaiiiitir.• Abolitibit . petitions th li enilto thislnatteroiod I ..610isatily to what must sootier Of. latisr.iti "Mii! - i . knoval of the seal ef Governineticiiiiiiiiiithl Waite y of the ' Misfis. . . diiidi c-1' 1 ' . - 11 El 1111 seat the red. ornmatee ? condpaina lie,. that bribe*: reaoh,_ . , . , Writ-
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