The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, March 19, 1836, Image 1

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    1 1. •
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sisel , gestemEgra . misai i 4 -- - -i: ,_ k ,-,..-,...: _•,,,•_._ -... , .\- 11.b -..- ••_-.:1?-.. ,- !.. :4 , -..:-.5..i-.,,-. - .-... - - 44.,---,--- -- --- ,, : -.› , - v ---4 , -- .l - -- 1---- - ----1: - - ''r' -, - 1 ':".'.•-.” ' 3'7.1' :',. -.-- ---:."1- - t1""4,i - k'•-+'
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"MED WEEKL - Y1 14x . lISEN.I 42111111 ILLPIWI, OPPOSIIII3. Tith'Etzukursl. ciiinacH t IN . TIIEDIVE, parrs i
, 1i 41 ,* pr 4 nnt,Lii!. , 1 , : . a if itiv., igl9ri.. vArqa: ..; 1 1...t x v 0
.D.l IP"
i ~ -.I \ \ ; 2 • :
1 -- r --- .1
1111111 agrig 6 4 aIADSA- . 'no allusalverr Are l6ll 4 7lol U ll 9' CPI. 0113 4 . 0 ":" .4 -**;1— '
toCklita per asuntnl psOtde •
not exeSedimg twelseil
three times for, one dollar—try
•!ery subsequent Matutem;
letters. dcG addr
touts tot
thkr wilt not
Joalithan Coffee.
_ Notite.
1 , bseriber, grateful for. pad fa.
fully isGsruis taw friends and
;••• •ral th at he h purehssictl
' Hi. John H from wine
into his Rm. For the pur
supply of fresh water, which
. supply lib Rimier friends an
•• favor biro with heir custom,
I ;•:'.- , Ale *ld Port ,
rye) or halt. barrel of the bast qi
test notice.
lie in
bad pi
ble kum
by the
the eh
New Cheap Ste
,ING - purchased /the 'entire
•ry and Robert Pikligh. in the
th Welt corner or Centre a..
the borough Q4' Pottsville,
antra -inducted tinder the fee
fia & Ci. rakoecttully inf
nd the public generally that
ng the business at the 4 sta.
r fnefide
• 'will be happy ito supply the
r customers with userchau
• tes. -- •
are ' s now apeniei is addi • .
ock, a large acid lorterssiref •-•
.diss, consisting in part of
Liquors, W inks, Teas, Clo
, &a consisting of
• eassiumerts, :Aturusits,tlanue' •
.11annels,glicires, ttatiktrigs,
\ Ca •
1 .1 tiekinga, silk*, satins, aba
im bi e Cs, . rel!iets;
nos, eiregutions, reatin„as, la
• tesd , r., cottons.
I!&e..t.e. '
I- Laguna. St- Donne Con'.
nes. New Orkana, Haranna
at and hump
Orleans and Sag& Hon=
Vinader, Young Hyman
twekg and Bob* Teo&
- *tad apnies. &c
-i • n ;Ind yrikno pewp
••cria Mace, nutmegs and
pepper, rumiatard
; aid keg rzkina
to and rice
mackerel aad •
anki,apd dept eaadies
• and
pee OM sruok ma:a:Nary)
lae and onntaiso brand? '
d and onnunen
h msn
w Lary.•and Immo.=
-E.ngteusd runi And sinskt
1....... cosdeira„ port and trial:
• went di Bc - Ats and. •Slsoes.‘
• try, China.and glass care.
I lass by the hos.
poet Earle gcm i powder. FF
zn , OP, fF. FFF.
of winch 'sr ill be dtspotard of C.
I=bangs. ilzir *metre produce
tee- 19
FORT seAksox
Ting Flind
Felt Carbon $a tag Ftsixi
open entry dar t'tven 9 to
-at Dm:vat:a and De-poe4t,
- to ally
tomptee mums.
teat' *ill be paid
.se isibereis will be
parts of Sei t The
orn cm# on ireic.g n
. tbe office on Monotay
Satiety tsil.l be condi
• and ;manners, en
next. •
m ' ° =m a.
E. S. War
.kose- Taro
SearriFT: And Tv
Dviti .
4 do
tib TILICU YOU To rutice sas sown." or Tine imam Ana Euro OUT itTur Ca., E . I 10..1 dig I) ' I I
In the Cot of Collision Pleas Sekuttl.
kill Cosonsg. ! , • ,
salmis& Wilkes by hernest •1 . '
friend Videntine Mellon, fitibpeotia slur 1%.
, es. 1 . • 4orce.
Alestutr Wilkes.
'1 1 1) ALEXANDER WlLffak '
TAHN. Notice -that your 'firus
Sainah Wilkes,
has liletl tier Libel in ;oregano=
lieu ofSelmylkUl Comity, in'trliAckstiepriri to
be divorcee:loom the Bonds oP4ll•l4mny, Into
which she has entered into with you.; The Court
of said Cbonty have ordered that ',etc and ap
pear at a tourt ot Coinmon Pleas toi be held. in
sad for said eounty, dt Oririgsborg,.l . on Monday
the 2fit dal of•Mareh. 1836, to ass er the libel
of your sold w:fe. HENRY ItAUSEI,
Falil3 13-6 . ' Sheriff.
es. will
oats is
to the E l
atteutlei to.
for on
nit bei
erp-banoi Co
el Ritter, P.
0116 Te
e pub.
lot of
he has
. of ob.
• ill sult
an those
- John Silver
ritmcbz greet pleasure in tntbrming the. pub
he., arid his friends, and also his patrons in
particular, that be has opened a REFECTORY,
under the Pennsylvania Hall. in' POttsville. He
hopes from his past reputation for keeping a-re
spectable esta'Ablasent, acquired dering the ex
perience of three Years in the same tine ofbusinese.
and by desire to please and a' placation -to busi
ness, tai merit a continuance of your favor and
term: of
I Sto.o at
of Ne
I Ithen.
y ntenfd
Families, by sending to the rennitylrania Sall
Belie:Orr, shall have oysters of a superior quality
screed up in the best style, and every other • deli
cacy that tree Pousirdle market can atTord in sea-
Stewed Oysters per doten ISt
Filed do do Ixi
Roasted do • ' do 184
Ventson Stekc -07 i . •
Pepper Put per bowl - 'lel
r frieneS • pits Feet • l'2l
• at the Not 43 ,
to their IiaIIti*LAMATIO,N.--Pkotice is hereby Freer
!Di of -111; that a Coon of Common Mess, for the trial of
y Goodly, - causes it iisc.e. at aird for the counts of seha T E.,-a.
G 1," 3. urdi be belat at (R-o- wileart. is the cosuit'y atoms:id. on
Monday ttie 31st day of 31arch at 10 &clock to
the tOreitoor.
Therefore aU persons haring sons Fiesdiiv.acd
pet-setts ishose &lit a sti,ad be to sapper at said(' con.
intake aria !corers therusetreitiv.
Sherif, Grace. GruAks
' bum. Ireb. I'7* IS t $ 15-4
• Punetuat atmadarree to deusaroded of the-taros
and Witomiessotoasosed to attend chit Court
a. prints.
Is, hand.
Plaids, To Gm! Miners or Cm/ Ileciers.
lIARF aeceimmodation far the necking of
Coal, (intended tin City sales chiefly.) may
nan o be had tin fair term:, on orat of tbe best Wharves
ip the City, to the extent of 600 mai, by any
mai , one cennetn, or that quantity by two or more; tl
taken op by mac, the party might attend to the
bravionwof tent ing end delivering if desir . *bk..
and croatd be eivoinmodad with the new: otelf
free lad Sealer, and if soave part of it etio-akl be
mtuired to be stripped. any bro:lity liable* would
not interfere with the timonesi 01 the. adverti4ers
amid tie given. - _-Vordy - to
110131 & cp.
tt Flarak• St. or Lombard St- Wharf.
nide, Feb t 15 ti
.s.4tet bbJ
!3 p 5.11' eaSki.
I the our
I ..-ti
Society, ipi
o'clock at
t-Se par
•it not ex
-icon, which
en every S 5
lamed as
Sole or anl
taro to
re be
- • by the
the Erg
Provide edema it; thearami wilt cunt see the
ales eftbe tunes, beeatlett- oari , end en "
prem. and oar coo * did not hin dbe right
langnake., Said became practice, not coo.
faun _
There avast be public ' amen Seth at set tai
n*n. If every awn pureoes his • pr'isere in
terest* with its eye to not else; t i l i his whole
soul ii but upon accannelation. or 7 r. *Wilt;
if be thinks it bat a &mai of truth •" • • to have
accostaitaf the public weal =Zits welfare)
if be maid understand rim the -in pat.
ricilisin. not the Grecian! - . be is not
faitbfid to the country, not to the ag in which he
fires He is not qualified to take 'hie Pert °ow.
and here. In• some other period, Wbeel no belle
was resin before the world, in smite other land
where all polliftc spirit and all cheering menthe
werwpressed down beneath the iron ride of whit.
rary power. he might hare used his , selfith part
with some excase—bat net now, I Meet, and not
here. And if he cannot 'et it hareofitly nor with
dignity. neither can he with safety. !Ite may bony
himself with gathering op his little heap of treas.
mak or with expending it; he may think scorn of
those who look 'beytand—whilk the 4tOrm is rising
that may waiter his gams, and whelin his fortunes
in the ruins of his country AnclretWil: I titre this
very selfishness, infecting the wholle,mass of eat 1
citizens. will furnish the [ rattan* Ike very elc
ments of that wide spread destruction; a solvers:al I
grasping on the part of every man, end of every
conibinnity. and of erery state andwg mr, a yet- I
penal strife &bade& revenue, and stppraprietiontti
sad tarifa. regardless of all considerations hut
gain, moat if not checked. rend the, whole fabric
of society sod governmetir t . -
In such a country as tins, there mast not only
be public merit. Int a jetions guardianship over
the moms of life peopl4 Men mast speak and
act; as though they felt that the hope of this nation
lay in its morality. If ppaarents and guardians a- .
maim., Os, it the inticealial and the wire, see, or
suspect, that vice is making inroads in the habits
of the rising generation, they must arouse them
'chew. and set themselles to arrest it, as they
would to stop an army of ismodittries approach
ing oar eitits and ediarges. And it is high time
to look to one of the fruitful snorers of vice a
mong any people , --I amain Youthful 4travagarree
among all amine. ,Thee . e...a most, argent call
for inure of the reitmitive sobrietylnd simplicity
in oar habits and modesiof living. Par children
are too manttionlv educated to warn:Which bon
citycan With dittertity supply.--'-this applies es
l a chaffy to the rich., perhaps. but it appiin. to all
classes. The prorrerty :that is to be derided a
mong several, heirs, cannot sepply to each one
lilt the roinfewts and fazUries ulrith it traideapa
hie we' oi-Ading to the-n -.4 , members Bong fami'y.
it. th e orem:le, our In:wire keep fait) pace, with our
Weir% it is °Pruitt tint habits will be formed
w belt it will be, by-andthy, dufacolt to wide. -
I o the same propertied:, the temYti*lt to dishon
e-iy will increase; the Ilemptitonitia rash apetru-
Istino or selfish witernwehing its tri*; and Arany
rate. the exposter to 1114 entire, at•b rertioSS. and
ansimr. ate orrion in bro. tallith is no' good,
either fog the inrid or t. iieart.
to the ~ r at. tae ofd . to our eoantsy. I can
not ,aitneiy pmsa over the duty of hcinest
n-l's—l am ready toakk- are the cooseintees
or rnitres and Christ ialo anomie us, to be swats ,
rc...-4 to this sof:v(l* ,Wbro is ; suffrage to be
moi.:..e a mattes of teinest judgmnt, and, I say,
of en.eP -It is ;AO organ altralirh ia-haii a
r,tizOtr i propie ripmesseb mneit. If that will n
:...r....-ii by patreve or prejudice, or ,i 1 it is bent
are mcc'/orocany duetted by the mem of pony
combinations; if it is, graded neither by roma
nor ereiscitary, it is napioaible to liaeolate the e
vil that ma• tics from this ...-Wstrd and abased
on -siege. The right of saline 4 conridered as
the =boy of treemeo. and the mthecard. of free
Obraftetamis a , It is the gt4sry CO - hereart: but it cosy tt2
be, asik.te their , ahaenc. it ii oar saftegawri. if we' P'''''
cin rightly even, bet it may benietwe our ruin-- P
Yr.s...* people while totentimg oftheir %re ebarthms,' plum
coa y - ray teir freedom. Arid they ail
,do ret wooer or hter. !sod it they them the in.. i. Psi
enpohke or the unworthy. if they chaise those . tug
ilt hose fires are staine.diaritb. .trite ru s es, candy . or: '
expecting them to be three bitWCI to the Pobbr . a r c
med. than their are to their prim* reht.finerk--if r
they choose. to gratify their own bed passams. to I, ore
Orme a pony or to gain a plant- If each are" -
tt_ie offerings which they hriam the very ara..m?
which ire reared to liberty. will he the altars on , it and be mettfithd sod slams:these will be t
Freon the Kmekerisoiker for Feb.-vary. , Wad open those aloof* and it wilt Se the Mood!
... TOE Dt'TlkS OF THE AGE n:' ate 5a,r.5...2--tbe pr *Zs aria fie the feietiared
• i 1 =oak ant be thong to speak in tortes more
es ate. OM= latarrt.
t monitory than becomot a reitire se hemble ,
The Pree?, of eke Azet.tbeeth 6 ef_.° l ° ver-ree - .
__ n _ 'as cone mad be- Boil I will t,t my, that it I t
ly be mode tu oPlicsr ac‘ °:Z'' '° tame Iramr3 Lae. e.i.-eret.ea tbe p,.... ce-ace.. and bud I
spriag ti t .. the moss Fief and mtictiale re , - 1 ahrays viiint i vid it tim oo tiii it ziy exace , .
t e n a c s or 4. b.ase. . tbi . zr IMPlntinec.` ro mutt bibitiag * - and IleVarett—ril had
and nisi, ...., se at least in occasional aiscasation. 1 sonar annanhad mho aspic.. star holy coos
Thee =I! WA iNeirr "Vet-at to re detieet ash iif I lad neon felt. that a wronger hoed was epos
many Others we Biel emrom_ . feel that it is tme tam is prn Ogee *tar or "paribmaltratiorffiraty„—l 1
rare is* to exert au indionsee on so huge a i i , ban i d deal that I wad not . em idan n. in i ab rie
Notice to Saperbisors. wale- '''
Yet i ' l Lt "` *• l ` es " the 'll`""g''' reason i Mantled Oa walk a shire. is the bad that acme was
, for aieso, it , sal believe, there a re sash 1 ban I 4 .dd k„,„/ ai d 1 bad a mix , n i,„..
•;.... drama-, sit is the sexy character 4 the essarel 1 and adinre d e n gi .. nn i o f F rim o ds , in t
-I: SePereive" in le v e r et t equivbi r — " age„ that th ey elude simentather: 1 nint i n !
tire county of Schuylkill. are .Imi-dry nudged ' M I" . - 7 .--,,
• tolhi dn. Wag of th ole tea"- erfeeeras.. sot wire -? From the dories that we owe
that the Tah Section of the gesterar read taws.; eats .d rA .,... The area! work a . 6,,, mute . one
In - mead wow Plus to a slinde vies'
cakes it th eir dory make net and
work r T' s l' a wait Z i l; - i c ia - t e lT he ma&
io sae
ove° dev ° 3 ° - -trf creetetiovieetere_ ~..
. 0 "1".. 1121°T , - I hearts; art au —Tbe cansaref Wane oast i li d e - t h,T e e c onea m ekty, bee ' ret‘ .
al ceetstics ottlus tootitstitah,,a MUM . Ur Cara :i n d i n ' ei ." e e m to he caused timei nu .
alber they bone yetweedind to the *teethe oftax- • Lawny nay an a pp , el t imity f,, A l d an k ersace j p INEPSaningi
cs &watt the rehabituusefthairr dithictsi.
Goad r
a fair trarectipa of the several ..&-le mad '... the semi mid ...
• gresrss ifitEccdues
w a Pr3irbttli
ii4 tl E "
unpaid no' th e several tracts afloeseated hmth eaS • - - . Er n = "'" 1° &1.. ' se tire praspedire sh e rif gaiety.
i fosse •- - wnedierwarkuns engines tor eanyiegt -
' 11i64/4 11.4 i " tis f eci ' m "1 ' 4141 4 1 *- °'" twat -1 . . the I mass of lemma welfare, are lkivi6r to itzwi E ; c° bv " v g ell °L ' -
mixes! the Mom! stspervisaim , sign their t
~.. . _ no b e imenae d b y t d, „4"dir .Asada ti' am i MOO where olipir to sioidt. b_.
sottest. ) -
_ist beads of dia wham body oldie pen t Use " " al ti "" 4° " ll*
This Vert el the cradles ef the eeretal superei- . . , ' sae& of their mascathip rights em'' -
tors 4 - SetutAill coasts, have been bertudoce mai . ba i n o . in „i i , 6,40 dank... Edith s= own i massy art sine is amiral.
glees& let tier l °- bee w e l d ' r ivrevi t he ' bit * el ' ' the daty which we aim hataar etre # the ' meta "lb* It" " l ice n "
acted *et theta; their attend dowcfamt pat- t -
~-,; r _ T A , ern . , i nh " L id ... v „„, . 4 1 thiake eir admittisc moo
tiee*lisecard thereto- i I it; is '• - :ICM - en they axe &zed mom es„ we i Pewee' ePiontlr
la as
tr order tithe Cne7lleeeeleveelerer 'y - with a yeareaso ameetiateas ioralest..._.a ba ' frsaa ca l a : s a la eau -
. =1
,11V131132. - time are,, is arty ealbitasataeleim I "" eMy
lorma sa t
Ma t t" IC4 ~. alar Y dial - Am artistes/I , fist their ceadete. la* _! li t r, Is
:- * y tains apps tee same ger a vicuna as- mg** and aricad ariaerk
sagete.tand erentaints ef isi
they arewebssily baking hiss. as the e ' vse- v ia k i w i ,i,
ite - ties Vela esseeefpalitieslSsedlowa se * air* serer' tad 4 m ,
or demistic nit ani s. prearewt is algae as lie
fir oar fulues.—They WIT &ZVI athl4 as,tie ` atm; gar Ilal"11
illaraind if the mat ea 1*
gig 7 , * liegeg3* bat spit P am.° - la ' lla ial l taaa ' er ame, Jet *v / l l *
...., - dm etreciameet. Ira dew paw Tow
t""r . - , elle egaramadeee in. a alma Paaegala araleallla 44
we , - to die isigaisarpilitleal taint% ,ir Pa to askrloragl.
whith li' any ilhee*te arsierd -mild fia I .TbleAemeer chimes swift
• as S referee la
= Wes minim alba fagaglaag & k
a - bra age Prulter
I . .`, is th e Iwierairderleg' asnadry In iistroteser , — ',
- - . 4 ' loll SOON thy esea-r-if 1;0- vest eglaggi gala in ea V
• k a Cleiga =tie Le - ;it
tateethesa .
his Wei terlenelsol= bee a
la- la irelk as di nil leak ba. war as be ,
a 10 suet be tailor slam cat's ear cie- tibiae* aide k - dolt
' II • he la eaiselits: VW vial ma Iliatatrod Oa nem la
I ' . - pa aisaiii aid aomme anatabeni la Ilitartiftwied - ad
- Variety Clothing Store,
Center ef Cieraar cad Seiseiyasa Basel Woe;
eypeurite the city Sue liaises.
'VIRE subse-ther th ankful for pmt tongs
AL heels to irdirm bra furrows ettontosurt and the
pub.he receraity. that harm/ mute extenscae ad !
camas to his store and ones of gods, be is now
=en to offer threat 'Superfine and Common
Ft. Frock & Dress Coarse Pants, Vests and
Roundaboats„ arls ,l4 .loitretut, muck laeloar the
tonal market prthes, for eash.
A revered ass:ennead of Goths, plain and rib
beck. Cassimeres,, Oath and sniped: Onstnatts.!
Sumner Cie tits and Vesting-a, ohtek 'be mark
to weer at rte.-, that cannot to please..
atm cod super side plete Etneetbmine
stoeks, to arkftes the attention of conathy toes.
chants is partiruhttly tort ed.
Also;. Boots. Shoes. tlats, Cart, be.,
z...try embus & Resorts,. Raznikerebiefs,,Lasats,,
Hurter}, t;kmet
Cottutry ? eov l te visaing the etty,i arta had it as
-olives to call end CAlatne. bciartOnrebiesuag.
014110 s nit] be thankfullj months! and pronsph!
ly attended to.
rerstalts &mg bcniness cc the Canals~. Beat,.
. tnem Jan will hod this estatthrtrOcat partiem. l / 4 r.1
ty mentement to thetr basiirteo, aine, worthy el
their Wm:tar cos a 1 wbo taioe with a call.
clay Wyatt:dm • of betty travuzys than can be
olotaised.ta any other putt oribeeity.
IRA m..cca.tom. !
Ptrihaeptos„ FehArt 'HO & : 211-tf
• . weed-..Aredindry.
taboo*. halms " the '•isibetehmakte
aid iket.they bane
table: the reahliebeotot ismoyieThmi br
M. Ru liteeltilee. elate tbey be clod to
feeeb4 ai eeet see 'by Wbeeikeeery eSetCaet-
WV. they
*eta S • ..n-tr
Ttie. FliatobTara piotieiit ertefilk
doodah* of blateb oratt
Pandieribr Sale 4
malt based leit itebobegrboutbe
able hi berreel eel bleb po t her • is
"4111$1=miti sod ormitoti roe , he
sZeohl aid fbetty ni
Wirt clef
Who with incessant mark, toils.
From depth" profonmi (nor back recoils)
Doth ruse th' inikainudds massy spoils.
The Miser.
Who *it, that with dauntless breast.
With powerful Duryea and stubborn crest,
Extracts earth'a hid:knots. the but?
The 'Miner.
Who &Net through rucks with mining lore.
Where i neves wight has been beam.
And culls train earthchevorions ore,
The Miner.
As with tL,a probing tub el the Bee -
From earbieis flowers , vri bumming glee,
Exit/acts their latest prime—thus he..
The Miner.
When hi rborean Masts& yew,
'Midst sw king hail end driving 'WW2
They. ' the Promettwan warmth bestow,
The Miners.
On suss% l
oirtite, or winter days, . -
He whistload his ebeechil lays, k
..Tr e
And roe not .who may seoldor praiss' ._.
. The Miner.
Too oftr*s.! untimely hite
frertake4 him, while with heart elate Li
Perhaps be thinks not of h future state:
The Miner.
29th. 1836. ft. L.
IT ass. as..m.
The tank hared left the yoraltfal carotheis cheek
on the bodes-stem the Pealed her form;
Arst bee hp trembled. as a starve to speak.
Itle a frail, harp sariar e shakes In the storm
Tv as hal a tom:mat. asd the fitaatiass paced.
And the fie! Alpine spirit woke at last
Aod she tIMt ever !breath kr;t-home had 'moved'
Wah the {nee' thorstbamtr&s• sod quiet made
Of wuraait. k.vitsr,.ad Lebart%l.
Arsl usta;clio her barptortess the vitis'e.
Stood brightlo torth.aed vAmetralcbc, that hoer.
Ilex ckzt ctirre lasr:4-r4 cretilb sciiiien power.
Ay, roar 014 stood. trt sovb aic eye of I,zlhz.
:4 red tesv , bar fa-r ast_
brrelkt lists owl voter. Apt gaths4 - ti crietl
As .t. roskid :zarq-spr.--Art ,slr , 'tam ~ .,14 ^ ,maAV!
Then moo i,x :won e-yr
A•aci moan nicer attr...masi rrirsira ca li tr.
. .
I kocor obititiOs . ......hi5id..4—...6 b., ad...! ..
k i .
• Thir =kJ = &rim 'd aab . fears For me_
Trueitmet td beareera =7 arthdraa.eby. soca.
.The WS +Amer 1 'brie !bre_ tintbe :ree:
And the 'meet toewor, olrovir idesoaot "to•rt! - . '
May sell, :ee ..vrees.v.i—d" at-gtz be nrcot to earth.
•Thoo hasa hero I—~d-oe o'er. the Filleel'e
Of 1117 6..ip0r4c.; rear.: *oar bit mice MOM
NI% ;Ie . ..VW la rye. OM • i7y avte'... head.
"Arid ka I$ Ile eagle glance xi. Joe rereom , .
I roc bear arr. bet ties 6e5d..41,
Take to ale bark th.te on odd:rwrod aced_ 'Go foe.% I. em...te *Re o a:era:sad .a:e.. .
Toe ch:La...1...! rois.. A ~,, +N-ro- i dr r... c0...v. go:
led tell so Lorre-Ist oarco. 4- t-a 3. , 1 . t-..d...
To Ibe beast I tore am a--est the bdro:e) ;leer.
God sb4 tie 'ell Thee. Joy bc , :os&—+ors!,'
Erkos bat ,ty ack bore art —I era ica3!"
He sprung bo , hie a warr;:a. Otoobraw-ainal
.To c0...1r4 soca& erea ti4e riz.vr..!: en: . _
He toomht.lem re tur brow. eihale ormid ..,Jrs breek.utc.
From 4,4 e.....-t med. felt elk- icy 61-4mor;e In-i.
Ao6i •Weet r 311 1670: 11.7$ irorlvos ct' .
'Thai aka thee a=mldia - d tattlAelf 10 .. t % e
427 brier- bay fie. the =orb". arra! ehOe'
Soo' Shstities rime be assaear to my bear= .
:tad a:Meer Lek try chama a. awe deSed.
6e tatht of Mee toeaor:s . the better pare •
1 ee—ebs erpera CO Itii IPM Aididareth
Ttry gea4s sOime snail to • Alps—Fareavir ,
Aced eSea daej ported:by clef Pee lake- •
la me clear =view be.ithestsereek to ram
tX Ole fete te... she. sbrastriefol far trla sahe. i
To met her Meld be ezar4 tbe mhmeermst bania •
S-n'-rn: imibtee Lill-carruseci ens to sbeer..
Web i Se+ hy=3.. :calks dle :inmate deCp.
' ; Teuros M O RNING,. MARCH
la betel* out
le itaLei ttilfiraitigi
bate too nee confideare in ear mannoo4terio
say there ut great mama to drai it—ilart3inAtie:
ccuratry, pOty,, alsoirt rit . y esongh'notitßog ]
senile . arkiormarbi ' —etude ill &mare
working ' emelt* party may pia, Mal
geared all their mabolihr of molder: :niejudMel
and t spinet tittabh and lesrpMg, aid I
the high *ow ofperti# '
_and inthence s ilill that
is and &gm6W in the kW& y .
Bat if be any oda dinar, thi.otily bar
rim - it most be Gated in the - dirrebinge of
those d ' ; to which I 'bravetriskned. lt moat
be found a more.ietelOgent, and a maktehris .
tian like fir the delves. and fis one ano
ther{asedn4all aliases ofacciety. I betty mkt
it I do I beliescilet the repod which the
rich pay ' F. , poor, Slid employers to*nran:
played, k it ought Itcr be. I abeam a style
of bedpan a toesal er belag,, a manner Of
sieskn e.
. . ofooe to the , '
which , I'o' cot be.
brie is, --a treatment. and to:lA*ld tearing
and ` ' which 140 net behest that errs.
turee the same Datum, and of the mars Grid.
should „,.‘nowurne toward each: otherNwhieir I am
pars trathed could not, &close momerkstand the
serntinek Christian principleg which I am
certain tUt i devoted. and heuuble.'and khoroogh.
ly enliOtcoesi b .Wlo.Wit could net Mei-, Bat as
- I fiery y, that; I am jinni's little with
the viand treatmeit oftbose stylerithe ;ow
e: vi and
- denominated the Milbr•
The bid of briell is not yet kit ie sone.
- ty,aa lined be, to pre
it from attife and
drsunicee annoy the rick questions and claim
the eneg • of iMpecgrem .
Tbis f of aMety or. which I would
irons, o to be a slight and frail defence
agaitrst. 4 .„ tkoscOrhe can think ofinaldeqg
as ayeafkroard, some law; or COCcillittipl, or
haree-ere-L hat I believe Aloe the
time ' can We scr.iely bet
only sat
Let ll=
I cat!
tke 54
ed. eft
7 is how a
leeir"v** lo -
ars% deteoce
bodr cse his H
_ - 1111
. ~w P~F~'3:'~i~
•dieeiribeitl: Ileir ire . multaddekeimirCel; '. - 1
i!uhe„iftlief Wahl alien - Mr:4 . .lSM** . --flat:. • 4
thit" ishfeet,•!• ersida tell tii,r)ltati: bin . •
Mari upon them Ski the nitelmt-rit - : ::,I. ! '
TOlibellevi, that thhi etstelf Mink 'ea et ! a
fend greyer* Pmbh ofthis . i '•: 'Atillio• • 'l'
lie mei . lima Withal" has gated ; th at . ; ht. mens. l' :.
co l t
wanq la this -otoo* alai! kit 07 totottl !ad
-4 ,
.hit .ft. it,' input, to this "may came: ! . , • '
These dengem, if they birteat
_jam tratitsiss • .
otir duties. And What We 447 - / Athol. lied. •
r_illeet. that they, iteller. ihnietret slated. ,Itmt.
mid of Chriritrannietbarese arsiLfaith '. • - I .
,We mint id* body ef .. 7 tilid. or
C:briitian bikinis, upan us,*Sl per. , pea* '.• . i
• f
ever frit it, of we shell. 'be an voe*.—
..,, ,
We moat &tie unmeinent that' lbws' hereto .• ,'
the majesty tirbet . ten; or tie than
_ilier,i'jiliti!q 6 1
fide' 11 e 1 7.4 1 1 11 . .-e- #Y, elta - f*rajimeftr, f. . -
, midst the cotermingled nes and
relatereshipo q
meekly around tn. Tbee'the poor not_ffey
thoi e b b meted" therichdespiseithe ••• Tiell_., ' I
willnot the high' look mew haStatil 1 ,UPaili Ma , r
!kw; me w il l tits low look up , , upeilita
high. \ Th en willtinsheram definite* - -
, aelf.respeck bud in terptet,bkotal
ie ter' streets. is co t Ow* lotouk •
wham, in our en?sli.atope; is our •Ilmge.•-i•-, •
Ohl what Matter is it. if in are pitleat ri ,
brief period bare and are entering upit "'beat*
less imsfdy-=.ttehat matter is it,tharlitlstiii
apps nd 44.1.e....4that • 4 , 4* optcfp.64
€2 .
us—tbr this raniabitierr! ' • 1 . ruille, : dr writ. )
—if the ditinity of ' may I array**. lithe q
goodlinees enema ma . As; i f God bit&l
seat will beam friend, and•the Waite, and.thi • 1 f .%
everbastiegh std the all• -,- Auld blemPi. emit 1
beautifbl, may be mar pssoes, all am `• 1 .
*hat ureter is it that antligh, low op
worldly eta* low ' i4= . 4 llrea * 1
venl,—ts not all this enough but !I
they mast dill strive far thSt pseeedecsm. ant ' '
atm* with jcaimag, n er s l4l . 7.ervicontenfl i
lam beru my
And alba it biTtbeeght 1 , liti ! , them in thaterarrili3r the - , • Merl, !
partep, and me* spiritual iirl,_of Sur 1
'Fasted Wei/does, and !Mu*, tad the tree. Mit
, that hal Moans into the world! Ito their aimdt,
they teestbe g chriithins. 'or they new eat
be good of melte coultrysithia. tiap_:__
that Mrisltoottl was tio.or 10. i _ to lay . \-.
peace Nader benee, at a ros ie r, se nis to ee-64 .
Wo betide the boor whim rolfehatio trortiPoos
irresereuer. re God and to the lawati. Abell stalk •
uncoutmliod through glis land, for it.Lirra be dalk' •
boor of. se& sad last truiewell MSS tbs - borpew nV •
patriotism soda( trism
I mu not ewe Of than whearefaue *seed their
hopes • I. see. amid' st some de& itspb.inineesiao
• light. I know that tbeile is tbeigip, loot Ileitis
ithat &Aga totesery people, se theimbassisktiftip,
poeinnity.; I firmly trust lithe good preiradmait '
that w hi t h, s p e h tra f rom obit this greet. -opportunity ' f ent:dp berthrient 1
'Where is ,r. •The general sad diregareestmilp ,
C ie l e i r:th e ! hi i iiigkii4l amictl deserweatian:- - I del befti*e tint
is ore. ad po t iat t liki themodaimey is the etheeiray: I. beitectiedkrigi , ' !
he expect* in fise-aati I aro,* to see tree vicar of prohnewirea. gemumg„
..he hopes tie berish— 1 and mtemprsonte, visibly-4MA* tenon OS, - I
i to be far rtigistr-i-noce i are fermaded. bps. as I ham thewhere remink.
be' aspiret br!wiedeen i •edi that the nap") , VineeZ dag: _. enalital lo Bab '
it h e tomg at iieJterg stmstric„ mac eau we i onotice. with an.
" of three. tot I ward lathe lateexcemes of moilisee l that,
Grim. J my set, that I s firm and di 'orided„ andinsisteard pilfer. opmim.. -
is e f ort that Ma th .. Chas Med its soice.igaMst than. There. mom, ,
N erK bet. I my that las I beam, a mat, sad temilitabk, ood obtoor
. clarotatfneyerdid ; tows rat es. BM sir \ hope. Id fir es neser f o rt"
other eacetries,: and.' stirltdo id Sitter , is morn htTi in -t - -
1 th a t th e y are dia t iliGrant it were an insinsiteac t =lir pow.:
to to f orttaity; to , a •era of &One*, it is the'
,' ." that
tied to Eh. There 1 wort oar comity% " .'. Be! 00 ,....
w hi c h t h ew serer , , easseireet hose mast hen.
error t hi n k g to r `,# a g.— l'eSecet at nffigrimn-411. fie obeclescs
i t .
and poor , educated aid; to winch the true happines s of Mutoned ma.
coaciooser, ?time sod f hoes depeuds--eould base, emu only fens the
' Emed, tbst.,eo sassy' : Fht*r ef lights and at nierefite.
lit-Usira re
imp e ar ta i ta ,..-- he beour *shin ' s sal'
opsi t ortion as
thei---- _ , I
open to an. apleie *Dr Begham of Banfunt.o3loo.
ritalthip., and strife--
see•ki respensea
, between falai: t,
osenothirt. I dot
mock oroszer efii i
.id eiril we bit the,
t - men be ea-0a7!1303,
kindly effeetkiiiied. and
Bat let'thein Irma the
, of mulct'y r Utid though
'fted &record , them and.
qty ciente the Wider
dawn at last in the her-
Vie, in valialt the
l'athel o 7 P*lmits_
bill Ire see ear thAies
T. *M a ga O i l' 4l i gir
is the state unser A
sset. are the times la
say thgtthtie ate
Antics! instthitiow„
say , aynt earnesdrtp,
&sem; is ifs* of usher
t its soilty., No umis
scums • is bens
maims ia 036ety sly be
tisessios, daietsdeek
-- • emery body is sfrsiottsmake
coo is itfraid that fission be
•$- -• orisfesillecl.. Eletee thessisdo
toe gesseihrapie, their
die: Th. = engin* their isorH
their istmoarrse esti
their rkiesidships re;oestoid. Alta
' this Siblesshqopes Isstor&apor
t -
\ •
prrln7ri - zi - wm"
" 1
' .
;* • *
.1 • .
A fraelart Nen Tirte—pe !taw 3 ,
Tork I'LlazuweritaVdeterrltes a setae • •
which took phiceiddirmtbi ap p ' afikaad.".;
way, boreerc att wiped trots . its* and a
porter dealer. The•fiirater bad " seems at
apemn= of de latrar„dentgatory to the ___
ter a/ de inhaSitants id grrest Wetter* adley,l,
wad, Week° weir in de reit, ergot
breretorto resent the weft to its scpoind'a , -
awn shop, dared hie' Limo *itntet tailgate a fair •
fight. The Kentseldot • .ippo-* sad eta Aim.
reins de staide Ot•lfig Bea, "' Wilds the, den.
her is mat brae was aniadir Vrifitaiog kktlit'et
fiwitztrat his itresolded cur*,iai - sgandida
thee. sad peen% a sew. i" Wt hid
ron idled on de tomparte!dle_agoeninnitY ,se she •
other, eed be gained • awatitlyadhor dot •
Snow* .066.---v- are ilosesteaaehap
-fir icy entire • I vaned. • gut soar id asty
raft-bat lie gate heather. siateen rattail .. •
—oh; hoer loc`diSei %di doss if . -rid; -
terikountidoww re
i inclignidisiP -41 dl "i t- as 115.11136 r
. ishis had de *Nil
ipl a tir east at
iippir' idle •
rstagg bales Oats kilt 4 ; .
.. 1.6.
1 ilk trhodeles was, ' Ste thweitarbst
=[ to eagedt . : 41a ' t`Wil&t
sestl ithist econitedr.iand aid ear . -caddie . a .... . ;
I nod a' ind taittinint ii.?•• •I' -, ... ! '''
annia oar in
11 Ifinglad'aZia.).l
paste torethar itiabin dln is Pdha.. •
fail . = of ClPenniet 111114 7 16 4 p
!andiaiteditie gederni ' 441 - _i*liniiti:T .
do ardwArattionan .
mAlSetitivdmi s MC iiiimigitio;
• fer a alma ' yenr ‘
or •
Z ai. : , ilabigne,rriafa . , ~.
, 14.414rardea . lnurakolaied - mai
' • ait:' - ' - ft'.l.o,4 6 ,,, NA#o4 l .blelnar•gesia::
- i - ' 4' .o l4l Pft,PeOtbirallealleilloc ,
. • 6. 0 .. !• 4111 ". 11.14 , j1. s '
1 1: .Tl ' . •
illii ; - Iwrßhawiidt.iioio:llhaaakl
,* -.• • hailjtind the ittipatijnyithill
._ rr"
11111. !.. 6 "' d „ . ... .-,' . ..;..4 --
ailie eantiiiiir.
at . - Jliti 6. o _ : 1. 11 . ;, . • ' illikari.l
: I , " ' essitalatimit ' . --F-7". :tNidfiii;'."' •
*. Thidtis it Liiiit*_ . • : 7 'ideti
/01* *** 1411.11 " 11111 10 01 1 1 ( 7 .0"
Limuottlpr*,.... , ..rris_i" . - _. '-:_,,-.
4 k a,#. .."..hoiliakik.mhigt - 2.._ Iraliiw,y
ilmid - rgialearis*e*-444:
t-,ir - - , - - , ilt.-- 1 -
, .
, , - _• , __:---;i.., .:.-- 1 -- .. ..:,_.
i ."-"tom
K 1
I ‘ 14'4
I "
I -
, ‘