4:e= ni .It , , - twelve tines. wilt tea one dollar—twenty-five t addreasell to the Editor on ith *establishment. smut be no he att... .ed te. ~, itsocilirTH MIN ; : IS/JWRIIAL t-.4oneithan Co ; -e.ikde heiTte Coffee Moine r .... ;....._ ....:. .7. elftittei, P. M. • EIG ~~. NOOCeot ; glibil‘nibtn't grate lu l l for past fd`vors, re. ' , ' ctfully informs his friends acid the pub.. general that it purchased •a lot of , of,r i r. John H gh h es, from which he has , , to his Bro u for the purpose of ob. a snippy of fresh water, which will con . tolitipply his foriner friends and all those. ay favor him.witli their custom, • • Beer, Ale and Porter barrel or. hall-bairrtl•of the best quality at •• nest notice. ' • • lIIP lie in groun laid tainio ble hi who 'by at: the LAVA) G. YUEIGI4NG 7-2 m CM New Ch±p Store. • B BULL A3fUEL LEWIS NG pure. the l entire internat of entry and Robert Neligh, in the More at' nth We.t corn of Centro anti_ Market in the borough !of • Pottsi , ,ille, formerly ; as and conducted under the firm of Ne -1 ewis & Co. respectfully ;intim% their and the public generally that they intend ing the business at the Nola stand under lin of FE II slice know frien. conti toe . JACOB BULL 4r. CO. .• they will be happy to supply their frienes rmer customers with merchandise at the rates. • wher, and lowee Th' form=i mere.' Gr. Qiee Clo, y are , now opening, in addition. to .their ~ , stock a largo and extensive assortment 0( I.r I..aridise, consistingin part of Di? Goods, I, . ies, Liqtiors, W nes, Teas, Cliitni, Glais, iinvare, &c. consisting of , . s, cassimeres, sattinetta, fiannelit, 'minding, linens. on flannels,gloves, albckings, yarns; prints, ginghams. is, iickings, silks,. sauna, shawls, hand kerchiefs, velvets: 'nos •cireasions, ' vestings, laces, fringes, threads, cottons. ns, wadding, blankets, coatings, Plaids, Sce. ' " , 'GROCERIES. io, Laguira, St. Doming o Coffees. t. Croix, New Orleans, Havanna sugars. and lump • do ew Orleans and Sugar House maltase*. un Powder, Yoseg Hyson Soucbeng 'onchong and Robert Teas. ' bocolates and spices, &c... rown and yellow „soap • loves, Mace, nutmegs and cassia yenne pepper, mustard .x.ruid keg raisiiis urrents and rice; hence, hence., codfish, mackerel and tilerring ould'itnd dipt cansiles , • . ck and bbl salt ' ipes and smoking tobacco halfspaniish and common segars LIQUORS . .(. WINES. • .gniac and common brandy olland and common gin ,• Id Irish whiskey and JaiTmica spirits ew England rain, and whiskey by the bbl 'Avon; madeira, port end malaga wines • -tiortment of Boots and Shoes. . leery, China and glass wiire. lass by the box. ' :.itopont Eagle gunt . ?wder, FFF, do. lasting OP, FP', F F. r do - of which will be disposed of cheap for cash, exchange for country produce at the mar 'rice. e 19 L ket Gum Elastit Goods. TLEM EN'S dam Elastic Frock Coats, Po • filo do Pantaloons, r ®' Do :do ds Capes, Do ;du flo , Figured .% Plain Shoes; ido do . leskin ver Shoes, De cio ' do 3 spenders, Misses and Clpildrens Aprons, Fured and Fu4 Lined Shoes„l and Children', plain de r Bottles, &c. . Dr MI -t received and for sale by NATHANS & Co. B: Gum.Elastie Covet% for Carriages, Gigs, agoos, Curtains], Boots; &c. will be furnish order. Feb 6 12— o Coilbe l ltiolasses, Sug a rs, &c. BAGS new Cqop Rio Coffee, Sugarboose, New Orleans Trinidad Molasses d•A • Orleans; Muscavado t in'Hhds. St. Croix StigarsJ , - asks Premium Cheese, • g Hyson and black- Teas (in 1. & Chests.) alf barrels hulled Barley. zes (Philadelphia) Soap, brown 11 1 yellow.. • lbs. dipt Cankllea,B's,,lo's, and 16's. • elf boxes Glass, 8 by 10 And 10 by 12. ae Brandy and Gin in pipes and i-pipes. I ighteen gallon etisks Lisbon wine. England Runt, Common . Gin, Common Brandy.. • :mint and Anniseed Cordials, in Bbls. Fish and Plastet, &c. &a— or sale by MILLER 4r HAGGERTY, Centre St. next.iloor to Mortimer's Hotel. —'ottsville, Jan. 9' ; 'B— GEOGRAPIIICA and Statist?* Chart of Europe, desctibing the boundaries, extent, ation„sovereignp, government, debt, revenue. y, 45r,c. of its several countries at the present .—Price 25 c.entsi Just received andlor sale •12 4 j by B. BANNAN. INDSOR CHAIRS.—A large and genera assortment. of Fancy Windsor Cbairs.-- tale by JOSEPH WHITE & SON„ e T 29tf Mount Carbon. Cheese.. :WIPERIOR Dairy Cheese *-"PineApple do For. side bj! •19 4- - ; N. NATELAINTS Co l PUBLISH:BD 4VJERILLY, BY ill. .., .. .'7IA.VARD, : - • 1 1 ; — T.,. . ' glifeWSilver PANES great Fite Owe in informing the. ti.' • 3 ••• he, and his friends; and alailtis pat . in Pat Wart •tba4 be has ?peed- a 11',! in un the Pennsylvania 'nal in Potts ille. •, Hg 7 bu from his Past reputation for kets ing ar i net apectable estabbnient,aeOuirad dari g the( ex perience orange ' , carat° the mane !in° otbess, and by desire tb please and appllcati tobusi ness, to merit a continuance of your f,avert tend patronage. 1 4 . Fatuities, by sending bitbe -Pennayitania hall Refectory, shall have ojetersof &superior 10414 served up in the beat style& end every rime dgrip, racy that the Pottsville market can afford iii-ts4a. , eon. • A . , RILL OF FAR.E. - ... • : Stevred'Oystent per dozen 19 Friet . do do 37,i Feasted, do . du iBs Velment Stake. 3Ti 1 Pepper Pot per hotel . Isl , Pigs Feet 12 ' Nov 2d 4$ 2 ,.-rem P , abid ATM se9iltilmitteDy r'' ii 111 ROCLADIATIOIII..—.Notice is hereby given that a C9l.lrt of Common Pleas, for the gild of causes at issue, in and for the. coumy of Scholl:all. will be held in Orwigsburg, in the county aforesaid, on Monday the 21st day of March next, at 10 o'clock in.' the forenoon: p e =l4'ud t ~ be of appear oak urt, will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HENS 1' SAUSICShera Sheriffs Office. Orwigs. burg. Feb. 27. 1836. 5 ft' - Punctual attendance is demanded of the Jurors and Witnesses summoned to attend this Court. TO CAPITALISTS. Ara Noble Coal Lands for sale. THE subscriber, assignee of BENNETT At A• WALTON, offers for *sale,. as a part of the estate assigned hinvaiin trust, two of the finest tracts of Coal Land. in Schuylkill county, •hay. mg the incorporated town of Minesville thereon; and containing the following celebrated veins of Coal, viz :—The Diamond, Kantner, Primrose, Pticenix, North and South 'Veins, with one or two more, all yielding the best qbality of coal. Attach. cd to these tracts is a landing at Schuylkill Haven, .and they are traveraed by the Wolfcreek rail toed, joining.the Mine Hill and Schuylkill - Haven rail road oa their margin. The coat, already mined I and carried from these lands, his been found of the Lest quantity hitherto brought to Philadelphia, and they are'believed to be equal in every facili. ty of access to any tract in the County. For particulars, and a view of,plans, apply to - Philed'Ei. jan. 9 PORT , CARBON Sating Fund Society., itIHE Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, is now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the Office.ot Discount and Deposit, for the pur. \ pose of receiving deposits to any arnoinit not 4eeding $5OO, from any4ine person, upon' which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 and upvvn rds, but uminterest will be allowed on any fractional parts of $5. The whicc or any part may he drawn out on givir.g notice,stwo to tour weeks, at the office on Mondays. The hu. sine.spt the Society will be conducted by the following officers and managers, until the-first Monday in May next. President—AQUlLA BOLTON. Managers. Abraham Ileebncr Edward B. Hubley Edward linghea E. S. Warne Jesse Turner Jacob Bull L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d of the Charter. t`blo emolument whab.oever shall be received by the President or Managers for their services, nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the thktitu- Lion." • - oct 3 • 46t1 Furs Furs FASHIONABLE BOAS, do Fur neck ruffs lief ladies Muffs Medicated Breast Furs . • Fur Gloves • Fur Caps Fut Collars for cloaks coats Just receivedrand for sale by wee 12 4—tf N. NATH/kNS 4; Co TO 'WESTERN ADVENTURERS. MITCHELL'S Travellers Outdo throughout ths United States Do. Pocket Maps of Ohio Do. • • Do. Indiana Do. Illinois Do._ Do. - Michigan Also—Pocket Maps of Pennsylvania and other slates Just reeeived and ter saki at this opice. Dept 25 PERFUltigitlr. EBANNAN has just received on eonsign• 11 meet, a large assortment df Petfumery, Cosmetic and Fancy Soa pa, of the limy best qual ity, which will be sold wholesale!or rethil, at a very small advance. The following Composes; portion of the mildew . Otto of Rose Soap Otto of Rope Liptalve Oxygen ' do -Toilet PoWder Palm do Chlorine Tooth Wash Cream . • do' Cologne Water Camplidr - do Lavender Ido Lavender . do Florida ido Tongue Bean do Preat. Solis • FrenchiSancY do Tooth Brioshes - - a Otto RotieShay.de Superior Lavender Wet. Bears Oil , Kiviosote lroothWestr 4 nditirOil 4 Dye Carbonic Dentifrice • rile, of Roses Eng. Brewa, :Windsor 1 reckliWash •:. ` Soap I. ine Pearl Powder Ihit Brollies. '- juno ISI 30. . _ eRERI & BL4CK TEAS. SUPERIOR GI Gunpowder • 1 Imperial Young Hymen I Caper Souchong Powchong and Imperial Pecco .Imdrecerved aoi AprillB 22. d for sate i. bi in4TTy. • • Lite of Gres:" Hairirimin. Memoir of [ ilie public Berri *of Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, of Ohio, , by 3anies with.a portrait Of the. gallant Commander, lust received and fat sac by BANN AN.. Jan 30 14- .„ -- ir;tl: -- -.4. - i=;:: .•: - .4..... ~,......... _ . .. • , . . , ''.;, ri• ," _ . _.- .• . i' . 'I , . := ::4-;....,, , ,. • - ..„, - : - . I • I ..... N.- ~.. .... , •-• ~ _--:, _,,,• .... - .1.T.1. . •,......" ''''''":' - 7 --''''''' - """ n'''.,. - - 1 ... - .7 - • .'": l up , ' ;'' -* .- . ' ..... ''. - ' i . • : - I • -ti ..:1. ! . i• . .. 4 , r• - ..r1 •.•.. , : , E._ ~- •• • • .... .. • ' 4. • • Beim Pine and tilfirl two story Fr Tavern, and l ' complete ran sold i2t parer 1 canary. 0 Also a tb .gather 'pith 11 Terms - U. 3. Gazi:i weekly. an 4 P ' 'Olf,llOlV SCiffoo.l.S. , WHER AS. by an Actiartheteglirl ature•of P ylvania.entitled an "An Act to °stab. lab a Gene System of Education by Compton Schools," , April let A. D. 1834. it is pm y and Conti, si-Philadelpbia. and every direr citTinAhisOonraunowealtb shall each form a iScliocrtDivisron, and that every 6wa ship, ward and borough, within the several Schocil Divisions, shall each formA School District:Pro— vided, that soy _borough which is or may be con— nected *ith a township in • the Assessment and cellection or county rates and levies; shall with the said township, so long as it remains so con— nected, form a district, and each of said districts shall contain a competent number of Common Schools for the education of every child within the limits thereof, who shall apply either in per— son or by his er her parents, guardian, or neat friend. for admission ind instruction; and further, that the Sheriff of each county give notice by proclamation,that the citizens ofeach School Dis— trict hold elections in their respective townshirs, wards and boroughs, at the places were they hold their elections fur Supervisors, Town Councils, and Constables, to choose two citizens of each School District, to serve as School Directors for said School Districts. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, that the citizens bleach School District in the county of Schuylkill; meet at their respective places of hold— ing borough and township elections on the third Friday of March nest, and then and there chuose. two citizerin of cacti School District to serve as School Ditectors for said dig/4.6cm respectively, which salt( elections shall be conducted and held in the same manner ■s elections for supervisors and constables, are by law held and conducted. Given wider my hand id Orwigsbnrg, 27th day co- March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and'thirty six. JOHN J. WHITE ril l Extra quid ty imil Wed Imp° tions4 IarIBO9PAL 'cartisen, iN•l'B* Dououum OF . PtYFTSVILLF, SCHUItLICILL COUNTY, parthsyLvArfie.;cr TWO DO tS -At • ' *Tea' .. DA171117055.1 Na . MARCH 12,18364 ik VP!!WI • • • ' joie s4le. • b subscribe/ will sell at prints' -' i valuable tract Of lank contain. 456 scree, Alined hit the Rahn. ...Creek, in tll Mithanity Valley,- li t igantteni:Miltit front Potts; d well timbeead*Eklilnuteoali. oe.. Oil said tinipartris created a e Dwelling Home, occupied as a .r -inattman„ and a Sawmill in g or4er. property wll be Of 000 ' QC two illindrid acres, if no. • story time Intiati in Pottsville; hi . eral Lon . For furtherPartienlara,..opply to . SAMUWIII. LYNN, 76 Vine St. Philadelphia. JACOB K. BOYER., Reading, or BENJ. SPAYD. -Esq. • Pcittrvilla. EZlEffi e, Philadelphia insert throe dines go E•Myer. HENRY RAUSH, SliertE. HOP SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. CUM Public Notice. REUBBN CR Errz, ofTamagna having made a general Assignment of all his property, real, personal and mixed, to the subscribers, in trust, for the benefit of his creditors, they hereby giVe..Notice to all persons indebted to the said Reuben Ckeitz in any Way, to pay the same int niediairlyA and those having demands against him to preSeut the same to either of the subseri. her., Assignees of the said Reuben Creitz, at. a foresaid. ; M ICFIA EL EVER ET, SAMUEL .DE .PUL. Tamaqua, Jan 27, 1836. . I3S" lien Flour and Feed Store. T. & J. BEATTY & JOHN RI-CH HAVE succeeded Mr. Samuel Bell.in the Floor and Feed Store in Centre Areet; inform their friends and the public in general, that they in. tend ennd4cting it under the firm of Beatty & Ruch, where they solicit a share of patronage.— The highat .price given in cash Flour and Feed 'of all kinds. Pottsville Feb 20 In the Court,of Common PkaB of Schuyl kill County. SUM nth Wilkes by her next friend Valentine Mellon, Subpeena our Di vs. curse. Alekansler Wilkes. TO ALEXANDER WILKEft. TAKE Notice that your wife Susanah Wilkes, has filed her Libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill County, in which she prays is be divorced from the Bends of Matrimony, into whicS she has entered into with you. The Court of said County have ordered that you be and ap pear at a Court of Common Pleas to be held in and for slid county, at Orwtgaburg, on Monday, the gild day of March, 11136, to answer the libel of your said wife. HENRY RADBEL Feb.ll 13.6 "Shenff. In the Court of Common Pleas of Schuyl kill County. Julian Josephine Everly by her nest ft lead Peter subpeona ear Di 6Lassraire. yoree. • vs. .Igarntiel Ederly. TO SAMUEL EVERLY. riNAItE Notice that your wi l e Julian Josephine m- Everly, has filed her Libel Jo the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill County, in which she prayirto be divorced from the. Bonds of Mat. riinony, into Which she has entered into with yotr. The Court of said Cotinty have ordered that pia be and appear at a Court of Common Plead, tole held itr and for sail County, at Or wigsborg, on Monday thd 21st day of March, 1836,-to answer the libel of yoor saldwifet.' HENRY' RAMO, • Feb .i 3 13.1 r Sheriff. • GLENN'S COMPOUND 'CREOSOTE Tooth 'W'ash. THIS compound will be found serviceable in arresting and preventing decay in the teeth ; keepingthe teeth and gninsin a clean and healthy condition, sweetening the breath, temovrog tar-, tar, mild relieving pain espied by carious teeth. It is confidently recommended to the Public as a valuable compound, which may be used daily with -artist advantage to the teeth and gums, at the, name tittle • loavtng an agreeable sensation in tie Mouth: ; There is ‘o acid in this wash, nor any ingredient entering into Its composition bat such as is highly beneficial tu the With. ' Priooo cents per Bottle. For "ale by B. BANNAN. • . - Ttne mums' JOURIAI. • IXDALV InfLINAMILt INTRODUCTION. • iteirder, if this should find you in confusion; Let not the games reward thin bold intrusion. get your assistance lend while I engage Indulgence from the youth. likewise the sage: I/ this attemptto picture, what you knoir hall well, Is solemn truth, my imperfect pourers tweet. 4 crave your mercy, critic's great and small, inil humbly bev, you will prevent my fall , - ' EMIG RATION- Thr curling smoke ascends from Ohm, rude. Boat by the hardy settler in deeps c i a litude. Were how ling wolves and raven beasts of pray; T. ivatct.ful hunter scarce can k pat bay. --Toon aea ell of land facing the western skies. With a trade breast work to prevent isurpriso— Vase hardy sobs of indostry had reared, • A Illew log cabins, and soma acres cleared; Saarouuderi by the forest, with the above exception. Salient to savage visits, raveling' of protection; Scarce nulabeten twenty, they with danger i trifift, Anti if a foe appears, spun to thew trusty rite. A•• ARM. . . Tha.hour of midnight gives to each alarm A tilmfoki dread, however slight the harm; Foram the sentry bade a coming stranger. Tbey quickly shout. all to your post of danger! --ai. menage is soon told. As day was dawning, A friendly Indian came tsgive them warning, i That his red brethren OR slaughter bent, illszorndestruen !oeactrtlem ent . iteandcong r er,hewt r iear.imtdored, *Mir speedy march to meet the savage horde; itering their !Wee to repel their morderousfoe. 1 bigiees brave freemen to the rescue go; , Leaving but two... guard their fireside. - i Their eluding children, and their boscm'a pride. NATURE. Twits an autumn evening, and a gentle bneeee Am undulating motion gave the stately trees; Bright Sol was setting. and the illumined sly Refleeted heavenly beauties to the eye Tire yellow leaf glitters with Phis!ing F old, And in the airnew beauties doth unfoul; The sighing threat with nch foliage drew. Increased in splendor, as he sunk to rest. The females that had witnessed this bright scene. . Met with their children on tho verdant green. PourTui+t their souls in prayer'. No tribute greater. Or more acceptabfe, to our Creator! FOREBODING. . • Retiring to their dwellings, as the forest shade Darkests the early evening, engtories are made By children of their mothers, When will father come? He will not luny all eight ancileave us thus alone. A Ind my chibl, you know not, what yon ask, Perhaps ere this our names in aentla he gasps— My feeble nature to my terrors. yield. Oh heaven be thou has succour! thou ourehish! RESIGNATION. Now resignation reigns, and dalm her look. As from a shelf slip brings a tone worn book, The Holy Bible. blessed gift divine. May all its precepts in our actions shine. Her fears are banished. though evil o'ertakti her. Her faith is firm and ceutre'd in her maker; Th. ooti tutored, kneel in raver; Limbs ye. ye sceptic...they:be& tom win, usu.-, Their seraph voices for theirlparenti rose. And filled with filial love, they seek repose. DANGER. The night is waning. and the sentry's tread Affords relief to those whose solemn dread, Too soon is verified. Each bosom heaves With stifled tremor; for the rustling leaves To their keen senses tell that danger contest In Indian foes. to attack their peaceful homes. The cracking rifle calls the brave to stand, Chitinpions of •irtue. liberty and land. With whoop and yell the wide spread forest rings, And to our settlers ears death's knell it brings; Rut well they do their duty, sore!; wounded. And pressed at every point, by foes surrounded; Their faithful Mies deal promiscuous death And liberty must crown their latest breath. Where do ye tarry, wild wood Rangers! Your all is now beset with dangers; The brand is kindling, and the savage, The fruits of all your toll will ravage. Your w ives. Imploring merciv, now are seen.— "The tomahawk is quivering in the bciam' Destructive flames consume their Precious lives. And shouting fiends brandied' their murderous knives: Heart rending shrieks are answered with each yell— Such scenes as these our bonier states can tell! While glowing cinders faNing at their feet. Add heartfelt anguish and Increasing heat; l'hese helpless victims to adreedful end. Yet look for succor to their heavenly friend. 0!EM1 THE RESCUE. The savages, still bent upon theirprey. Ilad been engaged beyond the break of day, And drunk with exultation eag er wood. I.4twitisdfid still of every dung but blood. • A cheenng shout is bailie spon the breeze, (Heart soothing sound. in trials such as these:) • The hunter's nfles crack, the Indians yell, For with that volley many a warrior fell. ' The messengers of death. 'winged With unerring aim, In quick succession did theirfoesdetain; But few escaped—the whites to desperation driven, No quarters e'er received, none now are riven; The smoking ruins these men behold with pleasure. As the sole refuge of theikheart's belt treasure; Their hands and hearts are lifted to their God, While yet they sorely feel his chastening rod- Tiff. APPEAL Up! Freemen up! nor let the foo On old end young direct the blow; • , Protect the fielplesa, free the captive. In council firm, in battle active— Show to the Creeks and Wiunebagea. Your lives are pledged against all foes; From every hamlet r i de and seek them. 'Fe Florida. march on to meet them; Roll back tee tide of Indian slaughter: - Speed well the work and never tanker. Until the crimson'd torrent streartimg. Ts stopt. and heavenly peace is beaming. Then to the work!, enrolled in fame! Your country will your deeds proclaim; The smiling infant faintly lisping. To sound youripraise shall be assisting, On every hand, in every mouth. Your fame shall spread ftom North to South;" And gratitude that heavenly feature. Shall beam in every living creature. Thee arm ye patriots in the cause. Of freedom and your country's laws Let vengence in your arms be felt. Until the Redraw yield the wampum belts' Readers lil give yon time to breathe, nt 'As& you well; and take mjleave. .1. M. CROSLAND. Pottsvdle, Much 2d,1836. A badge of peace. ADVICE TO A YOUNG LADY. A poling lady at eighteen; oftentieeds a warn ing voice to quicksand :! point out quicksand :! ober which the is speeding her thoughtless carper. 1 beer you are beautiful and have many admirers. I I am sorry for it. A young woman whose conduct is marked with stria honor and principle. cannot herb many admirers. These is nothing that morn certainly marks a bad heart, and depraved moral . principles, or worse, a thorough destitution of it then the enrol and guilty encouragiimeut of hon orable love. A iyOung unau is never long attached tot young NAL. lady with°t her being aware of it; wommottly. I indeed, ' re he is himself aware of the nstpre find extent f his feehngf. The know'lelge loaf. most intuit ve. From tiii; moment , if she be yet. suaded the she cannot reciprocate his eentintents, be t her course in plkin balbre her—it is cool; finditi ' , dating, unhesitating repulse, on every occasion, place and manner.—Love will die without hops: To Mesh love in the bud is easy ; hut trills 'and tamper with it ti ll. it has taken root in the heart, and ; its destruction is attended with the extinction of Cite heart's best and noblest *clings: .; Mier forget this prime maxim an these mat ter•4'not to zuscrantans.is alwaysfio..snootmds." Yhur choice. I will not, I would not kiss. }kit I had rather hear that you are angagedlo a man of goled character . and indus t rious habits, thae.t9 the healthiest man without thent; for in this WWl try, those are always a sore pledge Of final' ad . - and culpable species of coquetry, Is c - i i rearl Wctice of not giyingrlecided encouragement, or re cam, with a view ofteepint your slave still you have learned '(to use the cati_%hrase) you cannot do better. I know not oar Ow:salon that i betrays more despicable meanness . he woman 1 who Mies it shows a willingness to stlll her hands-to • traffid her person for value received; that is revolt ing in the highest degree.., . • . ' ' NOr.tob, not even a parent, c an tell what chat , acter ;Will render a lady happy, but be.rselP--on hersetf o on lIHRSELF awns then, must ind ought to resk tae responsibility of her choice. .-, Lail& too often attempt to gain husbands, ad angleffskatch fish—by driwing:the hail as he ap. proam it, till he is impelled to grasp at every, !,bazar t but she who angles for a huabenni; inai I find :late, that shei has gained the man it the 1 expeniii of the husband's confidence in her iprinci plea '.a heart.—Christian Re ter. ' • .., , '..i; From the Washington San THE)"ATRIOT AND TB* POLITICTAN. . Theta is a wide difference between • a patriot and a gelitician. It:is a gulpli difficult to paler., Theo stands on elevated grounds--the tither creeps long in the mire. One look* upwards te glory he other dciwnivards, even to the itePtli of inietity. One has Ocharweter dotable, trans. parentirand congenial with ail good spirits-.-the other paesesses a reputetion bid for truth and vs. reel!) , Caloody and repulsive i 4 every feeling of humanity. One glorifies his country—the giber degrades and debases it, in the eyes of ill nations'. Yet these two characters ore often mistaken for each other, because the people,living at i distance,. only sbe outline., and measure their worth by the length of their shadows. Let us correct these thing by their right names. Ths patriot is, ildeed, an honest twin. Ile loves *mercy `?anddeals justly. Ile seeks peace and. ypt he fears not war..--Ile respects. himself, and tperefere is respected by others. His fee. turesi in whatever mould they gray have been cast, are open sad ma... nly, for they reflect yr iprma...,..... ..-- ...a,— ....—...... .......... ..i...... ......-*.....0. oral ild sonorous, because it comes floni the. hear He is an investigator of. facts, because . wit fact, truth is a mere conjecture; and he perseveres with liigelir to the end, because seritas l inpatty. He loves upright men, and, ! therefore assoAiale, with them. Ile hates daplicity, be., taunts it is contrary to hie nature .- ffi will not , "flat erfNeptune for his trident." Be. loves his couotri, ant' counsels such measures as will pro. mote hilt glory. Ile eeeks not office, but lets of ace heel him. He cares' not for the praise of met yet be wishes their approbation he doeit well. Be makes no boasting e hi,s "love for tie peo i de," yet he is ever seeking tire good of each individual.—He istourageons, 'when nem-, parA in exploring the pigeon holes 'of office, and expOing roguery. in the cabinet,eamp; and every depdrtment of the state. He is a warm friend andia generous eeemy, ami he never flatboats re ven e, because he soars above u, and "is always m happy, when he has the power to fa/givens injury. In the robe of authority; he patronizes meat alone. Whether his statioc in life be flight or hunible, he nevi.* &Tete his friendanor dohis friends forget him. Tor virtue seeks virtue; as oneidrop.of Water attracks another. He needs no olouring to puff him into notice, for his Intel: leeal treasures are like that. petite beauty, Wh n borrows neither. rogue, nor curle,foy deco rat [ . In' the day of adversity he wail ' s tiaient ly r his reward in' another world, and his ;indo pendence mid his integrity e with hint to the gr . Ina word, the patriot is an honorable an a good man, and the glory, of his =until', safe r re sid i e lik a t vestal : w et kfiroen, the e an eth ly a the tyi p e ari p ty ie ot taii, su ...... ch a rdian. . 1 T Politician is a' mere creature ofParty. He 'is rn in caecas,.and raised, as the-Southerners. sat, upon a stump. He studies man, because he oafs up men Or hie tools. His features, like Pro. tea, can meanie all manner of forms. His todgue is feeder tlmn. an Oyeter..man, "for the 4... r people," and yet 'his heart swells With objects oPpelf-interest: He lives for himself alone, and yet he would, embrace his neighbor's cattle, if timy could vote for him, lirs revenge is deep add diSittlibt; for li spaireitieithit* kith nor kin ()fhb' miponent. Ills chills the heart, fini a demon la. ks behinddt. The warmth of noblerapirite is fa by thlatinosphere around him. The Pol. i ta n is in eed a cold-blooded animist.. Like ' Norther frost, he freezes instantly by the a t r toluch. He de not hooks, for he has no plea. =rein them He reads not Histoti,'' . iiir it oon i ddinns all State policy. His bible is 'a newspaper, athere is trash too rile and venemoui for political petite.' He feeds on slander, and' ulates ca mny with a ein of eighty; horse pewer. He tdtivates a dip lomatic styli, because to simplici • of truth would be fatotto his cause," id like a w y . lawyer, he liniadOne:.his.brief to 'tit emerge te a. The Politician kip‘heart, a ir. Be re els_ in falsehood, .en et merry . 4ith the for i ofdiscord. He is 'a vi • y declaim: it Ik as dr, and ever '- dy tasPeak,'wheri h least to b l a soy. He tri: tipliee laws,. because legislatiim iii apnerative inesa,„ and ,be is paid 'Air his daily ldbour in w ving dui tvebs Of lithrVion. IHe know s the Stite.secrer, of roaring himself l idtripoptilar ty, arid his 'speech' gilded by there r. run ili ihmugh the length arid litimdth of e land, a , onder to, the honest farmer, -.whose piliords aip and far between: -The politician no doui stir character. His borne is. a taw .. . - His . r • three legged stool in .gill-alrott, here be sit ;and "Speaks wirer dignitio.i" with govern eat cif the whole =unify = his sheet. es. I. In n.Word he ism most detestable champ. r;the ban of eery party, a nuisance eit,etery , fill of 1., prone to Iniquity ! , resorting to. Means ; secure Wilfrid, andl.Wklit etnet eft- Amy Of vir . =knee .a Tha z ion. It aciedamo l thystogn let to - read the devil .itAid.fOni, Mid; 'oat; rube e that tilenta-depettii on WO 'pies of t h e skull, will find bikwlitde bead a ant 'Di =I . , ktnivenial Lam p . ot depraiity. la a man at become a• politician? Mark the 'change. first look, is a framing reserwri—lais fiat "love. to the people," and Ins list eet tics! friends; & fawn after the del:Denizli= of He thin sticks the bribe of poorerliso mott► or where, and if he fail to find patrons, it cause rogues are so numerous; there is DI cure tospaie:His Ow* is the dOwntall country, and the potty, whieh bears him shoulders, will soon thscoice oloodstusd Asti e l and torsow trwershadoiving the fitetroftlrel Such is the contrast between the Pate the Politician. Tine is not it personal d 1 It is true to nature, Each clf : dress Mut may be found ainong trientis and. Res of administration, and believe irie,Whttrewe 'cliseimr a fawning sycophintonti a na p rapt character, youpay.loohli wain kelt . ot, but you will bo ' wi'e to kid i rolitieiltn, . ,PHOGION.. . _ . .. ._...... . , , A Calastrepise.--A.The co - tree - Of true Imre nay el yet ran month." says, Hhakipeare;—itwe have an, instance ofths truth alkaline. A oan t foreigner, living in' one emir most Osaltienable streets, lately mniceived 1 violent pass/ 4111 for pretty has who attends aritiopirr that bOuttibal thoronghtims, and straightway betanto 'Om hur duiciaea with Naito dorsi. There 'rent/Mit the most cLuaied *sings the wprld, and failed to prepossess oe darned in fawn. of their author. Fi nally one of his amatory document fsaby chance into the;handrot some of the subordinates , of the establisfitnent. who ; determined extradt mono ludieroui circumstances out of the young wiles condition. Accordingly one of his' epistles was answered with great warmthotniaie was request. ed to favor his inamorata with an interview, et a certain hour in the evening. It was a bitter cell nighltodind as the desperate swain, punctual to this moment, stood sighing like i furnace at the: side el dedr with his hand on the bell, Fan upper window, liras -slowly °mica; and the nahroked for handsel** a brimming pail of wetly descended upon Mei head. His astexistied featuum, as they emerged from the 006414 wore the aspect of OD cummeri chagrin. That n' ht , be gatve up hie chase, arid on renewing it a few. evening e after. the poor fellow was taken to a vivid-shed by some sturdy servants, and painted in a most hut eciiis Manner. The extremeties of hives:sit were also abstracted; and altogether his lesson in the perplexities of tbetender passion has been "ex tremely severe. 'Falstaff ware* suffered lees in Windsor Forest.—Pdif. Gazette. . L 7— 7 -7- HE ---- NVENTION. Extract of a letter to the Wheelhig Grazette,:dilad Columba*, .Ohiorre 93. There were several incidents &handl " the convention worthy of notice, and *Malt nr los the introduction of the preamble and !time by J. H. Wood, an original Jackson reers,lot half of biniself and 2/A othollsgotunen-lat were received*by the vast multitiole with chrdiali ty and Applause that surpassed aay.thinglof the kind I ever witnessed. • Another is the editor of a awytilan paper, °fez. tensive circulation among the valiant* portion of cli vim citizens, • decided supporter of Van new. came to the esmirention 'here, struck w the chancier and numbers of those who hid eto the convention, went to a ineotingiof ilie - de mate, from his *way, and re - queened' that his name might be enrolled among them, stating, id the same tithe, that be saw "the ptople Were Igoing en masse for Harrison—Mat it was Iti , vain to re!.. sist their will—that from that time ho ahohld e► penile the cause oil Harrison." And last, though opt least. is theifike,t that at a party in the evening. after the adjournment of the convention, Gov. Lucas, tri a 'peach: of some length' in answer to • sentiment complimentary to hint,-ceme out decidedly for Harrison. The number Off delegates in attendance safely be set down at 1400. When assernhl the public square—it was generally suppose spectators and all amounted to 5,000. A observed there wait just 4 acres of whigs. as hereafter the whip of Ohio would not )11 CO but measured by acres, A SCENE Al 1 1 1CrE 01110 60NiE1Q At Mr, ---. Van Buren member 4 o hilatnrai, from Highland, entered his ho , urday evening last, he recognized acne his wannest supporters, of last: . fall, and townsmee, smiled by the fire 'I am Old to see you, gentlemen;' Altai —, with his most condescending bow. have dome up to • see bow the Velhiggies presidents, eh?' ' • Mr. G —(one' of the company,.) 'Y. have come to attend the convention,* dille Mr. —, 'You are...joking. You Wo the last men hi desert the old General.' • Mr. G..---;-- c -. Most MIN'. sir, We ha' piked the old man through - Oil& aid thi at the expense of a little wear and tear science, but the feet fur.nishes no ground pcising we shalt be soldte sneh followere t pleases to designat6.-'=We haveecoarding delegated here to express oar wisheiand , our fellow-catizeas in relation to . the next,' deney, and they are decidedly for Gen. Bat Mr.,-4; etimple'How manyef ytiti wine overt . . Mr. G. . 'Nona. have pone over. Thirt happens to be no Van Buren men in .Hiji except the pest masters. There is Dr. (- with na: . • . Mr. ---,- .'You dont say so .1' Mr. G. 'And Major Y. Mr. . qndeedl!' Mr. G. 'And &vire B.' • 1 ,• Mr..---,--- . 'ls it posible!!!" ' Mr. G. lAnatiGen. A.' Mr. - 'The d•-11111' i 4. Mr. G. 'And Mr. J---'. end OA. lt do not know bow many, in haej:theivilio Therein - scarcely at Van Berea maAin Mr. • . 'Here landlord: lend . does the stage "tart foraillsboro." , 1 . Landlord. suit going.? . • .. Mr. —.-....—. i , Give me my hat--n. 'll k hatibrpkeleeeezn Highland before 1 ilex The stage w4led A V sti at delegate item Wand. He as 'got ? laugHis since. : . . . , Joirph Ritirel—Tlia . idra a I rat tandems's'. tato ti . ttr, . '• . .., see rn ai de111 4: 11 ' " 1 40 ". . .- 0 . 1 guistiad w *thole par)iad Ala i t irsaltb. it aci Strit vi 44 Awl " apititiotr anttil alkoLuoei of '. y.; Tbaltstiafpit itataortaliza et .Iyeas ofhii _tat/ as Om Nahuatl= ofleepatiacttec .fa of AtlyclllB.4—PittatotitGOsiffst 4 .' • ". . II 7+t IS old day. how, ha. Woe : arida 23 and ptitat. •tere every Y°a SI may led in d that Ewa[ !d that, Lod, ON. ejeg. Sat n of flew . Mr. •You make 51 d e sop i lOWA • e " . • r sup ! he . bees • - of preel. have. A. Way , sod I • sty. =1 X= Rules in,C4). I=l n3bn finder- w i t '.,• likin 4th
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