The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, March 05, 1836, Image 2

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'ICING, Al &R. 5, +4 13
iptimi,neatiyprinted at sOf
Peuitiedets ,Ch
silt, O
Dona of obtaining Fsitit
&c. from the gartram
itt ) Iplease leave their
coons ae
• as, Shrubbe 4
tunic -Garden,
erp at ; this offi
'that the bill re-charter-
Coal Companyllas pas.
a majority of 4. Three
to companies were Or
We uederstan.
the Delaware
the Senate b.
mbers oppos•
name of Owen O'Dun,
:ummit Hill Coal Mines,
y the premature eyplo-
A #iiner by
I, was killad at
e 18th ult.
.°6 ota blasts
-0 ,
II Legislative. be ouse of Represen
-7 tives, have pa d the Bill hiving fpr as
/4 , lect thilupp ,- sion of Secret Societies,
~. a vote ilif 46 -. 41—and the Limited
o-Partnership . ill by a vote of 48 to 86.
The Con4enti.n Bill *as discussed in
e committee . the whole (JP Saturday,
~d . the time fi .. for 'the choice of Bele
!, teisras in Ma next.
i ''
the moss important bill
"cation bill, which passed
1. Bill has been re
ate' ftikr a rail road from
by ivay of the West
Erie, with a branch to
In ‘he.senate
issegi 'is the Etli
r'a vote of 23 t!
'nod in the. Sei
ranch to Ltik
i ttsbu rg.
Kr It is st'•ted that the Bill fur the
:1:noval of the :eat of government from
arrieburg to hiladelphia, passed to
..•mmittee of th:, whole on Tunsday last.
The Bribery 1 ommittee in the Houie of
presentatives were tp have made their
' eport on Th , sday last. The opinion
ppears. to gain ground that Conrad will
,-. expelled try the House. It is a matter
. I very littld
eve represonta ives at Harrisburg or not,
long : as tho- : representatives oppose e
ery measure t 1-: tlias a tendency to ben
fit SChttylkill: ;unty. , ,
O e y v.-Property against Fire.
Those who ay desire to effeet'lnsur.
ace on their • .uses, farnitirre, &c. may
age ,akt oppoit pity of doing so with the
nland Fire Ins , ranee Company of Phila.
ve favorable} terms—which
:n.beriscertai.'ed by application at this
We d ,, •;rit it but an act of common
orudence and ustice‘ which every man
• weS to him- = f and family, to guard a.
'nst losses b fire. The outlay neces
ry to ef(ect s object is nothing in cam.
Son with th • risk thereby avoided.=
',ow, terrible 'a the cal9mities which
It from este' -'ve con rations! How
often is affittene reduced to beggary—
'prosperity to misery-by the devastations
of a &.w hours! How often are smiling
homes reduced to heaps of black and
smouldering ruins, :by the ravages of the,
all devouring element, to prevent which no
care or prustenee Will always avail; to ar
rest which always no human arm is shirt
ciently string; no human exertions stall
', iently powerful. How often do we see
thtse-mbet were yesterday sur rounded by
fall the worldly comforts which minister to
- the enjoyment and happiness of life, to-day
poor houseless wanclerers, or pensioners
• on the-bounty of their friends or the pub
lic. -;•to avert or mitigate the direful et . -
' Teets of such 'calamities, insurance is ne
cessary.. - The' remedy is within the reach
of every: one, • , safety may be secured on
fill &terms, and great is the hard ihood h ich
1., rejects t. •
A Silk company has been formed in
Chester county.
inspnrtMie i Decision.—A Mr. D. N.
Lord brought'a suit against the Corpora
tion' of Newlrork City, to recover dama
ges for blowinic,r, up his Store and contents,
during the gOat fire, to cheek the progress
of the ftamesi Damages laid at $25:27000.
The Jury awarded the sum of 8156,770
80 for the gbods, and $7,168 50 for the
store house'.l Cerpoiation have ap
pealed from the decision. *l,
Robbery itfla Church.—Some villain or
entertid.the basetnenustoryiof the
Methodist church, in Norfolk, (Va.) on
the night o ! the 18th ult. and robbed tiom
drawerli hundred and fifty dollars.
The Ma ter Stevedores of Kew,Yorli,
have passe a resoluti o n that they w . . t
employ a s' gle individual engaged in the
late turn-on - or riot in that city:
Peter E , who was charged with the
murder of utler,.on the like of the
Canal last 1, has been tried at Norris
town,,and fbund guilty of Man Slaughter.
4ho tnet of the gegineere,On the`Nor
ristfy irgo
Cta,t4, it the
*zed of 'Onnsylwinia—be charges them
all, in the roost insulting manner r as being
the bribed and •bought elaves:nf the Bank.
iLaureliffill has been porehatitia' by, sev
erai etiteitprising Philos-14001k for the
purpose,. et concerting it into it 'testetry,
whiehis {to joutrisui Omni Althorn, neat-
Bestonolpti. perhaps, the fir-famed "Per's
ClicriSe,” of "Panic.
I mo
The nt lotion d e T tas t .11NrCcupit)14 -. •, ' 1
; ,NsfigafithaCompalty; singthirt4 c. ,nallow--'
1 ,*" .4 4 1 . • 4 liriettglisOi* - ant. ~
gataiiiiiindqvg dtigetikraction to *Web -- *- engage
eitherin the minim* or transportation of Cittal. in this
region. Vol! operatoriwere parfettly itiWed with
the former allowance Of 5 per cent No iet which
proposes to jacemac this allowance can ult irt any
advantage triihart; but en the contrary, change
is positively &it-Mu:mai to' their, intcreste--because
unjust and unequal in its consequences. 'The atldi•
tiontl three per cent. might with propriety) m deduct
ed from the tolls, and the result would be precisely
the same to the Navigation Company. The . five per
cent. deduction has been allowed lii the landholder,
the operator and dig boatman, (having entqed into all
the Coal Leases.) and any change in this deduction will
cause a general derangement in their. respective reht
tions, and product infinite ethforressroent. The ope
rators generally have petitioned the Navigittion Com
pany to suffer the 'tomer deduction to remain unchan
ged, and the proCeedings of a meeting of the boatmen
on this au bjcci will be found in another collumn.
Coal Companies.—The following .Me
morial, which has been'signed by every
individual Collier, now in the melon, with
one or two exceptionsovill bo 'presented
to the; legislature in the course of a . few
7o the Honorable, the Serate and Hous+ of /Tepee.
eentatirres of the Commonwealth of li'ennsylea
nia. - •
The 'Memorial' of the undersigned. now indi.
vidufilly engaged in th_c mining of Anthracite Coal
in Schuylkill roanty, RESPECTFULLY steawrru:
That 4iisr With feelings of deep interest and a
larm, they witness the exertions of certain Capi
talists and Monoporists, (now within the Halls of
your Honorable bodies,) to obtain chartered privi
leges for the purpose of mining coal; privileges
which if grunted. most tend not only to destroy
the exertions-and blight the hopes of your Mew.
orialists, and drive them from this vast field ot
competition, but place the coal trade entirely in
the hands of a few Corporate Bodies; thus legal.
izing a monopoly of one of the ) most important
necessaries of domestic economy; an article which
must evemday add to the wealth and !importance
of one State, placing her at once pre eminent in
.U.e Union, with regard to Manufactures.
Your Memorialists arc well, aware, that ape•
eious arguments hare been made use of, to induce
your lionorablel3udies to believe, that rto mate-
rial quantity of coal can be mined without the in.
ter vention of dock companies—that the mining
of coal is too precarious, and respires too much
capital for individual enterprize. &c. &e.
We therefore pray that your Honorable bodies
will receive with caution such statements, as their
fallacy is at once shown by the fact,that come 'in
dividual operators have mined more coal the past
season, than one of the companies located in this
region, the whole fizturea and apparatus of which
would be considered disreputable in the most
hum'ile mining estahlishment in the region. The
large-quantity of coal sent to market by the 'other
company, it is well known, owes much more to
the enterptize and exertions of the indefatigable
gentleman at the head of that company, than
its chartered privileges, and is at once a conclu
sive demonstration., that individuals arc fully com
peteot to meet bny demand in the article of coal
that the-market may require.
A question hero suggests its6lf: was not some
of the coal sent to mar ket by this company. the
past.seassan,parchasedfrom individuals; and if so,
(of which there can be doubt,) dog's it not im
„ply that individuals can mine coal at least as well
'as companies, when companies can afford to buy
their coal to sell again?
• It is a matter worthy of notice, and perhaps
not generally known to your Honorable Bodice,
_that chartered companies , with all their reputed
capital and advantages, have made hut one effort
to trace the existence of our coal measures below
what is termed the water level; and that attempt,
owing to the want of knowledge on the part of the
agents of the company, was decidedly calculated
to establish the absurd Weeny that our coal mea
l:imps terminate at isvery inconsiderable distance'
below that level. Individual enterprise, however,
was not to be lulled into repose like the distant
Directors of a Coal Company, but was "wide a
wake" at the alarming theory, which wos soon
refuted by the driving of five different inclined
planes, within the past season, for the purpose of
exploring the vast depths ofuur etial veins. Two
Steam Engines, ullwenty horsopower each, have
been already erected, and a third contratted for,
for this purpose, and yet you arc told that iddi
vidual enterprise and capital, is ineentetent to
the mining aerial in any quantity.
Your 'Memorialists cannot but approach your
honorable bodies with confidence, when they re
flect that they address themselves to the combin.
ed sound sense of the Repreteolotisri of the Peo
pie, 'the bone and sinew - of the Cinnmonwealth.
They ask for what? for nothing, but to be ullotv
ed to explore the lvdden treasures of the earth, as
mossof you individually are periniitted to till its
surfice or plough its mighty waters in your own
way,& without the intervention ofstock companies.
Few of your Memorialists would have had the
honor of addressing you as Collins, had they not
most confidently believed that-the very able report
of the Committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania,
df which S. J. Packer, Esq. was Chairman, in the
year 1834, had completely settlad the question;
that corporsto Companies were 'entirely ormeees
eary to the full and complete spacers of Alining
Coal. To use its own concluding words, •• There
is at present no farther Lsgistatice pr•uvisioni as.
cessary to protect, facilitate, or encourage the Coal
t -
Your Memorialists therefore ,:have but little
more to add:- - They pledge them elves individu
ally and eeiteelieelyithat they ixpssess the means
and the,ste c t employ, the appeacbing season,
every pro . . - 411,11finer•in' the ren, and are desi
rous of fully meeting the dema nds of the market
for Anthracite Coal, if le ft to tb . undisturbed en
". • meet . of rights in common with other branch
, 'ndastry, for which your rilemorillistit will
ever pr .
Resigna' ' • of Mr. Tglei..—Hon. John '
Tyler has addr,— • • a !emir to the Presi
dent of the Senate, , . mudicating his re
signation as Senator o I ; United Slates
from the state of Virgieia. His reasons
are set forth in his - lettei otrm . t_ • tion• to
the General Assembly of trginia.
The EditUri:lithe Haiti 0113 Chronic ,
in alluding to this resi,,nnaUon, makes the
following yemarks, whiCh .re in accord-
ance with our views on di subject: .
I In recognising. the right gif he Legielatare to
I instruct him out of his seat., . Tyler leads the
influence ofhistpotless mines t ot the support of
the most pernicious politiall resy vrhieh the
p i
reCklessaspedieney of part
v ictim has ever in.
vented to answer a tern end. It is a prin.
eiplo which . ifacquieseed' , 'll most• certainly
of at defeat the whoW..Jaini of the a rs of the ennui.
tation in thworgartrzation of ti Senate, and proii..
trate the independence of at body forever. It
will give it op„ entirely, t t e wild and fitful
blastaolpopubs clamor d eltivicin. humid
H.. 1-..
ItliHtjaMlM3l6tgo'SNA - i .
To .- . prilindieWb !. . . 'wt. it udll-'
..•;'- . - -* 1 4 1 .* 2 ,' 7 ni pa tartat feantir4
1 but thilehribllint t ':•.":: , 1 4n4 ewt.-
;he x , oftlii; arty' ;1141 - 'l4liaill bccu t , ita
might odd it hea alrea y bernit all this. Why
is John-Tyler. requwa' to Obinttiossinssed-f — So.
cause ho cannot heed bie , etillectenteitoOnde-am
act which the Legialature,of the igitneState. two
rears ago, tequirtd biot i te*, do. What grea ter '
- reliance Can beitlaced upon the stability of this
gaterament, if such be the priociplcs upbn which
it is to Aie",atimiritstered, then was capericntcd
in that Of Which le is recoided as tie mend indeli•
ble dispoce, that It .da
d :dol mat the hemluek to its
j citizen,' 4n. one ihoY,. lies on the next?
if ditiferiattrit dm made to nndergoa change
nt the bidding.of every kgislature. ;chervil chlallY
with rekrence to the thousand local eirecimstan .
that always control the Slate eleetions, it were
better that its tenure, shwatd be altered at once.
Let not tho nation be insulted with the mockery
and pretence of a stable and provident branch or
the government. Let the tenure be made to ear•
respondent in name with what it will be in fact..
no hive, at once, the Cosmi ofCrete or the
Ephori of Spat ta. , _.-
We understand the service of plate vo
ted to Nicholas Biddle, Esq. by the stock
holders of the battliof the United States, is
to cost $2r4,00 . 0.
Thelfarrisburg Telegraph suggests the
propriety of the legislature voting a ser
vice of plate to Gen. Jackson, for vetoing
the Bank BillAhat passed Congress for its
re-charter, by whielt floe millions were
moved to the people of this state.
Bank of the United -,States.—The fol
lowing: persons were, on Monday last, elec
ted Directors of the Bank of the United
Nicholas Biddle, John Serrearit, Thomas P.
Cope. Manuel Eyre, John R. NOE William Platt,
Charles Chauncey, Joshua Lippincott, Anito use
White; Ldsri . ence Lewis, Matthew Ncwk irk, John
A. Brown, Richard Price. Jolt u Bey la rd, Jr. Henry
Troth, James Worth, of Backs, Jona. Roberts,
of Montgomery, Amos Eilmaker. of Laneat.ter,
Chas. Ogle, of - Somerset, Wm. Rol/labor', jr. of
And, at a meeting of the Board of Directors
held this, evening, NICHOLAS BIDDLE, E N .
was unanimously elected President.
S. J AL' DON, Cashier.
ItimreN lit, 1836
At n meeting of the Board or Pirceiors Geld
this day; MATTHEW L. BEVAN, Esq., Ivar
duly elected President of the old Nil k,in the place
of Nicholas Biddle, Esquire, resigned. -
_ .
They come—one by one.— The Harris
burg Chronicle, we believo, was the first
Van Buren and Johnson paper that broke
ground kfavor of the recharter &the U•
nited States Bank. The Allegheny Dem
ocrat, another Van Buren paper, published
at Pittsburg, follows suit. The editor
As a Pennsylvanian, one ''who 'rejoices in its
prosperity, and hails events auspicious to its in
terest with unqualified satsfuction, we cant liS re
press our esultatituLat.thc passage of this 'Bank
Bill, attended, as weconceive it to be, with bene
fits or immense..iiriporience to every class ofour
fellow citizens. , We do nnt refer to the positive
adAntsges which it eonthri on the great systems
of internal improvement and general .cducstinu.
and the - various other public worksto whose id.
vanctment it extends a liberal hand; but we allude
more particularly to the great imPulre it will give
to the commercial, manutiacturjttg and agricultu.
sal interests, whose meahs of extending ittcir
spheres of operation will be au&erited=Aind con
•conseq.neully result in the in&eased activitrof
business, and an improved condition of things.
We are so sincerely imp/emelt-with the good ef
fects that we expect to flow ftiim this Bank, that
we cannot forego the pleasure of adverting to
' them, nor evade the duty of
_endeceiving tonic
who have been deluded by the maniac ratings of
the profligate and vindictive bigot, whose mind is
st .
not sirteqrtib:c 0` iin ocement, or who ? e preju
dices arc rendered fie r axtd more inexorable by
time. Let such read t e (strict from the United
States Gazette and Senator Borden's addreisi to
his constituents, in ii spirit of candor and fairness.
They will then have a better understanding Drilla
peculiar position occnpied by the • Key alone
state,' and of the deity that its patriotic citizens
owe it. We arc for Pennsylvania, the cherished
land of our nativity, let who will oppose it.
In a short time Mr, Barrett, and a few
of the other barking'Spaniels will be "left
alone in theirglory."
The Whig Contention of Connecticut
has nominated the Hon. Gideon Tomlin
son for Governor, and made a full ticket.
A,great Convention of the people of Ohio
was•held at Columbus, on the 22d Febru
ary, the anniversary of the birth of the
Immortal Founder of our Liberties. It
is considered the largest political assem
blage ever witnessed in our country.—
Twelve hundred Delegates were in attend
ance. N o house in the:city being large
enough to hold the Convention, this body
was under the necessity of adjourning to
the Public Square, a teporary organiza
tion having been first e ected at the Thea
tre, the largest buildin in the city. At
the hour of three the va t multitude ristm
bled in the great Publie Square, the Star
Spangled Banner waving over them, when
Gov. Jeremiah Morrow was elected Presi
dent, together ,with nineteen Vice Presi
dents and twelve Secretaries. We are
happy to announce that Ilsaarsos 'and;
GRANGER were unanimously nominated AS
candidates for Presidept and Vice Presi
dent of the United States. It is believed
that this ticket will succeed in Ohm by a
kiority, of at least ten thousand. Stich
' throng in thel city, of Columbus,; ,
nds could Oet no other accom
shelter and provisions,
'rely out ofthe question,
--. threw open their
that- th
lodgings being e)
although the
Beam theCon r endon oleyedits ' • .1.11.W00d.
Esq. ofitlnniatoti Co. on hadudf of ni • . if end IMO
inchtonmem Delegates to.tite.Conirehtion.. the
followisig preernWe and for • the
reisonA which indnce them to rapport gen. Haat n
and opbosa MertinAran Maims. width were armed to
without "dissenting' voice, and aid loud cheering.
11= o .
; .77 0 !Tgir" th =' are *,* " :.".. '.
*hi 1 . 41I A '--
. :..piii*Agui .._ Itogithatip i ...il4O ; retie, . son
to i* ildnitey of tlesAfai : : .... : rid. liter4rry. 1.,
liitaliettkien ilEthe ..a. , loin o ,* .Ceeralikatia he.
fthatbfridliere l tiithe ' 2 ti lataren of the
old Jefferson partyoge. rz.,...,. 1 ~ , - ttedeclereeeri
idefeicnees Gallus , :-- ''. Our of forte *rem hoe,
slily. eiatnitaHteit4. • . . utilliWal iti idea. th
tatthiAtalrFw J ,- pres idenc y . bethink: be C
oras : Plnlg. first.% . , rreetton of ' vethielnit obit-. --
sea. a Strict economy. 'it • r national tespendithrea. and.
an aceenunability of public i officers. Second. because
Atte espected that -the patronage °film General Gov. v..,
- ernment would not be bro In into ' conflict with the •
freedom of elections." T trd. to certect the evil Of CO.
appointing - members of
c tigress in office. Fourth, co
thoegb *framer contrequetice. tnituateelhe..tra a west. .
~ , , • Fifth; bemisel. Govereettettt lams. I n"
• t:": - • . 1 ; - • esofdistioitestragents, iii 'utter:. re
, '.cottli! be brought to at4Fbdity; ' to die.
. ergo their ilk gotten tr Sixth. . c on r
y question was to be. in , po'otuqt 1 -1., b e .co
honest. i he capable. is he9pWt4:ti? the ustitn- th
tionr •
If our. principles have Fi wi t been • achno .if
disappointment has been t court. it can nev isa lin re
honest men from fai th ful y acting their part; in their wi
efforts to establish what limy have, for so man) , years.
been Contending tor. Therefore. we return. with fresh gt
vigor, to the pending canvass; and, in , order more sue- lit
ccssfully to perpetuate ear principles; and carry out
Dar views. oe
1 ..
Resolved, That we cordially approve of the nomin
ation for Pm-indent. on the td inst. of Wu-tun RYA
/VI kiAILIIISOK. and %ail I use ail honorable and untiring
exertions to secure has elietion.
Resolved. That. for the purposc-of acting more ef- r
fcctually, we request such of our Jackson friends in
the several counties. as a / agree with us on the subject of
the nest Presidency, to ono, in each county to the 1
state. "Jackson Relorm lubs," •to carry out our ob. t
We are highly 0-atified to see that the
citizens of Ohio are truly sensible of the
merits and claims of the distinguished pa- lc ,
'riot who resides among them. We re
joice to find that some of the most eminent
ine.n•of the .staff; are his warmest -advo
.cattes. We cannot require higher or more
conclusive t6-tituony of the fitness and
qualifications of Geiniarrison than the n
recommendations of the most distinguish it
ed of his fellow citizens—men who were
not only eye witnesses in many instances t i
of his brilliant military career, and specta.-
tors of the manner in whicb.he discharged .
his civil functions, but likewise men who
are at present intimately acquainted with
JAU DON, Cpihier
his character, words and actions, and who
would not hazard:their own reputations,
'tar less betray their country hfrecom
mending a man for the high office of Pres
ident, who is destitute of the necessary
qualifications,as his enemies are in the ha-
hit of alleging.. These are.perfectly well
aware how idle and ifnpotent the
attempt to assail his well known integrity,
and tried patriotism, and therefore they
resort to the artifice of decrying his abili
ties, and pronounce bum entirely destitute
of intellectual strength, that whatever his
faculties might once have been, they have
now fallen into Utter decay and rum—such
remarks being sometimes repeated by in
dividuals who have heard them from o
therS,-and adopted withotit sufficient consi
&ration, and who may ho perfectly hon
est and sincere in . their present impres
sions, but who are Waiting for further and
more satisfactory information. We call
upon all such to reflect that the fellow citi
zens of Gen. Harrison are those whose si
tu:it:iota enables them to be best acquaint
ed with his present qualifications, and that
some of themosterninent of these have by
their rte-lepai, borne the highest possible
testimony in his favor, besides the vast
multitude of others who have come for
ward and nominated him. What can be
more conclusive than this?
Gen. Joseph Vance has also been nomi
nated, by the aforesaid Convention as a
candidate for the office of Governor of O
num.—The struggle in Texas v. ill soon be
conic an object of deep interest. The latest. ac
counts rcpusent a part of the frees of Santa
• Anna as having approaezed within a short dis.
lance of sun A ntiptio, and of course, the two ar
mies wilt not be long in coming to engagement.
Notwithstanding'the disparity of forces, there is
reason to. hope that the superior spirit and, deter.
mination of the Texians will give them the
tory.• They have eniong them a strong leaven of
that race who have heretofore battled so success.
fully for their freedom, whilst their adversaries
ate led on by a commander whom they distrust
and engaged in upholding azausc which they can
not revere.—Bpll.. Chron.
The Earrisein Fe*iival at Philadelphia, on
Washington's Birth Pay, went off with great
spirit. James E. Diddle, Esq. presided—John
Sergeant, F.sq J. C. Montgomery, Colonel Me-
Kenney, and Mr. Cr - tie:sett of Kentucky. The
following areainong the toasts:
The Union—United we stand, divided we fall.
The Con,titution of the United Statcs--The,
best safeguard of national security; happiness and
prosperity—He who would subvert it, as a foe to
the hest interests of his country.
Gcn. llarrison-.-A patriot of the old school—
a steadfast repoblican—one who, has served his
country, faithfully in war and peace: --one who
has teen tried, and not been found wantirtr.—
May he se:ve her - irons once more, as President
of the United States.
The Governor of the Conuionwealtb,—loscph
ilitner—Economy.Reform anil Internal Improve.
ments--t heoretipaL and practical—the princiides
of , his admin
Ohl Miles Standish, the Washington Correa.
pendent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, says that
Buchanan, of the Senate, iti "the most elegant,
man" he ever beheld !! It this is done to help
B. to a wife, the flattery is commendable, but if
it is meant in Pier troth, we must say the pia .
titre is rather highly colored- Instead of prais.
ing Buchanan . * beauty, which, in truth, is not
quite in the Adonis style,, why not praise his prin
ciples, and quote the compliment he once paid to
old Ramsay orPenelylvaniar—"Rearsay, you are
too hottest a fellow olari a defog:lc:al.—N. Y. Star.
I el Legisiatore of Maryland
rio 014 estiblichtnent of o
• Stites Bink at Baltimore.
.--It - itreow a period ofroore
nice the alarnitorni fire oak".
e ardperiniagttdaparagraph.
going ;clueing forth andw
, .---20. Y. Com: . Ado. 1 ,
Chard Bank. Philadelith q,
by the — /egi.larare 20 y -
ire. Ard the erislital mere , - d
na to the. 'tato 8'250.000. d
• thailisideada,ofB per tea
It is said tla l t
will probably nth
Branch of the , re
Tht /Ire Bi ll •
than severity ass
ceinbcr;and w tie
the gawk° front
from 'an4crattt •
. 1
Thethariq t ,
has beenex!eadeci
from the precOnt
to $3,500,000+ ho
aubject to a Mis
-TAT!) , FA.,
:li4 Milting, on eiie. giveli, rpor ]
i •t to utecirport the Sugar 171' oat
Mei ], Eli : - I- - 1 Tebr..v ]
i uaiy 26,
11101siker, from the committee appoin
d tr inquire Into the alleged inttempt to
ail. , it Jacob Kre S, made rrreport, au
im nieti witivar lution that the Corn
itt Ibe dischar e . The,resolntipn was
to wica and agitted to. it. ".
11. Darragh 'motre.d that five thousand
will of the report in English, and ten
tosnd in German be printed. -
11 4. Dickey observed in suPport ;of the
ts.lUtion, that the Journals cit . the Senate
e •.1 now very far back, and jive have . . no]
ua i'ntee, that thi.s ] report, if placed in the
an of the present printers, will be piti
ed . 'our tables, before late in rho Session.
ie . ' er, do we know that they\vill be prin- -
si rrectly, for those very Inert in their
a .continued the cry of bribey and cor
up ton, even after the committee had
lei a report, exculpating' the Bank' of
be. liked States from any participation
he in.
M filurden said it remindetfilim of when
Vi firm Penh lira came to this country.,
'h . roprietaries made the Indians ,pres
nt i to settle quarrels and put an end to
va 4 At last, it wits found that they made
uat le frequently for the puwese.of procu
rin . ' presents. This might 4 be the ease
wi 1 the printer to'the Senate. , They have
menced this war, if.we' make there a
resent for it, they inuy be induced to try
lr. i P n enroseisaid et was the. business of
i clerk tosuPerintend the printing of re-'
o ts, and he doubted not bet the clerk
Id he diligent in this matter; lint the
:1 rk could not be at the panting office,
to this report might _ come front the prin.
c s incorrect. He wanted the truth to go
o the people, and did not wish to place it
n the power of the printers to a gar
b) publication. He wanted the report
to go,out,.as it came from ' the committee,
3 as the printers to the Sedate bed been
ih first instigators of any °cession kir this
mittee, he thought the empinittee
rh setecs should superintend the publica.
-.. .
ii n of the report.
The yeas and nays were required us ,
i essrs. Levt and Darragh,;and were as
f lows:—Yeas 18—Nays 1.11.
February 22,
Mr. Stevens offered ti joint resolution,
gat the contract for the printing of the
K inphlet laws of this se star, entered into
December last, by 11 S ecretary of the
4 ininidnwealth, with tteyson 4a , Small,
ght not to be fulfilled; which Was read
d laid on the table.
Mr. Tl,:opson ie,portedr.a supple•
entary 'zo the aett to inteorOrate the
line aim and Schuylkill Ilaveni rail road
February 23.
.. .
The incorporatelhe Suram4 Con
Company again came up qd second read
ing. The first section passed b' a vote of
53 to 29. All the sections . pas ,
and the
bill was .ordered to be transcr bed fur a
third rending. •
—For the Straights of Babel.
p_ o4 o mandel and the Red Sea.—The
President of the United States
having declared that. if the:linalt of the li.
States was chartered, "he won fly to the
deserts of A rraby," the subscritiqrs are de
sirous of chartering a fast,satlittg clipper
bottomed and [listened ship, of about 600
tons berthe.i,.with n commediout cabin and
state rooms, fgr the accominodation of the
Executive and his suite, citithe proposed
voyage. She u+ill be Iplaced . under the
command of Commodore Elliott, and must
be ready to sail as soon as ittat distinguish
ed commander returns ficira the haditer
.N. 13. A commodious steerage will be
necessary for the accommodation of the
Kitchen Cabinet. Apply
Wholesale Brokers; 67 North Second. St.,
Jackson City; near the,pitOipac Bridge,
or lite Washington.
A Bill, introduced 'into,thl use of
presentatives of Massnchte, , providing
that no witness s'aall be disq lifted on ac
count of his opinions ow the 8' 4 ct of reli.,
gion—so that the Atheists even, might be
--, 1 1
allowed to testify — underotith •• as been re
jected by a vote of 359 TO 139
The Methodnits, at-a recent nit
church in Greene street. haveliberi
813.000 towards the rebuildintel
tablishment, a Few days•mpee deal
The Rev. Dr. Bangs, who among
ed the meeting', stated the kilow
ineidenti— •
• Among the burning fratiiiente of 'books an
printed sheets 'which were - whirled aloft upon the
wings of the ,flame, and boriie onward by ,those
a i m
of the wind, was a page of thii 1111a,contaiping
' the ;lath chaplet oflssiah. , ,tlt w • picked op on
the awning of the confittgralui " hont 12 toiler
distant, on Long Isbutti, anilibefo' the catastro
phe that thud Carried it Dottier . ' s known. It ,
was indeed a winged enessOiger - *ninth; in a,
double sense.. rot the fattle•no - itillring than
.authentin, that esefy• werd l ,,int . pirs,wsi so
marred IF.'. l l l °` illegib!%•)iii*" j " - 2 s llll'7erte.
wh woad the WiinhiAlliiipin ` - ','"" 3 ' •:- '..
"Our holy rinillannititiilJ _ •*.. ' • oeltite 4Fir fa.
them .pralstth th ee , ii iirrii'" ' 'Ear:list riar.-: - and
all qur reasait thillgiiit) *eairiic. w • ••
sieved I
c th
administratlitn. of
attcring or
-I ;sttOlysia fast approlehing. tho , aweigh
kikvreii , • espotlo.and aniatitoticinej principles oe
the •-•, tinent ofEurope. The opposing chain*
r daily gathering weight -and blackness; and
whethiiir they are evoidnallrtratharstin 'hostile
.nothsilins mid deluge Eureper.witiP Wir t ar to be
averted by Some happy event Yid
the beliom of futurity, is a problem
not mils the ptientien of statesmen. I
portlerh °fib° ofthis and oils
at prdnent deeply axed:. ' .11
An' impetus been given to the
of thi4 question by a.reeent dccibiod ti'
Chant_ ber of Deputies. On themes%
dress,: which see . mod purposely to
to R nisia and Poland. M. de Morns;
amendenent, hoping for a “resterath
ante of Eeropc, and,. as the first
presertution of the ancientneldrtilit
as consectated by existing treaties.
meet was adopted by an overwhelm
This event will, of COLUMN not produces tty - rcaial
upon the constitution of the Frenchushinet; inso
much as tt involves no definite. 'obligation as to
present-policy, and the mitnsters ihemstilves . did
rot think proper to rote agatinst . the amendment
Still it is pregnant with nienning. It shows that
the\woundfvi. speech .of the Ruisian despot has
not isfruck u pheeded upon the ver ofFnince:' It
showe that as Russia fills up the erg oilier:ini
quity, she at the same time hastens aim. deliver- .
once Of Poland.. In all state affairth certain pro
gress bars the way to an honorable lee' t. Pilch-
Was,. there is reason to believe, has juintoe far
to recede: and were it not so , his bpi bigotry
ni i ,
and to/ern-setting a mbition would still hurry. Wm ,e 1
on. *hat{ then isle be done Franca is 'inter
ested in checking Russian influence HI lie cen. ,
tee of Europe, apd' she has another_ hand of tenni.
tr in her sympathy with Poland, which as man
ifested itself on this neeasion, nOr. , in the cold
common-plat-es of en, officialdocument, 'but in a
spontaneous burst of indignantfeeling. 'England
is also interested in checking. the cncroachnit•nts
of Russia in the east, and both arc but po ints of ,
def-lice against one grand scheme of ag nindize
inent. Whether France will he Pieparcd, When
the proper moment silica+, to carry out her res.
elution fa - its 'natural consequences, a war for Po.
lish indepdrtence; and whether, aasum ng this,
England will unsheath the sword in he same
minim, must depend upon ulterior. eensi erations.
But no such war will be worth engaging if - that
does nut zonternpinte, in connexion' with Polish
independence, a Polish, hereditary matierelty,—
An elective monarchy would be.only, ms'it has
been already, an open door forlinicatine *ads and
foreign, domination. A constitutional nmearehy,.
on a firm basis, which must be that of hereditary
succession, would, spread• around it a moral at
moapherc,•which would penetrate to the very mot
and eentre - ofdespotism. and diffuse a gradual re
novation over the whole surfrace of society in that
quarter of Eiirepe..--Lieerpool Courier.
... .
'•llhe following decrees have been promulgated
bliiho Mexican Government, and ordered to be
eel. recd.:
14 Foreigners labding e
on Abe ....4 ot, the Re
pulllie, or invading its territory by land, armed
with the intention of attacking our country.
wi be deemed pirates,:and dealt with as each,
be g citizens of no nation presently at war with
tit Republic, and fighting ; under no recognized
. Ali foreigners who wig import either by sea
or hod. in the•place3 , occupied by the rebels, ei.
shot arms ur ammunition orany hind, for the use
of said rebels, will be deemed as pirates: and pun.
ished as such.
An unpleasant qfpir.-1n !consequence of •
'Complaint Made before Mr. Justice Palmer, attlio
upper poliee office, by a highly respectable widow
lady, teacheress in a *ochool on the Westerly aide
orthe city, a Reverend divine, having the paste.•
rill charge of a' congregation worshipping in a
brick church, in the basement of which the com
plainant "teaches the young idea
wrikyeAerday arrested by officer, D. Riker., and
held to bail to answer the charge of the lady, Who
•acenses the minister of a violent attempt upon
her chastity. ' The scene of the occurrence it said
to lake been the lady's school room, 'at-e. time
when she was alone; sed the attemptitt represent.
ed' to have been green and violent. AS we under
stand an examination- of this unhappy affair is
to take place today at the il'oliceoffice we refrain
from mentioning mimes, or any of the!mmenia of
the affair, as there is.a posibility we Might there
by prejudice I lie caseofone or the other ofthe par t
Sun. ,
• A eorrespoodent writes :-='-'The`berologr clone
orthe cars on the Colombia Rail Road, anit the
destruction of trunka by the fire, from Ithe spathe,
a few doye'Vnyc, call again loudly upon the State
for min. elertiith;tp prevent the recurrence of
such nccidcnta. • ' •
'Them is but oneelEcieotremedy : Jim dtrec-
mrs of the Raltimo .and Ohio Rail oad- f l are,
for some years past; owed Ant/motile Co at .eielw.
sively. Their reports , prove its entire seenrit . r,
as well as its co:tepee, and economy. Why
iirit that we, Wh o Ease this fuel at hdme, cannot.
.or will not, profit by their expericncc'
The editor of the New York Even
undertaken to critici Dr. CHANNI: ,
abolition, and he Coin caces,onc pa
the fobowing line-,` of we go farth•
the bible.' -...." . .
We arc always afritirl when an
farther back' thaA tbs bade; thit he .'
worse for It. .it..r , .
~, - 1
A man artirsicsnan in 13aston we
of marriage; all preliminaly stater
hiken, whenoinhichjly, thitilady_ fell
al the law, and tlienetinto the cells
house, where Shemdst remain a con
it is a question cow whether, whe
efdorance, she may got tub the $t
bf promise, inasmuch Vtie lie can A t
het lover to marry.' ady who his
before marriage.-1 s
_. - Casette.
Valtilble Reciper,a s iii: A. Br nol Mead.
rilic,ra. says, frontfifteen yearsperience, he
ends that do Indian-meal poultice, !covered over
nrith youngkrson tea,.sollened with - hot water,
ind laid Over burna and frozen flesh, as hot as it
ton be borne, will relieve the pain in Svc minutes,
that if blisters hive not arifin befiirc, they, will
:not after it is put 0N :end that one poultice is gen.
. entity sufficient to eireet 'a cure. , 1
s t t l
ITIg i n t heir
;11y subscribed
the - Book Es.
,royed by. fire,
' l , cry addroxs
g remarkable
Arartie setae of a, lour..—ln OM
lately 'brew - the enormous-sam
sand dollars to Miss McCoy as
for thelossora timer. In MOsisch
er. the price Ii imeitiklith, *halo I
market is better:sipiiied.
comm o n pleat; la,tha . easi'cif Ma t
vs. Andric A. F th .
swain. was ;
tismsol. not *in *tided' with .tb
the eePreme r : •
itnitinintridites -fiu
in Paris: fkiii4VAkitit
I do Rick4iiieliThita rt i on ,
l'lnvointi; 'the 'eitirtiftesotwokik, 4.!
Mr: - Iforiin` Ill'orni 'Ainettean. •
pines' itil"Fin thi'.66l. or renilaro
dor and *Ambit ithis equipages. I
00 0
GOT. !Wolf. bet
Tapirs stk,
ing Star-hat
•• 'a work on
II rapt' with
• r back than
body gees
ay fare the
on the eve
s aying been
nto the arms
ofthe work
ideable time.
she gets out
!te for breach
cely expect
n confutes'
1. a jury have
gotta, howev
i court of
the Mahn
I• '3i~eoneolite
aPPOldett to
!Ale 'telebriq
'Etiehmse. sod
ho hitter mu :
1 - „in the opal.