t of. the I.4banon Coil _ s attire Of 'Vf. L.' states lini erro ' in • stating that a l d was locked up in I e rk.c conStruction - - er. 44. L." states, i tionabas never failed ex. , during the months-'of i tobar in 1834, and,that feet constiUdtion of the ~, . We stand corrected. A eifirresp6 ex, tinder tb t we were .3t get body cif, • neetpienee nf ' the Swatarn hat this rat • ,a I short peri 'ittember and, 'is no Om witara feeder; icon the pro held in.this ications now. , state for. the .ipaidetr. Th lowly attended, ' to prevail -a: fiesent;oin re-1 -viz: that they liingerous to the generally, par prosperity of able with the ividual , enter wench of buifi ,ing of person mama any indi; posing any Coal sienna any Bet • incorporated, lost good feel oreand all of of them would individuals for the business of _du arrival with _ look upon _ them. in the petitors, placed upon an "th ourselves, whose cad.- , titled to, their appropriate • en they seek. privileges of a pecidiar . character, ourselves are debarred, ye them undue advantages we cannot i regard them in est rivals, or fair competi-, as dangerous monopolists, ,i,e hostile to free trade, and so exertions to crush indi- pl4nuaire . -, and light of 611.'0 equal footing I flops would'bei tehard. But and inununitie from .which calculated to g in the business the light of ha tors, but rather whose designs_ who will spa yidnal effort, ny feeling of . motives of se strained to res their d c oll s4ent , i B public opinio We now I consequently not from a , rsonal antipathy, but from preservation, we are con- St their clainis,and to expose 5 tendency. This we are t a faithful representation of o this Subject. . . tfully aik our legislature the arguments that are pre ! for sanctioning - the pried- El . tion, ere they decide the fore Ado, and if that de in favor of Coal Coupe. hope theysire 'prepared to 'principle !to its full extent, '. ,te everylbree or more in `. may hereafter apply for ; thus convert -the population Region in the state into .e or PETTY &PAL - count**. tura and legitimate conse , . hating the principled in- There can be no shadow of i r k , linfilat:ll* of the priFeiple. w ~2 , Jtry.here tim.principle wieliesAt.ttbe foundation--of , -And-fivorArust '.that the' " Via. i."l/3 Ts ;*ar..4/1* a:&. to weigh wel menisci, to the plooP . meor, 4, Teethe 11.0 mice sho uld vii* lien iv cam vat 1. io f ers* and into ; , difiii teals `ll,l o . , 4 ; Or i ) rv. . portruvrtoit Thit l. of of ' i ".govern POciPle of: di(fo*Oace t, or ilitrie4' iilianiAriAnifig It Will not tOtiersood flesh -of another, ileth-lo !soh' - ' hat is Sauce a - sinkeflyl. frpler;," , ~ Asti thi4 vit. is event „every, rin our region iii bwentitled frated -491. 1 1/1 . 04f work up ooting. -chose who er.reot .Fo!itingrskFsteesie,piirork. of o i o njthong 60, 41113 ; 'Aimee who are , without he answer ise they ttipsCoV. `saws or sitecurobt I _ Vitas siftnils it,l'iiiifrer Meek.. W et Vele Otepanies,lind,At is no is *shims ;to point- to theffiiet Tib"uriefik outifrii*Ped toti:: • e qt4ettifid,:t4tAieetiria lil.bY-tli I#.eaneethis &pion.> . tied& ' ean_dct i eveiruh= hi test fr ti ii.4' , Niir dike rit„iiiey • . :s 'is i l i ii: l .o t irdi; r t lle ~ tl lr: ihustz, f4T Oct ' Vet von 1 otternin t jos MICR , I : an err a nun nil' w P "begat in equatip own= ten' r i tibfs ti,uMir42C - ' / --,. d=r7.4oo**PiFer unpowtAil et' roggi 6 r,ittl f -timP a .: • - ;Dies whose~ci arts a ` bete been •4101 713agn ied Pi in . violation. of goad . faith~soond i a r T o t , , there- fare a:iranritinar~ : thgould, re; . on. We monstrate further; op to pause solemnly call _._ l 4 4 ' n , ou l e i kid e of incor before: they , a ura ' ts „.Altoo—;by fkirthr a f legislation „ c - Amit ear We .beseech them p ro a , o ciinn i tt ib til test .irwh i P o l t t e e: . ' destruction e - • *it s ti*Th°u t lih. 0f414.-Conlo"Crea .2001830. MIZa - • octi of our he Jiattisty : when we variety, 'Church.* , rPOlumn it eiiolasi, in this bo --an enter &raw- a pu n of pieenii, rfortilaneu as, to give • Preece ur Acuities- wok- this ,eountry ate now corifidered!:over,ln sequence of thefitsorible'reiseption the Annual Messe4g4if thii'PreeideatinPosnee• Littera have been received from the Retttechild's, stating Aug the Money will be pa deattimbes are said halm been receive&-ar'N,,esiiiiiitgn : 6 411 Vail,•atating thalliitilliiteate,hl 46 leP ettiverl by. the 9crseriumull, that France is ready' paylberiatlemisity.— The King's speech 'expresses a, hope that the may terminate in a manner honerablo to two great nations, - and the reply_ of the Chambers repeats the isenti tnent, and alludes ,to the Message, as strengthening tbe 'probability that such Will be the issue; We may therefore look Upon the *Stir as Settled, at least so fares to remove the mostilistant probability of hostile measures on _either side. # ilimp t •— The Arini- 1 gton will be ' n this place ,i 4iglitlafan ,-and in , _ - ,ballne ' the form er :,,. , eonnor,. and 'in HO, and . • The latest intelligence from Florida contains an =Count of an-engegement be tween two 'hundred mounted volunteers un der the command of CoL,Parish, and a body of Indians, in Which ~ the Indians were compelled to take shelter in a thicket, and during the died t hey retreated. The loss of the Indians is said to have been tonsdemble, six bodies hewing been found upon the field—that on the part. of the volunteers is pot stated. Two days after Col.. Parish' marched to Fort Ring and ar rived there in-safety. He then prpeeeded to Pourell's town-and destroyed it. .Capt. 'Ponder on the lower Suwannee, a few dye since the opposite bank in possession of about 30 in&ans, crossed over with mine men to attack them. As be landed. two of bis men were shot down—one with nine balls, the other with five.. WWI his remaining men, he boldly charged on thu e.netny. While ( b us engaged his bostsgot adri ft ; and he was lett with no alternative but victory or death. Afters close and deadly contest of wine minittek the savages were routed i with 'severe lass.;' 2:3 This intelligence comes by way of Tal }abuse. The 'news of 'St. Augustine is, that they have been' roused up at night by a false atar,to—that Indians are reported to have been Seen in their neighborhood -that according to the best opinions the Indians are--concentrating their forces at Powell town, in the west—that Micanopy, a Chief, has joined Powell with 600 men —that they lumber at least 2500 warriors --end that they are making great prepa rations- fors en early and deprival battle with - Clinch,before he can receive rein= forceinents. ! Forty volunteers had arrived from•Saiannab. -The ladiertof St. Augus tine have passed a series of complimentary resolutions in favor of, the 'volunteers, and have organised, themselves into a society to render any service that may be requir ed. The Creek Indians are disposed to re main quiet, and their Chiefs have entered into a written pledge th this effect. The United States Bank.—We stated in ;our last that a committee had been ap pointed in the Senate to investigate the charga preferred by Col. 'Krebs- in relation to bribery, and we now have the pleasure of laying theierepott, by Mr. Baker, their chairman, before our readers. REPORT. • That in the discharge of the dories assigned to them. they have examined under oath Jacob Krebs. Esq. Bard. Patterson, and Jededish Irish. and received voluntary statements Ikon Henry W. Conrad. Esq. and James Dunn; the result of u t hich is, a perfect conviction in their minds that neither the Bank of the U. States nor any afoot for it the 'lynx:gest degree. are impli. coed in the chargo'nuulo by Jacob Kee s, Lag. bre the Senate. on the 10th instant.—And that so faro the examination. of the testimony hasgone, the Committee are satisfied that nW, the bank nor any permit con nected with it. have Mrpoperly interfered to promote now before the Senate. The Cominifiee will close their labors in a few days,Wben kfilt•repori of the evidence wilt be submitted. ' The exaniination.of Mr. Patterson 'maul tedia a complete exoneration of that gen tleman from •Adt impropriety of conduct, and the whole of the transaction. now tios on nat.:Lie resentative - and Sena tor,,. Messrs. an d : Veber: The lat. ter has:already raitiedßiood deal of laugh ter at; his own ingiensfi, and the fate of tlie fdriner. is .yet, in imbibes soma ; thinking that he stands a fairCluLayrkeingex . polka! from the : House. • -• ' .• • 'The - follOWing relokition,:;preicented to diet. Itoniaty Mr. Steintui": and adopted, shows tletTeeling on thaonbjecti • . member if the Senate. has stated on.theor• orthiSemite.lhat Henry W. Con rad.* membirriof,thishottiooattempted:ixorniptly, to imgmemie and briber him to'. *albeit certain bill then pending beio the - Sepate -And , Whereas, if, tacit be tlle(fittit. and inchittwrmt was icvwy mide t _theami - ,lienry'W.Tatiradla nnwankf longer ,to ben mematairl of thiw,liciiisootad7destirip 'forthwith tWbeeXpellefi • cher cfrino. Fiero*, , - • Resolved, That acommitteebe apOointed toiiigqooire, ,into the a llegation above cited. with pewter to Sad Ilie 'R!"mum mud Pmliing Sid the dire:notice of thin [avoid mlimdmifie Sim"? the s aidHisr/-W. nrad , dloo , nl _ The cotain appointed ireke.eaorsi' :Stevens, lifindentill - Wirt, and WoOdward.. Thisresolution Mr.Ste -vOusila4. iripaidedhy some remarks, in:the course Ofwhicitfiesaid--" -: • VA:6y Attempt:W.444l4i epan merfdli: mepdtes thwhetislay ether IfthhAlvelody, ECM El IN , • Ti. OieH-8014e.i:W i1wa.,7.., ..o# l4 l YE : eat.: Seraihil, Da.. __ Fraira - 'ffarisk , ( l . ll 4: Ifilwilciawt , kireh r irvi .I*mes. -Mid:Jr*. • Middlee4: Afilieer . Pail ] . e Salit!lisPrgiP.C4loloani . •Nos% • FATS,-Messrs. Esker) . Carpenter, Leiter,; . Harper,, (Phils.) - Keffy; tream.leree, AlitisEoel. Newhard '' /1;, - Itiliere;EWnItidwo.r-1 2 . ....:: I ~ A ~. _ . •-*Tonker*sk i nicT• Joira,,,[-M; Sof 27.4,,r45q0. has been tintnipa, [ ted by 'the r !-Whig.tees otttni city of I rbiholotiihitaiti.i candidate tn , ' - supply..the I vacancy ; in tbeStata4 &mace, necason- I ed by : the death of MI Krombhaar. . It is 'fin - tiler:ea tbat Henry .Ciay intanda resigning-his sent in - United:States Sen ate, alter the prese t ' fession. • . . A itteitit Conventis of the opponents of the present'adminietrtition; was held on the 10th inet. at the capit4l, in Richmond, Vir ginia. Th 4 . confirmed the 'nomination of Aeon L. WHITE, 140x:Madit : tlith e '14-- g isfatiite, and. dinninited . ."011N VVIRR, of 14 Virgin - ,6r t he . 'rke 'Preeidetiey. Gen. War. fl. HAitursow "OntiTtl t ericvs Grtssaxa, have bee* nominated for the Preeideney Auld. Intel Presidency; by a State Convention, .Whieh assembled at Albany last week. The„noniiiiation of an Electoml Ticket, site candidates for Gov- ernor and 'Lieutenant Governor, was de ferred until the second Wednesday in Jane next, at which, period a State Convention will assemble at Utica. The Annual Report of the Board of Man. agers , of !he Lehigh! Coal and Navigation Company,rffir the Fait year, we obterve in the Mauch Chunk COurier. The quantity of Coat i sent to market during the past sea son is represented to be 131,250 tons— their sales -have &Incepted to 170,926, in cluding/a great amount fine and refuse coal. ' 'rhe Managers state that they have. beep enabled to increase the dividends o ver former years,notwithstanding the high prices of tabor, graih 'and other materials. They cdufidentlyintleipate during the corn. ing season, the sales of at least 200,000 tops from the mites of the Company. The whole tonnage on the Lehigh Navigation amounted to 155,307 tuns. The Company have paid to the Commonwealth nearly 25,000 dollars for tolls on the Delaware Division of the-Penthylvania canal in 1835. Forty thousand 1111 of Foal' were trans. 'No portent - by the ris canal, the inclined plano of which areto ,be strengthened. considerable quanfitY was sent through the main line of the Delaw Raritan canal. Their !coati shipmfollioaded"lo69 vessel--amounted to 70,194 tons. The maimgdrs have .. tteeided on extending the Slack Water Navigation up • the 'Lehigh. to Wrightsville, and thence to Stoddarts vine. They, congratulate the Stockholders upon a sufficient amount;or theatockPf the Susquehanna and Lehigh Cant Company commonly called the Nuts track Canal be ing subscribed to secure the charter.— They also speak of a rail road from the mouth of - W rights cr%ek, to Wilkesbarre, a distance of : 14 miles. 'tThe Nescopeck canal being finished," they say "there will only remain 'the extension of the North Branch Canal, from the mouth 'of the Lyckawanna to the State" line, to forma complete chain of communication by wa ter,, from Philadelphia and New. York to Lake Erie, through the Lehigh. A black man was severely beaten, with clubs, by sorne black women, near Hagers town, New :Jersey, under Judge Lynch's code of laws, last week. They stipposed: him to bo. a epy, ferreting out runtrway slaves.. More Mobiews in Issiseiplii.-4 man by the name of Spinney, was hang by a mob, at Fa'ette. (Miss.)on the 9th of Ja wary last: He was arraigned for the murder ofs Mr. McGowan,.but owing to some internality in the indictment; lie wits remanded t ( rit prison to take his trieltethe next sittin of the court. ' The ciliizeui of the place 1 d neighborhood immediately assembled, i roke open the jail With sledge hammers, Seized Spinney and hunglim bn 1 tbos,.t. 1 ' . Mobil= in !New Yoik.—Tbe Holland tand ComPuly'eldlEce at May"! Cha taque county, New 'York, was destroyed by a mob, on Sunday morning thi9 .7th inst. and all Hie books and papers; two cart, toads, were coMmilted to the flatnes by the populace. They diilpproved some of the proceedings ofilits company,. . Extract fretie letter to the Editor, dated - , "I . Harrisburg, Feb. 18, 1838. ..“This kerning the Greener Fetareed_te the. Thine ,ef Reprontatires , ther,Eill Charteri4 iiie.Eank otthe United States for thirty Yy : ft , ; rfoorith Ins apprvil.: - .A res. Attic*. has teett'ofeted both - Otto Senate and limsit;,4o-14P0s.eduktOeli+J0.. p r int 50ffitAopiimorthil kw - in-English &WOO •in Gerustn, Ao'distrilnitellmong - the Pe9'. pie: -'-' L'i- , ! ,, k;' - -• ~•,- :- _. ~,. -••.-: ' Naitbil'l'lo ille?-e011'irofitetin on the lint»; 31 Atiif ,:e6rproii.isesiate_fi the. '... • , be yet reported in NIL'? ~ :. • itits ,14' ;nix bailees' e , to iheiLeigisiek , ofibisStateifriontlf r twit.; kig!ak I tird i C i ffi!F l r ° .61 :10 1i' :.‘ r' iene!?; - XoiB l 4,t • . ;,,, 4 , i.l - 1: .i.i - ' • , The:iettititiol--: ' '. lt i ,, r , - WGiffin,-(owiti-Vaw..-Ruieti).4lo,Rep itins,,(V.'Bl 189 IV : ..-"ri''" : X' - ' - it 4 • •-. c . , . - I . 'power to kir Begiit tolis the Ci t ldiles. 00 a om tow—. • . At lloston_gbecomelo,Cod . 71 0114 th ew . Nybiletbrairlithe.:lll4.lll; OdritimdfOit " ea dill ttS• At,Cotioor&i. l o l 4 l74 o.l l .*b m : layira=iollano,keltripilt. Ste ibt fiel : 4Bl , .• Nave - 1 1= 611 . , _ . !&lin took ecoon;eidouto thelan4, polgare be iid,defesitt. • , iltetUtth otlod . . TO:PO*0 do*. to The itiik'ttoOpe rathgl-lik Br i omp i atic to "poi tote of r. end w alarms made eolr ndi * l ifixollenveZtave al oo toes thee ti.ettedsl. orb bleed. . _ , %Me tolling m ust op ; ; mos; et, they know hired: • .%nil many a bravo .; - 'can witifislatliwinthe dungf New trials Meat their coinage rallt — let, flume. A—At Bennington bold 4erk barivvoid "the liessian • ii..t"- b 0 11 T'' " ".1- • • Oh ebierz . Atpa eons o so i orbosetienfitte is rrownir4 •Comerallis tbinki to cut yotioff. by his superior skill; And gstherieg regal lees arctid you t tyrants t o NofSpartan band still thinly norlet • yom spirits quail.'• . Our country's 'CIMSO '1142 liteh4 17114" and Freemen did avaponds • .• - Yet Erin they stood; and to their* they. buffet Seithlbe storm; , • When forth they go, the[blood atethertimow inproofer their design. , And through the land. this %rife. band In freedom* cause still shine.[ "When hives sinkiig in estilairet papist to These heroes crossedthe deathorvictery; Forneedoneilighti mace m re to strike, their leader bids thermion. I In heaven relit among the blest, the innacetil Wash ingtem I 1 "Cheer el; eV rifting eoentrYthse ,4 werastill this hero's words; Let the wrongs of wlue's and children this day direct our, swordin r I t • . And those we' love may cod assist ns to defend . Or ifwc fall protect them all, the widwor's Blend. The British troops' esterided i rrpoe theiersey shore. Dimming of may d }wiseacre by th e seem But buld a sound "mines ing down,' the waters lately er*ii, tCorewallis then drew up his umn,but finds"the game is lest." Forward my bids of F.ngisod, 04 _let i i -hent sOt elPesPe Your toil and hattlakupslooll4li4cottif web theirlea der take: _ . 1 This rebel crew isnot late it di d appear; ' By their defeats and quick fa, they wefe owes. sed with fear. Allbail--yourconetiy'•_ s " hoPeApaylwarim save theinalli— • Asetward with a aln despair they Marina them Prili Tintdesettate blow "the sehiedfoe." no lancer could • withstand; • ' And thy cheering anted of vietiny was beard through - Oa the hind. With swelling hestrnt of thardifulberi to God-thime heroes kneeled. And sacred firedifEuttod a lAlsa,ltbat could Dot be con cealed; • Then freedom's flame soon emend again.her dazr-mar had areas, Abd from the land this Pa band soon drove &h. foreign foes., C.:•1 AND. •Petrarifie, Febroltry 10,1836 E utarbe ntistaSen in Mit *mist command at that time. IV& t This was probably Clinton. Tgo alto ether from I norlsiving seen al h istorioil account in B or 10 years. Public Meeting 'in oppintitiink to Coa l Companies..: ii At At a numeroulv and highly respectable of of the muter Colliers. , end o th ers , eitil e o Schuylkill county, eppoled to the incerporsaioni of companies for itnining of Coal, held at the Penol sylvania Hall in IPottavilleon Thursday evening February 11th, t 836, SAMUEL SIII,LYRIAN was appointed P*tsident; GID*ON G. Psuits. Jr. cos Bum. Frunze S. Hoax* and Giteaas Ps Teases, Vice Presidents. and Somme! Lewis ;an Andrew Rtiiisel.Secretianei. On motion, the foThavring named gentle= were appointed a committee to draft rciolutio expo:rise of the objects and reeve of, this m ing. viz: Samuci J. Potts. Aquilla Behan, .11. .1 Baird. Samuel Lewis. Alfred Lawton, John, T. Hazzard end, Jacob Seitzinger, Fag. who all* retiring, imported the following preamble arid resolutions, which` being it'd and severally cot: adored. weremetnimousledimted, vi I I The present' thagnitod and antic's ted vales and impedance, of the Coat Trade of cnnsylvst nia. in connexion with thO advantage, to be ds. rived frons.the peculiar privileges, attendant on the incorporation of Coal Companies. has. induced a • number or alicationslof this deseriplitir to the present • Ugislaturev. Thinie aimlleatione, whether bylunation, concert au:ties, or to. therwise, are hot upon With t i, interest, and a ent. as of. serious gmegrims:oin ihe.indo4duakopern. tor—and ifs al, d*strt in their rand. , to them, to the Oubliei and to i mportant an terest as the coal trade of P nsylvania, .an : 'lsslculated in the "highest id to destroy th, ej'salutary and republican 1000 • lug since c. latlished by the Ilopresentautts ali) : peop le 1 v* , i 1 "That whateier might t end. in the r emotest I gree t to estabf preierenunamong T. chow ' citizen', ova in any Anie. menu - tory. or to des y l a fuse l compel • ior - whi in any shapemight micottragethe - IY. shoul d he . "fully avoided. hiri 4 1 .scP bran go eat, having Rs one of its irn,.t leading prinei les. th at of an equality of rights." This do ctrine founded, ift Wisdom. sound '. ig!l!..c.:, and - the pr.iii ;eqqes Of,' political ecenotny, is fully _ ized bY a Committee of the Senile I of Pennsylv . in-18K who in th eir report, in relation to the teal trade,: ,and .the . effects of Owl rt Othit'attiiiis, to thit'ftliniktition is the :004 alenthlcL.in Which the bUlth of tritoV is' purified ando,oll;Krelition! to l that:oil Aszole; itoo*tedifi - its true ate ohjeet,. *eservek tme nerelliiiid in . unrestraine d, uncontrolled hylits. judiciouslegiOative enactments. A . ill. as in all other , qul.N:*P dt ! uniAirmi t r 7!iiity ' and tertaiidit, and_ ti" - guaranty ftr. - tha,inveatmeit °C5444 1 ,4 1 0a 4 the..: .. . *PO 441 4iefor. c ; Auto that pr . .iiiiii4 g . powers of itictiipaik. 1 4 = - .U000.0014 i ' !mad bi tadtiety unnecessary, 1 04 Poi in - ~.iviooi.- # '. t he'e9 ln Pfi ti d , thi.sur. ' takt 04. -sal poker, r , uht be, . to show the*: iiiiisief in 7. isqp 0. i. ii/i:etaiin , l„ optnici, tbo. free Ind an ' trillOte relies; cifinvillillinif en, tiir' thictild ritual : tiOi.','..:rltittdta'e;:,-,:,, - abs tiailit.9 4 ".4o* tit, .~. iiiiiiliiiiiiiiixi ----e.,-anaintN aa n ,folta t „ ' ..7".":7,.7'-'ll-0411414111",*AePtiklinlill!' 14tileitalrar leollniaftal,.••,:Ajollia opens • 1 *via. tkia ro'fopOrftioo,o 6l :oo!ki laish)4o4 4 n_k_na' 64-0 4 111 0 r P* l in.ai.na :=* nitre, pratit'inr.eiwentig Sze faideritijr_ _ .Oper atiOns.-1 .- 1 , • ', , „' : 1,-- -.,_ .... . '.. - . , liessiCed, Mit the ineseporgttlenti_oetelceirt , " ' l ei h vr MC * P abla n ra.' bnalnara lbemaa 7 i inget thebeeniaveztenalielj red li wleifest - the . Oki Otte While l the tinteetkittiniel *Med *Ali iadiiirtiet, - Witk areportesicaPtatiflaar half ,it Whim) or liege*. sire not sent Owsatliet,ever 65;0:10. toni•ef daring ilier•pOrt tieisetti`:!, In thvidaide in, same Wee have Atint!.znewe than , tiro himuirai and thirty, thetwatid - tend; nee r I withstanding: the repltairtllitß i ll _ 'n'antignaP' ItiVon thelnirtiof individoils,th - lira . gent tc! rairket during_ the , poet: within ninety threithorisand ,hini i of, as • neTeN Caere. all ,- the antninkniaa innarforalal. , :*'lnhi_ilitilStrito v e a ; • whose unitedCapitai entnuitte JO imorp/1 *pima] °Netters: . li' '':* „ • •7"- ' -,._ .-: ?. .-,.. •I - Retolvidi;Tha in conwittienciiiiro a r)owiiiiii:, &maid tale the mewed ropey r tha ol 4 l 4 l turspn nail , inirteet &slit*. ntillviitildi - lave 1 bi,:i brew - induced invest their altandpitileserein e i petard( fitr 4 . g dare dou , ' 4 ; hamenlous, 1 until it has : • Widneeit to ii• - • Idle , r atid mate matie business.' It it the , , I flat, no' elartertitivileges for thntnifiliii - . , e at will ,be gran *Soy comliaittor Deter ..giving them prefilter** and exiioptiteisq .. . personal liabllitiew- While they, general* lir*, . : it. a die tance,ere notjediject tisil*brilete* . thorieigh., bothreld-4(01, fame timnindi 'dual are bound to the full extent of their means and i ire nerd. lardy to cotittibute to all the dome ~ of local citizens. 1 ~ Resolved:l- That 'welview thepilli.. doe by the North. American coal company. for itenehal of theircharter,i as an evidence - the little cond. et,„ .deuce that pen le placed in te ac ofd Shan. gableboard ,lof directors—as t'wa underetood by all parties, at thi time the ter was grant. cif, that it ants only to be forl ye *, to alio* 1 the company time to wind up * , nrs. This is manifestifions the language heel i the report of the corer flee of theraenate.tibter • referred to. The committee say that chart tsC w .4 • granted to the Delaware Cent Compan .. in dm North 4 American Coal Company, f th e .nn of five 1 years, under peculiar emu • n -.2 " 1 And af. 1 tenser& mid, "the y . have yet. tow y - .to prose. woe their business m thewcorpora capacities, end to Close 'their it:femme. Their . eters will then expire, and the individuals -. pouting the l i crimpstnies be placed in poesiestdone their lands, and be alkivred either to Idiscenti . • or. pursue the business upon equal gieunds id other oper- ators. Resolved, Thatthejtakairrielan with whiehl the government of Great Britain ha ever watch ed over dei interests ofher ,Ctel Tr de; from the' great impatience it is to : h r - co merce end manufacturte-and from the tact Vatter an ez .periance of *vend hundred yearl • lies m' steadi. ly . refused to grant charters fite the teas of ' tong coel,litthough freely via ted- or ether pa poles. ought, in the opinion di meeting, induce grelt Caution and min , nity, prevlou ID the granting of any char for .. nape parco sea ei thisstate. -. I Resolved ? 'that while thluserdem ly Protestini and nannnatialinr. Miiitlnttlie ' 'tion'of , ny company for , mining we MA Air ne exclusive - .no peet)liar psi ' f. ouirselves , t All-we Baia the &rink ti via , 'protect :us tEs. our Individual rights.ana I ear o manage ' business in our own itaiy.tiollorig ~ .wet donot ,-i elate the lee established - ro ts the ... .al well' I of the Crantremweslth. • 1 ' i • . , On Inatein,- 1 r Resolved, That the corti mitt. : ' appointed 0 1 draft ratimitions, be.direeteditoYs a -W:1 1 , a tka 1 proceeding of this meetinvp tell. to eaith i n branch of the Legbilature stiller bin*, On median, t ' ' -., Resolved, That the preccedinga ' signed by the °Mari therctd, ta) Miners' Jourial. and ell other the interests of the S. Trade. 4. , 1 . BILLXMIC G. G. Persica. ' ... 3ecos Be*,i .. Pumices S. litiaras, . ' • PEORCIL PeTzgeettx, Samuel Lewis,j A ecr i 3 i ities. { Andrew Busse!, EU 13= IN4IDENT AT TITE.Tfr i At thelpiatiooal Theatre.lweshi neadeynight, we' were witness of the Indian character. which,* eating, and which prudueediiihri in a croaded house. They Idesery ly aatherttighist compliment, til the merits attic manisgenieht. a the theatre, but as a reMarlitible,. seat timeinicat imp- llastt tamable kocity oft It shoWd be menti those &brand, that thei ing at this theatre a ._ to, on well bum' in...., and this lament of VirginiiV been prod with a truth adi tl eed audio ni esetitathin Which 'I line. it al be perhaps -{iti; any ath Peit _of the Unite niadilyacknoirledged yirkeik ,thet-the entirtreoatinne,4tial. L permissio' ii of the goveroutc nifieent and 'unique •-ollecti , oftha Indite:4p nine' inida" w• field by liwie t various tribes'aioni too, and; er • der litiqati an im posi By.&+ th e- mi , drama on them, lofnor Int' our esti Cm been in , ashir ' that* an d .p ' Englishl lingual of civilised life. The i '-verni daring ti cd with it round dour. the .scions .scionsfq, the eta" wadi Iltit - and Ps &rim 'With:a , " __ . mbnint Owl ir and owl ?octet I whoi spoken tileri jravtior M EMS :Cl= .4TRE. ~ igion, on IWO (,. o ammo trai: . orery_-intat•- i 'at seniatian rrorandt GO. 1 tADf natoie: a 'company.. and atlthi pto-1 Ocat °Ohl un ‘ itifortrileiori of 04- **in' tahy Mr: Cow of) ab:Wits, Vs drama: has lan&p of ilia own peciallar 0 toi acid in Thisi ttx ril be inn th tact] 'eke by the- Nr• ih. j ,4,1 tram's, the fasi Will of 111 ; , s'ij - gi ti oiiiiiirsititio ainsents , harm . „ow effect 1 IlaratttbOindsanoa - Bet which meetintem e . briohwfitttem,moi tie grand 'bottle scene at th.aoms iotthri terrific Sebtheilsrinatibliatarenn 'alillf=tit 161146461"11.1.,fiterStwidered Ursa liefibetwthette-if_tAnerYtAh.l the by. meter ton plintifille , at miadoWtted,) tbe Ming of libel , ,ditinn h••411e - efaohhig ,i'af the aeratde , and the shoolsof tiskanntitardsoitbe -dread enaetmeat i before': them of:a• rut battle end the trble tool of vie warrior brar Wne•etkred twilit * O O by the eight: - ._ i - 8 , :Aloe sera and atblefiereltietierbd we, nideretoed we bead of his tribe; in petite lir, plum e d a;+minas sbMlutely terrible e stworbing et. . teption With which he regarded. the eordbat, g.. &mud With disten eyeballs, am . 1 ~ hed tee th , and * a compress' of monster . ' e 'gy which seentrd aa affair srt would idle eyeballs, th b theonarldirg.ofltte bgrwhieh he c himeelf—breatbing all ' hoitime with, a on ion oreffortithakpletrili, l_m,TO It"' ar de Y . be WIN! ki toilltk tall* delidlymOiet, satF i d - ..iiil finally giving toil IMO 4it torti, Ain, which ply oneskir bat roused with. in him,,he apfistled the *nail ' ..bi llalint eel ' , Witte his vompenlenathe dreakilar wbtop of his ,nation—and using such baled demonstration s as plainly abowed how meagre worked to possess hiinecif of the scalp of prior Per, . Ws There weir sosnettdog" Ipain I in, the effect which this anerpeeted Jabots i fi On , produced l i opion the audience: 'That fear& yell, the dread Binger of bloody exultation' pealed out in t unwonted ;Jape in the full ma of the 1 . kW/ twirl , mutated sho Itg looks to the vim savages who atteredit, an conveged every mind by. in unermartorer Dull tiOn to FiteW where fancy could scarce 'avoid 'nit the unniCll „terpart of the appalling-about; - aimed in loody "reality, in a contest:in whmh.t . etnnttrynien of all and the Matinee eit man, I wenn% mien et' the • 'he - --"- -- gi,*l .yoke of Protidenl jolt !now fidelity It am; aria ;deaf Mr. Adi Aufitios hi his ituM can rde;it bu firmness him Ma others der whose etqlKting but, death breeze, fall wits At Rev. chant, Sault, MEIN At the Poor tin' 14th inst. rOLLY Sc "50.71-004.Ft' t 64 years. The Retitle are reipectfoll 'informal that an ',-.---. ' 'ORATORIO will hetsiveti" *`64,l4gyi'4,li e:Cintrel. Mahan tear- eet, ottl--"Fit gythe '26t testa to corum* it 7ehr!ti,* - i• Tbellfrim leg are thiltireatit4,'„ , , 1., performed. • - ~., Hark the:sonic of Jubilee;(- , ) ' - JOON Bodies the friluil.. (chorus) - -Mow. bri, Hark the:Convent Belle._ zing a, -. #OlO anti' chortntj ' : . ,Stkenatut. Aorta eve: bright*/ fair, $lo) .'i Rizidel, &mai source °Amoy _. _ • r, (duet ) Marlin' ghi *gin al soul th' naidad ' (than) Anon. 1 °venire, • • '. ' ... , ' - Relleilti, • ' .P.awr II = p i , When the Lord - limn build 'horns) Anon. . 1 .!..iii up your stately head , i. ( „ and I. chorus.) - . -5 ' •• ' An°ll4 I 'Fear not, but truatiw '' ' • '•,' " .- ' - togu) Bayley. The . Lord deaccideil tom y _ -, Marsh. Sill ilo more 01:40 - - ~ " Shaw. • liVake the Song oftilmled.(' orna) Heide. Oh .Iwi! Deus - rijiikitt, (Die ), • Webbe. Land* *o Columbus i Xbzart,* t Strike the Cynttial - (eiloTiiil bin* Pitt4tta. Tickets Of adintsainri'( '" 25 ceiti). ziay be had at the 0 1 5u.e9fuet:Atincrie Joanna. is rneetin hed, in i friendly ' President. 77. 16060 — iibig; Ogee open daily 1,8 . ..c1ikk,".&4111.10 10 P. M.; eicapiSunday• On Sondai. _open fur ii kik. ftwirl2tri .4rand voinl_et 01 1 . IC: Tura of orris 4/: . 'ats „ Mad.frous tvea.da it, 20 a'. cliock, _ Mail franc' Manch Chunk arc ee dank* 10 o'clock; T. 31.-4.loipes daily .tlO Mail from; Hartiahnriraitiara Mandiy:Tand Thursday 'al Me- =14 16 8 and Thursday, al-,10 .o'ckPck, T;4141. .. Mail Cronl - Northooiker,l*4l- arrisasiMoadaTe WeilneadaY aistyridfiy Uie the seen — bry pieter. e this petition --41/4 from asset . from At alba manners as, tarty "sett: 4 tin; ~ .810frelioliet. ...! - ;,-:,‘-,-- / ',..- ' - _Frain-Abe litlfarof4pri ne . / . Lll- BRICK:BTOR,E, a Agit-ikairinfarvii . tj iligi PfatiniiiiiietekirtUrbit-1, an *waved fillasCats*lsOkbke l r ent * - Stid Store,. 20 lif 4A,lket oritkatitaiii Wier' ill a epoallielid hrlisitiss.44.ll4 , 64wit' al OW . North Sitffe;" kniglie 7 - 41 / 1 4M 1 , 4 , ' Ideth. ' APP l 3 l 4 O °' 40111 1 E, tit shei F ;...,,.. :i. .‘ ~ eto . ,c ' ' Pentlinerni,b , *,:7; k..i. ' I j` -,' '' , '''' , .. ..,,,,,; . : 1781141-ProPen7 / I °.‘" ' ' Ol /N° l U-iv `':-. -' ,;-' with tipatakana;,q4C , abonl;'" eted Poe. tedgreat notibeir d.rf' ,titan, I""irit_ rito9) : 1. 1. e I. vith selfattiieft suPi ) li of '• und "A i I uanNAN
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