The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, February 20, 1836, Image 1

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oe P.
per inni
. 11 Woe's. ate. at
cotqleOted with
oath isq viii ['not]
..Tom . than Cpl . &
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of the Peace io
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'Oita - Law on
esOlny. haat' and
• 1 ' Soe'y.
of the
And others
171 a ,oi
attrition of the
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a Medical Society
ita of the various
lie atiplgned for
dice and effee
y authority, of eh
he :Strnerteak Jot
there .,{
the m ti
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of this
No. of
. 1 ,
_,, ,
eto IContracto for 'i'riarulporting
Oat on the Sc ttythz:ll c'anal.
' Lit e Schuylki Navigation Rail Road
d I Con3pany, 0011 receive sealed pro
, ih • office., , s9 south 3d- k, until the
for transporti Coal, the, approaching
bk-tbeir boats fr Port Clinton to this
pplie r a' ticrns need made wit iiPat good se.
I art
tan be offcred, respectable references
'a4elebEe, Feb 13,
IDI?LE aged 11 1
ctice,•ie willing
f hi" time
eeping or. aeeou •1
ateooe will be, : ,;
6"12x3 Collie
a part
able I
- -
\ No
subscriber, g
y informs
• -petal chit Pe]
of Mr. John Ho '
ties into his fires ,
a *nitrify of free,
to supply his fo
ay favor ism vfit i
800- '11 1 ' )
`barrel or half.
Hest notice. •
g" •
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lai gr..
taini ,
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ii_'',,,e..i‘lm -..
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14; Tiffili ii "te . •.' ...- . , i , cr , •-• i
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:. •.. Still be made • • ,- i
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„...• Tit well known goal tierorthe' l , . ,-)
a l , iii ,., • ykag g eaer. ..heenind • -- in
14sh ~ t 'a:prepre a • -tis:ersah in
for. , an: issportant I .""- tit. '
Cl - . Of: thelooth in :• ' ' inn, 10, •
It . : -MO the 14%5041 , ~ of 4an
op* . allaireagre al r in . the '
ais a pleasant !breath. Qne Brea
• aril parees!eir over •ITery pre t
se • rpeiseui,ithat It 1; . the tee ' y, .
de in use. ~, IP tr .37i ea? it .____
", sad totl :by. -B. ' .
be pal
lfs la
I WILL TrAO Tint''.
II /Olt TO Amos *Ark - 'so wzia Op TKO WWI ASTI MO W IW/A41141/1
- 111LICA,T
" Maga-
Account:orthe ortbe I'or mod HouoeofEmidOY-1
. • meta of.Schuylkilt County.
deeding tweive roars, 1,01
'r one doltstrrority-Ate .
insertion; Wger.ones in
--, .
.. . . - • .
. ..
OLD AH HAMifER, Treasurer-of Schuylkill Connw in -accountenrreat - with - tbe
Directors of the? Poor= and House of Employment, from-Tan. 20, 1835, to lan. 20,
1838, both days included. - .
I '
he rAilror on
; • ot. West be
Ito. , e
rimmed !co
e ism • •
• • intevlei
Sferclutiito Cope Hooks
ei Ritte f... M.
ICUs - •
f the' t townships
tin- the yedfrs 1834—'35,
final , retnrn • of . , State
to make par returns
, f March hex}, in the
the borough of Orange
no allowances will be
misssioners „
11 sNizzigation COW,
ELTEUA, Fdb. 1, 1836.
.re have this day deelar.
per cent. this
faur and a
capital Nock of the
mouths,. which will be
or their legal. reprosan 7
uret tuid*fasetary
Ad entitled an Act
don of a house fur the
the poor in the Conn-
I by the' Senate `and
of the Cotompnwenlth
Assembly met, and it
tothority' of the same,
sage of Thie Act, no
Jrnonty tif Schuylkill
cor resthril for kraut..
for relief 1 . 1 removal of
the names f paupers o f .
slime tint shall be put
on bras of the Cotinty
itlett to retiailre for, est:l 7
treifor rerixisal of a pan.'
re cents, aid five cents
le of re i rentatives.
IGHAM. ,Speaker
of'4lhe &Tate.
10,11 day of January, Att
ired an& tbirtv.eix. '
JOS. latimEg.
trvisburg. Ara. 26,1836,
\e above ie a true copy
and of record in said
al ant:floe the day and
'the Comnionwea
red with
ledigal profession and
,respeetful invited to
ii, commis t
tg the Phil
appointed to investigate
inkruments tfion , before
be suecesssfiit treatment
ieg 4 radietit cures. Pub.
Societyrin the present
I ofidedietti Saknees.
. 1 132+
1 - 3 2
who hashed 14 yeeia
to devote th9}lbolo v t",
business cdudected with
is in geneiiiti. Respest..
I'ven. 4 fiddtetis.
1 • Works, poftsvillo; Pa.
Ice. • - • •
teful for paettflivors. re.
is friends Arid the pub
boa porehasad a lot of
hes, from bleb he hes
ry for the • urfameof oh.
1 , water, w lob 4.11..ena;•
I -er friend. e l ect :,... 4 use
- .
their east ;',,,
I not ' ' - •
:it'll' of : • : 7 ' quality at
• ; 7-3 m
Tan Yiird.
kietibaii-,bk given. Its
IS. kirk
. antl Bides can
italedli to say smountr—
risborbood of several iron
railsvad, which
` *We forleathar.
recompead itself.=
ttiritioit the par.
-41 Hf
- ,
a genera)
.4124 equal.
r , 4 ? and by des.
*ty thhi
F i for the
• arnustaif
1835. Jan 20. To Balance re
maining in the hands of the • ,
/treasurer as per settlement $193 1 67
To cash received from the Di.
rectors during the year 8693 894
of ,Adam Loy on account
of a mote
• of - Poo. Rooftop, 9 mo.
rent rn for poor house ta
of Wm. Salesman for 1
years interest due E!is
s.beth Miller, a pauper
HENRY STAGER, Steward, in account
of Emp
I'o cash recd• of Elijah Ham' filr,Treas7r,
during the year
for timber and cold wood
of Overseers of the Poor for
' Mauch Chunk township
of Berkscounty Alms house
for maintaining paupers 4.5 89
for one Cow 19 00
one Calf -. ' 300
50 Fowls 9 00
Hides and calf skirts • 17 97
Lard 6 79
Balance due 3 6Q
From January 20, 1835, to Jan. 20, 1836. there were admitted into the Alms Hoare, 93 male
persona and 54 letnale persons-96 remaining from last year—totarbuniber 243, of whom 3 adult
male per,sons and 2 adult female persons died. Total deaths 5--diseharged 170, remaining in the
Louse 27 adult males, 11 bolorimder the age of 12:years, 16 adult females, and 14 girl. under the
age of 9 years. Total number riAnnitung in the house, 68.
Tke following Children were bouni out during the year.
Edward Davis, to William "Woes, Norwegian township, Schuylkill county. •
Mary Smith, to B. T. Taylor, tailor, Pottsville, - do. do. •
Sossama.Bart, to Williaroldilnes, Norwegian do. do. do. .
Mary Weaver, to'Fitillt Langabach, Manbcim do. . do. do. ''
Mary Shorn, to Patrick Slobletoo, Pollicino. ~ do. . do.
Joshua Greenawalt, to Joel Yount, Norwegian do.. do. do.
Ellen'Doran, to Bridget E.:lessor., Pottsville, - , do. do.
Maryetta Penman, to Aaiun Liter, do. - do. do. '
Cha's Kautner, to Anthony Yeich, farmer, Wayne do. • do. do.
John Zimmerman, to EY.Parqulia.r. do. Manholes 'do. , do. do. -
James Ottkly, to John Tready, Norwegian do. do. du.
Produce raiseien the ,Farm during the year.
377 shocks wheat 170 bushels-628 shocks rye 302 bushels-960 do. potatoes-2800 heads -
bage-50 bushels red beets-10 do. turnips-48 tons bay and 2 tons second crop-400 lbs. bird 'p
—l3 bbls. soft auap-1000 lb. pork-75010. beef—eocumbeil, onions i and other vegetables s de n t
for the house:
_ .
, . • ,
Whole amount Vase Poor Hogite'raieneefrom Jan. 20, 1805;tr/n. 20,1830,
as near as can be ascertained, amounts to *; 1 " 101105 DO .
, . 1
j ‘' / . . _.
WE, the subseribere, haring examined and settled 'to th Of inurekill abil
ities, the Public Accounts-of the Treasurer, Directors, an d Stawatil of the Poor and
(louse. of Er u ipt ? yukent of the cousq - Oi Schuylkill , DO REPORT„Ohattbe filregoing
Statentent is a just end true result .four investigation. ;Whitetail:ldr Ilandathil26th
day of January,. A. D.•1808.' '-. . •
' -- ' ' - DANIEL KRtit-;... • .
_. .:-: 1 .‘.: : -;
. • ,•- - . _ ',IIIICHAEL N,k WENAII . 41 " g 5" . 1
. - ': r
4114 Jaysi Coffee. -.
Prirrieolsl Joso'Cuffiiei a supericir
orticle, for Guariprowiwoole tor..
a 19..5 2i t 21A.THANS;
UV - INTER Siniosd Spann , ofirior
Ivy qciality, at 111,45p0r villas. rat -by
By Mak paid to laborers and hltpd Men o
• theft $159 241
rot...limestone, l4,}
Closerseed, Straw; Hay, roamed
theal.dx. , , 18:1 39
Cattle- ' 145 75
505 bushels rye k 36
141. 15
364 do Aims 1
33 I
• 143 do corn 81 781 1
27 do wheat • ; 36 371
bails floor • ' 161 75
Smith work and iron 106 621
Putt for 43 acre, land . 1000
Harness. ilre. 44 52
Beef and pork 580 23
ltslt. mackerel. rice, Mk spices. ite. 262 '24
ksgarand coffee 105 97
Butter and Molasses ,[ 275 55
Muslin.. calicoes, . satinets, line ns.
• hosiery, dre. • • 768 36
Making clothes & shoes for paupers 104
Leather 104 3111
Tobacco—ehewingaturoking& snuff • 40 781
Hardware. nails , locks, hurgen.d.4. 130 Ma
Stuns. pipe and tin walla 143 39
Stone coal . 261 385
- Bedsteads • 36
Boards and shingles 99 67
Carpenters and srlieelwrights 58 03
11 371
L 21 39
Interest 118 42
Paints and medicines 99 515
c•nstabies. dm. 'conveying poor to
• the house 178 94-
- Justices issuing orders for relief of
• PliuPer.
Coffins tor paupers
hired women
Clothing. provisiOn, medicine, &c.
for out. door paupers .
Poritage books and stationary
Elie Shoemaker. 1 year'. dowry
Part ortnaterials ho 't fu 183 d and
1833 for the alms house
Beekuream't silted when steward
Henry *tapir. Esq.. present do
By cash paid Dr:G. Halberstadt for 1 years
attendance to out dour paupers
Same for "me, attendance to house
B.,lle.cker. late mewani mai in full
IL.Sfager. Onstent do. 6 months
A. Seltzei,for two years attendance as
' .director and raxtni services
John Pau, directer.l years salary
K Hammer, tr. and clerk, Ido do
John Patterson, attendance to paupers
1 year . .
Balancein hula& of Treasurer
25 00
75 00
24 00
$9Oll •36}
with the Directors of the Poor and House
ley merit.
By,•casb paid for straw
Oats •
. 3 (ibis Flour
Laborers and hired men
Carpenters for building hospital
Conveyi;ig paupers Loam alms
Travelling expenses
Sturm coal •
Aired women
. I,ewyer
South work and tin ware, •
CaSl.3ge p4stb & garden . reeds
Rakes and Cradle
ltudicts, repairing dock, coal
grates, plasm. work and CC. • A
- rink a horse
8200 00
.122 73
81 15
8589 13
1830. Jim. 20. By Balance tine.B.eary
Stager, Steward, $3 60
-• sA;EuRDA,Y *ow! -
paimuARY2O,E .
fIIHE anti*L4ibeeoffere
••his k9trier *a* Dry Goods it. - Sta.
10 Centre etrad:Potter'
Breed - iv Holland Giu, - Malage; 'Naafi*
and Port Wipes, Whiskey, - hi' the take Iteti'l 7
rel. tellether With Meet: Rye,. Buckwheat and
cora-Morl„ Oats, Coin and•
Feb rtlito.n• 'JAMES SUJIMMANai.
"V " 11.1;i • 117r7".
,t 1 :4 . • ~.!
- -
f 44 4.1.2.
Oh lUD. wht;4 bidet
The glittetinglentlece.
Pooohthusolitij.,d, ti cla shine
the 'imitating twee h - forAh
Their itueting atm
Who shiehret the naked lie their hitur
Of cold allsersity* - •
Thou o'er thesteader . 'i'
The curtaining snow 'oth apreat4
And give itthintherdike babe 1
Deep in di cradre;bed4
A chain is owthe stream*
Aid ou the souse r liewth
Yet still their spark in, eyes look tip,
And beam with-g
,atitude. ~ •
The bettlatth left her toil.
W itb lit het call to ak* . -
The warbling tenants alike cloud
Asileilt sabbath keep.' , '
Thou mak'st the lengthebed eve,
The fliend.of NV isdomiprovr, .
And bid'at us bind confiding yearu
In eloper linkstof love., •,.,•
Oh Thou, the God of Il+e,
Best Author of our dais,
,Forbid that whiter chill our hearts,
Or check the lay of:praise. 2.
• Float the Nationelllntelligeneer.
[From Coatis' Recollections and Private Memoirs
of the info and Character of IVistangtan.l :.
The outposts of the two erm:cat were very near
each other, when the Anuniican commander, Ale
suone et obtaiuing particular ititiarmatiourcapect.
ing the designk of his advntary„ summand • the
fanicitileader of the Ritleiner , Col. Daniel Morgan,
to bead quarters.
It Wan night, and the COief was alone. Idler
his wood 'petite, yet reserved and dignified salu,
Cation' i 'Washington remarked: "I have sent fin)
you, “or Morg an , to cotrual to your courage and
sagacity a small but verylituportant enturprisot I
I wish reconnoitrethe eivetny'slines,ivitlit I
view to your aseertaining etervetly the . positionl
of their newly constructed 'redoubts-4100 of the;
I encampments of the British troops. that have late-
ly arrived, and these of their Hessian euzifia ries,
Select, sir, an officer, a r.ort.counniesioned tinker.
and about twenty picked Men, awl under cover of
the night proceed, bucwith all possible caution—
get as near as you can—icturn all you can—and
i : day dawn titre and orahc your report to head I
quarters, gut mark tue,-(folortel Alorgan, mar i
me well: On no account whateveeeegage in an 1
' akirroithing with theenepty—ifdiseprerce, mak I
a speedy' retreati let nothing itiducp yob to. Are it'l
s i ngle shot: ;'tar, sir, that no fitiOs or circ.
1 stance s will use the discharge of a single rifl e
'on'yoor parr; and for the extreme preciseness df:
those milers, permit me to say that thave .in 1
reasons."—Filling two glasses qui" the Oen ...,
' rat continued: "And now, Col. Morgue. we; w" 1
drink a good night, and sticeesi to your enter-I
prise." Morgan quaffed the wine:smacked his
lips, and assuring his excellency that his ardent'
should be punctually obeyed. left the. tent of the' ,
Commander. imCittef.
Charmed at being chosen as the etzecative ot
cer or a daring enterprise . the loader br the wood
men repaired to his quarters, and, 'tailing fer GC- i
briel,bung, his liivorrie
.captain, ordered him to
details trusty sergeant and twenty prime lelluserttl
who ; being mustered, and ordered to lay on their ,
arms, ready at a moment's warding, Morgan arid
Lung stretsbed their nuttily forms before the watt h i
fire. to await the going down of the moon—We i
signal fur their departure. . . I
A little after midnight, and while the rays Oft
the setting moon still faintly enamored in the
western horizon, 'Pp; siergcantr 'cried Long,i
"stir up your men;" and twenty athletic figures ,
were upon their feet in a moment. "Indian file.i
and 'march:" and away all sprung with.the quidk 1
yet light and stealthy step of the woodsmen,. I
They reached the enemy's Mines—cretyled np so'
Close to the pickets of the Hessians as ,to itsha C i
the odor of their pipesdiacevered, by the new y
tut ned up earth, the positions of the redoubts, and,
by the nurnertma tents that dotted the field fort
'many a rood trotted,' and shone dimly stnid the I
nieht haze, the encampments of the Britnift
and German reinforcements—in short, performed.
their portiotta duty witheut the slightest discove
ry, and. pleased with themselves and the success
of their enterprise, prepared to retire, just al
Chanticleer, from a neighboring farmhouse, wet
'laiddingsalutation i to the morn." The adventur•
one party reached a small eminence at some dile"
tante from the British camp, and commanding
an extensive prospect over the eirculnjaceiteConn.
try. Here Morgan halted, ha give his men &little
rest, before taking up his line of march for. the A
merican outpost. Scarcely had therthmva therd.
Pelves on the grass, when they e parceived, issuing
from the cranny's advanced / pickets, e body Of
home, commanded by an officer, arid proceeding
along a road that led dtractly by the spot where
the riflemen had halted. • No spot could be better
chosen for an ambuscade; for there were • rocks,
ravines, and also shrubby *aka: tlrdt grew thick.
ly on the enpieneo fly which the' road we have
just ountidned passed, at not exceeding en ban
died yards. .
Viivrn, boys, down," cried Morgan, as the
Woe. approached, nor did; the. clansmen of the
tMute Rhoderie disappear' more promptly 'amid
tilde native headier. than did Morgan's woods.
men h" the present instance; each to his tree, or,
ruck. "Lie close there. my Lads:till we ace what'
these fellows are about."
Meantime, the hmetnenArsul gained the Leigh
.and the °these dropping Median on his charger s
neck, with a spyglass rirconinoltred;the Ameri
lines. The troopert closedlnetheir file, andw e
either Cherishing the noble annuals they ro d e , .
prating theirequiptneiahr or! guilt nets Oiti lt4.
rooodm scenery; now fast brightening in e
beams o fthe rissaristn, 0 . , `li ....“
-Morgan looked Long, km' Lopropon Wan;
perlur. while thilicionfie-wil4 panting ; Aisles
' and i p i tkung ell . , wifirlii, ooliM
'ame ..lane
shrilal . .ftooi tbeirWeers ‘ter hit the ruin By:
.. 1 .
At laiitti,the taidat silk* of 'Matron aeM.;
came Ina prudence- end. -mega of military 204
dimaiw Vorytafidier - i - "
SlOttiiColtiese ef
c'.very. ! thingbut his tam ' new 'within hissiesP,-
lissraved his.. blunt, and d and sharp tong the ,
1 report idibe rides ami d' l: surrnttiiihpg.
~- At point blank dietance its eintein'and dead
ly aim of the floating Sbiriirorthit!niiiidationa.
ry Army Woe waliken htaterylemita: 4
market this time of day. [ln the instance we
have to record, the afflicts ortha fire orthet Mi.
70 7t) ~
507 67
17 61
33 63
51 97
WY )34
LA 63
137 50
75 25
620 60
poet 34
83 241
49 3711
18 00
29 311
119 99
40 50
21 Ili
28 61a
33 75
46 81j
91 27
7 1-
0 6;
23 88
50 49
$.18.9 13
• ...g• •••=,'
3 , .;
24.0 ,- . •
4 11 . 11 .'
... . -,Y)F141
men were tremetwkoW. Ward .: - ei rogue 1
had fitllcOo rim no.inteir, WE4I4. -,, their ; ; ' , :led':
elrergers Tithed wildly over the aajmnter tainxit .
votherr wounded. bOtitobinglecl*ol-thent' ~ „OM
were dritiged-by them farititur•enimaht exil Aly
along. while Abe . f . tray ' fi,w .b allto " -_ , .. 011 :
scathed spurred hard, to :cola . e *leiter of the
British lines. 'y • ' " - • ' '''
White the smoke yet canopied the scuba. of
daughter. and the picturesque forms of tinsittiood..
Men oPeootod smollgthe f 3 i4gort - tholloo 3 l' 4
loading their pieent, , tbe ordinsar grub otAlorgati
stood apart. Be- iteemettlie very Peet& el W4ri
i i
as gloomily he enutemphttcd the levee hiej order
14 , !nada., Ile -apeke.;imt , he la od n0404 .16011 '
a one absorbed . la. an linen ty of thought.+-
mattial about with which be waawent to
c r hie comrades in the hour i of combo I was
'he ed, the shell* from whidi he hadlithrin 'full
1 many a. note of battle and of triton* on the - fields
of Saratoga, hung idly by „his eider, no -order . Wes
given to spoil , the slain, the untamed' equipreenta
for which there *lia alwayea leanly froto emt-,,
gresi, the ishirteAr there was such Deed In that.'
the sorest period of our cenntril privation;all,i
all were abandoned,** with an abstracted Outwit!
a voice struggling fix utterance. Morgan amides:l-
i "
ly Inman to los Captain, 'exclaimed. tl.swig, to
the Cam march!" The favorite Captain' obey.
ed. the R emen with- traded- aqua fell ;nal rte, ,
and Long , lied his party aeon disappeared,. but
. net bettlet the hardy fallow* had exchanged vari.,.. l
ems opini ea on the strange termiriation 1 of the
late drat . Aod they agreed near. con. that. their
Colonel as tricked. (conjured.) rir,aesurallyief.
ter such, it fire as 'they badjust given the on e y,
such unimptying of sadd l er , and gulch 'a ittlaint
deringithe troopers. ho would hot have yodelled
hte . poor iflo.hoy,e from the field , Without ao much
as lewshirta or pedant' stockings being -did*
among Ofent. . "Yea," said a tall; lean and st4r
thy lookill' fellois, an Indian hunter &Mu e
his - 1
1 •
i ' c
_I ' ..,......... ...
(reader, it he uireffilly. placed his nomads the taimOnsatiere of il i to o t i F tb idlet'l lia : lair L i nk er .
feet, in ei foorPrints of his fi le leader.) "Ye. o oaligfio etando
my lads. otenthi to reaso9 our Colonel is tricked ' ruptedVZi i t i n; " "w a hat hesithit.le do with ine,is
Morgaii.folkosed on lush trail of his mett. • Th! .. 7 - • , . i
011 Inroaifhis'inititary guilt had , rushedl4lolo bis "no pri r..., melts r e etefi ng 4 b t u n e w e , e ar ki-e. t
mind, event before the reports of hit rifle/thud nem, en Midler: my, orders are- hail/oho you to gine 4 r
td to the 101:tering forests. H`e became withhisiOreellency today , at ,three *Wok p ea . I
mreo an 4 more con vinced of the enormity of his , cisely. ,:Yes,o ta veaod irxi d fij eu dicol,lig ora , •
ou'etice, es with : ll and membred giddies, he gen, •yed tell are, and likely long to, bie, the val,.
/mooted iris solitary vvay,and thus Ito soliloqpizedued,_ and tim 'a
ed commender do; rifleregitight4 1
.i . -ALWell tDaniel)Morgen, you have done fiarymr. Morgan sprang from:, eitinp,bed on which A -
self: ill kc, iiirOritketo k certainty 1 Yen may was gitting t ondlifeing the hand'ef tbi little
go horn ' stem to the plough*--yebr sword will 4fiO gii.lo hig giant ghe . p, - .• WrizegAnd wrung; ;
be of no Ws Ilse to you. Brat, iir—notliqng ta ilth e "lid•de•oawP iheil l . l 7„ 1411 11110. 1 .4 ~..1* g e t
can save on-i' ' there is the end of Cohinel Mar- . then wide . wit "Atli ` I ioniggiT.,_ "
goo! F 9141! . gi by a single act of madneis thus / know ion. H " iltow--yotr - "' tag noble - s 1111; ;,.
to destro the' *fumy of so many' toils ant lilt to sport wi the feeling*. :on eht)•hyetbef t --
en hard! ugh 11,lattle. You *re broke, sir, and souther." on assured Li/p..11400d dation
1 I,„
there is ten , tiCol. Morgan l"- ~ Was true; and gaily kiegolyltyliturdaslionoono
T.) disturb this there suddenly appeared, tad *bone, bidlho now deliebtid cidinid,tn i tio
at full spiedole,, the Mercury of the manlier three o'clock, -aridiekt6diar iof &dot '
field, who, timing , up, accosted the colonel with, obey a second time, and galloped l toi heid4inkr.
"I am oriled, Col. Morgan, to ascertain whether tars. ,
the' Grille. now heard proceeded from your da y Morgan entered the,
_ .. til:...ut‘ciettleac
Nehmen " It dot, sir," replied Morgue dogged. der *dila; iiii, it iiiifif ran t , wit liffr apt"
ly. ••Th colonel." continued the aid, "I are Whoil4 after plying thelireepecti tithe al '
ileolier ordered toirequire your immediate/at/sod. fitedoff nit give a cordial viluteser Wl*, ' d tii
au upon his excellency, who is • fast approach the ciamutiourier oftherideregiment,ind-tesifils.
in t " „
" Mit..rean bowed, and the kid, wheel/4.14s per in bia ear wordeofcertgratulatimk • The cloth"
ch rger,eitqed back to rejoin hie chief. removediWashingion"-bid bis.-snegiae fi ll„ifieis,
ll'ie gl of the morning sun upon these:nee glass* dnd gave • his only, hie unis ( Yinetoiiito.o.
'of the her guard announced the arrival of the the toast of the day, of triel--the Mast ot thiVeiriN;
dreaded commander — that being) who inspired rang of kir " time honoted" , /ife •. ' • the shade,
with a degree of awe every one who approached ofaunt Vernen-?*.All out; Weed , 1 4 . Thi n t;
hid'. With, it stern yet dignified ennitiosure -with his Usual old fashioned pontes„he drink
FY/Abington addressed the military calprit--•"Cini to each guest by name. When lie' - .. a AkoVol.
it 141 p-rb.ible. CA Morrie, that my aid dimity Morgartor good health ; iiir;O- thrill faii
haul reformed me Aright t ,Can it be possible. aft through a manly Th
meof, -the pa ,-. , • list*
ter:ahe orders you received last evening, that the gain fate le moldier,. whikt,,enny ey netherpt.l
firi g we have heard proceeded from your detach. Filson mil turned upon hum.. At an *we
rn t T Surely, air, my orders were so explicit the temp/toy' broke up, and organ h a per.,
as of to be easily nusunderstood. Morgan was feet escort of of fi cers accompanying lin to 'hi. br e, bet it bee been often, and justly , too, ob. quartes,all • aniimis to, cortgrantla hire upon ,
serted, that man ,never was born of woman who his 'hippy restoration to rank and. dii ~ , all Oda:
clad spproach tbegreat Washingtoe.-• and sell to astute bite of their esti* for lire peen
no 4 feel a degree of awe and veneratio and services.' - • . ,
fr hit presence; Morgan quailed for ,i And ellen, in eller life, did Mort* Welkin ,tip: t
t mut bebre the uteri) yet just. displiasereA -- 5 - his )on the events which we have trim ilia teJthe”
c f , till, arousing all his energies to thp/effort, i Aniericans mad their posterity, And wonkfur
lie lencovered and replied—" Your exoifiney'l or. 1 —"Mat could the pawned cleinene pfilmeenia
delta were perfectly understood ; add, agrees. ) mender Viii- chief towards so ifumbor. .tram.n
h! a tethe same . I proceeded with* tailed party ); dier 0 lima mean? 'Wes it that alt,eek,ipe,
to ennoitre the [enemy's linen by Inight.. We Imy enemy wheiever , I could find hi . andt:tbe
i p
w men. the
g di to sco h y e e ioi red q a cias par tere ty t o o t. make
, ro cu y mi nto ng
‘ i k n ne be w r i ef lovai ti d,ieonabedly
adoredsnm of
, poo taxii hieti os
au tiedei ,
in0w %..., ,
B po u , w n i e t i c i i,, ec h an avio l , ° h m a d ltad ur a fie ez w Pee mrit:to and rest i . a Ce ttli ti c ai k n: a n g a c t.. row : l tu 'I
out from the enemy's lines. They came'up im. beings? i That loxiVidedge wodld net haveire4h:
miiiiiately to the spet where we laye i
ecaled by ed a &ether, in the scale of his Vlitatiy justice....
thil brushwoed. There they halted, ai d gathered In slier '' the whole :fair ur-- planted ia five
utregether like a flock of partridg esa ff ording words-i- t was my fir s t olfencei
_, • .
m so tempting an opportunity of • The e meney - of Washington to the •first of.
my; tliat-may it please your excellency, flesh fence pr •rted to the army elite *volition one
blood mild not retain, . of its me valued sad, effective tiordiers; Ainit hid /
7 t this rough, yet frank, bold and manly expls. its rem,. .in little wore that two years from the •
n 'on, a smile was observed to piss overthe coon., date of o r narrative,' when Bites/tier .General
to armee of several of the general's mite.. The Morgan iionsummated., his own tame, and abed! .
el o f remained unmoved. when, waiting his hand. undying justre on the trim ofhis citanto','ltY,,tho, ~,
h c ontinued—" Col. Morgan, you will retire to glorious endever Mintoratde r iietafif the Ddir .
Ater quarters, there to await further orders." pees. . .
Korean bowed, and the military% cortege rode on ; Nearly' twenty years averts *bad rolled ,awity.
lititie inspection of the outposts, ' * and ourero, like most of his ceinpetoak had
• rrived at his quartere, Morgan threw himselfittesten hie sword into a Iptaug6tfaskijail i mp cu.
u I • n his hard couch, and gave him:elf - up to re.' q joying halite midst of* domistierentele theitii2
fi' 'ons upon the events which had sedately and nine of leitaried and eventful:lifts . When eiliiiii."'
. rapidly sucteetted each other. He Was awere 1 cod in y*rs and infirm, MejislGenaralicMbrean 1
tl' t be had sinned past elf hopes of forgiven s, J was ca W to the suptendelelisiOtWe of hio,coart:'.
' ithin Dimly-four hours be had fallen .from the i try Ws alriMreseutatwe fromth e k a li of v ire*,
mend of a regiment, and being 'an
disgraced period' nitiiii lad the hoop" wid•halMinege clip= indent
a d brdken soldier!, Coodemued to re, from view With. the std gdeeral, whiehjest e d f ee .,,,,, jr .
.es of glory—the darling passion a ia heart, al .dayia \ ' And the voterutT was rtapfa, !find - *l ic k . .
r -vet to abandon the 'fair fields rifhgh leg idea, commuithiative to cite who; billi •
ng' from th e 1 01 .,
. io obiturity to drag out the r naitt of a mediate NiOli l .7 of' his Tobetligt":Phiii; fount,' i
lia. existence , leered and tor ' aro and ready and In warm welcome tithe heart oifllfite: - *
• hie rank, so hely, so nobly . Air .- with all gap.: And,. my and most tonetiing reirtins
el ;
h! "blushing honors- acquired.** 'witch*. t used tliq Ws of trial wers,relited l ly the bobs '"
the frozeirwilchnness of the Hen ebet, the rented leader* f the Stoxidsaterii - !pleb we ekiNio .
s rating of the Lower Town, and the • lantind erly devoured dearefellytitinnittid, v".• th o tha ,
• , ruins combats of Saratoga I . , " youthilA and d ightrdlistenerifin
. *ntenitirititt '
ti ll
' `ho hours dragged llootoily atw y— night no ordinary power. ,' , ...3 .• -_ •, ii i., .- i../, -,;
-e, but with it oo rest for the trouhl limit* of • And ie.', was there the rudeCterttti o r rai ,
r . Morgan. The • drums and-fifels ',merrily man Wed' sudd the Impel a: ' 're 'E N T hat.,
tut the soldier ' s &two, end.the rian 'arose, hood - "bat ;diatingi ed the `= _ erf - tierlo4.
, , ing ‘protnige if atoodlp diyr tin 'to mint' ., with little . hook lant ledge , . t 'gifted' by " , titt. r
w in the earelkof that widely este id: amp lure within thong; tan ~ diseriminatinig; attnid.‘:,z
d2r4 genial , beams giro hope and, mid gla patd.tho haw and, Me 7 oft so .F,414 , 0*
, _--, - . . C4mlty i.meittjulatt;.a. r l3 FtlitM*4otuthulas';.: •
Norgneallidemen were trentqatiy in the ad, thin laq iota huitble jod !,;,,toui:AWCiki i ii i t b a:2.
• - skirmishing with-the light fil; en. from the Picuttud endow . opthili s tiv i i. ,
le tannoying hiellanks. The re
_gawks; brightest. jentosea 1 of ttanwin, ' Gee. - 3lioktrao
th - much 'dtridrid into detachmenttiat daliaPare: speklorthe interasity of Wattlittigton,MA4 l .-7
0, 1.1 . ar eery ande*ltt•for I J 't
Morgan .of,thii itivtilittion, and. the autia4ra °Ma ' W.:,
In thohabittrf using a conch•abeilS re,lllBOll.V • flit i dt* - dineg 4- ' All . 11341 v ' --" hiskorieity of: --
- d
the beat with whjetr he :trtttti treat ntitharitalentei. is NW • ( it Gi v ais i otail
'' a leud Mid traillimlslut. thir isid we othetr,iMpluni_oirment,,.taf the( ' .1 0 iii i ikiti,
to .Inßiter hit-boy* 'Salle' witintill. ' We,' iiiid . courage •iqdrit ' tlfmdlit 7., - - ,r,tiliMirMeaZ . l.
from many part? or the-field wieeheito int tinde •Y,litY,Oltit".-liiid: **Ai lii**';Wan 34' let
P alld,Jihrtim edatiraied-oca•, • itt_rh!'• ' :of. ava e F. Ote c i , iia.Ovaiiiilw-' -, 4k.;iiiiikk ' •
amdhar.lstwolaphare'a lagegierial. winkiintridhig tmiliglailtittyGoll to, pent krolf.' ;at th e 0 . 6 -:,,,i , 1,
that every man would do his 407. . l ,---- -- - . °recoil/ WithinOtat,' :- -- ,i . -4 - .' ._: • , • , •
I `.
, .
kitss vAttriAL'A.2 . "l"W 1 I)olX2iSiii
=.l .4- 1 ,- - A•fi- • . _
vss =isiLlscimsc;
f • 7
'• 7 A ' 7 ;rtelt.
r 44
, -
hens, llawit elm* Pot-swilllts eit&8,1 0 4,5101.0
.thispa A ag leader of thi idiatirnigi: „. . v,, -,_ „.
to , t teweelocir theordaily*dolV i t
u* lye' of an - offiestc'or..thkllfaftfr '
loot - out i 4 .0 1 4, CUL, Jtiailtair, this was
. 1,1 4-r the iiegkemidioe "xadlcmiterea- AO
me ; .. ....Bo nialted," intididerliati., „4",, know •
your;' Wille •Ai4ls6i3f:ol•ll4atiliV pat Me. • * 4 f ilninel7 atones . 'Tlinair•O tiro '
arresimd—'us a matter otcouratt4:;L Will i vherst is
re l aWitrdi, „But-surely, hie , tiladinner. honoie
m , iMieed, in thew the last toomenttrufmyi 'mi
ft' ry xistence, When liii'lkhda ' for,Milin - vord.hy .
:his OriMaid, and'py hitit eate'ilitedtriend.—
Ah. y dear Banilito4if yotikoltitiihit I have
au& sinc e the curled boisokatuiwut # ) /ZillOt
PIO ilif'inki4 lll " . • : --; .. t : - - f
, - 1 t,, • '
B ituri. about tritose,"itr'lltilliflf I 4ritelliyiki
eohn ante there aiwiYilirlted':ildayilil autßs, ,
pow , , "Cot. Notipui, filiketekiitrioi kiai
id i on* me to"—"I knew-B,M;'• interruptinirflov;
t Ito bid ,ma n, r i epare - Aar ;trial = 4uilipattawb
Al W: trial! , Gui ~ air-7gunty, pi ill dolt*.
1 But then, (rem, irrhirosalf,j:Rerhip my ear- '
vices ought plead=nowitnael against ttudtioho- •
dientasof a positive order: "rlo;:tio,.it to all over ,
mita , OeLlintniken;:—tbera . br ion- end" 43foer•-ord
1 friend and Col. • Mos gum” ~, ,The: *studied *Olt
taunt' h ere then
~ , elwma
rut he exclaimed, "Bet my country,ii, cquiuuw
[ ber , mylliervices: 'and the Britieh aild' Madan*
will•reariember me toot fei-thougifilu ' he•ilii ,
away, my bravo comrade:swig. do.Aheir uty, and
Morgeovi rrflotnorr bc., et-they *Ways Avw bet%
a terror to the enemy.". '.
_.•-, 1 .... -
Mar *Ado, the generous 14bioillai0 - 4:091d
no loi*or bear to riltntss• the r bfriggfis 'af tho
i f
brava nfortnnata , flo. csillivi,, out, o'f/eir- ini,•
my d Colonel:only proadae ro.bear . me for one
women and I wilt telliTtifiA7,,,Go on,sir,"
rePheq wriwil; atesiPoinwilYi!l,9l4! , "Thett,''
continued the ititkie-eatmi, , uyou Mist *MAW dud'