ylgag • , ! - P •• , • FLOUR.hy t 1,20 per a demo on lOR 2.00 per p••t. in demand. HEAT PLQUR ? 50 &rem .in thelesdBo one p y . the bushel '• . ;:OpBo cara she! i edema feasts—ready; •Es 30 cents pe sheik' dent% jeentsper bus lin demand By SEED--$Y 1 perhashel. Ep--$1 40 per" , viehdlianeman ' RY-31 cents pe allot . - `R-J-16centsperp ',Keg vl lieents per dose • ‘; • t2cents per po fd, 1 . 4 Wl.-8 cents per .1. uvid Areenits per pour. • 82i.conts p rbu she , —9 cents perpo d. ' ktt ,-18centspetipound. ; ERSI4-40 eerit p rpridnd N WOOL-40 e tsperpound EREL.by thabbl,l4BB 50-N 0.2.27 00 psi per.ohl.^ co porbushel. ER, is worth-is,;tlperten. • 218 per ton: WM • diy WBLE RYE ', BUCK " RYE, site. RYE 6 ! OATS ParA', CORN TIAI.O* FLA .* WHIR, BfJTT EGO LAB*. TA cam. BA ' , BEES, YEA- L'O MAC SAL FL RAY , • Birth Ni subscribers 'are Ibeheldatthe;i ing of the 22d in ribore cam proco be Minors' Jour By order ?0 . FE the ev Sub See of bon 11 Feb i t Build NTVD TEN g. HOURC Carpenter nt and good wag. rm f Assign • rtll Stile. 1 ' subscribers, ignees of Col. e liteohen ':'fez, of Tstnaqua, • ill offer for sale on Mon.. 7th day of Mar b next, the entire Stock e LGoods to 'them by the said Creitz, h trust fbr his creditors, consist the following arti les,.to wit: • brewn, drab an olive cloths. blue, mix'd, ind 'stripe:d sattinetti, green bake, domes nels, beaverteens,lrourn cassimeres, furni. ecke, fancy calic4es.muslids, bilin'mtzette, and plain silk ribbens,Davi'dC:rocket hand. lets, fancy crave* woolen stockings, men's cotton hose, ditto black worsteak do. linen . Kidd do. reedy tnade.clothing, cy dress erclikfs, padding, ginghamilibodstrws, ra" itsocket.kniver, German lampe, thumb - gm - jocks, curtly combs,,sweeping brush k. drawing knives, buckets, glue, opsodi salts, molasses, Lisbon tobacco, vhiskeyl,- empty barrels, I dear. waggon, 1 wood stave with pipe, window cearbortiharness k and a numbi.r of articles omicrons to mention--eondittons will be . known on the day of sale. SAMUEL DE PUT, of 8 Ren 4 ing o I= MICHAEL EVERETT, orlon, Feb 20 14-3 :Assignees . ' no ne , g e ... reby even to the beirs;of Em c lnoal Duey, •id f Dauphin County. deceased, that a rule n granted by the Orphans' urt of Min county, requesting the heirs of mild Oman hoey,lnapplat in ',Court on Monday the likh of Aptil next, and!take or refuse , to take the lestatelof the said deceased at the Valuation. l ily the court. GECt TAYWR , , Clerk of 06:thak's Court of said county. , liarrisburg Feb 20 , ; 14-5 Di hail phir nal , ihy real! :: EI.. . E RIFO 9 S ~ SAIL,ES. -a , Y - virtue of Theyeral writs,: of V dirt/Jai Ex - 6 postai and Levant' . Faciait, lase out of the oou of Common Pleas of Schuylkill county, an& "; me directgik wilt be exposed to Public Sale I n Monday the - . 14th • day of Iti oh next, at. the- honk of John Huber, inn; - -r in the borough of Pinegroy, Schuyl4ll .... .ty, at one o'clock; P. M. The undivided on, half of all those els tracts of land, situate in Ma beim, Wayne, Norwegian and Pinegrove to nships, Schuylkill countt, coo thing in the art Je, two thousand ,aix hundred and thirty-two a ..- and seventy-four perches, and the allowance, a , which were sufvesed in 'pursitance of six vra reels, dated reafiectlvely`on the l 18th day of N. • mber, A. D. 1703, and granted'by the Com m.. wealth of Pennsylyinta to the : following per. tici , 's,.= Peter Filberl, John Kidd', ' ohn Spyker, Jo , n ptto, Esq. Joint Spayd, Esq. and William Co when, with the appurtenan Late the es of George Rood.. At the same time and place, a • . certain lot or piece of gtound, situate in the borough of Phlegmy°, in the ~ county of Schuylkill, bounded by the W l5l rail road On the east, by the Orwiga. b.! , g road on the width, by the Tuldekocken.road ' the west; and als feet alley on e north, con. to slug one acre, mere or less; wt, the appurte - •,,ces, consisting Of a, large tw story frame d -Sing house and kithen, sprin' house, of fi ce a . , a frame stable; he house as n I w occupied as l e, a very .--Late Ihe estate of 'Hen W. Conrad, • . ".04 - Tuesdsay' the 15th 'day of wit pest , at the, ;house of William Mdttimer, 1 - nkeeperi in the bojough of ['oust/Ale, Schuylkill . • itty; at 1 o'CitieltkP. M. All that certain mes. , • • swage and lot of ground, .situate on the sontwesterly side of Centre street, • a . in the . rough' of Pottsville, County a l I aforesaid,•eonteintng in front, on said entrWatreet 60 fee, and in depth 240 feet, being . . :t lot marked in the gpneral plan of said bon,ogh 0 1 W., and bounded northwesterly by a 33 (feet ..toodathweite by second or Adam's street, itthsluderly by lo No. I ' and northeaster ) by ' . Centre street, ith in. toting of a 3 sto flitt •ed as a tavern,l r ry brick ttereffi ad to pumps, . the yard—Lete tin 'silt the sa e • ~. . . . . - =nil tra, towns p, l[liii y Can a min Met ' . i hundred and y 'i.e sppurtenin , ' .e-dwelling hay dwelling hr . edi — ieele the At the 811 ! ' All list aortas. om, ' ,ortbeedeliyottic'doll .eh frilla ittP#tt. & Patters • . roagbi - said Lil lilt] depth . , , . • by kill 40 teet wide suet and southeasterly conAi ar • kick appurtmuinen, De a two story dweXiig house witkiC.bastittiot ploy. - MARK oad eras-Wort! 1 sm. 3 • on Fr . Alsoltwo certain lout or pieces of ground.litn menu the pouthwesterly side of Third street, is the borough of Pottatifff, county aforesaid, anti ked in Pull* 4- Patbirson's additional _plan of wad borough, No's. 1 arid 2. joiconteining together •in front oo third _ street, 120 gam, and in depth 270 feet, bounded Southeasterly by Lyon . street, southwes t terly by j a 40 feet wade street. called (Wolcott. street) w it!' the appurtenances, consisting of 2 story frame dwelling house. • emend: ready Also, a certain lot oipine of ground, sitnate on the southeasterly side of High street, in the bor ough of Pottsville, county aforesaid, 'narked In Putt 4 „Patterson'. sdditional plan of said' bo. 'rough, No. 104, containing front ••. on said High street, 60 feet, and in s sdepth 220 feet, bounded nonlinear's 111 by a 40 feet wide street, southeasterly by Lyon street, southwesterly by lot No. 105, and northwesterly by said High street,. with the appurtenances. !Oient• 'and I 'No. 4. Also, a cat tam lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Pottsville, county atiaresard, marked in Putt& Patterson's additions! plan of said barongh, No. 106. contaioining ' 7 in front on High street, 60 feet, and •• 11 • • 18 • in_depth 248 feet, bounded southwes t! . terly by lot No. 107, southeasterly by Lvori street, nurthensterly by lot of Pott & Pat terson, and northwesterly by High street, with the appurtenances—Late the estate of William Wolcott. t Bali. formed that !the Mill ount Carbon Ilotel on o their tickete:at the of. or at the Mo44tt Car- Pete Managers." EIM !rs Wanted. Boat Builders or good —taikhom coOutant cm !, will ho given ! Apply °SEP"' SHEI4X. 14l—tf ./it the same time and ptace, a certain tract of land, situate m Barry. towhithip, Schuylkill county, beginning at a pine corner on the southwestern corner of a tract of land, grant. ed to John Fidler by . the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania; by virtue of three wart ants, dated res pectively the 14th, 15th and. 17th daiys of August, A. D. 11329; for 920 acres; thence running north 9 degrees, west 50 perches 'along the line of the original survey of the afore . ,">: said tract of laird, io a stone; thence south 70 degrees, West 160 perches to • a stone; thence south 9 degrees, cast 50 perches to a pine tree, and thence .north 70 degrees, east 160 perches to the place of beginning, containint 50 acres, being partof the aforesaid tract of land containing 920 acres, which was granted to the aforesaid John Fidler—Late the estate of Beery 113 NI Fat 190 Dif Gangs. lit the same time and place, a • certain lot of ground, situate in Pie borough of Pottsville, county afore :in said bounded in front on Market ous street, in the rear by a ten feet alley, containing in front 20 feet,end in depth 115 &wt, and marked in the general plan of said borough, No. 3, being part of lot originally marked in the plan of grid ,borougb, N0..94, with the appurte nances, con:Wawa" of a one story frame dwe! hog house,—Late the estate of Robert McQuade. At the same time and place, a , certain tract of land, situate in Schuylkill town. shtp, county aforesaid; beginning at a atone; thence by land of Francis B. Nichols, north 66 degrees, east 149 perches to a Pine, south 24 de grees, east 50 perches to a atone; thence by land of Arthur St. Clair Nicflola, north 66 degrees, east 223 perches to a stone; thence by land. of Benjamin ft. Morgan, north 48 degrees, wed 253 perches to a stone; thence by other land, and land surveyed to-CliarlewShoetnalier and Valle] Fur nace Cumpany, south 45 degrees, west 265 per. ches to a pine, south 10 degrees, cast 89 perches in the place of beginning, containing 306 acres 10 perches and allowance; together with the her editameilis and apportenatMes. No. 1. It the same .time and 9 place all - that certain shave of 103 acres and 13 perches and allowance, oat of the following undivided tract of land situate in West Penn Township, Sdhuylkill county, beginning at a stone, thence by lend now Michael Happen, north 68 degrees, emit 186 perches to a pine, thence by vacant land now John Shoinier and Nicholas 'Olds's improve. ments, north 14 degrees, west 215 perches to a stone, south 14 degrees; east 61 perches Ma black oak, thence by lands of Abraham Holdeman, north 89 degrees, east 8 perches to a pine, south 1 degree, east 49 perches to a Mire, south AO de. eels, east 88 perches to the place of- beginning, containing as the patent shows 269 acres, and 100 perches, and allowance, it being the said Pe ter- Reinhart'e share out of a' patent of 269 acres. and 100 perches, which the Commonwealth 4 of Penned Ivanis by their patent, dated August 14th, A. D. 1830. gmititd the same unto James Price with the appurtenances. No. 2. All that certain one undivided fourth part of's' that certain tract-or parcel orlsed Pito:sate on Si ver Creek a branch of big f.clanylkill in Schny kill township, in the County of Schuylkill.adjoin ing lands which were late the property of John Richards and others, called the Valley Furnace Company, now the property of the Rev. Freder ick Geisenheimer and - others beginning et a stone cornet, thence partly by land surveyed-on a war , rant to Daniel Kei cher; cast 229} perchcs,citiss. Mg Silver Creek to a stone corner, thence by land surveyed on a warrant to Willey Cochran, north 315. perches to a stone corner, thence by hied surveyed on a warrant to George Miller,. west 2291 perches, crossing Silver Creek to a stone corner, and thence by land surveyed on a war rant to Eliza Davis, south 315 percbes to the place of beginning, containing 451 acres and 132 per ches with the pppurtenances. . . • No. 3. One full equal and undivided eighth part of and in to all that tract or parcel- of land called German Flat, situated on the branches of Black Cteck,ilate in Northampton -county. new Schuyl kill eotinty, Keginoing at a white thence by land of Philip Conrad Ronckel, south 10' degrees, cast 97i perches to a post, south 80 degrees, west 741 perches to a poet. south 10 degrees, east 349 perches to a post, theneeliy land of . Mary Xune.l kte and vacant land, south 80 degree*. west 190 perches to e stone by a pine, thence by said vacant Land, north 10 degrees. west 138 perches toe post, south 80 degrees, west 43 per ches to s small pine; north 10 degrees, west 211 perches to a pine and noith6o degrees, east 285 perches to-the place of beginning, containing 439 acres and 20 perches and - allowance with. the ap purtenances. No. 4. All that certain northwtateily rear part of a lot of ground situate •eri the south side of - Adams street, in the borough of Pottswille..i Schuylkill countyeinarked! in the general plan f said bo.l t • rough No. 90, bounded the south ess easterly 'tide by the . pirt of the • I s same lot, on the.northwelfeny by a - public atley,on thasemthwestardly by a 641 feet street, containing ,in front. :along said street cod rear 30feet, and in depth 90 feet, with the appurtenances consisting of a one story Frame Dwelling House. Na 5. • i The undivided one-fourth of a-vter tain tract of land. *Undo in. Behoyl - kill township. Schuylkill County. War. ranted lathe moo ofeatharine.Ber- 'T • IILIIMEItti:MBUSIJOInEtBrAto- 1--- , ' •.,4',-;--T,-;,?-1:..-::::!:•:-,T:- IP l s mid btthitl,Saanilei tooth billitiorGeotge Milleta'an tbe,ellittii-larldiCW•h t "'' the south by 1.4--011hilillt ind oil the 1 Wen by 'land of' Ehrabistk " Di' i,_surveYed udder a warrant tor .40Q ,aces,- ,g date-NO. - 1 venality 19t1h11111.1793,..arith the _ ' uttenances,' toesisting tofi sanall 'Bonito and - Ede, ' and ~ if Saw-ntill, late the estate of Peter 'Shot .'. '. On Sititirdai the -19th- Jilt of March next, at the house ofJobn Kiapneivints. keeper, in the borough of Grwiishorg, al. 1 o' clerk, P. M. Two 'Certain .adjoitting treat of lafid, situate in Minitel= lawnsinp. Sang:4 comity, bounded by Ueda . , of Frederick John Shelly, George Hillegsa andothers. contain; , • ing together :14 acres $44, percher, atriet measure, meteor less, with the Bos s . Boss appurtenances, consisting of an oil 1 millovihnall log dwelling house, a log barn; and a - Certain water power upon thr.prem ises, obtained from Peter Fisher by an agreement made the 7th day of April A. D. 11829, end moor. ded the same day and year as afwasid, in 'hlia.- cellateone Book No. 4, page 35 Alio, a certain tract of land, situate in Alenhenn township. coun ty aforesaid, bounded by lands of James Price, Henry Delbert and others, containing seven a cres and sixty eight perches. strict measure, with the appurtenances—Late the estate of Peter Grim. At the.same time and place, a • cettainlpt of ground;' situate in the borough of Orangeburg, county afore ::' i :,, said, bounded in front on Market street and Wayne street, in the tear by, a twenty tent alley, and marked in the general plan ,of the borough, No- 14, containing in front on Market, 66 Ibet, and in depth 280 feet, with the ' appurtenances, consisting of a large two story ' frame dwelling house and kitchen, (octupied as a tavern,) and a frame stable—Late the ,estate of John .Kepner. At the same time and place, it certain plantation and tract of land. '''';''; situate in Schuylkill tcovoship,county A . ss ,r,•;., aforesaid, bounded by lands of Mi st ...e' chael Delbert and Company, by land now or late vacant, and eontaining 407 i acres and allowance, beinithe same premises which Hen ry Koch and wife grunted and conveyed to the said Edward W . Robinson, by deed dated the 25th day of March, A. D. 1830, ttsgether with the hereditament§ aqd appurtenances, consisting of 2 dwelling houses., 1 log barn and one stable— Late the estate of Edward W. Ruhineon. . At the same time and„ place. a • . certain lot of ground, situate in the .„-,,-;'" town of McKeansburg, Schuylkill it i - 1 .1 ' ' county, hounded in ft ent On .M arket R s ..--.' _ -.. :' street and Chesnut street, and in the rearon compass alloy, and on one side by lot No. 43, and marked in the general plan of said town with the No. 42, containing in front 4 perches, and in depth - 10 perches, with the appurtenances, et-mai...ollg of a one story frame 'dwelling end kit chen, one 2 story etuod dwelling house and ,kit chen and a frame barn—Late the estate of Ber ard Kepner, Esq. At the same lime and place, all that certain-tract of land, situate in . -`,71% big Schuylkill Valley, lit. the bead easa.:- sirs -.- Writers-of the big Schuylkill; at the " ' -"":' • ••loommenceinent of the Schuylkill Val _ _ _ ley Rail Road in Schuylkill township, county a foresaid; beginning at a sprats tree and land of the New York and TM/carom coal company; thence by the samesoath sixty five degrees, west eighty three.perches to a atone; thence by the same land along the road leading from Tuscarora to Tamaqua, welt 48 perches to a 'stone in the said ri n d, thence by land of George Reber, Fem. south 81 i degrees, west 29 perches to a stone cor ner,norili 80 perches to a .tone. north 2 degrees, west 69 8-10ths perches to a stone carom; thence by land surveyed on warrant granted to Abra proem nod Samuel Wetherill, both dated the 18th day of November, 1793, north 65 degrees, eata W. perches to a stone corner, north 24 degrees, west 21 perches to ketone corner, and thence - north 65 degrees, east 61 perches to a stone corner, and thence by the said land of the said New Yor kl and Tuscarora coal company, south 75 degrees, east 121 perches to the place of beginning, containing 90 acres and 84 perches, with hereditarnents and rippurtene neer, co *sting of a 2 story log dwcl. hog house, and afr a kitchen, a 0110 story frame dwelling house an 'tchen, and a one ate ry log dwelling house and a stable,—Late the estate of TharAae Addis Flouter, . T:ustee of the New York and Tuscarora coal puny. • alit the same time and pla.c • all that certain plantation and two contiguous a .- adjoining tracts of land, situate, lying and being in Schuylktll township, county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning et a stone corner, thence by land-of Edward 11. Hubley Esq. north 66 degrees, cast 61i perches to a stone north 24 degrees, west 26 perches ,to a stone; thence by the same and hind of, Dementia R. Morgan, Esq. north 66 degrees, east 52 perches to a pine corner, north 61 degree.. east 372 per ches to a stone, north 29 degrees, west 33i per ches to a stone, north 61 degrees, east 99i per. cites to a stone, north 30 degrees, west 56.1 -per chew to a stone; thence by land part of this lar ger tract, now Doctor Hiester, south 62 degrees, west 102 .perches to a stone, north 30 degrees , . west 86 perches to a stone, north 62 degrees, cast 114 perches to a post; thence by land surveyed far Lewis Audenried, &.c. north 30 degrees, west 32 perches to a SWIM, thence by land of Peter Dreher & Co, south 56 degrees. west 251 perches to a'stone; thence by land of Daniel Felts north 24 degrees, west 39 perches to a atone, south 66 ' degrees, west 142 i perches to a static; thence by, I land of George Retort Esq. south 24 degrees, east 117 perches to a spruce tree corner; south 65 de ] grces, west 81i percher to a post, west 46 per. ekes to a post; south len degrees, east 40 petrches to a post; south 80 degrees, west thirty one per ches toe post in the old Cattawissa road; thence by laud of late James Blew, now - Daniel J. Rhoads, south 24 degrees, east 1441 perches to the place of beginning, containing 593-acres & 58 perches strict measure, With the hareditanients and appurtenance , a, consisting of a 2 story log dwelling house and a log- barn; a 3 story tavern hone, known by the name of the Teacart:ea Ho tel; and 3 one - story frame dwelling houses -and 3 two dory flame dwelling houscaand a rawmilL . At the same and place, a cer , rain lotofground, situated in the town of Tamaqua, in the county of Schnyl • ill " I kilt, hounded in front on Minch hunk street. in the rear by an alley and land belonging . to the Little Schuylkill Coal Company; marked in the plan of, said town No., --- reontaining in front 50 feet t andin depth 120 feet, with the appurtenances, consisting at a two ; story frame d well ingtouse (occupied ass taverna' a frame stabletandslieds-late dm COMA of /sate T. - ''. - AU seised and lidten in /amnion and to he sole. by . o HENRY RAUSH, Sheriff. Sheriff!. Office Orwigalittrg, t February 20.1836. • 14-' • Cheese., • r QIIPERIOR Dairy Cheese Fine App , do For sale by Deo 19 . N. NATDANS & Ca .. =ll rirel*Fteur 'aitillreed : -Stere. or,:agi J. stArtit - Gai , Jojecatt , miu T: HAULjmeefiede f alite.** iell.lstaw ' and.Fied SlOnfin centre er4oet.luglim it friends and the public hil rovertd. that the in. tend eontleetuttrit tuiderLtha km of ' Ar. Riteh. where they solicit t shim of ~tiatrois The highest price presto' wilt for Floor and Feed of all kind& . , • , 'Pottsville Feb2o • , Wif • by AYBLIC & PRIVATE ECONOMY; P Theodore Sedraic.k Recollections of•Trurdoistan. dce.; by Emma Rob. arts, and Japbet. Vol. 2, *bleb completed the work. Just received and fidisale by - Feb . 2o- 14 B. ,RANNAGN. • A IX persons having any demands agatelt the rm. Overseers.of the Poo of the borough of Potts. :vine, will please to present the same on or before Abe. first day of March nest.lin . BENJAMIN SPAY)); - Overseer of the s Poor of the borough of•pottiville. Feb 13 33-3 ettOk HISTILLERB.—Wartted by the seined. hers, 130 Bbls. Rye Whiskey, for whiett the -highest Market price will be paid. - MILLER Sr. HAGGERTY''. Pottsville, Febl3 . .13. TOTICE is hereby given to dll Legatees,:Cred 'bore and other parties concerned, thud the following persons did on the date annexed to their respective names, file the .accounts of theif Ad ministration of the estates of those persons de, ceased whose names are thereto annexed, in the Registers Mac of Schuylkill, County, anethe said accounts will be presented to the OY,phans Court of said County for confirmation and allow ance, on Monday the 21st 'day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court Hduse in Orwigsburg. 1. Gabriel Miller and David Zeht3er, Adrrunis. trators of the estate of Henry Miller, late of Wear Penn township, demoted, filed 30th December, 2.. John Boyer, Jr. Guardian of James, Catha rine, Caro:ine and Nfary'Yoh, minor children of William Yoh, late of Norwegian toWnship, dec'd. filed 30th December,lB3l 3. Andrew Schmaltz and , John Se. Slimier, Ex ecutors of the estate of Andrew Schmaltz, late of Lower Maliantango township, deceased, flied 21st January, 1836. 4. William Haggerty and Lawrence Lawler. Executors of the estate of Illichirel Fitzsimmons, late of the borough of Pottsville, deceased, filed sth February, .1836. 5. Samuel Sillyman, Administrator of the es. talc of William Pott, tato of Manheim township, deceased, filed 6th February, 1836. 6. Charles F.Uet, Administrator of the estate of, Jeremiah J. Foster, lute of Port Carbon deceased. ' filed )Bill February, 1836. . . 7. John Kercher one of the Administrators of the estate of Daniel Kercher, late of Manheim now Wayne township, deceased, filed 18th Feb. ruary 1836 New Books. Notice. JOS. MORGAN. • Registers Office, °Florio- Register burg, Feb. 9th, 1836. ( 1 3-6 Public Notice. REUREN CREITZ, ofTamaqoa having made a general Assiriment of all his property, 7 real, personal and mixed, to the subserilrrs, in trust, for the benefit of his, creditors, they hereby Pal sive Notice to all persons indebted to the said Crcitz in any way, to pay,the SAM mediately, and those having demands against him to µreshot the same to either of the . : subeeri. bers,Assignees-orthe said Reuben Croat. as a- 11 foresaid. MICHAEL EVERET„ SAMUEL HE PUt. Tarnow*, Jon 27, 1836. 118" Colliery Works, Steam Engine and Rail Car Manufactory. rillHE subscribers respectfully inform their - 11 - friends and public, that they-are now pre pared at their establishment in Pottsville, to exe cute orders for making and repairing Steam En gines, Rail Cars, Steem Boilers, Pumps , Circu lar Saws, Mill Gearing and Machinery of every description. They also have constantly on hand an assortment of Mineril Tools, such as; Sledges, Wedges, Picks, Rakes, Drills, Crowbars, &c. equal in quality and at as low prices as can be obtained elsewhere. N. B. Smith work of all kind carried on to venal HAYWOOD & SNYDER. Feb 13 11,2m0 In -the Court of Common Pleaeof Sehuyl kill &sena) Wilkes by her next fricod Valentine Mellon, Subpsont snr .D vs. scree. • .Alexander Wilkes. TO ALEX4NDER WILKES. TAKE Notice that,your wife Smash Wilkes, has flied her Libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylk ill County, in which she prays to be divorced from: the Bonds of Matrimony, into width she has entered into with you. 'The Court of said County have ordered that you be and ap. petir at a Court ot Common Picas to be held in and for said c:ourity, at Orwigstmrg, oti Monday the /tat day of March,.lB36, toans the libel of your said wife. HENRY RUSH, Feb 1,.3 13-6 Sheriff.' in the Court of Combos Pleas of Sekuyl. , kill County. , Julian Josephine Everly by , her pest Bland Peter Subpoena tint Di- Gilman:lire. • - Turco. Shroud Everly. TO SAMUEL EVERLik. LAKE Notice that your wife Julien icieephine EVerly, has filed her Libel in the Court of Pies of BchoyHtill County, in w hich she prays to be divorced front the Bonds of Mat. r i moo y, into which she has entered into with von. The Court of said County Have ordered that yon be and appear . ,at a' Cottle of Common Plage, tu be held: in and fier said Cchmty; at Or. wiffsburg, on Monday the" 21st day of March, 1836, to answer the libel of your Said wife.. HENRY HENRY BAUM. _ 1 ; Sheriff: Feb 19 13.6 Notice. EOIiGE/ H. BOONE and Jesoft Sellers, As. G*loess of Peter Weyand, halm filed in the. office 'of the. Prothonotary of the court of Cont. ;Mon Plea, tiSchujlkill County. art account and o mtemertt of their trust, and themE e ourt hate ofle Appointed Monday the 21st day ek. 1196. at 10 o'clock, A. at the Court in 'the b o rough of Oririgaborg,: fir theitgromtner of the same. unless cable he shoals _ the siune ought not to' be confirmed. LEW IS AInIgNMEED, Feb 6 p-. 5 CLOVER /WIMP far saleby Feb 13 13. 'MUER & 11AGE11TY 1 - ' • . IlL ti gAT , ' ~ - 34, - , "ilmall t tidiertglogica; !Laski's: b ai l— ' f `lx, s. ;-! -', , floyerb: ''' , f . ' Rameareli iota i. ' ,: ilaii toor.. g lI I P ILeMiS ball - - I' , *OOO Tbo's AV, , i torsiElmorel • • CamPben GeOlie4; , l'; Hf= Z. 16 17 - Cheater Joseph p,:- 3 i :': . Sliat . Constantine ;oil" : 1 i Illifamai FMALIII,.• Callen Tlialam .; ~I 1 . :1 Mare .142- , • Cadet , William i i I hfintsszo j . Davit patbarine 4 " ' ' i Mibar Patrick • 1 , ..... Leo Mai) , •, i up , M a it il lElarah -. i, Frisk David . p i! hi rboe t , f .., Fisher Jacob! A l, , Nagged ereenisW j. r ~rll_,. pr . I _ l lll i i : Noon* 'Margaret 1 - , — 47;7' . "'""`nl' • Heisser,JobeJaeok , i G ' C 4 .844 i . Searle" Josekh Grilhdis i Leild tl i! • ', Ruwixittoui WM : Groff Franc 4i ` • • ankh Henry 1 - . Gus Robert 4- i ' Steel John •.: , Hearertini raitt : . , $ . _radon Tholo r Hill John ii'l . i = 'MPith Riettate il . noddle J 4ri .1 Smith Wm Halms C.Tlio*C - : Thom" John Harrel Sla el lc. , 1 Thomas Simon 1 Hogs Wil •'l': • 1 -Tobin James Jones Wm . lit, : Mims Andrew h l o. Jonas J am i: _. H 2 Wessling Hermon 1 , 41P1..ETTERS. . i Bokirell WilliaSii, 1 t • Meyer H. 13. Davis Willgun ..,..; '. li Morris Wm Butcher FarSeli Thfs i'' ''', l 1 II Row John Goland Jr& ; 1 • s lt Stephensen Witham -- • Hodgson in 41 ' WatkinsTho's. ,•• " James Jo . int4ii W -WilliamsWilliant . a : ha* i : ' .CHICHESTER . P.M. kin lII7P 9 callidg Fr letters. in the stele List will pl siiyiktfly are • . i ~ ..._ VOTICE.-- i the CrOitors of lain Dania Gi. A-‘ raselitate of Norwegian township, Sehiyikill county, dfcemed, and all other persons . irdsrmted in the estate of said deceased, are berebyFfied that Letters of Administration have been • ted by the Register of the county of Saha, 11, to Frederick C. Croll, of !Schuylkill Haveh,Satell kill murky, and John C. Conrad, of the borough of Powniflle, Schuylkill county. Allpprsons indebted to the said estate will please t# make payment on or before the 28th of April n t, and the Administrators will & I band at the pub i s house of William Mortimer, ovraid day, at o'clock . P. M. for Mid peqoamo—end all parsons, ay ing claims are requested Wale: the same kdown withont delay, to either of sub. seribar4 FREDERICK C. CROLL,. JOHN Cl CONRAD, • Arlminiltratore. • ll4i Jan ° 4o 1836 First Troop of Schuylkill .County am i - dry .: w iLL parade on Monday the 22d/ day of 1 " • rebruary, 1836, at Mortimer'. Motel. at 10 o'cl+ck, A. M. By command, • 1 ; .1 AS. P. WOLLASTON, F. Q. Feb {l3. Wart Nif ED to purchase a Lot of ground Oat. I' v b for a Burying Grotind, ID the imme. , ate Malty cif the Borough of Pottsville. For the pen , ueulara enquire at this office. 13.3 'A 13 . •li_ iN CORDIAL GIN, received and I f r wife by 'e 13 43. MILLER & HAGGERTY. 4 - AkICAELE4 John _i-,7-- LA • Silver ! 44KU1 4 1 71:gt:Zatittnt l ft.1;rt l i l l i U l l e n ~t rtat he ehnehas j o a rmo n nt . a in ß T E t i ville. REFEC'T ' ORY ) ' his past repdtalT4for kee ping . a re. ac I past during the ex ti ce three years izi the Uuie line Of business, A " 're to -please and applicab'en to bast es,' fa contizinatice of year favor and ll l l'i Ity sending to the Penneylvania Hall Re . tall have oysters of a superior quality ser " the best, style, end every other deli cacy tbeiVl, a* ille market can afford in sea: son. j t..?, . .. ...._ ....., . ......_....... towed 'BILL 01' FARE. , 18, ' I k rigid' Y do a Par di, a ' .. . 374 , e l3ast niso ad n -.Stake . d ! - 3 181 74 :F_epper Pot per boil : . M boil:._ 124 . i t 60, Pigs Feet ' -r, 12424 in . 28 * 1 ' ...., Col e l Molasses, 'Sugars, ace. are. ) BAGS new Crop Rio Coffee. . • Sagarboase, New .Orleans / iindgrrinidad Molasses • • Ne Orleans, MuscaaaSS in ilia,. in. t. Croix Sugars. 20 km 'Premium , Cheese, Yo i. . Byson and black Teas (in &44thoits4 te t •• (barrels hulled Barley. 30 L . zee (Philadelphia) Soap, brown . di yelloW. I dipt Candles. B's, I.o'a. and Ina. • 50 f Wires Glass, Bby 10 and 10:by 12. c Braiide and Gin in pipes -and .1 pipes. 25 gbtecn gable easkd Lisbon wine.- N England Rim, Common Commas 43randy. P:,. • rmint and i rnniseell Cordials. in . Bbl.. and P aster, &c. Ste. • sale by ILL.ER 4. HAGGERTY. ' , Centre St. dart door to MortiMer's 116111, E. Jan. 9 IRON POUNDAL:Ir. grwrconar. At BOILER, 3wirbrAcrainr. People% Works, ' j------. Win and "nit Sts. Kensington, nilart•l. • pain 'County.. - . Toe subscriber restivettlillYinfirrni his gusto:M tT e aid the public. that he has teamed this Iron Pipu dry", - business from &Mid street, (es above) an w bliibment. where he is able Were. 1 c t o pm orders punctually. Such ;as Callings 1 (9,6 f ' Goering. liteam Engine ., Rail Road beds. Metro, and Turn-onle, 26 1Pir Mins and Pitm4. Soap Boiler Pans, Birk Mills apd Ceding* tie other d lotions. Also. Thasive_ a very assortm ' ar, Paten*. consiiderfit will be e ..r i 4 t ' advent ' - of mechanics mind Whims to . dll ti liwhen they will be shown by WM.I SWOT • ii works. r. A- DAVIS r ..-. Men* Engines and .3cii.leii• i Mi l kli UPACPORY. -! . the sam#prembes can be bad h' it or low ure Eng nes, Boilers and Meeh*ry int ge ' on the est resnemdtle ter4 b t tiN 624- i k ii tO ' I ! JA.. ES T. 4. An orders:left at 'the Wait stare or . DiVis 0-. Co. 32 Northlllaid St. Phi 10. era !ritr..oe, Immediately' Welded to. t blladelphia, Dion.s, 1835,. ..1 : ' 3-le ' l . GUM naßtie Goods. . . '' • tPTLEIREN;IiGunt Biotic Frock , De• do ,do • ' . • ' -` - • Do . do do CaPol• 1 ~1 ' . Do do , do' Timed • ,'` • ' . 1 ; . B+ to. - .do Molooluo , * .. • 0 .• • - • Do t do. 'do , . , 011',EBIDB. GREEN & BI I A ACK TEAS .: , ' ies ) Mines and Fared anirclltZtsAPl9Dhoe..l4 ... it • , Gunpowder . • i ' ' 1 Ikk and Cbildireses *ha do i- ' 1%6a 1 Y' g Ityooti‘ . Extra quaint} , aid . &telt' ' W r iter Bottlea. oicimile , , _ ~ .. - Caper Souchook . . jiopoitations.. • Jost received d loy, , ~, 1 i‘ -.-- . -.l.44',llA.l 4 tidatiV&•.,ettAK ~ Po: i vthong all • i l 1 . 'AC B. own.F.l ' - Ciiiett, rot Dortialia,l9ll* Igo Fin' P. not tem and for sok . t l:' . '. stW . War" , . .PIAMrO- 44 " 11141 . 10 1 6rai5h e t i, * id to order. . :..FO, 5. . , '' ::4W 1, . /quit 18 .. , _.' T .. 1 - X1F 41 . 77 4 . . 1 ' ' ~ ,- .., ~ ;-1 ~ :: ~ -• , .Tr -; A. G ei:. _ _. . . 'ltEsPEcrittrisr inrissisoillAiricktaldr . timapaiilin generally that halm - aim" iron hand. , andallbra Rit Sala a :birge arid asiknoil. liallotri , - • .... . , . 6.G00.44 Grocetut . 1 Tfts,. (*M I Glius4= ''.- ; ; 11 1 101661 tit the *Owing, among other l ardelli. 1 - GoßteutosSmis,Cishneres. Ifianivalion - OitliN Luau, lines,lawns, cambries; gingham:: ' ' /Hoiden, Canton sannsis. checks, per. 'i ' • ( %clink* drilling% litintetrrali toia.vortsim. Silkioathiss, shawls, handierchiefs, tifittatsi. insaketa; backings. Piddialla. eastmdMii - . Ce=i i ilot cloths, Linsey*, vraddl4, Irmo vesting*, threads; tattoos. - mkGlom, lans, fringes. icaffs 'skirts,' - • . Umbrellas, comforts. carpet OWN tablea Connemieries, crash, diapereVfica. , &e. ' - • 1" GROCERIES' ,•• — I ... Rio. Laguirei 8%. Doming! Corrine: ,- " ' St. CrOik, New Orleans, Ilitienini Engine . Loafind lump • '__, , New Orleans end Sugar House Anolose, , Gum Powder, Yo un g Ilya* 81:1116011* • • - Ponclibrig and Holten Tetra . -• • • • Chocolates and spites, &M. . - . Brutal Auidlellow soap . .,_ -. • . , clovnit Mace, hu=d Mask . caleale PelsPet. i .-. C B" iha ta k an eg d railimi riee . ' }' '' : . ' . codfish, miekerel and bor4if I , - Mali and dipt 'candles •'' Sack Oki salt • • • Pi and /Looking tobaco4 ; - . • t :' l 13panuih, Womanish and oomnion sate - . ( i., k I LIQUORS & WINES. • • Copia° and common brandy .- . i Hedlitod and common .gin • . • Old Itish whiskey, and Jarman' epitits . • New England rum and Ithiskey, by tha bbl'. . LisiviO. •madeita, portmidaiabtga wines . Assortment of Boom anti Shoes. - Crockery, Chinaand glass ware. Glass by the box. Dupotit_Eagle grin.powilei, FFF, des - Blastirqr OP, FF, FFF. do - • ' Which :With his general stock belt diseased to sell cheap` as ever fop 'cash, or in exchins fiit country *duce and family provialons - •'" • . Jan 16tit ' . • ' ID-C: APITA.LIffeI I I3. . ' Valarable coal Lands a lr males, 1 MBE subscriber. amines of B NETT & , ' 'IL WALTON, offers for sale, as a part of the estate assigned him in trate, two of the BeNt tracts of Coal Land, in Schuylkill .county. hat ing the incorporated town of Minerville thersoni and containing the following eelehtatod sting of Coal, viz:—Tee Diamond, .ICantner, Primrose,, Plicenis, North and South Veins, with one or two . mere, all yielding the but quality of coal. Attach, edit° them tracts is a landing at Scheylkill Haven, end they ire traversed by.the Vfolforeek tail road. joining * Mine Hill and Sehttylkill Haven mil • road On their Margin. 7`tto - caakefretdi WWI and carried Born these lands;tatibeen found of the best qeantity hitherto brooght to Philadelphia; and they:are behaved to be equafirs every. facili ty of access to any tract in the County.• rot - perticulado, and a view of plans, ippU rn i L JOHN .1.. 1 Philura. jan. 9 . . " 0 PORT CARBON ' • Baying Fund lINHEIPort Carbon Saving' Ptuid likelety. l •••• noel open. every day, from 9 to 3 * o'clock at 'the Office bt Discount end Deposit. for the per. pose of teoeiving. deposits to any einciunt - not ems Cal . iing;ssoo, from any one perpoi4 upou which an. laciest of 4 per cent will be. paid ao every $3 and up Vords.but no interest will be allowed on any fractional parts of $5. The whole is afq part mil be drawn . out ongiTing s notic' e, two to • four weeks, at the °face on Idondays. - The ha ainess of the Society will bb 'conducted by the fallowing, officers and mangier , wed! the firet "* Monda7dent—MA in ay nett.Y PresiQUILA DOLTOIt • .. • _ "Abraham Heebner rldward HriblO • Edward Hughes . E. S. Warne Jacob Bull Jose Turner L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d of the Charter. ^No entolionent whatsoeier obeli be received by the President , • or Managers fbr their services, nor shall any bianso- become a borrower from the indite. Oit 3 4641 , 'N. NATHANS et. CO.. tor u E or d i o hand do and offer fordo...sc. Brand, do 4 : , Am' assortment of Wines and Liqutoii. - Su • Old E. 1. Madeira Wine on draught,{ d , du L. P. do do -on draught. Jo de do Port 'do pure Grape; na - i .. 1. Buttledr do do do do do do on draughts. Common do do . do S e tpsrior Brown Sherry do do do do do do • bodied •, do Pale • do. . do . do do do 'do do on draughts. do Dry Malaga. /idea .Malaga do do Lisbon and Mat.Midsna dip . do Slay Madeira d. Muscatel do 1 Claret on draught and botaed. i ' do Old Bock and Muscat bottled, do . Chanspaiete ornigTe, Comet and Tony rands, do . Old 4th ri6or Brad* . do' do Ha Obi, • . do Champaign! Brandj:lst and gd quality: Crignac and Bordeaux- do./tds 2 4 4 3d do Jam. Spirits lat. 2d and 3d ', • ' . do - Hot. Gin, lst &2d quality, k,. ' * . N: F. Rom, COM. Gila and Comte Brandy; Monongahela and . Commit WivakeY, Sop. Old Irish Whiakoy, ' ,do do Scotch Cambleton,'dotite Beal Mont' '.., taro Dew, 'warranted 20 yrateoM, . 'do Cordials. 4c. &c. Taverc keepers and other 'isomers are nod to, call, where they male sitipplied with , • ter. Wines and Liquors, On - Wier tannic thy hive been getting. .., • .0- Iig'ICHOLSOtS ,p)I4IPENTERI3 .L ll , Tenth Edivationtleceivittand filt Feb 13 la. B. BOWAN - • - II ;