II II ~~!! 4 l• ti EZ ' -;:;,, BEli#. . -:::_,; < i • ~,..., ' ' • -10--nted i, • : ,IlsOnty._ Ji twit 1.1 'in Poosipta ,•' , ' • a ,- -,e• ' Satiny River ted. Mr.! teaor that ja 1411 Berko 1.. ,presented Van tisane °Mahn,' ' may be passe. . • I; :preeentsji,ii, . 4 tArlike mien' ''''*O t • •bircpreiented . a; cimnty of like i ;editing of Chimp c•-be incorporated norillSe cons e bill - entitled, ( Poop~ilia.) T CouncirM t enake 40.35.frci1n, ass ftroperty within tea an Levies--e ugh entilleci:to vo Ct one assessor r two asuistant as, aesessors are.elec .IKr , \priiyit;: BOIV rough made ,exurat4 said ablll third y - **sista 1 'isp); :the follow ng from .ti ntriscrillit, of .I n. 23, fur n 'giving our ' coat ers an idea in vi.hinii the Public funds N -in'eiv York.l This is ,•. • ng of the surplus reven House iluittilen s leing' i f :laitsidttaJ, oti th tate . here ohne is .to be.,:, pic lug saga? at' woodpecker in th sang; Which )ping the holl4pr Iteadb tnha," - • ...;;;,,1 tit Wci Yorl e u w ' qinotanq Brideo, -gib The 9 1 4 1 a ttotV mkt the ;Y i d g 00, lookin if aced,. work' tly adriaringlou h induitry a we accosted Il r j e other • tend, how dtiyo co au?" , 17 wellp ,said ha, *Audit eo up from his work oil altering 1 haminei—uvery Well, all thin 've no daubt bullet shall cam and bp i —l-though is sonWthin H an to ila t alone." uld thni so too. Butane fou ~ an at this co at" I have ', t. e who custom him • •s, and.haiethad a bmig ti; • .my wOrct you mto bear it f i_ an it: . why mint w 's, the use o emeritiuni new! be . sun . . , • 'aitillii to finieli t. Bu I'm ani old yet; and'i 'I live rty y in hoped of matcln epretty g' ness. . • 'nly, a man maido a goad d • ith health, strength and eye-si • t• with the Coinutsioneis?--do ly?" es; they don't tiled their aril their ten doll s a day." . shoal: It's a g inct. 4 theb "Ctict M r % ytos d Ther L . 6 7" -in 4 tli shorn bow mocir do y Gnat, apd a h 'hard times, rty dollars a day car and a half E 2 'ag awn • uttheraaways. for Abe first time la g .1 work! •'. lytnl4.lllfit to 0. ,sh 4 6 • 'rer , 11 I.see f . • '•• " -- ,lbr went We. But 1 tad 'the ; custom a poet office f. • down in the ne* Ore de ' errnin Pa job, We tdtiae youot use, to get th97:brekers :htwfirbebd of anif. ye, ouch obygetl as I've' got titr# 4 I'll go' rigl tho job. 'At p i r i lent, I melt at ing, for I see 'commissioni lonore is C 0. ,. comp) buildi ehan dock: Tn - ga Lam left the solitary c ay in the same in ,:that we had s lug a 'nand prey,' Globe states that' n elected Senato lature of Al - the Mobile Chro HORRID ASSACRE the man-heat M ppa, ,Capt. yrecterdey diem •• n, frdm N • o f *Decoyed the • "nful and die no of-the cut pro , • and mass or the UM d States' TI roman d of Maio - Dade, cobaic AID MIA. , by the ' jor Dade ,bas Wlth his (141 , Hay hiCanap to join e .ol . the morning f ' join 0 they were 8 wooded by s„aopposed to limbo* froth to thousand, d were? gut •• ..E men of the 12,:eamoped, • ount the lam table history liflellow sot e re, , DO wps ph , o ff bic bbr•'- 1 oat ;Of the at k. CaptaiD od after fen octal& woun rel taken by e swims. ,Mm*rson !Midge and eon to kit detacontent4 t Bawiinger as wdundcd ,covered b a negro in tooling off • iti place of t*lted. " e dO,pat rem• itekery no , e hour id, & i Ample kth and of fn ui m *od we :lie , re, • I'mee didrelica6 t s uffering • dotifof Fide • • 1 i 'wigs Of t% Ar #,Citio !reign', antl a l vrith t • 'l' ariN fr gtora ,ie now- • - IWO the • 4 Wean: M 4 r PePaii ' tw Pout i the Ge = • band' " per a. Siam ,n, rßetti*ent, 1 im atel '.Rear its •ft• command. • B• + vie la the flu ditto Florida'. lake coin; %ieutenax Elr 1 • - Vrrliiis'.+Thii i ii.R ' 'ii 7 5/7 ivationn,vkoip. - "ow- AU lalk - "W m- 4 1 V li'.;alleur.liCtferlfl 4 Bu'REN - SWPrediiikit:apticuxtladSig < ; or Alibi - me. fch:Artete Tresiihmi., . lii this the gri.by,toVakiisd Richard AU-Johnson; i • . i re convention has - done methingi for the , • character of the coma . g they had only • A ped Van Buren;thern oftheie defer tirw . I . . have been f*---Salehielsre-Gkiwsich' r , r .41 Leeslattlie.--71iihouse of 'reign:sestali liarrtsburvon Saturday. papal . the bill _.tylsi to motive power on the Columbia rtsi., l , R.„ 0 • 6 4 l'i the amendmentettfoin the Senate, wawa.) , i , nes the governoilloappolutCanalConwo', .. ~ the first day of February, This •is the sante. which the Governer vetoed, excepting the a_ ....• don from the Winatei relative to the cumin' 7 1 era, which it is supposed will render it, pa • hie to the executive. NMI $3,44r, he or oyLfkif 23 ' elh‘Far refring I limited .himiTy 22 ; titlod pr citi $i maY TO B ' I Nan tit • it Of - 11 , cts nty. authoeis' .ng titian of el locum I . ition of cit ofSch ylkil . l or pun ng co Mete o ' Oct lett is act 'ttthi; lair do Heat . invent and v. he rai boro 'd the inhab, for bcrough "erg year,. an gloom, When county ;.L )raeiona, to the vet the . for bo. r oattyn ) gh, for tants of I officers, I every nvoship IH the ides of March! The anniversary of t: next Presidential lelection in P-ennsylv is that of the battle . of Tippecauee. - , • Curious i llfutake. r —,A certain John smi h VMS arrested for stealing a coat„ and an. ther John Smith was also imprisoned c ged with forgery. He that committe the larceny, Was tried and acquitted of th forgery,:and the forger was acquitted stealing the coat. Had old Hays bee keeper of the Penitentia.rylan office by t way he ought to haVe and would be .f great service in) and% a mistake would of have ,occut red.—.N. • r.... Star. ll On Monday the 11th institkPlegisl4ure of Louisiana - elected Col. R o bert Curter Nicholas, by a majority of one -vote, to re present that state in the Seiiite of thke U. States.—The Copier Of N. Orleans sa that be is a friend to4he administration. e New e put• of the re ex- ne Way a . single, ' he new a ' ewe, was 4 perse y with • " Weil -done l. Nabama.—The Senate of Alabama has rejeited a resolution, instrue ting their Senatote in Congress to vote for Senton'd - expunging resolution, by a- Vote of 14 to . 11. Wat , not the Virginia legis lature 'do likewiie,' and save4hemselives from the come:nip! of the inCsent, age, and the_eeoro of posteliityl lll —Zynchburg ' 1- :It:is stated in thn Washington Telegiiph that 160 petitiossithr the - Abolition of Sia verfin the Distott of Columbia were seated on Mondavi last. I nth aiR ie regular r •consid. Mete the ul a job MEI upon lay Z3l fretting? m a il take , ot above .araion. bole id 1 in forty ht. But they visit !!!2!! . get?" - • . • Py g. d when rett .Ithe es • • wag I days are or the tltree o the wbol: ! Lit so Bat hade you any little jo .ate done overseers, working oa► look. of Mono I I've in. not to , 1 industry ' r having he yob of and aver- W httehall CEM toff end ck to my 111 4 MTh .tonaluMbe b. ustriona and n him for eev ilder, k ersevertng •al months LCICR, Erg• atatea, by OHERI' J. W of the Unite , Jwiary ale of thp Aiwa, at.- vr . Ofleans. issing . eve of two . t psi under !Wig of ONE rams from en. Clinch, ecembbr.• at Urge body tight boo-- .• pieces.' On. adly wound, !of thb Mitch. 4 the tow ! ' Gardner & I; ed; and their Lieunanta • can, and Dr. 1• ere all shun. on the onset, , - party of ctincealinent, • triber•the his. stand! with , lin warfare.' tagetber and i d ! tKenceleas the steam''- , ccenpacies pa Bay. -me; rye under his 1 1 1 !fiaci l l . r at ' o)r.t bCpauipt , ud lank on Ibb • has been nod Opt. and , n . :Detit thissitr theAktilleht .• ag Alritt—it ' mono! ,t,t , The 1 14:0 9 thil ' Jib it i f ,txm olive tart' is thi iblie ,tim es trol the ction IWolfmad Van hap* it iat:CP ProPor.:' *-'.creme Dandy tits to/roan to letoPles t in hie faviSr I f the Press. ' Remarkable Coincidenee:—Beware tc~i[Kw OF -THE MARK NT. • Pottsville. Jan: 30, 1336. WIIF.AT ' , LOU R.orthe load was worm on Fr dap4s b 2 WtIEAT 1 15 per Mishcl on demand RYE FLOUR I 75 .pei cwt. in demand. • BUCKWHEAT FLOWR 1 75 par cws .ia demand RYE, by theload 75 contaoy the buahel—rcaoy sale. RYE CHOP 73 centsperbnahel indemand . OATS 40 cents--anady sale ' POTATOES 30 centa\per bushelin demand.. "in demand •cr bushel. demand. flop. td--fru aleeevelf Store to Let. • From the Ist day of April n xi, the BRICK STOKE, a few d above. '" a the National Hotel, will be..Le to an _ approved tenant at a t6IIIIOOIL e rent Said Store is 20 by 40 feet with a large ce lar, is a goad stand for business and well . known!, as the North . Store; having slrelvtui and counter's coni. plate. Apply to JOHN M. CROSLAN T), Agent for Charles Sorer. Pottsville, Jan 30 37Said property is for sale, should any; personperson wish to purchase. Apply as above. . • New Books. ra NILE AMERICAN IN ENGLAND, ONE IN A T I OUSAND, by Jams. . RIENZI, by Bawer. GILBERT . GURARY, by Theodore Honk, CASKET OF KINDIATGE, or the Mo na Influenee OT,Pbrenology, rrautged front, Gall -and Splirzetir., by Mrs. L. Mil • a very interest ing work, ipst received and for pale by 34n . 30 11. -B. :ANNAN. • - WAINTEM, Torreerjourneymenlioot & oema. -A- kern, good workreen, will find cons "t em. ployment. Viquire at the wore of O'BRIEN vsg• I'OSTERI Pottsville, an 30,1836. I ti NOl iCi.—'ilie Creditors of John Dcoiel Oi rand. late a Schaylkig given, gchoylkill county deceasudiand all other personi hiteresitet in t . Wale of said deeiaset, aro herehp logged thii tiers of Administration have , beau /emu* by a Reviler of the county of gcti,lkill: to F.cderiek C.C.pog, of gehuylkill Hafen,ScPlayl kgfenunty, and .T3tin C. Conrad, of the horough of Potutille; Schllkill comity. 5 ; All parson hf chted . '" to the said 'add" will: please to make payment immediately, and Ili portions havincastins are reqaested tmmaketthe ~nine knokis wttlicult 'deliy_. to sigter of..themsb: , scribers. TRED.ERWIC.C. CitOpL, , rre • ,0 • Jou.,coli w!. j . , \A allultrittin -6 - 5 0 Jan 30' 2E36 4 . . .7 Fresh Fruit, IS'attr.es l i &c. in'a 11140th Raisins. ita,ike; and - Druni requi*Cifrods; - Misproovi Cillub: I •". • :Chine* E10y,;... a Y • • (Weak lerrY ForicTs' 34 # Bon)i neePgelde !Mut* routiskibr , . -14:aiSY-7=-• - • - •:: ^ • • : . „ v i sittaerjool4o 1110A0"MTBANNAit'' A hyr - warig iegnain vied& c • ' Jan SO' • • • • , ---•- _ - ; • II REN ': !erffilllitir'* ll r ; \ aiiil_Lllooii - .4 - ' - ' -1 ,a-Wine ell iliiiitlif. , p \ ori, : __, ~ •:. Sim Brand,. du ' rlo ' ._..ao -a, : - , sowed.' du t. P.'-'-:- do do ' no draught. ' do, ?bit, do Grape Joke d&-' ii : '- do - (10 «I'drautht• coultd.n , ao. di, ,dc. 1 /M Sopirlor Bunn' erry 4, - do '. - dci 7 -dq ',lO - Isitiled ' I t- - 1 ', Pals' ‘..• ' do. - ' . .do g , ;do- - • a•.. do do •.. ein.draught, do Dry Malsga..Sweet • do , do Lisbon sod Mar:Mader ' - di, el '.do ' Scio 'Reverie Muscat : • -... 44 , 1 ~\, Claret ori, draught and _tied, .• ' • do Old flock ;621 Nowak- _ ' • j do Champairte of Eag 1( le: ' raid JO ll .l . + ' Braids, do Old 4th Proof•Briady, ', • • -do do OA Gin, . i: ~ do Cbampsigne Brandy Ist aid 244naiity. Cognac and Sordeatii • do. 10,2114 3d do .. lam. Spirits let, 2d and 3d I do Dol. Gin, lit re 2d quality. N. E. Rom.Coro. Gin andDorninou_Srandy,.. I4onongahela and tommoh Wimpy, p. Old Irish-Whiskey, • , - do do &xiteh Carobleton.:dothe Real Moan lainDeW, warranted:2o yearauld, do Cordials, 4-e: dr.e. Tavern keepers and , other CoolllloMelltere invi. ted to call, where they.can be supplied with bet le\Wines and Liquors. on better terms. than they harp been getting. Jan 24 , . . , II 4 ilibri g nA *Weakhal l4 - 111111 int aalgorbeat bt "%Mier ORS* YA.III. :do do' do IS • Lire °igen. Harrison. Menioir otthe priblie terries» efpen. Wm. 431 ' Henry Harriacm,i-o1 Ohio; by Jame* Hall. with a portrait of the; gallant Commander, just reerirei and fur 'lathy B. HANNAN. Jan.3o . rENHE undersigned has been engaged in mattn i . facturin Hats, .for nearly forty years, dur ing which time it has , been, his constant elm-to make improvemau and to excel in workman. ship. With thin jest in View, he hai twice via: ited Europe. and btained access to many of th most extensive 'tsufactorico, particularly that of Bastide &. Co. ik Hat Manufacturers, to Pa. ris, where he, lea 11-that could "he loaned from others. in Marion to said bnainevir. But not satisfied with ire degnm of perfection to which thirisinpartanthrancir of manufacture* bad sttain.: cd. he has recently prodmed a course of experi mouts,which has resulted in the,discovary oftt;vo.' ry superior comriesitien for stiffeningorhich,while it is not affected by-wet, c9ually resistithe Mfrs. times of the heat of the sun. While other silk ,hats are-stiffened, and cemented with 'a com. position .which will , not permit the perspire: tion of the head to paws off, that used by the un dersigned. being porous, presents no obstruction to its free 'escape; an improvement, of the greatest importanee to the health and comfort of the wear er. .3. Such is the superior elasticity of they -hits, that, notwithstanding their extreme lightness, they will retain tittir shape' more perfect, and are decidedly mots durable, than those (though .much heavier) which are st.ffaried with the brit tle =mixc ition in common use. The stiffening eyed by the undersigned; Is prepared by himself a t o ne; and the secret tif its-composition ia.known to no other person. The ressik of the combinimprovements of the undersigned, consists in t a production of' a SILK..II.AT, of ONLY 4 OUNCES W EIGHT, - el l possessing all the good quaint es 'which ire desi. table in a hilt, viz: Lightneirs,Rdasticity, Beauty, Durability son Porosity. The underaignell having his manufactory in the, city, all the work is done under his own per. sons! inspection. 1 . Orders from any part of the Union,Laccompa nied with cash, or undoubted lift! acceptances, will be'promptly executed, The extensive assortment. and snperi bea utyor and durability of the Boy's' Hats, is,equally wi th the Men's, worthy of attention. Retailers can have the lining'_ stamped with their awn names, by . which means they may es tablish a reputation for selling a very superior ar ticle:- . .._ _. . .... shells deletand. lund. mund.. •perpopnd. ..1.5850-N04.5700 porbtislie.l. ',eft on. WHOLESALE PRICES. • Men's Bate, per (loran. - S3S 00 Youth's Lk-0 Crop•os, 33 00 dn. Sirs ight.Crowns, . 27 00 Children's Taper Crowns, 24 00 Sold only by the uudersigned, at 142 Chesnut street, Phrlatlelphis,ritr by 'David Buff oro, 106 Broad strret, New York. TERMS-4 months credit, for approved city acceptances, or 3 per cont. discount, for cash. Jno 30 11.3 ARNOLD BUFFUM. E subscriberbas noir upwards of tour hum' drad volumes in his Circubiting Library, in cluding nearly all the publications in light liter Mute, issued within the last two years. together with Scott's,SolwerWameerind other-standard rove's. To !hese are added weekly all the new publicationavf the day an they are homed= from the "pre& TERMS FOR ittADnio. 12 mo. and all smatter Wain, fat 3 days 6; cant& Octavo Volt. • __ 12i No yearly sabseriptions Will- be received,and all - Works wiif be let out by the VoWine. ,heading is amulet both; afamusenient and in stil:lain& As en amulemeat it is undoubtedly one of the. cheapestiless 'motley being expended ciat it thiatknait any 'other that may be porches. id, and libesides intrinsically preferable, since it doses the dcior to dissipation. and is often attandi - - .• oral influences. 'Noel, read; ing his b •me been bbjeeted to, bat to rea d N a . .iehr is • j %teller than to read.'nething at !di.. n fact is resorted to generally u a Pekin. • by those who are dmibted to works of a high: , •er character. It hair often been the means of-ere. atiuga Mown* taste. and thus kad to - eZifillool. nary emineitee in literature and science. • .1 ~Ji9YSIVILiS CMCVLATING LIBRA- Ry *nratipershortiy - bq opened. It wilibe cons., Jutesteeeiwith least tWrt hundred volturies. A .papsr brptady to raki, subscribers at tlibt of. .fice, to=re briteltho innlrs tialorine Teeth - NV*l6; qqalltlarforthe,ClilindebfBel 4 1 2 ill Pigaiiiatielle!alfr. hive iedecwAithisestabe usimarlii 41i "reran 11 .7% 8111 4/e* 18.1, -.which i.. eh Idirbint wirediest. - ABa- bra *oar el thhieethvia tee WI Oral. n irielllflheseesiiitilitloifortartinisOy dep.' 4014 aletheweie icethkfrwm6 in anitliCaii 4 bteilli•VOne _Vat t this edicts,reM!l ever ATM Preielletien th e nine &VW* , tkit it keespe the teeth.lreih dein while • -Mow ri CeDia pet beide. - Jastiftersed eire t er i e ealeig. - vartuas. : _ , svenicoaciTarassms-lia memo imidruSiebr WithNNiat litEnt - M EMM2W y.J MM Peron* . Silk: Nati. Circulating Library. MEM i nto ~ ,r 4ft.", v ilfri=t t': • - :;':!.:"7 . s. l Z. ' * . Brildeelli • . .+.-• ' ...% ' ' 1 , -._ ' - ' - • iietthe '""' TOE iathelatteeti=di-ax;44rm, Dvusi, fie t itaVimas bets lathe - hr. wegiaia o ‘ ll o 6 iP fie ' iaiiitts !IV icsille ' 114" ile*ClNisty all delthipithielith ifit ths. *nage milliet thateketh= theersehee 4 Foulin e th i 6 " lll3 4 0 , fi ns . ed ape:, ariedAlus''‘ ara l i nwievi.4 l th Ibis sea th e Lithefirebrosty, ' x..rmittis Jawit3 .. ~. the litotke;!, - • ffIIL&T the eutiociileze heee made it hietilkije perchan tithe Boat Col. S. and °KWh thew-F7h* DefAr - Z ia nig4)!Poha WillrAhelm -of:the moo pieta. ems, rs hie credito. not to seize paid. suit is elf propelty, The tteeiptiot The awe. heaftdate January . 141 th. IB3s. • • STORER 41. CROSLOIKI. Pottenlleaand 20, 183er , • - 'll4- Aftikey for l'.eiriodically THE subscribe! is Agent; Ind will subscriptions to tbb following priblications: WAND'S'S SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY. published vreehly, stiliscriptisin price 11* per almai. A Dixie Vol. l iiirinstocid on the. Id ofiarniary.lB36. • CARETSWEARY OF CHOICE LIT ERATURE, Puldeihed iseekly. thibeeriptibri 'price $5. TAR LADY'S aistoir;pu)Bibedrim.airy. Price $3.. • Reprint of the LONDON. EDINBURG. FOREIGN AND WESTMINRPER QUAR TERLY REVIEWS published quarterly.-- Price for the Wholiaeries, 118 psi annum. For three of them s7—for two 95—and OW one $3. . UNIFORM • EDITION OF CAPT. MA: RYATT'ENOVELS, now in peeve:iv of publi cation, by L. A. Galley, .at 373 cents for each work. . PENNY MAG AZINA Price: 1K SO per an num, to Nes.and $1 871, bound cheep; and al* en calf. - FENNY CYCLOPEDIA, -price Ol 50. in Nos. $2 tmand. B. HANNAN. Jan. 16 'TO CA PITA!..I Valuable Coal Lands ibir; ripHE subscriber, assignee of BENNETT & 1 WALTON, offers for, ode, as a part of the estate assigned him in truat,.tpo of the Smelt tracts ot Coal Land, in Schuylkill county, hay. in, the incorporated town of Mineiville thereon, and containing the frillowing_txlebratcd .veinste Coal, via :-.The Diamond, Mutrier. Primrose, pbcoax, Neah,and-South Veins, with out or two awe. best quality ofstiil. Attach, 0.11,10 these tracts is a landbeg at Schuylkill Haven, and they Ste traversed by the Wolfcreek rail rood, joining 'Wallin Hill and Schuylkill Haven rWil mad es their margin. The- cosli alitady Mined and dirtied from these lands, has been found of the beat quantity hitherto brought to Philadelphia, -and they are believed to be - equal in 'every facili ty or atoms to any tract in the County. For particulars, and a view of plans, apply to . JOHN J. WHITE. Philid'apian. 9- , 9- Information Waffled of EILIZABErIiIItA.LLEM. WHO UR the -ratideacte of her 'father. ' 1 4 3 Schuylkill toernaltip.BehbyikißCOunty r j io the litteribert of bombes. 1812,,with thh brio 'of t goid ` to 'Mina Chunkiltaib*pl4o county. since which time she PM* not beef rd of. Any person having ,any knot ed of 'Where 'she resider„ or'ofher being deceased, will confer tasting favor on her pilots. by "Patin. by mail, to WILLIAM HALM*. - • TUsettrora P. Q, SchoylkilliColinty,l'a. q.lanntuy 16 9-3 Dissolution - of -Partnership: V HE Partnership heretofore exisoug between the subseribers, under the fired of Gil° & We. tree. is this day.-by mutual consent, dissolved. The'business will be continued as usual A. A. Dile, who it duly authorised to settle and ad just all demands, bonkW, and business, fir and a. gaiust said farm. ALFRED A. GIL& EWII3 WATREIK 9 DecerniAr 'I, t 83.5 Alfred' A. Gibe, GIATEFIA for put favors, nrid baving Or. chased the entire Stock belonging to Ole& Watreti, would respectfully inform i bis 'frientla nod former customers, tbat he intends! continiting the business at the old stand, where he will be happy to supply them with merchandise at_ he lowest 12101. tie has now on hand:a targeted extensive as sortment of- Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, ,Woos, Teas, China, Gitiss,,Queedswareottc.' . Castled% of the lottoleinp, among other articles: Oahe, satinets, Casimeres, flsoncle. medics, Linens, laces, lawnpi cambricN gingharbs. . Itosiery, Canton flinnels, checks. plaids, Tickinge, dri llin gs , Prints. cords, beavertail, Silks, satins. shawls; handkercbielk. climb, Blankets, backings, pae.dinf.Suspende,m, . Coatings. pilot @eh*, line a. Wadding, selves Circassian. ureitingS. three s. :euttons, merinos ,' Gloves, pins, fringes{, scarbt skirts, carpeting. Umbrellip., comforts. carpet ehititi;table covers, ' emesterpanes, crash, diapers. 'dec. Ace: , GROCERIES. . Rio, ,Lasnira, St. Onraingo ceffees. ~.. St. Croix, Now Means,' Ottnuthe aural: ' Lea and lump • •do . . New Orleans and Seger Haase morasses, • Gun Powder, Young Hyson Souchont - z . . reechoing and Sebes - Teat; • Chocolates and apices, 411cc, 4- ,- • t , . , - grown and jabs , soap 1 Cloves, Mice. nutmegs and' outfit , Cayenne pepper,onstard' i, : • - Bon Pankker rnleine ~ - - Curkints and rke . - • . 1 • Cheese, codfish, mackerel off ktirriii Mould anal dint candles - - - Seckend bbl sill! 1 , • t .: • Pipet and suniltntg thiamin' ' i • Itpaniats, halfspaisish and einnnsitei legani , LIQUORS & WINE& i . Ceignian anti:o4lnm ltlAtkr ,- .: - ' 1 -' . acillapd aid' tell:nicks gin; 4 _ Old - Trish whiskey and Js. alp illiiiin7!. • New England !gni - and w hiskey bitlui,,ta . I f ieboo,ntatleivaoort sntlAndlgatr* — eit 4 -, • ASSOrtMent oT,Seohi and fiknest• - :,.. -`'a bci aa • GrockerY, Chine aid - glitierenriti t ; - ' 1. i , C,ilasakythe • ' ~ t.— i f '''" • ' . ' '. l ;' . • DuPtil4. Eng% loWft'rirkl.'o 36 :' '::: ...^_ f' , ifiatitiitLClP, ,figr... 1 . , Whit with ids • " tine ket - iii ithpidliii ' l sla( *elk* "alit ' 4 • 84 . 1 7 . - ii . . l m ll . l * 4l + l ` Itiouitryiet - othatOidraililj - I "` • • - - : ........:.- :: 1 --Jist-ii, --. ~ : ~I, - • - F. I ,: -- ;!.14t.j•;. - - 81LE AND BEAD I'VWCII 'UST I* l " 6 "ikPOrtiC;Adialte ll 4id GentleassesB9ll.lsonlisol99 tot ale by If t . 9 ' :;-.11.-9ANNAN. ODA - "'- ha I 7- If. a .; i~ ME _ _ ••• , - 7' , - ' 1 • ''. • !,,-, .E.. " • 41116,..„A We, ' • 4 ~ ..'.-, -4 , % _- - i -. - .:, K :, . :- D OCietii: J-,= - , '.l.;'-',::'',.:'l.--,5'...;',..`-,::::i-';Abi_L', - • , Jaen~ ; - et4 k - 5 4r , ne4.7.' - ::-:?' Ix itfiriiiiriiiiisfit oa,', • -,, ~-' , _!:c. - .1j,.::, , 1 .iLiwo;2; arid Iliaii•ka i - - : :::: • i , p.:,.•=.- „.. •- , :'l , ii ~--:., .. •• ' Iraddoelti. _ 1 - . ...._ ,„. , ' . _:-:,., ',.=, 1 ' EnelabEntOked. iffetrinti...; .-J i.,..: •;': ~. 1 Foiraiabil*, . -, T.' C . IIP 41 k-LLIANO3.O 3 ::- • Jan ti - -..,. - -7 . • '', ,- . - - 16 7 5 0 . :" . . ! *lii . 1111olaulisi* IlisipwS ' - I Arce4l,4. - • 1 , -!,..-. ..., mpri, RAES new Crop Ea! ~eflrre.'.-1 . . - ''l: .. ,-' URN slorbous_ NMOriceert in MallP ; '' 2 and Trim - ,• II ol.amft . • -. .4 . , Nelar-Orleamt, Muscavado ` j fritha e ; . . .; ..,, aid 154. - CroixiStwoc., . . . -.. 7 ,- -4-, ! ...;- ,20 coke F bun' Omega. , i • ,•*-...--; .i Yens • ill and black.Tatia litii#l„Olixdi!.) : 1 16 'half ba bulled Barley . , • . ' ~:‘ .. 30 Willi( biladdlOhia) Snap: brew° 440 1 .k70r7 7 ;: 2000 link' ti” Cainiilegs,ifai I.os,and-1646: .. 3 i...f• 50 half" Oa* B'bylo,lnd 10 by 14...f , ,', ci- 1 Cnnaelthuraly and Einoi Omitted tpipen: . : i 25 Eig. -- . * li on auks Liabodistins, -.•:. " :.- ;,-,,-. Ref" -Bai . d - Rata, Common . Gin; Contnio4 Peppe er rt a nin fit /imbibed pordbits: IIIW::: ' t. vpdrimainssitervAt.e.• Ike. - c. For sale)), MILLER 4 HAEGERTIri ; • ~.- Ceritri IN. next door to 31ortinsefs,11914 Frittsrilfe, Jan. 9 . ... 13,; .‘, *le , Hill. and Schuylkill Hai* : i 44 ait Ro4d Company. •- • WIRE .if Maingus of Abe aberenaniid. M" IR , , y bive ttiii day dedarvi ',dividers!! T of 51 pefee, t on the capital stoalripiyabli 3 Osipel: 16th init. ht, the Companv 4 i Mace. , '; ' • 1 JMNII.CRES94!:Wi-1: , 1 N— '9— • - I'n:incl.:lit The irr' MN! TOME SHELL PiENS, 1 , L uperior article to any thing 31E14 d ever introduced. and wasninnid sot . last as .lopg as a steel pen, - *t i ;rti• .r sale by B.' BANNAIt . A "i) Pen i to rust, a' • cubed and Jaw l6' . 1 . rot Salt o • • * ,d, !'.l KE splint:be, offers tbr ' -his Tali Yar' /I with e.k on sand, at McKennallitmj of which intoMdiate possession. can. baAltvint.. Its advantages are numerous. Bark an(grMides can as e che be porch d upon the premises to iiiiymapunt.= Its locality "it in the neighborhood of ieVetal iron works and ,Little Schuylkill rail road s whielt guaranwesi slump! a ready safe lin leather. 'A view of the premises will recommenCitiel£-- Terms will be Made mawkish% to suieMie:ptir , chaser. i WILLIAM Al3I/kOIED. Oct 24 1 . 49-41. ALMON, ktactorel. - .lllmakcdiiind Pick. o °•wledlinon.—No. 1 4 2 brkikrel. to sale • N. ATHA.NS, ,Oct 19 ' • N .9, Ceittie CotTtrcormuissiolier'i Sale of Unaided I j Land. , . BY virtu" of the several Acts 'Orlbeipeskia Assembly of this Commonwealth. 4,14 , ---ig thetmodeolfosiliagUnsestedlatidcact oiCounty. 'and Road Taxes, the Commuiskuiers of SchuYili:uPcival'3!ifiexlmile` li Siie at lie Venda On Monday the 1511 i day of February, A. D. 1834, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at ths••,Court • owe in the Bet!iugh of Ortsig' abort - Ohs tallow. described several Trask and Jails et.L4nd. situate in the county Of Schaylkill aforcsaid, ror: the paymetit ofTaxes and costs due cia lbe said several (tads. of Land. Sale to continue from day to diy natil the whole be diliposed 0f.... _ ....,.• Brunswick township, • • - .1.., Warrantee or ~_.. Owners nOnlea. John Putt 2 Lot}, in Orwigsbtirt, P . niegzose township.. John W damn' . Norwegian :township Niche Alice Jacob Eski . - Jacob Miura&• ; kw& kiwniabip, Abel Thema. John Swartz , Schuylkill townabip: Henry kj!lttler t3arnucltroYer . • , • J ams" Lt Dun n tn' 4 ' ityrnihiP : " Jpseptt Saxon & Clark - John PriCe • • , Jacob 4 Boyer • - George klavirlson , ... ~ L . . g iinT t o wn s hi p. • James lij ih hinn George n Brunswick township . . Jobs F-!1/1.0batea fieen'hzienskiP... Georger UZI! - . • Phinea Low . % Philip anti , _ . . „ Th l t i' ommiseiini4i . -, will also tiers a t Pd aide,. ti thee:WM One aid pt Tolle folleiliii Tracts hf„Land `mad by them. ,by . of the ' said se m a ai Acts of9MtstiAtmalbli ' 36 th e."' day of 4183% the cooddionentisid saki' not g complied Stith hy the seS*o .ppyclipk. b 4 petc" .acts.• • 1 11i214111 'owl/ 1111- P' , Marla Keiclaner 1 i Christi in F el . -.. ~ I : - ~. "', . ....i nn .Ifacob ig ,rle, ' ~ - .1 . ...er - ' ....-- '''+' Ge 6 r . oil- Thilttewnehiii- '-' -,, ,i xr ri;th Bower David :1 1 : -‘ ' r L ' :41 4. : ~,'' . • ..: j. 4'. ' •-l• 3 - )fliti4lii thinsiglitii: *. '.• ': ~k 1 ' , ' , A..::- + 4 darkl . ?:' - • .. --' : - f.=: :. - '' tct'_`t - * 1 : 4 4.4 1 0. •-• :, irirMTrCliktaWSlPht-PiA, -,,,i 4 . 6.:',J: -1,: •-i..1:-i: `Otb, -• • • ..'•'-• '''t , r . 4.i.,: Mleisii . "" . -. , - '... .; -•:.' .4.ljzc' 410 , :i..118 1 1:. .14 .) M O''' : ' - - 7 . 7 7 7:-. ,. if ' • - •:" : ' ; ,', t ".."..'''' : . 4#: ' 2---07T i".: . ' !:a r i.., . ;::=40a :• ', :- , ...Z!" 4 ,44 : 11.1kuiP4 1 !Pe.l.' .-•.4t7:4';:r" ':-4 - .•_' tniall:.;; ' - . f•.'.. -. . - ..' , -. : ' , .. r . - :-'-' ,.. t. ; !i:'?: , 'r.:: ; ' fr' , b!''' 4. 1 , .... ~...-7141**74410.:1041144,;:':;ty,..:jz.--) ' waritjt•'•:' ''' . . - -7' . :?-7i'!"', - f:.... , „41 174 .:! , „4...-4 , •N01 11 11 la trililit; l' 'v'.;: - : , :1 , -: . ..Z.;.0' ; '-'' . .1- - !'"ti':.i':': . i::•> 1 400 1. : • ',. • .:' , ;* - ,--;44:)}11C11440:35;q:';-,-. 4 '. '. - . l ' ''' Pr..'il'OtlPLESClPMEliaii-':“ 7 ;• - .- = '.l- ..;-'l , , -- ,- -)POII: MAL •„, -7; ...,:::::.; . . - ' Og i og.' ' . - Cir.4 - I%Z - : -.-, ••‘ •••'- :„ .•••I:,' iiine7l sitAen . Ik.ew T is. Id E F; fA N t, ~, c. • ' 'CI *';',",;-7,14:a , ,!., ' ' I! ' - ' l't- a ~, • .1 =N; t(It2IU Toiduttotiaircaatigipt '.4siiiiiiitit ~,, I,44.iie g eoglabiutwaratamOkilt ,:, • itligrgoicttiLestaitiilkatiliersepel4 -,. . -1 ::: ...,- , ; - Nisaiieteiiceniar:inieverroliiiklik C ' V* 006.1* eratinitikin. iniimpreevi w *Clitik:!- a thrhillii tirDani Iltudiur.iir,theirieuX Reht"43l"hkesillit7 # 141rAin. jai: efFAlnF aii l st itortle' ' •,-- Itsfreal, la tie - *rajas ' - ar tfitt — Sitiiii;k l- .- Wides - ,dieepelt • - sea ' aioripittorehiv -,,, , Amp viii ' •ropresensireartiiiteuwasiiv. ' idei° l4 l 46 othielnizitimgalina nbi w b oh. *l'. ' Obefiriee.46,l***o - 4, 6 *ihit - imapitirbiri --„ . , aid:where roiiriy si:yedjfriiiiiiiiir.,, --= •-• ,-- • - .'-_,,i, . tirthe.to4 ....Wankrkalitiwt.t--.41 814 --- . :•---'•'- •-.- 4. 00. ''mos •.. •,•-iinvig.irt;./.11- rhme • .--...-,- - , :-..r - 41,..!-• , :•1 -, *; d g i Fur neekr!,ter. k_ coy*• —Fur Collate ifbr cloaks ippetur7, - , - ; . Iwo seethed aidlis r , , • -101:..NATHA". 11111g 4., • ;MILL ' & 'HA . OCEl.rrriZ-'. i ; 'WAIVE' sitier the: Vinotint_idailipori 4 mmo . . 3.01 i1ki,, -. - . ...,,. i‘ ' . ,' , z, -- .lla - 4. ., i , Imperioraild! -P. siadefr,oorthan. Olitarl•P; ~.,,, cid J - drit - dii ' , do ' - : daybouild . 1 ::: : -. -- -do.—joikei else! Pale ihirtiltibe - .=,..4`_-:1" . - &If. Gordnii,&..Co. do ' ' 46 - -AO .;.-':' '" ' ' ' -:,.., Ithpalior old,llOck Wino tadthid:bo:tho liifili -, ' , .' . J. mend Jedly'inatoe'i t aiiinyo,, , i ,-. .., i te m, 1; ' . ". :--, -,.• ''.. - .,4 - ;-- - ' • - — Waiiiiiitinni lionli'''''""' Moat. do Fiontivath ht. _ . .., Gripe ) niael Pon *lnc% iiinal aktaliftle r i ''' - ',..7„.' Picollideii,a, SlailylVadeith;:Oldir:T:lasei* , frakosid innwn'Lbilanilithatifc '-••''..,',.'":,,-`,.-;." ' 1.:7 ; Saporito' raite.Partin Cakilikaikniiiir,: ' ~ • , r .' 'Do .44 i4th panofaithato' Brisa7:', ::„., . Cograthand'Boniaale“dfc:"*" , .4 Do ' iti -Wee* iiiboritasiad :.'_ --- di Btheidam '' -.. thi - '..140" -,- ••• 'r 4loperior doff , JilMili_SlDl_____';. _, 54 , , _ -DO 'd4r 4 th proof .1neb . 1,91:, . . ' .I:'' -. :.,' ',, _ Do . do ltd- :do Alf onongobah__ 44', _• Ruse 'N o l,at.i and PereitVeYe,. ,:Pirdikiii '''lt__..._ 4 • 4 ',"_, N'i B. StOre and Tool' KesPert ' ' W ll ° l4 -goad Wiwi and Liquomand as -ainwp : - Ifi9iv - ` - u7nY , P 4 kit t h an ° Cr il l fa . i l ii iri - , an 9 0 ' ' ''4- ''' '' '-•, '. ....- tie si die'd, VI tbetr ORSIVANT to tiock4aea - , • 41 ' of 8 0 1 7 1 kin ellui!ir.s* l i .at ' 'ilik:ki* ithri : of :Unwary nazi, at twe.o`ckwir c low:Ai: boon of twmard Sboll.in the tiortetif 7 .- -, beig-44ilin Fenstermitchir and . .TOtro .ofifiaa4. -, odeiiniatritora of the - estate ofiCaarribityWrihAtr - r, 'of Wirselownahip, decemektrill exiaWe pis* • ' 'bY raVelreedue.s welds siessisige Slid 'mint elf Latof t aitua . to . o .',ll,*ss..towailklAi s . l in Schoiltill canal, aglow( :aar Kii . ll 7 lror itanma, more or Icia. laitiodetitti.bilida efileseph -7istAt, , - • i . John Relerrit4llol4 Sign dAtil • with dill a&otWpaaaen; corwiatiat lif t 1 al &Sills Ose Stem Thieltileitoiisok; with ; elkir*-4/ste tbireetste ‘delbi . . said doctoloc4:'eirod4iook A oral& will li4:' ; IreeihsfAii thsessil l: =Ui cit.. : j. " Z - JOHN. ikroderieihtogiii. - .. SAIIM . 1111.712211Gtic Dge,3o •74 • ' ' rIiAMPAIGNA Jane Brand, a 111 gizmo* articlefor mob*, .1 . -,I4.AVIIANS *4*, • • , ~• •'L 1 .. Pijibille • Saii. • , , O : uRst i ANT to_ alofifig.4o4orAtie Cid : • . offk,buiditdi eirinty c ier ..Bottirdly. *bei 1 1( • 44 of February neit.it..t iethonlit P. Ild.nt. diet hungrier .jciiiiphWeaver,iiiiiitsapar.uatb,.blinosile •orDrivigibirg, Jiiepti,ll. - ,Kptyd, adunidieratar of, the estate,aci}isitini - Iliiilt--.: late cer dsbar: . ,' ooh- of ReidinedeeekledOva-r44lllll°'lll 1 public rendiur, all 'Mie folk ring bid now -•-- , . eiligei/ pl'aleti4one sadtraidsdiner..o • • one Of them, eoneietteßortrer tensik, di ti situate ii - Wes(Broineig trieitislifiz., Li-i u *ScbuYibill- iiiil4, - .6l,e,tnlni -*W. , hundred and sersity aiglitistri*Ledieetpthrec.. perch: btainditicyjands pt . ltibri Keticr.....cisi. 'rad Buy at, Yost Fab and cabers, with thou.> Or iii i. pusistimy it a oirigiiiis iuxisawir... , . ter ba opring kiwi and an eiciinteirt alto one a pleittatiun aril*, et ,or liittd, si tie is t bast lingrwnaloPleso equi4y,itattain , , inn 21 res . . lirebets iitfisseare,ficamstisd . - by laid . iif,Fiederlik liiiiiitigii;. Leboard *in, ~,. lurk sin Knittle, Conrad sohotioina Beiti,zer .. Bockujeitit the ateertimineesi'eonsistin - 4 ler bnotitt leettellit, spring besiimiand in . .: etitiiiteui ire .well.' *babe* iwitfrtiat easinu44atitire: estiitei,ir 'di 'aid tbeewiiii - Tenn, Of scree made known it dig** end illinnii:- - of leaky by 1 . , 101i1EPIFIVAP#XXibiliet, '.- • :• By eider al.htiCunit::,- -• • - , • - . 4/ 41 LIWYrZING.P.:ONOtiltft Dec. WI ' • .. • . : •,• • • .;.-•,. - ''. 7 't7 *0 200 200 `iZ El 'i se 400 _•400 160 :KW .%•• ..;.Ift . PeP 6 r l kniiie...o l o re) 016 0- ibr gob' Am 3- • berAkiai.BEASTlr', 4 .: IRON FOUNDRY: ., :-{ iTwk, ours &SWUM, ItdiftIEACTOBV : t "'. - PeoillefiWorkit * -` - ' 1 , 1 ivmail'i4ai i i , mrsig yrnsivia,.rhisight: '1 - :- Thoobscribet.relioictllillyinfannelnia'- - ere and thr . pOlie.the.the hes trenoW - hiettitere . rgulleitlxwittos,ftilln Broil eireetptei dthiiit!i - Ito a Der utaldiehmant, who* hiientitilOnec, ante any' 1 1 orders panetuallY. tneb Tap lir M il l ;Otaring. Steal "EltiliNlS, Wheals... Chaim and Tam-oats. Setae MillV •'- Papa, Soap Boiler Pane. Bark Millettnitt: . l , Watt ether deeeti ..pt Wok ; haviscamtry> mace firas at or Patents,. apiarist it Will ils, - , tio the la Out* otratiehantrit intl4eoderit Id: i i ea% ar they wiltte , abeiwiel by Wet. 14Ii/AA . tit L Stthl+ , "";•-,,; -•:' l i.';A-'1: 1 40 2 4... , “. ' . iii ineseEntiiies'isa'aisorter. , , , ,i , , ~ i -_, , - 3 ,1 r - MAN9TACTINLYi' , -- ..%_ .--:-:.` •, i , :i: , , ;on ils4 mune iirentisisipiCilill 1444,i Silait'• freviint &Om* BO k W! altar* :.,W ` roma* the melt -,,insear talitterlier; last ti_ . e•;J: . . . . '- p : , , , , 0 - lk,l A lll. liPhbr X*slo “ 11 : .rAisiti -111242- _ llethWillii ** ` ''. l ' - f, - • ,*Prillco.trziowproimei-1 4•41,111 airih -: „''''7*1111“1”, '):: %,". , ..r ~,.. - 'si c :9 t. ,a. ~,,..14,. - '.;;,) . 1-1, - A . -LI P 4 4 14 0 410 4 *id "'A . - - jat: - ' . *:i— satilmolk . : ,s; ' '': Kik . ,; • -.".::. !,''' tt. '' ... t: 7 : - .f;:' . ; WE , y:~r`s:}}`Y, G 4ii ,4 ~, 7 620 , r_ Girrlab 'rteß iii;. I* l r!' • &- MIN 12 - = , PRIE SS la II i 0 `, 3:~:,t- EMI ..* - ;:- . . -- -,c0..P'. ..‘..'„,. - -. 4 •,,---..:,:: =Ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers