The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 30, 1836, Image 2
II Il MI El .., 1-. ' (fiaraing 1 . sad - onto bilE • 1 Eviacto 1000 sharos,_ina; 1E! Eittiflifit :l -1 1 .. • nf. May. QM: i V.1.V.1. ' - „ th .rata . Wilt 0t: der . es Dii -to ... 4.;t r ig; .1101 1 -;- 411% PO be:fird.o:N. 4 , t o ir:, a „.... 2 ., ~,,....: •i. • • P 4- -; , ...... To report tO I. Audi ,ther °tikes, . p -et .0/5.-Fisera as . ;IVO iLLARS,,spa hi f idelp rearernoo Ilk • ye iiitlt, i Obit .11riz-por .•. • p.y . . * II I dr, %I. a soma - • . red in 3 mouths.: .'A to loop SIX lOLLIO 8- t F "negotiable derti cute shalt i-the 23 March, 866, traps Flirantalknklat , t 5 . : , Scent &the-interest dem le. thill ilk. shattpay for . S IN Ilialeekrequired I th ' -tray,' ONE MI sit ant titnel th. pee on SOOT tei, &the Said cot 4 tr÷be the Iko took the...fa ng duo 40 di; by the Ales or of either fth En; ati thalami° of th sac :men IA all* 'Balti ore and II iy / thelano of VO 000; otmtlYl . 4 Elm I mi. "MoXv;10 316 orti IYARLitlfr• if ' be outoat session oft : legislate s lap Valley rail go ' y 41 : 1 0 1111 44:. ' eh . place :lame -Rath* to ghts thi*Oust : gal ribe to steely;" ind pro elm that ea boelttidel NI ylan alvania contpan -to.' • • itio -rail road,. at ny tit I wholisiPprOpriatihis to e . leirSennsberl to s ittabo iheriopid 'petit- -list4a arc add commen- • ' Dem/ 8: 'OOO, Ii• + yai, a p p :yortathiett ail st , •in r bite.," tine , ; S talk fie . ...:. :.., E. • jkiims. eint4 -;• ... ~ . tool to mlieniotrir A mod :' . mit . lirtm ro? ar 1 iiiekfact,Mogut '' ;,, . C9lilatitislorte - . . liritt. 4 B4.. 'l!ir gore: It Peale* .anit_ t . . , 4 01344'- 44 ,, itta ire, Itailm*APl Pi t • s. INco l lefigliog the •Adretk. -c.: .-. c CM OF iied, ,ded EMI E ~~ . . t pris4ev 2.000 4 1 AN'The - rinal iebniraet 20 a •not pore forth Ilraneh. - nein (YerleNtati lip ind ap trtfurnier: 041 !' . lininl3o i f topi itiatial2oo ' pn. d ri ller t"0 an raft Of the iaii d tolvitrtla t rglilh d t er likr au a •fiite W \any river, e' r finr re' it Aar for surrey of the Kis ter the French _creek toed kira aria ap ropriates re.—oad : i tt dea to ssoo coon f e rlrrolts ilTa Ohio . oear N App prates tl ghany ?OW air - road, teatTrazieh to T pee° . °tad sopie on COlunibi railroad, varies on rail I. lets and pay of einem! ers, &e. 160. 71 4 tetkinetiper cent Ili 1 *Mkt Oa 47, 1 47 cents Soesseeilit. , A athr•baku. • airmilt. N so orkeirre BEEN IN VBSTIGATION OF MASONRY ___Tiintrtiembers of the Masonic Crater. •filty who refused to testify before the Anti. Masonic Committee, have been,hy a vote of fill!, to 46 in the House of Representa tires, discharged from the Custody of the Sergeant-at-arms, under, . the following a. .trierstment offered by Mr. Spackman, to a 'resolution of Mr. Stevens, whiehktdiet a preamble setting forth the contempt, &c. directed their continuance-in custody an tit delivered by due copra- of kiw—"Re soirecl, That %he house forbear to punish the contempt committed 'against . the house and the committee appointed to investigate the evils of Freemasonry and other secret societies; and that the said witnesses be dischargd from the , custody- of the "ger pant-at-Arms." The resolution of Mr. Stevens. with this - met:Himont was not a ! greed . to until after a diScussion of , two days. The witnesses had previously refit sed to . testi f y' before the house,' the oath - having !ken severally tendered to them by -Thw !diem , - Mo 'tor, the Speaker . For the present, therefore, stambiren Be •nis Item the affair is . at an end. And we do not pedlies do ...,' • ..,.r. '. e ti think that a similar attempt to extort tes-' . ar i l w itE, l 4.f. : ; , ;_against t timOny'On the same' subject will be ever a- Murder. ...; ' 4‘' • at • gain reneWeci. Tlie preamble of Mr. Ste - a , ii ik: , 3 4;•:,..,,,s r Of i rens sets forth that the House " enterta ins tott in a personal renstuntre„ ki;; , -: • • - - • ' ' , - ia. .. no doubt Of the. tight and - jest:ice of imprm- 1 oning such contpmacious witnesses in the ' '''''' '' ' idol), has been A 2tratAnal •• - 7 - • - .Pro '''' 1 la the • -lid re,y Altussachimetts, ?douse . did 1, i 3 common jail be jai , l it oil ii t q h u e ite 6oun is ty w .l i H out ow t ev th e e r not see fit to exercise this right. firths charts ••, 1 , , a ;.: um the y rtey also Os ; of SLOPOO, ,' - _ ,-.: • Ikaakat Balk ae!Plet 3 / 4 rig hts, an, ii, . were DO ' T ila, ' . . cy-m Boston , mistaken . - - We - WV not sorry, however, ..undek has-e. ' ge' a' IF -', s . ; ' ..-Olittet.,Baq - , that the business isattin end. When men themselves e l i i ik fied-the Ives in-the wrong path, the on -1111..111 ' ' a: . ''Ai".;. °- ' fili: ; l L * hv j Tigkil : 1 ,- ly ..titiiendst.' they can make is to retrace Pad ice: 4 ,' : . '1 !-' ''',,- '''''L. -- Nir - „b in " --- " t ' . theit.steps.. One member had the MIA of Fhilsodel . 7 " ' ' c. . k A" - ' / ' - : k. 'r e i t7. 7 - .7"7 7 , iiii to move that the 161641830DM Com- Strilie s s t im _ Theit -.. ' 4 ..72"' 't .. .,',.. a .-.2' ; , • ; ,1 . mittee.Should apologise to the while:Mei. 76 11 i, :;: el :- '': • k4 _.......,, 1 .,5 t... " 1.77- ' - HadAhis motion prevailed, we ask wheth 14..s:taat • ' !,, - .-eti .1,... : ' ...;= the committe*wonlir have Obeyed?. or, ' ll _, 'att . ... ' - ' L., 1 _, - " 1 7. 44 ”,..,,,,...-.- ;.,'"''''''''--.::: -, iiiiitiber they Wald& not have stood, up Rir g ium - 1. " - '' ' - ''"'"-• 'er''''-vlualr°7, ; their - ', l rightsq .andbytoof:tkoinvinetirred it 43 b tWleight. - - ' .4hOl d ll th itO"ill* lir P" :s r . .-esintempti lniallittg npcsi thu whimsies to • of t 'oo.q :.- ‘-Kituic -' * °al. " ' -34 teitift; teat? thoy_Po done . #O, more than '; IIKRIMOod" ' " Ali! °NI.' olla.Committee duty . .-_ They weni. iiniiiiiiteittoiitiO'rng. . 41 4 1 it 1 '.':.:1? : ' - ''"'' - ' '' I ' ' .. ' :,-., ' • :The Wialeallea-Wthe'o th er': b a nd .::i.'. -'• 6l :4_l' l !''°i'e. Aiiiir-Vii '''': .irineseingto testify onlyperciimediteing.Z in '''g w ' nu ' lii.Wcr '' ' - ' ' .. 51 1 . 1 uu ,. 3 14 .00.4404001106:4t9! - :,:‘00( 1 bt .- "This: w i t ?stun .., .....Ataarrae ;: _,....: 1 0 -1 0;,.. 1• . : . gobs Alkinpiaso.4*Wautibial; .l°4 llF:ti*, ' 0 , , tir •• t itivlia - fooidot , ;*ruidiirtor, - yfiley-took. , the on li iit qt Joe „4 1 3.r:„.',.41 1 .rotkik4iiiiitet...: ,; :, . - iirdi f ii*liowera-tisiiiirdit t.ta: . • tepee sti a''. , .. ' . . - *hat- tt*lleafk*T itiiotekii*ofitiiircipuqoildoittisiiii**: hear 4 - 44 '''S'iliar:..t•'':•,, A - :X. 3 / 4 „,:tft,_.,-, , .I' , .fli — rigAtAbi..6.4oPOkii** - 114147441,* 1.; . • "Altiklall - . -•-?- -! ..-,. , ft..-,—, :::,.. - V. -- , . ti.44. - --mtufilrAufriitomilimiiiiihi - . , IAVIV ~„,,- r ..., ~,,.,...4--,.,:, ~..,,,,,,,„;,.,! t ip-!( : ikongost. ~. : ~ ; • the eatan • ' iota i ~ app4er . tate Mi ,-.•- reinaluing 2 41.1:44, EE 110= s rer Aecii;aos eic *it- WWI?. NixFicsaiortatsr si i • : .. " - --Ali have _ ieoei „., ._,-- t _of pennq 1 :.• a/I:in"'h - •Coolallwe C is Cum 'le out e gam CALIM - ing:c't,ten 14 , the „...., from -Mimosa' vani a, wn her of Congress - lay irro,.o,nrill _ _ hater ~' iEE 1034 :,.• and *agora: , • I .1 A. tONS • Provii . paid by by ttie•Elt.w. he Comm on= LIARS. for givelktis,y rable at the annum; 4:' 1• of enow lying 4,tteitignouno, ,dve haita lieriea extrettetojdiveithei. : The Thermometer, at I o'clock, A. M. stood on ,SVedae'sday morning, - Jai. 27, at 10 0 below .0, - at i :l2M:l7 above 22 do ..0; at 12 M. 12 above ' i 29, 20 do . o,_at 12M.14 above thethe :morning of January sth , Therroometer stood at 24 degrees be lowirik this borough. Oahe . ifte Water Company.—A meet- . ing of the stockholders in the Pottsville Water Company will be held at Mr. Mor timer's lEiotel,on Tuesday evening the 2d of February ensuing,•on business of int.- porttutce. As the intioduction of water into our borough is a subject of vital importance, we' hope that every stockholder will feel himself in duty bound to attend this meet ing. • Siper cent'. fdockoflo. .!. mei:wealth, "al* tii l P-' the, htid.the 112 m• als 'tog. emed 1 1l fir be 'ms the cap; 'companies, if 1 . of the sail bin one year' y; to 'the cap. hio rail road o the compillty, the le Tiatigattsin motpoiated - at to the Com. 11106,000, all the imid,Bank and,. liabilities d companies subscription adthorises a • the Baltimore Mary, land.— P•ncltid on a rail g. • at 'wider con. of the t ed he State lliet of the 1110,0110 16,(M0 15,000 10 1 000 1%000 6.000 _ 16,000 riVe e. rd kke.l 2.000 •IDI,OOO the sem of to pat *miles of or near the t2O 00(H). than . 36 nor ion. and ;t :mare than aburg. add c o nch to the - or coml.—. ter` ague- . 4 1 ter canal or r those survey r e v es:wady of a rh the Pena. w wale, uobia rail C 42,461201,52. 112,017 9.000 60,117 I® E=l ' 30,000 300,000 20,000 25,060 weft of 60,000 !. in this *action is IT Wens to be paid 4000,000, in lieri =I nntil the United • - which mud next. to *r t • of iho of .041ity that in Ala :thing like the flit cant bark a sopa. ° rftwrerd county, is ;Wier-in-law, :and -caused his . THEMIDEINIS . " 4 - - " VIISM t'(4*- A I P.APIINIVIG, 010* 040 i Rail Road from Pinegrove to SAW - kill Haven.— We observe that MT,Conrad presented a 'petition in the House of -Rep resentatives of this state, on the 21st inst. praying for the ineorporation of a company to make a rail road 'from Pinegrove to Schuylkill Haven. Should this improve ment be made, (and we sincerely. hope it may,) it will bring the Swatara Coal Re gion into honorable competition with this region, and_ bring into requisition. a larg e quantity of CoaMndl which heretofore bas bad au outlet only a small .portion of the season, in consequedce of the imperfect construction of the Swatara feeder. The specimens of coal which have been exhibi ted to us from that region, are of aeuperior quality. The rapid bemuse in the con , mption of Anthracite Coal in Boston, is evidenced by - the following statements Prom tke &ken Courier. ANTHRACITE COAL., • Receipts in 1835. froth Philadelphia, Kingston. r„ New York. • Newark. N.J. From other places, T0ta1 7 5. 11 . 4 Richmond, bush ' • I . 212,105 Imports in 1834.35,685 Increase in 1835, 40,037 tm. Will the Courier be good enough to fur nish likewise the quantity of foreign Bit uminous coal intteduced during the above mentioned period. EMM En 'ififiiiituff',iiiierS7:ciitiiin ha Albt to*ntiltqCiattatititiomillity ofatii lawte itiebStittitioirilitibitrainistitand'hoWeee thilbe-tiott.U4sitimuf a'iifiaill to comply,. with its .fproiiSiottifiti, Pennsylvania, intelligencet . ;,saYsi 1 "They' (the; witness) were dischated by.tita_HoUse, not.ittlitit tificifirai Of;theitoNtaf4hut on the ground' -of expedit:lc,. .It ,was thought Mit by the majority to holdthem up to the people as -men who-bold-their obitgationitore Ma-' ionic institution.abiivellte -laws f -their: country." . "But intim they been , ld up4n this-light! ifs°, our reasoning-is ~ , ions 1 .---and their willingness to swear , t Ido not "egad -_their masonic oliligathps / ' paramount to the law of theittry, must alsogo,for nothin . The remark of the IntelligerMer is a reap specimen , of Anti-Masonic cant! t-why eOlao _non sense, Mr. Intelligence , knowing it fole -such? For ourselves, e believelthat tel.- ther Masonry nor Anti Masonry ahotilifte perm4teil to. interfere 'th politiCs. The' lees is said.atgiut eithe in connection with political questions the tier, in our opin inn. No good can, tesn t from it, end much evil may follow. 'Nei her a Matmnic tier an Anti-Masonic part - should be tolerated.l in politics . -He who sea himself upon either, rests upon aas y foundation. ITht r ig all our ends and wishe should lie directed to the- political wet& and happiness of our. countrg, and this , object cad never be promoted, but may he much thwarted by the formation of parti s'of thitldOcription, whether Masonic or Anti-Masonic. The Boston Courie the 16th inst. was th. throughout, ever knb ton, the therthometer sixteen degrees bela was so general ant it setts.' Texas.—We Learn that there is not a. single armed Alexica. in Texas—they all having been driven b • • and the bounds of thafprovince since t.e rapture of St. An tonia. - Notwithstan , ing the above, it- is stated that the Texonians are not yet-se- Cure in- their independence. The despot Santa Anna is making preparations to in vade Texas with an army of ten thoutiand t j. men, with 'himself at .their head. Hp bus declared that he w II exterminate them, drive them-from e country, or mfike them bow beneath the rod of military dcs= potism. ' • 3feziegn Despo ism.—The Mexican government ha cede reed that all the Go vernors of the State- shall continue, Atit-' withstanding the ti : for which some have been elected has pireri—tat t ike ie gislatures of the states shall ceaue'to exist —and that a councillotfive shaltbe eledted to perform the duties of the legislature, in conjunction with Abe - Governor.--who are to be nominated to ithe Supreme Go%ertt• meat for itriproVat . _ 65,671 8.397 SOu 810 184 There is nothing new in relation to France. A copy of the letter of the Duke 'de Grog. lie to Mr. Pageot,_(Which Mr. Forsyth-ie. fused to receive,) has been published, and contains nothing very conciliatory, butin sista upon a direct official explanation from, the President. From the tenor of thislef ter we infer that. the- late annual Message of the President will not be satisfactory— pt least to the Duke de Broglie. - We have got into a dilemma, with France, and now we must get out-of it in the best way we can. The President was it little hasty in Louis the charge Of bad faith against Phdlippe, and making the sugges tion of reprisals; but his subsequent course has been right enough, and if the worst comes to the worst, we most fight it out. War is a terrible evil—buf if France takes umbrage at our peaceful remedy, non-in tercourse, we must go into it, however loath,. and then our stripes and stets must not be sullied by division. War Movements.—Resolutions _ have passed-the legislature of New Jersey, ap proving of the whole course of the presi dent in relation to the French affair. Si milar resolutions have ,paaseit.the Senate of Alabama, pronouncing the refusal of France to comply with the requisitions of the Treaty, to be a breach of National faith—repudiating her claim to an expla nation—and pledgee the support of the State to the Genertil Government to pre ' serve from stain our national honor, find to preserve our just rights- It ie stated that Mr-; Geo. M. DALLAS, at' a late Van Buren meeting at Harris burg, so far forgot the dignity of a gentle man, as to accuse Judge White of being under "petticoat Government;" and styled the brave and gallant commander, Gen. Harrison; as "M rs. Harrison." giutle mita from . Thiladelphia, who was present at the time, remarkedithat it was. Pecaliai ly unfortunate for that gentleman to make use of those expressions,-is it was etprorl. busty known that no penwin beettynore -under the influence of "petticoat gowern. mentil thitrthat gentlentanlimselff doulityspoke feldintts 'Upon till sub ject.- 1017 1 .47! 1 1 1i: i t e ftwa,, i' cont4 ° be i t tise th ' e ' and'Aituaketfattratrisbarg was like a akanktbami; = -Fine ' iha the ehase.,,tkut rhenclug4 - - 4111-6 ii° 6 the_NOri-Cione*. Mum been 'b o und 0 ,04 ,formalitiOtikullescalleimaktifiTgef .-4.3Yaltorpeu , 'l 4 A. 4 1111 F,"%•!, RN.,I NM 2VIE WM .7 7 'j ow foil . ,°4Foosiiktatti :.. ~- 4: - . t x Ad44#9° 5....440iir•0p1e.,1wt.bk,44, hi.-46.4:: i440,;,044,.i!i - 4'4041 - 414: , i!.. .1.._. , t.ii.,:w1 , ip0it0t.,, • - i'-‘4#4i4. ;.mutes di: : 6 4 1 1 11 0*: 2 4ver*Ic "emslmO is : teat Mailivana ateruit#llo4' Mr• . , off turd _ , a new Sec:lions; , lirliiikarain. a ' 'lei, Vhich * k iwi& is-requitedMPay Eat hundre d . ' dolla r s to 4lie Rite tTrainirep.riet the •Ilifitek , licit and ono hundred : thousand.* ,Aist,of June OCAlie erne Year; ind'Oinilfirinalini ' ' 1 mrenery first of inne theteafter..6t Bata eiiirs, niakingll.3oo,oo o , nildidi is Into' cep p,d - lb the 1 , Common - School Fume, 'Wo 'publish'. i - not - ,column an abstract of this bill. to ethic we res. peeifullY refer our veinier*, ..IWe ea lender. !quid how any Mau who professes to base On welfare of the Corronoiviies)th at heart. din op. pose a Meagre which proposirs sci minyradvanta. gie tolier citizens-which will sustain thc.p.4b , lie credit, catty on her raillneas and canals,keep a large amount of mittity from goingehroalf, 'oid annually increase thikeirenlitting eaptial, - , there by Widening the sphere of 'commerce!, airier& are and manufactures, and stimulating the en. orgies of all concerned, in ilica branches of indult. try, relieve the commonwealth from preiimt and' future embarrassments, together, with a. lad of vexation, and last though not legit, teel.erien7 contribute to the education Of her:children: we, say.we annot understand hovi: any citizen who hannot sacrificed hie conscience at die shrine of party feeling. can think of opposition to a great public measure of this character. ' , - • lilt. Ran, the editor of tire Harrisburg (anti-masonic) Telegraph, compliments friend CHANDLNR, of the United States Gazette, for the, manner in whieti,,he con ducted hitnaelf before the Committee Of in vestigation. . • says, 'Wednesday, coldest day take; in the city of Bos ranging from six to zero during the day, L y all overMassachu- A bank with a capita) 0)45,000,000 bus mimed the legislature of Alabama. The Philadelphia Inquirer states that a letter. had been received in that: city from a leading and influential Van Buren matt at Washington city, requesting tbo friends of Van Buren to avoid any thing like ap position o a State charter for the United Stairs Bank. A committee of the Virginia legislature lave reported in favor of increasing the banking of that state. • N !EN ~ -x T•• The' Baltimore Patriot soyv--" Let Pennsylvania reject the dialer of the U.- nited States 'Bank, and Maryland toil/ give the charter, and take theomut to ex tend our Rail Road the Oitui." The Anti- Masrmic roam bere'of the Mas sathmetts legislature have deCided not to hold a National Convention to, nominate a candidate'firr the Presidency. The legislature of Maryland has abolish ed lotteries in that stikta. The Globe of Tuesday states that esti- mates have been sent to the House of Re presentittives by the War Department, for the purpose of Notional defence. The sum is 10;373,748. This is independent of ordinary appropriations for arsenals; ar mories, &e. Amt Mackerel.—lt appears by the Boston papers, that there was a great falling off in the Mackerel fisheries last year., The number of barrels taken in 1834 was 252,. 883--and in 1885 early 190,879,', " Mr. John Quincy Adams has been lately paying his wart, and very successfully, to the administration partY,by an attack on the U. S. Senate, and parl c icularTy on Mr. Webster, relative to the Fortification bill of last sessiontogether with very warm eulogies cm the course of Gen. J ackson.— There is nothing like flatter* now.a.days. Every man who desires to be to favorwit the powers that be, must first play the eye ophant. The attack on Mr. Webster i said to have called forth almost unaniknou shouts of applauSe—which circumstance, in our opinion, must br attributed eithel to disgraceful dain-worshipor downrigh ignorace. What . is the charge that they prefer against Mr. Weirder—his declaral. tion that he would have refused to vote to place three millions of dollars atthe di posal of Gen. Ja c kson, even if the enemy cannon were pointed at the capitol. Th . was nothing more than a con figurativ way of expressing his apprehension of t ' danger that must ensue to the country fro establishing the ' principl4 that imme sums of money may he placed at the arbi trary disposal of ,it single individual cloth. ed with the executive pOrir. And the -principle is most truly dangerous.- Who could foretel the consequences of such .a precedent hereaoer t 'Adniitting that Geo. Jackson would have appropriated the mo ney honestly (and we do.not_doubt it,)does, it follow that exerimiccessrur- that Itemer , - have, in the Would de the same. By no means..-But - :then jamb a precedent tro4 l- celtisitb .ighwiee. the_' . practiciersimiterappropriations hereafter. , We cannot be fpo jealous: on the biect of every idte*Pti .to*eialiq 4 : 10 1 3. 1; 1 - , trot:of the itoier:the PubliC ire.— enw Ll dKle at What isd Vienna - tree ,', is in filet the td,liitt,f kintt,iool,6 l -. Let thoge Ott^ tiiirlioll ' * l l o iindiiPixtedhiettiClile at* tr,i1100: of , tli elnquiniis ,ot Mi.. Muni, rattly .wait.till ieiheifthe'replY or Air* weber:p..4; lir:s Aaair4‘,lbitti - iiro6 - 164iP lihitlndsiA4ir ,—,Oivo., liiikiiot44ied, lrdWi,it4el Ci:Elo4AtatePT4l" with;-00 1 . 1 lisinioksirealeri.-4414-*ik #4*AtiitrktriHiJi 4:* iktiont otilelii, t_kiki*filexqu- ' • IMMO ,74 11 'U l a ' 41 ifilittlft"- L i -- 014.-404 11 ii i h . t-- '; ilk* ti e ltil*grofardb%eitta.faii.k;zilt , Akinit'setT 7 l lt - Pokti*, 11 ; 4 : F* ll firth notice of-the &Wei:We-Met our teiblerli ti thefollow:* - 'l ii id — Cloo* l 4g*eol l 4 4l.a " *, f. , - --: ' , "'" ''' Wlsitteires. Jtit AIL No mask* of the Senate to-day. Hasse ci ta bur 11.4 . 7.4. *Pilo most intenatiintritest„, ' ,l'i day privets liill'ili,t,--Init'eyiiii thing' was pc, to'ensithislyfor a tnnoldioth which. .I.• ...'"Artains rtveliitica of his 'whittle , Ofter cour lf This reinHtiots - aid i entrusittee be ippohila - lkeltlele'l th2 l ( l lii he' into * caoses - whiih lid tithe'. kite ii? the irottigaLths l Bill at 'dmi laid session of -' 31r: liVil Hants, of Ninth Dirolina; inoved - th " the. inside. thin be amesded, so al to silo* the l ointmilten to .en for Pertloos KO- PPM Which was oar* accordingly, , _j ~ i . , , .----; i Mr. Aito support the tenant* hp bad Offered. nd,h4 no gone fir,in his at lusickis tocertain arges:,which he'nAild had been brought against th e Howe of Repitarntatives "Ie ~ghee pu c e, he was called to order by the Speaker. Who told him that itrwas not inn,- der to allude to what Passes in• the Senate, in the course ofdebste on that floor. Mr..-Adants then said with much bitterness, I win thenolidt"the place" from the Senate" to the columns of the National- Intelligence; in which he had read such an.attack as he had mentioned. - Alleging .then consteetly WM. 'SVebster's spneels' cc recanted in the bitellilencer, he ran on in a strain of mast vituperatire declimation and denunciation ageinst that Senator. (eovert,ly alluding to him and Mere marks. ander the pretence of noticing what had A ppeared in the Intelligencer.) When became to that portion of the speech of litr..,Webater, in which he declared . that be would n o t have voted that-three million appropriation; in *e form - and mariner of its introduction toCongrees, even if the enemy had thundering thuodeeg ' at the gates of the Capiriol, Mr. Adams remarked with the broken scream of a crazed creme. "that the man rho coal e utter such a sentiment as that, h . . , ~ . very natural and easy step further ,to take, and that as, to go over to the eweay." 's sally. (proclaiming that at length all doubt was emoved in relation to Mr. John Quincy A. darn s adhesion to "the power's that Igo was :zees' d— bowl , I answer—as became the party, --w clapping of bands. ethane of delight, and pounding of benches, and stamping of feet, end as thls subsided—the galleries hissed the Ripresm. tedst The Speaker. in this instance, behaved adorably, & restored order as promptly is But a more disgraceful scene was never be forefjeritnensed in the AnkeTiCIIII Congress. Heav en °refired it should-Over be repeated. ' Elated and eseited, his 'rheumy eye gii i ening with delight andiriamph with the uproar e hid ruled, the hoary, changeling proceeded. He'de ellood that the loss of the-bill was attributable not to the House, bat to the Serrate-that the appro priation of 0,000,000 We. properly; and in proper form demanded of the flonsey=that the; Howe where insulted - by the Message oftWeriateoreet to'them oh the last night of the seasion.,temind • - ing them of the Fortification Bill. and ill . the House had at that time been competent to do .'. . 1 oess. (in the opinion of the membbra, whose - tiring destroyed a enornm - of the Honae,)beehoold, hive moved to send back the insolent messagerof the Senate with contempt. : ' • , I This is too ridiodons. Who believes, that.-if Quincy Adams (every bodylonowshim Ity this time) bad so viewed that message: any - inn. ichieraticaskyrould hive preterted him flrontaviter ibg sentiments on the spot -II& ia - iltan iftertbonght, all a poetical: li ght-of fi ction en the plait of the imaginative and learned author of tie &ion 4Derntet Mallormgh." that imports/ mof -,-.lltuinuilarighow ha sismld a elk. and rraign. - inil Wait. and abase, th e fro ze assaelinseitsi and the Senates---bow he, should (nest efficiently vent hiii bile, and gall, and spleen, riand abov e ill. how be should best recommend mselfOrf his dotage. to the tenderising, mettles iindllormekitidnones of the present administra tion, and its flair apparent.--this argument mem - red to him, and ho now forward as bay ing been at the time a sentiment end air conifer with - hind He has touched the lowest point of is - I:lupe:sidled meanness indeed. 1 , Hr. Adams expressed the opinion that. the- House of Representatives hada right testi until the new goveniment *as formed. at lit -- M, the neat day' -by the indoctien into ofilce of the Presi dent of the United States. In thiihe agrees with Mr. Webster, and contradicts the Opinion 'film President. , After be had finished, the door was taken by Mr. Wise - bf Virginia, who "ouried Ilmi war iptp the enemy's came." with all that energy eifstyte, that plain spoken directness of tinnier siva as manlier far which he is so noted.—lt wee his great est effort. Cambreleng, Polk, fkoireirle'y.Sinitir of: Maine. Jarvis, and others. where especially marked out for attack, and as ho 'told the whole "plain; un varnished tale." in • simple, yet pungent summer with neeettsertrootes and riesotationa,--as be rain ed to Cart. and pointing to' him. told him 117 . "Thou alrt the man!" to whoir the loss of the Fortification Bill of last session wee owing.--es he called cob the Speaker in his Chair, too, to de. elan by what imposes. and Inns exerted.tbat Bill was carried through the iHouse.—as be-alluded to the whisperers. & spies. and fetchers and 'canters of billet-dgux frees certain quarters' to certain quarters, which swarmed around the Capitol, on the last night of the last sesainn;--diere was a nattering among the pigeone, you may:be very, sure. -, - . . ~- The Speaker endeavored Co the the latitiade of personal reference in which , the 'gentlititati from Virginia indulged. bit in vain. 'lt did' ko on, ambulate a sturdy leader ofibiliiiitlifoltriadt ed and tremble bakes it. canthrektlig Ilse roost scathed, and winced terribly.a— The. Speaker felt and Buttered. but all was of ticiavail—Mr.,lVise was deteritined to be heard; and•beiria hermit: In desalting tbei itimoratile sensesnted in that Helen the last.night of &Oast Coilgrees, be alluded several disgracellil incidents, that 1 Actaeon; iilt & in - describing, than, lie - said that i some to - were sleepy. iirmewere tired, genie noisy, sewar t iaterak. , -erheri be was deflate Olin ogle rtrineslo4. ~etbat I say ie. true, air I—onine iii were dent( lokr z l, do not ,oty.he* atny. bat Woe --iustlyr !Will deny-itr f ~Mr., twirls. firothi• lib , 'Min to neine:iiiitia ide, iho'lital iii' Tien that per t ' : 4-41ewbieliXr. Whoa terieindedi, 'Were r i 'Cialrnamelt deli graft* InighffEd ttfrr' • '4i' :•i'- i, ,l ~i-i.,e,'"All. . =I .4 c- fions A let ,It frrt Msbugt r ' dated affsterio v iso, , 'itTh i ll ' t ', l t i Y. ii-the .ad . Taipoaeme•,n....t Bill ctupia3tee44e W"' axl" " *ith "" . .111 r2 bya large W 4mbrty; vs , i ll-•te altti " t:l° 9' 6 " ll4.ll.l %; w 7r t orat" i lly w: largetlll4orttit!, cid:, willitt!*the-Sealdst, , ~ ~ _ . ;._ tki9uoAt#friiiiidatilV if el t Il t 111 1: 01,140 4 :Tat ! . . .. A l - l EtZ7 t h e : rk.' ' "f glithdrii** ' , y •;{:, i-.. 7 , r 1" i - iliM PIIBLIP - ,S;CHOOLS.:Vtt': ;_f &Ott !art liarf tan.; /•! k 5 thoeei= who. had' of .thiteslitould come -roiirio,‘.4l - 41i*eI the icasoni- WhY - they lainktiot =e otonplislicd' the will of their - They must basetem , that the - timj?rity of the - people. , are h .them if they *l il ted. to pet them itneerendien; not ruffil tbekensoualtle expeMaticiii. Oft, these, who , the , auunement:efliteir cowl 'avail"- The people Bail egety: *win to -' ou p*ie tbutitiey weiM I.IM, blessed with IWO Sated:, MAUS,' -,,cheeeti meow h tlao espeOted itionlit - tiCconiplish their tcrlanM not only beendepii vedttrhem; but Aloof-Ih* Which exist ed. More, is indeed , a 'wretched - titatig, ... As one 1 Wetild.say . ;,wellie..peO.: ple Ili ntteer.eonseitle these things-44f tb'ey 'ate any rest* flit their - neglect, let them come out awl - mate - it; If net, let them cling to the feW,whiiAlink pone havet no tight to knowle4ol,:,ind. - receive : the tbodemnation of alt 'Saute . - •• Ewe are also of 0040:**10.1tilrAere . are env Obstacles iil Olewitt 61'4k:444.0r Public School system. IMO ~petition, it. is a . disty incumbent. on:Ahe- Directors to acipMiat • the public With ;the Teabons for the delay.;- ti. ITT,' . _ i Mt TIM atLNINW JCIVANAL. • TIM PEOPLE JIINII4-NOT PARTY.-- opt LANZifftligi - OVR LIBERTIES. . i l::: k Cioxi g t ionst. plower to dispose Of, i needful lea aid regulations. see ilie, l l'i t t k it e e t d r =ti r oi=t e i rl lhis kUvi e r ti n tir- 1 ela of thetritileotStotea, ea or ANY PAATICULAIL , IST Z." , - CiINIE , a smug. I P. e silty cajerrltherefore, Mot II rich and -- TZ f country, of ell. istival - to the ink/Ailed , tof the t i.Toited Stelae, 'wilt sant ileums a 1 11 6 11 1 AL NiTlC ee " I. " CONIVINBA N."4 al:4lllPaiiiuisriimliceed. any administration of title Stock." '' - - I. - "; , I [Amu Madison; ~ , BY advice from oiratteritivernetribett :lion. 1 orable E. B. Bubley.iwoletiiii_ that he( _ tdd -1 the Memorial on the itilajtietofthe NittiUttl , I , undated it referred hithe - 4000W eir,-Ntlaja • t and Means, lb' the Senate thetneinofiik*lrl &Red by 1 the honorable Saute -MeNU. wilig,i 79 11 K1OrsTr e a to the Committee on Ylistiee-' ' ' , I. Wit hope there will be i . gcniul tiorpres -1 sidn of the sentiments and opinions' If our fel. 1 - [ lort:i citizens, blowegheet the - anted Ethan, to re. '' !shin to this mostintfinitu n t affair; qui cerise him, ',who reads _ th in, apPear to It clod sense; quite - as much - u it concerns- him who * '. itee it. ; '' - - \ ~.' The memorial, itirlf;-<*hich'eppiared in the iiileere! Journal 010. 9th it t ,...) is perhaps too kook fig korraf.alitolileto* but' ebb-measure, though not the tug Oa ntorderitied in „ one et the reset ' motudy i reased at s t ringing ' glipa c of the people, iti,43ehey ill -couitty, on the 20th January, I ,'inittariiimitie of ,ttribfie 0 0 71 tire, for the mtpreati_, - ilietirre - debbefigin:;” the subject °Feb(' Nartorrid,lenthisr-herint ie. * ... 'Resolved, That the proteMitteit it *- % tint ' we will here repeat it-Wherever Our 4 ,eiti:. Areir ti web' approve of this usual or l'inte :4•1z; w respectfully solicit theitt topetinon entwine, " i inkinediately create two hundred 'Whore of pet cent. stock, •and to diet/thole .that it es.the in 'au manner as th eir beinerible bodies Ifi due mi i t ja and reasonable; - among the Soften, Terrieoi, rt and District - Of ColuMbli; 'leaving to these di out governments the atindicatilm Of the semi to, e purposerioredecation,pithhennprentements, -. `r diacharge ofdobts ,o r enelietherpittlentes as these 1 0 ernment° rmeettlielY, May, in their - Wiedord urn to be tiMeept , accuidanee with :the welfare Of the people, anitthe benefit of their: posterity} hid that thereeeiPhr from - thiealer of the Sink lands, now belooging to thegoodspeeide of these United States, be pledged tor thevitnuel redcmpL titer elide stock=and'that the duties on the i • rrl ; 'ports of foreign mere.bandire be pledged' : for tb payment ofthe interest henroM" ' tWe do trust, that our patriotic , lellow.eitirn every-y where; will time, support tb a ,greatNATIONAL MVASURE; by instantly ei - centring penile* . Ind frowitroliug them' to the r pecuve Senator and Members without Thai f,, ,. 'The whole rim is perhaps :net mine than t • people of Grote Britain ere new enliittsily pa n big. for their e,xperimaat 'int 'lbw-rill - bull .-- Nor W i ßthe *bola inni•;iiitori the amount - wairle sp thelltitt oat Wei uferieliif 41 ' ' try, during theveriod et iiiMinishedrerager47: 0 lows of employment, attendipt ow the': - that not long since pernadettibeEitintilitrjA: al to roar millions of Operatives aridlel: _rtire . ritj; s .25. .- cents a day, each --"- - .'" . '''-'1) :--.;-' i Then We mast conitiderfibi!iiin!olii list .Most the world, by the id 'Neer"-Yerit; tad-the milli* that St:people' were fixed du. nofffigii rote te einr . olt all- debti=4l•bintii. linnets °jetliner lands and themillionsthat *en Upended in•rentiittring'*er tight to Ahem Bon -the overwhelming Omer Of Great! Britain; I Ise us not: forger; duty : more ' sacred than: all h its, the duty ot holding in 'remembrance the estimable blotid-OfZeatr ancestors of the R r Irmi - froin - whem` wiiinfierit OUR LIBERTI i AND OUR LANDS. •,,,II -_ . k He who will 'hew' surrender theme ,' by Sillingiterw to devote an:hour - id useeilt h e: rent - GREAT CONSTITUTIONAL M SURE OE THE PEOPLA,mity be a very i iiifteant member-1)f a party ;=z fiction., or aid hut must think himself a very insignificant • In Ii di Tiaqiiren t gati" o r fifi!' it a i tiA idresponeihtliti led - respectabilit ." R Appoinint=t Artheitttrfritey:Geler ' -•. Gliatittax.*:-PAictiloAst;Esci4 tr li the, =vital - •=tOurtir of-P iotiflty ,--- •'..< I- , -. 5 , ..,:, .1,4,, "th119.--iriktriftlde,o4 . *lo°' )oititi of Cikio:—.44. diii.C.Wriiiiitkulol S.Ciarkood,k.D.Coombi * .thivid6l `ffelry'Valeitliclohir:O.t:Gitiliiis - kilio. -1 ~World, Totem ;. -- "4" , .• W# - ' 1 !, - ' • • lii said : lit tho'iloilitt aid- , •il lad - of:Gin tAltati - viko ir , ' ' . 1 hal 'iniroliNtlin IT ' - . l =,fipkvilitt,i :• a Iwo- 4m'ts.viere_ , ,ltiti#oe4: . ' , it . 110 0POIL 4 lo oll ljikrt-kn - .- ' • gam'_ _ * .iff:*'"d ' l e t Tatipa and - iiten - A .A ki....**- 'd e ;a Gfitr9k : 1 ' i`. `` t c' , ~f~'` ..~~ M2Mila MVO MEM luy "