K44/4 1 1 .• bT led ti rx spy , , f r ie4 1 0.41, 11 4 11 , Icentl4 o4 llTlClt* • • -Aeffitv : „, l9r ia ' fflitft9l,RisO sit, t 'emiverrstoti " 41t* ' ffT , l l . ,t 4 , 1 4, 11 P,„ oenujimudinz . 14%40 - 9VE IA 4 .tqf tat 113 : 6 04 11l IS - P 9 47‘ PAW , `,OllMr. ANlAbst I:Psig 'OP ililli/e44, , befleAi:rz t ' e.mcaa. * Lett it ,18`36, the, , ... arable , 1 - 100494 ,, 41e4kAt ~.: ' - b -C , ,____ etlee - ‘ _lotolbe a gil.reareilit- , Jetthoot redeemable t: sariaFs. q 4ntir.' l 4Cif ri ii r ti Ae O Q 01 , , aqt eta,. 41/4_011.4 . .4aahet E ;OO: - p ~y-,.. rte.: , ,Ao. , ,lealle 0 - -4„vrith Ileum <toll £126 ausettot itql,a,lialf pa iceotaik• 01 444.4 9 4. 11 i , I t' etrkkee .4I Imthalir flet-ttla . 40 , ...0nir tea i1e, 1 04•33 I •- ' tt•te ei:diri4o %Oiler.? ,sue wh. .Ihe . are 1 IY*4 o _,Lel-.4 ii i i„ lierf*. ..7 tigllmi • ‘40.. j.,-41thute . -..... mereareo r. .. oapatity ,)/(o . 4ei. Alleglilatiree litLmee -,.913f ; ,bcr, el= ," Mote& 1 , 1 14ak'' itll - .. - 1441. a ' kip of; ,_,,f ~,Le4H- T RII 'VW: At- • 40foly be 0 e 413 1 , 4141 "PielktirA.t , • ,t r rede of ;OA /egke iOM *Jibe • - letaeol 'rt. et twit; . 40* .. ithowirx i Itrjar 4 t -.3104-44111,t , al lodes It2t 4 -o,:'. 4110.081404 . beraselves t-troc - . reciti!isetb -ilase.ar i ' („*.e4 lojait,,::*lt . 1.- { taking • PiLhif,44) PLlwr•irrh Rillbire ', ;.2: foe.electAi Ilut...vttbi I T 49 3 1. ''. „ -. .VAHMiliiimUttioibbiere loge Ta Ye urn is yitirle'4l for the eleg,l3-4. , taigable,eSitenwthat ‘ i ti ' ly the Sik*ltliatler baee - Awesr lope., .IsAW - al thatithso • Won, a 'ett. T t l fl • ,iirk:PAs , ee teXY;c MI 4W4,114441 . pipgzet, 1 Le•_: l laPiie eartga be 1 , pit. ...fiouslthe . gmearofit . and , do -sources and e enlarge . Keegek. , 4i .4144%* a RLlt,„ia,fip 11y,.t0, eh, •, . - ( /LeecarPrie4el i 0 0/30elibe 0 '0104114., al , 7.• ••• SIX VI -rte Wwirk lr Timm I tw,the lfAde- til 1 7. O rthi n i k ot I ' h IAPHO , •, I '., I ?I, 144r0 -Y -co . 4 ,lo aqii ~typiFois only zetir spntg4ll4tkei theiriveiltbo.it.l 'ilhilbling; of tinpldi ii-' 11!et dite.4p, p I . bp,:pu.t de 'FP i?Ce 4 CPOncli pthisand-dollar Oa 40 69° A s i i #- ti akeitdf.g lofvear Iv!Eg lA , PP4(l O b Os. 'fitr4 r it*l" 1 . , yis ofp „ pEN.AIie! tc.dilh K©Af *et ck .. "---"------1-- to make the irlicloiranspult. as a consequence. pd cheaper and thti* cdotirinalli 'to, punkas , 'the pgblic x : i ie t =ill nut eite7' r ; i 7V ur .„l"liiii , still further reductioienftliti'Argest • '4; lei eel , 1 1aln P le4 " •Orninfikr 010 1 de .be:Atiiilia:tsitifie: 'iiitelbe 'patent - gess : 4litiftiCg 4lwt.l)ise one hitt4 the fre,ight.iyulild filliit. l 7,be• ir.i l 9 l fe4-.4OSTI.JY• i .nie lain! PrTS - 194%:et1i, -loillilt.: ll ,lliScal, , ,iir'fF l 4 viantity'CirkaigporLatidifiVrwst4ls leteetsa:' lin infi '6I7OUItt, 'tit iliplitt ;I she aid lig -,doehltii.l I,thejr irriiiild lic.: Spatted, twi icd.a •,,itts,tii . te l ori,3,4l cam lialrand thrihit', thiaie.: ll ali„'-oP?44 II SWIP.''I 'Atinak ihSkrritili,i,cp_thiiiquOlk..l4F.,_49m.fsk".4 4 i 'iicamouikwot:e...wii i r,tlickigmot In inq,,gt R 04115440 4rini;l49, l oioPAS o ,4lS'n/fl.f.4t a t i'autn.inctil uoviiet!lseiti*An _it- Pitt PM , * - b1:614111::A/OA9 4flia egitsidOgtioiMini viiiiiie 4 4 1 a144 / 1 - bl k-lq at ir4 4 4A / PA D A . l t iii i4l , 4e it - g•oli4,4eikilgii,eg:P. l 94olr°k(kflAlFlC . P Ifgrlt. which-ha . 41#1, 'amieentlyneersigl i escialpaxpgy-s i mit ARO -kW te*Nilf ituftriassr4Al l 4 , s79,..4*.o4o light faji ' there time ..m.460,14wr - *al:aril. . ta r itlnt r /M l2 .* : 'o ll oql4- l Ae • 1 4 ,0"Ped• -•-• OF 4e PilqufAl l n ' evqt aII 'I LI R ID ter lie laltiri. - erelikeelheticoinghygaliklie, .ly operated, , eghe Treats / Or th.gonipagr,onld s e illc H itr e p 6 r l)4ll / 3 4 6 1 1. 1 . 3e Pni0 4 911 1 04 1 9 r1 5 r ff q ' itilt ' 641 4 01 4e 111 0 41 ..i .. * I tl ii gg a gOVE,0* RoardiiLWeeelirliTeli•kr.*:4 l *;lP 4 l'grill clitiillfhtlilie:Oplie . ticiisfit; and,,ink r aticKnoil .10 4 • "P re z e il l i l ff t i'fa"fiti2.4Mill cll lP lh tfP.S.9 4. [liiinglii'pqagyargi iti'iltiiillit, wttn'suriliated ewe- PY• 111 U 4 14. 4,4*; 16) .144114/ 3 bi .23 hOthilli 1 'N" 10'01 as W fittliOt a ih il k #l l ' l4in g 4PPl• `fiti . iliefillikwa .11111,pet r rn 0 mnlittnigttip . s.irotan " 1 1: 4 0 61 47 4 0 T AP: t 444 in,i f te ; reiu k s w 4 4 . ittr l - ,'-- - • i . - .t. Ai - • ri Aft i ..el .... ifil lit, li e . sr, 2.... 46 4.... .534, 4 -- Y 7 q..s ,••• 1:4 " • ' • 4 0 1 1E111.4 * ,10F4. ,- ' '• -,. ;: :• C ,,r e 4 1 11-; -Irougase • • • . . riOn ( lesz• - , diagy4., ,c.„1.0 5 ,.. - • - 4ing ligeritiMle Mereliandiact f : . 22.$ Coal -n. r :",ctil ANsos Fi.h , •.3. Flea, IF — ..; ir C . - rAIZ) Salt' ; . ri. .. Wtesk,cv ~, .„ , ,i,715 'Par' ter"' .': ''' - 'll, Lamaist , i'_ 14.7 V Cr_ 1• ' • ia' . ,• ' . _-,15-•-, Irrin•• . /.37 , -Va % • ~. _I 4212 iiloonl4. Pig iron & _ Blininwi.Mron v:castings ) t• . at-ftsting 8,7&5 j4tac kyonesiona 6 Nails 2.4117 All!P -' 0 14 1 ) 2.' Lime .• 15.194 Zia i . „Tie .. -. tone. „..... •; _5.1..45 Power end Oa • , i Irgli OA; _ . ..,, '' :446 " Lumber ,-4. ,• •- ' I • otter ",',_ ' 1 WA Marble wallah • • r Leather - '-i' 239 Coal F- 2 - 4 - `:1 231: fdariBP 7. ' ' ' i 221 nail,: i --- - - i Steno if 1.621 Sundries- -6" Bark - 191 Irsi . I, i'' • Wood .. , -0 -el -it • 1603 ." (3 ,,,,kt, • , ...,,'.e ow 1 l*Pqq,tt, •-• ; „,,,,14107 3 " - il • ''' .., ' Kill -.%.,, - , ioo lam - Staves "`•' ; 2111 = . TN. ,„A ~ iLeB6 -Steam E egite '•': 6 , ." :: a '..., <' l P-178 Gravel , v,Zi-_,A i' ' 274 Brick jtv-i 1 ciys 1 -Sand . Zl'B% ,•• l7l w o of.. 0ca„,..-I 39 h ivr.r . _.__ . 647 lass 431 5101taas 181 11 .7 And - pilaw .• , ...41iNvegi al..- • . , •-•:-...: 4 2'59 Tar and dal 1 •55 ipseng (4 .a.: . ... ~.-. -04 limp. l'" ' - " istretval .„. :, , ~111 1 ' • -- Pehrits ',' •- 50 Tons 57;42i Ceti " : ~114 1 ...y . .., „ • 14, 7 4 ~,,,, ~ . „„...,.._„- ~ .., • .„,. , .*,....,..- ..7.l4tiream I ... v344 41.,itiot said): Omits*, ift:ihy l lreitofsp s 14'ighirig hk`liftEt the flti O tb ii.ori. u h p a d r• od 4lol /0 1 'totiireirilim vi r l V" . 0,1 eip.„ l r. e igiitdityitio Vintifes , teresietekklii uPpee-:. Alice" ; " 'flighted ihe ro geirte . tetlw i - phili ( iF (ilk Ray. Mr. Sergeant) witS fereilifist tri;le., pp , jAifi c ii to address The Ogritci and "liougl.rtA s , 11/1111S Etn, exeredil tifetringll/44`ko Ade w .i nrilig on of the - fonts leis tennettbitelyVeg4,o4. wail and; ince-, 'herciit addicts fit:Willa altar. to 1614 the as., hounded andicnce riatened for `surnattitii, e without interrtiption; thg buithen of the; harinzie of the' 1 poor fanatic 'via 'lite wrath to come.'" ninth:dr ahe had ei'pegral divilte cOmmission to warn the pionle; she roferred jpirtictilirtr,to our national.. sins, and the , punishment-which Wag iiii 411 upon ; ini, as aviation, from ''tite secret armies 'snie Lord, armed for vengtande,' Thai 'wits„glpo s ..littlO Ainipting in her illtitcior_kiitgar)3* AliOlitanis , but no strong, or . inee s riclit&y,'lgnplatie thine the subject,mid She Was adkilved tri MITA without in. tarrhprioii: - She ht i initlber - ?f tht yodel; Lpf Friends,' end .• 411rdlirrerdif in th_f . ..Ovirrit,42l, in the cars front 11oltirnone. - Thinigh rt wile,alNrwards regretted that slw had bsima - fr,efi ti'prpcege„ 0 11 pvesent were two noon' paraii; - iiitkrptiPc. to "bi able' to Unstrap' her. She ,itpolte with and enaygr,_ t he wits tfiersapio . :Whiltga„ . Tuesday 'widening, undertook 'to ,bar.utgno "Tha l Bou6o of Ri-preiminatital front "the gn,fler,y, on the P"ger performance !i f Vlerr "ClItI 1 0.!, --t iC 6 rgetown Me op. -, . . .... - rpet , wadd s /w. :gyi#ftilcti I` mill Alernik2d, . cauilgete •, vicerei.AW I:Peitiveilk3; naieing. tcv km. Reaii- • i• a. Ovi we de• ent Rea abolit fifty iseve addi g bowie of ost• .rdver. 1 , at five f - 0/k."F //115/ li uric iirfrii9li* in4C1., 3 / 4 40: ne,4 locki I.lcl lucks I • 71 ticillr4C l ' • W iokArcpcir Vocks isibn h ivrll cequir . 1 Irak cost pfi Paw Rtfacc • *ls PPon - H/hel• re Or new lie hilkneJor ke theta. rs. Thu , weight io . n only be I which tar Thewbole • Ina •dian cannot be COOopany the. price of be thereby • binh-4aVe• borrowed. fr pea of .414ilbuyeri 44400" k'Z' *stiagovilA, pf, , .1 WY iAtt-Oq cluflgotent !AC, I ,aeltus siding tor it j o sale of , s . rdollaril; foi" condition of U tiolottained, ?Piqcorto,47, - ifir..OTT!enta GE:WT.IOP fourth - or liganwer .. - - ilfr. Maims Vines of Wrir::—.l(there.be idie . man living whoseopiniodann,questionitapublic poliey.are more entitled 46 the consideration of the., - Anagican i ,prople than anelber. i tlittrmart • Mr.:lltfaciisoe. The fallowing is en came: tom a PakaP14454;41 11 pnblished in 1795 s ~,. ~. .. • • "V' all 41menernica of War liticrlY-(saYit Mr. sWispo :iw 3he :pamphlet) war is perhaps 'the , u Pt i • l u ' b e fl f •e ded .s bcc ?!fff- ii a ri' d •P't,ig n O li '' volepifiktbeigtoursAtilieo.iithe:r.„, Ai!tril4. rent iiitriratibs; from theiviireeeed l lable and tai. • OC - 11.10174 - rhilet gp4 debts !RI taxes arajit#el liclwratibliiiilientiefik rdin — gintriiiiriiii4 l ,94y . s theivirsairtivarofthe Mt war- tekttic;ft.. tlanati:polter of thisexecuthre is - estendeit, and 1114513SNI!iinkinfsTedrsertigthrantitilnlriMtlintoto thaafillg-' 111 10 14 .4. 1 011aSITSP"-4WWF 412 L t.,..... mit aspeptiniepuouganiam may . be ' ll'aceda, , L _CIPPIRett4.74III. O 44 B O4 : 6 14 10 # 11 Lnities Corir :MI, growing out ofa State of war, and iXilia 4 kg ai 01 4/1 1 ta. I !afltldSlail l atiallide. `trestll4 :64, ',N9 . ci.„ ,tt . p!,,-• 'la, .- '4Plrcr,Te:O. itwdoliilliksoilyidoTogyv i „miff - Am..) k•-_ • ,Tils,ioit'arisVal egimitilis , .; tialei:asq FM. d, ,i ll l , - 40.7-0. - 0 114 achnaw4P* ' ' ' ' WOV" • - arbrthrry Witmer° atm iy, rive! nent: !ii oir l itielrpnri ito ilon' 0 -71 10 0 1 r o .. IfPaaeriim-* trsFiitff , '- iI 1-01 LANCE.,,. vi . -- '.! -0, hi: - :./.titi . -7,...... : . ...ft ~..ri., 0 a 1 ~tflistnumbiir Of end Wiwi is' Fetnisiii • AXl.orit:=4llEolll — dairieifillak# iilA , -41/O^Y 4 mss , i‘l. , fi.::",..7 . .;,Not worked': ." -- -•'-•. ': ., ;19 • - 1, •• 7.ba..Vlll:loexPAAPol.4l l 4llllo4 l ftritial . via -1 /Kt. 4 M49;0413,0Pc 414ttheign 41.ltilliameneft vsL.." •141?li 41%11.14410!;/-4•41.4vIspor-icitsidetsa at. '"'+-.l...,...WlPlt.l•lF.O.W.Adrivkart-4/Ceraikmvialsiinidoys*. Mg " AT :// 1 P 4 :1 11 !$ 111 " ; !1/ 11 0 0414 1 14. - lentrescoplppg4 it,49,krtztaliiipilimier g s t I' .' 4#43 1 ° AllPLO.Friusii;4o4diseilksitt, 3 : - - , -41;1;---t4-;ZI ;4 2 4:41 4 : 46114 00 0 0 ii -2. "'PAFts". 4*.r:'-i.-4.14-i.4*Lfilaort la', „•t..',0 , 4AtixtoluNoly " • - -wootaiiiiiellispgriat 4/eit tlikartil • ' ...._. ...sveiiirtill 413.111,1141 i. ..''Nl- !. 4 110 i '40:.._."if.',1•:..t•q-' 121 ' Adeatents lifenayank. orritteten. otetneet tam the, is WI ake a Fitt. 114 Puj ut3 . ' • +. p _ Completely id made 30 titor 4te .and. • .trade, :to _ 'its, -.any :•.; ~ _ _ a•••••- • • :e~~: • • , IMUEZ u ~ ~<: :.; EIM MS 00 . 7 4'. 11 P4L 'P. 4a 731 -1 V:0 11. . ; ACCPIW - g.;ii ' 4 7. 00 7 11 -10 = 1411"6.4.0..,EI`Mktliurtteiteclt nnuar 4 SVAA - 40. 3 :schiiiilliti - 0240 ,7:4 1 .4440 - 0,-i11.„b0;A*441444.4 . #4 4 ii*thirtlitlio Itfter t d- 14‘v . syst , iiiidjtritthli.'6o , ie%ibil;-liiT3#4l: tat lieu • • Au-ii*Okiriiiie'sihi*OstofEAP.thiliirtiti Wait: . I been -*AoutAinTicitis ttfinsir4ctittallit I Alivortia , iiii:e . ? s aoiitedl4' tile 1 tat *ebsobrik.e*hi l ortOY4***ito Witifbilk4hpitivoihim•Viisq fpWilee eii44:iir.vratec..46ipiyinditifil4i WOO. teao-WilllfriailieilltrAtted- torte:soli pi ni. ptic4 . oildieOf f edacutiqiit' - .T 110: "eifii§f ibq 13 ilito.**4 GaOtko fikosvelyolio'RePurlYttiftr4l46-: p - 444)01.. ai .be leettl ot tiorf ty•edoutitlntspigny,ig,thriitity ;*h#Efo MitYi Wouldive,''llll l / 1 e" pig ; q!‘111 1 43041.1P-41:0- 1 1114' Or Gii etu time i4.4lA' ' ATiikC e igif 9 Cß o -- JRARlic iwp., 15 94. 4. 1117 * - :dj4faip",;l 4 - t pnk 'zoo. : _Cocned r,siinfrli)lst is fcilk.4l4944trt#94l4k*Aufrifni vluipg boot) tiiboo.tika t to:apthorizo. th e T•PfT r ! `nqPii;q4:49t4Wrisi.,: Saving Jr , *ilittaiijitsl44oi.itifititittinn . Ol Car ;stt;d iltabU[ r> ietiVnii4' basalt araidispnied `Most of that taig. lion of their carnioka.wjipb ifieY'are enO bled-to.anse.4" :AAivitid4tittiticin is al stiy'ery intadt:ti*tetiiithis and we t}iierthiit.on will takelth6'nfiatarlitinaf s and Make ak: to 111044141 min fgl:' a ihaVar, framed in*uch a mannetrjq ,rendik 'the I institution' eYtensiti*Aislfal fa!' . 1101,f neffdrotiaispowik.tako Affelf,7oWk-4 1 14anoraittitfatt: ber,of this,workiabalgeps.ilt,haatt tiful appearance, and coptaioaalunnhat of eFellent.affieleasoFigtoplaitirmagamsdkc et • AP flarater:zonitnences a new so uniietAvtiniMelk*l.lbolLaceaalle" ls • fha4o 6 c l : l l4 l lf PaY,frogeliPoixts7th lithe eXPViMO- 14 . 10 KaPPIOSOMPIAata bial as certainly-one ot the cheapest; as well las - 0 40004, 1 ;*Pdftwia omits class 1aa1e4,40114F00/71 It-is Pattie* alaftY warth3r.# l oxit#o94lindiutisainve or the ladies, on *loam &snit WeecOnfaient, fy commend ; s it, Mae. iadwoription is but throodoiiarSPeraßainu-tA4 3 ra Hill"' he° tha,size c-hKacOr- of thel‘kareron' sidered. The. einhellisinnents , are Werth . •,„ • &viral ,pOfitioiia' liavai been Fircseqted ta - Iliar'Zagistaata,siraiing"for . a new county, but of' 044 Id'Soltuvll4ll;Daaphin and Ttottbantholiand: • r The Delairpre,Gual ICeitiPanY 118 .* 61 / 6 '' elated a dividend of ; Peeper cent. for rite MVOs. Iv , 7 .7 '• • I 74 •Aftt.ii ) s.a r. twro ie 1, 9 ,w iu Was'6i4t c;it eitiect ninegvie c'nikitigke i r,cr!side . 4.upou WV; subject.' "Theiv'ekistei sui tegiti mate cause vicy tiotwigiiFrcince .404 4613 UliffeirSiA)d;` ciise*444, i pvessiou Foul , 4 . 4 , -pu.s.ctq"4-ckiis AatieMaaoaic 3 ..-,.Lettersillave beeii-r* calved by-the Apt .M ~ " Committee at Harrisburg, froce4eo : * Jtyolf said lotik Nelson,iteqrs. Who . , • • o' telyptitined evatend, denyiailkai* olti the A'A - liii.• . nut tee-to-couipaiMeetztolatteud;)en `Ctiii atitereilel'itreteidWif•riltatetiti• ' infine&- 4ely rreixisect4oiaketlAti-ortheei vie custody, - .04 •0144W005 3 *-Ameti AIL ~..?!1 r• -"Spockmair prOpoot4 - 4- leaf ofijneedetent to re*r: the whole wattem attacka: o the, House. Ali ',lD9wErrei,litilei shit' iii4let blIg l " if,boA: **AN . om-y0.;04. - aineff;;Who has lietimk,theiiScli i f ia114. , " , so be . 6 11 ted . '! f i tozatber with la iatilitislaisaa; ii ha ' had' tor up to AttokArtaiiiiiii 3.liatlXil' • ' fii r Teiri - Ooiaiit. tae:,.. l lll**-dak-Outaauia lige‘aae traiaidkt.afivilatxirlaf'W r: `-' - - u t ril iriklN'init ;. NOA a lat , Telif ie, haelsibil dramitia*:olr*ltiiioo3l*ArkltOr . 'lretkill i" t *W i ii i 4 34 4 .l' i i4 ' . / 4 441h 1 44 1 F: Pay ~ia eugagiiiLsauiasiliaiii-4: thrit z '. • iitateatv'?-aShitttireetWileiltlliV ii! Pit. !iitiojty iels , lr c York ; andismumisgi*rit 'oicTelits4 thlglv:•=triAti t trii, : risiihs; , tint : , •1.r;.--r -4. 4 tibiAu t V "' ~.1 r P 4 t o7 . has _ i_liegarriOgr • ciFinger ',Panne- ENiiiiii CE3II UM e 1 cid du IrMYtri#34:ol4kkeitt►rutirieiaainitort... 05 tioin)24*rocCivedkitAl*4l4o-itiCuL— MWAVili'ltb:/e..511/Istitillitiontiil elmat - was : ReAllt -414 rrniiiiittn,r 1 tifare* ,Ifigin#ll4tiia t 4iNicipKg,was 'l:tatted at ti tla rdiereofidadi* Ath — ufairre a 1 tkrei . A'•_ , Ftic- - ..farafarr; I it* - , - men; .rid? , otbeilt,•44i , 'thee lihe'ir he rai Me& ficttik if *al iir*ltir.trA)l l • 4. 41 ;4 'sot 04 ullni:q.7trieir ukte-0 13 / 4 iiiterte4 improfroment sisiem.sall it - nmatW belie. icasAly, lett iritill?=doLutottit /di ea? aliiiti L he;ki e irieirif ii;o' 90 6 4: r'''itet,4 9:4:itch:lli! i:tiulpit4iii-y`igascii'sig* - 404 Alley,pirear.witivriiciablicliarse.. 144 matter frortrwhat quarter thepiecedent 'proceedkeiiiiik,dilittinAtlieliiont*Of theo tuestittkytttiout ':(1/0it-ii?0*4111;14131 in dr'E. ail.el 4-1 11 eJaive3dtbe , beady it id' highly ;dangerous _:trt. the -lipids turd- libeftiew a thh* pehide;' , lthd' ilvbite Ott tti ih-eithatit *ill' hot be tb_kreV l l`..l!i i i t; hiiii V.4lll3telt" *,.etibli - ~,' i . - ~/ 1 -:, ,r• .4n- i fe, /El tele doll to our Internatimprp *el weltope the effect of thismenittre. *ill be lc: th re* ePell tikleimil te, tildllkiii cute* prize and copi4i. Xiii.bee.blest/3 Ante* putiatiou should be conducted: by *llll4- ala—not mounpolivil,'' by: the ceitntee°' Wealth. The experiment' OO Iperntin'it weeitlami,lolPA 0 ' ' eliii3l *Cella •eliio to : luiveVtited,jo4pleats Oa trade haaaot,beeweressuamishoted: .feEhireffeet of individual cOmpetitiettrioebbr li #' tc '''FP . l eYttse ' utitasi #P C4f t•TiOri c:r i in Od i ß l 43 Obtf..* 41 11etie-:Akte kal ., :egeeti-ef -the totioWcaltb!WonldUsoiitrive to epee d krieat of ihne beiogOlg-tti*.e.o. 414 1 11 " ft PAi i ir#Pl w i t ii t# s,oAd !filas,:t 4114 hie " lies In i4uelipen ;and RitrPletr. bet essermlly-eN#I7IW -kilt! ; bu siness they are hired toWeper, intend:- Ptt. watts' ineividtugir, howerer, yrildj,, bikire 01 ttietiliniuluss ariliukfro m the serure igtii:4B . e . r. indeetrY-to 'eXet tylltemselpssoond rendtrthebusiness of tragroportatibtrateap, easy , and expediti . dir With the4l-Vie, , ,irit Of the - eubjeet, we . 460 t ll i t4 101311314 general sentiment rif-iino 'mutroplyr!f as , erY monopoly le Roan =Sierra the. rikhts of lieernest. - • The Tl 4 roadirwerel '4Ol the people---belopeth tlUilkieople j , itequently to use Weds Withoutifirntnterter, erice.of4hired ageetaof , her.goteirnment must be -ILaacred- laali ble • riihrtitthl im o . ~,,',.,-:t.,- ._ :, ; .1 , - .i .'01' . ..71 - 04, - -:' WI as;ifori beety - etil,fitiakaAlls 4t ,ilieif; that birkst4ll4eogibtei faVAlil 0 e itatis country tiairinEdglamit, This Irdmittedrkptheinte-reptirrOtlith rennet Cotninitaio: `.zlllsllsdet o'is "Cer. ,i l3 " • th4i A 4 l l ,o l ,rati l ikoe i llid ' ; -the best f , el .that cart be Otteil s and consequent ly wil , we - haveltodoubt l beiteafterhe.ent , ploy ththelkiiltisitut of every . 'other Spa r atiel' iltraiidOetitloraeatiritportaike to' .' ' irikegietisr , theiMzeneßf4hiiiCem. mon :it h. . Offer holuiltutlaVatOrS" of the p F Cri ent tud-Corntiritaitn ireill kii2 . overt , .k thettelictiv - ,liteffrrn and 156 peril7iirc - ii.01 1 441,41, 1 4 Or 4hd day„ _. T*olfteattitgiCteriSriiips; whirli'letn. fore loner so; iouif Sir iti;ondintion or lthe "M 03407 its:tell i girtie..V.;nstera:l is outs ill! S avor .. of inr.otporafing a neW B#itif in the Borough of Reailiaz.Oh! slim& ortsuph cousiettriry! , . .., . . .. • R • ells Vabz, , an ... 1 11.sueiate Judge of dm' art of Coniston Pima of ' PhgettlP 010, nd oue of the PiiiiasitlWapil k tortlib pre: t day, died - ,in pAihokliiVtist :LS • I • week' • ' The Sth of hiO4. ConveAipp,destm- bled* Harrielaiti ea - Vriday fast.. (4-.1 wanii of one bees:lre& 4Otegt:ites7viefo. in 1 atte4ance. Gee: TiioiiiseS:`Cuarircii- ' , lims,pf Mereet r preside.d, assisted hfeisiliis V ice President:l,4mA fbarSeereeiriee; - The ettit Coal mine oonftigneil the EfOrerid Tick liii - loafed by. the late , ii t tdreeUveltiulx; sad,' *aged ,iiieiniAtesi. to's#PPort it—eo it up rs-that the Weeds of ildr. Midden= bergi bile beeireosspeiled It; 'itieee r gib to: the' oft party '14.4e-kg44o,af.the ikrii .i.l4 l l 2 , 4, l.o9el. 4 ooAthehlubletibesg pad 4wiii.. he.compelled 'to sieldlour the Till; . the l EleetimitThug) . :bittet ,iltia I i a Co. • ~, : 17 -lep , A. PartOunfrrri of ili a calmly, foto .txxo!-pikkood • i:os the " 6 , 141 Electoral 74ekekttiteoOtioltriit' it. . I‘. . j. ttl e tL,Wl A ,.....,POicit- ,447;.. trA=4**triti:g` .'...50f.E.F.."....m I.. l nfre -, .1. pzi_..31,4 ; -,. ~. .: , _I.. i- - --,t , r, , : - e ..• • , , t- le net •ii; \ Woof i ' - ticir Ch4 ; 81 4 1 et'30ire."-11* ' ! if h%tiv#l4 or,ifimi AO ~*114,-041,4 , YOitcht , kuit.j4iii ; . r t . wiursennt - ',it 6 **4 l 9winiC•r.i.# the , ‘,4wiitutv - atid-fiiti 41 citthe ' Clis o 4o4 «fiii rtb tritltrigAiiiiioniiit*Ailsi Rhik&iiiiiialOizettri,e 7 our ca4y. the, - pit liztaitiiiettitiitplity of ' - •iirfoll Amite' !(q?!rOmmrtoilii 4l *!o4 s POtrhittlqt a tr i -V1TK 4 041.9 1 .10MAL444. .0-6r.orkieM , Ahoi.bot googols, EhElitt the A taiiiiniaja4lllool/40*,54 thi glosiwArt: lio tetic -111 4 60 r- C ti t A l k . 4 ' L - • tg k 4: War - '7l IEI9 - Addtesi-jci„ brtAtira 7 Ou ithe:ith! irst.ii r. -Reed * of Philndej phia„ presented a - petskicu un niteratinn, C ,/,..ents - igi - fsigilri — Lwi s itio . .jitit;tre..: Osliat' iiiiike ~alt011i:15tli. 4 , ,.-11 - taitalitit4iitaai .cstlic.f.7' - ` - lat „laitialls owl, moi..mitio,, _am addtt Illeitafb_. ...,, , ,iialit . .:teligiii . ,:*Ra,taitilta ilia,. situ's* Slitbil':34ti•Mit*i - 't`iiiit*TatiiplieS; &io warq-altat on' the - atord jr-:of thiiiitiniit. We antics &Italie - theft tilt.ir:''''', :-': ~ l' '_'. Lilvol,Pentat:abot:ijr . Taintdee i at S.eisiloclr . - iu 14 tiluttdVel 1 4:01k Ilo4:tswi!ber4-1, Pit (.' s t ....., Artbn4figieweni. 4 gritikoc'sgeo- 40 -•,00•*. Ttiaatit 41Whittakare I , oata,, ~,,.,: 30:. '.•=; ,, ,1f.',1 i nn `.tgriti. 0.11ara1ait.,.... - :Y,..1.-.1..20 , 4 4 ,..i. ,- -' s l'ri, ''''. itcfklAertiligt....‘ ... r , ..do :-, SL'i - ,-.: ,1 , F l it - Edwarildllawat; , : . ,•:.,deimi - -.-.: ;.,,11%, li. qr. , '. Chir/aa,Vtraia. ~. - . Dv I - if:7 U1',;.:1;.::.:,i , r..V TIM fiCif 14414 1 'in .i. • ~ .AA At, .401 'ti-, -.:is fi:-F. , Ittotdedt'i Gal.- i, td r. . •,- SS ~,,,ec.....;•..2 ' David_ Long.. L' l , , ./ '- ' "'TIN.? ;I!' :" '• Win. B..l4llakay. . : 1 1/ rep*, , MY 'r, .• 4. Joisaait.:Staittl.';'' V ' ft, l - '; i' 7 pat , Molt --- -id.i. ..i — nrs ,*',".::: .--t: 11 . - - ',7. ''.• t Thasl_ _ , 7, ~,a de; - eh from tie 11ma p a le 44 r a ' ad i t i rmase" i d to Mr. ri Secretary o f Be a ;. 10 - - e4l 'falai- -titeproaai torseth. hi tilliriun in OM ~ . . ~. COD ithilallkiiell6lllPoireb; * l 9 4 '..ra°," n ull as. welkait:htsrtlie7 larihrenee 'on the port of..the - citizenssotthtt! ;tea , Eliatif it ' , in the -quarrel fret the colonia l " lagiallita,alattba, authorities orMusiecti The lie*caar.aarr calls upod,ilie sxactiliittuitieeitt of thitteanittry to ' - itaaPt l t . tikartalia tairalreat, ilMatribt Iti.lic ii a' rwign iti,ronksilaii. (shthough ilguvid*l) 1 .0 . : a • doiniiiVldiasention, May reduce to n friestaly na Lion, auJichica, to it iity -.Political and ' , admen , end tita,"Lt-and-,ite- PAW, upon - Ihn l'Aiiiirieso government toorefer•ifte-resaitution of us Ccirren. and dm inimesham taritllC of Captain iinpeori and. has erewo - '-- ..- • . ' • ,,-.• I The rolks WiajOlifitilapia wte r tforil low Bee: i ; Texas is now - ilk: ilitterniii;ett Ottl, 101,,.auny .. 0:' ueirrf 1000 iseKnedgirtifanha,A4 , ;,....0 3 ha" : hero fornisheit 2omlio arms and Prey ,___una. 6(.1111 ' kinds; and with- twittia'bY aallealittak-fraleatar chants anti ahem. as waHavidootalionaittan those interekteti:iu eatahlishint wocutrat 'Alin 'cirim estiment in Mesitio-wle. the 411001110 40W° bj . three million dollars .. - - , -, .., . 1 A Condieti'll-cial Vattipit44: iiitti 9 . * dal% , lays ariptieliotak P#itsi , WIC - gtia l ltlel: .chauts a Newl.Ortereins;' , ''' hail's' ato pedZet 'SC ta infth - Louts, by wink:li' tiftitilta` ' .* 'Ail Another with about 90.000 dollers.arrivettliatit-aiT niftiettiv-la part of which has lorailreoghtitiaguallacts• by -the Attakapap.-tr' 1 -• The Declaration or the ptionahrjr drawn up and- aignedrikie r lKor.oeOie - Aarr- ' eatr --'- Clitiott, states. that ._ lhey.lize letrCeit er* t b er P ar tzkPatiOtki c aliogiiWwtziatii, P , 7 l ° l CorPatlYi.b , a_ng for ite.ibjeit the revolutionizing, or !disturbing in. inrman tes the tranquility _ of *ire- veveininent of Mexico, end that the tea4atorkir gyeklie: fore thehonot bh. i. ,:enrii l, Inquirj" 'wall coriehorate . this . decieratien,-.oseg. ,, they iverocirlied. to .Tereipieo by kiwi tind'it gaime !heir; initectiti,theiltavitig; as ihe.i siiipieed . , . ; eniberifed - liiii:.exhit their l i tt rnoo l ,crtalloinj*Avr. - iiiinik on. Tatnioco,t but' , wi t h w ftillt;teletwihouhiw not- toact% i , _ ktivii 'llleilfi-,;ttat-faiii, ! mn ii i i# l3 4 "di th i v— rii I. leoiceiiiii J im, °Pr s 'll* an s.o lo 49-:, , !imitiCebol* ` - Sig; yi'i llltriiii iitici " li P on- dieniitheY 'those: to' th ro WAltennoirlia on the'ilinien= 43' and mercy of the satboritiesk ., k* Tears that tiaTaarmaileied the:i6M*ee Tristrairre; in' trivit i tllziewlielli;',thetirtii 11 .4 / P , Ol( d ir ich " .I!' -= n i iiOUP.*** Act,tairmkigieknt.iiiititibegoir), tileie'< a - biiijoe xi :at 4eur edema Were; tilt It ' l'iwoni t 'l46o'e the ' to r f,Yt t ite.9 l ; VI ic - thiii 0 165 4 irl it7- - TO4: Plk,fiii.4 iiie:itCreltiblieety Wick; aw.tittit pieseethefiketAteedek*ft , the Teitiaiiahrria: , , • 4fib• dnaiiitio ' WlPtllkielinitrlraiihth itieitt hiethel.'litred'.s6.ll?':'l4' 11,41;O W :4 *Itit i* **14494.: - I YA.llo7,4l l ,Ntkikidoificari4inkAlnie 1 . 1406 ** 1 4 - 1 4 :hat:thiritnd eV without: • rfcio l i( ?: ' •...• • 1 - , l `k , %-- t 41 344140 4 .. '. ft :4 trial lkiiiigelit inl, „ * . : 1 i IlV .4r ikil ' ' - ''— ii - Air ler - .. •trn • \ - 7 . , < Mil • • BM MCC > , REI '*is an -relay Kiva , ichaa,,,ev Israefed 22% . .? 22- r;'i-414f. .441 Cr: ii4iiiiiie4iiiiiiit WI, is "lii'mktitaply f si'veb a :4i .go l a r iccorihnelo• 111 . 'dir 11 t all eit Pas " ,iiiif icrs I: ii,eity-ow Ilee l eigig If ,mold, bst WO • to 100143(0:401e-fittl eagsgeowtatt;•11.ro, 4-0 8 . 1 0A,litialnik ,At!ivokaillOPllEtt*,,! rilti(tps'ldltirutiou .- KO .: 4. 4: it !Alliciirig7arell nt le at ai i ia • I ourpg' it *ielar unlisteei ' iitlilli !. 1 ..;:i.tg s wa' i*blikVsig /Rip -hopeuiAt to ll '-/- *ii onli lila' , Q:4'lreilth 7gi; r . , F4 , .: ,, ,',: . .. , '.Fl'.!-: - .',: - t!;:','" 1 .... lONS ISM ikff: with it !wing .• ..‘ ' , Milinfillk•k 114 : iiiiti'ititIl.N. sere' biotite!, bee) - 4 kraFtilv . M . ` retell. Q. ‘ vim, A alati. `teeeertirenArie, fet -47, cal* IettL4JAPOWALVI_ • ' th?..i ir s_var,— ott.'i iner ne sod* esexis,"*. Air -pt„Atiq *t ), 1 101- 114 P 41 . 0 i 0 IgArMft*ln tt: am t., Wake rori-lresi"fAha ?, any-pot t et - 3'4ask peYitirser. pen ~ e r the vessels: et - -11,1* drat;lik Pi en speet tr on e r or s lo Ihe -t i oo,oA _. leOlit:ftegthtilio.*- 41 aid..!:94• 4 7 1 4 0 4r 714 ,. 4401. - 1. nii. 4o s.#. 'tea e 4, *beet; Alt i triad* sod ati `lititaatlAiiial. the t eltixotinfq WS , Priaelitsitit hie!' ticostteMill by , vimiallartri 006Pleitr* ‘tallVateli t Pergo l a • .4riii, iti fir le* led 1 ;trie DID Vii,.' 4 .46 , 44404 4 ' *WAtip4oo, aticimorr to lik*reamiil4. Veit at Aire9i* 'llreireTtirther ItiettiPlOP • 'tit tbeir` i pi!** JanerAWo l 4 4 k forOgOer• lap covok stigioatixedloy:tlie* eans.uf A shorlOw 410, Ogi!iveNDa;iito* Arasiotnikekimptiv sad, .There we. not Tsunpies.. TbreAnk -greet deil!efahe_neirieet tafeltit, sitsit•property , beingithevaa Mexican rabid,. ithe,it , mid - area en any *mole cifiiuplit,liticiteniip. • t • /Ati*lteming.ubreg_all yen we copi froth the `New2l-01•Telt, We pus • rieooll,loeyisi. before Mis l ou'ar,ell . o l l4l - Pteel sbiktivi4:e,e + it Cp.RMlTTAN'itAbitglid tigliCOOL. COWARD, A. Af. aierl~ of Andowec Aeadceny, ,Mstax., ail( As YfiliikeetirtV *On KW.* AliOt Anflifkil ICiiPlr t Filkiktotivrßsi4liu, and. pi! Wally That ;merlon ist fiselt?hiAltan ebnnetint-, ty who do imarttnek deo*, aam **D. Ml . freenshicredi thatihar - valt - th lY`, "reason 41(visfeaki indlidect cram,* — Priadli l 3';'idlikire g Itebliabnie w ns 23* iallsoater Iftivi wet t expettint naietta;:, „Mira:hit Ineratidesona 6grea; beeriotithont tefaisiguitiSbitita ?inc,of Olaf Tot. fier, of beil awl* Litt oui bei oblige 't dance With' 'Math* io4C- ',cuopOtero too Uniftoitiendao. ael"ke." ?Tei tnithitt, 'tai 444 ' tiltrolacn, from 2 6115 is'el6elL; at' .17C7'111notitifiC, tiketed istesty, attend Miiialiadj Laneliom 10 tilFls4eriowitheelbet-feititilielly'iiiim' It le(lepeiit-1.1- it 293 --vkaikki . of the brittlete" :. , inercJ .Facto , rg ---- iv' ? 50f1y4,wt,14135. 9 :_hifr e l A11i.i471.,, - - 044-bia thi phium— al-pf ming:pint Joerfoi4 the nsh, , ol asidAiatvveringthelatiiourii , titlargo ALlare,'''Tninafolq 'oo l 4EVAelh4*. inwitckuth*i - fii00z0104640:19., ,form you thaiih'enP44;k4sivaisedin,6f i ;county; ( loom ,) a n -?ora".*Fighink B'l and nogunt!ingin aicuniferiorOfiqL!F4 , .and n-i*t, 45 lanctipa,ia circaniferemm: 1 11 .. p i'. l ' . : 14 . 91.14 , I , 44.4:ir4odaikailith . tnii'conrmidtbatighr-thiOvilt te:eciou' pelted teltniiik, tukilei3,:Ving MY friend Jones the preferiliee.. - ,;Ncaish story„, 'Yna?s very'*ip,ektrilly,,, • --, ~.. - . . .., .......4,-;4.IPIEBAGO.-:, =ME • • •• 1 '''' ik:* .11 itiiitassimpOest. ~ • i. *.CosigiteiSihat4ia . " . i1114 . 1*" il lo' ~. ~ik • fah loom time .0 mini .-! . live s like tifid &re k2piithilia illeteilierlit 661001 1 / 1 001 - igurb* stsa :tariastattass ass to befonvens-Andrat Galati is i t il l Vest Ron& aisWesti of' ilii-losopla iclitig de& , BY MEER - OWN cAR.W.SSIVESS viola , 2 :-.0. 7 •Afe1. in yourjournal of •th lek.ii:. T.1L:4•5%74 -- • " --: 01 ° 4 *, -"rite: ' e 94 - alt. an attempt wavdtade • to roulElltibe peopledOiiiii*"i‘fibailestructivocaawa-, gain* of illiaboroordie,amprirlming, power nit Alia•Eietdtiie A Atoliiiiirib' such, • laWi aa ho.itallt M in B. and to vekt rcae rall as he shall ncit liya;: V . _ LI - ie undue ea .ofthiir conceritragan'offeeth4l:7 die power* the atecraftiginit tlit'Aute(sabiniasion-v. °f •cr Rermanitheli-iriadW':.Aeiftit note- . a 'ili, 4 twee 'agup of our free .kuitio,ticiir,,:.46o THE .PE!" I • . P.I. wi*AtiA rpm edifyid,CincopidiaeAey •seem solved to oacrturn every dafasedgaik the wisdom. their lidiairrastabliabat , A protekg.Apain aping inroads tifartdiArt"pliwat, ...'cT.fier* - 4.flieare,lul•' derarsaraid):We' dupe:mon anAerie u riple tri; in A* nevelt* of Mingled/kW isisiii.P evaded to-talk' of tba pota*: ' .•.iiidrr mint. of thejoint and conaarieuityrildist la n il; o rA f t dio nv :lr dec tiovi iidema ti :O l f wili -oorL f!isp aitiveic and mill , diaeosaz.iiirdd le r* t pir ha il , r ; o w a id: me ta re oto lairi-7 7 :4 seetoil ktit ' 6 64 lo - co llit;, - yi- , --F,•.; :;;:,..,....• •7-4 , -. ..• 'L . iiiresereifc o 4ihe'rti ‘9 O l . 4 1 0 . alder 1 4 1041 1 ,1 71 11 ..___ 4 1 ) - . Vpippii..and theimamovw• ..w del" beir:Cwrinema at;, '•'llll4tallTi fneentatine;f7Tblill;l63l:°l.toriril.jAie°oo:47--,:),444,_.--E.P4,..!,,,, ..,....,„...„.,....... Iliatti-Batwo irlarmaa:. - :-1 1 !F 4 .0.1 I'l Miro anj'erbei behead limbo etli i dad INfngitio6 4. ) ". 4 ^- , and al cookdaa, diaAry-of rills ' ' ~ I; •dm • aid the litiotifirw. Ai* NH( - shay fieTiarte dist did Aii la kaifie boisiedOwilijlfala' idiot': "satddliidgerblipsidadteditiot' —die , Idw=7:timd diaiiiaise*NO: 'Aube pdaPearienfre*Tltt“i UN drab. ric.lialligli—oadt..... illkf l ,4*liiitiltY dm' - 1 11 daftlWis SA I I*IKAW ,-EOLti a 4W, awl riot witof wat i di ild - • ailirbore dila' AAliet" adirporideieiddie* efikir Wilialittaever.drae,Lqf • aot Ail objeculso balditiir,-kno• Hogigif, 'lllfilrffi ; Olitier-r• • . '.4 , 2 r, ~F=" TON . , .* 's il t's helves CZ= bate thee.! '4411 fi. - 1..y I=l =SIMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers