The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 16, 1836, Image 1
‘. . _,,-, :;?,... 1, - ,.., 4 ,-;, - . 7, .: --,- ...T;, - .7,:vt1::. , : -- 44...zii.;: ,- . 4 ,7 6 , '"..".. V,',„..,..;. , ,, , ,.<.-v.:_ii , • - v:, - . 7_, - .. - • - 71 - - - ,1.i. , .', : r ..,}''''',.:: - f-i 27., ..TF": 77 1 , • . 7,:,,i7r,'" -if ' :t.,-.4,4,,,e6:",."....k,•?...1'Ck .. ,P7i. ,,, Z•--,.- .i' . i' ,- ;;' -`'.- '-'' (- • - ---'- - t. • ; "-: -7-- - . r , ~, ~. •;' tyi - 'l. ~, v , .. , ...0. :: ....,,,,,.....,,5 .; •• 1;-• . ;,„....-: ~. if •••- -•,.. ! -.1,, i .•1 1. \ .. ~ L 4., , ,51. 4 4 - ,..•.„ -",- --,-- eranevititeitS4PreteaVlSlM, - --- . 4 ."...! - " , 77 ,- .. , -2.- ',- t.' , _.- - -•.7 . -., , ..:, '... 7 ' ' 1 :1. , : • .: 1 1 -,_:, LI- - 71: -- ",, ",- '''' ' --' , 1: • l ' -' 1- ' . . .: ''' , -.' , z;•;:,"-..' - ;.`.4,. ,. • ,'..:...-.; , - ---'--'.,,,•'•-'-- : ..• .-"- ~ ", . ... T- .. --:.- - • vi , Pg.- • •-• ~s, , ...;- -4..* , -6., -,.: ~-,,,r•. - ;-, ~. -,- ,:- •:-- ,• - ... • „ . 1 •. _ • - - ~, .. • - - - t, ' ' ' • - • (- - " . ..... ' ' '. ' ' ' .. ' ' . - r.''' ' '- • . ' .. i 1.-u - - .-- , ,-' - .'a ' 4 1 :i . i.k :: '-, ''' • p :...7 - -- - i-- - - .... ~,. .v7i• . ~. ~t.....,....,,, . • • _ _ ,\_ .. ,- .., c .:, - .iricmva.i: r.i C-14 ii:l",-...,:' • :'-'- ji" !,:! ..." : . -7: 'f - n r '"l. ; - 7 ...- - -' , -. -- -'• 7 ::* - 7-'''7, - ;4:;,i''.-_A--;', liTs:i',l - ,-, il, -w - .*- Irss , , f . - f mft ~ ,f. W . .. 1 9.1; , :1 1 ('1 1 * 1 ; 61 14 11 4 . 14 1 1 . 11 HUHAUliftil.44111P^HHTIIIITIHIEt' -- -- '-' -,, - I `' , i. - - !..,:- :.2-',:-..., ~ ,„,,,,,,.,.... ~..„ ~,. ••• .; ~ftitllall r tf#o-41; 1 41tic0* ?, 4 is:: v. -- - 16 - 4,1141 - "i r ii ... k ! r r r 1,!In•F , • '. ‘',. „, - L,l ~, F 1.,`. 7 • , r--,04- 1 -‘, l '-,.' 1- .= ! '. i ; • ';' 4" '" jr--. 1. 1 . 1 ',.. 41 '. - ..ri 4 V l 4 l . 0: -Y- ea , '. •. . 1-7- ‘ .'. 1 ••• • " - 1 "1 , .-. - .-1,1,' '7 , 1 • ~., ....„ ~,-.1..0---," ---- . - ', - - 7 ;:',7 ivi,f.0..44,1)0 -- o ! ifi t iv,p l - e i f..._ APP* I .44 ' ' -' . ''. 4 4: ' .: thrgirrillt'44ilt iiiivia`ir .tw-F.1 1 ! liPeiNiill .. . .-.---;-:,,- ,flisteince 7-c•:. ,i' , ;' , .. , . i i .r., 'F Faxtriod tlO•ed AI ~ efi" rtot , '. •' 'l l6 -- ~ ti fire '''''' '' " •-.' l' f errAs 4 * • . wt,ti i°ll , lil : 4/kins , ill ''. , ',-,:'":‘, ...., o . it jll ill , 3 t ' . • it . i ii i ,: . oibclEifOiosiahl-„ : . ..: 5 ° ~.95'1 A llestcstivith. ha.,i d le-n 1 , 1!k . 4. ',Et14%41,1,i, ~... .ita.aft,lieS•sril:Apa: _Ai— ..,.A,,, ~i--1: ,-,..,1+,,, -,., + ; koes , 4Popt +g ~,,K- 0 1,kliCS_, : , t ,,,,.- ' '._ 1 :- r :4: ' I. ' . ..--. - -tir+ 040,3474:+'.':iiiiiiiViii . .4f .4 10rreheautk;-' i es AT:, *so- Viiit+ . ;;Avilt-ir '' i i•• • •ei i.e e t tllm e '' . ' ""r AleFuumft• - ••• : ;'-'1';' , :Y. I '. .'"!!'!!'!'l , B•4 l.l e.F'r. , 7 lit cl 6 • .. , ..a.thil , : riettosa - I"etwien Haigh, 4 1 au , act- -: u • Coi,a • • / 1, : 44 , 4 ,. • -, ilia 46, , iminual , `et.'- ~, Mills hav "nirsAt' ..elPt.' 'ar I ' r t swab' lo iamb: : , '''' ''-'t , era:aud it ,' , .-PsoSlyto - • pus Ste Iti - : : !..:P l,llll l l • in- os bead* • - ' • • ilosii3 ,:. IL _ ; • -,- j'. 8 ,:' UHF '. -'• • , .... H. W 'if_ -vv." H II Irk ~ .ztisr, ; ti•tt n , • 0,1 •at • I i. ri ',,l ire litii 4!Sig - o i,l • the , wt xhide _ . nie4ri I OSeligk nes 6 l rki &Co:. lit Pink ijc - ilivaelaciffe eminent. trig% claims a :ta , ,,preatint..the said' -fir 4atn vi is for nett . - :ofthealidt : me 111 0111*.... . I ni ataceonetw diilY 17.10 1,Wh1,4•13:- 1 WEL E WIEL # r Tay L E, rip e i, : ''eaelailiar 29tbiL, "-,- • , .fil. ' : 'O r . - • 1 it••-• •.' gasjlimili, • ' ,il liol 1 ihititifid ' li7B n ;111*'Ee, in, le under tile Arm Le l •ina - ia'Buti.' at:OB4IULE4 : I - • 4/ 11 1- 1 .44: f•P4z MEE t W. For Ike imesioad; i : • • r ' Rena I:0E1 4 M tufa right of .vending trei9WlTittu i4:04 skritso (KID'S 1711 i v ßt adt re. # o Optriatimou'r; and aPPI 4 1.14 1 1, ) ?Vig.19.. • with .r Int cation 4 in inn .. __ ___JicalP Saks 3itiidur, rofessor of the In ' ' Medicine IRMO I..inieeredity of Pen . ILORGe M 4 Ci.m. —4 ,l l rofensor of S ' theleltoteeq.M dlesil College. . ' elkgo .1 1. ceterg :of the P 1 'Cidtoke or iihri maps. firm_ A...111xx. -M. D. win P. 'A .t.L' . .D. • .. to the libel e named gontiem. • of...Spero& •• -• •' . ..y•Ofeletter fr - . the Itistitntee. tityllinia, 7 ...._. „,;,„ 1.: IS i;;,...—EM have se . . -. . ui had.' this deeiratile, .."at yonfhlipm `h44'lleliezo AO hi . . • 'fbeihreceinni! &Linnet Imago Pfileditine in the !Aim uniform fail a.tand of the !rein muting a radio ludxbd • all eip ip deqtr4efed. w 4 4 0-41 141 40014pled not: !ail+ iiartioo of Ant, =E=3 principle pry of your atop] hoar fricorie kortho. ,:bielt,ib,resAkthe iiitht of.tailoty,inikhllini 'l4 aCr.shigiiiericid.,iCail that time. Ble•!•;Illy iintlesatitiliatierrria'tiarilia . atar, dal; Wie.4o.- +refill*: to ',alit:rad ,-pridepplei ' of 'constitutional • likerriy7 - 4 i; thrtneylise said • tit' -hate aarnaketead i . ithifithlip,adrogioisir freedonhlointwka.4. I. nig wig" hissrce ar!d«with „hialien„,;i4lfik,for ."7 , - the Iratituit'abofitiouepolarerY in gertiticky. and 1 ' ... -' -' .w tomiitaliew. Yorker., 7.'• .• e !Ateltiharnie liktiiiitTtritek;tha rineifdeiihir:thk , o ' .: , riTHE•NEW NEAR; .--,*' "-Vi: .- I nivnente*- 411°Arni;nime°101! 41.'i.° . 11 irtl!i•. :Li.iiiiiiN r eli dof ma tsi sil tiyes : . 4.lri Tack ,_° *fa, MVP fri„ • 'ler inroseib d i dit ha 'iltii v ii e fahoW h itl i r u itiie :, ir-4!-911.4:11J1/1.41 lild°3111eril:".1: • I n cniVil# l 4 ni e lnasA•RlMeh'g.' ll) n.l9. -1 1 n1r4en9, 1 1 Fran ootthtrdeFilibliftinairetinfarkired.*. i.rmy ootini6 Omni"' broingfernii ukdbr°o9lo 6 ' j ' i " uiil' irleast l . . ed l ' al4eoll , i f t ili 010g 11 44 ., ila * l he ever liaised teereaniU. thiiiniOCC, The fir kbarizoodf Oar deatiny—' '' , l' A iley hy l theli:aayeciabor :Norrailisrlinionig :thertii.- i rII to thpireleornedadtenV—far . - Arrairted ' 7,..„1,,17,44040400044r. ilia; u tjy yy ,Ambiyykytib l iii e i i i l e e ak ea w t i. teur: l i ir t b l a 'lried ie l? itt ho n Y f d l s a in ha n e d ik w. rat t "= , 4.104.7 it t il .g ru "ll 4 lr i6 .e.a lriuth O U Pl4 r iiisllltadillarlehlipikirililllllllthilta°'. indintikahleattirit and iii-f-irraistibie 'aioqoaiee." rof ou4opes! fro m tillemory 4 a.hted trot- i When hall he e'er' P ernre dinetenat . c l .adPitisel.. task - r. - : riles,kwilistippoiroAttedt.: .:--,:.„... ~,,, . , : We cu l l pit gems to desk thrratriashbrow.,.... . 44,h,trgte4ior.bir, Adamit:art•Presidatitois4 To the jay,whlikpprings to,greet us no*, `, :e &rifler: Fieiieta,y ! , - . et 'State: Tbiti, wag •the; from thy.i,fount imiibitier carrenta,tjoseing„ ,• * Plamtribie atil'fOr. *inch NeArrallreiretrPtearn Let them 00 1 iingyho iill Which aparthlesobetc; '- honkteddown, With , * air itioftpalieerS9d - re-, . ii o'er thy i t u h ni nuj ou tl , in.o4t9l,vrre'dl4 trtrotile_rstiygrtzrni7:;lllc. i:eventreon;raiitt:rl:l7.itiecirctikYtt:trarr...:begle tpoilimrisumsni.p,bfroorrptitseidy L kin! lightly &et us plays the smile id' titlesn; i rl y t iblit' ot id h e liit «rifyi , Deoyiyi te bt,' . 4 1' Ittatell-t As warnily stilt-Lifers kertialeiniftithlL.: ' Ralf," iskiii IlePA'.4 Alia,Va station whieh, l britia, re lib be that celestiOradiarree riv' eW--- ' hes.°3lo4 emtlibtawfer *either • park nor known its Bow of Prentice tairrorod in our itoir l awn hi lui• b u t up on, win u t t ho w "b e d e drydg Fondly we dream of thinetinvarying thulnar: . . r u ' l , bi 'il i ii' im „ n e r i n, ,i,„hi g w ie ,dbo iy Fondly we haste thy trackless. treadi, weir, kilal ri „ „4,c'da.... 3 ff yie4i„o, l l - ,V ais l ay i r j rite Pat hairaye enough of glunni sorrirsthierre:i . l . bhp williketrialniag.; Ma tined - by grid We hail 9 1 .9 birth - 4h° sorrow 'r file del *• voaavrrua! .., :BEFORE , YOU. 'MY 'FELLOW .. . fear 0 10°r'cA thy brink we mut ~; icl:FlAErg , ,ltc THE. REV,ENCE,OP OEM' OF HEmN. - -1. Pito- ) 'Anti scan thy ewe:d i lls-ming. awkdreaoriv-r ILVIERILL.AND___, ;; ,,_____ j. ~.... ___. e mark ? whilapear thee palt . we wander ' . :lkk rricE TWAT FgAg....„ ~ ~ ALP,T....,FiIr. j Our forms. where iii4iii to tittsiaasy yersyqq: ; 'FOIL hilMiko• • ' rchavei opr step. ba th aartalritis. kiwi of, light:kJ& qttnty roorita foe lignite - 1 in, lii•him -the Do. L; nein— . `,. .F. ,,"'"'',-, ~• ..!,.. ' l l l4rime,rii:.9r*abr..wheri l'art; Ittihad kian-who; Oni'eoieg 44tii Yea of b u oyancy 4.4 1 :11tA: •+..‘ lr e .lft * l4 l °o ll °-(9rikrint - 4._ t1••- ]qt hi m l °9 „ k L i Mul i 1 I.! eyerLeveitia irotollittinironted,briglitaa c -.. ' 1 . 3 ;u9r the'T. sh'.lPme9 an Irtudp , ... 94m- n , * And ev'et.s *shires frena 'titer heal. is gone.; • ilanile tia 4) f thirt A. - Y-1 I PrIl then "'rya en, • , . • isaitywiliiristirp#l4*b# laiepre....ealrietit tigkethr. a reek lice such la Fatet high - riardihi'aeil; . loy,ittropleildid lake b hisairdeiciidttitit, We'bow se such to the *stern dame: • .; by h i! , alkinsfscing phiti :tit bii ler • "rit,hot the coal demands one ateneenth - -' ' r'- -• • • -j,.. • --- - - adiseiett 1 cure 51 I I Ped the ~ r+g,., W. f , lialTruu ' '''' Pccta4ll. 611%4140 . A . , kir WIZ sed case , nd fu. it' " a ;h e of any xa pied cot, and flint:an,. is f iron- iolpitia, es.pc:cl topclis ite =rim if a Boni city 17 cure th the is is u 1 bistro cal cure wr:h If on the n 'Tis wisely par u ..... bloom, - ' • , , Though silvered locks and totter! ' betoken ,' !How surely now thyme stip apprirleh the WTI). Y l ar i v a the thesenil bright thy sinsabere os, -., As sternly o'er thy waves our barque beaten= riAlroond us hearts we love and hearts that invests. To dicer its day is thus we hail its dawn:, ~.VouclisefeusEeithatni.Hope, with Love unebin. ging, - 2 As thitkly °Atha thle of-heinkrolfip; -: , rirtv. ore breast tiornmes from Mirth Waren.' ,attlit• • - '.. 'lBl . nought may dint. the-. brightness di\: or 'coktols , i .. • , 1 'l' .' I . Pieinfilic.Cokininireilillentld. . , . ' • ' . ' A DREAM Or w*n, - : Behold l. tbe.sceno is darkening leer us, i,. The *oda are blackening. fromnfar, E'en now„, i hear he echoing , eivorzw. • ' , -freemeu'svion's! prepare for,war.. . Behold! Our brethern, kindredNaihm, ' ' : Who for freedom bravelY:fliegbt; Well they losetho honorable station ' . :Which their noblest son's bath wrortght? Hark le4fidistant thunder pealing, . ,- 1 I Dark finebudinge. sad foretell.; --! Still, its rapid progress stealing:' 1 Proclaims Aloud—not &Ilia well.. , ,ierriee for meeting € - treat. ry indi. mere: the* teen( re re, and. h deal. oft ie by tents tarn, withou —mast a Kvi_9: • c ber worn Went", . a Dg me". meat UT= thiii est cute eSarge 711121 rzsz or of An ' leVe. titutes of sylvania: geky in t~~n a mast be Profes. a iTersity ore of all• ▪ meat cur_! t care by ' ' tiorr of .'muetconf i treating ,desidet. my man. >•• Clllll. .t , „ ;# I I ! I •IiV.c!4Y- • - - A *-4tx,:c1.41 . .,4*. oat:too*, is, alrqt,io To. I 'frooli fhtr i etitiYorlbousaild, excitcoiNoceped of I Me Mt, tOthelik4tcefilLshadis kit' hiropin be. PAlEhkint. tad-' thei tiidealiot itifoleof Itit itY-00 friends. Formant 'Alin 4 - qoatiOt le I f f : Ar ' figf , iPlakiirrh ,4 -inviiir.lgdied;:_ rtt • ,!..,...,,,v:iii1ai1i1r5i11ivivii% flroelitmitthifilifitiVotaileiittil3l4 f r. i rentiiontio coostry44loiaidett.itioPili.: i .lots1 1 117(iii PhOnlrOPOlging .a#Oititr i . ifiey wAreoWith',-Fna;ll7 , bfmnr)g 10 16 %- i oislriesifeit--itredintlilied to diitsy tikA ttiolMiditoliitk kuli,-"isot 'arts': foiitteyniott, ,botAthlottctiltiled• wiirld, ah44 , tiPiittitibo ' F.ltiM. of.* - .00: 'exteinoivsl 1, Akirek of! devoted, ,t do. ' , MO, e.onitehntsot . pl,N% oo,o:opty, ' 'tietltlthWiliiiittitTo:or litF3, , . ' 0 ! litifikhoVitliiietidittiteil'aitiViteit l Werii. h e•heepri t id e lit*etrt,•:-,,,t...7, tr,f ..., 1 , ...,11 ICo 11.. I 4. dliftiCotiorisoitibluva . 4offiAretoothitt le,' • 7fisAill,lollo ll lo l .4lootterj o t .r.":::•: , ..r: j_ '' 4:4443rf1t.: mil*** . beer. Piiiattle. if* #l,„tiliiclo , o*.poismed:oftalbt .Ofoo/NIT) h ve,tiCeit hurled ;" lbeTtti4Volart c'Elnyr-14. 1 , 1 "' bien!tiithisigitiii:ioillid lOitti a of-ialOoo ttil i .:Ool:hilio:deroteifiliiildi liiie '' iriiiiiiP,4it lin lioritlod - 4bil athesillit:l l4lo l; 4l ' . . . • alba up. .1 phythi:lff .ndt . :s!, P occedinga,l 10, Ophiatio4 fq, cetatho4 , in your p are the of eii i Prof. attairtl4.l e, witriatiti 4 1 . 1 ' p would _ etetsciry ti dlo adap d 221 CM lad nriii ard rifOriflint gtat Lob tbat octal S . boati *rid: I fling in. /4th am /Et 1-10 0411vpi vbtat imentibe ram oi thiesio!, I r". • 1 11 : 1 - " will sthinr. ratielf with rifetrai ek" 11615 V ~~ ‘.l:. ~Y f ~. ~ '. ~i r-moltx , 4l•ltikwiki t ~"~ . may'?*4.:. `•i ow stem in it upward tzi its demini , :, 3 Topflight biohen, , iiith the cheers rie) IJcar tho warlike tent ..11 The roaring cannon - ion tlfe eetti . Thnieeelatea o'er the waves 1100Unding, NOit confirms our cleating. See! their peottorurprondly waving Norio o'er the mighty-deep; , Behold.the numbers they're enshreing. Hear the widow'd mothers weep ! Dot look! the clouds begirt to sew, E'en now. the 'ESstirn sky in OM, The iebtchkord nt!' is Piece Porerer ! Whenim arose :this divan; of fear Geri of - peuee. l :o. may never • , Cfranged out glorious motto be; But more resplendent, shine for . eVrit;- " .Friendiddy .Tretti arid Liberiy4 . ckri . iitotts loisicA) 41fir kfiairtmloadrhaii Swot ivkikraltaltais SATUIPAV iktirAitrteasao.,, . istiai ie./ice ,rjghts jind libel: 6 11 8. R( 'Mankind. hint dim. demi:l . 'olin affair!' - of tbeTniiiii,Tereign'and dennyia, a' 'President of the•finiteth States, intuaLehly upon the tailor aqq.. welfare-of_ his .eouiery. sought le -have pre. fernrite Henry Clay.. Let hintaanie the man: Judge yoq, my.lellow.ditLians.• • ef toy I • ' I. This ie het a j uit tribute to 'the, eininent 'per! • ser alleged to. atidtbi day is - not distant when' it will be adriiine4by every individual in ilie'rrna : I tithe "the word" if troth, and aobextiews.;Z 4111elettimminti 'aft &Ingo, will yet titipq)a the iskiedil efobkqiii that bare gathertd, reniell thht%l9R - filtatcstriebr and thy' of precnilfed which hffei cdteciirttil Ida and -pretend-if ;the from seFAnir him, pirol y$ •Ner di . ..skerieid by. the rays,oftiwth. , • .1 ti'lleretorore batmen' looked upon he anesiriunhitinestineit.4tii an. obitaelit in • the snail ' to the goal at which they aimed. =, tibias chi at watt ,nceespitty 'remove. that • t h orn, way I might bicker. Toilothie ewe,: pgisatde'meane, fair or kW, bait been reel - a -led Yn, and with pig. 1411 wiecris; he no linger 'standar in spy ina" 3 ": path: nor impedes tiny' mari'velivationt. his Arabi : Linn ia:satiatcd. and lie is, about td kave the stage' opmilvliich ho has long acted PO ramipicogintand no\lea lad. But will he be forgotten?, No; HENRY CLA Sf esti 'neter:-.fterer he 'fnrgoinen:' So long as splendid talents and fervid eloquence stickle) admired: so keit distingeishedAitvi-j cot and'unbeniting, integrily.sliiell , comtnandres.' pect; co long as a warm liehrt and generous feel. mg.elraltuortore level, ea 'king shall the mime of !Hem* Cla;r..,be prima:meed with enthusiasm• end respect, embodying 'in it the idea ref that is !tray in feeling, irresistible ineloquence. devoted in patriotism, unswerving. in princiPle, .a ar. •dent in I?iendshtp; - The prevent generation may tiot de din jestice..bethiatory - wiltriindlet Ay. may : hp safely appeal: assn impartial tribe. [nal, to judge of his acts avid ibis motives, and to [simian, 'Alm that place in the 'temple of • Faine, Which is justly his due.—Coli. Hered. Miro; Extract from a Sermon attic pee. - Thomas CUL meek entitled, .Tineiglite op pativerfai l'iwee•!" i • The first great obstacle. ity.frivndo. to the ii,x tin6liolf of war. is Thit .. Way in Which tip heart,of hi man - Varried•ofF lecon - hi bp rbari ties and its hat. rota, by tbettelendour a/ itideCeithil iiebirripariia: tneatu--There is a feeling of the just in eon. 1 semi Ling The shock. of armies . alitherdiain contemplating the devouring energy Ore,mizipept; I sad this ißbrigvatesind engrosses the whole men, that his eyn is blind bit he tears orliereleed .paeta* et4hts- eat is - deaf ta , the plutons 'nein-athe dy ing. ea!) she shriek :of Abek,chrlitted. faatilies., There tee gaicernineiwinVie juetproifitynolh fel' warrior beraiag Rif alatbietihe .fai the Bel . and - hired by this getientiziriveriliedirin.fathe'de* - noeci.iheittlauttediltiong; itiseee.iii, tiple SO itfirk i 0 C4 0 ,.../4.oPPosile,Sooo alarm.. 'yltinig le A t , a remembrance and a name ; and this,eida'aCtise 1 1 11 ; e 4 an is, se mach the exelnalee. °Neil stoat y i WA as hidityrbiee thee: our - -We* the IbbinOteis I eartaaitirkeilte'filletv. Mdattrs"verfthilleagOules I ' h t Wi a2 4e: Itr i ttit :97."Itituadt the ' ' - ftg t ," -ahem artiioWe' 14titlizAOTIA 41 , . 11i * ii. tbita t erhleitoieeibegb.• - mere no .. gentle hand ii p' 'h t to es* thetidg . oiiaauk of bind:l4l the *onadei which in the maddening terra the . tiambal.have Otatr aad.siceittai by Abe attn. 'area' itchrie _eotrmos'_ rii*i!,.. • ;Them , tioath . :afeiT4es itsPaleba!iirts.iiVet:iyilfi aieiabiaiiie l 'i anti ti'itaia - itsiebt , teaseitiiiliiii4ikiiiiiibitakt 1 , r thtruhhowomeke a des* rintirralcir-leak ;take witii l lgr •444°4Y-- 644mri 1100e*g.tialliedibeireK . 12 YliOtitinOimAlklailk isne-ftkod.4o ksm. 4 tweiaiteratictitelisiiiio6%*iditiiit hialierWith:; ;'. teedeciaaciaWolt itt'braid•Nilijiii.,! - 4i -,‘,:-• • okeetiteiliaiirinea igloo wait itaik tibiae 1 "iiiteaor.ead,a4aart'ilthea-eftiowiegierii war, sked ,t4remayetisti4NiLairiiiritAtiAitha,. , iiiiiiihd atle. multi I MmialeitetheWlatop it 1 twaaeliatettialishilt Ilaikillieaiiiiiitaiikait i 1 1 *0 541 . 004 ** 61 4:_thk , ?r . 11 0 0 111 iliti- I • 0 41 1."'riPeIRA - fi.a'; 04 - *ldernhiktif IVeies:4 4. iiigiiririti l n**r l i t uierii***4 tia,votitt rtrii4oftirtuCteaq -'osia . raaks . , its isasigrObtar neligureliblaritiWta'ithatoidatedi ! itAibilidefiitAlDWlL it in' t h e e isimiloY#4 lo 4o. - Sti . k .Wike1t. 4 . 1 4014010.«::k0. 2.4 = 0.44. t h. .14 -MWerektugriet* ..thiltrikAnir lifikoo 4 4***'. ." - pa r V ii * Slt i Hit **Oen* ..- . .--. l l lo_ * peg 1 - # 4 4 . , .-, - :- - -. • ' ... " 444 . 17 . 0 10 -01. 7 14 06 44, - dig s I:4Vrap i kock I'l' 1 -t . • ..' : ",:- : qt:,....,-, ". 1. ..0,,,,,t ,. 4,..t . ... ,.. '.....! , :f: . ..:44 , :•:.... .1. - ' t••••••;,•:... • ...--!SSIENNOME ._ . I 9 . I ,41•011111011111114: ; . -4 - 44 v ; g,kl" WitICEIC - NektatAitliiii4 o _Twit . 4 „N., THE HORRORS OF WAR. ---,,,•,, if - - T"'"•,.,„ . „ ...‘ -le;k4.',:-Pf.,, ' , at '-- - .e- :, fi '1- 31` 19:''4-.. - , ,-,,,. „.,,.i it e c i tz ., ! , l _,, (-,,,,i ~\ .1-. • tv,hoiliest phit - kito.--,.trico.,,arka . t i4d; oakum.* ' oie, mvr g e - t4v,‘lr:t.4o6•' it to" IlteekhiddentMilidnntintkee, ~ - , "- -•- V -.• .' u jail aointerealing sfelejiet. am the'imeldUil teirge. , • Vateirial , ifiii! ~, i )1 1 itiahla, dig** ithetP 6 ol4leßllraild '. '''The Precedent " la 'MA I . 1111 11 1 "", h a! adviiiteatt.'' -'' :,"' ' " ''' `''''', - - -1 ; If : 'pleasit!st - ii-talbori TOT - . 'lanai' 11 .- ,-....miri4 0 .11 ' 0 th e *Ni e l liiii keeetkanol l o 1 iski ou it & a V- - _ '•ildn'Ter L llll ei , Crltirrere lb far Winelitterativagiil*4. . 1 tetenaPted Mo t o tor Itirtef • in I ,,J"''' hemi tie tti" Coaltmetoit;ricid - I,...ibautteoliar -'`. ), t ion a * i k thi • i nt eiesie br Coin h t: t ied ' , le j } ~1 .3" whit &erg It alibi - iiiwbetwien - Phill •pi kni' thitileste'te the ' thlinnY • :di "' F`Pwcn shill Votlie‘ tinot - -y . t . tt ltriviiil *keel - - , 1 4c.riot s i s F OR THEIrs A R pug I havegeno'im steadily, kali etro e r i - 1 . 1 *;"14 much iritiOit 1•1 riVt beireasdtgi , ine4otko t to the sotte, 1 - ,•..-. II '. ' Itlet:NliVi= ailMilekii , 'ii +-TOL year , wilLWfaiical rot thOsaaa ' *ow lov:wiroaii it 10,-itg4 _fie. a t'efe t ht to '. guentahtoredowilitkal-: 7 1 ,;,,,,„....,,.....„, From January to Os . 'knew oftheideirtuii re ins'a oi ri a zonsi '' ot h o t,4„i • wow& yfe ''' i ll:::, 1 aiming, the !days will angst of 24 hours 4 11 * 6 r 0 11, ',lick ant . • ;VII: . An' geebterktif Milt tinwhitkeitielllti la -'''N. i lefilverip i; t 4 c hi al oAp re " c ut ba such a aumb e i.'- a ri akikt , lir,7f ie regßzttaq, Jr, `.1 . .,,::, : It i f : Ito • be rairkilitatit Int.. , Pereig_e!id . .. 'arna7V: , ite)iliOst tillit-inan.lcille *in be lair/fel e - - - ralitell * l l Aratr l VlS'44 ' --. - 44 Med bi t ..: 111 " di 9.' l V4, l 7 l :4l7ar fte Ws l i k , - ii ik - 7-- - niiii,,, *Ark, r)lorinskillr be fogs iii Maio., me es t * sittiait hi Of irinftr. ` ii: ellweit ihs "I t - t b t ' r wok-116 s t w itcao‘ruie la ,. 44,1 1 0 Coirtentinople,nad a bicker*** Ihnigatirm se the ilifth *Mote bents bout le ehee mintee tei e A t io ti pitcat,ii te -ep . ja,Many 1 leers. head. ,1 1 , ',.. . , , c„. ..te , 1, , ' l'elentiinat t li k eti thlt, .., 1-1 1ilt__HL., 1 la the aatnin, ll l Mo. *heat, the hichasotbi net* - _tfaiitt:, .• ' r l o 1 America ibis year, will lootent. 1 ....."`77., i l ir ld r,itl a r . t .„7 11 , t, > ...s i r: n * l ;by al l iltstilwee; *tea *NOW' 6 ,ie,t, ~, , Aili--, i >, _Seed, , • 4., .. .; ---,- • -.- .---,--..-1 4 .-.., ------- : -„, --;,.,..„ , ~-, --., „ - --,.,...„ L• - t tp94 pryppd • _Cape HOITIV.‘ and 'the , snnkth,, not Materially'itspin . r i ' i .2;4 , - ?mil•AtiWinierptkitiork IstAlitg Ilk ` Pole will be exactly , in ninet3r degrees cif' TVs new Reserteu, witch tlits iloa` etet` aiii a im w i th i n w id t h th e '' ‘ l t toti verti - tt ) tiii •., latitude.--Those who, lose mune) , will loolti t th e llte i k r illtallt",, , i l ii 't ta i ,' 4 as i , 1 " 117 -: plitoe.widitt • onklitho*tittet t ram*Vt” - 1 kad'ktitid tho kik' who krill" in' want of cash ' ;= 4 4 1,,tau t . :...4 . 7,t,t t ,h r i, ft , :i n n; 1 1 ,1 1,2::,. t ° ~ pe r t jy„ . -when_ the y .h°,l l6l " , 'lti ll Want' it lir"! when 1 , ...,, it fliltriade - at ill 'nisei doting tli boating f i ll ea l e 'L lia t ml a t 4. 444 •..." - fg‘ - V , ' i s, ticsY = ennitijeiniY,•,,, ' ,- '. Inee' we.' At the'nntlit °rib° "HI i U.° ea; Ps 'a t rike77' . hie - wai 7 " - plbai n "pdtr - " int' "-Vrillitoni will cry aloud, het few will :O. ! aa'' k ha" been fintebegt• nn tn. l' ,in et 4 ~6 4 .1 4 „ t ie, L ea tl t e ' ',k 7 .prb '4 , 42 L I , ' • -gar& it:' - There will be long speeches In I t'it i sh/ c e t: lellti Vi r t. PT I 14 ,71 i k ,uckiis i ..111•1 Prioidein'amt Man iii V s 4 ebhgressr 'bta, for all that Lake P.Upertor irr l a TIL- k i, %I l i:4r '' t th aL, i,: d ` ,. a, 1, 1 0,, ,H+,_ _..lor 0 00l!, I .o_, rat", , . 04 7 1 i r*"..c 4 imma - Wilitlitit'heilllieti . ~' •'' ' , .' , 1 boti.ireri l p6ratioiti' A !new bid hiri'beeieerketitl,-*Lt"" m .%;74,..w il l'ir_i f :- .• - - AK " i d'e f QiTicilPedallbta'7o l M* lll B" fly ;L mtl!illext Cita, , 1 , 1 , 1 . 1 ..__Ch lOLA, , _tea 4 ,,, 1 a,1 1 1 ti r e_./Ltba't - bir;;; 'aiiieiletiettikhie - iiiene;' ant With'it- '' ' legmlnitty*noitillyr mid eliarb i lltirna. ill' '1011.na1te,1.1.f.,111 at. )tit ' °Pr" '' '''" l l . - '7,ric a , ondlichitice bait aitihkirieedthoot firriel' ~ • -,. • be - thiolted=c4stie to qteri ,trekife,wilt b; , t ' t == s t in - 1" i p : . i.41,,,,,,h,,0...,A4.0&1thk....httt,„‘64:,.. , , imois dubia_t#o lol '*hothkithette Wil,rb l9 ,Snr: ertth - Tth; Rieke St the noel; " whielfi parfait 1 t a„,` , `,,,?' 1 71; „, s t u it=l"arrairf t hi fit , 1 with , FratiCa 'or nbloharnillsoands illit! be pearly eh the some the - . - 'Volk i l' op i -- i,iiii m i.. o . * :i i „„,h t . d shr v e rt aforA,:tF _ apt to kill; and' he' 'that'll kick - wiiii - Old' as gibua, Sled IK. ' 8 4 04 - •`y II be be n n eetiM eintihdolleit;`' The &aril - praline ishwlit litflig. . "t: tott l iiirit Um" la the **alb"' inla 4, ' .1 • e 34 ifire therthabhimiders it 1 .on Iztedit age , Fin have " a -s tl'i 6 aie h tt'l/e .. -4 - Tie quantity - Otos! math • eurarket in 1 ebititio`.4l:ilrhielcilliala in = eh at ate - lied Alti): 11 0p,149 11 11119-nr.-Niliwealigh• .7t .•• re „,t t •i m , s c h„ j ihm .I 1 Tone 334. M 'ipti , ,t•Prep`lt a . td.iiith Cione" e biltirinitkin ' , 1 . • r• 4ll Ft letTintai as indicate thatilk& . Ileinn '' , l t 5240 . t tondittileinit tiipitelti • Orate' whirl '-' 04) P.: ( IO L _P S , w •P I 144 ok' re e tor some tilne 1Ai11 y:;,,,i 11 4 .,...' ' ,• • ' '' I. - , ' 3l 2k dibitoOtien'airket 'reriairui ti E.Wiwie;P '164., cara ir sow, an d the thormiletthis oftbh iiitillej"" IP coire, ..T.t, rithmer 4 1 President, wider -- / --a-- -; . ' : ' 4 „I. 91 '• au • to admt tilt itabeetwlniftiiiiir iss #bwill ru p down hal f: and slacks wilt, waddle i '7 i '; i ' 34;008 . ; Il t k ;, a ' ' - ienia ' r - litieettAirt ereloirtre., ~•, , And then eye ea h let ?,' . 14 . * ether item. M mks, iPaidiitgasot t fzzat will be rather tweed prsq, oreekoktit .. ._?,'' t . ~.', . ' '' ; tal ' dtt 2 lll44 o , 4 t w " ) .a li s ib L ia t lt f y ien e t we dl ea li ff l i rl ''' 4- 7 than three co .L ' and carrots wilt be .. Lehigh -' - :,.?.... , 19 %! ` ing elides' re b ut hirialr Tbe'rontierx giftleOr ' tisitiacy red. Coali.will bens black as . !l icka 7 i " P: ~`3l ' ~: t -Igjel i tlitesenesstPinell B6 :#int year Indy*** • •:.: eitiri cats w . I, Ipve fish, but hate ,to wet .‘. ' `'' . ' ‘ -\- : ...k..-- . .. ' ••- : • :-. '," '' •' . ,' '.._,, i t.l ll lAe, i r ••• The ToWpathe and Channels 4eldielette a l their rept, all, ,on aceountor Hakim - Milking the whelp se*" , 1 :, ono St4i2i m ew R e i d i eg w i t . e id tpe t e e t • . as ~ ta t io n - ' t ar 4 cornet:. . t 1 . . 1 .. Viola which gedeetiNONl ^ 111P'i ' 4 k l b * tg al a l lo w gomaingl i the..Chi t ThO wPrid.r:thia Ye_ 4 l l ',.. • will - ' turn upside th4l . 4 7 „,y z , L re d rAit ~. ,zl, LI , ~ ' !idyll Fair Moist rode rid- ' ° l ' ''''' •', de", belt not in cenneilatirit cit.tirc-5 01 '" t - - Lehiih ' 1 ? ' ',"!. , ' 447 , ,-.. `.‘"n ee ....," 4 . ..,`.'igren.„ ... ..rb!!ithe ' 1 1 ! 1 / 4 " emor'p pi : iitianatioa. Tlte , - C - rop nt 1 hey 1 Lackawana ' - ,t;1, ' 0735 ' f: . +1,7 1 71 .12. 1 1 01t i l g i Z i ti l y el l . arillaiepend Upon tliblinatliery but, whetb. I •-' • opine an "' "i P 1 -- * -- * . 1 , be'teeeriedtp werreofferldainimag, which erit•rairisor not, there 'will be plenty p i t: _- . -____,' it; . , - - iy,, - The' esphiniltereses thee held 'lbly „„*. • land m Cape ' s oot , 1 , _ 1.. , PPlri.. ~,,. , '',,,;. int . , dons ail. - .0 • n'• - WhoeTrTioilhi•hto instal° to hay ; nionti l Z A "nr2 5 . 1 1,„ 03,1 " j "-Y , `"f -t, I . g T :„," 2354 64 >, TM seit - 4 1 0cultY OM ' irenr • 6 if neat shine,wilhhaidlyr "gel tiirmoney's wotth. ''''At i 'alicipatic;ii i s indulged ; ' serene to the r e tante& at °!dletartilatildtV Whoever runs Invitett Hid iiiin 'bow, will coaltr, de hairs been folly real; " ; aod although " mai :a Tr e :f ineeti. ,l t oig o li areiii. get-oot of beettlt reit hu liikintie . Per ell t% I - . rilytroFght to - t tr f kf , tt . t a°. saau l e d ; ' eil ibbeeturre litierliWnY'ln he ftnicbne 4 / 14 4 - kg eetsls • that , avlera ilidatnat_tit'hairfoi ; ll* iiiii• by nip ter 0tt13,880 that ■ll. ' ,in . I" tionp reFi d e a Ihec a nja ; at 'el"' to am: ' , i er inferable water Air the vale bent. Mg. •'' . • - , . them _eat sconces more than 0,: , i loos, yeC atm , yew , ~, , ; .. .;.-. mti ,„„ ite , Locomotives and atietiembefes tring,tin ti 14 a there will be oh in onm spring; At gemeght; t ie tad , „ lowan - ii h a"'",4 2 71,1 `will run fi s t. Th ere ~,iii ,b e mortal wrr and th the field will be (twit, .r' a •ry groat , teed by th el Corn I Orli fly 4„,,,, o l,,,: ii i r ai ttesei a d w i z between cats anti ranti • mi twill es between i l he •attfeela 'achy, eel, . ent Etinfintretiltie inner: • iled it ilrattle kaisilart-ii; • ' aldermenland roast turi t nys; People will, and m the gradual increase ;X I the l ' eatetFol g ;, 4 . I an Y lati4l ' Eua r .- l i " i i' d 6 T7.` t ri li f f4ir' At it ilk iii " 41 :ai talk about the end of the world, buit it fit two; .it 4a bac nib- to 'wove UV a ter' coosid. 1 ' rei"". 111116 ,e }.. lnli I h rtfl *• , ' a, . 11 "1 111 07: 1 . .. . *-- ! ebiniciiPill Oa ntrirnendir Fin irlibittiV ba,la len to one that the solar system will not erchte iddhlua lb the gee ' , ought 1.. 46 '''' .oinileallear inettitt+ tele I :-.. ' .. iiktil . ,, - r . ; imii.iiakaira , airaire,aleiKL-7-wk• • ivila m m, *hat striate mil hilt:aighted treetli a . Where it tetsst, aver eoblif kieves.hent:ll,* inl,ttg:othir: eepi•ettben that Of iinoplagieti itatir•l litultali lot* to nothing,*thejnegthin for " Wein, eentimeot no eger up thotiAtneet, the' le g efirtent fur . Of it i molar an d preisiiiiwt. 00.. P ttr -.. down.ab v ,, ._ le gasittitf hroushr down in' .„,„ 'rigid 183. S iliii - si i geed indict lin Ipa 'as the , rz against itiffik i I l ir ' betive°l3r ----- improieniEnt'orthe Navigithin the cos, of delis., t December.- - - ' 4 .' ' - ~ ... -sling the Enid here has been considerably redue : l Sea-serpents, this year, will 'be b dto e d, n e the time - required tor inlhiqg the trip is cateh,lind none but a conjurer Will *able Sennbl dim_iniabod,..ind thj ia lior t t e i r tz f litifilei t i . ti , to 'get a quart into a pint pot, Tit Who r a ta, -- . larkT. a that ti r i=ng of thelocki. has &t -hieve wooden ler win imff9j tittle w t h o4l . ready heed a easing in time of et knit live they freeze their ti)en,. Viet! are e Peet- or sta . dais, who* la mate O;SM - emu lent to a Ini to be 6whionableationg the bn d,,but rained° Of, o,on .. fial . f gist, Tol .i b . l‘ ...l et„. Went . blind, folks will hate 'soniet:diffieblty 'see , - =at lir'i, Ine bethe .at the tra de, t red e t i 74, ti, la g* - . - : ' ' '-' ' • ' southerntan t h e vj - . :kit . * :Al . oo , lbit sz ty, t en . r ill, n?t , staiigAvhanger . will Iniehl? te let th is? befits ....,,be i. 7„, i is - etirlar_l94. o r t. ci, Thsra , g sissippi•tui flee: - Ilipleii. will rifle!) about hall ton, bar n a . „....a t Aaa_. , • aa ?. 3 - 41 , October,. sooner 'or inter; but the is difl ti g Ahleid. o 4 ,f 7;;;T oe i eat i h ' e ;t4 iest o e the one provided we ' have cider molt b: e we _ and Po villa R il, Rind. tt ; bas con. Foie* will p a r . F ;articulii• ettentil ta. toy 410 thi Na Widen 4 Ehilinil j nt#lals irtlich , poultry; 111 - Ore will be very 6in , old b rds is dri likti . eti ,of what nni be expectai s tinia l taken wit frehaff, and wild geese - wi ll ,1 1 4 , ' hit ' 0 re l . li e 'f ar ms nis are herewith tar. . r l on lay tame egg& ' k ,• 3 .„_, 1 it;; . .*d lb ° - nesa,td: . . ay; eompris , , ' lint, Most 'Of all,. theie W1:11 preve4 'ithis ; ift ,aceeont of a • . transported on ti L et L F year a horrible epidemic, worse than the worker , .' , Sleek % , ,!',borrin7t . rat eholoia, litill 4l •PTir °r 'Orel' which there. t Vea lli f ic " wan ' ivered ' *4411 motiid Carbon'! Will be .jsketOciapialusy ,;and lot which' leers: ein rpt s • i r k of see t o f e ' Oy l er Cleat ' s" . trill be ne-enviiil The Italians poet?' .-„,, . . .. ,i_ .. .;.. • - r e-, -17.,33' Andarni. 4 * , Gardid-ktis . tioa,libo .i.i ell hi : alma . Fretteli,fipte trortgeriti hitilettizOitntrit-ii. - AI .. , : t ic , ,i i r de. pea, 11,00. ihOile.lidWrOtill 46 " 6 4 - b i l k , is I .' .. ~b i , . - . 1 ; etas& cateakii4Y - --Aaawri-' l l Viii'ain*#r . ) 04 )fi ~ t, ..„ .rt .. . 41 imply pnekete4-48oston Gooier:, - , . 5',._ .,, , w . 7 . ti i... , ‘ - '474 -, atespiefiralOokiithPy Os& el Illonir t ik 41',.: ' ', 4 ii i d . ii i i & m i ao w ,natliat colinta Mahe' o.ittlfdir wen , interesting • gi , - ., - .. , 4,, , . ~. reporalfa- polka trial . . hr New • •Iktkii-whittif , Ire ' 77, ~ ~,11. 7 ,.. ~; ..., .7 extrio. rioia4T Amokea.niP-ar!.. , -,,- ''' I'L ' '. Of nitieli-ladeasekiii! ' The 'veinal, (4 ** ,l o int‘lrur 4 that.lhei had . "t: `•-• 4)=. 1 1 - 'B - in a' lintsikoniOtes titn:Okinetiann - "mr ) : _ 'ijiti n i.-iiiiiadt l e frequently': hcinered thin 'scatiriety 'sad striae:-=. .. ....I ~. t ;iitit HThey; itiecwdinglA set Ali 3 Phifrit litille l frbulhek I: l To u i le n l a ir er n si .jsraelxii,oidynZant.,4(,:ndnOY,i - .10 Tifioternant the :// „,- :- ~ 1 , 7 7 -`' , .-'i: peace 4*P ~ .noAltn.iPag sod . beeclA w iei'n7 ,: bit's '!"dene4f l o *(iii Ameilean magistrate ',roster ?tot , ;11 ,t., ~,,;,, v , • Iliaineasore that iiint'Oirierialiflikt.whea id de: , .... ~.„. .I,sowitor.-irrhe . triatag4hieb , •ive Yeali• will',W .. -.• attn. la tied with,plasissm by, all edib'l'e ffr, i. ;rteleeldt-la.* *hie; ifi4 the real lotentof the pater stud Dahill,- rents and Water-rt iefloloe4 tit *A. loll3.l _' 3v Pi i r‘wi_„__,N tbe i.LIS the swears-. ...esievoniastincriett+Reol".oina!irgiTT**, : • ; 41.,.. 4 ft e111 5 1 10 1 " , dructiii. frearbt*fo.ledoimig -. ,-. larneWl4M 2 ';*DWil" o .l46 iiire r*:' .f ' • •.' itlilakilitiltr . . - - :• ,, H , ,` -. ' ifillW4OW4o4ll4 1 " i642/111. 14 . .. 1 .-i-rW* llll , ll l .- -- 17 - liiilo. 01.#041.? '--- 'al ~,Jvilissiitiilptuvvvailmi , ~,- 7,77. n -1-4 -- . , 1 Aseniv o- iew . ,_,...- ms oe . riAl." . ,''''''" l ' ' - ',r - ' ". . - - 4, ~` - frieig*nedi_nikijii ia,i.ifii f rill-*" Ilk ifiii la iiii 4A waloirdi ',e4iit - .....pctiin. •. ,„ 4 1 1 #,..,,,W•ta, F.,/ef, .A.,iwiywl.!l 4 /41 •,daiirie. '-tronlow ur'igiumpw..., E, .2eriiii .06 ? :a tW' ! l oci. Ofilii.*ltag 4l o l 4itilnillarli7Y T H!''tk','•t .14,1014etra 4ari.kiaaa•W4- .1 • 1161 50. t , „ t . ~ .. "! ..-,-. . " - .olaririm7io 4 ,. 6 ',14 1 . . t. . ' .'ii.z.epc -:i -. 've.i:114. - P.i4,0 , , , ,,,. , At',!4t . ._ 4i 4i g aiiiriii44l. 7 4 l *Oili-, ...„....,....„' „;- -Naritilifikai::,„ . 1., . - :_z-,-,_ ......: -- -''''',f: . /.:'.1 ,`•:, .r.i ,- , 111!1,1-. 777 . 7f -. 77 - . :•-• '''';'' `• - --- '''. l ' .< -..1 ‘.'',','_ , - ' -'; ''' = 1167'4141'r" ,. n 4 1.1 : 1 7 1 7 1 = 11 :; t1 777 77! ' 1- I o`.; NE 1M P',1•:: ''', - i - '' r ,' F - • • . j, :2,:u•O;P=4: D.. , ' •****kat-t4l4Ve-76' „tirm • ^ 14: ;3 4 L, '.lf;.. 11111......04 -ot 00 1. . 140 tet* of rofit •horea ft ei, lar;in 41allialaiii i. the , cesVpmunnia-,,thiutr er,iiiiiktititit:" ' , `S ' • '-', -0 ' ''''' ''` '- -•' "' " '.14'.... - .otrif l i t rtifit?ieiiii dksitiiterii teiTieiklhaintekie made. whieb -it 'was kind' Oolir he - intiiifintie `with by:the , hieing Of the :if: tn: ishiehliad*: . • coniiinisite- Sr the:Nays ' tkm;=ikfid -Itl4 Ma:bleary! ttflintthase the mil at a tOokiiCk';' l . -,1-, • ' -' ' - '.' 4101011 4 ."1: w t t. , Atibe albs ititibitilibei.ViSsltiliesniffii.- ;1 sierniely- eaten tit" Monne eintni:-Ibitt - thl'i chatter ninired eiic-443 1 Rik 'AtigiiiiliAllilltitr; eixiirothin4 't 'kid a: ha ihrtheff Vile + extension was hempleted C4.llii:•Orentlini !iiit hail - dasinkinit,:frea , ioilfei eibichtitintif MVO' thirty . , feet:titans* Of " .;- -, -. ' • 427,5101 4 ZrbOßeilding letiiii; front 'tko`ilOniiit'arlilit-: 'unit taintoivait,a- tadee of ;taxation andrlifiaite: nesn.; , -4trilaniest seta Lilnikainhi k gi - MatianVitihe • teas tonotantly anbjent thmeaebeigiiiiiii4 5t41610`.) delay- and mtpettieV,4esort was had to OlaSilii tiglip.i end &miry: tonne than mut.' einerided;:i - orierW' iirope ., th iss eii e taid Mit &Ilia line 'a itiint,',Mait'' fifteithis Sin dcik.iiiikeieri iiiiitairo.ol • "' make it waiii tieht. , Oodyisht- anti; A tOsetiiiitlP t • 'forced. to thi-Skunminatfen 'Of' ibitiliti nit . _,b,;: i gi o et , in d teiedin g ,! 1 •0 entire. shiiit;iatit:Atrwrd . : the - rivetnaafi:4* bi e'Cins tikliniiinit 4410t7,1^- sine mikt •leagy !pip whelp inititts ahant - - sininihie- WV. l'hatia itia thisii aal?":"Ti'eldiNT.l being. the east et to;hteir.4iii - •-' k."' '- iiiiii:Aw---'l' • . • When the,Vraidei - Canal iiuji ise A sc l .'6l4ll;ltiiii* iiiiiiiiriffroi - thoii i aO4 n* r.nrali*awd'ha4'3llll46444l , Arbetni 7 Alie , tvW*orkiriticeickiiiiiied4 , yfirairie, , ,iti,.. , ...ti 1. 91 .,....-4,4g-, -; .-, -, ''';;P:.. ,, i immir.4 lnin 4600 ardaillifitihelk4ita . pale' wiling"ihey were'eembinedi'o! tittmiChis l ear*S,, • ' finaligestiibeilinsehinipperentaiiiniAikthe" .1:1 , 406 - ariti. tramiviiiiiiiiii4itirtheritmom ' lad *retain in ?geniis IrefithfiMailitiik. .. - - ..•:- .nniebilni y ' ani - aMatielinfOir..4lol6o " - • -:: ; fit.. elhici, .: 4 The*iit ifthenallnirtinia(l 4 _ xor, - ,,Mou tr fr. ,tt z. ,. .. .--: t , ,. r''' ',W3 2 er4 ;If-1.... , .1 . 1,_ I larniiriltkiP 3'h:sit ••.'" `I ' - 'i . - , ,, 31 . /..tri , Alt: et:t y ; :,,, ill 111 ;r\ El NM Bil ~i ?baq