II Log __~;,.?v Ado, of iocat 68,30. irsZado4cgoi of Ef_MRL toe, Blao,2l^A* Os Woodsy Owl by sold-ai N the toces %Additive,.lei' s eztertiiive 'mongol *cad Yi Eillk,,Va!goals Brown x ,,illtre, . '`Yellen, Calicos, Muslin', TaP, , , Threads, Bottom. Cloaks forlien Menno and F. with many other • ate. Pale to mom, willhe made kt rairt Parboil, 0tt.012. tpis Mks foi / o men, Gingl 1k Handker clels tool* t ten o'cli WM. 131 TOI the 01710111 in the ucty Pura ant to the ty of at the bona" I Schuylkill, in day tbn224da: the tonna* tate of the agit dean and lei without Fej Sterwiati to lewd late of =a tr of the 01 an loqt &Wer t in of Schi spoilieg appraise ► , attend it you ► HENRY of the couniy 8. load where you 04ipbol .111 public _ above.busineas nary a i' wt. no" the'atal bove r. hand.- for their t hat they 4wership oo t Ann of Maitre Daniel Klapp, Tavern, where stairies, and Skil iaterials ant eh they will :emplanes.- mad& to iceiyg i(i rei , to b it Ave a.ihuc of Ou JOHN MArh JACOB MAT 06 9. UPC. made GM prices fen /4.11 tine ilono at I pl punctual to mutt and • Orwigsbarg. I , e. • •Will.aell at the 20th day in Wayne to wing• lea ante ,in :. bogs, sheep. ' ~gba. barrows, . 1 die, and other ' quantity of Ho. re hada and bedd .. Not 10 eV be made k ~. ; TuE• • , Wenedsda at his dwelling edonty, the r, IQ wit: horses, gots, aesis. - straw by" the anion which kettles, tat* Sale to corn tImS Ofbeilitions Jai) 9' I • the followin • /WIL L 3111 EVE for sod Liq &i r ric"4ll 1 _rfo do" 'Lobo's Doff: Gordan P. Madeifs • • do do per Pale Sherry Co. do do k Wipe bottkd 'a auper.Cisaitir Superior old J. C. and Soil A kets. Muscat-d) Grape Jake Pico Pale Sicil3 Lisl 0 sucior` '~il~s ' 411iptoot Cognac Weans . Scheidam amoica A 4th proof' 2d do) d Nits and Ti od Lisp Alsosie Superior Do do do Do, "do Nee, No d• N. D. . rue] lir venally p. Tad( 9 El •he 'pen, rte. itehuslk H i 'Deppest tlei 'Peter I • , Votr,are has helm +Pi the legatees, Peter • r Sehey3 El dE; # For' sale Dec 5 Mini '-- . ~ 11* vimiieiihe inv4WaiAeb , 'iligiGilig lit Assembly -of this bilmmtintegithoiimiding the mode of aalingtramitedLsode Seethe payment r 0 Ci ty and Road Timm. the Ceeinoweineere o "nylkdi County will emcee th Sate at Pah -1 ?endue. oin the 10th day ofFelornary• •D. Ifitilk,at 10 o' ... M. it the Vomit pile in the Borough of ' rg. the *Hair. i rzlhomeribed orrend Tree end Lou. 9 1141 A tome in the oininty of Schuylkill aforMaid, Sir *Lyman. of Taxes and costa doe - Mt the add viral tries of Land. ' Bale }o cautious trust day to day until the whole be dieposeddi Bromwich township. • i EMI App Book ilco. laid iwkg enumert- NMI ELL. . 8-1 EMI =whip, roart..of ill be bald roskip' of on MoR• , chits& the rest s• tics . be done me; when -wooer} ibill i , - 8-4 i and the -4 the . at iaa. 4aukeugi s at, few dooaa a. hey have on , Dearborn- by experiane. Il at reduced dtr• 'ltSPair" bb tcnns. • they bops is paboasge. T. - HEWS. • 8.3 nblie Sale on janorryinaL jp, Bernina :forinhyOne GO by the WI, cics not MM. d raniitare, stoves, }iota At . . , .w.b . FD nb, jr. 8,2* . ERTY'• choice Wines on draught bottled tine Ito- 4 the Rhinis toe wine in bee- f toile dozen / Ind bottle / 1.. P. Tartriffe as in:ceier ier / "4 land Gin do do 'hickey Abele Whiskey. &c. &e. rs supplied with cheap as „they I gor quality. lap/elfofTeter is-"'township. in of Barbara • *riders, of said the subscriber +nein who are eswitatives of ,township. in 'Barbara Dep. I' said Peter the propor- Jacob Leibert and Baibaia: d that he will in the bor a 28tIr day A. M. when preariitAtives as wrrMAN, Auditor s and Lips, ANTiAIt. MI & itiefitt4 P t " . 11? et t t ' • SMI =o= It} r. • realhitel: • " -0 3 /K. „ 101 !"7 afld 11* WOFIFIVFOt OF. 0100llit VS Altt. John Pott " 2 Lots in omi/rebury's - Pinegrove township. s John Weidman Norwegian township. Moho Allen Jacob Ewing Jacob Munich Rush tw►nsLip:, Abel Thomas John Swart" Schuylkill twyruship. Henry Kepner Sanitici Moyer Tunes L. Dunn - Union township. • Joscph Rayon & lohn Price Jacob K. Boyer George Davidson Barry township. James L. Donn George Rahn Itroturwielillowiship John F. Brolist. West Pain tcronsibip. George Pawn • Phloem' Lew is • Philip Mintz The Conuelssioncrs will also offer et Pribrie Sale. at the same time arid • place, the foltowing Tracts of Land sold by them by virtue of - the said several Acts ofGeniral Assembly on the 4th day of October, IMO, the eooditions of said sale. not being complied with' by-the several myths. WM. Union township. 'Marls geichner Christian Fraud • Sao* George Johnson • / Schoyll4l township. Bower & David . Haldeman &ewe! JomerM Old Levy Downing Hemakiel Rosh townshpi. Jneeph Praha - on Doct.Jameson Pinegfrire township. Adam gerby • - George Miens Upper Mikhantango township. George Lehman Biaxial Heim ' , • - Nonvegiin tawwmldp Lame YarnaU West Penn 'Wershqr. SolomtM Baked Benjamin Grim JOHN BRAMS. JOHN SHOENER. Jr. 'PHILIP OSMAN, Commissioners/Mee, Or- / Commissioners wigßburg, J•la. 5, I€o6. ". 8.6 a, IsT OF LETTERS . remaining MINI Post Office MA at Pousinte r Jan 1. 1836 • • Jacob Adams blood Manes James Amerman : John Malin Mc A McFadden Jame. McCann Sontoel McFadden • N Pad Nonamacher Samuel Neisbit Erasing Buck George Brownwed Jobe Boyd Michael B. Bookie Mark Bracewell John Cox James C,arroll _ Jacob C.ourtright Martin Carr George Dengler Marna Dolan Chlando Doter Solomon Davit" Joel P=ian . John Roglirh Aaron lows Daniel Ham Frederick Hilbert Joseph Hasken James Hanna Wm Hari James Jackson Swab P Jones .Christian Kaudigt . Joseph Kimmel James Kellett Sarah Repel • L H Livingston George Lechler SIIIP LETTERS. Francis ChaMbens George Sherlock Wm Andrenrill4n Wm Thomas Thomas Williams. Martin Scott Persoeacallisig for lamellas the above Litwin please my they are ielvertiamt. 84 • - E CHICHESTER, P. II IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Peel A 4 Office at Tasnaqua..January 1,1836, which' will be sent to the Department, as dead letters, it not Whiteout bedlam the first day orApril nest. ' Thomas Atkinson 2 John Glum Archabeld Atkinson A. Beeline 4. Co. Mark Allison (ship) Cilinder Janos • William Brandon Michael Medkr • John Bennet (ship) Patrick Sharp Jon! Brennon Jaime llirma John Blom Aoglistureeifert ' Joseph Blew John Snyder Charles Brum Abel Thome' • Albert Deo& William Thomas .... se Gook (ship) ickn Webitir ' JithWeanTteld William BARS ' Jaork,Faust 2 ---LGO'Brien ' • - - N _-- — IFtBD. WPLLIAIII3,I'.34, i • •Jasl ~ • • : > Villa Frani ~ . Hcox aw= - • • ' ' . , • ~,- Almonds N4 r , CILIUM - I . ripe &c., for 11 Dec BF 6 - - -/7. 4' ,117 : Allll a.* , Glenidne_ Whits bow**. 14.cal:RTyr have 1;4 Wo la to hr cet exteadis iimodoben grj* lell store trivnlierpers;at Phi= sabs:4loolm44*.4iiih.occowltry , M UNINN ~- , .::;:- : ::,:.,77.'2 ..,..",.tr iirairaii -, likill amity, eallatarday xion.-111th' 4iy 41 • Witt. at one Aida r; at. et , do home OA in In Triakiisf bairc4.olpiT, ' 'yid ;alurilkwillik6 edniti 7 lti:stion it the incite °fifteen %oder, late Eu V ras or waystAilmibi_l4 4pasios 4 traidpiselu'ishi by TiVendise. a - a meemoste . Onswitient and trio Of load. • in - Waput loWnship. in Sehtfylkill- erwlety, ' ing Filty.Sii gems. *ohm or bus. bounded by- of .fooeph. Fortin 'John Sterner.: .. , ry Stein and other(: with the a. . , -4 , . . eensieting Of .- ft] double One Story Dwelling Howe and a Barn.-Late , estate of the said-.. . als , . Conditions or I be ends known at the and pioneer isle '1 JOHN FENSTERMA ; :": 4 • 1 ' - JOHN STERNER, . Adam' tors. By , order of the Court. • EVild'L. lIDOZINGER. " Dec 30 1.5 , I Clark, O. qi mis MEI Ye 200 202 fiIIIAMPAIGNE WINE. of the gallery Eagle Briadodegas article ler oak by . :Jae 9 7 11. IiIATHANS & Co. 400 400 THE YOUNG WITENI BOOK. . - A NOTBER supply of the Yoga. WWI , Bs* 42 ' 6 a mutable New Yeses Presoak Jest ream ed sad for sale by - a RONAN. Jain 9 . 400 200 200 400 400 WO 400 SOU OTI is hereby given that the eitheerthars Am c haps been appointed by the Orfibane Court of Sehdylkill county. Auditors to mention the assail in the hands of CharlenDsagler and Dimiel Krebs, the Administrated ite. of the estate ol George Dengladate of Norwegian towaship. in the laid candy ofl3chnylkill, - deceased. accord. to the order established by law; and that they will meet for tied purpose, at the mam of Michael Graleff. Innkeeper, in the borough oi Ors on Monday tho 25th day of Januaq loan o'clock, A. M. when and where all those interea ed as creditors arelwreb notified td attend. CHA WITMAN. JOSEPH MORGAN; MICHAEL GRAEFF. - Jan 2 7.3 WO 114 il4O 400 400 160 COFFEFS.--40 Bags superior High Scented Vitt. Old Java ace Inuit* Coffee, Sir sale N.NATHANS & Co. Jut 2 ' 7 405 400 400 400 90 400 1300 3 ioo 406 700 .400 100 11 0 100 400 o 4e6 obbiumi Catharine Pott John Perim Wm Promman Wat.l%-per David Rees Michael N Wine Win Rhein S Frederick Sehlendring Rosanna Shaken Rshert Smith Richard Smith • • Wen Smith David Treharnp Joseph C Vaadike Sarah lioaanagao now Whimrical Solomon Wile Frneeis Wade Henry Winekeelo-- Jacob World • llearge Walters, ME Ell . $ , - 4 'A; MI, •,,e, Public Sale.' irontsuANT to en oniclifthe Orphans , p oftilohnylkill county, Saturday the - 13th date rel/nNiry !emirs% 1 teelock, si.:a the' house of JoiephWeaver, ionkmper.ii gieborunh. of orwirbilrip 1 . 1 ?‘9 1 !'il 8 P 6 .14 Idiiltharatcf. of the estate:* thdhartrie Spay* late ,f the bol t ough•of Reading, detwased, will expellee m sale by public Tendon, alt those following demeibed miss. images, plantations and tracts of land, one of them considing of two tracts, t r i situate in Welt Brimming township, Schuylkill county, containing three hominid and screnty eight acres, ..ninety.threir perches. bounded by lands of John Kane", Qin. isd Snyder. Yogi 1?ahl and when, with the ap. porter.ances t consisting of a &millet borne, swit. terkarn.swrig homier anan mehard.--and also one otheratio • it and trio Oland. situate id Rost Brutiswiglownahip. in said, county?, contain. • ing 214 apses SS mews, strict adman% bounded bY lands of Frederick Bessinger. Leonard Win. gait, Adam Rohde. Conrad &hoop and Battler Rocke, with the, a ppmioaances, 'conakting of a Mg house. log bairn. spring house and an orchard —both. tracts see well timbered with oak and cliesnut,—Latet te. coda of the said deceseed. Terms of saki made known at the time and plain of sale, by JOSEPH R.f:FAY D. Adsn'r. By order ofthe Court. . BAM'L BUNTZINGER, Clc:rh, Dee. 28 1-7 4.,tALT.-50 Sacks Lherpool Fine Salt, for sale by Nti NATHANS & Co. Jen 27 L Emigres( Old Cssnitirsen Office. 77 ; cedar Et. Norville*. WM. llc HULL . Eimwor Port Carbon,' 'Pa. is hereby authorised to procMe subscri bers to the Emigrant and Old Iliontryman News paper. and to collect. the wary for tlie)sinui.— Terms afoul:Nevi, ption, nice Donee" Per itrour'h leyeliis is • rtibastec. • JNO.< II 3. jhllcierLETT. \ Proprietor. Jan 2 7. i~otiee. Fr' LIE Perttiership betetotore existing between the eubecrihers ouder tbs• firms of Neagh, .Levris & Co. at Yottsrille, and Nehgh, 1011 4. co. at PhiledclOis.l this.day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having dame against the said firms are requested to present the same to Jamb 801 l and Samuel Leiria for settlement, rind all those indebted to either of the acid firma lyre requested to pay the nine to them--they be duly authorised. to settle all accounts. JACOB BULL, SAMUEL LEWIS, JIENRY E. NELI6II, I ROWE B. NELIGH. December 291h,1835. • The business in Pottsville will be conducted under the firm of Jacob Bull I Co, in Plaid& phis under the firm of Lewis & Ball. - JACOB BULL. SAMUEL JABWIIL 1.3 J•n 2 (SRC/MERRY, China and Glans Wata.—An elqrant assortment consisting of • netts, &c. for Pala by N. NATHAN& N9v 28 2 -• Centro St. Disoohition or IPartnerolkip. llirtnership berehlors,,existiog betimes et! Wafters. ender the Sr.lo of Went. Hog.. 4_ Co. Philadidpkia, flodo u n. 'swi m . inei is, Co. Port,Perboo. and John - Pinkerton k Co. ft, ca li k,fitokarylkill county, isllday &s -miled by :OW unseat . Bo hr ' regards John PinkOrtap, who withdraws. ammo will be paid and received by Wm. 130dpon. Sr., and Win. Wog; Jr.--and the bedlam eamineted in nature ender the Arm efliVest, liodeses. A. Cu. Pld/dtsa u before. in . ;Hodgson it West, Port CatbOn :wii i o. John Pin w olithrie to 4et d Asset f i r the at Clair and rait- calk* • v. IN - it;:_ WILLIAM : 1 10630 N. . • jolt& •,-.1: . , . N. • . , Port tars6ll. fantitrilst, 1 •-•-. t, . 73 _ .1 ....hil * - 7- ' N. NATIPINSILCo. • izriGLl6lllo IFIED.:QUILLO, together MA With OM inumkel ems* rie Trip% • - . • 'kit:ANNAN: cued Blds. .hrmale by N. 14 THwlfs; , • -• ~ • • . , ~a~„ =A AllE14"1.1t ;:"1?-.:•*, • 1 ! 1 .t• iv ri•striis - hobnob* diciii•; I :AK Apo's' Mkt fristist*Soirdetla dt owitt Pititisodev, that r• has upset liar dr Pietatryliaula fleet btlisileour his past *Wats* 'beerpi4 a * eyseadde ietablisbussat, euedualdmiaß ato militia 'Muse veers is titmouse Said by digits to lbws sad appliattsea' to bal. '4og•kos *Berk a eoutlasettbe at 'poor Snob: aid ilitwilM e • a . noose% isv endear lotto l'estuytputia• flatbiuosy..sball tame apnoea tit a superior qsa served up mth e best skit* itad.ebery. of mei *at the Peon& airlift pelt afford is M ad.. RILL OF FARE. Stewed OysteTe per doses Fried do do . Roasted do •do Ventures 13takb Pep* Pot per bowl Feet Nov 96. 4$ New Clump Stere± 14 op BULLTVIS 4.SAiIVEL LE HA G parehased the entire interest or and Stollen Nash, in the Buret at the Booth West comer. of Cmtre sail Markel Mew is beraegb at Pasteeille i fornairly knots.. and'oondeeted ander the firm of Ne. j eRh Qi Co reaps hall! Worn their Ilreends 'widths pahlie generally that they Wend eastionieg the Winpme at the old sated under tie Graaf where they will be happy* supply their flied, end forgoer autumn nab, nere,Undni-at tbe lowan nnes. . They are now opening. in million to their former sleek, a c r is ti Le ni .. estensive.assomeent of in eirchandise. ' in part> of Dry Goods. Groceries, Liquors, Tess;Cluisa. Qoecnsware. a consisting of Cloths, osmium:res. 'Mimesis, Bonne* muslins. linens. Cantos flannels,glotes; stocking,. yeritkprints. z,bec tl iz gbams, • .. • silks, satins, shawls, hand kerchiefs, velvets. Marino; eiroutions, vesting', laces, fringes, threads. cottons. Limns, lk.e. wadding, tilaiiktia. coatings,. Plaids. . ' • CROCERIE& 111 a. Lipka, St. Domingo Coffees. Bt. Croix, Now Orleans. Havanna purrs. Loaf and lump do Near Orleans and Sugar Eon* molasses. Gen-Powdisr, Young Hysoa ffsucht o ll Posehegg and Bohm Teas. „ Chocektes and spices. Ace. :Brown and yellow soap Cloves, Mace. titlincits arle-elois Capful* pepper. mustard Bon and 4r rabbis Current* and rico JCbeesth eod6.l4=rel sad hewing Mould and dips Bachand bid salt Pipes and smokini d t s oliseco . • Spinkkhalfspaa and eanmacui NW" LIQUORS dt. WINER. Cntise and memos brandy Holland and amain= gip Old Irish whiskey and Jamaica. spirits New England fOll4 and whiskey by the big , Liatihn, midair*, port aid, malaga wines Assortment of Boob and hoes. • Croekeil. China and glass ware. - Glass by the host ' Thrpoot Eaglerukrlrtles. FFF. do. Blasting OP, B. 117 F. do AU of which wi llbe disposed of cheap* suit, or bre:change for cotnitry praises at the mar ket Dao ies. • pr 19 5-tf PETER S DIME 110144. g. AT CERTN BACA - V Minim =WNW EMI =Mi _ owv MSMaI JACOB BULL & CO. The rent and 'constantly ineressimy demand for the novel. of Captain Murrill, has induced the subscriber to commence the publicatioe of a` new edition of his entire writinge. in a newkinn, and at a redsccdprioe. Severe) of his wmts -dist have not yet atpeared in this' conned will be \ comprised in this series, which will, wben coon. #ictod. be the only uniform edition of hail writings that kas yet issued from the prem. b Tisk work will be published , in seen monthly Numbers at 371 cents4per Nuteher. ber complete in itself. and containing he wirde of one of hie works. equal to Two leo volumes; a Title Page to each Number. The whole series will be eomplste Eight Numbers, and will form a royal ocla volume containing nearly Twelve Hundred ages for Three Dollars. List of works to be composed in &la floor- Frank lejklmay, or the Naval ._ - n ewton Foster. or the Merchant 'es. - King's Own. Peter Simple, or the Adventures of Midship. - man. Jacob Faithful: ,--- ' Paella of Many Tales. , Japhet in Search of his titer. I titer. Naval and Military Slott Thar OM plumber trill be positive ear IY In hasery mid 0.11 whole will ke' by t, kit of April. The work willbe stereotyped. and I of the Numbers tan he hadequate, if any They will be sent bz pot to any of the Union, so ricked as to defy }he of this i mails. Posing. winder 100 Anita /I p er "bad, one 100 hiss ili cents. It is aimed useless far' that this as the „simple Get of the 00 L twOvs hundred, and I ' speaks for AWE The , as the coszunanorisrat i them With works et Adios authors. printed inn busuth per, at a pries thetrwill ci and place it in tlietpower awns library damsels at The advantairriftrameni , will not be overlooked ' , that The piiiiisha that the pukka will err {for is issue the works a staled priesAhan to kat to *WA per anunzi; ' the, .aysubscribe to r mid Meet eitaber. Pit that whit! they de sot I ' . 11711~lisre to the 1,1 1 4 i 1 4 1 1 oxmill isbogailml" , with tke May's Book one y IfeeeligliV The Dollarei iv nerlldillkt testifier are k. ' Additive • • - - No. 100. WO.- ' - inkseriptiees retleive+ , . Doe 2,11 • Mil ME hie*: of, ii WOW Wolof. Ms Ida wheal, ths, a -h! JOr 97 1 4 • - SI 124 121 9-6 co -- Vgi k as. 01 Diu .Do Dad !baba \ Do . do ° , muffins: I Ina buena &j u i i r t i od ' '4. Black. • urteinsi ' Plalds, " el I = Backs ' midis . Silk and rata umlallam Ladies avid radinaana bask* Mow ad Ilid' . /PM- f , • +Asti siwii . . lila knit. and bantam ,Ittue 4, Balk and Homba . tinis and plain stoat. Bkaebed and and main Dril. naturist .Pillsburg cord. Silk and - canon bandkerthisfis. DO. eras & do. sbawls Vesting.. Sias, lass, timid's. antiona.; ' pause f tts blankets. ecatings, wadding% ausper- dant gingbanra r aecks.tkkings, stash. and American prints. nevi item &e. • •GR .. 'td. ik:tagubiNe OP tt li br Mika ' . St. Croix, Nat Milani, Dirrindtri • Loaf and Lump Ned °Astound Sugar brae Molasses Gun Powder Tonng . llysou;Sonebang, , Poucking aLil Bobea Tea ; • PreparedCoesm and Coca Sheik Chases and Bakers Choeolals Zealand & Spanish do Variegated, Palm, Brat and Yule. sap_ ~ Clorkblebeogleikes N i Millers reffee.lC lo " ak ' 1 1 - Olives, Caper. Pickle's:is. Soy Cor7 a.W Cyanne P .111 rd Rama, Almonds, Cur nts. ' , COX.% Cod fish, Mac ~ 1 - Smoked an lobbied iben _ . • Mo.ldcd and Dipt C and les 1 , i Seek and Bbl. salt, t abs ' do 1 0. 000 . 8 Pulieb %Pus OW 0 0 0 I" Pee- 114- 1 'pima and comma ,duo 1 41 Pipes and smoking tokikels____ L ' ' . LIQUORS i = . ;mire , corbels. randy • 11 land and Ameassa gin - J eptritsillerer ragiand-rews M bar and mammat whlaker ' ;airy SI deb-a, brown an tylie she was. . C Irony and Idanpaillea M i asma do Lisbon, rat. . dry malign do . Malaga, muscatel' elated , ,do Champaign BOOTH & SHOES. Gentkiacne coots-an gine boob andainint• Boye do 71k) ' Oh Ledios gaiter-bouts. tarp elasGen do Sloroceo and wag ',While: • do Trunell.Detnant satin and dipper, Children and liMt* aides and &e. &a. , . Crockery. PAW sadGlis Were. iAll of which we will sell at wholoftle or retail 1:111 the most reasonable terms * cask (it in ex. change for country produce. Shore and Tavern *ern* are incitedto Dec 5 3-4 f - Miami Winded!. Sir INERSfinei the Lead mines le the north of `. 1 !• England, or from Cornwall, will find good intaningement too &path to world* the Gbld mutes of North Caroline. Theg *HI be employ. ed-*-vrarit by eootteetoind engagements willbe made *del for 3,6 or 79 trionthe The Mines ' are in atahhy section of country. where living is chea p.--t rf land will be d,- gra (* nted fr ee of rent ON the use such as have &iodise pale of improving , A ly to the Edit*. of this pier... Oct 24 . , Ti 49-If . 'Furl! L _ FASHIONABLE o AS, , . do Fur neck ~, late' . For Glove! , Fur Caps Fur Collars for cloaks 4.*ats • Just received and tor sale btt, Dec 12 4--tf N. NATHANS afj, AGEOGRAPHIC4. and ; - • of Europe!, doeCeibinotee • • • ' • • "PoloilatkoheoTOignalloversunest,ldebiirs • Go, army, &s. of ito seveeittountribe • • t dep.—Pike%) cents. /Get received and bale by B.&VIM • Dec • . 4-. itIALMON. Mackeril. Jgt.--ni/d and' Piet7 led Sabooo.—No. 4+4 Mailimel. for • b 7 N. , MANS, 10 48- o. Ceram - 411141 Spien r., 4111:reamed from New Yeti 17re, e large asearlowat et moor which us, New inel faehkseble Priebe, - de .de Midyear, , Clothe,Carshweree end Saltinettec Cotten amid, wed* flaseele ! ke. - a : 4m Ch* 94..49- ' ..r. .11.11,4117 TY. _ t , in*sing • '0.,_• 1 1112_ NANNAN banjos& received W tap* el L`w ° the felbwingionosise i m a m ~ =Megazine, tooadtkr pile, each 111 i MatritnrY . 1 alp Illk.. Book elTowlahlp • I .Ai 121, Nook ofDiveteket, 1 de -12 ,t MI SEa EMU =MI '''•. ,-,'" I, ' • ' 7- S - . • ifiers - -- - -444 , IL ~,, ahiiii L... ja --,,„ , -•ip,„,,,.,..,-,.:11. ; - ~-.....' ...a - 111 . :N effOrTeL74 - ', OI MW , '. I - - "'' , . ic's l 4 - . - i i 4 1, 14 = 1 1 1 - 4 i4V - : - ..-?- - ":1 -1 • . ' i '''-?:,,,: al-- ' - Aeamilaulair,-**Ar i ,liettlirifihe'440 01 k, - , - ..%-; i", , ,,;', 1 ° "pOsties oust ist-r iessmitale.mszp,, ' . ~.','•,,-'-', preplouss is *42llPeriet stetse_eq,ll l ol ... - -.1 0 : 1.. '3 !FIE 4 - sesitsei - !ifiri ' ll= al fie; 5,. ..... 'ILli dist awl tulg- 'l ull" ' Awe 11 1 4 1 1. . • : ~1 04:4014 dendeet Aimee; , .., , _ 1. ~,, isiWei--42, We sod bee . -IP , .. . I , ;,, beesigiaoor=i l6 7 o4 • , - .- . ;_:•„,;' Afit t pessi. , laa- 11 .1 611 . 2 = l --. 2 •! l if< -' 3 ' am est thitilift, ~ 116 - c;. 1 , - ''' - piddie pa hilbeesed tbat ' dieje — Odlistk :„ „, - 297 perobtititever tan toimObeforeircior- - theritieele lila eitf%eleakester,l l l atie9llolollS it • "media the wet 01 1 9.:i" ', a " 14 , "? 11 12 41111 " 11014,90.2iWilieaaeh t ot r " 1 014, 1 1-.4 1 . .........,,Ptio . , "frg- i 7", arsbo abase Opeeiikl kit licaissi Mar ied is for sale at tidesiliee:. :',-:,' ...'4.?.... :itt i Sp i - • 1 . : .. ::,-,,,,, .4 ": ...,:lity4 MEM Dri tst. war a clauts.--* tintiiiiiii "Aiwa- • vv I nor Fatter Wilder,Cbsiiii.= i -Pk nitt Sy xcissrli worts ocak , -PNI 'liner -1( - 1 Sta*Clitiiioti• _ . psatahOldit___ l Fv l .l rtil/Flred aletherem Ma th is- Ullnademmi* ‘J. 14 al Law l Nci.ellibteLlt:ftw!Wai - AIS:, in, ' ,•4, ' T Plilledimos,rarii*Orp: Dear Mir;—Toiik "Panacen't hie' a ~ ? a curia rennrkalik. that 1 feel betthi la ilttiltP it. My heather lineee.abiet thtee I l lwaris WaWlik`.. wee aMieted wi th a severe Mimi Orsarethisr-ti - f . Hie head was adnpletely comet with.: ' ...• thickand close that they greW t he 1 and bib thile and body were eeveriotalen with' -, memo fore% be! eras andesi the , siiiisil Mediasi treatment for nine mosthei without ~11alv least g amosent4 Emilie worm dadyien,. variety ef remedy was need, accord " ' ,rogeler preetieeohnediehm It was 'ARM . . when he wee kothed upon aiiiimgrable thatl;ll I mord .o 0 peorin - -abes7.lhr bleir lbw ,. AO itisqr 'ilittic l l 6 o7 ' ; of hit midont met ''- ease half of the. boalth. It ism he titimi well I. any boy of hie tie .1i wm.kheg, _P-1 11341 V caaramenr,} which Swriurf &Mustafa m 110460 My 'Deer dme whets PC t_acit' MOW low wlth army general "Ono anob iikryorma t 0 'di rendared me .a in idly Minot m with me and deity been woonds, and tir the effects. srg ragaration gmnr atChiitsaM , el Wing you qua tbat vOgable ( than urralf.. • Y imam, my T.• Mr. w , tiasees. OMNI p, &Cum as Mrsdilk Cm, I deem it a duty ... afflicted Poe about thi . 4 ___Alesridlams --- Slicers, or what was ea ' Kisiri;:• - .11,11 .-, Vita l i oars i tumours on d t parts ....lid" fir *kW particularly on my , ..• , - Audi =tusk , -which broke iota '. - - leit 300 : lieke:tbsee in to y k and ,', • ' want - Mfbol •'.., i that it was wi th much diffictiky .1 - • MMltifei'' ;:,.**. my fo od and dr . ink, it would ,. , . - tiently 'rani set o f the ides is sly I Imps . $.. or ulcers on my &sic ' ..1.Md;e414 with a:foliations of ths bones, ' , • . .. se im ; =l=k b ot y do an i T h :b g iri t . ► , .... 1.4 Attic a time. • I wss cblif i re s d be : . •- , ~ 14 . 7116We5t ri could not lie, for o f , - ; 014-.11 - had cough, and the so fpr weire , eir . ov. &nave. I was athro by , . *fflialiabl: ... physicians of Naiad ~bi , . p - 'sytiefi t tisA. i s . to low two y es and h at, 4" •-. ' thieilaffeik. , forty bi r ee ni , imith;r - bi thdr oi ctr whi dallir ch, l i rai ll* , : i ! many retnedi Made in imita tion Of Mr. !Pan. I offered ineeii'lethi. , ierhkipei "St = l/ and wat ! ' a 4°,4: to illoilts Lapelegarilii, ! ender the earner MD. Wiliteli , I 'Wu to him in a- gee; faii F , - . .lp, A, • 1 .who - firet refloat *eta ... - • =: F U ~.,': f::: RA 1 , 1, ,.... :. - --..,:r. . ~...,.e. WO 2 51 `4` 414* .7.4101 4. , jorliet ~riski*O.;,— . .:- . ' -4 iioo`'''; ''.. ~...= d...7i i i/ ~i, - - 7" , 14, _ . iii. ,~; 15 11111 •.p. , ,ve.:- . . iisite. ~,..-.:•,'.,:.,. EM -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers