The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 09, 1836, Image 1
It=nl Ist irlte tibia Coffee. Mee Fraaklta. --- —Suave, PAdars... Ns Posit.. 01 White i. groundli Rea Lett Clue* ~ Ptelst Ye &slur LONA Co pes 01. V lutol Fuji, htiarittic ' Eforma . 'hut- Aci Sap. Carl Canes. S Windier; setwerao► . War foi tierWit4i - • • I F 44 1, tbo cereal' nio. Atom. L of ire Liver, at- For du - aispasafe, ire the Dog's Fu' imtla aver Ow* pfr tiameta • hansom ditt above, aa ise *thing tie pnie" art the aemmaelt wand: t r Ir ==i I WanKW( jr lir 101516.1A11111 jjkalfliki4 01M/1117rX: TRW iLarralCorida:CMlMlCiti*Ortrg.i.g4loll6ll s4.`rx.aclat TOO TO iffitics - TORN STOWOI4 .': - I 'NEW GOODS: A01:1P1 T. /FIAZZARD re :4 1 1 0 1 OPY wi• inform* his men dr., the ettizeasofPottrulle. and the public in ,gencral, that lie has just re. geNrcri (Arad a large and ' t of trill ie. tided GOODS, consising - part of • talk. Waal . Wenn. olive. .drab and sten! lutist clo th s, do do do =mime to do aattinetts , red, yellows green sat white nnedr, blue and dish Hulkinvis lwarni , cud V 11 ° 1 ; ewthi. t ''' . "'' il teens. canton flanneL napped firatitm ha fahreits, silk, eakiricia,snraridown s toilinetaildllameilles) resting, a large assortment iit Offhand high co lord prime, damask for rablifickalwaluama sad bird eye diaper, gingham., colored muilims. ilisil" i lines, Rsubdataam muslin, back and brans Hid- land, plain and cut ink retrirtioks 'anti Pool- I en, silk and cotiOn , homiery; Thet casiancre,silk ' and cotton shawl...cotton and silk handkerchiefa' s ! end cravat", luduis Fmnekand Dalian silks .for ladies dresser s thread, bobbinet and , eattrai laces, edgings, noiltings and inserting*, an assmusent of ribands. and Olken". Irish limas. long lawn, :Men camte-ick, candirick s *ono. Swiss and book nuisdins, French and Hagfish rocrumes. ' esreassiang s 'bembaseirus, bombazines; 9-4,10.4, 114, 4 12-4 rave blankets and counter Panes. gen- Grabens buckskin, btarer, and buskin &res. la dies hoskin„ silk and kid gloves and mitts, ladies geverturns and chili* ' " and bleached _nuslinsi, of ready made eiothir fur-seal raps HARDWARE. CE . AND QUEENSI I ' Also a good assail chased with pane 'et - dar_legard tag is part of =1 ..ales, will 1. 7 0-tweiterfiee is no basi be pest RS 3 .IOI7BIVAL astsColtireliouse teclapturEschioge. Hitler P.M • AD STREET. or Soca S S OF A lb. %taw* Emetic AO. Uric. tint Anatid do orphia do wipitar I"%arcot Nfittera 1 do. 9430, tosre.Boraa . ticks-tow Ats.. Drugs amo le.Cbanicaland es estamerated Aleiresto so- ICI.NIE. Alt effictc7 by ebteirbere. %hogs= s. A complatfl. free tote.of: Abu tun A eatbortie: and ntanote. °tame fin eating of badl of to the pow of oho beak* it to debilitated not but' to lAN. N. eir • owityCoaton PILLS. prevestiee preiroillikur &pore Fever.: ales* ebe etimac+—t ramech.. AO a sppas arhac titan frver ad a- N:2li f iirtrts ibt eke xi/ow, +.7, , e. ; - se re NNAN. p."„scrtelet iL•eiL • 'FPI° r.- It thefixeaspies. ar 11F, fat , Fails* puma ' tot!ig• MEM • Wines, ennfials, _ cowmen gin:old llammandiela brandy, rye whisiey, N0..1 barrels and half barrels, • SUPESEIIeit ' Salt by the barrel or =airbus, spermaceti , with a variety of articles be will sea Wholcsate rea.sgitble tenni., for ar * Abra m hand F, and T? blasting stiperioe lgetgle powder. The bigirst price Predspre. • Country gaii!cml%;;ao call. as they cap be a rsearly as goad _ them from naidelpbe GLESIVS COa Teel! 'VMS compooad arrestute sad prrerso kccpin the teeth and , eeeditiest, swertestiag tar. and terwring onus • It is insabliandy reir a salaahle eisusrause, which saay M lased shay 'ride greet adwastarlpoilse teach sad gam:. at the same bane leasing ant atereahie aessinition fig tin sweittii, There is iss acid in this wash, saw -any iiiereeiv' at coterie/ into its asetlissiticia bat swi-b. as is bights breeficial tii the teeth. Price Sal cents rer souse. For 11- MERV CANDLE:B.-1M I. 114 re Moms Camtes /eft !Twelves!! hews PtAadelrbra.srad for !mkt by fOct 31 313) . T& J. BEATTY. WIVE Row Lip Salve, jam reerinal .ad far salt by - • B. BANNAIi, dee 14 - 4- girtAcKG:vm mow WARW. , j ean revettri a- 31 seJ sa:e AJ C. UA.,i NAN. Dee 5 Salmon. .NICTKED endSniTows. Or pole Iry Dee 1:? S N 4TH ANS & Co PERFUMERY. tt LI A!V : 4 .: A.S has past re rived oo eonaim . - 11 -ar• areor. a large anaorrenent a Perfatery. erverovire and Fever S.epo. of tine ver i 'oast rtal- I it" whirl, ni:i be '0r.14 arbettrolle or retail. al a . . very small &dance_ The tannic are Ccanpontsa portvon of the at twits: • Otto of Root Soap Otto editowe Lip Salve Orneu do Toilet Peinkr 1 , Parlor 4a rhkeibe Tcartb Wear I Cream so Cohort* 'Pieter - l Camphor e'er Lavender do • i Lavender kr Florida do ; Teatime Bean do • Preor. Saki , i French Farmer do Teeth Severer ~. i Otto RomeStte_tin 'Opener Lavender We. I fivorrOß . E.VeSOIC Tooth Wrath 1 India 0114 Dye eartionse Dertrinee ' X ilk- dr Rases Etc- Brown Wordier Freckir Wash Sapp I . F. Nall Powder Hair Brastrea. Old Java cog: 10 Baca,- P. aid Jaye Cleave. • earner anseat. tor Amid! • ibesair Are S K. NATHAN'S: /ire. Tract IPe'w&ers. OLIVER'S Kiirtraird Vcaat dua. sweated w`i,Pailiale4tda sap a eakimaisal Gor likkv"2 lo 1"cav44•61 recitswi *ad air sake by Dec 19 T ac J-BEATTT- • rPFX.IOIII Alas Llimbe Pima Apple rot erne by &MAKS & bee 19 _ 4- Kim is Nit seesaw id isimpathy. IN anti , as& Sylpesseei, sue seder - walk. se gas _ __l sedi an asisber. Its silk sloe did ebis priSespido sasses to sil nor easel seal sad .9111IFAI . all , • nne rsintutica. , Acespbed smisisz.l issemsd alli. Twee I ik 8 this is a sessessfeepete *ben liaaaama I i aas atillaal macs media it ersll we mei& Are isseelest. es seli es As Shesseas Ciser-f side asset stem 111 Wiwi amain listadeas 101 l Beim iiiickaibes. sail am:* desecirys ekiene ties s h ii iisibek seise sub stheies'eleS as suideerie leaf the veers iselestesse ellespeeloef. deestlidalkseiefid .116 *i ns mai l idhieddledailsiliente awes se sireipisiislisdigsser is Liss i eseises - sad ids. weds: reesedY. - erliellrbp dile: amirediissi ism tbe isans. mid aiiiri;bus tank Wins 111. [ 'is espalidei theme 'ad pee- is setipsiie ems suseleseire -seresiiie; sisal seedist therssiseil *IAA' *writs i be .. ifees. West is *eat sa ssiessidee, vast as idlyism& foist ssriees ar Sidisiise then se siss y posse es emsdier. These lONS 0111M11110 gipsiggegatd - dada'!" *lair atilt! Eitant eskitssee , is keseliy is aim *es ems d ie ere! mionindi. sit libel iiiiiiii is imiseimmos. Ws held sguspedikak i itt, r e le meims sed i e melee tbekrls fit* bi*lifi t tk o rm.... ,_ l' - 1 istillikine'sfrtber - o.pow if . - ill „killing - si ..lirsiik fib .., ilailleillel - rasa air cisiatr;4lthlorkeiragit *Oa ii. fir iiiiiistriapiril ilea ISiiiiii i ; g s b A ginvillrimis„.it isl es! " 'thof triedt- beli.'amiestml aged iiiivoiliek Is fiat edisi'aitmotisr. 111.1" sr vrae' eesemli livid et iiirsiii -Ea - • kiiirr iiiiiiiitimastiumi"iiiimistingatai Alisillideliiik semi Wis. Atelakei. :. ' _ -. ,• .• 'I •' ' ,• ' i lissedidessiersesisdidElestess i 1 -For ideal elk Silesse - Miiiiies teesegsra*Neeslissej Iri ltbas: csdkeeisist. IS laatUarill ,;.„ .11 1, 1 1W + -•' `4 l•" ; 4' # lOll4- - 1 q 0 . 41 -I*l i rr l #•" ll W .,!. . , . . :, ,'; 2 •,, ~,,-,,,,;, .. ;, 3 ,:',7,.,,,,....,-,1 - 4,- - - 1- 2 711% , :: -,1.i.,,./411r;;;-7-414.:,3Z,.*it,I.-- MI MC am?fatlaa' 11B=g1 , . ~ • • 0 5 " :- Z,'" .. I ..'—: - ...; • 7-: - . ‘' '. - -----, ..- 4.‘ \'' - _.... ' .. "!;— \.\ o2:‘'t4. . j°7‘ .. • ...' 'Jie ': " 1 • 1: : . ‘ 11: . . ST WILA,C-41., Stand op o3d war-worn Mora; sissieurshese., once the bold guardian ofthiswesteris had, .-;" Where o'er each hil3„ each riverAistectpiabs.,l The flee bola newt dace held her &aod op 4,63 . tlty-tri t ildt die e .rice.' , Her loud . king all rings Tar airier Ow shies t Frorn East to Weak front North to Mouth-kirseig She owes the debt keg. longoapuW ," To thee' , she is th e time of perinea* *implicit She ap then at ber tidditith Crithill ' n. And claim thy &saes Soo her a cr id '- The Tim es old ratite his sleeted oler thy - hes& Tho' many a vetedieti ennitenisi with'the ilaiii.l ia Who with thee y Sought icithashly hluds: Yet proudly wig eisiotty owls has stoic 1 And terideas wreath thy raker soh 1 While sistirood is *to wide himishAtlatil That quicker Mroidist when o'er each vslieand hall The tong dnisti s ltirsgs war-tellsoop ttartrex noth lifiliblY Oat. wappoiring„-tmistrek, -.- .. Gem-and iseimt awansts.' weikesonvi aadreemanan Aty Arias to* its 411ets and ttnis steratimlisay ..,- eery assinia in* Weillets sews Si. pram leis l ie' .ellasievemsdc sihrtaidint Ire -' Ilm a y bintsm% ch# 1 11 the mi awn their From the 'New York Ifi !fine' ! sides.-'- insainhed thuds. aow r oRT o" l tpitE. 01/GOOD 031.0tfi. ; imam the itself tether Myminpe. A ertle.yardi k' A Seas --Writs aum/tarrintict by Same wdeura poetry: for we k..a est the rah ordain Lows ,. Arabs. at Mead. imd R o o m ~e h e w n & . who sleep beam* so. • We are had so we milker Twang gory.Orliont coma Kathleen Paso. , liPs° the sow of Peariesta.astil beaks. sad Mom. lie trashed 11111 0 hitio/1.118111 ahem* mike dna.. 1 41111 .1 1 , gget: • e''t Ilk sit sarsthersal tioarliil tdwished ,_:,, L ___„ ......;,.. gatiarea to . 1 ,,....,_ the sods we , Irma new" %The Soarer that him iti:olWthe."" bit y sii oe um ,. sa r - T - t ; sesta by the way site. and the bads that sing a. heir, , the breath's. ye pastir; for us reetarsas * Nos kart be ii . • mein Eatlaka amid cry , ' ui di'. bey 12 'd beioiseess. sad , air; .. ma coraterne, tW emcee hand it= lim mill Rcproar on her hp, but a wand• in bet eye. • Wath vas: tricks I ihnit boos. is troth, Mint 13 ° Mar yd km the 004 mum* sad: ele . FM Oast. mod artapendona of its make Faith some tateettli nte pal at nay cloak in: , _ I ,hav m I/11" lei Imam. time limmillinklim. Which the mem dwell WO thew season a mom se - side oat.' . Via : jewel.' says Reny. 'dud muse it the way. t ii mi a.lui'l,„ _ l'llawerbithi,_ _ cert. by • brie lees i sm- Ylc or ated nay ham for tkai many a tiny, ease a bas e -awl/ ewes isorobad M. sated ever i Asassed that I aus.als4 why tott„,to beasts! , thmikkm e m so* it man& Ate day. Ikg won- F its good hack mists/1d /trey Crlikse. 'aid Wore sysmathies. as ftwing- san that I flawed ,my esepas As 1 Meld, tale by seat beside zk i ,d, t h ee ; sa y s lEl44am wont think eras be *on. and hates to ktr - swert mice. end rhino. him. i whom oiler an accord she mums her mot. 1 hurt est. a promise to sombering Nike; f sod rile; sid email to de sofa, and kens her I The that I wait on Mime:F.lV hr hawse." cheek epos her Land. sad sort rota awl. I 'Faith; s Rot . , l'd rath e r lam you than tile , mantes base it is that she shoed ism desist 1 gr e l .• • has yam MICA de soot to fauns wadi her nat. New. Reel , • 111 en if Yee .lost let tae • VIC :- : dies, sad that/ whited her *supine& siplift she Saxe I dress eery sight that Pm Mune yammer ' dye. 1 sender brim it it than de charm sit.str. l n.ttir sass Rory. Vast same rat nekagatrAi tobena.' fa she a tacitses mid reserved. Emery few.- For fibensies always go by coothrieunes.alY drat: view acct" ants el /*w a y th e it i g wer, isb a ohri c a e l, ices" dreaming that PAW tilt yes die. ' ammo is knew that / lowa her, though 11 Mew And tope woman will Om dirty might the ' told bet its and / tied--oh. metier. usty yen sumo his ' A lag' I fin" --st mate proper thee."-losmr tee like M And N.,,, pleased th at f ani. as?. sky sat tube sore phone !--that tam hidared: The - ley assuresce , Swam us ail Mr good isek says hadd /tory Crdore.' I have of the tam - is. a look; • ma% sod tad ssl 'Anal., Kellam*. way sarism. roes% bard me lei teat !eery. She eitairolo sem a bright ; m gene t mama ter tom.. Ab !thin Talcekin 1 onk .40,i I've thrash'il Sir year sake Diary Ganes 'Aims. ! Bow le it 'deg we me ilithe : and JUS Daff. • t Ferret Aril the aredintrahly amid Sued, ' 1 And Pin made myself. trialung mar heed.: al li air *TIM a Well *IOW hue er gnus a taste. • - . a !in maid kit wily I Mae her, las sass the feel-1 . 6. 7, tame, atter lin o may wit 6 ,. die ~,Z„,..„. ; i etsdarmat be Um. She is wit hassiessic.-1 'thaw, gory. te e, nva „,,,, st ab m u, anis 1, bas I se/ de sot Ism bet for Mr Musty: she is net seek - • graceful. maw bit she has no istioing ! So soa and sav white. vrithsint &cede or spud. eiwke * Walt with i the tatimel leir And be look)/ in her eyes that err. beton* Ill ,_ i i i s im illuirWe ammo Sthei leaNd arid light. de deresamd. 'Thee. she has a dusk eye. A i d. b,„ kited 6,4. „ met ique_iiiet you t hi.,h h o het the I Lea her Mire I &idly sew her ermi eras astre - 777- .7 maid silitatilim ahand Mt tier faurbed Misr That's Wen mem le day. that yeresphistil am IV fir the Il lie ha" redalm- 8r speak. bi- 1 beim" 4 in, bat sits amee by ad's sae. sad yea seem 1 Ilium been gem ateithee oar be. ma inakesem.i to il t, „ . ii l k ibit_ ~,,I " hee, mr the whole- Are Yew me 1 ireir dorm , boa ii, mid tim ,,,, bms. .. ~..„, e L ,I Ms mom twee her. NW ens boneging no ymersera 1 d'illorr- --"-- ---1 is cumin cadititace, amid a didallt gamed al 1 _ erwareireat eeleweeig7 Wiese berth lewe'vehe i , atsys ma a med. hattestms bog mid ithadkg idle f the .tear. amt dm berme her fins is yak' add t MI her ern yea seat maim whams id eismitnuel and rimy. lb is emcee spapirdy that hiatia_ j am and I anti meepe Gust /1. e I weal. II beim Videentint made is imam: the fkilti be .saes INIZICat me are draws la met Apr,—! 'Therms& is mmelhaug meity.."-,-ball lalallse.i remk4 the ed and inchmeyed eesey.ielAsimmat tit: _a see„o-aarl harm gest easselbliadittiteld it is the anleiestif ay isr. , lid diere me Wither symmilhims Meg— mammies' idly grail& ffit is shin Tali .11, abstillp iliteds.-40 in ir brelai 11 1 0 i l l:' sinit eripsualimbria.-r. rei . sass . it, Ai • sly,-the s ied. ir:imicas. ihr ftede." -- Mar alt is lie lid reiri. - : adadea 7 'vide L inda. - ,isieibiereakitgthe - ' - 1111bObein. i h ;Thit minewer dt at ammill irsi iiii .44 1 ditilise . ..ank Throe" - ilicibis c lzwei so t iviem-lihNi — vistagi .40 111 *Tril aghpiemi 1 4 - - wiiimis - * gime , , !ilk ir . ! -, Wu. iskiirried ' la. mem Meade Seat 'dial. aid* la is. awl any Jai a omit ideate iihis 17 ' 'The saairapmellitietadi , - pastiti4esiisaff idea iisser 11 . 111 .0 1 . 11 ., : ' '' ' ' 7 o l 4 l.l.ll i i i ii - 1 , 411115 ' V. - 4,,i, -.i,_: - ;.,,L.,.: - ..: - ;. ,- - .4.-- - : - = - ',, 7 : r-' - -- -- ;•i - . 1, '; - ii- : - . ,:b-i. - - 1 6, , V , ;:: , •3 , _.1 - ' .*; k. ',..-,;.....:, .r..,,' , ;--:_ '7:- :7' , '1,:., - B. PAN? AN. =MM=MMMEI 141 r SATE_ RIPAI -MORNENC4 JA it FrCAR the anclimati, tiailrt*te. TO GEN.,IyIII. B. BARRIML Iry Deesae. NECKS!' SYMPATHIES. Inge tra I ImOtiiiihrli. it*d , • rei orifient, epidariar the yr , Insamm feekerit prisoiftimant Sir se elie4 ilia af r o. gloid****l Ile*. 1 homers_ la fans einsaviiifiustei by. qty et a loirmlarint. , prima far desist , Sedan wilh a prong . ...... The sardea, alter smile time. suppoving Ism tie a s they are this* al* dol ' 4 . ' lijaadlrl'int, WY* 0 13 ° 111 /W te*l** 4 vailano be seerat - mpFde i tem; talilbeiv- . hear,,sa sass"; the One& his amifstimihk.-- ail' _ ' 'in' Wiens. hi 'times -..1t , Urea En. itailaliEsTmveredthatlbelad • diassageimiteniteateam " and tamed le moos; to wises he hlldreenen the onsag a rgy of Mint : inasi Imes hooll!,aelog . ekes paean's. and irttialsaammal tens. • 16 , Muir, • that • etukt It fbot, Wu! tea !manses &meant aith evillest th e g ya a 4. 'filth beaming)" sniuryAnite.,alla* This • mum& 'thaissemeni la the ' moth jp lm inikiecOliele,' to *Massie Oes..— wed int t de meassethes indanna. Y• S mith * he 41,11.110 Pao wish elml'illircalim% There are. we an know. open aeidMinamt a t ante th i n g s l oth. sad ethinesolisies lathe waapathics amang meta , as th ere awe miser. .a a a a a a t h it - com , fiva, ea t th e oa th " an d a ki2t Thre ire; toy and suatevigennisnloannes . A sympathy; he vielasiicat bet II WI - *lregte.ltaa s let man and man, and ussind wouVen,:and chained his'' - amiasies iiiimitilleims aagda. and MSS aukohn, barmemies Oe* wilt ' amid Aissi, asd mane Issivene, These reemattlethenn al ' y. 4 . tea - , -f .l ! the 10 °. 1 ' 4 ** ma kuvuVa L ambiiasee. hoc *tee. F We We ea b leee With Wiiilleb daigeollnsileee ' tow ifieteliCe. CID insmneas to step ..itr.-eaddt' am I that at Lies wisetionblahthat thereisneihowlir ;On oroaterove. Dar as ntholabe thaw , Avithat is not erpressad;andoe,l4 ,vortvisi7 'the amont. Ashen vievseCie r4 i asthsheihriterrasit •ter itlrlito -3 ** mid Parir• — vd the .criest key slack 1 •&e.aaelea lima Ito may. is snap a sestihe " ell " and. /7 brisOln I better than his tokth.told bin " dillgilli' l a each mho% *Wm, a spade., iris bad benne lave vv" a sceptre? ;lobe as our semi spews. -Irtilhassr• and tivairant. tbe : and usdeUey. ' "'ea.° 41 the i llgittr4oo' ed. haw s th oughts sad *Asp ieli theria eat I, . ..ammiltifitv****Ow _— secerniee fix setaivariatige. they am Tres. Peed led in th e leaguer if scholar if ties edit he _ ukazio — t li 4504 expreNid. scent eyiiireities4l eisch, swages af the mind. , :and they amaeser m a ile me to aye!. 'mai air:. ' Anhe ircoasi the& wired dawn mitheaayitodent.- " of muds. Min - . ' •Pv* 501 - eressi. Litivi ilia .aid: leg. l'beGad srbp Snide she shred sot mph* 1 ... **me brvothao as betirelk semi a via ad' imin : seeds sat r i ves, , irmelecs 01 the sod %bey. one a opacity lor i lthilr anerraissi lumarleti. Eat of being analysed. The lehielf be gives net to '//niche skay'ir elismeterespos thenran lan. IN itegmbiefiseists Inman " r. -tmelboi -- sion; SOW leehests langsarsartivestars . lis the .61 et nhto*:' , 4 r _ „."41"1"ro, their viM* l ., Agtot I 'keen its monad cottage mad Irbai l 11 " 0 ! al /Me* alp! ,thnban. than'. are. his le alloffiser: aro ftmoiri al eesel* ibis* as to thetickind the tithe *- Wham fa use' man sloe pthinie at the_ fide opiates and - - ainkiddia told Out SOI V*s7 * ttielielisesidAmit *mina siosipis liatstissesis. in wooden His veaoSee-. mat greemid. and imarstiantimr. feel tusnal that theme is a Cr* the seem iv3ralcathaes ad gam rill- tall r his idea arlaxa. laminas MA it bk. . • 1 Caning. CpeLlfeli . ' 4 , , . • Mir et Wesiiiltigilit•— the Bangor Cootie' !irtitir t 4l. he dal :.-- Tbe fadhiseihie cheeks Otto a , heti* r. 1.. a16 ,.., 5i ... 6. so. „ lam a i i - tel . cereeel*th e4thia ' ' 41"beallaillii .,_ _ iii; -74.7 1iTi Ileilkilq letior*Viiii. :, ovigure.s..Teset bids isoo LlN. ll ° ll w. l e"""" 118 =Ambe hill bees Myriad; tbeii fie *UM Mitt ', miry woad mitt LfrielkOar Av *se that - . r wadd bins torsi; "irbditeillow 4 liadlNV Amajuum i ammaasn Om , . ° lr • ." , stein ' - tides ILIUM* ItOitine l , ~. - , ° ills. . by a: doers dissitiamtbietim, .'41.e41. the gracee—gemen wide au esscared is . . b „ ... ... bthena. . mociblio Vasa isms azudimml by 7 b4frerri-"Wanbn __,, ai th io B Peei s k,_ !ty CO is pi.g77 " ..... allaZ•1-1 thikallt Fres& ad Gentili' m— lees nnterinnen. •m".. - .1 m s - l u ne ar ib, at yur. of the Prime •COrame—ifia IA ! 11, `'r EnPu I MUM Orthi ROMONS Wha bait INIS I SIVaII Dromems—rsedulted at an babas • ano-0---oti an an a datsissii, * e a v a l t er d i rr it al ibr- mil" 51 tire , 5 1:sha fa tf isvil Ibm Dassis b7 ilia : re d.., g 146. * . Tili r l h r d . , _. ,I . 1 .. i. ..., -1 —des{ wawa! 'EfiPlemilli - tbe r f- 1 -thl ße g el - - flee Chime volts bersevo 1/11041 bilitt'' L irtir. —sad the elarriesks . or all tbe muted tre , - rat. _____,_ _,, ._ _ rescues: . larreetPatb.." AI thoeuff Oeoir , ±..7‘ 141 ., __. 7. .... . _ _ . _ ....1 .......1 - 11. Ad...6,--.1. the 1 . 11 1 r:,,,,. i „,e_L__l B6 ,„," .. 311,0111 r , S Alps—aimiledttshimmoi "= - .... i .. z .o =-..............=.7.7 . ,,,,rm ..,,, ~ 8i... at @AL helms let --;'--- -- T a Aii iii - R omac; , merged slootutiore ors I r ninalictn,„ r • d a l thie ' shalt !maks iiiittAim'rmii = Aloat at the Catbemind ergit- Omar . At erns ' I mt,tha Or ow pimt att idtieAllor -; tees, was ranked nntrini ih. ~ _PNages___ ,_, 434101 1e t itria4g' Ow 10,6, hdietreidia- - ' eta:blur ce Loodo* -- fd a gi th eee• werthe e, ell l ft. bat ashes ammat"a infligai& ""A". &grid' beiiker -4,08 Gaped bi leer bethele L eee 'My ant Alt curie, to. , t .k. is a fit of weelmneboly and soadaers. a disarm at f . 2 .. . : ii r. do _ am , lor DOehilern: At uhreseies, by dilemPid boliaol. _ ,___l ' - in du tuommotem * 4 dieviatitiasad a brokers beer% mod °ll'lr I'm elee ; Sareass. "I . ]l3rm i ths midireiCattibe Tigitot Walitantoil• lii Weed th e 16111°4 ee4 se I couter t rjbe jresi;cespe r ie, it wHI plehe(4). forget amid its seems othaarity mud eramerstioa. kongs i - As moss a Ina tass * that Who was bore asintaastu—is oemewarmLia t a c h li e la estrasim _jildifil: i up. foru memutet.' As ghee is bums to pommels L .. ocka i te __ : _- .... ,___ _,._..,... _,_ , . he t tamer three thousand! aeressfeatain sartmgeme, ze 4 . 177 ,-,—. 7 . 17 , == , ........ Nunn, heeds* tritbrega_ . _ elaiez " / ___ Ju aesi* 'alit ing bit . itelicariolile lin TviWt IMO ; Weise keg resalea arbat awry woo= ...•1.".'... 7. -- .4;_ ..., , . .: ~„ • call 'a female widower.' eueient kr _ha wile - Ik r i i ";* L sow imetideilinkr4e.S., , 1 *re sort in die trim olVesam !- a rdi m f t ma g a s maw ef fi liaerarif I but ad sit., limit: a swam aireS. 1, IWt ao show! desk mielumitoieshotiiiw Il cern e . 1 :Aire. die pale be,erat ie a i/fisile"eit: 1 I tit Ariallella e aseli ,Alhigor. -' (' ' le - linfesgerst_ Prgiaber)** hIW alepanic Awe., ifianif.o4l.llo 1103-4. , 114 pa . ej. 's4berresdirtirestsldelreerm, 1 1 ,41 /2 14 1 dirdiri. i filitie - Op et ek of Mir. cliy. rogue SAMOS . SALIM 11111M11111M110111. XL aloy took ..d whiresedibe _Male., - AU thole, (sat he I Est tesselfiarse doehilittig asses sirstis with Adria Pseit.iesso iris ! ever Itettiasusk to ,liiit Se.._3l Me. thoellit, .5 43. ' thitt 14 alrke N! , lit 1 1 *Cor. loi . . Pit- 1 Oros us &oil ' Ass litel setal4ol,,ht i.e 'we ay polls polossoce to the ' silSeAt hos bees_ liresAS jet hove to iolistioat *MI iisppeoproot. torte I Soaked *ft. the Fiords alio Isles dtbs p 4 be hale of the KstitsiAtettit, skii for grostist had to certain Soleil. • I fa it at isheot *as to maks a kid cr., ] phtostiss oft* highty lopststs. toessonvolkit I Ism ass We. bag At pespote. The ble,, slid! i'lleastells istolhOS; protli - co for list as tnitettso of"- e_ poostof the p_ehbe ' the root It= MIL S 6 ll. _ XT. or 1 tsrear Sialiew la Mem. - eat lip dot which smosilio ' 1= s aileill ,Xsty .a r it Gold to sawn ' . I the power of Gore (-: to eve 41104 e ~ ' 's ic. ; - she Writs pint ty - dosties tens& dot es I Ihetmottiy beeshs" g sot ' sai i dkei 100 io to cSot.eatt the food boos It to be oppreett Is Os joek i War. Tic 101 Annie tbs. tes ~._ e t I oust prose& _Awls** laskedil 1 WAD-0 the mos lataiss, Sell' spot for is sham& _to' the tesersed loy - sesettdi toss Statatess.4. ' tie! niaiihie . shalt& Sitia*heroolie it eill', WS . S. .1116114Zatqi 1111.4 FP.IN altilt,„111 piral6lllll6 ' tial .:',llkitetliso WS lAN* sok bersibil is_ r sksolli hirsitk r - etWoe:g SO Iltstiotte a thiStsti* . Lmit boo Us ti ti to Om Is ittliWihol itilloil Swim yKs. - Y. . - el e Al ilia . -- 4- ii47 l * - .. ''' timliWk' i i ' n ‘ tta ie*° ff lll V* I f s i 4 t : alo,f fi li4' Ol -s eg„thwit'Ai '.- _•'' -;. .teieity bier &lb: - ' - - ,istispithl - Prilelikoal lll ' Woe: - EMletirheurskl!: Speroure er Io W. r,7 31.a1t0.,. „...1: 14 10_ 41 c ,____ - ‘•_Aol i t fe--.- :-.- Y,F. , .• # . ti j i , i ,-W 4 i t rtr. 4 : 11 . 11- 4 8 'Pralmalle!"`” iit vim: bedeettee - frees ti*OrtAnAt4.: at e tit as! sem pe . tint te_ _iii IthL i se r oigiloffif-,.. -; !e " ri gg i t lb. balllPlNl6 efil "AMA _. ~..,.. 4-- ' itsees the Meld 4 . 111.0110. ltall% - 4111i1 alltlit 411111,4064 .: Irdails.. d . ,*,!ii,..ortrigloyirilibiVlollrat, , ' , i gum theteris.4llll.llBlaili - ,WenhOr , , reeellll4l7 tin 1088.Cis *Koski( ' s - I LIEL n Tbe4itpitiiiit eiletrierie; tee& I titw meet. wil' hi 1 . 1 4 51 11 M le ' ' MAIO St; and ' if inNea m 1 ._ ' Av.' 4n4 the pellitill the Ithitit ilia ate' i•rtee 1 '" itikhie'llhie' h ik'heirii ' Preivirge lir */**Asim in di 401.."0 . AA.: mai dike ' Bmatooted le el 1 : ,*, mai !lei* afceso 'The 0 141 . 4 .1 1 ' - 'the' ewe afivertree to itide to ikiii;aelr — , "" '-'vii, Ant i , th at abadoviii by thi Ibolittel ' ',=.. - meet are bee :jai. exemirtelllbilelitire . . ' seetoolly.tleit it is le he 104 bit** ''": • as win eivireieet iths_lng, 200 6 11 010:0404 , - V m d u a r i k, al ty l akqe - 0 10 Eit i : 11 . 4 ,•1 1 f,r , t--•, 1 / 2 , • :4" - liimairleidiair,l4ol, *4:11 ,iigiftwaCeagrip..,,a the sesOlikwiliik! , , . .:. imbed aw the; 3411biteiNiew in the tifthe - aitieetipett Des tispeliree leifie.,„'*, emes 4 littimilnielVei'll(*ai i i i* idi t rftf's -4114;41101112".401.0*. • 0141 '. 71511.11 S" *clan/ - - - 41011 A. ",. - Atli %die sigjectilliblo leitibr f ; Aid litigated 10 laleii NM*. %11l *9 l 4' - fisr the Sileat erthe,'l,l46# i n lit ' 'l.' isateditts' titatroieste;ceseiet r * diresaf' - ,1 1 tbeg•firbieb 'Wei( ititi reiw, L eteltieki, imam le the ipeitiey, eel, teiSre#F.!: /illet spa thi-ikraitik - 441ipi: wa s h* as* .d at iiimAimiagoh4bi' s MM. ' ft see peemesei tibial eetl L. 11M. lives eityitatimi its tbealetit,' -- • liii . _, L . _ '. gene.. bet wee teleieFli ,hy - bisi oiler Eli Ami.-1 , iiii - efiiii Obeid teretAtOell thitilidely* 4 iresagries.'whiek lea eepipisieir- - It eras evitreigajiai ba) sso thii.he - --- - 11211 (7 61 .. A s :, .ties-iifilie 4.1**:4.•,._ .: En a ITS - .. - -7K,r4 , .. - tv.r . r s'ts littf a~~~^~U , ,;° i• OX1:11 0,1,4 _ , &se t t:4z.: 014 , , iambi 4114 ipaisir 1* i )rAF4 MI 0/4';. , ; 4.4,74.7; is'i^ , 1 ,11-,t • .; 440 , . ~,iali, ' ., -- ', f;,%,'*,i-,-. ~;'~. ~, r•. _ <~. - Mai 00