The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, January 02, 1836, Image 4

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    out in d comp.
oe in.the differon
!lases-4)1o° partir
L and , reginten,h
through evc r
-for vain and use
ia bflizi ablest pi
most powerful a
' , one uw.notTait
le are inform'
ihave been
erg di
tins dif
- -
tflo'city , or 4
the totedllttepei
of iiihio.ll ar4i
g cash bottle.
wly of the a*
tal!ar rear
-4f tow!
*fiet C0.,31
be iniceedit
Dee.A. 1
Pocket Ma
• - DD,
it Maps of
and kw
Subscribers , h
Dry Goode'
• Groceriee r
Gfaes 6+ Q ,
J 1141, Iron. e•
Pith, Salt,
Flour, Plea
in addition to:
assortment tate.,
ate offered for
uctelpices for
'ghee: plea e
try produce.
' 4 JOS
27 -
whi •
NAN bap j
the flawing a
gtlll aguttte,,
k of Matrimony
.k of Courtship
of Intrunicum
er'sOwn Book
ruplty J ofForzes
Hickory Song
any Thitnt4e Cut
tthew's Trip to
hun,or BpAotp
Raul . •
sing, Gam SP •-•
!° 1• -• •
• • 13 1 1 1i-iwithihe r f!
184 Mixing - - •
a lerktratlir.le i l
3 -.
dieciatis A
- sl4lply'of Peter
• • and for s4e .
e !KW cud rtc
19 S
Ted it 'the Sim.
.44 1 2;
td -said cd3at, ea.
- F
l er,
• "-- j
I Mtl . K . Port
'.16144 -
1 ibe ea ot i - :...1-an DiOi t t,,.
i c "M gria ll, '' ' . one Potioil? , .*K t gllth t
lektligic • --;•--' tient will be -peld,on every ta
alai: upwards.but ~ intfia - rt Will be
.allowed o.;.
any fraction al pa of . 11.5. : I I while toren
1, •
~.,, _ . ''d a out on tiai . c ill4i=rtvro
I '. - = ...' it the office 9n fri aye. The bud;
sinews .1 the .litiolety will be 'coati:Med by thlt.
following hEeerel end suesiagenil aintil the Aril
*porky : in Ety meat. •
. I
k LV ' , Ald"Reig. i
~,,,,...4; ~ Edward. it Elobief.
Editath;flitglitit! :.$. Z. Warne
JO:plait4 ~ : - ..30,4 Turner •
E.. llititCroly E7eiwiterrend Treasurer. l t
Artkile:',3d:if. li.ChartAr. -.No emolumeit
whatscasaer.ll4ll he - received by the President
or Illitospira Air their services, ,tior eba11...e4
liiiiniger bud, a borrowir froin -- the matins
, (inn." • 1 . _ -oat 3 46tf '..
River Cianesui.
,er inkorination 610
seen-at the Casa
a inst., *ad alis
:entractes will be
itlon. IHICCeIIS•
itliult by ma,,O.
Ad. .
ZatF. GAY.
tko 11th dayeof.
ixd to apporut a ,
'fi f roployment & '
11 county. for the
ltraspaatei to ap
.to present their
I- The on
albarri ork
- • - • • • - . )P4ii:A/4 4 P-.
/VIE itiaboctribOr offers fie sale his Tan Yard,
nath stitch itin'hiunid, at McKeansburg, of
which iimatediat4 possession can be. given. Its
fadvantriges . ire nuittenstio. Bark and . Rides can
boporciluisod upon the promises to any amount.—
Itsirlditii is an thaneighborhood of several iron
is:Ohs - and the Little Scheylkill rail road, which
gnomish!** ahvOys a ready sale for leather. .A
view of the promises will recommend itself
Terms will be• Epode reasonable to stub the Tux.
Oct 24 • 49-tf
. prevention 4• F ute
ions,Siritting of
Diseases of as
,a ntrir,44.pre
.AN, of tho—C6
grl.ol* of a letter from William L. firing,
Attorney al Law,.,No. 63 South Soc.:nth. let
Fhiladal bin.'
I Philadelphia, Februaiy, 133 t.
Dear Sir,-.Llonc,"Paimeen" has neempliehed
a cure so reinatkuble, that I feel bound to certify
it. My brother Luc about three , years since,
was afflicted with a Tevere attack of sitrofula.—
Ilia head was completely covered with ulcers so
thick and olosethat-they grew one ever the other,
and his face and body were covered also with nu
merous sores, he Was under the most judicial
pedical treatment for nine months, without the
least amendment, growing worse daily, and every
variety of remedy was used, according to tlie
regular practice of medicine. It was noon stone
when he was looked upon as incurable' that I re
solved to proctire - your "Panacea" for him. The
effect wariquitc wonderful. Without any change
°this customary diet, three bottles, and about
°' half or lie fourth, restored him to perfect
health. It is now twcifyears since he was cora;
Its remains well and firuy hearty ant3 - 'lobllitt:as
anyixtynf hbrage 'city..' -
Yours respectfully,
\ Mr. W,t. Sw*tw, W. L. HIRST.
4.. of the Speci deb,
afar' manner, all the
ctages of these distrea
lar direction! respect.
low patients aro to
age anal health is re 4
as would be the pp..
miciatirt e acCompanied
reseful medicines, if
Illly adhered toi(
that the depositions of
en before proper an
caster, all completely!
o cases of constimp-1
tailed in the bills ac.
Specific's - has beu
The following leder Man lut eminent inilitary
'character, wilieerr,s to show the estituam in
whisi7l g4ilni's re. ScSa js held in Reeve.
- Eitrani of it fr ,Sajor' General rear
,:of ills t i/riti4Tie : It f 9 . 1 4:01 0, E4 Sirkitlio
let i an
lioutaii,iz smillics, June, if= .
:t om
• oil*
ly :962rais iisensiam-:
hug lempired his L.
roaratiget, (s . &boy*,
14 0 **WU" " I N
tigi as-Cistingit
iiin ) r,
itrau'Aj ,nd.
t!‘ avil Nr , 2 a
AINPVit 77aD ,
;S 9.W4t. Aetisagy
*::)*: vAi. DAVIS.
inittlioiler • •
•ThtlY . " : 1 -- -' •
• Mr!Dear Sir4=YetrAirost attribute 'solely ii
the efeecti of indisixpuloo, viccusionod by, en :at.
tack of Erysipelskuty 'not ' having stoner coin
plied with yrutr. ' :maim - goo im account
*of my genet:4l,4:oft •Witicit utcured; you
'Will he gratrOen-talearn br -trap, ing in every
erntioTatilerAraty'rtry - t. alottnee
friends Could hove initiotipated.— y conetitunon
laccised 'seek a shock ban - , vrotinds Agt
'exposure to' dinkrenVelimatie, ' probably
rendered me Mete sWlCeptiblit- "-unfitting. es
in thecaseof my secideet.tronr el h orse filling
with me and' crushing my leg, w had- tunvi.
'Maly been injured by two. se re - gue s sbOt
wounds, and I have no hesit ation's saying that '
trt • tbs.-in:feats of your Panacea, in B ich liiitm
every confidence, I may attribu my spelt
Metwation to health.—There aresev eral pe e
atCheftentwirn anxiously inquiring after you, &e.
' --I cannot close this abort letter without "see %
ring you that fe* more fully appreciate. the in.
valtiable qualities of your inestimable Panacea
than mrielf. i.: _ -
I remain, tnidear sir, truly yours,
To Mr. William Swaim,Proprietor tif Swaines
Panacea. hbaleley 4, Trafalgar Square,
I London. i. : .
Il itbi l la J i ng l y I t
IR ;
a rine.: by, appluw
at 'the Wool kin e of
orth Third 'a
I, attended td.
83§. 0 3913*
a Guide ihroisgbout the
.osuloylyasio and other
*Nat this dime. sept Si
QDS. •
'vejnet received a large,
cdtt of fresh and acme.
ns Warw.
Misting Powder,
ind donee,
T ar.e. &C
ir.former Mock reader.
ire and compleib. All of
e wkoleaalo or retail at
asii or in. eteliange - for
-n in earth for all kinds
11 WHITE.4Ir. SON.
Mount Oarbon
• c received . a enlist' of
usinz works:
o nchrf Outs, esti' 121 -
do 124
do 121
dei 121
do 121
do - 121
do 121
do 121
r's Journal do , . w*
1, 1, erica der
Ws Book Of • . ._ •
do fit
do -16.4
low :dg 'ploys; Thermal
f Milan. 181; Dead
and Domb Bel le , ojch
I"'.. •
just - riciiive4 nod for giai
bir: Tak-4.IIEATTY:
wise and Repository of
,-for 1838, together iv*
*ikticy'..htembee font re ,
Itil.Salmon, for eel* br .
DV; NATt6II4B & Co.
.Bwaim's Donee - ea.—ln gratktude to , my bane
factors, as well as for the benefit of want suffer
ing afflicted fellow behig c tin similar cireumstani
ces, I deem it a duty to airy, that I have been
afflicted for about thirteen years with scrofulous
ulcers, or what was called King's Evil. I bad
many tumortre on different parts t of my body,
particularly on my neck, shoulders, side .and
knees; which broke out into ulcers and large
holes; !liege in my neck and throat were so bad
that it was with much difficulty I could swallow
my foodi and 'drink, as it would ffequently run
out of dr belie in my neck. I likewise has large
holes or ulcers on my shoulders, knees and sides,
with dxfoliat i tina tit the bon* insomueliae I was
unable to et ulcers
or do any thing whatever, and
was confitredi .to my bed the greater part of the
time. I was obliged to be propped up in bed, is
I. could not lie,
fur fear of suffocation. I had a
bad cough, and the sores or ulcers were very of:
finial:T. I was attended by several respectable
physicians of Philadelphria, by one particularly
For two years, and had it different times above
forty blisters applied by 'their orders, and the tu.
moors hirreek% besides all of - which . I had tried
many-remedies made in imitation of Mr. Swaim's
Panacea. Ii suffered much pain, with loss of
sleep and rest, and was wore down to a mere
skeleton. At length being recommended to put
myself under the care of Mr. William Swaim, 1
was crinveyed to' him in a, on a bed, in
Aug 4 1425, who at first rethsal„so prescribe.
for me; as I suppose hi considered mine a hope
less case, and asked if they had brought me there
to die. I , pas conveyed home again--bo t
through the interference of Doctor Meese, he
was induced' to make theaspr„rimant, by. admin
iii r ering Panacenand..siler taking table
spoonful thren timeen day, a few days 1 . per
ceived .xs very sensible alteration. My appetite'
began to mendi I.could swallow wittigase, the
soiree began tit heal, .ind eller- using Erse bottles of
biatioacesr, ; _trilfilho blessing .f-Divine Provi-.
dencetalith re e sores healed ilia lam now Poo
eitFy well, having grown lleshyonna sleep
and rest well; and can walk most any &Mance,,
and attend to my work, as well as ever.
i-414 1 C. GREEN.
• Itiuniltan Villageolloratlestjawaahio, .
.:. 4
May - .
The above valOahleVia is tot;Ohliili 7
ale by - t 411. , DANNAN.
• Sit ti tor u*ill
• Marr- 1 1 tea.
1311915 . PAIIDLES.-41X10-ftwbeistid Wpm
Ca9o l :Tsjostreallviadfrpm atietiin
•gak• - PeallSOr., T.& L
, •...
laeltfVfliciae Pii - tiiise,r lost received a nd for
-1` sale by ' 8 1
dee 18-
lieietivipltiaVolitti:: '- '';
ii,mtos:pt GR*42eltiO GOER,'
I T. iluiepor t uft stropt.soeuted. .Pit 11 Aan
,iloOt4o .belfskPlitfiiadcd from gkiP Chattel
itisiiuto... • •
. AjrAikaaro,a full altd etztegaive icilsortice:a` 1.4
giffeoprilear, Bugara, Jitaasses Spites;
..Spirita, Brand t, Winer,.
4c- 4 - c• .
For axle op accommodolpg tormol .
Grocer, 17 Seigh Water, betarceit Market .
, • Auld Chesnut streets, Philadelphia.
Oct 31 50-6rno•
' A Sthiais aimasoneftbayear when Diarrheas
410, Are prevalent, an well us - the Summer Com
p/gird in children, Which - anneill*destroye thou_
~ands, it is of the greatest:imports:nee that public
should be 'this:to have accesit_to tome general and
°Selma remedy, which by timely administration,
is capable ofarresting these_ complaints and pret7 .
.venting the BCriol3ll consequences which inevita•
bly test& from neglect or **ring them to run
on Unheeded ....Many pi the diseases which arise
from the disordered state of the stomach, at the
present time are ma only arrested nut prevented
by the Use of the Vertnifugt: To children who
are sickly with losi of appetite or who may be in
fested with Worm:; it is given With the most de
-1 cided advantage. The Vermifiige' is worthy of
the partichlar attention ofparonte, and - guardians
of child' en.
for said at this office, price 50 cents for large
and 25 for small bottles. ahg. 31. 41
Fail and Winter Goods.
A - 01.11s1 ,CLAYTON, thankful for past Emirs,
tttsc il
' difolly informs his friends, and the pub
lic in g end, that he has just received a large
and genes I aiwortment of and Winter Goods,
consisting in part of $ ,
Blue, broil a, steel mixed, green, blac!r, and bvi
. sibla green cloths, '
Blue, black, brown and fancy inickekii Casa
- . mere* arid rose blankets,
Ingrain 84 cottoncarpet , French itc roplikti ine.
Mae, brown, drab & mixed bitekskiu moth !ells.
Green, white, yellow 'arid 'red tlannebi..e.oltari fin
Buckskin bcvertecrw, curs, and li , on akin cloth,
Petrisham, goatahare caralet and camkd plaids,
Fdsttan, Russia, German atufliish linens, table
oirers, table diapre, • • . i:-
%Bleached ,and-.brown cr mks, ,
Fanny - prints, French ehi nts. printed . tnerinocs,
1,1 7.11 a,
fancymanned:taw!' sum/ thtbeti4 Isom sod
GobiMdlejachonettand own cki, black and fan.
, cp. silks; , ,
Colton Japaosadding, , thr„ and hair cape, fur ti ppit
Gum and lined over aluics, coarse and fine shwas
and bootattriesent sizeOmokini lliam" ,
Glass,phina and Queen -
uritere, ~ ..
Vi;inca, Liiitwirs and GrUceficir,,, ' ,
Booki6 and stationary', &c. &c. ,
• 'NI ; nf, yoliko, be will .sell at, the lowest pried,
tbf_wol ‘O,. or Cxecninie fik could,. p produce.
ttarille, Oct. 9, )8:15. . 46-tf
N.H. Dou;iforgig the pia '" tnbei, !Into loots be-
low the stage office in Centre street./.
BADMAN has just receivcil on consign-
I ment, a large assortment of , Perfumery,
Cosmetic mid, fancy Sups, of the 'very best quill:
ity, which will be sold wholesale orrciall, at a
very small advance. The following Composes a
portion of the articles:
Ott of Rose Soap Otto of Rose Lip Salve
Oxygen do Toilet Powder
Palm do Chlorine Tooth Wash .
Cream do • Cologne Water
Camphor do ' • Lavender do
Lavender do I • Florida do
Tongue Bean do Prost. Salta
French Fancy do Tooth &ashen . -
Otto Superior Lavender Wat.
Beara Oil , ' K.vosote Tooth Wash
Indian Oil 4 Dye Carbonie Dentifrice
?itilk of Roses . Eng. Brown Windsor
Freckle Wash Soa p - ,
Fine Pearl Powder Hair Brushes:
'one 13 313 L.
A .
RE now receiving a new sand cheap stack
New (Moths -.
Si.. Croix - Sugars
White ljavannah
Loaf 4 Lump 1
New Orleans -' , 1
Sugar litusse Molasses
West 'lndia
do - dii Honey
Young Hymn
" Pouchong ' t . Teas
~ •
- _ Soochong 11 .-
Rio Java . t can "
St Domingo i . .; .
,; Sweet 1 . •
`i Spermaciti I Oils •
Clarified • ,
No.l, and 2 Mackerel •
-Soused anti smoked Balms - '
. Codfish. Crackers, Gjseese z • .
Candles soap. starch _ .
Rice. Barley. Currants , -
Raisins, Cloves, Cinnamo
Allspice.Peppiii.Nutursg. i -
Mace. Mustard, Ginger....: . . _
- Ahsfn. ledigo.'Brimatone
Madder,Pcarlasb " • • '
-- - '
Clusinpaigne , '
Madeira - Wines
Lisbon • - " _ -" ~ i •
Malaga _ t
_,- ~ .
Vitlneb withSbeir gancriistock.they 'mediation
ed to sell cheap as ever for eashOir in eXebango
- for coant.47-1 1 **0 111 4 1 . 1 Y,P rc .. ,
' , ...-
64'10 ' '•'' '' • —`'
onioy- 4A iiiiiirdieitiikiideasti,:
6.1 i, purifilait 4rasfEadikettbbititstit
turbermot Id' prepare a eeth r stiih, in oshkatAl.
torms_as _important , ittimlWl ' Its a Aerisetal
tleauser ot thl,bretbAti,ffull_fia s lui - OW:
It• preventithe:l*tslo o6l4ol ,o).. des •
treyttit Sl:4lrenikal. matter 41$ Isictki.prevAttr
4 4
an, etrAesiollut *eat' h.': 'Oa :;trqiiliAttalitOtt*: .
article positaifesr.otef'.'e . rrePizattest*r
same purpose is, that it beck tiiiitti.breilt slant'
while in use. Priee, I smuts" , litioifitc ,
Tun ressiveti'sud for mile b y. r. BANNAN.
Gile tic Watresi
z b iro ß sie e' ilw Anilli r diate s H ai ,ol2 4. l 9 S e r ei - tai r c tSe e
Hien' I or
DR. ENOS CHICHE S TER purelneefithe
right of vending and applying Dr: J. W..
-Amite Truss in Suhuvikill county, Thii Truss
has ruccisei-the sancticujitithe most recesetabkr
Sageness% physi-eminf-PhiladelphisAy Which
t-pulical cure of this disease, an expectationthat-'
had - nearly b•Ui stminikmed an hopeli ss . is ac.-
coinplished wiMalnuist absoluter'certaintY apt
with , perfeeteafety. Upwards of a hondreice
treated within a short time in this city and, vitne.
Ity, are tinoefn - te•tio permanently curedondlhe
patients can now dispense with the use of st d y
instrument.-- A success like this, is unetamp
in the thmais of Surgery. This instrument, apd
the method of perfecting seediest oure.oflielrnia,
ate now offered to those afflicted with this trou
blesome complaint. •
- He•pruposes it with confidencir for the treat
ment of this! disease, slid as meeting every indi
cation on 'correct surgical principles nplita radi
cal-cure. The trusses heretofore employed mere.
ly tulliate the symptoms of the disease, they
rarely ever effect a radical cure, and berme most
continually - worn by the patient, often .giestly
to his-annoyance. After the cure by thq present
app.-rata is effected, all instruments are discon.
This Truss, with its appendages. can be worn
at any age.and by Moth sexes, without interrup
tion of business.
Gentlemen are refereed to the following Mem
bers of the profession, relative to this inidpipsent
and its claims in, effecting radical caress
WILLIAM Guises, Professor of Surgery IA the
University of Pennsylvania.
atomy in the Jefferson Medical - College.
Sonnet JACKSON.. Professor Of the Institutes of
Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania.
Gamma id• Professor of Surgery in
the Jefferson Medical College.
Missy BOND. Secretary of the Philadelphia
Co' Sepia Physicians
&nom A. Asses, D.
Egiwis P. Ants M. - 11.
Letters to the above named gentlemen media
free of esperse.
Copy of a letter from Samuel Jackson. L tuffes.
amortise Institutes 44 Medicine in the \ ulikinrity ,
of Pennsylvania.
Domes Hours
• Dear Sin—From the uniform fail \ uri; 'Qf alt
the-trusses' have seen, and of the treatment ein
ployedfor bornia in unicuring , s.radicat cure by
ainctiicapit.,l-liad abandoned all otpectitiOn of
seeing this ilesitable diem reached. lining con
-fem. that your apparathe and method of treatiNg
hernia, has. I believe, accomplished this , diesidei :
alum, and the Oscan is rendered not only Man
ageable, but in the greater portion if macs curs :
Mc by the processes of art.
The principle ofyour treatment and Of thaws
tn of yourAppsiatus is based to theiphyaiolt
f the thwoes, 'and is One of the auuedcst in
tica land
. pramical surgery.
There isnothingempirical in,your prOcccilings
or your instru,oents. They are the application
of a well established principleofour science to the
production or o specific effiet. - Professional in
struction, skill and tact are necessary to attain It
with certainty. "The instruments alone, without
appropriate management and the adoption of their
action to the individual according to the constitu
tional end other peculiarities of each case, *mild
prove of littleinility, or might even defeat the in
tention of the treatment.
From the remarkable species that has attend.' ,
-ed your treatment, and the cases of dccided cure*
that have come under my own observation, giv
ing the sanction of facts in support Of the scienti
fic principle, I have no hesitation in regarding;
' , Our apparatus and method of treatment as estais;
fished in medical. science. With consideration,
and - respect, truly yours,
We have in our possession a number of certia-
Cates of she first respectability relative tothe cores
performed by this instrument, which we willahow
to any person desirous of satisfying himself with
regard to the efficacy of the invention. -
Persons .desirous of being cured of hernia or
rupture. sii do well to call on the subscriber
before the extreme hot weather sets in. as the.
disease van be, more readily cured in moderate
than in hot 'weather.
Physicians desirous of procuring , the right
of using the above invention, can receive informa
tion on the subject or purchase the right of the
robseriber, who is authorized to rt as - agent of
, may 1G
. - Tooth Wash. ,• •
THIS Compound will be found • serviceable in
arresting and preventing decay in the teeth t.
keeping the teeth and gums in a clean and healthy
condition,. sweetening the breath, removing tar
tar. and relieving pain caused by carious teeth.
It is confidently recommended to the Public as
a vahiable compound, which- may be used daily
with great advantage to the teeth and gums. at the
saute time leaving an agreeable sensation in the
mouth. There is no acid in this wash; nor any
ingredient entering into its.comprialtkei but such
[u is highly beneficial to the teeth.
Price 50 cents per Bottle. ' •
For tale by B. BANN AN.
Alarnan.atks for 1830. -
RANN'AN t bsellist receivedelarge
sOrtnient of Guinan and' English' Alma.
nicks for 1836.—A1i0
' • MANAC,
:Or the RoarerteirtinnfinstertitdDrhr
-nor'eGolde. published by Boon Crickets and
'Squire Downing. Skunk!. Mlrery, Down Fail.
which will bosiold tho'vussor single doseopt
, i'h4,o4o4priottir.
iiirato4 l .l l 9l l B901:5 3 (
.- • -... !•- _
LOttg= - ..1k0r t - - -
Jall'lV" -7 ' • • GILE ATRVILO
wros DRYCK-I . * "slab"
lugs 3V-if L SIL4Y.
' • J
./11 • " 14:=Parions aelto • vit.B43
-- - luFtitiitlibAiltleait — VB the ••• at •vitt• 80 .
ihrea sve6it'ivatkei.bY with Abe
submiber ac
I '. w I i'
1110% •• .
; I
. _ .
*tiler orMelpabis
alkolims aims' cum lavtatid• • a.
5. T.
rc'tktaretHfttilli 80 * /Si
. - -13UP e tbil t KEEN,OviILACKTEI4I4.- -
Itope spns
ruil , - ~ -..-.. - :
Tulips , It e't - '- ' Eitra qua li ty and bifsetk -.•
gapes i thong i • - • importalfesm , - •
Paairhien Auld 1
10 2 - l' ." - -_ -- ' -- -` - '* - 74
ust - tted.aod :for ipalti *7 .Y ,_- li - -
Aprill . .-Sit ; . T. 4 4 ..,), 13,164177.„ :
...., . .
' : 7 . ;:ER it - WAG-GB . I/TP; k , 1 , ,.
irrE ) .ainistaritly en hand an eiernalifelassnre.
-IR-waleoll of c.0.d..v.4 Wi n a.
e '0d5,44,. : 4-e. lebich they *arson ay. , a sn*
ads - anis) otter s ection prieep. Stria and ?Oki
Keepers,iiii4tthelpublie tenendly, tie - respectful
ly invited to call before.thay purease elsewhere. :::.
• act 3 1 - . . , ..
WiNtiSOR 4311AIR8;;—A large iad gofers]
v v assortment of Nindeor Obkir
for lalo tty- JOSEPH WHITS & SON,
juns 7' 29.1 f Mount botW.
Irwin STORE. - I
. ,
JOEM T. H A ZZAR DI raipcitfulb ,
in toms Ins friends, the citizens of Pottsville,
and, the public in general, that - ba has prat 1113
caved a large and general assortment of wellse
lected GOODS, a:maiming in part of : 1,„
Blue, black, brown, olive„grcen.di ah e nd steel
mitt cloths, do do dolisimcres, do do sattinette,
red, yellow, green an white flannels, blue and
drab Slue singe, bangep and gentiii cords,ibeever
teens, canton flannel, napped %stints forininers,
silk, valericia,swansdo,wn, Vane:land Marseilles
vesting, a large assortment of pill!' and high co
lored prints, daniask for table cloths„Rusam and
bird aye ifiaper,ginghems, coloredlnnsliim,-mit
find, foundation muslin, black and brown Mel.
land, plain and dut silk velvet, woolen yarn, went.
ep, silk and entire' hokiery,Tbibetcaahmasysilk 1
And cotton shawls, option and ailk handkerchiefs,
and cravats, India, French and Italian - lit for
ladies dresses, thread; bobbiner and • lanes,
edgings, quiltings and in • ,an a , t
of ribands and galloona l leis linen*, long lawn,
anon cambrickr iStrarrck , j ornct. Bolas -and
book mush s , Frenbh and nglish . mamma,
circassiiiiis, hombazettes, boinbazinas„. 4, 10.4,
11-4, 12-4 rose blankets and ornate ' gen.
tlemenihnckskin, bo.aver, and lviskin g res• 'la
dle! hoskiii, silk and kid gloves ladles
gentlemen& and children& alums and brown
and bleached ainsliiiii,carpeding, an assortment
Of ready midis otothingibruithoss condor; Oalrind
trDWAR., caps, E
I 1 -
Also. good assortmeMM(GOPET Pr•-• 1
4:lased with Particidar regard to fina li ty conactr i .
wig :nt part of •
Wines. cord*lii; French brandy„Molland and
common gin, old Motiongabalewhiskty;toomion
brandy, rya whiakey, No. t end 2 umekeirelin
.I"zrrels.and balfliaftete, I
Salt by the _barrel or benhel. butter, elie and
crackers, (penny:elf and common: oil, together
liaith a variety of articles nate:numerated; which f
,he wilt Sell irtiolciale and retail, on:Vie moat
reasonable terms % for cash or I>i-if:duce.
* i f Always In hand a minus %%! supply of OP,
f, FP, and FP"F blasting pander , and apant's
el/parka. Eagle powdet.
The kighest pews given in cash foriCaustry
Produce., I
Country merchants will find it Moir thereat to
Call, as they -o.n be furnished with mosi articles.
I on nearly as good terms as they crinli procure
them from Philadelphia- Oct 19+1 4Stf
• DOW'S_I -
F .11.1 Ll'Al E C 1111°E.
ThIS medicine haw been found ofgreat efficacy by'
thousands in New England and elasetbere, Bar
the cure of all these disorders called Billinun.Disperp.
eta, Ague. Costiveness, Loss or Appetite. *Remiss,
of the Liver, Drentery.Comunoti Bowet:tioumbont.
&c. For these different complaint's iii. rai4onnuend
ed as • safe and speedy cure. ' 7)
- We the sitbscribers basing made-a foie use •
Dow's Far , Lv Alrincurn, decertify that It Is Ire
gentle and sore in its operations as a'cathit tic. and
'halt poetesses a peculiar quality to mune obstrecx
tiontin the itonsach and bowels. ind in airitig-Of bad
homers. We fbitieie it *ell adapted lathe cure of
the drove mentioned diseaset—we alio believe it to
bean excellent medicine for fanaks ins debilitat-
orsleclining state. foraminch as it does not weaken
the patient (although taken frequently) bid restores
the stomach to bt proper tote by assisting. ihn/digen
dos and thereby assisting tie appetite.die. •
blinistersofthe-Gospel ,
WM. C. BOON. 1
I certify that thosutiscribers theabovecertiffette
of recommendation. are all respectable inhabitants-of
the town of Hebron, State of Connebticet.
Judge ofthe CouptyCourt
The naeSof these Mk is an. toatfulittiOn of
etddernii complaints,eapecially ofandh iiprerail de•
rug the annundr and fall seasons, vie' BifacesFever.
Cholera Morten. Ague, tysenvery.ilkoatatbesereem
plaintaare chiefly occasioned bran irregalaroacro
tide of the bile, and a morbid state of the attimach.---
These pills are also a safe and speedlienredk for a
sick and disordered stomach, bead silk, loss of appo
tite, costiveness, disdnesa. languidritachlig
stupor, fever and agee.dispeptielali as feverand
raragernent in the fanctimappf the er. •-•
Made and sold by RWIEBRENNEtt, Harris' -
berg, sole
er proprietor of Peansylvaala and.tla adjoin
tag Stat
A supply ciftlie above Irafaith me,pee re .
'lathed and for sale by .* 8.. VAIVITAP.
4P4125 11- 41 AgeitifiEthipellitor
PLASTER fur sire Sy , f •
sad 29 4 =
. -
Effiitfl~t E. 'Ol.l l /zIRI6II-WflitikkiL ' tor
• ode bs,
dee 3 .4 .110 i .• AiAt"
anal, 1.
for diem
,ferry_ :
0 .4
s iStO
• •
• I. I - 10 ft,
%tilde et this,
And. Gent b7ipArocket.
eoatam Almo44ll4rilt
111131); r ilie, ilkcjast 'ma*
. . .
CA M- 4 014tieiColiti
!Air gut.,ene
T. SclaigATTIL
• . So
' - •
I"ltt.lraraila 7 1 1
7%!' •
z' ' Onion 4
Bka *A coverlet' &items 'tetigifq"
.11Poiclanctosaininensnand ireidnir•=4 4
lislian and bidinailloaad Indus 4. - • •••
rwrickriod imerinoss -A. 1
Ratinadraisdplaida • sr, I i;•••••,,;: , -4••••
cittost."woilded aid :woollen hnaiery.
cheetaind drilliap , "-• '
A gdod assortment pflmtex-vaoup
- - • - r •
lab 'Mem. lairTiii42/Faidieri . :- .:-..: .
Vigil.% and plan bobnremilacemididisa anal
do '.zio Swiariandbookmairit , 4 1 04 1 41 11 : •
Morlidlniterilagaaniferteiripr '' : < '. . ~
Riehoptlawmand linen cambric ' .: ••• it
Bromeliad raikebt 4 dransupir ,•': - - - - f :.- L
Groceries,Queenswarea. 4.• ..i, tp ,
Red ,Sperm and Lamp. - .: ' - ,:, "...' ' N,i';.' A
Fiar,Srilt:rlastda;dtit: di kik , : , -'ri , Li-,` , r , ''''
Fornaleciranni etodsimrt'
Pottelthe ••j -,._:;,.,,
iroatVeiz*A. - -f" •-*
WI tope PiproF. - k
150bbli Liverpoiolredt. J -- ' •
20 vieke dar:. - • iltkifdlf-• ' - '' ••
20 half bbbi de 4 , _ dikrTS
qr bide. rTri
5001avvetiiiiirktif ••-; I
50 Dofoperfote ; •;
.. 30 bagestronf seetOod.sslro toffee '4lllb u t
5 qrtaeks Lisbon wiho I ' ,
.• - 10 do; . I dor meet i • ;
10 bblel'ibeer England ruini
• 10 do coinmoirbtandy• _
10 do , do . gin
Soperiorbld Cogotac-biandi
Do • Holtend ' • •
Apply td
JOSEPH C. Kr-MCC/mere Et.
dee 11 stl i . .ineradoortothb Hatkurollforol.
NeW Gtkids.
UST reAksed and for sale by X litithing. Ito. 9,
VP Centrer'street. a 'TIMM aimitmeat - or seaatiaa
We goods. comistarglot .
Stiperior black. bliie and ozrord Mixed clo ths
do invisible green. olisre; claret and *i
Aar bkit. black. mripedand -mkt mini
do 13ackskili Meru , . *storied col° •
thi gray, steetnii f. laidoiler mid blue satinets
cid petersham, ' b and beaiikio milting
do red. white. and scarlet
do do do ne am* do
Meetings, aluttings, AMI, Plaids,&e.
I: ' -- I t' rg '''
Fa fitabienable 1,. .
Gingham.., silks, French end , iiiiimies
Cromberied marlin tot hidiM . l --- • ---4 ' •
Linens, limas and.liams emalme. - L , L2••_ •
Embroidered crape,•irorated
a- ..baw ls
.11.1 s
SOO mum PinisdeFir n n ur
‘. .
est Shess
tLadprtuellem Desmark& . dtoAu&Alums
lastngsking o
do , oxroMo-waiknr . r - • - 1 '`' l
do -seal skit • ..dos, , ~.i-r..., , - itdo
do gaiter boots
do gmuglactio.shotfik: —, ,IL
do lined and ituritS. ' de
Cbildreint goaiimitshbeiliddiabisibts
infant!' kid I , „...,-• . '; s";.-ido .. 1
Gendemans calf and sees 4 ii.
do - cos:Myelin. . K - f•-•:d• • •
Men and.bogakixbrogasiM :,: , ,I.: :.,-• . • - J
Bey) imoteLarc.. sl ,x•.= %et . cant;! - ' /
• LA fresh makirlisiebtlifri, gt . '',#E 4 A '
imierilt gun powder , lOU* 4 ,0- 9 t win Wog sad
smiebong 'IX..A 8 - 4 - 4 . L ,, ,
Porte Rice: ne*Cirlesiii.St:CrW „, •
% kikins Sr.
GAITS. - I - - :ti- - ' - .. - 'y "•• r - •`-'
1 Loaf and bung -rfarkr ' i' - '7 . 2
New Oriente arid Fowl,. ~, Li,. •• asses . , . .
CogutairaiiliChtimpaigne : 1 - 7. - . '• -' • ji - '• --,' ' '
Wines. 4-e. ife. , - 'i •-- 47 - INSIAS:7 '. < N.
POKTIDL • ii , !'),lrlidlErnlMltt.
- au . i• tri ores the InhithriaMii of Pons
'. • ' ay, thattheir *Maa
g P,..0t
ton are not in o
ion, irherntheywillle glad ic,;-
receive order:tor _ - . ~ i. ,- ~,.',.,,, ~., - , , ,
ess:witrzoi A 1 .% i a c c.
or any other Caniugs. w. • o' lf Xi FLE tniatt to memo*
promptly andtaithfully. , ' i , , , • ik, TIERSk.
liovernbar.V4 ,--, 4 ..1 .'.., ---.P,: ' ' N — l L
The Fou ry wi) ,•,. itaidisf over/ other day.
, . ,
RAG2I RAlB e rthilit i n 14 1
bdpsud for cl , Vybi4„. .
Septl2 42-, AmvATC
- .
: ~..., • . ..• .
" rf tri4i 4i.. .t i ft27 113114 1 ' .
No. s,s omit riONT. mini..
iAsT-s/D4 -
Timm* . 2 riots *Ex CORN= or. /Lacs S,
. rin.i.Ali ; ~ ,_
7MiNtlFACT c ,ijas 's OF
, • Lead dry and / ' 'eat a) :. .
pi:222lin Oil, V - Red* Prtteititi.,:
fled Lead. . White ,do
Littutio. - ' . , Vitriol . ..Mb: l •
Climate Yelle*,.• . • .f. 0• 46 gelidifk.-:! , • •
do GrainyTart , Emed.2
do Red ' . ttlieiltatph. • -
Patent Yellow - .- do Aitntio,... ..,
SaOr Lead I ,:de,,, Actue- ,;.•
1 Copperas / Lunt qui:o
01.vitried i , Peoftelicit te - '
rig :Fords - •• . tAtit:. :. . • s
Mariatie Acid , '. -.. 0 • .
Epiom Salt - '' - ' ' - ' l-1 1,16: Oki': 4
Tatt• /Old 'r' ' . .' l' '''`OOL C deltikftit. s '
84.:CarbAadi. _:,
~,s,Kontinpniratenkt .
Carran.Fiab.iderc. % • Miltippa - thin.:. • .
Windatirand Pieternalastrattittafftol9lo, ' •
ate. •Offerfoi f ealetlid aboviloolPtrticl".4o 4 i
then with a getterairasinirt4t :nit _ t4 . _, Illi . itig . =
aye littnts,and'eseryotbe eliniatbetOret
biediciontlise, i ..- - - ,, z-.1: , -.-, • - • .•:•:,,, , '..i-, •
'andertheitherWbead.ibity pligteithendriditeetti.22o
• ! 40,7f 2 S - 4 .;>! ~; ~_....,_, -- - .
Antesiiiriairs `' ,413 ' 51.-- •
A •
SAFE sad-epripaititiostswer Or
- 6111 -Prilf-FekSttliF gMliciFes. , Willirely•TO. .. 1 0 1 *
vietianthos *wimp fi) the pablk. . . .'. j , . . .
• it is prepare) P,i c• .I.o pP l 'ia s l4 ssll l ll i . . 112 '
A •
c toa4sOp.ila s ' ny -iDzn:BbirevAlesdbko:uisi. . es!• _ siii: i'Z
!_. i -• ea • c ,
or she dise, f e«Jo limiy.lg;44„ I phift is
,deliverearuitrery permsit* Ain:,
A e.- %9f s 4,4bots tlq !-:.isiali
for arot 3 - , MAIL
, Nole _ lvyr, 4.. , ,4:z_4;: 7 9-7 t•l -4 •!Mf
I li k -UU" 1 112 7
. 11 . 4 iiilro - VASllThislal a ,
.4 41 *.00_ 101 e11110141timirselikthit
I stairehmiWilaillat jamtilislicre4grieit "
odialtrddill#4 l l4 l 4l l l o .; r ,
--i*haralailia, 14;0 1.19;4831#a* -4:41.11-414-.:
- taliby
irtilkirttrPoschiiirand;W;friittileinisw fat' airli!,
*Toy 9L , • . 1..
1 !;
cir.s!tat.Y .