T HE PI 'T GREENCASTLE Tuesday Morning, July 23,1844 -$ .11.-\'' ‘, -..01,..-h if-. , -' „.." r !C' l.- ' - ' ..- -...1".- !.V - . i JAr'l idr , • , ---..._ FOR SALE. We now offer TILE PILOT office for sale.— Terms easy. Address J. W. NTRORY, El= NOTICE! Now that this is the last issue of THE PILOT we call on each and every one knowing them, selves to be indebted, either by Subscription, Advertising or Job Work, to call and settle imniediately. Those who haye overpaid their subscription will get their money refunded to them. We will also give notice that we will continue to do Job Work as long as we remain in town. VALEDICTORY Friends and Patrons:— The uncertainty of the times, the exhorbi tent price of paper and all the essential ap pendages to a printing office, combined with various other circumstances which the straiten ed times have brought about, together with the' present ill-health, has necessitated for a time the suspension. of THE PILOT. A recent rebel invasion, which makes the third annually, has been, the instrument of a very unpleasant interruption in our business; and we have no reliable assurances that the last will not be suc ceeded by another at, an early day. The con• tiguity of our borough by the confederate bor der, which is too large to be effectually blockad ed by our forces at every point, renders us open to a" raid" at any time Jeff. Davis feels the necessity of a replenished Commissariat or Quarter-master's Department. Experience has taught us this; and this same sad monitor has also taught myself individually, that all these adverse surroundings combined, have made the publishing of THE PILOT anything but a justifiable business iu Greencastle. By such considerations as these, together with the very high price of paper and other material, us before said, I have been influenced to sus . pen& temporally the publishing of my paper. -This, then, will be the last issue for the present,-and I wish to profit by an opportunity thus afforded me to extend my heartiest thanks to that portion of the community which has so liberally and generously supported met I al ways found delight in endeavoring to make my paper as interesting and as edifying as possible, and I have every reason to_ believe it was a welcome visitor everywhere it was received ; and it is a source of regret to me, that circum stances have compelled a temporary cessation of the same. My subscribers and patrons will be . ever held in thankful remembrance, and if the publication of this paper should be resum ed—either by myself or another party, we hope for a continuance of their support. Although 1 have no reason to complain of a lack of in terest manifested by the community,-in the success of a borough paper here, yet it cannot be denied that I did not receive as general a support as one might have expected. A corporation of the size of Greencastle cannot dispense with a home paper, and en couragement on the part of the citizens is re quisite to justify a printer. Everybody wants a home paper, and yet so few take a thought that it requires money to publish one. Now that THE PILOT, is stopped, they will feel the absence of this welcome weekly guest; and I hope, if it is ever-resumed again, that the pub lisher will receive a more general support than I did. It may be (and I believe it will) that the present unsettled condition of our country and the exposed state of our Border will be speedily removed by the " onward march" of cur brave and victorious soldiers. Messrs. W. A. REID, D. W. RowE, Esq., J. M. IRwIN, Esq., and also to Iludibras . P. REYMEII,) and many others, who have kindly contributed to the original matter in the columns of my paper, will please accept wy warmest gratitude. Very respectfully, PROCLAXATIONS. Guy. Curtin has issued a Proclamation, dated the sth day of July, calling for twelve thousand volunteer infantry to serve at Washington city and vicinity for one hundred days unless sooner discharged. On the 6th day of July, the Gov ernor issued another Proclamation calling for twelve thousand volunteers, (in addition to those required by the proclamation of the sth,) to serve for one hundred days in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington and vicinity. All re !Tending to these calls in the eastern part of the State will rendezvous at Harrisburg and Phil. tide] pliia. Another proclamation was issued on Sunday, July 10th, referring to his recent proclamations, and appealing to the people to turn out and 611 up the ranks. Greencastle, Franklin county, Pa J. W. M'CRORY THE PILOT:--GREENCASTI,E, FRANKLIN CO., PA., JULY Q.O, ISG-1. On Monday, the ltith day of July, the. Pres ident made a call for five hundred thousand more volunteers for the military service. He, however, provides that this call shall be reduc ed by all credits which may be established under section Bth, of an act approved July 4th, 1864, on account of persons who have entered the naval service during the present rebellion and by credits for men furnished to the mil itary service in excess of all calls heretofore made. 'Volunteers will be accepted under the call for one, two or three years, as they may elect, and will be entitled to the bounty pro vided by the law for the period of service for which they enlist. And in case this call is not filled by volunteers by the sth day of Sep tember, 1864, which is 50 days from the date of this call, (the time allowed by the aforesaid act,) the President orders a draft to be made in every town, township, ward of a city; precinct or election district, county not so sub-divided to fill,tbe quota which shall be assigned to it under this call, or any part thereof which may be unfilled by volunteers on the said sth day of September, 1854: 4 A FORTNIGHT. "The rebels coming !" "Ah, it is the same old story." "No, not quite," said a voice near by, "they are coming." This was Sunday, July 3rd, at 3 o'clock, P. M. In less than fif teen minutes the intelligence had spread over town. /Bad news always travel fast, you know. Gem Conch sent a despatch that a force of rebels were in the Valley, threatening Martins burg, Va., and that farmers had better remove their stock, as the rebels might cross the Po tomac. Couriers were sent out in all clirc'a tions to warn the country people of the ap proaching danger. Evening came, but it was not the quiet holy Sabbath evening, such as we used to know when the family circle was brought together and recited the Westminster Catechism and engaged in other services befit ting the day. No, on the evening of the 3rd of July last such things were forgotten. The people were stirred up, or-to speak moderately, they were excited. You could hear the ham mer of the merchant engaged in packing up his goods. In a little while side walks were filled with boxes, and the shippers waiting rather impatiently " for the wagon" to trans port. their merchandise to the railroad. The merchants were not alone in this business.— Millers, commission men, and all others, who had articles that they wanted to put out of the way of the rebels, too, were busy. -The train came in the night, quietly feeling its way along. This freight cars were attached, and the train moved off giving relief to many; but the " iron horse" didn't snort so loudly as is his wont. Then came horses, wagons, carria ges, with the routine of drivers, riders, and ske daddlers. Virginia refugees, too, were not few in number; their stories, too, were listened to by vast crowds ; these tales of rebels, dan gers, escapes and " accidents by flood and fields," were as usual, moving, we wouldn't say without foundation, only highly colored to make them interesting, or like Wright's pills, sugar coated; that the victim—oh, the patient we mean may swallow them more readily. Ye "contrabands" heard the news. The " intel ligent," and those otherwise felt the " magic of the word ' skedaddle.' " Black faces, blue gingham, linsey woolsey, grey cloth, huge bun dles and cooking utensils, were all seen making their exit out the borough limits, steering for a place of safety just "furrier norf." The cars was too slow a way of traveling, so they took it a foot. At 10 o'clock, P. st., it was found that the corrals in the vicinity of Hagerstown had bro- ken loose. The tramping of horses, the bray ing of mules, the shouts of the drivers, and the songs and curses of the party last mention ed all tended to make night hideous. All seemed to be hurrying on, and on, afraid to look back; but perhaps they remembered the example made of Lot's wife some thousands of years ago; and preferring to remain living, moving beings, rather than to be transformed into " pillars of salt," to be looked on with wonder by the curiosity seekers of after ages. The night passed and so did the tumult. The morning was calm, and no rebels north of the Potomac. Good news. Sigel's waghn train across the river, and safe. Things began -to look better. Next morning calm. Some Fed eral cavalry about. Evening.—Rebels had crossed at Shepherdstown. Commotion in Hagerstown ; but our Regulars still remained. More stock taken down the Valley. Weilnes day.—Skirmish at Sharpsburg pike; a rebel killed, one Major (Shearer, formerly of York county, Pa.) and two privates captured.— Later.—Union soldiers retreat from Hagers town, followed two miles by the rebs. Our soldiers form north of Greencastle. 5 o'clock, F. lg.—Getting gloomy. Expect the Johnnies soon. Their pickets reported at Eshleman's church. Telegraph operators cut Hagerstown wires and prepare for the worst. Night comes, but not the rebels. Everybody thinks someeing is burning south_ of Mason and Dixon's line. Strategy is required. Fuller arrives with his locomotive—the Leopard.-- Ile goes out the railroad. The whistle is ter. riffle; one imagines it is forty engines and 50,- 000 troops, at least that was the effect designed to be produced on the rebels. A'gallant Lieu tenant who speaks in the " sweet German ac cent," advanced ou the Hagerstown road. He deployed his squad into line, formed them into battal lions, then into regiments and lastly into brigades. Huge camp fires were kindled. All hands considering the " insolent invaders" badly defeated suspended further operations until the next day, when we learned from citi- zens at about 11 o'clock, A. ?PI, that the rebel cavalry, (formerly Jenkins',) under M'Caus• land had left Hagerstown before daylight, tak ing with theni $20,000 in cash and 1,500 suits of clothing besides many other articles " not necessary here to insert." Their stay was brief, a fact not much regretted by some, and particularly those living on the Pennsylvania side. We have seen rebels, and a great many of them, and have had our curiosity satiated in that respect. Telegraph operators went to Hagerstown, and the Union Cavalry to the Line. Thursday morning.—About 200 of Imboden's command entered Hagerstown, and took shoes, suits, Sc., and burned wood house and water tank at the railroad and a quantity of government stores. This party left rather suddenly, going after 3PCauslaud, in the di rection of Frederick. Billy Wilson (telegraph operator, got out of town and set up shop in the woods two miles this side ; where he con tinued during the day, without meeting ,iny one to molest him or make him afraid. Friday. —Had all kinds of rumors. Rebels getting further away, though. Saturday.—Still furth er off. Hear of fight at Frederick, and many other matters which or readers have seen or heard of before this appears in print. Sunday, 10th inst —Today we hear awful news from Baltimore. Rrailroads cut and bridges burned. The city is threatened. The loyal liaises fly to arms. Next day ditto. Tuesday.—Balti more out of danger, but Washington threaten• ed. Anixety felt for the city. Wednesday.— Attack is made on Fort Stevens, but the rebels fail. During the balance of the week, the rebels gather up their plunder, consisting of vast sums of money, bacon and commissary stores of all kinds, horses, cattle, stock of every description,—the aggregate value of which we do not pretend to estimate—and then they leave Maryland, crossing the Potomac at ser ral fords, and up to this writing, in the lan guage of the song, " they have gone, no one knows where." The invasion or the " raid," as some NeW York editors prefer to call it, is over. Although no hostile force invaded our State, yet the dan ger was imminent. Our people cannot be too grateful to Gen. Couch fur seudingtimely warn ing, for we believe that if the valuable stock had not been removed we would have bad a raid on our side of the Line. We are saved, and as a community we cannot be to thankful that we escaped the preseuce of the enemy and the shock of war. The New York editors, and some others in our own State; wade light of our fears and laughed at our calamities, but we venture to assert, that were a large rebel force suddenly transported to the shores of the Hudson or even to the waters of the Schuyl kill some valiant knights of the quill would very quickly adopt other views. It is safe to talk bravely at a great distance from the enemy. Throughout the period of the invasion the telegraph operators, viz : Billy Wilson, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, telegraph line, Messrs. Kendal and Aughinbaugh of Hagerstown, and Mr. Fetterhoff of this place, stuck to their post manfully. We believe they were in ad vance of, the cavalry on all occasions. They were kind and courteous in giving to the pub lic such information as permitted by the min tary authorities. The cavalry consisted of. Regulars from the Carlisle barracks, under Lieutenants McClean, Jones and Stanwood, and volunteers, froth the Ist NeeiWork and 14th Penna., under Lieut. Draper, Torence and --. The whole force being, under command of Lieut. McLean. The men performed very well when under fire. Lieut. Draper is spoken of by everybody about Hagerstown and this place, as a brave and gal lant officer. We mention him particularly, for he descrves it. We trust he may soon be pro moted, as he deserves to be, for good conduct. A great deal of excitement and alarm was occasioned in the country by the appearance of the Union scouts, or those persons who repre sented themselves to be such, who were mostly dressed in rebel uniforms. Their waving plumes, and dangling swords, and general ap pearance, was that of the southern " chivalry" who had visited us before. And then the ter rible rumors circulated by some of these fel lows, were enough to keep credulous people in " hot water." Stock has been brought back. It took but some hours to get it started, but it has taken nearly a week for the return trip. We had no idea before of the vast number of horses in this section of country. There are thousands of them. Skedaddlers and contrabands are back. Our country friends are very busy cutting and hauling in their grain. Withal the drawback and very dry weather, the wheat will be gar nered without serious loss The danger is over. for the present, and we hope it is over forever. So mote it. be. THE NEWS. We have had very little reliable news from the armies up till Monday, the 18th day of July, and the only movement given in Gen. Grant's army up to that date, was the march of the Second Corps, under Hancock, from the breast works to the front, on the night of the 12th, in expectation of meeting the enemy, who were supposed to be about to make a flank ,move ment ou the works of the Sixth Corps. The enemy, however, were not found. Regular communications between Baltimore and Washington, disturbed by the rebel inva sion, has been restored, and is now perfectly safe. On Tuesday, the 19th, we have news of some active movements on the part of the rebels on the James River. They made an artillery at tack on Gen. Foster's headquarters on the morn ing of the 16th at Deep Bottom, but without much effect. They then commenced shelling the gunboats but with little success. The threatened rebel raid into Maine has de monstrated itself in an unsuccessful attempt to rob the' bank at Calais, on the 18th, by a few fellows calling themselves rebels, three of whom were arrested and committed to prison to answor the charge. The citizens were a lit tle excited, and armed themselves fur de fence. The guerrillas in Missouri are as troublesome as they were wont to be, and they seem to be aided by the citizens in many instances, as they are to be furnished with United States arms. General Roseerans has issued an address to the people of Northwestern Missouri, stating they have deceived him. While they promised to preserve peace and aid the government, he says they have allowed guerrillas to live and recruit among them. The arms and ammuni tion put into their hands for the preservation of the public safety have been used to destroy it. He tells them that nothing is now left for them to do but to wholly renounce and help to exterminate the common enemy, or that their country will soon become desolate. Wednesday, July 20th.—By advices from Nashville it is reported that Johnston has com mand to evacuate Atlanta, and that Gen Sher man had advanced his forces to.the South of the Cattahoochee, five miles, as far as Peachtree creek, forcing Johnston to retire within his defences and bringing the city within range of his guns. The fall of Atlanta, then, may be announced at any moment. Everythiug is quiet at Petersburg. The rebels have entered upon another raid into Kentucky. A despatch from Louisville yesterday says that early on Sunday morning a large rebel force said to be under command of Gen. Forrest, captured the federal stockade at Brownshoro, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. It was garrisoned by one hundred men, most of whom escaped. The rebels then moved on Huntsville, and after a sharp skim. ish drove in the Union pickets. Our troops number some five thousand, and are strongly fortified. The rebel force is estimated at from eight to ten thousand. Additional troops are goiug to the relief of Huntsville. By Thursday's news, we learn something more of Gen. Sherman and his operations be fore Atlanta. The latest official information from him is, that his army crossed the 'Chat tahoochee in several different places north of the railroad bridge. Our main army was, at last accounts, within ten miles of Atlanta There are some very curious movements and negotiations going on with regard to bringing about peace, as will be seen by despatches published iu our (lanes, from Niagara Falls, where the rebel eromissaries and some of the lights on the other side are assembled in iufomal council. It is said that proposals have been accepted by Mr. Lincoln to receive Geo. N. Sanders in Washington. It is somewhat significant that Mr. Hay, the private secretary of the President, is at Niagara participating in the council. The public may expect to hear of some extraordinary developments before many days. Friday, July 22.—General Sherman made another brilliant flank movement, on the enemy at Atlanta yesterday, thus throwing an army to the left of the town, on the railroad to Decatur, and cutting Atlanta off from Richmond Johnston made a desperate assault upon our left wing on Wednesday, but was fearfully repulsed, and bad to fall back into his defences. The rebels renewed the attack three times, and each time with alike result. Gen. Hunter reports that Gen. Averill, with his cavalry, attacked Gen 'Early in front of Winchester on Wednesday, with some success, killing and wounding over three hundred of his men, capturing four cannon, two hundred prisoners and a large quantity of small arms, all of which, with the exception of the muskets were sent to Martinsburg. General Liltsp was wounded and captured. Reports mention that a fight was going on at Leesburg on Wednesday between our troops and the rebels; but they arc not confirmed. There has been an unusual excitement for the past three weeks in financial and el:quer. cial as well as general eircles. The rebel in. vading force sweeping over Maryland capturin g and rai!road trains, destroying bridges, cutting telegraph wires, interrupting the or. dinary communications with Washington, s a d even storming its defences were events well calculated to disturb the public mind and pr o , duce the gravest apprehensions and most lively interest and anxiety. To these may be added the presence of the new Secretary of the Trea s . ury in New York for the purpose of negotiating a loan with the banks, and the uncertainty of the result, as well as the severe stringency i n the money market and its effect upon specula- tion, particularly on the produce exchang e , th e rapid fluctuations in the price of gold and the unsettled feeling which consequently pr eva il ed —combination of exciting causes rarely to be met with in so short a space. It is sheen impossible to give any correct quotation s et the price of gold for some time past. W. A. R For the week ending July 2nd, it closed at 239, and on July 9th, at 271. On Wednes• day morning, July 13th, it opened at 281 W subsequently ranged between 270 and 275. Thursday, July 14th, it opened at 272, with a weak market, and declined to 2681, but after. wards rallied to above the opening price. Exchange was dull. The quotations were about 298 for currency and 109 for gold. Saturday, July 16th, gold closed at 2571. Monday, July 18th. Gold opened at 257, declined to 2541, and in the afternoon advanced to 262/, whioh was the closing quotation Tuesday, July 19th. Gold opened at 2681; but that price could not be maintained and it gradually dropped to 260. It then rallied a little, and closed at 262. • Wednesday, July 29th. The Gold market was agitated to-day, and three or fouisuddeu turns iu quotations took place. it opened at 262, and went down to 2601. Then, iu consequence of a rumor that more legal tenders were immediately to be issued by the Govern went, it rose to 2631. Thursday, July 21.—Gold opened at 250, and dropped to 256 k, but rallied in the atter noun, aud closed at 254 The following are the quotations of Govern. tueut Securities, at the close of each of the past week a:— July 2nd. Registered 6's of 1881 atlo4. Coupou Ws of 1881 at 104. Five twenty coo. pons at 104. Five twenty registered at 1021. One year certificates at 95. Seven and three tenths notes at 104. July 9th. Five twenty registered at 1031 Registered 6's of 1881, Coupon 6's of 1881 and Five twenty coupons at 104. One year certifi• cat's at 941-. Seven and three tenths notes at 105. July 16th. Registered 6's of 1881 at 103. Five twenty registered at 101 One year cern& Cates at 94i. Seven and three tenths notes at 104 f. July 21.—Registered sixes of 1881 sold at 103 and the coupons at 1021; five twenty coupons 1041 and the registered 104; seven and three tenths Treasury notes 1031 and one year certificates 931. The new ten forty bonds are offered at 96. In the afternoon governments became stronger. Proclamation by the President WHEREAS, By the act approved July 4th, 1864, entitled An act further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes, it is provided that the President of the United States may, at his discretion, at any time here• after, call fur any number of men as volunteers for the respective terms of one, two or three years for military service, and that in case the quota of any part thereof, of any town, towu ship, ward of a city, precinct or election dis• trict, or of any county not a sub•subdivided shall not be filled within the space of 50 days after such call, then , the President shall im mediately order a draft for one year to fill such quota, or any part thereof which may be us• filled : Arid whereas, The new enrollment hereto fore ordered, is so far completed as that the aforesaid act of Congress may Dow be put in operation for recruiting and keeping up the strength of the armies in the field, for garri son and such military operations as may be required for the purpose of suppressing the rebellion and restoring the authority of the United States Government in- the insurgent States now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do issue this my call for five hundred thousand volunteers for the military service; provided nevertheie -, that this call may be reduced by all credits which may be established under section Bth of the aforesaid act, on account of persons who entered the naval service during the pivot rebellion, and by credits for men furnished to the military service in excess of calls hereto fore made. Volunteers will be accepted under the call for one, two or three years, as they elect, and will be entitled to the bounty provid' ed by the law for the period of service for which they enlist. And I hereby pruelai w t order and direct, that immediately after the sth day of September, 1864 being 50 des B from the date of this call, a draft for troops te serve for one year shall be had in every town , township, ward of a city, precinct or election, districts, or county not so sub-divided , to fil l the quota which shall be assigned to it under this call, or any part thereof which may he, unfilled •by volunteers on the said sth day 0 1 September, 1864. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set?! hand, and caused the seal of the United,. States to be affixed. Done at the city . 0 1 Washington, this eighteenth .day of one thousand eight hundred and sixtv fe . er: and of the independence of the United States the eighty ninth. ABRA LIAM LINCOLN, [L. s.] By the President : Wm. It. SrwAR Secretary of State' F INANCIAL. WASHINGTON, July 18