The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, July 26, 1864, Image 1

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(North West Garner of the Public Square,)
e •be following rates, front which there will be no
Single subscription, in advance
Within six months
Within twelve months
No paper will be discontinued unless at the eption
o f the Publishers, until all arrearages are paid.
No subscriptions will be taken for a less period
Ilan six months.
Tbo Great
61 Vesey Street, New York ;
Since its organization, has created a new era in the
history of
Wholesaling Teas in this Country.
They have introducel their selections of Teas, and
are selling them at not over Two Cents (.02 Cents)
per pound above Cost, never deviating from the ONE
PRICE asked.
Another pecillarity of the company is that their
Tea TASTER not only devotes his time to the selec
tion of their Teas as to quality, value, and particu
lar styles for particular localities of country, but he
helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their enormous
steels such TEAS as are best adapted to hie peculiar
wants, and not only this, but points out to him the
best bargains. It is easy to see the incalculable ad..
vantage a TEA BUYER has in this establishment over
all others. If he is no judge of TaA, or the MARKET,
if his time is valuable, he has all the benefits of a well
organized system of doing business, of an immense
capital, of the judgment of a professional Tea:Taster,
and the knowledge of superior salesmen. •
This enables all Tea buyers—no matter if they
are thousands of miles from this market—to pur
chase on as good terms here as the New York mer
Parties can order Teas and will be served by us
as well as though they came themselves, being sure
to get original packages, true weights and tares;
sad the Teas are warranted as represented.
We issue a Price List of the Company's Teas,
which will be sent to all who order it; comprising
Young limn, Imperial, Gun
powder, Twankay and Skin.
Oolong, Souchong, Orange and Hyson Peko,
/open Tea of eve y description, colored and uncolored
This list has each kind of Tea divided into Four
Classes. namely: CARGO, high CARGO, FINE,
FINEST, that every one may understand from de
scription and the prices annexed that the Company
are determined to undersell the whole Tea trade.
We guarantee to sell all our Tens at not over
TWO CENTS ( .02 Cents) per pound above cost, be
lieving this to be attractive to the many who have
heretofore been paying Enormous Profits.
Great American Tea Company,
Importers and Jobbers,
Sept. 15, 1863-81o.] No. 51 Vevey St., N. Y.
100 !r l iiPcure A R D for a medicine that
Coughs, Influenza, Tickling in the throat,
Whooping Cough, or relieve Consumptive Cough,
as quick as
Over Five Thousand. Bottles have been sold in its
sage, town, and not a single instance of its failure
is kdown.
W. have, in our possession, any quantity of cer
(item es, /mum of them from EM:lni:Nly PHYSICI
ANS, who linve used it in their practice, and given
it the preeminence over any other compound.
It does not Dry up a Cough,
ut loosens it, so as to enable the patient to expec•
orate freely. Two or three doses will invariably
ure Tickling in the Throat. A half bottle has of
en completely cured the moat STUBBORN COUCH. and
set, though it Is so sure and speedy in its operation,
ilia perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It
is very agreeable to the taste, and may be adminis
arid to children of any age. In cases of CROUP ,
we will guarantee a cure. if taken in season.
No family should be tvithout
It is within the reach of all, the price being only
25 Cents. And if an investment and thorough
trial does not "back up" the above statement, the
money will be refunded. We say this knowing its
merits, and feel confident that one trial will secure
for it a home in every household.
Da not waste away with Coughing, when so small
an investment will cure you. It may be bed of
Any respectable Druggist in town, who will furnish
you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures
it has made. C. G. CLARK Rt. CO.,
New Haven, Ct.
At Wholesale, by
Johnston, Holloway & Cowden,
28 North Sixth Street., Philadelphia, Pa.
For vale by Druggists in city, county, and every
where '[Sept. 29, 1863.-6 m.
Vammoth Stove
and Tinware Store Room,
A few doors South of the Diamond, Greencastle, Pa.
HE undersigned having purchased Mr. Nead'a
1. entire interest in the 'Tinning business, wishes
le inform the public at large, that he has on hand,
at his extensive Stove store,
Stoves. Among them are the Continental, Noble
Commonwealth and Charm, which he will sell
!heap for cash. The very best quality of
Tin, Japaned and Sheet Iron Ware,
is great variety.
ref the best. material. for houses, &e., manufactured
.sod put up at the shortest notice.
All are invited in call at this establishment. as the
oroprietor is confident in rendering satisfaction,
oth in price and quality of his wares. My price
Audi be low! tow ! I tow!!!
Save money by purchasing at headquarters.
Se— All work warranted.
August 23, 1863. J. W. BARB.
rusl Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment
and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness. or Sper
matorrheett, induced from Self-Abuse ; Involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous . Debility, and Im
pediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption,
Fpilepsy'and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity,
RouT. J. CULTBILWBLL, M. D., Author of
'The Green Book," &o.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that
'he awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effec
tually removed without medicine, and without dan
gerous surgical operations, bettgies, instruments,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer,
ne matter what his condition may be, may cure him-
Pelf cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture
will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope; to any ad
'tress, en receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps,
by addressing the publishers.
171 flowery. New York, Post Office Box, 4686.
Jan. 27, .1864.-sep22l.y.
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Would that praise was universal,
Would that every soul could sing,
Praise to God the great Creator,
Praise to the Eternal King:
Nature, then, and human nature,
All combined the world around
Nodding hills and smiling 'rallies,
Would their Author's praise resound
Hail the great. Eternal Father!
He whose,sptrit moved upon:
The dark face of mighty waters;
Hail his well beloved Son!
Praise him for the earth and heavens,
For his care to ancient Night;
All he saw, and the division
When he said, "let there be light!"
Praise him as the stars of heaven;
Loudly as they silent move!
Lift the earth to heaven descending,
With pure praise as angels' love !
Praise him as the heavenly being,
In whose footsteps we have trod ;
Songs of praise be universal
To the Great Eternal God !
Soo torn.
The old farm-house clock has just struck
seven, and all over the hills the purple vapors
of twilight, were coming down, waking the
spicy colors among the sweetfern in the pas
tures and the blue wild grapes ripening iu the
woods, while whippoowit •sang sadly on the
rails of the broken down fence that skirted the
ravine, and the katydids chirped shrilly through
the morning glory leaves above the window.
"Seven o'clock !" echoed Silas Miller, as
though he had not been watching that slow
creeping minute hand fur the last half hour.
"He will soon be here now—my boy will soon
be here."
What a strong softening of the rugged fea
tures, what an unwanted quiver of the harsh
voice there was, when he uttered the two sim
ple words, 'My boy ;" Yes, it was his boy,
who wtts coming back front the smoke of half
a score of battle-fields ; no wonder that the
thought sent a thrill through his iron nature.
His soldier—his hero !
"Surely I ought to hear the stage horn," he
said, feverishly pacing up and down the nar
row path, where the maple leaves lay like a
carpet of pale gold.
"Listen Sybil: don't you hear it T"
"It is too early yet, lather."
The light figure came stealing out to his
side, and both came together leaned over the
garden gate, gazing into the opal gloom of
twilight with wistful searching gaze.
She was not prettier than many an other New
England girl, yet there was a delecate type of
beauty in her face and form that belongs as
much to the "frozen North," as its pine for
ests and its etiffs of eternal snow. Pale brown
hair, aureate tights crossing its surface at times,
eyes like the blue larkspur, and lips that had
stolen the dewy crimson of the wild rose; in
pearls and blue crape Sybil Miller would have
been "a beauty ;" in her dress of gray ging
ham she was something far better and nobler.
Suddenly the old wan started and uttered
an instinctive glad cry.
"It's he, Sybil; don't you see, beyond the
elder bushes! Child, don't hold me back : let
me go and meet my boy !"
'No father, you are mistaken ; it is not.—
Lawrence is shorter by half a head, and it is
not his quick buoyant step,"
"You're right, Sybil," said Silas Miller,
almost petulantly. "Why do those vagrant
soldiers go wandering by, giving folks such a
start? It was only this morning that a beg
gar, disgracing—l won't say wearing the
United States uniform, came by, and had the
audacity to ask me for money."
"Did you give him some."
"Give him some!! repeated Silas angrily;
"I'd have seen him starving first. I have no
patience with these strolling beggars. Here's
another specimen of the kind, I suppose. No,
my man, you needn't trouble yourself to re
cite your pitiful story."
For the tall figure, with halting step and
coat thickly powdered with dust had paused
in front of the gate; and Sybil could just
discern dark, piercing eyes and a forehead cu
riously traversed by a ©resent shaped scar, ap
parently now heeled.
"I have nothing for you," said Sila's, sharp
ly ; "Yes, yes, I know what you'd say, but it's
no use. It you're deserving, the proper au
thorities will take care of, you, and if you are
not, the county jail is the best,placc for you.
Don't about .what.; what ' have. you dune
with your bounty money and your pay, if
you're what you pretend to be—a soldier ?"
Even through the twilight Sybil could see a
scarlet flush rising to the scarred forehead.
"Sir, you are mistaken. I did not beg."
"No, you'd prefer to play the bully, I've no
doubt. But I'm not a proper subject fur you,
so be about your business, my man."
The soldier turned silently away, with a
step more halting, perhaps, and a head more
depressed, and passed slowly into the gather
ing dusk.
"Father," whispered Sybil, reproachfully,
"have you forgotten that our Lawrence, too, is
a soldier ?"
"No," returned Silas, abruptly, "I remem
bered it, and it convinced tue all the more that
a man paid and pensioned like our Lawrence
has no need to beg on the public highways.'
"But father he did not beg."
"Because I would not allow it, child. I pay
taxes for the support of such as he, and 1
swear I will do it no more."
He spoke in the sharp, high-pitched accents
of passion, and when he looked around again
Sybil was gone.
Foot sore and weary, the travel-worn pedes-
trian had seated himself down on a mossy
boulder by the roadside, when a quick light,
ootstep came up a little path leading from the
back door of the house through blackberry
pastures and mown fields, and a slight figure
bent above him. "Do not mind my father's
words ; he was angry and unreasonable,' she
said hurriedly. "I have little to give, but I
want you to take it for the sake of my soldier
Before he could speak she had unfastened a
blue ribbon with a tiny gold piece suspended
from it, and placed it in his hands, and was
gliding across the fields like some gray nun in
her sombre lined dress. Ile rose as if to fol
low and overtake her, but it was too late, and
as he bent his head over the gleaming token
something very much like a tear-dropped upon
its circlet of tiny stars.
"And now tell us everything., that has hap
pened to you Lawrence. Oh, Lawrence, when
I wakened this morning it seemed all a dream
that you had come hack again in very truth.'
The bronzed handsome young soldier looked
smilingly down into the radiant face that nest
led against his shoulder, and a serious shadow
stole into his eyes.
"I can tell you one thing, Sybil, that it come
very near being nothing more than a dream
once or twice. I have had more hair breath
escapes than you know of, little sister. I did
not tell you, did I, of that skirmish along the
Potomac where I stood face to face with death,
too, at the point of Rebel bayonets, when some
brave fellow charged down on 'em and saved
my life with his own right hand."
"Who was it, Lawrence ?" said old Silas,
with trembling lips and dilated eyes. "I
would give my best wheat field for a chanee to
grasp that right hand."
"I don't know—l never came across him
again. Probably he was in some other regi
ment. All that I know is that he had fiery
black eyes, and a scar on his forehead, shaped
like a Moorish crescent."
"And a straight nose and a heavy moustache?"
interrupted his sister.
"Father," said Sybil turning with sparkling
eyes and crimson cheeks to where Silk§ Miller
sat "the wandering soldier whom you turned
from your door last night, is the man who saved
our Lawrence's life."
Slias rose up from his chair and took an un
easy turn across the room, and back, his iron
features working stangely.
"It can't be helped now,' he said in a tremu
lous voice; "but it's the last soldier ever
send with empty hands from this door. The
man who saved our Lawrence's life ! 0 Sybil,
if I had only listened to your words !"
But she never spoke of the lucky piece of
gold. She fancied it might seem like ostenta
tion, this shy, fastidious wild flower of the
"Sybil going to get married among the fine
town folks in Boston ! Well, I s'pose I might
have expected it, and yet it does seem kind o'
hard. 1 sho'd like to see the man who is going
to marry Sybil Miller,' soliloquized Silas drop
ping the dainty timid letter.
"Sit down here, dearest, in the quiet little
music room," he said with carressing author
ity. "I can't share your sweet eyes and
sweeter words with all the world any longer, I
must have you all to myself fur awhile ."
She looked up with a Lilushing.sruile, then
down again.
"Well ?" he asked, as she had spoke.
"I was wondering, Allen—that scar on your
orehead !"
"What of it ?"
"Why it is such a singular shape—almost
half a circle. I never saw but one like it be-
"Did you not? And, where was that ?"
"A poor ,soldier passed our gate with just
such a sear, and—"
She paused ; he had quietly taken from an
inner receptacle in hie coat a tiny piece of gold
with a narrow blue ribbon passed through it.
Ile held it smilingly up.
"Do you know who gave this to me ?"
"Gave it to you, Allen ?"
"To me, a footsore, weary wanderer, who had
missed his way among your tangled roads.—
You fancied me a beggar. It was not so—it
was not so. I had money, friends, position,
yet I stood sorely in need of work, just then,
for my brain was throbbing, my limbs weary,
and my scars scarcely healed. That foot march
cost me a weary fever. Yet Ido not regret it ;
Be took up her hand tenderly into hia, and
added :
"For although I might have known my Sy
bil was beautiful, yet had it not been for that
blue-ribboned piece of gold I never should
have known how good and true she was."
There is a beautiful harmony and order in
Nature, which the more one contemplates the
more he admires. We remember calling, a
long time ago, upon a friend who is "curious"
in matters of mineralogy, and noticed upon
table specimens of the wonderful progressive
operations of nature. There was delicate
moss, some of it yet wearing the color of sum
mer; and some had passed beyond the sere
and yellow leaf—had apparently been bleach
Near the moss, lay the fragment of a porous
stone resembling in color and structure, though
more compact, the whitened mole. Next to
this was a specimen of firm rock; the pores
bad filled up; the whole
_had indurated ; and
there, but two removes from the green moss
lay the material of which Ambition rears its
monuments, War has defences, and Love her
cherished homes.
And near all these was placed a glass jar,
which contained the agent that had wrought
this wonder—pure cold water. It is dumb
uow, but the time has been when it had a voice
and a song in it, and it went sparkling down
over that moss, leaping into life and sparkling
into sunlight.
It,was indeed a beautiful series, in impres
siveness far superior to the most eloquent de.
scription. Nature kindly disguises herself
everywhere around us, and it is the eye of
science alone that detects in the beauty of
change nothing but the beauty of death.
Do our fair readers think—if we have any
—while their pencils glide freely with an "at
home," over the polished surface of an India
card, that the very surface they admire is com
posed of the lunar shields of little warriors,
who have fought the fight of life, glittered,
like all heroes, their hour in the sunbeam, and
laid aside their armor and died? Do they
think that little card, that little parallelogram
of pearl, is the .cemetery of thousands—that
the beauty of death ?
And so with the roses that blush iu our path
way and cluster around the graves of our dead.
Could we but know whence their elenients were
derived, did we but think that perhaps the
tint that gave beauty to the leaf once colored
the cheek of the loved, how different would
we regard these children of a Persian sun.
It was one of the beautiful and truthful
sayings of an eminent naturalist that the ever
lasting hills and the firm rocks are but the
relics of former life. They are indeed the
alto-relievo of things that were. The rotten
stone, composed of the cresent shields of little
creatures that sported their day and died ; the
white chalk rocks, the catacombs of animalcula,
with limbs, and pulse, and armor for defence
—people, a million of which are comfortably
accommodated with a single cubic inch.
lr you wish to win a high strung woman,
feed her with romance. The more mysterious
you can make yourself, the more dearly she
will esteem you. Rather than admit that you
belong to the useful classes, plead guilty to be
ing a brigand. Anything that partakes .of ,
poetry and .adventure, pleases. the sex with
scarcely an Anception. We once.knew alligh
wayinan who .lost an :heiress by just acknowl
.cqging that Jae was the .sol u a cmdwaiucr.
Iclvertisements will be iuserted in Ttis PILOT at
the fellow ilig rate 3
1 column, one year
A of a column, one year
f of a column, one year
1 square, twelve months
1 square, six months
1 square, three months
I square, (ten lines or less) 3 insertions 1.00
NO 19.
Each subsequent insertion...
Professional cards, one year
. . .
A leopard shouldn't be caged. It would be
hard that be should be confined to one spot.
A beggar's threadbare suit may be a fine
court dress—a dress for the court of Heaven.
Adam caused our evil ways, and McAdam
mended them.
The winds and waters have myriad voices,
and all of them are solemn.
If you undertake to oversee too many jobs,
you will overlook a part.
A military definition of a kiss would be a
report at headquarters.
A cherry, ripe and rich, is fragrance and
flavor done up in a red wrapper.
Fame is but an inscription on a grave; glory
be melancholy blazon on a coffin-1i&
A common donkey can generally boast more
stripes than the zebra.
Many love the music of the "winding horn."
But a cow has winding horns with no music
it them
We can best teach the juvenile mind before
tis soiled and spoiled. 'Tis sorry writing on
a creasy slate
If you are suffering from gout or rheumatism
any mischievous boy in the street will gladly
undertake to break your panes.
The schoolmaster's beat is less extensive
than the watchman's. It is confined to big
If a man and his horse are both in distress,
they can let their griefs meet in a common
Centaur .
Manly spirits, as it is generally called, is
often little else than the froth and foam of
hard-mouthed insolence.
The poet, if questioned harshly as to his
uses, might be unable to render a better apolo
gy for his existence than a flower might.
Dew ;is an invisible vapor, which, chilled by
the cool surfaces of the Bowers, burst into tears
over the beauty that must fade.
Many persons, like a mocking-bird or a
blank wall, say nothing of themselves, but
give back imperfeptly the ntorances of others.
The world is ; curved rautid about with hea
ven. low one can get out of the world with
out getting into heaven is to us a physical
There is .a great deal ,of fawning in society,
in order to be fawned ou again, just as among
suckling puppies half awake.
That is properly the land of our fathers in
which we may veuei;ate the image of their
The swallows Are considered temperate, but,
after skimming the river, they fly to their
nests and "moisten their ,clay."
If A stupid speaker has prodigious lungs, he
can fill with his iv.oice the largest house—and
empty it too.
The more we know, the less we say. At
death ,a man arriKes at immense knowledge cud
doesu',t open his mouth.
Life in the spring-titue,is life in all its forms
—life with a sweet breath in it, life with a
song in it, life with a light in it.
Those feud of wine are little fond of the
sweet of the nem : those fond ,of learning are
no fonder of its must than of its dregs.
There wouldil be fewer shipwrecks in society
if men remembered that iarge sails are ill
adapted to small vessels.
The great gulf, in which so many govern
ments have perished, east up the fragment,
and indefatigable nien refits them.
No gocd man ever gave anything without
being the more happy for it, unless to the un
deserving, nor took anything away without
being the less so.
Under a ,conquering prince, the people are
shadows, lessening and lessening as he mounts
in glory, urktil at last they became a thing of
IRzporienee is a solimn fowl, that eaekles
toftener than she drops real live eggs. Wise
men have said a great many foolish things ;
and foolish nen, we doubt not, as many wise
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