The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, July 05, 1864, Image 1

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'North West Corner of the Public Square,)
the following rates, from which there will be no
deviation :
Single subscription, in advance $1.50
Within six months 1.75
Ilithin twelve months 2.00
No paper will be discontinued unless at the option
of the Publishers, until all arrearages are paid.
No subscriptions will be taken for a less period
hen six months.
The Great
51 Vesey Street, New Pork;
Since its orgisnisatiog, hail created a new era in the
history of
Wholesaling Teas in this Country.
They have introduce.' their selections of Teas.and
are selling them st'not. 'over Two Cents (.02 Cents)
per pound above Cost, never deviating from the ONE
NICE asked.
Another peculiarity of the company is that their
TeA TArren not only devotes his time to the idea
tion of their Teas as to quality, value, and partieu-
Isr styles for partidular localities of country, lint he
helps the Tvo buyer to choose out of their e710917101u
neck such TEAS as are beat adapted to his peculiar
wants, and not only this, hut points out to 'him the
lest bargains. It is eitSy to'see the incalculable ad..
vantage a TVA &reale has in this establishrfient; over
all others. If , hells:Ito iodic of TVA, or the MAILIEST.
if his time is valuable, he, has all : the benefits of swell
organized system of doing business, of sti immense
capital, of the, judgment of a professional Tea:Taster,
and the knowledge, of superior saletimen.
This enables all Tea buyera—no mutter if they
ere thousands of miles from this. market—to por
ch:me on as good terms here as the New fork mer
Parties can order Teas and will be served by us
as well as though'they came themselves, being sure
to get original packages. true weights nud tares;
and Ilse Teti, are warranted as represented; -
We Issue a Price. List of the Company's,. Tam
which will he sent to all who order It: comprising
Hyman, Young, Ilysou, Inaper).al,. Gun-
" 4, - -
powder, Twankai and Skin.
Oolong, Soitchong, Orangtp.aprl ,11:yson. Petro,
Japan Tea of every description colored and uncolored
This list. has each kind of Tea divided into Four
Classes.. namely: CA,ROO, PIA CARGO, FINE,
FINEST, that every one may understand from de
scription and the prices annexed that the CoMpany
are determined to undei*tl
A chiltehoie Tea trade.
We guarantee to`lsell all' our' Tens at not `over
TWO CENTS (.02-Cents) per pound abovevcoet; be
lieving this to be attractive to the many who have
heretofore been paying Enormous Profits. •
Great. American Tea Conipany,
Importers and Jobbers,
Rept. 15, 1853 Aw.) o. 51 Vesey 'Sr— N. Y
1, 12 W ure A D I for a medicine that
Coughs, fitflue Ticklin' in tlte Throat ,
WhooPirigeaugkoriTlieve Consumptive (I°4h,
as quick as
Over Five Thousand 3ottles have been sold in its
native town, and not a single inotaude of its failure
Is knoWiti.
We have, in our possession, any-quantity ofseer
(Moues. seine of them from EtlftiVEArr PHYSICI
ANS, who have used e it in their practice, and given
it the preeminence Mver any other eomPound.
It does not ':Drisr U p Cougb.,
ut loosens it, so as to enable the patient - to niece.
orate freely. Two or'ilfrtre doses will invariably
use Tickling In the ThrdaC A hslf Millie hail of l ,
en completely oure&the most.sgtrintons conan. , end
'et, though it is se sure and speedy is it,e operlition.,
it is perfectly harmless, being purely miwetable,
is very agreeabln IC the testis, and may Ise adminisl
end to children of any age. ' Ite eases of CROUP
we will guarantee Lowe. if kaki% in steksftit•
No family should be without It.
It is within the reach of all, •the ,price-being',otelY
'25 Cents. And-if an, investment and thorough
trial does not 'fittnektur theAbollthetattneette, the
money will be refunded. We sartttits knowing its
merits, and feel confident that entsirial will secure
for it a hoMe in every household ,'!".'
De not. waist* away With Coltiblitg,ewhets so•srnall
an investment will mtra yots,t 41,t* may-he hail ,of
any respectable Druggist in town, who will furnish
you with a circular of genuine i3ertitiontes of 'Mires
it has made. C. G. CLARK 1 ,
New Haven, Ct.
At Wholesale, by
Johnston g 1 ito Iv y Sr, Ccrirden, "
• 23 North Sil:fh Street., Philadelphia,. Pp.
For sole by Dnuggietf in city. eonniy, and eriery
.-where [Sept: 29, 1808.4 m-
ti. W. BA.RR'S
and Titratare:Stereltoom, -
A few doors South of the Dianwude ,GroPzeuitilf,' l'a•
111 FIB undersigned having purchased ME. Npad!Ei
eht ire interest in the ,Tiniting .business, wishes
!o inform the public at large, that he has on band,
et his extensive Stove store," '''''
Stoves". 'Awing them are the :Coniinental, ;Noble,
Coinnionwealth and Cliarmoiiitich he will sell
:heap for'cash. The very best qualii,y4,
Tin s Japaned and Sheet :Iron Ware, .
'in great 'variety.
.of the best material, for houses, &c., ihanufaetured,
find put up at the shortest notice.
All, aro nv it ed pet) at this est ablishmenty the
aroplieter is o(mM:tea in rendering tratisrention,
nth in price and t t eslity of his wares.' blyipricei
%all be low! tow!! tow !!...!
Save money by paroba,sing at headeusxtere.
All work warranted.
lapse 25, 1863. J. IV. BARR.
'ha Radioheti in a &glad &NON, .erice six -cents
A 'lteetuxe on the Nature, Treatment.
end Eidical Cane of Semirtal'Weakness. or Spar
rustertihnia, induced feign Self-AbUile lawoluntary
IFmissions,,ampeteney, 'Nervous Debility, and Im
pediments to, Marriage gentially'; Connumption;
Elpilepsfititd Fite; Mental ant Physical incapacity.
A.c.--By Myr: J...CiamsaviaLs.,<...ltl: D., Author.: of
"The Green Aggle,':- 1 .40.. t •
The world-renowned atathdr, in. this admirable
Lecture, clearly''OrbYes from hisown expernsocetbat .
',he awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effec
tually removed without Medicine, and without dan
gerous surgical operations, beagle's, instruments,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effentbraWb.ll6 l 4 l eireriauterer ,
no matter what his conditiOn may' be,may
self cheaply, privately and 'radically.: This lecture
will prove a boon to thousands and thoumnds..
Sept, under seal, in .s plain envelope, to any ad_
crass, on receipt of six efbrits;nr two poAtage stardps,
by addressing the publishers, •
CHAS. J. 4. LINE & CO., -
127 Bowery. New York, Pest tOrtco Boa, 4586.
Jan. 27, 1164.-sep22ly.
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National Songs.
Hail Columbia, happy land !
Hail, ye heroes, heaven-born band,
Who lought and bled in' freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone,
Enjoyed the peace your valor won. •
Let Independence he , your boast,
Ever mindful what it coat.
Ever grateful for the prize.
Let its alter reach the skies.
Chorus.—Firm,- united let its be,
' Rallying round our liberty !
n•baqii of brothers•join'tl,
Peace and safety we shall dml
Immortal Patriots ! riseA)nce more !
Defend y,our rights..defoud your shore ;
Let on rude foe with irnpips . hartd,
Let no rude foe with impious hand
Invade the shrine, where sacred lies
Of toil and blood,'theweil-earded priso ;
offering peace sinnere and just
In heaven ive place a manly trust,
That truth and justice may prevail,
And evory.scheme of , hondage fail.;
Chorus.—Firm, ttuiMd let us be, &c.
Soundosound the trump of fame,
Let Washingtou's great came
Ring thro' the world with loud applause !
Ring thio' the world with loud applause !
Let every slime, to'freedom dear,
Listen with a joyful ear; '
With equitl'skill, with4teitilkipower,
Re governs-in the fearful hour:
Of horrid war, or guides-with ease,, ,
The happier time of honest peace.
Chorus.L.Firm, united let us be, &c.
Behold the chief, who now commands,
Onee , more to,serve ItiB country,
• The rock on which the storm. will beat ; •
The rock on which the storm will beat;
But skrted in virtue, tint and line,
Ills 'hopes arti fixed on heaven itnd you;
Nilhen rope wits:sinking in dismay, •
:When gloOm obscured. Oolumbia's day, '
flis•steady mind from changes free, .
Resolved. on.,death. or, Liberty.
Chorns..—Firm; united us be, &c.
Columbia, the . Gem of the ()bean.
0 Colorable, the gem of . the,cean,
The luiree the brave and the free:
The shrine , of each katriat's' devotion,
A world eters hontage „to Ulite;
Thy...mandates make heroes assemble,
iyboLliberty',.s Corm stands itt.viesr,
~Thy Banners make tyranoy tremble,
ltihenb l orn by,the, red, white and blue.
Cutlers —When . borne by the red, white and blue:
• borne hi the rcii; white and blue;
''.Thy 'Banners make tyransiy- tremble,.
• ,;When.borne by the red, white and blue.
When War winged its wide desolation,
And threatened the land to deforiri;"
The ark th'en:.:of •friedom'a , foundation,
Columbia rode safe thro' lie storm; • 1
With her garlands of victory around her,
When so proudly she bofe her briive crew;
With her flag Proudly floating . before her,
ThehoaSt of "the red, White and bide, - -
Citon.lis.—lThe-boast of the red; White and blue,
ThelUinst of ihe red, white and
tiYilh her flag: roudly floating before,her i '
The tioast,of.oe red, white and blue.
The wine' cup, the wine sup bring hither,
Ant-fill you it true , to the brim; . a
May the wreAths . they have won never wither,
Nor the ger of their glory _ grow dim;
May the - service united ue'er sever,
But they to their'colors prove true,
TheaNa - iftend - Army foiever,
TitrWelieers ;for the red, white-and bide,
Clidnus.—lThrie cheers for the red,whiteiud blue,
.Threwelteers for the red, white and blue,'
The Navy Lid Army forever.
Three cia,nemfor th.e red.,, white and blue.
Three things a lady,cannot do : •
lat. She , eaaaot passa millinery shop without
24. She eannokeee a piece of keep without
*eking th,e prim.
14, She cannot moo °baby without kissing
A lady of our acquaintance turns the tables
on the gentlemen as follows!
Three things a gentleinatreannot do :
Ist. itt l Unttot throug,h the house and
shut the door after him.. •
2d. He cannot, havea shirt made to suit
3d. He oan neverlbe satisfied with the ladies'
fashions. r
No power 'in the. hiunan'soul shoulli ever be
weakened—one cannot 'repeat this too oSten 7 =
only its , counterbalineing power strengthened
in squirrels the upper row of teeth °full" grows
painfully long, but only when the lower one is
An ez, as hanad , aa Wet lougija A-jOund of
~,•, . .,e..,•yr.5....•%•".....%et."0, . ••••••,..,,,,••• "0..,.,.^
Our business lies in the library of a magnifi
cent house, in one of our upper streets, about
an hour before, sunset, just as the rays were
falling aslant through plate glass and ince, up
on the rich, .dark, - rosewood carvings, and
scholarly-bound books of Mr. John Ritchie,
while their owner, seated in, a deeply, cushioned
,in,slippers and-dressing-gown, was divid
,hjs 'time between the evening ptiper and
conversation with a tall, prom girl of seven
teen, who, sat before an embroidery frame, be
fade him.
A tap at the door,,and a small, matronly wo
man enters. English undoubed, by her speech.
."011 1 . if you please, Mr..Ritehie,-there's%a
little boy belowi•sir,•wants to see you !"
'Little boy ? Little boy, Mrs. Oral*. Who
is it
• think' it is the same; boy,iir, that cattle
hero Some months ago' ) to bring !sorne sewing
home to Miss Grace."
"Oh, ah ! Mrs. Gray'i'littleboy. Well, 1 -
can't see him •to-day, Mrs. Crank ! I really
'ean't'see anybody in the evening, after I have
been fatigued with business. It won't do ! It
really won't do, Mrs.. Crank !"
"You told him to come.-to-day, papa," Grace
quietly said. -
"Did-I'? Well, bleis me, I believe I did !
So I did.! Well, let him come in, Mrs. Orank."
The housekeeper returned in a'few minutes
With aiad of about nine yeari, whose scanty,
but scrupulously clean clothes told an - instant
tale of hard, but respectable poverty in who
ever had the care of him. From under his
jacket, held so that its body - seemed to be a
part of the boy's, came the head of a tiny dog,
a pure blooded King Charles, which stared'
around; the richly fuinished imim, with a real
dog'sfare of admiration. ,
"Now, then, .Manny,what have you got to ,
say . ,
The boy hi:lnglis heed and said' nothing.'
.your:motber get the relief money ?",
questioned Mr. 'Ritchie. • '
"No', fir !" the boy answered. softly.
Why,'wbat, 'the matter? - That's too .
bad : I thought she had got it last week. I
must attend to that; Telliyour mother I will,
see that she does get it."
Thank you, sir!" and the -bciy was > about:
turning away : when he was stopped by a ino- :
tin: from .3.1. r. Ritchie.. -.He asked
"What did they say they refused for ?"
"For Willie !" answered. the boy.
"Willie?" eanded Mr: Ritchie. "Who is
.11Tillie?" .
"Thmis Willie, sir!" the boy said, timidly,
laying his cheek down to the dog's upturned
nose. : t
- "Hum !" 'mused Ritchie. "4.nd so they
wouldn't give your mother anythiug because
you kept a dog, eh ?"
"Yes,,sir ! They said that the dog, eatimbre!
than a' matt; and they-didn't feed dogsl; ,and
all the time Willie doesn't, eat „hardly ,any...;
thing, only what I give him."
"And, I-suppose,- you starve yourself to feed!
the dog? is that it, Manny ?' . •
. "0h,,,n0; sir! :dosen't eat harldy half
my dinner !"
"Hardly -half, eh ! Well, Manny, I' expect'
the Committee are right. They're -not allciived
to •give relief, where dogs are kept. Se you-see',
you'll have to pantwith !" •
"Oh, sir !" the boy grasped, all the little
color that was on her cheeks flying away as.
with-;a puff. • "Indeed, I can't part with Willie.
Mr. George• Green; thatlgenpeman -father used!
to work for, gave him to me, when be was a
little bit of a puppy, because the was-- siek,,and
said he would die, and I nursed him well, and
named him after my little brother that's dead.
Oh, indeed, I ean't,part with Willie and the
tears Prickled down his cheeks as he stopped
speaking. • , • .
"But you can sell the dog, lklanny,_and the
money will , huly many things that. will mike
your motber well." , , -
The swelling of the boy's throat showed; that
his head w,as too full for titter:am.
"Re - seems to bea nice , de , %," . resumed Mr.
Ritchie; "end if 'pit will - o, coachman
he will show you "how to sell it, 'and the money
you will get, and what the acre/nine° will give
your tuothVOill keep her in"eomfort through'
the winter, and perhaps shexill be welt
the spring!'
The boy seemed to realiielthe truth of what
Mr. Ritchie - said to him, bgt itilrkijot saying,
almost in a wbieyer.
olboob ,Store.
"Sell him ! Sell Willie!" while the tears
were dropping all over the dog's sympathizing
"HoW would it dolf I was to buy him V"
The face lightened up a little, and the grasp
Cm the dog relaxed, and the color came back.
"Oh, sir!. 'couldn't you give me some work
instead. I'M very strong, Mr. Ritchie; I can
do most any thing. All the boys says' very
Well, Manny, we'll try and find sothething
for you to do one of these days, but now it will
be bettei for you . to ptirt with the dog, and my
daughter will take good' care of it. Put hiM
down on the carpet . ." '
The boy did as he was' bid, mechanically,
and the dog . went slowly over towards the out
stretched hand of Grace Ritchie, as though hav
ing undellsload ail that had been said it'ititend
ed to make unwilling, but courteois, advances
to its new mistress:
"You Must take this to Yonr mother, froni
me,•Manny," said Mr. Ititobie, tbeing that the
boy was unwilling to take the roll of 'bills as
the price of the dog. "Heie fifty dollars.
It will do her more good than all the work you
can do just now. Tell hei that' it . wa's by my
,orders." -
The boy took the money, his lips quivering
and hand trembling; then t with a quick move
Ment across the floor, he picked up the dog,
strained him once, convulsively, to his breast,
put him quickly in Grace Ritchie' lap, and
was gone, Without even a glance behind.
That evening Mr. Ritchie sent down a phy..:
sician to the sick Woman, and Grace sent sup=
plies' of whatever was needed Day after day
Manny sat beside the bedside of his sick
mother, a faithful nurse; when the 'mother was,
without the sense to appreciate his - devotion.;
It was his land that administered the cordials;
and'medicines, boug,ht with .tle price of
but the:fend mother` Was too ill to see - the'
cheek' of the bey growing pale, and his daily,
rejection. of the food' he had oven sbareewith:
his little favorite.
By and mother" rallied, and'itopeS,
'were 'given of her recovery ; *add then the:
strength of ',Manny began to fail, and be was ,
obliged to' seek hia' little coneh, frons wbieh he'
would bury drag out `fora few hours' in 'the ,
day; to hover abnat ths bed Where his mother
o'f theeliair where she sat.
One day, when it was coming spring,'and the
'door of thelittle7ool6 where be sat stood par.'
tially'drien; and Manny'wae musing Over the , -,
meinery of Willie, 'who' m he had not seen 'since:
thatAlay when'he had put him in Grae's lap,
c ,
'there came the patter of - little steps hi 'the'
entry,.and in it rnoineat 'Willie sprang into his
arms, wild with joy at onee more meeting his'
little master. Poor. Manny was orercome;and
nestling the delighted dog ia his bosom, be
Infra into a cry of joy, repeated again and
-again, from whiah he was only aroused by look
ing up and seeing the figure of Grace Ritchie
-standing; over'him: This at donee waslike` n
angel to the poor boy, and he gastied
out, in a stifled voice :
"Oh, indeed, it's not thy familt ! I did not
krfow- he Was',coimiog.' I didn't mean to steal
Willie. You shall have him back admin."
"But'perhaps..l don't' want, him baCk, Man
,whit:then-F" ' • '
The -bby 'stobd. still, aniazeil 'and 'speechless.
"I don't know what's the matter with Wil
lie, Manny; he Won't eat, and, as you see,
Meems to'grow thin and Mope ?"
-" , '"May' be he - vrai frettieg," said Manny,
hUgging thedeg up closer; "oe,'May
the dinner was too good for him; he hasn't
been used to very rich-things."
"Perhaps it was so," ar i as Grace Ritchie's
Smiling answer ; land•Slou see, Manny,
both myself -and papa think it would be bet
ter' to let Willie- board with' you for awhile,
and I will pay his board.; and papa is to give
you a situation in 'the counting-house, to do'
anything you can; and if you area good bOy;
and careful,'you can - save- up ineney,and in
time buy Willie bae,k." ,
,The boy'was Well in a moment. -
"Buy Willie back !" he almost shouted ;
"buy him back; to keep s ,foraver I Oh,' Miss
Grace, you are too good to live ! Oh, Willie
.4-:M'y own Willie !" and the tears rolled down'
the `boy's Auks, until he sobbed aloud.
A few days ' after, the proudest - boy in' all'.
1 1sTew York wee Manny Gray, in hia new suit of;
elothes,'going through his duties - in the office
'Ed Mr. Ritchie: Nothing could exceed the
attention. of the little fellow; gild it' Was nett
)afore` ItSonOttid beeotrie ilart of the
;establishment that could not, oondartablY, have
been dispensed with".
, -
'At the, end,of a year, the ,boy stood befpro
e,ed ItskedOrmisspien to repay . the
4 ,thertisernents will he inserted in TII MOT fit
the folloaing rates
1 column, one year
of a column, one year
of a column, one year
1 square, twelve months
1 square, six months.
1 square, three months •
1 square, (ten lines or leas) 3 insertions
Each subsequent insertion
Professional cards, one year...........:
NO 18.
purchase money for Willie, which he counted
out all in small money, saved weekly from his
earnings. Mr.. Ritchie gathered up the amount
and said to the boy :
('Now, Manny r I waited to try you, and see
whether your affection for Willie was real,
and whether it would Bland the test of time,
and , fartber, whether -yru would sacrifice your
mother to this love. I have tried it all, and
find you have always given your mother one
half your wages, and have• ueyer spent a penny
upon yourself. I shall keep this money; but
here you will find one hundred dollars; take
it to your moth - er, and tell her for me, that
she is richer ip, the possession of you than I
any ; and always remember it yourself, Manny
Willie is yours; and as long'as you go on as
you have begun, Twill be always your .real
And that is all of a single and true story, !
—H. Y. hedger.
The only wax work that'a of any account is
got up by the ,bees., • .
The trap way for an army to keep warm in
winter into do warm work.
We must at last come. down with our little
sll of dust tokatisfy the sternest dun of duns.
ike birds sre well.lOriged. They all sleep
in teather-beds.
love is a gardener that 'pulls up heartsease
by the roots. •
"People shouldo't talk abetit having the see
oral sober thought, who never had the first.
Thiu,k, before autitig. Impromptu "deeds are miserable as imp'rompt ' u verses. of.nature is ;always beautiful, but
it gets short of, leaves in the Fall.
F9Toso) so de:of 'that tihe can't •hear thuu.-
der, may make mhera hear it.
The leav,es patch their hue from the earth;
the, blush-foxes frogi , sunset;; ,the violets
item the eky.
, A great many persons wish to live their lives
ove'p.a.ain beeau,v they pee Nyliert they might
have pruned—and didn't.
man iiia3r think he is ;nobly charitable be
cause he forgives all possible faults and crimes
---in himielf. ; •
It is, hard to tell whether the statesman at
the top of the world, or the ploughman at the
bottom of it, tabors hspieet andsafers most.
Gain may belemporary and uncertain ; but
expense is constant and certain i it is easier to
build two chimneys than to keep one in fuel.
He who does not . bring ,up his son to at)
hou9sp, employment, ,brings him up to be a
° So'me'won en
i.lrjegud tattle. It is hard to
say asrhiglA arethe'iaost leaky, their eyes or
their lips.
4 physican, appointed by legal authority to
tend the sick, can pips anywhere—he is a legal
4..g00d word is a very easy obligation ; but
not to speak ill requires only our silenle, which
costs nothing. •
IVake- ; no perFonal enemy. One unguapied
moment might yield .you to the most dopiettl?le
of mankind.
Pour',things are' grievously empty—a head
withOut'Arains, a wit'without judgment, a hears
with Out honesty; and'a purge isithout money,
Out of ,the wild d ionericau youth there may
grow. a..44oughtful- member , .of- Congress, as
out of the early I:tomuri robbers yirtu,olph self
saerifieiug ;Senate roses.;.,
Grant, 0 itiothers, to your dear, light-heart
ad littlp ones their, ?ports ,flound the floivors-' , -.-
their before long }Tura of seri
ous aiidiole . : :; pairifnl ,tlUties.
The ,hticlegrooo,i is oft%) oliange4 - from ,/
'boney bixdt, who, inyiting a, sweet. girl-10-the/ 8,
eweets. or the ,honey e ixooo, becomes,.afterwar'd9 ho
a.,rsbliitel) 912 ey-hiinting bear.
• v read
Never spe k by spperlataves • to doin win 0 f
you will be sure to wound either frathefhia..
denee. -Xxaggcratiem is tvAllter /5/Y‘11514.
wise, 1107 safe.
g4 . tte .... '# . ....;Nut4ini;(0.-:,