The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 28, 1864, Image 3

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    familice to subsist• if we are correctly informed
have not received the first installment of their
government bounty, at leant some of them bILVC not
0 „ e have any of them received a single dollar of
monthly pay under the now term of enlistment.
How long at the present inflated, exorbitant and
(reel prices of every useful article, will the $5O or
,i 7 t) (which is as much as any left at home with
their families) last a woman with five or six children.
Di r e months have elapsed, and is it nay wonder that,
whet with the payment of high rents and everything
r ise, that their funds are about exhausted ? Then
there is another class not quite as large but still
wore needy ; we mean:the families of the men draft
ed last Fall They have not been paid fur several
months, end they received no bounty from the Gov
ernment, How are these people to live?
We mnke no complaint against the National au
thorities for we believe all is done that can be done,
for the comfort of the soldiers. No other nation
has ever had such large armies to pay and clothe.
We have only stated what we believe to be the
plain fact, to draw the attention of our liberal peo
rig et home to this matter. The personal appeals
of soldiers' wives to us, to any something or do some
thing for them, we dared not evade. The citizens
Cnii attend to this matter, and it is they who ought
to do it. Let the means be collected and given out
i n a systematic manner. It should be a general af
fair of the whole town and the whole township.—
Heretofore the whole burden has been borne by the
business men and a few generous and noble people
who could not hesitate to do what they saw was so
necessary It need not be urged that the county
fund is enough, it provides but, a ,modieutri‘--it is
insvfficient. Form a society, such as was organized
during "the three months service," when there
was not a tenth as much needed as there is now.—
We cannot be unmindful of the pressing need, uor
eau we be honest people if we let the soldiers' fam
ilies suffer by refusing or neglecting to perform our
plain duty.
Red 7,501
Wheat—White 1,90
Corn Mal.—
Pried Peaches. $2 ®54,00
_Dried Apples... 2.00
Potatoes. 50
Onions 1,50
Mims 18
New -Ahertisenicut9.
A supplement to an Ordinance respect
/A. ing Pavements, passed July 2, A. D. 1862.
Be it enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of
the Borough of .areeneastle, That from and after this
24th day of June, A. D. 1864, owners of late or
parts of lots fronting on Carlisle and Baltimore
Streets or on the Public Square of said - Borough,
may pave with "Patent Concrete" material the
sidewalks thereof in lieu of brick.
Enacted and ordained this twenty-fourth day of
June, A. D. 9864. G. H. DAVIDSON,
Attest : Burgess.
A. K. WEIR, Sec. •
reeneaet le, June 28, 1864.-3 t.
`TRAY SHEEP.—Came to the residence of
0 the undersigned, residing in. Antrim township,
near Kissecker's Mill, about the 10th day of May,
last, SIX WHITE SHEEP. The owner is reques
ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges
and take them away. JACOB DEAL.
June 21, 1864-3 t.
meeting of the Teachers' Association . of An
trim Township and the Borough of Greencastle,
will be held in the New School House in said Bor
ough, on Saturday, July 2d, at 2 o'clock, p. m.
All who purpose teaching, and have not yet he
come members of the Institute, are invited to meet
with us for the consideration of matters of vital
importance to the profession. By order of
I. Y. ATHERTON, Sec. [June 21.'64-2t.
HASTINGS GEIER, Authorized Claim
111 Agent, Chambersburg; Pa., for the collection
of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay and Bounty Lnnd
for officers. soldiers, their widows or heirs. All
business will receive prompt attenticM either by
personnl application or letter. (May 24-4t*
II hwe lately resumed my old business, and tq
those who were formerly my friends and pa
trons, and to the entire community, I have the joy
ful intelligence to communicate that I have just re
turned from the city, with a large awl well selected
assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES- I took
great pains in purchasing my stock, and I am pre
pared to announce that. I have nothing in my store
which is not fashionable, durable and serviceable ;
and I intend to sell my stock at very
7n addition to my ready-made stock, I have also all
kinds of Leather, Shoe Findings. a.'d all the ap
pendages which are ordinarily. found in a store of
this kind.
I am constantly receiving a new supply of Boots
and Shoes from the city.
NEW WORK.-1 am also prepared to make
mew work to order on the shortest notice. Persons
in want of anything in this department, which will
f.t them comfortably, and look as neat as city work,
and wear unit they are tired of it, will do well to
call on me, being supplied with the very best ma
I take this method of returning my thinks to icy
may friends and customers, who have formerly so
liberally patronized me, and express my willingness
to take the dimensions of their pedal extremities
and give them fits whenever they call, at prices,
too, cheaper than Can be found in the township.
oar All Rips sewed gratis.
fie— Store one door West of Hostetter &
Grocery Store, and nearly opposite the Union
Greencastle. May 24, 15164.-ly
fIAUTION I—The public is hereby cautioned
‘...) that, if any persons caught Fishing. Swimming
Digging Slate, or in any way trespassing on my,
land, they will be dealt with according to law.
Greencastle, May 17, 1964.-3 t
• CHANTS, Cliambersburg, Pa., halve on hand
and far sale at prices to suit flee times
White Pine 2 incit'Plank.
41 IS 1 ‘d
41 44 11 4.1 4‘
Yellow Pine Joists.
" " Scantling.
" " Roofing Lathe.
Hemlock Joists:
4 6 Scantling.
I/ Boards.
Locust Posts. Chestnut Pests. White Fine Shin
gles, Chestnut Shingles, Plastering Lathes, kc.
Office crresite the CUMberiStld Valley Railroad
road Perot- ' play 17, 1564.-3 meow.
Monday June 1804
Timothy do..
Hay per ton.
Sides 4. Shoulders.
Eggs ... •-•
TT S. 10-40 BONDS.—These Bonds are is
• sued under the Act of Congress of March S
1811-1, which provides that all Bonds issued under
this Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by
or under any state or municipal authority. Sub
scriptions to these Bonds arc received in tiiiited
States notes or notes of National Banks. They are
TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleasure of
the Government, at any period not less Man ten nor
more than forty years from their date, and until their
BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hun
dred dollars annually and on all other Bonds semi
annually. The interest is payable on the first days
of March and September in each year.
Subscribers will receive either Registered or Cou
pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Begistered Bonds
are recorded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer,
and can be transferred only on the owner's order.
Coupon Bonds are payable to hearer, and arc more
convenient for commercial uses.
Subscribers to this loan will have the option of
having their Bonds draw interest from March Ist,
by paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in Uni
ted States notes, or the notes of National Batas,
adding fifty per cent. for premium,) or receive them
drawing interest from the date of subscription and
deposit. As these Bonds are .
Exempt from State or Municipal Taxation,
their value is increased from one to three per cent.
per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in
various parts of the country.
t the present rate qf premium on gold they pay
in currency, and are of equal convenience iis a per
mancnt or temporary investment.
It is believed that. no securities offer so great in
ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of
U. S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness,
the faith or abillty of private parties or stock corn
panics or separate communities only is pledged for
payment, while for the debts of the United Slates
the whole property of the country is holden to se
cure the payment of both principal and interest in
These Bonds may be suhscritied for in sums from
$5O up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and
are thus made equally available to the smallest
lender and the largest' capitalist. They can be con
verted into money at any moment, and the holder
will have the benefit of the interest..
It may be useful to state in this connection that
the total Funded Debt. of the United States on which
interest is payable in geld. on the 3d day of March:
1864. was $768,975,1100. The interest on this debt
for the coming fiscal year will he $15.037,126,
while the customs revenue in gold for the current
fiscal year, ending J tine not h, 1804, has been so far
at. the rate of over $100,000,000 per annum.
It will be seen that. even the present gold reven
ues of the Government are largely in excess of the
wants of tike Treasury for the payment of gold in
terest, while the recent increase of the tariff will
i doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs
on the same amount of importation', to $150,000,-
000 per annum.
Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan
agents were not issued from the United States
Treasury until March 26, but in the first three weeks
of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN
Subscription. will he received by the
First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Second National Bank of Philadelphia:Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
which are depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (acting as agents of the
National Depositary Banks,) will furnish further
information on application and
Afford every Facility to Subscribers.
May 10, 1864-2 m.
1864. 1864.
Spring and Summer
ENCOURAGED by the liberal patronage which
has been heretofore extended to us. and desir
ing to meet the. varied wants and tastes of our nu
merous customers, we have just brought from the
East a very large and elegant stock of Spring and
Sumuiter Goods which we offer at
then have bean heretofore known to the trade. We
believe in •• Quick Sales and Short Profits." We
huy for Cash, as low as we can, and sell as low as
WO can.
are invited to call and examine our`
assortment of
Dress goods.
and all other goods in their line, pretty, new and
for Spring or Summer, and the latest style
We have just opened a large stock of
Mens' and Boys' Wear
(of latest styles,)
LINEN DRILLS , ar•c-,&°-
and grades, and at low prices--considering cost.
All articles kept in a well regulated store will be
found here. Persons in this and adjoining town
ships are lashed to call. IVe consider it no trouble
to show goods.
, far Remember the place is on the South
west corner of the Public Square, next door to
Hollar's Hotel.
GreencaatJA . , march 29, 1864.-1 y
Five Trains Daily to and Four from
MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864,
PARE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Rn
-1 road Company wil! depart from and arrive at
Harrisburg and Pniladeiphia as fOIIOWS :
burg daily at 2.15 a. In., and arrives at West, Phil
adelphia at 6.55 a. m.
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except
,Monday) at 6.00 a. m , and arrives at Philadelphia
at 10.10 a. in. Passengers take brtakfast at ban-
risburg at 7.20 a. m., connects at. Lanelster with
Lancaster accommodation train, and arrives at
West Philadelphia at 12.25 p. w.
Harrisburg at 12.2 U p. in.; Columbia p. m.,
and arrives at Lancaster 2.30 p connecting
with Fast Mail east at. Lancaster for Philadelphia
at 5.30 p. m.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in.;
Lancaster at. 2.47 p nt., and arrives at West Phil.
adelphi,... at 5.30 p. in.
via Columbia leaves Harrisburg at, 5.25 p. m., and
arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 p. m.
burg daily (except. Monday) at 2.10 a M. ; Altoona
7.38 a. in., take breakfast., and arrives at. Pitts
burg at. 12.8(1 p. M.
risburg daily at B.IU a. in.: Altoona at 8.20 a. M.,
take breakfast. & arrives at Pittsburg at. 1.00 p.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 p.
Altoona at 7.15 p. in.. take supper, and arrives at
Pittsburg at. 12.80
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 p. m. ;
Altoona at 8.35 p. in., take supper, and arrives at
Pittsburg at 1.00 a. in.
caster at. 0.30 a. ra., arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10
a. in.
leaves West Philadelphig, at 2.45 p. and arrives
at Harrisburg at 3 lU p. m.
Lanedster .at 6.25 p. in., connecting there with
Harrisburg Accommodation West, leaves Mount
Joy at. 7.00 p. m., and arriveg at Harrisburg at
8 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG,
Sopt. Middle Div. renn'a R. R.
May 23, 1864.
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad!
(IN and after May 15th, 1964, trains run
kir as follows, Tiz:—
Pittsb'g. For Chi'go. For Clev'cl. For Wheerg.
Express 1.00 a. in. 1.00 a. in. I.lio a. in.
Express 1.10 p TTI. 1.10 p. m. 1.10 p. in.
Mail 6.8 d a. m. 0.10 a. in.
P., F. W. & C. R'y..2.20 a. m., 3.20 p. m., 7.00
p. m., 7,50 p. m
C. & I'. R.11..2.10 a. m., 3,50 p. m., 8.05 p. m.
For Alliance. For N. B. For N. C. For S'teu'e
2.10 p. m. 9.15 a m.- 6.40 a. m.
12.00 m. 3.50 p. m. 3.50 p. m
4 40 p. in.
5.50 p. m.
A itnivs ATLF.CffENY,
P., F. W. & C. R'y..7.2.0 a. m., m.. 2.35 p
m., 4.50 p. m.
C. A. P. R. R 9.30 a m.
Union. Passenger Station, Pittsburg, Pa.
Allegheny City.
F. R. MYERS. General Ticket. Agent.
Bitter Wine of Iron,
For the cure of weak stomachs. general debility, in
digestion. diseases of the nervous system, constipa
tion, acidity of the stomach, and for all cases re
quiring a tonic.
This wine includes the most agreeable and efficient.
Salt of iron we possess ; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide
combined, with the most. energetic of vegetable ton
ics. Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many
cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general:pros
tration of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with
our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It. aug
ments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off tuns
cular flabbiness, removes the palor of debility, and
gives a. florid vigor to the countenance.
Do you want something to strengthen you ?
Do you want a good appetite?
Do you want to build up your constitution?
Do you want to feel well ?
Do you want to get rid of nervousness?
Do you want energy ?
Do you want to sleep well ?
- Do you want. a brisk and vigorous feeling?
If you do, try
Kunkers Bitter Wine of Iron!
This truly valuable Tonic hes been so thoroughly
tested by all classes of the community that. it is now
deemed indispensable as a tonic medicine. It costs
but little, purifies the blood, and gives tone to the
stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs life I
now only ask a trial of this valuable tonic.
WINE or InoN is the only sure and effectual remedy
in the known world for Dyspepsia and Debility, and
as there are a number of imitations offered to the
public, we would caution the community-to pur
3hase none but the genuine article. manufactured by
S. A. K U N KE L, and has his stamp on the top of
the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others
are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy
proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor.
The BITTER WINE OF IRON is put up in 75 cent
and $1 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists
hroughout the country. Be . particular that every
nettle bears the fac simile of the proprietor's signs
General Depot, 118 Market st., Harrisurg. Ps.
For sale in Greencastle, by J. 11 HOSTETTER.,
Ind all respectable dealers throughout the county.
Prepared and sold, Wholesale and Retail, by
Apothecarys, 118 Market Street,
[Nov9,'63-6rti Harrisburg.
11l through to New York witkout tran
shipment.--The undersigned would respectfully
inform the public, that they are prepared to ship
all kinds of Produce, Merchandise, &c., from Cham
bersburg anti Greencastle to New York without
transhipment.. and deliver it at New York as quick
as it can be delivered in Philadelphia.
The attention of Millers and Shippers is respect
fully invited to this new arrangement. For further
information inquire of
mar I • tf ":itambersburs and Greencastle.
4 1T
T 7 ill 1 ‘ l 5
A _A
Dealer in Hardware and Cutlery,
1 have just opened a complete and 9electud stock of
13u.ildinq and Ho ez3e keeping II ardww- e ,
which I offer to the citizens of this place and vicin
ity, at prices that cannot fait to please.
Table and Pocket. Cutlery,
Iron and Nails,
Oils. Paints and Putty,
Hinges, Locks and Screws.
Tinned, Hollow and Enamelled Ware,
Tubs. Buckets, Churns, &G..
A large assortment of Window Glass,
A beautiful stock of Coffin Trimmings,
Brushes, Ropes and Shoe Findings.
A general assortment of all kinds always on hand.
Call and see the beautiful stock just opened.
Greencastle, November 17, 1863-Iy.
New Settlement of Vineland.
A Rare Opportunity in the Best Market, and Most De
lightful and Healthful Clithate in the Union. Only
thirty miles South of Philadelphia, on a Railroad ;
briny a Rich, _Heavy Soil, and Highly Productive
Wheal Land; Amongst the Best in the Garden State
qt . New Jersey.
It consists of 20,000 acres of 0001) land, dixiied
into Farms of different sizes to suit, the purchaser—
FROM 21.) ACRES AND UPWARDS — and is sold at the rate
of from $l5 to $2O per acre for the farm land, pay
able one-fourth cash, and the balance by quarter
yearly installments, with legal interest, within. the
term of four years.
The Soil is, in great part, a Rich Clay Loam, suit
able for Wheat, Grass and Potatoes—also a dark and
rich sandy loam, suitable for corn. sweet-potatoes,
tobacco, all kinds of vegetables anti root crops, and
the finest varieties of fruit, such as Grapes, Pears,
Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines, Blackberries, Melons
and other fruits, best adapted to the Philadelphia
and New York Markets. in respect to the soil and
crops there can he no mistake, as visitors can exam
ine both, and none are expected to buy beford so do
ing, and finding these statements correct—under
these circumstances, unless these statements were
correct, there would be no use in their being made.
It is considered th k e. best Fruit soil in the Union.
[See Reports of Solon Robinson, Esq., of the
New York Tribune, and the well-known agriculturist,
William Parry, of Cinnaminson, New Jersey, which
will be furnished inquirers.]
The Market.---By looking over a map the reader
will perceive that. it enjoys Me hist market in the Un
ion, and has direct communication with New York
and Philadelphia twice a day, king only thirty-two
miles from thelatter. Produce[;' this market brings
double the price that it does in locations distant
front the cities. In this location it can be put into
market the same morning it is gathered, and for
what the farmer sells he gets the highest price:
whilst groceries and other articles he purchases he
gets at the lowest , price. In the West, what he sells
brings him a pittance, hut for what he buys he pays
two prices. In locating here the settler has many
other advantages. He is within a few hours, by
railroad, of all the great cities of NeW England anti
the Middle States. Ile is near his old friends and
associations. lie has school for his children, di
vine service ; and all the advantages of civilization,
and he is near a large city.
The Climate is delightful ; the winters being sa
lubrious and open, whilst the summers are no warm
er than in the North. The location is upon the
line of latitude with northern Virginia.
Persons Wanting a change of Climate for Health,
would be much benetitted in Vineland. The mild
ness of the climate and its bracing influence, makes
it excellent for all pulmonary affections, dyspepsia, or
general debility. Visitors will notice a difference in
a few days. Chills and fevers arc unknown.
Conven;enees at hand.—Building material is plen
ty. Fish end oysters are plenty and cheap.
Visitors must expect, however, to see a new place.
Why the Property has not been Settled Before?—
This question the render naturally asks. It is be
cause it has been held in large tracts by families not
disposed to sell, and being without railroad facilities
they had few inducements. The Railroad has just
been opened through the property this season, for
the first time.
Visitors are shown over the land in a carriage,
free of expense, and afforded tune and opportunity
for thorough investigation. Those who come with
a view to settle, should bring money to secure their
purchases, as locations are not held upon refusal.
The Safest thing in Hard Times, where people
have been thrown out of employment or business,
and possess some little means or small incomes, is to
start themselves a home. They can buy a piece of
land at a small price, and earn snore than wages in
improving it, and when it is done it is a certain in,
dependence and no 1369. A few acres in fruit. trees
will insure a comfortable living. The land is put
down to hard-times, and all improvements can be
made at a cheaper rate than most any other time.
The whole tract, with sic miles front on the rail
road, is being laid out with fine and spacious aven
ues, with s town in the centre—five acre lots in the
town seti from $l5O to$200; two and a-half acre
lots, at front $BO to $l2O, and town lots 50 feet front
by 150 feet deep, at s . loo—payable one-half eash
and tie balance within a year. It is only upon
farms of twenty acres, or more, that four years'
time is given.
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fine opening
for the Shoe manufacturing business, and other ar
ticles, being near Philadelphia. and the surrounding
country lies a' large population, which affords a
good market.
This settlement., in the course of several years,
will be one of the most beautiful places in the coun
try, and most agreeable for a residence.
It is intended to make it a - Vine and Fruit grow
ing country, as this culture is the most profitable
and the best adapted to the market.. Every Advan
tage and convenience for settlers will he introduced
which will insure the prosperty of the place. The
hard times throughout the country will be an advan
tage to the settlement, as it compels people to resort
to agriculture for a living.
JUST received and for gale cheap a new lot of
1. 3
at . • KUNKEL Si.BRO'S.
Greeneasitle, March 29,1854.4 f.
ikins. BATE WUNDERLICH informs
INJIL the Ladies of Greencastle and vicinity, that
she has just returned from the city with a complete
assortment of the Latest style
Bonnets, Hats and Bonnet Trimmings,
and all other articles usually kept by
The Ladies are requested to call and examine her
stock.. [April 25, 1864,
sizes, for
OPPETI and Brass nettles. 4: 3 1f ; 1 B 1
) sale cheap, at
Tt „§oion Robinson,
of 6.lw' Rub 7 i T "'"L crux • THE
from the report
upon alai Led n the ..New York
1 . 7 1 .
~ , b a: ::11 : 1:1 i ;
o s g i
Cause of All persons can
Practical Evidence.
It 18 certainly one of ti7,lneintici—Re
in an almost level position r ertility— The
pleasant farming that we • htil Produced--
era prairies. We found scone %
map just as pi Vitahle prothie7fde tracts,
of forest
.n: ley or a hundred nears Lion for
The geologist would soon disco\e least
continued fertility. The whole ciPPar
deposit, and all through the soil wed
of calcareous substances, generally
indurated calcareous marl. showing I.
forms of ancient shells, of the tertiary
. _
and this manly substance is scattered all tc
soil, in a very comminuted form, and in t
condition most easily assimilated by such p
he farmer desires to cultivate
Marl, in all its forms, has been used to for,
crops in England, from the time it was 000upied
the Romans; and in France and Cierint.ny a ma
bed is counted on as a valuable lied of manure. that
can be dug and carted and spread over the field.—
now much more valuable then it must be, when found
already mixed through the soil, where new particles will,
be turned up and exposed, and transformed to the owner's
use every time he stirs the earth,
'Having then satisfied our minds of the cause, they
will not be excited with wonder at seeing indubitable
evidence of fertility in a soil which iu other aims-
tions, having the same general characteristics or at
least appearances, is entirely- unrenumerative except
as its productiveness is promoted by artificial feral-
A few words about the qualily and value of this
lam, for cultivation, of which we have some strong
Our first visit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin
township, Gloucester county, who purchased some
eight miles north of Millville, about three years ago,
for the purpose of establishing a steam mill, to work
up the timber into lumber, to send off by the new
railroad, as wt 11 as the firewood and coal, for which
he built a branch track a mile and a half long. He
also furnished sixteen miles of the road with ties,
and has no doubt made the mill profitable, though
his main object was to open a farm. having become
convinced that. the soil was valuable for cultivation.
In this he has not been disappointed, as some of his
crops prove. For instence, last year, the second,
titre of cropping. 306 bushels of potatoes on one
acre, worth ell cents a bushel in the field. This year
seven acres, without manure, produced 356 bushels
of oats. In one field, the first crop was potatoes,
planted among the roots, and yielded 75 bushels.—
The potatoes were dug, and wheat sown. and yield
ed 16 bushels; and the stubble turned under and
sown to buckwheat, which yielded 38q- bushels;
and'then the ground was sown to clover and timothy,
which gave as a first crop 21 tons per acre.
The fertilizers applied to these crops were first,
ashes from clearings ; second, 225 pounds of super-
Phosphate of lime; third, 200 pounds Peruvian gu
ano ; then 50 bushels of slaked lime has been spread.
upon the clover since it was mowed, and turned in
for wheat.
Mr. Wilson's growing crops, and the wheat stub
ble of the present season, all indicate his land as
productive as any part of the State.
At Mary Barrow's, an old style Jersey woman
farmer, several miles south of Mr. Wilson's, we were
so particularly struck with the tine appearance of a
field of corn, that we stopped to inquire of the hires
man how it was produced. We found that the laud
had been the year but one before in wheat, sown
with clover, and this cut one season, and last, spring
plowed once, with one "poor old nag," and planted.
with corn.
"Yes, but you manured. high. we suppose!" we
said interrogatively, and got this reply
"Waal, you see, we couldn't a done that ; 'cause
we hadn't but forty one-horse loads altogether, fer
23 acres, and we wanted the most on't for the truck.
The truck consisted of beets, carrots, cabbage,
cucumbers, melons, &c., and /I very productive patch
of Lima beans, grown for marketing. So we were
satisfied that the soil was not infertile, even unaided
by clover, which had fed the cern, because the "truck
patch" bad not. been in oultivatima long enough to
obliterate all signs of the forest.
Our next visit. was to the large farm of Andrew
Sharp, five miles north of iFflllville, from half to a
mile east of the railroad, and just about in the cen
tre of 'Vineland. Mr. Sharp commenced work here
in December. 1858, upon 270 acres. In less than
three years. be has got. 234 acres cleared and in
crops this season, as well inclosed and divided into
several fields, with cedar rail or pole fence ; has
built a two-story dwelling. about 36 by 40 feet, and
a smaller house for farm laborers, and a steble and
granary and some other outbuildings,
Considerable part of the sand was elattred for the
plow at $0 an acre, and on some of it the first crop
was buckwheat, limed with 50 bushels in powder
per acre. Thieerop maybe put in July 4th to 20th,
and yields 20 to 30 bushels per sere, harvested in
November; when the land being sowed with 150Ibs
of Peruvian guano and seeded whh rye, yielded 12
to 15 bushels per acre and $lO worth of straw. The
ryetetubble turned. after knocking off a large growth
of oak sprouts, and dressed again with guano and
seeded to wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The crop
which he was threshing While we were there promi
ses more, of a very plump grain, end the straw is
very heavy.
We went over the etubblee and found the clover
and timothy, from seed sowed last spring. on the
wheat without harrowing, looking as well as we ever
saw it upon my old cultivated feral, and with a lit
tle work done in the winter to clear off some roots
and rotten stumps, and setting stakes to mark per
manent ones, lie will be able to cut the crop the next
year with a mowing machine, and we trill gvarantea
two tons per acre, if he will give the anti - plus if it suer
runs the estimate.
Part of the land was planted with potatoes for a
first crop, which yielded 120 bushels per acre. It
was then limed with 50 bushels pet-acre, and seeded
with wheat and clover, yielded and Average of over
15 bushels per acre, and the clover now looks beau
Other portions have been planted with corn RS R
first crop. which yielded 30 bushels of yellow elint
corn, and the ascend crap 40 boehels, and the third
crop, treated to 150Ibs, of guano, we are sure no
one would estimate. below 40 bushels per acre.
[The reader will recollect that the writer is now
speaking of land perfectly now, and which can
scarcely be considered in good Arable condition
Its other eases, the earn crop of last year was fol
lowed with oats thin season, not yet threshed, but
will average probably 90 to 50 bushels. Sweet po
tatoes. beans, melons, and, in fast, all garden veg
etables, as :well as young peach and other fruit
trees planted this year show very plainly that this
long-neglected tract of land should remain so ne
longer, and there is now a strong probability that
it will not ; for under the auspices of Mr. Landis,
it. will he divided into small lots, with roads located
to accommodate all—the surveyor is now busy at
this work—and all purchasers will be required to
build neat comfortable houses, and either fence
their lots in uniformity, or agree to live without
fence, Which would be preferable, by which means
11 good ;population will be secured, who will estab
lish churches, schools, stores, mills, mechanic shops
and homes—homes of American farmers, surround
'eel by gardens, orchards, fields and comforts of °iv-
Hind life.
If nay one, from any derangement of business,
is desirous of changing his pursuits of life, or who
is frost any cause desirous to find a new location
And cheap home in the otmatry, and who may read
and believe what we have truly stated, he will do
well to go and, gee toe himself what may he seen
within a two Itaurse:ride o at of Philadelphia.