The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 28, 1864, Image 1

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    T H I', 1? 1L 0T
(_l - tath Brat Corner qf the Public Squarc,)
at the following rates, from which there will be no
Single subscription, in advance
Within six months
Within twelve months
No paper will be discontinued unless at the option
of the Publishers, until all arrearagcs are paid.
No subscriptions will be taken for a less period
}pan six months.
The Great
51 Vesey Street, New York ;
Since its organization, has created a new era in the
history of
Wholesaling Teas in this Country.
They have introduce' their selections of Teas, and
are selling them at not over Two Cents (.02 Cents)
per pound above Cost, never deviating from the OWE
PRICE asked.
Another peculiarity of the company is that Their
TSA TASTER not only devotes his time to the selec
tion of their Teas as to quality, value, and particu
lar styles for particular localities of country, but he
helps the Ten buyer to choose out of their enormous
stock such TEAS as are best adapted to his peculiar
nano, and not only this, but. points out to him the
beet bargains. It is easy to see the incalculable ad.
vantage a TEA BUYER has in this establishment over
all others. If he is no judge of TEA, or the MARKET,
if hie time is valuable, he has all the benefits of a well
organized system of doing business, of an immense
capital, of the judgment of a professional Tea:Taster,
and the knowledge of superior salesmen.
This enables all Tea buyers—no matter if they
are thousands of miles from this market—to pnr,
chase on as good terms here as the New York mer
Parties can order Teas and will be served by us
as well as though they came themselves, being sure
to get original packages, true weights and tares;
and the Tens are warranted as represented.
We issue a Price List of the Company's Teas,
which will be sent to all who order it; comprising
Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial, Gun
powder, Twankay and Skin.
00/oug, ,S'ouchang, Orange and ITyson Peko,
Japan Tea of every description, colored and uncolored.
MN list has each kind of Tea divided into Four
Classes. namely: CARGO, high CARGO, FINE,
FINEST, that every one may understand from de
scription and the prices annexed that the Company
are determined to undersell the whole Tea trade.
We guarantee to sell . all our Teas at not over
TWO CENTS (.02 Cents) per pound above cost, be
lieving this to be attractive to the many who have
heretofore been paying Enormous Profits.
Great American Tea Company,
Importers and Jobbers,
Sept. 15, 1868-3m.] No. 51 Vesey St., N. Y.
!lfeWure A 11, D! for a medicine that
Coughs, Influenza, Tickling in the throat,
Whooping Cougkorrelieve Consumptive Cough,
as quick as
Over Five Thousand Bottles have been sold in its
native town, and not a single instance of its failure
is known.
We hove, in our possession, any quentity of cer
tificates. some of them from EMINENT PHYSICI
_A .VS, who hove used it in their practice, and given
it the preeminence over any other compound.
It does not :Dry up a Cough,
ut loosens it, so as to enable the patient t o expeo
orate freely. Two or three doses will invariably
ure Tickling in the Throat. A half bottle lies of
en completely cured the most STUBBORN COUGH. and
cet, though it is so sure and speedy'in its operation,
it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It
is very agreeable to the taste, and may he edminis
ored to children of any age. In cases of CROUP
we will guarantee a cure, if taken in season.
No family should be without. It.
It is within the reach of all, the price being only
25 Cents. And if an investment and thorough
trial does not "back up" the above statement, the
mousy will be refunded. We say this knowing its
merits, and feel confident that one trial will secure
for it a home in every household.
Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small
an investment will cure you. It may be had of
any respectable Druggist in town, who will furnish
you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures
h has made. C. G: CLARK & CO.,
New Haven, et.
iikt Wholesale, by
Johnston, Holloway & Cowden,
23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
For sale by Druggists in city, county, and every
where [Sept. 20, 1863.-6 m.
J. W. B A RR'S
liammoth Stove
and Tinware Store Room,
few doors South of the Diamond, Greencastle, Pa.
4 31 lIE undersigned having purchased Mr. Need's
entire interest in the Tinning business, wishes
to inform the public at large, that he has on hand,
et his extensive Stove store,
.Stoves. • Among them are the Continental, Noble
Commonwealth and Charm, which he will sell
-;heap for cash. The very best quality of
Tin, Japaned and Sheet Iron Ware,
in great variety. •
.of the best. material, for houses, manufactured
and put up at the shortest notice.
All are invited to call at this establishment, as the
broprietor is confident in rendering satisfaction,
oth in price and quality of his wares. My price
lan be low!low!! low!!!
Save money by purchasing at headquarters
M. All work warranted
August 25. 1868
just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents.
A. Lecture on the Nature, Treatment
and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper
soatorrhoca, induced from Self-Abuse ; Involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Im
!pediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption,
Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity,
Ac.—By Roar. J. CutvEawat.L, M. D., Author of
"The Green Book," &o.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture. clearly proves from his own experience that
;he awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effec
tually removed without medicine, and without dan
gerous surgical operations, beegies, instruments,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
AIMS certain and effectual, by which every sufferer,
no matter what his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture
will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent under scat, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps,
by addressing the publishers, •
127 Bowery. New York, Post Office hex, 4586.
Jan. 27, 1861.-sep22ly.
The following touching effusion, which we find
floating around on the great sea of nowspaperdthn,
unclaimed and uncredited, breathes the true spirit
of poetry. Its perusal will not fail to awaken ten
der heart-emotions, revive sad family remininscen
ces, and cause tears to moisten the eyes of those
parents whose " lambs have gone before," and who
are " longing for the faces passed away forever
more." The picture is a beautiful and touching
0, the weary, solemn silence
Of a house without the children,
0,. the strange, oppressive silence,
Where the children come no more!
Ah I. the longtng of the sleepless
For the soft arms of the children,
Ah! the longing for the faces
Peeping through the open door—
Faaes gone forevermore!
Strange it is to wake at midnight
And not hear the children breathing,
Nothing but the old clock ticking,
Ticking, ticking by the door.
Strange to see the little dresses
Hanging up there all the morning ;
And the gaiters—ah! their patter,
We will hear it nevermore.
On our mirth-forsaken floor.
What is home without the children?
'Tis the earth without. its verdure,
Aud the sky without. its sunshine;
Life is withered to the core !
So we'll leave this dreary desert,
And we'll follow the good Shepherd
To the greener pastures vernal,
Where the lambs have " gone before"
With the Shepherd evermore!
0, the weary, solemn silence
Of a house without the children,
0, the strange, oppressive stillness,
Where the children come no more!
Ah! the longing of the sleepless
For the soft arms of the children;
Ali! the longing for the faces
Peeping through the open doer—
Faces gone forevermore
A very small room, in a very small house,
with a very small fire burning in the grate—
this is our scene. There was no ornament,
unless the pure white curtains, and the yellow
dimple of April sunshine on a somewhat faded
carpet might be characterized as such, and the
fresh loveliness of the two girls who sat in
the apartment struck you like an incongruity,
it seemed as if they must be there by mis
take !
"Half a pound of beefsteak, Ruth, and a few
potatoes, and a loaf of bread ; that will do, I
think," said the elder, thoughtfully, to a tall,
gaunt old woman with a little market basket
on her arm, who stood in the middle of the
room, as if awaiting orders.
'Aint that a pretty clus' dinner for three,
Miss Josephine ?" said Ruth, giving her rusty
black bonnet an extra twitch.
"I know it, Ruth," laughed the girl; but
we must regulate our expenditure according to
our resources,, you are aware. See !"
She held up a lank little purse as she spoke.
Ruth smiled too—but she was looking, not at
the purse, but at Josephine Carey, standing
where the sunshine threaded her brown curls
with gold and melted into hazel wells of light
under her long dark lashes.
But she was not as regally beautiful as her
sister. As Cecile Carey sat in the antique
easy chair by the smouldering remnant of fire,
it would scarcely have been difficult to fancy
her a crowned queen.
She looked fretfully up from her embroidery
as Josephine spoke.
"Ruth, do bring a few oranges for dessert—
I cannot live on this beggarly diet!" she said.
"We cannot afford it, Cecile," interposed
Josephine, gently.
Cecile pouted.
"You don't care whether I starve or not."
Josephine's lip quivered.
"Dearest Cecile ! is it not better to bear up
cheerfully and strive not to repine ?"
"As if one could help repining in this dis
mal hole ! s And then•sinee papa's bankruptcy
and death, our friends have all deserted us—of
course they would not come to such a place as
this P'
"Of course, then, They are not worth our re
grets. But, Cecile, you should not say .all.—
Mr. has been here several limes."
"Yes," said Cecile, a little consciously, as if
she would have added—" And I defy him to
stay away while /ohoose to keep him with a
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smile or a glance !" But then, Josephine, he
is our lawyer !' she added.
"The law business has long since come to an
end," said Josephine, archly. "Never wind,
Cecy, we won't investigate his motives too
closely; and now, where is my sewing ?"
Cecile looked rathef scornfully at the plain
calico dress which the busy fingers of her sis
ter were working on.
"Things will be different when I am Mrs.
Archcliff," she mused to herself: "I wonder
if he• will conic here to-day; he has been ab
sent since 'Wednesday. I wonder
And she resumed her embroidery, while her
thoughts wandered away through the pearly
nolonnades and mist-bright domes of a Chateuic
Evange, whose minarets and spires gleamed
through the far-off sunshine of the future.
The sunshine was creeping up the wall like
an ebbing tide of gold, and the coarse indices
of the wooden mantel clock were pointing to
somewhere about five, that afternoon, when
Ruth put her stiff muslin cap into the room
where Cecile was dozing over a book; and Jo.
sephine still at work over the calico breadths.
"If you please, young ladies—"
"Well ?" drawled Cecile, sleepily.
"Mr. Archcliff is here."
And without further ceremony, she ushered
the lawyer into the apartment.
A tall, stately man, somewhere between
thirty and forty, with dark, heavy hair, straight
features, and eyes full of quiet, thoughful
strength, he entered with the same chivalrous
respect he had been wont to show the sisters
when they dwelt in a superb mansion, and'were
clothed with purple and fine linen.
"I have come here on business," he said,
breaking the momentary pause that ensued
after the usual greetings ; "business that im
minently concerns both of you young ladies.
While examining some Wills and leases, relat
ing to an entirely different case, I' accidentally
stumbled on a clue which, when "follotved up,
brought me to the knowledge that you are
heirs to considerable property, Which hits for
some years been enjoyed by those who posses
sed neither right nor title to it."
"The wretches'!" interrupted Cecile,--pas
"Nay,' he said; gently; "the present posses
sor 'is quite ignoraht: that he has done any
wrong, whatever suspicions his father may have
had on the subject."
"And how soon—when—" stammered
"Do you mean how soon do you come into
poPsession ?" he asked, as she paused abruptly.
"Within a very few weeks, I trust—as soon as
the troublesome forms of law can be gone
through with. Actiug as your legal adviser,
I have already given notice to the young
"Then it is a young man. Poor fellow !"
sighed Josephine. "What sort of a person is
it, Mr. Archeliff ?"
"I know nothing, Miss' Josephine, except
that he is about sixteen, and a cripple."
"A cripple ?"
"Yes ; a martyr, I am told, to spinal disease."
"And is this the only property he posses
ses ?"
"All, I believ6."
"But tell me about it, Mr. Archcliff !" in
terrupted Cecile, with kindling eyes and deep
ening color. "This property—in what does it
consist ?"
"In Audley Hall and its estate to being
with, and, further, in stocks, laud, mortgages
and various railroad shares, amounting alto
gether, I think, to something like fifty thousand
"Twenty-five thousand each—that is very
little," pouted Cecile, rather disappointed.—
Mr. Archcliff smiled.
"For you to gain, perhaps ; but a great deal
for him to lose."
He glanced at his watch and rose.
"I will see you again to-morrow. morning,
young ladies. In the meantime, I suppose I
have your authority to proceed as expeditious
ly as possible ?"
"Certainly," said Cecile, eagerly. "Pray
let there be no delay that can be avoided. I
am all impatience to come into my new proper-
She smiled as she spoke—a smile that made
her seem like some fair-haired angel. The
lawyer looked at her with a long', penetrating
glance, .as he bowed good-bye. Cecile, won
dered, with a beating heart, what that grave,
wiFtful look meant.
"Put up that horrid talk') thing, Josey
she exclaimed, when they were alone together.
"Don't, pray, work any more to-day. I'll send
Ruth out after some oranges and wine-jelly
E 98, 1804
and iced cake and cream-meringues, and we'll
have a nice little banquet. Oh I if you knew
how I have longed for these little dainties after
our anchorite fare ? Why arc you looking so
grave, Josephine ? why don't you rejoice with
me ?"
Josephine looked up into her sister's radiant
"Because, Cecile, I see nothing to justify us
iu any great amount of rejoicing."
"Nothing ? Josephine Carey, what do .you
mean ?"
Josephine rose and stood quietly before her
"Cecy, look at the !"
"S I do look—what of it ?"
"I am strong and healthy, am I not ?"
"Yes—of course."
"With hands that are not useless and a heart
that will not fail ?"
"And do you suppose, Cccy, that I, with all
these priceless blessings at my command, will
stoop to take a poor crippled boy's inheritance
from him?"
"But it is not his; it is ours !"
"No matter whose it is=l will not-take it!
Oh, Cecile, do you suppose my heart is of
stone or adamant ?"
"But Mr..A.rchcliff--"
"As a lawyer—as our lawyer, Mr. Archcliff
,has acted entirely right. He has discovered
inheritance and taken proper steps -to place it
in our hands—it is for us to decide whether
we will accept it or not ?"
"As it we should hesitate for a moment
"I shall not, Cecile; this poor cripple has
greater need of the money than we."
"Josephine, are you iu earnest ?"
"I am."
Cecile grew scarlet with anger.
"Very well—you will do as you please. I
shall not relinquish my share of this scanty
property for a baseless whim. It is not suf
ficient that this boy, or man, or whatever he is,
has enjoyed our rights and comforts all his
Josephine did not answer; she saw how use,
less it was to argue with her sister, but not the
less was her own mind made up.
And when Mr..Archcliff called the next
morning, Cecile detailed to him what she cal
led her sister's absurd Quixotism.
"Say what I will, she cannot be turned from
this ridiculous piece of folly," concluded Ce
cile, "and she wishesyou to deed back her half
of the
. estate and money to this young man."
"And you, Miss Cecile."
"I? Oh, I am troubled with no such ultra
scruples of
.conscience. I shall of course, do
sire to come into possession as soon as possible.
Audley Hall will be very pleasant change after
these miserably cramped quarters !"
"Does your sister accompany you ?"
"Oh, no—she will remain. her.. and open a
little day-sehool. The idea of Josephine Carey,
teaching school for a living!"
When Josephine returned from a brief walk,
she found her sister in high spirits.
"Did you tell him, Cecy ?"
"What did he say ?"
"Nothing at all—it is evident he is very high
ly diSpleased, however."
Josephine's heart sank within her.
"I must do my duty" she thought, pressing
her hand to her throbbing temples, "no mat
ter whom it my offend. My duty—my:duty !"
It was almost a Bob, in its agonized intensi
"You will come and see me soon, at Audley
Hall," said Cecile Carey, bending her sweet
eyes on Mr. Archcliff's grave brow, as he bade
her adieu at the railroad depot. He bowed
quietly and stepped back, just as the train be
gan to move. Cecile drew a long breath.
"Strange that he has not proposed," the
thought. "But their will be no lack of oppor
tunities at Audley."
Selden Archeliff did not return directly to
his office, although there was a considerable
arrear of business awaiting him in those dingy
precincts. He went instead, to the little room
where Josephine Carey was crying quietly on
her sister's empty chair.
"I know I am very foolish," she faltered,
"but my little school commences to-morrow,
and:l have such a brief time left for tears 1"
It was the first time he had seen her since
the evening he had brought tidings of the dis
covered inheritance. Since .then, she had shyly
avoided his presence, dreading to read disap
proval in his face. Now, however, there was
no evading the ordeal—it must come !
"Miss Carey," he said earnestly regarding
her, "I have come to speak to you with ref-
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the following ratty
colunin, one year
.); of a column, one year
of a column, one year
1 square, twelve months
I square, six months
I square, three months •
1 square, (ten lines or less) 3 insertions
Each subsequent insertion
NO 17.
Professional cards, one year
ereuce to this very unusual decision of yours
respecting the Audley property. Few girls
in your circumstances would have acted as
you have done."
Her bright cheek caught a more vived rose.
"You think I have acted wrongly ?"
"Let me tell you what I think. It was a
deed whose nobly magnanimity is beyond all
praise. You have abandoned comparative ease,
and devoted yourself to a life of toil, because
you thought it right. lam learning now for
the first time the true emblems that dwell in a
woman's nature. I loved you before—need I
say how much dearer you aro become to we
now ? My little heroine will you trust the
priceless heart to me ? will you be my wife
"But, Mr. Archeliff----"
"Well ?"
"I fancied that you loved Cceile !"
B.e smiled, "I have loved you, dearest, since
I knew you first, scarcely a year ago. But
you have not answered my question yet 1"
The soft brown eyes, dewy with a sense of
the great happiness that was in store for her,
were raised to his, with innocent frankness.'
"I love you, Mr..A.rclicliff," she said with
a shy dignity that was like herself. "But I
never dreamed you could love an insignificant
little creature like me 1"
He drew her towards him with a caressing
fondness that was like new life to her starved
heart! He loved her that was enough !
The little school was never opened—and
when Cecile read the long letter that reached
her the very next mail, she bit.her beautiful
lips until the scarlet blood started.
"Fool that I have been!" she muttered,
"And to think how skilfully that unconscious
little Josey has played her cards ! Audley
Hall, indeed ! Why the Arehcliff estates are
ten times as large ! Fool I fool 1 to blunder
with such a fatal mistake 1"
And the saute June that brought a wreath
of white roses to wake a wedding eoroual for
Josephine Carey's sunny curls, brought also
the dawn of a new bliss to her girl heart.—
Seldeu Archcliif thought his wife never looked
so lovely as she did on her wedding day
Y. Ledger.
They sinile sadly who have no face in all
the world to smile back to them.
Our loved ones have no need of flowers upon
their graves; no flowers can out-smell Heaven.
A despairing man tears his hair. An enrag
ed woman' is' wiser; Ole tears her husband's
If a young wouian loses her heart and no
body picks it up, it is a sad loss indeed.
Shave yourself. Better pull your .own nose
than have it, pulled by auother.
Our father Adam was the nest•dollar of the
whole human cabinet of coins.
Truth, though it /ways lies between two
extremes, does not neeessaridy lie in the mid
Accotumidate yourself to your company, but
don't acsommidate yourself at your company's
Quakers are unpopular with a bore. They
have no ,eoat•b.uttons by which he can hold
The marriage-ring, like all other rings,
presses tightly in a warm bath, and hangs
loosely in a cold one.
Truth is naked, and, like our first parents,
before their fall, not Asharued nf her naked.
Poverty is the only load which is the beavi.
er the more loved ones there are to assist in
supporting it,
In that human instrument, the poet, the
Cremona strings are twisted out of living en-
When yGu are trying to sleep, it is not plea
ant to hear two dogs, half-a-wile apart, discus.
sing a dogmatical difference of opinion.
A man ..cannot z,ulp down a quail or a robiu
whole, but he as not apt to choke from having
ever so big a swallow in his throat.
Little disputes before marriage are great
ones after it ; as northerly winds, which are
warm in summer, blow keen and cold in winter,
A married woman must not ,complain; and
even yet a mouse iu a trap has the poor right
to squeal.
c;7O. 00