The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 09, 1863, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, June 9, nes
• • dilllP ,
0 , \
Gen. E. B. Tyler's Parting Words.
At the expiration of the term of service of
the men of his Brigade, Gen. Tyler delivered
a brief but , well-timed and earnest farewell
•address. llemnplitnented the men upon their
march to, Autietam; their good conduct at
Sharpsbur f .7.; their march and exposure at
Snicker's Gap; their — gallantry at Fredricks•
and nt Chaneellorville. It was only neces•
sary to observe " Your noble bearing in our
'recent movements in the'-face' of thO enemy
and on the march, and to your strictly temper
ate moral and.gentlemanly deportment to
aatisfy the mind of any _one,t,hat your promises
have been fully, redeemed:l2
The roncluding 'paragrap'h of the address.,
ought to be set in letters of We hope,
not only every
,returned ieldier, but, every
soldier, whether in or out of the field, may.
read the counsel he„gives—and the General
does,. what•he adilses others to do r to abStain
from intoxicating, drinks. He says:---"I re•
Bret parting - Withyddylinf you have faithfully
served your and we have no further,
claim upon your_service, here. In bidding you'
adieu, ..may I. not add- one word :of mention:
May I not ask that you ever reuiemher the
proud name you have-Wiled for yourselves;
guard against committing a single
act that will tarnish your fair fame. AS7i2oi;./
hem/ you, the &tempting bowl.' Meet those
who will greet you as ,you pass homeward—as
becomes sober patriotsr Let - not the sting of
inteinperance mar the pleasure your presence
must give those 'who . so dearly love'you. And
!est, assured, wherever you go,py best heart
felt wishes will, follow
~you, and I shall
regard the time we4have spent together as
among the most pleasant days of trCy military
life. And now, may the goad 'Father of all!
guide, shield and protect every one of you.
and permit us to meet ,soon again, with• our
now distracted country at peace.”
Since the return of„ the Nine months men,
the only regiment remainingin the field, which
may be properly .called a Frinklin County
regiment, is the One-hundred-and-fifty-eig,hth
Pennsylvania ItifirtillY. 'chir readers know
the !material of whiCh it is composed- The
men are sturdy farmer's sons and stout mechan
ics and laborers., Not
,only, in their physical
-condition do we, pronounce this an excellent
body of.,meM.,:but in intelligence, moral charac;
ter and patriotism and willingness to endure
hardship, no. othei:in The ' - service excel them.
Every order is oheyed with,alacrity.
'Air a month or more ;st, this regiment has
been encamped near Lisrle Washington. North
Carolina.. This place is on tke r north nide of
the •Pathliccr river, &few amilesighuth of where
the Tar river empties into the Pamlico"; 'this
latter river flows into'ilieSound of the same
name. Although our boys have not, Yet,geen
&blight into What may, in the 'full sense of
the term, be called klipttle..,yet in some sksirm
ishesin which they have been en . gaged, they
have.,displayed a great deal of 'etiergrtand
bravery. No rebel force has been allowed' to
encamp within many iiiiles'of Washington.
It is not probable they will' long (remain ,at
that' pluee, hilt a more active - tampaign, than
has been knoWn in,' the North States, for the'
post six months, will soon be inaugurated. We
tßill look with 'confidence to our men toosustaid
the cause of the country,. the honor of their
native State and the respect of the people,of
this county.
Col. AlcKibben, who was at home for some
weeks, having been rendered unfit for duty;
from injuries resulting from beingthrown from ,
his horse, has ,recently rejoined his veg,irnent, 1
and is again ready to be arrayed, against .the
foe he bas so often metnin battle.
We 'shill soon' har news frotn fhis' quarter
%Nis reported in Cincinnati, on 'Friday,
that Gen. Johnston is marching upon Memphis,
instead•of attempting to relieve PeMberton at
Vicksburg. The rumors came through divers
sources, and obtained some , credence.
,Advices from General Grant, to the 30th
and 31st of May, assure the,,Government that
the •siege is progressing favorably.° General
Sherman and' McPherson had advanced their
batteries of artillery to ,within :fifty yards of
the Rebel fortifications. Reinforcements were
reaching the Union artily, and General Grfy:it
was now in a position to carry on the reAuo t tiian . ,
of Vicksburg, and attend to any enemy :Nip .
might attack bis rear. The fall of this Rebel
Gibraltar is deemed near at hand.
Washington, June has been deter
minqd , to, make. a separate Military Department
of Pennsylvania and Maryland, along the• bord
er of Pennsylvania. •
THE PILOT :--Glllll
The New Orleans Era, of the 27th, contains
the following : Gen. Banks moved down the
Red river with his army, crossed to Bayou
Sara and thence to Port Hudson, where he
united his forces with those of General Augur.
The gunboat under Farragut were to move
upon the 24th. The mortar fleet opened upon
Port llsdson on the night of the 24th, silencing
several of the enemy's guns. Port Hudson is
now, therefore, closely besieged and hemmed
in, and the fall of this. stronghold will be
speedy, even should Gen Banks not order an
assault on tl..e works. Colonel Grierson is co
operating with General Banks. The garrison
at Port Hudson is estimated at 10,000 men—
they are scantily supplied with provisions.
The New Orleans Era, of the 28th says:—
We learn from an authentic source that our
army before Port Hodson is in a satisfactory
position, and everything promises fair for an
important andluccesaful close of , the campaign
against the rebel stronghold.
• N. C., May 29.- 7 -On the .27th
inst., Major-deneral,Fotter visited .the camps
of nine 'months' men and made an eloquent
speech to each regiment. Geßeral Foster, told
the soldiers that he could not part with them;
that they 601.18 t Dot leave him and our sacred
cause,at this, sta.e of the. Rebellion; that be
would Dive them all the advantages accompa,ny
, a re-enlistment, including a furlough of
thirty , daysto each regiment, and, so arrange it
that while Log i 1110m,..dj0 roxte d another
should be y ready,tp rptprn, ffhiefi,pyqposition
appeared to meet with general favor. General
Foster- thetrealled upon the nine months" 'men
for atiewirtillery regiment, td consist of twelve
companies of one hundred and fifty the each.
This regiment was- organized upon the 'spot.
and'the officers'were appointed.' Koine of the
regiments offered to furnish three companies
for this' new cointnandc, which will be ready
for service in a short time.
.The. desire of •that portion of Alie Eighteenth
Army Corp's, nowifi Soutth -Carolina' to return
here...udder their old Chief, where they can
have active service. is arousing the sympathies
of the wlible ;Department 'in their behalf.--
NumeroUs letters are continually reaching
General Foster from , the officers and men now
separated from him against the express orders
of theTresident, ccintaining'appeals fur their
return' of a• most affecting character, together
with a general offer re-Milist for the war if
their wishes are granted. Rather than have
any ill-feeling existing between the two -De
partments, General Foster is willing to furnish
General Hunter' with two black regiments for
.each , white *one returned.'
Washiugtot4 May ",31.—The tele
graph was , received at the. Navy "Department
-to, clay '
Fla.9-Ship '"Black 'Hawk,""Mississippi
Squedron, near Vicksburg, 'via Cairo, May3o.
1863.-=-To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of
the Navy have the honor"to inform
you, that the explditinn I sent up the Yazoo,
'under.'comaiand of Lieut.-Commander Welker,
after. taking posseasion. of the Fe' at' Haines'
Bluff wits perfeetly'successful.
Three 'powerful steam rams • were destroyed
at Yazoo City, One was a monster . 310 feet
long and .70 feet beam, to'he covered with nine.
inch iron' plates. A fine Navy Yard, with
machine shops of all 'kinds; saw
smith's-shops, Sic., were' burned up. The pro
perty destroyed and captured ainobted to over
$2,000,000. Had the monster iron ram been
finished she would have given us some trimble.
One battery was destroyed at Drury's Bluff.
Our loss on the expedition was one killed
and severr Wounded. •• •
Aettng Rear Admiral Commanding
Colonel Kilpatrick, the hero of a recent bril
liant raid through Virginia, has added
laurels there achieved- bp-another excursion
through 'the: enemyts country. On Saturday,
the 30,th, at the .head of his small, but valiant
hand, .he.left Gloucester• Point, opposite York
town; andTassing in a northeast direction, Gros:
sed the Pragon,Riyer, at the small. village of
Saluda, and. thence through Middlesex county
to.4rbarta, its:capital. The Rappahannock was
here crossed, and the expedition continued its
journey. through the .. counties of Westraoraland
and King George, to a point near the head;
,quarters of General' Hooker. At' the Driizon
River it was discovered;-that the rebels had
burned the bridges, .and that.a large body' of
'Stuart's Cavalry had been stationed at` a point
above, where it was believe our forces must
necessarilly cross. Colonel Kilpatrick, how
ever, was too shrewd -for the. Rebel Commander.
and, by means of a.hastily constructed. bridge
which they subsequently, destroyed', hiss mem
were transported, over in safety. Subsequent
ly divided into coining% the principal body,
under command of Colonel Davis, moved south
for Tine . .Ifee, in - the lower part of Aliddlesex,
where' they captured the 'chief leader of the
bushwhackers in that section, and alsO a tucil
birder. Among the letters in the 'possession
of the latter was orte-from.General Stuart' to the
guerrilla chief, promising protection against the
expected Union raids.. Col. Davis melted
Urbana on Sunday "morning: The other col
110113, aft leavibg the 'Dragon, and Moved in
a northeast direction, and'on Monday morning
arrived in front of Urbana, after having had a
short and successful skirmish, and were subse
quently taken across the Rappahannock in
transports protected by gun-boats. Thus end
ed a raid which has equaled in its daring any
attempted by the rebels, while its result have
been of the most beneficial character.
No. 2
GREENCASTLE, June 5, 1863.
Mr Editor :-.-We never will forget the oc
currences of a night last November—during
the short halt of the army at Spotted Tavern.
An impenetrable pall 'of mist and clouds over !
hung the earth. The scintillations of the
scattered camp-fires, dimmed by the etiviron
ing-fog, lent a weird appearance to the scene.
It was near the turning hour of night, all the
troops comfortably bunked were courting "Na
ture's sweet restorer—balmy sleep," 'and silence
and darkness reigned supreme. The measured
tread of the•Jonely sentinel, and his occasional
call , for the Sergeant of . the:-Guard., were the
'sole noises , Which disturbed the unwonted calm.
, Dick and Pete were both on duty to-night,
and it *as about •the hour• at which the ilatter
was to relieve the former. Pete was wakened
by the Corporal,end unaccompanied by him,
who thought so much 'labor useless, he started
for his post. When he approached, he called
Dick. but received no respoiise, and . the thick
darkness previnted him lioni 'discerning' any
object save the bulky pi:4rd houie. He entered
this , .dreaded tenement. . It was empty a
vacuum itself.. Where were the prisoners?—
Where was , ;Dick? What mystery Was this ?
He was about to call , the Corporal '
to be iiistruc
•ted, when a thought struck hini, it perhaps
would Ina be best. • He theO resumed his
search , for Dick, and found him leaning:against
the guard. house, sound asleep. Three•or four
stout ,kieks restored consoiousuess.
Dick What's wrong ?
' Pete.--Every thing I should 'think. Where
are the prisoners'?`
- Dick .—Thunder and lightning, Pete ! You
don't say they have escaped ?
Pete.--They are not in the house.
Dick.—Ten thousand curses ou that vinegar!
I used some with my pork to day, and it made
tie` sleepy.
'Pete.—Ha ! ha! la! Dick, that's a &loci
Dick.--Mhat's to be done?
Pete.-=How many were they ?
Pere'. , L—Does . the Captain kni:liv their here?
•Pete.=Does the Sergeant of the Guard'?
' "
; : their n'anies're ist l ered ?
Pete.—Nor the charges against theni, of
course "Y
'Pete.- 7 We must fix this matter some how,
Dick,-Or we'll 'be punished 'severely.
They sat dOwti tlien,, each one ruminating,
and` endeavoring to concoct some scheme by
wlii i eh they might escape the consequences of
Diek'siinseasonahle sluMber. Some thirtY Min
utes had been spent in deep cogitation, when
Dick'S countenance suddenly lit up with joy,
so much so that it ernited rays`there in the
glOom, and Pete theughtfiilly applying a lusi
fer, it ignited, and' he lit his pipe'. He thee
enqWired 'of .Dick the cause of thii marked
exhibition of such profonnd delight.
Dick.—We will arrest two niters and put
them in. It was dark last night, when the
prisoners came here, and the Sergeant never
recognized their color.
Tete.—So far so good. But where is the
ducument containing`` charges:against the
prisoners ? In that will be a statement of their
names and everything;'and nnless it canbe
dispensed with, the phit Will Mit succeed.
- poor "Diek's counteinince grew "dark
again, and it was not recognizable from the
thick gloom around it. In answer - to Pete's
question, h'e'snid:'
The sergeant of the guard has the
papers concerning the cursed prisoners. It
Was late when they came in, and I remember
of liitu saving that he wonld not disturb the
Captain tonight with them.
Pete.—Your plan is very good, Dick,. as far
as 'it gees. It only requites few additions to
make it entirely sm.:cessful, and.l think I have
Dick.—What are they, Pete.?
Pete.—"lf ale can steal the qucuptent from,
the Sergeant Mid'destroy it, all will be well.
Diek.—doOd I. I'll do it.
Pete Well go immediately, so that we get
through with our business, beiore wy twc
hburs roll 'round.
Dick started off in baste. Pete sat down to
nwait his return. In less than ten minutes he .
saw sottiethinglike an irinis fatatts approaching.
Ile *as abouirunning away, when it hailed him
—"Hallo, Pete!! I've got it!"—it was Dick,
his countenance lit up again with joy..
Pete.—Did You succeed, 'Dick ?
Diek.—Yes. Here it is.
Pete `Good Now let us go and arrest the
dark les.
With fixed bayonets they both started off to
a neighboring tent, where the cooks were known
to bunk. Very uncerernoneously they entered
Several pricks with the bayonet awoke the
snoring blacks.
Pete.—Boys get up, come along.
Dark No: I.—Whor massa, whor?
Pete.—To the guard-house.
Dark No. 2.—We wor'nt 'toxicated massa.
No. Oh, massy'.
'Pete:—Come on I tell you, or 'la string
-yea,both-om-oar•bayemrtsn , °a'nd - lint't want
you to make the least noise;
Dark No. I.—Yes. We -wor'nt 'toxikated.
Soon the darkies were safe in the house.—
Luckily they had been. on a drunk the evening
before, and innocently they expected ,their,irn
prisonment was for this. Dick started to his
quarters and. Pete remained. on guard: Soon
.his two hours•expired; and-the tihird.relief clime
3rd Relief.--Are the prisoners all right ?
.'right, , and Pete' went 'to .hia
quarters. • '
In the morning all) was well. • Th - e - Sergeant
of the - . guard was down=cast. I suppose.
mysteriously, he - had lost 'some Valuable
document. But he was very "mum." The
darkies continued saying, "We wortnt 'taxi
kated, massa, we woent." By•their own lips
they were condemned, and charges of; drunk-
enness were confirmed,against them,•for which
they iv ere ; k ept, un d er; guard forty-eight hours.
No one, to this day ; but ."our.mess," and
now the readers, of the Pilot, knows. anything
to the contrary than-that the darkies were the
regular prisoners. . MILES:
Piles of The Pihit.—We have several files of
lost yeir's PILOT; WiliCh WE" Wilt sell ellen!).
ProOce.--A Nrge amount. 0f,.. produce has
'been transported over, the Franklin Railroad during
the past ten days OP More. '
At the old Place.—Mr. Jamas, N. B,CRIt; ha.-
ing returned from " the wars," will, be: found ,by
hiis customers, at his old stand.
The News.—Mr. S. H. Easy. still conducts his
News - and Periodical estahllsikt4nt,i9 the. Post Of-
flee room. He has always the best dailies,wcelr.-
qi6l;'and' ch'oicest makaziiies on liand.
Countprieit.77 PegPl e.luiff keep ~Sharp
look out. for counterfeit fives on. the. Bank of Npr
thiunberland. The genuines are red tinted ? nile
the tad are in I,larei'and 'Ade.
AdATgss.7-Pie.nddFess, deliyeret by ;Rey. E
BREII/ENl3.Atili, at the reception tif the Nine. novq,s'
teen found . tin the first page of to-days
paper. . .
Mr. IlesiNostt, fortnerly of the vicipity, of -PPM,
Pennsylvania aud t now of lowa city, lowa, fenow
on a visit . Co hie Mead's in this Seition. He has
succeeded remarititiq well in the ite'st.
A Conipany.—.-)Ve would wuggest _OW
turned soldiers organize jttß pliyit s xry t c?mpaisy.
ri ircMl F d keep alive ath assocutuons l and l indeed it
Might`lbe made u s eful of agnke%U l dSn
etnergency: We lvive` the "
illitSiC.—We had the ptesil t ure of he,ariilg the
other nigilt;smile"reilii excellent music. If is so
seldom w.e hefir a iibliril;r'
.40611, iii:,O r gi the
;serenade was`not infendedifer
fond pleasure. .. f • .
pbrn and' Lppust Blor!motns.--pkie locupt
trees Contain - any tinantitiof blossoms; Ana` aecoril
.inglo the old ‘• may exp l eef: l ti
crop of corn. But. we are of . the opinion moms d
pendS upon the weather and;good farmingtrhan up
on Almanacs and old womanish "signs," '
Sickness in Wincheeiei..—*e - learn that
the camp fever prevails to nn alarming 'exteat
Winchester., Virginia. • There were five hinaired
cases at one time in the city. It is confined altneet
entirely to the citizens, the disease not having spread,
mush through the encampments of the Tinian
• -t
. .
, .
Enrolling Officer.—JAcon Silcox, Esq, has
imen appointed Assistant Provost marshal for An
trini township: He commenced enrolling about two
weeks ago,'but we understand that some days Since,
he received an order to stop enrolling until further
notice. Bin Mat the enrollment will be again com
menced, fe,w doubt.
P. S.—Since writing the foregoing, we learn ,that
Mr. Snook. lilts again commenced to enroll, the
Departu7e,for 501.44
Major Snorts of the With Keg., P. V., left this
plsee on llotitiay Morning of last week, to rejoin
his regiment iii i South Cai;olina. E3IANTJEL CARP ' E;4'-
TER went with him as a recruit: for "this noble regi-
ergt. MlLLett, of company G„ lea,ves to-day
(Monday) fon the same destination. They were
very welcome visitors here, nand carry hack with
them to the rest of our boys, many kind regards ,
and firivate'MesSages. May' they live to boric hack
at thei eldse of their firm of service! If to "we
know, they will come as honored. faithful soldiers
of their , country,and meet, with the welcome. they
tßepcirt• of `the Ladies' 'Aid society'
Greencastle, Pa.—The Ladies' Aid Sociity%of
this place and vicinity, sent during the past week,
to the Christian Conunission of Phil!ttlephitt three of iiiispitai Stares; with thefollowing Con:-
tents :
nBox; No) I.='-t8 shirta. pairs' of 24
slings. d: sheet,•& case ,4 burrdles'dfwrags, ,i,4
INlndtges 8 bo t pesiPftVillewsoloondrisdi 'fruit wad
some lint. tl v." 14
Box No. 2.-16 cans of jelly. 7 cans of pa,;.,
G cans of tomatoes, 2 jars of jelly, some rice a
dried fruit.
Box No. 3.—Containing line
June.—The fairest month of all the year i in ,
opened beautifully and smiling as ever. .1•i
leaves of the forest trees are covered with th ci .
varied foliage. The earth is carpeted with green._
The perfume of sweet scented, flowers is waited t t
every breeze. The corralling of birds, the ripp6A,-;
of brooks, the balmy zephyrs, all invite nx tn 1.11],,y
Abe beauties whieh - thteliftfirlf Satire has "pre:,l
out before us.
hoir green ilie groves,
The pri rose. bunks ,how fair •
The balmy grales awake the Hewers."
* * *
‘. The Inv' rock !buns tho palace. guy,
And o'er tLe cottage sings;
For Native smiles as sweet I ween.
To shepherd as to kings."
To the Reader.—:34ilart), Mil4s.or Sir, irdeed
it is a veiy laid matter' for us just nosr to regale
you withAtocal Aecidents don't often hap.
pen of late, our town is .so quiet, and the weather
has been so warm, that we do hope you will cam e
us, for this time at least: If houses are burned
(which : We do not wish) ;'.if suicides and murders
take place (which we pray may nut be) ; or if
somebody grows large railiohes, beets or cabbage ;
or if some one presents us with good cigars, otti
grape, or any other nice little affairs, to make our
heart gratefiil- we promise to give you plenty
of _local ,gossip.• knoir.yOw wouldn't want la
to go to work , like these naughty - dailies, and invent
some horrid story, ust to make the paper take.—
No, you want .sound,Teliable•information, such as
we always try to gire , yot
What will yon hate!"
Pie. Nio„—Quitem hirke thimber of our young
ladies and gents; webritiP ' to Panssza.'s Knob, on
last. Tuesday, and in
,that.,romantic retreat, held a
delightful" pie-nic---at least. they all so affirm.—
Scrambling up the mountain side, gathering " wild
wood flowers" , on the fray, songs And mirthful eon
,vArAiflon,,,were..all_.tqwgely."—enjoyed, and made
the ascent seem les i s , tharh it, would other
wise have heent a rich repast was
spread by the htdi l eit—tllorghtful And land as erer.
Mot: be wit :
h4l MOM] Yye,
several of the lowni, and a large portion of this
beautiful Cumberland Valley... The " views" were
pronounced "splendid."
The " wanderings of the party among (he " green
braes" and by the "winding'rills," and on the
pleasant bnnks and' green valleys below," we can
not trace—for he:prilwlet was not there.
Henry G. Chritzman —Our gallant and
young townsman haS been for some time, Assistant
'Stirgeon in the Bth Peziireilennin Cavalry. In the
fight on titrday •May 2nd, after the unfit.-
tuntitty retrept of the,lilth, Army corps. the Cavalry
was, sept to'the front, and matle,a couple of semi
cirts,scquring )1e country, and for some distance
literally cut their way t
through o the enemy's ranks.
regiment lost' t his. expedition. The
Doctor accompanied the - Ca4nity the whole way
through; and notrditly ackluiteddlhirOseir in the per
tormpuce of; big official dutitie, but fought desperate
to, prevent the wopjplo. from ; falling into the
hands.of the rebels.. ~The., next moynjug he took
ch,arge of p yl:141 tioepi l e pear United
'Stitieer.POrd. :itas'ihere that he extricated the
hall from ci6 LiMit l .TtOWE. The Dee
tOr lee rebeit ' reil`thelhiklitistifigisiili.ilidthe Medical
pirector, land, tfrOnti the clemunnindint of the regi-
meat. , ;„;
1 4 , 4 •
Ter •Centenary Celelaration..-0e of the
'largest; of not ttie pgreiatititis we ever
.:saiWassewittled 411R:hitt Phrde;:'comPosed of the trp
.ttOn 91inct, eirequcastlenongsegat ions. besides the peo •
pip of otiterdgtiominattcwis v met, in the-German Re
formed Church in this place on last Sabbath. to
*-1, • %.•
commemorate the ter centenary featly now being
helithroughout the bouads of this denomination in
aria Aitiettci. religious
&Sava' ill be' Yonnit iii 4 4l44icle' 'in another
•- . ,
The morningexercisesopened with the chanting of
the Te tMclAqir, . iThiswas their•first attempt
chludleg,,tind Inv be considered highly creditable.
The Res i ding lesson fqr the morning was the xcri
Nairn hiidia'rt Of 'Matthew xxi chapter. Prayer by
the Rev. T. G. AppiA:pasior of 'the United congre
gations. , After whiehthei proceeded 4.6 deliver a very
, _able sermon, from Matthew xrillethaliter-18th verse.
gave, au account of this .hdalory; of. the early
church, of the causes which, produce the
RefOrmation. He spoice.eloptenttly of , the the Re
flitm'ers=tunipt, ZitiNGLR, SELANCTIION. CALVIN,
and ',others; of the` latror:s F , asiiknico 111,
OLEV7ANIIB and Hnstszts in producing the Heidelberg
Catechism; the use of this sxmbol.of • faith. and the
cluty.of every member ' L er : the Reformed. Church to
becctme better acquainted irith it, and to hare that
high regard for it, which it deer es. It was a ser
mon Which clearlit preseeted 'the ;Rhin points of the
doctrine of tliis Church. After PraYer by the Rev.
REILLY, tutor in the Thenhugibal Se - Joinery at Nler
cemburg, Bennsylvanii, the choir sang most beauti
fully the piece entitled, Hundred Years to
Come:" 146th, Hymn. and Benediction.
Although the exercises were protracted, every one
in that large congregation listened attentively to
every word by the minister. In the evening, the
Itev. WALTER' `Kittils, of "Waynesboro,' preached a
eetmon on the subject of the Trinity ; =setting forth
the views of, the - church--upon this doctrine.
• The-church was neatly decorated in honer of the
occasion. Its windows were ,crowned with ever
green arches, connected together by festoons, while
down their- sides Nuirg pendants,
made from the
same material. The front the' Choir loft was
peoy, ifeSlVOlked: Thelleconttion of the pulpit die
played. flinch mite. On the entablature above the
piilpltiverh i: Placell;• 2 iiin * id festoons of Spitice, the
wards, “Aleidlebem,Ostechiset;" sad;: the dates
156a"and, 1863, and the number 89, all prettily
made fibm cittite myrtle: Ai a *bele.
LliCalipeerepoe.ef. the Church 'reflect ed,great credit.
on the taste of those who ornamented it, and the
eitendlitt. 'ititehded it
1 1 4414ditoggh thit, entire teettg,•zwillenstitute an
epoch, nut actoo_te,:he forgfittenlix . thipenibiirs of
efor.Vggh i dtatt - wvliose lot it.
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