The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 3

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No. 1
May 281 h, 1863.
.Wr. Editor in the services, we to note
of 1101118 little oddities iand Quidditieit peimliar to
camp life. We carried lbese scrape with ua on our
marches; and if hey wilt. serve you ill any way,
you are welcome tb wake ise of them. 'ln order to
facilitate their nuration, we will relate them dra
matioally—atwasg out toutimut.t. slsidriltig*Por
ono/. I knob' they wiltnot, be ofreikteCat our tak
ing this liberty.
We strolled to the country to-d.c7s and for amuse
went, related the followin g ` iiitroil'uClOiir "reminis
cence," whiciitVl4 ' 'YotirdViStlr ".
• .
- -
Tom r pieli,l,a9 ( 4leir,piretottkmigikt have
ebristenid &An 1411-3nly hey tiantliPete
the duthor, Vat rllrp; . hicrispy Mimes, cgristAzl
fated "our ,Qur
, elttrty, f b?th . ticanse we
were patrloligliy I lidiedeil; iasti di& oi defetre;lde`io'
one of its occupants, we denominated the
Ilouse." tke ,rpatinr; of s t ril t
Hers hu . tthelipl i vvii very c . fiuKrlable our cif ,ita.
hearth, eri*dltidtne,
,The. bliemneY was
of true'i7itighila l itgititlJtcti.eLbililt ICltek
apertures closed with mud, diminishing gradually,
and !'grertiPt birOutitullyildes'it ita it laseenlQ,e:
( Me' e1A 1 90..? nkfiiskrifith4 ,tfil'4g tl .4 ,- ,1FR44
the fire, each one 714*.liittRipeait, and all silently
puffing an accompaiiimentip hie own thoughts.—
An unwonteib tedittprily t ailenpaddo E vervade the
party. Nict Wwini inittlafßikia fo some time,
when Pet i e, who la
tlt 4 , 1 e
h the rest, oh
qu edrer ut et Tioltt
There Is mop in , thre of our , than one at
first tivent% of: fl ifew t reptite with iguie's'iii2y
—nietaplikstailegnittbniniolnints;anitthiliegi pprigni;
Ft% a ',l" t ime n n
Tort.-Ibeg your pnrdolt Pete, but I have got
not bin glitiTlLlTlgiq fignia3
Ff7E,-,TrsPtipsßi iitt...9,int mit :f9r
N o w, wi t tFis . 9liii wreath of topoki. here goes. , --- ;
Look Wltit Yhti
bleu yourbree:tiu . •.;
,Toic.7f elloyirt ' foes soother,,
and I'll bet 11101 do the smile.
)a6 -7 1t.
pymbou.,efthit44, t floes )1154 P 1if51( 110, embleiligt ;
cal of humanity) , c llla rises, fto rishesand
even its eni;tSvititit of' Sinoic; ntid' i ieydu
low a lit eleilloenitie44-1n siane isji&eio ime 1 -
lIABBY.—But where is that simile to Tom's breath
If were not for wind, smoke would remain much
longer. T a
I'ETE.—Y;s, and tetlure were no epidemis ; no
were; er itulfe e l f pEwttifuNieli(s fitildtath,
would lkiet e r allqtml levpaity i ymiNe,t
Tom.—hood'All don t you and that idea
honie!idisOMe t ite'veienit
the ifilekneyeau—“Alt& ief like ;rhirgrisChet
eth fl .Pf AT,L,
ishetlike Roo d be en' improvement.
H Meth:lLA "PIOW 'cereal illy re 41 , I.ii4tt
Loort,ormvipottlitli V 3 W. OfM figOur
chared it it was bra`u9ful?lear l nitrat triu/splarmi
pure 'Mid ;Adage ) 4114trifell "'gut
veMis weeaila
' l9 " l i t is 147"'M rim
who is sinless at birth becomes contaminated by
emit/lei whir Nil 4rirldlliiitiltitiffle fitliigefteg;milit
filly grows Will)odlOilitlYlin h9IYI I I isilifflg,°4lrtPSri
verve—blnek as the old.pipel
Itt;i4ent 41ts *ow Aho;4l l qatir Mr Itkftc.F.
By boiling ones kiwi in some sitting . compo
sition, itirtit i tanrity 44411111440,41Pbe restor
ed. You see here again the comparison—the won
deintinagglAttpelm,flijoimi (tea iwttl
Vaist7i7leitottittoyits*,lletholiwiMfE at. tater
Inonizin I.must haws my say t ag . Hera is aric t ilier
so , soiilarttiuw-i i esrtyreitii,h.visal limothie
rft i tt rt 'a Stir:4llM f,
tralt - --bleasettoxinsiti m 1 fi ., ( 11
1i[4rird.,01:94,- , (4 4 ).011.1N96(101444 zinnia
gV* l ni ' 11 1 1111 T C" 4111 r
i l
.. " .. i'i; . r . vvt4 ~11r0,- 7 3:itirirriTty
Au tirLD.— 1 .! titp i 4 ,0t11 tiit., at t
, t tie I..tit,
tee' itt dkfirl et, B.l4lq,e,'Vy iiiiit'....ii. .I).t.
sill iiis , Mr. total Timi;tlV '6l i;1; A 1, , ,..a e i s' liitY, i 4,
botittott tilitiamytitigity It '‘.• '4ll ' • :r ~.: ;!,; ••=''
° nith tki st-, qgi4T%. 4P4 - ,9
A * II oucitc , ta, 4 , 11 111, jam, #1 le9 9 c
%enall A aatng Codnty, Pa. tGetiys i
u t lit ; t 4 i , s ‘yo w c ii,3l3 it! if trYsi f ,
' 1 , ;11 . . 'piotitittrt);' ,
..... •••••• .....
C l et.6lllLig7d Ffi
fuF'thB`~~o~ G Y leeli'a~4Lt~Coarfs~~su{lje t. to the
deemlp,s . 01.srtmervie Nwooqiincuplyptihßip
and oam respect.tutty solicit. your support.
C=11: (%1 k • 4. 1.4.1'? PEfitiCtlY
St. Thopons Township. May 4th„ 1868.
XL HENRY STRICKLER. of Antrim to ' w ns'hip, 18
118 candidate for t REKSTEIC AND RECODER fur
Finliftlfn"nnurifyiuttreet To the'neit Uniod Minato
lug ppromotion. and ,znoot respectfully gloliciks 4.4 e
support of all Union mon.
Rod , 8: 1868.-ta.
. ... . .
CA N ' T he Pki,r tri lrial)!P 1 ,!7,e49 1 9fP
Dexistitig between under s igned , Aoing busi- ,
nese . updieP the , himiyartd title if Ailey Co', '
was dissulYS4?4Vl consention,t4 1,2,914py t o f f'
March:l'B4 All' pirlotts knowitig . themselves in-:
debted Mid %,* rni, , arc reqt(ested'tollidlielica-'
mediate settletren t Tim boCki; ll F,eliq 14 1 , 43 . , hftuda,Sf
Jamee tfley; by, whom gbe business will be
carried ' • • , 9 .!
The firm most respectfully returc, their thanks to
the pub)ir.,cqr pApt p age , and Ronde' for the
presentkopliitfili arallipance of thq same.
'1 0117: '43? Vrlat Y & co.
AVAL;ii PA,pEB, I,ly e t ,ip m j t i m F ,eae,i,vei a
T y Jarge stock or Vlall*aper. i t 4nyl,:rillan,
fancy, Ivhite, dark, glazed.Anot_niigla_zedpaper,
of: ellet,tik, quit ev,ealOy...l%eilloglßAGY
kind and in any.cilaatity,,Be 41 4, . c,lovreot egth
P r iPritill'.l' , '6.41. `P A 'En t & CO
flretneastle, day 6, 1862.
■■ •. —Notice is hereby given that the co-partner
ship subsisting since April 1, 18U1, between A. L.
IRWIN and JAMES M. InwlN. of Greencastle, Frank-
Lin county, Pa., under the firm and style of A. L.
IRWIN 81 SON, has been this diy dissolved by mutual
consent. ..ahe.Bontai'antl Accounts of the late fir.n
are in the:l4o4 of .A. L. lavilN for collection. All
persona•ipdebled to the late firm, are requested to
make fimediate payment
The'' , dersigited 'lPre this day (May 7, 1863..
formed iiisopatlnership, under the name.and styli
of Innris , -87._43.ntoans, and having purchased thi
whole,stock of. goods, lately lelonging to A. L. IR
WIN & Sux, respoetfully inform the people of Green•
castle and,,surrounding country, that, they will con•
tintie business on the South-east corner of thi
Public Square, where they invite all persons need
ing Hardware. Oils and Paints =to give them a cal
and examine their stock. Most of the goods havt
:been purchased before , thn advance in prices in the,
cities, and will be sold greatly helowtheir present
viilne: 'Persons in need of Buildingßardwate;'can
obtain it at. this house, cheaper than any" whre else
in the etinfrilyV .. ' Come wliei;e•_Ydnnani awaYiget the
worth of your money.
Sneand, buildin'g, from the North-cast . Corner
of'the Pnblic Square, itp,stairg.
• . ,
THEquidersignOdthnbtpitrcliased a, million (more
. Hats, consisting of Eastern made
Felt:l6d Silk Hats, of the latest- siyie . ,'StraW Hats
of-all kinds and descriptions, Caps of all kinds and
of the li l tos} Also is a : Arta -- assortment of
Hits oflits Own manufacture, Such aiitratiii;Pearl
Brown-and Xibite Hs4s. ,
HiTs' made to nr . l4Cy._
ler All, kinds of Skins tor making Hata will be
pnrehased by the . indere:ened.
ClothingtOolOred Blank for ladies or' tntats
'War Cavell CO a call before ft 'web asingfolSe
t Itittt JOHNI 1 111 : 1 $ 011.111111eA ,•
11 April. 28,•18684t..t •• t• t , st i
. ;.i „'~f;'s~.i
Greencastle, May 7, 1863
. • . J
Greenenatle, May 1.'2.: 1863:-tf.,
New Hat Store!
1111,T "Au ers . . pr Adminiitrati on;
1.114 , willr the! willrinneted. ,on' itel o tatel
Haut-, Bratten,qate. - toft Orehneliatlet , deeebsed; have
been , -granted..itt the .stibseriber,vresiding , 4n . , said
borough; fpersona • indebted to 4he.said list at e 4
are requested to .r make Ant mediate Aral meet, and
thotterthavingelaires..or denianda kg& net the: *stet e
of ;said decedent: - Wildinake known' thh Shin e, .with -
outdelagptot - - fit: ()ROWEL., ..• •
'l4 . Williannexe&
..Gtreeneititle,+Mayi 1868 , 6 a.:: ',lf 44 c r 0.: ,4 '4:o.
444Rew I",PA94,TP!.'t
;.. Bak' 444,341; , :ftt,
tAtifit2l,"TBbB l Bi
q!1 te. •
just received fi4tu the city , a handsbm e and
doiliffoleteassortm'ept pf l T• l . •••
SfkiNG ,, il/1111 1 6i14F.111' .
tsiwhich she invlYd4 019 tent - ion of the Ladies of
Meii4liitlekita'_l36i•ronfidfng - tier'stock
1 c 1 611&1 1 t1P, t'ir;illiisaraWlllournitli And St Or* BOLA:.
Tift'irehfidfeits ntl titkot Bonnets;•of-Siery`ae'scrip
ibtf,(ftig6anleOliiiiiiii; 1 . ".. I
Bar . Shop on the North-east corner of tht"Public
SqpioNfikdaedfitteirtfbrXe the ltaitrgad Tieket 4)1%
ficel • 'O. • iY, :T, ' f.nPrit
,41417Wiftartt r t 711:itrriell tl 1 .
..." - I'r Aft:i7 , ":ll‘ v. ',,:: v•ri IY, . .:1 I . .
i t
mete. I).“.ri 1 .;1.01 ,, ,,1'.0: i I, t i .. l.!' ; .; , .1 I ,•: , /ii,l . 1
S. HI s#i." Ira AlTi. ,t i ' ::: " Ii i
4111AirArinetfreeeimett al rlemge :aseortmenCorvlSEW
. • . : if ...:
.., ' i ,
. , t
whicltAim mill , take•p k eneure
. 11 ,phnniing tn their
nutnerlut: eue : lottiet9"apal...thers. ln
l'ltiiiie s' .Dress" G o od s''
Theyhave •
bistros, Black. AS'illes,
WefoirDdit en,eS, :llohair,
_alturips, Debigcs, '
;STars'el.el . . irt:lfoodi,' Soritatii fotip: I.s
Bo (moral , t...Sikirts, , Ambrtaideries,-fiitl Gloves,
hite °antis, Black :Clive
. ..41 . 4r57 2 n ipg: • CheneillC and Fancy
Ifica4 l 2\retsrlfithiblt IVbai fraltk (cheap), ilieriito
'C'angl•ess G4 l t e l:,
-31.0 r 40;1.03 0 9 (s (414 urn *hoes. `
MEN S' i..:WE
' Blue and Brown Bk)adeloths, , Beaver
th.‘eicoettit do!!" Cassimeies..
lfrash; dn. i ' teli4io6llCenineky 'Jeans t
netts, andorshirts , anif DrßlPers• Sadler Shirts;
Hats; Caps, Ilimaike 'reliefs, „Gloves., Cravats,
80-Oside:'Ties; , Domestic' Goods. and
F 1) OR Oils cbopl.
( W l 4luL , P APER:I:!
, bp.y.are ~„.
:.,." 9 :' ...., " ' , t It
C, .1.,!r1; Ill*
iitt'ordet t(ii closer bribthe -stock
jlgg .8!
Town agar, .Prepared Coffee,
4rups, 4 1 :hr! b. Molasses,
17 1"iari r 0r'
ChAMke rob a g feo'"ei`sii4 avid t S'neoking
AbaCc°. A 49-44, excellent WWI
_ .
:(42:UE E-N S WAR F
IVi q e4 t , , e6ftili s i invite tilt persons Wish tit ,g h to pur
chase goodi'as elmaii:'ai the tinlesiTl aqua, to call
and r exami de our me* anf'.6leiyntwianN inent. W.
have r bought 'opr iobtls'Nfe:t SIL I gnft we are en
led to sell them utioti the smile leimi, at but `a" .
, , 1 i •
... 4 , , . •
r •- , ... ,: .41; ~,, . , t... .:', ~..:.4 4...f.4: E
,1,.,1,...,,,,„..H.t. ~J jA)-D,:m..ia,•.04 L.; .
on wholesale rates. Remember the plape ismn.ths
11441Tilskl e MPIr i k.A a1'..44171-ggliStrg 7t6:4
door ,t0„.g0,//gr's, 06' :•:',.,
Greencastle . Dec. U. 1862.-1 y
~..~.)'~i ~i
_,CI : Z fif.o
NV li e
ern cities.
have e i r .e e a rl y day from
forsale, t
t h i e east- refol -
lowing list of articles, which we can sell ~cheaper
than sold elsewhere:
Bleached Muslins,
Unbleached "
Bleached Drillings,
Colored 4,
Canton Flannels,
Hickory, do ,do,, Cloths, •
Bed Checks,'_" '
Shirtiog Cheeks, 'Counterpanes;`' k•
Linen 'rabic Diaper, I Linen TubjpQinths,
and everything in the Domestic line of all qualities
; •
cioos, Glov e s, .ItoyslTndershirtsi
%Testings, Cravats, Suspenders,
rsitneres,, .lll andld Scarfs ?
Ind eish i rts, Collars, loys.tira W;ers:
Shirt Fronts;:Drawers, NeekiTies:
Satin Stopks, Hosiery, Kid Gloves:
In this bianeli we haie everyAing of all styles
and kic,es,
;:;'padio.: i 'pl)fit.t:izt:itt:::
. .
, - . •
Grenadines, Tissues, Beregest .
Chattia,dleliolm lawng a s,' ian ts
, ;,; Trayelinn: Goods, buWes,
41.chainand. givens {Moths, •
-Budals, :Plaids; Poplins,
'Chintzes,' &c. ' ' "
neivety itig tq tip Ft.c . co s
tettettreki salt t fr'o'm ceht
to the most expressive -silk.
L- - S
~ ?33 r7l` ,
Everything beveterid tiorrable.
W'H'l T E 'G 0 0 " D S"!
Ca'Aries, Jackcinetts;
Swis'4es, Linens,'
Briliants Diinitys
:Cheeks, Stripes.
French "iuslnis,
CiaricAinens, - -
Book. :Musiins, •
Victozqa Lawns,
Bobbinfiretts, - . •
• •
' • .
Laces 72 11!;;; • '
Swiss E d gings,
Swisslaorting4l , .
entnbric Insertings'
Swissiiid Cambric' Flour
FrenchWorkd Collanaucl
We are satisfied , thitrin • the ahove:Goodi we , have
evt;rythilig to nieet the dennattde•of tinyi•eustonier..
' PAMASots',.'
and everything, in the. Notiolt Line.
gittiV E 7101:.:S'I'i.l.'!Fti:I'''$.:.
A ,supqrior itlicle,t4way§ an l~nnds
The heat article of
m 4 rtuft,u7ickfor,,Lltlies...rd
Particular attention is paid to each : flifferen
branch of our busittese . : and , e7e; /Tim striol.,at
tendon and reasonable_pro..o4. to, merit our hereto,
fore liberal patronage3 L oo3 . gremly,erdarge our bu
siness. T S RILEY C CO
Greencastle. Dec 2, i362..ty
- • DR. -LA- GROI-X. 2 8
Prii , V;e"lsledicat Trea;tige
(tn tit!,
Physiolel;eal View .oli
260 , NA,GES - and 1130 ENGRAVI
—Mee onlytw'euty-fie.cents', , Sent free of postagn
lte.Nnion. the infrrmittes oil
youthiandimaturity, , disc losing:the secret„foliies of
both sexes of 'all ages,causing debility,riervousness;
depression of.spirits.; palpitation of ithe heart.
tidal imaginings.involantaryetnitsionsitlusitings ,
defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, ?via'
co n/4,ripit#r , '6l* It oft Bp p(IPA SiThool
ri k 4-( 1 -.JK9ezgALrVirf;qyp
r ,gee:,: i4.o.lrl;ithrip hAsi§vr,to the thar i iied tipg
hose contOintdating tolrriage,iihO.onfe'reas4:hdfet
doiibt,SOf"their physical cohcliifon.and WhOSiTo4li-i'
sch . u.sharingbazarded the ea , happiness
Privii , zest k o which er - ery'hnnoin being:?'S entitled; l ;
y,9ytlq*Elpv.o arc troubled with wweakness generall.ipauSc i d,bY a bad *hit ,
oflOich are 'ess, forgetfulness Some.,
Imes i•ingiug to ; the ears,iveak eyes. ive4nviip . ?ty,
?,.haPlE,ll;olYrialcirftt.tities,uonfusiou of itlec i s
loss of' Memory, - wilh may be cored :)3r
th,e ttuthor',s. NEW. f.9l,fi:lS A4p LONDON ritE4,lu-
NVi. i r
ha-fe,, ; recently devoted mueh of °or.inte,lo.,
VIOII . NO 'T I IfF i ,EDROP.F.AN'HO.Stqf - Vte, avail
ing i ourseifYespf the'hnoiviedge ; and resparches pf
the T oo . 6 t: skilled plush-tan and
and the coottn en i• Those who;place themselves it%
1 iler,our,,caTe will have the full benefit of ;Ote,Magfy,
are. enabled to . introduce, into,oor,pract ice, and the
public may rest. aware(' , 14 e ,same zeal, assiduity
I Secrecy and, attenfion being pahr:to iheir, cases,
which has, so AuceessfullY r',istinguisbed us heretch .
fore,asl, P.i,ysiciatt,fo our qcouliar der.artmont of,
proWsinnal Praeffce. fer thelitsf tu:ent,a-.40 mect ,
French Female Pills.--Ladies who wish for Medi,'
tines; the efficacy of:which has been tested in thou
sands, of CO;soS,,ant. r{ever failed, to,effect speedy ;
cures without any bad results, will use none hut, Dr.
T'elAney!s Female. Periodical ?ills. The only. Pre : .
caution be obseryed:is, ladies, shout&
not take if they have reason to .believe.thly
are, in certain situations (the particulars of allich will
he faind n the wrapper accompanying each box 4
thoughialway s safe and !mai - by, so gentle, yet so ad
five are they.
White Flannels,
Colored do
Kentucky Jens",
Corset • do
Velvet Cords,
Cotton Table Diaper,
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any
part of the United Z . tatet - or Canada.
TO THE LAI.T.ES —Who need; co , fideateutmeilical
adviser with regard to any of those interesting com
plaints to which their delecate orpni2ation renders
them liable, are par icularly invited to eUxisult us.
The 4 • Etecero- Galvanic Pro ect,ve ". 7 .-FOr
ladies whoseAealtli will not admit. or u ho hs ve no
desire to increasr their families. may be obtained as
above. perfee lysafe.prebtiye to con,md ion.
arid has I:teen used tluring; we last 20
years. ,=Price, reduced ty
The teeiettt of Youth Viikefted.
A Treeikilsihuk tht - aide fof Pre'Reaturc Peitay—A sol
emn winzn 4 - lig. Rub( .erioxipy 2:Mid
.ions pragt4cOriretal e rneeamong sfeoOls, Votkvorle
and feneiritiVtasilotha
Mae invariably attends,its. victims, and developing the
whole progress of the disease. from the commencement to
the'end: 11:tailltbeisenkbil Weill on re6.iit of 66:[3]
- 661 — Attendanqedaily,,,frOM 8 in the morning till
9 at night, andiiii'SiniclaYs - ftitillf 9 rill 6 P. M.
Medicines with full directions sent. to tiny part of
Ihe Uftired.tiultes Canadaf.4, by'pafient s'opintaunjr
eating tbeie symptpmi 1.. v. letter,
ter . hr L'a i plilee is Oil ineateil f!
ender ilia riaine ,
Cit(AX, at 1 . 1 o: 31 ram:
den Lane, Alliiiii:y.TT.r.ll`..irt
• .V; li.:N 111.' A N
T 0 Ai fails WitAYN G 3 WEE'S .
New Settlethen bf iVineland •
A" Rare Oppattpnify,a the Bes,t'llfaret, and 21.fost
!ightflil and Ilealtblige Vlinzatain the Orion. Cintii
lharty miles Swab, of illiladelpletat dn It
„a atiroact'; :
being a' Picli; 'rnghly l'roduatre
'neat I;ei*Ad; Amongekylieliese l ii: the oWden &ate
o,f le i rseij ' ".' v . “ r
consists of ',20;000 ilcres` T of GCioDittnd,do iat:tl`
into Farnis'of different sizes,td snit the fin'refutsei" - =:'
frtom'2traertr,s AND *PwAltnsfind is gnld ai the fit'ie
frorii s2llper acre fer the farm *lid; prZy-,
able one-fourth cash,'aihr"the balance ty quarter'
yearly iiitlallments, with legitl interest, within the
term of fnui )Lears. ,
The Sdil,is, iuireat -
able:for ;Illteat, Grass alfd
rieh t 'sandy loam, sni cable' for''c r oiln, sweet-notirlees,.
tohacco alt kinds of' - c l ei r effilihig i tinil'rdn't
the finest, irtirieties' of fruit, such ai'etraPels','Perirn,
Peaches Apricnts, Neel arineS i lilankbeti
and 'other fruitk, best adapted to ihe'Philadardtia
and Ne* 'York' 'Alarkets. Iyi respect to ilie;B'oit and
crops c hore can he no tnistirke, as visitors ban exarti-'
ine both'. arid
none Are expect 6d16 buy; liefore so do
ing, and 'titiding these staternehfs - corrent,—iinder i
these eirchritstitnces, unless ' . tliese statutents IVere
correct, there would be no use in their beingrhade.
It is considered the best Fruit sitiTho'the'Union.'
[See Reports of, ! Solon ..Robinion,; of the
N.FtY.Yori.:Tribtate, and the well-hpown suieultitrist,
William Parry, of.Cinnnminson, Jersey,, which
will: be furnished inquirers.]. .
The Marlect...-;l3y. looking!Aiver 111 ma - pit:he reader!
will perceive thahit enjoys the best ihorket-i7i tfietin; .
ion, and RS direct conhnunication. with NeW,e,Perk
and Philadelphia twice w .clay , 1 - Aing only thiriy-twe
miles firomthelittter. Produce th bringe
double the price !that, it does- in. locations !distant
froth:the cities: - In-this:location it hau!be.put , into.
market it he Same' morning gatifered,! and for.
;that aim farmer' sells he gets, the highest! pricer
groceries and - other: IWO cleli.h e , purclinsea-ho
gets atzthe low.est price.l. In the West,.ll;7hat lie sells
brings him a pittance, but for, what' he. buys!he pays
two prices:- In ideating the settler 'lasi many
other advantages. is ivithin: a few, hours;-by ,
railroad: of, all the great cities ,of, .New Eng-lowland.
the -Middle States: :He is near his old friende , and
aisociat ions. I , tife•:4l as zelio ol .: for his 'eb ildren, di
vino .service;'im4l.l:the.tuivantages .of
andlieda neui•ladarge city. •..-
- The Climate is delightful; the winters being ea
lubrious, wlill;OVlCe.4tuitrovi.%'o,e' , iio warm
er than in .the North,. The location is upon the
line of latitude with nqrtl4,ern_yirginta... t
Perstiiis Wanting , ain ••• g ot . for'llealth,
would be much benefitted in Vineland. The mild-
tiese4lifctite climate and dts, l:iracing influence, makes
. eflllsoperit„affectigt,s, dy,sTe.plia ir ri
witeritl differen e an
it tei . dais:, Clill4gltii ,fox era a re
tsr. l 7. atkirojisteVs4 c ire: pleitt, arid` vh . a, - .6C
",visitors - ruu exp.ect, dlowever.,.t o seeitt , tie* place. ,
ritay:thc-Properi , t,v not,:berat, .Settled.. Before
Pitis,question the:reader haturally.asks, is -be;
cause it 1111,* been held in lfirge tracts•hrfaMilies , not
dityioßed , to selklaiti o ..bong.mithOutirailread facilitiei
Alley had few inducements. The Railroattlitis:just
Vetrif%opened...4 hrough.• the pto perty. season; for
the first time.
.:Aisitors are shown. over ,the , lap d rr.a oarriake.
free of expense. and affordea , htnie and opportanitv
for thorouglrtiveTtjgittion.,- I Those whso , come with
a view to setfle, shouldbang thithey Iq, secure their
not held upo'rCiefusal:'
M r & Safest t think in Hard Times. , Iyhere - peOile
fakie 'beenjliroWn - 'entPinmerti or 'fustriess.
and,Aossess some little'rneans.of' to
:tail : Ilecnmelra' a hthacl 2The 7 can buys piece of
rand 'at it Sinail priti and cantmore' than witi 3 OS in'
finprovitig'itrti4id is done it certain
dependence-atilt n A. fen , acres ' fithit trees
insure Thh 'Hata is poi
dawn -to,littra improvements cat he
ma t & A Client,' most any
The whole tract, with si'i Miles 'front r o'n the rail
road; ieo:ilcingl;laiit out. With . fine and spacious avent
nes, with town in.the centre-jive acre lots in the
tpw;tl rmotp;sitfici,ths2oQ; ; two and -a-dot lf acre
lots, , ,ltt n froth 011'1,40120, and,towtt,lots.;3o feet front
',41,,s feet:. deep,, at.; sl9o÷-paynble:ope-half, cash
year. 14 j 0,., only upon
farms of twenty,,acres,,or., i more, that -four loars:
, •
. _
To.Riinnfactlire - rs, the town riff:9o4n fine ope.ning
for 1,130. shoe.nnalitfacturing business. and. other-ar
tidies, being_near Philaclelphia_and_the, surrounding
country has" Ifirge7ipopßlattivn,fwhigh affords a
good market;." c...
This setticuterit(in: 'the'icourso seeral years,
raj bwnelif - Vienicst(b&autifrt4plafes tiiefeouryi
lily, L ill wit?t_prriteplo,for rifsifliteeff_ F,.; 1
:it is intended to make, it,a yine anti Fruit groir-
ing country as this dulfufe is the most profitable
and the.test t 110;11i:ivied." Nvienyf advan
eage and convenienee for settlers will: be.insrodu.ded
which .will finsUre tlte prospertst,of;the:placel The
hard times tbreu.gbout,the.oonntry an .a.d , mix
tagctoithe,settlement,.cts it oompels,peopletto resort
Large nurnbers.of people are purchasing, and,
people who, desir'e's he ilticzit ion ' ghoul the
RittOo•at : ienoei . • cl •
Improved Land is also for sale: • :••
. ,
"r1.3111E . R.-14ind •• can be bought with oi—ivithout
Thnlier. Th Timber at market , val nati on.
The title is indisputable. 'Warrantee Deeds given
clear . .of alf)inettaibrienee, when tilhe money is fiaid.
•13oardittgleo`iiVe'nielribes at 'hand.' ' - 1 . 441
Letteis:proniptly answered, and Reports of S'olon.
!Robinson and Wm. Parry sent,•togetber yrit". the
' •
`PliiladelPlatZitti 9 teelnek, mid 4. T.. Inn- ,
`less there should be efiange of honr;• . ) forTinelon&
„on the arid. Ralroad. •When.
you leiive , t he eari:iit, -Vineland Station, just opened,
inquire- Pity • • ••
• CHAS. K. LAI'MTS. Pnonnister.
Fointer ref , theajoleniv2
' • Vineland P.:4l.•Cumberltifid JP
;. Imre i 8 fir 01880 Of ' 6•1.1 . 9 Of 'd : °
" 0 -
AMp' lie vi shiniieh the opts from"Aew fork" l'
1 5 1rilFidelphik to Vineltin4;
nem akt,thati6nNe. 7f:LVIYi3;IB j YOtir ttee
D a ecember'3 I$Al-8m Ak -1 4i ; 41.
1 UST received a lot. of fresh Groged Plaster •rml
a r Reit' dile try 1.
DEITZ & 31•
Greencastle, April 21, 1863:
Report of Solon Robinson,
or 11.116 TRIBUNE, 11'0)N Till
prir The It lowing is an extrart truth the report,
of Solon Robinson. Esti., published in the New York
Tribune. in reference to Vineland. All persons can
re d ihi report with interest..
Advantage: , of. Fanning near Llothe—Vineland—le
marks upon Mati—Soil. its grew Fertility—The
Cause M . ' Fertility--21mount of Crops Produced—
'r:fclicitl Evidence
It is certainly one of the most (Varminc fertile tracts,
in an almost level 'position, and suitable condition /dr
!pleasant farming that We know rf lids sid e if the west
ern prairies. We .found sqme of the oldest trims appsrr
ently fast ns profliab4 product ire as when first cltur(4
.of forest
_fifty or a hundred 7/enrs ago.
. . .. .
~,, .
The geologist et.peld soon discover the cause of this
continued ferillitl. The whole country is a marine
deposit, Ind tqfthrotigh the soil - we feund evid( nces
.. .
of ealcareons 's . ubstances. generally in the form of
indurated calcareous marl,shoiving many distinct
forms of 4nciettl 4 . 811018 1,i of the tertiary formation;
and thiS Manly Sitlistance•is s.cattered all through the
very &tinfininuted form. and in the 'exact
'condition-most' easily assimilated by 'such plaits as
:the farmer dhires to cultfrate...
Marl, in all its forms, - has been used to fertilize
:crops in England; frbid the) tiMe was occupied by
Jim Romans; and in Prance r and Gently/fly a marl
;bed is countplon as a. valnalde Aed,:tif,ntanure, that
can, be dug and earttid A andq.preqt,l'o,ver tike
How much more vUlnUlde then it mus t be„ fpumi
:already mixed through tik log, where in-to particles will
'be turned up and exppTetWitl transformed 'to the owner's
use every time he stirs the, earth.
ring then, satisfied otr ntinds of thicause, they
will not be eseiteil w4th,wbuder seeing.induidtable
evidence of fertility in a soil which iu other situa-
tions, .having the same,, gen eral .charac t erist ies or at,
least appearaves, i entirely unreteumerat iv e except
as it s productiveness is prorOot - ',. rtificial fertil
l le
/$ few ivorcts..o.ou4,Oe.,otlity,tin4 value of thin
lsn., for cultivation, of which we have some strong
proof. ,
Our first visit Watn foVilliaM D. WilsOn, Franklin
township, Gloucester county, who: purchased sonic
4 . ightairilestnorth of \li about three years ago,
for the purposeuf•-establialting a steam mill, to work
up the timber into lumbeo to send off by the new
railroad, as well as the firewOod and coal, for which
he built a branch track s-mile and a half -long. le
also furnished sixteen miles of the road with ties,
and has no doubt made the mill profitable, though
his main object!was te ., open - ayarm i thaving become
,convinced thatthe soil was valuable for Cultivation.
In this:he has not been Aisappbinted, as some of his
crop§ prove. For instance; last year. the -second
time of cropping, 30G bushels 'of potatoes on one
acre, worth 00 cents a bushel in the field. This year
seven acres, withont.ntitnure: 'Produced 350 bushels
of 404§.- the, first crop was potatoes,
Waiiti,e4 ; AmOgliff Toots. and yielded .5 bushels.—
The petakess, were, dug, and wheat sown, and
ed 10 hitsbelS:;, aud 'the stubble turned under and,
sownjo t bitcli.W beat. which yielded 3M: bushels;
awl then thegrOund was sown to,clurer and timothy,
gpl i e as a first erep 23 tons per acre.
.The tertoi4rrs,applied to these crops were first,
isberrent clearings; second, 1t!,5 pounds of super
plielphitip.,of lime; third, 200 pounds Peruvian gu
ano;so lipshels Of 'slaked liute has been spread
iipon ; the cleyer Since, it Was mowed, and turned in
tor wheat. •
• Mr. Wilson's growinitorops, Mid the wheat stub
ble ,orthe.present. setightt, all iudicate - bis land to
p1;0.41u411 7 ,5,p3 any pati, or !he. State.,,,
,AvM,ttry narrow's, en old style dersek woman
h*er.lseveraftuilessauth of Mr. Wils'on's, we were
so`ptirtfetiltirly striteli: with - the tiuetipitearshee of s
tie,l4,pf cord ., that we stopped teittßutr,e el . tftt
Mali hoW.,it was prplueo. • 'We Thno hat,t i lle !Alia
had, been fite . .year hefore in wheat. rwu
with cicivei•, and this e, lit one•sgason, atatiast.stOng.
0 91v C a Pr-PP R i 9/ ~ °l lq -•,"E9PI * 1/.Bg.t
toe:et;tiitaiW,AtrlfWeii4al,4ll4esLA , Ligket4.e—:§2,J..W.R.9.-
stud interro,giltivf y, and got this reply
yoltiseki we b oti)ln' a a :trial -; 'cause
we hadn't hut' ! flirty ottt'!lllite' 'alitigethar, tar
23. - n cregritifd we. Wanted thaloosren't for the try ck
,-.2,l t er, truck' consisted of tbeetW.lcaffotS; Cabikte.
eticuMbers,Melons;. &C.; and a vetS , peoductive patitt
o , beans, grown 'for marketing. SO'we wero •
satisfied •thotAlienSoil ohm :not eit-ert
by clover, which had fed the coui,`"beicauisefliet ntritck
patch" had not been in cult iVialula long enough to
obliteiate all. sign e slo'fittle't forest:lc, 1:
• - Ouvr,..hoit'TiSi AV.118. , tit the large- farm of . An
Sharp. five .m i lestif 'ltbillvillii.tfroin clittlf to -a
itis.t.of the , riMooil. anch justotthotrtiir the cert.,
tretof Vineland. , ' , lll , r7Shornict.immenced.workt bore
in Dee'itiber.: 1 85FI, upon .•270 - acrest riniflesst t hart
three -years. he has got. 234 acres cleared- end in
ordpsithis ea mg g. 6
several fields, with cedar, ; roil or •Tore lfeirte.;
bitilt,aWi mots t d ire 1 ling:t o 16 hy 441 feet ,
tiguialleftonse . fOrta'rin Ittborers, turd it tabled
grami,4fAnd. stone other out .Intildingi. .
Coneiderable :part. of-the lanthivas.oleoredl for the
lgowAtiSti an Fiore. ontl , ori , sorno of-it alto first temp
teas bit ckwli eat... 1 int ed 130 • bush's) ot an.powder
per.acr& This crop may be puttiii4ulr4fh to 20th;
and 2.0 to titt sltels , peeacithartrest
NON tinibbi when th e.ltiiiil heitigt 9 iMindlwit I sUlbs
of: Bbtuv.iant glum omneltyseedOd with iyetlyielded* 12
to bushqs'per C . w.o . ridlta 10. wort .okeraiv. The
ryeisfubblelurnediftilft elt knocking Oft alltrbte growth
of- Milt tapidatit;; and: dr'esseif Again:with guano ;anti
seeded to wheitt, get ve '1 +V, or 16:bushels. - :The sirup
which the , ,was threlshing: while we. were thereprtimi
ses..more,,of a very plump .graint-tuld .the
•Wnn/ont ,over and foundathe,clover
and i*litokliy, fromiseed , sowed last , csprittigon the
wheat:kith ont ihatirow Mg.' looking , astir el las e ever
saw•ithiptm , any old - cultivated farm, anti 41:
tl etlYArk' , .(lott e: in 1 ew r. to.. o . clear 'off • soma r ebto
and rotten , of:limps:land, setting •staltes. to mark per.
lnaneut<,ohes,dteAvill:bee, to-cut, the.crop •th qtnex t
yeao ;with s 11)610 o mach i Ga4.lre guto mate 4
two Cons per acre, if he will give the °ecliptics if 4: 1 ;Haat—
rink4 . I - • . : :
of,,t he , an (1 was.pltinted i p eta t oss,for
fiXSti crOPti4hiell , 120: . bush<da per alve. 14
was then limed with 50 bushels pry:acre; and seeded.
wiAht,wifeottand,,cleter.,, yieldod .averoge of: over
Pi/insWs per acre, and the clover now lucks beaten
••• • , • .
Oilier portions have been planted with corn as
fiatictopachicht,:yieltied',3o bushels, ~ OP. yellow 'llex
corr and the seoood orep . ,4p busltels,,and the third
crep.areatedrfte'3solbs. or guano, we are sure no
One:would estituntetbelow.;4o:latiltele per acre.
[The reader will recollect that they/triter, is nor
speaking of land perfectly ncly, l ,an,d which - cap
VAPPALY,..4I4aO4I4934keikI.x.ZWIL.9O- i -QP:
Ityothqr casesiithe.c3rn crop 21 last rip was fel
loWed tifh'otlth rhiese,as'on not' 4t tiiresWeit, but
will averaAepr2bably4ti t 'st) bushels. Sweet pu
tat es, Yeana4Miliitik aid; tilida,it;.;' *tad v eg
et ahl es. as ,as...young TeaelF.ond, l other fruit
lrecs..plantedithis,,3r,ettnishow very 1.104
long neglected ram of land -should-yeauti,n so un
longer, and there now a strong probability that
it will not ; the' atypices of Mr lAncliF.,
it "Wifl'he vided:Ofo lots: with roads loetited
to sicethntalfainte•'ail ' -the surveyor is now hnsy at
this work--and all ptircheniers will be required to
neht and either fence
cir lots in tint ()runty. or'zlree AD in e without.
fence, Which 'recta& be.prefer; le,' by which means
a pied' pdpulat Von' Will 'be )ge:e 4 ured, who wilt estitl, - ...
lish churches, schools„storm ineclint.g shops
and Ithir4sli?tineS: "of' , American farnitirs.'surrhund
' ed At'Y ga'raims, ^reliards, fields and comforts of eiv
'ilized life.
If itogo
hip OW, rem . n . n y. or . neat of basin vs,
is clesivops cpt changing ltiefßowit scot* t itre; or who
its fret 4se cle§i find ta, fitly location
"Anti chimp home in the 4titiftl,ti fetid who may rend
~.t m l..,..l4. a ter w littt }t , v I . 9.ce,triqy he r will do
c 61.1 to gCand - See for hi hiself- 41taf , may-'he4 , Seen
I within ti two keufttl,..itideeo2,itiV