The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, June 2,1863.
• -
Beaufort, May, 20.—1 t appears from recent
developments which have been made that a
million dollars' worth of supplies have reached
the enemy through the•ageney . of the divi
sion and regimental-sutlers. The former have
the exclusive right to open wholesale houses
wherever they choose, and in many cases such
houses have been established where there was
no military jurisdiction, and free access to' the
enemy was readily obtained. •
Washington, May 23.-LThe Navy Depart
ment has received the following from the Mis
sissippi squadron:
GRAND GULF, Miss., May 13.
SIR:—.I had the honorirto - inform you, from
Alexandria, of the 'capture of that place and
the forts defending the approaches to the city,
by the naval force under my command. Twen
ty-four hours after we arrived the 'advance
guard of 'the IT o§t army eatueinte the city
and General Batiks arriving soon after, turned
the place over to his keeping.
The water beginning to fall, I deemed it
prudent to return with the largest vessels to
the mouth of Red river. I dropped down to
the fort De Russey in the Benton,' and under
took to distroy those works. I only succeeded,
loWever, in destroying the three heavy case•
mates commanding the channel, and a small
water battery for two guna, about 600 . yards
below it. I also dostroyed,.by bursting, one
heavey 32-pounder
. and some gun carriages,
left in their hurry by the enemy.
The main fort, on a hill, some 900 yards
from the water, I was unable to attend to. It
is quite an extensive work, quite new, and in
complete order, but built with much labor and
pains. It will take two or three vessels to poll
it to pieces. I had not the powder- to spare to
blow it up. The vessels will be ordered. to
Work at it occasionally, and it will sown be de :
In this last mentioned fort was mounted the
11-inch gun, which I am led to belieye lies in
the middle of the Myer near the fort, the rebels
throwing it.overboard in their panie,at the ap
proach of the gunboat.
The raft which closed the entrance I have
blown up, sawed in two, and presented to the
poor of the neighborhood.
I sent Commander Woodworth, in the Price,
with the: Switzerland, 'Pittsburg. and Arizona,
up the Black river to make , a, reconnoissance
Com. Woodworth destroyed a large amount
of stores yalued at three hundred thousand
dollars, consisting of salt, sugar, rum, molasses,
tobacco and bacon.
(Singed) DAN - in D. PORTER,
Rear Admiral, Com. Nss. Squadron.
Washington, May 24:-4Tlie •foll`owi'ng' 'spe
cialsdetails.of . the battle .of •Pdauk, river have
been received.: • .' :
Dlemphis, Tenn.,•May 23, 1130 A. r.—To
Ma Han. E. IYL Stanton, Seca/ of War:—The
foltring dispatch has ~been ?received :at these
headquarters, and is.forwarded as requested.'.
• . • S.• A. HURLBUT, Raj: Gen.
Rear of Vicksburg, May•2o,'6 A. - M -To
the Hem. E. llL,St4nton, Sec'lj ofWc*:—Oreil.
Grant has yon a great and mornentous.viotory
over the- tels under.Temberton'ooti the
son and„Tioksburg road, at Bakers creek, on
the I6th inst..
Pemberton. had a most formidable 'position
on the crest of a wooded•hill, over which the
road names longitudinally. •He had about-25,.
000 men. The battle began at 11 o'clock A
311., and was gained at ,4 P. Al. Its brunt was
born by Iloyey's. division of McClernand.'s
corps, and by Logan's and Cracker's. of Mc
Pherson's corps. Gen. Hovey attacked the
hill and held the greater part of it till 2 O'clock
P. m., when, having lost 1600 men, he was
succeeded by Boomer's and Holmes' brigades
of Gen. Crooker's division, by which the con
flict was ended in that part of the field.—
Boomer lost 500 men.
Logan operated cn the right and cut off the
enemy's direct retreat, so that he was•compell
edto escape by his right flank through the
woods: Logan lost 400 killed+and wounded:
Ile took about 2000 prisoners.
On fife 19th, advancing to the Big Black,
we fought Pemberton again at the Bridge
there, and captured 30Q0 prisoners. Ile fought
in rifle pits; protected by a difficult bayou full
of abattis.
Lawless' brigade, of M.Clernands corps,
charged the rifle pits magnificently, and took
more prisoners than, theiil own numbers.—
Pemberton burned the bridge and returned to
Vicksburg, 'With only three" cannon out of
sixty that he had taken out.
After btOding four bridges over the Big
Black, Gen. Grant artived., before the town,
and now holds it closely invegted., He had
opened a line of supplies via Chickasaw bayou
having cut the town off front Haines' : Bluff,
which Is abandoned by the enemy, and 'which
Gen. Grant will occupy.
There was sharp fighting through the day
yesterday. Steele won and holds the enemy's
upper water batteries, and gets his water from
the Mississippi.
Sherman's corps lost yesterday 500 killed
and wounded.
McPherson, who holds the centre, lost little,
did McClernand, who holds the left.
The gunboats kept the enemy on the alert
during the night, and probably the town will
be carried to-day. There are froin 15,000 to
20,000 men in it.
New York, May 24.—The Herald special
Washington dispatch says that advices had
been received by the President from General
Grant, detailing his proceedings to the 20th.
He had fought two battles and captured
. 64
guns and 9,400 Prisoners.
Washington, May 26.—The following has
been receiVed at headquarters of the army:
.11;30 A. M., Nay 25,
1863.—Maj.-Gen,. , Halted:, General-i?i•
Cleief:—llie Luminary is just up from Vicks
burg. No official i :dispat.thes are brought by
her. Lyford, the ordnance officer writes, un
der date of 22d, 9 A. in: "Our loss is not
very heavyforthe position we have, gained.—
They make a firm resistance. I think we shall
hav'e the place to-morrow. We c.o l :4 l eteiY
encircled the town, and ourmen to-night . have
, .
• .
their colors Oanted on the enemy's works, and
Are lying on the exterior.slope. The grin and
mortar boats are in front.'of the town working
away. Our Captures thus far are abont pop
prisoners and 74 pieces of, artillery, some of
which have been destroyed. .Gen. Grant,is in
good spirits. If we take Vicksburg we shall
take about 15,000 prisoners Arith• Pemberton
& Co. Signed, , S. C. tyford."
S. A. IluailtußT, Maj.-qen
Nlwbern, May,.24,-"Colonel Jones, of. the
Fifty-eighth .Pennsylvania., Regiment made a
reconnoissance from Newbern on the 22d,. with
General Lee's Brigade. When within, about
seven miles from Kinston, he surprised. and
captured some two hundred Rebels, belonging
to the Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment,
including several officers, and together with a
a field peice, small .arrus, equiptuents, &c. A
Rebel captain andlientenant were killed.
None were killed on our Bide.
The schooner Sea 'Bird, of Philadelphia,
while aground•at the mouth of the Neus River.
on the 20th, ivaS . Captured and burned .bytho
Rebels, who attacked her in small. boats. The
captain and crew •were taken prisoners.
All the Rebel troops in the State, including
the :recent, conscripts hatke gone to
General Wild is making -fine headway in re
uniting his African brigade. ; c,
General. Foster -is .now on a tour of inspec
tion to the different military,post of , this depart
ment, which he is continually strengthening.
Murfreesboro,' May 26.—Colonel Wilder,
with,his mounted infantry, ,returned ,.
M. from - ,a .trip, in the‘; direction' of McMinn
ville, : whither he had-.gone in :search of , Rebel
cavalry:under Colonel Breckinridg,e.. 'Tti6Een
etny's picket were encountered a short distance
heyond Woodbury. The: firing attracted the
Rebels •in the vicinity, who collectUd, im - con
siderable force to. annoy and 'impede otirtad
-vance. A runniuti• skirmish was; kept up
for several miles. ,Twelve miles this side of
McAlinnvilleOur forces came' on .d,,carup of
Bree,kinridge's forces, who-ahastily deeampe,d.
Pressing them closely, however, Wilder'suc
ceeded :in capturing nine piisoners,,twenty:five
servieable lorsei, and thirty head of beef cat
tle.: Among- the prisoners,' are two surgeons,
wholwere.driving a wagon loadethwith unitary
stores, which . they had collected. at Liberty
and. were taking to Shelbyville. ..11aving se
cured the prisobers, and:burned•the;tents and
baggage left by the cavalry, our, forces-pushed
rapidly forward, skirmishing. with and driving
the enemy until within seven miles of .Mcklitin
ville, when the pursuit was abandoned, and
our forces returned to Murfreesboro,' 'scouting
the country: on bOth flanks' and - capturing, a
number of persons who were at hcane on fur-
I ough
Among the papers captured was a General
Order issued by Bragg on the rith inst., di
recting that the. sick and disabled Rebel sol
diers and wagons and baggage calculated to re
lard the march, be removed to the rear. The
prisoners also say that all the cavalry under
Wheeler, and those under Morgan, are ordered
to report at Columbia within five days; that
forces at Liberty, urider Harrison, cOrnprising
five regiments, were preparing to move, and
that Morgan is falling back to Sparta to join
General Wharton's forces, which are alio pre-
paring to .
move. The opinion is that Brag.g
will evaetilite. The railroad between Tulla
howa and McMinnville is repaired, with the
exception'of a bridge, and trains are again run
wing on the road.
Washington, May 26.—A special dispateh
to the Post from Washington, says:
"Some six hundred officers and privates ar
rived at Annapolis yesterday fromßichinond.
They report that Captain 31.1ilee, of the 14th
Kentucley cavalry; and Lieutenant Court, of
the Ist Virginia C,a'valrY, will be hung` by the
rebels in retaliaticin for the cienutiou of t-wo
spies by Gen. Burnside. This infbrmation is
known to be trustworthy.
Mr. Ilo!burn, the correspondent of the New
York World, was reYeased on condition that he
would make certain representations to our
Government regarding the measures of retalia
tion about to be adopted , by the rebels.
The Tribune correspondents, Messrs. Rich
ardson and Brown are retained in Libby prix-
ChiCago; May 27.—A special despatch from
Cairo, to the Joilimal,
"The paroled prisoners who left Sherman's
Lauding on the 23d inst., state that 'a bearer•
of despatches from General Pemberten, to
General Johnston 'hind been . capttired. The,
despatch bearer reported that the•PnUmber •of
Rebels at Vicksburg was between 25;000 and
30,000 men,
"On Friday morning Gen. Pemberton sent
a flag of Aimee to Gen.' Gt. Ont ., offering to sur
render Vicksburg, if the loiter •would allow
his command to lay dow'n their arms and march
out. This offer was refused. '
"On Thursday the Rebel batteries on the
hill,north of the •town werejaken..anti:burned
On„the eveuing.of the saute , day the batteries
at the
.foot of the hill were captured, and on
the Payne .eveuing. the water. batteries .belOw
Vicksburg were taken, by Gen. Porter's-mortar
fleet. •
,Frid[ty, -aftpr - the -refusal ,t 6 accept
Pemberton's -terms of surrender was made,
General Grant. moved on' his works :and the
,were drivpu'into their inner: fortifica-
"General, Logan •,guards the Black, -River
Bridge; G,en.,GrantfeelS certain that
hdablc to take eare,,of Johnston: • The latter
has only about ten thousand men, exclusive of
what he may have by reinforcements. .Gen.
,Grant'siarmy is largerii than .is generally-sup•
posed and.quite enough for•.the work ,on hand.
It stretches completely, around the doomed
eity.,. ; Each wing resting, on the river.
'`The pity,- of •Vicksburg is ; full of women
and childreu, not only comprising , the original
inhabitants, but,tuany who have come froth' the
surrounding country fbr safety."
A special despatch:-to the Chicago, Times,
dated "Three Miles. east ,of .Vieksburg, May
20th, ,, 'says • _ ,
"Qur wounded at.• the battle of Champion
,nutober 0ver1700..• The , enemy's loss is
acknowledged to be net, over half that. , AI%
had • about 20,00.0,,tr00ps engaged, and the
Rebels about 10,000.
"According to 'the accounts given by their
.wounded, we took 30.00. prisoners and abou
3000 were killed and wounded at the baltle.o
the bridge.
‘!Generel Sherman. crossed. on.i•pontootis:
MePhersftes andi Ncelernadd's forces iniitt
three:- bridges,,on • Sunday night, and' crossed
their commands by• 'Monday ,noon..
"At four o'clock the advance ,of General
Sberinan's, Caps, under ,Generia..Steel,-ad
vaned on the enemy's works back of the: city.
and_took a position on, the right. on, the. bluffs
above. They, the commenced: the;:bombard
men t.,
"General '.49Plierson planted .hia empw i rd
in front, or „ in our eentie. Mcaieroand took
the extreme left, reaebina almost to the river
"All possibility of escape is cut off.,llyc,ry;
thing, every living man. womg,n ,
must fall luta our bands. During all, the
forenoon yesterday the different, brigades were
taking . their position, forming . in Foes of battle,
&e. At 2 o'clock the battle ,hegan'. There
had been skirmishing all the,mornin. , •
"General Steele drove the enemy from the
several forts, and took one domplete. Line, of
fortifications, fronted by rifle,-pits. His extreme
right rested on the river bank, under the bluff,
at sundown. His division fought p,allantly.all
day, though the, men were hungry ; dirty, foot
sure and sleepy. •
"Sherman's left and McPherson's right, are
supp,othi,ng distance. Ppth scivaticed, their
line of skirmishers to within fifty yards of
their breastworks, and t.114r artillery to, within
five, hundred yards, and are in position,st these
distances, this morning.
.I!McClernand is not prooTessinff so fast, but
is doing well. We lost one thousand five
hundred in killed, and wounded,
"This moroinc , there is firin. , on the enemy's
works from all!points.'.'
A l special despatch- reeeived here from Mur
freesboro' says that Rebel prisoners report that
on Sunday, last a courier arrived with a dos
patch from Colonel ,Breckinridge to General
Wheeler, at McMinnville, acknowledoinr , that
Vicksburg bad th,at• Perabertun ; had
escaped with ; almost his entire ariuy but had
lost his artillery,
Louisville, May 27.—Rossengers from Nash
ville report ,tliot large, portions of the Rebel
army are leaving Tullahoma, and it is, supposed
are moving in the direction of Vicksburg.
Cairo, May 27.—The steamer Imperial ar
rived at Memphis from beloti, 'on Monday
Morning,. From Ciptain Stevens, a passenger,
welearn the 6110-wing
The fight ht Icsburg on Friday was`deE
tion and took some of them ; but the "Rebels
rallied and retook them. There was much
hand tc-haud fighting.
Captain Stevens says our loss on that day
in killed and wounded was about 5000.
The Itcbels used land grenades when our
forces attempted to storm the works.
It is reported that one of Gen. Banks' corps
had arrived at Warrenton, to reinforce Gen•
eral Grant.
- -
Chicago, May 28.—A special despatch from
Cairo says General Lee, of Kansas, confirms
thel'efdir hat two outer iiTrrtrartWeneMy
were 'taken in Friday's; attack On' the fortifica
tions. - The - bittle was 'sanguinary; and the
Union .toss . severe. 'The itebels fotight with
Coolness and desperation, 'reservitig`their"firo
until our torce's came Within mUrdeioYistriti ge.
They were driven back, however, hY force
into the lust line .of intrenchmenta. This was
eve '`
the situation' Of 'affaiis on'Vrida nthg.,
Jacicsdn, Miss., has been destroyed; inethe
Union 'array which occupied that pUee are nem
acting, as-a , reinforcement for Grant. When
thelboat left on. Saturday UM rtriortat bclats were
throwing oecaSion'al shell& . We:have eaplnfed
the/batteries bcith aboie and belciw theiewie
We learn' frotii.arr extra-of tbe , Wasbingtb`n
Rcpubliean, of the' 29th,i that.
• "The Government, received , a ilesriateh; hat
evening, from W. W. Fuller, Aisigtani
Mary Telegraph Mai:lager, Ilateduillamphis, .27th
inst., •announeioK that two boats taajjustiirriv
.ed ,up the , rirer, both, Of. ivhieh , lefv Nibisburg
'cur the 25th. They brought no officiiiiiinftruitt.
tion from General 'Grtitit - , Wbo•wasrgo Uusyito
write despatebe.s.,
"Mr. Fuller telegraphs tbat be leaps, front
officers On'tile boats that everything wits pro
gressing finely when"thei
was still gaining and that Joh»son.had noiteen
heard frtnn IT to that , cleite,... At ,she ,tinie;the
battle was racing • witit :, gr,eat fury,,, with every
prospect of compete success on our soe, ::
"general does `abt - fea'r `any attack
that can be•made tipon Ills rear. The; 'rea'sons
for this cou.tidenceme,declineAck pub.rst:
"It is generally, understood at, - Vicksburg,'
that the only reason why Pemberton is able to
bold 'orit so well ii'''tfeealis'e roan'''
men packed into-Mach a small `spadelhat
can•relieve his aunnetsoften.anthreSt4aistmen.
"When the boats left bad just tieach
ed the river that,the Federal Generals Carr
and BloOmer had' been`killed: - Th'e'''ibsgeb - on
'l6th sides'are said tiiibe heavy. ; -• •
despatch •Was received , lby tbe;,Govera
•tnent last evening from tbe,
,bead f mna,r,t,ers
General liooker ? that the, Rebel, pickets shout.
ecl across the 'll.4pa bah neck r titii fi.• I.*3iiicees
bad•'captured' Vielesburg,; `'aid' that Gendral
Grant icas ,Ililled'r,inelea a. l stotmfng_foree.
"This statement mpst,be taken .witb iepn t sid
erable allowance, as the Rebel pickets down on
'the Rappah'iltineek not''dilih`y4liegli
truth. It will be retnebibbreil'itliat jiliey,fiti
nouineeti the complete' fall, of'lriekstar,Conce
bplore, Olean di pz, lasp, statemen,t
is nota e,r unlikely.
0••••$., 3,0;•••ti. t, .•• ••
)"'l t.rrs.
Files of The Pilot.—lye have reral Ales of
last year's PILOT, which we will sell cheap.
those ?sc. ( dpir T i sybsc i p . ibers
who are in arrears to us for Subscription, would,call
iWtR3~; ,atlas n,“ ft—
and settle, as we need money badly..
.4“iT .1 llady,,ao;.,
Errata.—lii the first poetiefti•Artfithtiort 7 in the
lit(ieje 4.lodestyl for 'the( worth.: !Vane!'" : Yea&
" B a,urg4?„:, .)":" 1 1. - • ,
t all.' the ldelienti'eto-61"thie
season tit4.-FHorrirrren''s eitrublfsludent, iftnNhe-N.
E. corner of the public stitisti% , .;
' on
Babylon.-X 'Ll'cikire ' the ' ancient 'city of
•Bkkilbin I ! Aini• lea' tli - 19biE 00l
El ou r:on,-latit: Tuesday evening; Magic: lanttrn
ijklipltri(OOns i vfovtigiOn by alrof. 44,1):0 is: „
s •ls ! ,t.s .`l4
Ar. M E n a b entereu upon
iiis.lduiibaz 'on' thO''Me'roefriibiltig
( eiliodi et) ;Circilit:, iiii•eafeer tLeie willf be
, in „ihe, arch op; iexery 41tornato
§i L Pt batb, T °ri k r !gl An gl e Yi enin gl z.
AN election for President.iihdlDirebeors' bf aft
'Franklin Railraid ,-ICoinpaniirilLl be hbld Ift"the
company's office, in Harrisburg, on 1 11.F,SDhilli.hlto:
21 day.of,,J,apF, betwee,n
and P. M. E. BkDDLB,
areen'eastie " ,'4 l Une' • Sec
Ter :peAtenAry-gelebration• r The ,Ter
,Centenary Congregational Celebratiextin honor of
ihe'fotqlniiith .n.tA idol:1'111mi of ihe
, I~eidelberg Cat
iid'held . in the 'dermili'ketOilneirdiaoh
of this place, on the first Sunday in .Ittne: 'The
churelviill, be. decorated, and, appropriate se - tricot
held in the poroing and evening.. •
'Hay' Packing.—ive'bliseinre s d the 'other 'day
that Messrs. IMBRIE & Co., ha;e commenced to-imck
hay,-for-the Croveritment, oma rathet: extensive scale.
They are also buying 'grain for the ,Uniteci State
4, !1"e itt i ve, often. before woudired
why but one .town this county was favored by
the officials . , when our place 'is in the centre of
better' agi4ctiltural . ifeighhorhoMi than' th6'.ativaYtt
to-be-remertibered county seitt. We have biisihis;s
men here , as reliable;.and as'-honest , aarcam- , bi•foinia
anywhere • • : s.
Weather , Items, &e.--The earth 11/I£l;again
beetrrefristied 4 by Anti copious shirmere, 'oire on
Saturday afternoon and, the other.on Sabbath-nicirti
ing.,--.--,0,1 Saturday., the lightning, struck sAiewoul
. .,pitverneut of ii.r4 - Paproas ,EApuos,„segrehiog
the limbs and leaves oat one side, .'Fhe p,urtes:
fing,:iapended across ',South Carlisle street, ires I
not ;Struck by lightuink;though some believe it.
— 2 —illaii Id large 'Minntitles was' foillui on Sibbith:
in dm! weetera part, of ;town, and Hittite Aiiciftilyilif • ,
NUCAuLEr's Milli—.. . The • ' pola haat suffered
opother , secidont rfhe, f. BiP.FPlA'ftit‘ the
r9 PIN Ic IP ° fC4 4 tol P°3Bl - , ° ` '.lol o , t l i gt A a g* - 7 -1
, , t .t.
iVhat Shall be done ? t ' .
Address.—=fit the request of the committer nr_
pointed to solicit a copy of the "Address f)f .
come," delivered here on Saturday, the 2.3 d nit , or ,
the occasion of the reception of the nine month,•
soldiers, Rev. E. BREYDENTIAGIT has consented t,
allow it to be published. It will be found is the
next number of Tns PILOT.
It will be gratifying to hundreds to have o n f , r ,.
portunity to read this able and very approprim,.
address, as the crowd and Unavoidable bustle oti,l
copfution prevented. teeny from hearing it, who w ill
now have the pleasure of reading it. We will print
timler44.4-stra, sepias,— Emery. soldier and erery
family in this etimmurty,shouli. base the next },
number of this paper. : 3 '
,Oiitngeg arr :told that SEITELT
STRICKLER, Esq.. dins sold the Repository and True.
script titireti. 'A. K.'Nilleri , iti ali 1-I.IIIIIT X. STONER.
We are sorry to learn' that •ottrAind friend Staicx.
LER, hw Eeen lit to rt - dire from the newspaper hll9l
- •a 1 1 Pas' in4lf add e and
vigorolis; eti‘ leis paper with re .
mrirtnittle itheee§e l ifiegoitiithet toiminrds us lumbtert
of !bit we shall *xi for
get. • '
The aeniorneawbpn,qf Owners fione waa. for scr•
eral years, pub.lialierier. the Ropository. awl withor
known throughouLtlie• cetoaty as a polibitisa owl
talented 'editor. .111 c. Syoaxa, , who„ is' excellently
qualified, we ,aupposet wilL,effiooluct the business of
the concern.., ,
Ifilia?Tr:-.;- - -"f 1 I°6th P V
Reeeptions 8
have every where me Wiett hearty welcome. In
the several bei.bak,bl .! 'of 114' county, receptions
were givOulthitii •
Company C=Ctift...7 l l . : - MiCtrimocie.=—after leav
ing here on Satifrdie the akt Ult.,' W ere 'met o u t.
side of Merceisburg ift 'ittit t itisemhlage of citi
zens, (as We'linACtitoWtae / Jii.irructi.); and escorted
into town . : A fireh'o i r
`ebluile::cniniiiised for the oc
casionlitnoerieng" by the ladies and patriotic
gentleman of: the- place,. from; the balcony of Mut-
PHI'S Hotel.; Rev.. Dr. , Titotess 'CREWE! delivered
an eloqUent .and ..touching 'address? of welcome,
which is,;thevvraT one. of the most appropriate
addresses.are have read orleaid for 'a long time.—
Great enthusiasm vas manifested. The officers and
men of company .0,-reeeived 'such a welcome as they
deserved.' From the Wayriesbore - Rceord, we learn
IrtifollbififiriMeWififfirThifeWielf7f Ooinpaiiy
...The 'announcement of company , E, 126th Reg.,
P. yy7perld rreivettVtte on S.,atied;ry; evening
ouir;dreetis a (164;4 the
day. About noog conve,ypaces were despatched to
Gireenmistle to convey ti! soldiers ,to„, Otis . place.
The procession was mytAiy the citizens p t ear . town
about 7 o'clock in this everting. OTC lin: Airwri•ii
irating Chief Itilr:rslal, arid' earetil.ieil "
where brief but appropriate addresses of welcome
weye sieliirered by the Rev: , Dt. "DORSET aiitd Rev.
My to ßsitzen.. ,
uud priveter , look well und nye, in hue
!P irit ? 17r it. ' '0 , • .
We learn from themimepaperthat on Iltvinetobly,
be given iber;ttirn:d soldiers
irlthie"jooirle; Of 4 Sii. n d*o.'.lh;oottA,
nearloVin: Adateseeltill•kel dgiierea-on th.,k oe
leatdunt.: • ,Th e iffair williaml , oonduoied• under the
AuspipEs :of the Union , I
e P _41,1 10 ,44" • ,
~Vni. p 9dSt444,3B,§taArtariv#ol3.--;As ;spat ter
of convenielit,
reference Teldsrsw? ,publish
the hollowing table of ,ii,s .. iiice; on Bnk OheOls, Drifts'.
lintr of lAiibrceg,"g i
d l ir el 1 to
'aid; 'it on it; Mid ; It4to relit ,ionid
arwaSinibir tionitenietatiNtottlitiftirdnde.• P lly tid doing,
iers:ifottl*entlY. 1 1; grekilleel It* trim blosiinds annoy
alll% FlPtirt t .11 - ; 14' , /1
pheeks, Drafts, or Orders at Si At Tor t
payment of any sup e tleeittg 20, 20
di'iirdOiii'for'lli`ti"ptiknient of 'noniji;
otherwise than at sight or on demand and
tt, sib dironttiss4 Notest . dri "dettinintworiliii
s lirp > ,
Aml of fiVQ44:;. 24 634 St
or Drop.., do ¢. pp!. meg. .mos
$.1.1) eas2,tio' '''os " os is
r:34 o Ati• ..40030.tV.t02 (14e IOW) • ZoB
400 " 600 03 06 .09 , 1 12 . 18 80
600 " 800 04 08 12 I)
lb 24 40
,'l.lOOO " 05:4: le -.4, its .4 20 • :4. Rd. 50
1,000 " 1,200 06 12 18 • 2-k GO
4.200' "`1140o * " ' 'Ye 1 2§ 42' 70
1 . 40 9pitt1.... 6 001•`." 08 - -16 • 24 • 32 , 1•-.48. 80
1.600," 1.800 0t 18 27 3600
L '' 10 20 "40 ''' 4l d6 1.00
2;.09 0 .-;,g(200...:2. 11.* ~22 tBB "66 Loll
2 200 " 2,40 p 12 24 313, . 48 172 • 1.2 0
1. '2,401:1 4, 46'W ' vl3 ` ' 2 6' '8'1.30
Z. 4100 14 :::'-'8 ;541? 84 1.40
2,800 " n.obo 15 39 45 ;60 ,90 1.50
1 5:000 %4 '3, 1 21* 16 '32 * ' 6r' 96 1.60
14 0 9 ill 4:V O -•,•••• 1 7 •• 3 4 ?. 3.02 1.70
3 00 " 8,600_ 18 36 .54, §2 1.08 1.80
'3;60(r"'8;800 88 , "'76 1 1.14 1.90
1 8,-8110 - COO 20 •40 60.. 6..60- 1.20 2.00
4,000 " 4.200 21 42 84 1.26 2.10
4,20 " 4,400 ' 11'44 88
PB2 2.20
4,400.. 1 } 23. •430 1.87 :2.30
14.600 " 4.800 24.48 72 96
,),44 2.40
4,8b0 . " 6,000 7c4" T. 50 1 2.50
•• /
*4 months and 3 days. t,6 mos. and; days, or
less. :Over 6 inontbs. •
AllPromissory'N'Otes'cialed to 'March 3d
camel tinder tbe"forther rate; dated sable•
quent to blitich 84 sire Isubject te.the atiore rites.
ChpqlAs,datud or payttble4thead are subject to tax
ath)a as Pl : ° Fl i ß s ? r /AP t ?r•
Articles of agreement or contract, each sheet,.. .OZt
`Lerittej or contrrict. `for the any
" • .50
Power of Attorney for the sale or trfussfer
i stockS 'M. bends!' tiie fOti l tlie - Colle6tiOn of di'i=
Aden& •
Poiver of Attorney.or Proxy for roting_at Any
election •
Certificate of atodi laiwincoiliontteil cold=
1,11 .1' ? ..........
Pretests; atitnott n foi4defi
Mortgage on. 11onsit:i ofesloo to 5(0-50 oto. ;
from 500: to 1,00044.00; freto 14100, to 2.500
' 2 00 Wont' 'itiO - ffio MOCIO:L15;(0;''frc4 1 5.000 to
10,000-10.00; frOni-1040001tct 20;0004,20;00._
4.seignmeuts of ,11ortgages, Leaies, r,otioles of ,/n
-" ikraciee? ihNli e endgie - lequire it stamp of egos'
value uithi,tbokeitffixedP:to. the Itrigihtel instru-
pta zi ps must be alaxed to, all dc;cnmetits by the
t rt
party tasting or niaking the same ; and the person
ski &nee& alfiiinighe stainp - iiisemiiii thereupon
• ti`e bfl hisenam'e sbd a - We used.--
2.11 iisnimickp,',l4 4 atu sisslsintin iltdiettisoiL the owns
' PROISkof 14.100 1 • 11 Fsr and
such paper shall be ' valid and of no effect.
i. .l i „
..„ .25