The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, June 02, 1863, Image 1

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On Saco'e bank, where the lilies stoop
To kiss the placid water,
And the willows o'er its blossom droop,
I first met the farmer's daughter;
Her eyes met mine, as she took the flowers,
Which I from the heath had brought her;
How full of bliss were the few short hours
I spent with the farmer's daughter
The dew was still on the grassy lea,
The morn when first I met her;
The words were sweet that she spoke to me,
Ah !- can I e'er collet her !
The swallow rock'd on the fickle spray,
Anti dipp'd in the flowing water;
The robin warbled'eblirhsome lay,
As I Magid the farmer's dauibter.
I journey'd far, to a distant shore,
But my mind was sad and weary.; ,
And as ,I thought , of the days of yore,
My heart was again with Mary. .
I long'd 19 be by her, side.once more, -!
And I sped again o'er the water;
And found the spot where we met before,
But found not. the fariner's,.daughter,,
The robin's song Ino longer heard— •
The scene was darkAnd.drearyl •
Hush?d was the voice of -tree, and bird, •
For they miss'd the votcoof Mary.
And near that , bank,,where the lilies stood
To kiss the placid water, • • •
And the willows ot:er its •bosom droop, , •
Is the grave of the farmer's daughter.
PA, 4Thoob .storn,
At this moment Major Keller entered, fol
lowed' by two soldiers. Albert and Catharine
separating ; suddenly looked anxiously, towards
, "All in good time,",; exclaimed the major.
'•You are agreed at last. I expected as much
I know the fair sex." Then turning to Albert,
he said, in a low voice: "In case of any heal
tation on your part, my fine fellow, I .have
brought, you two comrades from the .
went, charged to take you before a court-war
tial,.if you have not signed at the fourth beat
of the drum. There is the' first," as the
drum was heard-outside: — Albert started at
the sound. “Yoti know the Con
tinned the'major; "disobedettee to the king
penalty of death—shot immediately!
sergeant,,',:, added he pointinon the table, "take
the pen. iNow for the conjugal flourisiv!"
Catharitveimudderily gaining her self posses
sion, exclaimed : "He will not sign major'; - he
does not wioit to sign—neither do I! He de.
tests me—l :execrate him! Ask him it
not so." .
Keller was quite puzzled what to .make of
this sudden change, and said addressing Albert,
"Your betrothed is joking, 'I imagine?"
Albert answered, timidly : "But she is not
my betrothed, commander. Charlotte, her sis
ter is 'My betrothed.
"Always the same story! I will not stand
it any longer," said Keller. And addressing
the soldiers: "Advance—shouldgr arms, pre
sent arms., 'You' know the orders that is
enough." The two men, obedient - to the com
mand, placed themselves on either side of
Albert. Major Keller then addressed the lat
ter in a low tone : "Pay our court now, and
I will aid you as well as Kean with• my ex
perience of the fair sex ; and the drums will
serve as a serenade. If at the second beat you
are not at the feet , of your intended—jf, at the
third, 'she 'does not hold out her hand—if at
the fotirth 'you do not sign, it is evident that
you would rather marry a score of balls,- and
they shall be served to you, hot."
At these words Albert shuddered, involun
tarily. "Twenty balls !" thought he, "and he
will do as he says. Good heavens !"
"Not a word to the young girl," continued
Keller; still speaking in an undertone. "Ite
swot for the feelings of fair ladies. wish
for her froe consent." Having said this, Kel
ler twirled his mustache, and stationing him
self in front of the younvpeople, took up a
newspaper and began to read.
After a short interval the drums,were heard,
and the major spoke. "Sergeant Albert Hos-•
ten," said he, - "what are your sentiments to
wards Catharine Reiwal. whom his 3,lajesty has
appointed to be. your wife?"
"Now is the time," said Catharine, in a low
voice. He is relaxing. Say that I inspire
you with horror."
"Well, yes, said he-With an effort, "Oaths
rine inspires me-." 11, Nadi got so far
when the drums beat the Almond time. He
suddenly interrupted himself and,; as they beat
louder, fell en hie knees beside bet, exclaim-
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ing: "I love you Catharine—l love you with
all my heart—l adore her, commander—l adore
her!" Turning to Catharine, who knew not
what to think he said, in
.an undertone: "I
hate you, never fear; but do not contradict me,
or I am dead."
"Very well," said Keller, at the third beat.
as he watched Albert in the act of kissing
Catharines hand. "Sergeant Albert Hosten,
does Catharine reciprocate your sentiments ?"
",Yes, commander, she loves me—she loves
memo desperation.; but excuse the first moment
-r-she is in reality as delighted as I sm."—
She thanks the king; she thanks you." Again
:the drumarwere heard. "Is it not so, my good .
Catharine ?" Then in a low voice—"lt is for
Lndiaig,l;. He is lost if you do not give me
ye . ttr hand.".
;Catharine' 'was quite distracted at these
Words ;:this was. the only thing that could shake
her determination. If Ludwig were in danger
she would do anything to save him. She was
silent. . The sound of the drums decreased.
"For Ludwig," said Albert, emphatically,
and poor Csst,haiine could no longer resist, and
gave her hand to Albert.
The drum ceased.
"You see, major," cried Albert:triumphant
ly,' "she has giien me her hand r • • '
"So much the, better ! Now, Sergt. liosten,
and you .Catharine Reiwal, you have Only to
sign tie engagement, which is on' the table."
At these words they looked at each other in
consternation, for they knew that if they sign
ed they could never retract.
"You first, sergeant."
"Yes; major—certainly I am going
Then hearing the drums he started, and ap
proached the table. lie hesitated, but tte
drums beat again ; he took the pen, then threw
it 'down, and pressed his hand across his head
in great perplexity. The drums continued to
beat. "Shot! shot !" thought he, quickly
taking. up the pen again and preparing to , sign.
'Catharine, who had been • eagerly witching
his movements, 'caught his band. "Oh you
will not do •that, Albert." •
"No, never I" cried Albert recovering him-
Self; "rather die I" -*-Then, after a pause, diti-
ing yrbich the
,last drools, „grew
fainter,.and at last ceased. Keller, who had
been attentively observing the scene, now said,
as he shisily rose : '
"You have not-aigned.M---
"No, sir, refilled Catharine, reiolutely.
will marry' no" one on earth but'LudWig."
No, major, I lookkwartito meeting Char
lotte in heaven."
k'Well, execute your , orders," Cried Keller
to the two soldiers. "Arrest the sergeant.—
Forward march ! To the court martial, to be
instantly judged, and shot, as a' rebel to the
commands of the king."
"Albert!" sliriAeirCatharine.
"Farewell, Catharine," answered Albert,
surrendering his arms to the soldiers, and pre
paring to follow them. "Be happy with Lud
wig, and tell ChailOttithat I die for
At these words Catharine sank into a chair, in
a paroxysm of , grief. But, just as the soldiers
were leaving the room with Albert, the sound
of drums was again heard. There were cries
of "To arms I to arms: ' ,
"What is that.?" cried Keller, in a tone of
astonish men t.
Soldiers belonging to the King's escort here
entered the apartment, and among them was
Ludwig. They xer„e, foliowed by an officer
who announced His Majesty the King!"
Catharines, eyes suddenly' met the those of
Ludwig... "Ludwig here!" '!What good angel
sent you ?"
"My company entered the fort at the same
time as that of his Majesty; and Charlotte—."
4 •Charlotte with the king!" exelaimed_Al
"Yes, Charlotte," said the king, advancing,
holding the trembling girl by the hand.'
"Keller bent one knee to thtuground, but was
immedisitely raised by the king, who said, "No
ceremony here, major ; I am here incognito.
I bring Charlotte Reiwal, in order to convict
her of being a little rebel against the corn.
mends of her king."
"How is that, site?""
"About an hour ago I was walking in the
fields, like a simple mortal, when I met the
goddess of grace, who answers to the name of
Charlotte. I considered that in marrying
her to a handsome soldier, I should make an
admirable couple. You know that is one of my
hobbies. I therefore gave her a letter for you,
major, in which, without her knowledge, 1
charged you to 0r a husband."
"I received a sire, but this young girl
was the bearer" said he, pointing to Catharine.
• "Ah ah 1 Catharine, the sister of my mes
senger, she who had the courage to take her
place. Another rebel."
"I was ignorant, sire that I had the honor of
carrying an ,order from your Majesty," said
"And if you had known it, what would you
have done ?" .
"Well, to tell the truth, I should not have
delivered it. . My, brother, for instance, or my
great aunt, who is sixty-six. We should have
seen it the major would have found some very
handsome soldier, to marry her."
"Courageous and clever, as they told
and Charming, in fact, as her sister I" exclaim
ed Frederick, kissing her on the forehead.
Kings have the same privilege as old men,
continued he:. "Imagine' my surprige, major,
when, about half an hour ago, passing the place
where I met -Charlotte,' I still . found, quietly
watching her goats, the young girl whom I
believed to be 'already betrothee to a grenadire
at Marienburg. She told me all—she asked
my pardon," said he, smiling. "But, I am
angry; I have been relentless; and I have/.
'brought the criminal.tothe fort, where I intend
that my cqmtnands shall be executed by a
regular marriage."
• "For-pity's sake, sire," entreated Charlotte,
looking at Ludwig, I'my hand is not free, 1
am already betrothed. conjure you to take
toy sister in my place." •
"Always -your sister! But it is probably
too late. I suppose you have already married
Catharine, major, aR I commanded."
"Nearly, sire. I have measured mademoisel
le; above five feet. I have measured my
choice soldiers ; and chosen one of five feet six
inches—Sergeantliosten. Here he is," said
he, pointing. to Albert. "But I had to do
with' two obstinate people. The young girl re
sisted, the sergeant wade •wry races ; in short,
I was just threatening him with court. martial
and discharge of musketry, when your majes
"Discharge of musketry t' -exclaimed the
king. "Oh, major, that was rather too mili
"The guns were not yet loaded, sire," re
plied the major, smiling; "it was merely a
juke'of mine. . I-know the fair sex."
"And why, Mademoiselle Catharine Reiwal,"
continued the king, "would you -not marry
SergeintAlbert Hasten ?"
"Because I am betrothed to' Sergeant Lud
wig- Hasten," answered she boldly.' '
"That has been her sung for the last hour,
and I would not believe her," said the major.
"A letter was brought me from your majesty
--a command to Marry the beitrer. The bear
er was Catharine. I have not deviated from
that'; I only attend to orders. Catharine will
marry Albert unless your Majesty gives a
counter. order."
"Oh, sire, a counter-order !" pleaded Char-
"Sire; a- counter-order in the name of heav
en!" implored Ludwig and Albert, kneeling
befoie the king. ' '
"How is it that you do not joid in the en
treaties, Catharine?" inquired Frederick.
"Beeauqo, counter-order or no countor•order
I will marry no one but Ludwig, my betroth•
"Charming, charming !" cried the king,
laughing. Then addressing tho three' young
people at his feet, "Rise, my children Al
bert and Charlotte, stand here," said he, point
ing to his right. When they had done as he
commanded he added, "Ludwig and Catharine,
stand there," pointing to his left. They obey
ed.' "Two brothers—handsome grenadiers,"
said he smiling : "two sisters—superb girls.—
Now, Major Keller, measure each of the
Keller gravely unsheathed his sword, and
proceeded to measure the young people. "Five
feet six inches, against five feet one inoh
and shelf; and five feet five inches and a half,
against five feet two inches."
"The couples are not amiss ; but Albert
would be more suitable to Catharine," respond-
ed the major.
"Bah ! for half an inch !" exclaimed the
king. Besides, Catharine and Ludwig may
grow yet. Decidedly, I will give the counter
order, and make two'matches instead of one.
Of course I shall add two hundred golden flo
rins to those I have already given."
"Oh, sire, how can we thank you enough?"
cried the four young people at once.
The two couples were united and thus the
cloud, which had so suddenly obscured their
bright hopes, was quickly dispelled, and only
caused the bunshiue of their happiness to seem
the brighter.
Air. Editor :—Whilst sojourning in your
beautiful town, I thought I would spare a few
moments in giving expression to my thoughts
upon the subject of MooxsTy, through the,
columns of your interesting paper.
MODESTY consists in a purity of manners—
in an humble opinion of our own merits, ac
quirements and talents, when compared with
those of others around us. So refined a feeling
as modesty in ourselves, is the highest compli
ment •that we can give to the superiority of
those with whom we have daily or weekly
intercourse, or with those with whom we asso
mate more or less frequently, and cannot fail
of engaging every prepossessing opinion in our
favor, and of conciliating in favor of our inter
ests, every influence which they can expect, and
every effort that can be brought to bear to our
advantage :
"In the modesty of fearful duty
I read as much, as from the rattling tongue
Of fancy and audacious eloquence."
If we take a look at thevast multitude of
the inhabitants of the earth, from the earliest
age's — to the present time, we find that every
person has been a friend to the modest and un
assuming, and an enemy to the presumptuous
and impudent:
"With that dull, rooted callous impudence,
Which dead to shame, and ev'ry nicer sense
Nts'er blushed, unless, in spreading vices snares,
He blundor'don some virtue unawares."
To be a friend to the modest man or woman,
is in accordance with virtue and justice ; for
we find that it was the intention of the Creator
of the Universe, that every one should be en
dowed with modesty enough to see, in others,
at least, its opposite vices, presumption, pride
and affectation, and to check them by unequiv
ocal and uniform disapprobation and censure.
It is thus that we find, in almost every instance,
that the modest man is sure to engage every
pert , on within the limits of the carols of his
acquaintances in his favor; and the arrogant
and insolent person is almost as certain to make
secret, if not open, enemies of every one with
whom he may chance to have an intimate
Nothing contributes more to aid persons in
obtaining a just knowledge of themselves and
others; nor is there any quality with which
we are endowed that serves to display, more
strikingly, the good sense and soundness of
intellect of its possessor, than does modesty,
where it is acknowledged to be the predomi
nant quality. "Where pride, conceit, or affecta
tion hold their injurious sway, they tarnish the
brilliant lustre of every other shining quality
—they oorrupt the mind and vitiate the good
taste and good judgment—and display to its
fullest extent a weak mind and disordered
But when we find a person destitute of
modesty, we also find, in every instance, that
it is attended with other injurious associates.
We find thlt such persons are ever ready to
listen to the deceitful tongue of FLATTERY,
from that self-love and false estimation of their
own attainments, and which is the fruitful
source of many of the evils of mankind :
"Parent of wicked; bane of honest deeds,
Pernicious flattery! thy malignant seeds,
In an ill hour, and by a fatal hand,
Sadly diffus'd o'er virtue's gleeby land,
With rising pride amidst the corn appear,
And choke the hopes and harvest of the year."
Yea, truly has it been said :
4. 'Tia an old maxim in the schools,
That flattery 's the food of fools,
Yet now and than you men of wit,
Will condescend to take a bit."
Nothing is more dangerously situated than
the' mind that is open to flattery—it listens
with eagerness to, and believes every thing
that is said in its favor, and awakens, in its
possessor, feelings of envy, hatred and malice
against every one who will not condescend to,
yield to its influence :
"Base envy wither's at another's joy,
And hates that excellence it cannel. reach."
Nor does flattery only act with an A injurious
effect upon the minds of those who are flattered;
because the person who resorts to flattery, the
twin-sister of deceit, very seldom does so with
out having some selfish object in view, and of
ten, very often, makes use of means for which
there is not the least foundation. and which go
far beyond the bounds of truth and honor—and
those who, for the promotion of some sinister
object, will descend to flattery and a base vio
lation of truth, may justly be Ifinsidered as
entirely destitute of every moral virtue which
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NO. 18.
serves to render one person superio, to. anoth-
"The oaly amarantlaine &lir on entb.
Is virtue ; th' only lasting treasure, truth."
The modest person will not listen to the•
tongue of flattery, or if listened to., it is entirely
disregarded—it is passed by as the idle wind
which he regards net. He views the flatterer
with contempt. and disdain, and' spurns him.
from his side as be would a wild beast, or
venomous reptile :
" Good actions erown*Vaeraselves wiat lastinu bays,.
Who deserves well, needs not another's praise."
He knows his own worth as well as any one
who would presume to tell him, and cannot be
deoeived in relation thereto. In his own dis
position you will find him-humane, benevolent
and obliging—in his manners he is affable and
No virtue is displayed to more advantage
—no virtue more enhanees the beauty of the
female character, than. AlowszY. For what,
may it be asked, without being charged with
flattery myself; is more lovely than the blush
ing beauties of a modest maid. But, it is
nevertheless true, that
"" The firmest purpose of a woman's heart
To well-tim'd, artful flattery mny yield."
However much it may contribute to mako
man admirable, it is the peculiar ornament ot"
the female sex—it is one of the most charming
and enduring qualities—it far outshines, and
'is very essential to every one of their other
The mpst homely form has an impressive
beauty about it, while modesty, the twin-sister
of virtue, remains. But the moment modesty
is lost, then may it be said, with justice, that
every other accomplishment, is not worthy of
consideration. 'When this invaluable virtue
is lost, the fmest moulded form, although en
circled in expansive and fashionable hoops—
yea, the most striking beauty, the most grace
ful movement, only brings to mind the recol
lection that without it, it is impossible for a
female, notwithstanding her other acquirements,
to be truly amiable:
Which Finings nnd withers almost in on hour."
But modesty, is a jewel of inestimabble value,
the best gift of Heaven, the wealth that never
encumbers nor can be transferred. But, not
withstanding the truth we have asserted, who
among us is not susceptible of being won by
the fascinating charms of female beauty, al
though, perhaps, devoid of this invaluable
gift. .•
"Oh! what a farful gift is personal beauty,"
says a writer,. "both to its possessor, and to
those who prefer to vitalk in its light. It
cannot be denied that in these days of vanity,
beauty is often the ruin of thwe whom it out
wardly adorns. Few have sufficient humility
and modesty to bear the flatteries which swarm,
like.summer flies, around the painted beapties
of an hour. Few can bear even a respectable
share of personal beauty, without yielding to
the flattest pride, and the most repulsive vani
ty. .Amid the attention which ''is bestowed
upon the outward form, the mind and heart are
neglected. Soon impertinence usurps the
place of modesty, and the vain babblings of
an empty mind take the place of 'a meek and
quiet spirit.' The spell with outward
beauty has held a host of admirers, is gradual
ly broken; all that are solid and sensible re
tire; and what was spoken by the wise man,
comes to . a sad fulfilment: 'Pride goeth be
fore destruction, and a haughty spirit before a
It has been said, that ALL TUE VIRTUES
have been represented by painters in the
form of females; and, in our humble opinion,
none is more justly entitled to this distinction
than MODESTY, for without it, female beauty
would be like the most lovely flower that
blooms, but yet possesses no sweet fragrance,
or like the sweet Morning Glory that hides its
beauties uponghe appearance of the bright
luminary of the day.
In conclusion, I trust that the gentlemen of
Greencastle may never be deterred by modesty
from' the performance of good and virtuous
deeds, and that the fairer-sex may be endowed
with the meek modesty of the blessed Virgin
The gate ot a gentleman's door-yard is al
ways neat and tasteful. In more senses than
one you may know a gentleman by his gait.
heed not that your years are many; wisdom
and truth and virtue have no more old age
than the angels.
Generally the office-seeker who gets nothing,
gets what is good for,himand exactly what he
is good for.
"Beauty is a Rower