The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, May 26, 1863, Image 1

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timire poctrn.
Ile went with manhood's fearleis pride
On his young life ; I could not bide
The bitter tears—for I was' weak—
But wiped them softly from my cheek.
I wiped the tears back, for their brine
Bid from my eyes this boy of mine;
My noble boy! The gift I gave
To the great throng, or land to save.!
Well, none but God can ever tell
How my heart surged with ebb, and. swell
Of pain, and will to hush the pain,
And grow a woman once again ;
But it was hard to hush it then. '
When he stood there with other men,. r.
So far above them;t}#at:his•form
Seemed like the thunder o'er the storm!
And, though I knew that aucb brave sons
Should van with Northman awthe ones
To wrench with sturdy grasp the sword
From Rebeldom's unholy horde;
Tet, even with Odd's own help, my heart
Could hardly from'its idol part '
And well I luew that Prideand • WOe
Stood in my footsteps grand and slow!
Pride for the great and massive breast,
The fearless brow my cheek bad pressed;
Pride for the frame of Norman mold,
And untamed courage, fierce and bold!
Well. yes, and woe, too, for the death
Couched in a sword Without he sheath !
Woe for the musket; gheltand
Woe for the ghastly wound—and fall!
Ile went! I saw him out of sight,
And as he went, Hope brought her light, '
And showed me; lio* ititainte'days,- `.
lie would return with pomp and praise.'
And still my flowing tears confessed
How Hope could much more Soothe my breist,
If power were mine, on the red field.
Ilia life with my poor life to shield 1
I thought not how, with dauntless pride,
He for a nation's weal had died:—
I cared rot that his life was given
For ',MINTY, and sod, and HEAVEN!
I was no Spartan dame of yore,—
I was a mother—ali no more
A mother—but a childless one,
&rifling in tears a lifeless eon!
I prayed for calmness, strength and peace,
To bear my share of sacrifice,
And still not murmur! but the lad
Was ail the wealth I eve.. had! . . .
And then to knotv that nevermore ,
His breast would clasp me as before;
Well. Reason is too cold a steel .
To soothe a wound it can not heal I
He came! but not as Hope had said,
Hope never told me he was dead:..
Through all of ;summer's flush, and burn,
I never dreamed of this return!
My hand lay on Ms' litart,lth! me!
His heart was mild; as cold could be,!
And where the FLAG 'wtis'prouall pressed,
Wounds glimmer'd from lifeless breast!
- '
With all this wildness in my brain,
With all this agony and pain,
If I had still another son,
I'd do as I've already done!
I'd give my very life-blood even!
For God is with our land! and Heaven
Will garner up each lowly mite,
Given for Gov, and Ilcots, and RIGHT!
• —The Religious Telescope
2 (13006 b-torp.
Once upon a time there lived near the fort
of Marienburg, in Prussia, a farmer of the
name of Reiwal. He, had two
charming girls. The two daughters were in
love, and engaged to be married to two soldier's
—one each, of course. Brother , ' they were,
and as strapping fellows as. ever Great Freder
ick could wish to see. It was expected that
the regiment in which the brothers served
would soon be at a neighboring fortress; and
then the marriage would take place.
Charlotte, the younger sister, was sitting on
the day in question, busily employed in knit-
ting, while watching her father's, goats, when
an old gentleman, of noble and majestic car-
riage, stopped before her. He held a cane in
his hand, and wore a military hat and boots,
and a great coat with a large cape.
The young shepherdess had never seen this
gentleman before, and his presence—she knew
mot why—inspired her with a feeling of awe .
After regarding, for some time with an arch
smile, he thus addressed her :
"What is your name, my pretty miss?"
"Charlotiefottial ' at your service," replied
"At my service! IWell perhaps I may re
quire your service. How old are you, now ?"
"Eighteen at Candlemas."
"What is youro'coPtitiC n ?''
"I am shepherdess to my parents, who are
farmers in the valley."
"You are not married?"
..... $1.50
VOL - 1111.
",Wet yet."
"Have you a dowry ?"
"I do not know:"
"Well, here is something towards one, if
you will serve me as you promised to do just
now," he said, placing in her unwilling laud
a purse containing two hundred florins.
= So strange did this proceeding appear to the
simple and timid shepherdess, that. she was
quite alarmed; and, believing this fine gentle
man to be a sorcerer, his gold seemed to burn
her fingers. In the meantime the stranger
had taken a notebook from his pocket and had
written a few words on a sheet of paper, which
her carefully sealed.
"To, gain taro hundred florins," said he,
"you have only to carry this letter to the fort
of, Mairenburg. If you show , this seal all the
guards will let you pass. You must ask for
Major Keller, the commander, and give the
letter into his hands. Dolma understand, and
promise to do what I told you ?"
Charlotte wished to reply in the negative,
but to refuse seemed to ber even more difficult
than to accept; so that, not knowing what to
say, she was silent, and the stranger, concluding
that her silence gaveassent, left the letter and
the purse.
When he was out of sight, the terror-striek
girl ran to her sister, and related her advent
Catherine was the very reverse of her timid,
gentle sister. She was a fine, independent,
spirited girl, who would go through anything
to gain her end; she liked nothing better than
a mystery and even danger had a charm for
"A commission for Marienhurg!" exclaimed
she, 'titis a God-send. Call l him- a good •angel,
rather than a demon, who brought it. Our
betrothed, the Sergeants Albert and Ludwig
flosten, have been on the march fur the fort
ress the last three days. By these means we
may obtain news of them, and perhaps even
see them to-day. What a surprise for them,
andt.what joy for us! to say nothing about the
two hundred florins, which are not to be picked
up every day."
Saying these words, she took the purse.; and
turtling the precious letter first to one side
and then on the• other, she called upon Char
lotte in the names of their betrothed, to go
immediately to the fort, while she took care of
the goats. ,
"Never !" replied Charlotte . ; "I shall never
have,cottrage. If you
, my stead, I will
tualte„cveTthe two hundred torins to you.',:
accept half,"- replied .Catharine,
quickly, "we shall thus both have a- dowry,
and—.-who knows?—perhaps be married to
Letter in hand, Catharine soon reached the
fortress, the .gates of which were opened to
her at the sight of the mysterious seal. She
was mach pleased with. the deference. which
was paid her, and made' up her mind that the
stranger must have been some great personage,
and that the letter contained something import.
ant. She examined it over and over again,
burning, w,ith curiosity to know the contents.
She endeavored to peep into the envelope, but
in vain. "If
,I should, without knowing it,
cause a cottp . detat or a revolution !" exclaimed
she. "But after all, what are the secrets of
peace and war to we. The great, thing is to
ascertain if Albert and Ludwig are here."
The commander, a crabbed-looking old sol
dier, who had grown grey in service of his
king and country now entered to relieve her
suspence. Having eyed,her from head to foot,
he said:
"One of the fair sex asked for me. It was
you, young girl. Here
,I am. What can Ido
for you ?"
"Is it Major Keller, commander at &laden
burg, to whom I have the honor of speaking ?"
"The same."
"I am coMmi.sioned to give this letter into
your hands, major," said Catharine, presenting
the letter.
4 From whom , did you receive it?" continu
ed be.
"From a stranger who passed down the road
about an- hour ago."
"Let me see," he said, starting as he re
cognized the seal, and, taking off his hat, he
made a military salute..
Catharine was quite astonished to find that
the dispatch of which she was the bearer re
ceived as much honor as herself.
Having read the letter, Keller burst into
a sudden fit of laughter, and then as suddenly
grew grave again, and taking out a double
eye glass silently regarded her for some time.
"Would you like to be a Vivandier ?" asked
the determined major.
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"Vivancher P That wculd depend on the
Regiment. If it were, for instance, in the
"What is your dowry ?" interrupted the
Catharine, thinking the major's question
very original, and wondering what he would
say next, answered, "Not a large sum—one
hundred gold florins; the carriage of the letter
which I have given you."
"Well, that is a dowry for a soldier."
"Certian!y—especially for a sergeant."
"But you have told me if the fifth company
of the third regiment Ijl
"Yes, yes; we will see about that." It is a
company of picked men, measuring five feet.
six inches; I doubt if your finger—. Per.
mit, me Mademoiselle," said be, drawing his"
sword, and taking her measure with the blade.
"Five feet at least. Not amiss, not amiss !"
"Major, do you wish to enroll me in the
king's army ?" exclaimed she.
"It is already done, my darling. I have
but to choose the corps, and I think you will
belongrto the Grenadiers."
"To the Grenadiers ! Ah, well! What
does it matter? You are joking, commander."
"Joking—with this ! Stay, there is no lon
ger any mystery; you may read , it yourself."
"Catharine took the letter from Major Kel
ler's hand, and read the following:
"Order to Major Keller to one of the band
somest men in the regiment, and"to marry him
to:the young girl—the bearer of this dispatch.
"The king! It was the king ! Good hea
vens !"
"The king himself. Are you not delighted
to have made his acquaintince ?"
Catharine was stupified, and exclaimed—
"To marry me I I will never give consent.
"Your consent," replied Keller, showing
her the letter; "of that there is no mention
hetie." '
o,s , ing these words Ile rang the bell, and
said to the soldier who answered his au:limns':
"An order from the king for the chaplain.
A marriage to be solemnized in half an hour."
"In half an hour 1" cried Catharine. "It
is impossible! It is wilful injury."
"When I say half an hour, perhaps a quar
ter will suffice. The time to measure eight or
ten genadiers, and to choose one among them
of the right Proportions," said he, measuring
Catharine with his eye. "About five feet four
or six inches.' A fair complexion to form a
contrast, Mademoiselle," continued he with a
military salute, "I shall be at your service in
a few minutes."
Presently Keller returned, holding a paper
in his hand.
"I have foUnd your man," said he; "and
you are to sign this promise of marriage with
him for the chaplain, as the law requires the
consent of both parties."
Cathtfrine, recovering from her dejection,
exclaimed: "Consent ! Ah ! this paper has t'o
be signed ? You must ha've my name? Well.
major, I will allow myself to be cut into pieces
rather than sign that paper!" added she, stand
ing in an attitude of determination before the
surprised major.
"Really you Would make an admirable gren
adier," said he. He then read aloud the
promise of marriage, as follows: "We, the
und&signed (you will add your name,) and
sergeant Hosten, of the third regiment of the
. Hearing the name of Hosten, Cittharine
changed countenance.
"Can it be Litidwig?" thought she; "then,
indeed, fortune has favored me?'
The major went on reading—" Promise to
take each other as man and wife. Marienburg,
15th March, 1780. There, Mademoiselle, you
see it is not lung. Will you sign this paper?
Yes or no ? No, did you say ? Then we
must take strong measures," said he, as he was
about to pull the bell.
Catharine stopped him, saying, "I beg your
pardon, major; I did not quite understand.—
The name of the intended, if you please.
"Sergeant llosteu," replied Major Keller.
"Is it possible?"
"And why not ? Make yourself easy. lie
is a brave, handsome fellow, five feet five inches
and a half at least."
Catharine could hardly believe her ears, so
providential did this circumstance appear to
her; the distress which she had experienced
but a few minutes ago was suddenly changed
at the mention of this name, into eestacies of
"Well, do you still refuse ?" said the major.
"I consent, major, auck. am ready to sign.—
Long live King Frederick !"
'•All in good time, I was sure of it—l know
the sex."
When he had left the room, Keller called
Sergeant Hosten.
Albert (for this was the young sergeant's
name) now entered, making a military salute.
'On perceiving the young girl, he exclaimed :
"Catharine, the sister of my betrothed 1 What
an unexpected pleasure 1"
"Albert, my sister's lover Oh, cruel mis
take !" ejaculated Catharine, her' dream of
happiness once more vanishing in the air.
"Commander, what are your orders?"
"They are these, Sergeant Hosten. In the
king's name you are appointed to marry this
young girl."
At the words, "in the king'," Albert
shouldered his arms; but on hearing the worth
which followed, he suddenly let his gun fall,
and stood as if petrified.
"Do you understand ?"
"Yes, commander," said Albert mechani-
"A quarter of an hour is given you to be
come acquainted with each other, and sign the
promise of marriage."
"Pardon—excuse, major," cried Albert.--
"Doubtless his majesty's commands—it is my
duty to—but you understand that in a quar
ter of an 'hour —"
"Are you speaking at random ?" inquired
the major.
"No, major, no ! But the surprise, the ar
rangement. Scarcely arrived at' the garrison,
and to be all at once married! It is like a
cannon which goes off before the match has
taken light. After all, what claim have I to
Mademoiselle's hand ?"
"Five feet and nearly six inches. She is
contented with that. Look at her, and take
example by her."
"What does Mademoiselle consent to this
marriage ?"
"She asks nothing better."
"That is to say, major," put in Catharine,
"permit me —"
"You cried," "long live the king!" and
volunteered to sign immediately," said the
"I was mistaken, commander, replied she.
"I thought it was Ludwig Hostel], my betroth
ed, and it is Albert Hosten, his brother, who
is my sister's affianced husband. You deceived
me by telling me he was in the fifth company.
"It was a month ago," replied Albert. "1
exchanged with my brother. You see, major,
it was thus the mistake arose."
"Pooh !' pooh ! Have •done with ::all• tliese
stories ! The king's letter is all care about,"
exclaimed he, reading it again. "Order to
Major Keller to choose a soldier of the garri
son, and to marry him immediately to the young
girl who presents this letter to him. Nothing
is said there about sister, brother, or lovers.—
You, my dear, were the bearer of the letter,
and you, sergeant, I have chosen. You shall
be married. These are my orders. You have
lost five minutes," said he pulling out his
watch ; "you have only ten left. Make up
matters, I will leave you together until my re
"One moment, major, and you shall know
all," said Catharine detaining him. "It was
not to me, Catharine Reiwal, that the king
gave this letter, but to my sister, Charlotte Rei•
wal, whom he met on the riad. Charlotte did
not dare to come to illarienburg, so I came in
her stead. Therefore, it is wy sister who is to
marry Albert, and if, you marry me to him,
you surely disobey the kinsg."
"Really, if it were true," said Keller, hesi
"I am to marry Charlotte Reiwal, by the
orders of his Majesty," said Albert.
"If you doubt my word," continued Catha
rine, "have Charlotte brought here ; she will
confirm all I have said."
"Send for Charlotte," supplicated Albert
"Peace and sign. I shall be buck before
long," said Major Keller, as he left the room.
For some time Catharine and Albert were
silent. .
"How are we to get out of this serape ?'' at
length asked Catharine.
"I would blow up Fort Marienburg, sooner
then marry your cried Albert, furiously.
"And I would 'rather be buried alive than
marry you !" exclaimed Catharine, weeping.
"Poor Charlotte l When our parents betroth
ed us, who would have imagined that such a
great tuisfoitune as this should separate us ?"
"And separate us just as we were about to
be united I"
"But it is
,not yet done! It is impossible if
neither of us sign."
"Do you know what I fear, Albert ?—That
tliey will dispense with our signatures, and
marry us in spite of ourselves."
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NO. 17.
"In spite of ourselves I" cried Albert, in a
Paroxysm of rage. I would sooner tear the
hair from your head, my good Catharine. That
is the least I owe Charlotte."
"I would sooner scratch the eyes out of your
head, my dear Albert," said Catharine in an
ecstacy of Frief. "Ludwig may depend upon
Very old nothings are apt to please very old
Many a fast young man has knocked a cord
wainer out of his boots.
A widow, whose lands supply rich grazing for
a thousand cattle, is an attractive grass widow.
Sailors are never so lively as when they are
in the shrouds.
The things, that are really for us, naturally
gravitate to us
The objects we most passionately desire are
generally those that we know least about.
The coquette pursues her lover, and makes
him think he is pursuin ,, her.
No two words more distinctly express cause
and consequences than—gin and bitters.
The head of a pure old man, like a mount
ain-top, whitens as it gets nearer to heaven.
It has been discovered that athmatic persons
die for the want of breath.
The great truths that are brought to light
are new and old ut their birth.
Every hungry fellow is willing to be a
martyr when he has a chance at the steak.
When we say of sowe men that they are
self-made, we do so out of respect to our Mak-
It is, very unskillful flattery to, tell a man
that he isn't half so big a fool as the world
thinks him.
The highest degree of cunning is a pretend
ed blindness to snares which we know are laid
for us.
The earth is an example of forgiveness, for
to him who wounds and lacerates her gentle
bosom she yields her,greatest treasures.
Even n'reprobare's'ion is likely to pay due
regard to the will of his parents if it makes
hini the heir of their property.
A tyrant cannot well bind one end of a chain
around the arms or legs of a people -without
binding the other around his own neck.
There is frozen music in many a heart that
the beams of encouragement would melt into
glorious song
The religious prosecutor abominates the
swell of a raw heretic, but greatly enjoys the
odor of a roasted one.
We have seen a couple of sisters who had to
be told everything together, for they were so
much alike they couldn't be told apart.
Some philanthropists are so bitterly fanatical
against hanging that they would gibbit all who
are in favor of it
Amidst society the Christian avows his faith;
in solitude he feels it. Upon the plains and
in the valleys he believes; in the mountains
he sees
Virtue finds its securest borne among the
sons of proverty and toil, as a green and bloom
ing spot is safest from violations' 'when shut in
by the unsightly and rugged rooks.
We weep, to acquire the reputation of ten
derness; we weep, in order to be pitied; we
weep that we may be wept over; we even
weep to avoid the scandal of not weeping.
We have all seen the tragedy of imprudent
genius, struggling for years with paltry pecu
niary difficulties, at last sinking, chilled, ex
busted, and fruitless, like a giant slaughtered
by pins.
The earth is a great factory wheel, which at
every revolution on its axis, receives fifty thou
sand raw souls and turns off nearly the same
number worked up more or less completely.
It is not to be supposed, that the Devil
would give half as-much for the services of a
sinner as he would fur those of, one of the folks
that are always doing virtuous acts in a way to
make them uppleasing.