The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, May 12, 1863, Image 3

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Loon•—Dr. JACOB ZUR ErCEIAN, the well known
`txpert marksman, on last Wednesday morning,
t'aliot a loon on the first dam. This species of foul
not often seen in these parts
Rain. The Conococheague was very much
Vwollen by the heavy rains of last week. The farm
on account of the rain were very much hindered
In planting corn. We are told that the " Marsh"
visited by a bail storm last Wednesday.
,' Borough Election.—The following ticket
PilllS elected at the Borough election, held on Tues
y, May 6th, 1863: •
t . x
:,. For BIirgeBB—CIFORGE 11. DAVIDSON. For Town
T Hvh Constable—GEOßGE GAFF.
---....-...41m. e.
Money from the 158th P. V.—This regi
' ant was paid off about the last of April. Each
rivate received fifty-eight dollars. The aggregate
mount of money sent to this place for their friends
nd families, was four thousand and seventy-six
' l ii ) ($4,076) dollars. The money is paid out. at the ex.-
1 ress of fi ce, by the gentlemanly agent, Mr. EDT.
*, -! It gives us pleasure to state that these men have
1 ',.a last been remembered by the Paymaster, and
',dist they have seat home :to large an amount of mon
About Paving and Curbing.—We call the
,4ttentioa of the Town Council to on ordinance pass
by the Council of 1862.
"Sec 1 Provides that the side-walks on Balti
-6,‘ ore and Carlisle streets, shall be paved with brick,
nd curbed with brick or stone. The side walks
.11 be ten feet wide.
'Sec. 2. Provides that all other , streets, besides
'so named, the side-walks shall he paved "with
ck, flat stone, or black gravel," and be - curbed
It stone or brick
'Sec. 3. Where the owners neglect or refuse to
b and Nye, the street commissioner, under diree
n of the corporate authorities, is empowered to
the work, and keep accurate account of expen-
'Sec. 4. The expenses with tweaty pernentum ad
.ce thereon, will ba charged to the owner of the
and collected Recording to law.
'Sec. 5. Before the work is ammo:iced by any
owner, ha shall require the corporate authorities
egulate the same."
asualties in the 126th P. V.—The gen,
I gloom which pervaded, the community was
petted still mare by news from the Army of the
°mac. Great anzioty was manifested to know
our soldiers came out of the battle. And here
must say, we are all very much indebted to the
dness and promptness of our gentlemanly opera
, in furnishing us with all the intelligence from
army which he was allowed to communicate.
m dispatches, private letters, and published lists
the X. Y. herald, we make out the following list
-11"illed in company. K..-24c1 Sergt. &NON W.
k:PLEY and Gstottat Missal-T. It seems from what
can learn, they were not instantly killed, but
pd in a few bovo froln their wounds: their bodies
, ohebly buried on the other side of the river.—
' ltupley, was one of our most useful citizens.
le time of his enlistment, he was extremely en
lin various kinds of business. Not only his
ids, but the town, will also feel his loss. Corp.
wavy was a bard working, ladustrious young
In battle ho was steady and unyielding, never
tring, never unduly excited. Truly, the brave
fallen! Their virtues are too well known to
-e the services of our humble pen.
runded in Company B—M. W. Sisseckep,
hand; James Cleary, hip not serious; John
1, of Fulton county, leg; -- Glenn of Fulton,
)y, do.
laded in company X—Corp. Scott N. Shively,
:ly in foot; John Robinson, slightly in knee;
Unger, slightly left breast; Samuel Palmer,,
med to be wounded; Lieut. J. Gilmore Rowe,
-ehead with spent ball, not dangerous.
Jut.-Col D. Watson Rowe, had a hula through
iat—ball grazed hid cheek, but kept I:emu:and
regiment all the time. it. is thought that
. Cloy McCauley Of company 1), was killed.
rsiali—Jonathan Bowman of emulator B; and
. Stowe (a later dispateh says, W. IL 4:ark:LT)
qapany K. It is not yet ascertained whether
two are killed or were taken prisoners. We
the latter.
.-Maj. Ziegler in a letter written Sabbath
ad instant, near the battle-field this sums up
Luber of killed in the regiment;
any 1-10 wounded, 2 killed;
F— 7 do. 2 do,
" 11— 9 do.
44 Cl a do.
4. 1) 6 do.
. 4 C-10 do.
A—None wounded nor killed.
B-- 6 wounded.
K—Nearly as before given.
arations to Receive our Soldiers,
rge and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens
rtm .township and Greencastle, was held in
,ailroad Ticket office on last Saturday evening.
call was made to take the preliminary steps to
' making, some arrangements for the proper re-
of our Nine Months' Soldiers, who are ex-
home iu the course of a few days. The
pg was called to order by.J. C. M•Lanahon,
The following officers wo e unanimously
:—Col, Hoary P. Prather, President; Addi-
Inihrie and Win. C. DI Nulty, Vice Presidents;
. A. Reid, Secretary.
motion of Dr, E, I), Rankin, the Ch.lir was
orized to appoint a permanent Committee of
lgements. to consist of twelve persons. The
.ing persons compose the Committee:—David
, r, Edward Shillito, Joseph B, Strickler, E. D.
John Wilhelm, Jr., W. A, Reid, Thos. Paw
. F. Schafhirt, Charles lisrtman, Charles
ds, Augustus libirey, Wm. M•Crory, Sr.; J•
,aimhan wag added to t.his Committee. t was
and seconded that the entire arrangements
reception of the soldiers be lett in the hands
Committee, and that it has full power to ap-
sub-commit tees. J, C. APLanahan announced
a letter had just been received from Lieut.
elating the reziruent would start for Lome on
the Bth inst Immediate action was necessary.—
Suggestions from the citizens were heard by the
Committee of Arrangements. The greatest una
nimity prevailed. Meeting adjourned to meet at
the call of the Committee of Arrangements.
W. A. REID, See.
At ti subsequent meeting of the Committee of 'Ar
rangements, Dr. Charles Michael was chosen Chair
man and W. A. Reid Secretaries.
Committee on Correepondenee.—Messrs. Sehaf hirt,
Reid and Fetterhoff.
Committee to Wait opt Clergy.—Messrs. Shirey,
11.1.‘Crory and M'Lanahan.
Other committees to be appointed at next meet-
it was agreed upon that on the day upon which
it will be ascertained that the soldiers will arrive.
timely notice shall be given to the People of the town
and neighborhood, by the rirging of the Church
Bells.* After transaction of other business, com
mittee adjourned to meet on Monday evening, 11th
inst., at 7 o'clock. W. A Rum, Sec.
The veterans of 1812 and 1814, and survivors of
the Mexican War aro expected to participate in the
*Our citizens and country friends wi❑ please ob
serve the above. and not become alarmed at the din
created by the ringing of bell; and imagine it is
a fire,---lEn. PILOT.]
Directors' Convention.—A Convention of
School Directors of Franklin County was held on
May 4, 1863.
The members of the Dress were invited to take
seats In the Convention,
The salary of the County Superintendent was fix
ed at Six Hundred ($600) Dollars,
The following named gentlemen were then placed
in nomination for County .
,Superintendent : Andrew
McElwain, Chambersburg ; C. B. Wolff, Greencas
tle; J. S. Smith, Antrim; P. A.. ,More, Hamilton.
The Convention proceeded to ballot with the fol
lowing result:
McElwain .......
Moore withdrawn
McElwain 40
Smith 37
C. B Wolff withdrawn, when Mr. A. McElwain
was declared elected. Convention then adjourned,
JOHN K. KEYSER, frost.
JOHN A. livssmita,l
—Repository and Transcript
NOTICE —Whereas, Let rers of Administration,
1.11 with the will annexed. on the estate of Wil
liam Bratten, late of Greencastle, deceased, have
been ranted to the subscriber, residing in said
borough g all persons indebted to the said Estate,
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands against the estate
of said decedent, will make. known the same. with
out delay, to J. B. CROWEL,
Adair., with the Will annexed:
Greencastle, May 5, 1813:1-6t.
Important Arrival !
HAVE just received a lame assortment of NEW
which they will take plesstare in showing to their
numerous customers and Jthers. In
Ladies: Dress Goods,
they have
Lustres, Black Silks,
Delaines, Cashmeres,
Wool Delaines, , Plaid Mohair,
Lavellas, French Merinos,
Coburgs, Debeges,
Shawls, Nithias, Hoods. Sontags, Hoop Skirts,
Balmoral Skirts, Embroideries, Kid Gloves,
Gauntlets, Collars, White Goods, Black Crape
Veils, Mourning do., Cheneille and )'ancy
head Xets, Lambs Wad /Tose, (cheap), Merino
and Cotton Hosiery. Ladies' Congress Gaiters,
Morocco Boots and Gum Shoes.
Black. Blue and Brown Broadelaths, Beaver
Overcooling, Petersham do., cassimeres,
Lash do., Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans. Sati,
netts, Undershirts and Prawers. Soldier Shirts,
fiats, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Cravats,
Burnside Tles, Domestic Goods, and
FbOOR on, cumi.
They sire selling
in. order to close cot,. the stock
White Sugar, Coffee,
Brown Sugar, I'repared Coifed,
Syrups, N. 0. Molasses,
Imperial Tea, -Black Tea.
Chewing Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes and Smoking
Tobacco. Also, an excellent stock of
We respectfwlly invite all persons wishing to pur
chase goods as cheap as the times will admit, to call
and examine our new and elegant assortment. W.
have bought our goods far CASH, and we are en
abled to sell them upon the same terms, at but a
on wholesale rmee. Remember the place is on the
Southateet corner of the „Public Square, next
door to Haiku's Hotel.
Greencastle, Dec. 3,•1862.-1y
WE are receiving goods every day from the east
ern cities. and have ready for sale, the fol
lowing list of articles, which we can sell chellter
than sold elsewhere:
Bleached Mullins,
Bleached Drillings,
Unbleached "
Canton Flannels,
Hickory, do do Cloths,
Bed Cheeks, I Crash Towelings,
Shirting- Cheeks,
Linen Table Diaper, Counterpanes,
I Linen Table Cloths,
and everything in the Domestic line of all qualities
and prices.
Cloths, Gloves, Boys Undershirts,
Vestings, Cravats. Suspenders,
Cassimeres, Ilandkf's, Scarfs,
Undershirts, Collars, Boys Drawers,
Shirt Fronts, Drawers, Neck Ties,
satin Stocks, Hosiery, Kid Gloves.
In this branch we have everything of all styles
and prices.
Ladies Drpartment.
Black Silks,
Fancy Silks, Plain Silks,
Grenadines, Tissues, Beregcs,
Challis, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Brilliants,
Calicos, Traveling Goods, Lustres,
Mohair and Lavella Cloths,
Ducals, Plaids, Poplins,
Chintzes, &c.
and everything to he found among the numerous
textures, styles and qualtaes, from a ten cent Calico
to the most expensive silk.
Everything new and desirable
Cambrics, Jackonetts,
• Swisies, Linens,
Briliants, Dirnitys,
Cheeks, Stripes.
French !quilling,
Cambria Linens,
Book Muglius,
Victoria Lawns,
ull s ,
Swiss EcTilings,
Caotbric Edgings,
Swiss Insertings,
Catnbric IfisertingS,
Swiss and Cambric Flouticings,
French Worked Handkerchiefs,
French Worked Collarb and Sleeves,
Infant Bodies, Dimities, &c., &o„ ttc
We are satisfied that in the above Goods we have
everything to meet the demands of any customer.
• and everything in the Notion Line.
A superior article always on bands
The best article of
manufaetured, for Ladies and Gentlemen
Particular attention is paid to each different
branch of our business; and we hope by strict at
tention and reasonable prOls, to merit our hereto
fore liberal patronage, and greatly enlarge our bu
siness. T S. RILEY lt 20
Greencastle. Dec 2. i362•1y
Private Medical Treatise
on the
Physio!ogical View of itfarriage.
--Price only twenty-five cents Sent free of postage
to all par of the Union On the infirmities . of
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of
both sexes of all ages,causingdobility,nervousness
depreesion of spirits, palpitation of the heart. sui
cidal iniaginings.involuntary ernitsions,blushings
defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with
confessions of 'billing interest of a Boarding School
Afisa, a College Student, and a hanky Harried Lady.
441 , 4-c. It is ' a truthful aaviser to the married and
hose contemplating marringe,who entertain secret
doubts of their physical condi' ion,and who are coil
scious of having hazarded the health, happiness and
privil'zee to which every human being is entitled.
YOUNG- MEN who art. troubled with weakness
generally caused by a bad habit in youth the effects
of which are dizx ess, pains, forgetfulness. some
times a ringing in the ears, weak eyes. weakness of
the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas.
less of memory, with melaneholy, may be cured by
We have, recently devoted much of our time in
ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches cf
the most skilled physician and surgeons in Europe
and the continent. Those who place themselves un
der our care will have the full benefit of the many
are enablod to introduce luta our practice, and the
public may rest assured if tne same zeal, assiduity
Secrecy and attention being paid to Weir cases,
which has so successfully distinguished us hereto
fore, as a Physician in our Peculiar department of
professional Preet ice. fen the past twenty fu years.
French Female Pills.—Ladies who wish for medi
cines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thou
sands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy
cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr.
T'eLaney's Female Periodical Pills. The only pre
caution necessary to be observed is, ladies should
ne t take them if they have reason to believe they
are in arida situations (the particulars of vihich will
b e found .n the wrapper aPeompanying each box, )
though &Iwo.) ti safeand heal. hy, so gentle, yet so ao,
tire all" they,
White Flannels,
Colored do
Kentucky Jeans,
Corset do
Velvet Cords,
Cotton Table Diaper,
PA.. MAY 12. 1863.
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any
part of the United States or Canada.
TO THE LAMES—Who need a co , fidential medical
adviser with regard to any of those interesting COM -
plaints to which their delecate organization renders
them liable, are par icularly invited to consult us.
The "Elecero-Galvanic "—For m
ladies whose health will not admit, or who have no
desire to increase their families. may be obtained as
nbove. It in a perfectly safe prentive to conception.
and has been extensively used during the last 20
years. - Prioe reduced ty $lO.
The Secrets of Youth Untreiled.
A Treatiss on the cause of Premature Decay—A sol
cmnwarning. Just published, a book showing the insid
ious progress and prevalence among schools, {both male
and female] of thss fatal habit, pointing out the fatali
ty than invariably attends its victims, and developing the
whole progress of the disease, from the commencement to
the end. It will be sent by Null on receipt of two [3]
cents Stamps.
ger Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning till
9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 6 P. M.
Medicines with full directions sent to any part of
the United States or Canadas, by patients communi
cating their symptoms by letter.
t7t'3r. Dr. L's Office is mil located as establi-hed
under the name of DR. LA CItOIX, at No. 81 I%lai
den Lane, Albany, N. Y. Let 7,'62-ly
New Settlement of Vineland.
A Rare Opportunity in the Beat Market, and Moat De
lightful and Healthful Climate in the Union. Only
thirty, miles South of Philadelphia. on a Railroad;
being a Rich, Heavy Soil, and Highly Productive
Wheat Land; Amongst the Beat in the Garden Slate
of New Jersey.
It consists of 20,000 acres of GOOD land, divided
into Farms of different sizes to suit the purchiser—
rnom 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS—and is sold at the rate
of from $l5 to $2O per acre for the farm land, pay
able one-fourth cash, and the balance by quarter
yearly installments, with legal interest, within the
term of four years.
The Soil is„in great part; a Rich Clay Loam, suit
able for Wheat, Grass and Potatoes—also a dark and
rich sandy loam, suitable for corn, sweet-potatoes,
tobacco, all kinds of vegetables and root crops, and
the finest varieties of fruit, such as Grapes, Pears.
Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines, Blackberries, Melons
and other fruits, best adaptidt:o the Philadelphia
and New York Markets. In respect to the soil and
crops there can he no mistake, as visitors can exam
ine both, and none are expected to buy before so do
ing, and fiuding these statements correct—under
these circumstances, unless these statements were
correct, there would be no use in their being made.
It is considered the best Fruit soil in the Hui*.
[See Reports of Solon Robinson, Esq., of the
New York Tribune, and the well-known agriculturist.
William Parry, of Cinnaminson, New Jersey, which
will be furnished inquirers.]
The Market—By looking over a map the reader
will perceive that it enjoys the best market in the Un
ion, and has direct communication with New. York
and Philadelphia twice a day, king only thitty-two
miles from the latter. Producer; this market brings
double the price that it does in locations distant
from the cities. In this location it can be put into
market the same morning it is gathered, and for
what the farmer sells he gets the highest price:
whilst groceries and other articles he purchases he
gets at the lowest price. In the West, what he sells
brings him a pittance, but for what he buys he pays
two prices. In locating here the settler has many
other advantages. He is within a few hours, by
railroad, of all the great cities of New England and
the Middle States. He is nosh- his old friends and
associations. He has echo& for his children, di
vine service, and all the advantages of olvilization,
anti he is near a large city.
The Climate is delightful; the winters being sa
lubrious and open, whilst the summers are no warm
er than in the North. The location is upon the
line of latitude with northern Virginia.
Persons Wanting a change of Climate for Health,
would be much benefitted in Vineland. The mild
ness of the climate and its bracing influence, makes
it. excellent for all pulmonary affections, dyspepsia or
general debility. Visitors will notice a difference in
a few days. Chills and fevers are unknown.
Conveniences at Hand.--Building material is plen
ty. Fish and oysters are plenty and cheap.
Visitors must expect, however, to see a new place.
Why the Property has not been Settled Beforil—
This question the reader naturally mks. It is be
cause it has been held in large tracts by families not
disposed to sell, and being without railroad ficilities
they had few inducements. The Railroad has just
been opened through the property this season, for
the first time.
Visitors are shown ever the land in a carriage,
free of expense, and afforded time and opportunity
for thorough investigation. Those who come with
a view to settle, should bring money to secure their
purchases, as looatious are not held upon refusal.
The Safest thing in Hard Times, where people
have been thrown out of employment. cir business.
and possess some little means or small incomes, is to
start themselves . a home. They can buy a pieoe of
land at a small price, and earn more thanilwa t ,es in
improving it, aid whoa it is done it is a certain in
dependence and no ors. SA few acres in fruit. trees
will insure a comfortable living. The land is put
down to har,d-times, and all improvements can be
made at a cheapar rate than most any, other tin*.
The whole traur, with six miles front on the rail
road, ie being laid out with tine and spacious aven
ues, with i town in the centre—five acre lots in the
town salt•.u. erom $l5O to$200; two and a-half acre
lots, at from SSO to $l2O, and . town lots 50 feet front
by 1;0 feet deep, at sloo—payable one-half cash
and tact balance within a year. It is only upon
farms of twenty acres, or more, that four years'
time is given.
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fine opening
for the Shoe manufacturing business, and other-ar
ticles, being near Philadelphia, and the surrounding
country has a large population, which affords a
good market.
This settlement, in t 6 course of several years,
will be one of the most beautiful places in the ooun
try, and most agreeable for a residence.
It is intendedto make it a Vine and Fruit grow
ing country, as this culture is the most profitable
and the best adapted to the market. Every advan
tage and convenience for settlers will be introduced
which will insure the prosperty of the place. The
hard times throughout the country will be an advan
tage to the settlement, as it compels people to resort
to agriculture for a living.
Large' numbers of people are purchasing, and the
people who desire the best location should visit the
place at once.
Improved Land is also for sale.
TIMBER.—Land can be bought with or without
Timber. The Timber at market. valuation.
The title isindisputable. Warrantee Deeds given
clear of all ineunthrante, when the money is paid.
Boarding oonveniences at hand.
Letters premptly answered, and Reports of Solon
Robinson and Wm. Parry sent, together with the
. •Vinelend Rural."
Route to the Land :—Leave Walnut street rharf,
Philadelphia, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 4 P. M.. (un
less there should bee change of hour,) for Vineland.
on the Glassboro' and Millville Railroad. When
you leave the cars at Vineland Station, just opened,
inquire for
CHAS. K. LANDIS. Pohtrnaster,
Founder of the Colony,
Vineland P. 0.. Cumberland Co.. N. J.
P. S --There is a change of oars of Ghtssboro'.--
Also beware of sharpers on the oars from New York
and Philadelphia to Vineland, inquiring your busi
ness. destination.. 3:c.
December 3, 1861-Bmos,
11UST received a lot of fresh Ground Plaster, end
for sato by
DEITZ & 111•DOWr14,.
Greencaaila, April 21, 1863.
Report of Solon Robinson,
SW The following is nn extract from the report
of Solon Robinson. Esq., published in the New York
:I'rib:ewe. in reference to 'Vineland. All pertwas mut
read this report with interest.
Advantages of Farming near Home—Vineland—/e
-marks upon Mari—Soil, its great Fertility—Th.
Cause et Fertility—Amount of Crops Produced--
Prseiical Evidence.
It is csrtainly one of the most extrusive fertik tracts,
in an almost level position. and suitable condition foe ,
pleasant farming that we know of this side of (he west.
ern prairies. We found some of the oldest farms appar
ently just as profitable productive a s when first cttared
of forest fifty or a hundred years ago.
The geologist would some discover the cause of this
continued fertility. The 'Whole country is a marine
deposit, and all through the soil we found evidences
of calcareous substances, generally in the form of
indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct
forma of ancient shells, of the tertiary formation ;
and this manly substance is bcatte Al d all through the
soil, in a very comminuted form. and in the exact
condition most easily assimilated by such plants as
the farmer desires to cultivate.
Marl, in all its forms, bag been used to fertilize
crops in Fuglaud, from the time it was occupied by
the Romans; and in France and GermLny a marl
bed is counted on as a valuable bed of manure, that
can be dug and oarted and spread over the field.—
How much more valuable then it must be, when found
already mixed through the soil, where new particles wilt
be turned up and exposed, and /rant/armed to the owner's
use every lime he stirs the earth.
Having then satisfied our minds of the cause, they
will not. be excited with wonder at seeing indubitable
evidence of fertility in a soil which in other sit LIR..
tions, having the same general characteristics or et
least appearances, is entirely unrenumerative except
as its productiveness is promoted by artificial fertil
few words about the quality and value of this
lane for oultivation, of which we have some strong
Our first visit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin
township, Gloucester county, who purchased soma
eight miles north of Miliville, about three years au,
for the purpose of establishing a steam mill, to work
up the timber into lumber, to send off by the new
railroad, as well as the firewood and coal, for which
he built a branch track a mile and a half long. He
also furnished sixteen miles of the rand with ties,
and has no doubt made the mill profitable, though
his main object was to open a farm, having become
convinced that the soil was valuable for cultivation.
In this he has not been disappointed, as some of his
crops prove. For instance, last year, the second
time of cropping, 306 bushels of potatoes on one
acre, worth 60 cents a bushel in the field. This year
seven acres, without. manure, produced 356 bushels
of. oats. In one field, the first crop was potatoes,
planted among the roots, and yielded 75 bushels.—
The potatoes wete dug, and wheat sown, and yield
ed 16 bushels; and the stubble turned under and
sewn to buckwheat, which yielded 831. bushels ;
and then the ground was sown to clover and timothy,
which gave as a first crop 2i tons per acre.
The fertilizers applied to these crops were first,
ashes from clearings; second, 225 pounds of super.
phosphate of lime; third. 200 pounds Peruvian gu.,
ano ; then 50 bushels of slaked lime has been spread
upon the plover since it was mowed, and turned iq
for wheat.
Mr. Wilson's ;rowing crops. and the wheat stub,
ble of the present season, all indicate his land as
productive as any part of the Sudo.
At Mary Barrow's, an old style Jersey woman
farmer, several miles south of Mr. Wilson's, we were
so particularly struck with the fine appearance of a
field of corn, that we stopped to inquire of the hifv4,
man bow it was produced. We found that the laud
had been the year but one before in wheat. sewn
with clover, and this out one season, and last spring
plowed once, with oue "poor old nag," and plautol
with corn.
"'Yes, but you manured high, we suppose ?" we
said interrogatively, and got this reply :
"Waal, you see, we couldn't a done that; 'cause
we hadn't hut forty one-horse loads altogether, for
28 acres, and we wanted thq most on't for the trick.
The truck consisted of beets, carrots, cabbLge.
cucumbers, melons, dc., and a very produptive patch
of Lima beans, grown for marketing. So we were
satisfied that the soil was not iafertile, oven unaided
by clover, which had fed the coin, because the "truck
patch" had not been in eultivattin long enough to
obliterate all signs of the forest.
Our next visit was to the large farm of Andrew
Sharp. five miles north of Minyale, from half to a
mile east of the railroad, and just about in the cen.
tre of Vineland, Mr. Sharp oommenced work here
in December. 185 S, upon 470 acres. In less than
three years, he has got 234 acres cleared and in
crops this season, as well inclosed and divided into
several fields, with cedar rail or pole fence ; has
built a tiro-story dwelling, about 36 by 40 feet, and
a smaller house for farm laborers, and a stable and
granary and some other out buildings.
Considerable part of the land was cleared for the
plow at S 9 an acre, and on some of it the first crop
was buckwheat, limed with 50 bushels in powder
per acre. This crop may bo put in July 4th to 20th,
and yields 20 to 30 bushels per acre, harvested in
November; whop the land being sowed with lSOlbs
of Peruvirm guano and seeded with rye, yielded 12
to 15 bushels per acre and $lO worth of straw. The
rye'stubble turned, after knocking off a largo growth
of oak sprouts, and dressed again with guano and
seeded to wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The crop
which he was threshing while we were there promi
see more, of a very plump grain, and the straw is
very heavy.
We Wept over the stubble, and found the clover
and timothy, from seed sowed last spring, on the
wheat without harrowing, looking as well as we ever
saw it upon any old cultivated farm, and with a.lit
tle work done in the winter to clear off some roots
and rotten stumps. and setting stakes to mark per
manent ones, he will be able to cut the crop the next
year with a mowing machine, and we will guarantee
two tone per acre, if he will give the °Degas if ie ever,
runs the otlimale.
Part of the,land was planted with potatoes for a,
first crop, which yielded 120 bushels per acre. It
was then limed with 51. 1 bushels per acre. and seeded
with wheat and clover, yielded and average of over
15 bushels per acre, and the clover now looks beau
Other portions have been planted with corn as q
first crop. which yielded 30 bushels of yellow °int
corn, and the second crop 40 bushels. and the third
crop, treated to 1501bs. of guano. we are sure no
one would estimate below 40 bushels per acre.
[The reader will recollect that the writer is now
speaking of land perfectly new, and which can
scarcely be considered in good arable condition
In other cases. the corn crop of last year was fol
lowed .with oats 101 - season, not yet threshed. but
will average probably 40 to 50 bushels. Sweet pu
woes. beans, melons. and, in foal, all garden veg
etables. as well as young peach and other fruit
trees planted this year show vary plainly that this
long neglected tract of land should remain so no
longer, and there is now a strong probability that
it wilt not ; for under the auspices of Mr. Landis.
it will he divided into small lots, with roads located
to accommodate 111,,,the surveyor is now busy et
this work—and all purchasers will he required to
build neat comfortable houses, and either fence
their lots in uniformity. or agree to live without
fence. 'which would be preferable, by which means
a good population will be secured, who will wait,-
lisp churches. schools. stores, mills. mechet io shops
and 'homes—homes of American farmers. surronad,
ed by gardens, "rcbards, fields and comforts of cis
iliyed life.
If nay one. from any derangement of fondness.
is decrous of changihg his pursuits of life. or who
Is frau any cause desirous to ilnd a new location
And at ap home in the evantry, and who may read
and believe what. we have truly stated, he will de
well to go and •see for himself whet may he seen
within a. two bonne:ride e At of Philadelphia.