GENERAL AND LOCAL MATTERS U. S. GOVERNMENT. rresident. Ahraltant Lincoln, Illinois. 'ice-President, liannihni Alaine• Secretary of State, Wm. IL ,S'eward, Now York Attorney General, Edward Bates, Alissouri. Secretary of Treasury, So llnon I'. Chase, Ohio. Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania Secretary of Navy, Gideon G. Selles, Connecticut. secret ary of Interior, Caleb B.Sinilh, Indiana. Post: master General,..l/Ontgontery I'. Blair, Ma. Chief Justice of the 11. S, Royer Taney, \ld. STATE GOVERNMFNT. Governor, Andrew O. Curtin, Centro. Secretary of State, Eli .810 r. Union. Attorney General, Wm. )f. Meredith, of Phila. Auditor General, Thomas Cochran, York! Surveyor General, Thnry (nether, of Elk. guperintendent of Common Schools, Thomas Ir liar- rows, Lanceste'r. State Treasurer, Henry D. Moore, Philadelphia.' Judges of the Supreme Court—Chief Justice— Trm• B. Lotet4e; . john if. Read. J. M. Strang, James Thompada, G. Jr: Woodward. COUNTY OFFICERS.. President Judge, James Will. , . : Associate Judges, John Orr, - .T. 0. Carson. ' • District. Attorney, Gorge S. Rower; Prothonotary, A. D. Cizterman, ', • Register and Recorder. R. C. Boyd- Clerk of the Courts, IV. G. Mi lc hell. High Sheri ff . ill' • Deputy Sheriffs, .Zarntan 'an& .- C.' M County ommissionere, .71 A. Busier;'J. D. &Mt; Clerk for Connty,Corzintissionerst George Foreman.' Directors of the Poor, J. - L.• La tshaw, J etce2b trickier; David It enact. • ; ' Attorney and Clerk for the Directors, S. Striekleri Stewart of 'tliePoor House,l.Tohn , Bowman.,, BOROUGH. OFFICERS. • Burgess, John Rowe, Jr Town. ConAcilipen,./: 1I hiley,-J . . . J nue and , A .7 - Haus High Constable, (:, - 4-;;;rya GOT „ Water Master. ,a . eorg:e .Potzinger Wood. Measurer, Bgrr Clerk' of Corporation, William A Reid • SCHOOL DIRECTORS. . .„ Daoid Detrieh. m-Lanallan, (See tetary), Cri•elisureiy:' M S 'Gordon, W W Fleming, .7" II Riley: .I 4 Haas. , : CHURCHES German Reformed Church, East Baltimore street. Rev. T. G. Apple, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 101 o'clock. Prayer meetingctery Tues day evening• " Sabbath School in the morning. ' Lutheran Church, cornet of" North and East sts. Rev. Edward Bridenbaugh, Pastor: Services every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening. Sabbath School at 8 o'clock,a.m• Presbyterian Church. West Baltimore st Rev. Wm. T. Beatty, Pastor. "Services the first three Sabbaths in every montli. at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer mepting every Thursday evening. Sabbath School at. 2 o'clock, p. m. M. E. Church, South Carlisle street: Rev. S. M. Hartsock. Pastor in charge: Services in the even ing of the Ist and lid Sabbaths of each month; and in the morning of the 2d and 4th 4abbatlis. Sab bath school at 2 o'clock• Prayer meeting every Thursday evening." • U. B. Church, East street: Rev. Al;e Tripner, Pastor in charge. Services in the morning of the let and 3d Sabbaths of each month, and in the even ing of the 2d and 4th Sabbaths. Sabbath sohool•at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every 'Wednesday even... ing. , . professional taros. TAMES M. IRWIN, Attorney at Law, el Greencastle, Pa Collections , promptly attend ed to. Office on East Baltimore street, one door East. of A.-L. Irwin & Sou's Hardware Store. April 21, 1868-tf. NIVELY STRICKLER ,Att'y at Law, Cha,mbersburg, Pa., will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to' his care. Office at his residence, on (whet street, one door , East of the Diamond. Seir Ile will attend to legal busi ness in adjoining counties. may 14, '6l R. E. 8..11,9111,LL-Resitlent Dentist 1.7 —would respectfully announce to the citizens of Greencastle and vicinity, that he has located permanently, in their midst, for the practice of his profession. Having been very extensively ,and successfully engaged in the practise for the last eight years, in M ireersburg, he flatters himself, fromhis long expeAcnce in the profession, that he will be able to please ail that wit favor hint with their patronage. Whole or parts of sets of Teeth, mounted on Gold. Silver or I?latina'plate, with Blocks or Single Gum Teeth, either on the atmospheric principle or otherwise. ,llec.ayed Teeth permanent ly saved by filling with pure Gold. Strict attention paid to all diseases of Ate Teeth and Gums ~,also. to the correcting of irregularity of children's teeth ; teeth and roots extracted with all the ease and dis-, patch that modern,seienee can afford. All, opera: tions wai ranted to please or no charge. : Charges moderate and to suit the times ; advice gratis.— CalL.and have your Teeth examined. Personswill' be waited on at their residences, either in the town or country, ,when desired. Persons will also be waited on in Chambersburg as formerly, by addres sing a note to the subscriber, in Greencastle. ger Office and residence on East Baltimore st., in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Gardner, dec'd. itx FE REgC : —Rev. Thos. Creigh, D D., Drs E. Negly, W. R. Smith, R. S. Brownson, J. L King, Nlereersburg, and Dr. Joseph lieister, Mill mont. Air Persons will please notice that I will be ab sent one week in each month, commencingowith the. Ist litmday of the month apr24,'60.1y. E R. FETTER- A/ HOFF, Surgeon, Dentist: Ler Office, in his Picture .Gallery, on West Bahia:ire street, and nearly opposite tiollar's Hotel, (up stairs), Greencastle. Pa. Greencastle, Jan. 28, CLARK'S SCHOOL vot. ' A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. The VISITOR will commence-its seventh volume with the January No., 1863. This is the only Daechool Periodical published at FIFTY CENTS'A YEAR! Magazine form. Beautifully illustrated. Readings, Music, Speeches, Dialogues, Stories, Puzzles, &c., &0.. from the very best writers. The Visuroa has the largest circulation of any Educational Journal published. Now is the time to form clubs for Winter Schools. Sand for a specimen, and see inducement to clubs. Address DAUGHADAY & HAMMOND. Publishers, PhiladelPhia, Pa. GET YOUR J B PRINTING DONE AT V 513 2'8.11011! 05"-.1'8GM„ GRSEATCASTLE, PA THE I'll,OT i 4101.71111 Writ 309 0 1 4 • joNic,pIURETIC, N l *l DYsing l ‘ ° -„„_ INVIORATINGt CORDIAL 'Fo the citizens of T -Jersey C Pennsyiviinia Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and Private Pandlids. 1179.01'q , Pure illederia, Sherry and Port Wane ItroVe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. "Brotles4itre Scotchand ALL IN BOTTLES. IBEG leave to-call the attention of the citizens of the State; to the above,Wines and. Liquors, im a,o ilettp ye, Up o o r "Wo Xew, ot:"k, ose. n e ii i msliai in dertpart of this Auntl'y for the ping. ty of Ilignelebrated'SOnfllmaSori*Atips. o ';11r. Wolfe Ihitterto,; i ate,ispealii i ng of f tlkeipp . qty4 of hit Wiwi and Odor's, `says'? "I 'will slake My repufa =ll,k iny'Standing as a merchant. of thirty years' residence in the.ei t y of New York, that all the Brandy and iwhieh I bottle are pure as' itn ported, and of `thobestqualiry, dr.i can , be relied up :on' by every , purchaSer: , '.'' 'Every bottle has the pro prietor's name on the was, and a fae simile of his signature oikbeeMlitiertte. , The public are respect -fall in v lied icall and examine for tcm scl veS.- Bor , tialwatiltetaild]oy all Apothecaries anctGrocers in Bltiladelphiar' ii 1; PI < UEonce H. Asirros; I '77) >14.-C 414431 B:32 , Mnrket'et.; Yhiln. ; 1 2 "iji,S'ole!...49ent for Philadelphia.•, Rend the following from the Nen-York Courier • tLEnormous PBusincis fror one New York •Nerchant We are happy , te-inform 'our .fellow'citizetiS HIM there is one place in our city where the physician,' ttpothe cary,,and country merchant, can :go and purchase pure Wines land LiquorS, a' 'pure as imported, and of the best quailtY, ~ W e do notintend to give an elaborate description , of this merchant's , cxtensive business, lthough , itwill well repiiy any stranger or citizens 'to visit , Unoneno-Womes extensive ware house. Nost 18,- 20 and 22, , Beaver st.', and Nos: 17, 40 and 21, Marketfield st.. His stock of ;Schnapps on hand ready for,shipment could not have been less than thirty.thousand cases ; the Brandy: , some ten thous= andiecases—Vintages 0f=1836 to 1856 ; and ten thorts and cases, of i).la.treirtt, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and 'lrish Wlkisky,punaica, and St, Croix Bum, some very eltlAnd e,qual,to,any in this , country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for, bot fling. 'Mr: "Wolfe' 's of Schnapps last year amounted to one bundred and eighty thousand dozen, and no hope in leSklhan two yearS he may be : equal lY Successful With the Brandies and Wines. ITis huSitieSSMerA the patronage of every 1ov:or Of hiis sPeeieS.l . Priyaie,families who wish pure Wines and Ligfiors tor medical use shohld send their orders direct. to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land , Make up their grinds to r aise aril the poisonous stuff` from their 'shelves, and replace it 'with Wolfe's •pitre . Wines and Licitiors., understand . Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers 'pi; the country, puts tt.p assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a ,men, and such a merclltint, IhOuld , be Sustained against. his tetis of khOusands of 4pol - tents in the United ! States, Who sell - nothing'bUt imitations, rhinoUS alike to linman health . hild • SePtnt, 1860-fini:" OFFI J.F JA .Y . COOKE, SUBSCRIPTON, AGENT,. At Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers, '1.14 South Third Street; Phihdelphis, November, ,1,18G2 THE undersigned having been.appointed SUB SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once,-the New Twetty Year 6 Per Cent.'Bonds. of the United StateS, designaled as "Filie-T,lv'elltieS," edeemable at' the pleasure of the Goveromentqtfter five years, and ut horiv.d by Act of Congress, .ap 'waved' February 1 1 .5, ISG2. The CPUPON BONDS are issued in sums Qf $3O, $lOO, - $560, $lOOO. The REGISTEII,'BONDS in - swim of $5O 00, ssoo,'slooo $3OOO. Interest at Six per cent,,per annum will commence purchace, , PAYABLE IN GOLD. Semi-Annually, which-is equal, at the present pre mium on gold. to at - Mut-eight per-cent. per Annum. Fartners,-Merchants, +Mechanics, Capitulists; all who have any money- to invest; should know AMP remember that these-Bonds-are, in effect, a• FIRST: MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank: Stocks and Securities, and-theimmense'products all the Manufactures; the Country: 'and' that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest andliquidation of principal. by Cus toms Duties. Excise'Stamps . and Internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Best,' Most Available aiul ~lost Popular Investment in the Market.. . , Subscription received at PAR in Legal .Tender Notes. or, notes and checks of .banks at par in Phil adelphia. Snbscripers by.mail,will.receive prompt attention, and every fecilty and ,explanation will be afforded on application at this ofpce. A full stipply of Boads will be kept. on band for immediate delivery. JAY coon,T., Nov. ov. 18-3 m. ~ ,Subscription Agent.. FARMERS: = GRAIN DRILLS :F. It 0 M , - KEL,LER Az PLUM. lst:—They are,, built under gl4p,,opre, c.l3e,pld and experienced Drill builder, under whP§e eprp they liye . alwap been built heret„ufore. 2d..---Aa we are the only men irlio are buildipg Keller's Guano Drill, and the Blain Drill, in Green castle, 7. , , 341-- A:1 our Plain Drills built this season can he cliangled to Guaiid Drills , cheaper than any other men's make. 4th.—As our Plain Drills ha . ie some good improve ments'this season, which will be patented by John F. Keller. sth:As Grain Drills that come from Greencastle this season. and have nut - KELLER'S name upon the Drill, are not built under the care of the old and experienced Drill Maker. All persons who want theg,enuine GREEN CASTLE GRAIN DRILLS, will : please send their'orders to KELLER & PLUM, Green-. castle, Pa. Persons will find Shop lf squares south of the Diamond, on Railroad street. KELLER. & PLUM, May 20; '62. Greencastle, Franklin co., Pa A GENTS wanted to sell Cary's Patent Jl. Cap and Breast- Lantern. ',Co those furnish ing satisfactory references, a liberal salary and expenses will be paid. The article is needed -1).) everfariner and mechanic in the country, and will meet with ready sale. For .particulars Address J ' C RY, Patentee Jan 17,'60-4t. 81 Nassua Street. SALE BILLS PRINTED HERE, NEATLY A.ND CHEAP . . GEL A SUPERLATIVE CASTLE, 1"E.A.N1i.1,1.: CO., MAI 1H0:3 4.) o tel , "THE NI(»," ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD, LAI) E PIII A . —:0: UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Tiotol is central, convenient by Passen rxer Cars to all- parts of the city, and in every par ticular adapted to the comfort and wants of the business public. TERMS $1.50 PER DAY. October 22, 1861-Iy. ..i'LIETON HOUSE, [LATE UNION HOTEL.] NE`Comallsburg, renn'a. JACOB WOON A LD, PROPRIETOR. Boarders taken by, the dny, week or month. Jan. 8, JB6l-tf =I ; SutiAFHIRt, WUNDERLICH le; CO., Forwarding & CommiSsion Merchants, 'South Cur sic Street, - Greencastle, Pcan'a. MITE subscribers 'are now prepared, at their new fttid commodious . Warehouse, to receive and forward lo and from Philadelphia and Baltimore, a4kinde : of produce and merehandize entrusted to their care at the lowest rates, and with dispatch, and respeot fully solieittiliberal share of patronage, N. B.—All goods left at the depot. of Peadock, Zell & !Bachman, Nos; 808 and 810, Market Street, Phil k adelphia,la. or witli - Vathews,A NDiCloffer, No. 11.1!`18, 1 1 , Mar th ViloVg . rd‘ Street Iffeltirvidret. Md • shall be forwarded with dispatch All goodeshould he marked. care of Schtilhirt, Wunderlich & Co They will keep constantly on-hand an'd for sale, the celebrated, : . „.; lykents Valley, , Broken .Ekg 4,'•Lime Coal, (direct from the' .mines - ) - Wilkesbafre , rind Pink Grove Foundry Coall Sail tt. , TlaSter. and Hancock Cement, all of which they will. sell ; cbeap Itt. cash They will alwaye pay the. highest market price in Cash, for WHEAT, gyE,. OATS:::CORN :AND FLOUR. W UNDERLIC4I4I& CO. Feb7'6o . -1 y C r ' oW. T 04) , Forwarding and Commission Merchants, On Kora Carlisle and Kara sts., Greencastle. Pa. THE subscribers are, now preparedpat their new WarehiniSW'to reeeiveand fo6irtid to and from Bliiladelphia and Baltimore, all kinds of produce and merchandir,c, with di spatch„and 13,t4h e LOWESI POSSIBLE RATBS, end respectfully rsolicit a share of patronage. All . goods left at the dep ,, t of W. E. Burk, No. 812, Market Street. Philadelphia, or Kneller & Frick, No. Itis..North Street, Baltimore, Md., will be forwardedlwiOalispatch.N The higheSt rtiarkik price; will b'e paid. for ; Flour, Wheat, Rye, Oats, and Corn. )112),_ All goods should 40 inarkdd in care of C W. Eyster l Co. : R.! SMITH, Apr24,qlo Iy. Agent tit Greencastle. CLOTHING FOR THE MILLION! HAUS & i3RADLEY Have just received n.=,w and elegant stock of bprlng 1110 !-Jai;imer (50 , 005, • 1 *ergot for Men :Lid Blyi . wear, cons:sting in,part, of BLACK FRENCH CL-OTHS,*-: of the best. q.4otit,es, st ,, choice selec tion of Sitar o.3.lsitheras, Black Doeskin Cassi- BoS , 's Caksi rneres, Linen v t'oMinli,'Lin4ll 1 ,1114 Cotton',Pant hang,' Cords, Drillings. itzV? " • Gent§''Furniskiiag 'Cootie Hose, Gloves, Suspenders; Pocket. Handkerchiefs, z.lraeate,,Neck Ties, , Shirts; Collars,;'&c.t. N ,G oods , made up at :bort notice.l None but site.kAt l ef o ive*:,!aen .true en i pipyßi. C A3s t ifilbwqr k fatten in' al.liy'anyAlbcr e ,taitor, ander:lle up "sub st Via ,; - Per.sons.g6sliing to get any other tailor 7.0 Make np tWif t 'gbods can buy them from us, as en'oiii find'aeretis 7 onableae'ict'any ocher lstablishment in the county. e g l irl utsing, doge at, 4110.ime . p. o)Fashig,nskregy ddily freceived.t; Termso ; to' t Li a N..,r Cush or shbil time lb Fivni peryliig mistomers HALTS & YiZADLLY. P. S . ,,,WetlV Eatiihment, and e 15T ared to lire . tVed 't F HORSES, B Lid GIES *AO ONS. Good Drivers furnishedlnel desired. Terms for hire.`CAsFi. & B. Greeneristle, April 20;1862. Keep a Look Out FOR GEORGE A. BERT'S 7 -017:7 L')V. 3 ) .7 S 2) rE I -. VEST East Baltimore street,. tbree , lioors . east„ .. of A! L. Irwin &:Son's 'Hardware Store grIEQR,GiIL:-4.l43W_P;ttikeS pleasure in,informing . his friends end the public generally., that he has dpetiedatioi Boot end Slice Shop,' in the .inotn formerly occupied by John Bert, where he will be prepared at tines, to manufacture , Ladies'. Gen tiemetis' and 'Boys Boots and Shoes: at•the shortest notice, and: upon the most reasonable terms. ' Ile feels confident his work will -, give satisfaction. ,Greencastle; 'April 9, IS(sl , tf = 'Newnemedies for Spermatorrhel.. ,1" P WARD "ASSOCIATION, PHILA -1-1" DELPHIA, a Benevolent Institution establish ed by special endowment, for the . Relief, of the Sick and'DiStreSsc'd, afflicted with virulent and Epidemic DlieitSeS, and especially for the Cdre of Diseases of the SexuarOfgans. Medical advice given gratis, by the"AelingSurge on. 'Valuable IteporiaortSperniatOrrheea, and Oth er Di;4easea' of the Sexual Organs,, and on the NEW REMEDIES eetplo3'ed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Two orthree StaMpk for;PoStage acceptable ; Address. Dr. .1 . ; SKILLIN' HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Niiith Street, Philadelphia. Pa. By orderof the Directors EZRA D. lI.EADTWEDL, Prest: GEO. FAIRCHILD, See!, [Mar. 21, '6l. r OTICE.—:AIong time having now elapsed JLN since the .dissolution of the firm of. BOIVEE &;' - AITRORY, and Inany claims 'for §it'iseripti.Tin and Adveilising still ]'etimihing unpaid: the'survir•- ing partner, desirous to settle finally with the 4A mmietrator of B. B.' Bonn'er,',dec'd, hae'deterreined to Peeve - the books of the firtli ROW`'e that the accounts due the nrm ' mhy be phiced in course of collection . , by laW after the 'first day of unless ''sooner ' . _ " 1 • ' 1 JAMES •I'CTIORY, Snrriring partner of alp' flint' of Bonne? S. 111'CrO6 "APril 9, 1 . • ..' LL kinds of Stns.Cs can be purchased at the es ta. tahlishinent of J. W. Blitß. OPPER and 'Brass 'Kettles. of all sizes, for sale cheap, at BARR' B. CO's: TO T A. NIAI Sofa and Furniture Warerooms, -Vos. 2.5 and 27 North Gel. , Street, (NEAR FAYETTE STREET) Extending from Gay to Frederick street, and not ex- celled in the 'Union. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of every ,31,. variety of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE Furniture, embracing Bureaus, Sofas, assorted colors of Cottage Furniture. Bedsteads, Tete-a-fetes, Settees, Washstands, II ordrobes, Arm, Wood, Office, Rocking, and Barbar Chairs, Etageres. Marble Tates; Sideboards, Spring Beds, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, Re ception and Upholstered Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, - Ex tension Tables of every length. Vir Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which,,,for variety and quality of workmanship, cannot be :a.- celled by any establishment in the country.' A. MATHIOT & SON, Nos. 2.5 and 2.7 North Gay street, Jan. 29, 1861-Iy. # 1s fßaltimore,, Md. 2 HOME JOURNAL FOR 1861 NEW SEEIES.-NEW FEATIiRES.-Npr,..TSEE Morris and wileis, Editors new series of this w„idSiy circulated family A_ newspaper; '-will` fi Wile 'corhinq44ed on the fifth day of January next=printed on fine paper and new types With. the January number will Begin the publication' of a series of beautiful: original works of fact and fiction written expressly for the Home Journal,;by ,thebest';authors of Amerie,a. The first of..these is from the facile pen of a well known end highly gifted author, and is a powerful /if written', startling, mysteriou.:, and deeply, Interesting history of courtship and Married li f e, This chamin story will be succeeded by others of a similar de o.cription, several of which are already in prepar ation. All the former peculiar features of the pa per, which have given it a wide-world reputatioo. will be continued; while the'Several new ones will ,additifinite variety to its already diversified paces Among them are a number of fresh, spicy, amus ing, original sketches, which smack and relish of the wit, humor. raciness brillianry, and sparkle of :the times. As heretofore, no labor or expense will be spared to maintain the high reputation of the Home Journal, which is everywhere, both at home and abroad, acknowledged to lie the most refined and elegant repertory of literal ure'and the arts on thiS side of the sea, and the best and Cheapestfainily newspaper - in the world: As 'no more copies of the new series will be minted than are ordered. those who dOSfre - jto; t)egi - tf,-with thecomMencement of the, Vcdunie t iVilf be able i ode so fOrWarding their snbs"-iptions without delay: T mins.--For one c;‘)Py, $2 . for three copies, $5 -or One' copy ftir three years, ; for a club of of seven copies, $10; for a club of fifteen copies, $2O ii and at that rate for, a larger club—always in advance. "Address ' - Mims AND 'Editor's and'Froprietors, 107 Fulton St., N. Y. t h . • TIIM SA.TTIRDAYNNELO ToeT, The hest. Family Newspaper 11l WESTERN PENN SYI,,,ANLA, ana l dip 4nl 6 y,..l)cit,oc_Latic Won Sheet. in PI shitigh. A . 1 A H ' , 4 1 .4 I" i ,-` i t",§ 7 TA3 J., JET D' 7 V 18th: ' '' ft contains all the envent - • news of the dny, relia• hie :11tiffOln.ry, ki;ket, aint - getnmereial reports. and a choice` eleettn of Taleo, P2;etry.'iterary and Sci utafiticlr VnlWlhlOtitAat ist formation, Igrieultural News. &c. Also—The Latest Telegraphic ,Vetos.. Embracing every important tern. of News. Foreign, nt.V CorigfeAiortalianteti.igariVe,'' Leg 1a live Proceedings, &c. TERMS $1 PER, AYSTUM for a single copy or 11 copies for one year for $ . lO. gar? Address :JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. Corner Fifth and Wood SIR., Pittsburgh, Pa. fer Send your money by mail M, my risk.' MM E. D EMORESI"S QUARTERLY MIRROR of FAS UTONS Great Improvements. 9111 E Summerinumber will contain four large and splendid Fashion-plates, three full-sized Pat terns,:comprising the Now French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, and a Misses Sack, together with nearly NO Engravings of all t.- • Alrotiz. Sur.une-.• , rtnet, , Cloaks, Trimmivs, Cat.l-s.n . s J.)-rmi, , s, Etc., .m.l val uable informatt ?rt te,Milliners„D y ess Makers, Moth ers abd Laklies generally, presenting the largest and beat Fashion Magaiiie in the IV arid, pUblished 473 Ilraadivay; 'and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent. hy' mail past free. on receipt of the amount, yearly 81 with ,the- following valuable premium. Each yearly.subscriher entitled to the se lection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the design in the book, or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent by mail any time during ille,year,by paying the postage., F SRlendid induce ,ment%fi Cianvii4eiis. Su miner be:Teady on or about the First of May. April 29:, 1362., ; r•us LINE BETWEEN G R tkO I' 'AND tNE§ BO R o'. 'TIRE undersigned would respectfully announce to theTArtweling public, that arvery , , 3 Large and Commodious Omnibus is run daily between Greencittle and Waynesboro' bAldinlileting aVayntl•lorek . . filik rtrnio. and ma - eking Greene stle in due time for the early ?rain Eastward. on the Franklin Railroad, and leaving treen i t o cv e,ar. the aq.il4l of the nfrom tlipwt, turning. Wayne4tOo on thattam day. V His Omnibus ilke `Safe, .61b and `Safe, end he promises no pains will be spared to secure comfort and safety to all who may encourage this line, p •. `SISIAUEL d': - STOKER. • flreen6astle, Wudnst 14 1860.-tf. '' ' - t • • PONI)!§, EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS; OPAIN DESTROYER. Is one`oft.theifew domestic remedies . which have comejlito general use and favor, without puffing.— It is the product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and' list a domestic remedy unequalled. For preness, 'Pemeness, Spr ef in s , Rheaalism, 130i15, 1 Ulcers, Old Sores and IF - ound,s, it has:llot an equal. It is also used, with great success, for Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Colic, Diarrluza, Hoarseness, and of her similar trouble some and painful affections, while it prompty ar rests all Hemorrhages. Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their practice, and give it their unquali fied recommendation. Sold by our agents and deal ers, and by F. HUMPHREYS & CO., 562 Broadway, SOLD PROPRIETORS AND 3IANEPACTDRERS May 8,260, ly. READ! READ! READ; & SON'S The Great Family Newspaper; THE PILOT, TWENTY COLUMNS Or READING MATTER FOR ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, T'JIE PILOT Is Neuttal in Politics and Religion, and Independent on all other subjects. It is THE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC! THE PAPER FOR THE FARMER! THE PAPER FOR THE WORKSHOP! THE PAPER FOR THE HOUSEHOLD! It will contain the most important Foreign, War, Local and General News of the Day. In' order to induce Agents arid Per sons, who feel 'an interest in the pub lication of thiS paper, we offer the , FOLLOWING; PREMIUMS: w We will pay $25 to the person who furnishes the highest number of new, annual - C AS H Subscribers. The number ,must exceed 100. sl] to the next highest, 'which must exceed 50. $6 to the next highest, which number must exceed 25 ; and $3 to the next highest, which must exceed 15. The price of The Pilot, which is published weekly, is $1.50 per an num, in advance; but for the purpose of further increasing, the circulation, we offer the following inducements to persons who are not Subscribers. We will send Twenty cc pies of the Pilot to one address, and one to the getter up of ihe club, for $26. Ten in the 'same manner, for $l4, Fire in the same manner, for $B. Three in the same manner, for $5. This paper has the greatest amount of that can he found in any country week ly. Religious, . - Scientific, Literary subjects and the current topics of the . day are fully discussed in the Editpr. ial Department. . A faithful record of Local matter. is given ever week. This department is conducted by ono Who spares nip pains to collect news in regard to the events trp immediately around - us. Upwards rmf two columns of Locals may be ex pected every week. We have been promised some valuable assistance by gentlemen of talent. Our list of con. tributors, is rapidly increasing, We have frequent correspondence Irmo the Federal army. Letters are pub. lished almost weekly from qt).ier parts of the country. We haVe always stood up for the town and for old Antrim, and all we ask in return is a fair encouragement. No effort shall beSpared to make our paper useful, instructive and enter taining. se- Those of our friends who are compet ing for the premium . inducements offered by us, would do well to hand in their list of panto as early as possible. Even if a single name, we would prefer having it at once. Some are of the opinion that it is necessary to withhold their list until the end of the terin. This is not so. Every subscriber sent to us is placed to the account of the procurer thereof, and the person who basprocured for us the largest num ber of subscribers by the 4th of July, 1862 will be awarded the highest premium, etc Address, Asplenlid article New Orleans molasses oce 12 vents, RILEY & Co's. PERSONS wantinr Tinware, made of extra heal Tin, will save invney by calling at FOR 18 6 3 Per Annuls, In. Advance S A Good Opportntkity to Make Money CLUB TERMS. Ori(dual Matter J. W. M'CRORY, s , Greencastle, Franklin Co., Pa