GENERAL AND LOCAL MATTERS U. 8. GOVERNMENT. ?resident, Abraham Lincoln, Illinois. Vice-President, Hannibal Hamlin, Maine• Secretary of State, Wm. H. Seward, New York Attorney General, Edward Bates, Missouri. Secretary of Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, Ohio. Iseretary:of War, Edwin M. Stanton, Pennsylvania Secretary of Navy, Gideon G. Selies, Connecticut. Secretary of Interior, Caleb B.Smith, Indiana. Post-master General, Montgomery P. Blair, Md. Chief Justice of the U. S, Roger B. Taney, Mil. STATE GOVERNMFNT. Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, Centro. Secretary of State, Eli Slifer, Union. Attorney General, Win. M. Meredith, of Phila. Auditor General, Thomas Cochran, York; Surveyor General, Henry outlier, of Elk. Superintendent of Common Schools, Thomas 11. Bur- rows, Lancaster. . State Treasurer, Henry D. More, Philadelphia. Judge:l.a the Supreme Court-LChief Justice--:-WM;' B. Lowrie ; John. M. Read, J. M. Strong, , Tames Thompson, G. W. Woodward. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge, James Nill.' • Aesociati Jtidges, John Orr; J.' 0. Cai•son. District Attorney, George S. Eyster. ' ' • Prothonotary, A. D. Canrman. • • keiister and Recorder, E. C. Boyd. Clerk of the Courts, W. G. High Sheriff, 'William .111'Grath - ' • Deputy Sheriffs, F. Zarman and T. J. 0." M' Grath, County ommissionere, T. A. Eyster," J. D. Scott, Clerk for County Commissioners. George Forenian: ' DirectorS of theroor,'.l. L. Latslurw,- Jacob trickier, ' David p enter. Attorney and Cloth for the Directais, S. Strickler etewatt Of the Noillonio:'..tohn"Botatnati."-' ' • BOROUGA OFFICERS. " Burgesa.../ohn Rowe. Jr ' Town Councilmen, J It Riley; J R Smith, ; ,1 - 4; Shank,. row and A tr Haus Nigh Constable, George Gaff Water Mester. George Poizinger Wood 'Measurer, J Wilson Barr Clerk 'of Corporation, William A Reid SCHOOL DIRECTORS David Detrieh, (President), J. a 21 - 1 Lanaha7i, (Sec retary), Daniel Kohler, ,(Treasurer), S Gordon, W W Fleming, J H Riley, I 4 Haus. CHURCHES Herman Reformed Clitirch"' Eak Baltimore Street, Rev. T. a Apple, Pastor. Services'every"Sabbath morning at 101 o'cloCk. Prayer meeting every Thee day evening. SabbatlfBphool in the morning. " Lutheran Church, mimic' of North 'and East ste, Rev. Edward Bridenbatigh; Pastor. Seridoes everf Sunday at 10 o'clock. Prayer - nicking every Wed nesday evening. 'Sitlab,ath Schiol at 8 o'elock,a. ni• Presbyterian Church, West . Baltimore 3t'' Rev. Wm. T. Beatty, Pastor. Services' the first thrie Sabbaths in every 'inontli,' it 'll 'eclOck, "a: ' Prayer meting every Thursday evening. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock, p. m.. M. E. Chtirch, South Carlisle street. Rev S. M. Harteock. Pastor in chute. Services in thfi'dveti ihg of, the Ist and 31" Sabbaths of each month, 'and ! in the morning of the 2d and 4th Sabbatl. Sab; bath school at 2 o'clock. "'Prayer meeting every Thursday'evenin... IL B. Church, East street.: Rev.'Alex.' Triptier, Pastor iii charge. Services' in the morning' of `the let and 3d Sabbaths of each month, and in the even Ing of-the 2d and 4th Sabbath 4: "Sathith"selibbl at; 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing. professional taros.— .Q NIVELY STRICKLER ,Att'y at Law,' Chambersburg, Pa., will attend Tromptly to all professional business entrusted to his ,care. ()trice at his residence, on arket street, one door East of; the Diamond. gir Ile will attend .to legal busi-' nese in adjoining counties. may 14, '6l 11R. R. B. IiAMILL- 7 Resident Dentist L —would respectfully announce to the citizens or Greencastle and vicinity, that he, has located, permanently, in.their midst, for.the practice pf his profession. Having been very, extensively..,and, suceessfully engaged in tl:4 practi:ie for the ; last night years, in Mircersburg, he flatters himself,} from-his long experience in the profession, that hp will .be able to, please ail that wilt , favor him with their patronage. Whole or parts of sets. of Teeth,, mounted on Gold,Silver or Plat ina plate, with Blocks or Single Gum Teeth, either on the ,atmospheric principle or otherwise. De:....yed Teeth permanent ly saved by filling with pure Gold. Strict attention paid to all diseases of the Teeth and Gums to the correcting of irregularity of children's teeth ; teeth and roots extracted with all the ease and dis patch that modern science can afford. All opera tions warranted to please or no charge.. Charges moderate. and to suit the times ; advice gratis.— Call and have your Teeth examined.- Persons will be waited on at their residences, eitherin,the town or country, when desired. Persons will also be waited on in Chambersburg as formerly. by. address sing a note to the subscriber, tic Greencastle. mar Office and residence -on East Baltimore tit.; in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Gardner, deo'd. . RSPB fiIINCES :—Rev. Thos. Creigh, D. D. ; Drs. R. Negly, W. R. Smith, R. S. Brownson, J. L. King, Mercersburg, and Dr. Joseph Heister, Mill.; mont. . De Persons will please notice that I will be ab sent one week in each month, commencing with the Ist Monday of the month. apr24,'6o4y. fIENTISTRY:-Dr. H. R FETTER HOFF, Surgeon Dentist Alta Office; in his Picture Gallery, on West Baltimore street, and nearly opposite Holler's Hotel, (up stairs); Greencastle, Pa. Greencastle, Jan. 28, - Till. H. G. CHRITZMELN 'respectfully, ten .ls ders his professional services as Physician.and Surgeon. to the citizens of Greencastle and vicinity. gfir Girlie at the residence of Rev. J. Rebaugh; South Carlisle street. . Greencastle, Dec. 23, 1862. CLARK'S S,CH.OOL VISITORLH 1T01,k11., A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. • The VisITOR will commence its seventh volume with dhe Jnonary No., 1863. This is the only Day" School Periodical published at . . FIFTY CENTS, A YEAR!. Magazine Magazine form. Beautifully illustrated. Readings. Music, Speeches, Dialogues, Stories, Puzzles, &c., lc.. from the very best. writers. The VISITOR has the largest circulation of any ,Rdocational Journal published. Now is the time to form clubs for Winter Schools. Sand for a specimen, and see inducement to clubs. , Address • DAUGIIADAY & lIAMAIOND, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT E. 4 3 1 a/5 eo a ° a l S CREENCASTLE, PA . To-the citizens of isT.',Tersey & 'Pennsylvania Apothecaries, Druggists;-Grocers apa Private •Pamilies. - • 4 k . . IVolfe's Pure,C9gnac. Braiidy. A " 11 7 We's Pure illederia, Sherry cud,Port lfrau Wolfe's Pure Jamaicai and -.Se' Gratxßuly4 B r aVe'S hire' gateh and f 'o' .4.- .' ALL IN BOTTL 1 85. 4 ' IBEG leave to call the atteltion of the citizens of the Rtates. i to the „tiboy . 4 tnes liquors, ,ino 7 , piked, VlJimixtia Wor T .rt, ch , N4w7Prork,s 4 whote n t alne is familiarin every part of, thisoeountry fortht purl .typhseelpbrat&SpipDrglNAlA., MrAolft l l elettir taMe speaking' tf t V e 4 llPyfhis Wines. dial Liquors, ;Says will stake my- reputa tion as a man, my standing 'astamterchant of..thlrty years' residence in. the -city. Of New York;-thaLalLt he Brandy and... Wines Which b bottle ,are pure •itn ported; andt'of ,, the.bestAuality, I con .be reliedtrop 'on .by every purchaser." Every bottle has the pro prietoes name ion the:wax, and , , a , fac simile,of his siguaturemn the certificate-, The.public are respeckt fully invited to call:and examine for othemsel,ves.,- For sale at Retail , by all A pothecariel3 and Grocers in Philadelphia o , ASHT'ON,Trs Nc,B3,2,,Marketust.',, Sole Agent for.tehiladelldilo,,, Read: IshO following from , ..tbe New, York Courier': Enormous . Business —goo 'York 31hr chant, -4, We are happy-to inform: our fellow citizens thatothere is on eplace in our pi ty wherp the.physician, It:petite-. cam bond country, ,merchant, can go.:and .purchase pure Wines• and.Liq'uors,- as purells imported: and of theibest - iputilty. -We, do not,: intend. to. giovelaU elaborate description-of ithis aterchant'a s extensive business, although it willtwell • repay:any:stranger or citizens ~ t o misit 'llintitorno l's: extensive ware.: house, Nos. 18, 20. and. 22, Beaver st 4 and N05.,47; 19 and 2l ; Marketfield st. , His stock,of Schnappsmn h and ready for shipment could not have beemlessothan thirty thousand.cases the Brandy, some lent.holls and cases-yintages of 1836 to, 1 a rkdjenaous aud caseS.pfModeira, l berri,ani gor elTiik§e44qh anti.lrish Whisky dantaie a, and Au.. setup very old and equal, to any„in this efißtary..,, had three large cellars, filled with brandy, iii cask's.' under Customlllouse key, t rifiidy'for bot tling. Mr. , , Wolfe's `sale's'. of 'Rclinappi'lai'V Yetrr amounted to one hundred:and eighty thetipind'llltzen, and we hope in less thantwo, years'lM: May beegitat ly sudceSSfhl with the'Brandies iincrWin L e`S;' ' His blisineeS merit the paironake'lif Werkldter of his sPecieS: Vrivate families' who woliti Ptfre'Wifies and - Liqn'ori foior'medialA . se should S67l'll'l ei direct to Mr. Wolfe; until every Apothem - N.3; in fife land Make 'tip ^ tio minds` to 'disCard 'the Pbii3titi3s stuff from Their shelves, 'and'rephidiie'ivith Wolfefs Finn "Wines qud Liquors. Ts • lye under` I .llr.'WeW r.d, 'the. iicearfiliddatroit of srnitill deifferS in 'fife - Cosintry, puts'h itsSOrted cases cif Vines and Liciti Ors: - Such Alan, and Sn'elt winercharii,"sheilld sustained against tVrig. t Wel United *Slat bs';'Wlfe health and happiness. 11; d MIME '' '` OFFI at; 'OF ,JAY COOKE;''' ''" ... ? I I-1.1 ~,, s ti i IsP 4FQNA( V EN7., At Jay Cooke„,,Rs 'Co., Bankers;,. , 114 SOuth TlziAl Stre , t, ' . I. r Philidelphis,'Nove,mber, 1,1'8(12 TILE undersigned having been appoinked. SUE .SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary oktlie Treasury, is nowjtrepared tq furnish, at once„the New Twenty Year 6 Per Cent. Bonds. orthe United Stet es,Vsigtfat ed ai 1 . , citie 1 s, " edeemable at the pleasure of the Goierninetft; 'after five'years, 'mid tiuthoriiNfliy AcL of 'llod'grds4 t , ap proved February 1 2:5,1 8112: 1 '$ : "' I. " " "" 11 The COUPON BONDS are issued in'itilits Orsls 1), $100" $560. $1600: ' "I ' " Wi.' I ' S' Vir' TI/YrCtdre'rEft ' BOND l 3 2s lll 4l S6ljll3' orsso; $4011,1 $500,51000, .3000. V DV'," • •A ' t i interest at Six peecent."Ver annum Niill i dOM'm — en' c.el roin date of Orel:ace, tinceth ' ' ' ~, .1.. , t %.,4.,, i 10 , „ i PAYABLE IT ,GOLD: Semi-Annually, which is equal, at th&preaenttpre-f mium on gold, to aboutteight per cent. , per Annum.l Farmers, Merchants, •M'echanicsr Capitalists nand all who have any money to invest, ,, ahouldtatinw and remember that these Bonds , are, in effect, a ,FIRST , MORTGAGE upon all 'Railroads,' Canals„ Bank, Stocks and , Securities, and the immense, aroductarof , all the Manufactures, 6T.. in the country: , and,t f hat l the full and ,, ample ; provision t made fon khe payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Gus-1 toms Duties, Excise cramps .and Wernal4Rsvenue, l , serves to make'these Bonds the ~ ,fn vt, i , t Best, Holt Adailable and 'NM Pbyttlar'"levestniefit f -in the,..ifarket. Snbscription received at FAR in,Legal 'Tendert Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par iti Ph'il adelpliia. Subscribers by mail' will receivl, prompt! attention, And every' fccilty and 'exiiltinatiain will ltei affcrded`on application at this - otfic'e. '# , ' ' A full supply of Bonds, will he kept 'on inin'a , far, immediate delivery: JAY COKE, , I Nov. 18-3 m. ' ' ,Slll)4c4tietf"'AAent: WELL DO WELL BY'(; Fii`Tll.l6 THEIR 6- RAI N' Dit ILLS • . . „RR Q.m. „• KELLER' PLIUMV lst.—Tll6 , are built 'tinder "the Care ,of Me 'old a nd experienced Drill bitilde,tindei velibse,ca;e they have alw4s been built hei-ei:ofor'e 2.(l.—As - we are the only lien who 'are blinding Keller's Guano Driil, and the Plain Drill, in Green castle. 3d.=As - our Plain' Drills binit . this 'Season can he changed to Guano Diitis, cheaper than any other men's mike. "4th:=As our Plain Drills have some good improve ments this season, which will he patented by Joh - n F: Keller.' 1 r . sth.—A& Grain Drills that come from Greencastle° this season, and have not KELLER'S .name upon: the Mill, nre'net built under' the care of the r old!, atuFexperienced r rs ge All persons who want th e genuine GREEN-: CASTLE GRAINI3RILLS will please send: their to SELLER & PLUM; .Greeri castle; Pa. Persons will firithour Shop squares smith of the Diamond, on Railroad street. . • 'KELLER & PLUM, - • May 20, '62. Greencastle, Franklin Co., Pa.• A GENTS wanted to sell Cary's Patent ti Cap and Breast . Lanteen.! To 'those furnish; ing satisfactory references, ,salaryf:and expenses will be paid. 'The arable is ,needed by every.farmer and mechanic in ,the,,.ooun.try,and will meet with ready sal e. For particulars Address J , C CARY; Patentee :fan 17,'60-4t. 81 Nassua Street. 4 , SALE BILLS PRINTED HERE, NEATLAIIIID CHEAP THE PILOT : -- GI;LENCASTLE, FRANKLIN CO., PA., A 1- 3 1L11., r,21, •o#llool wet. ; "Wrfe r Zei 20 /1141 0 23 •46:?)tot___ A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIUR Eng, 4Nri INYICDRATING, CORDIAL FARMERS Lyotels: ,ARCH STREET, • ABOVE PitILADELPHIA. —:o: ,LIPTON . S. NEWCOMER, iToprietor.. „This llotiel,is central. convenient by Passen ger Cars to all parts of the city, anti in every par ticular adapted_ to the comfort and wants of the busines'a . public. tERMS'tI.SO PER DAY. ' g6ii October 22, 1 -y. , • ' t'O - tTON HOUSE; [I ;: ATE UNION HoTET..] ` 6- IYrt i Olailli§turg, Fenn% :JAC:4pkeIIIcI4O:CtILD, PieuPittlE,TOß. I30:11-491-s inlen bylhe chly, week or month. 18 - 61-tt"' ft; • • ..• tiop . tritili 1 g IPi I.Oc ,,S.C,HAE,RHIT;t WUND ER L 10)1 Forw~arcl,iug E ßr CornAi.W.O.n 111reha,,rt i S, Soullm'acr,..sie Streff,,; tarstqcastic o . ) RIIE-silbscribers are sio.W.prepared,, at, theirinew and qqrp,modiouek.,WQ.Te,llpusp,to.-receive and fo,r,warcl, to, and fro , Rh iladel p and Btim o all ofsrodude til t erchandlie entrusted to • car nt glfe 'invest rate s, %nit with' spate , and respectfully solicit a liberal share of patroria`go; N. B.—All , goods left at the depot of Peacock, • If ineinuao , Nos, 81 1 81QU 810, Ibirket S4reet, • 411411 - MVAtitii,lat.h4ol4Vpviaffer, No. 128, North llowafd Street. Baltimore. INld., shall be forwarded 10jilt, dispa) eh All goods should he marked. oro,,,ok.S . ohitchirt,. Wunderlich & Co They will keepConstantly ot on hand and for sale the sy• 11.. , ;7 h 01 , 11 .1 celebro,te , c i l, • 1 " ''t p.l lVE4 ': lti*Ql{ ° 4, 4 1V.1 , ~..: 4 111 • (direct'frow mines,) W ilke,sharle and Pint Grove Foundry,Cotili Saft„Plasier and. Hancock Cement, all orWhicll 3, they'will ell t diltqtp for cash They will always the\ itigliet market price in Crislivfor , •trt. :no•-sit 'or 4 , 1 a rO , II it=s WHEAT, RYE, 'O`NTS ". CORN' AND' PtII3UR• SCITAFHIRT. WUNDEIiLICII & CO. Feb7'6o-ly ' -***' •"" 0. .1017 14 . -0, Forwarding and COnimissioff illerchanrZ, On Nara Carlisle and' ltroNli sls. , I:reencestle. Pa. • sul;itAt Ql•Pno•S l Telialtedißt their new ,111. 3 4Virfilouse, to receive and forward t9,l9:4,frin Philailelpnia and Baltimore. all kinds of 'produce and mereliabille, wiOt dispatch,:inif TCte LoWESI POSSIBLE liArasyrand respedfitilly r blicit. a share of patronage. AIL , godds.deftAtit ). the depot of W. E. Burk, No, 812, Market Street.. Philadelphia, or Kueller N„or.lllStreej,,,guiptinore, Md., 'W'lllibedirfard6ll 111. 1 .-icvlehl. 4.• The highest market price will he-Paidcfor.ft-,0,1%, " I Flour, Wheat, Rye,• dhri; , "and. 'dOrn. foa.„. All goods should .j?i ejoarkedin care of C W. Eyster & Co. Apr 24,4,10 ly. A o•ent'at'Greencastle. CLOTHING Ibß r 'TilE MILLION! HAUS4 O .6e,taI3RADLEY - Ftetrast received a nnv and elegant stock of ~•:iilianl4l;i p qa4 tf• for Men iad Bap' wear, consisting ?ti-isiottdf BLACK FRENCH 4 CtOTASI i n • of the best...i t t...Lit,e4l....tmly ClotlL§, 'eholce selec tion of Sian hieffi rp Cassi mere, ;lash m Cottvifeant stuff. 44h1f14,f.r,* '. &19 " 1iPgl. Gents' Furnishing Goode . .V.eßeewerlß2§ , boob at'sh'oil l nO • tide. • oneNto .fixwdi%Kwinkgpn.tirgelkikyttl. eajArD4A taken inneht.4iyloili ' drMailortillcaiWnde up sub stantially ind neat t lPlPlrVoils , wishing to get any 31 . her tailorito . tmsikestip.ilitir'.gopds: l chembuy tnem from us, as cuolp auilAsz2asonable as at any other a. 'slippent coury, 4 1 nattira tre eat 11 43. 3F l LEalske tar y reivirA. fa k (Ala or short thme lo.pronipt paying customers. 1 , 1 1: 7:4 k;ItAL'LEY' .„.. p , 4 ni „.... l*lal4l t0f9. 4 ,1t rii E iir tia' fp At , and 't di re ' ' ' Ire prepzi!..g,t9 lijrf., A.11.1 4 1,,,tir1i,,,,, 1 . „.,„,.. 4 , ~,,,„,, lIOR SE S,. BUG GI,h:S ante IVA G OATS. Gooilt:Drivers furoisilechwhoo dobiz.a., .T ernko 1 for hire r , Gtr.siiL4 .tioti r. on., ..- r st., , -, h .11..,8r,8..- ts Greeneastle,April 29; 4862.;., r - t i,, , et 4 p. ~;:,, t.. Keep Look Out Stift • * "MR t '"la'. •.rr* tit - GEORGE A. BERT'S M37,i7 56:fs o llsatellgyz orzT East. Balliare"Crregfrtirreekid.34l"6l.4 of A. L. Irwin Sons liardware Store fleetfd X lire; e i ; VA . BII . 4 4 14* tamin g ,p, 1 111.4r kigtrimatl oh,R lAC ge!'nr4ly t , tha he has oppneCalnear,.Popt,Anet, Aoe Shop, in the, rpom ,fOrmerly occupied by John Beit,, whore ,he will ;le ~ preparetli n t t4l manut+eture,Lott4',, gin Oenkens; BoYA Bo9t AgcliSti Yes). 4 L iltArt , St tint the,, most, roisonable terpn. O A F* c0n15i.,94 bts Aork i will giro SltAsficciop. crygencagge , APIA% 3.; ar e New, It emediqs , for, Sp4Ematorclicpk,.,l FIOWATRD OCIATION,' PHILA. '' , DETIPEHAIJOI3e.tievoIent qnstitutiontnstabligh- OF by epeoitil'eridowment,-for thcßelief od the - Sick nittl , DiStressed, , lifilittett With,virulent and 'Epidemic DiSeaSes. and esriccially fortthe Cure rof , 4Disease.snof Clfe Sexulll. Organs. .01#. w '''Wredidalth'dvice'given-gratist ity the Actitil,n,Surge -In, 'llnlttabre ItepOrts on Spermatorrhcemf antlirrith er Diseases' of , thee Sexua - Organs! awl &on the- NEW IMMEDIES , itnployed , 'in tthe- spensary; sent An 'sealed letter envelope - a, free of charge! Two or three s'ta'mps for 'posfitge itOceptable.'. l 4'l"/ 4-: Address. Dr. J. SKI LLI N HOUGHTON; Acting Surgeon. Ildward rAssoeiation;'No. , 2l South *Ninth Street., Philidelphin. By.order of the Direct Ors. • JEZE A D. - HEART WELL. , l'regt:. GEO: FAIRGITILD, ,, Seey [Man 21, e?6l. IVOTICE"--•—qt. 'long timeT.having ,norr,,elapsed since the diesolution of Ike: firm of "BONNER ..t:ltrellOßY., , and, many. cleims •for Stencriptidn and` Advettisingistill retnaini n paid;,the.suryiv ing partner, desiroue- to settle -finally;Wit the,Ail miniserat or , of' 8.•., 13..Bonn'er ; dee'd o has:deierming'd to lenve - sthet books of the ,firm with Justice ,Rowe that. the accounts .clue the finr...maY be placed in cotifee bf . ' collection, by law .afier -the ' , first .day `of January Ilext, , unless sooneropaicl.-,. .L.. .s JAMBS W. )11'CRORY„, Surviiingpartnernof the firna,of Bonner & MlCrory. April4,4BGlrl:r" • 4 LLB kinds.of Stoves can be purcbasedAtAbe- es fablishment of - t; , , • 41 , 41..i8ra68 : Kettles, Pf. 2 .l l .sizes,Jsr C sale cheap, at Sofa and Furniture Ware fo oms, , Nov. 25 and 27 North ,Gvy Street, (NEAR FAYETTE STBEET,) - • Extending from Gny to Prelim-3A street, inir 'Mot ex celled in the Union. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of every a. variety of HOUSEHOLD' A.ND , OPPICE a'i • Furniture, embracing Bureaus, Sofai,' - a - s r sorTedgeoloffr of Cotta f :ge . I'arniture, Bidsteaok, l'ett-a-Teles,tjetties, lrasGtands, ardrobhi, Arm: lrobif,' - Office, Wockniff, and Barber Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tabelei, Sideboards, Spina Beds, Mattresses of .11ask,!Cattan aizil'lfair; Re eaptrairand t,)?holsie4d ClihrtsCribs 2t'tiCt' tensinn.Tables of eseiy'rertalkt- ' -t o' 4 "111 s'o 4kr: Perspas disposed to purchase are invited to calVand 'give our4bck e.,,iminatiOrr,:villich; for vai.fety and 'co:6ll'l3- 1 6f 'w•prlerniibship, cabnot. be ea= celled by any,esta4lishment In'tbe'cOUntry . :'" r """ ItIATIIIOt SONN Nos. 25 and 27 North Gay street, - ' , jan."2.9;18611y. 41.1,AiBitilliabffer,.040: I ~" - 4 , 1 414 i, i...4.100. , 15 A tiApi .I,§l , t i )10,31E 4:Qu ,•, , t • N.ll SERI,7i,NA Yr /,I,3ftsz., ..- 1 4.. i 1,4,t 4,.... - 7 - ( - .7r..,t,Ati•Ji I4rto itti--tt•-• ,. ••4 ~,^a -tr. avom.ts.vtotiirdi4,„xe,ttgr,. „,,,., , '4' YlFif tierieN T of tliiitWitrt ty"eiVettitttedofntnilY /1_ 'ne*iptip . dr, ',Will' IS'e • rco'hlnteitced ton 41,ktett fifell day 'Of' JantfirrV ' rieit-Lprintbd 'on fitce'ep'aptr quid fie W tffe. • 'rWitli - llfe"J'awittirSfnliftftteletvill'utitgin ihefptililibktfolt 61 IV StrileS ''Uf'bbfultiful' bilginal works' Of fact aii d•fictioli, . Writ tetitalirdtsslYrfor the (Ma.Th te ilibil, by tile beaLlitutti l drs of Ainericie4 `rite' first of Allele'is,froaith,BO ftielleten ik a well known yd hi ghlyttfteiT tfiftlfdrrettld i2t•tt:poteeryul ty•t i vt-itien . . itartilini, `injdittli j OU.. and do?fiiy In tHe'siin history of courts/op and ma cried life. - This charr. t in stot'Y - wilt be"sliccbd4(l l liSPltiliVi' of lielliiiiid• AC fCitili'liOn; `ee'veiftroVirllkh 41.46 faintly in pfee'll,r- Ittiort.' All'ille,Oimtr ge t eillitir huhu-OW Ofetlie pa' Ar, vtibii ItiNe giVen it' Vw4tlV-coil d "ieillitat ler, wiir4se l Bo *Ailed, trlliirt i li VI etittrliiiise t o" onaNCi'll ttltl„itifitlite variety to its Already ilivetsi'fi'ill pkitett titoops:;llArg l 44,6 a utimivi , VetteNif:lgti6y.-Mis ing,, original sket'clie's:4vicith smack aiia;rl3ll§ll'bf the wit, humor, raciness brillialfey',"Altd sintikre of the times. As ile,•reloftlo , n ik la4 4 l r.PT I x O n 'f w* I . 1 - ', spared to maintainthe 1411 4g - nt 4,41 6 4 e 4,oc.r.i4ti4:'shict I's eiery Wll 1r e, golhs tll o e I And ftbrilittl',..ap4,nowle'4,ge , tl'''to"lie'fsV;th'olq' c retitittil tcnif 'elezaiii ,eßeltOl7'of lirerA'Aiire shy t weiA.t.t.6 ti;is's - iird 61 1 Ile %.eaanti cite iIgiLITIO cheapest ni s iiriTy Yf ,ne4lßAppj . , i r ti . Vie 1%04141. , ",;:As po tgo • if nples Of 0 eu4,w ivie...e 15311 1 ,1 e; ,plini etl Iltlin' r r t ritrilered. those who desire to bg:44l,,tr AIN lite, T etnimeneeTeNit * of; J .I t 2 ,y 0.„ 51. .4typ 4 j p A ,b,l S t.1.,2 . i . A llivl y f&zlttr, d t„ifiF, g thelieib.ptiolw"fh gut id:*-4,T E ; 4• M . 11!U19Ci" 44 ;vt,ar? f,,i,eioi; —or ,of t e. e l op3r j for three years, SSI:TOr at 67k11) of of seven copies, ,$10; for a club of fifteen copies, $2O; nd at that rate for a larrierel itb—alwa sin ad ` k $.13/311. Itt i 9)l,99Af r ress ) , A. Editors and Proprietors:A 07 Fallon St., N. Y. 1 a 1 '0 1 : . V . ItUrfAINGON°S* 1 ' 416 g Th'd RAW. Filmil l y. .1-ewspaipen, 1.1411.5 T li li.N '4 V 4: 1 , 4 4N - ' SYLV A, a e 4 ul •n,ocr ' tilion ' eeti in Pi -gb. S IS L 4. It It contains all the currant. news news of the day, relia 'MO 'A rtiniiiiitY," FA' ic tenAtf C ththi eiOiff 1 Vbfbrem.' tiedi a choice selectilin oP73ties, l l'4leffroLirerxrpiCutlfSci-1 en c a t kir vit yw t 6, l ltiat i r s u a lon l AtriWitMia Newar.l%.l l 111 I Also— The Latest ne.Welegraphic _Yews. ; Embr,mitn't Oren:Amportant. item of ,Alionf g .. poreigul and Ir;toqa4o;,,Cong•ressional lutelligvnee .I.egisla- i k, , %Pat; iii&S,tSie . viait 1. ac: TER!NIS, "PEW ANis.ITINI for - a ii nk 0 le l col t ik , or 11: 1 4°ta " 1 "c 'ecipal for one year far $10:"' 4 par. Atttfrea'A JAMES P.I3'APoR: I ANA Oar) TX; ' .. dit .qe l V l i lPi r . e ' t c l i `l ! X , _corner, Fifth and °oil . a., T trash iirgli, Pa. ' 4 'j. Spijd\rotNAZ e'y • brielii I %Veil*" frisk ..lrfailt 'NMI I D FtWilOtkt S IY4S 4 , .. QUARTERLY 'MIRROR , of PASU IONS; crati l a tt , thip;i43 v 4 rn ,‘‘ TlrE'Shiffifteitrikti l tilie t t"whi . contsiii‘ four. 'kite anil i splendid Fashidn -plaths,ithnee , du/1.-aized i terns, comprising the New French Waist:, an Elegant: Sletel alp arasqriack, teQher k prititia ells 100 E 11 , 111,Aita of 11Ell elf Jr.A.;;;;. , —(1.1 .- 4.ltffurtlizti- 4 fpefa, tuts:gat urtble tpforo . : or] tvto'Nliffn pri„Vr ghker4.'l\loth-; erg anlllMilig'genetVilyl'Preggiting the largeht andi Vegi PR3liibu s,Pa`gaVitil in the "tWbrld> Pub] fsh eat 473, BrasitlwaY, , anri seht every,where,.a.t.2s.ceut,s; ovsent' free ; oti , t;cceiptAf,titte amount, yearly? Si with tit l e t roll ( l oving ,valto . l", premium.. \ • Each yearl SitbsCriber 111* eiltitied 'to rhe se !Gioia% !of elltiefrorth DI pi aitheratt asioln , instlge )fiolc,+or frtftsthe SlieNtr&A s 1111Ey mit M be ordered and sent by mail any time oi during, raa.fitlstne. Ifijorpn "m en tsto a g thpip nnsstil•s. rffmtlf numeMirebe'TeadY on orAtho n ptathe i rikst Alay ak AictiA .1, I L :14 - 71 it A 94. 1 61 1 1 1 .ki j EkTiRV!AEFFM -..) #l, , ! GREENCI ST LE AND W AYN ESB 9RO'. TIIIIE unclersigaid.wlifigliiiWctfully announce to „.... and pu ll i n iit k. „, Ix Large and compoalous i bmilibul is run Bail between adtcastle and Waynesboro' Illy him, ng Wa. d g. boro' i , morni , 1 Teachin reencast. - due tim. ft übe la tr *.astwartl ~ and . g Greeneastityou the arrivAbtethe i train from the East; returning to Waynesboro' on the same day. $ IP ' • A• ) - . I lliiiii Om ibES I r e V for 014 afar. S ' nn^t ip, 5 , ... tAG promises no amAvut De snarea t sec re; comfort attepafety to all who luny, eiecouriee thi4 diri,e. . -.0. , `‘ SNIAIJEL. PC. STONAR. ~,Qreexicastle, August 14, 1880:-tf. _,,, , ,• - . Pr- .eO.NVS"EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS; . I.Pn' t.,11)%4 k . i „k J o o4ltihe..-fs? rpe b. l.lw,htt v c era, serAd voq. t. p * lt is the product of a sunp e "sh -mless remedy unequalled? IV Fo; Sett , 'Otte, IStThfeser; 'Dantei4ar,-.l.4fraine, heuifia Hs*, Ulcer#, , Old Sores and"' lfininde,oit itoefin'equat 'lt 'hi - also used, Wittig - teat - sleeei3s; for' Testi/fiche; Hecr - dcah's - , 1 iVrettralgia,'Wore T hrblet; Colic Piturriura,lfogrfencss, arid other similar trouhlei . some ,ancl A:painful affeetious t urix A fe it ; grpriity ar- Fests all liemortylvef. uvdrOpof physicians, use it daili in their practice; - and t #ive it at* uniAncli -fled recommendation. Sol d .l3y oite kgelits find 'tibia. tdtlit Jr! ers, a y CO.; *-1 44 I F. HUMPHREYS - 85 qQ., * 56 Broadwlty, t,. .4.2 E PIUIP,I,II£TORES , 4.ND NANUIACTVBEREL e .14 May - 8 ; — .60 ) If. READ 4 READ! READ The Great Family NewsPaPert THE PILOT, FOR 4L4l' ~C. .. ...5: .• ,~ .:'}"7 al* TWENTY; p'o.Lumlts 0 ! MATTERREADING FOR` I= Olga, .D,o - tii i 4R.„..A,Np,, FIFTY CENTS, Per Annum, in Advance comma - PILO - T -‘ ' ; • Is Neat' in :Politics , anciiiittligioia, arid tildirtidbot on all other subjects, It t ig l Lag t b1tit1.16.741:1 ed 1;.W . .t. , THE PAPER FOR THE 11113LIC oksitriVb - itkmop! vi , id 'kdoilirs2llsitsinOLDr. It will -con on the mist' important CA./(47 A • - Foreign, War, Local andG ene r a ll News hi+l44:A e 142.1 D. va 41 r - zny. .str4e,i 1 1 5'4 „ P ROEII isu s • vor +. 4 Good lOppartinntil tbt tilalde