THE PILOT IR TURLISHED EVEY TUESDAY MORNING BY JAMES W. M'CRORY, (North West Corner of Me Public Square,) t t the following rates, from which there will be no deviation: . Ingle subscription, in advance $1.50 ikhin six months 1.75 Within twelve months 2.00 ,• No paper will be discontinued unless at • the eption tit the Publishers, until all arrearages are paid.: 0' No subscriptions will be taken fora less period • n six months. . , , . s. d 4, c tect pqtrb,, if WHY SHOULD 'WE MOURN!' Why should we m our n ? the loved one sleeps In sweet eternal 'rest, .• Where Howells of lieitlify'ellent.'Weep Above berldtgy Krehe t t' 1 ' Where stermsmol More- shall rage around, v t-4 Or Bin or sorrow come; ,• e ••, I+7 I V • Where, peace, kwelt Pf4l qFlke if. foPti d 7 r The grave, ,her " earthly,,home. 1 ' 11 i 'Tis end to,,riesr the Isolly opot , t , . 1 , Where bending willows wave, ' Where 'peeps Our lilt)l one of earth 4 1 1 within theAstici4nne gre "" ►i f "" 04 3 Yet sweetly abaci •nv illy And guard that sPotiwitlithearenly,ldve i , ', ob And d'er it weep a tear. ,- ft; ''. -IA ~ L ~ . *1 nit .., But on, my child,. yet, calash thou know , f,, , The tears that 4110 r thee.. „t —.fit t,...i ' How deep , the glqorn l atern trtdit t , ,,throw , ,a, ~., , Around th,y loss and me. Canst hear tViitile ehildroi l eall l Thy naine r ai'COmes t fitiiv i thi'r'l' '7' i "..1411.) 1 1 Host vier mir tears of4Orrewlall (1 'lltultt. 1. In thy brightthomeln, ifilftVetai 1 ii i , , t 1 ' .-, • ' b . But no—'tia vainthoweinetAlcit hew r.• Death lies,between int•new; yxy r „ 1 .. ;; .. , The grave is lying cold anti drear, , Deathisssamich But yet agaip tbosp ezepeutipAnh t Thy voice wake from the dust, '' And imniortality bethine;' --1 Amid the pUre. sad %juit Then mourn ;to more—.the . loved•oue,tileeptt e , From sin and sorrow free . Bright angels guerdiker lomb, why weep? For'an angel pUre And When a Pe* Thoth' suns *hill id4e; .7 A few more drisltsit I We'll meet her as we tread, the skies, . And par ted be ao4Tote, (Ftwob'''.9tovn • • I st 1 41 . t:,lf ;I,xtf - CAN you.A.FEoßrrr? ,7 7 . 1 7 h not) wr:r, B T. rY• Airs`Wi l Y4,r, s fi , nrrrlar rr,rl 1 , a3't '• I. 2 t J'A• he question was nnswereg by a look . of 19- , q won ipet.t V14( 0 .1F)1 7:14 'Afford it'? an i ng. )41.1 , 11511311 free 4 iuiled she responded in thAqiiery. "Can rift afford thetipoisessiiia Ofisbokoitly , ormiu d t ar 11'10 •.. ••' "Still in the, litrk," Bahl . the San g n th whom she was .covecsing. "Costly ?" liEx petisite if tird 'beck? , 1 1 1 H61145/ , - I timid havelifd b elp;Olitiii:' I Th'e dfigitieridit . . , . 44-.1. ~,, ~• ~,,, ,,,,,, ,, ..liara• ea akooala tbe amen, tor tne article is the in our 41. , ,,aa a ;14- ~ , t . , r4, , at are ...woo r rket. It is the expense o f %minuend all ~,,,, ..a. , ta r ot iv swards that shosidAhe.talren into eonsidera „ . a.. 'Ali) .161,1¢W"..1R littiff.o yftet • dow ,rh lo ..ItWo ! I A h 1” . Liilit klititiett tipiiii" t h e young [usu . ! I perceptions: ...:' .'' " 41 I.t-sr.l ~,,., 4 14. , ,, , .. a ,4.,,f,, , 3 tri , T f , 1,., i You apprehend me 7" I A. 4 'Not clearly." . "I plain words z thed'redtrj yen afford to titke Araminta Brown fur a 4ii ° 7 4 "I ' 'Why 'not ?" . ,i/ . 1 Have you counted the cost t II believe N No." y idd'Yeit elitnitate; 'Mints DOniti ' 4 .111 • • kme officrou; or ever•curtd,ha. rin d,,as yon are aware • and olti.,true friends! tchNheir privilege sotnetiineaoThcp more than •nenuilyminterested, us I do now. ''ve made tio igt ?" 1 " . ? 2 ' °i " ) `' one, • 1,4 3 1; *di A.h +. I'm glad of thatt,,ws , 4,6m4,oxt TC rom the field,without.dishenong! 4- • iptitetire I no thought ohretiring,4fra.' rdy." - b.0ri0414 A prudent soldier will — retriertiiidlaWhis ,es for successful 'encounter rntngiliert e sees the Oda too strongly ngaitmc Still enimatioak. Atn.L.pressing forward tq Olangerous a ednftrdffli Ll , b4i; A 4 4 1 n any judgMine YOU ate." m'''uzzled laho encounter, Thomps,tow.hieb I,.referi4 sw world's battle... Marriage makes or inar Itt men ; and I thictlc tI have 'studied your itacter blosely enough `fdte ishtisfied thatit makeor'mar yod tdoll—gt bundle of uselesp ii i kompliibments fr. vain, sitAW-gic , l7 - ,a dainty butterfly in,,tbe Irld of fashion—but a woman for awjfes. • be all verrptekdilbt to - dance and fliqi to t • (3 , the gee- i pile tu pale tnoOnlight; to time music while your.ohartner sings,, to talk , of and pootrk4but, loydriend, these are oni the bloonvon.theirape; The , essentiel of is all belok and !We grape must to lue•prois: Ihir, ;Themes ! Is rich juice 5Y the heart of Araminta • 6 fat ta` r , sober hue of thought crept into t he face 6,11 as Wiper, totaigirebend .thined what Wean treliTyrti ~i~~:=tYii: 1 1 "Lifc,is not ,all a holiday," continued the lady. "The play is, short, and when the cur tainifalls, We go back .into sober and often hard irealityr,,The summers' airs,• in which the but terfly and dainty hummingbird,,:enchant 'us ,withatheir grace l and beauty, doutipue. only•for ;a 'brief season.l ',The twinters are •lo n g,an cold. ,What,:oft the( butteakrand'h um mi ng-bird,then Gone to matiner •ol tn es, Or My ,friend, there! is, millopein the butterfly, or the hum, ti 1,0 1 1 nt'•lihtti J J . " , ./tr;do .soot, hold the • compailson good," said i ,the• young .reply. ! ;AtAraminta t is not a Shei lis aw•girl, of, min,d and fueling:lc ;! , noidlottmtmhrnitncl, Thomas,; and as to feeling, ,thabuctly be inqhe right or wrong direction. —. But let US) .o :.back. •,to my Rrst.-suggestion.-- There is,a practical dollar-and-cent, side of the, eittestion s , ;which be' folly‘ to,,ignqe- What,:will be the. cost of ; this,allianceir That, determined, the-tteat query veonies in order— 'Can you; ,afford .1. think 4110 t ,..• But,this is for. yo,undecisiom ,;What is ,your. salary ?" "Fifteen hundred. l ,rl , ~ 11,Kikberitl,,,aw the; times go.P ii , Yes•P? r,,, - „• y/ • I , i ?J i ltDo,iyoulook ' inorease:7" "No,.but thcre bare been intimations.whicb l lend meltoebeliese , that An.interest t in the busi; nest will , lbO,offered:at no tve.ry Aistarit.period.'' ; ' , l'm, glad' to bear,,yon N say, arta ?is .a i ..thing. on , which,,,nci reliance can be placed." ~•rs,,, "Notie:at „ "So that in estimating,the.expense of tmar riagdj the salary alonet musts be, taken,iii to ad .,tiortuito.aloneY, "Very well. Now, what do you suppose it will'ebst: you , to dress ,Araminta, according to ha presentAtyle r i.(The young luau -shook his , bead., ~ ) ifaii, e an. estimate,7 said,:tha lady. er,Ointro hundred.dollars a t tyearer t' e eat putithe ,isturktlargeg,so as , ,to .be sum of indluditigt:the otitsidunpenny. 't out ~,a +Youiret jestingli answaettthd, young man 13M5IIIMEI `f „~i+NoY9EL r~ a ftEkizimadred dollars W "Or seven, . mayhe, ; The fisafer,esti mate ,is adieu Shalllgitrelow 80[1mi:of ithe hurei ?" vo*ltiyoo , please.'r ; • , I"frake your pencil. andwftildow, me. I happen to knowithe , young toladps oiil l itier ; and :dress= inalrespandaui postedfinal few i , She it fashionablet .Do just *hat that misnal4ll ii'iit ilk •.: ttiAt us•seeo, The fashionst change :twice a year, at least taSottietimeethreel dr four , tinies: A'ouvtimetinditivthe ultras;'and Aramintivis a littl .cto lie the ultra-,Tashionable •in chiess: -; 445 ospridg ; yre , Will.. say!. ~:Weil, the wardrobe of your wife—you have , married-Ar. a 'nip ta (l —needs rFpleni4hing. And, firm, there is a bonnet. Of course, the winter bonnet wont do for spring; and, besides, she has worn r ,• 't, it so long that she hates to he 'seen in the stree.t. : , ow, what is your idea in regard to the cost'of , 1•1 , 1 11.,*1‘ /AL regard a spring bonnet ? .Let' rue see ? ' ,irr.7 ir 1 rr: Tr , 4 pay, fiv i c ; do! !ars ; fo i l: a c hat." "and k t,e 3 tt r i n n. i 's wear costs more than lallle9' 011 ~.“ .rt: ,‘ . "Which shows 117 well Yon. are, posted.— Put down twenty-five dollars for the bonnet." Y"mPrejatiiii.'" Wilder looked You aauii`ifi'e g eo v se . of fier y bonnet this skit*. as 1 1 h4pen'to 7 liniow. po put down twenty-five t,• • • ' , DI If • - more4' dollars, and twienty-nve ore for a spring roan '..x.actifor'iy dollar's for iilull-tritumed Silk dr ai . 44 •. ft 11 • MOE " " 4 orty „ She must hayriftWoVßA niro,:A "Well I've got the items down," said the 112;;;414,'71 C , young Finn, bu in atone or !ncreaoiity, if hiSftiend'were making spnrt. Ydiiihink 'the" price of these' silk areaseWhi g h".l' Your 12411er wore black lustrinc , dolfar and u teti" yards Were a full pattern," said Mrs. Hardy. ° y,l l P „. • “So ipferrect.'`: YOuthet:A b raminta at Mrs. Blanchard s last Week.'wereboili there. .iou `notice` the elegant dress she 'wore ?" "Not particularly. But I retnember` thet she looked charming.l, feel the whole effect, but hive'no eye foidet )1f lt4 eil." t. * .4" , . "That dress coat forty , -fine dollars, You can figure it 1f t out yourself. Fifteen yards of silk at • • 4.6 two dollars and twetity•five cents a yard. flow wtich ?" "// 41yr r' 11.51.) 4 111 a);: . /y0e iz e *. • -L_ • •• • . I 1, ft , b hE ' ll 7 $ ". 110 4 0/ % /_ 4). . ) . , GREENCASTLE, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL .21, 1863. MEI =EI =IEEE 0 ~. , IMMEI "Thirty-three seventy-five," answered the young man, who was quick at figures. "Trimming and making twelve dollars." "Over forty five !" Look and voice express ed astonishment. "Ale so. Fashion plays into the hand of trade. Wide skirts, flouncing and trimming, cut deeply into dress goods of all Itiuds, and swell the, mantua-making bills 'enormously, in the eyes of those who'havi to pay them. Let, us see, `you havee - pfoiided two silk dressea, a bonnet, and, a,' epring cost ?", "One litindre&and'twenty dollars." There was an unmistakable"dep'iesiion . in' Wilder's voice. The thermometer of his , feelings Was running down "Valeneienne collar and sleeves; twenty do lars`face behdered'handkernhier;'efgh dollars. 'A Ql'tanhlly vatl, twelyei . ,lacp soly eight. Bracelet, : pin and earrings,,;new style—"P. . . . "There, there,' there! .'No more!" An the young man cruMplett . the piece of paper on, which he liad been figuring, and thrust gOlch.pencit into his pocket with , am 'air.of 'des peration. "You thilikque• trifling," said Mrs: "If you are in earnest; I am all at sea," was answered. • ' • • • =II "Better-be ateea in a tight ship, than too' the'llietiiiers'On t end:lst - like this; my friend. .It;. is junt ss 1 1 , Say.., e `Th cost maintainingthe Luxury of a fashionably dressed wife, how ever deSirable the article •thay be, is not within the range' ofthyduribility: Another item ' Which ; • • . Pi; must be - considered is the summer tour item. Aratu,inta r gOeS i to ISaratoga and Newport z .as you' are ~ iiware. , The,east of an , extra outfit will not fall below one hundred - dollars, and the'eipenSe of' the. thing--you will 'have' to join' her fora part'Of ihe season,'at least r --can-' not' safely entered' under one' hundred ' and fifty dollars." ! "It doesn't toilet" Mistered Wilder, mak .'" 11 • - • inn a feeble attempt to rally frOM'tbe effects of these ; astounding intimations, ;which, came marshalling Ftlreiri forees under the guise of hard facts' ;"that n 4 wife must go•to Newport and Saratoga, and- Spore the wardrobe tot a' duchess. The woman who marries me -Must adapt dierseiSto , iny'eireurnstances: , Again; if the' cost ofs fUrnishitig - Araminta is•.so' ;great, how :doeelher father smaintain himself?' illisi businesSiis only of - moderate range, and she 'has four diughterssin-society. I . think- there must be'soinc extiigertion in your estimates:"..- "Mi. 'Bran bus' faired in 'business to my: e l Jraii' i l linOwledfr,e';'*itiiin the -fast I ftfie,E , ' years," said Mrs. Hardy. "I ietneniber, DOW ' that lie'ivas in trouble abont five year's' tigci," 'returned When he 'gel a settlerneni' irith creditors ati foity cent: on the dollar, as "I had' certain intermation at the time." " "Elu-ni . :m." TIM Young nian dropped his eyes toileoor, and sat musing for Both dine.' • Vail'twiCel" lid looked up at `Har- "Fes, twice, and may have to do it once or twice mote, ere getting - these' four 'AperiSive daughters off his bands, WhO are fitly edecated' for taking' their hti'sband,'if they 'sticceed in captitritig foolish young Men who have their own' way in the world `to tnakei—your case; Thonil"-:•-along the hard ''road of ''ankions eare,' incessant 'toil alid'sharia humiliation which th'eirlather'fial ? trOd'atid temiding. never` goes to Saratoga or Newport. - You did 130 t: fihd 'there fast vest?"' s 'uNo'r'the year before'?" IVilaSi'ili;ok' iii head arle thust. stay at luitne, and 't nanc l ier,' as yon"trietf . dall it,.thrOngli 'ail the dull, hot stub rnerrooOths; in order to' keep off the disater of failure, which habo-s'eVer over his the baked 'sword' of Dabiocles." Wildei looked down at the flpor again, and sat without replying. . "Can fq aflord the expense ?" inquired his maternal friend. "I'm afraid not." There ; was a depressed air abqut the young, man. Araminta Brown, arrayed in the fine feathers that wake a flue bird, had captivated hisfancy; • nay, wore, she had qualities which, under better training and influences, would have given a preponderating side to her character, and these Wilder had recognized After leaving Mrs. Hardy, he went, home, and in sober communion with himself, recon sidered the whole question. To advance or recede•- 7 that must be decided now. For a time he argued against his friend, Mrs. Hardy, and doubted the fairness of her estimate touch- big the cost of dressing a lady who followed in the wake. of fashion; then, her character for sincerity and, truth weighed on the other side, and certain considerations which she had presented, loomed,up into grave importance. Still in doubt and perplexity, still undecided was our young friend when tired, nature bore him away into dream-land, but did not.remove from thought, the subject on which it dwelt so. intently, was with ,Araminta, and more charmed by his :charmer ; than ever. , ;They ere.wslk - a, garden .among flowers, she in colors decked as gaily as ,the..children" of spring, and ,sunstuer, awl with ,breath, to her lover r as perfume laden as theirs.. Then they 'were passing, down:the, city's crowded streets, and ever and anon paused to admire the beauti fsl,tkings displayed in .windows. A splendid bracelet,attracted Araminta's attention, and she uttered s,desire to, become its possessor. They e,itered• the store, and soon the brilliant thing ,was glittering on her wrist. Fifty ,dollars was the ,price., As Wilder took the money from. his, purse, and was handinc , it to, the jeweler, a pain of stern eyes looked into his. The jew• elerwas transformed into one of. his n employers and theexp,ressionof ,his eyes made his,hear sink 'She is i your wife?" said the employer EEO In one ,of the,, usual. kaleidoscope, changes that accompany,dreams, our friend found him elf, a moment afterwards, at his desk, deep, in the mysteries of accounts and business. lie was aware of voices near him, in conversation, and understood that he was the subject of dis- 'course. 7,S i hallwe take him into the firm ?" Almost breathlessly he waited for, the. ans wer. It came in these words: '.No; that would be imprudent. : His mar riacre extravagant oirl will involve him in expenses beyond the dividend his interest would yield. Debt and temptation must follow, and we know where they lead. I'm sorry. But the step :.cannot be taken." ','His salary will not support hitrtnow," marked, the, first speaker. . "Of course it will nat,',." then ; ? Will ;it - e debt and ,tempta- r • "Van lehe anything else ?" was the response. 'aTh'en 'id it saib to retain him as a clerk ?" ' • ' The answer Tarim with - stibh a shook upon (the Aredniei; ihat he " awoke. "Starting` to his 'feet 'lie croised the 'room two or three tlines be: fore bewildered thotighti'were '"Onlya dr6aiii" ttme'"Of as he sat down' again at' th'e fi'o wliidh he had atiseu, and . `recalled i in minute particular,' the vision , fibih had ed' his imagination'. "Only dreinn," he re Pelted ; "‘bitt' how full of warnind !" • Did'yie marry Aramirita Bi•oWn ? The que ticn how put in' sobei' earnest, -"Can I afford it ?" 'Yecciireci . such I nn empliatic "INI*6;"" that the 'argument closed F and Was never' ()Pen= eci" again. 'Araminta bas beep consoled' by ant:other lotrei; who' may b l eCome her husband;' bitt-we pity the busband unless his cOlteri'llie deep; atid e ' v'en then' should he'happeni-o'prig sess a heart, he 'will 'fiod that 'be ha's given: gold for th en si 1. --N." 'Y. ledger. Will' evdry 'one' of oar readers please under stand that, as says an eminent ;writer, a woman May have all the outward'niarkg of beauty, and not possess a lovely character. It is the be nevcilent disposition—the kind acts-and the Ohiistian dcia l o'rtnsecit. It is in the heart where meekness, truth, affection, and' humility are folind=vathre we look for loveline . ss, tier do we look in vain: The woman who can socithe the aehini heart; 'smooth the wrinkled brow, alle viate' the anguish of the mind, and • pour the baltii`of cOnsolation'in the 'wounded break, `pos . sesses, in an •eminent degree true loveliness of charactir. 'She the real companion` ef man, and does the work of an angel. It is such a chdracthr that tlessek with warmth and sun shine, and maketh the earth 'to resemble the Paradise of God. ll= MAHOALET undoubtedly understood how to raise troops for his wars, and to make them fight. He ordained that the soldier who per formed any single exploit in, battle should not be refused, during the whole expedition, what ever his , age or deformity, a kiss from any wo man that he chose to aA for it. FANCY cao lay only the past and the future under her copying paper, every actual, presence of the object setting pmits to her power:'just as water distilled froln roses, accdrdini; to 'the old naturalists, lost its power exactly at the periodical blooming of the rose. =I ,WHAT IS LOVELY P ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will be inserted in TUE PILOT at the following rates 1 column, one year of a column, one year, 1- of a column, one year. 1 square, twelve months. 1 square, six months I square, three months I square, (ten lines or less) 3 insertions 1.00 Each subsequent insertion 26 Professional cards, one year 6.00 NO. 12. As long as a miser lives, his money chest is very sure to be heir,tig`ht, A fly in a man's buiter is decidedly the least pleasent of all kinds of butterflies. It is to be supposed that a soldier will be raw , till lie is expos d to fire. When a vain boaster talks, echo herself praises him—but she is alone in her praise. Humor in conversation is better than humors in the hlood. It is no doubt a great deal easier to accuse one of the'sexes than to exonse the other. Every abridgment of a good book is a foolish abridgment. As small print most tires the eyes, so little affairs most disturb and annoy us. Oftentimes the most costly thing we get is that which is given us. An order issued by poor and imbecile rulers is the order of things. They say that justice isn't sold in our courts —but those, who try to obtain it . , often are. Grtekt talkers use their minds as spendthrifts their cash, bestowing, it on a.l objects alike. ,Fear springs sometimes, as well from want of 'udgment as from want of counrage. The elements of„wator. c .e,arth, fire and air, are no more the instruments of life than they are of death. ,Folly has more commentators than wisdom 7 -perhaps because her :works are more mutter- A man -May stand or walk upon a couple of pumps and yet never indulge in the. luxury of cold water. - • ,Tl?e„ .. peop! pf London , vpho boast of liv,ing n a realm upon which the sun never sets, live n a city•upon, which it never shines. If 'good luck befall you;' think that it may be a blesaineto'soinehody felse, and that your turn may come next. Rush says that physicians are the, ser vants, of the sick. We suppose, then, that oculists are eye ser,vanta.. People should never kisS tli'ose'of their orn sea; vie ''never kissed a boy a our liVeiLeieept J . I occasionally a pretty tomboy ,The enly wapto escape the huportunities of, beggars is tn' make ;yourself look like one of the, brotherhood It mar perhaps be thounfit difficult to decide which is the most destructive—the mortar in • , he field or the morrar to the drug shop .A - live turkey 'would , seem to be less noisy than a dead 'one f miakes only a din, the other a.din der ~ . . In these days when "sack's are fashionable fe male, dresses,.agentlemao may be thankful to to the, lady who gives film the sack—and its contents. • . It is verrbsurd to think that the best trial of- truth must be' he multitude of believers in a crowd where the fools are to the wise men as en -to one There are persons who are never abreast of the aot • they dive into the stream of the past and never come up again—their heads stick in he, mud We •like to see a noisy mountain brook pat its broad shoulderi ever and anon to the wheel of a mill, and show that it can labor as well as laugh Far sweeter music to a true woman than the tones of a harp or piano touched by her hand, are the cheerful ,voices of husband and child ren made joyous by her presence. Some'people keep their sterling worth in all chang,ei of 'fortune;, others if chain ed in con dition, lose their character. Nrs of gold are , less prized than diamonds, but gold reduced to dust is Valuable, while diamond dust is worth less. The tree of liberty rears itself' with inde pend Int, grandeur; and graciously fills the world with its ordor, while its branches, streaming 'magnificently, towards heaven, make it appear as if the stars were only the golden fruit of its wondrous limbs. tittle-or-Notliings. IRE $70.00 86.06 20.00 8.00 6.00 4.00
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