The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, April 14, 1863, Image 1

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GREENCASTLE, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1:63 4 . 1 ''
NO. 1
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t , BY T. S. ARTHUR,.
- ,
"The days grow datker. and drearier as we
et older." This came from one of two friebds,
hose years had fallen into the 'yellow leaf "
"But, there shall be light at evening,"' said
k "the other, in a cheery voice. '
lt'',. "Not unless the order of,mature be reversed,
, , f
Vtidr. Fairfax," was replied.' "Wh'ett -the 'sun
t . l4ets, day goes out in darkness."
l' s "And vet, for all this, friend Ascot, there
{'ill be light at evening. Not half se dark as
A feared, will the shadows .fall; and, quickly,
tkiehall the east grow radiant again. Has it.not
ulways been so? Have we not always 'found
'i light at evening, iriSteird or fatnedEgyplian
I t ila , ;kness. Take your own exp,erienae.. Think
ek over the dark days through , which. you.
,;sir ve passed, and to the close 'of Which= YOu
41looked with a shudder. Did notlight cdrne'at
i ,
, I "7evening? The sun broke ihialtgli "lifting
41ouds ; or, day came socltlFol'i l iic . the 'east—a
'.,:k :
,!urer, calmer ,day, than ,anyyou had ever
' ' known."
"I often wish that4ll'-oottld see with your
4 Mr. Fa i rfa x ,"' - i- 41 ie T cf ilie"trieil'a . . "" , Bia.
1 -,
' my natural temperament . is different,. I em
.;, ;mgt to look on the gleotny side of .things; to
turn my back to the light."
"Of course, if we turn ourselves from the
*: light, we cannot receive its blessing. And, yet,
sitting down, of our own choice, among' ihed•
A rs, we complain that the days grow darker
'''und drearier as we get older."
11: ' The door of the .. roomwhere - the two, old
l'cuieri were sitting opened, and a' young woman
"triterea with a tFaYlV.her, hand, on, which
, ,
:,,trere two saucers of ripe, strawberries. , She
,Set them down on a.table, saying, with a smile:
:.'`''{,,''They are just from the garden. I thought
, , ilyou would enjoy then:" ' ,
10 "Light in the even g!" Mr.'Fairfa* look
',''' ed at his friend, as th,e,youog woman went out.'
~propping his eyes to,the floor, Mr.
,Ascot Ascot mea
~.° led fur a little while, then said,
.: partly spenkiog
'.f . ,' ... •, , ,• ' ::
Cirto himself: - ~
1 ,
itY "Yea, it is lighter than. I anticipated. 1
, 4, - . .y,thought this day, in the days'of my , life, would
f ~,lie down in the very blackhess of, darkness.--
k, AI was angry with my •wayward
,sony when 'he
sfook hitt a wife, becattiS' I ":fahcie f ebe,:liad
~ i4.ooped in marriage. : He.hadsneverlbeen Much
t o
• ~, mfort to me before that time, itid rgave ' * up
' 44:41 hope in him , , for: the futnee:',47.flut:theretras
.',., , .
' s,ll ' il good providence in the event, which"itedid
~tmot then see. Even while I' Wai dinwhig
. ,
'A. i
'" ' ' 4' roved me the - curt:fins of dotibt - end, , 'gloom,
er hand was moving among the overhanging
'.'''';,tebuds, and bearing some of their 'heaviest
~' • Colds aside. To my son she , proved: a good
' agel. He loved her, and she was worthy of
%' • -•
~ is love. You know that he died. I • did not,
4.11 t first, feel like receiving the widow home.—
,M. herewere no children, and I said to myself,
Elie is nothing., to TII C now. ' Why should I
"ike up the burd,en of her support ? Let her
1. 4 -4) back among her friends.' Partly to satisfy
~.) , •,'Ulolic sentiment, and partly beesiuse he:- pure
' hd loving nature had' begun to influence me,
took her home. It was the closing of a day
sorrow and disappointment, and 'yet I say
W ,
,thankfully, at the evening time. there was
, ght. No daughter could be more loving, or
ore thoughtful of every comfort. What
„;,should I do without her?"-
? ,, i' - "Yet, only a little while ago,yon complained
' l 4hat, as years increased, the days aritwJdarkei,"
j Oraid Mr. Fairfax.
, :Ne•
•iv, "And so I find them." Mr: Ascot's conn
~ oance, which had brighiened while he spoke
•,, his daughter•in-law, fell agatn: "There
'''lti fr ay be a little • gleam here and there—a sung
,sling, of light, in feeble rays, through broken
A: l aces—but, I 'see ,over all things a steadily,
•• , increasing gloom."
•'' '"From whence does, it come, my friend?-
i',;l';'''This gloom is an effect. Do you see the Cause?"'
- • "The causes are tuatiifold:' Eierywhere dis
mppointment tracks my path. The full promise
of spring has never untie in the summer-time,
mar the promise of summer at fruit-gathering.
Always, realization falls below the hope. So
't has ever been with me, my friend; until now
• have lost all eonfidence in the future; .have
aced to look for any good."
',. "And yet,",said Mk Fairfax , "eren while
"'u are thus complaining, good gifts are show
, ' red upon you in doh abundance."
3. , 44 "I should like to see them," answered Mr.
;',:j-:•/tscot, half amused, Yet with a flavor of irotly
jp his voice. i ,
"Sometimes there' is , nhscurity. of vision:—
he objects exist, but we do not perceivethem.
I think it is so in your case."
"Lb?" with a faint, incredulous smile.
"Take your natural life," said Mr. Fairfax.
"What is lacking to your enjoyment?"
"0 dear! almost every thing," was impul
sively answered:
"What? Is there'lack of pleasant food', or
refreshing drink, or soft and siarin clothing; for
the body ?,, Have yOu - Sit'ill.things. in liberal
abundance? Is any. thing desired for comfort
absent 'froth' yOble or') does an 'enemy
threoen to despoil you ?"
Mr. Ascot shook his heitd.. "I. have nothing
to complain of in this respect. "But
ne paused grew thoucrhtful' and remained'
"Yet, for all this, your heart is, troubled.—
There is on your mind a weilit of dissatisfae-
tiOn=you feel a constant yearning after some
thing not clearly seen; the nature of which is
not clearly apprehended. Your days are not
sunshiny, and you feel, as the evening draws
on, that it will go down in clouds."
. "Yes. You state the case exactly."
"And still I say,',' Mr. Fairfax spoke cheeri
ly again, '•that:there will be light in, the eveu
ing: AlwaYs, even in the Most external events
of your life, when, the period of trisa, or sor
row, or misfortune closed—when the day's
'dreaded termination conic—light poured in
from the west through rending clouds, on, the
day of o new and ,higher state, broke in the
purpling east. The instance to which you a
little while ago referred is• but, one of .hundreds'
that stand recorded, in, your tnewor3yif you
will open, tbe book and ,read:. Buct.for you
and for. me, my friend, ,there is a day, going'
down, toward the evening, of• which, thought
cannot, fail often telook forward,. .Shall there
be light themr: Will the,. last setting, of our
sun leave us in darkness; or shall it be only
the herald of a day-spring from on high ?"
"You have 'touched 'the keynote of •a de
pressing theme," was answered. "Some men
turn , from• the idea 'of death stoically, and some
with •indifferentie, , •while ' , Other'S Contemplate
the event serenely, and Sew in it only'a' brief
-pissoge•tol Weave:a.' Not 'so-,with ' The
thought , of :this-. last time conies in
glooM. • 'I tiripfroin depreseionsinite
timekwith a shudder." • ' ' •
"And yet you are a church-member."
"Yes." - ;
"And have, I think, tried'earneitly teleep
the divine law:" ;
-;; "AEI :far as -I understood - the' eifunniand of
God', I have tried' , to li4e''up tO th'etn. The
Liu►e was when I did not give much heed to
this ;law Omit for many yeah; past, I lutve'not
wilfully gone counter to its clear enuneiations."
"If lye' 1040 Ine, keep my 'emiitriandments.
If continue in my Word, then are ye my
disniple indeed. What more than this ?" The
friends iiiidke in a low, impressive Voice. ""It'.
We Obey the divine law; sincerely; that is be
cause it is: the diviniilaw;aud not because we
may 'heve'worldly gain as nominal Christians,
we need haVe'ini fear of the'last time. Death
WilVeome heti`ien . tle spirit, and, taking us by
the hand, lead us through the valley There
will be'liglit at eVen . ing, though the declining
day be veiled with clouds."
'Sooner than 'elther orthe 'friends 'had itn
agined,'this prophecy: wias elOsed. A year had
not pa'ss'ed; wheri'MrjFitirfax learned, one day,
that Mr. Ascot' w - as'Siek.' lie fotind the daugh
ter-in-law in tears. •
• "Not - seriously ill, niust," be Said. '
"We hive very tilde holies'of . him'," 'eras in:
alcoved in a' Voice eboknd by sobs. lle seems'
to be failingPrapidly:" - ' '
I sin . ''said Mr. Fairfiii,
"Ho* l , oifg las .he heen sick?"
"For some months I had thought him fail
ing; bu the made nc:lcOniplaint,.. Three weeks
ago he 'became 'suddenly ill, 'and has been ra
pidly going down ever 'since."
"Wlit about his state of mind P'
"He is very calm."
Mr. Fairfax went up to the sick chamber:
On the face of his old friend he saw death writ
ten; not italearful lines, butin radiant charac
ters. A smile broke, over the pale features,
lighting them up as if a curtain had just been
drawn aside, admitting the sunshine. The
hands of the' ftio old men were laid within
each oilier and tightened.
'"I did not, until now, bear of your illness,"
said Mr. Fairfax, "or would have seen you
before." "'
It has been severe, breating me down rapid
ly," was feebly answered. Then, alter a brief
pauSe, he added—“ The evening about which
we talked, one day not long , ago, has come."
'ghat evening which conies, sem 9r lat.!, to'
"And is ti,ere light?"
"There is light, my friend. For a little
while it seemed as if the day would go down in
blackness: but angel hands soon commenced
folding back the cloudy curtains that shut away
the.sun-illumined sky, and now, instead' of sun
set, it is sun-rising. Even as .I trembled at
the approaching shadow, ,a sweet voice cried to
me, 'La, the morning breaketh
"And all fear is gone ?"
"What is there to fear?" feebly answered
the ,sick man.. "God is just and merciful.,
He knows what we are; how. mach w,e , have'
been tempted; and how sincerely we, have tried
to keep His law. He is a discerner of, the
Theughti and intentions. Our purpose to do
right; even - thotiFh — we 'have Often failed of
right action, will be the witness in our flivOr.
Hete, confidently, I rest my case, and tranquilly
await tnY Lord's 'decision."
"Actions ate really good only "in 'the degiee
thWt they have the insperatioa of good pur
pose," said Mr.•Fuirfax. "Only; such 'actions,
find favoi4'itWO-Od.'' So resting in cat;fidnee'
on your will to do right, you look fur the joy-'
ful wordS'Well done !'"
kedat closed his 'eYee and lay . still for
sometime; The lOok of heavenly peace did not
failefreui his cohnteriarice. Preseiitly the eyes
opened again, but their expression was 'pew.
They saiv,:but:'net die fixed and
object' in that death chaniber. There had been
granted a clearer vision—mortal invesinres
wete'foldeil away. The lips tinned, as the, face
grew bright. Mr. Fairfax bent to hear :
"It shall come to pass—that—at evening
time—it shall be--lit? ht.!'
"God's promise fulfilled," whispered, Mr.
Fairfax.. "The ,ereniug has come, and it is
"Light—light!". Faint as a sigh the re
sponse came, in the last 'notion of dying
The night and the morning, had: wet, day
breaking in beauty on a human sou l ~_ In, the
evening time there was light.—N. Y. LaAryer.
The last time I ever saw Anthony Sherman
was on the 4th of 4uly, 1859, in Independ
ence, Square, He was , then ninety-one, and
becoming very feeble; but though so old, his
dimming eyes rekindled as be„look,ed at Jud,-
pendence Hall, which, he said, he had come ,to
gaze upon once more before, he, was gathered
"What time is it ?" said he, raising his
tremhlingeyes to the clock in the . stepple, and
endeavoring, to, shade the former Trith u,shak
ing hand- 7 "what time is it ? I can't see so
well now as I used to."
f'flalfpust three."
"Come then," he continued, "let us go into
the Hail; I want to tell you an incident .of
W as hington's life—one which no
,one aliye
knows of except myself, and if you Jiye, you
will, before long, see, it verified. Mark me, I
am it' , tt. superstitious, but you will see;it veri
. Reaching the ; visitors', room in which the
sacred relics of ow early days are preserved,
we ,sat down :upon .coe ,of the sold-fashioned
wooden benches„ and my venerable frtend re- ;
fated to pie the, following,singular narrative,
which, from the peculiarity of our national af T „
.fairs ta, the present time, I have been induced
to give to the world. . I give it, as nearly us,
possible, in his own words.
thehold action of. our. Congress, in
.asserting. the independence of the plonics,
came known in the world, we ,were laughed
and, scoffed at as, silly, presumptuous rebels,
whout t ßtitish grenadiers would: soon tame into;
submission.; but, undauntedly, we prepared, to,,
make good what we had said. The
counter came,. and the world knows the result.
-It is, easy and pleasant for those of the p.teseut,
generation to talk and write of the days of
Seventy-Six, but they little know 7 --neither
can they imagine = the trials and sufferings of
those fearful days. And there is one that I,
much fear, and that is that the American peo
ple do not properly appreciate
,the boom of
freedom. Party spirit is yearly becoming
stronger and stronger, and unless it is checked.
will, at no distant day, undermine and tumble.
into pins the noble structure of the Republic.
But. let me hasten to my- narrative.
From the opening of the Revolution, we ex.
perienced all phases of fortune—now good and
now ill, at one time victorious, and at another
conquered. The darkest period we had, how.
ever, was, I think, when Washington, after
several reverses, retreated at Valley F6rge,
where he resolved to pass the winter of '77.--
Ah ! I have often seen the tears coursing down
our dear old commander's care-worn cheeks, as
he would be conversing with a confidential
officer about the condition of his poor soldiers.
You have doubtless heard the story of Wash
ington going to thicket to pray. Well, it is
not only true, ;but he used often to pray in se
cret for aid and comfort from that God,'the in
terposition ,of whose divine providence alone
brought us safely through those dark days of
tribulation. . •
"One day, I remember it well—the chilly
wiud whistled and•'howled'°throogh the leafless:
trees, though the ski `was . loildless and the
sun shining brightly —,he :remained .his
quarters nearly the, whole afternoon, alonn.—
When he catnerout 1 noticed that,his face , was
a shade paler than usual, and. that there seem
ed to be something on his mind;of , more ordin
ary. importance. Returning just after dusk,
he dispatched an, orderly to, the quarters.of the
olfteer. I mentioned, ,who was .presently. in at
tendance. -.lifter, a„preliminary. conversation,
which lasted some half .an hour, Washington,
gazing upon big companion, with that strange
look 'of dignity which, he alone could eorruand,
said to the latter I • , •
"'I do not know Whether it was diWitig 'to the
anxiety , of my mind,. or ' , Alit; but 'this after
noon; as I *as sitting at this very table, engaLl
ed,in preparing a dispatch; something in' the
apartment seemed to disturb,the'. Looking 'tip,
Pbeheld, standing directly opposite me, wain
. gtilarly beautiful female:. So astonished was I
—for I had given strict order's' not!tii be-dis
turbed—that it was some Moments befrire I .
found language to , inquire the cause- of her
presence. 'A second, third, and 'even a fourth
time did I repeat the question, but received no
answer from my mysterious visitor other than
a slight raising of her eyes. By this time I
felt a strange sensation spreading`through me:
Dwotild. have risen, but the riveted gazerof the
being before ine rendered volition linpoSsible.
1 essayed once'more to address 'her,.but trly
'tongue had become 'paralyzed. A. new itafful
ence, rnysterious,-potent r irresistible, took Poi
session rof gne. All , I could Was lei' gitie
steadily, vacantly; at 'turinknown 'visitant.
Gradually, the surrounding atmosphere seemed
as' ,though' becoming filled with sensations, and
grew lu Minot's. ' , Everything:about me appeared
to,rarifyithe mysterious;visitor 'herself becomr.
ing'inore'?airy and ' , yet even more distinct' to
to my sight than before. I now began , toleel
as.,Ame dying, or rather to exporiente tke'sensa
tions.whi,h I havelieme thnes-ilnagined accoth
panying dissolution: I did not think, I'did'not
reason; I did not move;' all Were' aliiceimpos
sible. It. Was only.conscions of 'gazing fixedly
vacantly, at .my Companion'.
"Presently I heard a voice, saying; 'Son of
the 'Republic, look% and. learn V While at the
swim time, my visitor extended her arm and
forefinger eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy
white.vapor at, some distance rising , fold upon
fnld.. Thii• gradually dissipated, and I looked
upon a strange scene. Befote me lay stretched
out in' one vast plane; all the couritriesl:if the
world—Europe; Asia, Africa and America:---
I saw rolling.and'tossing. between Europe'.and
Asia and America lay the Pacific'. , "Son of the
Republic,' said the same mysterious voice as
before; 4 look and learn V '
" 'At 'that moment T beheld a dark, shadiAvy
being like an angel, standing;or rather floa r tini
in Mid-air; between Eur Ope 'and .Atnerica.- ,
Dipping wafer out Of the ocean in the hollOw
of each hand, he sprinkled some bpen America
with his right band, whilst he cast upon Eur Ope
some with his left. Innuediately a dark cloud
arose from each of these countries; and joined
in mid 'ocean. For a while it remained- Sta
tionary and then Moved slowly westward until .
it enveloped . America in its murky folds.—
Sharp flashes of bghtning now gleamed through
out it at intervals, and I heard the smothered
groans and cries of the American people.
"'A second time - the-angel dipped from the
ocean and springled it out as before. The dark
cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, into
whose heaving waves. it sunk from view. A
third time I heard the.mysterious voice, saying,
.Son of the Republic look and learn.'
"'I cast my eyes upon America, and beheld ,
villages, towns, and cities springing up, one
after another, until the whole land, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, was dotted with them.
Again I heard the mysterious voice say, 'Son
of the Republic, the end of a century cometh
—look and learn.
"'At this the dark, shadowy angel turned
his. face southward, and from Africa I saw an
ill-omeuded spectre approaching our land. It
flated slowly and heavily over every village,
town, and city of the latter, the inhabitants of'
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which presently set thomselvesin battle array,
one against the other. As IL continued. look -
ing I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested
a crown of light, on which was traced the word
UNION, bearing .the American flag, which he
placed between the divided nations-, and said :..
'Remember, ye are brethren
'"lnstantly, the: inhabitants, casting from
them their weapons, became friends once more i .
-and united aroma - the national standard. Ana
again I heard.4be mysterious voice saying,.
'Son of the .Republic, the second peril is pass-.
•''And I beheld Elie villages, Wang,. sod
cities,of Amesiea increase in size and numbers,
till at 4ast:they covered all the Wad from the
, Atlantic to the, Pacific , ,,and their lahabitants
becaide as countless as the stars. in Heaven, or
as , the sand`-.on.the .sea shore... And again I
IliCard , the , in . yaterious, voice i .saying, 'Son of
the; Republic, t eudiof a century—look and
""At--this, the- ,dark, shadowy angel placed
a= trumpet, o bismduth,•and blew three distinct
blasts, and taking water hum the ocean, sprici
-!kled!it out-upon Europe, Asia, and Africa.
my eyeslonked upotrafearful scene.
From each"or ,Itho§emountries arose thick, black
!clouds, which soon joined • into: one ; and
Ihroughout.this mass gleamed a dark-red light,
by which :I saw :hordes a armed men, who,
moving with the cloud,: marched by land and
sailed .by >sea to, America, which country was
!presently, enveloped in the volume of the
cloud, :Ands I dimly saw these vast armies
ilevastste the whole'country, wad pillage and
burn villagekeities„and towns that I had be
held springing up. As my ears listened to
the thundering. of cannon, clashing of swords,
and shouts and criesiof millions in mortal coin
bat, I again heard the Mysterious voice sayin . g,
'Son of • the Republic, look and learn.'
"'When the voice had ceased, the dark,
shadowy angel• placed his trumpet, once more
to his ,riaouth,awd blew a long and fearful
"'lnstantly a light, as from a thousand suns,
shene , down , frema above me, and pierced and
broke.into fragments the dark. cloud which en
veloped America. At the same moment I saw
the atigel- lipon Whose 4 forehead still shone
•the word—limo/4, and who bore our national
flag • in one band mule sword in the other, de
scended ,from Heaven, , attended by legions of
bright spirits. These. immediately joined the
inhabitants of America, who I perceived were
nigh overcome, but who, immediately taking
°enrage again,.clesecr up their broken ranks
and, renewed the.battle.. Again amid the fear
ful ,eoise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious
voice, saying, ‘Son. : of the Republic, look and
learn.' -7-
'As the
„voice ceased,. the shadowy angel,
for the last time, dipped water from the ocean
and sprinkled it,:npon America. Instantly the
dark cloud, rolled back, together with the sr
mica it had brought leaving the inhabitants of
the land victorious. Then once more I beheld
the villages, towns and cities, springing up
where they bad been befire, while the bright}
angel,,.pjan i tdd,.the azure standard he had,
broughtin the midst of them, cried in a loud
voice to the inhabitants: 'While the stars
remain and the , heavens send down dews upon
the earth, so ; long shall the Republic last'.'
"And taking from his brow the crown, ou
which still, blazed the wall UNION, he placed
it upon the standard, while all the peop'e
kneeling down, said 'Amen
"The scene instantly began to fade and die
colie, and I saw, nothing but the rising, curl
ing white vapor I had first beheld. This also
disappearing I, found myself once more gazing
upon my mysterious visitor, who in the same
mysterious voice I had heard before, said :
%Son of the Republic, what you have seen is
thus interpreted; three perils will come up( n
the Republic. The most fearful is the second,
passing which, the whole. world united shall
never be able to •prevail against 'her. Let
every child of the Republic learn to live fur
his God, his,Land, aud,Union !"
"'With,these words the figure vanished. I
started from my seat, and felt that I had been
shown the birth,, progress, and destiny of the
Republic of the United States. In UNION sho
will have strength, in DISUNION her destruc
"Such, my friend," coueinded the venerable
•'were the worAsl beard from Wash
ington's own ( lipa, and America will do well to
profit by them. Let her remember that in
UNIoN she has her strength, in DISUNION her
d:structiorr."— The G maid tan.
Woman may he nearer akin to angels hant
man is : but she got intimate with the Devil