The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, April 07, 1863, Image 2

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Tiotesdav Morning, April 7, 1863
President's Proclamation for a Day of
Humiliation and Prayer.
Washington, March 31,1863
1171,reax, The Senate of the United States,
devoutly recognizing the supreme , authority
spd just government of Almighty God lira!!
the affairs of men and of nations;has, by a
resehrtionomrivrestted-ti ern esideutto-dcsiguate'
and set a4art day, for national prayer and
Aial whereas, It is the duty of nationaias
well as of•med,,to , own their dependence upon
the over-ruling powbr 6f GARI to potifess tbeir
ti;Ol'ind ansgretfiaonii, in bumble s f Orro l iv,Yet
with assured bye tintOnuinerepentapce will
lead to mer S e! and pardon s aoro to recognize the
sy4lAe s tr l ytt,,apnonocedAn. the, : holy Scrip - t
tures and _Proven thal those nil
thstifilntsb blessed'itliciseVrod 'is the Itord;
And; intilinifoh its weektiow 'that, by Ills di "
troifi ardivill nail are subject
e ito punishtnents and chastisements in thisi
IV'orld, may we...49l,:ittatly.,fear that _ the awful
calatnityrrofs waqiwhieh'now desolates`tte
lauds may be but a puniihment'ihflicted
us fgr fair - yetibuiplirott "iiirs" - , - To the needful
?or our
end of our National reformation as a whol
people? We Eia'ye aejathg, recipients of the
nhpiee§k4rauttties,Of ri-Itiaven.-.lyer4iave befen
preselltott, ,, tbosel nanny-lears, in. Petic? an&
prosperity. - Iye -- ttatOrr.,ebwri in - numbers,
lb t, 14' It ,1
wealth arty power as no other nation Das ever
bza rt4..r .ur:
grown. But we have torgotten the gracious
hand which preserved Lis .. in Reece, and
plied i gentherkrielise and.strenghhored us ;,, r and
my; kaSle FOn4s4lagitkedvairt „tbe Ideegitfulti east
of our hearts, that all these blessings, werep,
produced by some impeztior -wisdom and virtue '
cri d Zrifir nitiiitekeel u iibroclien sue
the necessity of redeeming and Pi•eiervfn,C
. ..ge01....4We
P I S') 49q 41.91A.todts,ay tqr-, i the God, tnat made
"%Le rim .'.l - '
It behooves us, then, to btipible
before the offended.Power f to—confess our Na
thiThil 16' fr:iyloir
Now, therefore, in cornplianZrWith”tfie-re
ir eigtirM4. 9 ° 4 e A ri : lE W; c l kP ,the
S rai te 4zLA ° &l l .V 4 .l ,'l ll YriPT? c 4Pn ti ßik l ?
nate and set apait Thurf,day l the
. :40th' „day of
April, 1863; as a day_of m National
ttedwpriyeri otkall7l.4dd *h - drebrregiiest
aft the ptogibs rok aidt th ht. oyrfr ftfidir
ordinary secular pursuits; and. toqinlicsrlit:tlicir'
severalplaces of yarro q uitliip and their,re
51intA7I;hP14?!Ii4 keepingg the day holy T tot o
Lord, and devoted to the humhle discharge of
the religious duties,proacr to_ that solemn oc
casionvo y=.° - '
I. , Alb‘this being ,dbneoinsincerity.andotfuth,
let us, then, aistrhunilytinithe'hope; authoriz,;
ed by the Divine—rerterirtN . that the united
cry ilittitife' tieflibtirdoonl l lllol,"aii'd
eiV flab ) th e z
don of our national sins, and theriiert6iiticitOVP
o 'P 9 ATAT*4. ts?
foyer' 1ife1m...394ir4111,8f AfP peace. .
In witnesswheregfl bare, b„9splKce., ,§Ft
hand, and caused tlui.aeet of.the United States
, Diitickaitfth'e 'city elflWashirigton,' 'th thirl;
tieth day of March,: in' the'year 6f our Lore
oil r tiniefird t eiOcliiiirifo , r
, fi xty-threp,
af *„4l9pfn4oe9p , of:.P/?t 1 :41505LE43.,
the eighty7seventh. , ,
[L. 6.] AmeLfam LINCOLN
StrlVAßTl,.Secretary of State '
Important. , Vjpksbiirg.
6:lfC ‘ o4 Cairo special de's
pate says:—Last Wednesday evening the
':-A- ,
rams Lancaster and AvaVpd a nd undertdok to
run FO O l h0,49 5 :e§ ' , :iVicksblPT• As 89014' Fe
they, moo range the Rebels opened
trAmeadousAre:. Isocaster l was stroelc
thirty times. Iler...epti; was shot away,
estisk9g , her t9„,sink )immediately, :turning,' a
complete somerset as she 'wept down. .her ,
crebwAireept two escaped.
The Switzerland was-ditatbled-by a sixty-four
period bail Penitidiing`her steam rt druut tie
113ated'abmi, the batiried'still arid eiril:-
intYher 4h-vi trio' h ArEtiOss
ran alongside and towed her to the loWerniou l th'
of t 'the lop of life qn
a 3 Felitaiqesile • • s.
iOn, tliaiuray ; the, llartford an o d4lba,tross,
encountered batteries at Grand„Llulf'more for,
luidable than those at , Porti.Hudson. The Hart
foitT WiS itillek*feh'rteen times;- arid liadl'th‘eb
men kilPed :` liOth tied fho - fire'liig.
Yotlevibee more of ress -inj
It is stated that the exiieditidniu'OderGeneral
Slterman r to the rear,otlrairies' . V.Luff, by w a y
of Steules:Jayol.,t anti the flowur,, had re
turned, to, Ir s w,t,u,c4's-Voint,
INothing,dutkrAiutp.recoived from the Yazoo
Pass expedition, under Generals, li.oss and
A Vain f ltetweqn, ldernpliil and Grand Junpc
tion was pipturi3d by guertillit§cn s:Attirday,ap4
ninety persona were taken priseiter and liar
()led. =A "Federal force started' - front bin - seek.
in pursuit. `,
The Fight at Williamsburg, Va.
Correspondent of the biluiter
Camp . near Williamsburg, Va., Mar. 29.
Our..pickets wereedrivr.6 in by the Rebels in .
force this morning, about daybreak. Lieut.
Wingle, of the Fifth Pennsylvania Cavliy,
had command of the advance Picket Reserve
on the Richmond road, consisting of twenty
eight' tried, 'Who were cut oft - Frili the main
spstpiky.., bet Nve.P. Augut/4v- ktul4gle. Jul 4-,
dre&Rehel infantry. The said infantry posted
;themselves alongside of the street , the town,
in such a manner as to have a tremendously
:distructive ... fireon whoever might, undertalte,to
':,p,a,18. them.
, . .
1 The Lieutenant, with his twenty-eiglif men,,
,being hemmed in on. the front by infantry ••aud
ion the rear by r about one thousand cayalry
jtwo pieces of artillery, had to either surrender
. •-• •
.ar clmrge •throntrh ..the iufautry. We, like a
t good i ttpd brave soldier, choose the latter, and it,
ti . • .. J.,: 1 tt. • •
'is with pleasure tha. I announce to you that
he succeeded in.mettino• through, but I am un
• •••••• L' ' 'C' t: Mt'i
der the• painful neccssity of stating also that
he received a very troublesome and, painful,
!but not ,dangerous wound, in the oporaoon. •
t•_.,,f: t.. t. t • •••t•••• . :
• Twit of themen under Lieutenant Wiugle's
command were killed and fiy.e • wounded.
•.•• t• -• v•- • • ~....1 r • ... t • ;•., ••••••• _ ••
IQ_4,llo,l)is,AittJe baud wi)° liaiP9ri , )i 4 7
bre laurels for themselves , by, the heroic man
•ner in which they ~,charged the Rebels And
1-'IQ. .., ~ • i ~..-•••! 0 -•- • ::„•• ii,
'th?ir,frieods an 4 relatives may well feil Arogcl
:f ' . ilt;,: , )g.fs- ..
!that they•can-putuktec t such as he alkin_,,, ,, them.
•.' u. l / 1 -" ' '
Im,portapt from Richmond.. ./
5 Fortrss Moriroe, t kerch3o..„ tetu r , ,, eei from
i ts' !‘i "
hebeldo'fii, and :deserters from the Reberzyny
. o,
pre : almost daily coming into our lines arAuf
ifolk''aricl Yorktown, and giving, theinetres:
Att! •
, g enerally,the eserters bring their arms and
'equipments with them.
they report that movements stronglylndt
• . ; 1: 1 1li 1' .1. •
sate the early evacuation of Itichmond, though
it is intended to be accomplished ,by a slow
and sue process.
One entireo the Rebel army ar
;;;;; .; • .5 - ; ,5, • . . 1 55. 4
rived in i ltichtimA last Tuesday, as is suppos
ed to jrotect. the ,insurgents from any , attack
that may be made while.the cvcualioe is tak
ing place.
The Ite,bels have already commenced .tfi r.e
moie their large guns, and also the machinexy.
',from the , f ipachine , shpps ;Richnioudy from
that, city to.,Ohattanoo.a..
Wailtirftict Achroo,l4 Panker's
(I -, ,r;
Oi nei Iowa; April 1:-„erh e , Abort from Ticks-
burg and vicinity wears an ;thifiV6rithl4-aspehi.A.
DesPatchei ieceiVedrh die' state; th at' ' th elek
pedi Moir thtong'h Shites'anit Black flaY•coit I'4 to
the Tipper Yazoo is ii•failirre.) Aduiiral Porter
iutcedded in F,!etiing - tirrough - bbth;bayouti'44th
gunLboats;•and proce.eddd twO.nty•ftv'd or. thirty ,
nii Its fur therin beer latid/RAI ling; 'Fkric;' Wii'ew•'
helenc6utVieredia 'a ;;:foree' *hd
-scrantOy43ll-,bitri twiih;lharmihlciOters • ;and' , dIY;
tructionis in tit e re Wit 11 - 611 4 Alifr th e r
raaw itnpossit I d'W 'HUM rig 0 tbroperalibirtd ri-45
niry,,whieb aline su TiTin tit t "diajri The( eiren r'
had; in /We itreaktiinkeput:teeeariltittiel'htitlire,‘
indkibg it juipasatibib.•;; They - ainuiy i edithetlific
boatvothurwiseand Seeiued to;,bt; tailhertni in'
considerable foreel• '
I , lllinfoicensedtiouf infaiitryiweVe'nvifelnid to
ibeirtassistancelou Mondaireand caing
ill's Velem/lira! g Ig, boats %The==latt-r th'er'e
nompletcly!henimed' bbettetiblis
and rear. Skirmishing cutitittuedi day;
When the IWurzet?fgfa tt the gun
boats were 'Withdrawn And commenced their
retreat. Themhole l'orce. have embarked on
transports!..meir..theleadr, !of i Black BaYou
for their returroto 4 Yo'unges Paint. 0 The Union'
lossiiartenitp twelve:privates killed and wound- -
ed, including, Mr.•SulliTan; an 'engineer on
tug;-:killed by-u•shell. - .The , Rebet . less is un
known,„but suppOied to be iticapaiderable. ,‘,
Xew,York; April despatch Ito!
the, , INewAf'ork: from illeittiphis Ftiu the
28th ult,4 from its correspondent, whts came up
the, river to .the "United -States !steamer-II art ,
for4says-the rani: Switzerland , was fiat slightly
injured in passing .Vieksburif....
The;stentners Tuscumbia and itlontrelv-have
gone up: the 3Tiizoo:•: 1.14,:a150 say& atl• 'was re'
=ported theidtebel.§*liaie ,evieuated ' •
Witishingtott, April --' l)e - ipateliesirom
isiissi ppi Squadron embrace -rep o'rts. fro ms the:
901X1indnders - ofAthe.:seVeral ., :vessels- - whieW atL
'tempted to, -, pass Poit liedsonlibri- the n tof
the,l4th Marcilw - frotrewhieh'it‘appears , thiit•
they bad,reaohedlthe' lust and in j ost.formidable
tiJatteriespand wer.e , congrittilatitrg Alreinselves
fttpon having gained the turn Atr.the river;
when the IklississipreMticltd. .li'earful,that
this vessel, tinder fire::of the ene- .
rny;'weitlefillfi i niO their hands , it was' deliber,
.deWoyed by the nointnatider t after , the
rutinVal of all ;;;;'' board, PriZ , ate effects'
were saved : " The - mishap - to the Illissiesippi
oftused a 'derailgement of the y'e'll-contrived 3,-1! .bo-ty ,•, •
programme ot .aamtra Parraff,ut or the pas
sage of all the vessels of the fleet. The fight
ing on the part of Val "Eife:ifir 'described as In
the highest'&lrene erefliti - ble ' 'striving St:
. , .
ex n Lott superior, rpsroWeAs
i'. ~~'l
Official Despatch of the Victory at
Somerset, Ky.
Washington, April 2.—The following has
been received at the head-quarters of the
Army :--
Louisville, April 1,-1.868,—T0 Major-Gen.
HalleCre,' following of
float despatch has been received from General
I Gilmore, giving the details of his successful
itiabk upon the enetniin Central Kentucky :
~ Somerset, Ky., March 81.—,I,.attacked. the
enemy yesterday in a strong post of his own
iselection,, defended , by six cannon, near the
1 town, and fought him for five hours driving
him from one point to another, and finally
stormedhisposition, , whippcd him handsomely,
and drove him in, confusion towards the river.
His loss is over three hundred killed, wound
ed and Prisoders. The enemy outnumbered us
two to one; UVaiin'atided by Pegraui in per-
Night stopping the pursuit, which *ill be
resumed i lie" the'rii n n.
We captured tIVO 3iands of colors. Our,loos
wounded in will missing, exceed
SeOit's fam'en'g'iteVel wes P ant off.
froill the 'rehr And scattered.
(Signed) G
Brined ier General .
The entire Rebel force has been driven out
•)d = •
of Cedtr ts al Kentucky, and much of thnir plun
der re-d'aPtnred; Their reported force has Nen
greatly exagg i era e ; as well as the amount of
plunder taken by them.
I have this mothebt received the second des
` •
patelf fr'dill l ten'. Gilmore, dated this mo r n ing,
frchiPBTagaik Terry, gio the Cuniberlo'yd
'gla L gO's berry, April I.Lltinderraied the
enemy's force in my
p first report of yesterday's
fight., hey have over .Igl.lo men, outnumber
int,' ' 1 11: t e ' '
"During _>l
us more than tyro o one. ming the ni.;> it
tl ei t r irooris recrossed the Cumberland in three
11e have tk l en hetween three and four hund
red cattle.
Pegrom s ioss would not fall short of five
humired men. (Signed) * G . ILINIORF.,,
• " Bilgadier-Oencrixl.
The, alacrity with which , the troops were
concentrated, and the vigor and gallantry of
) ti . , ; .;
their anodic, aie highly commendable
Miler-Greneral Commanding.
• t; •
The Fight in Washington Territory.
'W'ashitigton, March 31 Official informa
;t ; •
tion has beep received of Colonel Conyer's se
;,1" • • " v •
verelfattle and sp y lmidid I v.ictory, on Rf,ar,River,
Wtishingien 're"rritory.,fter a 'forced - march
of one hulidiecl and forty miles, in iiiiciwin , ter
and th'rfiugh "deep s nt) ws, elt, set en -si
men were dibabld by frozen feet, he and
of only two hundred men at
hiAc'eff th ree iftiddred Indian worriers in their
stronghold, and after a bard-fought battle •
fOur'hours;destioyed the entire band, leaving
two hundred 1.;,4.1 3 :1f0ur dean up.;
field. Our loss was fourteen killed and forty'
I , sl r 1,-4 n
nine wounde d . These Itidians lied murdered
several turners duilug the Wintd, arid were
J*o ,4414.1 "s . , 1414 tinT , ,tll 7to
part 01 LOC same pan vrno peen massacre
,• 41 b.2t b''t s • ' tr: { i t i )'
nig emigrants on the overland Hail route fur
.1; ))
the last:filteen years, and kinewal actors
and'leaders iii the Vorrid crimes of last sum: l
icier: March no as:
sistance was rendered by, the Mortnoa, Win:r
seeiued i ndisposed, besayS, to divulge
fdirt4t(dayearding thti Indian's; 'and c~iarged
enderizOui'priee's for 'evSrY article t fi r iroished his
„ji .0 , 0. ••1 •`. ,
The Rebel Raid into Point •Pleasant:
gonday, fast, the
25eti dasli'ed`
into Point Piedsinif de the mouth of the
Kditawha, ptissessioci or th.e court housr
tired seven honSds, pluinefed others, anil 'burn
ed several tthousandbuiheli 'of Gover`nment
t l e4r ai3 arrived 't c rScri .
. .
. . ,
Ohio, and the Rebels were driven out with
loss fit.d taken prisoners
to ckallipoliS ; Zile refused a
. Pa . i.(;11•:- . :
TeleiraPhic'eoniintiplaaiion is cut off aloni, the
Kanawha, frOin' Charleston to i' l oint Theasant... :
The Or'uieri‘iiii6ntsi`eainer; Victor No VWas
fired into at Hall's Landing, fcirty aboie
Baffi to On eVa w ha. Otis mad was 1611-
ed, while the boat was completely" riddled by
the tru'sketry."''TlielliCiot: Y6. l 2Gr i dn.'Weigs
finally succeeded in reuching Gallipolis
The Viefor And B. C Levi are tiff up the
Kanawha, it'being rumored that hcy are `cap
tuned by the Rebe:lS.
The., United.,States , Prevost Marshal
Waillin'gton; P'r'esident and
Secretary of War have before them the list.tif
Provost Mat.shals. 'Tbey will ill be announced
in - day' or itve. - Prom some ilistritti there
ate no applications, and they hate had to send'
„out 'Cirdulars to the inetubers of Congress for
consultation. Those 'for were'
considered last" light and' ti) : •tiaY. The 'Hsi is
eotuplltted, bat canuiit'be hail for publiCation
For solue•districtithere were severe CoritehEs
fr t' •
amon um
g arp icants a -any con to. mg • ecom-
mendations, but as a general thing the recom
mendations of Republican Congressmen were
taken. About one half are civilians, and the
balance commissioned officers; who will be de
tailed from their regiments.'
The War in Tennessee
Clarksville, April 3.—The Dontorrat's cor
respondent says that the Rebels, under Van
Dorn, are attempting to think Rosecrans on ; the
left, . r and are— orossivg, the -ri,vev, „Palmyra,
and thinks that Van Dorn has a heavy supply
of artillery. The same correspondent appre
hends that the movement is .aimed Against
;Kentucky. .
RSCRII indisposition we' trust. will excuse no for
not presenting the. usual. sofolpt, of origionl. matter.
Filbs;Ot hire'xittiiral itaitif
notcyciaes PILOT; WhfolCwwwill , aell cheap, • e•
NOtice.-'—Mr. L.'P. DETIICII request's ue
state that he has been authcriik all
due 'fiev.. E. Est sittiom:
Let the People See.—WM. M
_ _'_RORY Las
itt. his 'Clock JendTry &fain, on
&Stith 'Cailißle ntreet,'s large And' assort:
meat of, Gpl(l,silyerean4.Steel
iiii.tifel:litft,l l . -1 7. 7 4.61
cAu; DATA arra 'PxiieNiAte;
left thitrmorning •to join' the 2%.1-i Peinsylvunia Ar-
tjtlery. •
l Aittkoat, a ll'irl3. ll -01i grest''Ffidny`4tioit,"thi
roof' of Mr; CQICR'Ab ersit*En's hottietook fnie , frOin
the stove pipe pnysing . thyyugh i (, Ilf.itsf.'4lo.P.Yel'-
ed, however, in time to pre - ve:4 : 4 . l unit Onnkgtso,on . l?*
done to the premises. , •
• -•-• ••
, Pas9ion , ,Wettki.4.- 111.7 th:e, 16ef in rai
ed.9hPYP ; 04placp.ftR4ioglisentkee.# I tyercllel4
five, eyeninga, pitv,„ octd
FrWay) morning and
, also on Satn r rday Morning.—The .skieiaulen;i„ the Supper 11!inii
tei l &l in' the cfifirchiiin
Caiiforn4l,,Spq• 1.41 4g f .klie t p?Pu!ii 311reh,
two hundred 4old, silver fled copper ,fltining conipa
rtieS were organizing in San 7iitheiico for the pur
poiee'vt devoloping the iiiihes'ef 4 Ciffirernia,
irerdsAif ,rightyzmilkiontr.
Removal of the Post Omee.—lt t.:
has teen
removed to the old place where it was kept
lthiner Pont Maste, "Tlie4Oom
is in iSontlf Strek, FINVIi4Cee
tltwill>lle fitted .4p,ie, 'suck,* it)aatir. atk
afford, ever,y,pos . sNl conyon,leg9c2;to,the,Pnl}jie.t
etlAialtins Siainof Maj. General . Soliainlici Ire abderme
thenatueof 'Abut S. iGonno'Nv 21,1' l(. St ;Cavalry,
V O P- 41 PqY 9f4is 1/11 1 qe), as,--U!kiji,ls,44ostil4g
taut General.— Village Record.
V .
JMisegitrgedAL - Strilk , ig (1)'
CianiplAtv 11,21.4h4Ireg.s k evArl., nn4.been tl scliagged•
fronr; Ahot serviee, r vt,i,conut. f pl o yo,, F t
limit,' hits been dischar g ed for the sine
Bottl these young men nre .
•iThe, : flights, . o Apfril4,:74lo.92el,—Mte
following bill Which contains important iirovistons,
lure. his entitled “a supplement to th•
euti f 'iniirtited*ffitteit; ll patibt
der:roft Aspidl,fll34ll: 11. • • ~/1 ty
tale Olenactd4 4 1 dt tregiptimt
ing of,,the, apt of o lkssegOlj
married women, passed the 11th day of „Vil,
D., 84S, and thesupplerue,nts thereto, ere,leretiY
declared 'to be thtt . M;
tiro" fisliand Cif •4•'auf- ..
i ist
eetate,`or-Ilipoul-any intereet; the buaband E ,inay be ,
eVige4 theFeknn l 4 4nWrilY,PolArt*lV-;
It is said tl
•;. I,4Paimage f
great deal of . .
by t
4)4 E. ifff ' 4 7••• • •
Y i genrali
Got Back.-Blaemary. PUP, jfFIN ag:mired
historic mention from tite brilliant dash rnitAethere
about fifieti' - 'mont6 ago, by, the
TKo E 'exiensiie "irbit Works and furnace near that
p'fiee • are kfinirn' many'Z'icginiane . The.
proprietor, Mr. PANcoAsr, Staunch
feared ;by, the leaders of t.4.l3efrel6,o,Thon,acoenp b of
his vast influence was seMed
mond, Ye., during the summer of 'CI, and there
Tie - 6s afterWititas'
N. C.',"itild putin prison th`ere"'^D'uriug''this'ti'me
he 'en& uraged his unfortunate fel`lowiprisoners;•and
spent 4110111mi:is .of dollars. fon Aheir_cOrnfort. Isis
releateytod return hotoe on ,Sitbha.lll, week was,cele,-_
brated with every taanifestatiot;cof delight by his,
long tibsetiCe many of hit hands took
to' the . trioiintftins . to &Valle' the '1'0;0' cOrise'rietioti
act., where some of them:perished front hunger and
;~ • , .
«Ear _
Read:•TYiis:—. ~ n
“The'spriu g, the summer,
The autumn, ,angry. winter, change
Their wonted liveries; and : the 'inazed,worl4,-,.
By their increase, now itnows not which is which "
''JifitlSt all the changes going on around us We'
like pleasure in annofincing that Alr: • 'Tonle Bain'
(aurvi‘oi of the firni . of 5 . .'& A. C.'BetiT)'lj open
ed at:the old adult two cloors 'on-WesE. ittiltirndre'•
Street,.a new. and . very ii}rget:strink. of ~.13, 9 94; ! aud,
Shoes. The Indies ; •be.oarniet,l,to fee his,.very
tasty sto4 , of Balmoral ; Boots and 9 t aiter!. The,
fashion has Ckanged very nine'', in the ?style of
holies + hoes: if the ladies exaitiine firs'stock; they
will be convinced of whit we bat .'"
gentlemen aad!boysjw4l trl,his Atockorer,y large,
of the latest and most. substantial make, and, at
verymoderate prices - His assortment is general,
and will shit: the varied tastes of the community.
Greeneastte, 'April I, 1863.-k
Fire Apparatus.—No doubt seine of err
•rs will think it strange tl , at we introduce this so,
ject now, for we hare not had a "ire" for ni, r ,
than a year. We reply, now is the time to prep:il,
for such disastrous affairs. For forty years n ot 4
single dwelling in this town was consumed by fir,.
until the summer of '6l, when in less than lair a n
hour two residences and-a large foundry were wrapt
in flames and completely destroyed. This did n ot
tend along; but was follosteil by other fires. A nd
yet, with all. these warnings, there is not e ;„ I
class fire engine In the town, and hardly one that; ,
Oa c s&n time of ftrp.„ The "Rescue" migh t
possibly be made to do something, but the •• Alert"
is at present, iiiltugethertout: ifi fis; and would not
"be worth a button" to-be used in time of a fire.—
Would it not be well to dispose of -both engines, and
get better. Is it not necessary for the town to bar e
a new, or, if not a new, at least a good engine with
hotliman&whateverelse it takes to make 1 P. complet e
tire splutrards. --But if non* of these things Ate
done,- therr, by all Means, repair the old ones. Let
this mattertbentudisd 'over by every property-hold.
Rev. Vi r . I l i . eatt y.—A correspondent ae,
the Philadelphiteibytirian, writing from New
Brunewicitili..4., under-data of March 25th, sae s:
"Recently the First Presbyterian Church has called
the Itess..,Mr43-RATTT :of , Pennsylvania, who, it is
thought will accept.-._ 'Thisiist the church, venentl.l,
with age,,,and, of sacrod„ntentory, where TRXNANi
once preached, „quite, impel-Cant that thee
should securs"TanAlin can qpnc! take his place
as an able repromtitative,pf„Prfsbyteritnism in
old Dutch town."
Rev. W. • ifskrii has accepted lire call to the
church at New Ilrutiewick,N. J., subject to the ac
tion of CarlirePrestrofi. The congregation in
this place are very4elucianreo'pailt with their very
able and efficient iiketbr,; ; litit whets* he expressed
his earnest dikiiiii'lloin"tn another "freld of labor,
they-have : felt it tcrhe'thefrlitity not to 'throw any
obstacles in ;his Wray,' and" accordingly gave their
consent at tbe.ceingregational .meeting held on last
Saturday. : 1-• - •
He possesses superierrqualificatioes as a pulpit
orator, and will'doubtiess fill the place to which Le
Td a w om A mh,v - uondern
. , .
u: Pti,,v4slit,NG Horst:, )
c tta 1 ; ligilajelphiM l rh7, ./ i
This is to certify that !: •
ittEn 1: 441.1N5 Df Shippensbprg, Pa.,
is our only duly accredited and authorized Agent
for the male cifatilneeg o.llteligilitus Delicitninntions,"
for the cOnntiess'eof:thisilll4hinit , Franklin, Fulton,
Pertr r ilesizik .ands Adanls, ist.fthonzusyleania, and
waibipigt9,n_gountt, •
„..4.l.lllters,oppoir,4l4g l o cal or. traveling,,,agenciss
for t , these bopltz, within, the coupties named, must
apply to kr. "Stine, who has exclusize - control of
this district. J. W. BR4AbLET,
' ' ' For Britiltii,Y 4 l;..Cb.,Ti.ibliitter
The understgned,wiAl also supply; p i t New Ynrk
, ,
and l'llladalpbpaprics t -the 6 •liebep lan Record.
A Pifet nn" ktitetlVAin einialietti a" •.% numl
Cy cla p edc 4 o; 'Pe* Sr (;ddraL` ire 'of 7 Chris'," 'ills
yeitie,'.lrßilgrins'aPrOgreissig lelitnily, Bibles.' Com •
inoptstrieis PifotqraPhAlkipialk, and.any .books dm:
y Pa., %p z il 6. 1863.-3 t.
brk..l4ll.ftdrhisqWtul. indeed,' it ge moat
ingtolayr. t-Aithoutgh *prawns. tleySpnexioute-.our cit.
ifA r e44. l 4tPqm!ntliclf +P411 11 04. 1 .5 . '! 8 ". Y st " sit '
c i a.o 'f I ,IIV°V4Z 4/ g ittiVi e jal7,ll9 l kl P hrirt!), bad not
reached the culminating point until the morning of
that day. 5 For hours the streets were filled with all
iti l lii ) creie'lli4lei` 2 lAliciVkaltiirtle Smell Poiffick the
detepfitl te , be . h'elffing' sotne one
eber!tmicerweili latomas-,irefe ..catiling table.,
chair', Stel,:tiotnedlighter. : aricles, whiffet not a few
were taking first , rate can) r 4 the kitchen furniture.
y.eny families retired, Ihat. night, in what had
been to thserri tow; iiiienge : 'houaes. May be
the foind m i otititig kook the
*icing 'dont' lefeetatiCrio the telien to prepare
the morning . -; .
i.There:a;e- tliqrreasonsieshich make it impossible
for the p 7 pt o f f,,April, to menretnnotieed in this State;
for, besides bein moving" day, it i the tlay on
which nnuupl ieitlesnents of real estate, mercantile
antiallollierliitide of: ioisiness, are testicle. sop-
The / lot llsomewhat` reitiarksble,
from the lact'ihat' there weretifeever 4xerrowers of
money.ithsn' lenders. , Colleoitions , wersmetade with
less :difficulty
,ie, said that good,
solid ruen were . , offerml money,. at less than the
usual rate of interest. So much for money beiog
plenty. The ‘• tight" bai4 pisied, although
there tti'e - atilt'dibitill tlinqs" ahead - far printers
like'ourself. =1 ,
Proposed Change ofaSehool Law.—The
Superintendent of CotrnonSehoolsof Pennsylvania,
VA his last aurival relitiorgrikticls'the following
amenduienta'• Conimcin . law • of the
. TO
.1411r/CIO4IIIV about 23 . Superinten
deacies, consyning reyeral counties intik ohe when
necessary, so as to commit from 400 to 500 Schools
to each of fi ce r, accordiyig to 'circumstance's.
2. TO iekt f ti&"pniitiie evidence of 'high literary
and scientific acquitinsetits'iatd of fulliprofessionsl
skill and of rea&iti pfroNssional eiptrience, from
the' applieaos'forl fhe 'office, as indispensible to
3. To relieve these superintendents from the po , +-
itire duty of visiting each school in their charge
annuallY"VuTt to requirellem to examine the teach
ers is now ; to' v•iSiveitCh"itliitriCt in' their charge
,ouce a year, in tifiltrAo Atillise 'with and 'address the
teachers, directors and citizens;, to visit, on the re'
gu944 \ of tbe.propmdirgetprs,.nny school l requiring
'BP!eittl.,att.VltluittAithilower. te.apPlY, in connection
with the board, the appropriate reuldir t ; to perform
the ether duties now enjoined, and It'lak l e report to
tbe l itbh/Kird'efaUnnikettinituellY2
• 1
4. MOreilltilt tilare'Officerittivvreasinnitblitleompenro
,tion, to be fixed by law, and to be or die mane
~4-,- . lt 9 .4fthprizeeachAtcpird of ,directors to appoint
ra clist4et, superintendent, either from its own bolt
or from the 'citizettiof the disti•icr whose duty i:
'cr ?>: