GENERAL AND LOCAL MATTERS IL 8. GOVERNMENT. President. "Ibrahalot Lftzrola, Illinois. Vi c e-Prcsident, Hannibal Ilomlin, Nleine Seoretrtry of 'State, Trni. If. Seward: New York Attorney General, Ediudrd Bate.v. Secretary of Treisury, Saimaa P. fThase, Ohio. "L ' Socretirx Wet; Pio:ln Statitoti 7nniylvaitin Seaeoiiii'y of Navy, Uideatt O. 3.11e5, .onttatielft. Soorotary of Interior, Calcbji.Smilli,", Pifit=iniOtge Go Loral; MoSitiolnery P.. Blair, Id ' . 1 2 . Taheilld" Ise 'WI 1 , 1 %sr. vs• Vr. A 0 , lar , •44a2N • : A 46' •. • - - t.#s • Governor, it ndreta, ceolur, Centreo • • Meet. (Iraq Of *kat( rhliWifer, Union. Attorney Gent:m.4, 4f4nufl.M. 'Meredith, of thila.l J., Andllterfetittl3ritl,sThornao , riodlirat, Yorkli,l , ' •,•••••' Purroybr'ehuertileffeetry anther, of )4,4 ' superintexkleet. 1100 min ou Soh ools; Diontas /her , ro t or. behaset,eM, Ili' . 1.1 4 ,iI";TP 41310 State: rteteUrelrfrillntri). Moore. Thilitdelphlis. cot Judgestof the gteptreMettlourt—Chief justioe , i—Wor as Lottelite J . ,6514 , .Read. Strortg, 'James Thompson, G. Ir. lfcdotimard„ 3,l liaryrl " 4 41 st av9 , l -a -t,; iti .148 C. jt•14147.> cuuNT y itti .1 it V , ...11 - rt , •111, ft. .11-11 ivtt 11 gint 4 4o l 444i ki i e l , t hi V er t. ll7 . 4 a r. tsu Lyiat Lit,' , ai I. A stogie 0; 0 1 , 1 4P01,/ , ,Wfi, It4r::X i PMAPi4tiAtitOrPaYgita9F .r #4s•.osllM 4 r, I 'Or P ttr* 11ra t i l ic.1194Thr14 • % 1 ? ,1 PRfrP l i i rt • 11 ritidakfit l l , l4 V,4e 4 r d P r eAr C- ,ANfk 1, '4lr Clerk the Courts, u- i ,a,...,vieckik „, ki.:* of 9141LigiiiialikArGPION me Jed: es.iali Actllioll , ,SlteffEre ZNPMAA n .4 -11.,4rigrfah; „ Cltute,th , e.P.Oat4iosiOniore,o.r.i.4,l.qyster,aJ. 1,..0 111 *MSS* ; ivo.l rittli4f9rwattir&'9lnrniNstit9Arii, ,(49N.qi.R 0 T 4 11WP.:91 ulrfiPt4l.ll-Ifttit, rs9Whi , is4l , l l eltilif.Fpreffifit, e , t ri c h /, 5 , David p cncer. cratlitio Atiottlep.444 ciltiA,fivr,ol9,l9irsAtnru , s:v , sicigfeleo:' povirw‘of4kiteNt9oArliw,g2). ifeit4AvvßtaA. t a .1468 ' 4 tiBOROUGIT 10P1410ERS.wiii l;g Tit; 'i tit 11 , 3 Ig` VS • . tI 11 rii4 4" Join loice. Jr ' ' . 1 ' '''' a . 41 d 1 r."" lakp e l ltti4,ll,therAt.r#4, l : r reNA I . r :. :lrs,'A, F ' 3- i ' B l o;ti t f ts ugl ll i l . ll ( 0 "' ;', " I ' „ 1 1,.. 1 : 4 „ 1 ' :1 ' ,,: 1 J , 1 ; ' ,41 ; 7.; ~ i l k. . 1) ft s 4t? l e 'oi: lr iagfiw .* . H..-.- - ,b , r . - , 1 ' ..i , 0 ,,,, d ig ...,f. r. , i r tf i l i • 4p y , r s:-.:ii Ala C 1. 1 ..... i ti fl ?Ri ft a i licAii6ii,..7 . o4llArtAtki?,''' 4lUl : C h . ' 'a .. ) . A., S. ..."....1 1 i 1...: 0/1 * ill 111 1 .11).... i>..3 AM fi ~. e.p, 1410,W1i Eli itiara i d aaihlailllJAVHQV ideta - KOTI4WI•i Vinki . tattle*: .(Prdildtintf)P.TYpi JAPBehialtiimifS. lifeee,P), , tbattiet XliVeerelliti§ul.4), .1 1 11 - 44136060,1 1 9P IFT/Iletlity;4l . "if leittlkol ..Pkalf.' 4 , 1- 11 * . 1 !) I Tar( eitiT 0.1,12.4.1ta1a tai 11110itid EkZ: Ms4l'lUtlyeri2 1111 W , VlnSi +..r ,a•alalaa 44W 4011 C Val b i .4t•enc __Garman Beflomiellvehurchi4East jiajtintort Street.; Relt..T. ..Apple‘t rest tir,A, .§oryicesr,everyA Sabbath! Inornltigiat 191.0'.010/1/CTIL Rrayerimeeting everyques-i At3tatvionifirt tetel4b4lactluml,tu,the.merniag.l , l . ol , t slaitkorattaelatrolt,:coeuentefr North : anti ,East Rey. lidwortit f#ritlenlmiegirellestor. s Semler tereryi SattlimPat orrayOilueetieg‘erevpsned-1 1104/*PY6303454 O'clocklcinr. tatittykerirtit),Clareh, West' Daltimoro,;st4tvlter. Viirmirnelltnittyp..l!aator4:s Services:Ake. first three Balthettiur tins eTeroalaneuth;i at 0141 c ti:clock; s Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. ,n Sabbath; SttlepolAlti9saidlokitapttn:= *al 0013 a' u oChurobV,Soutit Carlisle street.. llartsock. Pastor, be Aharge4 I , Serv . icesetirt.:theteven-• ithisttfr titvtit 0014;i3dOebbaths' of Asa pol(thoiand Utetheen,orniag &rut Ataul Sabbaths:lo, Sab boa ocitottlitc*it lino'olookr..i.Prayer meeting7eTery lituratittorlevenulgtt at by.l-; , lo sr. .a 1,,411.1114 .011threh o bat/ striotc!.aitiv.-Alex.l,Tripner, raa9PrtinivhargedirSetrciceatin4na ‘ na9rtlillpipriAtat Sabbatim wae of btmonth,tarol, inithe emelt -' mut Irk Sabi:intim, iSabbath school:at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesdays even ing:l' seettos eft ..dlciitt i = 4l t ," . . * sifig vt 4; ' gy k at& at* nor ehll i aar ,pos 11t v-, laan •• 10 ,is, ratugalonati xi eartutpb,if rm . .14541-.Q.A11)..::,RW:g,". 1 .10tiM11•Nt..:ti , g.41 7, ;;•.*:4 ,, 1W f "AriltßONV l SV l A l etA t tW r tit*,' ll-1. oif '%' , Gi'NfilligtidsPat I,4 l3itieV VlieTtiblio Scitiqi , , teen iliTo?qo th 6 Pa: MAC' " 1 "'" 1 .' '" kilfetiettgl o,s iAV?",I' 20? q BST-1 y. '. 4 r 1 ' ' 1 i r " ''' tr. o:10c ~ 1 , ,611 14N OTE*Mar (100 K & STBWIAIRAOAte'Bo atrtliSV. Osibeffide, twoldortseutibofpsloutgornet%Wsibotel, Matt J'cr dnstJM& speskrthe IGendatitlsoittage, thating9proTessonal owl, *ilk do atelittowilt,otothetti. ~ i n nAliNtamberibure-tirp151.404861-1 - 0t i • )Sift tbri MA P APVW A f flf t .o49! PIPTPt ipreNirtf ,virlßagrql‘to , Ni.voch alai sash o,Nin N e t te,pkt,,,hrslist i 4,6 91 . ° ,ur atti - akviimig,vopniAegrit reveriivrpgArrisp,7 - 1110Ic*C‘F rEKE, will attend fdi ll b4i MTh': !Ite lirillara"gN"o'n tn. siithaTt 'of tettbildiofOrCii)tl bra*. t A stitoWeetTy. - 'bgreetkipe rboeffiiizmilitirivacui& 74 by IVI3, Mfilibilseg6xiierkff the'clitibotitt. n6e6lfilii"',lklitiii4.lBo-Iyl 01;, , v!! 1 DlUNlTE`faystpudt in ri.:A.TotindigSorLlZ Building, (Up Stairs) North-East Corner oPtliepia mond, ehrithbergbfirg. tilt; ' A : PULT•firTtegid4QAtr , ..+Pie l 4iati *. -.. r , . yip itidreitfeeVal . l9 ik°, ll( ilAncP l o 3 11 °° I .t r iVol 1114 li elIte.+S+4- ltieleitYl. :that. he.t has. located! rilittlY* l 4s,th ei f telaist, filr,A, l ltPilleijee Of i Alie ` , t0n.,.., r ligvigg • b ee n xery,,exteßively.,And I P ' * ' ll ".ir l teVrige.d in the: feK . l i-lp3hiSl I , 11 ~. ~r§, in,,,ll.ltrcersbmg,, ,, ,n a tlektere hi elerlf, from . ~.1 experience in the irofe§sion , „thot tie 1 , 4 1 ' 1. ~! to 4 iploage ,ajl e that a niiii, favor bimociih their.Pek ' . e . ~,WhplA or, pro f s of pe,ts,ef,Meeth. 144/4 " ;4 ' ' '' '' l + Bl l'4et ertlilatiliti.P.hite,twiiikßleclts 9 / 4i4 g ig h-` Teet,l4Leitheemna.that+atilteePittiie 1464 ° i Pl e - o r ' , ise., ~llecelte4 Teeth Permallent ly saved by filh. ~. ; ithpnre Gold. Strict attention i”" 44-44611 4a#l `f+. l .heileethiand.Qhms , .also. to the.oorrectinc. ele , .grilyof obildren's • teeth; teeth and..roptsex - '.l wlthatil the eastl'eXtd,dis peteitttbat moiiero es e mg , atlord. • All :opera:, tions watiran4e+).+lc.plb , r 4 i r „d iarg e., , Charges inedesatto l and. to +snit ilk : raw; ;:,, h d v iee. groan:— 6.111 andtbatelyour Meet .. mined,l Perifeneswol be woit° 4o ° 4 A t ' l the i cv°l 4l '. either. in. tiro:town or country, when desired. ~ sons wi ll also be vtaitedromatkOhantbeceburg- as mly. b yea dk es . sing hinote to the subscriber, ut yeencestie..,,f • oliiirtwefficetand.tesidence o B ol utore!sty, liplike,* hove. formerly occupied, hi r Hen t , 7 Gardner; deordt., ,€- n, 9 ii ( ,t i ,„ ~ ,,,ir „ .at KEE HY. NeE t Sm-,-vßev.' Thos.,Creig 1. D i ~Drs. Et Neg1y,,,,1150 Rt. t Sniithe+.lL fa:. +Brow , , 4 4 ;1 1„; Nifty. Alarm:int:mt.& and #Dr.+J oseph If ere. ~.Nim. mans i : '...' i , .......- .- 1 ., +. ..t 1,1- .• • * t 4240 4 +Persona willtpleasmnoticmthattlrwill atr .sentfion'errteelrin each mondr, • commencing wit he fist Monday of the ..mon th ~, . apr24.'60.1 .Suggeo,gast, boying,foptietti himself p m.11 . 11'1106, 7 ' b:4114G rsisnentle t lrp,peApilly,tenders his refes kkall qeuipes,toAhe..piAtii9„geneFaq,„ , is, pie. pmell, to go p,11.131 4 ti15, or,xo,rk belonging to his Tro,.: fltßiep On, theminst,,fippro,ved itici. Lyle., on,the_mosi reasonable terms. te pub lic" will find. it to ,their interest, to , eit4 1 44 qie,,,itypsepiber„ for „anyt i hing .in his fine •sAtilt44.ol°A to_ al,X;wl4 will favor ,hir9„with•'.thotr .patronage :T -• All393o, 7 witiqante,4l. , • kOtoe, in his Pic‘iiiA Otler.i....on,West`Dal tiwre„,street,,ona, 4e,arb , opposite ~11.oltar's (up stftipt ) t .greeneeatle, tireeneastle, J,an.• 23, THE PILOT I v a NVi a Wei r e :IR 0 1 TIC I 4 A SUPERLATIVE, , . , TONICETIC 4.14 •t • •.••„,..; • 0 6 , 7 . !Mg ri::bytesel WEIDE 'irif6 .. ciiiiena of isl'',i,eiki& l'einis - Ovania . . .Apothecares,., - Dri?„ggisS, Grocers ' w Etifd' , „,,i. Al ~. • u ...., , •.,,1 qv “ c .' * 1 1.. ;t. :kriX4te '. ‘ 1 3,4474 4 4:9•:, .:,: . ,: I '; i'llroffe'sit.Pette. , flognac Brtindy.: , , 4,, , ,1.... , •1. • ItCslMPPllPeMederiopSlei#Pl/ ttiiiiV4l 4 l 4 Tolii , . + - , tir m 0 , 0- 't.+,..8 , •,i1..1 WP 1 1 g3PW : efalji:anti, I A .., ~) io, to; . iy, Ars ,„re - g f &h 4 A t riri.4. ,lidfil fy V lnt, V -L•6',; 'VIL.LL IN. BOTTIJES. , ..' ,, lai 1T, ,, ' , 1 IREG leave to call the attention of the citizens efi the Sta,testo;thefaboiejfiiio OW - Liquors, hn miaridlijoilf qi.l7,lef . levityork, i tile earl is lam liar in eveny 'part of_ tins ceontry.for e puri ty of hlA r e'&l3lll 44 sTdIuiP.WARWA39s. 4 ' 3 . Wolfe.l . 1 5 lfiti teller 0 3 44 , 14° , 114g3 of Pi Itlftjkalf I Jii' W4nesjnd Ligitftre„s9l: ‘,'l will, stake my repute -edytlirt IWAllVlli3litaliditlg 'ail 'idef,Clitlift, of';tllir t ty, al.'s rtginehcititan 6 city, of Nertorpile,' that all he. C nYariled Vria:tkit Moll' I btittheae‘Or6 4 -Its - ,im- 1 viOriditlintriSteffieiWktkitiklitY:i'ieWri'llnrelfediiip- 1 Viii,r6VeYir Ilitrth'igar.''''' EiiiiT l hottrilias'l.)ie t , pro-1 prletor's nani f q,pn, the wax, and a filb y 'sithile of- t his' 'Slkii r tainied% tYieMg•tilielZfel A :ilieviititlfe l fispeet.- l'elfriiiVifetif *tti j thill yalwatiiiiiia 'for lb s dlisel l v es. Va nidid i 'Rethitlit all AVollie l eWids'thig,Gheikilal litiflattellihli' t " '" 1 " "Molide'lfi,'AdirrinV,'"' '' " ''''''' 'Y' • ''''' 5 ' '"` lit' BP2 dWrirket/V.';Plilla l " - } "'" "'-' 47 ' • '''' - ‘" l ' ";%/4"..4§ , ent.t6"e 4 Phitzeild.tAllii , ". i . Read the following from the Wevi"YoPlY:C i ontder? : j :'"lftitifinnit'iiiistVisi forjWe liVet.'6 Foric:„Ve2c4974 `WII ii i lliak.p, f 6 irifohn .61iirlello'n4itii0 tliiii ief? eJ •Ilreif4let:e iii t oili'dtil,ii , Nt'6l`66 Mgiertiii7464- t i t•ifyrilid 66hcit'Y eel:ailhi; clic.' kli' ilk& Tiii`eolei'se •ge ;rine i iiit i l I'.. ; #111 r ; 'is . jiyite Ifs My'ciffell, liisl i -, • , i.,-. •". ' :IA . . .emr ono 1 ^ not' t•ifeg i l t i t . 1 1'.'1 , -.9 . . the be‘t'Ai iii . n e i o give P,CittbilYilfd'`ifesoit,iptioloollfisiVierOW' I"dj.ctpriSil LiAiites';'Clttiont,loltlA)l wdl.hOeflii , 61‘stf6igiifiri, `Alfi•lgn 4 rtgii:islt.'tlifpt.sllB ) Vor.liN' hlfeigiV4 WA,' filpiiiV l N'oil' ltii", d 2lY iti?e2t'; 9 l3eAv'ell'sl,.!'llilddl.4l,l h l alid"2l';''l46:rkgiAglid Vf.'''', Ffii'htoeig n 6i Aolin7tpplqin; sand AhTifilgt t i 'BBtil it ~n'ed VIM' liHaftibst i rick i re noi,ltivii 6ceir i AV Bl'aii trY, 4 `s 60. I eti"fll64- and `eMei "Vi ntages` ofladir IfttiCiiittl'idfillods ltierkeases'ot Madeirk-Slierillicid Port WihenSentehi And :Irish IR iskyt•Jainaica n.ndiSt-Ctofx Ruth, soile i .i , eirrofd: Kett & t wit to-cnrin: this bountrog: PHO•eliol had three large cellars,"fdled with.Brattdvaine,"&e.,l l in ,o,nsks, ininisir a Cus.tom-42tee i ltfty, 1:964,4er ;hot ding.: ; ..)In,. W,olfp:s ,safes, 61., S,elitinmo,,,lnst. 70) 1 ; Neglected to ece i hunkctcr4e.,ighty, 41 omp„pid 4.o;egi :ind,,welicipp,inlgss-tln;tn t osp,mr§,,he t ,n3o..yAbp,eqq4.l ili o silecessi;nt w6iii the,PßlPilieli-Vii.4 ', 1 )5141ft 11 N.•.,,,, 1 ; ; Xis himiness, pingrits, tb e.pat,r,,eleez.dnynit , 06 bilk 5Pe0i40...! VSY.atIAATO WA§ Who IMIIIJ:PiIThIIYiTic Agul o .l4:qcorpSot in eoio.akivßahould.p9f l 4•l l leir-9.51%9 direct schl* 41'Nfeilentilii e,y,egy Appghteary lit ,;..b1 ,ht.nci, wake ; •up,MteicAntge4,lA disci:Ad. the ppitionpos 40,4 3 in: th*sh4Y.P§,lanitTPß with 1.Y0. 1 V 7,1447fPAY in,e4.. au 4 iii.ciiA o KB, +iv!. ..";,:t.r 1 r f u ,:.,:4 „<. ; ,i i d 7 LY4 paderst %Ad thirllvAlfss,,,f9AtherAcecknuKi9Otim ,of wqpi 1 , , deriterio Ai the ,x 0 kitkt rye , P9Pill APRifts49 l lted, :c4Bqsctf ;I) 9 i - rms. aind.- 1 4311Actrs., , 189,415 4:Ariffn, AuF1,:54.41 l am e.rehggeg,LehogAil lie, pectained . cgongtAi§,,t,en.g, l of i Oko4fAuldAt flfl o Prhcalettta 44. Om I-fAite(l , Sl.l4•s.ole . Aelis.P.qtkii Pg 'a) 14 tz.o.44loPillsernillPP§. Atiizq vt :Nob Weni health and happiness. ~•.,5 .I. A B9Pts 11•4800.4 3 /Alt, i • . . . , picot. 11!“.11311,A111141.1e ,, R ataNfili rolik tit nall&lDntni• titan., 1 w v m po. l ;s7sAl3,Y NO Tit Elit,,; Citlß 4l AltiN J:lrjEt itts S t 0.4.03 CO 111, tvtl c Atr ri t , j l : ; ritas i t . , 7l `• ISr-tahar,e 45 1 444 (iTPPrierleP,d , the Mace aIIY I IYA beqn, bP 7 .thlitPYPlolorertl t "• . * - W4 lve, h a F e arl7*lti'lig PAPI/e..1 ~,ta ••;4.11, ternint,r,ll fAc4-741 coir .11'4A 401.8,1311.1 t 410 AefsgßA phiNsgc.ii 04049 poPilAil l te44l\llo: APPIPAtIPAP- , pittiv wftt u rilAka.*+4 8 pAn WAYIIIPT/ 11 WhitIVRrlitIgiVAIT:PTIVII" meats this season, which will ije patc4,94 ghn ci kcal ertt 14.ra ow oda tric jo rr.CITIRMTeReAktiP 'O ll 3 OAPPPTIAAPtUIitie 1 ;9,4ti1i,P444W5:1T/lOR'eruPPP 434;441. *rel llo l , blOLllNtdfa.lbP egetisPf: t 49. arliteAPPrienePok :—.IL -4!;g0„,„ 4 1,11,p,ei.kons h p.wap e Q- C ganpine,GU4Al AATIA, Wt4i*itPAIALP...7 4 ApJlee , A5P,d thgir o K.FiLL , 74. tirep4- . oasilo, Pa, Persot4w,ill our Sliop,l4.sql4aFes isoud4Pf s icEr4,l4l ? , A ti1.:4 .1 0 7 215 4 6, Fratnizilin I I i tti 4 S4TAIRIA iri.Oler:lNG : :l l o.S . T; * I 69c f f' 111, 9 , 1= 1 ?P* . E4TallY. , tgIT#PI-er - .§l;VVA'Vik,ti44s l Pt l tl -4 1 1,VilLts; 1 . 31 - 13 ;134s titiw .t ' 4l r : r-E•SiTABLIR HE'D' IN!..lBtvio , i , T .7 1t 'cohttetti'gPfill fite•eitirtatt rfgdr ofothelltlar rotiat tilittiqbfibtary;' rketl' and gait mttrOill irelittert, 'Knit try:ltieer ars , ail clfS of rtntilicelitrtralOrl, Valoablb -Stiiitatioatairkormation, 'l'gribultOtioPNews,' &o: ,t.ry).l l • 40 vi4,-,57te LoteAt TelFgrgehic elvp. ll T '1 4 1,, S' gmbracirig.everytiroporttot Rent tof Nows.y.Foreigh and) Atainestic,i klongressidnal Witielligokee; , ,liegisLot_ aiv4l•Pfbeeedinks“&o. t , „ ~tt a eed to: , TERMS $1 PER ANNUM for a ainglo,,eopitor,l4 Ir.-- , :copiestfortonotyear. fortslo:').. hiri -ittrAeikitt;Address;r l It.w -Editor,andAProprieton4 Fifth-avail Wood St s., Pittglitirgh,7PC ,t! Ifir,Senil lour ;mail at tny,,fisk.'l6l.l 4 4•1 Y tio.EMOREBt; QUARTERLY MIRROR of PASaI 3DIS v Greta I'.lpPr° HE Siimine t rinuniter will contain four'large" amle?clisl tesneolirpprAilig Jhe Neer l'rekeh Waver, y..Q„Aeg,i-trit„ §leeie, and a Miises 'tack, togatliect;io pearlyloo Engravings of all t.....,, 4.2 p alv*,l., ploqb, Trimrtfnes, aaa-rri Etc.; anti val uable' Info'h - c r n Milli n'ers;lD rjal era And Liifliesql•Eikeiiiilf; htsesetlliN the larg2BferiA iethe 'lVbild:•PubliahecU 473 BrsndtwaY, 'and hold iver3Twhere fir '25 bents,'or'setif t)y.mail roe free, onlorAeeiritref the $l l- WitlPtlt'folltawiti?, valilabre•preiniiim: • A IA 4 Efreti will' he, v entitled tif the se: lectien of 50 cents worth of plain natreins; To thb deeignAn the from the show roan', lir they tfin,y ,be' _9rilered' and 'sent by mail anytime 'during the libite, bipnyini ?he itestage. Splendid' indute lienfs to CtinvOserS. Summi7 number`will beready 'about. the or May: pril 29, 1862. , ••'• Lt:,,,,§•EbTTS , wanted. to sell Cary's Patent ' and , direatltelianterm: those furnish jug, §PI/41kfactoxy,rck'ex-ence;b , a liberal s salary and expense vill 'be paid. „The Article. is needed by every..fitrietr, and mechanic in the country;, and will meet 'with ready sale: Address J C C4lll, Patentee , 1 :Inn 17,'60-4t. 81 Nnestia Street. BILI t S a' It IN 'rED ;11 1 *- 31 ) 3 1 ' iry Cift: kl) (20., PA., I'EBRE:A.P.,Y tjotels, C - . LN I C ) i t 'N •'" gg>r Failititr, A.bovEi TPCIRDi r • 'UPTON S• NEWCOMER,' Proprietor. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passen ger ears to all ,parts of the city, and in every par ticular adapted to the comfort and wants of the business public. ' -TERMS $1.50 PER DAV'. October 22,.1861-1y: e HOUSE, ~; [LATE 'MON HOTEL.] ,; .I! l ;3l2 ° COnnilsburg, renn't. JACOB• 11VDON'AiLD, PROPRIETOR. . I ' , l3enrders`lnken'by the day, week or month. 154 . 44 11 .,5; 18614.; • . ; ;:7i,.. ... ) iity coin 1T,...i", 917. - iri L i - it o SCH I AFHIRT, WUNDERLICH So CO., , ye 'l l 'cti4).4lHia ip,Il,Al CominUiiiin Me atts, li'' - h01iiit6 ,: .,17:, , ' 8' , le ~ reefV/riiii c a.s.ii„„i, , .,r : ii,'," liri imbocitibers are-now.lirepared,•at their new .11„apd:cimmodiou a ly q reii oup a , to i receive and foiwrr et"C o olvid from Pliiilidelpj/it, And .Bt a timore, • , lark Ads o / f' prodaOlind inercianiind,:entrusted to their ciireliitphe:= lowest -rate*inn'd with -dispiitch, and respectfully solicit a liberal share ofpatton'age, N. B.—All goods left at. the depot of Peacock, Zell & Ilinchnvin, Nos, BViind 810,,Narket4treet, PhillitNipik4h.ol4,tiqkillatllAtijiMilaoffer, No. 128, North Howird Street. Baltimore, 111 d., shall be forwardegm,itlrdilijkalttli All goods should he nrmrked v sap pf, Silnifhir,t,Aaulerlich & Co. They will keep Com;fantly.on: land and for sale, the As2s-14oi :....1 , . - . t ,r,f. 1 , r,1,111 celebratea • _ , . ....., . 1. . n qii I gi lt tali 'l ir " il l . I;l4 . gii‘ i lig : j Ai 1 i ''''‘ i e , . .114 e C oa l, ~,,!,,, ...:,... ~,...• • ',C., . • e 4.1... (direct from, the „trunesi):Wlkosimi-re and Pine Grove Foundry Ojai; ,Salt t PlaiteT i and Hancock Cement, all' lit 'Wilidli . tke) , Wilt sell cheap fur cash. They will always.'paTihe l highest market price in , taaidlo for 51'1 : 4 , - , .! h 10,, A -- .• %',^ll' ~..f.. I.}, VHEAT,'RYE ANA,: SCHAFIHRT - , iiUNIIiRLICII & CO. Feb7TO-ly """ C. A 71 .7 4: T, R .b . , 'orwarding , On North. E Carlis o le an:6North ft& Greencastle. Pa. fIE a o' subscribers are now prepared, at their new ,;tt ldWitehouse, to receive and'aniffroin Philadelpnia;:and Baltimore, all . kindrof produce and inerchandiseovith dispa,teh,.andiat the LOWESI POSSIBLE itkiee v pdillii•espWagy Solicit a sharp of patronage. Al'l. good 4 eft at the depot of W. E. Burk, No. 812. Mattel Street. Philadelphia, 07 Ktl9l/074 Ffierkall7.llfro,4Noith)Street,Lßillimore, 'Aid., will be forwarded with dispatch.;, , ..:1 The highest. market price will be wafer ~ • • Flour, Wheat, Rye, ,Qats,Vaud.,:eorn. t All goods should 4 lie 7 tharkCd;; in /care of C. W. Eyster Co. &Mtn, Apr24,'6o-Iy.. I AgeKt at Greencastle. EV'T I 1101 *1 1 MATTHIAS MEAD. tHE undersigned, thankfutr or the encouragement they have already received, would,resifeettiilly ask a continuance of the same. :141qi always on hand a large and compleftgAS"do'reinetit; every thing in their line of busincsnletribraeiiigeiv'- . 1 Cook, Parlor, Sittintr, , ItOoni, 1 43111.ce, and other .St.'6 4 ve§ifoi• drhinglCoas , or SVoSd. Also, Tin, Coptier(iJapalcil.ilad Sheet-Iron wars, in great 91„. made on the shortest noLiee,,,,for, Churches, Dwelling Houses, Sarnl, 8, - c ity Uusrng n ione,nther than u the lie' I`,S:Sell. l 4;Sheag.3s t 'shitre 'Of ,filiTanager .Y g.f,{ VACEfA RR ; 7 8sig 4074,10 re/SLlgraiiaceitePeflilleVlliamond. T lisparrimilowtfrAi East Baltimore Baltimore street, three doors Mist of A. L. Irwin & SoWlLirdware Store IF, L1.L.:24.1. 4 .• • G" , Auc pEstir titges iens/tit itr itiltrming lie friendffanliirtlieciptilffie gtrArallyf that lie has openetlialfeiviledt and , Sboe Slioti,'ln the room formerly occupied by Jolm. Bert, where be will be ykreared at all amts.,t.o manufacture Gen ogle and Shoes,, at4he ,, slioTtesi nqt at4l uponOre_ mkst ierff4 :; !Pe feels,Wprlr. *ill give fatieclietivi. , "cli•eenelZ lg,t4ptyl 11 . , OLLOCK'S Baliblaiirt i bblt'tE - iv --This preparation; made from - the - best Java Coffee. is reconattiftleit by ishpixods as a superior NUT II I Tow, 114,1 TEN \VAIL ( MEM- Debility, Dyspepsia, an ail rali 3 Ous"disorders. Thousands who have been compelle tb‘abandon the use of cof fee w . 1 4 10.1% Y10111° 1 4; Vilnic#l44oM*7l2le can contain§ he strength o two pods of br inary FriffiClVP.itia42sMeTntilr C V , cin MO ?ref Oilt! t a k" ''''' t.'o:l.lli,rlC - IC' S' Ltv' s'isr,L,'•'`' - !,, .4' g till:. eiP P.. it ` '" r - '•' PP I ati i 0 'ft ; fig ..: I. Firil m A9' ,t l l" l. ( V i r t, Pl ,lol l" -M 3 A° g l ipliNcihPT ~..amK.l.9, , ,gl4gh4affeV, l 3 4 Ppßi9ql l 2l3 s eitfiLmAvxlFFA rl:l h ee t i-2P4t#,-),- 1 - i-, t4.' P t, is .. 1 ....: "in E ..-- t: -•-! ; ;- 1 fN ai” - AP ,l NT9iiynir'; ibi A-;--,0 ,r, t,3}L e 3l. IK.OLLOOK4 Qh . emisti ~ 0 ,1 , ‘"Ceettir e ,, Brixedvcind Mit:fur ASitree;'.' ~ ,,3 , 3, ~...t . : . ~,,,,( 1+ ~: kti `. , , \•tt :', t.' s'P.' ~; SP P' A.p.V. il4 t;i , P. IP PI !p; e , 1 .1 . -1 • I PAR T. : 4 " I,I. i ,it, 1i ~ ); ''' ; A . ; nd,sold,brall DRUGGISTS and GROCERS. • "'lnrirvil'bt-IY'' I ,' . '-'''' •"' ''' ''',-. 1. - L . ' . -,, ''.... I 1- Ni'itoltonedies . 'SpermOlythfiri:' ,ABSPP;ATTQA,,,RKTIA- A4I„,,D . .pwiLIA; fOenerolenti,liistitptiov ad by„ppeciki endowpent; tor the Relief of lig:Pick aP i ll,ais,tressed, et ed with xigglkit Atitkr44,4ge Dis,emee, tied especially for the Cure of of OM 'Serf Pa}'lrgans.; I • Medical advice given gratis, by the Actingiir,ge cn.,, yalwiLble,Reports on .5 pernimgrtireik,Jaid otli ir,piease of, the .p.x.ttalOrgitql . ,,,ptl,fiti,tlie NEW 1441E'PAAS:g7kM9yetl. 'the ,Dispeniary,,,,,,7,eiat r :,in set }1..01. 'tetter envelopes, free of:charge, ";* . iyocr„,threre stamps to . iost;ageraceeptable.. , . ,1101JGHTON, 4 tektig Surgeon, 11oraii,,Associ4(ion, No: South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, PP, By order of`, the Directors. GEO. FAIRCifILD„Seep [Mar.2l, '6l. time;-having, now elapsed '",'since 'the dissolution of t ' the';ftrin 136NNER Ec,ltt';Cit 010%, anti many,'Olnims.'for, Stisscripti,m and'Ativertiing still remaining unpaid, the suri/iy ing riaptier, desirous to settle finally with ilte riiirii:Op.toioLß..l3. - Bonner:, deC'd, h u ts determined to - leave tliOnolts' of the firm with Justice Rowe OW the' accounts due the'fini may be placed in' course of collection'o by law after_ the first. day of. , nuary ,, Ja next. unless sooner paid. ' -0 JAMES W. NI*6IIOIIY. SUrviyini partner of the firm of Bonner & -• April St, 1861.. , _ , Keep,& Lqpkiiput, ....FOR A. MATHIOT & SON'S Sofa and Furniture Warerooms, Nor. 2.5 and 27 North Gr!!! Street, (sin!: PAYETTE sTitt:Er,) Extending from Gay to Fredaick street, and not ex. celled in the Union. A. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of evory variety of • HOUSEHOLD A.N . 3l' OFF;CE ts Furniture, embracing. Bureaus., Sofas, assorted colors of Cottage' , F el arniture, liedstpzs, Tete2a-Tiles, geite;•s, artirobe.s, Aim,'Woo4 Office, ' hocking, and Barbar Chairs, Etagere's: garble Tables, Sidebbarills, Spring Beds, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton and flair, Re -I.lll.llblsVed Chair's, Cribs and aralll o , Ex tensteitildnbleg-ttr evbrti length. • . . Car ,Persons, disposed ,te,purchase aro invited to nil and give our stock !in examluation, which, cor variety arid quality 01,w0 . 11 . manship,'eslnnot be ex 'celled by-any eitablialment.iTi the cotintr.y. , ' • ' A. 'MITI - ROI & 'SON, .` • :...Nos. 25 and 27 ',North Gay,:street.,, Jan. 290,4 P1-1y,,, aitbnpre, Md.• ` 7 ) 4- 411)1M11; ii l ifi 5. UR L 88 , I z 14 V 1..•; ls) r rctseni I ,ll w riflid, j i lorc ir y Ali . series at thill hit r illation family It newspaper, will-be,_comnienced on the firth PYVlT.MulnYrinftltiMinted. 7 o EAU§ CPMITI9 new type. Ilrith the_January number will egin the publicatinttOn,serig3,4ofibeautiful original viorThef &iv fictiog wiiiterhapvistsljk 'ler the n Fro ouW,ltrx thi Iles oe rst of these is fcco4 the facile pen of a well known and highly giftbdlauthor, and is a powerful gy tariti L • rilingalirpieriou:., r; eply intocating litistory o ourtslop e'er:carried f e. < his chArr4,ll . story wil so succentiii by othe its.,o a similarAe oription.,several.of• which are already in prepar: anon. All the former peculiar features of the pa Tper i phicla hate given it a Wictl -w i tirld reputation, ovirbe on§tinriedr,w)iile.the se*eral•Me* ones Will add iiifinite. ; y,arkely to its already, diversified pages Among them n number of fresh, spicy, WM/8- irig; Origlifat 'Sketches, which sraiteleand relish of thewit4shOmor. raciness brill iancy, and sparkle of Elio times. Aslieretofore, no laboi or expense will ,be.spared totttaintain the high reputation of the itclme Journal, wl q h is, e' borne erywhere, both at boe and abroak'ilCkiiewledge l d to'he t tlie most refined aninblErg xepettdfy literainie tint tha'aris .thisisiSe6f the sea,itnd the t est e l ap wit fain ily newspaper •in • the-world. As no more , copies of the new series wills•be•printed• than are ordered: those who desireo,begin:with:the commencement of .the 'volume withbe able. to do-so by forwarding tit* sube-:Aptions without delay. • • ' oppy, $2, fgr i threp qopies,ss threel -Lor one 'city for tee ea+s, $5 ; 'for it chili of Sev'en'''Copied; sl* for 'club of fifteen copies, ‘s2o:, rind at - , that Tate fora larger dlubtlwaye' in advance. Addreai.i 11 I /Jr; !I MORRIS AND WILLIS, Editors and Proprietore,-107 Fulion'a,•silr. Y. ; AMMt;ICANI AGRICULTURIST. .y.ssued , in.• 7 Loth - English and Germain,) A thp,imtlzh g o j n g ,rßelia b leand•EractMal r kournal, , aevated to the different departments of' Soil Culture—such as groWing Field Crops ; Orchard and Glirdeit = 'Fritit's`, 2l- Gar'den' 'Vegetables and Flowers TreeS, Planta (Anti qFlowersi fbrt, the Lawtr, tit ; in-door and •.out-door works, aronndltha I dwellifig:' care of Doruestio,Animals ; &a: . ; 4 _ „rh, f ac 4 i ii .y. s f.A.,A o ric l oiuri.L.a,,co,*ec4 9l ,l , o 8%6 or Terrdorl,lpitt are adaptedwahis el all sektidiislf thh t6wlfrt'-it'ta as its ttinne ttidiCateb, trnig AinrerieWn 'filiettei htare n etlitiois 'orthe Sante sizealid'-price as ,the English,. and contains..4l :„, matter, .Ithcl its lannerkiallldstlidi4e en4tavplgs. Tcrins T i„Fiyariably in, atlyartpe;; `.'copy t orte 9ia'r,l 00.f'0'cotiies i bife ear; $5 '(3O ino're copies, 80 cents each. An extra copy Co flielperson sending itb*B nlirries;lit 80 'cents each. far In addition td fhb; above rates . : Postage to' Canada ti colas; Co:rtnkland and. Fran& 24 cents, and, centsper apnunt. ~.gostage anywhere in the United Stntes and ,Terri tories must, be, the subscriber and is • only six. cents a year, in, advance ,at the office where re ceived. , The,gaperis.consider,edpaid for whenever it is, sent, and will be promptly,discontinued when the time,for which it is ordered expires. All, business Alld pater ,communications should be • addressed to, the.l3tlitor and PrqprOtor,. ; „ ORANGE 41 - IDD, J44'31.139. . ONENIE.US.,T,TWE, BETWEEN.... ,GREEN,CASTLE , ,. IiANW WAYNESBO,IIOc rill -1E undersigned Ivotild respectfully announce to' liin.the`trateling Ilublic o that a very:. • and•'Cbmmodious Omnibus i's . r"Un l ' t dailY:betwn'' . .,'rcencas tic and IN'aYneslho to' ' iiiTii:leaving'lrainesboro in the morning, and reaching Greene:4lciri due fbr thoearly train l:nstw rd. en .th F iri Railroad, „and ' g Greq4(o,:stip t i ,ori tlte,arrival of the train from the East, returning to' Waynesboro' on the same day. HiPI9RPIP7PS 3*lcomfortable.:74llCb Bafe, and he promises no pains will be snared to secure comfoW and bafitY 61 all who. may eidoldrigo this DLNIJEL P., STONER. Greencaztle, August 14, 1860.4 f. Ft , tL ?,,,f, NEW BARBER Snot. t icEEP'cit4b o.bfor the - Teeple! 'l'rbeldirittit from the Junse r tort !f, Inreol the ^,gladL-tidings in Greencrtitte tenh s'ilfrodivliiiit l e`ouffjr;•int the best i - Aae 1 - 0 1.); . ' Shlrved, have 'Hair' Cut.; - &d.:;::le at the opened on Hag' BaltimOreistreet, in .the ieoin'fikraerlylaccupied' by Le4ii . Cant , iiiiler'sll4),"eie door' wesi'df john Ito*O; Esti'e of fice. zlllsthode wishibg to. ha ire's good have 1141 do,yrell,y) calk and giye him a ,trial. ri „. 8. _C. XLICARDSO,N Orceirastle, POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAME,LT.S, 0 PAIN' DESTROYER Is -one of the few domestic remedies which have come into'gerteral use and favor, without.puffing.— It . , is the, product of a simple shrub, barmlesa in. all citseS, 'and 'as doMestia" remedy unequalled. " For. Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Soreness, Lameness, 'S'prains, Rheumatism, UteerS, Old Sores ancl'. Wounds, it has not anequal... It is also used, with great success, rot. Tooth a che,, equal., Neuralgia, Sore Throat, iarrlicea, Hoarseness, and other similar trouble some and painful affections, while it pr;?mpty Testi; all Hemorrhages. .Hundreds of physician's pie it:dairy' in their practice; and - give -it their unquali fied recommendation., sold by our agents and deal ers, and by F. HUMPHREYS & CO.', 562 Broadway, SOLE . PEOPRTETORS AND MANGFACTIIIIELtS. May , ME READ ! READ! READ I The Great Family Newspaper! THE PILOT, FOR .6" . 3 TWENTY COLUMNS OP _READING MATTER FOR ONE DOLLAR. AND lIFTY uENTS, Per Aixnum, In Advance. TIIE PILOT Is Neutral in Politics, and Religion, and T.ndelienden,t on all other subjects. It is • THE,PAPER(tOR:THE PUBLIC! THE PAPER'yort,i7EyArtmElt! THE PAPER FOR THE WORKSHOP! THE PAPER TOR THE HOpSEHOLDI It will contain, the most import-4EI Foreign, War, Load and Qeneral News of the Day. R E _M IL good 011io i rEilo;Itytt r ittidalio Money. In. order to induce Agents. and Per sons, who I'olll4 ijiteret in the.puP • flication of this‘:phier, we offer the POLLOWIN( We will pay $25 to •the person who furnishes the highest number of new, annual .0 AS H Subscribers The Tubber " Mint 6 - ice - eaWV - -VI to the Which miika exceed 50. $6 to the next, ) hieest, r w, which number, must vticeed'2si and 310 the next highes4 which must -exceed )1 . ~t .11 ,is n. ..k Lil =II u *ACAT.r.a At The price - ; .of The l llool' l #,Vis published weekly, pis 13.1.50 1 17dr non num, in advance; but for the purpose of farther increasing the circulation, we'iktel the e , " 9,11911i / tvg inducements to persons, who are not Subscribers.: We will Send Twenty ccpies of the Pilot to 'One address and one 'to the getter up ofthe club, for .$26: ' - Ten in the ',gape manner, for /$1.4. - "ive in the same manner,,for. $B. Three in ,the 'saineoliaarker, fozaM 'This . paper has the gierite'st amount of " "- •;-: - -"):1 •f;" `'t that cambefound inianTeountry week ly. Religious, Scientific, Literarj I subjecii'and togriCs c iiiihe ar,,f4)l.l .l l.iike**4 irkotilq EfiitOT ial Deparfmnent. .'A'faithful record of Local. matter - is 'given ever week. This 'department is conducted by one Wh o spares no,pains zollect news n regdtdevents ' . .transpiring immediately atpuivt tTpwards of two columns of . Locals may be''ex pected :every yeeli., We have ~been prorrilse,a sOnieVa Iu a ble mistance by gengenwn of talent. ,Qur,lipt4Fll4- tributop 15 rapidly increasing, 'have 'frequent correspondence: irnin the Federal army. Letters are. pub lished almost iiveekly from other parts of the country. We' have always_ stood up for the town and for old Antrim, and all- , we , 4 • ask.inireturn is aSair encouragement. , No effort 'shall„bo , spared i to, tuAlso our paper useful.. instirgqUTP.9aMti taining ' nit • •1 'I ..71 1 ' , .Those of our,friends_wbo are-cop3pet ;neer the premium .'inducenients offered by lrovoAa . 49 r w t,ti f bop in,„ttkcir 9,f names earlykds possible; Even name, ,we.would prefer having it at Imo& Some are of the opinion that it is necessary,to withhold their list until the end 'of t'h term!' This is not so. . :Every aubscriberi rut , tr , us is •placed to the account of the procurer thereof, and the person who haaprpepred Tor us the largestupm her of qiubscribers: by the 4th of - July, 1862, will be, awarded the' Mai:lest' preminin, etc.-- Address,- r • • (t J. W. WCRORY, - ). Gretteciatle, Franitia IDERSONSwantinr Tinware, mace or - extraizeary Ain, 7ll l 7 Bgrie rf ,, neY by eating ate - .1: W. BARR!". A splenlid article New yelek i nti itz , ino y li,tep c s e o t c . c. 1 •11, = lIIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers