The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, February 17, 1863, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, February 17, 1863
e a ;
. 0,, •••40r.,,• - •0,•• ..... ,••••
E; 1111
It would be a difficult matter to state when
“ this custom..originated. Old writers allude to
It, no• doubt, was celebrated on . St. Valen
tine's 4:14,- (14th of February, new style), be-:
• cause 4tSsaa said on that day birds begin to
couple. So l in imitation of the feathery tribe,
did brAve Knighr.4: send to stern ladies 14ters
Itrie , , ,, i. : 4'' . sebiiMenie of affection. lin) a t,
glorious iliingit3yourld be :if we only' had an
APpertunity to glance over one of those adeient
lo , te:takenal I Mail .olad Warriors and , pron&
haughty, , stately women i''suth as thronged the
lialt; at We . stininster, did; deipite t their digni
ty, send tender billy :00,_:tt- ire 'CoUld sea
,oafhofl4lte.tra woualleartr that., people who
.1.1Y4# few, tit:l4o43mo were,netr the eold
passive creatures as represented in our school,
ut, by•and:bY, the custom became univera-,
al, and the pot=t,r,,gtiq provided 'g r e could
eraite kimselfir or tvas able, to?, rget some, ode tol ,
perform the task, sent :a bit of brown , paperrtot
his sweet heart, enbtaiiiing a few amorous lines,
e nd: 1,1- tt.;i
or, at" best, a d o ggerel rhyme, destrip4ve
Love's power.
.mind, ever deshous iof :change,'
did not restsatisfied with the same r4litine,.on
every St. Valentinelesdayr-4amor, wit and'
I~efa~i, b.6t too often, low vulgarity, ‘ere
united in thiiliiivibWOreaiiedttireS4 the in:
ockivi44o! to,.w•h°Qß,., theY4wefe , ,Adke.seod.'Ai
vast deal of mirth ; and sport, besides a . good
hearty laugh, was , enjoye&hy the recipient of
*VA tivovivi • -
Agfieiiiite l tiow 'old their condemn till's prin.
3 tic yt ttut ,
iskharMia, amusement ;; —in,other
tinif-frONVAknO4,lY°Kl,4,9f.,PieasuXetottk9. ';'lads;
and lassies," ihorstroze• to-Make the most of it.:
Itheeitirlie l sf-reeoileetiena of "this pericidjehntrei
.ithichfiref; bittKtliettlta Its> iffeetin 'vere,
AwEi 1,1,4 k very
. I" — mal,7gfricsli -,A pew!
world seemed operi,hefofnus ; ;if redilr;t oar-.
ry a stiff upper...lip Jos a, day or two, it is a l
Aron d t - After 'feeding it it , :secird of ti fifes; and ;
scrutinizing ivelosetyvWe ilina l ttinedVvee Lhotiialit
,we, knew :where Cite' :Si
_But . epiy:
enot6iq ir nn. 2 .11 •a T ;
was the hezt thing. This
.recintred,a deaperatel
effort, as sheet after shoot otpapOr, defaced bpi
Idditqrd ortwapand; On 'after pen' l inen'dedrand ,
thrown away, did fully= thstifY:•!
aging thlk & witiirk perhaps not in an
elegant styre of verse as Scott or Byron. But',
no matter, we haizerfirlillne regarded verse
ogookitigtout.of -duebwaineas; 4
Well, then, to resume, Valentine's day , was:
atiteLf3rw~t~th an 7Y,9l'ngi
people, and generally brought with , it , shower
of love letters, audinkr, the tastes of
dor 1114061ntir tairWvfiglilateduniiiy
a co dowastit !till* lo co VI: f , If 14
toirtll l4 ,/W e P: k ffl e . c44l, lgl o., , o4 TA9 20 .1 1 k4V , i1 1 ,4"
f§ 1 141"914 tileuttlof, Congress,
rzquirligg,theiprerpnyment of ,postage, , strike tat
the root of
_this custom . ..-Ever since it has
Vkiiff l tHS l til' l theeis'aeareh`aNien i tige l'efe. 'We
lift" tiri l klepiit - fi•tini Old' in:actioes,: l b‘ll
reader may it never be our lot to take
IPPYrr-: , :f
itzbritoklttLfi l r;ATi - i e ibiD.
7 bppeople of - thie:iFalley - are interested in
Ede gili fl tei, iiiisetited to Congress, for the
what is termed the Metropoli-
Jt wq4ll . ,blLFrell if COngress
.plain, prestige.' route; -- We
ittigiiteil:parograph, from an .edi
.epasitory and Transcript: .
Congress has
having in ni
view the altino• of
n toward lionstrueting,a Railroad
oflWas' hinoien to Hagerstown,
There ik /o reason why, there shouldr be
butibire-metlspdtn. ioutd.of m i numn i ca ii on bei
tween the loyal Ntspl t andltheiveariitol. 'iVby
should any i corpor!tethavrii of
61P gl l e i ita . Psinct ~eadinß to. . t • '
* * *
,natural..course fro this regioq: of
12uAtlitfP..0 1 e.gaPi i tot of cluFg4tiou is , ; by Abe
T e l p s , fe c t oe F ip) f ted by , the hill Misr .beiorel our.
national Legislature. From
Hagerstown is, by.the •Franitliti Rail itqcl,—on e
of Ittre'beStitada tin' the country-te%;,41-s,itwo
tbilti. From there to 'Washington, by tlk.'"iony
dfr&Poitit'bf Mks,' fifty
the distance from hereabout 'selerity
)y er ,by Harrisburg and Haltimore, i th4
oßly,preseut route, the dietence is ticarlyttre
1 4411qrA PiAell,mflk ~.1 3* , 'PIT the t'!!",! 1
copied but the expense of traveling, far less
than the present route.'f,
Ir*T ,* * * *
Orhere.areother:reasort)witpour people are
iuftested,ninAbis: reject, besides merely ‘fur,
itighttidi,okorter :route ;forithase , who,:Alsit. the
copitol for pleasure,' or foe securing zotuuluriik-
cation between the North and Washington—
which is the most important of all. The Dis
trict of Columbia furnishes an excellent mar
ket for all kinds of farm produce. By the
present circuitous route nothing, comparatively
speaking, can be made by earring provisions to
the peopel of the District. If the new road
should ever be made, our people can load up
their marketing in a car in the afternoon, run
down that night; sell it off in the morn . -
ing and return in the evening. This new
Railroad is a necessity for . the benefit of the
District, too, as it will increase the quality and
quantity of the provisions in their market. It
being generally beneficial,' we hope it will be
`made." - • • . • •
Official. Reports of , the Charleston Affair.
Full Particulars of the ,Engagemeut.,
Washiligton, Feb: 8;'1863'..A beiree of
official •tliepatebes:froin the'lleet 'Charleston
The folkviritt firth -Rettr - Adthiral
'ffupbrit- obricerning "the 'xiebel . 'attacle -3 on our
s'qua'dron °frit:Lit ""
Plan-B*li " WABAsix, Port' Royal Har ,
x'B63 =Sri I `hare t"o'rphi-t, that
; ;
itto,d4o'clO i Ck on the morning of be 31s:
111 t., the l obienriti thick haze, two
irdn • 6.114 iuti-tcie'fi'6UMe' Out c;i' s. 64i.i
The main ship channel, rinperbeived the
SiiudrOti, etitrimencd l a raid' upon
the fairer were 'Of
the light Class Of'phreliased•Vessela;tWO of the
heaVieet Phibitan , and Conon
diaua, being at this port coalin ,, 'an
o- d repair
hp' • ''• • -
The CiCeditit was the etiacitca.
; ,i,„
officers and 'crew hdebeen particular,ly
watchful uriti , * t night' to
,look , out for sus
. 0
hected • iesSeiS, and sleihree'C'efoCk'ile:a . 'stind
'cable and overhituiewa'trocip' i i.ieainei' rurinig
for 'the ehannel'hy rnistala. 'She had returned
td her anchorage, and Capt. Stellwagen bad
'gone to his room `for ••a•' shok time,'leaving
Lieutenant Cotiitriaticking Abbott oddeek, when
'One'of 'the liva ger,
approach as concealed by' the haze . and • mist
of . the ittiteephei!C, W':ituuediUnte
ly hailed 'and orders giveh to fire,,but ihe iron
clad being close aboard 'dud lyiM , Inv/ in the
water no guns could be brought' to beai i . A
heavy rifle" shdlOdai fired 'trOtti the 'enemy,
Which entered the starbOard side the Mer
pecfitO, paSsexi:thihugh her'cOi4enser, he steam
drum be her port boiler, and exploded ogaindt
Ll-t , • j
blowingi hole in its eitt, some
four or `ve lieC - s q iiarte;:iiiii6 the gunner
• • ' ti , • • '
and by the escape steam scalding a number
El motive`
ptireot y useless. noble to, use his guns an
1 1.,
being at' msrey of the 1
enemy, which ,was
lying Side, of firs ' atarbo>}rd quarter, gall
further resistance was deemed hopeless .b y
diikain StellWao.en and he surrendered. the
ere* and officers were paroled, though 'nothing
`Ra5;',1..,..e . .11.:02 1 I
said " o the 11. The executive
,o s tricer„
I:ll4'teint?-bOOitnandei AhUt, ~,niij o ii* e on
1 9.111 Ktioit
oar tne enemy p gutrooat Ind mesie t i ne ar
-ow), fyr;si y . 113 119:“ tilLps,
d , 111
'~he iron glad 3.1 - 6..eait4 to sink
, F Jeri r ~f [di • 4.Then:l ,
, not, next' engaged the ,tieystone
"tq 1.• !tie" ZPI; lf.y.tra " .1
ComMatider eitoy was l also",attacited by the
others. Their fire was gallantly returned, but
a shell exploding in the fire hold of this vase!,
, 1: •
ehe ,was et on hre. Commander Leßoy kept
fl Until' it was got utider,.When he steered
• Pid
agOinfor one of the iron clad's, and, ordered
fullale'ani . On and determined to try - , to run her,
been trained anddhipress
ed • fOr, fire at the moment of the col
lision, and the ship bad acquired a speed of
twelve kildts When a shell or shot from the ene
my pasded through the steam chest, wholly
dieablink her bbilers and rendering 'her power T
ter, rt.
n 'rifle shells' struck the Keystone
State, two burst on her (Outer deck, hut most
.1; I; '• "
of them kaiak the hull s ,
,being near an d below
•i , • 1 I
the i'at'er
or more r ran out from the Keystone 'Stqte,
which vessel and {
thiee otters ± 'we had tried t 9
al'aro ' by 1i hts t"--.0-
Va'sal exPlode as
it struck the rain without injuring it.
• Vile"liousatenie; Capt Taylor , gve
and a shnt trona her etruci. the ptlot house of
one of the iron dads, doing, it is iiiiiiight,sOme
diniage and , carrying Qaay one of her . fiags..
The raid. vessels then fiased to the north
,=bard, receiving the fire of one of our ships
a t hAlook4ftiae S66h behind a
the shoals.
Tlie &iy * " ca su alties were in the licreeciita
and Keystone. On the KeysiOne State they
are very larg e ; 'ilbonf one fourth of her crew
„ .
„J r
• r•
lii the meantime the Augusta, Commander
PairOt,"th'S "iliiiiaker "City, Commander •,
and - the Memphis, acting Lieut Walmouth,
`t .4 . 0 Y. . I
kepf up a fire from the enemy, dive viu - I'lll3g their
attention from the . E.SYstone state *which was
soon, after ,take Memphis and
drawn ittinfiroM the fire.,
, : 1 • :•• • :s
The "Augusta andan! ..., dzer CiDr , wera both
struck in, their hulls; tht Memphis ooly,in
..,flll4 .1 1 )7 , ,
uer rigging.
'Tlie ram
Navin'detatbed a `half" • hour
were killed and W(iunded, and among fmn
er tlie,negjeal offices -of,the ; ship ; assistput
surgeon Jacob U. Gotwold, who was ackl4cd
o death while rendering surgical aid to one of
the wounded men. Nine of those who died
perished from the escape of steam when the
boilers and steam chambers were penetrated
and among the wounded, the greater number
received their injuries from the same cause, as
the Mereedita was the only vessel which sur
rendered:l liivedirected a court of inquiry
to examine into the circumstances of the case,
as well as into the terms under which the sur-
render was made.
On- the Mereedita there were four killed
and three wounded; on the Keystone State
menty killed and twenty wounded.
Very Respectfully, &c.,
' Reat Adrairal,.&e.
GIbEON WELLS, , Sec'y thl Env
13.eport of Commander Sten.wagen.
The follo\riim the report Oi,pommander
Stellwa ,, en, of tjzie 'Malted" States steamer Mer
i' Rb
; . ,
Dupont; have to report that
half pst:'foui - this morning, two iron clad rams
troni Charleston, in the obscurity of 'a thick
haze and the moon havinr , just set succeeded
in, passing ‘ the bar, nearShip's,Channel,.ubper
calved by .the squadron and made an attack on
it, ttte ttrse encountered.
shipse , g .
lar vigilance was exhibited'by the officers and
crew, in the expectation of a vessel to run the
'binekade. Ail, A. m., we had slipped cable,
„ • • t• •t• •• t; r•
and overhauled it troop sfeamer runnirr , for the
channel, by mistake. At 4 o'clock I laid down.
"lieutenant ComiUander Abbott was on decli-,
orde r s to Acting ;Master Dwyer About
recovering, the anchor, when they saw a smoke
L a" • .
and taint sp3earance of a vessel close at band.
I heard them ekelairp, "She hOs - black smoke,
watch—man the guns, spring the rattle, call
' ;ti, , ) , •.•
,all hands to. quaitersl" Mr. Dwyer came, to
tlie l cabin doer, telling inefli at a stamhiiat was
close aboard., I.ants then in the'aet of
. getting
my, pea jacket and slipped it on as I followed
jiiin out, and jumped to the poop ladder.
saw a smoke and a low boat, apparently a tug,
although I tficiught it !bight be, a little propel
ler tor the squadron.. I sang out, "train your
guns, sight on him and be ready to fire as,soon
as I order." the steamer "ahoy,
stand clear - of us and heave to; what steamer
is that ?" I then ordered my men to fire on
bina, "you will be into u,s; what steamer is
that." his answer to the, first or second hail
was, "lialloo 1' Tie other replies were indis
tinct either by interi , tinn or fromhaVing 'spoken
- i .•• .;: •-,, •
inside of his mail armor. Until, in, the oet.of
• ;
striking us with his prow, when he said, "this
is the,'Contedersite Sui'.re steamer ram."
• • •. • •• •. - •
I the order "fire," but no gun could
be trained, on him as he approached on the
quarter, and struck us just abaft of our utter
most ,with a thirty - l ivro pounder gun, and ,fired
a heavy rifle shot through, us diagonally, pima
turiniv the starboard side thronoh our nortnan
ehy condenser, the steam drum of our port boiler,
and zplodiog • . ', I . •
ogoinst the port side , of the
sU l ne , four or five feet
; 3 41,P•ffe- •
`f_,..• •-i
Reports were brought to me that a shot hod
,/ .(If . I- ,5 :1 • ~!
passed through kith boilers, that•the.firef.'were
LA. 01 ';• , •!.. •
piit, out by steam-and smoke.,and that a gunner
• 1 ,1•t; ,•
and one man were and a,number of men
• ••• •.
badly scalded, that, the .water was, over the Jire
room ilo,As and the vessel ,sinking. The ram
~• itt t e, , •:t! •
ha cut us through at and below the water line
on one side, and the shell ho d burstatthe other
Ul'i • "osi - nt' the waters . edge.
. 9 1 • • =
After the, ram struck slie round under
our z staAriardcounter her prow touching, and
" Surrendeer, or I'll sink you; do you
surrender ?" After receiving the report I ans.
•• . •
wcred, " I can make po resistance • my boiler
is destroied." "Then, do you surrender'?"
1471, found my , moving
power destroyed, undthat I could bring noth
int; iol)4lfmi muskets, amiints: his - stiop
eo i atiF. tie hailed several, times to send a
boat and threatened Viifire again.
After some 'delay a boat.was lowered, and
tien titian t 'Co niin it* Abb ot .
fl SIC 6. 'if =he
should to' , hi' het 'and "asked' for ord 'What '143
gtiyil , Ftdlkhim to : see whit they''deinaiided;
and tedell thea e:onditibi Are Were id. Re
pioeiededj aboard ' , and "according to de
mnoif Vi'Ve = kis patOle6n belial ` f 'of lii ' riiself
iluFailihe;dfficere`and dreie. " .*"
v'ot. =From YiRq497. 1 1.. , ;,.
iiieN 6 ; - h6-Ditring last week
a ii'dfilib l er ; or R els- ha elbecn taken yr sone
androlhers 'have' desertect and come' within our
linesvat Last Saturday five 'Rebel
de's'et te'rat iii ; fund-"fepofted _'si tee n oth cis
'tb!'coire' iu. !
Klinz ordered out Capiain Faith,'Couipanyill
Ficth ,Pennsylvania Cavalry and Capt Ilager
master, Ctunpany L Lieut. Williams
and lientenant aeorge Smitlivolunteered and
. r , •
accotnpauied the squadron. 'They reached .the
six mile ordinary without o p position or 'die
covering*the sixteen Nbela desirous of joining
"The enemy's 'pickets stationed tliere retired
before them, and Captain Faith, without orders,
pu'she'd Terridril'uftei . thenr. 'Jtist of
he uine - niiie.orditiary; lie, with , his cc:unman-di
was drawn into an ambuscade and fired upon.
He was brought off supposed mortally wounded.
Capt. Hagerntaster, upon whom the command
devolved, fought like a hero. He charge upon
and broke through the enemy's line, but got
separated from his men .and taken prisoner. ,
Lieutenants Williams, Smith and Little were
taken prisoners, and Lieutenant Rhiumillei
was seen to fall from his horse, supposed killed.
Our eotire Joss was thirty killed, wounded and
missing. The enemy's lois'is. Unknbivn. 'The
enemy is reported - in some force at-Burnt Or
dinary, twelve miles from Williamsburg?
A Skirmish with the Rebels near liar
per's Ferry: •
,Baltimore,,Feb.l3,74 dispatch from Briga
dier. General dated,at Ifarper's Ferry,
to-day, taliput.-ColonelCheeseborough, A. A.
G., says
"Yesterday„ about ~one o'clock, a squad of
13aylor's Rebel cavalry attacked a span acoot
ing party of, the Twelfth ppoosylv . pia,gayalry,
'from , Keapeysyille, comisting of t!elye men,
killed ,one;Nvounding two, and eaptnring four
men and several horses. •
r Admiral , S. r
PAbout Auf NI, my scouts,.from
here fell in .'with the,sarne_party,, n fe.w, miles
south of Charleston, and after a running , fight,
for several reepptuTed
,ottr !men ,and
horses anstvegpturecl,Lieut: Baylor,. twn,qf his
wen, susd, serest hot:sea,
Passigq o Senittbi filherniith's- BOA
Washington, Feb .I.L ,s SlTrgap's i pacik
pad thP!Pwutte—i° -11 aXJ1 t7P
larier ! Fnpjoritf i j4 - fAypr :of
atterEpp.9, 3 7gp, plyn .: 4l,le; finpr, pf
the House fljpafternoor,,,aqcl,cgiye,sltii - c. 014 -
,gI74tY!PORPI members
,passing ~the )3ill.
• , • The ,Army. of the Potomac.
Our t pliant •General„ip , commund of the
Arniy, of, tbe :Potomac ,is earnestly and, • effect
ively, laboring, to perfect, the Jeorganization of
his toops, and thus insure -,mere, satisfactory
disciplinei and:in every ; way, abetterreoral.and
p,hysical l stains. ,No distinetioo twbe made
hereafter in the platter of priy ; ileges., between
officers . and, privates,.and greater 44041 w,ll 1
'be : experienced ;in procuring passes, not . only
by those connected• with the - army, but alsp i by
those civilians who desire to, visit,the.front;
The AndbriOn Ciivalry` Returned to
: , ,;
Harrisburg,, Feb. 12.---Gov.. Curtin, has re
ceived the most gratifying iptelligCnee „from
Geth.Roseerans with reaard I to, the Anderson
Qavalry., the members have .returned to
fluty, and, 'the work of .reorganizatien ,is
at once commenced.
,l'altney has arriv,ed At Nashville,, and is
exerting .a good,infinenee.
Gen Reseerana,a4ds that the, regiment con
taans toaterial toiperfArtn deeds chat w, ill n w p l e
ou s t the stain of till ,ef,asal,to,j9ip,,,th,eix, r wm
rßiles,„ancl exceed the, ,highest , p!Rfintations t , „of
its WitnY„frie!ild,s:o , ,) ;
It s Wiirjuil OW " 7;.'filytil. 13t, I 3s , Offtg yi; fzifil6-0
~1 . . - TA§P II. - 1 1 1i ;1 -, I AN4- . T.' 'IA Ks 1, i
Files 'of Thillniotire haie several fi4stof
last ,*ear'arthe'r), - whiah,ive 1011 )9a11,04ap...1 , t 0•"
REV. 1... T. STINE'SDEFSE will te' ' fol.llld On - the
EN .
outside fa-dity'l :paper. It is cillni;
proper, ,
ACtiV9.--The sheep market in this neighbor
}ion ilmijuolie'tirtiget6
iciiivetherit war tEe 4681611'W,
Let t 11.9 peop;et rFlLoarlis
juSt opened, at his Clock and lewelry a Stare, en
South Carlisle reet, a large and elegant knoll
merit of Geld, Silver and Steei'SpeCracleS.
John ZN,alker.—We had the pleasure
of. meeting this gallant officer (Of company A t Nth,
P: V ,) a fenr' days since. ' fle is recovering from his
, by thp .Ca,Ts.—CtikwLss' W.
; •
Esq , of this ilece, received i telegram op Sa
turrlay froni Haiiover,-informing h lin thatlis btoth
eti- MJCI4II iA ST I ' had. 'be4 imeit ti•Y l s thin%oi'
cars sad killed on that:day.' .:
t 1 . , • •
Dlscharged.--TJoas gROWN, of company K,
• "
ivect 'Loire several days ago, hivin 3i g
been recently discharged from the servi-C'e.'"'llis
Itealth hadnot .been good for some ,time.
JOHN L.,..p,prxsicir, of, ecinimrly r
a T s also received his discharge.
W. EL.ll..lTelAtm6,ii.-01 . 1r young 'terrttitnair
with 'the "noble three'of
eon - Who' fought 's i t) deiveriteliiii 'the' it er
yreesbtirre battles.''' He Is tile - o'llly repi•eseititritiie'
Gieentristle in the` Anderson pltich
this on the 'record as 'Mirk' of 'efedit
The Twenty-Second.--The Anniversary, of
the birth of WASHIN.GTON occurs7on next, Bahbath.
It Is...probably about as well- that.-it 'falls on this
sacred day.. We hope it may be.:better ,observecLOP
this-account, than it.ltast often,been:oll,olller .days.
We. presume. our clergymen will deliver : sermons
suited to so sacred. occasion. • ;,
gush.—Last week the Warehouse men were kept
very busy receiving grain and flour. is said that
on last gondpy there were more farme?s,wagons in
town than Wereever'eeen before'in a le
'During four consecutive days of ilast week,
ScuArninT & Co., received -4.l l 9lbush9lf! qf grain
nod W. barrels of The • other , aininuission;
houses also received a large atifolintsof produce.ll
Partnership.—As will be seen by an adver
tisement in another column, Gr.o. A. Dzrtz and
TENCH M'llowaLL have formed a partnership in the
Forwarding, Commission and Produce business, etc.
TENCH .11.DOWE4 will conduct the business of the
firm in Greencastle, at the Warehouse formerly oc
cupied by C. W. Eitaxya. & Co. lie possesses ex
cellent business qualifications, and we are certain
ho will please all who may 194 with him.,
Soldier Mx rri6il:-.l.Ssni . LE Commit, (eon
of BlArptiw P. coopr.u, , deo'd), died a few weeks
ago in aU. S. Hospital near Falmouth, Va. lie be
longed to-she 2nd U. 8,-Gavalryr(Regulars); former
ly commanded by Colonel (now; General) THOMAS.
His body wa4.lfrinibt ionk , on "Saturday, by Dr.
Nrwcowsn of Upton, and will .be interred in the
Ger. Ref. gilifeyaid in this place, thiiday (Monday)
at noon.
17!. •
Furniture for Sale.--At a meeting of the
BURN'S Assdeiatien, it was resolved to sell the fur
niture of said assciciation,„ at private sale. ,Persons
wishing to make purchases will please call on S. H.
PRATHER, President, or JOHN P. BYERS, Chairman
Eiieutive ammttei,
By order of the Associatlon.
Greencastli, 17, 1863.
Adams : Entress,—The , Expreso Agent in this
place bap ortiertt•iotreceive.goods for the soldiers of
the Army of the Potomac, .-The n3tice reads as fol.
P:114.3 mayi take Soldiers' Packages
to the Arnsry of- the Potornall. , You will require pre
payment, and the- inll,Begimptal address,-in every
instance. Give s, re.celpt l ,agreeing to .. deliver to
Washingtot.only. : , The gpodtt will ~
~be sent to Aqui
Creek and Belle Plaina,,if possible; to deliver to
the Army, T T
New L#ll3.6iSiiSiii.--Mr. E. c.DLTBICH has
opened a ritail the:room recently
'occupied by Mr. and Dry Goods
store, on South Cararkr-streek:' • He has`lfan hand
now, and‘de Purpose' to keep alrinys a large
stock of I Whilken Eraidy, ' ilogether
with other articles liiiiiallylkept•in•a•lifore of this
kind. Perifoni Waiitint jritte!liqiior tor Medicinal
or other purposes, will herefifid'lrbat they want.—
He of , :froln one iluati to three
gallons. Advattitletnent next week. •
Iteltigutitplt .0010.6 a— pel'mit 1 / 4 .101Lal the
War Department, (throngh - the intercessions of Hon.
E. M•Piiiiitheilih i llBn:ltclk Hal,l it permanent
!elegy:l.4 officebas beenopened , in Greencastle., Dr.
H. H. FexTsasotF, the okrater is a' peffect gentle
tnan an'd 'one quilifiticr Ciltialiet the business.
3 The;bifeii been 43ftlrefy
- 4:oC;Weat `Baltitnore - street: = itThe opening of 41 tele
finvph: offiCeinitihis plachsOpyfliesla.wsint. long felt by
pnr i bm4nass men: ,It will also be an accommodation
to the peopll,of,thelteighbering toans„ this, being
the only point in, the lower part of the county in
office is located. I
14: 1 ,, f1 • '4llii
ied Tex44 l :7 -- '3 l oPall thl4lD- SNIVTJJ,
(6q}) 4tturpL Sfavnix,.Naq ~ o f New 41bany, Ind.,
but formerly a merchant of
c ireenctistle,) was, buried
at San ntanio t ,.. Telasd * , * wdeisagC. ; The de-
C.miketi 'gala 'Mi Joaaiii; Iliad 'been fiir two or
three -yeartf4tatt.: datensively engaged he grazing
sleek is Texas. Some muntirs ago they a 4 erestiipped
1,44 . ,941 the prcparty the i nectuarte,l3, and then impres
-10 !A. Or Jtelel• MreXtIIP4 'fb,Oer ,PitmAgi
came to his death from wounds received in battle or
from, disestip, receiiV''tly his father did
not stays; died we prelttime ilie *iiter (his brother)
;Mita ft eta OA life 714 1 fittiiiiiiir of death.
Ali Orphan Anvil= in ACr or a obkrT"
01 ;o] po•intrt • , g*
Idereertimrg, has xkkano; induo,ffieres to
, oft , er. A
t iiea tier INflitgAinNe%4Plilikill'i it tedjitit
ieiloi girviit s lfilillnet‘ - i l / 2 41'' - ni•=;etnelil It
‘frkint4thn 41fiegekbealfitteli often Aglow pticholines;t7
is ntai dumbly it o.thn rnaxeddfprponhtonience,lthere
being 4kttilY,PPPPlin},io4o.9R9!itit, iG ion, two routes,
and, yet i it is fox ! , removed from the noise , a:taitement
and li tantjat?ttolia , rfili? , !: arc found in
s larger places.
Then Ogairi, l the eiqienees''6 l l l 'oxich'
wliethei for"'bitldiag ' or" filly 11'4ceisSIti es, *Mild
sti Urge:no inliPlaigtertorMoris oentnk I
=page.: illndeed Tearieeta :ideality, health< and
1e 7 40611.1 1 4400;044 petal popOulisrly well ,slignid
t° l 4 I P y l g t c lf,P44 al'APtlititAtion; maw ttPltretA
zeno feol any, inorest in having ouch an as y lum In
-I.r • =
ca!ed here, doubtleso their olaim would receive early
!; 1 1:!cit.-43%RiA 9K giampor,§l3.4x•g:7—Ftti . ! tpsti
nation is 14 rt. moq,Sourish and IteahhAr
• :it
ton, owing in a great rneaspre, no tliaAt, to the.ef
" ' • , ';'
ficient manageMent its ' it . ears yt e present able
g4nt i remittily nifioefiiiild tin iif "Ilit4el.l3l;!
Olirireaders , wilL , ob4oiviCbitrehiterice t.,..1-tfie4aitate
.mint • jrt our adirertising , molitancs,,lthat its .assets
Hoxofed, xta,l abilttea neorly.Plopooo,,
To aboli,tke : pretne,n,eat i witi T(JOCIIU e Bank re
apand to every lepldeet r a i rTi i ntadeitken !t 7. and fel.-
file ite; qtligationa; we may notice the' faoi: diet - the
h2ei “'o'f . A6efobli , ti'etoielis'
tha told - te lin t y the Tebrithiy lufeeeat'int Me 7 siate
dab t, aa iiignad on Itaiturday evening,. e Mat nit:,
and on Mondey followym; the,„Bank of, ChainAtere
7buyA deßnaited itaapeta wi t ththatate . Treasurer at
llnrrtsburg,"tliita complying 4111i' ttie'reqiiii'edients
of its
•ai;SuclL•ipi'omptneaeias>iwor`thy<of imitation bran
-4141 . 4 PF1401 11 444141 1 9.4irag og - tWflealiNberiTr i t
t i49 te , ii , 1 . 1,3 ‘9?P. 911 9tl F 7)4 Timm'
Shoppixte -L-FiVier-Tifax"sals:rolEyery fabric
, itt dear , sction; , bittJ'doreb'eee
thatt Iddies. shop ae.stat.,, o,n,4sticatsnt.ef :the rise tn prices.
, 4iNst.tite7wan'tc).44oaT !hp wages of th eir. teantP
stresses, tp In t ake,, ,, al i Apq j laTe,,Wheit , the bills are due.
Not that the emtureqi ever do such things,;but
ihaptue.pett'fo think of isdienee.
inbre" It will ittike
shopkeepers scientific
or 'Otheriviner-lieeti.”biire—Joble Tstkatati , witiv.the
hoydep,:of "fooPeks4ygins" who thrture t„,ltvw,with
their vapillating t aipness; but ,;if tbey couldnnlrbot
tle up their indignation, it pays! there's no mistake
about Ireet alWaysr,t(ki 4stnile" gen
tieri;en, Hie Guides to itareig*cimeti" exhort
othe , - latter . 5t0., dolheir -bushel/de ; , j.ea;-1-though the
crockery has gone to SIIIEUN: Mid: the; ()bob ha's' ab-
W. A. MUD,. See'y