The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, February 10, 1863, Image 3

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    to $3O per pair. They say there is great ',dissatis
faction among the troops on account of not being
paid. Some companies on James Island stacked
their arms, and 'would not go into battle. They say
they are all very tired of the war, but their chivalry
will not allow them to offer any compromise that
would be likely to be accepted by the Government.
The negroes are receiving all attention as usual,
at the hands of Brigadier-General Saxton, (Military
Governor of the State of South Carolina). They
are spoken of as brother soldiers of the Union; but
I hope as does every true American, that 1 may live
to see white men put down the rebellion. If every
man would fight for his country, and let the negro
'question be, this war would be over - before six
t,months;. but the misfortune is that the majority of,
inen, and especially those in high rank, are fighting
o fill their pockets, and for military and political
h onors "That is what ruined our country." If
very man had been for his country, and not for
irnself, this rebellion would have been crushed in
;ts infancy; but new, through the dissatisfaction.
and delay of our army, the enemy have had a chance
to fortify, and have grown to be a strong foe who
will, if not 'arrested in theirdareer, be the victors
before long.. It !is not for the soldier to think, it is
said, as they have Generals to think for them ; but
they do and will continue to think—for it is the pri
vate soldier.enat does the fighting; and they should
do some'•of the thinking—sc far at least, as to have
vote.. Let-soldiers have a voice in the elections.
DIY the soldier hada:voice in the elections they would
'llea men like Gov. A. G. Curtin, whoilas done as
retch for the sohlieh as any man is the Union. 1
'as the first f3over - nor that brought the Fick a
tormded,soldierts to their State and to their; home:
where they could have their wives, mothers and sir
kers to take care of them, and make them comfort(
tile, so that their al - notions wo•tld be made but
small burden while, if they would have lain in - son
open hoapital, ,and, perhaps under the Charge i
some worthless Surgeon. (of which we have too marl
in the army,) they might have been buried.
I suppose the disaster at Fredericksburg he
sincea gloom. over your town for the first time
the war y by the death of some of the brai
oung men of tlie , llBtlt litegimenti
Bean soup isrstuljr, and I will close for this tim
.11 the Greencastle boys are well and in good spirit:
and hoping for the war to close. J. R. A.
DlED.—Near this place, at the resident
t Mr, Henry Omwake, February 4th, 186:
Mary E. McDowell, aged 10 years, 9 wont!
, nd 11 days.
Newluciti cmeliti.
OTlCE•'—Whereas, Letters Testamentary; o
the Estate of William Lawrence, late of Greer
onstle, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber
ill persons indebted to the said Estate, are reques
.4 to make immediate payment, and those havin
klliats or demands Against the Estate of said deco
teat, will make known - the serhe, without delay, to
Greenzutle Feb. 3, '63-3c. Executrix.
0 TICE.---Wbereas, Letters Testamentar,
on the Estate of. John Rowe, Sr, late
reencastle,, deceased, have been granted to tl
überiberi, residing in said borough: all persot
ndebted to the said. Estate, are requested to.mali
mmediate payment, and those having claims or d,
ands against the Estate of said decedent, will mat
sown the same, 'without delay, to
Greencastle, Feb. 3, ;63.3t . Executor
AISSPLUTION.—The partneikhip hereto
.5 fore existing between the undersigned, doinj
otsinesa under. Abe name and title of Keller an,
N11111,41E4 dissolved by mutual consent on the la
lay of September, ;181 4 2. John F. Keller has pu,T
ihased the entire interest of John S. Plum. IN
;coke and Papers ! the bandy of John
or colleCtiort. 'Settliithent must be made before fl
st daylf
The manufaCture of Grain Drills and Agricultm
I Implements, carried on by the above named fir,
iIl be carried oti by JOAN F. KELLER,
Greenclistle, Feb. 3, 1863.-tf.
}SALE.—The subscriber will expos
_ 'at ptiblicsale,.on the farm of Peter Wister, all
ate in Antrim township„abput 4i miles East c
'reencsstli,. and '4+ Miles West of Waynesboro
``long ; the , turnpike leading from Waynesboro' t
lreencastle, on nib:l)ml% the 24th day of Februar3
183, the followincpropeety, to wit:
iong which are one tine riding and driving man
id one yearling Colt, 16 head of Cattle, six
'hick are Well Cows, one or two of which will 1
%sit on or about the day of sale, and one fine ynun
of which are brood sows ; 2 Farru• Wagons. one 1
'blob is a 4 inch tread and the other a narro
Tad, 1 fashionable Falling Torrßuggy. [in a goo
•ontlition.] ,1-ylagen Bed, 1 pair of Hay Carrier:
Wire Spring Rake. 2 Barshear 2 Double, and
tingla Shovel, Plows, 1 Corn Coverer ; 2 'Harrow
reble, Double and Single Trees, Jockey Sticks,
air of Wagon •Gears. 1 Six. horse _Line: I..Whii
ridles,,Collars, Butt Traces and Spreaders, Grai
Ntdles„ , Mewing Scythes. 1 set Dung Boards, Fork:
id Rakes, and, many other articles. Also, abot
Acres df'' - ' • •
TM_ Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said .da,
'hen a credit of, six mOntlia will be given on' E
am of Si and upwards, by
18133"-ce ' '..JOSEPHUS LOY.
OTlCE.—The'subscrr3or hereby gives non,
' that a ONE HORSE WAGON wns left nt h.
remises,on or about the Ist day of September las
he owner hi requested to' come forward, pro ,
ropcirty , and take it away...
Greenonitle; January 20, 1863-St
TOTICLNoIfee is hereby given that nil pet
ions knowingThemseives indebted to the firm
. &.A. C. Pert; by note or book secount:are rt
uested to call and qettio without. delay. Also t;hot
aving claims agalist said firm will present them.
". Surviving Partner.
Greencastle. Dec. 80th, 1862.
R. H. G. CHRtrOMAN respectfully t.e
ders his prefeSStoial Services as Physioian ar
rgeoo, to the citizens of Greencastle and vioinit
War (Niue at the residuum of Rev. J. Rehm%
oath Carlisle street.
Greenossle, Dec. 23, ' ]862.
O .R,FITMEItY and Soaps, of all kinds, at reduce
pliees, 'warranted genuine RILEYS,
GreencaeLle, Pa.
Important Arrival !
HAVE just received a large assortment of NEW
which they will take pleasure in showing to their
numerous customers and ~there. In
Ladies' Dress Goods,
they have
Lustres, Black Silks,
Delaines, Cashmeres,
Wool Delaines, Plaid Mohair,
Lavellas, French Merinos,
Coburgs, Debeges,
Shawls, Nubias, Hoods, Sontag!, Hoop Skirts,
Balmoral Skirts, Embroideries, Kid Gloves,
Gauntlets, Collars, White Goods, Black Crape
Veils, Mournino "do., Chimedle and Fancy
Head Nets, Lambs Wool Hose, (cheap),
and Cotton Hosiery, Ladies' Congress Gaiters,
Morocco Boots and Gum Shoes.
Black, Blue and Brown Broadcloths, Beaver
Overcoating, Petersham do, Cassimeres, Wa
bash do., Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans, Sad
netts, Undershirts and Drawers. Soldier Shirts ;
Hats, Caps, Handkerchives, Gloves, Cravats; .
Burnside Ties, Domestic Goods, and
151,000 Olt, CIoCTII.
They are seiling
in order to close -ott. the stock
H'hite Sugar, Coffee,
Brown Sugar,. • Prepared. Coffee,
Syrups, N. 0. Molasses;
Imperial Tea, Black Tea.
Chewing Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes and Smoking
Tobacco. Also, an excellent stock of
We respectfully invite all persons wishing to pur
chase goods as cheap as the times will admit, , to eiilt
and, examine our new ani elegant assortment. W.
have hought"ur goods for CASH, and We are en
abled to sell them upon the same terms, at but a
on w.hnlesale rAtes. Remember the place is on the
South-west corner of the Piddle Square, next
door to Hollar's Hotel. •
Greencastl. Dec. 9,1862.-1 y
At Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers,
114 South Third Street, '
Philadelphia, November, 1, 1862.
IVIIE undersigned having been appointed SUB
SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the
Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the
New Twenty Year 6 Per'Cent. Bonds.
of the United Stales. designated es "Five-Twenties,"
edeentable at the pleasure of the Government, after
five years, and authorizod by Act of Congress, ap
proved February 25, 1862.
The COUPG.N - BONDS are issued in sums of $5O,
$lOO, $500," $lOOO.
The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO,
$5OO, $lOOO, $5OOO.
Interest at Six percent. per ;kftlautri will commence
rout date of purchase. a,ndkis
Semi-Annually, which is equal, at. tip present pre
mium on gold, to about eight per cent. per Annum.
• Farmers, Merchants, Michanics, Capitalists, and
all who have any money to invest., should know and
remember that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST
MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank
Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of
all the Manufactures, fro., in the country : and that
the full and ample provision made for the payment
of, the interest and liquidation of principal, by Cus
toms Duties. Excise +Stamps and Internal Revenue,
serves to make these Bonds the
Best, Host Available and Nast Popular Investment
in the Ifarket.
Subscription received at PAR in Legal ?ender
Notes, or notes and checks of banks at par in Phil
adelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt
attention, and every fecilty and explanation will be
afforded on application at this office.
A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for
immediate delivery. - JAY COOKE,
Nov. 18-3 m. Subscription Agent.
have just received a. new and elegant stock of
Zpring ftlib sitianter eopoo,
for Men sad Bays' wear, consisting in part, of
of the best, gaauties, Fan 317 Clothe, a choke select
tion of Summer sitssitnera.3, Black Doeskin Cant
merel, Boys Cassnaerea, t Oneap), Iliabash CaEsi
meres, Linen Coating, Linen and Cotton Pant Stuff,
Jeans, Cards, Drillings. .x,e.
Gents' Furnishing Goode
Hose, Gloves, Suspenders, Pocket Handkerchiefs,
Cravats, Nook Ties. Shirts, Collars. &c.
,gi^• Goods made up at short notice. None but
the best of workmen are employed. Custom work
taken in as by any other tailor, and made up sub
stantially and neatly. Persons wishing to get any
ter tailor to ,make-up their goods.,can buy them
from us, as cro.ap And as reasonable as at any other
lstablishment au the county.
Cutting done at all times. Fashions regu.
larly received. Terms,
Cash, or short time to prompt paying customers
P. S. We have also a LIVERY Estanahment, and
Ire prepared to hire : at all times
Good Drivers furnished when debired. Terms for
hire. CASH.. - 11. & B.
Greencastle, April
.29, 1862, ,
COTTER and Dram Kettles, of all sizes, for
sale cheap, at - BARR it, CO's.
havegoods e r r e ezd
t a o y m from, saieh
the te e .i f
lo wing list of articles, which we can sell cheaper
than sold elsewhere:
Bleached Muslins,
Bleached Drillings,
Unbleached "
Canton Flannels,
Hickory, - do do Cloths,
Bed Cheeks, 1 Crash Towelings,
Shirting Cheeks,Counterpanes,
Linen Table Diaper, Linen Table Cloths,
and everything in the Domestic line of all qualities
and prices.
Cloths, Gloves, Boys Undershirts,
Vestings, Cravats, Suspenders,
Cassimeres, Handkf's, Scarfs,
Undershirts, Collars, Boys Drawers,
Shirt Fronts, Drawers, Neck Ties, -
Satin Stocks, Hosiery, Kid Gloves.
In this branch we have everything of all styles
and prices.
Ladies Department.
Black Silks,
Fancy Silks, Plain Silks,
Grenadines, Tissues, Beregeo.
Challis,,Pelaines, Lawns, GinAanis, Brilliants,
Calicos, Traveling Goods, Lustros,
Mohair and Lavella Cloths,
Ducals, Plaids, Poplins,
Chi El tzes r &c.
and everything to he found among the numerous;
textures, styles and qualtes; from a ten cent Calico
to the most expensive silk.
Everything new and desirable
Cambries. Jackonetts .
Swims, Linens,
Briliants, Dimitys,
Cheeks, Stripes.
French Muslins,
Cambric Linens,
Book Mus Hos,
Victoria Lawns,
Swiss Eqgingis,
Cambric Edgings,
Swiss Inserting,s,
Cambric. Insertings,
Swiss and Cambric Flouncings,
French Worked Handkerchiefs,
French Worked Collars and Sleeves;
Infant Bodies, Dimities, Sze., ttc.,&e
We nre satisfied that in
.the above Goods ve have;
everything to meet the demandsof any customer.
and everything in tho Notion Line.
A superior article always on hands
The best artible of
manufactured, for Ladies and Gentlemen
Particular attention is paid to each different
branch of our business; and we hope by strict at,
tention and reasonable profits, to merit our hereto
fore liberal patronage, and greatly, enlarge our bu
siness. T. S. RILEY k. CO
Greencastle. Dec 2,1362-1 y
Private Medical Treatise
on the
Physiological View of Marriage.
—Price only twenty-five cents Sent free of postage
to all par of the Union On the infirmities of
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of
both sexes of all ages,oausingdtbility,nervousness
depression of spirits, palpitation of the heart, sui
cidal imaginings.involuntary emitsions,blushings..
defective memory, indigestion and 'lassitude, with
confeseions of thrilling interest of a Boarding School
Miss, a College Student, and a Young Marra& Litdy.
e , 4'e. It is a truthful adviser to the married anti
those contemplating marriage,who entertain secret
doubts of their physical condition and who are con
schta.s of having hazarded the health, happiness and
privilles to which every human being is, en titled:
YOUNG MEN who arc trOubled, with-weakness,
generally caused by a bad habit in youth the effects
of which are dizz ess, pains, forgetfulness, some
times a ringing -le ears, weak eyes, weakness of
the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas,
loss of memory, with malancholv, may be cured by
We have, recently devoted much of our time in
ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches el
the most skilled physician and surgeons in Europe
and the continent. Those who place themselves un
der our care will have the full benefit of the many
are enablod to introduce into our practice, and the
public may rest assured We same zeal, assiduity
Secrecy and attention being paid to their cases,
which has so successfully distinguished us hereto
fore, as a Physician in our Peculiar department of
professional Practice. fer the past twenty-five years.
French Female Pills.—Ladies who wish for Medi
cines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thou
sands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy
cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr.
T"etaney's Female Periodical ?ills. The only pre
caution necessary to be observed is, ladies should
not take them if they h ave reason to believe they
are in certain situations (the particulars of Si Bich will
be found the'wrapper accompanying each box,)
though alway s safe and heal! hy, so gentle, yet so ac
tive are they,
White Flannels,
Colored do
Kentucky Jeans,
Corset do
Velvet Cords,
Cotton Table Diaper,
FEBRUARY 10. 18(33.
Price Si per box. They can be mailed to any
part of the United states or Canada.
TO THE LANES—Who needa confidential medical
adviser with regard to any of those interesting com
plaints to which their delecate orpnization renders
them liable, are particularly invited to consult us.
The "Elecero-Galvanic Pro'ect,ve"—F or married
ladies whose health will not admit, or who have no
desire to increase their families. may be obtained as
above. It is a perfecily safe prentive to conception,
axd has been extensively used during the last 20
years. Price reduced ty $lO.
The Secrets of Youth 'Unveiled.
A Treatise on the cause of Premature Decay—A sol
emn warning. Just published, u book showing the insid
ious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male
and female] of thss fatal habit, pointing out the fatali
ty thae invariably attends its victims, and developing the
whole progress of the disease,
,from the commencement to
the end. ft will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3]
cents Stamps.
gamAttendance daily, from S in the morning till
9 ac night, and on Sundays from 2 till 6 P. m.
Medicines with full directions sent to any part of
the United States or Canadas, by patients communi
cating their symptoms by letter.
ga- Dr. L's Office is still located as established
tinder the name of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Mai
den Lane, Albany, N. Y. Oet. 7,'62-ly
New Settlement of Vineland.
A Rare Opportunity in the Best Market, and Most De
lightful and healthful Climate in the Union. Only
thirty miles South of Philadelphia. on a Railroad;
being a lech, Heavy Soil, and Highly Productive
Wheat Land; Amongst the Best in the Garden State
A( New Jersey.
Y-It consists of 20,000 acres of GOOD land,.divided
Into Farms of different sizes to suit the purchaser—
„FßOM 20 ACILBS AND lIPWARDS—and is sold at the rate
of from $l5 to $2O per acre for the farm land, pay-'
able one-fourth cash, and the balance by quarter
yearly installments, with legal interest, within the
term of four years,
The Soil is, in great part, a Rich Clay Loam, suit
able for Wheat, Grass and Potatoes—also a dark and. ,
rich sandy loam, suitable for corn, sweet-potatoes,
tobacco, all kinds of vegetables and root crops, and
the finest varieties of fruit, such as Grapes; Pears,
Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines, Blackberries, Melens
and other fruits, best adapted to the Philadelphia
and New York Markets.f In respect to the soil and
crops there can he no mistake, as visitors can exam
ine both, and none are expected to buy before so do
ing, and finding these statements correct—ulider,
these circumstances, unless these statements were
correct, there would be no use in their being mad.
It is considered the best Fruit soil in the Union.
[See Reports. , ' of Solon Robinson, Esq., of the
New York Tribune, and the well-known agriculturist,
William Parry, of Cinnaminson, New Jersey, which
will be furnished inquirers.,l
The Market"---By looking over a map the reader
'will perceive that it enjoys the best market in the Un
ion, and has direct communicationwith NeW YOrk
and Philadelphia twice a, day, }sing only thirty-two
miles froth the latter. Produce ethis market brings
double the price that it does in locations distant
front the cities. In this location it can be put into
market the strop morning . it is gathered, and for
what the farther sells he gets the Eighest price:
whilst groceries and other articles he purchases he
gets at the lowest pripe. In the West, What. he sells
brings him a pittance,. but for what he buys he pays
two priceS. In Ipdating here the settler has many
other advantages. He is within a few hours, by,
railroad, of all the great cities' of New England and
the Middle-States. lie is near his old friends arid
associations. He has school for his children, di
vine service, and all the advantages of civilization,
and he is near a large city.
." The Climate is delightful ; the winters being sa
lubrious and open, whilst the summers are no warm
er than in the North. The location is upon the
line of latitude with northern Virginia.
Perions 'Wanting a change.of , Climate for Health,
would be much benefdted in Vineland. The mild.
ness of the climate and its bracing influence, makes'
f it excellent for all pulmonary affections, dyllepsia or
general' debility. Visitors will notice n - difference in
a few days. Chills and fevers are unknown.
Conveniences at Hand.—Building material is plen
ty. Fish and oysters are plenty and cheap.
:Visitors must expect, however, to see a new place.
• Why the Property hos not been Settled Before?
Thisquestion the reader naturally asks. It is be- .
cause it hits been held in large tracts by families not
disposed to'sell, and being without railroad facilities
they had few inducements. The Railroad hasjust
been Opened through the property this season, for
the 'first time.
Visitors are shown over the land in a carriage„
f'ree of expense, and afforded time and opportunity
for•thorough investigation. Those who come with
a view to 'settle, should bring money to secure their
purchases, as locations are not held upon refusal.
The Bafest thing in Hard Times, where people
have been thrown' out of employment. or business.
and possess some little means or small incomes, is to
start themselves a home. ' They can buy a piece of
land at a small price, and earn more than wages in
improving it, and whcalt is done it is a certain, in
dependence and no Ogg. A few acres in fruit trees •
will insure a comfortede living. The land is put
down to bard•times. and all improvements'.
made at a cheaper rate than most any other time.
The' whole tract, with six miles front on the rail
road, is being laid out with fine and spacious aven
ues, with town in the centre—five acre lots in the
town seh at from $l5O to$200; two and a-half acre
lots, at from $BO to $l2O, and town lots 50 feet front
by rlO feet deep, at sloo—payable one.
and 1,4 e balance within a year. It is
farms of twenty acres, or more, that foi
time is given.
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fin
fof the Shoe manufacturing business, and
titles, being near Philadelphia:and thesu
country has a large population, which
good. market.
This settlement, in the course of sere
will of the most beautiful places in
try. and most agroeable for a residence
it is intended to make it a Vine and Fr
ng country, as this culture is the most
and the best adapted to the rrihrket_ Evei
tage andeonvenience foi settlers will be it
which will insure the prosperty of the ph
tad times throughout the country will be
Gage to the settlement, as it compels peoph
to agriculture for a living.A
Large numbers of people are purchasim
people who desire the best location shoult
place at once.
Improved Land is also for sale,
TIMBER.—Land can be bought with
Timber. The Timber at market valuation,
The title is indisputable. Warrantee Df
clear of all incumbrance, when the mon(
Boarding conveniences at. hand.
Lelters promptly answered, and Report]
Robinson and Wm. Parry sent, together
"Vineland Rural."
Route t.o the Land :—Leave Walnut str4
Philadelphia. at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 4 P.
less, there should be a change of hour,) for
on the Glassboro' and Ali Grille Raihoe
you leave the cars at Vineland Station, ju
inquire for
Pounder of the Col
Vineland P. 0.. Cumberland Ct
P. S --There is a change of cars of Glut
Also beware of sharpers on the cars from
and Philadelphia to Vineland, inquiring
ness, destination. &c
December 3, 1861-Bmos
PARLOR and Cook gas Burning Coe Stoves,
the latest styles, at BARR & CO's
Report of Solon Robinson,
113; z - :1 7- The following is un extract from the report
of Solon Robinson, Esq., published in the New York
Trebune, in reference to - Vineland. All persons can
read this report with interest.
Advantages of Farming near Home—Vineland—Re
marks upon Marl—Soil, its great Fertility—Thep
Cause of Fertility—Amount of Crops Produced—
Practical Evidence.
It is. certainly one of tie most extensive fertile tracts,
in an almost level position, and suitable condition for
pleasant farming that we know of this side of the west
ern prairies. We found some of the oldest farms appar
ently just as profitable productive as when first cleared•
of forest fifth or a hundred years ago.
The geologist would soon discover thecause of this
continued fertility. The whole country is a marine
deposit, and all through the soil we found evidences
of calcareous substances, generally in the form of
indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct
forms of ancient shells, of the tertiary formation;
and this manly Substance is scattered all through the
soil, in a very comminuted form, and in the exact
condition most easily assimilated by such plants as
the farmer desires to cultivate.
Marl, in all its forms, has been used to fertilize
crops in England, from the time it was occupied by
the Romans; and in France and Germu.lly a marl
bed is chanted on as a valuable bed of manure, that
can be ?dug and carted and spread over the field.—
How mach more-valuable then it must be, when found
already ',mixed through the soil, where new particles will
be turned up and exposed, and transformed to the owner's ,
use every time he stirs the earth.
flavink then satisfied our minds of thecause, they
will not be excited with wonder at seeing indubitable
evidence of fertility in a soil which in other situa
tions, having the same general characteristics or at
least appearances, is entirely unrenumerative except
as its productiveness is promoted by artificial fertil
'A few.words about the quality and value of this
lanu for cultiviition, of which we have some strong
Our first visit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin
township, Gloucester county, who purchased some
eight miles north of Millville, about.three years ago,
for the purpose of establishing a steam mill, to work
up the timber into lumber, to send off by the new
railroad, as well as the firewood and coal, for, which
he built a branch track a mile and a half long. lle
also furnished sixteen miles of the road with ties,
and has no doubt made the mill profitable, though
his main object was to open a farm, having become
convinced that the soil was valuable for cultivation.
In this he has not been disappointed, as some of his
crops prove. For instance, last year, the second
time of cropping, 306 bushe," rif ,potatoes on one
acre, worth 60 bents &bush el in the field. This year
seven acres, without manure, produoed 356 bushels
of oats. In one field, the first crop was potatoes,
planted among the roots, and yielded 76 bushels.—
The potatoes were dug, and wheatsown, and yield
ed 16 bushels ; and the stubble turned under and
sown to buckwheat, which yielded 33-1- bushels.;
and then theground was sown to clover and timothy,
which gave as a-first crop 2+ tons per acre.
The fertilizers applied to these crops were first,
ashes from clearings: second, 225 pounds of super
phosphate of lime; third, 200 pounds Peruvian gu
ano; then 50 bushels of slaked lime has been spread
upon the clover since it was mowed, and turned in
for wheat.
Mr. Wilson's growing crops. and the wheat stub
ble of the present season, ull indicate his haul as
productive as any part of the State.
At Mary Barrow's, an old style Jersey woman
farmer, several miles south of Mr. Wilson's, we were
so particularly struck with the fine appearance of a
field of corn, that we stopped to inquire of the hire&
man how it was produced. We found that the laud
had been the year .but one before in wheat. sown
with clover, and this cut one season, and last spring
plowed once, with one "poor old nag," and planted
with corn.
"Yes, but you manured high, we suppose ?" we
said interrogatively, and got this reply
"Waal; you see, we couldn't a done that; 'Ollll3O
we hadn't but forty one-horse loads altogether, for
23 acres, and we, wanted the most. on't for the track.
'The truck consisted . of beets, carrots, cabtat i le,
cucumbers, melons, &c., and a very productive patch
of lima beans, grown for marketing. So we were
satisfied that the soil wa ll s not infertile, even unaided
by clover, which had fed the coin, because the "truck
patch" had not been in cultivaticn long enough to.
obliterate all signs of the forest. '
- Our next visit was to the large farm of Andrew
Sharp ; five miles north of !di Urine, from 'half to a
mile east. of the railroad, and just abouf in the cen
tre of Vineland. Mr. Sharp commenced work hers
in December, 1.858, upon 250 acres. In less than
three years, he has ,got 234 acres cleared and in
crops'this season, as well inclosed and divided into
several fields, with cedar rail or pole fence; has
built a twostory dwelling. about 36 by 90 feet, and
a smaller house for farm laborers, and a stable ,and
granary and some other out. buildings.
Considerable part of the land was cleared for the
plow at,.s9 an acre,-and on some of it the first crop
was buckwheat; limed with 50 bushels in powder
per acre. This crop may be put. in July 4th to 20th,
and yields 20 to 30 bushels per net~ harvested in
November; when the land being sowed with 15011 is
of Peruvian guano and seeded with rye, yielded 12
to 15 bushels per acre and p 0 worth of straw. The
rye:stubble turned. after knoaking off a large growth
of oak sprouts, and dressed again With guano and
seeded to wheat., gave 15 or 16 bushels. The crop
which he was threshing while we were there promi
ses more, of a, very plump grain, and the straw is
very heavy.
We went over . the stubble, and found the clover
and timothy, from seed sowed last spring, on tho
wheat without harrowing, looking as well as we ever
end cheap home in the eon atry, and who may read
and believe what vie hare truly stated, he will da
'well to go and eee for himself what may be seen
'Within a two hours':ride o it of Philadelphia.