The pilot. (Greencastle, Pa.) 1860-1866, February 03, 1863, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, February 3, 1883
Q! •-
";,.\ ° r1 .5 . 2/1 11111441 -
Since the times have got so hard, we are
forced to call upon our old subscribers to pay
their AuttEaus; and our new ones to pay in
ADVANCE, as we cannot afford to wait for our
money from month to month, as we formerly
did. The value of advance payments cannot
be properly estimated by those outside the pub
lishing business. We will, however, make this
offer : Subscribers paying their subscriptions
before the expiration of the first month, will
not be charged more than sl,so—our usual
price. Thus it will be seen, that if subscrip
tions are paid in advance or within the first
month, our paper can be had at the old price.
This is certainly fair, nay even generous on
our part, since the cost of material has advanc
ea so rapidly. We once more ask our friends
and old subscribers, to assist us by extending
our circulation. Our patrons may justly expect
to find THE PILOT conducted in the editorial
and local departments with some ability.
As this place is of interest to some of our
readers who have friends in the Hospital there,
we extract the following from the correspond
ence of The P•esbyterian, (of Philadelphia),
prepared by a member of the Christian Com
mission :
"This is the most southern part of' Mary
land. It is a sandy peninsula, separating the
waters of the Chesapeake and Potomac, just
before the latter is lost in the bay. Previous
to the war it was a favorite watering place for
Dixie, but six months ago it became the loca
tion of the Hammond General Hospital. In
the beginning of December. this contained near
ly nine hundred patients. To these were add
ed eleven hundred from Fredericksburg, mak
ing two thousand of our brave but suffering
soldiers. In this bleak spot there are no visits
from mothers, wives, or sisters; nor can the
various Aid Committees, so efficient elsewhere,
distribute their comforts. This report came to
the ears'of the Christian Commission. They
immediately sent forward four young men, the
ological students, and a large quantity of sup
plies. The surgeon in charge, Dr. Wagner,
received them very cordially, provided quarters,
furnished food, and, in order to further facili
tate their labours, appointed them "acting
medical cadets." Thus assisted and directed,
they laboured, dressing wounds and relieving
destitution, speaking kind words and writing to
loved ones at home—in short, doing all in
their power to increase the comfort of the sol
diers. I need hardly say that many were made
glad. Warm under-clothing especially was
very gratefully received. Their knapsacks had
been left in camp previous to the battle, hence
all they brought with them was what they had
worn in the fight. The hospital was able to
supply many hundreds, but the sudden increase
more than doubled its number of patients, and
its capacity was thus temporarily overtaxed.—
these-cases were sought out, and their wants
',tut the Christian Commission also cares
for we souls of men. The chaplain Was absent
on a lyleucrh. A Roman Catholic priest is
Bt- at'i°n°`-Ahere; he was at his post, and was
not idle. 'ATqi the sense this visit of the Com
mission was .ciportune. Among the supplies
were a large
4 Notity of American, Messengers,
Banners, tractshlnd religious reading from
nearly every evang s ,,-
cal denomination, besides
between three and 1,
hundred Testaments,
and Testaments with,.
- •11ms. How welcome
was this word of life!"
The writer goes on to saj'Y
, hatthe men re
ceived the scriptures and relti.
--so books very
thankfully, most of them hal 4 yeft their
Bibles in their knapsacks, whichl .
hind, before the men went into battiev d,
course, did not get them again. Mitch
was spent in prayer, and religions conversatbk
Circumstances have since compelled the conk,
mission to withdrawn their delegates to another ;
field. The Point has a population of 2500.
Address of Maj.-Gen. Hooker to His
Head-quarters Army of the Potomac, Jan.
27.—The followin order has just been pub
lished to the army:—
Head quarters, Camp near Falmouth, Jan•
26.—General Orders, No I.—By the direction
of the President of the United States, the under
signed assumes command of the Army of the
He enters upon the discharge of his duties
imposed by this trust with a just appreciation
of their responsitility.
Since the formation of this army he has been
identified with its history. He has shared with
you the g lories and reverses, with no other
desire than that those relations might remain
unchanged until its destiny should be accom
In the record of your achievements there is
much to be proud of, and, with the blessing of
God, we will contribute something to the re
nown of our arms and , the success of the cause.
To secure these ends, your Cotemander will
require the cheerful and zealous co-operation
of every o.ifieer and soldier in this army. In
equipment, intelligence and valor, the enemy is
our inferior.. Let us' never hesitate to give him
battle wherever we can find him.
The undersigned only gives expression to
the fieling of this army, when he conveys to
our late commander, Major-General Burnside,
the most cordial good wishes for his future.
My staff will be announced as soon as organ
Major-General Commanding Army of the
From the Army of the Potomac
Head-quarters, Army of the Potomac, Jan.
26.—This forenoon General Burnside turned
over the command of the Army of the Poto
mac to General Hooker, who came to the Head
quarters Camp for that purpose.
As soon as the change became known a con
siderable number of superior officers celled on
General Burnside and took their parting leave
with many regrets.
The following is General Burnside's address
to the army:—
Head-quarters Army of the Potomac, Camp
near Falmouth, Jan. 26.—General Orders No.
9.—By direction of the President of the
United States, the Commanding General this
day transfers the command of this army qo
Major-General Joseph Hooker. The short
time that he has directed your movements has
not been fruitful of victory or any considerable
advancement of our lines, but it has again de
monstrated an amount of courage, Patience
and endurance that, under more favorable cir
cumstances, would have accomplished great
Continue to exercise these virtues; be true
in your devotion to your country and the prin
ciples you have sworn to maintain; give to the
brave and skillful General who has long been=
identifiedwith your organization, and who is
now to command you, your full and cordial
support, and you will deserve success.
In taking an affectionate leave of the entire
army, from which he separates with so much
regret, he may be pardoned if he bids an es
pecial farewell to his long-tried associates of
the Ninth Corps.
His prayers are that God may be with you,
and grant you continued success until the Re
bellion is crushed.
By command of Maj.-Gen. BURNSIDE.
It is understood that Generals Sumner and
Franklin have also been relieved from their
command of the right and left Grand Di
visions, but the names of their successors have
not been divulged, if appointed.
General Burnside, with most of his . 'late.
Staff, have been allowed thirty days' leave of
absence. They will go to New York.
The Sinking of the " Hatteras."
The Navy Department has received official
information of the capture and sinking of the
United States steamer Hatteras by the Alabama
or "290." The substance is contained in the
following statement of J. 11. Partridge, Acting
Master on board the Hatteras, off Galveston:—;
At about 3.P. M., on. Tuesday, January 11,th,
a vessel hove in sight, southeast; we were sig
naled by the Brooklyn to give chase. •As she
came in sight she appeared to be endeavoring
to escape. Just after dark we were able to dis
cover that she was back-rigged and set a top
gallant sail. After dark we gained on her fast,
and when we got up we found her lying too
under steam. We had been at quarters, about
twenty minutes. As we came up Captain Blake
hailed and asked, "What ship it was? The
answer was, "Her Majesty's ship Spitfire."
Captain Blake said, "I will send a boat aboard."
The boat being called away, I was ordered
to take charge and board. Before we went one
half of the ship's length the stranger opened
fire. It was returned by the Hatteras, and both
started ahead under a full head of steam, cx-
hanging broadsides as fast as they could load
`i fire, for about twenty minutes, with big
'‘'.. and then with musketry, from both vessels.
All 4 th
s*qme I had been trying to board my ves
sel, htil
• ivuld not come up. After the musk
etry ceasti
„ discovered that the Hatteras was
stopped anct4 o, . win
steam, with the enemy
alongside for the, ' off
. viypose of boarding. I heard
the enemy cheely
-4, and knew that the Hat
teras had been nautili.
-' ' and thought it no- use
to give myself up aa.a. •.
to the fleet under the
hopes of given inforr •
f l ir,t.
; star, and rowed back
DO' the darkness,in
' , e, affair The
found the
Brooklyn went out tl
Hatteras sunk.. • .
Gen. Butler to B . -- il
. ‘•
, ? -5
. ___lt mar t••„,
Washington, Jan.'A er w ill T au', .
stated that General 13ui1i nt o f the dlik
mand of the Departure'
It at New Orlean. -
head-quarters will be, fir:-.\ le 'MissiSSiPPL -„
soon at a higher point on ti.. • hi m w as arrived"
determination in regard to ature frora. Wash=
immediately after his dept
ington for the North. It . the President and
i s
a means ben, -
Tk at New ,
. an or ace lernand
result of his conferences with •.ne here could tell
'was the inevitable
heads of Department. ' No. e recalled. H de-
General Butler why he was aarry out the plan
dared he would cheerfully' , I }
ans r
termed for him by the Goveri e
were given him, one of the
army such as that which 1
leans, or that which Sherri.
commanded chore.
115 m
4115. 0 • '
' d.
The Department of tho Cumberland
Murfeesboro', Term., Jan. 25, 1863.—As
yet I am comp to announce everything in
this quarter as remaining quiet. The Army of
the Cumberland is still lying in front of Mar.
freesboro', while the enemy are strengthening
their positions at Shelbyville are Tullahoma.
The probabilities are that the latter place will
be held only to gain time for still further
strengthening the former, in case they are at
tacked by our forces before they have completed
their arrangements for its defence.
The Rebels are reported as being remarkably
active at present. Those who are not engaged
upon their works are kept almost constantly on
drill and parade. It is no wonder that their
men have become thoroughly disciplined, as
their officers, instead of lounging around taverns
and grog shops, are in camp doing their duty.
In this matter, some of our "shoulder-strapped
gentlemen" might profit by the example ofd
those whom they are sent out to battle against.;
From some time past it has been expected ;
that the enemy were being reinforced, and at
last that suspicion has become a certainty,.
Within the past two weeks. Bragg has beer(
Pennsyl .
joined by about forty or forty five thousand 158th
troops from Richmond, and there is no doub
Eyes) c received Troll
confirm the ref
but that further reinforcements are on the wa f their being sent to
The leaders seem determined that the ne ig Suffolk, Va.., they
general engagement in this qu a rter shall be arch to Chowan river,
decisive one, and that they wilLoither wino orts, they sailed away
lose all in the coming contest.. For this pu larleSo t tmds and Tii tip
t lo
and to this end they are straining every Dery
he Brigade, of which ti
and ere long, you may expect to hear of o outmoded by Gen. SPINI
of the most sanguinary and bloody conflic
which have taken place during the war. B Minister Dead.—K'
eath of Rev. JACOB Wir.
while the enemy are thus active, our o •
ago, was employed as a CIE
troops are, although quiet, by no means idl
; in this place. After leavil
All seem in good spirits, and all, both office and en t ere d one of th e
and men, have the most perfect confidence tinfter a course of study, h,
their commanding General.—Cor. of the
From Nashville
Nashville, Jan. 20.—A fleet of, twenty-ni
transport and 3 gun-boats, the Lexington, '
Clair and Brilliant, arrived here this morni.
The Lexington, when above the shoals, was
tacked by two hundred guerrillas, who fir
three six-pounders. The boat was struck th
times, but was not damaged. She returned t
fire, and shelled them from their position T
fleet was not interrupted.
The gun-hoats, with eight unloaded steam
left for Clarksville at six o'clock this evenil)
The river is at a stand, with ten feet of w
on the shoals.
The Expeditioii against Vieksbur
Chicago, Jan. 29.—A special dispatch f
Cairo says that information has been recei'd
that the United, States troops under Gen a.
iicOlernand had landed on the mouth of
Yazoo, in full view of the city.
Two brigades were engaged in .opening
famous: out•off when our informant left
The river is now bank high at Vicksb
General Grant left Memphis on Tuesday,
below, with one division.
A Word.—All persons indebted to Jon N W.
REID, for tuition, will please make settlement w
Ir you ,want job work done, neatly and cbea!
or if you want to subscribe for a good paper, co
at once to Tu PILOT office.
• Lamp.—A Kerosene Lamp, suitable for stor•
sbop, (the property of the Greencastle "Greys
can be had cheap, by calling on W. A. Ruin.
New Ca,rrier.—lf our new carrier makes a
mistakes we ask our subscribers to let us know,
that they.may be corrected.
Thanks.—We are indebted to Hon. E. MTH
SON, Hon. W. M'SnEntur, and T. JACOBY, Esq.,
interesting and valuable public documents.
Revival —An interesting revival of religion
now in progress in the Meihodist church. Sev,
persons are under conviction.
Communion.—The Sacrament of the Lor
Supper was administered in three of our churc I
on last Sabbath, viz: The Lutheran, German I
formed and Methodist.
Army Letters.—aust as the paper was bei
"made up" we received two letters from the ar.
the publidation of which we are compelled to de
until next week
German School. P ro_f
has opened a German school on North street.
is well acquainted with the ancient and many of
the People See.—Wm. m‘cßoity
•ned, at. his Cloak and Jewelry Store,
1 6 . 1 isle street, a large and elegant ass
L'E 131 t
k dmitted to
tg.nscrum, J. M.
cr iitable examii
ja.tary term of
th, place, we bell
sucess in the pm,
soldier Dead,
&company K, 121
FYE, Esq.. of the
pal at Acquia Crt
41 had been ill for
awns supposed.
.sSouth Mountain.
•jSquad Sent
:4 a squad of eight
Among them
ULNEU and Rcu
en enlisted, who
e recruiting officf
A Surfeit.—
d ¢mall change
itil a little clear w
iry much.
As to change, 6 , Sli
umerous that it. is n(
sue any—the 11. S.
lough Row for all as!
''ministry of the church—Ui
—of which he was a consist
ber. His health was bad,
was unable to preach little
He died at the residence of
burg, last Tuesday.
Ambition.—The folk
occurs in a private letter
from a soldier :
"It is tnidnight! lly t:
and I am seated, " aolitar
the beautiful red hot coal:
in our rustic fire-hearth.
a blazing fire of respeetafi
there ,remains now nothing
dying away. Occasionally
death, or as if in agonizing
the chemical changes makes
itself, and burns with some
strength exhausted it ceases
once more, and for a transiet
appears. A mill-dew falls,
again; anon ! and nothing
main ! How etnblematical of
kindled by a Inciter of en'
oxygen of emulation and d
by the oxygen of the air.
fervent blaze. Fayorable cir
ing the ardor of the man, a
tends. lits efforts for distinct
comes, and as speedily as he roe
er effort is made t• surmount et
ings—and once more herises. I
ant his second period of succesi
the blue excited from a burni
wind, and then again nothing
disappointment—black as a de
some as a pile of ashes! So is
Meeting of Conferent
Mommi, January 26th. Devon.
r. Bighorn.
T. S. M'Neil, of Virginia
Hyde, of the Methodist Episcopal
German Reformed churches, wet
li#viah Baltzell, T. B. Harsh
were elected Trustees of Otterbt
eateq at Westerville, Ohio.
• Seven trustees were elected for
Fund Society of the Conference.
the fund is to be appropriated to t
anualed ministers; and widows and
isters who are needy.)
Prayer by Hummelbaug,li :
AFTERNOON.—Prayer by Weidler.
Resolutioas of thanks were voted
land Valley and Franklin Railroads,
y tickets ; to the friends of Greencar
for kindly entertaining members of,
tending conference,—and to the Gt
brethren, for the use of their churn
nation services
Committees on course of reading,
centiates at the next session of con
lows :
First Year, J, M. Bishop, Erb, Eber
Second Year, Colestock, Altman, J. C
Third Year, Ratter, Dickson, J. P. B.
Raber offered the following resolutio
passed by a full vote:
Resolved, That the preachers on the ,
requested to deliver a sermon, or lector.
ferent classes in reference to the freed,
be freed, colored people, ant solicit e.
privately, or otherwise, for the purpos.,
missionaries and teachers among them.
Remarks on the foregoing were ma
Bishcp, Eberly, Smith and Raber.
There was collected during the past
during the session of conference abol.t
cash, for the Borne, Frontier and Foreign
The reports show en increase, consi.!
membership, and great interest. in Sabbat
This conference does not forget and negl,
Ile ones
3, I$U
.—Our talented young
wns, after a highly
pitted to the Bar at the
intends remaining in
rust he may meet with
:s W. FRYE, a member
'. V., and son of Jon:4
if Upton, died in Hos-
Friday, the 23d ult.
hut not dangerously
other killed in battle,
B. F. WINGER sent
his (Monday) morn.
new recruits, viz:—
Some others have
t. off in a few days.
ions to have rain
rained and rained,
now be relished
have become so
for individuals to
rrency is plenty
tent (Col. 111-Kin
te since published
sf. C. After lenv-
and trouLlesome
corking on trans-
Inlico and Alber-
er to their pre
it:lg good health
eat. is a part, is
-led to record the
IW., some years
GuTrsrat's store,
tete went to Ohio,
Tin Ohio, where,
*lctl to enter the
4 athren in Christ
ZX emplary mem
'Cilia account he
, :ta a year or two .
ar, in Chambers-
iutiful passage
have received
tare all asleep,
)ne," watching
are sparkling
ago it, watt
d vigor; but
if fearful of
rienced by
o resuscitate
time, but its
zephyr wafi s
[another blaze
it is a coal
of ashes re
! Ambition
[tied by the
on, as wood
axes into a
accompany -
success at
at adversity
how transi-
as short as
a blaet of
but black
ises by S.
le of the
. Eberly
rsity, lo-
I crest o f
f super
of min-
re urn
ions at
as fol-
ich was
Ads are
the dif-
yet to
r, an
00 i
The session was peaceable and pleasant
Conference adjourned to meet in its next annual
session in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, p n .
The preachers were happy and pleased, and free
in expressing their gratitude to the kind citizens of
The following appointments were made for the
coming conference year, by the Pennsylvania Con-
Fork District—N. Aurmox.
Baltimore Ger. Station, J. A. Sand ;
York Station, J. Erb ;
Shopps " D. Eberly and T. F. Bushong ;
Mechanicsburg Station, W. B. Raber,
Carlisle Circuit, J. S. Wentz ;
Manchester " T. Brashear
York " S. Enterline, &B. Baltzell, Elder;
York Spring " J. A. Clem ;
Bendersville " H. Y. Hummelbs.ugh ;
Perry " H. Brown;
Liverpool " P. Corl ;
Paradise " J. G. Clair:
Baltimore Miss. Sta., J. P. Bishop, $350 appro.;
Philadelphia " S. L. Minnick, $l5O appro. ;
Ickesburg 6 6 " S. Bighani, $BO appro.
Chambersburg District—J. W. Bunn.
Chamberaburg Station, J. Dickson ;
Orrstown Isaiah Baltzell;
Big Spring Z. A. Colestock ;
Rocky Spring " J. M. Bishop ;
and Cir., J. C. Smith & W. Bomberger;
Alto Dale,
Mercersburg Circuit, A. Tripper;
Path Valley " S. Young ;
Shippensburg " W. A. Jackson;
Carlisle J. S. Wentz ;
Litt 1 estown " Isaac Weitlier;
Bethany Miss., J. B. Jones, $2O appro.
W. B. Emt.xn, Seel/
Court Proceedings.—The following is a tint
of the most important causes tried at the January
George. J. Balsly vs. Ignatia Harbaugh and Sarah
his wife. Assumpsit, for goods sold to Mrs. Bar.
baugh while a minor. Jury could not agree and
were discharged by the court. Kimmel fur plaintiff;
Reilly & Sharpe for defendant.
David McNulty vs. Daniel Gilds. Deceit in a
horse trade. This case was on trial as we went to
press with last week's issue, verdict in favor of PUT.
for sixty dollars and costs of suit. Kimmel for
Plff., Reilly, Brewer and Sharpe for defendant.
Corn. vs. Elias Craig, Larceny—verdict not guilty.
District Attorney W. S. Stenger for the Com., and
Kimmel for the defendant..
Com vs. Samuel Miller, Jr. Assault and Battery
—verdict, guilty, sentenced' to pay a fine of one
cent to the Commonwealth, he in the county prison
for the period of thirty days, pay costs of protecu
film, and remain in the custody of the Sheriff IRViTiI
this sentence is complied with. Stenger for Com.,
Reilly for defendant.
Com. vs. Adam Besore—charged with having
counterfeit bank notes in his possession. Defend
ant appeared in open court and plead guilty, sen
tenced to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars, to be
confined in the Eastern Penitentiary for the period
of three years, pay costs of prosecution, and re
main in custody until this sentenct. is complied with.
Stenger and Kimmel for Com., Brewer and Sharpe
for defendant.
Com. rs. Henry Midjlour. Charged with passing
counterfeit money. iVerdict, guilty, sentenced to
pay a fine of one ctoliar to the Commonwealth, un
dergo an imprisonm#t in the Eastern Penitentiary
for the period of e ghteon calendar months, pay
costs of prosecutio and remain in custody until
this sentence is com lied with. Geo. Rymer, Kim
tnel and District Ajt'y Stenger for Coin.; Brewer,
Reilly and Sharpe
. r den
Com. es. John 'uhn. Charged with parsing
counterfeit . money t Verdict, guilty, sentenced to
Vents t.o the Commonwealth, un
sent in the Eastern Penitentiary
eighteen calendar months, pay
!main in custody until this sm
all. Geo. Eyster, Kimmel, and
Inger for Corn.; Brewer, Sharpe
Craig. Larceny. Verdict, not
pay a fine of fifty
dergo imprison]
for the period
prosecution, and
tencc is complied
District Att'y Si
and Reilly for d,
Com. vs. El
el. T. Miller, jr. Assault and Rat-
CJM. vs. Sa
tery. Verdict
guilty, sentenced to pay a fine of one
fnwealth, undergo an imprisonment
for the period of thirty days, pay
leution, and remain in the custody of
til this sentence is complied with.—
Stenger for Com.; Reilly for deft.
cent to Com
in the county
costs of pros
the Sheriff u
District A
Jacob Slyder, Henry Morgan and Joseph
:olored. Charge, Burglary and Larceny.
lty , as to Slyder, and not' guilty as to
Slyder was sentenced four years to the
Refuge; of the Eastern District. Dist.
lager and Kimmel for Com.; Eyster and
for defendants.
Corn. rs.
Stoner, al
Verdict, 1
the other:
House 01
Att'y S
The rand Jury ignored a large number of bills,
and t • District Attorney entered a .2Col Pros in
many thus by leave of the Court.
sEcosn WEEK.
T • Court commenced at 1 o'clock, Judge Graham,
fro. Carlisle, presided No Jury trials were had
as any cases were settled, While the remainder
we • continued until the next Term. After the At
to eye having made the usual motions and the
a . ument list having been over the Court adjourned.
Repository and Transcript.
InfantiCide.—On Saturday last, while the con
•nts of a cesspool, on the premises of Mr. Joust
'GEL, were being removed, the body of a new-born
'ut fully developed male child was found. The
facts coming to the knowledge of Esquire IlAstmAs,
who with his usual characteristic energy, had the
body removed to his office, where an inquest was
held and a post »torrent examination made by Dr.
W. H. BOYLE. The examination showed that it
was a clear ease of murder. It appears that a silk
apron had been partially wrapped into a cord, by
the cruel mother, it ,is supposed, and tied as tightly
around the neck of the child as it could be drawn,
leaving a deep indention in the flesh, thus producing
death by strangulation. The baltince of the apron
w. B. R