THE PILOT BY is PUBLISTIVII EVEY TUESDAY MORNICCG JAMES W. M'CRORY, (North 'West Comor of the, Public Scalar e,) st the following rates, from which there will be no deviation: Single subscription, in advance Within six months Within twelve months .............. No paper will be discontinued unless at the option of the Publishers, until all arrearages are paid. No subscriptions will be taken for a less period E lan six months. Poctrn. MARRIED TO CHRIST. BY REV. GEORGE LANSING TAYLOR. 0 Jesus, my lover and love, The joy and repose of my breast, The light of the city above, In whom all the angels are blessed How sweet is thy presence this hour, How dear thy inaudible voice; Thy smile has unspeakable power To make all within me rejoice. What am I, 0 Savior, that. thou Shanld'st come and commune with my heart In whispers so loving end low That all my misgiving depart ? And I drink in the light of thine eyes Till the depths of my spirit are bright, And my soul in beholding thee lies Transported with awe and delight. 0 Jesus! ineffable name! Redeemer! Deliverer! King! The gift of thy passion I claim, Thy triumph in triumph I sing; I dwell on the rapturous tale Of pardon and holiness given; A ransom that never can My Savior, my hope, and my heaven Thy blood has redeemed me from death, And washed me from shame and from sin; And warmed into bliss by thy breath, I feel a new being begin; A life that is lost in thine own, As a drop in a sea without shore, With love and 'with Jesus alone, Where Jesus Is all, evermore. For ever and ever, 0 Christ I My heart is now married tc thine; Love's infinite void is sufficed, Thine infinite fullness is mine: By fliith is the covenant sealed, I trust thee, and call Lila my own; And now is the mystery revealed How Christ and his people are one. —Christian Advocate and Journal eoob !-3torv. *.•• .................... ••••••,•• ........ .......... •• ...... • ..... .•••••.•• ...... THE MOTE AND THE BEAM. BY T. S. ARTHUR "My dear," said Mrs. Everhart, in a voice that was slightly disturbed—"my dear, why can't you be wore thoughtful !" And Mrs. Everhart crossed the room in a hurried manner, and shut the bureau drawer which her husband had left open. Mr. Everhart did not reply. A moment be fare, pleasant words were on his lips. Now he became silent, and the light if cheerfulthought went out of his lace. you would 'only correct these disorderly ways !" added Mrs. Everhart, in a querulous time. "It takes full half of my time to put things right after you." •, There was no response from Mr. Everhart. But an observer would have tseen a hardness settling about his mouth. 'fie day had open ed In sunshine. Mr. and Mrt. Everhart were • enjoying the pleaSant warmth. Suddenly there Game a cloud before the sun, and they were sitting in shadow. Which will to blame?— We go on with our episode the history of two lives vainly seeking to act in harmony, and when we are done, the reacitr can answer for himself. "You are the techiest man alive " said Mrs. Everhart, almost angrily. Her 1.1 shod ens. werod with a look so stern that, Oa moment, she was half frightened. • Nothing more wits said. Mrs. Ev'trhart saw that her effort to correct a trifling ‘iault had produced anger. The sun which rosa,brightly had passed under a cloud, and there tras pro mise of a dreary day. The clouds di&tiot lift at breakfast time.. But few words past hoween husband and wife, and they were uttked in partial embarrassment. Forth to his day's duties went Mr. Everhart, weighted with displeasure towards his with displeasure that gradually changed a state of accusation and regrets. "If she were gentler, and kinder—ifAe were more considerate and forbearing." So tin his thoughts. "I can't always think of doors and drawers—can't always obey to the letter f external order. I have other things on mind. .There is no good in my power to b stow, that I would withhold from her. It my first 'desire to make her happy. But all seems vain. Good purposes—loving acts—get, for nothing, and for the slightest, involuntary trespass on the order of her domain in the household, I am thrust at sharply." When thought:moves steadily in one direc tion, it gathers upVggiii of arguments on that side, and confirms itself in, partial views. So Mr. Everhart gave himself to complaint and ~. ....);, - '' ' ' 4: ', 4 * . ' '' : . ~,, gr.L. Z AT I"? , / , . • ''y ~ , - ....... r ...., , ...,—Mr. , ,, V •=7.f•A, -- " , 4, - ‘' a ~; .i . • ..• .. Iff ' 4 l .0 1 1 A ' ( 4'V) l i 0 A ' - „.„.... .. _ ....,;."_ • .' - A • k 1* , 1 ,, ' c c c l. , ` • " ' ir • • 4 ,..X f " - ' 4 crtcC 4 4 . ' 01 . 5 ck • , • 4 . i t c • •s - • ~,' Iti o 1 i , -, t! 'v. - • % .7.. ...:.•••• • :'' 43 1 C, . ,-: • „e ., ; - ,,i c at , ;_,, ~ 4 ' "_' ••4 Z „- -.•_V.2... ~• _ • ,j 4.- c,"': ._ 0: ;..., ...- ......-..”-- •••-. ...,.. 4 e-i ''' '', r' ' - - •' , _ - ~ . iliiiallaillimmiximmai f 1. C ( : -.. t C • . 4 ?. 4 9 . : GREE>C 4/-T.T ASTLE, PA., TUESDAY, J-A.A.IiX 3, 18644 No. He ) 1 Y I „d 1 - it A sa , 'css, $1.50 1.75 2.00 VOL accusation wife, and state. kind-hearted m than to hurt b Why not r was so annoyi a fair reader, .:3 Now, that question lets has not meant to give you pain or trouble, ,-. ;mart of the theme we tai while you have thrust at him in rising anger, ~strate. Why not conic meaning to wound. Set your own house in • its fairly opens the will order—the dwelling place of your spirit, .l. vtt spline ; reformation in 0 mean. Give love the ruling power, and annoy :d regeneration as to W ante will cease. How easy a thing for you to „It going to launch on t4shut a drawer or door ; to replace a book en vfinot be alarmed. We . the library shelf; to pick up from the floor a . l by an easier and more,flk cast aside garment. A few minutes, thuskiven, in everyday; will correct whatever disorder his re orderly in the house i thoughtlessness may occasion; and if cheer -6-t, speaking with a mut fully given, leave the sky of your lives clear, t i give up everyt down into th:, about trying the fault ? subject of s. externals of spirit; but w. deep waters come to the miller way. "If he • said Mrs. ,ta lied in during friend who this dreg 41'• day—a true hi, who might be trusted ; a gossip. t:ix were more orderly in t house, how nm happier we might be. 131 his lack of.inlia a perpetual annoyance You can't what a trial he is." 3 4, ; it a% miestionable delicacy involve speaking to any friend iitnate, thus freely in regal. , isfaultsoitid go on to the atu We pass in the fact no matter to her has MI eater trials in a husband tha B said the friend in reply. ; but I am particularly sen i hreetion. The most triflio bi !A' "There a lack or of "011, of sitive in ~,i things an: "Is it ri) "What said 11l rs. art. "Your . tad is a just man." "Just atnorable." The toes Mrs. Everhart's voice grew in stantly,Vi., n fi ,( "And lit "Gent '' , .akind as a woman." "As t/ *an, when a drawer be left open ?" 1, .:, The frie I'l her hand familiarly—a grave I look ble with a smile around the lips—t 'on the a IMrs. Everhart. pa, A se flushipg of the face, a brief struggle '':isuddemconviction, and then thisi answer : o—kind and gentler." v "Inte it hone kindness, gentleness,; these ar 'things ' said the friend. "The! substan 'alities ut of which we may build the tent, e', happi ess. Out of which you, 1 f I trust,tpildiug temple." i Titer' silence* "Thd '"' odly so the fri ' i•and if 1 by lov , ',, , soul wl secure „ ,e eters 'el you, mOt. tr ulous tions, cam lot lugs, in whitSli t e stow 11 be thus annoyed ?" ration I How can I help it r?' II a hardeSt to remove. And because it is deep- is not 'Oche wal : may not be trusted." It is most dangerous to the peace of both." Mrs l ,2 E•hart d '.piled her eyes, and sat fc4 ,- t, . . ~,,,, "And is he to do nothing?" added Mrs.' a lon g answering. c 2 . his -t- ".A.;01.1t eonsi eratton on i part," sbV,verhart. "Is he to indulge himself in all 4' spoke o atagth, skiberly and with an effort tit,lis annoying habits, while I practice self-deni- selfjuktiition, "Would remove the cause 144.1, and bear, without a word of remonstrance much (t . 'iosow renders,our lives inharmonio4r complaint, things that hurt me at every Naturalll am a lover of order, and any illAurn ?" t kv, :12 partu 0 - refrom, annoys me. I cannot helve, "It is for you to do right in your own sphere this. l> ingrained with my whole mental—to correct what is wrong in yourself," an constPuo. And is not order right ? Why, wered the friend. "It is for you, and for all should ]subject me, all the while, to a condi' f us, to look away, as much as possible, from tion of r i gs that I feel to be intolerable ?--• ur twn little worlds of peculiarities and pref- The ''Belenial, if I may use such a word as recipes, and to consider the peculiarities and applied the case, would be small on his part; 2ref4rences of others, from a desire to make 22 and As ly duty, if not love, might lead 142hent happy. If you can help your husband samskr,em in the direction of my complaintstio overcome his careless, disorderly ways, you Aso ving contentedly as things now are, ill do him good; but, if you only annoy and thatlt it aply impossible." irret him by ill tempers and hard speeches, you "*ll;isequivalent to saying, that ot a yo eill do both him and yourself harm. It is are , t • not able, or not willing, to put away wro f 3. 'he law of considerate kindness and self-denial, yai iihat works to the highest good in married life." dem n u t' your husband, a correction of 1110 The friend went away, leaving Mrs. Ever. faul 4 .. tf .iart in a thoughtful state of mind ; and the " g!" replied Mrs. Everhart, with some aore she thought, the less of self-appreo ardo - cfeeling. "Do you call a love of ordir,niogled with her thoughts. The inter , 1! . and kney wrong ?" ~,.' ad been of use. There was a little `li but ill-tempers are wrong." '22 n the part of her husband at dinner ' e , "If sharp instrument is thrust into my ss when he came home at even' 'ant flesh, in I help feeling pain ?" demand i e time their cheerful lamps„', Mrs. Mrs2 . •erhart. the evenin g , 1 unshine was in his face 1:•• ' • How ' ' Tn y o u justify ill-temper." nshine in whose wary 2 '' 'shine &W- Y intery . ri "lon% like the word; it expresses mor ,verhart always foutt' , o f a Passing , regard for things than usually feel," said Mrs. Everhart. ' ery often it hap,,, t '' g every now and ills not love, nor tender consideration, no alp gave w , 4 i' .' , l art fak:b'ance—those true wifely qualities mak oud. SeiNt re husband, , % ,e' tiosphere of home so sunny and tranquil 2 m e t ' she was or- Al respond so beautifully to the manly i v , i droppin g a ' is you spoke of just now. Honor, inteo• ' word, or 2 2 t gentleness. Dear friend ! lay this ~,. 7 1 o al ion to heart, and, if you woulA 2 ~, :a thet f u 1 al rl . he unamiable in 1p f In a sort of helprf because be wasi, more disposed to sut correct the fault th; wife 7—a reader askli n't think a woman shod Les are yours," resume. , ou cement them togetheo, I have a dwelling plac4 l, l hills. Do not, I pra y uult-finding, pretty irrita 3 : l oodiness, with the morta are laid. If the cement`.:, happy with your husband, make it the rule lf your lit. N .buke .ever rah.— iim j nee. complain of him; never betray a feeling of of annoyance. At the worst, his fault is only the result of forgetfulness, want of con sideration, or long indulged habits; while your's, on your own admissions, springs from a state of annoyance, not to say ill-temper,. Ile and its atmosphere peaceful. To maintain this, is surely worth a little self-repression on your part. I do not say self-denial, for I will not charge you with taking delight in the annoyed, fretful, complaining states which I fear you have too often indulged." Mrs.' Everhart made no reply to this. "What particular thing happened the morn ng?" asked the friend. "I find you unusual ly disturbed." The color deepened in leeks "Don't answer, if my question is at all out f place," said the friend. After a pause, Irs. Everhart replied': "It was a mere trifle. I should not have 13ticed it. But the constant repetition of 'iese things irritates me. He left drawer )en. In fact, he never shuts a drawer." •lAnd what then?" "I:said, 'My dear, why can't you be more ough tful ?' " "Was that all?" "No; I said something about its taking half ty time to put things right after him." ` "Fretfully and complainingly?" "I suppose so." "For which lack of considerate kindness, 'ld indulgence in fretfulness, you have not 'lly suffered yourself all the morning, but :d a burden of unpleasant thoughts and feel gs upon your husband. Now, suppose, that, &kind and pleasant way; you had closed the ewer. It would neither have hurt nor fa pied you; nor have taken any time needed r duty or pleasure. And what a different suit would have followed Is the state you e now in better than the state this gentler nnduct would have produced? Does it satisfy Jur judgment; or soothe your self-respect? y dear, friend! eFirst cast the beam out of iur own eye, and then you may see clearly to ,st out the mote out of your husband's eye. he beam is your irritibility—the mote his lack order. Your defect lies deepest, and will uttering an unkind reproof. But, through watchfulness, she repressed her impulses, and showed only the gentler side of her character. So, the evening passed tranquilly, and, in look ing back, upon it, and the trifling things which had come nigh interrupting its harmony, Mrs. Everhart felt thankful that she had put a guard on her lips. As usual, on the nest morning, Mr. Ever hart, with his mind reaching forward into the day's business concerns, moved about their chamber in dresssing, drawers and doors were left open, and garments cast about in his habit uabdisorderly. way. It rarely happened that, for such faults, he escaped a lecture; but, so far, the lectures had done no good in the line of reformation. The beam in Mrs. Everhart's eye bad prevented her seeing clearly enough to east out the mote out of her husband's eye.— So far, all her efforts had tended to irritate and inflame that sensitive organ, instead of giving it a better vision. Having completed his toilet, Mr.' Everhart was moving towards the door, when a sdnse of something new in the situation of affairs, led him to pause, and turn towards his wife. She was, at the moment, in the act of closing a drawer which be had left open. Not in the nervous, impatient way usual to her when cor recting his disorder in the household, but quietly andwithoutapparentannoyanee. From the bureau she crossed to the wardrobe, and after pushing in one of the drawers from which he had taken a collar and handkerchief, shut the door, and then took his boots from the mid dle of the room, and placed them in a corner. Everhart's EMI "I am a careless fellow, that's a fact !" he said to himself, "and I must try to put off these bad habits." And with this thought in his mind, Mr Everhart went, to the family, Where in a little while, his wife joined him. She wore a smiling—not the usual worried—face . Self-conquest had given her a tranquil spirit. Mr. Everhart was reading the morning paper. The breakfast bell rang, when, instead of part ly folding his paper, and laying it on the table, he tossed it from him, letting it fall upon the floor. "I never saw such a disorderly man !" No, Mrs. Everhart did not say that, though, having said it almost daily for the past six months or a year, the impulse to give such an expression to her feelings, was nearly irresistible. As for Mr. Everhart, the thoughtless act was followed by an instant looking for the accustomed re proof, which had always come with an unpleas ant jar, yet never availed to work reformation. But, the reproof did not fall. Instead, Mrs! Everhart, without seeming to regard the care less act of her husband as anything specially wrong, took up the newspaper, and laid it upon a table, remarking, at the same time, pleasant ly, on a subject entirely on the outside of this incident. Mr. Everhart's vision was clearer. In the effort to remove the blinding beam of irritabil ty out of .her own eye, Mrs. Everhart had been able to take the mote from her husband's eye; for, as he had never before seen the nature of bis careless habits, did he see them now—see them as imposing extra labors and extra annoy , - duces upon his wife. Her fretfulness and h., ; 4`., sayings had only darkened his perceptions; , t her considerate kindness tuok scales frciti.''" . r . 4 -,,,, eyes. What a little thing, in case befiiiP s, e f -2I ' aornina. feeted a great change. On the-ner-i' 0. Mr. Everhart shut all the drainer;`-' had occa- sion to open, and in vailoug'itling matters showed more thoughttlimf ay. The news paper found a lodg4l-..,. - ..he table instead of on the floor. Alt:e observed by his wife, and it gave he o: pleasure—pleasure in the beginnj '''' ht th'a ierly ways, and plea sure in ad done t, in self-repressing. righter dive :' 'lm kindia'' good, and made t Abe supposed t er, in this 13C19 kf y ~ :ling-place. z . 1 at all went smooth -0 more ripples • ' i''''......irection—that there y 3; .r. — that the beam i tti :: .0 the current of their t .3 and the mote tak f was at once wholly cast of habit, and return tote 72,:n away. 'The conquest But, when the heart yAns''.. t order, are slow processes. on principl e , a good ti i lo l ix el , ! , s f s right, and the will based It is the right b„Aill''' result is certain to follow. make. That aeco ti o e n ss t, t , :l .',inning which is hardest to severanc e and se lf: yOU :.ziplished, with a little per ---2 V: : Ledger. ing '3 ienittl, the after work is sure A notorious falsii "make believe." ' thief Stop i P at bay: fier cannot play the game of at the Lark of n dog stands ADVERTISINGr RATES. Advertisements will Le inserted in TUE PILOT the following rates column. one rear of a column, one year of a column, one year square, twelve months 1 square, six months 1 square, three months • 1 square, (ten lines or less) 3 insertions Each subsequent insertion Professional carols, one year titile-or-Nctl)ings. Envy is destrOyed by true friendship as co quetry is by true love. We love those who admire us more than those whom we admire The spirit of many men in prayer is only selfishness on its knees. The poorest man owns the whole morning, the whole sunset, and all the stars. Accustom yourself to keep secrets. If you haven't any, borrow your neighbor's. The children of scolding parents are hot- house plants = An industrious housewife spins life a top, and knits like a broken bone. To the bleeding soldier to death, the surgeon should be a st.tuneh friend. That man can hare little strength who doesn't respect woman's weakness Those who are flippant in their abuse of this world must think God made a blunder. Kindness in the heart is like rose-leaves in a drawef, sweetening every object around. To miss a fortune is not necessarily a mis- fortune What the present calls impossible,. the future shall only call wonderful. He who is fund of finding faultal need not go abroad He who pays his addresses to dumb belles is in no duty er of being discarded. • The best preventive of fits is to buy your clothes at a slop-shop. Law is the buoy of the good citizen—the rock of the bad one. One rod is often equal to a dozen pearches— in angling "Husband, it' an honest wan is God's noblest work, what is an honest womah?" "His rarest, dear." There are worse ways to raise money than to raise a one dollar bill to a ten, or a ten to a hundred. at the same to dislike those who endeavor to ee ual us 1 There is many a one who no more thinks of carrying his religious faith into his counting house than of wearing a life-preserver in his parlor It is cheap vanity, that stares into the Bible as some silly face stares on a picture-frame or a window, to use the glass as a sly mirror in which it may admire itself. Frightened misers hide their gold where they themselves can never find it, and some men have laid up their treasure so dextrously in Heaven that their hearts can never get at it. rim Conversation or intertalking is not often in structive. It is mostly a pastime .indulged by tongue-pads who willingly listen to and natr common-place remarks which spare them the labor of reflection. As in public life the Power that wages war with parsimony must make peace with,prodig ality, so in private life those hostile but feeble measures which serve only to irritate our ene mies are always to be avoided. 11== Theology climbs' the mountain, or clambers and slips. Religion dwells by the stream. A. man must return from his theology is order to revh his religion: and then he will find that his religion is his supply of theology. $.70.00 35_0C 20.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 1.00 25 5.00 1:=1::