The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, July 03, 1867, Image 4

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    t 1 1
IN reply to numerous Inqtilries In regard, to
the mnmiar nf convMlliig the August 7 8-H'g
Into tlii? ni;w 5-2n Gohl Coupon Hond wo uinko
tlin following Btutuincnt tor the l-n flt of the
holdeis of 7 1) Ills, who mny not he I'ifnrmi d :
Tho Government foinputc-s the interest In
both bonds In currency from tho date of the
maturing of the lust coupon, allowing seven
id Uireo-tenths nn the 78 -ion, nnd cliafgini
six rcr cent on tho n-iios. For example j you
Bund to Washington $ti)00 7 U-10 Bond yhicli
reaches there od "
May 1st , $1,0(0
71 days Interest, (From Feb, loth; 1.4 6
6-20 .'..'..; $1,000 , - J
111) days Intere.'t, (From Jim. '
1st.)... 10 50 ,-.
(This la counted ut UUu days
per annum.;
1.019 no
1,()U 80
Allowed fur 7 3-103,.
Ton pay Government 70 ' '
. It will he swen by this that tlin Gold Interest
' 'a ' K''-'U'is currency, which in of Itself a profit
to the paily converting Mm 7 8 Ids of nearly
Woiit inn i.Aits per if, aside from tlin fuct
that nt the pnwiit rate of Hold, B:iy 4 the
4-2 Is pay over 8 per cent, per annum.. '
At Mvscnt we are convciliiigthe 73-ltls on
much belter rrms thnn the Uovernniont ns
tin) prcnt huyiii unit Railing rules enables
us toulli.vv IliM holder ol the 7 II-ins n better
figure tb.'in lists yet been offered by any one
as a commission.
Turtles exchanging through us, in Addition
to getting much In tier terms than they can
from flu: Government, will have their fi-'.'i's
. . delivered to them immediately. thus savlmr
dolay We also register any bonds sent to us
' without charg I In all P,onds sent lis by Ex
press we pay cliarj;vs liotli ways nnd remit
,; promptly ns directed. Jam T. Bit.nYoV Co..
Dealers in Government Securities. Comer
Fifth and Wood Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa
J. W. Bradley's Clcbratcd
JE3 33L I in. "37 .
Tho Wonderful Flexibility and great com
. fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the On
plex Kllirtio Skirt wilt 'be experienced partic
ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car
riages, railroad cars, church l cws, arm chairs
for promenade, ami house dress, as the skirt
L can be folded when in use to occupy a small
place as easily and e mvcniciillv as n" Silk or
Muslin Dress, an invaluable cjn dily in crino
line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lady b ivinjr enjoyed Ihe pleasure, com
fort and great convenience of wcnringlho Du
plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for n single day,
will never afterwards willingly dispense with
. llieir use. For Children, Misses anil Young
Ladies they are superior to all others.
They will not bend or break like the
spring, but wl I preserve their perfect and
graceful shape wli n three or four ordinary
" skirts will have been thrown aside as useless.
The hoops are covered with double and twist
ed tlm ad, and the bottom rods are not only
double springs, but twice (or double) covered:
".. provenling them from wearing out when drug
ging down stoops,, ite.
Tho Duplex Elliptic is u great favorite wilh
- all ladles and is universal!) recommended bv
tho Fashion Mngazin s ns tho standard skirt
- of lliu fashionable woi I J.
To rnjny Ihe following incsliinaVie advan-
tages in Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, per
fect niiiimlacture, stylish shape and finish,
flexibility, durability 'comfort, and eeonomv,
, enquire tor . I w. liU.M.'LKx'H Duplex Ellip
tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure yon
get. the aenuino article.
CAUTION. 'I'o jtnard mrainst imposition
be iwrflcitlnr to NOTICE that skirts offered as
"DUPLEX" have the red ink Mani.i, vi..: !
TV. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,"
Opon the waistband none others arc genuine.
Also Notice Unit every Hoop will admit a pin
being passed through 'he centre, thus reveal
ing the two (or double) springs braided to
petber therein, which is tlm secret of their
flexibility and strength and a combination not
to be found in any other Skirt.
' Forsale In all s'tn'ca where first class skirls
' lire sold throughout tho United States and
ManuLetim d bv Ihe Sole Owners of tho
Patent, W EST;'. H1UDI.EY & CAIIY.
1)7 Chambers & 7!) & 81 Reade Sis , N. Y.
E havo juit recoiyed a splendid stock of
Adapted to mem and boys
wear j also, a !xtll line of
Gents' Furnishiijg Goods,
Which wo w ill sell at the lowest ralc9. Call
and exi'tnino our stock Prices are down nnd
if wo can't sell a man the clothing ho wants
KononTiN Waynksiicjuscax.
filnnm in Allison's Building, Waynesburg, Pa.
fi;l-3m. " "'
r; : " WHISKE3RS
IOKCED to grow npoh tho smootliest face
In from three to five weeks by using Dr.
LAIRE,; tho most wonderful discovery in
modem science, acting upon the Beard nnd
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has
been used by the elito of Paris and Lrndon
with the most flattering success. . Names of
all purchase's will bo rogislored. nnd if entire
'satisfaction Is not given in every instance, tho
money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by
mail, sealed and -postpaid, fl. Descriptive
circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad-
Jrcsa BURGER, SI1UTTS & CO., (Jhemlsts,
(185 River Street, Troy, N. Y. 8oe
trontsfnr tlin United States. feb:),'C7ly
i, 4- - lO.oon A tm VE LOCAL
nnd Traveling A cents, Malo or Female, of all
ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every city,
town, vlllago. hamlet, workshop ami factory,
throughout tho entire world, fur tho most
paleablo ..novelties over known. 500 Per
cent PROFIT nnd ready salo wherever of
forcd ! I Bmart men and womcu can make
from tfrS to .fiiOper day, and no risk of loss I
A small capital required nf from $20 to $1(10
tho more money invested the greater the
pooflt. No money required In advance we
first send tho articles and receive pay after
wards 1 If you actually wich to make money
rapidly nnd cnsilv, writ for full particulars
' and address" MILNOR & CO , (From Paris.)
fchia-ly 210 Broadway, New York Clt-y. J
. and o nmi ruurasi:s.
A' ft Hoofin
ig Mate,
rial It 'stands .unrivalled
mastiff it adapt ItHf to vel.v sh ipo and
slope.) Non-d uibiistbile.i impervliJUH, non
eipatisfva, and. uodtcuylng. . . ,
- r t : 1 - ' "
)-. . ' . iv '
The only roofing material ever discovered that
will r pisl. tiio action. of .the elements us long
r the structure it protects Helng suscepti
ble of little, ll' inv wear from exposure, and
perfectly FlltE rKOOF.: It is uneipmlled ns
a coating lor Jianutaetming ami l'aini liulld
incs, fences, bridges, bnttoits of Vessels,
Vaults, Ac; " : .
i l crenceH given In any part of tlin county,
nr specimens shown to visitors . Apply by
letter,-or in person to . '
H, f; JONES. lli:srr.BYSviM.Kj Wash'. (!o, Pa.
.. S. II. DOAIC, It L. JONES, ,
Licensees of Wash, and Greene counties.
L. V. JoMis. Agent.
' 4124 tf Wnvnesbnrir, IV
Ilirow away your falsa fiizzco, your switches,
your wig
Destructive ofc iniloit, and not wortli a fig;
t'oniu aged, come youllil'ul, conic ugly and fair
Ami rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
For restoring hair ujion babl heads (from
wlmtever cause it liny have fallen out) and
forcing a irrolli o' hair upon tlm face, it lias no
equal. It -ill loree tho beard to grow upon
the smoothest face in from live to eleht weeks.
nrlmir upon bald beads In from two to three
months A few ignorant practitioners l ave
asserted there is nolh ng that will force
or hasten the growth of the hair or beard
Their assertions are false, as thousands of liv
ing witnesses (trm their own experience) can
hear witness, lint many will say. low are we
to distinguish the genuine from the spurious ?
It certainly is dilicult, ns nine. tenths of (lie
dilleri nt Preparations advertised for the hair
ami licnrd are entirety worthless; ami you
may have already thrown i way large amount
In their purchase. To such wo would say, try
the lieparator Cupilli, it will cost you noth
ing unless it fully comes up to our represen
tations. If your druggist does not keep it,
send U" one dollar and we will forward it,
postpaid. loet!ier willi a receipt for the mo
ney, which will bn r -turned you on npplica
lioii, providinsr entire satisfaction is not given.
Address. W. L. CL.VUIve; CO., Chemists,
No 8 West Enyette t't.,fyriu use, N. Y
feb 1 :i, 'c;-1 y
There comelb glad tidings ol viy to ail,
To young and to old. to great and to sniali ;
Tho" beauty which onto was so precious and
Is free for nil, and all may bo fair.
lit TUB liSi; op
EN .131 EL,
For Improving and Ucaulifying tho Complex
Tlin most valuable and perfect preparation
in use. tor giving tiio skin a bcautilul pearl
like tint, that, is only found in youth. It
quickly removes Tail. Freckles, Pimples,
Blotches. Moth Patches. S i lowness. LVipt
ioiis. and nil Impurities of the skin, kindly
healing the same leaving Ihn skill white, and
; clear as alabaster. Its rse can not be deicct
i ed by the closest scrutiny, and being a vege
table preparation is perfectly harmless. It. is
' the only article nf Hie kind used by the French,
and is considered bv tho Paiislin ns Indispen
sable to a pci feet toilet. I'pwa-dS' f 30,000
hollies were sold during I be past vear, n
sullii lent gua'nnleo nf its ellieaey. Price on
ly 71 cents. Sent by mail, post paid, onro
cdpt of an order, by
I I1KKGKK. 811 ITTS & Co., Cheilosis.
! L'S.'. Kivor St., Troy N. Y.
I feb20'i;"lv.
S'EW !
stock of
rintliing. Trimmings. Notions, &c, in the
New Sloro llo.iin in Mr Geoigo K. Jrinor's
building, m arly opposite tho Farmers' &
Droviers' Kutioual Uaiili,
- f
WAY ESWUiJW, l l- X X A.
The stock is all now and fresh, purchased
since the latu decline in prices, for cash, which
enatues me to sell much lower than those
wlio have old stocks boiutht. at high prices.
I would be hishlv itratilied to havo ull my
old friends, customers and the public generally
to call nmi see me at my new store. I will
endeavor to make it pay all those who favor
inn with a call, as I am determined to sod at
such prices nswi'l mvo entire satislaclion.
CaPOo not fi.rget the place, in tho New
j Store Itonm, in Mr. George K. Minor's buil
ding, 'nearly opposite the Farmers' & Drover'
National Bank.
4;l7-tf FRANK. M'GURGAN.
-A-27,,H.3CC,ri33D I
When by the ti3o of DR. JOIXYILLE'S
ELIXIR you can ba cured permanently, and
ut a trilling cost
The astonishing success which has attended
tills Invaluablo medicine for Physical and
Nervous Weakness, General Debility and
Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy. Im
poteucy. or any of the consequences of youth
ful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable
preparation ever discovered.
It will removo all nervous affections, de
pression, excitement, incapacity to study or
business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts
of self-destrnctirm, fears of Insanity, &e. It
will restore the appetite, renew tho health of
those who havo destroyed it by sensual ex
cess or evil practices.
Young men, bo luunbiiged no mnro by
'Quack Doctors" nnd Ignorant practitioners,
but send wit limit delay ior tho Elixir, nnd bo
nt nneo restored' to health and happiness. A
perfect euro Is guaranteed in every Instance.
Price $1 nr four bottles to cno itddress, $.1,
Ono bottle is sufficient tocllect a euro hi all
ordinary cases
t'JIiLS, for the spccily and permanent euro ol
Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges. Grav
el, St Het urn and nil affections of the Kidneys
and Rindder. Cures effected in from one to
nvo days. 1 hey are prepared from vegeta
ble extracts that aro linrmelcss on tho system,
and never nauscatu tho stomach or Impreg
nate the breath. No cbnnge of diet is neces
sary wlillo using them, nor does their ncllon
in any manner mtortore with uusincsspursuits
Price $ per box.
Either of the abo"e montioned articles will
lie sent, to any address. closely scaled, and post
paid, by mall or express, on "receipt of price.
Address all np'ers to
BERGER, BIIl'TTS & CO., Chemists,
No. SP5 Klvcr Street, Troy, N. Tf,
ltl20,'C7-ly i
' Last Ttiosday niyht, ns Mr. Estliei
Slansbury was about to bring a bucket
ot wutur from the liyilrant, slio " found n
basket suspended by the knob of tin
front door, lulling her IiiiipI nto tin
ticket, die found Kometliin alive and
kicking, but so enveloped in rng thai
no discovery could bo in itio without mi
wrapiii.o; the object. ' A jucco ot pnpei
tokled liko a letter, lay beside the animate
bnnillo. Sirs. Suiisliury immediately
turned into the Iioimu, mid by I bo light
ot the lamp examined t ho billot. It was
addressud to her husband. Shu tremu
lously broke tho stal and read ad fol
lows :
'To Joe Stain-bury Sir : I send you
A baby, which you will plcnso take earn
of, nnd bring up right, to that it may
turn out to bu bettor than its daddy. Oil,
JoHepli I what n hIv old rako yon nro I
Who would think that fluid, Mibor, did
spitidle.ihauks could bn suoii a loaiiij
down bin1 -or. Tho child is yours you
may awear to llmt. Look nt it it is
Joo Stuiiidiury nil over. You deceived
mo c'mtnetully, Jos pli, letting on to bo
a widower, but do tt lather's part toward
the child, nnd I'll forgive you.
Your broken hearted Nancy.
I. S Don't let that sharp nosed wile
o' your's sen this le:ti r. Gammon her
wiili noino kind of u story ubouttho ba
by. 'Nan.'
Mr. Slansbury was iu tho basement
quietly fating his Biipper, lilllo thitikii.g
w hat n storm was brewing?. Tho door
of tho Btaircaso was violently thrown,
open, and Mrs. Slansbury yelled out
angrily :
Slansbury, ou villian, come up here,
here's a mess for you.'
Tho nstoiiiidied Slansbury hastily
washed bis mouth and obeyed tho sum
mons, 'Don't you want to sco Nancy the
tho brokeliheai ted?' cried Mrs Slansbury
when her guilty husband hobbled into
tho room,
'Nancy ? what Nancy V said tho Fly
old rojjtio iu well feigned perplexity.
'Who, Nancy tho mother of tho bady,
that'dbjon left at your door, Mr. Stains
bury. Oh, you look mighty innocent '
but jut read that letter and then look
into that basket. Don't bo afraid j it
won't bilo you it's got no teeth, poor
thing! You'll know it, for as your huzzy
says, it is just hko you, all over, l leaso
goodness ; I'll expose you before every
body !
And in less than five mini tcs, M s S.
had collected a room full of spectator. to
witness thu unwrapping of tho baby
Anxious expectation sat on every coun
tenance, as the jealous lady tore away
rag alter rag from the body of the found,
ling, tho vigor-movcmenU which uston
ished everybody I'
'It is full ot the devil already,' said
Mrs. Stansbuiy. 'That shows it is his;
and you'll soon see that, it is like him iu
everything el-o '
At last all theswaddling clothes being
removed, out pimped tho baby and made
ild escape through ihe open door, fl w in
a bi'i turn cut !
1 he Stansbury's had had a practical I
joky played on them by a misehievious
young lady who lived mxt door. Re
Sinco tho bhootinj; of Barton Key in
Washington, (.Jen. Dan Sickles has done
noth'111;; that can add to his notoriety eo
much ns his late order concerning tho
sirle of whisky in tho district under his
Houitiriim. t ne radical st. jiOius Vcnvi
nriil imagines that this order is aimed nt
the Do noeratia partj, although its en
lorccment may occasionally einharrasa
tho potations ol gentlemen not adhering
to the 'tiiuo-honored principles' of Hint
organization. Our colemporary con
tinues that Sickles declares that 'uo U.
censes bhall he grarted lor tho sulo of
liquors in quantities less than a gallon,
except to inn-keepers, and that all con
tracts for the sale or uiauufuottiro, btor
ago or transportation ot liquor, are to bo
deemed against publio policy, and will
not ho enforced. (Jen. Sickles knows
that tho Democrat doc9 not buy liquor by
the gallon. He also knows that it eon-
tracts for tho salo of liquor aro unlawful I
there will be no scIIiiiq 'on tick, and 1 1
the thirsty Democrat is to be compelled i
, , , , ', j
to pay as ho dunks, the order is almost Ul I- I' 1
rT"'"lu" iu iuiai on-'i'pujjo 01 supplies,
Farewell, then, under the grinding tyrant
ny of Sickles, lo the long score behind
the bar f furowell to tho jovial invitation
to -namo your nips t farewell to the fos J
.!. . I , .. .
tivities irom which uemociats go forth
invigorated aud strengthened to tho far
ring of an Abolitionist, the shooting ot
a nigger, or tho massncro of a convention.
Farewell, a long farewell, to nil those
dear delicacies ot Dctmoracy. Without
whisky, the faithful will lack norvo for
these refined and cbivahio sports i with
out credit they will lack whieky j and
under tho iron heel of military despotism
credit has been crushed and the slate,
with all its scores, has been broken,
A yo' no lady refusod to go into the
Watervleit Arsenal, tho other day, bos
cause sho. had heard that some of the
muskets were without breeches. She
viewed the arsenal from a distance.
A YouNfi lady, if a vutor kuoolcs nt
the door, will sometimes send word 'en.
gaged,' though she never had on offer
in her lite.
Ah I could I touch the Nightingale1
at $ 10 a quarter.
'Hack to our Mountain.' Cold place
lor tho back now.
'Hear me, Doatlet.' Boat let for 25
ocnts an hour.
'Beautiful Dove. Where do you got
vour 'greenings' now t
'Benuiif ill Moonlight.' Our substitute
for street gas lights.
'I'airy Watcher.' Don't ycu do if,
'Happy Swallow. Of old Q brandy.'
'Hear mo, Norma.' Liuid her nn ear
Hark, tho Indian Drum.' Ilender
shot (tan beat him.
'I cannot sing ihe Old Songs. Why
don't you sing now onus I
'I'm lono'y sineo my Mother Died.'
Her gray hair black,
'Drift my Boat' To shore, I've lost
my oar, my feet nro wet.
,1 would that My Love.' Had tho
'Little Droning Flower.' Lower
grades Western brands.
'No one to Love.' Get ono.
'Itoek Bi'sido tho Sea ' I . have no
rocking chair,
Too Late.' Take tho next train.
Coming thro' tho Kyo.' Mussachu.
setts State constables.
'Where h.ivo tho Beautiful Gone.'
To sco tho Black Crook.
IJlCSTOIIATION Ol' Dkownkd Pkf.soxs,
All testimony hitherto is decidedly in
favor of Dr. Marshall Hall's method,
which is a very Bimplo ono, for it needs
no .n.immlim. nil ia l.i
ii ' - .i.v
that tho body of tho drowned person, bo
in man, woman or child, be placed upon
ics stomach, with tho aims under the
forehead, nod then turned from side to
side, us one would roll a beer cask or
wine-cask in process of clensing, but, of
course more slowly and geully. and con
tinuing tho rotary motion uutil full in
(lition of tho lung's shall have taken
place. Those acquainted with tho
principles of natural philosophy, and nt
tho same time having any knowledge ot
the structure ot tho bony and cartilagiN
nous chest in which is contained the
lungs, will at oneo perceive tho reasons
OP wliioh is founded tiio advocacy o( this
Rimiilo llletliod for tho r.v.rnf
, j ... j
sutis uiipait'inly drowned.
Jlv Hoy Diiunk. 'Drunk mv boy
drunk 1' nnd tears started from tho moth
er's opes, mid sho limit her head in uu?
utterablc soirow. Ij Hint moment the
visions of u useful and honorable career
wore destroyed i and ono of tho worth
lessncss, if not absolute dishonor, pro
rented itself. Well did she kimiy that
inlctiipcraiici) walks h ind in hand niih
povim, Khaine and deaih j ami hig
nr.iiltor's licnit was pierced with li sham
pointed suol. AH! young iho
li, i: . ,n . a . ,
holy tcclini'ol love b r hei who liine ii
edskol. All! young man. if iho
is not dead within you. eliuti that which
gives her pain : adhere to that which
gives her joy. If she is with you in
earth, sin- does not desire to seo her son
a ijruimauj i it she is with her l'atlier
in heaven, shun that curse ol hie winch
shuts the gates of heaven against you,
and debars yon from her society for ever
Tho drunkard cauirot inherit tho king
dom of God
An EniTOii's Kkvknoe. .Stevens, nf
the Tidiotiie, .Journal,' is a 'brick' Ho
thus piichos into one tftho lair sex in
his locality :
'The lady (?) who yesterday called tho
attention of another to our patched
breeches whereat they both laughed so
heartily, Uniformed that a new pair
will be purchased when her husband's
little bill' is settled , it has been due us
deaily a year. Notes I. When you
ipeak disparagingly of a passer-by, and
do not wish to be overheard, talk low,
2, Don't criticise thu printer's dn.s
too closely w bile wearing silks purchased
with money duo him. 3. Tell your
husband to send us 23 70 at once, and
save the cost of an entire mit.'
Tun Shenandoah Vulley, in Virginia,
is said to have almost recovered from
tho desolations ot tho lato war. Not
withstanding tho ravages of tho many
armies that passed through it, and tho
ulmott total destruction ot houses, fciicos
and agricultural
linploincnts. it Is said
that this year the farmers will probably
"!lvo Ulu nncsi anu largest wncar cror
ever wl " l',nt Bn. The lower
counties are filled up with Pennsylvania
Germans, who are quietly buyin up all
. , ! . . '
mo iarms iney can gee.
In a Hurry. An accident oocurcd on
one ot tho Lnglish rylroads, recently,
ana soverai , persons wore killed. A
young nobleman wbb seen running about
1. .1 !.! ...1. ...1 I . .
in search ot his valet, whom he learod
was among tho victims. Presently one
ot tun guaru catno up to intu, and said,
Jly lord, we havo f mud your.sorvant,
but ho is out in two.' 'Then,' said ho.
with a regular Dundreary drawl, 'bo
gwood enough to seo in what half ho
has gwot tho key to my carpet -bag,'
'Mv dear young lady,' exclaimed a
gentleman, 'I am astonished nt your
sotitimonts. You actually make mo start
on my word you do.' 'Woll, sir,1 re
plied the dnmsul, 'I've hoen wanting to
start you tor the last hour.'
. Wk frequently used to hoar of our
generals capturing 'pieces of nrtillory.'
'What's the oe of opntinnally capturing
pieces t' mjb Mrs.' Partington. 'Why
not capture wholo ones V
Tun Atlanta N'W Jm.'one of tho load-
ing pnpers in Georgia, hoists General
Orant'i name for President, believing he
is the only man who can lend tho nation
c ut of itt gloomy political night.
DH. W. F 0 L A N D ' 8
Positive Remedy fo all kind of tin.
mors, parleularlv Ervslnelns. Ketilc
UuhU, halt idieiun, HcmIuIa, Cnibuiu lis
lloils mid Plies. It Is very jtrntifyinu to sny
f ilils, or of any other medicine, "It is tlie
very beH renw.iy known." It is not always
so easy to prove it. It is. however, exceed
ingly ?rali yinc to the proprietor of this iin-dl-clne,
that, while be declares to the public that
Ibis Is a most wonderful and effective specilic
tor Humors, as stated above, be has abundant
proof ut band to sustain his stateinont.
For sixteen jvras the Humor Doctor his
been lnaiiiiliiolued and sold, and every year
has Increased the value of its reputation, and
tho amount of its sales. In Jscw Hampshire,
where it originated, no remedy for humors Is
so highly prized. An eminent physician (tmw
an army sureon) when praeticiim in New
Haliihjre, piircliused between filly or sixty
Balonsof it, dui-iiijr some seven nr eight years,
mid used it in liU practice. Ho has since
then ordered it for the hospital Micro he was
stationed. Other pliysicirns have purchased
It, and have used it in practice with jjreat
success. When tlm proprietor lived in New
Hampshire, at Unll'stown Outer, for the space
of thirty or forty miles around, and iu Man
cheater particularly, tho Humor Doctor was
well known and liiclily valued for the niiiiie
ous and wonderful cures which it ell'ccted.
Though mnnufneliircd in large quantities the
supply was frequently exhausted, mid pur
chaser had to wait for more to be made. In
that region gome very severe eases of Ery
sipelas were treated with and they were
cured I Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those
UKly, painlul ulcers, were entirely removed
wherever this medicine was faithfully used.
So it. was with Scrofula nnd Salt P.lieuin. The
Humor Doctor cured them.
For the sake of showing what is thought of
it, a few testimonials ate hero Insetted:
JIu.ioN, 'Esq , Bosrox.
I hereby certify that 1 was snre.lif nlllli t..,!
Willi Boils for two years, dcvclonimr them.
selves upon my limbs and other parts of my
budv. The siill'erings which I endured from
them arc indescribable. .Siilllee it to say that
I hiillifully tried several of the most popular
humor remedies, but without removing thu
utllietion At length, by thu earnest request
of an intiniiito friend, 1 was induced to try
Dr. .1. VV. Poland's Humor Doctor, nnd am
1 ' 1 1. V were
.m,r I, ..I,..,., .!... ..n ti it . ... .
i wen
hv us
removeii, ami iny neaiin was restored
big Dr. Poland's aforesaid medicine.
Boston, Jan. 14, lr, i. MILTON GALK
A. C. Wam.acf, Esq., Misoiinsriiit, N. II.
Dr. J. W. Poland Dear Sir: I very cheer
fully arivo my testimony In favor ot your Hu
mor Doctot as an excellent remedy for humors,
.My nuuiorivis aeiiiaiulances iu Manchester
know how severely I was ulllictud wilh Boils
and they know how perfectly good my health
Is ut present Your Humor Doctor cured mo
PI I'HJiti refer to niu lor pnt'iicuhirs in my eusj
Juuo II, lf.-.d. A. U. WALLACE.
Mas. PoitTwt, Dovnit, N. II.
July 2'-, IS."..
Da. Poland : I received yoiir letter in
quiring as to the ell'eels ol your medicine on
f-ea-siekness I am happy to say that I think
it is "the medicine" for 'that dreadml sick,
ness. 1 tried various prcsciiptinns, Inn I'oimU
none thai settled the stomach and cleared the
bead like lie' llllniiM' I). let ir I 1'n't iw 1 1.. ..!.
ul like lli numor lioct ir.
I could banllv wait to get nr.linre, ((( entreiit
"l V.' ",,n.K",c' 'lo ciiaudlery stores,
,.u u
: mny find it way to those yli: Bull'.r
upon the liugl.ty deep liom sea sickness. If
captains who take tlicr families with thctn,
or carry pasjcngcls, rliciild try it tor once,
! they would never bo willing to voyago with
out it.
I I have used it for my fnnily since its Intro
duction to the public forbilii'iis habits. Iieud
ncbe mid liinnnrs about my chi'dren, and have
always found it a sure cure,
1 uai not fond ol having my namn appear iu
pulilic. and would not consent to It on any
otber account but to relieve tile sillferii . mt
iftbeforei: in will be of any service l7 yuu
or the iublie, you can make use of It.
Yours, ' HAltUllCl'M. POUTKlt
Jliieli nioro might lie stated in relation lo
I ids medicine, nscontaincd in test
testimonials, but
T. T,!,
". ; (iruggws
about , especially K. W. H ake, at Uirr's
t ,,,,, ' r V,,. i,,. , , .'.,'
whose who was cured bv It of Salt ltlieii'ii.
Ask almost, any person iu uoil.;tovn, ami Hu.y
will declare bs value as a remedy, as used in
their own cases nr by b ir friends.
The Humor Doctor was lorinciiv seld at
fll'ty cents per bottle i but l lie cost of every
iiuiTciiiciii eomposiiii; 11 lias gone
up so enor-
lumisly, licit the price lets been raised to
xirenhijii;: a-iitu on., and that by conipiilMun,
The Humor Doctor Is prepared i tae New
Ltiielaad js.iiauu; Depot, to the Proorlctor,
J. C. Krcn. b
fold by Medicine Dealers everywhere.
Dl'M S 1IAUNES & CO., tleiieral Afienls,
uv lorn. 4;i-i;m.
.Something New
LY ll'.l YXESRURG, rj-JXX'A.
7 13 O G . B ft A D E N
f At. tho room formerly occupied bv Andrew
Wilson, Sr., next door to liradeu's Drug Store.)
Ilespectfully Informs tlm pond people of Greene
couuiy, tnat nu lias opened a
And invites a call from his friends nnd 'tiio
public Kenerally. His storo is tilled with
everything In his line needed by lliu Farmer
ami .uecnaiiii!. iicin" a practical farmer, ho
knows exactly the wants of his farmer Iriends.
AmoiiR his variety of guilds will be found Iron,
iNalls olall Hinds, I'liiaes ot all varieties. Ail-
frcrs, Unices, &). Tuttlo tootlnal, cross cut
ami nun saws, nanu saws aud tools ol all elcs
Mowing Machines, Cuttlm? Boxes. Corn ghel
lor,, l'lows, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and
everything In his line.
A general nssorlmontof saddlery hardware,
to which he invites the attention of purchasers
Tubs, Buckets, Butler Howls and all kinds of
Kitchen Wooden Fixins,
Willow Baskets,- brooms, - Brushes, Com
Buckets, Brass Kettles, Bupgy whips, Shot
Uuns, Hoys Wnirons and sli ds.
All persons demroiis fif purchasing any of
the abovo articles and many others not inen
'loued will consult their Interest by
IIo will tnkn plensuro In showing; his stock
nt all times. So ulvu liim a call when you
come to town. Iteinember the nlaco. ouno-
Bltu the First National Bank.
declL'lf T1I03. IJKADEN.
2PU.T3X10 TXTotiO O
. Is dlsolved 1V liltltual consent, the Com
mission business will still bo carried nn at tlin
old stand, In (rood order, and on tho most
reasonable terms, in thu name nnd stylo nf
L. UUUIIU9& CO., (senior partner). . They
Hatter themselves, by havliiir Iho House- nnd
thu best location In tho plane for that bush
ncss, tint they will uisckivh u liberal share of
the puhllo pitroniiizn
Tlmv will also koepa Rood supply of QR.O
OEM l',H on hand to accomodate ail who
may l'avor them with n cull,
Ji. IIUU111W1 SB
4-,10-tf Hlco'i Lanillnir, Pa. I
cily, ho has, opened the largest
New Grocery
In town. He des'res to Inform tho citizens
nf WiiyneKbing and vicinity of (no cure he
have taken iu selecting stock, having on hand
n good supply f .
GAliS, TAIl, also.- IMIOVISI
& , itc , ito.
Call and seo h'.m as bo has been getting a
ou will find liim accomodating, nnd can
sell lower th in any one iu tlm nhiee. i
sure to go to the right place, in
opposite tlm Court House, and foruiorly oc
cupied by the Post Olllco.
PRODUCED by tho ,1sn of Prof. DE
application warranted tocurltlio most straight
and stubborn, hair ol cither sex into wavy
ringlets, or heavy massive- curls. Has been
used by the lasliionables of Paris and London,
with the most gratifying results Does no in
jury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and
postpaid. Peseriptive circulars mailed
i ree.
ree. Address HKKGKK, HIIL'TTSit CO.,
'hemists, No. "85 Itiver St., Troy, N. Y..
A, r.,t,lo ft.. . I... !..:, ...1 u.'.. .- '
Solo Agents for the United Slates.
fou iiumoviso sceKitKi.rors ii.uii.
To thu ladies especially, this ' Invaluablo de
pilatory recommends itself as beins nil almost
iiHiispensuiie iiilu'le to female beauty, is easi
ly applied, does not burn or injure lliu skin
but acts directly on ;he roots ft is warranted
to remove superfluous Imir from low fori heads
or from any part of the bode, completely,
totally and .radically cxterpalintt lliu same,
leavini; Iho skin sofi. smooth and natural.
Tills is tho only nitirle used by the Krencb,
and is the only real cll'. ctual depilatory in ex
istence, l'nco 7.". cents per package, sent
postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an
order, bv
IWIt'lHH, SHU'm.too., riiemists,
e li-'O.'iir-ly '.'S.l lliver St.. Trov. N Y.
Tho Wonder of the Aire
V en on i ne i nn uav ot
ScDtcnihcr. IJtltR.
to Wm. II. iMcCutcbeon, of W.isbinL'ton,
Iowa, will bo on exhiuitioii In a few days at
n Wanvesburg. Pa. This C'HUKN must
stinersede.anv tiling cf the kind hercto'cre
produced. The simii'encss of its construct
ion, and its two fold or reversed motion, Ihat
prodm cs butler from three to six minutes
must iniluei! the eniiununity to examine Its
finalities It saves tl"'u il saves work nnd
produces ns much bin. . t asany churn in ex-
islcnco Mr. Mnn.iell has full power In sell
lights for l'e.n"svlvanla or New York Slate as
wi ll as to furnish ('hums to citizens of this
county. MOliKIS, ULLOM & CO.
Tin: voiiij)
U 1 Hi
at tiiu woNiu-io ri. iii:vi:i..yrioNrf
MADAME H, A, P E n fl I G 0 .
Sho reveals secrets no mortal ever know.
She restores to happiness those who, from
ilolelu! evenls, catastrophes, crosses in lovo,
loss of relations and friends, loss of money,
ivc., nave uecnme oespomielit. alio tilings
together those lomr seperated, gives tn'orina
tion coneernin absent frien Is or lovers, re
stores lost or stolen property, fells you the
bilslnessyon are best qtiallllcd to pursuo and
in what you will bo most successful, cause
speedy marriages and tolls yon tho very day
you will marry, irivesynu the name, likeness
and charartorlstics of the person. Sho reads
your voiy thoughts, and by her almost super-
naiiirni powers unvi us the dark and hidden
mysteries of the future. From the stars wo
seo in Iho firmament tho mnliflc stars that
overcome or prcdominato in the configuration
from the aspecu and positions of tho plan
ets and tho fl.vfl htiirsin tho heavens at the
tlmo of birth, she dednees the future des.tiny
of num. Fail not to consult the greatest As
troloist on earth. It costs you but a tiitlo,
and you may never mraln have so favorable an
opportunity. Consultation fen, with likeness
and all desired inliirmiitlon. $l. Parties liv
ing at a distance can consult the Madame by
mail with eipnil salely iiud satisfaction to
themselves, ns if in person. A full and ex
plicit chart, wiitteu out, witli nil .Inquiries
answered' and likenesses cnclofcd, sent by
mail on receipt of price above mentioned.
Tho strictest s' cresy will be niaintnlned, nnd
nil correspondence refill nod or destroyed.
References of tho highest order lurnlshed
Ihoso desiring them. Write plainly tho day of
the month and year in which you wero burn,
enclosing a small lock of hair.
Address, Makamm II. A. PEKMOO,
1'. O, Drawer 2!)3, Buffalo, N. Y.
risper Coma,
uii! alio was oeamitul and lair
Wilh starry eyes and radiant hair,
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very heart and miud,
For Curling the Hair nf Either t?ex Into Wavy
itnu uiossy Kinglets or llouvy
Massive Curies.
By using this article Liulli nnd Gentlemen
can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It
is tho only article in tho world that will curl
straight hair, nnd nt tho snmo tlmo give it a
beautiful, kIobsv nnneiiranco. Tho Crlsnor
Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
nenmiucs ami cleanses it ; is Highly anil rlo
llglitlully perfumed, and is tho most comnleta
artlclo oftho kind over offered to tho American
public, Tho Crlsper Coma will bo sent to
any uddr. us, sealed and postpaid for $1, .
Address nu orders to ,
W. L. CLATtK & CO., ChenilMs
No. 8 West Fnyelle St., Syracuse, N, Y.
' . oiuiuni .
Ttil firenarttloa,
loDK Hill fuvurmlil
kuuwn, will Uiw
oiiKlily nlntlgorai
broktQKluwn fca4
IiIiIuk1 horMf,
I'Y HranilhraUif
ami clmimln Un
tomioh tad lole.
II It a inn nr.
n'TTZLrt-- TCimva or all dU.
- ' ' mwi incident to
YK1.I.OW WA- V. '
Vl'.ltS, FOl'XIIKB .
K.NKIIO V, fto, Ita
uim impruvea the
wind, InurvHitui
tll Hlllll'tltO-SlvUI
Klny kiu nntl sYJtnVt
IruiHforras t h a m4A!SMMiS&
nlaxrabla ikukton InUi a fln..iii,i..
To koepum i,f Cowi thli preparation It InvalaaM
It lncriua lb quaullt aud 1m pro vol tho qualllr
ui uia miiK. it aiuff
ln'tn proven by aa
tual cxporimeat to
Increiue the quan
tlly of milk and
oream twenty per
ci'nt. and make the
butter firm and
awort. In futtenloK glveatliem
an appetite, looaena
iuieir n i u e , ana
. mnk..B than. tltrlM
much fiuter.
In all dincuoa at Swine, luch as Coughi, tjlceri In
tho Lnnitil, Mvor,
&o., tliin article
actn m n apeciflc.
Ily iiuulns from r
ono-fmir a paper '
w a papL-r in a
barrel of twill the
alxive dlHeate
will Ira eradicated
or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain
preventive and ouio for the Hog Cholera.
Frioe 23 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for $1,
s. A- trouTy; &. nn.o.,
1 , AT THEIR .
ffnii!,Fsti.u nmu ami medicin'e pepot, '
Ho. 110 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Sale liy Driiirifiitts and Btorekeeperf Uirougtk
out the tloitcd 8taKa.
Hoburls & Co.,
neuts. AVnyncsburgf,
novL'l'U .-ly.
Isaac Hooper's
Mil lIOOrEK would still bnvnliis rlends
and palions bear n mind, that ho con
tinues in ihe (iroci ry and Confectionery trade
at bis usual place ol doing business, and that
he has iust received
& Fresh Supply
of tho best quality of allatt'clcs in his line.
TOYS NOTIONS and a rfrcat viirleiv of
useful articles always on bund.
In connection wilh the above. Mr. Tfonner
keeps a licstaiirant, where K'K CHKAM, ber
ries and all the lu.xuries of the season ean be
The most nltraetive nnd most popular resort
in town. June I I. '5-It
worm mmm
most extiaoriliniiiy Meiiieino oftlie aeo.
( ompiising, as they do, Bemarkablo Power
in expelliiig worms, with pleasant tasto and
pci feet safety. Tl ey coiitain no Mercury, no
.Mineral, no Turpentine, no Oil ol Worinseed.
no l'oion, nothing injurious, TheyVo en
tindy Vegetable.
Sv.Mcro.Mu or Vohm3 : Ilcliineof the nose.
feverlshness, twitching or starting suddenly
(luring sleep, pain iu the stomach, loss of flesh,
paleness with hectic appetite sometimes vora
cious, at others feeble, a dullness of the eyes,
droivsiness, a swelled upper lip, tongue wbito
ly furred aud i-tudded with red spoils, fetid or
garlic breath, grinding of teeth during sloop,
a sensation of lodguiuul iu tho throat, an un
naluial craving for diet, chalk or clay, frot
fulncsi mid irritability of temper, chollo fits
and palsy. Intestinal .Worms are among the
first to undermine the constitution in tho list
ofdistiiscs. Tliey often occasion severe dis
ease, ending sometimes fatally, particularly
when they ascend to the stomach. Tin ft
presence In their most ordinary 'situation is
attended with unfavorable effects upon tho gfni
oral heal, li. Eminent men assert that all are
more or less troubled with worms, nnd that
many dio annually from this cause, who, by
tho timely administration of a proper remedy
would be saved. As FULLOWB' WORM
LOZKXGlCSmay betaken without any un
pleasant results, and ns mrst children are
fond of them, their use is recommended to
those apparently healthy, nnd thus dispel the
cause ol what would produce sullering. .
Be careful what you uso. Various reme
dies havo from time to lime, been recommend
ed, such as Calomel, Oil of Wormwood, Tur
pentine, &c, so that dangerous and even fatal
consequences aro produced. The necessity
of a safe nnd suro remedy has caused much
research nnd study by Ihe proprietors of
nro positively sale, pleasant nnd effectual.
They do not kill worms, but not by making
their dwelling place disagiccnblo to thorn. In
order, however, to guard consumers against
deception by n base compound, tho analysis
of Dr. A. A. HAYES, State Assnyer, provlnn
the above statement, is annexed.
"I havo analyzed the WOHM LOZENQER8
prepared by Messrs. Fiu.lows & Co., and find
tna,t i Hoy are ireo irom mercury ana othor
metiille or mineral matter. Thcso Lozences
aro skilfully compounded, pleasant to tasto,
safe, yet suro nnd ellectual In their action.
It spectlully, A. A. JIayks,' M. D.
' Assayer of tho State of Mass.
rieaso remember that Fellows' Worm Loz
enges aro prepared with groat care from the
concentrated extracts of two plants. Thoy'
do not act as a purgative or emetic, will not
debilitate the palient, aro so simple an infant
may devour a wlioio tiox wnnout Harm, ana
will at tho saniu expel tho worms iu an extra
ordinary maimer.
$,ri' eiiows' vv orm jjozengers is tiio only
Worm Hciuedy in existence combining harm
less qniill les wilh delicious tasto nud amazing
newer. , Price Twenly-fivo cents por Box.
Flvo boxes for n dollar, Tho signature of
Fellows & Co. Is attached to each genuine box.
Sold by Modlclnu deal rs generally, l'ropar
ed at tho New England Botanlo Depot, for
tho Proprietor, 3. O; FUIiNCH.
Dumas IhnNus & Co., Gen'l Anonts, N, Y. ;
4;!M-llm. ,
Bixveutorn' Notice.
I,KTTKnsti'lnihpi!tui'.V"l!ttiotiitoof Tlminni UiikIih,
t ititiil Ji'tlurioli luvimhl, llriHino Co., hi., iltni'd., Imrlnti
liiiiin urinilra tu tlm tindt retuiiil, imticuli liori'tiyslvvn lo
till iiirnoon Indolilerl u, nuM inintptfi iiiiilcnlinmtiiliit Mjr
iht'iil unU flioHM UirvliiK nlniiim !vrnrttrtHim pniperlyau
tiiMiiiciiti'iirnrii'UiviiM'iii. John iiiiuiiKs,
RiSO-Ow Gxociilnni uf Ttion. Ilntflion, tlvv'U., Jptforaoii tj)
ui.l2!fc trwMAf