The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, July 03, 1867, Image 3

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    onl fptcw.
Wednesday! jolt 3. isor.
haw A D V KIITIS t M KNTS. I'll t) Ultelltioil
of our readers ia specially directed to the
following advertisements, which appear
for the first time in our paper to-day t
Bounty Tax Statement Greene Tp
Sheriffs Sules.
Dissolution ot Partnership Wallace
A iiiy lor. .
Speoial Notice Dr. Whittle?.
Catholic Sun vick Catholic service
will beheld at lflj o'clock, a in , in the
Court House in ihu place, on Sunday
next. Hev. Jno. U G Scatihn, of
Wa-blngtou, Pa., will officiate.
For the best Vinegar go to G. VV. Roberta
& Co's-Drug Store.
Stolen. On one day last week, a
camp cbair was taken from the house,
or pavement in front of it, (f Jno. (J
Flenniken, w hich tlm abductor hns failed
to return A suitable reward will be
given for the recovery of tho stolen
property, by Mr. Flenniken.
Fur the best Paint HiusIicb go to 0. Vf.
Roberts & Co's. Drug Sioiu.
. . .
To whom it may CoNCKitv. We bear
that in different pin ts ot the county the
Sabbath Sclmols'will observe our National
Annivcisnry. We shall be pleased to
give publicity to rtpoi In ot such celebrn.
Hons if they are furnished by our friends
prior to the 13th innt.
Clark's Indelible Pencils for sale at O. W.
Roberts & Co's. Drug atoro.
"Did you ever seo suuh a summer.
Uiket ' inquired one Irishman of miolli
cr, a dny or two sinuo. "Yus," roplied
Mike. "Whenl' contined the quontion
ist. "Last winter," siiil Mike. That
may all bo so, but then it is "tureen t'
the question " Tho one asked now is,
"where shall I go to buy Indies' g liters
at $1 2, kid and tipped ; ladies' con
gress boots ; gents' slippers s ladies' and
gents' gaiters ami shoes of all kinds for
summer wear j ut the lowest cash price T
We answer, to IIaLstku's Boot and
Shoe Store I
Go to Q. W. Huhciisii; Co's. Drug Store
for a good Hair Brush.
Off to Cki.kbiutk As Wayncsburg
will hayo no Fourth ils denizens are
scattering to all points of the compass in
search of altars whereon to burn their
. patriotic fires. The Paris Exhibition,
Niagara, Tho Springs. Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh, Uniontown, Wheeling and
Jacktoivn ure each to be made to feel the
ponderous presence of our own Waynes
burgiuns. Who will daro to say that
Greene county don't travel if it does take
the greater part of a day to got fifty
miles from home t
Upham's Hair Gloss or Curling Fluid at G
W. Huberts & Co. 's Drugstore.
Amkndk IIonouahi.f. Costiiaiuctios.
IuaJvertontly we stated in our last is
sue that Samuel Hughes, a popular pilot
ou the Motiongahelu, died ot mania a
potu in Pittsburgh. Wo were led to
make this assertion from the statement
of a gentleman whom we havo since
learned was inimical personally riih
the deceased and that it was inspired by
malice, not truth, We acknowledge
our criminality to a certain extent and
hasten to make this correction in so far
as possible to Hay any feeling of umbrage
that may be taken by his relatives and
friends, tinkuo wmgly having wouuded
their feelings,
Thk weather is a subject upon whioh
"ye local" claims the privilege of keep
ing the public well posted, and as, since
our last issue, he has been keepim; an
aooount of it, is prepared to say that it
has rained a little, poured a little, light
ninged a litt'e.tbundered a little.nnd been
"whow!" hot a good deal. Ice-water,
ioe-cream and soda water, are all above
par, and sweltering humanity is doing
its utmost to try to keep coi l Were
we to undertake to tell how hot it was,
our distant readers would believe tht
we had been poring over Dante's In
ferno, until the blazing horrors of hi vis
ion were running. iff with our pen. Talk
of torrid zones and vertical suns 1 The
water ot tlte Ten Mile threituns tog)
offin steam, with tio safety vaives at
hand to regblate it. The nky was as red
and as dry as a toper's throat for haifihe
week, and the couple of slight showers
that we did have name, in the night, had
they appeared in the day time, the sun
would have dried thera up w five iuiu
Bathing at Tim Biudok. Tho bridge
at Slater's has been tor some time the
popular resort of "the boys" for bathing,
and surely no harm could come of it if
they would behavo themselves in a
proper and beooming manner. This not
being the case, we have a general com
plaint, arising from those who travel
this road to and from market, of the
gross indecencies to which those of the
other box are subject whilst passing this
particular point. It being outside tho
borough we havo no ordinanoe that can
take effect, nor do we hope to bring
about a roform by merely bringing the
fact before the public What we advise
is that every parent, that has a boy who
frequents this plaoe, forbid hun tho
privilege You will thereby abate an
intolerable nuisanoe and, perhaps, save
trouble for all parties. The Smith Creok
residents are much incensed in regard to
tbii mnttor.
Catching ip to Him! An Irishman
being aked whioh was the oldest, he or
his brother, "lam tho oldest," he said;
' but if my brother lives three years
longer, we shall both be of one age "
Those who live the longest will see the
most. For the present we advise al to
pursue the even tenor ot their way, and
pnrchiso their Dry Goods ol Jambs
Guiiikr, for ho ha got his pavement
down and is in better humor than ever
to wait on his customers,
Pkcsonat. - -We wero cntoitainud very
pleasantly tor two hours on Monday last
by the conversation of Hev. A J. Collins,
a citiz n of our sister village, Jefferson
who made a short run in upon as. Mr.
Ci llins was for seven years cornected
with the Plieenixville'o' ejr, of Chester
c tlnty, this Slate, and was succeeded in
his editorial duties by J liny at d Taylor,
the famed American traveller, with
whom ho was personally acquainted
Although more than twenty years have
elapsed since he"siood at the case," (be
ing a practical printer.) Mr, Collins was
ubie, without difficulty, to "set up'' a
li o ; U8tabli-liini it fully in our mind
that the printer never tuig's his cush.
He is a genial eotiverr-a.ioiialist and
one whom we shall be happy to see very
M shler's Herb Bitters for Dyspepsia, at
O. W. Roberts & Co s. Drug store.
Pursuant to u call, the Oominittoe of
the Ten Mib) Association, convened at
the Baptist Church in Jefferson, Greene
Co, Ph, on the 2Uth J .ink A D. 18(57.
A A Puruihii, Chairman ot said
Committee called the Council to older
llev. C Tilton was elected Secretary
of said Committee, for the ensuitg s
sociational year.
On motion, the subscribers to the
College were invited to partiu:patu iu the
deliberations of sjid meeting.
On motion.
llnolred, That the first Session of the
said Collego shall be opened in the liap
tist Church at Jefferson, on the last
Monday in April next.
Jtrsiiliktt, That the number of TrustecB
of said College, shall be twenty one,
seven t whom hull constitute a quorum
and -ball be elected hereafter as piuvided
in the said Charter.
Whereupon, the said committee elect-'
Mil twimtv nun 'Pnmtniis. tn mrvn fit tlm I
close of the first session of said Collego,
unless the said institution shall he sooner
The board of Trustees then organized
by electing Hev, A. J. Collcns, Presi
dent and Dr. S. S Smith, Secretary.
Ou motion, a building cominitteo of
five persons, were elected.
On motion, the Collego committee
shall meet at Jefforson on the 4 th of July j
next, to agree on the stylo ol the house.
On motion, tho College committee,
and the building committee shall meet nt j
Jefferson on tho 10th July next, to sell
out tho ooutrnct tor the construction of I
the Collego building.
Further notice of the letting of said
coutract will be given,
A A. Puioian, Chairman.
C. Tii.tos, S-ct'y.
Mkktino of Committkk. The commit
tee to choose a site for tho proposed j
r..ii;i m.,mu, ..n ,.,t ;.. r. i
',.j..,v vj.t.jjw win un-uv in ueMTiauii,
on the 4th of July, 1807. All the mem
bers are earnestly requested to attend.
A. A. Puiim vn, Ch'm.
Pic Nios Tho pio-nio mama has
taken possession of Young America at !
present and fair weather and lunch bas-1
kets are 111 great requisition. Last week
the Union Sobool, in three departments,
gave its scholars n relaxation of mind,
and a test of muscle, much to their en
Genuine Four Foil Liniment lor nalu at G.
W. Huberts & Co s. Drui; Store.
Gody's Lady s Book, tor July is teem
ing with late styles and fashions. Its
reading, too, compares favorably with
the bestot magazines of that clusi. The
ladies will be delighted to secure a cop v.
Slicidk Is Faykttb County. Men.
tion was made in our last issue ot (lie
fact that a man had been found suspend
ed bv n rope to a tree, on the bunk 1 1
.the Monongiilielu river, iiiKuyette county
The following particulars have since
been ascertained 1 The deceased was
about thirty yearn of age, five foet six or
seven inches iu height, hazel eyes, black
hair and sandy goatee He wore a flan
nul shirt, cassimere pants and ooat. The
cord by which he was hanging was made
from strong flax 6ewing thread. Justice
Eddmgton, ot Masonlown, held an in.
quost on the body, and tho jury rendered
a vordiot of 'death by suicide It is
supposed, to havo been the body of
Will'am Davis, a shoemaker, who left
Uniontown. Fayette cotity, obout the
twentieth inst, and has not since hot 11
heard from. Davis was a very intern
poralo man, nnd hod an nttack of maniti
poti when last seen in Uniontown, and
tho description of the body found ans
wers that of Davis precisely.
A Siioemakkii was the other day fit.
ting a customer with' a pair ot boots,
when the buyer observed that he had
but one objection to thorn, which was,
that the soles were a little too thlek. 'It
that it all,' replied Crispin, 'put on the
boots,' and the objsotiou will gradually
wear away.'
Tiik programme for the Fourth in
Uniontown, as given by the papers of
that place, it carried out, will make the
day on.1 long to be remembered in that
locality. The old military orgmizittons
from Fayette are to attend in a body,
Odd Fellow and Masonio ritos, tho ora
tion ot Rev. J. n Clark, (Col ot 123rd
i'a. Vols.,) all in all, will draw ns large
a crowd as has assembled in Western
Pennsylvania tor many) ears.
.Skasonabi.e hints if true. The oil
of pennyroyal will keep mosquitoes cut
ol a room, if scattered about even in
small quantities. Roaches are extermi
nated by scattering a handlul offiesh
cucumber purines uhout the house. No
fly will light on the window which ha
been washed with water iu whioh a littli
garlic has been boiled.
Stewart's Champion Sid ye, sold at Braden't
Drug Store.
Cu'iR Fon IlYDitoriicBU We cop
the following from the Mercer Dispatch:
'Mr Yountt, the famous veterinary
surgeon, who 1ms been bitten eight ru
ten times by rabid animals, says tluo
crystals of nitrate of stiver, rubbed intt
the wound, will positively prevent hy
drophobia in the bitten person oranimid
I'eoplti would do well to cut out am!
preserve .Mr Yoi alt's leee ptj foine 1 1
our readers may have a cl'anco to try it
before the summer is ovei.'
So.mhtiiinq Woiith K sowing If you
havo any counteif. it, torn, excessively
dirty, or mutilated currency, don't send
it to us, tor it will be returned to you
every lime Do with it as is d-Mie dow n
in Kei.tucky ki ep it carefully until you
g i to church, when you can put it in the
co lection plate Ur the poor benighted
heathen, w ho, in their ignorance, cannot
tell a coutiteifeit shiuplasier from a bout-
jwk !
. j
Fnutz's Horse mi l C.itilo Powders, six for
one d' lUr, ut BrnUen's Diug Store.
Guts Bkttisr The Atlantic Monthly
for Jul) is interesting m the extreme.
lis contents are poetical, descriptive and
didactic. All who dircrhiinute select it
from among tho best of periodical litera
Gooo, BhTrp.ii, Bust ! T. Lucas &
Co , ot I ice's Landing, wishes to inform
jho public that they aro constantly re
ceiving choice goods, in their line, which
thoy exchanging for cash or
trade, nt astonishingly low rates. See
card in another column. C;2G3t
Lairds nionm of Youth for tho complexion
atO. V. Koberts & Co's. Drug Siorc.
Tun Pitt-burgh Hitf speaks thu3 fair
ly of Judge Williams, our candidate for
the Supreme Bench : '-The nomination
of the II011. Henry W. Williams as a
candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court, is a good one. Ho was the best
mar. named among the candidates bofore
tho Republican Convention, nnd poss
esses legal and moral qualifications for
the responsible position to which ho has
been nominated. Both parties havo now
presented their candidates."
J cbt the Ciikksb The Hollidaysbiirg
ItrgistiT says : "A party of young men
perambulated the streets ot Ilolliilays
burg one niujit rccuntly singing "Mary
hud aliit'eLamb,"and 1 tier ditties,'m si o'l
a mtiurable nnd heart-sickening manner,
that the dawn of day saw dozens of dogs
lying around dead in all parts ot tho
town.'' lfmusiu" has such a removing
effect upon the canines, it is high limeu
band ot cracked voices (combining the
cow base and owl-screch) should bo
orgauized here to drown the voices of
some of tho curs that infest this town.
lVe Liquors for medical purposes sold at
Urndeu's Dru ' Store.
Impoktant Dr. S. P. Bryan will ro
thain at the Hamilton H011-0, in this
phce, until the 12th inst.. where he can
be consulted by the afflicted.
' -
Wii.KFsiiAititK. Pa., Juno 27. Hon
Charles Dennisnn. member of Cr tigress
from tho Twelfth District, died this
Littlo or nothing is beinof done in ti e
wool business, euhcr in this section or
elsewhere. tFino wool has not jet been
placed in the market, and we heard
hut few sales of coarse or common
Prices large from 45 to 00 i-tsforthi
latter. We havo no quotations from
the eastern markets. It is probable the
trado will not open brisk until after har
vest. Just received, n now stork of Dnns, Paints,
Oils uud Turpentine, at Bruden's Drug Store.
, . Satuhijay, Juno 21), 1807.
KTWluilihle" in tlx Flour ami (Iniln mnrknl io,.m In
tlnvn exploded, at Unit mull In tho inluri'iinn from Hi"
chiiracttr or Ihu arivlriM rrum IhiUi unit iml wit, mi Frl
day, anil wlillv It I. pnilmble ih it loi'in wl II 1 .11 othnr nt
t.inpn uiuilo within tlm mm thirty duyi to "liolntur iip,"
It will nut iiinmuit to iuiiuIi, m with tlm alniiMt certainty
of an Hl.uiitliint harvfiit, pi-lci'i nuiHl go duwn.
Wo quote the Pittsburgh miuket as follows,
which sro the wnolosalo prices 1
GRAIN-Wheat at m$3 in
i;'rn at inm 00
Ity0'; 2.1
Buckwheat ; $3,2i:i7r.
Oats (IciftiKIc
FLOUIt Spring Wheat at. 1
Winter " at $12,7Aaltl,W)
?X0Rt 83JSB8.fln
riAY-Buled at 24,00 V ton,
Loose at $I8.0()q2,(Hi
KaGa-8nlcs at ise
CHEESJC Wostorn Itesorvo nt 14?jl s.
Hamburg at, inr.l(t
Now York Goshen at 2O11OO
BUTTER-Prlmo Holl at lfiigo.
Al'PLKH Per barrel at M.OOrsi 1,00.
PUTATOEH-Perbushat t 20
Waynesburg Marke',
oomn.cifci) WKKKkr t j, ouihkr
flutter, liesli roll lfi
Colloopurlb so to Si
Corn per bushel ft
Corn meal pur bushel 70
Country Boap per lb 08
tannics, mourn per lb go
Uiiuilles, dipped " ".. 18
C'beeso oer lb I2i
Dnoil Peaches per lb j;0
Kays ptr dozen i
Flour per bbl MM
Flux seed per bushel 3 00
Feiilhers per lb 6"
LhiU per lb 11
B. W. Flour per lb SJr
Molasses 7fito 1 !i)
(Mts per bushel 4S In 'ill
Ryo per bushel 00
1 lummy suuu pur uusuei tilfi to? so
Hice per lb 1 5
Sugar, crushed per lb i'
Suirar. refilled " " lio
Sugar, New Orleans, 0 lbs 1 no
P. It. Sugar, 8 lbs 1 00
wrup, per gallon 1 on, No. I per bid 3 o
fcift Simp per gallon jjfl
I'ar per ui'llon 1 no
Tea per Hi 2 (W
Turpentine per gullou 1 r,o
'.allow per 10 15
Miiiutper bushel , 2 (111
'Vhito Lead perkeir 4 m oi
.Vhito Lime per bustiul 1 511
Potatoes pur bushel iiuu to s 25
Tim tx-icbel Oeu. Iliudmun. r.f Ar
kansas, is actively uigtng nequieseuce in
;lio Military Ucconsuuciion act.
HiCllMOM), June 25. Keuistralion iu
the citv lo-night stands 2 003 colored,
to 1,280 whiles t in tho county 8&3
u "loied, to 05 whites.
Wiikn may u newspaper reader be said
to h ive a voracious apetitu f When he
d. vners tho Pust, und swollows the
Dr. Wuittu:y takes p'oa?ur' In announc
ing t i Ids numerous Mends mid p .turns Lint
hu h is returned to Washington and resumed
praut coat his old stand, corner of Main and
Cnestnut streets where he can ho found at all
times by those wither to consult hliu in re
gard to diseaies and tin ir treatment The
Dr. deems it unnecessary to enter Into the.
details of his theory tint pia, tico, ss from
hundreds of eases whicii h h is treated with
complete success iu Wnslihtfton anil ailj Ining
cu'itii'S, th i public are more or less acquaint
ed with his system, fie would, however, say
that during his reslilencii "in Ciuoinnatl hu had
experience iu hospital practice, making week
ly visits to tho pihiciiial hospitals of tho (l;v.
coming in contact with chronic disuses of
every type and Ulad, ami Imvi'ig ample oppor
tunity to witness the effect of the most approv
eiliiinl scientific modes of treatment, the Doc
tor has also added 10 h'snfllcea verv flnu
Microscope, which enalihshiin to make Op
tical, Chemical, and Microscopic' ex inihni
tlons of any case th d may presented, l i short
to reduce il' dical Dingnosis by means of the
urine to id'siilute ciTlaintv, leaving no room
for doubt (lihernnhis part, or that of the
patient. Tho iifflxied are invited to call and
test histrentniuut wi h the asiurauco ol speedy
relief und permanent cure.
May tf F. Wihttlkst.
I have, as man) cf you aro aware, sold my
Dental practice to Dr. J. S. Hertig. lie lcis
been engaged in tho practice of Dentistry for
seven yeais, tho latter half of which time I
have been acquainted with him and his pro
fessional career, and know him to bo an hon
orable, upright, euorgullc nun; as is ell as
one of lhc most careful and successful opera
tors I havo ever known. 1 can conscientious
ly recommend him to all mv patrons, feeling
assured ho will render tho very best satislac
t'um to all. I must now say farewell to all mv
friends, i.nd pleasant acquaintances. I go to
seek another homo, expecting to seo but few
of you again in tho present 'state, but cherish
ingn fond hope 10 meet you all in the hind of
the just. With every good wish believe mo
truly yours, S. 8. P.ittox.
(i in-lit.
to nuHiTivi;.
Ttic'; Jhicii restored to liralth Inufow
wookn l,y n very Miuiile rcuml.v, after litivlng mifTeraJ fur
novcriil yi'Hr with a nevore ItniKuflVctlim, and that droml
illeno L'onsiiiiiiitlon In nnxloim to nwko kaowu to Ilia
fullowHuilferflra tho Indiana of cura,
Tu nil who denii-e It, ho will Hend a copy of tho prencrlp
tion lined (IVcoof cliarj(u,) wih tho dlroctlonii for pnpnr
nntl imlnitlliii mnne, width thoy will Ami a nura cure
fur Coiiniiiipilon, Atthnm, llroncliltb, Couglin, Culdi and.
allThruiit ami I.ung Affections. Tlm only olijrrt of the
mlviiri ler Iu numllng tho PteiiTlptlon Ih to Iwnellt tho nf
flleted, imdrtpnuid liiforimUInti which ho coiio -Ivoh tn bo
liiviilunlili', nnd lie hope every im(T,.rur will try Ills remedy,
ai It will cMt them mailing, and m iv proro a bliwlng
Pitrtli'i wljliiiiR the prejcrlpllon, fleo, by lomrn mail, will
ideimeaildrml RKV. EUWAni) A WIISON,
65-ly. WllllanMlnirs, Kings Co., New Yurk.
l,Itltms OF YOUTH.
A Oentlenmn who enrfered for yearn from Nnrvom Do.
Witty, I'rem itiiro Deetiy, and all tho often of youthful,
Indlscretlun, will, for ills lake of suff ring Immunity,
ni'ti.l I'teo tonll who neeil It, nnd ri'Ctlpia and illroetlons
rnrnmklng the Hlnipln remedy by whtrh he wan cured.
Sufferem wMiIng to prollt by tho udverler'i eipui lenco,
cuu do so by luMre Ming. In perfect confldeiieo,
8;Wy. JOHN 1). OOUKN, 42 Cedar St., New York.
crasiyi: SOW
'am is irmnmiiciurnn rrom i'ukk ha
r TKK1ALS, and may be cuiilil-red
the Sl'A.V UAHU Of EXCELLENCE. For aalo Ij all Ore
con. 8My.
Howard Auoelatlnn RejiorU for Youmr Men, on the
'rime of Rotiludo, and tlii error. Hhnaiandili.oaaet whioli
lestroy tint ninnly powers, und create tinpiKllnieutM to mir
1 Ikko. wiih Hiiro nieun of relief. Sent iu Healed letter en
velopea irooolrhurKo. Adilnut DU..I HK1LLIN IIOIIUII
1'O.M, lluw.urd Ae.ouUtlou, I'lilladelphia, fa. ftj-ly.
0 -
JfeCr A Youn'o Luiv returning to her
country homo, after a sojourn ot a few months
In tho city, was hardly recognized by hor
Irlemls. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed
face, sho had a soft ruby complexion of almost
miirhlo smoothness, and Instead of twenty
three sho really uppourod but ilghtuun. Upon
inquiry ai to tho 0 mso of so great a chanico,
ho plainly tol I them that sho used the Cllt
C..S9IAN BALM, aud considered Ic an In
valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By
lis uko any Lady nr Oentlenmu can Improvo
their personal uppcuranco an hundred fold.
It Is simple in its combination, as Naturo hor
soll'ii simple, yet unsurpassed In Its efficacy
In drawing impurities from, also healing,
cleansing and beautifying the skin and com
plexion. By Its dlroct actton on tho cuticle It
draws from it all Its Impurities, kindly honllng
tho same, and leavlug the surface as Naturo
intonded It should bo, clear, solt, smooth and
boautllul. Price $1, Bent by Mull or Express, '
on receipt of an order, by W. L. CLAHK &
CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West lTuyotto St., Syracuso, N, Y.
Tho only American Agents for tho sale of the
'Know Thy Destiny
Madams E. F. Tnonsto!.. the uroat Engll l
Astrology, Clairvoysntand Pnyr-hunr etriei in,
who has astonished tho scientiflo claws nt
tho Old World, bus located herself at Hidso i.
N Y. Madame Thoiatou possesses such
wonderful powors of second sight, as 10 en
able her tn Impart kaowledgo of tlte great
est importance to tho sing e or marrlea of
either sex. While In a statu of trance, she
delhilstes tho very features nf tlm person you
are tu marry, aud by the alt) of un Instrument
of Intense power, known ss tho Psyclmmo
trope, guarantees to prndueu a Hle-hke ilc
lute of the tuturu hushahd or wife of the up
plksnt, t gcther with date of marriage, po
sition In life, lending trails of i haracter. &s
This Isno humiiu?, as thouv.iuils of te.ulmonl
ills ran assert. 8tio will sunl when desired 11
c.'rtilled ceriificnto. or written guarantee,
that the picture Is what It purpoits to bo. liv
eneloslnga sumll lock of hair, anil stittliii
place ot lilt 111, age, disposition timl compl 'X
("n, and enelos rnr fllty ci'nis mi.) stumped en
velo; e a idresKel to yiiusiell, you will receive
the plnlurn and tlesire! itiforibsllon by return
mat1. All coniniii'ilcatinns sierelly confl
(lenllal. Address in confidence, Ma da M". K.
P. Tiiokstov, P. 0. Box 2x3, Hudson, N. Y.
Tbn uicdw ti, liuentel b lir. J. II, SJiuaot,
ot Plii tdo p!i;a. Is imo.utod to I tsolro tho toed a:id
tuukelt j.iio.h.Tiie. thet'tivt proeoii 01 digestion, Or
e.Miuluj the elomtuh Willi a-.tifneli's H'iInKe)
lt!l, the T in o on ro-'toriM iho arpaiic, and 1001I
Ui.u cautd 11 A i.o ua:j L.orj Ud:u it will bo euU
Cuiwump. 'on ciniiut la curol b -3:1)-icV Pjl
mun.c S r .p mi e llio s'.3iua;U and liver n main
hoaah a id tho i9iiaar orod, boneo lh Toaio Pillfl a.e no ia rul in ncariy eror,- cojo ot oou
tn.i p li. Alia Uoiou butliuoi ibe SiCAWEHl)
TOMU thro.: or ioar I1J104 01 tho UANPHAliiS
TILLS n ill cure ajordititr caie ot d '-p p'.a.
I'r. Sunn.NjK uialcoi pro ou'.onai v!sas in New
Yort, llwlo.i, and al hi. vi luc pil OtHco iu J'h. ado'.
pti'a over;- tveok. Boo pjpoi'ii 0: each p ace, or
bio uiuipli elou 00u.1uinp.i0n tor U.a das lor vislia-
f ea obwrvo, when purohulnK. Ihatthe tiro like,
waul 01 Doc' or, one Hliun iu tho .Hi Ktn ot
O nLiuiep :0'i, and tliooihor 0.1 be now If, Iu pur.oot
h.'iitli, ai'eoullio 'ioruruiueiiWiaiup.
Si!d Ij all OruKUir.ui and iKiaors, price iJI.W pj
bo lie, or jtV.lii ibo bi.-Joien. All leMow lor adf .co
shm'd bo adlrej.'0d to Or. Buiiknou'ii Pcncpal
Oiiluo Nj. 1.1 Njr:h l.h Sn-ejl. J'lU'alopli a. Pa.
Uoncral Wiio.osa 0 A cms t Dcin.n lUruei Ji Co.,
N. Y.t S. S. Uuuct iJillimoio, Md.i Joho I.
Porlto. Oluelnaail, Ohio; Walter to Talor, CUU
ca;0, liht Couioj ilroj., Bl Louis. Mo,
tUl mo. Ijt.
. Wonilerfui but True.
MADAME RBMbGTON, tha world -ro-nowued
Astrolijjlst mi l SunuiainhulUtio Clair
vnyant, while iu n, elairvi.yunl state, deline
ates the very features of tho person you are
to marry, nn lby tno ai l oi' i i imt:i invnt of
luteusa power, known as thn Psyclwmotrope,
gminintees to prudueo a periect and lil'e-lika
picture of the tutuni husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of m uriago, occupation,
leading traits of charge?, &:. This 19 no
imposition, ns testimonials w itlwmt number
can nssert. Uy stating plaoe of birth, age,
disposition, coior of eyes and hair, nnd en
closing llity cents, artd'staniped envelope ml
diesstd to'f, you will receive the pie
turo by return mail, together with desired in
formation. C3"A(ldrcss In confidence, Madam. Ger.
TiniiiK RiiuisoToN, I'. 0.13ox2ti7 V e-t Troy
N. Y. fibU'liMy.
5'rcc to Everybody.
A Larjio fi pp. Circular. Kivinj; information
of the treutesi importance lo the young of both
It tenches how tho hwnelv mav b:corao
beniitilul, the despised respected, aud tho for
snkeu loved.
No you- 2 lady or Kcnt'aman should fail to
send tiieir iid Iress. ami receive a copy post
paid, by return mail. Address
V. U. Drawer, 81,
rebTO,'G7-Gra Troy, N. Y.
roit ruiiSLRviNO, ki.stokinu, and beauti-
And Is tho most dellghttul und wonderful a'
tielo tho world ever produced.
Ladies will Und ituot only 1 certain remedy
to Itestorc, Darken und Beautify Ihu Hair, but
also a desirable urticlo for iho Toillct, ss it Is
highly purlumed with a rich and delicate per
fuino, indijpiindunt of tho fragrant odor of
tho Oils of Palm and Mace.
The Marvel of Peru.
A new and be iuti'lU portmue, which in
delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which
itcljngsto the handkerchief and person, is
The above articles for silo bv all (Irua'clsts
and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent
liy express to nnv address hv proprietors.
t. v. witicmr &co.
Hill Liberty St., New York
Oct. 21, lSGr,. ly.
Pbnlon'o "iVIbIiI IJloonlio-j Crreim."
Plinlou'o - "Mglil nioainliin C'crfHo."
Pbnlan'i "!Wlit lllaoiuing Cvrcua."
Phnlnil'il "Miiiht flloouiinx C'orcuo."
Pbnlon'o rVitfiit Etloominz C'trcno."
A mint fxqulilto. di'lli'iile, und FrtiRrnnt TVrtmo,
dlsii li'il from the ram suil bcuutllul tluwur I'ruui
wliicli It takos its niiiue,
Munafuctund onty by
PIIAI.O 3e HOIS, New Yrk.
the nervous uud debiiilited should
Immediately uso ilelmiiokl's Extr.iut Uuchu.
a. Ueow-ly
iui(i'atov's IVoiicc.
IETTERS of aihniuiatration having beon
I urantcd to tho undersl 'lied u,ion the cstato
of JUrgcret Ki'euei, of Dunkutd tp., Greene
cuuntyi Ph., ilec'd j notice Is heroly glvi.u to
all l uisous ludubtod to said eslato to make
Immediate paynu nt, and thoso having claims
will pra-entt. em property authontieatcd for
Betfenient JNO. 8.,
5 15 tlw Dunkard tp., Administrator.
. Takhuo mure unploasont und unuscful rem
edles lor unpleann'it and dangerous diseases.
Use Ilehnbo.d's Exlraet Uuchu and Improved
Roso wash. 9:l3jow-ly.
I havo located In Waynesburg, Hnd am oc
cupying the Into residence of Dr. S. H. Patton.
llavinir taken cruat nalnsto In come thoromrh-
ly acipi.iinted with both tho theory and prim-1
ticj of Dentistry, and having had an experi
ence of seven yours In tho profeston, I feel I
warranted In saying that my patients shall
have no causo to complain ot Interior opera-,
tions. Extraction will ue rendered painless,
when dealroil, by tho adnilnisti-ittion nf1
"LtWahing gus" or oilier anesthetics. Churgos '
moderate, aud till operations warranted as
runresuutod. I wilt lie at homo without per-
artnenlwti fro A tho lll'tcouth to tha thirtieth of
every mouth, JOS. S. HERTIG.
by Ilelmbold's Extract Uuchu.
3jl!ioow ly
Climax i Cujiaxii
Tase's Climax SuItc, & Family
blessing for 25 cents.
It heals without a scar. No
family should bo without It
We warrant it to euro Scrofula
Sores, Salt Ehcum, Chilblains,
Tetter, Fimplcs, and all Eruptions
of the Skin. For Sore Breast or
Mpples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands,
&c, it makes a perfect cure.
It has been used over fifteen
years, without ono failure.
It has no parallel having per
fectly eradicated disease and
healed after all other remedies had
lolled. It is a compound of Arnica
with many other Extracts and
Balsams, and put up in larger
boxes for tho samo price than any
other Oiutmcnt.
Bold by Srugglitt Torywhtn. Whlto ft TfosrUAi,
Vroprlotori, 121 Liberty Street, Now York.
UAaiiiiit'iiu a.i i't. .
mm. OiifflT,
STILL continue to carry on tho Marble ttnd
Stone cUtthiK business at their long cstalv
l'"hed stand Immediately East nf tho Public
t mare, Main Street, Wayneshurrv
This cstalillsluumt has been' iu constat)
O icratlon since l:J!t, and the long experience
a 'd energy of tho proprietors, linked with the
0 ercise of sound judgment and good taste,
h vo won for them a wide spread and enviable
r outation. Au extensive slock of the vaiioun
varieties of the best marlilo kept constantly on
bind. Special nt'enlon paid to polishing,
li easing, cumugai engraving.
All ordo ui t lillud.
December 23. I8fi2.
Ilelmbold's Fluid Extract
Il rertiiin cure fur dlscasrs of the
and all di.wi3''3ot the
whether oxmiini; in
fioin whatever cuuu oiLinatinz and uo mat
ter ot
Diseases of these oig mu require the uso of a
I If uo treatment is submitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
uioou uresupportud rum these sources, aud
1 and thai ol Posterity, dupcnils upon prompt
udu t in i;inui 11:111111 v.
Established upwards of IS venrs. prepared by
5ut Broadway, Njw York, and
lots mill loth Street, Puiladulphla, Pa.
" VALUA HLElnim'ElTTY'roir
3 JJLj, 323!
avithgrist mili , saw mill, coal
UNK3, &'J.
THE Undersigned offers ntptivate salatlwxt
valuaMu propeity. aim itu on the Motion
pahela River, at the Mouth of Minlrlv p.nat.
Greene county. Pa , containing about fortv
flve (40 acres of rich liott an laud Thiiro'is
on tho premiaa" a valuable
which will be Included In the s do. The Coal
Rank la open and shows an Inexhaustable sup
ply. No more desirable lucatlou for a Dlai.ll
fcry can be found in the State.
For further particulars apply to E. A. Flen
niken, Davidson's Fu. ry, Greene county, Pa.,
or by letter to the unriei'Mignud,
Bj'-'-tm. Ilartsvlile, Uucks Co., Pa.
Is this (7 Vitu-etic. hold's cosoi:iiut4o cxrnAcr strjirtniLU
h the (ire it Blood Purifier.
Roth nro prepared according to rules nt
Pharmacy aud Chemistry, aud are th most
active mat cm oe nnuie. 8;iscow-lv
aro regained by Huliuhold's Extract Buchu.
Shirk & Sutton,
(Successors lo A. Wilsirm, Jr., Waynesburg,
Penu'a )
We have removed to Wnvncs'iurg, and ie-ap'-.-itfu
"y I itormour Irl' U'ls aidih i pulilic,
that w e are nosv receiving a beautiful assort
ment of
For fie Sprlne Trade, to which wo Invito
the attention of our old customers an I all ot'i
ers 1 1 an examination of our stock, which em
braces the
Of DRESS GOODS of all dosenptions, vory
pretty anu at astonishingly
And arc determined no ono shall sell bettor
goods at Iosr prices than we do. Wo call at
tention to ou,-stick nf Millinery Trimmings
Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves
au J Ribbons.
And every variety of Goods usually kopt In a
fl -st cl in Str
kinds Men & Hoys HATS, CAPd, BOOTS A
uitocEitiEs, ximms
and Quceiiswaro. It woul 1 bo unless ti un-
ilni-t.ikii tn pntinmrnfii nil mtr irntirls. Wa irlll
endeavor to make it to your iutorcst to deal
with us.
fciTWo liopo by giving strict attention to
bnsiaesg and Ivmoraliln doallivj, to merit a
liberal share of patronage. Drop la at all
At A. Wilson's Storo room in Wihon's New
Building. Wayuesbuig, Pa.
April 21-tf.
TUTIONS, of Doth sexes use Ilu'inhold's Ex
tract Uuchu It will give brUk and encrgutic
feelings, and enahlo you to sleep well.
CUU is pleasut In tuslu uud odor, froe from
all Injurious properties, aud immediate in its
action. U:i3ucw-ly
mtm mm mm
ilotMng toie
.V. CLArj k SON.
1 a full suit for $7 SO. of flood material, that
we will wirrant to give entire s uimaetion.
LI j lit Ciisiimer Pauts nnd Vent for f0, flue
and ulc style 1 Summer Punts and Vest for
$'i 0, the vory host all wool
from 20 to 25 dollars, the same that has cost
you -15 dollars. A large and beautiful stoak of
Hats and Caps!
The uewes and best stylos, tl e more olegant
are the Henrietta, St. Cloud, yacht, Broad
way and
tho oap dorlvinr its name from
England and America's
Munificent benefactor Mr. GEO. PEABODY.
Every American youth who loves her greatest
benefactor should not fail to have one of those
! CAPS. A full and complete assortment of
Gentlemen's furnishing goods We havo the
New York Mill and Wainsutta Muslin Shirts,
two of tho boat brands of muslin munufact'ired.
Wool and Cassimer Shirts, Finn Corset Jesn
Drawers and Summer Undershirts. Linen
Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery, with ties,
bows, and scarfs in endless variety. The
Eugene, Victoria, and I-ahella Bow, the very
newest, the Z"pbyr Scarf, 70(10 Paper Collars,
nf all styles, Ward's, Shakppero, Linen Imlta
thn. W.-itor Proof, EmOrol lered, Keystone.
Goldsmith's, Phoenix. Grays.&c, &c.
A few nice late styles cnsdiners that will be
sold by the ysrd We kindly ask you to com
pare prices before buying. 5; 28 1 7
Onk door West or Peter Bsowm's Biorb.
We have Just received a well selected stock
of CHOICE F AM I LY GROCER! ES. which wo
purchased for CASH and are confident that
we can supply our customers and all who may
favor us with a c ill, as cheap It not cheaper
than any other house in the County.
Don't fall to call and examine our stock and
ice for yourselves, for we are determined to
sell as cheap as the cheapest. 6;8 tt. .
wan old gun."
Fabrics, as Represented,
J. to sell, and tho riudt cash will secure
the very best of bargains. Cull and examine
his stock. L. K. EVAN8.
! 4j21-8m Waynesburg, P,