The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, July 03, 1867, Image 1

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I apcc gtrgtcg U golffitft f itcnitutc, Jordgu, gome M - gprtUantinei nn, fa., fa.
NO. 4.
m m h h, n mi urn
w' sr y y
Me tcpHian.
D, Bosun, I'res't. J. C. Fi.knnikkh, Cashier.
May Hi, '(i.-ly.
DEALER IN Rooks Stationery, Wall Paper,
Window Paper, &o. Sunday School
Books of all kinds constantly on htuul, room
in Mrs. Hush's building, formerly occupied
by Cottercll & Taylor, Wtiyiiesnurg, l'a.
May 'J, 'Ml.-ly
Itofocrt i:'ouflierf't
Carriage Manufacturer
V,YNusnnwi, Pa.,
DESPECTFULLY elves notice that he has
..... . 1).. ...I. ...., in-
Xii locnieu in wnyncsnorg, i
tends to manufacture
Of every description. From his experience in
.i... i r.,,, i. rmnililcnt that his work.
In style, finish and durability, will give entire
satisfaction. It is Ids determination to purchase
the best material in market, ana empioy uuuu
but competent workmen.
KJ- All new work vnrrentod for one year.
Wiivnesbnrii. Fid). SI. W I
and pclcet assortment of watches and
Jewelry, Repining done at the lowest rates,
it pi, ly
THos. 302ra.c3Lle;v
T)()SIT1VELY the mof-t complete Hotel in
our town. Everything combined to fur
nish the best accommodation ever yet oll'cred
to the public,
Meals furnished at all hours, table provid
ed with the best of the season.
Travellers and those desirous of refreshment
will do well to call, "Tour' still retains his old
reputation of an iiecomnioilating ireullcmuu,
Bin', hospitable landlord. House, the one for
merly occupied bv the "Messenger" Ollice.
liny !i,'i;ii.-ly.
W, "X". yVjo to "to. iTx
(Is Wilson's llciuuso, Main St.)
Baddies, Pridl"S. Harness kept on hand and
made to order. Work done, in I l:u best style,
nnd at reasonable rules
ejrKepiiirini! a speciality on sli irt notice.
Fanner friends go look iit.liis stock.
(Jewells old stand, upper end of town )
rilllE publls nro respectfully Informed that
1. Summersglll & Ilro. have just received a
Urge, block of all kinds of
Such ar Qravo Stones, Monumerts. Mantle
Work, &C. We are prepared to furnish work
at reasonable terms on short notice. Call
nod examine our slock, styles, nudpii'cs be
fore purchasing elsewhere, fi;8-tf
John IIuuuks. Thomas Lucas.
Forwarding nnd Commission Merchants.
AND dealers In Groceries, Hardware,
Leather, Shoo Findings, Iron, Nails, Salt,
Fish, i&n. Also, agents for Aubrey, Cromlow
& Coon's Window Sash. Asupply kept con
stantly on hands. Rice's Lauding, Ph., above
tho ntr.v. (j.ri-tf.
Io. 77, Exchange Place,
Jas, .11. Lazkau,
Wm, L. Lazuak.
The Monongahcla IIoiikc,
rPIIE best accommodations furnlshetl the
A. travelling public. House and appurtenan
ces complete. Tnblo always spread bound
fully with the delicacies of the season. HorsoB
for hiro; feed mid stabling at reasonable rates.
33- 3VE. sayers,
Tn mlilltlnn to other ImihIiiokm will iittctnl to fitll rimuM
In liaiikriiptry Unit limy lie nitruittril to hlri euro. Ollluo,
opHltu lllllg Hlulu of U. W. llubul'M A Cu.
SLATEIl odenbaugii,
nuors and every thing pertaining to a rust
class Drug Store. Proscriptions carefully com
pounded. "Crelgh's Old Stund," Waynes
urg, Pj May 1)0, '(lfl-ly.
' kcoi!(!e s. mm.
Dealer In Bonks nnd Stationery, Magazines,
Dally Piipors Fancy Articles, Ac, Wny.
csliurg, Ta. , api,'oo-ly
' T V W . ROSS,
OFFICE In Jewell's building, West end of
Miiln strput, Waynosburg, s.l,-tf
Tying her bonnet under her chin,
She tied her raven ringlets In ;
ilut not nlono in the silken snare
Did sho catch her lovely flouting hair,
For tying her bonnet under her chin
She tied a young man's heart within.
They wore strolling together up the hill,
Where the wind comes blowing merry and
And It blew the curls a frolicsome race,
All over the happy, peach colored face,
1 ill scolding and laughing sho tied them In,
Under her beauiful, dimpled chin.
And it blew a color, light as the bloom
Of the pinkest fuchsia's tossing plumo,
All over the cheeks of tho prettiest girl
That ever imprisoned a romping curl,
Or, lying her bonnet under her chin,
Tied a young man's heart within.
Steeper and steeper grow the hill ;
Madder, merrier, chiller still
Tho western wind blew down nnd played
The wildest tricks with tho little maid,
As tyins her bonnet under her chin
She tied a young man's heart within.
Oh, western wind, do you think it was fair
To play such tiicks with her floating hair?
To gladly, gleefully, do your bust
To pillow her against the young man's breast.
Where he ns gladly folded her in,
And kissed her mouth and dimpled chin ?
Oh, Ellery Vane, you little thought,
An hour ago, when you besought
This country lass to walk with you,
After the sun has dried the dew,
What perilous danger you'd bo in
As she tied her bonnet under her chin.
I'll prove the word that I'vo made my tliemo
Is that that may be doubled without blame;
And Hint that that, thus trebled, 1 may use,
And that that that that critics may abuse
Miy be cm reel. Farther the dons to bother
Five llmts may closely follow one another!
For be it known l hat we may safely write
Or say, thai that that that that mail writ was
Nay e'en that that that that that that followed
Through tlx repeats the grammer's rule hns
bellowed ;
And that that Hint (that that that Hint begun)
Repented seven times Is right! deny't who
From llie Toledo I2huk.
A Vision or tuu NKxr Woiti.n Mu. Nasiiv
In A DllKUl Is PllUPKN'T IN TIM! LowitR Rl!-
r.iovs mmiNo tiik Comsiiiicuation ok Mil
CiuKF.i.KY's Cash.
Posr Oi i-is, Cosfkhrit X Roil)", )
(Wich is the SI, lit uv Kentucky,)
June, 1, ls7. )
Tito Corners wnz in a most pleasant
tiuinu iiv tni ml last Friday nitP. So ini.
portant event rz the relenao uv our
sainted I) ivis cooil not bo allowed to go
by without commi iiioiiilin, and we ao
uordingly commemonuid. Tho rejoicing
wuz lielJ at tliu Church, tho they coin,
menst iU Bascom'8 Ez the holtieet part
uv the rejoicin lied been done lit Has
coin's, taperin oiF, ess I may say, at the
Church, tho speeches were very short,
tf not to the pint. When, how, or
wher it adjottrnod, I know not. I wan.
ilorcd oil into tho realms uv Morphus
in the middle uv Deekin Pogram'a eek
ondly, and afore I got back I hod taken
a rather long journey.
I dreamed a very euris dream. Mo-
thV"' T t l,rt .n'n... 1.4 ,....
lUUugnu a uu 111 wioiuiuiio luatj on?
popularly.snpposed to lay below as. On
to his burning throne sot Lucifer, a read
in tho Noo York Triboon, with tho most
puzzled expression onto his face I ever
witneat, Layin it down with a sigh, cz
though he hod gone bumpin onto a stun
tier wich ho cood not comprehend, he
rotnaikt, sadly, 'To bizniz!' anl do.
mandid uv his book keeper, tho sttooa
shea of tilings. Reports wero road to
him, which, in tho main, pleased him.
A shade oi sadiuss becloudid his cIusm
klo countenanco cz tlio statement that
Napoleon and Hiztwirk hod mndo up,
but his liico illnminntid serenely cz it wuz
statid that tho christian mashens hed do
cided to let the Turks go on buteherin
tho Cretans, wich was replaced with a
frown ng'm when ho wuz informed that
thcro wuz a proHpcek uv tho English
common people geltin a vote, After
goin thro tho rest of the world, tho Uni
ted States eomo in,
'Kentucky eed tho book-keeper,
lookin over a bundle uv fresh reports, 'is
all rite. Helm is eleotid Governor by a
whackm majority, andMcKee and liico
is defeated,
'Wood I' eed ho, fetehin his tail down
in a cestaey uv joy, 'the next timo I
swing around the circle I must visit
Kentucky. No State does so well for
me with so little uv my assistance.' I
alluz liko to visit Kentucky; Noo York
oily is ruther pleasant, tho its to near
like my own place that I don't enjoy it
much when I'm there I don't feel ez
tho I'm a wny from homo and a visil in.
But Kentucky I love the people really
charm me. But go on. wat next ?
'Jefferson Davis hcz been hberatid by
Horns Greeley becomin his bale. This
halo in by Greeley, the reporter, stash
ed at Washington, considers a most
momenchns went and a most happy ok
kurrenco fur voor mniustv.'
'That reporter's a ass nnd don't know
the sekret springs wich nctooate raon.
Heciill him to wuiist for makin sich
foolish remark.'
'But,', sod the Sekretary, who seemed
to mo to bo a imp uv some conskence,
to be permitted to nrgoo with Lucifer
hisselt. 'I consider it uv some importance.
Did yoo wish Jett'son Davis to die in
prtzeti V
'Ef yoo wusn't uv Tlecidod yooso to
me, hevin bin a Noo York Alderman,
I'd redoose yoo. Want Jeff'son Davis
to died t Not I. I'm not tho yooth wot
killed the gooso wot laid the golden egg
He's bin tho host recrootin lootennnt I
ever hed. lie hcz tho happy knack uv
controllin everybody ho hez anything to
do with, and he turns em all to'ard 1110
Ho rooincd 1'olk, lie swampt Pierce, he
sedoost Bookannan, he dazzled Johnson.
and ho hcz now caught Ilorris Greeley.
liut tlicr wuzaul any dimger uv his ilyin
in pttzon. Men nint in the habit uv
dyin on panned oysters, briied beefsteak
and milk toast ; they hev a trick uv peg
ging out faster on diet suthiii the oppo-
sit uv that; for instance tho variety
that Jefl'.son furnisht em at Andersou
vtllo. IIo wood hev got out nny how.
Johnson id, nfierall, a poor whito man,
and ho cood bully them iiv that class well
enough but ho felt ashamed uv keepiu a
real gentlemen liko Davis in ptizen, and
ho wood hev releast him.'
'Shel I put Horns down on our books?'
akt tho Sekretary eagerly, dipping Ins
pen into the blue flame cz Hertzoe does
in the Black Crook.
'Let iin consider ' Bed Lucifer, musin
ly' 'Wat hez he did T"
'Bailed Jefl'son Dayis?" relumed the
Sekretary, confidently givin his pen a
fresh dip.
'Very good. Ilorris hez ma.lo uv
hisselt, to .'peak figgera ively, a post f,,r
a drove uv hogs to scratch themselves
ngiu. They arc seruhhlin out uv the
slough uv secession in which they wal.
lered till the droppiil out uv the bottom
made it dangerous , they find Ilorris a
ftandin on the bank, nnd agin hirn they
rub their sides to olenn off the mud wich
adheres. I speak flggeratively in likenin
Ilorris to n post; hterally in likenin the
secosh to swine. They wua jest ez
senseless and jest oz crooel. They wuz
the wuns ntore wich pearls wuz east.
'1 hev jest tinisht his defence of his
self. Its a curious dukeyinent and puz.
zles me. I'm disposed to consider him
honost, but wat a week showin ho makes.
First, ho sez he's honest, wich is alluz
agin a man, tor a trooly honest man kiu
alluz find enufl' others to say it for him.
2d. Ho tries to prove it, wich is very
bad, fur tho honesty wich need provin is
ofrather'a scaly order. Ha instances
I'.IS tipiiin bis chauoos for the Sonit la.-t
fall by writin that universal amnesty
letter, Ilorris, in this matter is, I tear
playtn ostrich. IIo hez his head in tho
sand, and bein blind hisself, fancies the
balance uv his anatomiklc strukter, which
ought to be in tho background, aint viai
blo to the rest uv mankind. Or, he is
reely a loonatio ! I never hed any idea
that he wanted tho seat in the Se'nit.
Ho wuz in Congress wunst, and the ler
ribly faleyoer ho made iher, wood, ef ho
wuz conshiis uv it, hov dotorred him
from scektn that perlikeler plaeo ngin.
Then ef he wuz reely compos mentis, he
wood hev knowod, or ought to hev
knowd, that he hadn't tho uhostuvn
chance for tho plaeo, and coodu't hov got
it ei no nnd written a letter urg'm tho
hangin uv every robel, lrom Jefferson
Davis down to Commodoro Ilollins. It
looks to mo very much like ez cf Ilorris
wuz pluviu the old game uy declinin
what had never been offered him. HU
letter wuz soundin brass and tinklin
'Shcl I outer him or not!' askt the
'It's a etiris ease, said Luoifor. not
mindin him. 'He hez bin ngin me, by
spasms, wich I oould approve. I hev
alluz, so fur, entered it up to the aocount
uv loonaoy, for I am partikeler about
puttin iny olaw onto any man who don t
belong to me. I hov a olear rite to
every one I git. This last trick uv his
sniggers me 1 Kin it be that the old !
mau wuz, all along opposin wrong and
sich, not trom any deep seated dislike to
the article, hut beenz oppozin thinirs
wuz his best holt! Kin it 1 0 that hevin
bin in the minority all his hfo, and frund
therein profit beooz it so happened that
the minority wuz rite, that he is now
anxshus to git into that fix ngin ! Does
Horns spose thai hevin the strength uv
a successful earner to back him. and
heving a hundred thousand, more or
less, who are in the habit uy readin him
the people wal follow him thro the
stinkin slums of error jost ez lively ns
they did over tl'O breezy hills uv trooth f
Hez his vauity got the better uv his
discretion at last ? Hev tho hangers on
wich alluz puff incense into the face uv
success, bin hiiniin hasheesh afore him,
and hez it lntoxicuted him! Is lie, at
his advanced age, iu imitashen nv Sut
Lovingood's daddy, goin to play hoss,
forgittiu tho hornet's nest into winch his
great exemplar plunged ?
'Shcl I put hurt down or not?' askt
the secretary agin, rather impatiently.
'No I' replied Lucifer, drawin hisself
up decisively vLfo splits up tho .Abhsh
nists we shcl be ap deep in his debt that
ho will deserve to get clear uv us. Ez it
is,ho hez dun eunffto entitle him to our
grntitood. Ho hcz restored Jeflerson
Davis to me ; ho hcz even enlarged his
field uv uii'tulnis.i' lie is a demonstrate
tho theory thai there ain't no sich thin"
ez treason, and ez a matter of course
that there aint bin' no crime coinmittod
by my friend Davis' friends, Ez Ilorris
is establislnih tho ; fact that the war ip'in
my friends in the South wuz uiiiuht'di-
aUo, I shouldn't bo surprised cf the next
thing ho decs, in order that justis may be
done will be to insist that their niters
bo returned to env- After all, I speckt
that's wat he's ririvm at. Mow that
slavery's abolisht,.! hleevu ho'd liko to
hev it restored, that he may hev suthiii
to do. His okkepeslieu's g mo. lie's
short uv a subjick now. His pen hez
bin so used to wi'itiu slavery I slavery I
slavery ! that he's rpely at sea. Mo
wants the old sin et up for him to bat
ter at agin he win ts Loyeioy shot over
nginvaml bleedin Kansas te be repelid.
at s a pei !eioonl Keformer, tf thcr
ain't nothiii U reform T Wat's a coin
doctor in a eountrv wher they wear hi
boots? No! let him go. lie's shoor
of punishment qnuff anyhow. He's
Universalis!, a diictriu the niislnkouv
wich he'll diskiver some day, but lie's
very likely to reahzo his lite uv punish.
ment on earth for Wendell Phillips is
after him, and wat wutskin he suffer t
Set Hits last act uv his'n down ez honesty
streaked with loonaoy ; or ruther, the
loonaoy bein the biggest, ez loonacv
streaked wilh honesty and leave him
out. Go on with the sports. Where's
Davis now t and pertikerely, whore's
Johnson 1 El he 'does anything ngin
mo he does it thro mistake. Keep track
uv Johuson, don't let '
At this pint I wuz aroused, bv some-
body bbnkin mo. It was Basconi. It
wuz 8 o clock, and ez I hed not bin over
for my bitters, in wich dooty
I m very reglcr, tho good man hed gone
out iu search uv me. How pleasant 'tiz
to hev somebody to care for yoo, even
ef their solisilood springs from a teu
cent motive.
Pktrouxm V. Nasbv, P. M.
(Wich is Postmaster,) and Professor in
tho Ham and Jaj helh Free Academy
for the development of the iulellcck
uv all races irrespective of color.
Tan spirit of the Fourth of July h
reviving tit the south, and quite a num
ber ot celebrations nrelinnounced at dif
ferent points. Among others, tho white
Unionists and freedinen ot the nine
eastern counties of Virginia, including
King George, King and Queen, West,
morchind, Northumberland, Lancaster,
Essex, Carolina, Middlesex nnd Rich
mond, nro to have h mammoth celebra
tion nt Cobden's Park, on tho Kappa
hannock river, four miles below Kiuh.
mond Court House. L. T. Ayors, of
the Freudinon's Bureau, is there making
arrangements, nnd the Congressional
Union Committee will furnish tho speak
'Guilty oh not guilty V sharply said
a city judge, the other day, to an inat
tentive femalo prisoner in tho dock
'Just as your honor pleases. Its not for
tho liko o' rao to dictate to your honor's
worship,' was tho reply. .
Two nouns reading of a good news,
paper is as profitable as six hours work
out of twelve. The farmer and the
produce dealer equally should under
stand the markets. Sometimes to know
a thing is the same as to earn $100.
KET." Old comrndo mine these long years thro',
Unlike most friendships we pursue,
Yuur aim I found was always true
My musket.
How strnngo wo wero when first wo mot.
I'm sure I never shall forget
Old times iind scenes I smo them yet I
My musket.
When we each other understood,
Your liuo and stock I found. were good;
Aud play um false you never would
My musket.
I found you rough and quito uncjuth;
You're polished now, and bright and smooth ;
And when you spoku 'twas for the Truth :
My musket.
How straight we looked them in tho ovo.
When forth wo went to "door die"
Iu battle, under Freedom's sky 1
My musket.
Ah ! who could then our feelings tell,
When 'I'oro your lire tho foeman fell:
"fwns tutu you did your duly well,
My musket.
Good bye ! "old chum," you've got to go
'Tis and to part, I lovu you so !
I'd keep you, but "U, S." says "No!"
My musket.
Ihnry Aslen.
In Vermont, the following lines are inscrib
ed on n beard near n watering-place :
"Temperance fountain good us can ho;
lietler far thi'ii rum or brandy j
If this truth excite your lury,
Let your horse be Judge and jury. "
I'nion Loyally Equality.
From tho Chicago Tribune.
Wo spoko hist week ot the speech
of Major General Hawlings, to his old'
friends and neighbors, tit Galena, upon
the present condition of political affairs.
This speech has a peculiar significance.
General liawlings is the Chief of Sn ft'
to General Grant. IIo was Gen. Grant's
poisoiial friend, and Cluct of Staff dur
ing the entiie nr. He tdiares the con.
fidencc of tliu General of the army inoro
than any other mail in tliu country, nnd
he merits that eonli Icnco because of his
great personal integrity and patriotism,
nnd tut his nbiliiy ns a soldier nnd an
executive ollioer. Tho speech of Gener
al Bawlines is a careful and dolibernlo
review of iho political history of tho last
sixyenrs, and, while it will excite es.
pecial interest ns coming from a gentle,
man of his standing and attainments, it
will not bo less interesting when accepted
by the public as an exposition, to boiiio
extent, of tho views ami opinions of
General Grant.
General Hawlings' speech will bo wel
comed by every liepublicati and Union
man, Piorth and isouth, wlio wishes or.
tier and peace restored on right princi
ples, the Union once more iu harihoni.
ous operation, and civil nnd political
equality enjoyed by Iho whole people
freely, and without paitinlity or obstruc
tion. It is the voice of tho "army calling
for that poaeo and union which its valor
conquered, and tor tho extinction of ov
ery trace cf tho i'cbdliwn whoso armed
force it subdued. It affirms :
1. The power and duty ot Congress
and the President ns the law-making
power to protect and guard Iho Anieii.
can Union, and to preserve inviolate tho
lie publican form ot the National and
State Governments, nnd the rights, lib.
erlios and property ot this whole peo
2. That tho condition of the country
after tho close of tho war, and the re.
tusal of tho provisional or temporary
governments to seonro and protect tba
rights and liberties of the frcedmen, de.
mitnded ot Congress tho enactment of
the Civil liights Bill without which these
people would have remained subject to
all tho disabilities, witli none of tho pro.
teolion ot slavery.
8.. That tliu rebellion was undertaken
to establish a Government having as its
basis the pcrputuity of human slavery.
That in dealing with tho rebellion the
United Stales, with great furboaranoo,
during nearly throo years, omitted to
strike slavery as it might have done, and
that win n it did so, it destroyed the
chattel character of the slave, made him
a full freeman, mid ns such, entitled to
an equality in political and civil rights
with nil other freemen, To have given
ilia negroes freedom, without political
equality, would have exhibited tho ano
maly of four millions of freemen, neither
citizens nor aliens, subject; to the laws
aud yet not entitled to their lull protcu.
4. That tho government instituted by
the President ot tho rebel States, hav
lugl'ailod in almost every essential to
adapt their constitutions to tho republi.
can form made necessary by the change
in the political character of so many
millions of the peoplo of those States, it
was the duty of Congress to inquire into
these organizations, and, finding them
both illegal and' niiti-republiean, to re.
lns them representation. That it was
in the power unci it was the duly of
"""H1"'1 iu sweep lrom existence any
and all governments in any States which
wore anti-republican, ns thoso govern.
meiiiH iu me rebel States were, nnd to
provide for tho establishment of other
governments therein, on the basis ot re.
puouean equality.
5. That Congress
decision that any governments in these
oiaies denying Hiillrngo to all freemen
without distinction of race or color, wero
illegal and anti republican, and is justili
ed iu ilenyiiiir renrosontntion to ibnuu
Stales until they do graiitsuffrjgM to the
peopio wiinoui such distinctions.
6. The right- of suffrage is tho only
secure means by which any person can
protout his liberty, and that it cannot be
denied to tho colored people, who, in
most of tho Slates, if not till, constitute
the majority of ihote who proved stead
fast to tho Union, and fontrht in tho
ranks of its armies, without a denial ol
tho republican principles upon which the
Government is founded.
7. That the Constitutional Amend
ment proposed by tho last Congress, was
nil lixlii'peiisablo necessitv erentml bv
tho war , that Congress did right in pro-
posing ii, anil in making lis .ratilioalion
n prerequisite ot the recognition of any
Government iu the rebel Stales. That
tho amendment in all Us parts Iho
declaration of citizen-hip; the limitation
ot representation to those .admitted to
HtilFruge, Iho inviolability of 'the national
debt, the repudiation of Iho rebel debt,
the disi'iaiiclii-ement of those rebels who
had added ollieial peijury to tii-ason
was wise and just, and of its necessity
there can be no doubl.
8. That the Heeonstruction Acts ot
the last Congress veto tho result ot a
wiso expici-o of thn ' unquestionable
power of tho law-making branch of tho
Government; tl at the military provis.
ions of the acts are no moro violations
of liberty than thu employment cf the
Hi niy for the suppression of the rebel
lion, and that the South must accept the
situation fully and unreservedly.
9. That recotist.itcti. I) and restora
tion of tho whole Union are eminently
desirable : that it must bo accomplished
before t hero can be n full ruinrn (n nil
the blc.-sing'i of a wiso nnd economical
administration ot the nffaiis ot iho (3,,v
eminent; that there is no portion of the
people who more earnostlv desiio such
restoration than theaimy generally, or
um ovo omimaniieis ot tho military dis.
tricts : tnat tha Union thn
upon tha broad and enduring basis of
the political equality of nil freemen, the
nittire giory and tmloly of tho nation will
be secured beyond danger.
10. That till Norihirn States which
have not established impartial suffiage
Milium no so wi'houl delay.
This is tho comprehensive platform
embodied in (he able speech of General
Kuwlinga. It will meet with a hearty
response from the wholo American
people. It is not open to doubt ; each
point is clearly stated and fortified with
impregnable arguments. It is the ulnt-
limn of iho army, it is tho platform of
uio i e,iiiii'can partyU is, emphatically,
Iho pliiitoim of the country, uml it is,
unquestionably, iho platform ol General
. Lonsvn.i.K, Juno 10, 1807.
George 1 Prentice, Eng.:
My Dr. A II Fiui.xn You desbn inn
to Wl'ito veil mv i'eriinir ami rmiriniiu
under the existing political condition of
uio country. i our lncniiship to mo Iu
the dark days of tho late wai, whilo wo
wero political enemies, gives 3011 the
right to command my services in any
wav that I can return vour kindness.
and therefore I will comply with vour
request, and 111 tis lew Words as possible
evoress mv seiitimonlH. 1 mhrhr nvuh
tho wholo ground when I say that I
neartiiy concur 111 tne sentiments of
Gi'tiiriil James Lonsstrool. but General
LongstreiH was a professional soldier.
who loilL'lit liku a hero, mid fmrrciulnrnd
liko a bravo kniuht who was unhorsed.
and he may not go fur enough in his
language to plaeo himself right before
the win Id 1 therefore I, who was a civil,
iau before tho war, and only buckled on
my fitbio to oonieiul lor oerluin 'rights'
(ns wns the oao with thu nrintes on
either side,) I enn go further thnn Gen.
mill T,nii''Htrcit. tor I b -IVrt 1'diJII mini mir
social status and huvo not changed my
I tell you, then, iihunlv that I never
fought thu United Slates because I hat.
ed the United States. I never fought
tho North because I hated thn North. T
did not desire to bo one iota freer than I
wns under tho flag of tho Union ; but
there was abstract unlitienl imncinbi of
States rights aud four thousand millions
01 dollars woi in ot All lean siuves that I
thotiuhl only could bo saved out of thn
Union, From thu first hostile irun fired
by John Brown at Harper's Ferry until
. L ..1. .1 1 T ...... .
ir.e 0111 uny 01 dune, loiw, wnon 1 BUN
rendered my troops, I was a fnir,squnre,'
and consistent oneiny of Abolitionism
and thoso who fought their battles 1 but
wheu desolation came and starvation
and ruin etared our women and children
in the face, I followed the example of
our noble leadors surrendered all polit.
leal lights and beoame oue ot. a conqur
ed but still proud peoplo. " Our war had
been no 'boy's play.' ; Our surrcuder
was no farce. " No politician had aught
to do with tho flualo, and our proudest
and noblest simply reoeive a parole say
ing, 'he shall not be interfered ui h bythe
United States authorities, as long as ht
observes Ms parole, and the laws in fore
wicre he may reside.' This, then,' was
our actual condition on July 1st, 1805.
In a short timo a million ol soldiers
stacked their guns and resumed th
peaceful pursuits of life, And in two
short years we have taken giant strides
in tho march of improvement and recon
struction. Wo huvo not been asked to
love tho dominant party, nor to kiss tha
rod that smote us ; but the victors have
llie right to say. shall wo make the brave
men our It iends by courtesy, or shall we
make tho cowards friends through teart
And they, only, havo the right to muke
the laws, which wo have simply the right
to obey, or leave tho country, or remain
aliens in our own land.
Tho proper policy of tho victors to
pnrsuo is not my. province to discuss,
neit bur havo I a right to eompluin, nor
will I presumo to advise. I can simply
set my soldiers an example of patience,
industry and enterpiiso, to build up our
broken fortunes and niakn thn land
bloom again iu peace, confidence and
plenty; then-fore J will accept all cour
tesies and favors that the iaw may grant
1110. and loll let. mv indiviilnnl Plena nr
dislikes inlei Uio with my duty to the
country tn wi.ieh my children at least
have an interest. 1 can now but. reneat
li it I h;ul oeea-iou to write once be.
tore : 'Apologies for the past or promis
es for thu till 11 re would indicatn a o nnt
of corfi ieneo in my own' integrity. I
nave simply dono what 1 conceived tone
my duty, nnd I nrooore to doit now.'
The Confederate Government witiod
out Stales Kighia the first year of its
existence a bloody war wined out
slaverv. and uinuil nut. tho (!,inlinlirnov
SO lllCV ni'H flb.nbit lilml. onrl llt nlain
question nmv presented us is, 'Will you
accept, cuizeiisuip niiuer our terms at
contained in this law 1' and 1 unphatis
cally answer ykh ! Let each nnd every
while mini in tlm Suiilh nv Abuti-m-i-.
ideas or obsolete theoiies shad not gov.
w o me, for I shall look facts in the face
as they exist, nnd make the best out of
tho future, without moping over tho
past. It is not to be presumed that I
shall bear led to compromise my honor
or to bo falsa to my friends, for I am
compelled to obey the laws, and being
an elector simply gives mo an oportunU
ty to make the laws moro favorable'
(hen will confidence he restored, and
plenty abound once more.
Yours, most respectfully, ,
M. Jkif. TiioMrson.
We do not know that the lollowing
anecdote, told of Jacob Astor, is true,
but truth 01' fiction, the moral it pmbnrl.
les is not the less apparent, and we give
it tor the wholesome lesson it conveys
'Do you ever credit, Mr. Astor 1 ini
quired Mr, K. ; . ,
'I do not credit strangers, . sir,' was
tho reply, 'unless they furnish satisfac
tory city references.' .
'Then, quoth Mr. K., 'the skins I
havo selected must suffice this time,' and
paying for tho same ho departed.
In the afternoon of the same day, just
biforotho sailing ot the New-Bedford
packet, the young trader returned for
his furs. Tin owing the wholo pack upon
his back, he left the store, but had not
proceeded a dozen yards from tho store
when Mr A. called liis name, bidding
him come back.
'Sir,' said Mr. A., you can huvo oredit
for any amount ol" goods you require,
provided they are to be found in my
'Hut ' stammered Mr, 1C. 'but my
dear ttii','1 ran give you no city refer
etiocs I'm a stronger hero.
'I ask no other recommendation,' re
spondeJ the rich merchant, 'than that
already furnished by yourself. The
man that is not ubovo his business need
never hesitate to apply to John Jacob
Astor.' -
Thus commenced a trado between two
merchants, which was continued to the
satisfaction and advantages of both. of
tlm must, eminent oniiitnlista nf Vn.
1 - - -..Wff-
Bedford Mass., nnd Now York.
- - - - , i.
Goino Tiniomii tiik Motioni Wie
the news of the surrender cf Gen. Corni
wallts to Gen. Washington ri ached
Stratford, it was on Suuduv. ami dnH.,
tho hour of worship. Word was imme
diately taken to the pulpit, where Parson
Whotmoro was enaraued in delivering
his discourse Drawiiiff himself nn tn
his fullest height, and making known
the Intelligence, lie snid ;
'My friends, this is no place for bois.'
terniis demrnHlrntlonn . wn will
fore, in giving threo cheers, only go
through tho motions.'
Ir is fxeeeilinplv Lad luihim,l fit A
harrow up tho fooliugs of your wife.