CGNVEHSIO G' 7 3-1GS. ' IN reply to numerous Inquiries in regard to tho mauncr of converting iliu August 7 8-108 'Into the new fl-2i Gold Coupon Uond wo make thu Pillowing stiitument tor the benefit of the nolduis of 7 a- lu, who tuny m.t lie informtd t Tlio Government computes thu Interest on both bonds In currenry from the date of the mnturlng of thu Inst conpon, allowing seven nnd three-tenths on thu 7 U-1 n, nntl charging six i cr cent on tlio R-'.'Os. For example i you send to Washington fiuon. 7 ti-10 Bond which reaches there ou , Muy tat i?i,nno 74 days interest, (From Feb, 13th; 14 80 fc-20s,. '. $1,000 119 days Interest, (From Jan. 1st.) 19 50 , (This is counted I at ittiS duys per annum.) 1,019 no Allowed for7 3-lOs, 1,014 80 You pay Government 4 7H ' It will be seen by this that the Gold Interest Is given us currency, which Is of Itself a profit to tho pm ty converting thu 7 ll-liisof neiirly I'.ioiiT HOM.AH8 per $1,01)11. aside from the fact that itl tlio present rate of Gold, say 40, the 4-208 pay over 8 per cent, per mmum. At present we are convei tine the 1 3-lOs on miich better i enns Hum tlio Government as tlio present buying and sailing rates eimbli s us to allow the holder ol tho 7 il-ios a better figure than lias yet been offered by any otic as n commission. rattles excliMimlng through us hi addition to pi'ttinir much hitter terms limn they can from tlio Government, will have their fi-2iw delivered to them immediately, thus saving dolay. We also register any bonds sent to us without charge. On all Bonds sent us by Ex press, we pay charg'.'S both ways and remit promptly ns dirce'ed. .Ias T. Hrunvifc Co., Dealers in Government Securities. Corner Fiftli and Wood Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa 5; 1-Dt. , LATEST FASHIONS D1SMAND J. W. Bradley's Clebmted Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC . ' (OH DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. Tho Wondorful Flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Dtt plox Elliptic Skirt wilt bo experienced pnrtic , ularly in nil crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cars, church cws, arm chairs, for promenade nnd liouso dress, ns tho skirt can bo folded when in use to occupy a small plttco ns easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality m crino line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com fort nnd great convenience of wearing the Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirl for n single (lav, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses nnd Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend nr break liko the single spring, but wld preserve their perfect and graceful shape win n three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless The hoops nro covered with double and twist ed thri nd, and tlio bottom rods are not only doublo springs, but twice (or double) covered! preventing tliem from wearing out when drag ging down stoops, stnir, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladles and is univorsalH recommended bv the Fashion Mniruzin s as thu standard skirt , of tlio fashionable world. To enjoy the following Inestimable advan tages iu Crinoline, Viz.: sunTior nunht l?,ir" I feet manufacture, stvlisl: shane and finish, flexihilhy, durnbilitv comfort nnd economv, enquire for, I W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Doublo Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the aenuino article. CAUTION. To guard against Imposition be particular to NOTICE that skirts ottered ns "DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz.: "J . i ocing passed through the centre, thus reveal - i lngthetwo for double) springs braided to getlior therein, which is tho secret of their flexibility nnd strength, nnd a combination not to ho found in nny other Skirt. For sale In all slices where first class skirts are sold throughout tho United States nnd elsewhere. Manuli.ctnn d bv tho Sole Owners of the Patent, W ESTS, l!R A DLEY & OA R Y, 97 Chambers & 71) & PI Reade Sts , N. Y. ;l.-;iin LADIESAND.GENTLEMEN, FELLO W CITIZENS ! MR. PRESIDE T, y E have Just received a splendid stock of JS 3P 3FL ING '" AND SUMMER CLOTHING! ADAPTED TO MEN AND BOYS' WE A II i ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, Which we will sell at the lowest rates. Call and examine our stock. Prices aro down and if wo can't sell a man tho clothing he wants StOUODY IN VVAVJiKSBUaa CAN. A. J. SOWERS. Room In Allison's Building, Waynesburg, Pa. f;l-3m. : -WHISKERS AND ' ' ' M U ST ACHES! FORCED to grow upon tbo smoothest fnco In from three to flvo weeks by using Dr. bEVlGNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPIL LAIRE, tho most wondorful discovery In modern science, actlug upon tho Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has hn naod bv the elite of Paris nnd London with thu most flattering success. .' Names of all purchasers will bo registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in everv instance, tho money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, scaled and postpaid, I. Descriptivo circulars nnd testimonials mailed free. Ad Jm.. RERGEH. 8HUTTS & CO.. Chemists. Wo. 685 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Solo ngentBfor the United States. feb20,'C7ly m rnwrcv YUM AS WATER. M ACTIVE LOCAL nnd Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, aro wanted to solicit iraue in every cuy, ihUi. vlllaio. hamlet, workshop and factory, ti.iriinut the entire world, for the most saleable novelties ever known. 500 Pcr rent PROFIT and ready sale wherever of fered 1 1 Smart men nnd women can make from 15 to $50 per day, and nr. risk of lots I VSi nUnl United of from flUO lo I00 tbo moro money invested tho erestcr the Tuoflt. No money required In advance we nrt Mnd tho articles and receive pay after ' "Mdl If you actually wish to moke monoy fapWW and easily, write for full particulars jna. &4UWSM jHLNOR & CO., (From Pnriii,) 210 Broadway, New York City. , W. Iltiulley'" Duplex Whptic Steel Springs," . R1Illl(.k,nt .nutee of its efllcncy. Price on tipontho waistbaiHl-nom.otlieisaregenuhie. , 7- tgi Sent 1)y mtti) post-paid, onro Also Notice Ihatevnv Roup will admit a ( in j , . LASTIC SLATE ROOFING AND, OTHER PURPOSES. As a Roofing Material It stands unrivalled nmstlc it adapts Itself to every shape and slnpo. Non-c mbustiolo, Impervious, non evpauslvo, and undccaylng. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOR HEAT DISSOLVE IT. The only roofing material ever discovered that will r sist the action of tho elements as long as tho structure it protects Being suscepti ble of little, Ifmv wear from exposure, and perfectly Fl RE PROOF. It Is unequalled as a coating for Manufacturing and Farm Build ings, fences, bridges, bottorus of Vessels, Vaults, &c. .'; -, Re 'rrenccs given In any part of the county, or specimens shown to visitors. Apply by letter, or iu person to, ... R, I JONES,, Wasit. Co. Pa. ft II. DOAK. . R L.JONK8, Licensees of Wash, and Greene counties. L. W. Junks, Ageut. 4-i t Wayncsbnrg, Pa. lifMATOl ClLLI. Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a tig: Como aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair And rejoice In your own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it muy have fallen out) and forcing a grot hot hair upon tho face, it has no equal. It .ill forco tho board to grow upon tho smoothest face In from five to eight weeks, orliair upon bald heads infiomtwoto tlireo months A.few Ignorant pi actltloners have asserted that there is notlr'ng that will forco or hasten the growth of tho hair or beard Their assertions aro false, as thousands ol' liv ing witnesses (from their own experience) can bear witness. But many will say, I ow ure we to distinguish the genuine from tlio spurious ? It certainly is dilicult, as nine-tenths of the difterent Preparations advertised for tho hair and beard aro entirely worthless; and you may bave already thrown i.way largo amounts In their pur.ihnso. To such we would say, try the Reparator Cnpilli, It will cost you noth ing unless it folly comes up to our represen tations. If your druggist does not keep it, send us ono dollar mid wo will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for tlio mo ney, which will bo returned you on applica tion, providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No :i West Euyotto St.,Sy riicuse, N. Y febi:l,'l'u-ly Thcro Cometh glad tidings ot joy to all, To voungnnd to old, to great and to small ; .. Tho" beauty which once was so precious and rare, . Ts fine for all, and nil may bo fair. lir Tint lsk or CIIASTELLAR'S IV B3 I T E L I (ft1 1 D ENAMEL, For Improving nnd Beautifying the Complex Ion, Tho most valuable nnd perfect preparation in use. for giving tlio skin a licautuul peari like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan. Freckles, Iimples, Tilnt.lii.a Alutli Pntr.hns. Snllowness. Lrupt- ions, nnd nil impurities of the skin, kindly Healing tli same leaving mo ski " clear as alabaster. Its use can not be detect ed by the closest scrutiny, and being.a vege table preparation is perfectly harmless. It u the only article of the kind used by the French, nnd is considered by the Parisian ns indispen sable to n perfect toilet. Upwa'ds' f 30,000 ..i.i .1. ...'.., it... mm!, vnar. n iiiiiiii'n with; mull minim iiiu i..u , RERUER, SI1UTTS& Co., Chemist m River St., Troy N. Y. feb20 '7- iv, If FRANK. M'CURCAN II AS JUST OPENED A FIRST CLASS stock of , DRY GOODS, Clothing, Trimmings. Notions, 4c, In the New Store Room in Mr. George E. Slinor's building, nearly opposite tho Farmers' & Dioyers' National Bank, WAYNESBURG, FENN'A. Tho stock is all now and fresb, purchased since tho late decline lu prices, for cash, which enables me to sell much lower than those who have old stocks bought at high pricos. I would be highly gratified to have all my old friends,custnmers nnd tho public generally to call and see me at my new store. I will endeavor to make It pay all those who favor mo with a call, ns I am determined to sell nt such prices ns will give entire satisfaction. CDo not fi.rget tlio place, in tho New Store Room, in Mr. George E. Minor's buil ding, nearly opposite tho Farmers' & Drovers' National Bank. 4; 1 7-tf FRANK. M'GURGAN. SUFFER NO ItlOllE ! When by tho nso of DR. JODTVILLE'S ELIXIR you can bo cured permanently, and at a trilling cost Tho astonishing success which has attended this Invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, Gcnoral Debility nnd Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy. Im potency. or any ofthoconscquonces of youth ful Indiscretion, renders it thu most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will rcmovo all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity, &c. It will restore tlio appetite, renew tho health of those who have destroyed it by seusual ex cess or evil practices. Young men, be lmmbnged no more by 'Quack Doctors" nnd Ignorant practitioners, but send without delay lor the Elixir, and bo at once restored' to health nnd happiness. A Perfect euro Is guaranteed in every instance, rice AM or four bottles to ono address, $u, Ono bottle la suiTlcicnt tootled a cure in all ordinary cases- AW DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy nnd permanent euro ol Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges. Grav el, Stricturo and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to flvo days. They are preparod from vegeta ble extracts that are harmctcss on the system, and never nauscato tho stomach or impreg nate tho brcatn. JNO cnanga oi uiot is neces sary while using them, nor does their action In any manner interfere with business pursuits Price $l per box. Either of tho above mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post paid, by mall or express, on rocelpt of price. Address nil orders to BERGER, 8HUTT3 & CO., Chemists, No. S85 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Ieb2O,'07-ly Shirk & Sutton, (Succos3ors to A. Wilson, Jr., Waynesburg, Fenu'a.) We have removed to Wayncslmrg, and le spectfully Inform our friends and the public, that w e ure now receiving a beautiful assort ment uf CHEAP BUY GOOES, For tbe Spring Trade, to which wo Invito the attention of our old customers and all oth ers to an examination of our stock, which em braces tlio LATEST SPRING STYLES Of DRESS GOODS of nil descriptions, very pretty ana at astonishingly Low Prices ! And arc determined no ono shall sell better goods at less nrices than wn do, We cnll at tention to our stock of Millinery Trimmings, UulmnrnJ and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Oloves nnu millions. CALICO AND MUSLINS, And every variety of Goods usually kept In a first class Store MEN & BOYS FURNISHING HOODS of all kinds. Men & Boys HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. and Qiieensworo. It would bo useless to un dertake to enumerate nil our goods. We will endeavor o make it to your Interest to dual with us. fir Wo hope by giving strict attention to business nnd honorable dealing, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Drop In at all events. DON'T FORGET THE TLACE At A. Wilson's Store room in WhNon's Now Building, Waynesburg, Pa. April 24-lf. 8FR1HG UJDE! 1867. M'Elroy, Dickson 7i Co, No. 34 wood Street, PITTSBURGH, WiLMU llavo their stock opou for tbo trtido. GOOD GOODS! AT REASONABLE PRICES. S.-B M'ELROY. JAMES DICKSON. 3;l."l-:im JOHN T. bIlANE. FELLOWS' mm mmm A HE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE most extraordinary Meiilcino of the ngo, Comprising, ns they do. Remarkable Power iu expelling worms, witu pieasaui lasto nnu perfect safety. They contain no Mercury, no Mineral, noTurpenuiie, no UUot Woniisoed, no Poison, nothing injurious, They aro en tirely Vegetable. Symptoms of Worms : Itching of tho nose. fuverislmcss, twitching or starting suddenly during sleep, pnln in tho stomach, loss ot llcsli, paluuess.with hectic nppotite sometimes vora cious, at others feeble, a dullness of the eyes, drowsiness, a swelled upper Up, tonguo whlto- )y furred nnd studded with red spotts, fetid or garlic breath, grinding of teeth during sleep, a sensation of lodgment in the throat, au un natural craving for diet, chalk or clay, fret fulness and irritability of temper, cliolic fits nnd palsy. Intestinal Worms nro among tlio first to undermine the constitution iu tho list of diseases. They often occasion severe dis ease, ending sometimes fatally, particularly when they ascend to the stomach. Their presence in their most ordinary situation is attended witli unfavorable effects upon the gen eral health. Eminent men assert that all are moro or less troubled with worms, and that many die annually from this cause, who, by the timely administration of a proper remedy would be saved. As FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES may be taken without any un pleasant results, and as mcst children are fond of them, their use is recommended to thoso apparently healthy, and thus dispel tho causo of what would produce sulloring. 13o careful what you use. Various reme dies have from time to time, been recommend ed, such ns Calomel Oil of Wormwood, Tur pentine, &c, so tiiat dangerous and even fatal consequences arc produced. Tho necessity , of a Bale and sure remedy has caused much research snd study by tho proprietors of FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES. They aro positively sato, pleasant and effectual. They do not kill worms, but net by making their dwelling placo disag' ccablo to them In order, however, to guard consumrrs against deception by a bnso compound, the analysis of Dr. A. A. HAYES. Slate Assayor, proving tho abovo statement, is annexed. "I have analyzed the WORM LOZENGERS prepared by Messrs. Fki.lows & Co., and find that thoy nro free from Mercury und other metulio or mineral matter. These Lozenges aro skilfully compounded, plunsant to taste, safe, yet suro and effectual In their action. It spectt'ully, A. A. Hayks, l. D. ssaycr of the State of Mass. Please remember dint Fellows' Worm Loz enges aro prepared with great caro from the concentrated extracts of two plants. Thoy do not uct ns a purgative or emetic, will not debilitnlc the patient, are so simple an infant muy devour a whole box whhnut harm, aud will at the same expel tho worms lu an extra ordinary manner. KTFcllows' Worm Lozengcrs Is tho only Worm Remedy In existence combining harm less qnali'ies with delicious taslo and amnztng power. Price Twenty -flvo cents per Uox. Five boxes for a dollar. Tho signature of Fellows 4 Co. is attached to each genuino box. Sold by Medlclno denlrs generally. Prepar ed nt tho Now England Jlotanlo Depot, for tho Proprietor, J. O. FRENUM. Dkmas B.minhs & Co., Gen'l Agents, N, Y. 4; 'it-Cm. LEGAL NOTICE. ALL. PKKPO.N8 Imrliiirlim piuiiicri urn hurcliy nntlflrd thnt l lin Comity will pny no 1)1 1 In fur hnimllng or on re Riv en thrm. unk'M tho nimnnr li rctnrni-il to tlio noor hoima Immodlntoly. Aii'l nil piTiona who iHtlt;t kwuv ptiupori nbli' to liilwr nml i rnplny tlmm, will tin rmiulriHl to pny for tlio lulior, and hnIcnh pnlil Ihi'Miit will ho brought flir tho anmn, ni wdl im iuocuiJIiikh oilmliinlly fur inld oirmico. ! Muy IS, 1807. Annum. Hivkhaht, Mohoas 1Iki,i, , ' Will. 1 8111TT, 0 1 32 3t Poor IIoiikii Dlrwitnin, GREENE FACTORY TIUR iwtnhlUhmont will bit curried on thnprownt Manna In nil Ita pnrtu, CunlltiK, Spinning, munutiii-turlnn Cloth, Flnntivl, IllnnknU, Jnitci, Ciuulni'tt, nto., ni formerly We Mk lh" pntronegn of our furuior otintomm knit the public generally. Jamki Hakhk), tift-tt Curmfckiiele, . GRAY' AND BLUE. "The only difference in your war," I hoard a Briton say, "Is that one side is dressed In bluo, Tbe other clad In gray, I went Into a federal camp ; I heard the soldiers cry, 4 'Hurrah I here comes the nowspapers," And taw them rush to buy, I weut slong tho Valley roa J, And met upon my w ay, Ten of Leo's straggling Inlautry, All clad In rebel gray, Ono hold a proclamation out, And, as I stopped my steed, . Buld: "Tell us what this paper says, For noiu of ui can nad," And I replied : "If you could read, And find out what Is true, Instead of wearing Davis gray, You'd bear tho Lincoln bluo." Gray Is the color of the dust, In which thu serpent crawls j And blue tho huo of Heaven, which looks Down on earth's prison walls. Rkad to thu End. The Soranton Daily Register is responsible tor the fol lowing anecdote, it not tor the tact itsolf : A pair ot those Interesting, enter ' tiling ladies, who seem to carry ou bo ' largo a busines in the way ot procuring subscriptions for no works, and who are so fasoinaling in manner, so delightfully importunate, so sweetly unget riduble, ! called a few mornings since at a young lawyer's office, tor tho purpose of get ting him to subscribe. Indeed ladies,' said he 'the partnership of which I am but a humble member, has lately been so imprudent as to issue a new work of their own, which in consequence ot the enormous expense attending its illuntra Hons, embellishments, has cotn- ploti'ly crippled us.' 'Then, perhaps,' ; replied the angelio canvassers, 'we could procure you some subset ibdrs. What do you jcall your woik V 'Well wo linvo not fully detutmined on that yet, but I guess I'll let my wife have her own way, and call it after me Charles Ilenrv.' To Prevent Cattle fiiom Jl'mi'Iso Pencks. The following singular state ment was made nt a lute uil'cting of tho American Institute Farmers' Club at New York : To' prevent steers from jumping tenc es, clip elf the cyelashers of thu under lids with a pair of cissars, and tho ability ar disposition to jump is ns effectually destroyed us Sampson's power rns by the loss ot his locks. Tlio animals will not attempt a tenoo until the eyelasecrs are grown again. Ot this wu are in uifornied by Samm 1 There, the great breeder ot Duchess County, who assur ed us that he hud tested it upon a pair ot very brcachy oxen. And it was of great value to him, he hopes it will be tried by others.' Tint Contrast. When Joseph Silt clift was near his last hour ho said, 'I have been thinkiug of the differsnco bo tween the death of Paul and ot Bryon. Paul said, 'The time of my departure is at hand ; but there is laid up tor me a crown.' Bryon said : 'My days nro iu tlio yellow leaf, The flower, tlio fruit of life is gone ; Tho worm, tho canker, nnd tlio grief, Arc miuo itlono.' In the boginuing of the Luxemburg troubles, a lady of high standing at the Prussian Court, asked the Count Bis mark on a speoinl occasion, 'What do you tbiuk will happen this summer t' 'Wo shall play Bixtysix,' (a German game at cards,) answered Bismark. 'What will bo the stake?' inquired the lady. 'One Napoleon returned tho minister. The suspension and decease of several journals in the South, of tho extretno southern type, indiontes the growth ot healthy sentiment among the people of that section. The Richmond Times is among tho "lato lamented." The ineen ! diarism ot this sheet thus meets with an I anito rtil-iiil-n Tim Chicago grain market continues to decline dailv. with no nrosnent of anything in the future to produce reoov j cry. From all parts of the country crop reports continue favorable aud the weattior perfectly splendid. 1858 Cents The editor ot the Clove land Herald is ottering five dollars in cash for 1858 coins. We are willing to purchase on similar terms Those hav ing cents to dispose of on these terms may apply, A hiiahp old gentleman traveling out west got u seal beside his wife in n crowded car, by requesting a young man ' who sat by her to piito w atch Umt woman while ha went into another car, as she had tits.' Sicni'imuntal TOUTit.'My dear girl, will you shure my lot tor lite 1' Practi cal girl 'How many acres are there in your lot., sir V Executors' Notice. TiP.TTBltSti'stnimnitarynntlieniitntoorTlinninii ltiiuli''", l ituiif.MrrHiintowiMhl, (Irueno Co., Pa,, iIi-cM,, Imvlnu; linen irrimti'il to tliu uuilirlrm'il, iiiiticoln hi'ri'hy itlvtm lo nllpnrinnH Inilt'liti'il topuiil tmlnlnto nuikn inuni'illHtn puy. tiuriit 11 nil thtwt' IiiiyIiik rhittiiH to )inmttt thm iirimiirly nil. thuntlcututrorauUhmicnt. JOHN IIIJdllKS, MNDSKV llUtlllKS, t;'.t-flw Exorutnra of Thou, Hnhia, ilra'il., Ji'lfrrniin tp. Notice 18 liorcby given that I have sold my store and respectfully cnll upon thoso Indebted to mo to cull and settle tluilr accounts. I need my nionoy and must have It. Come ono, como nil I ami Bottle, T, 11UD30N RUTH 0!5-8w, Carmlchaels, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI5. l.KTTEHRof lulmlnlatrtitlmi Imvlnu honn (rmntnil to the nnilrel(iH'il upon the rotate of Oi. K. Minor, Intn of Mar lon tp., Ihl county, notice la horchy given to nil pernoiia having! vlnlma nitiunit eahl entnto to proenufr Ilium, prop erly uutlinntlcntt'il, for aettlnninnt, nnu nil poraona Indebt ed to the Mine are rripieatml to innkn prompt payment. , HAiun MiNon, ( 1 39 Ot. ' A. L. MriM, Ailmi'i, AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE FOR THE PURIFYING OF THE BLOOD, DR.' W. POLAND' HUMOR DOCTOR, A Positive Remedy fo all kinds of Hu l. mors, par'icularly Erysipelas, Nettle Rush, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Carbuncles, lioils aud Piles. It is very gratilylug to say of this, or of any other medicine, "it is tho very best remedy known." It is not always so easy to prove it. It is, however, exceed ingly gratilying to tho proprietor of this medi cine, that, while ho declares to the public that tills is a most wonderful anil effective specific for Humors, as stated above, he has abundant proof at hand to sustain his statement. For sixteen ycras the J tumor Doctor has been muuufactued and sold, and every year has increased tlio value of its reputation, nnd the amount of its sales. In New Hampshire, whore it originated, no remedy tor humors is so highly prized. An eminent phvsician (now an army surgeon) when practicing in New Hampshire, purchased between Ally or sixty galonsof it, during somo seven or eight years, and used it in his practice. He has since then ordered It for tlio hospital where he was stationed. Other physicirus have purchased It, and have used it in practice with great success. Whim tlio proprietor lived in New Hampshire, nt Golfstown Center, for the space of thirty or forty miles around, and In Man chester particularly, tho Humor Doctor was well known mid highly valued for the numo ons and wonderful cures which it elected. Though manufactured in largo quantities the supply was frequently exhausted, and pur chasers had to wait for more to be made. In that region some very severe cases of Kry- sipelas wero treated with and they were cured I Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those ugly, painful ulcers, were entirely removed wherever this mediclno was falthlully used, lo It was with Scrofula and Salt Rhcuin. Tho Humor Doctor cured them. For the sako of showing what Is thought of It, a few testimonials aro here insetted: Milton Galb, Esq., Boston, I hereby certify that I was surely afflicted with. Boils for two years, developing them selves upon my limbs and other parts of my body. The sufferings which I endured from tlieiii are Indescribable. Suffice it to say that I tnlthfully tried several of thu most popular humor remedies, hut without removing tho affliction At length, by the earnest request of an intimate triend, I was induced to try Dr. J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and nm very happy to attest that all my Bolls wero removed, nnd my health was restored by us ing Dr. Poland's aforesaid medicine. Boston. Jan. II, l5 s. MILTON GALE. A. C. Waixacf. Esq., Manchester N. II. Dr. J. W. Poland Denr Sir : I very cheer fully give my testimony in favor ot your Hu mor Doctoi as an excellent remedy for humors, My numerous acquaintances in Manchester know how severely I was afflicted with Boils and they know how perfectly good my health is at present Your Humor Doctor cured me. Please refer to mo for particulars in my case. Juno II, l3l). A. C. WALLACE. Mas. Poiitiir, Dovkii, N. II. July 22, 18.-15. Dit. Poland: I received your letter in quiring as to the effects ot your mediclno on sea-BicKiH'SS l am nappy 10 say mat i tinnlt it is "the medicine" for that druadtul sick ness. I tried various prescriptions, but found nono that settled tlio stomach and cleared the head like tho Humor Doct ir. I felt as though I could hardly wait to get ashore, to entreat you to introduce it into ship chandlery stores, that it may find its wav to" thoso who Buffer upon the mighty deep from sea sickness. If captains who toko their families with them, or carry pussengels, should try it for oneo, thoy would never be willing to voyago with out it. I have used it for my family since its intro duction to the public for bilious habits, hend acho and humors about my chi'dren, nud have always found it a sure cure. 1 am not fond of having my nnmo appear in public, nnd would not consent to it on any other account but to relieve the sufferirg j but If tho foregoing will bo of nny service to you or tho public, you can make iiso of it. Yours, HARRIET M. PORTER. Much moro might be stated In relation to this medicine, ns contained in testimonials, but it is needless. Ask Manchester druggists about It, especially E. W. lilako. nt Bur's. Inquire of Mr. Henry Plumer. of Bedford, whose wife was cured by it of Salt Rlieuin. Ask almost any person lu Uoll'stown, and they will doclaro i's value as a remedy, ns used iu their own cases or by their friends. Tho Humor Doctor was formerly sold nt filly cents per bottle ; but the cost of every ingredient composing It has goue up so enor mously, that tho price lias been raised to itventii five ccnlt onhi, and that by compulsion. The Humor Doctor Is prepared nt tbo New England Botanic Depot, to tho Proprietor, J. C. French Bold by Mediclno Dealers everywhere. DEMAS BARNES & CO., General Agents, New York. 4;2 t-(im. Something New IN WAYNESBURG, PENiYA. THOS. BRADEN ( At the room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to liraiten's Drug Store.) Respectfully Informs tho Rood people of Greeno county, unit lie uns opened a HAHDWAHE STORE. And invites a cnll from his friends nnd tlio public nenerully. His store is tilled with ovorythi'ig in his line needed by the Farmer and Mechanic. Keing a practical farmer, he knows exactly the wants of Ills farmer friends. Among his variety of goods will be found Iron, Nails ofall kinds. Planes of all varieties, Au (rers, Unices, &a. Tuttlo toothed, cross cut and mill suws, hand saws aud tols ofall des criptions. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Miiehlncs, Cutting fluxes. Corn Shel ters, Plows, Cultivators, (Shovels, Forks, and everything lu his line. SADDLKIir ITARDWAHE, A t; 'iii-nil uortment of saddlery hurdwire, to Inch lie invites the attention of purchasers. WOODEN WAU1S OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, 'Duckets, liuttor Bowls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Flxlns, Willow Baskets; Brooms, Brushes, Com Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns. Boys Wnsons and sli us. All porsons desirous of purchasing any of the auove timers mm many otuers not nicn 'lonod 1 will consult their Interest by OALLINH SOON, ITo will tnko plonsuro In showing his stock at nil tlmej. So give lilm a call when you como to town. Itumeinlior tho place, oppo site thu First National Bunk. decmr Tiios. nit Aden. IPvUdIIo rsiotlo o AH THE FIRM OF HUGHES & LUCAS is (lisolvcd by niutunl consent, the Com mission business will still bo carried on nt the old Btivnd, in good order, and on tho most reasonable terms, lu tho nnmo nnd stylo of L, HUGHES & CO., (senior partner). They flatter themselves, by having the House and the best location In tho place for that busi ness, that they will hkciuvb a liberal sliaro of tho public patronngo They will also keopit good supply of GRO CERIES on ham! to nccomodnto all who may favor them with a cnll. L. HUGHES & CO. 4; 10-If Rico's Landing, Pa. J NEW EXCITEMENT! THE PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT OF H. EINEHAET! FOR SELL1XO CIIHAP GROCERIES ! HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE city, ho has opened the largest New Grocery In town. IIo des'res to Inform the citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of tlio care ho have taken in selecting stuck, having on hand a sood supply of CONPliCTlONS, TOBACCO, CI GARS, TAU, also, PKOVISI ONS, BACON, DRIED BEEP POTATOES, F I 3 II , DBIED PEACHES, &o., &a , &o. Cull and see luin as lie has been getting a You will find hlin accomodating, and cim soil lower thun uny ono in tho placo. lie sure to go to tlio right place, In LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite tho Court Houso, and formerly oc- cupieu oy 1110 rosi unicc-ii!8,'(ili.-tt' BEAUTY ! AUBURN, GOLDEN. FLAXEN AND SILKEN CURLS. T)ROTHTCF.n bv tlio use of Prof. T)E 1 IIRKUX F11I.SERU5CHKVEUX. One application warranted to curl tho most straight and stubborn hair ot either sex in'o wavy ringlets, or heavy mnsslvo curls. Has been used by thu fashionables of Paris and London, with the niovt irrutifymg results Does no in jury to tho hair. Price by mail sealed 11 ml postpaid, $1. Descriptivo circulars mailed free. Address BKROKIl, SIHJ'TO & CO , Chemists, No. '.'to River St., Troy, N. Y., Solu Agents for tho United States. feb'20,'l!7-ly EXCEUIQR! EXUtLSIUtil CIIASTELLAU'S BMIR t.XTER.mft.lTOK! l'oit nuMovixo BiM'UiiFi.imrs haul To the ladies especially, this invaluable do pilntory recommends itst-lf as being nn almost indispensiblo article to l'eniulo beauty, h easi ly applied, does not hum or injure tho skin, but acts directly on Lliu roots It is warranted to rcmovo superfluous hair from low foreheads or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically e.xterpating tho same, leaving the skin sofi. smooth and natural. This is tlio only nrticlo used by tho French, nnd is tho only real ell'cotual depilatory iu ex istence. Prico 7." rents per package, sent postpaid, to any address, ou receipt of an order, by BKRGER, SHUTT3 & CO., Chemists, oht!0,'t;7-ly 28.-. River St., Troy, N Y. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Xll'AIUUUA, KVKUV TWENTY DAYS, With Passknukiis, Fuhkuit, anuU. S. Mails. On the following flrsUcln-iS Steamshipi : On Alhinlh: Ocean s.VNTi.uio ml cun.v, S.VN KllAXCISCO, K1CAIUUUA, CminM'i on I'Mijic Oi'cnn AMlnilCA, SIOSHS TAYLOR KLUIIASKA, NHVAIIA. DOKATO, PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT REDUC ED RATES. SAILINO DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March l!0lh,.,lS(l7. May 1st and 2(Uh, 180-7. April -Mith... " June 1 tlth and limit " And every twenty ays thereafter, leaving on the Saturday previous when a regular Sailing Day conies on Sunday. For further Informa tion npply to llio NOItTil AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. Wm. II. Wmni, V(!.7, I D, N. Caiumno, lit Exchango Place, Ar't.. 177 West St., N. Y. cor. Warren, N. Y. Si-iO-ilmo. The Wonder of the Age J TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED! THE LATEST AND BEST CHURN! ONE OF THE LATEST PATENTS, ISSU cd on tho tlth day of September, 18(1(1, to Win. It. McCutcheon, of Washington. Iowa, will bo on cxliluition in a fow days at JOHN MUNKELL'S, n Wnnvesbiirg, Pa. Tills CHURN must supersodo.any tiling of tlio kind hereto'bro produced. Tho simpleness of its construct ion, and its two-fold or reversed motion, that prodmes butter from three to six miuutes must induce tho community to examine Its qualities It Baves tune it saves work nnd produces ns much butter as any churn lu ex istence. Mr. Munucll bus full power to soli lights for Pennsylvania or New York State as well us to furnish Churns to citizens of this county. MORRIS, ULLOM & CO. Agents. 8;27-tf. astroigy7 the vohlmctosbbed AT TI1K WONIM HFOL HKVUI.ATIONH MADE HY THE tilt EAT ASTR -LOOTST. MADAME H, A, PERHIGO, 8I10 reveals snrrets no mortal ever knew. Sho restores to happiness those who, from doleful evenls, catastrophes, crosses in lovo, loss of relations und friends loss of money, &c, have hecouio despundent. Hlie brings together those long scperated, gives in omitt tion concerning absent frien Is or lovers, re stores lost or stolen property, tells you tho hiisinossyou are best qualilicd to pursue and in what you will bo most successful, cause speedy marriages nnd tells yon tho very day you will mnrrv, clvesyou tlio mime, likeness ami clinracterlsllcs of the parson, She rends your voiy thoughts, nnd by her almost super natural powers unveils tho dark nnd hidden mysteries of tlio future. From tlio stars wo see lu the firmament the mnllflc stars that overcome or predominate in tho configuration from the aspects and positions of too plan ets and tho fixed stars in tlio heavens nt tho timo of bil l h, sho deduces tho future destiny of man. Fail not to consult tho greatest As trologlst on cnrtli. It costs you hut a trlllo, and you may never again havosofavorab'o an opportunity. Consultation feo, with likeness n,,,l ,,11 .lnulrnrl I (,.,,.., 1 1 , , ill I P..,llo ll. inir nt n distnnco can consult the, Mnilumo bv ' mall witli equal snlety nnd satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and ex plicit chrt, written out, with all inquiries answered nnd likenesses enclosed, sent bv mail on rocoipt of prico aliovo mentioned. llio strictest s"cresv will ue ninlntiunea. nna all oorrespondunco returned or destroyed. HoferenccB of tho highest rrder lumlBhod thoso desiring thorn. Write plainly tho day ot thu month nnd your In which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, Madamh II. A. I'KltKlUO, P. O, Drawer 21)3, Buffalo, N. Y. Ibbl8,'67-ly FOUTZ'S ciliimtcd . Horse gCalPoi Thla prtraratloni long aud iHvoraUly known, will Uior ouRlily rulnvtg onita) brukun-down Mid low-aplrlU-d horaea, by atrenftthcnUiii and oluanaing llw atomicU ud Into. tinea. It ii A aura pr. Tentlva of all dl ea Incident tt thla unlm.l, auch u LUNO, OLaKUCBS, Y Kb LOW WA TER, H RAVKfl, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, TK VKRS, rOUNDKR LOSS OK APPK TITE AND VITAL ENERQY.fco. IU ua Improvea th wind, inorauet the jipetile--glvt imootn mna gloaiy akin and' traniforma t h a- miaerable akeloton Into One-looking and tplrited uorio. To ktenera of Cowa thla nrcnarallnn Ii InraluaM. It Increual tUa quautlty aud Improvea the quality 01 we mine, it naa beii proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and creara twenty per cent, and unike the butter firm and awoet. In fattening cuttle, It gives them an appetite, looauna uii'ir 11 1 u D , ni", makoa Uiem tkrivt much faster. In all disease! of Swine, auch as Cougln, Uloera In the Lunira, Llrcr, &o,, this article acts as a aiwclflo. Dy puttlna from e one-half a mKt ' to a paper in si barrel of swill the above dlaeaaoa will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If Riven In time, a oertata preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 2fi Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for tl. SHEFAEED BV S. A.. roIJTZ At ui?o., AT THEIR rTHOl.ESAlE DRl'O AM) SlEOinXE DEPOT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druniiiats aud Storekeepers through out the United States. Rouen Co., Pa. agents, Wnynesburir, nov.'t'U ,-ty. RECONSTRUCTION NOT OF THE UNION JiUT OF Isaac Hooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY I ITU. IIOOPElU-oultl still lmvohls ricnJs it a. mm pinrona near n nnnti, unit no con tinues in tlie Grocery nml Cont'eetlonery tnule nl lita nciiiiil ,,l ,1,.t,i, 1,iic.t,,.,.a .. tl.nt u, ...o ......... ,.. w. .lU.-MUCDS, U11U lllttb he hiia iuat receivetl A Fresh Supply of the best quality ol'ull ni tides In his line. ' TOYS NOTIONS nml n grcnt variety ot useful articles nhviiys ou hand. REFRESHMENTS, In connection with the nbove, IMr. Hooper keeps a l!cHtmirnnt, where I(!K CHKAM, ber ries nml nil tin- luxuries of the season enn bo olitnineil. The most attractive and most popular resort In town. .liino 14. 'U-ly risper Coma, Oh ! she was beautiful nml fair With starry ovrs unit rmlinnt hair, WliosecuiliiiK tuiulrils soft, eiitwinci, Kiicliiiini'd the very heart, ami mind, CRISPER COMA. For Curling the Hair of Either Sex into Wavy nnd tllossy Itinnlets or Heavy JliiasiveC'urles. By us'mf! tlits arliole LikIIps nnd Gentlemen enn beautify tlienisclves a thousand fold. It Is the only article in llui world that will curl straight lniir, and nt the snmu timo give it it beautiful, glossy appearance. Tho Crlsper Coma not only curls tho Imirt but invigorates, beaut illes nnd cleanses it; is highly nnd de lightfully perfumed, and is tlio most complete article oftlio kind ever offered to tho American public. Tlio Crlsper Coma will bo sent to any addr. ss, sealed and postpaid for $1, Address all orders to W. L. CLAKK & CO,, Chemists No. West Fuvetto Bt Syracuse, N. Y. iclii;i.'(iMy WALL PA3PEHSf FOR SPUING RALES OF 18C7. Wu aro now prepared to olfer to our custo mers, und tlic Tnido gcncmily, an extensive co'.lection of PAPEB HANGINGS, BORDERS, 1'lllK IIO.IIIU 1'lllNTS, KT0., ETC. Embracing nil (ittalities of goods, known to tlio Trade, for Parlors, Dining Rooms, Hulls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &c. A L 8 O , TRANSPARENT OIL CLOTH AND PAPER WINDOW SHADES. At tho Lowest Market prico, at No. 107 Market St., near Tilth. JOS, It. 1IUG11KS & I3KO. m(l Dm9. V A W X E 91 II 111(14 ,tl 1 K UL B &. S VOX G WORKS! mm & imuff. STILL continue to carry on tho Marble nnd Stone ..itting business nt their long csmb IMied si and lininudiiitidy East of tho Publio inure, Main Street, Waynesburg. This estithlishmrnt has been In constant oicratiou since IH.IH, and the long experience nod energy of tlio proprietors, linked with the OTerclso of sound judgment nnd good taste, hvo won for them a wide spread nnd enviable reputation. An extensive stock of tho various miotics of tho best marble kept constantly on hand. Special nt'.e'i'ion paid to polishing, pressing, curving nb engraving. . Allordu''-' nil I filled., .. . December 2:). 18C2. . VAjTuAULE PROrERTY TolT" J3 J!L Xj 33 ! WITlIOniST MILL, SAW MILL, COAL 13ANICS, &U. rpiIE Undersigned offers nt pilvuto salothat X valuable property, situate on the Monon gnliela Hlver, at the Mouth of Muddy Crook, Ureeno county, Pa , containing about forty five (-15) acres of rich bottom laud, Tunro It on the promlsas n valuable STEAM ENGINE) wdilch will bo liicludod In tho s ilo. Tlio Coal Dank is open nnd shows an liinxliattstublo sup ply. No moro desirable location for a Distil lery can be found In tho Htatc. For liirther particulars apply to E. A. Flerv nlkon, Davidson's Fet ry, Uruono couuty, or by loiter to tho undersigned. JOHN M. DARtlAJI, 68-3m. Iliu'tsvlllo, Bucks Co., P,